Closing night of As You Like It was SOOOO good and I think I might get my first ever bout of post-show depression bc GOD I wanna keep doing this but it’s OVER aaaaaaaaaaa
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decembermoonskz · 1 year
I thought watching mugen train final episode was a good idea somehow :))) (spoilers in tags and comments bc I can’t keep my mouth shut lmao)
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ran-orimoto · 6 months
If you could give the frontier kids a different spirit what would it be and if you could change the designs how would they be
Among the asks I’ve received in a month ,this feels so connected to my mood and I’m happy it gave me a kick-start for a new asks row!
Takuya: THUNDER⚡️. Face it: Junpei and Takuya are two sides of the same coin and have been given the most explosive elements matching that bursting bomb of personality they have got. There’s no other element I can see for someone as impulsive as Takuya ahahah. He also ends up in the Thunder circle when they land in Sephirotmon. HHHHH MY THUNDER-FIRE WISH CONNECTION. Due to ATLA, it works so perfectly to me, idk HHHHHHHH. And also imagine an Agnimon with electric hair… He already has got a mane similar to mine when my freaking hair gets messy.
Kouji: Wind🍃. Besides the fact he also ends up in the sphere of the Wind in the Sephirotmon, I think he has always had some sort of connection with the wind? Like, in ep 2 he comments about Digiworld’s wind, he is often represented with his long hair in this wind and he’s a free spirit. Wolfmon couldn’t be absolutely called such any more ahahhahah. But tbh he could also be a sort of ninja moving as fast as the gusts of wind? Kouji can use things such as steel bars (again, ep 2) and climbs mountains, can hide pretty well (the tickle scene episode), can survive to falls. He should take on kendo imo.
Izumi: Fire🔥. The concept of the phoenix, I beg? Imagine the arc of the stolen spirit being handled much better with not only Junpei caring about her own well-being, but also with her coming to terms with a little depression about being the weakest and going through a symbolic rebirth? I’m so obsessed with Izumi’s stolen spirit arc and how dirty it has made her because it barely focused on how she felt FROM HER PERSPECTIVE It’s not right Junpei had to be the vehicle of her emotions? And do things for her while she sat there?????? Izumi???? Moreover, if she got Fire, she would be the mc and I would love it; we would, wouldn’t we?
Junpei: Water💦. To be honest, Junpei would fit Wind as well and it would be hilarious because he wouldn’t go along with his element at all, a bit what I can see Izumi x Water to be, since she always drowns in lakes and seas. Junpei has got a little funny scene featuring him wanting to understand how to orientate through the wind and failing miserably (ep 2). Then, you also have got the EXHILARATING, well-known moment from ep 4, where he tries getting Izumi’s spirit and Fairymon just surpasses him at high speed🤣 (even if Junpei being attacked and Izumi yelling his name is what wakes Fairymon up). EHM, yeah, I could joke about that and also about someone heavy getting an element making him feel as light as a feather yet still retaining his weight. Again, funny, I’d be into it, I have got my hcs about a bond between Fairymon and Junpei, but I prefer imagining Thunder and Wind bonding with each other.
So I’m giving Junpei Water because he sings like a merman tempestous boy can get an element making it rain, generating storms but in another kind of form, in a more active fashion. No, I don’t want Junpei to completely part from his element because that’s an amazing part of his writing, despite how little attention it has got: his fear of thunders, which in a similar rewrite could become fear of storms in general. I don’t think Junpei has got that great relationship with rain, either, if I have to be sincere. That day he forgot the umbrella mustn’t have been that nice on his body. Moreover , do not forget his Beast spirit was found in the sea like Ranamon’s and Fairymon’s and I have always found it so fascinating. Wind x Thunder x Water, my beloved *cough* *cough*. Idk his spirit could be based on a whale and its chants. Kill me.
And now the same suffering point to overcome: Kouichi and Tomoki, whom I don’t think about that much and I always show it. I’m sorry, guys. I’m sorry. Junpei gets two paragraphs and he balances this miserable last part.
Tomoki🪨: Earth. And don’t ask me why Train of Hope has given me this idea of Tomoki ending up being so strict and determined and kinda “I’m a person with my feet firmly pressed against Earth”. In truth, in the anime he kinda was peetty determined and down to Earth (lmao), despite being such a baby? He had his values and held onto it during the Asuramon episode, showing how much he cared about them. Idk? This is my half-assed idea and I hate it, thank you. He could still be a bear, if you ask me. Something similar to Ursaluna.
Kouichi❄️: Because Kouichi can’t be parted from his near-to-death experience in any rewrite, if you ask me, and the only thing I can connect with death is ice and cold. Do I need to explain it…? No idea how he would look like. Something closer to Duskmon than Loweemon.
Thank you for the ask~💕
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elmaxlys · 6 months
Hii! For the favs ask game,
31 for juo, 18 for rika and 50, 48 and 1 for both!! :3
Ooooh thank you so much!! :DD
1- Do you project onto this character?
In regards to gender and loving Rika, but otherwise no
31- Are you ashamed of liking this character?
Absolutely not. I used to be sorta ashamed (more like scared to share) of liking Juoka, which is why I didn't talk about them before I became friends with Choco and she encouraged me in preaching my truth lol but Juo alone? Nah.
Maybe because I had prior experience in stanning villains with no redeeming qualities (Donato) 🤔 (and Juo has the redeeming quality of being insanely hot)
48- What’s your favorite physical/design feature for this character?
He's soooo!!!! He's everything!!! i fell in love at first sight in the first panel we saw of him!!! It's all good elements put together to create God's (Oba's) perfect creature.. The long hair, the muscles, the jumpsuit, the long-ass eyelashes, the missing eye, the tattoos hhhhhhhh I can't choose only one element!
If I do have to choose, I'm gonna go with the black lightning. It's so Juo, it summarizes his character so well.. Amazing decision 🥰
50- Your fav song, playlist, aesthetic board, fan-fiction, reference pile, personal artwork, analysis post, meme, headcanon, or quote for this character
This post <- one day I'll complete it with the Seven Seas TL
Quote + panel:
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adding more panels because I can:
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As for my artwork, right now it's the most recent one
1- Do you project onto this character?
Oh yeah. I totally do. Middle children unite. I project so much it sometimes makes me lose sight of canon so it's not ideal and I wish I could put some more distance (I say while using him as my icon) but at the same time he's too much of a part of me and there's too much of me I see in him for me to really try...
As an aside: every time you see me talk about Rika having some grudge against Sniper? It's personal.
18. Do you prefer to see this character suffer or know peace? Angst or comfort? Both?
Both, definitely. Hurt/comfort all the way. It's definitely something he goes through a lot (if not every time) in my fics: I break him down and then make him all better via Juo Love lmao
He needs some rest and I am delighted to provide that for him but boy do I love seeing him break down 🥰
48- What’s your favorite physical/design feature for this character?
Call me Floor 9 because it's THE HAMMER. Dude is out there incorporating any sport he can to fighting with a hammer, he's killing people with Hammer-Kendo and he tried to play Hammer-Baseball, like he's So Real for that, also it's so good like yesss he'll get in your face and get covered in your blood when he kills you, unlike his siblings who fight with guns, he's close and personal with death.
Like it's such a heavy tool and it requires so much control if you don't want to fuck up your entire body trying to swing it and he just. he does it. repeatedly. He does kendo moves with a tool with a complete different balance and a wayyy more important weight than a shinai. Did he use a sledgehammer before? Did he recreationally watch sledgehammer videos like I do? Did he just do the whole calculation in his head the second his hand touched it? Did the "Rika Knows The Future" crack theory strike again? I am In Love with the fact Rika uses a sledgehammer. I used to joke that "Rika x Hammer-chan is OTP" but was I wrong??
50- Your fav song, playlist, aesthetic board, fan-fiction, reference pile, personal artwork, analysis post, meme, headcanon, or quote for this character
Song: I'm gonna go with Second Guessing by Get Scared and Daylight by Shinedown
Quote: rn i gotta go with this
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My artwork (I kinda want to redraw it)
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I'm also gonna put this here
meme because it's always Loving Rika Hours
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as well as the Crack Theory
Favorite characters asks
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corvuserpens · 1 year
Hi everyone, I need to blow off some steam about something that’s Not Even That Big of a Deal But Kinda Is In the Grand Scheme of Things, it’s just that this crap pisses me off and I want it out of my Tired Brain so bear with me a moment.
But Gods, watching the Shadow & Bone fandom on Twitter going through the whole renewal anxiety, biting their nails off wondering if it’s going to get cancelled bc some dipshits in fancy suits are too lazy to make any decisions on their own and would rather rely on a fucking algorithm to tell them how good or profitable a show is instead of listening to the fan base, when I’m fresh off the literal months-long battle to get Netflix to renew The Sandman for a second season is so Exhausting.
It’s tiresome y’all, and stressful. 
