#THINKING of Oswald and Michael meeting is so funny
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FNAF Into the pit got William Afton a new hater..
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faioula16 · 4 years
Gotham Riddler x reader x Penguin (plot)
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(First interview before the premiere)
This story takes place 2 years after the end of Gotham’ 5th season. 
Riddler has one and only personality since Ed had disappered. 
Old vilains might return back to life. 
Warnigs: None
That’s all from me so far. Read and enjoy!
Reporter: “Alright guys, just a week before the premiere of the new Gotham show that'll be finally on stage for all of you to whatch and enjoy. Robin is here with us, how are you doing so far?”
Robin Lord Taylor: “I am doing pretty fine, thank you. And really happy to play as Penguin once again” His smile showed the excitement behind his words.
Reporter: “And Cory’s here too but not alone this time, right?”
Cory Michael Smith only grinned happily while his arm was wrapped around his partner’s shoulder.
Reporter chuckled to herself before she glanced over Y\N, still smiling. “I see your boyfriend is really excited about the show, I can’t even take a word out from him. So...how about you tell us some things for the show and how an actror\actress like you feel while playing beside Robin and....your boyfriend once again? I mean, we saw you only for some really short of times in Gotham's season 2....But now you’re back and I have a feeling you’re gonna stay~” She joked, making all three of the actors to laugh a bit as well.
Y\N: “Well...I do feel a bit awkward because it’s my very first time to have the role as one of the protagonists, but I’m also comfortable too cause Michael will be with me on this, in every step of the way” They giggled playfully while feeling Cory’s hand caressed their shoulder softly. “Um...the funny fact is, I feel extremely excited as about the place I am gonna take in the series but also terrifying” They chuckled while rubbing the back of their neck nervously.
Reporter: “Terrified? Why is that? Will the relationship between (Name) and Oswald or Edward be toxic in any way?”
Y\N: “No, no. If....if the relationships would be toxic, I wouldn’t take part in the show. (Name) is gonna discover slowly what happened in Oswald’s and Edward’s lives really slowly as the episodes follow one another. I love the fact the character I am playing is actually....multifaceted. We’re gonna see how this works through the series a lot, you can’t say if (Name)’s with the good or bad side. In my option, They will be something in between these two and it will clearly depend on what situation they will find themselves and how will they be able to handle things properly or be confuse and struggle as about the decisions they have to take. And also there is the fact we know (Name) will be the main love interest of Ed and Oz”
Reporter: “So tell us your thoughts about how your character is gonna be after the Gotham show, Oz?”
Robin Lord Taylor couldn’t help but let out a small laugh to the nickname Y\N actually thought for his role. It’s been a really long time since he heard of it and knew he will better get used to it cause it’s gonna be something his role will adopt while the episodes will be coming out. “Oswald had the chance to meet with (Name) only for once and he felt this kind of sudden interest towards them. Sadly, he didn't have the chance to explore those feelings any further. Well, fortunately, in my option at least”
Reporter: “I think the fans know what you mean. The audience will meet you and the Riddler after the end of Gotham's 5th season. You both had to build your empires and are ready to make Gotham know who you really are, but once (Name) will be back...."
Y\N: “People say when the human make plans for the future, the god laughs"
Reporter: "That's right! However, we all are curious why (Name) left their job as a former officer in the CGPD. I mean...they weren't highly recognized like Jim or Harvey but they were well respected and were kinda close friends with Ed too"
Y\N: "Yeah, the thing is...it wasn't what they actually wanted from their lives. So once the only person who has been left from their family passed away, which was their grandma, they had nothing to hold them back to follow their dream. With Ed (Name) was the one who was being nice to him and even gave him some advice as about how to approach Ms. Kringle. But that was it, at least about their part, you know. But we know that will change eventually... "
Reporter: "Indeed, now... Cory, I believe it is time to ask you a question. We know all relationships Edward had so far died one way or another. So how do you think he is gonna handle the 4th chance that will comes to him?"
Cory Michael Smith: "The first relationship Edward had with Ms. Kreingle was only love from his good side and only. So once she was about to betray him and tell the police what he did with her previous boyfriend....the bad side took in charge. Isabella was the same thing only that I believe Penguin was faster to do the job for Ed's dark side. Oswald did it out of jealousy but...it doesn't change the fact Riddler would kill her soon or later, in my opinion. And finally, the only difference with Lee was that both Ed and Riddler loved her. However, Riddler knew she was just using him but Ed didn't want to believe so. In the fifth season, Ed and Riddler again merge. Unknown to him, thanks to Hugo Strange planting a control chip in his brain, it silenced his original Ed Nygma personality, effectively freeing him of the eternal struggle. Without the struggle, Riddler actually managed to mellow out a bit, gaining some of the calmer traits Ed had. And when he will meet again with the only person who was nice to him back from his former job....feelings will grow inside him. Feelings Riddler thought he couldn't feel anymore. And there will be an actual chance for him to find the 'happiness' he was searching for such a long time. IF the conjunctures are gonna work out for him and if he will play his cards right, to win their heart"
Reporter: "Robin, some thoughts of Penguin perhaps?" She glanced over the raven-haired guy with now curiosity filled in her eyes.
Robin Lord Taylor: "Everyone Oswald loved so far died and even worst he was in front of both of his parents' deaths. He had also confused the feelings he had for Edward to be true love. So I believe if Oswald will grow to explore that interest for (Name) and once he will discover his actually strong feelings for them...I don't think he is gonna let them go" 
Reporter: "What do you think Y\N?"
Y\N: "They’re gonna struggle....a lot"
That made the reporter turn her attention completely to the front camera's sight and smiled slyly. "Well, what do you say fans....are you excited about this new series?'
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felicereviews · 3 years
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Batman Returns
Warner Bros., 1992, Color, 126 minutes
Director: Tim Burton Producer: Tim Burton Screenplay: Daniel Waters
Michael Keaton as Batman
Michelle Pfeiffer as Selina Kyle / Catwoman
Danny DeVito as Oswald Cobblepot / Penguin
Christopher Walken as Max Shreck
Michael Gough as Alfred
An evil businessman creates a catwoman, helps a penguin, and tries to make a deal with the man behind the bat.
