mell0wjello · 3 days
𝓒𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝓲𝓽 𝓫𝓮?
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How would the NRC boys fall for their beloved prefect?
! 𝒮𝒸𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒷𝒾𝒶 𝐸𝒹𝒾𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 !
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𝓚𝓪𝓵𝓲𝓶 𝓐𝓵-𝓐𝓼𝓲𝓶
Kalim knew from the start
And he was not ashamed to show it. In fact, it was quite obvious to anyone who knew him
Kalim was generous to all, but the way he invested so much money into restoring Ramshackle dorm and always brought you small (and by no means cheap) gifts to you every time he invited you to Scarabia incited the suspicion of people around him.
Kalim's love language is gifting and quality time! Can you blame him?
Jamil was the first to know.
The night Kalim realized, he went up to Jamil's room and knocked on his door to tell him all about it
His favorite part of you is your smile.
He’d try to take you on carpet rides all the time, and he loved sharing his food with you
He even asked Jamil to teach him how to cook so he could prepare lots of things for you
He really admired how resilient and positive you were against all odds
He wouldn’t formally ask you out, it would be more of an unspoken thing. He’d give you all the signs but it’s up to you if you reciprocate them or not
He’d be veryyy respectful of your boundaries. He’d never force you into something you wouldn’t want
If you never reciprocated back, he would honestly be hurt and a little confused. He’s not very used to rejection, but give him some time. Since there was never anything concrete between you two besides friends, he wouldn’t stop talking to you. He would, however be more silent. He’d watch from afar, but always respect your choice
If you did reciprocate, he’d be ecstatic. You’d notice how he’d become more confident with his advances.
Lots of PDA (As long as you’re comfortable). Hugging, holding hands. Sometimes light kisses on the
He’d tell Jamil all about your dates, practically gushing to him
His favorite spot to kiss is your hand. Backside, frontside, it doesn’t matter to him. He likes how soft it feels against his lips.
His favorite spot to be kissed is on the cheek.
𝓙𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵 𝓥𝓲𝓹𝓮𝓻
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Unlike Kalim, Jamil had no idea what struck him
It started quite softly. Piqued interest in the prefect with soaring grades, despite their lack of magic • Next thing he knows, he’s at Ramshackle dorm, studying with them. Not that he needs a tutor, no, he made that clear. He just wanted to observe.
Now, you were in his kitchen, cooking dinner for Scarabia.
First, your dorm, then his kitchen, and now his thoughts. When did he let you get this close?
Jamil was reluctant at this realization, almost wary and cautious
He had let his guard down around you, and yet, a part of him was completely fine by it
He’d try so hard to put his walls back on, but you were just devoid of any animosity towards him, it was hard to conceal himself
He just couldn’t lie to you. For the first time, he could unravel himself in front of someone and feel safe
It clicked suddenly for him. The fuzzy feeling in his chest was something he was scared to admit
Nobody could really tell. Not even Kalim, although he did notice slight changes in Jamil
Jamils main love language is acts of service and physical touch
He often tries to involve this in his outings with you, for example, going out to buy ingredients from Sam's shop
Jamil is a jealous man, although this isn't very noticeable. No one can tell, but when another guy approaches you to ask for a pen in class (you are the only one who uses magicless pens at school), he is fuming in his head.
Jamil´s favorite part of you are the legs. He loves how elegant and graceful they look as you dance with him
Jamil isn't much of a risk-taker. He's calculating. He'd make sure that you too were on the same page as him before confessing to you. This would be done in an intimate setting, where the both of you are alone and secluded.
If things didn't go as planned for Jamil, he would reasonably be quite upset. Opening up was something he'd never done for anyone, and for that person to not feel the same as him was a harsh blow. He'd gradually grow distant from you afterward. It's his way of re-establishing the walls that you had torn down.
If you felt the same way about him, Jamil would be overjoyed. He'd embrace you in his arms and sigh with relief. The itching feeling at his throat was now gone. You were his, and he was yours.
All of his affection and display of physical touch would happen in private and often manifest into cuddling sessions or sometimes something more intimate.
His favorite spot to kiss you is on your ear. He enjoys knowing you can experience his kisses with two of your senses instead of one, and he even gets to see you flinch from time to time
His favorite spot to be kissed on is the neck. The position you take to reach that spot brings you closer to him and he enjoys feeling your warmth
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jeonghunny · 2 days
— the part where you didn't reject me, yoon jeonghan.
fluff | 806
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jeonghan has been in your life for as long as you can remember.
he was in the playground when you were kids, he was in the school cafeteria in high school and now here he was in the lecture hall next to you in college.
jeonghan was notorious for his playfulness. you’re all too familiar with his constant teasing, the light-hearted back and forth that makes up most of the conversations you have with him and the occasional flirtatious words and actions he’d slip in here and there.
he’s always been a physically affectionate person. holding your hand, giving you cuddles, lots and lots of hugs, placing one hand on the small of your back as he walks you to your classes and pressing fleeting kisses to the top of your head — all platonic of course. or at least that’s what you’d thought.
because that’s just how he is and you don’t want to read too much into it, never allowed yourself to. not wanting to assume anything, too afraid of what the outcome might be once you let yourself fall.
but you’d never let anyone know that you do get flustered on the days where he gets more affectionate than he normally would be.
you’d never let anyone know about the one too many sleepless nights where he’d consume your every thought when you would finally allow yourself to fall.
butterflies forming in the pit of your tummy when he jokingly calls you “babe” and pulls on your hands as he whines and tries to coax you into joining one of his many outrageous bets.
“what’s in it for me?” you question, raising a brow at him.
“i’ll give you a kiss.”
there’s that smirk. the one that makes you wonder if he’s actually being serious or if this is just one of his never-ending jokes.
“who said i wanted your kiss?” you roll your eyes at him and try to pry him off you.
you don’t try too hard though, knowing you’ll miss his touch once he actually does move away from you.
“come on,” he pushes again as he snuggles into your side.
and you give in. of course you do, you always do.
the day everything changed began like any other monday for you.
you went to your classes then headed over to jeonghan’s place to hang out.
laying on the couch with your legs hanging over his thighs, a box of cold pizza on the table before you, you munched on a slice as you searched for something to watch on the tv.
“why aren’t we dating?” he pondered out loud while looking straight ahead at the tv as if the question wasn't even directed at you.
you choked on your food and jeonghan started laughing.
your eyes are wide, mouth hanging open when you turned to him. “excuse me? what did you say?”
“i asked why aren’t we dating?” he repeated with a straight face.
“are you being serious right now?”
he shrugged, expression on his face unchanging. “i mean i like you and i think— no, i know you like me too. so why aren’t we dating?”
“you like me?” your voice suddenly a pitch higher as you sat up.
“mmhmm,” he chuckled slightly then continued chewing on his pizza as if he hadn’t just dropped a bomb on you.
you stayed silent as you tried to process the information and in true jeonghan fashion, he moved onto the next topic, pointing out something silly that was happening on the tv screen.
neither of you brought up the conversation again for the rest of the night.
jeonghan finds himself outside the hall waiting for your last class of the day to end and he jogs toward you when he spots you among the crowd of people exiting the place.
you feel his fingers curl around yours before you even notice him there next to you.
“what are you doing here? you don’t have classes today,” you move your arm to keep the stack of books from falling.
“i’m fulfilling my boyfriend duties,” he reaches over to take the books from you with his free hand.
you squint your eyes at him, “when did you become my boyfriend?”
jeonghan clicks his tongue then sighs, “are you really that forgetful?”
“are you delusional?” you counter, tilting your head.
he shakes his head before looking directly into your eyes with a teasing look on his face, “did you forget last night when we were on my couch?”
“i didn’t forget, but please remind me which part specifically was it that made you my boyfriend?”
and there’s that smirk again. the one you used to despise so much but grew to love. the very same one that makes you question the words that come after.
“the part where you didn’t reject me.”
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starfxkr · 1 day
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𓆉✩°。 ⋆𓆉✩°。 ⋆𓆉✩°。 ⋆𓆉✩°。 ⋆𓆉✩°。 ⋆𓆉✩°。 ⋆𓆉✩°。 ⋆𓆉✩°。
at first jj worried it was too much. she was only turning one it's not like she would remember her first birthday. but neither of you could help yourselves, it was worth it for her shrill little laugh alone.
and there there was a lot of people--just you, him, john b who was lucky enough to be on the island for the whole month, and a handful of cousins from your side of the family. hell even ricky stopped by for a quick second-- but you would think it was the party of the century.
you had managed to find one little patch of grass on the beach, setting up a grill and a little table with snacks and candy and other little treats you spent days preparing in advance, but nothing beat the cake. it was a little cake sure, but jj paid good money for it, the little sea turtle in the middle was surrounded by painstakingly icinged seaweed, and and decorative sea shells all covering a strawberry buttercream cake you both knew your daughter would devour.
currently you hand her tiny hands in yours, letting her splash her chubby feet in the water as her older cousin was trying (and obviously failing) to let you let her swim.
"she can't swim yet she's still a baby! and so are you with your little floaties on!" your words fell on deaf ears as the two kicked and splashed on the shallow end, 2 year age gap be damned.
your stomach growled embarrassingly loud and you sighed in relief when you saw john b making his way towards you, "could you watch her real quick? i'm starving."
"yeah, yeah go ahead i got her, don't be mad if i dunk her in though." he gives you a shit eating smile, barely dodging your smack upside the head as you pass the toddler off, going back on the beach to wrap your arms around jj, who's still manning the grill.
for a few seconds you don't say anything, just burying your face in his sun warmed back and inhaling the smell of his skin before muttering a soft thank you.
"what for? it's just a burger sweet pea not like i'm a michelin star chef over here."
you playfully bite him on the shoulder blade, making him reach around to smack your thigh before passing off the food, "you're such a dick you know what for. i'm just happy she's having fun evevn if we're the only one who'll remember it."
there's a reason you both went all out--neither ever having a fun birthday party if there was ever one at all, you felt no shame about giving your daughter everything you didn't have.
"i just want both my girls to be happy you know that. besides, we gotta hope she makes it to her 2nd cause john b's dangling her by her leg out there."
you're eyes bulge as you turn to see the brunette playfully dipping her in and out of the water.
"john b put my fuckin baby down right now!"
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Age gap!Bruce is so in love with his wife, I’m sure that he believes she can’t do nothing wrog. Like, he’s the type to brag about how amazing she’s to everybody.
I love your writing and this scenario in particular has me very interested bc I think is so original. Usually, I don’t like age gap bc writers tend to make reader a little childlike or with no personality, but age gap!reader is so unique that I love her so much.
I like to imagine one of Bruce’s exes, like Selina (I’m sorry, but I always remember how she left him at the altar. I love her but my heart breaks for Bruce) comes back to Gotham and everything is kinda awkward bc yes, they have this weird off and on relationship (they haven’t seen each other for more than a year), not string attached but serious at the same time. And suddenly, he’s married to a fucking pop-star and actress??
Even a one night stand seeing Bruce “the playboy” marrying reader.
I can see this with anyone who used to be in love or having feelings either for Bruce or reader. “That should be me” by Justin Bieber will be in their spotify wrapped
I think it was the hard launch of the YEAR. Everyone will be so shocked by it that it becomes an iconic and part of Gotham’s pop culture. They did an interview and suddenly, the next thing they knew?? They got married at a private ceremony where only close family and friends knew.