(A little disclaimer before I continue this next section: none of this is aimed at the fans all over social media urging each other to keep watching to get the numbers S&B needs to get season 3, not at all, this is 100% about those brain rotted top execs making all the decisions, okay? Don’t at me all offended, please.)
I got shit to do, man. You think I got entire days, weeks even, to waste watching and rewatching the same show over and over again in hopes of tricking the algorithm into thinking more people watched and therefore declare that it’s worth renewing? That might be the Netflix execs’ pathetic little lives, but not mine. I got bills to pay, paintings to finish, a family to feed. Real priorities. And now I don’t even have Netflix anymore, thanks to their new fucking No Password Sharing bullshit, and I’ll be damned if I open an account for myself (can’t afford it, so good job losing some five subscribers in one go, real clever Netflix). 
Hhhhhhhh. I hate, hate, HATE streaming services so much. We lost DVDs and Blueray and are on the verge of losing movie theaters for THIS SHIT? I don’t want to have to fight for a show to get renewed every time there’s a new season, okay? I’m stressed enough already, I don’t need this, this isn’t fun. No matter how much I love a show, eventually it will start feeling like a chore and then I’ll be too resentful to even appreciate it anymore. Or imagine the season was a disappointment and I hated it, did I really waste all those hours rewatching for nothing? This is why I only follow like, 3 shows. Streaming sucks balls.
So honestly? If Shadow & Bone gets cancelled? Fuck it. We never get that long coveted Six of Crows spin-off? Fuck it. The Sandman gets cancelled after season 2? Fuck. It. At least we got the books, which are superior anyway. We got amazing fan artists and writers, what else do we need? I feel for the actors, the screenwriters, the cinematographers and everyone who works so hard on these TV projects, I really do. But goddamn, this... This is not Ideal.
End rant, Crow out.
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pastelwitchybabygirl · 5 months
All 25 👀
HHHHHHHH okay, but I won't answer the ones I just did!
1: are you single?
Nope, I'm in a polycule of 3 people.
2: do you like anyone right now?
Yes, one of my best friends, I have a thing for cute girls with pink/purple hair (or girls specifically who are just my friend)
3: how do you act when you have a crush?
I am so brave in text and so NOT in person, so I will text and flirt and I am a fan of urging them to love themselves a bit and reward them for doing so.
4: which gender(s) are you into?
Loaded question. I kinda do not care? I identify most with lesbianism, but I am with a male partner right now and a female partner as well, and they both tell me I'm just a lesbian.
5: how long do you need to know someone before you can develop feelings for them?
Not long at all, I am a crusher for sure
6: are you usually the first one to make a move?
In the past, it's been 50/50, both of my partners who are with me are with me because I made the first move. I'm not exactly the prettiest person in the world, so I just know if I don't shoot my shot, nobody will ever look my way. I coast a lot on charisma.
7: how could someone make you swoon?
Manhandle me. Seriously, move me around, grab my chin, hover over me, tug my hair, jfc just touch me
9: do you like pda?
Yes, I love PDA, I wish my partners were both affectionate, one of mine doesn't like touch in public...
10: do you get flustered when someone is flirting with you?
In person, yes, but sometimes over text I can put my phone down and go take a quick lap around my home and come back just fine.
12: how do you show affection?
I cook. I make food, I touch, I buy gifts or make gifts for people. My love language is acts of service, so I just want my lovers to be provided for. Both are irritatingly independent.
13: would you consider being with multiple people romantically?
Lmao please see polycule
14: do you like playing footsies?
I'm gonna be a priss, but only if your feet aint scaly, because if your heels are catching on my nice silk pajama pants, I will kill you and I will not feel remorse.
16: do you like being kissed (and if so, where)?
God, where do I not like it? I love my ears being bit when kissing, I like my neck for people I trust, my shoulders, lips, I love making out, jfc. \
18: favorite massage technique?
Oof ummmm I never like partners to do it because both of mine complain about doing it
19: which spots are your sensitive spots?
Inner thighs, my boobs are SOOO sensitive, like biting feels amazing but I get super writhy. Consider me 5'5 of just being sensitive.
20: do you prefer when people are rough or gentle with you?
Gentle on my neck, but everywhere else, go nuts
21: do you like to take charge or do you like being handled?
Please handle me, I'm desperate.
22: what’s your favorite flirty move?
Putting my hand on people's inner thigh and stroking softly
23: describe a time you won someone over with flirting
I was so awkward that I accidentally asked out my first girlfriend practicing to ask someone else out and she thought it was cute
24: describe a time someone won you over with flirting
My fiance kissed me for the first time using just one finger to move my gaze and ohghghgohwoihghighfuckingchrist
25: vague about someone you like romantically or platonically
I'm not vague. Bestie, I know you read my posts, if you were not two states over, I would be IN you every night
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sweet-child · 1 year
m and k were crushing over allison, k also really liked john and claire, and k and i were bonding about how we’re both allison. at first i was begging m to turn on the outsiders but they were like “no, you’re too obsessed over matt dillon for that. calm down.” so that was a bummer, but the breakfast club was the best back up movie ever. such a good movie. allison is so me.
and i showed them the new background and they both called me crazy 🙄🙄🙄 BUT IT WAS GREAT. I HOPE YOUR DAY WAS GOOD TOO. NOW I NEED TO SUFFER AND REMOVE MY MAKEUP WITH NO WATER. HHHHHHHH.
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bandluvr97 · 2 years
mbb 🎅
I live in a city full of people whose personalities are “I write code and drive fast cars”, I let them show off and nod politely because I’m classy.
Oh you’re really new to it! Congratulations! Is it just general, or do you focus on one issue?
Shownu’s just like “here’s my terrible child who bites me, ah, what can I do about it, I love him deeply”. He’s those images of animals climbing all over a capybara that’s just chilling. And of course I love his arms literally what am I doing at the gym if not trying to get his arms. He’s so strong and so controlled in his dance it’s insane, and then you remember he’s taller than a lot of idols and it’s even more impressive.
Minhyuk’s holding it down for all of us with those big ass hands of his.
“Disney face Marvel body” is absolutely Wonho. When he’s in skimpy clothing that shows off his body but being a sweetheart or a complete dork? He’s soooo precious.
And then the way Changkyun released “Goddamn” after they knew Wonho was landing on his feet with his re-debut? It felt like a direct response to it, and a very deliberate story about an individual struggling with substance use and mental health issues deserving of care and empathy, rather than “drug users are monsters and criminals”. I love Duality so much, it really feels so small and personal from being such a small team doing everything, and the fact he took that opportunity to address an issue that hurt someone so close to him so publicly was really beautiful. Especially picking drug imagery that implies suffocation and muteness? If I tear up at the shot in the video where he looks up at the camera with the mask on with exhaustion and resignation, well, that’s between god and me.
That sounds like a really healthy way to go about dating. A partner should enhance your life, not be your life, and it’s great that you’re waiting for something that is beneficial to you rather than just trying to make it fit.
Hope you’re having a good, restful weekend!
Hey love ❤️ thanks! The weekend is going well just doing some errands and finding gifts for the fam for this coming weekend lol how are you? Hopefully your resting too ❤️❤️❤️
Ahh the “high society” folks lol!! Aren’t they absolutely delightful 😂😂 I have those people too where they think their entitled and know how the job works and what not and I think to myself “honey, you got a big storm coming” 😂😂 like is it worth it to flaunt your money around? No but if that’s your personality then that’s on you lol
Yeppers!! Fairly new still but it’s a good time ❤️❤️ it’s general because there’s a lot of clients coming into the program so there’s a wide variety of peeps lol but it feels good to help out even if the client doesn’t appreciate it but it’s all good lol wbu? How is work going? How long have you been at your job for?
Lol!!!! Right??? He just glared at his youngest son and just takes a heavy sigh like “hhhhhhhh. Yep. There he goes again” 😂😂he has that mood and it’s funny as heck to see lol!! Ohhh yeah his arms are workout goals lol he knows what he’s doing during the time off lol now the question is - will we be able to see them arms again when he’s out? And it’s getting closer to April!!! It’s almost over!! Lol also (cue sarcasm) why must you hurt me with the fact that he is tall as heck? Like I’m already aware that he is a huge man but then I forget sometimes 😂😂 how tall are you love?
Lol! Oh yeah min mins hands are insanely huge 😂😂😂 they could cup a basket ball lol also changkyun and hyungwons hands are crazy huge too and I have yet to find a fanfic or two that is about their hands 😂😂😂 do you like to read fanfics love?
