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adelke · 5 months ago
Guys... I swear... It's peak... Think about it 💕
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emotional-piece-of-meat · 4 months ago
Let me introduce you to this concept: batkids pick a silly t-shirt of the week, in which Brucie will be “accidentally” caught by the paparazzi.
Dick, as a millennial he is, chooses something with mottos like yolo or jokes about coffee. He also has a special love for quotes and puns, which nobody but him finds funny.
Jason does not participate, because he refuses to think about Bruce more than it’s absolutely necessary. And if some t-shirt reminds him of his dad Bruce, well, he just passes by.
Barbara, although she has a wonderful sense of humour, uses her power to spread awareness instead. When an important social or political event takes place in Gotham and beyond its chapels, the choice is hers.
Cass loves matching t-shirts, because it makes her feel that she belongs. Every time it's her turn to pick, newspapers spread out the touching headlines like “Bruce Wayne was caught with his daughter in I'm with stupid t-shirts”.
Steph simply goes to the women's department and chooses one of those ugly Eiffel Tower or a rhinestone “princess” t-shirt. They're also usually pretty tight, and, trust me, the press just loves it.
Tim wake up and choose violence Drake prints t-shirts himself, always putting some brainrot words on them. That's how “what a sigma” and “skibidi toilet rizzler” appeared in Bruce's wardrobe.
Damian takes great pride in his t-shirts, because he draws pictures on them by hand. Nobody could convince him that it's not, in fact, a competition, and he has to make sure that he is winning.
Duke always gives Bruce some niche band t-shirts. Plot twist? These bands do not exist. He just creates them himself and then proceeds to gaslight people, because “what do you mean you don't know batshit on the rooftop? You, uncultured pig! Their music literally changed my life!”.
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katiekatdragon27 · 1 month ago
Hey. Hey, guys. You'll never guess what I've been drawing.
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Glisten: ...??
Glisten and his lame ass boyfriends!!!!!! Cheers to art dumps <3
[CW: SUGGESTIVE JOKE] More doodles below cut:
So! I know most of you come for the shinyshrimp stuff (WHICH WE WILL GET TO) but let me yap about Glisten and Razzle for a bit.
Glisten and Razzle got together like 3 months after Glisten and Boxten broke up. Razzle never really looked to Glisten that much outside of acquaintances (cuz he was kinda sorta lowkey jealous of Glisten's charisma and stage-presence). In fact, they were much more focused on Vee and maybe possibly had a crush on her, which is really funny in hindsight with Dazzle lol. However, after learning that Vee was a lesbian/being very rudely rejected by her, Razzle found comfort in Glisten and fell head-over-heels almost immediately.
The only problem is, Razzle has -10000 aura. His ass cannot be flirty or cool-charismatic at all.
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Glisten: What do you do when you aren't distracting? Razzle: (Glisten likes mysterious people) I sell drugs!! Glisten: ... Excuse me? Razzle: (But Glisten also likes kind people) But ONLY to kids in need! Dazzle: (STOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOP-) *defeated whimper*
Razzle thinks he's that guy (they're not, they're pathetic honestly lol)
Also like, Razzle is suuuper dense when it comes to everyone except Dazzle. They struggle with self-reflection and other-people reflection, so he is completely convinced he is doing all the right things, when in actuality, they are very very very cringe.
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Razzle: No see Dazzie, this is why they call me Rizzle. Dazzle: (No one has EVER called you that.)
Denseness is one hell of a drug, aye, fellas?
Dazzle is being pulled through the wringer trying to preserve whatever was left of her (and Razzle's) pride. It's not working. Girl is fighting for their life every time she is dragged over by Razzle in order to say a horrible pick-up line to Glisten.
(This is all pre-relationship btw. After they get together it becomes an inside joke and Glisten retorts with his own awful (although not nearly as bad) pick-up lines)
Now the moment you've been waiting forrrr 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
✨ Shinyshrimp ✨
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I love them chat, I love them sm. They have so much drama and love and interesting things going on, they're so cool and fun n stuff and AUGHHHHH💥💥💥
Shrimpo being that one guy who craves affection but would literally bite anyone who gives it to him is so real to me. Homie wants a hug but ends up suplexing whoever hugged him outta reflex. Glisten, on the other hand, is one of the most affectionate people ever. He's not affectionate to everyone, but when you catch his interest (both platonic and romantic), he is very verbally and physically affectionate. He'll buy you things, he'll give you hugs, he'll let you invade his personal space, all stuff he would never let normies do.