"This is a stunt even for you, Bruce," Lois scolded tapping her foot. "Honestly-"
Bruce held his hands up, "The only reason it's public now is because we got caught in public. She was perfectly happy to be a private thing."
"Bruce," she scoffed giving him a look, "I know she's an adult but still. You're old enough to be her dad-"
"Not unless I was 16 when she was born," Bruce snorted, "she's the same age Dick is. Damian is 9-"
Lois rolled her eyes and took a seat, "So what did your kids say?"
"Over all, they were fine with it. If not happy about it. But Jason had to make a scene about me dating his childhood crush and betraying him all over again for dramatic effect. And Damian had to lecture me about the security risk."
"Naturally," Lois said smiling. "Jon said Damian had a lot to say about it. That's how we heard about it."
This time it was Bruce's turn to roll his eyes. "Be nice to her-"
"Are you kidding?" Lois asked, slightly incredulous.
"Why would I not be? She's Iconic, honestly."
"And better at managing her image than I am," Bruce chuckled.
"Sad, really," Lois observed dryly. "But also impressive."
"No one knows who she dates, where she donates, no one knows her net worth for sure... honestly if she didn't volunteer the information I'm not even sure I'd know her favorite color."
"I'm not surprised," Lois mused, "After watching her get ripped apart a few years ago."
"I don't-"
"You wouldn't," Loid allowed, "You didn't have editors that wanted you to write think pieces about it. And you didn't work in an office that had a betting pool to her inevitable suicide or addiction spiral."
Bruce winced. He didn't remember it. Not directly, but you'd talked about it. It was part of why he agreed to letting you keep things private. You liked keeping things quiet. A separation between your public face and your private one. It fucked you up. And no one protected you. You'd had to handle it alone- Sure, you had your team but that wasn't the same as having PEOPLE to fall back on.
"I'll be nice," Lois assured him, "Just don't be a creep or I'll sic Clark on you later."
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firewasabeast · 2 days
The Ultimate Treasure Hunt
When the opportunity to go on another treasure hunt comes up for the 118, they all join together for the adventure. However, this hunt may be life changing for a certain member of the team.
disclaimer: I have never been to California, so I'm sure a lot of the information here is wrong, although I used google to the best of my ability. Please suspend disbelief (as we do each week while watching 911) and, if you see something wrong... no you didn't. Also, there's a dose of everyone in this fic, but it is mainly bucktommy. You've been warned!
Read below or on ao3 (6.1k words)
“What?!” Buck groaned, exasperated as he cracked open the door.
First, there had been a single knock on the door, which he had gladly ignored in favor of taking Tommy's shirt off.
Then there were three knocks in a row, which caused them to pause, before Tommy continued kissing his way down Buck's chest.
Finally, a rapid and endless succession of knocks had Tommy flopping down beside Buck on the bed, declaring that he gave up.
Buck grumpily grabbed his own shirt off the floor and put it on before heading downstairs.
Which led to now, a sexually frustrated Buck standing at his door with all of his coworkers staring back at him.
Every. Single. One.
Even Ravi.
“Why are you all here?” Buck asked, both confused and annoyed.
“We need to come in.” Bobby sounded serious.
Buck stood straighter, his heart began to race. “Is... Did something happen? Maddie, is she-”
“Maddie's fine,” Chimney interrupted. “She's home with Jee. All good.”
“He's good too,” Eddie answered.
“So we need to come in, Buck,” Hen whined.
“Yeah, you're being really weird, dude.” Eddie pushed his way past the rest of the group, getting closest to the door. “Come on, open up.” He opened the door, ignoring the resistance from Buck on the other side.
Everyone began to filter in, stopping when they noticed Tommy making his way down the stairs, tugging on his shirt.
“Tommy's here!” Hen exclaimed with a knowing smile.
“Yes, he is,” Buck replied. “It's the first time we've had forty-eight off together for almost two weeks.”
Buck had gotten right to it as soon as Tommy opened the door that evening. Tommy had suggested dinner first, but going two weeks without seeing his boyfriend naked made him hungry for something other than baked chicken.
“Hello everyone,” Tommy greeted, giving them a wave.
Chimney smiled. “Good to see you, Buddy!” he exclaimed, wrapping Tommy in a hug. “Solid as ever,” he noted.
“Okay, okay,” Buck pulled on Chimney's arm, “Let's not discuss the solidity of my boyfriend. Why are you all here, and how do I get you all to leave?”
“There's another treasure out there,” Ravi explained, speaking up for the first time since they'd arrived at Buck's door. He handed Buck a piece of paper. “Apparently, we all have to find it together.”
“Hey, if you wanted the treasure all to yourself,” Chimney said, eying Ravi, “you shouldn't have told Cap.”
“I didn't!” Ravi defended. “He read about it over my shoulder at the station.”
“Well, that's just a lesson on being aware of your surroundings,” Buck replied, looking over the paper.
“I'm confused,” Tommy said, “Another treasure? As in, there was one before?”
“There was,” Bobby replied, excited.
“Sort of,” Hen added.
“We were robbed,” Chimney explained.
“I was robbed,” Ravi corrected. “Technically, I found it first.”
“I don't really get what I'm reading,” Buck said, holding out the paper.
Hen grabbed it from him, “Different guy, real treasure,” she explained simply.
“This guy does treasure hunts around the US,” Ravi continued, “You get on a list, and when one comes to your area, you get notified.”
“How do you know this isn't a scam?” Buck asked. “What was found in the other hunts?”
“He posts about these hunts on YouTube, has a pretty big following,” Ravi answered. “I don't know what people have found. Everyone who participates has to sign an NDA.”
Tommy lifted a hand to speak. “But you guys have done this before?” 
“Ugh!” Eddie groaned. “We are wasting so much time. The hunt we did before was different from this one. Buck, please explain to your man so we can go.”
“It was a whole thing,” Buck said dismissively, “we searched for the treasure, showed up to a dead guy's house, were briefly accused of murder, blah, blah, blah.”
Tommy paused before answering. “Okay, I definitely want to circle back to the whole blah blah blah part later on, but yeah... yeah, I'm in.”
Buck's eyes widened. “You... you are?” He asked.
Tommy shrugged. “A treasure hunt sounds fun.”
“Excellent, excellent." Chimney clapped his hands together. “Let's get this show on the road. Grab your coats and shoes, boys, time's wasting.”
“Oh, wait, wait,” Ravi said, pulling something up on his phone and handing it to Tommy. “You both have to sign this.”
“What is it?”
“The NDA. All involved must sign. Once I send it, then we can start.”
Both Tommy and Buck signed, then handed it back to Ravi, who pushed a button that caused a whoosh sound on his phone.
“All good?” Hen questioned.
“All good,” Ravi confirmed. “Let's go.”
“You rented a van?” Buck asked as Bobby slid the rear door open.
“There's a lot of us, Buck. You wanna ride in the bed of an F150?”
They loaded into the van one by one, Ravi calling shotgun since, “it was just supposed to be me”, and Bobby hopped in the driver's seat.
“Where are we even going?” Buck questioned.
Ravi pulled his phone from his pocket. “The first clue says 'LA is very bright, even so at night, but if you'd like to see the stars, come to me- you may even see Mars.'”
When no one spoke up, Buck rolled his eyes. “Come on, guys, that's like the most obvious clue ever. It's gotta be Griffith Observatory.”
“Oh, that's a good catch, Buck,” Hen replied.
Eddie poked at Chimney's shoulder. “I told you we'd need him for something.” 
Bobby put the van in drive. “First stop: Griffith Observatory.”
“This is odd,” Buck said as the pulled up to the observatory parking lot.
“What is?” Chimney asked.
“There's no one here. This place stays open until like ten o'clock, it's usually packed.”
“People can rent it for private tours though,” Ravi suggested. “Maybe someone did that.”
“And what, never showed?” Eddie asked.
Bobby parked the van. "Let's go find out."
They walked up to the observatory entrance, where a piece of paper was taped to the door.
“Come on in,” Hen read. “We've been waiting.”
She glanced back at the group, met mostly with shrugs, before reaching for the door and opening it.
“Lights are on,” Tommy observed.
“Yeah, and no one's home,” Chimney added.
Buck began wandering around, eyes filled with wonder. “This is...”
“Weird,” Ravi said.
“Cool,” Buck corrected. “I, uh, I usually come with Chris on the weekends and it's a madhouse.”
“So, the first clue got us here,” Chimney said, “but did it say anything about where we'd find clue number 2?”
Ravi shrugged. “The first clue is the only one you get sent, the rest we look for.”
Buck walked over to Tommy, who was focused on a display that talked about gamma-ray bursts. “Hey,” he said, wrapping his arm around Tommy's waist.
Tommy smiled at him. “Hey back.”
“Are you really okay with this?” Buck asked. “It's, uh, kinda ridiculous I guess, and was thrown on us out of nowhere.”
“I don't think it's ridiculous,” Tommy replied softly. “It's kinda fun, actually.”
He could see the relief come over Buck. He got like that sometimes, too much in his own head. He'd worry that everything was going to come crashing down. That he'd be too much, or his coworkers- no, his family, would be too much. It didn't matter that they'd been together for close to two years now. That Tommy enjoyed the chaos, enjoyed the friendships and found family. Buck still had those moments, those doubts, and Tommy always found a way to make them disappear.
Tommy took Buck's hand, “Come on,” he said, leading them away from where everyone else was looking around.
“Where are we going?” Buck asked.
“The main attraction, of course.”
As they walked down the hall toward the Zeiss telescope, Buck made a few pitstops at some of the exhibits. He stared at a couple photographs taken from the telescopes, then he looked over at Tommy. “You remember when we brought Jee here last year?” He smiled at the memory.
“How could I forget?” Tommy replied, nudging Buck. “You found my way with children so attractive you asked me to move in with you two days later.”
Buck laughed, but the blush that rose on his cheeks let Tommy know he wasn't far off from the truth. “Actually, I think you found my planetary knowledge so irresistible that you had no choice but to move in with me.”
“That's not not true,” Tommy admitted. He leaned over and gave Buck a peck on the cheek. “Come on, let's go before the rest of the group catches up.”
When they reached the telescope, Buck looked at it like he was a kid staring at unopened Christmas presents.
Tommy let go of his hand, moving it to his back to gently nudge him forward. “Go on,” he encouraged.
Buck cautiously walked up the steps. “I feel like I'm committing a crime.”
“Well, it is highly possible we are. This is sketchy as all hell. Might as well enjoy it before we get formally charged, though.”
“Ha ha.” Buck looked into the telescope, his breath catching at the sight. “I- It's so... It's beautiful. Tommy, you gotta come look.”
Tommy walked up the steps as the rest of the group started filtering into the room. “Wow. That's... wow.”
“I know.”
“Alright, alright, no hovering,” Eddie said, standing at the bottom of the staircase. “We all get turns.”
As they all took turns looking in the telescope, Buck noticed a piece of paper lying on the ground. He walked over to it and picked it up. “Guys!” he called out. “I found the next clue!”
The group circled around him, Bobby leaving the telescope last. “What's it say?”
“It's a menu.”
“Why would a menu be our clue?” Tommy asked.
“It's to the Churro Factory at the LA Zoo.”
Chimney reached over and took the paper. “The Churro Factory has a menu?”