Right?????? Like does he have to be a sweetie and have a nice body too?? Now that’s just not fair but I’m here for it lol he is a huge baby and a total sweetie too lol
Oh yeah changkyun knew what he was doing with god damn. Like you can’t deny that that song was a direct response and a big f u to starship lol wasn’t duality amazing???? Like he knows what he’s doing with the lyrics and connecting it to serious topics ❤️ he’s awesome for that! And for that last comment that did make me bawl for like five minutes straight cus ir hit hard lol but that’s a topic for another day 😂
Thanks love ❤️ right??? It’s all about the give and take lol what are you up to during the day before work? Do you watch tv and such? Lol
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channoticedmeuwu · 3 years
Thank you🥺 this is the first time I've written something. Btw, there is one curse word, two terms of endearment and mention of marriage.
"Hyuck, stop worrying and come out," you called from the other side of the door.
You and Donghyuck had come to a shop to buy a kurta for him for your cousin's wedding. It was the first one he had ever worn and he was worried about not being able to pull it off well.
A few seconds of silence passed before the door to the dressing room opened and Donghyuck stepped out.
You were, in a word, stunned.
You were sure he wouldn't look bad, but you hadn't prepared yourself for him to look this good either. He wore a black kurta with little gold embroidered buttons and sleeves rolled up to his elbows. It brought out his features in the best way, and something about seeing him in traditional clothes made your heart beat stupidly fast.
You couldn't help but stare a bit and bite your bottom lip to keep a squeal from coming out. But Donghyuck took your gestures as you trying to control your laughter, and in turn he rolled his eyes.
"Nevermind. I'll wear something else," he turned around to go inside but stopped in his tracks at your high pitched response.
"Shit, Hyuck. I could literally marry you right now."
Your boyfriend turned around with an incredulous look and raised brows, "Are you proposing to me, baby?"
At the realization of your words, you felt a blush creep up your cheeks which you tried to cover up with a light smack to Donghyuck's arm, "Oh, wouldn't you like that."
He chuckled while putting his arms around you and pulling you close, "You're adorable."
"Hyuck!" you said, frantically looking around, being accutely aware of your surroundings, "Not here. Someone might see us."
"Nothing will happen," Donghyuck whined. "But Y/N~ My sweet Y/N," you faced him only to see his softened expression, "do you really like it?"
You relaxed a little in his arms. "Yes, my love," you grinned and booped his nose, "You look incredible."
Donghyuck couldn't help but smile back. He didn't know too much about your culture, but he was willing to learn. And he was glad to see you happy.
*inhales* *screeches*
I can't keep this to myself @lebrookestore @hyuckefi @navyhyuck BITCHES READ THIS OML *screeches*
bye I'm gonna go cry and scream :D
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gamma-squad · 3 years
The Ultimate Gamma Squad Fic Rec List
From Angst to Fluff to Reveals, fanfiction will make you cry :D
Double Blind Date -  Alya knows Ladybug and Chat Noir's identities, and now that they're finally in the same city at the same time, she is determined to get them to meet.
The Bravery of Adrien Agreste -  adrien ends up living on the streets for a while, it's extremely well written and has also adrien marrying marinette to emancipate from his father.  There's also a sequel, the Bravery of Marinette Dupain-Cheng, which the author is currently writing. 
Lovelace -  Convinced that he's unlovable, Adrien is quickly thrown for a loop when Marinette confesses her love for him out of the blue. An akumatization and reveal later, he changes his mind about being unlovable.
The Bravery of Marinette Dupain-Cheng -  After the defeat of Hawkmoth, Adrien and Marinette are strangers to each other, but somehow… married? - Sequel to The Bravery of Adrien Agreste
Soulmate Survey -  A brand new dating app hits the scene, giving you a percentage of how well you match with someone else. And it is taking the world, and certain teenagers, by storm.
Cats are Colorblind! - Reverse Crush AU - Ladynoir/Adrinette - Adrien is blind but he can... feel Marinette’s features? Which happen to be the same ones as Ladybugs (Reveal)
have the stars blotted out in a brilliant morse code - Fluffy Adrinette moments and reveal? beautiful
Strength - Crack/Fluff oneshot with a reveal
Marry That Girl -  Adrien finds Marinette’s plans for their wedding and just falls
League of Losers - Slightly Different Superhero AU with crack angst and fluff
You, Me & A Little Bit of the Future - future ladynoir asks adrinette to babysit and everythings cute
Practice Makes Purr-fect - Adrinette/Ladynoir + Reveal and kisses (all you need in life <3)
wish you were here - demon au, adrien is just really confused
The Moving Statue - AKDJSSD - Adrinette + Reveal
Operation Mega-Sleepover - Adrinette Sleepover Shenanigans
Butt Dial - Marinette butt dials Adrien and all his plans for a normal afternoon jumped out the window (Reveal)
The Wedding Plans of Marinette Dupain-Cheng - Adrien finds Marinette’s wedding guest list for their future wedding and he’s like ‘WHERE AM I?’ (boy you’re the groom)
Plagg Meets Marinette
i hope that fate will forgive us (for tempting the sea) - mermaid royalty au and arranged marriages - Felix x Bridgette and Adrinette - also the author is v nice <33
The Player and the Princess - Childhood friends turned enemies turned lovers <3
take me back- By marvelousmsmol
By Design - By marvelousmsmol (Still going!)
Graine de toi - By komorebirei (Still going? I’m not sure)
Smoulder - By midnightstarlightwrites (this is adorable and full of ships! Also, finished 36/36).
Lucky Us - By PrincessKitty1 (Sigh, it’s too cute! Finished 30/30).
Facades -   AU with dark!Adrien. Has even a short sequel (lovesquare but mainly centered around the two main ships)
 Kiss shy - By emsylcatac (This is a great one-shot!)
i don't have a latte but give me a shot - By marvelousmsmol (The one-shot, i wish was a series).
 Under Lock and Key - By EdenDaphne, Maerynn (the antics! Finish 10/10)
The Woman With Blue Eyes - By ghostgirl19 (One-shot!)
 Friends By Day, Enemies By Night - By Dristi5683 (This is 49/49, there’s also marichat and angst ladynoir)
A Bride for the Prince - by ChocoluckChipz (Totally_lucky) and TheNovelArtist
Penumbra - Adrienette hurt comfort, rated M for serious topics like implied noncon as a minor
keep me in your thoughts - adrienette soulmate au
Passionfruit- Adrienette soulmate au series with 3 parts
a chat in disneyland - pretty self explanatory, chat noir antics and slightly traumatized workers, everythings great
Finding Diamonds in the Rough -  A prince escaping the confines of his castle. A girl who saves a naive visitor. The connection built between these two of different worlds. Welcome to another Arabian night.
Out of Your Hair -  Adrien wants to support Kitty Section during their first large concert in the park, but dad says no. So of course there’s only one way this can go
Infatuation - Adrinette childhood enemies to ‘I hate you but i seriously want to kiss you’
Blindsided - Adrinette/Ladynoir - Ladybug gets hit by an akuma and goes blind but hey! Adrien/Chat Noir is literally the most amazing person ever and that helps (Reveal)
Just a Friendly Game Night -  The four teenagers arrange a game night at Marinette’s house. What could go wrong
Just Best Friends -  The sequel to ‘Just a Friendly Game Night’ where the teenagers deal with what went wrong
We’ve Got It Covered -  Marinette needs to create a concept album cover design for Jagged Stone, but when she can’t get anything, the stress builds…
Le Prix du Silence -   this is in French, by Etoile-lead-Sama, but it's so worth google translating! Especially her inverted umbrella scene where Marinette gives the umbrella back to Adrien because she wants to rid her feelings for him and in that moment he realises that he's in love with her…  *heartbreak* but it's all wonderful and her slow burn is exceptional
Shop, Bake, Eat... - Crack, mature humor and content
Having a Ball - Adrien and Marinette attend a Victorian ball without recognizing each other.
In Which Adrien Agreste Butt Dials Ladybug - Based on NY Special, what if Adrien kept the remote to the cat toy in his back pocket?
The Jacket - Marinette gives a black jacket to Adrien and he thinks she's figured him out. 
Stuck In A Bakery (With You) -  during the pandemic, Adrien gets stuck in the bakery with Marinette and family. 
Chat Got Your Back - Lila I don’t like you and neither does Chat
Burgundy and Blush -  Marinette needs a date for the dance, and Chat Noir is happy to help. But can the two teens in denial make it through the night without catching feelings?
The Trouble With Kissing Boys -  When an akuma handcuffs Chat Noir and Marinette together, true feelings are revealed… but only to get the cuffs off. Really
double jeu -  An injured Chat Noir leads to a frantic Marinette and frequent midnight visits neither of them had expected to get used to.
Lace or Leather - Sequel to Burgundy and Blush
Stand-In Journalist - MariChat being besties
spark - marichat dating app shenanigans
Forget-Me-Not  -  Marinette looses her memories a little bit (unfinished)
Jealousy - Onesided reveal and then it turns into a love confession and a reveal
When Duty and Desire Meet - By EdenDaphne, midnightstarlightwrites. (Still going! Its so romantic, the yellow rose hits me the most)
Selfless - By ghostgirl19 ( I wish this fic was still going but it’s not! It’s discontinued!! T~T)
The Cat, the Bell, and the Wardrobe (Malfunction) - ChocoluckChipz (Totally_lucky), Eizabet, KryallaOrchid, Maerynn, midnightstarlightwrites. (I know the embracement... It’s also a one-shot!)