Shrimpo loves this, however, homie has no idea how to deal with any kind of affection in a positive way. Cat-coded ahh guy. Glisten does find this amusing tho, so he's more inclined to be affectionate with Shrimpo to help him "get over it" in a way.
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This is just for shits and giggles. I feel like everyone should draw this meme with their ships. It's a canon event at this point.
What can I say? He was hungry.
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Can't forget my fankids. I love my fankids. I miss my fankids. I need to draw my fankids more istg I need to revamp their ask blog soon (especially with some new editions coming soon).
Also Hamlet looks smaller because most of his internal structure is made of ribbon and stuffing, so he shrinks into a ball when happy. He also loafs like a cat, what a guy.
Also also also what the skibidi sigma happened to my prep-jock ship?? Why is it backwards???
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I drew these because I had a vision of the little doodle below and only thought it would work if they were swaped... sooooo... here we are.
Scapmi is a preppy goth-ish shrimp with an eye for fashion and artistry. With a smart mouth and a massive ego, he often comes off as an annoyance to others. He loves to be front and center in everything but often has to fight with his internalized idea that everything is a competition that he needs to win no matter what. It causes him a lot of stress and self-doubt, but he'd never let anyone see his weaknesses.
Gash is a shrap-toned violent mirror who speaks more with his fists than his voice. He hates everything that is not himself (and sweets) and makes sure people know that. He used to be a perfectionist, but after an accident permanently cracked his face, he dropped his "perfect" persona in favor of a messy, more hateful one. He wants connection but doesn't know how to express his needs in an understandable way, and that frustrates him immensely.
As you can see, match made in heaven.
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Gash: DUDE, WHAT THE F*CK!? Scampi: There's a smudge on you- Gash: I DON'T CARE! LET GO!! Scampi: Not 'til I'm done. (Your natural blush is gorgeous; shame it's on you tho)
So yeah, swap shinyshrimp lore drop yippee.
Have a good one chat, til I reappear again✌️✌️
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yandereunsolved · 7 months ago
I think it'd be hilarious to see self aware!asoiaf characters react to the cultural differences with the modern world (especially with fem!reader)
Like imagine making a joke about being a virgin nerd, and you have the self aware characters short-circuiting at the idea of "taking your maidenhead" and they also hate that you work because??? Why??? Is not even misogyny (well maybe for Maegor and others it is) but they all agree that it's completely unacceptable that you are being "forced" to work like some common whench
And of course they believe that once being brought into their world you will embrace their medieval values and become a good little wife 💀 (delulu)
They are all so delulu and don't understand brain rot.
Imagine trying to use slang in front of any of the yandere asoiaf characters????
"You look so skibidi today."
"Yo, dude! You on that sigma grindset today."
"No way in Ohio they did that."
"Fantum tax."
They are all like "is my darling speaking in tongues!?"
Yan Alicent thinks you need an exorcism. ☠️
Yandere Alicent: "They need to be exorcised. This is why I said playing with magic is forbidden!"
Yandere Aegon II: "They're fine." points at darling.
Reader: just wants to fuck with them at this point. "That is so not alpha of you. Look at your pookie. I am okay. I am just currently sit maxxing while waiting for Aemond to stop gooning in the next room over."
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forwards-beckon-rebound · 3 months ago
random dick grayson hcs bc i said so!!!
warning: usage of the metric system
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got banned from club penguin for making his username dickg0320 and he had no idea why
bruce didn't have the heart to break it to him so he told him it's because you can't use your real name
so he changed it to therealrobin0320
and really they're just very lucky that nobody has ever thought that they could figure out robin and therefore batman's identity from club penguin
(and yes, he did cry when the game shut down)
has the lowest spice tolerance out of everybody in the batfam and he will be bullied for it
his biggest fear is one of those games where everybody eats a spoonful of sugar but one of them is salt or smth
but like the ones where it’s like pistachio cookies and one that’s full of wasabi or smth
jason, tim, and steph conspire to get dick to eat the cookie
terrible at mini golf
i will not be elaborating on that, but let’s just say he thought that would be a great first date idea…
has the most random t-shirts that he wears to sleep and around the house?