“Well, I've never seen a printed one before, but I know that's it. I- I might get them every time I go,” Buck said, then quickly added, “for Christopher, of course.”
Eddie nodded. “Of course.”
“They don't have much there and, quite frankly, the churros are underrated.”
“He means no one likes them but him,” Tommy explained, rubbing Buck's back.
He was met with a glare that held no true irritation.
“Alright,” Bobby said, “to the zoo!”
Buck reached for Tommy's watch. “The zoo closed like three hours ago.”
“And no one is at the open observatory,” Hen replied. “Make it make sense.”
As they began to leave the room, Buck looked over at the telescope, biting at his bottom lip.
“Go,” Tommy said. “They won't leave without us.”
“How do we just walk into a closed zoo?” Ravi asked as they headed toward the gate.
Hen shrugged. “The same way we walked into the observatory.”
Buck started looking all around, taking note of every security camera he could see. “We're going to end up on national news, aren't we? Group of Firefighters Arrested on Multiple Counts of Breaking and Entering.”
Eddie stared off into the distance, thinking. “I would not do well in prison."
Tommy smirked. “Oh, I think you'd be very well liked.”
For a second, Eddie smiled. “Really?” He asked, mulling it over for a moment before realization hit him. “Wait-”
“Okay, guys,” Bobby interrupted. “No one's going to prison. This has obviously been well planned out and okayed by the establishments we're entering.” He picked up the pace, leading them into the zoo, before mumbling out, “Hopefully.”
Red rope lined the sidewalk of the zoo, leading them directly to the churro stand. While all the other fast food stations were closed and locked up, the Churro Factory was open, with lights on.
Eddie looked down at a paper on the countertop. “Make your favorite, clean your mess.” He shrugged. “I could eat.”
Hen opened the side door to get into the stand. “They left the soft serve machine going. Churros in a warmer. Even have little donut holes.” She picked one up, throwing it over to Buck with a smile. “Since it's your favorite.”
Buck rolled his eyes, but popped the donut in his mouth anyway, moaning at the taste. “I swear, I don't understand how anyone could not love this stuff.”
“Alright, just gotta say I will not be taking orders.” Hen grabbed a cup for the ice cream, “But I will be serving myself first.”
They all fixed themselves a treat, then sat at some nearby tables and benches while they ate.
“You know, I've had a lot of really weird nights,” Buck said to Tommy, licking ice cream off his spoon, “but this one takes the cake.”
Tommy smiled. “In a good way?”
“Mhm. Great way. First the observatory, now this. I don't even care what the treasure is.”
Tommy reached over and stole a bite of Buck's whipped cream. “Great lie, Ev. You totally care about the treasure.”
Buck didn't argue. “Okay, I do. It- It's gotta be good, ya know? All this stuff is so... elaborate. It's gotta be huge.”
“I don't disagree. A little bummed we can't actually see any animals though.”
“Oh, the animals start resting around four-thirty every day, wh- which is why the zoo closes at five. It would totally screw them up if they were out walking around in the viewing areas right now.”
“Are you two plotting ways to steal the treasure and leave the rest of us behind?” Eddie asked, walking over and sitting down next to Buck on the bench.
“Oh we'd take you,” Tommy joked. “Christopher too. Flee the country, somewhere the rest of them would never find us.”
“Yeah,” Buck agreed. “But I'd need Bobby, and he'd need Athena.”
Tommy hummed. “I'd feel bad leaving Chimney behind.”
“Which adds Maddie and Jee.”
Eddie bit off a piece of churro. “Hen's a must. And Karen and the kids.” Tommy and Buck nodded in agreement.
“We'd have to take Ravi,” Buck resigned. “He'd be lost without us.”
Tommy wiped off his mouth with the napkin in his hand. “Well, Evan, I think this effectively spoils all of our plans to run away with the treasure.”
Buck patted his thigh. “Afraid so.”
Once they'd finished their snacks, they began searching for what was needed to clean up. “Found it!” Chimney yelled, pulling out a plastic tub of cleaning supplies. He removed the items one by one until a paper fell flat into the tub. “Explore nature and culture from the inside out,” he read, then lifted the page so everyone could see. “There's a picture of a butterfly on the paper.”
“That's the slogan for the Natural History Museum.” Buck didn't even have to think about it. “They have a butterfly pavilion there.”
“You're on a roll tonight, Buck,” Bobby said with a smile. “No one else stands a chance.”
It took about twenty minutes to get to the Natural History Museum and, just like the previous places, there wasn't another car or person nearby.
“The butterfly pavilion is this way!” Buck waved them in his direction, practically hopping out of the van.
“He's been trying to see this for a couple years now,” Tommy explained to the group, no one able to match Buck's pace. “But it's seasonal and the timing was just never right.”
Hen watched Buck fondly as he opened the museum door and whined at Eddie to hurry up. “He's certainly not wasting the opportunity.”
Everyone was entranced when they got into the pavilion. Thousands of butterflies fluttering around them, some landing on them as they walked around.
“This is so cool,” Buck said in awe, staring at the monarch on his hand.
Tommy couldn't take his eyes off of Buck. “Yeah, it is.”
“It's like... It's like they know me, or something.”
“Who? The butterflies.”
Buck snorted and the butterfly flew away. “No, you buffoon. Whoever set this hunt up. It's basically been everything I love.”
“You're not too far off,” Ravis said, coming up behind them. “The guy who does this does research on the people he chooses for a hunt. I'm constantly hearing about the things you do on your days off, and sometimes tagging along, so...”
“So the hunt is kind of tailored to you?” Buck questioned.
Ravi shrugged. “Us, I think. Oh, I gotta see that yellow one!" He scurried off before he could be asked anymore questions.
Buck reached out a hand for Tommy to take. “Walk with me?”
“This treasure guy really goes all out,” Hen said, watching two butterflies as they did a dance around each other.
“Yeah,” Chimney agreed, “but I haven't seen anything that leads us to our next spot.”
Bobby came up to them, holding a little figurine in his hand. “Because you've been too distracted by these little guys. Look what I found.”
Everyone came over to look, staring at the tiny ferris wheel in Bobby's hand.
“No note?” Ravi asked.
Bobby shook his head. “No note.”
Buck took the ferris wheel from Bobby. “The pier?”
“Sounds good to me.”
Buck looked confused. “It does?”
“Well, doesn't it?”
“I don't know,” Buck looked around, eying each member of the group. “E- Everyone's agreeing with me really quickly and it, uh, it's throwing me off.”
Hen rolled her eyes as she reached behind him and started to push him toward the door. “We're agreeing cause it's obvious, you just suck at letting someone else have a turn.”
“Yeah, and we'd like to sleep sometime tonight, if possible,” Chimney added.
The ride to the pier took longer than expected, and everything was in the middle of closing down as they began their stroll. Buck was surprised that neither of the security guards that passed by them said a word to them and, if he didn't know any better, he'd swear one even nodded in their direction.
“I got cotton candy!” Eddie yelled, and Buck hadn't even realized he had trailed off from the group in the first place. He walked over to Buck, pulled a chunk of the cotton candy out, and handed it to him.
Hen put a hand on her stomach. “Ugh, how can you guys even eat that after the churros?”
Buck would've responded, but he was too busy stuffing the cotton candy in his mouth.
“Popcorn?” Chimney had a huge bag of popcorn in his hands, walking up opposite from where Eddie had come from. When had he disappeared?
“I think we need to go to the ferris wheel,” Bobby said, looking down to where the wheel was still lit up, despite the lights going off everywhere else.
Chimney took a handful of popcorn and shoved it in his mouth before pointing and yelling, “to the wheel!”
When they got to the ferris wheel, the attendant was still there waiting. He let them on in groups of two, Tommy and Buck, Bobby and Ravi, Chimney and Eddie. Hen decided to sit it out, not wanting her churros to make a reappearance that night.
“This is where we said I love you the first time,” Tommy said quietly, snuggling closer to Buck as the wind picked up slightly.
Buck smiled softly, looked over at Tommy and gave him a kiss on his temple. “I remember.”
Buck had taken Tommy on a tour of what he called his “greatest hits” showing him all the spots where some of his biggest personal disasters occurred. They'd gone to the spot the firetruck landed on him, the lot where Bobby and Athena's home once stood- the spot of his pulmonary embolism; where he was struck by lightning, even the outside of Maddie and Chimney's old apartment- where he was basically told he was never actually wanted by his parents, just needed. But it was when they got to the pier, and Buck was in the middle of telling Tommy about losing Christopher, that he realized Tommy had actually listened to all of his stories. He'd asked questions, comforted him when the conversations got rough. Tommy always either had a hand on Buck's back, or he'd link their hands together tightly, so Buck knew he wasn't alone.
Buck had stopped mid story, stared at Tommy like he did the first time they kissed, and when Tommy asked if Buck was okay, he just said it.
“I love you, Tommy.”
He wasn't scared, didn't even care if Tommy said it back. He meant it. More than he'd ever meant it before. He didn't just love him, he was in love with him.
It didn't take long for Tommy to say it back, as soon as he got over the initial shock. “I love you, Evan,” he breathed out, as though he'd been holding it in for far too long, “so much.”
They kissed, giggled and whispered like little schoolchildren, then Tommy had asked Buck to finish his story.
Buck wrapped his arm around Tommy's, the memory leaving him feeling warm against the coolness of the night. “You made that day perfect.”
“You make every day perfect.”
He said it with such ease, like he didn't even have to think about it. Buck knew he should be used to it by now. This wasn't the first time Tommy casually informed him that Buck being in his life made it better. He did it regularly, often in passing, like it was the simplest, most honest thing in the world.
“Really?” Buck questioned once the butterflies in his stomach flew away. “Even the day we moved into our place and I tried to replace the toilet but somehow I ended up flooding the bathroom with neighborhood sewage?”
“Oh God, don't remind me,” Tommy said with a groan, although he couldn't stop himself from grinning. “I still have nightmares about that smell!”
Buck laughed. “That was a disaster.”
“Yeah, and Maddie loved us showing up on her doorstep at midnight with a week's worth of clothes.”
“A true bonding experience.”
“Mhm. Definitely.”
The ride ended too quickly in Buck's opinion, but he knew they had more important things to do.
“Were we supposed to see something up there?” Ravi asked. “Because I got nothing.”
“There was a definitely an arrow in the sky, pointing us toward the east.” Bobby was convinced.
“That was a plane, and it was not pointing us anywhere.”
“While you nerds were going on a ride, I actually talked to the kind attendant over there,” Hen said, pointing to the man who was now closing up the wheel, “and he handed me this.” She held up a paper. “It's coordinates. Two, actually.”
“We're supposed to go to two places?” Chimney asked.
“This is all I got.” Hen handed the paper to Tommy. “Top one's got a drawing of a chopper on it and says 'hope you can fly.'”
Tommy studied it for a moment before speaking. “Okay. Okay, Buck and I will go to the first coordinates, you guys go to the second and we'll call when we get there.”
Chimney put his hands on his hips. “Wait, why do you guys get to go to the chopper?”
“Uh,” Tommy looked around to the group, “do any of you know how to fly a helicopter?”
When no one responded, he nodded. “Thought so.”
“Well, a couple more of us could go with you,” Eddie suggested.
“Some helicopters are two seaters,” Tommy explained, eying Eddie. “Would you like to hang onto the landing skids should the situation arise?”
