funkbun · 2 months
i think it's funny how floofy n beffica are leading that Evil Grumpuses poll cause to me they're two completely different levels of "Shitty Person" lol
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they're like this to me
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itstimeforstarwars · 18 days
After writing the first scene in the next chapter, I wrote down three things that I needed to put in the scene. I now have four more pages of this scene but none of the three things have made it in.
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cloudbends · 4 months
I need a month of recharging before I can draw everything I wanna draw so badly but unfortunately as life would have it I am facing 3 exams 2 essays and 3 seminars on the span of 2 months. I am so fucked <3
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seiqn · 2 years
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antirepurp · 10 months
con weekend is great except im now plagued by the peer pressure of every artist and cosplayer being on ig and sharing their accounts with one another while i shove my neocities url back in my pocket bc i haven't updated it in months and it's very messy
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mobtism · 2 years
wish they hadnt goku-fied yamcha (and some of the other characters too tbh) as the series went on bc like. as soon as they gave yamcha blocky hair like goku it all went downhill. he started looking more and more like him as time went on and started looking less and less like his own character 💔
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imthatqueerkid · 7 months
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saberdramon · 8 months
i got the update on mobile that fucks with the post layout and removes the indicator of who you reblogged the post from in some instances and i feel claustrophobic now. pointless ui changes gotta be one of the worst of all time
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beatriceportinari · 2 years
Oh I should have gone swimming instead. Damnit
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animutate · 2 years
anyway i think that uhm. indie cross is overrated
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harunayuuka2060 · 8 months
Ruggie: Out of all of us here, Leona has the healthiest relationship.
Rook: Oh la la! Please tell us why, Monsieur Dandelion!
Vil: Yes, I'm also curious.
Ruggie: You know how it's pretty common for couples to fight over small, petty things?
Vil: Yes?
Ruggie: Well, Leona never had those arguments with MC.
Ruggie: MC tells him to take out the trash. He'll do it then cleans the kitchen.
Vil: Leona? Cleaning the kitchen?
Ruggie: Shishishi! I know! Shocking, right?!
Rook: What else could you tell us?
Ruggie: When Leona messes up so bad, MC would ask him to eat first then take a shower, and wear something comfy before scolding him.
Rook: Aww~! How sweet of Trickster!
Vil: It seems we have been talking too much. He's hugging them.
MC: Leona?
Leona: Grr...
MC: ...
MC: We're not leaving. We've just arrived.
Leona: ...
Leona: But the music sucks.
MC: *chuckles* I'll just cover your ears then.
Leona: Oh? So a snuggle? *smirking*
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konigsblog · 9 months
i wanna lick and rub my pussy against older!dadbod!könig's chubby, hairy stomach while he guides my hips loosely, dragging me back and forth while smoking!
or sucking him off while he talks to his friend :( on my knees and sucking his big, meaty cock sloppily while he acts nonchalant, not reacting to our hardwork while talking with his friend :( he's ignoring us, and now we want a reaction!!! :( ☀️
// somnophillia warning.
sucking him off while he sleeps :( his greedy girl sucking him off and crying because you're so desperate to be fucked. sometimes he'll wake up to you riding him and babbling out! a whiney, little mess beside him, breathless and panting.
and grr :( your boyfriend laying on top of you and restricting you! he's too heavy, so you're stuck beneath him while he drives his big, hard dick in and out of your wetness :((((
i could write so much fluff and smut with him !!!!!!
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 year
Random Thoughts: Klaus Mikaelson
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Voice of the Wolf
Klaus’ wolf is just as obsessed with his mate as he is
A werewolf has a voice in their head once they trigger the gene and it speaks to them. All wolves have this, though few talk about it to anyone other than other wolves since the voices can be…hostile at best…vicious and violent at worst
The voice in Klaus’ head was cut off from him when his mother cursed him and though he had only had that voice in his head for about a month from the time he turned and killed someone until his mother cursed him that next full moon, he truly had missed it. The voice, though terrifying at first, really helped him embrace who and what he was when no one else ever had.