Why It’s A Favourite:
Many moons ago, while drinking Ranier beer with my cousin and his friend in our grandmother’s backyard, I was told that a Batman movie was being made and it would be more like the comics and not like the TV show we had grown up watching.  My cousin’s friend, Ken, used his hand to indicate the marquee as he said, The Dark Knight.  Though I wasn’t a comic book fan, necessarily, I was intrigued.  And upon seeing Tim Burton’s Batman, I was amazed.  It’s a great movie.  I remember seeing Jack Nicholson spray paint on fine art and getting all twisted up inside.  Batman is a great movie.  But my favourite - my really real favourite - is Batman Returns.
From the beginning of the film we are taken into the darkness the Penguin’s birth and abandonment.  (p.s. PeeWee and Simone, from PeeWee’s Big Adventure play Penguin’s parents!)  Boing!  He is thrown away and floats down into the sewer where the penguins save him.  Why are there so many penguins in Gotham?  Who cares?  Then we see Selina try to speak up in a meeting full of stuffy business men, one of whom is Christopher Walken, and I’m in my happy place.  After a bit we see Walken push Selina out the window and the cats save her.  Why are there so many cats and penguins in Gotham?  Do they actually live int he same climate?  Who cares?
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We’ve now got they dynamic duo of villains.  Penguin and Catwoman.   
These two have the greatest dialog.  When Catwoman says she feels dirty and ‘I think I’ll take a bath right here’.  And later when Catwoman arrives in the middle of the mayhem Penguin says ‘Just the pussy I’ve been looking for’.  Oh you two better get a room.
Catwoman says so many great things in this movie.  “You make it so easy don’t you.  Always waiting for some Batman to save you.”.  And “You poor guys - always confusing your pistols with your privates.”  And “Don’t be naive!”  She’s great.  A dream role no one has topped.
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Oh yeah and Batman’s in this too!  Michael Keaton is a good Batman.  He and Tim Burton had worked together on Beetlejuice which is what made Burton want to cast him in the part.  Burton knew that Keaton had a dark side, an underbelly if you will, that would fit the part of a man who is split in two worlds.  One in shadow but both lonely.
So - not that I had to choose between them - but I choose - Batman Returns to be one of my 52 Favourite Films In No Particular Order.  It’s wonderful and a little bit scary and sexy and funny and wrong.  I love it.
Bruce Wayne chiding Alfred for letting Vicki Vale into the bat cave, a reference to the major faux pas in Batman.
Danny DeVito surprised by a crowd with his mouth full of fish.
Fan Quotes:
Insert yours here
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justgotham · 5 years
I really must thank the organisers of the Heroes & Villains event. I met up with the agent who had organised our passes, and arranged our interviews. He led me to a behind the scenes meeting room, knocked on the door, and inside I saw two of my favourite actors waiting for me. What was that line about real life, again?
My initial reaction was disbelief, I was immediately star-struck. To their credit both gentlemen put me at ease. By the end of the conversation It felt more like I’d been in a room with old friends. At first I couldn’t even get my fingers and thumbs working to hit the record button, but got there eventually. This wasn’t a tech issue, this was interviewer malfunction!
Dark Knight News: Right, it’s finally recording.
Robin Lord Taylor: Boom!
DKN: So, I’m here for Dark Knight News and DC Comics News with Cory Michael Smith and Robin Lord Taylor AKA Edward Nygma and Oswald Cobblepot. First of all, how are you finding London? Have we been nice to you?
Cory Michael Smith: Oh, yeah. I love it.
RLT: It’s been fantastic.
CMS: This is my fifth or sixth time here, it’s probably my most visited city outside the U.S. I love it! I came early, I’m staying late… it’s great!
RLT: Yeah, the same. I think it’s maybe my third or fourth time. It’s just fantastic. When I first came to London I was like oh my gosh, there’s actually another city I could conceivably see myself living in besides New York.
DKN: That’s how I feel about New York!
RLT: Really? Wow. They feel like sister cities in a way. They’re very similar in many ways.
Riddle Me This
DKN: I have loads of questions for you from the whole team, but… let’s have a look. (Under my breath) Are you single? Nope, skipping that… Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend/partner/significant other? Nuh-uh… Will you marry me… What th’ … (Back in full voice) Ah, here we go (CMS and RLTare laughing at this point.)
Edward and Oswald… radical departures from the way that anyone has played them before, which is awesome. A conscious decision, or did the producers want you to go down fresh avenues of interpretation?
CMS: It was very conscious. In the beginning we had a conversation with the creators about the character, but it’s felt pretty hands off for most of it. Early on with Nygma we were trying still to find the character, we were so far away from The Riddler. So we had some course corrections, and tried some stuff and had some different plot lines. It’s been so fun to go from Nygma to The Riddler. It’s felt like a really exciting evolution. Then the back and forth…. it’s felt like a very organic development of character. It’s been really fun.
RLT: I don’t know if you’ve heard, but it was really fascinating the way they cast the show. When I auditioned (Robin looks over to Cory) and I don’t know if it was the same for you, but we were not allowed to see the script. We weren’t even supposed to know what the project was, so they had sent out just scenes that were written just for the audition, with very little description.
When I came in to audition I made choices not knowing it was The Penguin. I was given a scene, and so, OK, here’s what I’m gonna do with that, and it just happened to be exactly what they had in mind. And that was the same for all of us, they didn’t want us to come in with any expectation or any thought about what came before. So it was very intentionally, made to be a departure for all of us, from the characters as we knew them before.
DKN: That makes so much sense. That’s a much more organic way to form a character naturally. One of my favorite parts of the show is how organic and natural it does feel from a character performance standpoint. I was speaking to Drew (Powell) earlier, and having a real, physical Solomon Grundy, rather than a CGI monstrosity was brilliant.
CMS: Thanks.
RLT: Thank you.
Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue. I Have Multiple Personalities… And So Do I.
DKN: Obviously duality is a huge theme in Gotham, and in Batman’s universe. Robin, you started out as a good son, a family man, forced into becoming a monster. Cory, you were a nice, stand up guy, working for the police. You then had your heart broken, and your mind destroyed by guilt, forcing you to become the Riddler. Has it helped you, as actors, playing these two radically different personalities, that are the same person?
CMS: Absolutely! After four years of doing this, I feel way more in command of my body, and my voice, and there’s something really exciting about being on a TV show that feels so… operatic, and big. We both come from a theatre background, and you have the allowance to really fill a space when you’re doing theatre.
That’s rare in TV and film today, to be granted the authority to really flex your muscles that way. To learn how to do it on-screen, in a way that is focused, but still like… eruptive… it’s been a great education.
RLT: Yeah, definitely. It’s been great. There’s the idea that, when you’re on film that everything has to be smaller. This show has completely stripped all that away.