i don’t mean like weird weird but like random corporate freebies…
why does he have a boston marathon tshirt from 2008?
canada post merch (very niche but the shirt gets a little extra love during the strike)
he’s never even been there
he probably has a random bing mug somehow too because why not i guess
went to damian’s parent teacher interviews when bruce was too busy and let’s just say he was quite popular with the parents
he genuinely gets so invested, idk if it was just my school but sometimes the parents could volunteer to supervise during recess
dick likes to pop in and make sure damian has friends and check in on his beloved brother
but he’s also so good and sweet to the other kids there
he’s pretty used to cleaning up wounds after missions, and the kids always come to him
like a kid will scrape their knee playing soccer and he’s already there, helping them off the field while he disinfects the wound
he starts bringing those character bandaids (he somehow manages to find nightwing and batman bandaids) because he realizes it distracts the kids from their injury and makes the pain a bit more bearable
he’s already so good with his siblings, especially damian, i just know he’s so good with kids your honour
he is so incredibly confused by the slang though
kids will be like “are you skibidi toilet?” and his brain stops working because what the heck are they saying? what does that even mean? is that good or bad?
he will try to search up the terms and then he will use it in the most cursed way possible
“hey guys, stop being sigmas to each other, that’s not very rizzler of you.”
get this man off the internet and into a nursing home
i think his knowledge of pop culture ends with like 2016 millenial slang
of the recent stuff, i think he knows slay and that’s it
he gives me like tip of the iceberg disney adult…
in the most respectful way possible
like he doesn’t know every single disney world employee by name or like go disneybounding
but i feel like he watched all of the movies growing up and knows the songs by heart
like from when his parents were still alive
sometimes they get to town when a movie has just come out and they have some free time before their show
they go to a diner for breakfast, explore the new city, dick gets to choose what they do before they head back to the circus
one time he sees an ad for dumbo and they go in
and he was hooked (it hurts to even think about the movie now though, after everything that has happened. it’s the one movie he’ll never watch)
sorry that was kinda sad! anyways, i feel like he would like the coming of age leaving home stories, especially when he gets a bit older and can relate to them more
mulan, princess and the frog, tangled (one time he joked that bruce was acting like mother gothel and when bruce searched up who that was, he was…not happy to say the least)
he will ugly cry too but what’s annoying is his “ugly” is unfortunately still quite good looking
and he has indeed forced all of the batfam to watch the movies with him during family movie night
like if you think you’re going to get through a road trip without him blasting i’ll make a man out of you or i see the light, think again
a big fan of the disney renaissance classics
but like any pixar movie will also have him bawling
if he has a kid, he’s sitting them down and making them watch the whole catalogue
i feel like he wouldn’t love the new remakes and sequels as much, part of it is the lack of nostalgia for him, but he’ll still watch it opening night
drives like an old man
hunched over, both hands on the steering wheel, completely straight stare
and he refuses to go over the speed limit, even on the highway
but he’s a MENACE in the passenger seat
lovesss being on aux, i feel like he would love the pop girlies
like taylor swift, sabrina carpenter, he’s cried to casual (so real of him ngl)
but i feel like as an older sibling he can’t help but backseat or i guess passenger seat drive a little bit
“oh, watch out for that stop sign” “the one 5 km from here? how can you even see that?”
drives jason up the wall
i feel like being a gymnast would make you at least a semi competent dancer
dude is vibing to kiss of life, twice, le sserafim and learning the choreo too
eldest son of billionaire bruce wayne spotted at local kpop random play dance
imagine him playing music while he’s getting ready for patrol
he’s singing to what is love while he’s making sure his escrima sticks are fully charged
like are we seeing the vision
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kindercelery · 6 months ago
Hey im too shy to ask non anonymously but could u draw elizabeth of york and henry vii they're my pookies 🙏 that'd be so skibidi of u
Here, sigma
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doogieverse · 2 months ago
Sonic Shipping
Shipping characters from a franchise where there aren't really any canon relationships is very... interesting. Let's get into it.
Sidenote: I'm not covering every possible ship, just ones I have something to say about. Also can we come up with better ship names please? Thanks.