Once he had broken his curse Klaus once again had the ability to find his mate as a wolf and when he did that voice in his head howled so loud it gave him a headache (though brief it may have been) and it was rabid for you
Every once in a while it scared him with how desperate the beast was for you but Klaus knew even as a wolf he would never harm you. When he followed you those first few days after finding you his wolf insisted Klaus just take you and lock you in his home, that he was the only person you would ever need and while there was something very appealing about that idea he knew he could never do that to you.
His wolf was talking nearly every time Klaus was in your presence and while the Hybrid tried to ignore it most of the time and even got it to shut up on occasion, eventually he had to come clean about it as it sometimes became a distraction to him and he didn’t want you thinking he wasn’t listening to you or was uninterested. You were actually understanding about it and even seemingly curious which Klaus enjoyed, he loved that you embraced something about him that no one else ever had
Unfortunately his wolf was often overly sexual and detail oriented which ended with the Hybrid hiding an erection every time the beast went into detail about how perfect your breasts are and how desperate he is to suck on them, or how tight your pussy must be and how much you would love that wolf tongue tasting you deeper than anyone else ever had
Klaus was surprised when you agreed to be there when he shifted one night, while Klaus was conscious and could control himself during his change the wolf is at the forefront of his mind and is more in charge like how it is for every wolf, Klaus may have perks but his wolf is still a wolf.
You didn’t like watching him change, hating the sound of your loves bones breaking and reshaping, not enjoying him in pain but you sucked it up and held his head to your chest, brushing through his hair as it happened and were eventually left with a large hound shoving his snout in your breasts
You allowed him to snuggle you for quite some time before he ran around, letting off some steam and killing people. You awoke later that night to the large black wolf hopping into your bed and pressing his body to yours. At one point when he shoved his nose between your legs you smacked his snout, shocking him when you didn’t even flinch as he growled at you, going so far as to ‘grr’ right back at him
The beast in Klaus’ mind was just as desperate and needy for you as he is and you loved it, every second of it as it was also just as much of a Puppy as your thousand year old boyfriend was
Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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qhoaaaa · 5 months
Saw someone say that Milo and Sweetheart have sex with jewelry on (bondage talk later on ohohoo, and hcs)
I forgot who said that but props to you omg
Sweetheart with 2 chains on, they clink on each other as Milo fucks them doggy style on the bed, their hands holding themself up
It oddly becomes a kink for Milo 👀
Sweetheart likes the cold metal on their warm skin 👀 temp play maybe ooo
First time they do this, Sweetheart gets all (delightfully) flustered when they see Milo wear the chains in public bc it reminds them of that night
Milo running cold rings on their thighs, Sweetheart's leg muscles jolt a little when he moves it near their core, ya know that sensitive skin thats super warm yeah yeah 👀
..... Sweetheart later gives him a hint by wearing a kinda punk aesthetic choker (the leather ones with the circle/shaped bar in the middle) and he catches on quick, when they're home they show him a matching leash
Hes kinda surprised but is like , oh wow 😳 kind of "no way..." surprised
Feel like Sweetheart brought more kinks in the relationship, like things they wanted to try and Milo obviously indulged them
That night Milo tests the waters a bit by, when they reverse ride him, he pulls the leash back to see their head perk up, neck slightly strain up on the tug and uses a hand on their waist to pull them deeper on his cock
Leads to Sweetheart buying one of those restraints that bind the arms behind the back and a choker on the neck, a harness or smth that he can tug on
For someone who can turn literally invisible, they sure like losing their senses (and their mind) in bed with Milo shbskejskd
First time Sweetheart tries to get Milo in bongage, they use one of those ties that bind the wrists so he can't touch them, mid ride he rips them off and takes them right there bc he can't handle not touching them
Sweetheart likes having their face smushed on the bed, tongue out, moaning nonsense while Milo ruins them from behind
Milo absolutely loves seeing Sweetheart's hair all messy after, thinks its very cute and hot
Sweetheart goes crazy over eye contact during sex, so does Milo, he just growls, the knowledge of being watched by his mate WHILE he fucks them makes it all much more hotter
They both are pretty flexible, but Sweetheart is much more, Milo was once trying to position their legs, asking,, "how does this feel?" And they would say, "Lower..." and it led to a mating press with their legs all the way to their ears , gods
Sweetheart just gets a wave of pleasure when Milo spanks them, might be limited spanks but damn , the way they shiver or increase in pitch always catches Milo's attention (MILO THIGH SPANKER ARGAHAHH, ass too but he loves their thighs so much)
You heard me.