The Wingman Visits - By NiuNiu. (This is completed with 16/16 and rated mature!).
I Won’t Hold You Back - THE BEST PROM FIC YOU’LL EVER READ. Adrien invites Mari to prom. In which Adrien Awkward Awkward Awkward Athanase  Agreste makes an appearance. 
A Gamer’s Pride - No miraculous but they’re video game partners and they hate each other but they like each other and HHHHHHHH
Diamonds never leave you... men do! - Marinette the cop and Chat Noir the criminal (they’re dating <3)
Kiss and Dash -  It starts of when Marinette kisses Adrien on a dare and runs off but it really spirals out of control when Chat Noir takes revenge with his own kiss and dash. Do all people kiss the same way? Adrienette/Marichat/Ladynoir/Ladrien. - I THINK I ASCENDED WHILE READING THE FIRST CHAPTER
No Longer Running From -  After an Akuma attack, Marinette runs off in order to avoid Chat Noir, but she didn’t count on him being so willing to come after her.
Chat Blanc - Chat Blanc fights with reveals and Adrien being a good person even when akumatized
Worries - Chat is very concerned for the well-being of Marinette who he has noticed, decides to run into akuma battles in a very much not safe way
Rooftop Tears and Gentle Hugs [Vent] -  Marinette goes mute for a week, and everybody is worried. It seems only a concerned Chat is the one to finally reach her.
Tendencies - (series) lots of good writing starting out as marichat and then a reveal
Just Chatting -  Chat crashes onto Marinette's balcony and continues to visit. Marinette finds herself impulsively getting closer to him, and then everything goes to shit.
Physical Touch - Chat Noir, my amazing child, is touch starved. Marinette is happy to help with some cuddles
It’s Okay to Cry - THE SUMMARY ALONE GOT ME FEELING SOME STUFF LET MARINETTE SHOW EMOTION -  Marinette feels the burden of not letting her negative emotions show, since Ladybug cannot let herself be akumatized, no matter what. A cat is there to let her vent.
heartstrings - HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - they frggin kiss and its dramatic and teenage drama and romace 
Crushed - Stuck under a collapsed building together, Chat Noir and Marinette have a heart to heart.  (Reveal)
Every Heartbeat: A Marichat May 2021 Story:  -   Reeling from a brutally difficult day, Marinette finds her life becomes amazingly complicated after impulsively inviting Chat Noir to spend the evening with her. But when the suave feline begins to weave his way into her heart, she realizes rather quickly just how conflicted her feelings for her partner truly are.
A Roll of the Dice - AVERT YOUR EYES INNOCENT CHILDREN - mature (obviously) Alya gives Marinette an adult dice set and at night time, Chat Noir dares her to use it. 
tell me something i don’t know - the infamous marichat soulmate au by the beloved carpisuns
Trading (Momentary) Burdens - UM. YOU HAD ON RIGHT?? I AM SAD??- Ladybug gets hurt mid-fight and Chat has to turn into Misterbug to save her
Miraculous Dupont -  Marinette finds herself attacked by Chat Blanc, an akuma at the orders of Hawkmoth. But before the akuma can do any damage, she's saved by Chat Noir, a superhero who is fighting the akumas. Chat Noir senses something in her and takes her to the magical school he attends, Miraculous Dupont, where Master Fu, the head teacher, agrees that she has potential to be a Miraculous holder. So Marinette is thrown into a world of hidden identities, akuma fights and mysteries and ends up by discovering that this whole world wasn't that unknown to her to start with, that the boy behind the mask, of whom she desperately falls in love, wasn't a stranger from her too, and it's all connected to two lucky charms, a seal and a mysterious magical potion she (and her friends) should never have been exposed to...
Tyger, Tyger, Burning Bright -  chat noir gives the tiger miraculous to marinette. I love her concept of the tiger miraculous, so cool!
Terror on La Seine - Villains weren't supposed to help when there are others in need. But can Hawk Moth truly stand aside and do nothing? Especially when a young woman he knows personally is in danger? TW: implied trafficking
Madness Within -  If you want slowburn, feral Chat Noir and dark themes this is a great place to start and I’m super excited for what’s to come. Very highly recommend
you came to me with gold and i mended the pieces -  Adrien gets into a really ugly argument with his father, and as a result the poor boy gets a slap right across the face. In a daze, he runs away from home, transforms, and decides to seek comfort in a really close friend of his.
I’ll Be Your (Wing)Man -  When Chat Noir finds Marinette sighing over her failed love life, he decides to help her get the boy of her dreams. Nothing can go wrong here. Absolutely nothing.
The Tendencies Series -  HIGHLY RECOMMEND and will sure to keep you busy for a while
A Summer Treat - LadyNoir Icecream date in Shanghai and lovestruck adrien
TKO - LadyNoir workouts and they KISS
Doctor, Doctor, Give me The News (Your Lips Is The Only Cure I Could Use) -   Plagg’s sick, Adrien’s in love, Shit Happens™ 
 Of Yellows, Pinks and Blues - New York Special LadyNoir but with ROSES 
Long Live - LadyNoir based on the song <3
Letters of Lovers - LadyNoir writing down all their feelings on letters BUT THEN AT THE END THEY READ IT + Reveal
A Bad Dream - Ladybug tells Chat about a ‘dream’ where he was Chat Blanc (spoiler alert: it wasn’t a dream)
The Bug and Cat Show - ADKLJSASD READ THIS
You’re My Sight - Adrien is blind but with the miraculous, he can see and this is very much a wonderful thing to happen to him. One day he tells Ladybug.
United - OMFG - ladynoir established relationship (+Reveal)
a nine-year-old - i havent met anyone that hasn’t read this fic but still (im still sorry emsy, i believed you were 9 with my entire heart 😭)
Death By Ladybug - Flirty Ladybug and Flustered Chat Noir
Chat Noir’s White French Man Hitlist For Feminist Purposes - (THIS HAS A PODFIC NOW)
Liquid Luck - LadyNoir Banter + Reveal
Symphony - Adrinette/LadyNoir + Reveal (with the best ending ever omg)
 The Miraculous Tweets of @luckylady and @chatnoir - Internet Shenanigans
Problems - ladynoir fluff
Only a beat a cat can hear - Ladybug tells Chat when he finds out about her blindness that she scared about him leaving her. He’s having none of this self deprecating stuff and reassures her that he loves her a lot and nothing changes that. 
It was just a cheek kiss! - Ladybug slowly falling for Chat and them finally getting together (my friends thought I was getting murdered when I readthis. So many screams)
Discordant Sonata - EdenDaphne (Still going!)
like poles of a magnet - By maketea (8/8! It's finished!)
From the Ashes - By MiniMinou (Finish! Btw this is angst and mature rated)
Ladybug and Chat Noir's Guide to the Rooftops of Paris - PipTheMagnificent (One-shot!)
 in the dead of night, your eyes so green - this ones by miraculouslycool so you know its good 
 Day 7: Interview - Chat Noir being cute with kids
Misunderstanding - LadyNoir Identity Shenanigans <3
Not Kitten Around, Badylug - the road to reveal, integrating parts of S4, all in mobile texts. Sweet, funny. The kind of pick-me up you need after an angsty ep.
Two Seconds -  perfect for a light morning read.
i think it’s time i told you (im a fan of your universe) - LadyNoir (AND THEY GET MARRIED)
It’s Not PDA If You’re Just Friends - They’re just friends! Friends can kiss each others shoulders and spin each other around, right?
I Guess That Makes Us Even - Chat Noir dying = REALLY SAD LADYBUG AND COMFORT - its by buggchat so you already know its simply superior
Red Strings and Markers - Soulmate AU my beloved
little kitty on the rood, wearing his lady’s boxers - Adrien in Ladybug boxers, Marinette in the pool with her pjamas, Adrien uses his one braincell and realizes some pretty shocking things (Reveal)
dont let me die alone - okay so you may get a lil sad but you know
Return to Base - LadyNoir laser tag baby, Adrienette laser tag with LadyNoir dynamic, reveal
The Ladyblog Comment Section - they like to annoy alya in the comments. and flirt. but they dont realize the last part yet
Irreplaceable -  Adrien is insecure. Marinette doesn't let anyone talk bad about her partner.
