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corpsebasil · 1 year
Bonnie and Clyde Part 3 / Triple Threat Combination
In which a group of psychos attempts to corrupt the eldest Carpenter sister. (Go read triple threat for better context!! This is my take on Scream 7 pretty much)
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It had been three months since the murders in New York. Three months of plotting, of recovering, and of teaming up with the secret children of Stu Macher, the twisted psychopath that had inspired your own ideas.
Three months since Ethan had stumbled through the front door, bleeding heavily, and you'd done your best to fix him, though you spent more time crying than anything and felt utterly useless. Three months since Matteo, the middle son of Stu's three batshit kids, had stitched up anything he could, insisting he'd had medical training. Ansel, the eldest, had watched the entire process with such a hungry, menacing look that you’d threatened to skin him alive if he looked at Ethan like that again. The youngest daughter, Lola, had watched you with the silent stare of a predator, an amused look on her pretty face.
Just last night you’d gotten into a screaming match with Ansel, one where he’d threatened to cut you up into tiny little pieces and you said you’d feed him to subway rats. Only Matteo had been able to calm the two of you down, the middle brother seemingly the only one with his head not in the clouds.
“You two—” he said, pointing a rather lethal looking sword at you. A sword. You’d felt ridiculously out of your depth when the three children of Stu had shown up with their advanced weaponry, their connection to Ethan something he’d never told you. “need to calm the fuck down. I’m tired of hearing you bitch at each other all the time.”
“Then put your psychotic brother on a fucking leash.” You snapped, glaring at the stupidly handsome guy. You hated to admit it, but all of Stu’s kids were attractive. Even Ansel had a strangely alluring aspect, even if he made you extremely uncomfortable. “I feel like he’s going to stick a knife in me when I’m sleeping.”
“I’d love to stick something in you, Y/N.” Ansel purred, and the sick glint of amusement in his eyes told you exactly what he was thinking of.
“Stay the fuck away from me.” You said, glaring as you finally calmed down enough to set your kitchen knife down on the counter.
“Where’s your pretty boyfriend?” Lola asked, legs crossed as she sat on the couch. You two weren’t particularly chummy with one another, not like you and Quinn had been, but there was a comforting quality in knowing another girl was in on this chaos. “Matteo should check his injuries. See if he’s ready for tomorrow.”
“I think he’s still asleep.” You mumbled, making a wide berth away from Ansel as you headed to your bedroom. He just grinned at you, that feline expression of his giving you goosebumps.
Ethan had been depressed lately, though he was still on board for round two of a Ghostface attack. He was hell bent on avenging Wayne and Quinn, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t also feel an urge to take out Tara and Sam. But Stu’s kids insisted on recruiting Sam, saying they’d kill you and Ethan both if you tried to make any moves on their ‘honorary sister’, Ansel’s words, not yours.
“Baby?” You whispered, entering the room and shutting the door behind you. You could still hear the siblings muttering amongst themselves as you moved to the bed, but ignored them. “Baby are you awake?”
Ethan blinked up at you slowly, his body curled up into a ball in the bed. He licked his lips, eyes staring into nothing before he spoke.
“Yeah.” He mumbled. He sat up slowly and your eyes moved to his bare chest, cringing at the multitude of scars from where he’d been stabbed. “I cant sleep. You guys are loud as fuck.”
“Sorry.” You said, smiling softly as you sat beside him, taking his hand.
He’d had a hard time after his family’s death. The only solace was that you were alive, and that Stu’s kids were there to help. He wasn’t as wary around Ansel as you were, and he’d quickly began to treat Matteo and Lola like they were his own siblings. Perhaps he was trying to fill a void.
“Is Ansel threatening to cut you up again?” He asked, a teasing glint in his eyes as he pulled your hand to his mouth, kissing your knuckles.
The two of you had always been in love, sure, but after he’d almost died he’d been treating you with a brand new tenderness that almost alarmed you. It was like all the hate and rage had left him and the only bits remaining were the soft ones. It was a bit confusing, and more than worrisome. Would he actually be able to go through with killing again?
“He always is.” You sighed, rolling your eyes at his grin. “Honestly, if he threatens me one more time.”
“Give him a chance.”
“I have. He’s insane.”
“We are too, sweetheart.” He smiled wider, and a flash of that familiar dark glint reached his eyes. “Just maybe not…asylum insane.”
You chuckled at that, then jumped when you heard a crashing sound. You stood up and opened the door, walking down the hall to peer in the living-room. Lola was straddling Ansel, shoving a pillow down over his face as he struggled. For a smaller girl she was very strong, and you gaped at the sight before you.
“Matteo, help!” Ansel gasped, struggling for air.
“Don’t help him. Get the pliers. Which is your least favorite fingernail, big bro?” Lola asked, tone wry as Matteo smiled.