Sonic x Amy So everyone knows SonAmy, it certainly is a ship. I like the trope of "head over heels" x "uninterested tease", but Sonic gives Amy nothing. And more often than not, Amy's character is completely reduced to being in love with Sonic. Sega has gotten better about the latter in recent years, at least. I still don't find this ship very appealing— I get it, but it's not for me. However, people have been theorizing that in the fourth movie, Sonic will be the one with the unrequited crush. That would be a super interesting shift in dynamic, and I'd definitely be more invested if that happens.
Metal Sonic x Amy Okay this is a bit more interesting. Metal Sonic is an incredibly tragic character— someone who full heartedly believes he is someone else, yet can never seem to quite match his strength. He's been labeled a failure by Eggman, and is continuously beaten and broken until he is less than Sonic. Amy, on the other hand, is kind and caring to all creatures, so naturally she sees the best in Metal. It's cute seeing him be treated with love for the first time, like a lost little puppy. I think this relationship is strictly romantic (personally, I think Metal is autistic and asexual) but it's something they both need. Very cute.
Sonic x Knuckles Knuckles acts as a great foil to Sonic. Where Sonic is free-spirited and wild, Knuckles is disciplined, and stuck protecting Angel Island and the Master Emerald. Honestly, he might even be a better foil than Shadow, who sort of just shows up out of nowhere. They're more so symbolic opposites, in my opinion. At the same time, Sonic and Knuckles are friends, where as Shadow didn't even show up to Sonic's birthday party </3 It's hard to imagine enemies to lovers when they're stuck in the Friend Zone. Decent ship, not really for me.
Sonic x Shadow I mean what do I have to say. This is The Ship of the fandom. Unpopular opinion, but I don't care about Shadow that much :-/ So even though this ship is skibidi sigma slay and I totally agree with it, it's not my favorite. It's still endgame though.
Shadow x Amy They're besties and that's that.
Shadow x Rouge Shadow and Rouge are obviously a gay/lesbian duo, so I don't understand the appeal. I do love them as friends though.
Knuckles x Rouge It's so gooood. They're always bickering, always at odds, and yet they can't resist each other. I love Rebel Rouge and Renegade Knucks from Prime, so good. I'm not usually one for straight ships, but in my mind its bi4bi so we're safe.
Silver x Blaze I love them as friends, they're both autistic and asexual <3 However, I disagree with shipping them romantically. To me, they're another iconic gay/lesbian duo. For those who've read Homestuck, they're basically moirails.
Sonic x Blaze I was a bit of a hater at first, but I've grown to somewhat like it. They have some cute moments, especially in the IDW comics. I like to think that Blaze has unrequited feelings for Sonic, but it's just something she likes to think about from time to time. They're not necessarily romantic feelings, but she loves how he challenges her, and strives to be as carefree as he is.
Sonic x Silver I love gay hedgehogs as much as the next guy, but I just don't get this one. Maybe that'll change after I play Sonic 06, but as much as I want to love it, I just find it mediocre.
Silver x Espio I truly did not understand this at first. I thought someone just took their two favorite characters and made them kiss. However, after reading the IDW comics, I still didn't understand it. Then I looked at ship art and thought about it more and I kind of like it. They have surprisingly similar personalities and interests, but are just different enough to be unique. I think they're both ace, but Espio definitely leans a bit more towards allosexual. I love the idea of him trying to kiss Silver, but he gets flustered and shy.
Vector x Vanilla They're so silly!! Oh man I was floored when I first read the IDW comics and learned that Vector was into milfs. I also didn't realize he was twenty— I like the idea of him being fresh into the dating people as a young adult; he could have anyone he wants, and he goes straight for Cream's mom. It's so iconic, and Vanilla seems into it if you ask me...
Tails x Cosmo I need to watch Sonic X before deciding if I like this or not. I at least know that they touch upon it in the show, so I can at least understand it.
Tails x Cream There's not much merritt to this, in my opinion. I feel like people ship them just because they're both children— which I guess is fine? Personally, I don't like shipping children because they don't have the same concepts of love and romance that adults, or even teens, do. Nonetheless, I like Tails and I like Cream, so who knows. Maybe it would be a good ship.
Charmy x Cream I've seen so many future AUs where Vector and Espio leave the Chaotix, and Charmy continues it with Cream, and it feels so right to me. I wouldn't ship them romantically, but I love that they're detective partners.