DKN: Every episode feels like a movie, and every performance is full of life.
RLT: Exactly, it’s larger… it’s like the largest performance you can give, and they want that. They encourage us to be big, and to be brave and put it all out there. That’s what I’ll take away from this whole experience. Feeling so much more confident in who I am, and knowing that when I walk into a room, I know how to command a space now… which I don’t think I really understood that before.
The Tools Of The Trade
DKN: Would either of you like to have the comic-book toys, like the staff, or the umbrellas in the final season?
CMS: Oh, yeah! Give me my cane! (All three of us laugh)
RLT: Yeah, he gets a cane, I get my umbrellas.
CMS: Give me my cane!
RLT: I’d love the helicopter umbrella, that would be great. Also, I’m really hoping that we get the monocle next year. In the storyline it’s an injury, so I don’t know who would cause it in the show (points at Cory) probably him… (We laugh) I think it would be fantastic! Especially since it’s wrapping up, I feel like, by the end, all of the pieces are gonna start coming together for all of us.
CMS: (To Robin) Do you plan on gaining 50 lbs this season? (We all laugh) Can you imagine? Oh, my God!
RLT: And shrinking! (More laughs)
DKN: That’s too funny.
I Did it My Way
DKN: Like you said, Robin, sadly things will be wrapping up. There’ve been quotes from the show-runners saying that characters like Mother and Orphan / The Lady Shiva and Cassandra Cain are coming onto the show. Are you guys excited about that? Some new blood?
CMS: Absolutely, yeah, totally.
RLT: I’m excited about new blood, but really what I’m hoping is, since it’s the last season, that even with the introduction of new characters, we’ll still be able to come back and focus on the core family, the core group that has been there since the beginning.
DKN: The backbone of the show.
RLT: Exactly. That’s going to be really gratifying, and it’s going to be very emotional. I’m already anticipating that.
CMS: I know, It’s a lot.. It’s a lot.
Men For All Seasons
DKN: The fans are, obviously, really sad about it ending too. I’ve been reporting on the show since it started, and one small comfort is that you’ll be going out with a bang, and not with a whimper.
CMS: Oh… it’ll be epic!
RLT: It’ll be fantastic. Also, just to know that it’s the end. I’ve been saying that once the show is done and time goes on, new people will still be discovering it. I’m just so glad that they’ll be able to watch it, all five seasons as though it’s a movie. The fact that we will have an ending, and that it will be, over five years, the big arc of the whole thing. I think it will be really great.
DKN: I was hoping you’d get ten years, like Smallville did, but…
(They both laugh and smile)
RLT: Hey, you never know… maybe Netflix will pick us up.
(More laughter from all three of us)
Every Girl’s Crazy ‘Bout A Sharp Dressed Man
DKN: It’s great seeing you both so casual, and relaxed. You’re usually in these sharp suits, and all dressed up. The costumes in the show are great! Do they feel as good to wear as they look?
CMS: Oh my God, yes. It’s extraordinary. We’re fortunate to have them custom made, and when you put them on you feel… powerful.
RLT: Yeah.
CMS: It feels right, and the fabric is beautiful, or it’s glistening, or it’s velvet, or whatever it may be. It just feels rich, and you can walk into a room and really own the clothes.
RLT: Yeah. It’s like putting on the skin of the character. I love working that way too, to be able to go from the outside into the emotional interior. To be able to put on the suit, have the nose, and then the hair. It’s like all these pieces come together, and then I’m Oswald. It feels really great.
Comic-Book Men
DKN: What was your relationship with comics. Before working on Gotham, and since?
CMS: Before the show, I didn’t have a relationship with comics, we didn’t grow up with them in our house. My brother and I didn’t read them. Now… (Laughing) now I have a collection! Particularly of Batman. I’m mostly focused on reading Batman comics, and now I have a little library that I’m pretty proud of.
DKN: Cool!
RLT: Yeah, same. I wasn’t a huge comic-book person as a child, but I was obsessed with the movies. Now it really is so rich. The art, the creativity and background of these characters I find so fascinating. It really feels like it’s mythology… the mythology of today, and I think it’s so exciting. The fact that it inspires both myself, and other people, that’s exciting.
DKN: Thank you so much.
So, to close. Any final message to our readers, your fans, from Cory and from Robin. What would you like to say?
CMS: Join us on the ride to the finale. It’s gonna be epic!
RLT: I love you, and thank you.
DKN: And we all love you, and thank you. Thanks guys!
RLT: Cheers, mate!
CMS: Thank you, man.
DKN: Fingers crossed, we’ll see you next year!
CMS: Yeah!
RLT: Fantastic!
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Fox’s Batman spinoff Gotham is coming to an end after five seasons. After introducing the origins of Batman’s most noteworthy villains, young Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz) is finally wearing the batsuit. The finale promises to take us 10 years into Gotham’s future to see what has become of all these famous characters.
After the last Gotham panel for the Television Critics Association, we spoke with Robin Lord Taylor, who plays the show’s Oswald Cobblepot. Taylor had promised that the flash-forward sees him in a fat suit as The Penguin. Gotham airs Thursdays at 8pm ET/PT on Fox.
Is there any chance of redemption for Oswald?
Robin Lord Taylor: “Oswald is a story of ultimate corruption and what it does to a person. We see someone who, even though he had been through a traumatic childhood with intense bullying as he was growing up, he was able to still retain a piece of humanity, a piece of empathy inside there. As we go along, that slowly dies, and dies because that’s what Gotham does to him.
His redemption will be in small moments where he chooses to respect life and he chooses to have an alliance with someone, like Ed Nygma, to trust them. Those are redemptive moments for a person who is on the ultimate track towards complete corruption.”
You’ve done the Penguin walk. Does the fat suit change that even more?
Robin Lord Taylor: “It just emphasizes it. I didn’t mean to sound too flippant about it. I felt very lucky again to have, as we go into the future, to have a physicality that represented those 10 years leading up to that moment. I talk about corruption and being unhealthy and someone slowly dying and punishing themselves, that’s what we get to illustrate in the final episode. Just to be able to inhabit an altered body and let those 10 years manifest itself physically was a really amazing gift for an actor.”
What was it like having Paul Reubens as your dad?