Buck sighed. “Okay, guys, it- it's obvious I get boyfriend-of-the-pilot privilege, so lets, you know, get moving.”
Once Tommy looked up the coordinates and saw it was only about a ten minute walk away, he and Buck set off on foot while the others took the van.
They arrived at a building that, at the top, had a helipad. “I've landed here a couple times for emergencies. Actually, once was after the tsunami.”
"First of all, show off,” Buck said with a laugh. “Second of all, sometimes I- I still can't believe all the times we were so close to meeting but, just, never did.”
“I know. It kinda sucks to think about, but everything happens when it's supposed to, right?”
“I think we did.”
Sure enough, a chopper was waiting at the helipad. There was a note on the door with another coordinates, stating that coming here was only the first part of the clue. It also mentioned that, should there be any others joining the expedition, they would see them again once they arrived.
“Why don't you shoot Bobby a text,” Tommy suggested as they got seated in the cockpit. “We'll call when we get wherever we're going.”
Tommy put the coordinates on his phone, then did a quick check before getting the chopper up and running.
“It's so beautiful up here,” Buck said, looking all around at the city lit up against the darkness of the night. They'd been in the sky for a while now, and Buck had no idea where they were going, but right now he didn't really care.
Tommy glanced at Buck. “Yeah, it is. Reminds me of when we first met.”
“That was a little less beautiful,” Buck recalled, but he was still grinning from ear to ear. “But, yeah. We've been on a lot of these rides since then.”
“No opportunities for my fake mouth static since the first time though, which is severely disappointing.”
“And it was so good too.”
“Oh, it still is, Evan. Trust me.”
Buck motioned with his hand to encourage Tommy. “Well, please, let's hear it.”
Tommy let out a hesitant breath. “I'm not sure you're ready.”
“I think I can handle it. Come on, hon, give it to me.”
“Okay, okay, but hold onto something cause this is- it's serious.”
Buck dramatically grabbed onto his seatbelt as Tommy cleared his throat and began a round of fake mouth static that had Buck turning down the volume on his headphones.
“Wow,” he said once it was over. “That was...”
“Amazing? Incredible? Earth shattering?”
“Just as terrible as the first time,” Buck laughed out.
“Aye!” Tommy feigned offense. “I literally won an award for that.”
“It, uh, might've had more to do with the rescues, but-”
“Is it though?”
“Well, looky there,” Tommy said, changing the subject as he began to descend, “we have reached our destination.”
They landed in a clearing smack dab in the middle of what looked like nothing but woods. Buck couldn't be sure though, because it was dark all around them.
“I swear, if we get murdered, I'm gonna come back and haunt Ravi,” Buck said as he unbuckled and got out of the helicopter. “Should we, uh, should we call the guys?”
Tommy paused, looking off into the distance. “I see a light this way,” he said, pointing toward a clearing through the woods. “Looks like a path. Let's go look,” he suggested. “We'll call in a minute.”
As they started down the path, small lampposts with flickering lights began to light their way.
“Where are we?” Buck asked with wonder in his voice.
“I think it's a state park.”
They came upon a white bench, which Buck wouldn't have paid much attention to if not for the small, black box sitting on top of it.
“You think it's for us?” he asked.
Tommy nodded. “I'd bet on it.”
Buck picked it up, opening it to find an old looking key. He smiled. “I think we're getting close.”
Tommy grinned back, reaching out for Buck's hand and nodding toward the path. “Let's keep going.”
“It's weird,” Buck said as he moved closer into Tommy's space. He always found himself doing that; he loved being as close to Tommy as he could, and he loved it even more that Tommy loved it. “I've known pretty much all the spots we've gone to tonight, but not this one.”
“Hm,” Tommy hummed. “Yeah, that is weird.”
It got a little brighter as they went on, and eventually they found themselves in a large, open area with tons of brightly blooming plants, and a gently flowing creek with a wide white bridge over it, connecting two separate gardens. Buck would've been fascinated by it, but he was too focused on the fact that he and Tommy were not alone anymore.
The rest of the group was already there, plus a few more. Athena, Karen, and, “Maddie? What are you doing here?”
She shrugged. “Carla came over with Christopher to watch Jee. Chim said something about treasure, and I'm not missing out. ”
Tommy let go of his hand and Buck took a few steps forward. “How- How did you all get here already?”
“We're like a twenty minute drive out of the city, Buck,” Hen told him.
“But... What-”
“Alright, alright, you've got the key, Buckaroo,” Chimney interrupted, snapping toward Buck for him to get on with it. “It's all you.”
Buck hadn't even noticed the treasure chest, set dead center on the bridge. Bobby was closest to it, but he was just standing there, a softness on his face that would have had Buck asking questions if it weren't for the fact they found the treasure!
Buck continued until he reached the chest, then bent down, placing the key into it. He turned it, but paused before opening the box. “So we all agree to share everything that's in here?” He trusted his friends, he really did, but it never hurt to clarify.
Bobby gave his shoulder a squeeze. “I think this one's all for you, kid,” he said before walking over to Athena.
Buck barely heard him. He was already opening the box to see a single ring lying on top of a fluffy, velvet pillow.
This is when realization should have set in. Actually, when he'd think back on it later, there were many times realization should have set in, but it didn't.
Instead, Buck picked up the ring to take a closer look. Black silicone with a red line around the center. “It's a ring,” he said to the group. “And it... it says something on the inside, I think.” He squinted, trying to focus on the words, but the low light from the nearby lampposts wasn't nearly enough.
“Buck,” Maddie was practically pleading, “turn around!”
Groans came from the people all around him.
“Turn around!” Hen echoed.
“For the love of God, Buck!” Eddie yelled.
“Okay, okay!” Buck stood, ring still held between his fingers, and turned around. His breath caught in his throat when he saw Tommy there, kneeling, smiling up at him.
“It says 'to me, you are perfect,'” Tommy began, his voice shaky, but not from nerves. “Which I know is a little cheesy,” he admitted, “but it's true. Evan Buckley, getting to share this life with you for nearly two years now has been my greatest adventure. They say love finds you when you least expect it, and I think I can speak for the both of us when I say ours was a little unexpected. I love you so much. Every part of you. Evan, will you marry me?”
Stunned was too light of a word to use, if you asked Buck. He was frozen in place, mouth hanging open, unable to find words until he heard someone clear their throat behind him.
“You... you did all this for me? Th- the whole treasure hunt?”
“Yeah, yes. Yes, it was for you. For this.”
Buck sucked in a shaky breath, reaching down to hold onto Tommy's shoulders and pull him up. He put his hands on Tommy's cheeks, rubbing his thumbs gently along the scruff, staring into his eyes as his own reddened with tears. He leaned in, pressing his lips gently to Tommy's before deepening the kiss, moving his arms to wrap around Tommy's neck.
After a few seconds, Tommy pulled away slightly, resting his forehead against Buck's. “Is that a yes?” he asked breathlessly.
Buck nodded, sniffling. “Yes,” he said through shaky laughter. “Always, yes.”
They didn't hear the sounds of everyone clapping and cheering as Tommy let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding, “Oh, thank God,” he said, his face scrunching up into a smile. “That could've been really embarrassing.”
Eddie cupped his hands over his mouth. “Put the ring on,” he called out, earning him a smack to the gut from Hen.
Buck laughed. He gave Tommy the ring, who then slid it on his finger. “I've got you one at home,” Buck admitted, using his other hand to wipe tears from his face.
Tommy was taken aback. “You do?”
“Mhm. Bottom drawer of the nightstand, my side of the bed. It says 'True love lasts a lifetime.'”
"I love you so much," Tommy said as he leaned in for another kiss.
"Love you more."
“Can we hug you guys yet?” Karen asked, bouncing slightly with impatience.
They laughed, letting go of one another to get hugs from their family.
When Buck got to Bobby, Bobby held onto him tightly. “I'm so happy for you, kid,” he said quietly, just loud enough for them to hear. “So, unbelievably happy.”
“Thank you, Bobby.” Once they let each other go, Buck asked, "You knew from the beginning, didn't you?”
Bobby nodded. “The second you walked into the hospital room with soot all over your face, I knew we'd end up here,” he said, giving them both a laugh. “You had the biggest smile I think I'd ever seen, and so did he,” Bobby pointed over to Tommy, who was laughing with Hen and Karen. “You're good for each other, Buck.”
Buck had to give Bobby another hug, tears filling his eyes once again. “I love you, Bobby.”
“Love you too, kid. Now, go,” he said, patting Buck's back, “be with your fiancé.”
They all headed to a 24 hour diner after all the congratulations had died down. Eddie immediately started on best man duties for Buck.
“You don't even have to ask. I already have a week's worth of bachelor's parties planned. We're starting with the 70's and working our way through each decade. I've got it all figured out.”
Tommy had already talked to Chimney a few days earlier, asking him to be his best man.
“You're getting beers and a movie marathon,” Chimney informed him.
Tommy breathed a sigh of relief. “I knew I chose correctly.”
After eating too many all-you-can-eat waffles and sharing desserts, everyone gave a final congratulations before heading home.
Buck laid back on the bed, grabbing for Tommy's hand as he tried to catch his breath. He intertwined their hands and rested them on top of his chest, feeling his heart pound as he used his other hand to fiddle with the ring that now had a place on Tommy's finger.
“We're engaged,” Buck sighed into the dimly lit room.
“Would've done it a lot sooner had I known the sex would be that good.” Tommy turned onto his side as Buck laughed. He splayed his right hand over Buck's stomach, stroking up and down gently, giving Buck goosebumps. He pressed a kiss to Buck's bicep. “Did you like your proposal?”
“Like it? God, Tommy, it was... it was perfect. How did you get us into the observatory? The zoo? The history museum?!”
“I know people,” he replied simply.
"Of course you do. And you actually did know about the treasure hunt from before? I don't remember ever telling you about it."
"You didn't. When I went to Eddie about my plan, he told me. Not about the whole murder thing though, so I would actually like more info on that sometime."
"Noted. I- I can't believe you got everyone in on it. They all spent their entire night doing that for me."
"Couldn't have pulled it off without them."
“That makes it even more special.” Buck moved them around until Tommy's head was resting on his chest and he was running his fingers through Tommy's hair, slowly massaging his scalp. “I do have one more question though.”
“Hmm?” Sleep was already starting to take over Tommy. He never lasted long with a scalp massage.
“What was the NDA thing we signed with Ravi?”
“Oh, he was supposed to just send your sister a message saying we were getting started, but he came up with that whole thing himself. Probably should've read the fine print on that.”
“Oh God. It's something he's gonna use against me at work, isn't it?”
Tommy tucked himself in even closer to Buck, his eyes fluttered shut. “Most likely.”
Buck groaned, but didn't let himself stay annoyed for long. That was a worry for another day. Another day where he would clearly state to Ravi that whatever he signed was signed under false pretenses and would never hold up in court!
For now though, he reached up to turn off the lamp before pulling the covers up over him and Tommy. “I love you,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of Tommy's head.
“Love you more,” Tommy muttered back before they fell into a peaceful sleep.