Where are you Chat Noir? -  As the final battle unfolds to their defeat, Hawkmoth and Mayura use plan b and withdraw in a 'Sentiworld', a parallel reality created with an Amok. What's worse, they drag Chat Noir with them. What's even worse, Ladybug can't say goodbye, or I love you. Guilty and desperate, what will she be ready to sacrifice to get her partner back? (Rated R for mature content)
Kitty Chat Kisses -  Give Chat more kisses please, this was so sweet and cute and sad and just...someone give Chat some hugs and kisses and tell him he did a good job
i’ll marry you - Chat Noir talks to his sleepy girlfriend about their future.
Upon the Eiffel Tower, They Reveal it All. -  Chat Noir spots Ladybug heading towards the Eiffel tower without telling him, and when he checks on her, finds out more than he thought he would.
Two Hundred and Fifty Four -  aspik angst :’)
bang bang - KISSES
whose woods these are (I think I know) - FIRST OF ALL, its a cinderella au and its MAGNIFICENT - Four years after his future turns to cinders, Adrien is a servant in the house he was meant to inherit. Disowned by his father and abused by his stepmother, his days are filled with drudgery until he meets a masked huntress in the forest behind his father's chateau.As his friendship with Ladybug turns to first love, he dreams of a future spent at her side.Then, on the eve of the Princess's masquerade, he meets his guardian—and is granted a wish.
The Tell-Tale Kiss - Adrien gets discouraged when Ladybug turns down Paris’ favorite cat every time. But what if Paris’ favorite model asks her?
The Cat and His Daffodils -  I adore Hanahaki AU’s and this was one was really good and wonderfully angsty.
Post/One Sided Reveal: 
Serendipitous Fate -  With Hawkmoth growing stronger, Chat Noir and Ladybug need to practice. And get teammates. And grow stronger together. Which means learning each other’s identity, no matter the risks. Unfinished, but worth it. Also, there is some smut near the end, but the author warns the reader on the exact chapter and it is very skippable
switch it up - Adrien uses the Ladybug miraculous and everyone simps even harder
Remember That Time When... - Marinette is ready to enjoy her wedding anniversary with her wondrful husband. Except when she wakes up, she’s not going to be able to celebrate her anniversary. In fact, she’s seventeen again.
Divide By Infinity - Post-Reveal Adrinette being adorable and looking at LadyNoir moments
Bad Day - Adrien finds out Marinette’s Ladybug on the toilet and everything just does downhill from there
Get Agrekt - Post Reveal + Drunk Adrien my beloved
Under The Stars - PROPOSAL
Do You Hear That, Love? - Post-Reveal angst and babies
Side Effects of Paw-esome Merch: Model Chokes on Air - Post Reveal Marinette making my poor boy adrien consciously try not to die by wearing Chat Noir merch
When the Wedding Bells Toll - Post Reveal Adrinette pretend to date to get free food at a wedding (ha ha guess who fell in love againnnn)
All You Had to Do Was Stay - first of all, OOF - Marinette and Adrien reveal their identities and he panics and Marinette, three years later, sees him again for Alya’s wedding with the urge to both kiss him and punch him in the face
Adrinette April Day 23: Sunset - CUTE FLUFFY PEOPLE (its by sketchy-panda)
Forget-Me-Not - written way before oblivio but basically, oblivio
The Wall Between Us -  Lukanette, Adrigami, Alya finding out, lovesquare reveal, Adrien finding out Gabe is Hawkmoth, then theres Adrinette being in love and MarcNath walking in them making out. Its a whole vibe. Two Seconds was written in response to this :D
Trolling Alya -  After Adrien and Marinette reveal their identities to each other, instead of going right into dating, they agree to just be friends and take their time. Alya is not having it.
The Biological Imperative - excellent explicit story with an interesting concept about tikki being able to freeze the power of all miraculouses in her box in case of marinette's pregnancy. Adrienette of course. 
The Closest Thing to Love - god i love a good fake dating story - post reveal Aged Up - adrien decides that the best way to gain independence from his dad was to get married. To who you ask? Of course its his lady, Marinette Dupain Cheng. Nothing could go wrong! They’re just friends after all.
Not A Ship But Hella good Stories
Papa Bear -  In which Tom is the one to figure out Adrien’s home life is putting him in danger and helps Adrien escape.
Nooroo Uses a Swear Word -  He really, really does. But he has a very good reason, so... let's hear him out, shall we? Crackfic, one-shot.
Move to Safety - Sort of a longer take on the ‘ Adrien runs away and seeks shelter with the Dupain-Chengs’. Involves the final battle and Adrien knowing Gabe is Hawkmoth. 
I Know, Kid - Plagg has a very important conversation with his holder when they return home after defeating Guiltrip.
Chat Noir is My Science Teacher - When Mattheu Magan witnesses his chemistry teacher, Adrien Dupain-Cheng, transform into his favorite superhero Chat Noir, he becomes the Monkey Miraculous holder Monkid, going on adventures and learning what it means to be a hero alongside under his new meow-ntor. (OC, Adventure, Aged-up - Yall ive only known Mattheu for like, a month BUT I LOVE HIM WITH ALL MY HEART)
Won’t Tell a Soul - Nino finds out that Marinette is Ladybug and keeps the secret. Kind of. 
Motherfucking Superheroes - Directly following the events of the season 3 finale, Alya Cesaire decides to create a groupchat with all the known Miraculous holders, which sets off an investigation into Ladybug’s identity. (Crack, Groupchat/Text fic)
My Boy - Gabriel creates a sentimonster copy of himself to free himself from unimportant matters, but he didn’t expect it to become more human than himself. (Angst, Mentions of torture)
The Malicious Pavilin - Evil gay Emilie is a whole ass mood
Never Sing At Home - Based on that ‘hey, bad news and good news. Bad news, Hawkmoth knows my identity, good news, I know his!’ prompt on tumblr
Bite off more than you can chew and you’ll choke - Lila gets exposed fics my beloved
ouef, ouch, owie - Chat and Rena plan some Aspik-related shenanigans to cover up Chat’s secret identity when Ladybug decides to have all the Miraculous heroes train together. (Crack)
What the Cat Dragged In - MCU Crossover
the last day on earth - Chat Blanc angst is top-tier
Air Miraculous - Miraculous but with Basketball and Shoes
how the strings intertwine - MDC Fic - UNFINISHED BUT AMAZING
Nine Lives - Hurt/Comfort, Adrien Centric
In Good Hands -  in which Ladybug tells Chat Noir about her new confidant and Chat chooses his own.
How Nino Waged War with Gabriel Agreste - By ChocolateXMyMouth (Still going!)
The Inappropriate Touching Talk -  this is another pure crack. Gabriel finds out that Adrien "touches inappropriately" Marinette and decides to have "the talk" (or rather have someone else have the talk with him)
Broken - Cop AU with lots of angst :D
Informant - miracuclass group chat au with identity shenanigans 
Lucky Fox Paradox - Marinette gives succeeds in giving Alya the ladybug miraculous. And regrets it. Enter, the fox miraculous.
“I have plan” - based on the ‘Ladybug joins the fight as multimous and she and rena rouge won’t let adrien leave to transform and its just crack’
Sting -  Chat Noir mysteriously vanished, and as much as Ladybug hates it, she can’t do her job alone. Which is why she decides to give Adrien to bee miraculous until her partner returns!
Accidental Dates - The four friends make a group chat to plan game nights. Some people tend to take it further
Leave for Mendeleiev -  Marinette is in Mendeleiev’s class instead of Bustier’s, meaning new friends and different relationships
Ridiculous, Utterly Ridiculous - rejected one time too many, Chat Noir ends in tears on someone's balcony. No, not Marinette's. Chloé's. And no, it doesn't end with an adrikloe (or how it's called). Chloé actually ends up being a good friend (*insert ohhhh of surprise*)
I’ll Handle This - Adrien accepts a deal with Plagg for the black kwami to resolve his problems. And Plagg succeeds. 
let’s get covered in flames and play some games with the smoke -  1920s enemies to lovers soulmates au that makes me want to jump off a building in a good way
Ruffled -  Harry Potter AU
Passionfruit -  Adrienette soulmate au series with 3 parts
Repetition -  One day adrien stumbles upon hawkmoth’s lair. In response, Gabe wipes his memory and is done with it. until it happens again, and again, and again…
Bite Me. -  Vampire!Alya one-shot. Really good world-building in this one chapter alone!
“I have a plan.” -  Really funny one-shot where Marinette’s idea of going in as Multimouse doesn’t exactly pan out how she wanted it to.
Back to Us -  After a reveal so shocking it rocks the core of Paris itself, the villain Hawk Moth is finally defeated...at a great personal cost to heroes Ladybug and Chat Noir. With the city safe, they go their separate ways, returning to the lives they were forced to put on hold since receiving their Miraculous.