Robin Lord Taylor: “Oh, just a dream come true. I’m exactly that generation who watched Pee-Wee’s Playhouse when it was on Saturday mornings. When I was a kid, it was Michael Jackson and it was Pee-Wee Herman. I had also, as I grew older, learned who Paul Reubens was and how he created that character and also this other stuff that he’s done over his career with the Groundlings and what not. And then he’s playing my dad and to have him be the only correlation between the film universe and what we were doing on our show, to have it be related to The Penguin was just such an honor. He also played The Penguin’s father in Batman Returns.”
Did you fanboy around him?
Robin Lord Taylor: “Absolutely and then we became such close friends. I actually met him before he was cast to play my father. I became friends with Carol Kane who played my mother. First of all, I have the best TV parents you could possibly imagine, Carol Kane and Paul Reubens, forget about it. Carol and I live in the same neighborhood in New York so she invited me to breakfast one morning. She was like, ‘Oh, my friend Paul will be there,’ whoever Paul is. I walk in, it’s Paul Reubens. She of course didn’t even think that that would be startling or a big deal to me and she’s amazing.
Anyway, we met and we connected and he told me, and I knew of course, he reminded me, ‘You know, I played Penguin’s father. Who knows, maybe this could be a spinoff.’ We took a picture of a family photo. I hadn’t even sent it to Danny and he texted me, ‘Paul Reubens is going to play your father.’ It was meant to be and somehow we all knew. We knew at that diner in New York City. Then he’s been nothing but a dear friend, just lovely in person.”
How have you changed over five seasons?
Robin Lord Taylor: “It’s funny. I think we are so intrinsically connected to these characters. In certain ways, my connection to Oswald, the thing that we do share is going from a place of he’s insane, a place of just such strong ambition but very little confidence to having those two kind of meet up. I feel more confident. I can say that I feel proud of what we’ve done and what I’ve done. Just to be able to own that and say this was my stamp on this iconic character and no one can ever take that away from me, I feel so excited for what’s next because I’ve never had that feeling before in my career.”
What do you want to do next?
Robin Lord Taylor: “I just want to be better. I want to do something different than Gotham. I feel like going forward, any other sci-fi, comic book thing could never hold a candle to this character so going forward, I’d like to find something that’s a little bit more rooted in reality, whatever that means, if that’s theater, if that’s TV.”
Do people look at you now for villains?
Robin Lord Taylor: “It’s all types. Yes, typecasting is a reality, but at the same time, I recognize if the character is directly too close to anything that happened on Gotham, then it’s a hard no for me.”
‘Gotham’ stars Cory Michael Smith and Robin Lord Taylor during the 2019 Fox Winter TCA panel (Photo by Frank Micelotta / FOX / PictureGroup)
Is your hair and look part of changing your appearance post-Gotham?
Robin Lord Taylor: “This is just me going back to myself. I complained about it over the years with the hair dying and wearing the fake nose and being in extra makeup, it wears on you especially when you’re not able to be yourself when you’re not shooting. I would have to keep dying the hair over the hiatus. It got frustrating, but then at the same time, when it’s over, I have a physical reset as well as emotional one.”
Do people recognize you?
Robin Lord Taylor: “Not nearly as much. It’s fantastic. Flight attendants and TSA people, people who have to look at your face and engage with you, that’s usually when it happens.”
Were you afraid starting out that this could be it for you?
Robin Lord Taylor: “Absolutely. I was terrified. At the same time, it’s all relative. I think about right now having been through the polar vortex in New York City a couple weeks ago, it was about six degrees. Then the next couple days, it warmed up to maybe 25 and you’d go outside and you’re like, ‘I could take my clothes off and walk around, it’s so warm out.’ At the time, I was terrified but I was also coming off of 14 years of, again, how am I going to make my rent? Am I going to have to go back to graduate school? How do I explain this to my parents that it didn’t work out? It’s all these terrifying questions that working actors face every single day. So even if I knew, even if this hadn’t worked out, at least I had a job.”
When you go back home, do they see you as a successful actor?
Robin Lord Taylor: “My mom and dad, my parents, it was very important to them to make sure that we didn’t live our lives with regret. So they always very much believed in us, but yeah, there’s a little bit of my mom is very smooth and she’s cool, but I can hear that little tinge of relief every time she talks about, ‘The show is wrapping up but he’s in a good place.’ I can just hear those years of all that fear. She’s relieved which is good. That’s the best gift I could give them.”
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twodragonswrites · 4 years
Enjoy <3
"Young Master Michael, am I boring you?" Michael's etiquette tutor slams a hand down on the half asleep Michael's desk. Michael nearly falls out of his seat.
"Ah, no, sorry." The tutor raises an eyebrow. Michael coughs into his hand.
"Wait, sorry, Sir…?"
"That's more like it. Care to explain why you're snoozing instead of studying?"
"Ah yeah." Michael stretches his arms upwards and yawns. "Didn't really sleep well last night. I've been worried about Oswald…"
"Oswald? That man is more than capable of handling himself."
"Yeah yeah I know. But he seems...weird? Ever since he came back from his trip. Like he's somewhere else."
“Well, I don’t like to gossip but,” This was a lie. The tutor often had his nose in everyone’s business. From the house staff to the guards, this man had eyes everywhere, and Michael knew how to manipulate him to get information if he needed to. And Michael had pushed the right buttons already.
“From what I hear from some of the servants tending his office, he was visiting the scientists working on repairing some sort of vessel for interstellar travel. Rumor has it he used it to arrive here on Earth in the first place but frankly, at this point something that old would have to be deeply out of commission, right? So I said-” And Michael’s tutor continued on. Michael’s eyes began to sparkle, his tutor failed to notice those thoughtful eyes as he continued spilling the beans.
“Interstellar travel?” Michael thought, “I knew Oswald was from offworld but..I never thought about how he might have got here. I always assumed he was born here…”
“Ah! Excuse me, I seem to have gone severely off topic, Young Master. Where was I?”
“Something about the different noble titles I think?” His tutor smiles.
“Of course, now you see-” And his tutor continued his lesson, but Michael was elsewhere. Despite it only being a rumor, Michael was already daydreaming of star travel.
His meeting with Oswald later in the day was different. Different in the way that it didn't happen at all. Oswald claimed paperwork and apologized profusely, but Michael didn't find him in his office at dinner time. Or in the dining hall. Or in any of Oswald's other usual spots for that matter. He was about to give up when he heard the soft sounds of piano coming from the music room.
Michael had only visited the music room one or two times because the wide open space that was also semi-private made for a nice place to practice for his etiquette tutor. He wasn't super interested in playing the instruments or listening to music, but the space was quiet and clean so it made for a nice study space. Not to mention the view was gorgeous.