Whisper x Tangle I mean they're basically canon. Both great characters, and both them and their friendship have great arcs. Personally, I don't see them being very sexual? Maybe they're ace4ace, or platonic soulmates, or whatever term you could come up with. Either way, they belong with each other <3
Surge x Amy At first, I thought people just wanted toxic yuri. Of course there's merritt to that, but it wasn't for me. Then I thought about how Surge is a parallel to Sonic, and it started making sense. They don't have enough interactions for me to be interested, but I hope that changes.
Dr. Robotnik x Agent Stone Do I even have to say anything.
Here's what I consider canon/endgame in my own mind (as described above): - Sonic x Shadow - Charmy x Cream - Metal Sonic x Amy - Vector x Vanilla - Knuckles x Rouge - Whisper x Tangle - Silver x Espio - Robotnik x Stone
Addendum: I love learning about rare pairs and seeing what dynamics come out, even though they're usually a bust. Let me know if there are any good ships I missed.
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animentality · 5 months ago
i have regrettably been affected with the disease that makes me say shit like glaze, gooner, and rizz.
i tried to fight it, but now they're part of my vocabulary. it's so sad.
but i'll never ever say skibidi or sigma.
my brain is immune to those.
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love-is-5ever · 4 months ago
Formally known as: @strangedreamsofafish and @iweepforlostsouls
(日本語版は一番下にあります !!)
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✩‧₊˚༺☆༻ੈ✩‧₊˚ ~ꪮ౿ Chihiro ꪮ౿~ ~ꪮ౿ Minor ꪮ౿» ~ꪮ౿ Any pronouns ꪮ౿~ ~ꪮ౿ Ace & Pan ꪮ౿~ ~ꪮ౿ Japanese - American ꪮ౿~ ~ꪮ౿ Genderfluid ꪮ౿~ ~ꪮ౿ INFJ ꪮ౿~ ~ꪮ౿ Gemini ꪮ౿~ ଘ(𖦹'⩊'): Alt accounts (To be added) @gya-gya-gyaru - where I post about wanting to be/reblogging stuff Abt gyaruu @sisters-crypt-keeper - writing blog
#gya-gya-gya: Me yapping for no reason
#chihiro's-diary: Personal stuff
#journalpaste: Reblogs/Things I want to save
#Chisfanficion: Links to/or fanfiction
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Ao3: Razzbery - acc shared between me and @avithesilly, idk what they do, but I write all the fanfics
Rules: Please ask if I'm in the specific fandom first (Through dms or inbox) I write quickly, but keep in mind, I'm still a student in school and have other obligations, so I usually finish one shots faster than longer form fics I DO NOT WRITE SMUT/INCEST/DEAD DOVE.
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ଘ( ິ•ᆺ• )ິଓ Fandoms ଘ( ິ•ᆺ• )ິଓ
Serafina series (requests are always open)
Madoka Magica
Wilder girls
Over the Garden Wall
Gravity Falls
PJO/HoO/ToA series
+ More (plz ask if u want to know if I'm in a specific fandom)
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(ᴗ ᵔ _ ᵔ) DNI List (ᴗ ᵔ _ ᵔ)
Mack...bad boyfriend, bad! Get ur toxic slimy ass away from here!
Terfs/Radfems, you guys just make me super uncomfortable as a queer person and minor .
Anyone asking for donations, I cannot donate and my blog isn't big enough for it to gain traction.
Vent blogs
People who support Israel and their genocide…
MAGA supporters.
Homophobes and abelists
Adult content blogs.