Free Falling - Fantastic story with amazing and well written themes that I really just adored reading. Beautifully written and wonderful plot/story
Other Ships (outside of Love Square):
The Worst and Best Thing - GabeNath, drama and angst with a happy ending
Operation Lovebirds -  DJWifi - Alya and Nino try and get Adrien and Marinette together, and get more than they thought they would
Phase Eight - Sequel to Operaton Lovebirds -  Three years after the failure of Operation Lovebirds, Alya and Nino’s relationship is tested when Alya comes across a startling secret.
Cola Date - DJWifi -  When Alya finds herself on a date with the wrong guy she searches for unconventional help to get her out of this. Luckily, the cute waiter doesn't mind to help her out with a favor.
Soundless - Lukadrien - Luka has the Ladybug Miraculous and can pretty much tell who’s Chat Noir
Hotdogs and Icecream - Lukagami - Luka and Kagami hanging out while Adrinette are being in love during the NY Special
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henry higgins started out as a nice lil secondary character in the first season of murdoch mysteries
and he was cute, and he was funny, but pushed to the background usually, just a joke and a helping hand when needed. but they kept pairing him with george, they became the best of friends, and we saw more and more of henry, and he was fun, he was stupid and jerky at times but he was loyal and he did what was right and he loved his friends, and he loved george the most because they were best friends!! they were so worried when the other was hurt!!! and they did everything together!!!
and in those ways henry's so believable and loveable, and for that i love him.
then in season 11 he got together with ruth! and they were silly and ditzy and sweet and perfect for each other, and they got married, and even when ruth lost her fortune henry loved her, which proved that he was marrying her for her and not her money and all that sappy stuff, and they had a baby and she's so cute and i love her and henry!!!!!! and you can even see the effects of fatherhood on him, he becomes more competent with police work, he worries, he cares!!!
then in december i started this fic, and george was the main character, and the ship is henry/george, because why not? i see it, they love each other they're best friends. and i got really invested in my fic. it was beautiful, an amazing idea about one of my favourite musicals and i loved it so much. and i ended up shipping henry/george more than i initially had.
because i loved my fic. and i loved henry.
it's not a big tag on ao3. 33 works as of the time of writing this. i read through all the ones i could tolerate. it's kind of funny, because george and henry were that genre of ships that you know isn't canon, that you know will never be canon, but they're such good friends, they're so close, they're so lovely that you can't help but keep in the back of your mind. they're not the "it's canon (if not only in our hearts)" ship, they're the "it's a lovely idea" ship. because murdoch mysteries is not a show known for its queer rep, this show's queer rep is terrible and there was no way henry and george could be canon. i imagined they loved each other. that was enough.
but. episode 13 of season 15 happens. sigmund freud (FREUD OF ALL PEOPLE) comes to the station house and reads henry's letter to george and asks about it. henry says what it is, and freud says "your lover's name is george?" and henry's like no george is my friend and freud: "you like to say his name don't you" HHHHHHHH??? freud is a dick and an idiot but that's so fucking romantic? and then at the end of the episode??? he tells brackenreid and watts about it like a joke and brax is like "even a broken clock..." and watts just stares,,,,
like what the fuck man. this little constable, who used to be just this tiny kid who made jokes and could hardly pull anything off alone without messing it up, just played for laughs, ends up with this amazing arc, he loves his friends, he loves his wife, he loves his daughter...
and he loves george.
and it's so weird, because... i got into murdoch mysteries in december of 2020, watching the episodes all out of order as reruns aired on my cable provider, because my friends already really liked and recommended it. they informed me beforehand that emily is canonically bi, and watts is canonically gay.
i know second/third hand that when llewellyn watts was comfirmed as gay in early 2020, the fandom collectively lost their minds. because watts had always been incredibly queercoded, and watts being gay was just confirmation of what the fandom had already decided, already known to be true.
but that wasn't the case for henry. no one shipping henry and george would really have gone as far to think "this is canon". but. the show acknowledged that henry loves george.
and it makes sense. it makes all the sense in the world. henry loves george. henry loves george. it doesn't even invalidate other canon relationships; henry loves ruth, he loves their daughter, and george loves effie newsome. but henry loves george.
and so i was propelled into a state of wonder and disbelief. (did i somehow manifest this with my fic?) why does this affect me as much as it does? why does this secondary tiny constable being canonically implied to love his best friend break me as much as it does?
it was at this moment that i realized that henry higgins-newsome was my favourite character.
this stupid show that hardly knew what it was doing made me care about the comic relief more than any of the main cast. they made this secondary tiny constable important. and canonically bisexual. maybe it's my own little happiness over unsignificant people being significant, and discovering yourself, and happy endings. and i love henry for that. so i say canon bi henry higgins??? to let everyone know.
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[ID: A version of the "clever thoughts" meme, with a speech bubble coming from the mouth of an outline of the side view of a head. an arrow points from the text inside the head towards the mouth.
the text inside the speech bubble reads, in italics: "canon bi henry higgins???"
the text inside the head reads: "henry higgins-newsome is a side character originally intended for comic relief in a show that hardly ever treats its side characters with the respect they deserve, yet he somehow ended up complex and loveable and that means so much to me."
End ID]
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evilcolorgangau-ts · 2 years
im just sitting here thinking about how could i possibly make a movie poster out of the whole "cast" and just--- so many characters-- how could i possibly comozition it??? I should probably either just try to design seperate posters or just try to look at all the Marvel avanger posters like Infinity war poster cuz daaamn that has lot of characters on it hhhh
Attempted it haha
really quck sketch just to entertain myself ((it is ChAos))
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Its even funnier when you concider the fact we dont know how Alan looks so i just shoved that arrow in the middle
Im still unsure about the composition hhhhhhhh
Thank you for sharing :D It would be an amazing poster omg xD
Alan as a cursor in the middle YES xD I'm gonna show his apparence after a few more fics.
I do have lots of cast youre right, I can see why you were inspired by the marvel movie poster's style, they always somehow can present almost everyone in it.
Thanks your again for sharing your sketch :D love the idea💕
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lesbianearthbender · 7 years
What they say: I love avatar the last airbender
What they mean: I love the show so much and I could literally rant on and on about it. I could probably teach a whole class on every single beautiful element (haha pun) that is portrayed.
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a-e-redacted · 2 years
WARNING: This ask contains ranting, gushing, and definite spoilers for Chapter 10 of Moonshadow. Reader discretion is advised.
That. Was. AWESOME!!!
First of all, I l o v e d that little moment between King and Hunter. I’d love to see those two bond/reconcile a bit in S3 of the show, even though I know we might not have time for that. 😞
Secondly, that banter between Adrian and Darius? *chef kiss* 👌 Gold. I’ve had a strong feeling those two would produce nothing but peak entertainment if they were given a chance to bounce off one another, and this moment proves that right!
Thirdly, the Titan Trappers. The way they returned?? Adrenaline rush. A really good one. They come in at an already tense moment where you probably wouldn’t expect them, and then, BAM! Immediate chaos and action, and it’s all d e l i c i o u s .
Fourthly, the Collector. *deep inhale*
What made you wake up and choose violence on all our heartstrings. /positive
That was??? HhhHHHHH my heart hurts for the little guy so mUCH- you can just FEEL his trauma and raw emotions in your SOUL… and Eda was going full owl mom and just kept trying to comfort them-
My heart has melted and evaporated. Amazing work; you’re a truly talented writer. 👍💝💖
EEEEEEEEEE!!!! 😀😀😀😀😀 Thank you for this ask/review! I’m excited to finally be posting this part of Moonshadow, and the feedback I’ve been getting has been AMAZING!
I think King and Hunter would actually get along quite well, there just hasn’t been much opportunity for interaction in canon. And I just love the irony of Hunter being able to talk to a Titan and giving them agency because Belos spent so much time pretending to be able to talk to one to further his own agenda.
Hunter may have an extremely complicated relationship towards The Collector, but I can’t imagine he’d have much reason to harbor animosity towards King. Hunter is a kind and caring boy who spent his entire existence being made to play a role in someone else’s image.
I feel like Adrian is scared shitless of The Collector and is projecting a lot of tropes onto them. Like some of our other characters, he does not think that Collector could possibly be a child. Unlike Luz and company, who held that belief for the sake of their own sanity (because if they are a kid, locking them away would be monstrous) Adrian’s belief is born out of a familiarity with the trickster archetype in stories and mythology.
I had purposefully kept mention of the Titan Trappers to a minimum for the last few chapters (which @pageofheartdj took note of in a recent ask). With everything else that had been happening, our main characters had kind of forgotten this secondary invasion that was occurring.
Also I woke up and chose violence because that’s how I start most days. XD
But in all seriousness, everything that happened in this chapter is potential that has been set up in canon. Whether or not any of it goes in that direction…who knows…
BUT I think that King is one of the few individuals that The Collector has connected with on a deeper, emotional level. Any betrayal by King, or anything harmful happening TO King would hurt The Collector far worse than what anyone else did.
Right now, The Collector has chosen to trust Eda out of fear and desperation. However Eda hasn’t EARNED their trust yet, and this is something important to take note of.