According to the visual structure of the Matthias House, the Music Room doesn't exist on the outer portion of the house. But somehow, whether it be through magic or some other shenanigans, there existed a large floor to ceiling window that looked out over the forest on the south side of the house.
The scenery was not Michael's objective this time however. His objective was to see who was playing piano. And he is rather surprised to find Oswald playing the keys.
“I didn’t know you could play piano.”
“That’s the funny thing, I haven’t in years. But I guess you never really unlearn how.”
“Want to learn? I could probably teach you.”
“Eh, no. Music isn’t really my thing.” Oswald chuckles a bit.
“You really are the black sheep of your family aren’t you?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Your family has always played instruments. But considering you want to distance yourself from them, I can understand not liking it.”
“....Yeah. I guess.” Michael looks away, at some of the various instruments up on the wall and scattered around the room. Then back to Oswald.
“So what’s been up with you?”
Oswald stop playing and swivels around in his seat at the piano to face Michael. “So you’ve noticed then?”
“Of course. You never cancel on me. And you’re never so lost in thought as you have been since you came back.”
“...Well, something...rather interesting has happened."
"I should hope so."
"Shut it, let me explain without your quips." He laughs a bit and rubs the back of his neck. "Our world...Is going to be moving into the space age." Michael's eyes widen, but he keeps his mouth shut.
"You see, by doing some reverse engineering and then construction, some of my scientists- not Gharan, the other ones- as well as Orio have designed and constructed a vessel capable of light speed travel." Oswald stops for a moment and looks down at the floor.
"...I haven't told you much about where I come from, or what my family does, have I?" 
"Well...no. But it's not like you need to talk about it if you don't want to."
"It's only fair I do it now before I proceed with what I want to do."
"If you want." Michael pulls a chair over and sits in front of Oswald.
"I'm an alien, as you know. But my family...are conquerors."
"Yes, taking over planets. Destroying people's and cultures to make way for our own. I...and by extension you I suppose, am the prince of the Ishotaran empire."
"Okay so...what does this have to do with the whole space travel thing?"
"...Well. I was never intended to leave this planet. I'm supposed to die here."
"...So Earth is like...a prison sentence or something?"
"That's exactly what it is. There are sensors above Earth. They'll know instantly if we manage to escape Earth's atmosphere. And they're not going to be happy about it."
"...Right. so why attempt something like that if it's going to be dangerous?"
"Well...Unlike you- and I mean this with the least amount of malice- conquering runs in my blood almost literally. As a species we were never meant to stay still."
"Kinda like humans." Oswald chuckles a bit at Michael's response.
"Yeah, kinda like humans."
"...So you're going to go out and destroy some civilization that doesn't deserve it?" Michael's brow wrinkles in a frown. Oswald grits his teeth and looks away.
"...No. Like you, I'm not exactly like my family. I don't want to destroy worlds that have done me no harm. I didn't preserve human culture very well. But, I didn't have practice back then. And it probably would have been shredded after my death anyhow."
"Yeah, I know. It's a messy subject. But I promise you I have no intent of ruining other worlds like my family. I do need to speak with them though. Before I can decide my next move."
"Right...well...Are you going to take me with you?"
"I don't know that yet. It'll be dangerous. And worse they might use you." Michael nods, looking away. Oswald continues." Everyone you love is a weakness when the odds are against you. And I don't want you to get hurt because I made a bad decision. I couldn't live with myself if he did something to you."
"Well I like to think I can handle myself. But I see where you're coming from. The whole...love is a weakness thing." Michael half smiles, and looks down with a small laugh. "It's up to you ultimately. I don't want to be a burden to you so...do what you think is best. I have some class stuff I need to get done. I'll leave you, Dad." Michael stands and Oswald nods, turning back around to the piano. Michael gives one last glance back to Oswald as he leaves the room and closes the door behind him, giving a small sigh.
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raining-v-coffee · 8 years
Clara/12th Doctor fic recs (One shots)
*Multichapter    ~my notes
Angel Of The Morning
The message on the psychic paper was short and to the point: I’m looking for the best doctor in the universe – dickwads and time wasters need not apply. Not their usual kind of thing, not that anything they really did counted as usual.
But a summons is a summons... although much to Clara and the Doctor's consternation, they discover that the red-suited sender is just as blunt and foul-mouthed in person.
Keep My Glass Full
Clara hadn't even wanted to attend the party, not really. But Nina had insisted, and so now here she is, determined to have a good time... even if all she can think about is a certain Scottish Time Lord. When things take a sour turn, she realises how much she needs him to take care of her.
Baby Please Come Home
The Doctor had brought them carefully back to London, right after they'd left - or so he'd said. In fact, they're in Glasgow... and he's made a slight temporal error regarding the date of arrival. Suddenly alone and uncertain of what to do, Clara turns to a policeman for help, only to learn that she's been reported as a missing person... and the bad news doesn't end there...
I See The Hope In Your Heart
At Coal Hill, Clara Oswald is not a five foot two saver of alien worlds, occasional Time-Lord-hand-holder and all-round genius. She is, instead, a five foot two English teacher with a fondness for the Regency Era and a full-time preoccupation with her students' welfare, occasional coffee-drinker, and general force to be reckoned with. But when one of her students begins to act strangely, Clara has to work out how best to handle the situation... and she ends up finding help from an unusual source.
~Trigger warning for mentions of self harm
O Christmas Tree
Alone with only the Michael Bublé Christmas Special for company, Clara had resigned herself to not getting into the Christmas spirit - unless that spirit was gin. So when the Doctor turns up with a real Christmas tree for her flat, she's touched by the gesture... until six hours later, when the tree starts to warble well-known seasonal songs at maximum volume.
The Christmas Spirit
When her phone rings in the middle of the night, Clara is surprised to find Osgood calling. She's even more surprised to discover that the world isn't ending, but instead she's needed to come and collect a drunk Doctor from the UNIT Christmas party.
The Teacher and the Visualizer
What would you do if you had access to a device that recorded everything that ever happened in time and space? If you're Clara, you look for the equivalent of funny cat videos and embarrassing old images of the Doctor.
Child of Mine
The Doctor said bringing a new human aboard the Tardis would be a distraction, he was right...
Composing a Symphony
Clara wakes to an unexpected serenade by an unexpected source.