“What the hell did he do now?” You asked, amused despite yourself, and he shrugged.
“Asked if the carpets matched the drapes.”
“I’m tired of your shit.” Lola was saying, still in the process of suffocating her own sibling. “Say it again and see what happens.”
“You’re just as—mean as her!” Ansel was gasping, flinging a hand out towards you. Lola gave you a wicked grin, finally letting up.
“Your call, Y/N. Do we execute him?”
“I vote guillotine.” You mused, tapping your chin with a fingernail as you fought back a laugh. “Maybe blunt force trauma?”
“There’s too much insanity in this house.” Matteo sighed, standing up and moving to the front door. “I’m getting Dunkin. Get ready for an all night planning session.” He turned and pointed a finger at the three of you. “I’m serious. If I come back and anyone is injured, I’m going back to Woodsboro by myself.”
You all groaned and complained as Matteo left, but then Lola’s eyes slid to your own as the front door shut. Her smile turned feline as she looked at you, her voice soft and angelic.
“Y/N, sweetheart,” she began, blinking flirtatiously. “Do you think Matteo would be too mad if we turned Ansel into a scarecrow?”
“Hmmm.” You murmured, trying not to laugh as Ansel’s eyes widened. “Probably not. He wouldn’t even recognize him. We could say he panicked and fled town.”
“Hear that, Ansie?” Lola giggled, peering down at her brother as he thrashed. “Y/N wants you dead, too.”
“I’m sick of you both.” Ansel spat, still trying to escape. “You’re both hellions. Absolute heathens.”
“You love us.” Lola grinned, and finally let him go, moving off to step towards you. “Come on.” She said, grabbing your hand. “I’m desperate for a sister. Let’s go do girl shit.”
You laughed as she tugged you towards your room, trying to ignore the pain in your heart that occurred when you thought of Quinn. You smiled at Lola, allowing her to flop down on your bed and open up Netflix, her dark eyes scanning the options.
“Wanna invite your boyfriend?” She asked, eyes darting to yours, and you nodded.
But just as you left the room to get Ethan you jumped; Ansel flew by you, complaining about ‘girls night’ and ‘why am I never invited’ as he dived face first onto the bed. You could still hear Lola screaming with laughter as you finally made it to Ethan’s room, a smile on your face.
I’ve decided this is going to be a serious series LMAO
make sure to comment please guys!!! I love feedback and want your opinions on what should happen later in the series?
Who should die? Chad? Mindy? Tara??? TELL ME
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orion-in-the-stars · 1 year
Okay so I have ✨thoughts✨ about the people of Gotham. If you live with that much crime all over your city, surely you get desensitized to it right? Like someone will get shot and they’ll be like “man I liked that guy. Shame he pissed off the Joker” or whatever. All of Gotham would be unhinged as fuck and you cannot convince me otherwise.
like imagine some of them going on a vacation and something happens, like a robbery, and everyone is crying and all the Gothamites are like “Pshh. Cowards”
The Wayne’s are especially guilty of this fact. Like they’ll be visiting Metropolis or something and everyone screaming and they are just calmly walking away from the situation (only cuz there’s cameras and they can’t change and go help bc that would so sooo obvious). TLDR: Gothamites are the DC Florida Man and I Will Not be convinced otherwise
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scarefox · 6 months
there is more 😅
whatever war they have going on lol
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yilinggusu · 3 months
Rak trying to convince himself and Mut that he won't let Mut into his bed. Mut just ignores Rak as usual and keeps kissing him while completely ignoring Rak's words.
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A few hours later:
Rak has Mut in his bed giving him the time of his life.
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I'm not going to survive this series and we still have 8 episodes left to go and a special episode.
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mage-witha-glock · 8 months
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I swear this gets wilder with every paragraph
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lazybakerart · 5 months
house and wilson keep playing hetero-chicken with each other where no one wins and everyone still thinks they’re gay 😔
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scarytheory · 1 year
"to each other we're boyfriends"
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jaratedeguadalupe · 1 year
idk remus could recite bomb instructions as a love poem and virgil would twirl a strand of his hair and sigh dreamily
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doopn00p · 2 years
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Got a new tablet! so take some crazy doodles about these crazy lads
And my moms drawing
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and-make-it-double · 1 year
absolutely criminal how we didn't get more of unhinged and chaotic Sam and Cas content
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kingofangst · 10 months
Seraph: God, give me the patience to continue these ridiculous endeavors
Isaac: You mean to say God give me the strength
Seraph: If God gave me strength, you'd be dead
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ezralva · 10 months
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The glitched dates of these fics and synopses are too funny for me.
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cheese-ducks · 1 month
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I feel like this implies they had something to do with it
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ellennieel · 2 years
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