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artpharos · 2 years
001 roseali!
when I started shipping it if I did: Alisha DLC!!! Like granted we didn't get them interacting that much in the main game so then the DLC put them together and YES THEY HAVE VERY MUCH EVERY REASON NOT TO GET ALONG CONSIDERING THEIR OPPOSING WORLDVIEWS AND UPBRINGING AND BACKSTORIES BUT THEN THEY WORK THROUGH THEIR DIFFERENCES AND THEN THEY GET ALONG AND END UP SUPPORTING EACH OTHER AND ALSO ALISHA WANTS TO BE ROSE'S SQUIRE LIKE HHHHHHHH and then Zestiria X came along and now rosali owns every one of my zestiria brain cells
my thoughts: They are so wholesome???? Like you'd think an assassin and a knight would actually clash a lot more but nope they are super supportive of each other and understand where the other is coming from and are working together to make the world a better place together and also listen Zesty X has a lot of things that are not going for it but the one thing they did right was give me a whole Enemies to Friends arc for Rosali and I will die on this hill for it.
What makes me happy about them: THEIR ENTIRE DYNAMIC like Rose is the snarky sneaky one and Alisha is the straight laced straightforward one BUT THEY HAVE CHOSEN TO LOVE AND APPRECIATE THE OTHER and they compliment each other so well AND FOR THEM LOVING EACH OTHER IS A CHOICE AND IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY TO SEE THEM SUCCEED
things done in fanfic that annoys me: Man at this point i'm the type of person that really doesn't mind anything in fanfic because they're so rare so I'm like whatever LMAO
things I look for in fanfic: I like stuff that focuses on the fact that there's literally EVERYTHING that should keep them apart but they actively choose to work together and love each other. I ALSO. REALLY LIKE. THE SPARROWFEATHERS. ADOPTING ALISHA AND SHOWING HER WHAT A REAL FAMILY IS SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Anyone of the party + Sergei tbh
My happily ever after for them: Once the world exists in relative peace, they retire to the countryside and happily adopt all their shepherd trainees and start up a shepherd 'school' while teaching humans about seraphim in between long strolls through the malevolence-free woods
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Being away from their responsibilities and spending time together as two women who can be their true selves around one another :') Probably travelling with the Sparrowfeathers and the seraphim and their students around a world that they brought peace to :')
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moonlit-han · 4 years
nxt 2 u: mornings with stray kids ↠ all members
genre: imagine/reaction, fluff, domestic bliss, established relationship au word count: 3k warnings: highly suggestive, 18+ themes, swearing request: yes but also no? a/n: femme-leaning reader~
✧ masterlist & tag list info in bio ✧
bang chan
you roll over at the sound of chan mumbling in his sleep
he kinda wakes up
just a little blearily
and gives you this huge smile (♡‿♡)
bc you're actually there, the love of his life
and he still can't believe he's lucky enough to wake up beside you every day
so you snuggle closer and kiss his nose
then his eyelids
and finally his mouth so gently
channie just curls more tightly to you and pulls you to his chest
his hair is all tousled in the cutest way
like one part of it is sticking up like a lil cat ear (or wolf ear, since it's chan)
and you kinda just melt when you notice it
you can’t resist combing your fingers through his hair
when he finally wakes up
chan peppers your face with kisses, 
carefully sliding on top of you
to then slowly, so slowly kiss you
his hands travel all over you, slipping under the old t-shirt of his you’re wearing
and soon you’re wriggling under him, wanting more (*/ω\)
so chan works what seems like magic with his hands and/or mouth
until your toes are curl and you feel like you’re going to burst
but chan just grins and rolls off the bed
leaving you gasping and mildly grumpy ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
but you still get up to make blueberry pancakes
bc it’s saturday and that means blueberry pancakes  ( `^´ )ノ*:・゚✧
so you’re standing at the counter, combining the ingredients and waiting for the griddle to heat up
chan comes in after taking a shower
and is so overcome with tenderness at how sweet you look
just standing there in the kitchen,
still in his t-shirt and your underpants
so he wraps his arms around you from behind
and presses himself against you, teasing again a little
he nuzzles your neck, just begging for kisses
so soon, the stove is turned off and breakfast almost forgotten
as you stumble, giggling, back into the bedroom to cuddle and kiss more
and when you’re just about falling asleep
bc who needs to be awake on a saturday morning?! ┐(︶▽︶)┌
chan looks just as adorable and soft as he did earlier in the day
and you let him curl into your arms again
as you hold him and kiss the top of his head
adfghakldfhg he's just the sweetest floofkins (*´▽`*)
lee minho
i know i’ve compared minho to a cat before
but hear me out
minho in the mornings is mildly hilarious
bc even if he’s completely curled into a ball when he falls asleep
or spooning you sweetly
or whatever other fascinating position you fall asleep in together
he ends up stretched out
with at least one arm and one leg thrown over you
snoring softly
just. like. a. cat.
and you often find yourself unable to move
bc minho’s surprisingly heavy when he’s asleep
complete deadweight (╥ᆺ╥;)
but as soon as you brush the little stray hairs from his forehead
and kiss his shoulder
he stirs and groans a little, just settling deeper into the mattress
….which means more snugly onto you
heCk (¬_¬;)
so you wriggle around a little more
and finally manage to get your leg free from underneath of minho’s
as usual, you climb on top of minho and sit squarely on top of him
and start tickling him (≧◡≦)
THAT definitely wakes minho up
his lips poke out a little in a pout, all of their own accord
but he can’t really do anything about the fact that you’re tickling him
bc you’re sitting right on his hips, pinning him to the bed
the ~intimacy~ of the position, despite the fact that you’re tickling him, is not lost on either of you
and, being the little shit that he is, minho bucks his hips up once or twice
you just give him a mock glare and say “bad kitty”
before tickling him with renewed enthusiasm
(not to mention giving him little kisses on the neck and teasing ones on the ear)
once his ribs start to hurt from laughing,
minho just pulls you into a deep kiss
and you both relax
you love how sweet he is in the morning
nothing is hurried nor desperate
bc all minho wants to do is softly show you how much he loves you
you share little, soft touches that nonetheless feel like the most important things in the world
seo changbin
changbin’s arms around you is the best thing in the world
you’re barely awake and everything is blissful softness
if your feelings and the atmosphere could be described as a color,
it would be peach~
golden and warm, with just a hint of sweetness ;)
you snuggle into changbin’s chest, nestling your hips more closely with his
and you get a little kiss on the head
changbin is calm and cuddly in the mornings
and all he wants to do is hold you
sometimes you’ll end up with him closer than skin-to-skin
but it’s honestly more for comfort than anything else
how can he resist yet another way to be closer to you and cozy?
after awhile, you turn over slightly and kiss the underside of his chin
he giggle softly
……he’s a bit like totoro:
definitely a little magical
((yes, i’m still on my “changbin is a shapeshifting crow” agenda))
and just A Good BeanTM
(♡‿♡) (♡‿♡) (♡‿♡)
you scoot up onto the pillow a bit so you’re face-to-face
changbin just murmurs “hey baby” and gives you a lil kiss on the lips
his lips are so soft you feel like you’re going to melt
he makes sure to pull the blankets back over your shoulders so you aren’t cold
and he rubs your back in slow circles
tension you didn’t even know you were holding releases under his touch
and changbin’s hand drifts to your hip to hold you to him
you tangle your legs together
and he somehow pulls you closer
you’re really not sure how he manages it
but changbin can hold you and cuddle you so closely that you feel like you’re going to merge into one person
there’s nothing sexy about it or anything
it’s just that the warm, safe feeling you get is so amazing
neither of you are anywhere near fully awake
and drift in and out of sleep, sometimes shifting to a more comfortable position
when you finally wake, changbin is still sleeping soundly
you take the opportunity to stare at him
his hair is mussed (a bit wildly)
and he has the first little bits of stubble coming down from his sideburns
a little smile adorns his mouth, as if he’s dreaming about something lovely
((you. he’s dreaming about you :3 ))
you slip your arm up to stroke changbin’s face
your thumb passes over the rounded plane of his cheekbone
and, even in sleep, he leans into your touch
after a few more moments, you lightly kiss him awake
hwang hyunjin
you’d expect hyunjin to be a complete mess in the mornings
but he’s not
he’s actually organized
oh and since his hair can get aaaaaall over the place
he always makes sure to braid it out of the way at night
so in the mornings, little wisps of hair stick out from their appointed places
one of your morning habits is to delicately tuck those wisps of hair back into place
on the weekends, hyunjin is
so! excited!! to!!! cuddle!!!! you!!!!! ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆
and loves kinda pouncing on you as soon as your eyes open
kisses you all over
and rolls the two of you around on the bed
and he’s just holding your hips the entire time, rubbing small circles into them
as he kisses you so damn sweetly
and if you playfully nip at his bottom lip?