The Last and Yet
Prompt: Write a twelveclara fanfic based in In The Forest Of The Night, in which the Doctor is wrong about the solar flares and the earth is destroyed, therefore Clara becomes the last one of her kind.
Like Stars
Twelve and Clara have a quiet evening of babysitting.
Effective Escape Plans
Trapped down an alley, with guards encroaching, the Doctor and Clara need to come up with a plan to paper over the petty theft, drunkenness, and bickering.
Occasionally the Doctor spams Clara's voicemail box. Going through them usually provides an entertaining way to decompress after class.
please, just see me
Please, just see me, she hears him beg, the memory of his voice hers and hers alone.
Because the man sitting before her could no longer see her.
After a relaxing trip to Peramus IV, Doctor gets a bit uncharacteristically handsy with Clara, and she's determined to figure out why.
Through His Eyes
Tumblr prompt: Bodyswap!
Clara comes to better understand some things about The Doctor, incuding why he shys away from her touch.
Tiny Human
The Doctor and Clara babysit for Rigsy. Fluff ensues.
Never Cross A Time Lord (or Those He Cares For)
Something's bothering Clara and she won't say what, which causes the Doctor to worry.
After a run-in with the Sisterhood of Karn, the Doctor comes over to Clara's looking a little different than normal. young!12 AU
It's All Been Done
Clara time travels in dreams but she thinks it’s just dreams and thinks nothing of it. She also keeps meeting a man named Doctor in her dreams, but she thinks he is just a figment of her imagination until one days she collides with him in real life. She thinks she has finally gone crazy.
Temples, Dreams, and A Nudge in the Right Direction
The Doctor and Clara travel to a planet and do a favor for a local, which prompts them to do something both had been holding back from.
Twist and Shout
Clara and the Doctor get separated during a Mardis Gras parade on New New Orleans, leading Clara to have to find him again. The Doctor causes shenanigans once they are reunited.
Carer & Caretaker
The Doctor and Clara take care of each other when they're ill. Post Last Christmas
A Duty of Care
“Please, don’t even argue,” he said, holding out his hand. Clara saw not only the fear in his eyes, but the hope that she would take his hand and they would run off, travelling happily ever after. She wanted to, she really did, and would have had it not been for one tiny detail. Leaning forward, she kissed him on the cheek; a kind, tender gesture.
“I… this isn’t an argument,” she replied.
~Babyfic, super cute
miles to go
“Clara, why would you want to go for a boring old run when we could just pop over to Galafaxorous, accidentally insult the king’s malodorous son, and then be chased by his brain-sucking guards?”
Sometimes Clara has nightmares, but she learns how to cope.
Hay and Elephants
The Doctor and an injured Clara seek shelter from a winter storm. Huddling for warmth ensues.
Green Blaze
The town is called Mistletoe. Clara objects, because those are tumbleweeds, not mistletoe, and she can tell the difference.
He was a teacup that could be dropped. He knew it because he'd been dropped before. He was a teacup that had been mended over and over.
Things to remember, a partial list
He is not an idiot. He has a perfectly functioning mind, if not a perfectly functioning memory, and he knows the sound of an early-model TARDIS when he hears one.
Solar flares
Two sentient stellar beings, in close orbit around each other, exchanging plasma, in an epic romance that had taken millennia to consummate. One would envelope the other in a few million years, and then they would burst outward in a supernova, bringing their love to a spectacular end. Their light and their love would be ash, but not now, and not any time soon. Today, now, in the glory days of their love -- or so the Doctor described it -- their names swirled across their surfaces as sunspots, dots and whorls in the plasma. The written language of stars.
The Edge of the World
The Doctor remembers Clara, his memories return in a flood, and he makes some questionable choices. Luckily Clara is there to pick up the peices
For Better, For Worse, For You
Clara notices the Doctor changed in ways that are more "suited" for her between 11 and 12.
On Some Planets, You Realize, This Means We're Married
Post-Christmas reunion, the Doctor and Clara go for a little peaceful togetherness time. "Bonding ritual" is taken a bit too literally.
(Major Whouffaldi fluff, for which I would apologize if I was sorry.)
Feeling a bit rough
Sometimes things get to Clara.
Pretty much what it says on the tin. Bubble beards, splashfights, hoodie sharing/stealing...
Of all the things that might potentially put a Timelord straight to sleep, it had to be something that Clara had good reason to avoid.
He's been chasing her since Christmas. She's finally too tired to keep pretending she's fine.
She's had enough of thinking she heard his voice, of waking up to everything looking the same when it's far from it. She's had it with mourning someone who is still alive. Post Hell Bent, whouffaldi reunion fic.
Prompt: Clara and the Doctor being domestic in the TARDIS, Doctor busy fixing something or writing maths on the black board, so Clara flys the TARDIS like its second nature.
Not a Bother at All
Prompt: Could you do a story where it's Twelve taking care of Clara instead of Eleven?
How do two different Doctors take the same news five years apart? (Clara, baby, fluffiness.)
Back Up Again
(Prompt) Clara is hurt from the radiation in Into the Dalek and she blacks out/ has hallucinations
(Prompt) Twelve reads to Clara? (A little off the prompt, more about telling stories, and sharing an adventure.)
That Subtle Knot
The Doctor tells his story, then reaches out to touch the waitress's hand. And freezes.
To Days To Come
The Twelfth Doctor and Clara accidentally meet a future incarnation of the Doctor. They both get a small nudge towards living life to the fullest. Set sometimes before Face the Raven.
Zero Hour
One final trip before Clara goes back to face the raven...
we're so delicate
Clara has to cope with multiple losses while still living in the present. Eventually, she discovers she isn’t alone.
Not Quite a Lullaby
Nearly being murdered inside a Dalek is more than mildly traumatizing. The Twelfth Doctor and Clara both emotionally vulnerable after the fact, especially as it relates to Clara's need for sleep.
The Memory of Sunrise
Twelve and Clara end up stuck on an island overnight and Clara takes the opportunity to explore just why the Doctor changed so much when he regenerated and what exactly happened on Trenzalore.
No Stranger to You
From a prompt on Tumblr: ""Get out of the way!" also 12/clara and if you dont like those then maybe "You look like you could use a hand." ? :))))". Angst and righteous, justified anger in regards to what Clara’s had to endure, and the little regard paid to that trauma. Alternate ending to Deep Breath.
~I really like this. A lot of people seem to dislike Clara, and I do think she can be a bit much sometimes. However, I really liked this season sue to the fact that she set herself very clear lines and tried her best to stay with them. The way the Doctor was written was inconsistent during this season, and I don’t think it was fair the way he treated her.