B. E. L. T.
Especially Milo's belt.
He used it to hold them in place once, wrapping it around the under of their waist to keep them tight around him (cockwarming jwshsjsh TELL ME THE BOTH OF THEM WOULDNT LOVE THAT)
They love to watch him take off his belt, just the slow process of him painstakingly sliding it off his pants, and then when his pants are off, they let out a strong huff through the nose to not try to suck him through his boxers right then and there
He loves to see their noises turn into blissed-out ecstasy, like they're moaning his name and praises and then minutes later he's got them mumbling gibberish
They like to see this from him too, especially his growls when they roll their hips on him when they're riding in a certain way
Got this boy from groaning to moaning omg, voice breaking grip KSBSJSJ
They love to hear those strong huffs when he's about to cum, talk abt a rush or smth idk
Ok,,, am I done,, who knows
Enjoy 🐺💛
(Milo is best (wolf) boy mwah mwahh)
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internet-sadass · 7 months
Inappropriate Workplace Behaviour (Fox Mulder x female reader)
Blurb: The reason you're leaving Mulder's office looking flushed and dishevelled is because his office is 'stuffy' and needs better ventilation. Yeah, that's definitely the reason. Totally not because you just spent an hour with his head between your thighs.
Warnings: smut, oral sex (female receiving), office sex
A/N: I got a lady boner for Mulder. He’s so fucking pretty with his stupid pretty doe eyes and stupid fluffy brown hair grr. Anyways, I’m now obsessed with X-Files and there’s a chronic lack of good Mulder x reader smut so I wrote it myself because if you want a job done right, you gotta do it yourself. If Mulder is OOC, oops, I’m legit only on s1e5 but I’m already obsessed with him.
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You rocked your hips against Mulder's tongue as he delved it between your puffy folds. Slick already coated his chin, evidence of your past two orgasms. He gripped onto your plush thighs, holding them apart so you wouldn't crush his head when he flicked his tongue over your swollen clit (not that he'd mind dying with his face buried in your cunt). 
The pair of you had been at it for an hour, with Mulder barely letting you recover each time he made you cum onto his awaiting tongue. He was relentless, drawing his tongue along your slit, pressing into your core, sucking and circling your clit with the very tip of his tongue. You were surprised you hadn't torn any of his hair out with how hard you were griping it, using it as leverage to manoeuvre his head in whichever way gave you the most pleasure. Every time you forced Mulder’s head into a new position or pressed yourself down against his tongue, bucking against his face, you heard him moan to himself, clearly getting off on you using him like a sex toy. 
You nearly toppled over when Mulder yanked one of your thighs over his shoulder, opening up your pussy to him so he could do more devious things to it. You planted your palms firmly on his desk, probably messing up whatever collection of paperwork and photocopies of evidence was there when you clenched your hands into fists as he ran his tongue through your folds again. He licked up your creamy arousal, savouring the tart and salty taste of it as it painted his lips like chapstick. 
Drawing back from your sweet cunt for a moment, Mulder caught his breath, plugging your entrance up with his fingers so you wouldn’t start whining, scissoring them inside your silky insides. You let out a drawn-out groan when he curled his fingers inside you in a ‘come hither’ motion, pressing them against your most sensitive spot. He looked up at you, smirking and repeating the action to force you to make a similar sound.
"Lucky no one wants to come down here and visit spooky Mulder, else we’d have to be much subtler and quieter. Well, you’d have to be much quieter."  Mulder said, still smirking as he rubbed your clit nonchalantly with his thumb. You whined, twitching about his fingers as he began to rub slow circles on your sensitive nub.
"E-exc - mmwah oh fuck, Fox! - except Scully. She’s always coming down here." You struggled even to get such a short statement out. It was too hard to focus on words and talking when your cunt was crammed with Mulder’s fingers and he was hell-bent on teasing your aching clit until you came yet again.
He chuckled at your comment, never stopping his assault on your oversensitive hole.