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sometimes people will pay mc to clean/cook for them. all are using it as an excuse to get a scent on you
epel appreciates home cooked meals, don't bother paying for ingredients, just use ones from his farm. he'll keep you company prefect
jade and floyd (who has taken to calling you his Cleaner Shrimpy) jade thinks it's cute to see you cook, he would love to see you swap recipes, learn your taste, do add extra mushrooms to his food please. floyd enjoys following you around while you clean and trying to mess things up so you can't leave. he always make jokes about lockin' you in. what do you meeeeaaannnn you have other clients? maybe he should bite you so they learn to stay away :) maybe he should lock you up right here :)
azul? come work for the mostro lounge! clean up the mess after work, only work for him, he'll pay you double just don't go spend time with others. why don't you start with his office and finish up after people leave. is what he would say if he lost all words the moment he gets to close to you.
jack is just helping a friend >:( don't get the wrong idea just hang out in the room when you're done, he does enjoy your cooking, he knows you'll make a great little mate and a great parent too, he does always compliment the chef.
riddle and vil will critique you but ultimately try to get you to stay
malleus follows you around while you clean all of diasomnia. he pays extra just to not clean savanna claw
sebek yells how you should be grateful to work for malleus, silver ears every meal with a smile and always compliments you and how he can tell you worked hard on it, lilia tries to have a cook off with you. you didn't have the heart to roast his cooking.
leona is used to the women hunting, cooking is almost like that, he'll pay you double is you drop the dragon, he'll say come over to clean but you're just a body pillow lol
ruggie uses those big old puppy dog eyes to get to give him a home cooked meal for free ninety nine.
by the end of it rook just pays to watch you go about your business in his space. it's creepy. but he always does write a 20 page thank you letter complimenting your skills, unless he decides to keep you in his nest ofc
trey wants to swap recipes remarking something about "well fed children", deuce is enamored with your cooking and raves about you to his mom, ace pretends not to care but will just throw his laundry at you for you to do, he tried to pay you in a hoodie of his but you refused to accept. carter says he'll make a post promoting your innovative idea but is trying to keep it to himself, he doesn't want some other stinky guy on you >:(
idia is to shy to ask but ortho has needed this for a while
jamil is thrilled when you too can cook together and try each others food, and you give him a break from cleaning after parties? kalon thinks it's a sign you love him that you offered (and his parents are thrilled to have a human work for him) and jamil gets to hang out with the cute little human and take a break? god send
eventually whoever gets the most from you is OBVIOUSLY a status symbol and will be shown off.
anyway sorry if you didn't like this
Oh, I love this, I talked before about Yuu getting a little cleaning and cooking side business going since a lot of guys suck at taking care of themselves, especially the well-off ones that prob had a maid take care of everything.
Jamil and Ruggie both need breaks/some help. Leona and Kalim are working these poor boys to the bone. Ruggie is def hounding you for leftovers.
I can imagine Idia is kind of embarrassed and might clean up or hide a few things before you come over, doesn't want you thinking he's gross. I'm picturing him in his web looking flustered as he pretends to act all focused on the game his playing on his tablet but he's actually just watching you clean and fueling his house waifu/husbando fantasies.
I would def run a hoodie tax for doing laundry.
Rook is another that would hide the things he doesn't want you to see before you come over to clean, not that there's much for you to do. He's very neat and organized but always looks for an excuse to get you into his nest. Probably offers you extra to scent a few things for him.
Cleaning for Leona...you know those cats that lie on the bed when you're trying to change the sheets and nap on the fresh from the drier clothes? He diffidently does that. He totally keeps trying to get you to only work for him and lays on you so you can't leave, threatening to charge him overtime doesn't deter him in the slightest. He also sticks close when you're cooking, the man loves food and wants to be fed by hand by you.
Oh man, Mal, Silver, and Sebek are so grateful when you take care of the cooking. Seb refuses to admit it though. You really need to keep an eye on everything, or else Lilia will sneak something into what you're making.
With the trouble that Ace and Deuce cause you're probably called to their dorm often to clean up some mess they made.
You would definitely get a lot of extra work from the octo trio, if it's not their rooms you're taking care of then it's help with the lounge. The eels are big-time fans of your cooking, but neither will leave you alone when you are trying to clean, and it makes the jobs take a lot longer. Not too bad if you're charging by the hour at least.
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songsofadelaide · 3 days
HII OMG EVER SINCE I FOUND OUT U TOO WERE A FILO I CANT HELP BUT THINK ABT HOSHINA TAMPUHIN MOMENTS WHERE READER IS EQUAL PARTS FOND AND EXASPERATED 😭😭😭 if its ok to request it i would like to request uhh how reader and hoshina deal with each others tampo moments HAHSHAHA and if possible it ends with fluff and just them being cute tgthr and rllllyyy weird req: u know how u get cuteness aggression…. this but w hoshina and he bites his partner’s cheeks 😭😭 OK BYE
ANON as a playful biter and someone who experiences a lot of gigil this is so cute loool! Here's your reminder to playfully bite your loved ones every once in a while. ✨
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cw: established relationship + playful biting
There were days when it felt like you and the Vice Captain were the only two people in the world. That was true at times, but perhaps the people at base were also getting better at gossiping much more quietly. Today was the former.
With the rookies now assigned to their respective platoons, and with most of them currently off-duty, it truly felt like you and the Vice Captain were the only two people in the world. (In the base, at least.) Your platoon's days off won't be until next week, so you and your crew ran the scene at the base, along with Vice Captain Hoshina, who just happened to be the person in charge at that time.
Everyone at the base knew of your relationship with the Vice Captain, especially your platoon, so they weren't entirely surprised by the pleasant coincidence that he definitely did not orchestrate.
"Vice Captain! You promised you'd have lunch with me today!"
Though if it was supposed to be a coincidence, that didn't sound like the case by the way you irritatedly evaded Soshiro's attempts at cornering you. You were excited all morning but it died out when you found out that the Vice Captain had lunch with your Operations Leaders.
It certainly was a treat for your platoon members to see their usually cool superior play catch and tag with you at the canteen, even though that wasn't exactly what you two were doing at the moment.
"I know you're only saying you already ate because you want me to get off your case!" You stated as you slid to the other end of a long table. "I want you to eat right!"
"But I have been eatin' right!" Soshiro replied as he tried to catch you from another end of another long table. The younger officers paid you no mind as they carried on with their meals, shaking their heads, chuckling and sighing to themselves because it was just another day at work.
"Coffee and sweets aren't a meal!" You shot back at him across the floor, another long table parting you from his reach.
"I said get over here! It's an order!" He paused in his tracks, only for you to be caught off-guard as he slid under the table and grabbed you by the ankle.
"You can't order me around today! Ack!—"
The dull thud as you hit the floor did not arouse any reaction from your officers, and you contemplated if you could even trust them with your life if they weren't even going to do anything about what was happening to you right now.
Then again, they were smart enough to recognise a playful lovers' spat...
The two of you sat on the floor, your Vice Captain holding you in a lock with his arms now, but the way he held you felt more like boyfriend than superior at present.
"There we go. Now that yer seated, we can finally talk."
"You're insufferable!" You squirmed in his arms, only for him to retaliate in a way that wasn't new but was totally unexpected given your current location.
Soshiro sank his teeth into your warm cheek, with just enough force to render you stiff in his embrace. It was a playful and loving little bite that still left a light ring in the shape of his mouth on your embarrassed visage.
"You BIT me! You bit me, you little shi—"
The sound of his tender and pleased laughter reverberated in your chest, the kind that made you forget all about why you were mad in the first place. "Uh-uh. You better watch whatever name you call me, my dearest Platoon Leader."
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✦ Thank you for requesting! Nothing makes me happier than writing a request I know I can work with. 🍹 You can read more about requesting here.
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flusteredmoonn · 3 days
when emma falls in love; james potter
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summary: "when emma falls in love, i know that boy will never be the same," in which she lights up his whole world, and everyone can tell, – the points in james' relationship where everyone can see he was utterly besotted.
tags: (SFW), fluff, drabble??, fast paced, implied gryffindor!reader, implied pre-existing relationship, she/her pronouns, third person y/n.
words: 700+
speak now tracklist. request.
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their relationship had been fairly new. they hadn't even knew one another that long, and everyone was convinced that she was a distraction for the boy, away from his infatuation with lily evans. the relationship was destined to be short lived.
and so the girl didn't get her hopes up.
but she had been having a bad day, and she hadn't seen her boyfriend all day. nor, had she seen her friends, or anyone she could truly reach out to. the girl felt stuck, like she was trapped in a never ending cycle of classes and overcrowded hallways.
until the clocktower had chimed for lunch. she was able to make a swift exit from her current class, and dart toward the openness of the great hall. yes, there would be chatter and she would likely be equally as overwhelmed, but the space wasn't as constricting.
she had reached the hall, stepping through the threshold of the large oak doors. her shoes clicking across the flagstone as a particular group of gryffindors had watched her enter.
"uhm, james.." peter squeaked anxiously, gathering the bespectacled boy's attention rather effectively.
"yeah, pete," the boy brushed off, still picking at the food on his plate.
"is that, uhm, your girlfriend? by the door?" he asked, gesturing with his head in the vague direction of the entryway.
james might as well have given himself whiplash with the haste which the boy turned his head around, a goofy smile dancing on his lips. pushing himself away from the gryffindor table, he bound over to her, a spring in his step as he oozed with excitement.
as he approached, he could see the discontent on her face, his own mirroring her expression in an attempt to locate the cause.
"heya y/n," james excitedly exclaimed, opening his arms to her as he became at arms length. she jumped at the opportunity to hug the boy, resting almost her entire bodyweight on him.
"hey jamie," she mumbled into his shoulder, released an exasperated sigh as they continued their embrace. "are you alright?" he pulled his head away from her slightly, to examine her face, a mild look of annoyance still present on her features.
"yeah, today's just been a lot, sorry jamie," y/n used the nickname once more, which further instilled his worry toward her. he ushered her back to where his friends were situated, putting food on her plate and making sure she ate, deciding to try to unpack her feelings later in the day.
however, once staying in his presence over their lunch period, the girl felt herself relax. and his friends observed as the boy became equally relaxed upon seeing her calm.
rain pattered rhythmically on the cobbled stone pathway as james and his friends began to make their way back to hogwarts castle from hogsmeade. his arm was slung over y/n's shoulders as they dodged the open air underneath the awnings. the boys laughed with one another, referencing several of their inside jokes.
the village was a ghost town, each of the people of hogsmeade were taking refuge in their houses as they waited out the rain. the only people who appeared to be out as the street lamps flicked on were themselves, and other students who had stayed out slightly too late.
the music shop stood across the road. string instruments charmed to softly play a melodic rhythm to match the sound of the rain. y/n began to sway as she walked through the village, matching the beat of the music she played.
stepping away from james, she grabbed his hands, and swung them in time with her swaying.
it didn't take long for james to understand that she was trying to dance to the music, and he removed himself from the conversation with his friends.
he pulled her out from the safety of the awning, and into the pattering of the rain. he moved his hands down to her waist, and clasped her hand with his other, swaying her gently in a slowed waltz. his friends noticed their sudden silence, sharing a laugh amongst themselves for a beat, before continuing their walk back to the castle.
the pair continued dancing with one another romantically, in the rain, the tempo of the charmed music changing to match their rhythm as their surroundings faded away and all he could see was her.
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short one to get back into writing
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shippingmyworld · 2 days
Youtuber!Danny AU
Don't think I have the creative energy to expand this brainworm into an actual fic so ya'll just have to read a wall of text instead.