Christmas with the Oswalds
The Doctor ends up spending Christmas with the Oswalds, and Clara changes her feelings about that as the evening progresses.
Partly inspired by a prompt asking for a mistletoe kiss.
Five Little Sparks
The Doctor might like a bit of bossy, and it takes a few times for Clara to realize.
Cooking Clara
Twelve and Clara enjoy the figurative fruits of culinary labour, with absolutely absurd results. (from a Tumblr prompt asking for Clara to make omurice and for Twelve to find himself oddly addicted to it.)
Permission to Own a Cat
Clara gets a cat. The cat refuses to follow the Doctor's rules for life on the Tardis.
that talent for insatiability
or: The Doctor and Clara chalk it up to fate. au.
Clara Oswald & Her Bad Influence Friend
A dumb short AU where the TARDIS is a shitty car and Twelve is some shady dude Clara knows and everyone at Coal Hill is like "wtf who is this guy and how does Ms. Oswald know him." Absolute crack.
the carer & the caretaker [video]
It’s the oldest story in the universe: the carer and the caretaker fall in love, which travels across all of time and space. It’s a love story, of sorts.
Get behind the universe
Chin tucked, eyebrows lowered, eyes deep in their cadaverous sockets and full of small-scale, personal murder. The Doctor is furious at the ill treatment she has received.
don't see you for one week and the fellow suddenly decides he's in need of a proper secondary school education!"
The Souffle
Pure Whouffaldi Fluff as the Doctor tries to help Clara on her quest for the perfect soufflé.
Sky All Full of Stars
Clara Oswald thinks, You can love someone without liking them all the time. Twelve, Clara, and a surprise appearance by a surprise guest. Surprise! (No spoilers.)
From the Garden You Can See the Wild Wood
Twelve/Clara Red Riding Hood AU.
Under the Weather
Clara is sick. What on earth is the Doctor doing with her tea kettle?
The Strategist
Victorious Queen Clara's guards bring her a captive that suit her very specific tastes: gray-haired and lean. This one isn't what he appears to be, however.
The Deep and Lovely Dark
The Doctor is afraid to sleep and eventually it catches up with him.
Stars on his fingers
"I just want-- I want a night in. At home. With quiet company. While my ankle is all swollen like this. I want a pajama party."
The Doctor heard "quiet company" and knew he could provide that. And possible he'd take the opportunity to do something sneaky and helpful with her ankle. He clapped his hands together. "Right! A pajama party you shall have."
Sittin' in a Tree
The Doctor's jumper is full of holes, and Clara can't seem to help herself....
lay your armor down
A spot of completely non-sexual dom!Clara and sub!Twelve.
This is who he is now, what he's chosen to become.
make a dragon wanna retire, man
Clara walks into the console room on a Monday and announces, without preamble, “I think we should get a pet.”
if you're looking for heaven
It'll take some getting used to, but he does like it. Liked it the old way too. In fact, to an extent that might be worrying, he likes a lot of things Clara chooses to do or say or wear. (He doesn't want to use the word besotted when it comes to her but, well...)
Twelve and Clara. After Christmas they just keep running.
"Gallifrey is back, in some pocket somewhere it was never meant to be in, churning up the rest of the universe like meat in a grinder, and the Doctor is full of golden energy and regeneration chemicals that he hasn't had to handle for hundreds of years. He's full of memories, too; she knows that he's left some things unsaid, dreams of centuries of blood and fire that wake him with quiet gasps more often than he thinks she knows. She knows that there's more beyond that which he doesn't tell her. A time lord is not meant to cope with these things alone. " Or: A series of scenes from the start of their first winter together through the end of their first winter.
Do you know what the big problem is in telling fantasy and reality apart? They're both ridiculous.
Bad Dreams
Clara Oswald has dreams. She doesn't always like them.
Set post-The Witch's Familiar and involves spoilers (like a fair amount), so if you haven't seen Series 9 Episodes 1 and 2, I'd hold off on reading this.
Returning Echoes
After the events of 'Listen', Clara starts to experience strange dreams, thoughts and feelings. The echoes of her shattered selves begin to catch up with her. Can the Doctor help?
Honesty Mature
Set immediately after "Last Christmas." Neither of them will admit they're addicted to each other, but they've both been through the withdrawal and the effects can't go unaddressed.
What I Mean To Say Is Mature
What happened between the Doctor finding Clara inside of the Dalek, and them making their great escape to the Tardis? We might never know, but I needed to explore a what-if...
Time Period: Four days in late September, roughly 3 months after Death in Heaven.
Repairs Mature
The Doctor rescues Clara in the nick of time, but that's not the end of it.
The Thief Mature
The Doctor just smashed up the TARDIS console, but he needs to get away from there. He shoves his fingers into the telepathic matrix and goes... somewhere. He doesn't care where. The TARDIS cares, however. This is what happened in between the visit to Gallifrey and the meeting in the cafe.
Writing to Reach You Mature
Clara's not been feeling herself lately, and it just keeps getting worse.
Or: Written based off rumours of who Missy is (sort of), and sort of based on trailers for Dark Water and the Finale.
Post Season 8, before Last Christmas. Earth is suffering the ravages of the worst storm in recorded history and Clara suspects an extra-terrestrial reason. But if it’s something alien what’s it got to do with the Doctor and can Clara come to terms with her own personal tempest of feelings when the Time Lord crashes back into her life?
Twisted Terrors Mature
"He has this incessant urge to get involved in other people’s business, this saviour complex that makes him think the lives of others are his responsibility, but it took Danny Pink dying to make her see the error in that assumption."
The Wedding Tree Mature
For once an encounter with an advanced civilization was not going to end in war, catastrophe, disaster, or even a pell-mell run toward something or away from something. It was just a lovely thank-you ceremony for the two of them, that's all, followed by a lovely night high up in a tree house. With one bed. Wait.
Conjunction Mature
All of time and space, out there in a blue box. Where do they go first, and what do they do? The Doctor shows Clara a wonder.
for you alone i will be weak Mature
The Doctor and Clara reunite and carry on.
Come Back In Two Halves Mature
Doctor Oswald and The Clara embark on an exciting adventure of existential panic.
So let us melt Mature
The Doctor explains to Clara why he's alone, even when he's holding her. She does something about it.
The Seen & Unseen Life of a Carer & Her Time Lord Mature
Clara remembers the Doctor is very alien, but it doesn't really matter too much. Post-Last Christmas.