೯⠀⁺ ⠀ 𖥻 Free Palestine 🍉 ⠀ᰋ
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Mutual Shoutout <3
🌹 @rowenas-my-fave-child - First mutual ever, amazing artist, please go follow them and their alt acc @screams-aesteticly 🌹 @warpedjoy - Also another amazing artist :0 🌹 @avithesilly - IRL FRIENDS SINCE 2nd grade, AND WE'RE STILL GOING STRONG BABY! 🌹 @str4ng3r0nl1ne - Always answers my asks bc they're so alpha 🌹 @secretly-a-catamount - Amazing writer...and literally reads my fanfictions. Love them sm/p 🌹 @itfollows666-blog - Writing friend!!! Kind of got me into the justice league :P 🌹@my-own-private-house-in-nebraska - Silly billy #1 (irl friend, fujoshi for gay men from the 1900s or smth 🌹 @imactuuallyshiftingguys - Silly Billy #2 (They get a capital billy because they are not a fujoshi. Fellow mitski fan!!!) 🌹 @that-one-raccoon - shows up in my dreams a lot (Last night they gave me a bag full of baby doll parts? Very disconcerting) but also another amazing artist. 🌹 @emilem-forevermore - an absolute icon, queen, king, idk, just so so amazing and cooolllllll 🌹 @unstableunicornsofasgard - very nice and answers all my asks, and their hair is very cool. I want to go blonde but I’d look really ugly with blonde hair (im being so fr Rn even my mom earned against it) 🌹 @bonsai-says-fuck-this - older sibling Ive never had 🌹 @iloveyapping - WHAHHHAAAAAA POOOKIE FOR LIFEEE MY SHAYLAAAAA YAUASJBAGJSMNABSM 🌹 @pennydew - girlblogger whos ahsjgbjbsdwiks my wife/p SO COOL?! FLAWLESS 🌹 @buggycat - the sigma to my boy, the gyatt to my rizz, the skibidi to my toilet, the Alabama to my ohio
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日本語で > (私の日本語は上手ではないので、翻訳機を使っています)
年齢: 未成年
性別: 女性
恋愛に関しては誰に対してもオープンですが、セックスはしません (決してしません)
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howlingday · 2 months ago
Cinder the FallCel
Jaune: Okay, but like, what if Cinder was a femcel?
Ruby: Jaune, Cinder IS a femcel! What do you mean?!
Cinder: I'm Cinder Fall and I'm rizzing, Ruby!
Cinder: Ruby, I'm going to pick up a man at a bar~!
Cinder: Ohio skibidi~!
Cinder: Ruby! Have you seen the new episode of skibidi toilet~?
Cinder: Ruby, they won't date me because I'm ugly... I was born ugly.
Cinder: Ruby, it's all part of a big patriarchal scheme.
Cinder: Ruby... You're a cuck, Ruby!
Cinder: Ruby, I'm a cuck!
Cinder: Can't you see Jaune and Weiss are banging behind your back?
Cinder: I was telling this man about skibidi toilet and he told me to go away...
Cinder: We have to kill him, Ruby!
Cinder: Ruby, you just don't understand because you're a beta cuck! Only I am the sigma female~!
Cinder: Welcome to my gamer pad, Ruby. Here's where I get tilted at the towers...
Cinder: You see, post-nut clarity is a myth, Ruby.
Cinder: There's no such thing as a prostate, Ruby! It's all a myth made up by Big Pharma!
Cinder: Ruby, can't you see Salem is our savior?!
Cinder: Don't you know that dust is full of testosterone? You need to stop using it; the government wants you to be more masculine!
Cinder: Ruby, aura treatment make you do horrible things! They give you have autism, Ruby!
Cinder: Ruby, you have autism, Ruby!
Cinder: The relics, Ruby! The relics make you more masculine, Ruby! They make you into a pig-headed misogynist, Ruby!
Cinder: Ruby, they're putting chemicals into the water to make the Faunus gay!
Cinder: Destroy the child, Ruby!
Cinder: Beacon never existed, Ruby! It was made up by woke media!
Cinder: Oh no, I'm being sued for 6 billion lien, Ruby! What did I do?!
Cinder: You see, Ruby, it's already too late. I've already drawn myself as the Chad and you as the Soy Wojak!
Cinder: RUBY! You see, I thought if I made myself buff, men would like me more, but it turns out, I'M A HUGE DICK!
Ruby: Aw, man...
Jaune: Damn, this sucked.
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shibascrem · 6 months ago
ur art is so skibidi sigma 💞💞💞💞💞💯💯💯💯💯🔥🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛 AH AH AH 🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛
That's a first, being called skibidi sigma! THANK YOU! Hey Ma! Check it out, the kids think I'm cool! They're calling my art that "skibidi" thing!