After a few close encounters where Danny's halfa identity almost gets revealed, Sam suggests the trio start a Youtube channel where they go about investigating all the so called "Ghostly Encounters" around Amity Park. Their goal would be to debunk as many ghost sightings as possible and establish themselves as well-known ghost deniers. After a bit of debate they eventually settle on naming the channel Chasing Phantoms.
Tucker really gets into it and eventually becomes the face of the channel. With Sam's coaching he learns how to play devil's advocate extremely well and figures out exactly how to craft his questions to manipulate people's responses. This way they can make these supposed "witnesses" discredit themselves within just a few minutes; Tucker will make them get worked up, angry, and confused about what they saw and trick the witnesses into making contradicting statements. This way they can throw out the witness statements as shoddy evidence because they're nothing more than a stress-induced hallucinations brought about by a gas leak. (They accidentally lean into the gas leak story a little too much in their early days - Danny uses his ghost powers to safely break piping in the places they're investigate to create evidence to back up their claims - thus triggering a mild panic in the citizens of Amity Park because one town should really not be suffering from this many gas line breaks.)
Sam is the director and editor, and has them film everything like it's in the style of found footage (she got the idea after watching The Blair Witch Project). They’re constantly making the "Looks directly into the camera like they're on The Office" joke whenever they interview someone who claims to have been attacked by a ghost.
Danny is the cameraman for the channel, but never shows his face because every time they tried to filmed him, his eyes would flash green in the lens flare and cause them to have to scrap the footage. He's still pretty chatty and viewers latch onto his sassy and sarcastic nature. They love his one-liners and the top comments of each video are usually just a repost of something witty he said (Sam leans into it and start naming the videos after lines that Danny drops while filming). Fans of the channel are constantly asking him for a face-reveal in the comments section. In fact, there's a whole subset of viewers that are dedicated to figuring out what he looks like. They have a poor quality jpeg file that's passed around and updated whenever a glimpse of Danny's appearance is reflected in a puddle of water or broken glass (which means Sam has to comb over the videos about ten times before they post them to make sure she didn't miss anything while editing).
Any time Danny ends up fighting a ghost and there's a witness, the trio will break into the site of the fight the next day (using Danny's ghost powers off-camera of course) so they can do an overnight stakeout. It always just amounts to the three of them goofing off and finding no evidence whatsoever. They do all the standard ghost hunting stuff but have to fib the data because Danny’s presence alone triggers the EMF reader and if they try and take the room temp anywhere near Danny it’s always like 10 degrees colder.
As time goes on, the channel starts to really kick off as people latch onto their goofy energy and start to get invested. However, they've also made themselves a lot of enemies within the student body at school, as most of their classmates have become discredited witnesses on their channel (with a few unfortunately souls even becoming trending memes for a few days). This also means Jazz learns about it and keeps volunteering to tag along or help out. She even gets Mr. Lancer to recognize the four of them as an official school club (she took initiative and made herself a part of the club AND club president without asking them), which he gladly approves since he doesn't believe in any of this ghost nonsense either.
Jazz is just really happy that there’s finally someone else in the family that is willing to stand up to their crazy parents' belief about ghosts, so she wants to be the supportive older sibling. However, she literally will not give the trio any space to deal with the ACTUAL ghost stuff. There are several pieces of unedited footage that lives on Sam's computer of Jazz showing up unannounced to an overnight stakeout asking Tucker and Sam “Where’s Danny?” and the camera would catch a glimpse of local menace Inviso-Bill getting his butt kicked by Skulker in the distance.
To get her off their back, Danny ends up publishing an hour long video essay about how ghosts ARE real, but that everything happening in Amity Park is just people making up bullshit for attention. He has to really commit to the act at home, but Jazz will eventually drop it and leave the trio to their own devices. This backfires however, as Danny's parents now believe he’s interested in ghost hunting and try to join him as well. Thankfully Danny is able to deter them by suggesting that they should all do their own research and compare notes later. You know, the more data the better, right? However, this means that in addition to his chores, homework, ghost fighting as Danny Phantom, and ghost hunting as Chasing Phantoms, he also now has to peer review his parents work so he's constantly exhausted. Tucker and Sam will usually let him copy their homework when the time crunch becomes really bad, and they will let Danny conk out for a much needed nap whenever the group gets together to brainstorm channel content or edit footage.
Following one of his encounters with Plasmius, Danny decided they should follow up the "Ghosts ARE real" video with a clickbait video titled “Top 10 places in Wisconsin that are ACTUALLY haunted!!!” They make Vlad’s Castle is #1 on the list and offer a reward to anyone that can bring them proof of a ghost haunting. They include a photo of Plasmius (that's been edited to look like bigfoot photos) so that people know what to look for. This means Vlad now has to hire extra security because the video triggers a mass influx of people that are constantly trying to break into his house and find evidence of this ghost for the reward.
Eventually Valerie and her dad end up on Chasing Phantoms as well, but as some of the discredited witnesses. It pisses her off so much that she starts up her own ghost hunting channel, Ghost Hunter Grey. She's constantly discrediting Chasing Phantoms in her videos and is very vocal on social media about how they give actual ghost hunters a bad name. Every time Chasing Phantoms uploads a new video, she stakes out the same place they did and uploads a video of her own a week later that includes all the evidence they clearly missed and a genuine, uncut interview with witnesses. She doesn't reveal her face (because of the reputation Chasing Phantoms has within the school) and uses a voice modifier when she edits her content.
Grey's videos aren’t nearly as popular as Chasing Phantoms content because Valarie tries to keep her videos more grounded in facts and backs everything up with proven science (unlike the trio’s videos which are just a constant barrage of ghost-themed brain-rotting jokes and funny reactions). It only frustrates her more and so she leans into the Popular Kids clique in order to low-key bully them as an act of revenge. 
When the trio catches wind about Ghost Hunter Grey's channel, they will film a fake video and wait the next day to see if someone shows up. Sure enough, Valerie makes an appearance shocking all of them. Sam holds the braincell and say that since they know, they can just be careful and the group shouldn't try and provoke her anymore. Tucker agrees, but Danny has other ideas and starts greifing her as Phantom. At first he will purposefully reveal himself to her when he knows she doesn't have a camera on her, but once he starts getting a little more bold he will start to photo bomb her with the dumbest expressions and just being an overall annoyance. It basically boils down to him doing shit like saying "Nobody will ever believe you." or "It's been five years, you have to let me go." before slowly turning invisible and flying away.
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Hello, there’s a lot of questions, so to keep from cluttering the blog I’ll answer here before I go to sleep. If there's more I'll answer in the morning.
Does the friend group go on Tumblr or know people stalk their filmandfrendz account?
Yes they are on here (i'm probably gonna get jumped lol). And yes they know people are watching, they love the attention.
does sammy keep her account private for her sake or does the hughes tell her to and she wants her account to be public?
It's a personal choice, she doesn't want hate or harassment from people.
How do they fight exactly lmfao
idk what you mean by this question, but mainly over the phone unless they're together. Idk they yell at each other a good bit.
Wait so Jack doesn’t give a shit that Sammy did that to his brother?? Wow could you tell us more anon on why he doesn’t and isn’t weirded out if you do know! 
I love Jack to death, I truly do, but bro doesn't use his head unless it involves hockey. I do want to say in Jack's defense, when Luke would tell people about Sammy he never referred to her by name, my ex and I only knew bc we witnessed it. He didn't confirm it was Sammy until like January, but by then Jack was so smitten with Sammy he didn't care. I think it's weird as well and a lot of people in that circle do too, but Jack's mental health was really bad last season so that's why people are being more careful with criticizing their relationship bc despite her faults, she was really there for him during injuries and bad games.
I have to ask, anon. Why does he compare get to an owl lol? 
Because Sammy looks like one, that's about it.
hello knowledgeable anon! ik you can't send proof, however may i ask a question that could prove you do generally know the boys? associates of jack would know, but what was he getting up to in PA in may 2021? yes this is a test lol. not to expose him fully bc I know this isn't really public, so you can put it in vague terms.
Bad bad boy did bad bad thing while being a behind a vroom vroom ( i cannot give specfics or i'll get jumped or sued his team lurks here and they'll know it was me). The only thing I will say specifically is that he didn't do anything that was insanely illegal, like behind bars level. He's just an idiot (i say lovingly).
Secondly, do you know if Luke is seeing anyone right now? One anon said they spotted Luke in Michigan holding hands with a brunette but he’s still following girls on Instagram so idk 
Last I heard he was texting a few girls (i felt like a proud mom) but I don't think he's particularly seeing anyone yet.
What does not serious mean? Like they aren't dating but are exclusive? Or does it mean moving in together, marriage, etc?
Like moving in, possibly getting married in the future etc. They are exclusive.
To the anon with all the tea, is Jack actually 5’9? Cause he always looks really short, but I know he’s listed at just under 6’0
Well brother would look 5'11 if he ever learned how to stand up straight and quit bending his knees when he stands. But I think he's actually like 5'10 1/2 or 1/4 idk somewhere around that.
Were they always toxic or did this start a couple months ago? they seemed so happy at the family skate like he kept looking back and smiling at her.. it could be for show who knows
this is fairly recent, ever since they've been doing long distance.
I am not saying this against anon. So if Jack and Sammy are super volatile, she hasn't visited him after surgery, they blew each other off in NY etc, how did her joining him at the lakehouse/concert come about? Like they had an argument months in the making, hooked up, and suddenly he was like "yo you want hang out in Michigan for a few days?" I have minimal experience with situationships, but just the thought feels exhausting and peculiar.
Their relationship wasn't toxic in the beginning, that's a new development. Jack had a really rough season and his mental health was really low at a lot of points because of that and Quinn and Luke having good seasons. Sammy isn't a good person, but she was there for him when he was injured and when he had rough games. I think Jack is holding onto those good times and really looking through rose colored glasses when it comes to the toxicity of it all. He really thinks their problems stem from long distance so her being there will fix everything.
What did Olivia think of Sammy?
Olivia is a sweetheart, so she probably liked Sammy. Sammy is nice to people she deems important, so she was probably nice to her bf's brother's gf.
Thank you anon
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mortalityplays · 3 days
I'm not sure exactly how to word this so I'm just going to start typing and we'll all see what happens. cis women often talk about how watching trans women joyfully embrace womanhood helped them find the vocabulary and confidence to better love and celebrate their own experience of gender. and in a bizarre way, seeing that was itself a huge part of finally clicking the missing piece of my own gender into my head. because all of my life, the cis women around me had tried to welcome me into those same celebrations.
I was always masc leaning and surrounded by alt types, and even in that context various friends would try to perform the rituals with me. do my hair, do my nails, mutually dress and groom, interweave our social lives, a thousand tiny intimacies. and while it was never that the styling felt wrong, or that I didn't appreciate the community (I miss it, god I fucking miss it), there was an unspoken, underlying, extremely kind mutual reinforcement going on: you're like me and I'm like you, we're doing this together. There was a way of being in the world that was extended to me that I LIKED, but that felt like I was wearing someone else's coat.
Seeing trans women flourish in all the kind interpersonal spaces that made me feel like an actor failing an audition was a lot like the moment in my teens when I realised OH. NOT EVERYONE is fundamentally bisexual. There IS a way of being in the world where all those things people keep saying are true and make sense. And knowing that, I can suddenly parse the borders of who I am. It helped me clear the fog of war and see the fullness of womanhood, so that I could finally, finally figure out where I lived in relation to it. And I'm so grateful.