"Yeah, except Scully, so keep an ear out for her so she doesn't catch us, else we’ll never be able to live this down."  He pulled his fingers out of you, sucking your essence off them, pulling them out of his mouth with a pop. 
Settling his head between your thighs, Mulder started lapping at your cunt again, sliding his tongue in as far as he could before moving his attention to your clit. It took no time at all for you to cum once again, grinding so desperately and roughly against Mulder’s mouth and chin that you feared you’d give the poor man whiplash because of how harshly you were moving his head back and forth with your thrusts. You stilled, chest heaving as you panted like a dog, thighs trembling in the aftershock of your final orgasm that afternoon. 
Mulder got up from the floor, casually brushing the bits of carpet fluff off his knees. He was a mess; his hair was sticking out in every direction, his chin was shiny with your spend, his tie loosened, and the top of his shirt unbuttoned. Grabbing his tie, you pulled him in for an appropriately messy kiss. You tasted your fluid on his lips and felt the solid press of his erection against your stomach. You moved your hand to stroke the tent in his trousers.
“Later.” Mulder breathed, breaking the kiss, looking at you with those pretty hazel eyes that made you forget about appropriate workplace behaviour and led you to spread your legs for him that afternoon. “We can play more later. But you and I both have work to do now.”
You nearly walked right into Scully as you left Mulder’s office. She gave you a polite smile, which melted off her face when she noticed your rosy complexion and smeared lipstick.
“Are you alright? You look a bit… dishevelled and flushed.”  She asked.
You froze up for a second, trying to think of a convincing excuse for why you were flushed, dishevelled, and leaving Mulder’s office in such a state.
“Oh, uh, just a bit stuffy in Mulder’s office. Really need to sort out some better ventilation.” You mentally kicked yourself for coming up with such a lame and entirely unconvincing excuse. 
Scully quirked an eyebrow, but you rushed off before she could ask more questions. 
“Mulder, what’s this about your office being stuffy, I always thought it was cold down here-” Scully stared at Mulder, who was hurriedly re-arranging the papers on his desk. He also looked dishevelled, his tie slung low on his neck and his hair all over the place. He turned to face Scully, hastily wiping whatever liquid he had smeared around his mouth.
Although she had many questions, Scully kept them to herself. She’d already connected the dots and didn’t need Mulder or you to confirm her suspicions. 
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house-of-daena · 10 months
I've got an idea, that I hope won't overbear you too much, knowing you're a tad bit stressed now, I wish you the best ❤️ I don't know if I've sent this already or not
Imagine young Zandik — the boy you see every so often, curious about you, freshly enrolled in the akademiya, seen as an outcast by most due to your oni attributes, he, although, as a researcher; found you interesting — thinking about you a lot, even though he saw you twice or thrice, eventually wanting to build up the courage to talk to you, inspect you up close and personal, see every mark on your body.
Thinking about it introduced a whole new feeling to him, he didn't know what it was, but it made him feel weirdly heated. His curiosity, eventually turning into lust, as he thought of all the things he shouldn't. You were so much larger than him, and he had the right to be curious.
He'd love your horns, holding onto them as you pound harshly into him, abusing his hole, your sharp teeth — sharper than his, leaving marks on his yet untouched skin
grr - 💉
BECAUSE. NO YOU'RE SO RIGHT. zandik would be so curious and interested into species he has only seen in books..
it started off with just curiosity, really. your big, long horns, sharp teeth (just like his! although just your canines), big build (does it come with every oni?), sharp claw like nails— he's so fascinated. people shouldn't fear you, those scholars of the akademiya are always so shortsighted with these kind of stuff. they should be curious! to research, an experiment. that's why he approached you in the first place!
oh but then you started making moves on him—grazing your sharp nails across his skin, making him shiver. giving him a toothy grin that shows off your sharp fangs. carrying him to safety in your arms when he accidentally sets off a rogue ruin guard whenever you accompany him in his exploits...
now he cant stop thinking about getting fucked by you.. to grab onto your horns when you suck him off so good it has him arching his back, to let your sharp teeth sink onto his flesh and making him bleed, to let you bend him over, fold his body and pin him down while you fuck him so hard he's seeing stars with your big fat cock 🤒🤒
hehe zandik and his big oni bf that he's obsessed with 😊
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