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schnitzelsemmerl · 6 months ago
hiyaaa :3 this is my brainrot version of "legendary" !! if you ever want to use it (doubt anyone wants to) just credit me lmao - contains gen alpha brainrot slang but also some gen z things
it's just me, my gyatt and prime
stuck in fortnite lobby
texting in the discord server you left behind
thinkin' 'bout all these sigmas i'll never get to edge
but oh, i wish i could
so i could get a brawl stars win
'cause i'm stuck with your rizzing
but no clue who you edge
and no idea if you're deleted or a group leader (this makes no sense)
somebody edge me
come and give me a gyatt
if so, then
if i win this round, will i find ya in fortnite?
give me opps and ohio!
give me omegas and betas!
i know battle royale's scary
but i wanna be skibidi!
fight the red flags and livvy haters
the talahons, even rizzlers!
i know battle royale's scary
but i wanna be s-s-s-s-skibidi!
betas in our gooning cave
trying to rizz up my mom
but she's passing on them all
108 old faces of opps who say i can't mog
keep spammin' the chat and it's
gonna break my mewing streak...
'cause they're giving us the ick
dangerous too, i'd fight 'em if i
was half as sigma as you, send me a med kit
come and give me the chug jug
can i do whatever it takes
to keep my mom un-rizzed...?
if so, then
give me opps and ohio!
give me omegas and betas!
i know becoming the rizzler's scary
but i wanna be skibidi!
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butterfrogsayshi · 3 months ago
In the middle of a tiktok in the center of a rizz party they say, "Come with your dogs raised high" well, they're never gonna rizz me like a gyatt through a flock of subway surfers to wage this tax against your fanum in me your gyatt will never be the same on your alpha's eyes, say a prayer say a prayer, yeah now, but I can't, and I don't know how we're just two sigmas as God had made us well, I can't, well, I can, yeah too much, too late or just not enough of this pain in my ohio for your dying slay i'll rizz your gyatt again they all thank beyonce and the looksmaxxers are lost my cellmate's a sigma, they make me buckle my shoe in drag but nobody cares if you're rizzing yourself am I rizzing myself? well, I miss my alpha will they give me the chair? or lethal gyatt, or skibidi from a toilet, if you dare? nobody knows all the trouble I've seen now, but I can't, and I don't know how we're just two sigmas as God had made us well, I can't, well, I can, yeah too much, too late or just not enough of this pain in my ohio for your dying slay i'll rizz your gyatt again to your room what they ask of you will make you want to say, "Skibidi rizz" well, I don't remember why remember you? do you have the tiktok for the  rizz party? ‘cause I'm gonna string this alpha male on fire fire! life is but a mewing streak for the brainrotted and well, I, I won't go down by myself but I'll go down with my sigmas now, now, now, now (I can't rizz) now, now, now, (I can't fanum tax) now, now, yeah, yeah
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maxdibert · 1 month ago
have you ever interacted with a gen alpha “skibidi sigma” kid?? i’m visiting my old brother next week and his kid is just like that and im afraid i’ll kick him off a chair if he starts with that brainrot nonsense
I have three nephews, one who is 11, another who is 9, and another who is 5, not sure if that counts??? The thing is, they're not really into weird lore because their mom doesn't let them use the internet much, so they’re pretty normal kids, if we leave aside the fact that the oldest has OCD, the middle one has ADHD, and the youngest is a narcissist. But I love them a lot, they’re really good-looking, and when they’re not having a meltdown, they can be really fun. I can't stand them for more than three or four hours without wanting to die though.
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ratlesshonret · 5 months ago
Look one by one The sigma reminds me you'll always be skibidi For you Ohio has fallen Now they're gyatt, see now they're gyatt Forever gyatt from the cap that served as my one and only rizz Though it may be sus today Tomorrow I'll be stanning my way
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starving-marauder-lover · 1 month ago
im not depressed rn (why do i feel obliged to add this)
but like
i just dont really enjoy posting vents to tumblr unless its my absolute last resort yk?
like i seem so freaking happy and thats cause I try to seem so happy that maybe I will become happy
i said happy way to much
idk if this makes sense cause im still so sick
but even when i do post vents 50% of times they're on my vent account, or just go to my drafts
or im so anxious that youll all judge me that I just crash out and just not
anywayyyssss yippie and skibidi i heart my mental health
go drink water my sigma army you all deserve it, and eat some food if you can <3
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