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peachhcs · 6 hours
high school signing day | the wonder years
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
samy's feeling lost with her college decision, so she looks to the three people she admires the most.
1.5k words
this is totally not samy and will, but this was requested!! there's like a little small bit of angst, but only if you squint. btw i'm not 100% sure how high school signing days work bc my school never had them really, so i just guesses lol
au masterlist
the hughes sibling group chat burned into samy's skull while her thumb hung over the facetime button wondering if she should call them or just figure it out on her own. she hated bothering them, especially if they were out doing something because who wanted their younger sister bugging them when they were hanging out with friends?
that felt like the worst part about all of this. samy was the last one left out of her brothers. all of them were on their own now and while luke was still in michigan, it felt like he wasn't a lot of the time because of him being busy with college. the connection the four of them once shared slowly dissipated despite the promise they all made before quinn went to college.
"i promise we'll still talk everyday. we can't get rid of each other that easily. we're family," quinn glanced between his siblings as they stood in his freshly decorated dorm room.
"yeah, promise. we're all still in michigan, so we're not even that far away," jack had said with a slight eye roll. he wasn't as emotional as luke and samy were about their oldest brother leaving home.
talking everyday slowly turned to texting everyday which turned into twice a week if samy was lucky. she knew their lives would start becoming more important than texting the groupchat everyday, but when one of the most important things was hanging in the balance of samy's life, she wasn't quite sure if she could bring herself to call the three people who had been there for her entire life.
"just call them," samy muttered to herself.
somewhere, she gained some courage and clicked the facetime button where her screen split into four boxes waiting for them to pick up. her lip slipped between her teeth as she anxiously hoped one of them would answer.
luke connected first.
his face appeared with a small smile while samy watched him stick his airpods into his ears and walk somewhere which definitely meant she interrupted him from something.
"what's up?" the older boy wondered.
"hi, sorry. am i interrupting something?" the girl immediately asked.
"oh, no. i was just playing video games with some of the guys," luke shook his head, relieving some of the worries in the girl's chest.
quinn's square connected a second later. he looked quite comfortable in what must've been his apartment couch. "hi, what's up guys?"
"hi quinny," samy hummed, smiling at her oldest brother.
"hey squirt," quinn's little nickname made samy chuckle.
finally, jack joined the call from his new jersey apartment. he waved to the group, "whole gang is here. what's up?" the middle hughes wondered while their gazes fell to samy since she started the call.
"hi, i just wanted to talk if you guys aren't busy?" samy wondered.
"sure, what's up? is something wrong?" quinn's protective older brother instinct kicked in almost instantly making the girl smile a bit.
"no, not..not really. i'm just..thinking a lot lately with..signing day coming up," the younger brunette explained making her brothers quickly understand.
"oh right, mom mentioned that. have you picked a school yet?" jack asked.
"uh, that's the problem. i-i don't really know," samy frowned.
she'd been back and forth between michigan and boston for weeks now. both of them were such great schools and amazing soccer programs, she didn't know how to pick one. if she went to michigan, she'd continue her brother's legacy, but if she went to boston, she'd get to stick close to will and the guys she's grown so close over the last two years.
"what's got you stumped?" luke raised his eyebrow.
"i-i don't really know. they're both such good schools. i feel like i'm gonna let people down no matter which one i choose," the girl sighed a bit.
"wait, who are letting down? mom and dad?" jack grew confused.
"well, yeah, if i don't go to michigan and you guys in a way and i let down will and the guys if i don't choose boston," samy sunk down into her bed.
"wait, no, no, you're not gonna let us down if you don't go to michigan. you know that, right?" luke quickly cut in.
"i-i mean.. yeah," samy's voice grew quiet.
"we don't care where you go, samy. as long as you're happy that's all that counts. would it be awesome if you came to umich? yeah. my heart wouldn't be broken if you chose boston though. plus, i know mom and dad will be happy for you no matter what?" luke quickly reassured his sister, but she only shrugged.
"i just feel so..lost, i guess. i mean how did you guys even choose?" she mostly asked quinn and luke since jack didn't go to college.
"quinn sort of influenced my decision, but i guess i just loved the atmosphere michigan brought. it's like home to me. you just gotta choose where you most feel at home," luke hummed.
"if that's boston, that's great. if it's still here, that's also great. no one's gonna hate you if you choose one or the other," quinn added in.
a little smile danced across the girl's lips. "yeah, i guess you're right. maybe i'm a homebody, but michigan will always feel like home to me."
large smiles grew across her brother's lips hearing her say that. they would've been happy wherever samy ended up, but all of them were secretly hoping she'd land on michigan.
"you guys sure you can't come out for my signing day?" samy asked half joking, half not. she was mostly asking quinn and jack since luke would most definitely be there living so close to home.
"sorry, squirt. i'm not sure if i can get the time off," quinn frowned.
"yeah, me neither, but we'll be there in spirit. maybe mom can facetime us in!" jack exclaimed, trying to lighten the mood.
facetime us in. that phrase was common in the household nowadays. there were a lot of things samy's brothers have missed because of their obligations which she completely understood, but sometimes it hurt. she never once missed any of brothers most important days, yet they seemed to have missed nearly all of hers.
not to mention, facetime calls got old really fast.
"that's okay. i'll think of you. i better let you guys go though. thanks for talking," samy put on her best smile despite the pit in her stomach.
"of course. anytime, squirt. love you," quinn said while jack and luke echoed his sentiments. samy hung up first leaving the other three still on the call.
"are you guys for real not coming down?" luke wondered, tone somewhat bitter but not quite.
"i mean..i would if i could, but with a game coming up i just don't know if i can swing it," jack began.
"come on, she's been there for us our entire lives. she's been dragged to more of our shit than us to hers. the least we could do is be there for her for once," luke didn't mean to sound so angry, but he couldn't help it because he too was one of the forgotten siblings jack and quinn slowly stopped showing up for when they left the house.
quinn and jack's expressions fell soft and it seemed to ebe decided then as texts and calls were quickly sent.
samy sat at the table with her parents making up the last of the display. they all sported the infamous blue and yellow colors along with a banner laid over the table saying university of michigan. the decision seemed so easy after that conversation with her brothers and samy was glad.
she spotted will, gabe, ryan, drew, aram, jacob, and will vote up in the gymnasium stands watching down with proud smiles on their faces. sure, it hurt that they'd be separated in the fall, but the brunette knew they were all extremely proud of her.
samy's eyes weren't on the doors that opened a few seconds later with three very special guests walking in. instead, she watched her mom fix more things on the table that she also didn't catch her dad recording her.
"i'm glad we have another baby wolf in the family," quinn spoke first, instantly catching samy's attention.
she probably gave herself whiplash with how fast her head swiveled around to meet all three of her brother's gazes.
"o-oh my god. what are you guys doing here?" the girl exclaimed, jumping up to collect them into hugs.
"you'd really think we'd miss something like this?" jack laughed, nuzzling his head into his sister's head.
"i'm really glad you guys are here," samy grinned.
"wouldn't miss this for the world," quinn beamed as well.
after the hugs and reuinions, the entire family crowded around samy's table as she got the paper ready alongside the woman's soccer coach. her high school coach also stood behind her while the photographer got ready for the big moment.
they staged a handshake pose before samy began signing her name across the paper, beginning her contact with the ncaa.
"samy hughes, university of michigan women's soccer!"
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fandomworld9728 · 2 days
I might have an au idea...
Lucifer is ruling hell solo because Lilith isn't around to rule with him(Either she's dead or she just straight up disappeared) and thanks to that situation Charlie isn't born(YET). One day he met up with a certain TV head upcoming overlord who just experienced a heartbreak from a certain demon ended up becoming quick friends with him but then A certain Radio Demon started to take notice on Lucifer and started have flash if visions from when he was alive when he's near the king and A certain Exorcist Leader started spying on the king for some unknown reasons and now the three have to settle this complicated situation themselves or else it would harm the king
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(Oh wow... that is AMAZING! Excuse me while I write a quick sample piece based off of this-)
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Shit. Shit shit shit! Vox wasn't sure if he was lucky or being taunted at this point. What were the chances that his heart had been soothed just as quick as it had been broken? And by the King of Hell of all people?
How did the Overlord get himself into this mess you ask? Well, it was very simple. Vox had decided the best way to nurse heartache was to drown his sorrows in lots and lots of whiskey. So, he had allowed Val and Velvette to drag him to some upscale bar that the rich and famous of Hell came to get fucked up.
Honestly, he wasn't sure how they had managed to get in here. The Vees were powerful but fuck. They weren't even on the same level as most of the demons in that place. But he wasn't about to question it. He came there to get wasted not to think. That's how he found himself four drinks in and a beautiful blonde man next to him on the bar stools.
Vox knew he was out of this guy's league; however, he was just drunk and desperate enough to try his luck.
"What's a beautiful thing like you doing all alone?"
He realized his mistake all too soon. As soon as those words left his mouth and the demon turned to face him, it was like someone dumped a bucket of ice water on him.
"Y-Your Majesty! Apologies. I-I'm just-"
"Drunk and depressed? Me too."
While the TV Demon had been scared stiff and tried to stutter out an apology, Lucifer, the King of Hell, had just shrugged it off like it was nothing. And seemed able to read Vox like an open book.
Was it that obvious? Or was it because they were in a similar mood? If he was honest with himself, it was probably a bit of both. Well, he wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Not getting in trouble for shamelessly flirting with the King of Hell and getting to look at the gorgeous creature next to him. Vox was gonna enjoy every moment of it.
His drunk addled thought it would be fun to push his luck. That's how he found himself discussing how they both ended up depression drinking. It seemed like they were in the same boat in a way.
While Vox had been trying to dull the pain of rejection, Lucifer (he can't believe he gets to call Hell's King by his actual name!) was there to try and forget for a night about the Queen's passing. That had happened long before Vox had even appeared in Hell, so it was quite a surprise to say the least.
From there, the two ended up talking about their special interests instead. The Overlord ended up spilling on how much he loved technology, especially TVs, and sharks. While Lucifer wasn't a fan of TV in general, he wasn't opposed to watching it every now and then. However, his face lit up with excitement at the mention of sharks.
Come to find out, the fallen angel was a lover of all animals. Though, his favorite were birds. Specifically, ducks. Vox wasn't sure why ducks and he meant to ask. But he didn't wanna stop him when he was just so adorable gushing about the waterfowl. If he ever got the chance to talk to the smaller man again, he'd make sure to ask.
What happened next, Vox wasn't sure how it happened. One moment the two of them were sitting, drinking, and enjoying just talking. The next moment, they were back at The Vee Tower. On Vox's floor. Sitting on the ledge to the opening to his shark tank.
The way his sharks had warmed up so quickly to Lucifer, and how excited and affection he was made something warm bloom in Vox's chest. His night wasn't going as planned but this was better than whatever his plan had originally been.
He had lost track of time and before he knew it, he was waking up in his bed. With Lucifer getting ready for the day and turning to greet him with a smile and a soft good morning.
Had he... slept here? The spot next to the sinner was still warm so yes. The King of Hell had slept over. In his bed. Right next to him. Why? Why did he stay? When Vox finally got over his shocked and asked him, he was surprised and touched by the answer.