Come Back In Two Halves Mature
Doctor Oswald and The Clara embark on an exciting adventure of existential panic.
tessellate Explicit
So. They're just people who live together and touch each other sometimes.
Control Explicit
Clara's immune system is reset and she and the Doctor must deal with the resulting plethora of illnesses that result all at once, including one that can't be immediately seen. Lots of gratuitous fluff, some plot, and more smut than I think I have the capacity to ever write again.
Boy From School Explicit
"How did the Skovox Blitzer end up in the school where I teach? Why there?" She looked up and shot him a dirty, knowing look. "The school has been there for years. No aliens, no strange happenings…I
Chocolate Powder (Slow Warmed Then Whisked) Explicit
Clara and the Doctor share a nightly ritual now she's full time on the TARDIS but its about to change. Whouffaldi. Smut angst fluff. E/M rating. Post Last Christmas. One shot.
~New addition. Edited 3/9/2017
Love Is
But it was what had brought them to this point: kneeling together on an ancient, dirt-caked circuit board, so close and yet – separated by the one thing that had always kept them apart. The one thing that might have made everything different if only they had the courage to *talk* to each other. Hell Bent missing scene.
To my Master Post of Doctor Who fic recs <3
I also have rec lists for Harry Potter and Naruto.
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FNAF Into the pit? More like into the daddy issues
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justgotham · 7 years
Spoilers ahead: The following discusses plot points from the April 24 episode of Gotham, “Heroes Rise: How The Riddler Got His Name.”
There is no question about it, The Riddler has finally made his entrance on Gotham. In tonight’s “spring premiere” of the show, Edward Nygma donned all green, took to wearing a bowler hat, and, lest we forget, went on a killing spree in an attempt to find his intellectual equal (and perhaps shed the ghost of his best friend Oswald).
The evolution of Ed from GCPD lab rat, to psychopath, to Arkham inmate, to Penguin’s consigliere, and now, at last, to the quizzing villain, has been a long one – but also well earned, and enjoyable to watch, courtesy of the performance of Cory Michael Smith.
At a recent press screening of the episode, Smith said Nygma has called himself The Riddler, but the story now continues about what that exactly means, and who this new person is that constantly struggles with identity.
“Now begins a whole new journey of a new identity for him,” he said.
On that note, I spoke with Smith – coincidentally on the same day he wrapped filming on Season 3 – about the episode “How The Riddler Got His Name,” and what might be next on the journey of Nygma/Riddler.
At the end of this episode, is Nygma free of Penguin? Has he shed that Penguin ghost?
No. I think he thinks he is, and wants to be. But the sort of symbolic gesture of letting go of this short-term addiction to drugs. They took out a scene that explained why I was doing that, which is that all of the mayoral duties I’m covering, and I’m taking them to stay awake. It is essentially speed. I think having context of why I was taking pills would have helped. But getting rid of that, and saying goodbye to him, is moving.
But the problem is, Oswald isn’t really gone.
He is essentially a co-dependent character.
Edward is constantly defining himself based on how people perceive him, react to him, how people rank him – if he’s funny, charming, mainly if he’s intelligent. While he’s quite a loner, and quite independent – more so than most people – he is very dependent on people’s perceptions. It dictates what he does next.
Are his riddles a defense mechanism to prevent getting to know who he is?
I think riddles for him are an investigation of someone’s intelligence. I think it is a way of testing people, tricking people, making sure he is smarter than them, and measuring if someone is potentially an equal. In the future, once he gets going with the games of riddles, then it becomes about finding someone who is an interesting competitor – who ends up being Bruce Wayne; he is remarkably intelligent. But is like a guy playing chess in Washington Square Park: They don’t want to play against some amateur. They’re sitting there, waiting for the real guy to come and sit down, and really give them a run. He wants to have fun.
Does it eat away at him that Bruce Wayne solved his question in the Season 2 finale?
Oh, yeah. Especially because he’s a juvenile. I thought it was captured well the moment Lucius gets it; that Edward is actually excited by that. He is not necessarily intimidated by it, or pissed someone answered his riddle. He wants people to answer his riddles. It is kind of exciting.
When he finds someone on his level, what’s his goal? To kill them? To join them?
I think that’s the changing variable as Riddler moves on in his life. It certainly changed throughout the comics. When it started, it was all fun and games. Today, it is quite demented, and murderous. The Riddler in Earth-One is jacked, and has a question mark tattooed on his face. It is a completely different kind of mind-and-body meets Batman, not just the mind. But I like the idea of him right now being more of an adventurer, showman, and puzzle artist – and just tricking people. I don’t think he’s remarkably homicidal.
Does it nag at him that Barbra Kean, who he probably views as insane, figured out Penguin killed Isabella, and he was meanwhile duped?
Yeah, and it actually happens to him more than he would like. Other people figure stuff out before him, and that is the ultimate frustration, and embarrassment. I filmed something today where he’s utterly humiliated because he was completely outdone. It is just the lowest for him. He is not trying to run Gotham – not yet at least. He is just trying to be the smartest dude out there. And, ideally, to be the great havoc Gotham has seen. He wants to be known, and respected, and regarded as a remarkably intelligent man.
Would he be an interesting pairing with Cameron Monaghan’s Jerome? One wants to create chaos, and the other wants to do it, but intelligently.
Oh, gosh. I know. The thing about Jerome is the lack of predictability. I got along with Oswald because I could figure Oswald out. I knew what motivated him, what he wanted, how to help him get what he wanted, how to do backroom stuff, and deliver what he wanted. Jerome is not satisfied by anything. He just wants mayhem and anarchy. I think Edward is a bit more logical, and purposeful. I don’t think he would trust him.
Will you discuss the journey as actors you and Robin Lord Taylor have been on this season?
It’s amazing. I love Robin, and having spent so much time with him is so cool. It is the richest relationship on the show, for me personally. I have never done anything like this, long-form TV. We now made 66 episodes of television. To have let these people grow this much, and to have this many experiences with another character? It feels like a genuine relationship. We, as actors, come into a project – you do a movie that’s two hours long, and you build a backstory. It is work you do, and part of the craft. Here, it is being done for us because we are living through it in real time. It is incredible we have this other relationship we are living through. It has been a blast, and the way we end is … the antagonism is really intense. And it is setting up some cool s*** for four. I don’t know what they’re going to do with it, but there is a lot of potential between he and I.
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