he’ll just do it right back
your rolling around has turned into more too many times for you to count
and honestly, it’s kinda the best
so sweet and slow
like you’re the most precious jewel in the world
he  t a k e s  h i s  s w e e t  t i m e ( ̄~ ̄ )
and sometimes all you can do is hold on to the sheets for dear life
unless you’re supposed to meet your parents at 11 a.m.
in which case, you’d better be ready
gotta go fast, as they say~ (⊙‿⊙✿)  
but even then, mornings with hyunjin are still sweeter than caramel
his normally plump lips are even more so when he’s just woken up
and the way he squints his eyes against the sun?
that’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen
sometimes he’s just calm in the mornings
and you lay your head on his chest
and listen to his heartbeat
as hyunjin strokes your hair and gives you a little neck massage
it’s so peaceful and you wouldn’t trade snuggling with hyunjin for the world
han jisung
does not want to get out of bed
no fucking thank you \\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶////
there really should be a sign on his door or bed like
WARNING: Do Not Try to Remove Squirrel from Natural Habitat!!!!!
secondary warning: squirrel may bite if forcibly removed from natural habitat
he will cling to you better than an octopus
jisung nuzzles into your neck like there’s no tomorrow
and the loose strands of hair falling around his face tickle your skin a little
instead of kissing your neck over and over,
jisung just kinda pouts and keeps his lips lightly against your skin
it’s really sweet hhhhhh (o´▽`o)
if he’s ~ in the mood ~ be prepared for WhiningTM
and for your pajamas to disappear faster than chan’s ears turn red when he’s embarrassed
is it gonna be fast? slow? who knows! (・_・ )
let the fates decide and just go with it
bc either way, you’re going to need to change the sheets and take a shower
you may also find yourself turned into a burrito one morning
bc jisung loves all the blankets
and thinks you’re cute as hell all rolled up in them
…..like a burrito 。・゚(゚⊃ω⊂゚)゚・。
and he will immediately lay down on top of you, the burrito, and begin to munch
and by munch i mean kiss you so thoroughly you’ll barely remember your name
he only gets like that if he’s been awake for at least an hour
so when he first opens his eyes, rubbing his face a little and yawning
his first inclination is to make sure you’re still there
and then he just snuggles closer, kinda tucking his head under your chin or on your shoulder
as you also wake up, you make sure to kiss his forehead and tell him you love him
it’s a little ritual almost~
you’d both miss it if you didn’t do that
and you just shift a bit so you can hold jisung even tighter,
threading your fingers through his hair
and kissing the tips of his ears, as if they have little points
you lay there together, just enjoying the warmth of not one, not two, not three, but four comfy blankets and each other
until jisung’s a bit more awake
his hair is so messy when he finally sits up
and his lips are a little dry and swollen from sleep
when he finally speaks, his voice is super husky and deeper than usual
and, frankly, you think it’s the hottest thing ever
when you’re together, he usually doesn’t wear a shirt to sleep, either
so in the morning you’re just blessed with the sight of a shirtless jisung
whose voice is at least half an octave lower and slightly gravelly
it’s just;;;
invariably, you end up pulling him right back down next to you and booping his nose
then kissing him
a lot
and, sometimes, you don’t get out of bed until noon
because why would you when it’s safe inside the blankets? (⌒▽⌒)♡
lee felix
wraps arms and legs (anything else he can manage but idk what) around you
bc damn it you’re there with him and you’re gonna be close!!!!
the cuddliest in the morning
but then again….will gladly wriggle down to the foot of the bed
and make you a scream
felix: softly, y/n!! don’t wake the neighbors!
y/n: how am i… supposed to- Fuck! stay quiet when you- damn it, ’lix… keep doing that!!?
*giggles from felix* (≧◡≦)
but most importantly
he literally just wants to hold you
and enjoys making you laugh by rumbling his voice in his chest
after all, it’s considerably easier to do first thing in the morning
and is quite proud of the fact that his voice is deeper in the mornings
yawns kinda loudly????
but does that slow eye and nose scrunch he does
to clear the sleep from his eyes a little
it’s the cutest thing ever
also learned the “make my significant other into a burrito” trick from jisung (-_-;)
so now you’re a burrito practically every single morning
there’s actually something comforting about being swaddled
and also like jisung
(((dear god they must share notes akhfskdhj)))
he flops down on top of you to cuddle the living daylights out of you
felix will give you all the gentle kisses in the world
definitely sings that frank sinatra song “fly me to the moon” to wake you up
before kissing each of your fingers, your palm, your wrist, and all the way up your arm before finally
reaching your lips
and he just murmurs sweet nothings to you
as he kisses you every way and everywhere he knows how
felix likes to lay beside with you, hands laced together
and talk about what you’ll do together that day
bc there’s so much he wants to do with you (*¯ ³¯*)♡
and show you and cook for you
and he’s just so full of love
that he ends up bounding out of bed
and pulling you with him, even if you’re both still half-asleep
just so you can start your day together
although, you usually have to stop him from running out the door still in his pajamas
with the cutest bedhead ever
a small part of you wants to see what would happen if he went out like that
but then again…
you also want to be the only one who sees felix in such an utterly free state of being
kim seungmin
seungmin is extremely soft in the mornings
he really likes to just hold you to his chest with his cheek pressed against the top of your head
kisses your temple from time to time
and just holds you on top of him, hand pressed to the small of your back
he likes to tell you about the previous day when you’re just laying there together
and sometimes doesn’t mind if you fall back asleep while he’s talking
he actually finds it rather cute
seungmin likes to spoil you in the mornings
whatever that means to you
either food
(he’ll make you an amazing breakfast
like absolutely everything you could ever want
and probably more)
or ~ love ~
(…maybe, if you make a good case for it
does not take these things lightly ( ̄ヘ ̄) )
or giving you a massage
you do like massages tho
and seungmin’s particularly good at them
he makes sure to get lotion or body oil
and that his hands are warm
bc no one likes a massage from someone with cold hands
then just methodically massages your back
he secretly likes the little noises you make when the tension releases from your muscles (✿´ ꒳ ` )
sometimes massages turn into making love
but usually not~
mornings are for slow relaxation
no raising of heartbeats or anything else
seungmin also likes to plan out days while still cuddling in bed
and grudgingly allows you to tease him
about his bedhead
or his bleary-eyed looks at you before he’s fully awake ╥﹏╥
or how he just wouldn’t move no matter what you did during the night
it was really quite amazing
seungmin tends to mumble a lot in the mornings
it’s one of the few times he’ll snuggle into you
instead of holding you
he’ll just mumble incoherently
and you’ll be just falling asleep again
when he starts talking perfectly clearly about how much he loves you
you listen, trying to memorize exactly what he says
bc there’s absolutely nothing to distract him or filter the words
and he’s just…. talking
seungmin’s voice first thing in the morning is, of course, a bit lower from sleep
and you find it unbearably attractive
especially when he’s telling you he loves you (*/ω\)。o♡
yang jeongin
kinda just slips his arm around your shoulder
kisses the top of your head
and murmurs “good morning sweetie”
before getting up quickly to brush his teeth
bc dear gods he just wants to feel clean;;;;
once he’s back, it’s time for sooooo many cuddles ( ◡‿◡ ♡)
you hadn’t necessarily fully enjoyed the experience of breakfast in bed
until you met jeongin
then, breakfast in bed on the weekends became normal!
and sometimes you’d even watch a show together
and cuddle and cuddle and cuddle and cuddle
when he started working out more, you were really excited
bc it meant more squish for you to cuddle on
he’s very playful in the mornings
and, like with minho, there ends up being lots of tickling
although, with jeongin, he’s doing the tickling
he’s in love with your giggle(*♡∀♡)(*♡∀♡)
and takes every opportunity to make you laugh just so he can hear it
jeongin is the poutiest in the mornings
like if you thought jisung can pout?
well, no. jisung still wins the pouting contest
but jeongin comes in a close second!!!
but not even pouting to get something or get his way
just cutely pouting for the sake of looking cute (◕‿◕✿)
and he just squishes you so tightly to his chest
you sometimes have to remind him that
in a perfect world
you’d like to breathe
one morning when you were being squeezed
so affectionately you didn’t even know what to do
you decided to kiss his collarbones
and it was all over from there
jeongin  m e l t s  if you kiss his collarbones
and if you kiss along them,
everything in his world is even better
but then if you decide to get inventive
and maybe take a lil soft nibble or lick?
it’s all over (⌒_⌒;)
he just gets so overwhelmed with love
and tenderness hhhhh
and sighs like a dramatic Victorian lady
the moment you start
you are so not leaving that bed for at least another two hours
jeongin likes to make sure you’re nice and comfy
at all times
when in bed bc, just like his friends have taught him:
he will treat you like an angel.。o♡
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