"You seemed... like you didn't want to be alone. Like, you needed someone to just exist next to you. I know that feeling all too well."
Lucifer had left hours ago, after being so kind as to summon up some coffee and painkillers for his hang over. Seriously, this guy was too kind for being the man who cursed all humanity. Vox had yet to get up.
He just laid there, replaying that night and morning in his head. He was completely and utterly fucked.
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Things were touch and go since his almost defeat by Vox. Alastor had been hiding away in the shadows until he had enough strength to properly defend himself again. It seemed his patience was rewarded.
When he finally came from the shadows, still heavily injured and dying, an angel appeared in front of him. Literally. The first ever fallen angel stood before him.
"You look like shit."
"Oh, really? I hadn't noticed, sire."
Alastor knew it was a gamble speaking to the King of Hell like that, but he was never good at holding his tongue in situations like this. His temper was short, and he was already dying. The worst that could happen was the king speeding up the progress.
However, it seemed he was more amused then angered by the Overlord's sarcastic comment. Kneeling down in front of the sinner, the fallen angel discarded his jacket and pushed up the sleeves of his shirt.
Was he going to help him? What would someone as powerful as Lucifer Morningstar gain from saving a sinner like him? And how could Alastor even repay him for this? It would be a life debt and he hated being indebted to anyone.
The smaller man hadn't even touched him yet (not like Alastor was going to let him) and he already seemed concerned about his state. Biting into his own wrist, the king held out his arm to him, golden blood shimmering and running down his hand. Dripping onto the ground from his claws.
This seemed.... familiar. Had this happened to him before? No. There's no way. Right...? However, Alastor could have sworn his reality had glitched for a moment or two.
For a brief moment, Alastor could swear that he was back in New Orleans. Sitting in a dirty alleyway he knew very well. A fuzzy image of someone crouched down in front of him with their arm outstretch to him.
"Hey. You need to drink this or else you'll die. Now isn't the time to zone out."
And drink from the king he did. Alastor would be a fool to let an opportunity like this slip by. After that, the sinner had been left all alone.
That blood had healed him right up and he was back to his old self in no time. Though he thought it wise to keep a low profile for the time being. Especially with being indebted to Lucifer Morningstar of all demons.
Alastor waited and waited for days, months, years for that debt to be collected. However, the devil never graced the deer demon with his presence. It left him feeling antsy.
How was he supposed to deal with this? It's not like he could just show up on the king's doorstep and demand for the fallen angel to let him prepay him for saving his life. Or could he?
That's how Alastor found himself watching the smaller demon. The more he watched him, the more fascinated (obsessed) he became.
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Adam didn't know when or he started doing this, but fuck, he couldn't stop. Sitting in his office alone, the first man was using his magic to spy on the man who made his living life a nightmare.
That little wife stealing motherfucker. If anyone asked, he just claimed it was for research purposes only. To help with the Exterminations. There were a couple of angels who didn't buy it, but it wasn't really an issue.
Lute, his partner in crime kept her comments to herself for the most part. Only speaking up if he spent too long watching the fallen angel or he let what he was viewing effect his mood and/or work.
Emily, the adorable Seraphim who reminded him way too much of pre-fall Lucifer, kept insisting that he care about the demon. Pfft! Please! As if! Then she had the crazy idea that Adam had a crush on Lucifer! Yeah right! There was no way!
And Sera. All she did was give him these looks and shake her head like she was disappointed in him. Judgmental bitch. Who cared what she thought anyways?
So what if Adam spent most of his free time watching over the loser? So what if seeing him all alone and sad stopped being funny and made the first man feel bad for the fallen angel?
Fuck. This could not be happening to him.
(Okay so I may have gone a little overboard with it XD )
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seramilla · 10 hours
So Human AU I assume a lot the other parents and school staff look down on Sera. It's a private school and they are clearly here on scholarship after Sera. Plus some notice Sera's age and Emily's age and not realizing Sera is a sister assume Emily is the consequences her being irresponsible when she was a young adult. Carmilla doesn't like this and spends a lot of time defending her from them and trying to get her to stand up for herself. Maybe one day when someone says that Sera should have keep her legs close Sera says that actually Emily is her sister and there parents died. Which quickly shuts them up.
Emily is gifted for her age, and was accepted to a private school under a scholarship. She's one of the few children there whose parents didn't buy their way in, and since Sera has no prior reputation or money in their community, no one really knows what she's like. She doesn't normally come to parent-teacher functions unless required, and she's not at all involved with the politics and fancy fundraisers most of the parents attend. She's sort of an enigma to the other parents.
Rumors spread quickly about Emily's introverted "guardian." Some people say Sera is a young mother who had Emily very young. Others question whether Emily is hers at all. Carmilla listens to all of this rhetoric going on behind the scenes, and it doesn't take long for the gossip to reach a boiling point. The next time she hears some snobby parent talking about Sera keeping her legs closed, Carmilla snaps, berating the group of parents for gossiping like teenagers. They are adults, and should know better!
Some of the gossip is even trickling down to the kids, and when one of her classmates teases Emily, and calls Sera some not-so-nice words, Emily turns on her heels to face her, staring up at the girl who is several inches taller than she is. She wants to kick the girl in the shins, or somewhere else unpleasant, but Sera has taught her better. Instead, she says, "My mommy is dead! So is my daddy! Sera is my sister! The best sister in the world! At least she loves me!"
The other child shuts up immediately. Several other kids watch as Emily stomps away, making her way toward the bathroom, where she can be upset in peace. Other girls in Emily's class give the bully a sour look, and a few even follow after Emily, to make sure she's okay. People start leaving both Emily and Sera alone after this, much to Carmilla's relief. She's proud of Emily for standing up for herself. Carmilla wonders if Sera knows how brave her little sister is.
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I agree with you. The people who have problems with byler having sex are the younger fans. It has nothing to do with sexuality or gender. They are always calling people pedophiles for liking "their teen ship." It doesn't belong to them. I know many people have said this, but I think Will and Mike are meant to give a coming-of-age to people who never got one in the 80s. I think teens today have a hard time relating to it. Which may be part of the reason they are uncomfortable when people talk about it being groundbreaking. It's also noteworthy that no one gives a fuck when people were talking about mileven having sex at 14. A thing that was far more problematic for a lot of reasons. But byler having sex when they are older and emotionally mature is an issue for people. Adults tend to be more mature about sex. But this fandom in particular has been crazy to witness. The younger fans don't really get how to act in a fandom in general. They get upset if people have crack ships or do anything that isn't strictly canon. They get upset if someone has a theory that goes against what they like. They get upset if anyone actually has a background in a topic and knows more than them (i.e. there used to be a lot of people here who studied film and talked about that. At least up until a lot of younger people got upset they were proving their theories wrong. Then they got attacked for it.)
Being freaked out by sex falls in line with the rest of their behavior. Which is odd considering how many porn bots Tumblr has. You'd think they'd be more comfortable with it. But the people who are discussing spicy byler stuff are doing totally normal fandom things and I personally haven't witnessed anyone being creepy about this. So the outrage is (what a shock) out of proportion to the discussion that people are having about it. I think with this fandom in particular, there may have been more gay men in it at one point, but so many people have left now due to the hostility. I know Will means a lot to them so it's a shame if this is true. But I've seen a lot of homophobia coming from young people as well. Especially directed at Noah. It's possible they just left because they didn't want to listen to it anymore. I also thought it was funny and really odd that that one ask specifically mentioned lesbians being uncomfortable with byler having sex. WHY? No one is forcing them to have sex with a man if they watch it! It won't make them straight. People tend to like sex in general regardless of their own orientation. I'm sure there are lesbians around here who support the ship and the rep it brings and want it to be a good story too.
I don't have much more to add but this is a very good read on the current fandom culture in general!!
My hope moving forward is that well-adjusted and mature, level-headed fans just trying to have a good time exploring all a fandom/ship offers can find their people and seek out these little circles until the greater fandom changes as time moves forward, don't engage with contentious people who are probably teens ill-equipped to handle the world outside their own perspective yet, and keep speaking up against any hatred. Wish I'd done that in the past but, well. Here I am now. Continuously crossing my fingers for change on the horizon 🤞🤞🤞
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rileyh20 · 2 days
Pls, if you so kindly will, share some of your HCs?
Hello! Since ya didn't specify I will add all the HCs I have at the moment.
(I have not worked on them in a bit cuz of stuff, and I don't have that many yet)
Ponyboy Curtis:
A pyromantic, he loves fire (Until the church shit)
Has a fucking terrifying glare, but only actually glares at people when they wake him up (His poor brothers)
Should not be left alone around a stack of books (He’ll read them all in like two hours)
A really fast reader, but he reads the book over and over again to the point he basically memorizes it
Major third wheel, doesn’t matter if the ship is Jally, or Stevepop, or something else, he’s just a third wheel at heart
Definitely reads the book before he watches the movie 
Sometimes when he wants to write he just can’t, so he does other things instead, but once he’s in the zone, he’ll write for hours without hearing anything around him (He’s just like me fr)
Sarcastic and sassy af sometimes (Because I want him to be, no other reason)
He likes grandma hobbies (You know what I’m talking about, the knitting, sewing kinds of stuff, crafting thingies)
He would be the kind of person who helps you get your locker unstuck when you are either too scared to ask a strong person, or you don’t want your locker beaten into scraps when you could just ask Ponyboy
Cooks sometimes, he ain’t the best, but he isn’t terrible at it (He especially does it if Darry looks like he had a long day)
Sometimes he’s the only person able to stop Sodapop from putting food dye into the food (Especially if Darry is the one cooking)
Sorry y’all, but autistic Ponyboy is what I got for you guys 
Sodapop Curtis:
Gets lots of tips from women (Shares it with Steve sometimes)
Tries to understand why Ponyboy likes books so much, but honestly does not get him crying over them (He’s trying his best guys)
He was a MAJOR biter as a kid, like for no reason, just CHOMP
Has ADHD and absolutely NO ONE can tell me otherwise (Don’t even try)
Genuinely loved Sandy, and was so heartbroken when she broke up with him (Kinda canon?)
Darrel "Darry" Jr. Curtis:
Cries when needs to sign parent approval forms for Ponyboy, but if someone’s close by he tries to hold it in
Has a favorite book, it’s one his father got him before he died
He doesn’t like to read, but sometimes Ponyboy will read the book to him
Has shit eyesight, but refuses to get glasses
Darry doesn’t take care of himself when he gets sick
Darry is a fucking CLINGY person when he’s emotional (Specifically sad or stressed), like you ARE NOT able to get away from that man when he’s like that (Especially Ponyboy)
Doesn’t smoke at all so it doesn’t ruin his body
Stole a shirt from his dad’s closet before he died, it’s still in his clothes but he never wears it or puts it back 
Sometimes Darry sobs into his dad’s shirt after a hard day (The shirt from above)
Impulsive biter, just like if someone sticks their hand or arm in front of his face, he wont think and just chomps on them (Ponyboy and Sodapop try to warn the others, but they don’t listen)
Nothing for Steve Randle yet
Nothing for Keith "Two-Bit" Mathews yet
Dallas "Dally" Winston:
Scared of spiders
He’s also scared of dogs
Johnny Cade:
Definitely says a few dirty jokes 
I feel like he would be the type of person to have a summer job for some reason? (Ponyboy and Dally visit him at work sometimes and it’s chaos)
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