toadstool32 · 1 year
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snack time
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anonymous-verse · 2 months
The Anonymous-Verse Masterlist 2.0
there have been some heavy changes in the anon-verse recently! (And not in a bad way). We have been striving away from infecting getting into people’s blogs and starting to have our own story’s. Exciting isn’t it? Well that’s why I am updating the Masterlist!
long story short, we’ve have met friends and foes and uhm. Chaos anon in our adventure during the anon-verse! Our adventures have been spread around the blogs of the individual anon besides f@|$3 who resides here but shall we continue on with the master list? I think we should
(P.S: if you want to have more information about the anon’s and the arc’s, join the discord!)
these are not used as often. Mb
#anon q&a - Question and Answers for the anons
#anon talks to anon - one of the anons listed probably asked something
#anons drawings - if any anons draw something, use this
#anons shit post - yeah. Just shit posting
#incorrect anon quotes - (please tell me you know what these are)
#anon lore - THE LOREEEEE
#announcement - if anything serious or just something we think is important will be tagged here
#anon reblog - we see something related to the anon verse not on the blog? We re-blog
if you want to see a post by a specific anon then put them in the tags
anon lore summary ^^^
Active and or in the main arcs
Orange = had an arc already
Multiverse Arson Idiot Lurking Confused Snuff Lost Tea Assnon Eyenon 👮‍♀️ Host Sky Temmie T.O.B. Promise Regret (joke character) Tortoise Dad (joke character) f@l$3 (the main user of this blog) Bed Pun Chef Witch not active Cricket Therapist not active Beep Spelling check V01D Time Enigma (not an anon but part of the lore) Done Chaos Shapeshifter (shiter) Fragment (have there own thing) McAnon (joke character) Mr. Determination Shade (not an anon) the-arc-of-1-anon (in the process of an arc)
━━╋━━━╋━━━╋━━  ‘ANON BLOGS!!1!1!1!
F@|$3 is the user of this account mostly
━━╋━━━╋━━━╋━━  ‘The good ol’ victims
@swiftmitsu (the one who started it all)
━━╋━━━╋━━━╋━━  -lost anon
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mcytblr-archive · 6 months
Early MCYTblr Interviews: mcyt-quotes
today's interviewee is mcyt-quotes, one of the first MCYT quotes blogs, member of MCYTblr since SMPLive, and winner of the first MCYTblr elections! below is a transcript of their questions and answers.
Q: To begin with, what was your overall MCYTblr experience like? Does anything particularly stick out to you?
A: it was fun, by and large. a good outlet for me to talk with likeminded people, and a good distraction to get me through my senior years of high school. i’ve been a public figure in a few online fandom spaces, now, and i think what stood out the most in the mcytblr space is the fact that some of the larger blogs were almost treated like mini-content creators themselves ? i got fanart a few times, especially through the whole election fiasco, and i remember there being incorrect quote blogs etc that i would pop up on now and then. i’ve never seen it happen on that scale before - it was odd, but fun in its own way. defiantly gave early-mid MCYTblr its own personality
Q: Speaking of the elections, do you remember what it was like to run in them? I remember that you won, but I'm interested to hear what it was like from your point of view.
A: ahahaha that was an experience. i fully signed up as a joke - i wasn’t very active on discord or very close with many of the other blogs, and i didn’t realise that my follower count was on the higher end of the spectrum, so i didn’t think i had a chance. just wanted to muck around and procrastinate studying for my final exams. things sorta spiralled though - i got hooked up with two bloody fantastic vice candidates (@the-royal-bat-snake and @sosigshoney) who did literally everything, and i also underestimated MCYTblr’s tendency to do it for the bit. i remember my campaign being something to the effect of promising a militia of arsonists, kitten genocide, cannibalism generally, and a total removal of free speech and thought ? and then i was elected and i was like ah fuck, i don’t have time for this. and then suddenly i was in the middle of some vast RP conspiracy that i was mostly asleep through, being Aussie, and very lost
Q: You mentioned that in the MCYT fandom, blogs were treated like smaller content creators-- how was that different from your other fandom experiences, out of curiosity?
A: so that sort of environment has popped up in other fandom spaces that i’ve been in - most obvious would be (and i want no judgement) the instagram DC and Marvel comics community, where i spent a few years running a large page. there were definitely elements of it - pages would get memes dedicated to them, etc. but lore ? i’ve never seen that before. i think it might be something about the nature of MCYT - aspects of the fandom, especially post Dream SMP (when this behaviour became most common) was built on mythologising people. not in the sense of worshipping them, but more so in the sense of fitting them into fictional narratives, just like the Dream SMP. and the blog owners themselves were primed to happily accept RP scenarios (something which has historically been seen as ‘cringe’), particularly those which blend absurdism and emotion. so the prison blogs, the election and subsequent RP, the penis SMP, the incorrect quotes blogs dedicated to fandom blogs (literally fandom-ception) came pretty naturally
idk, with more and time and reflection there’s probably something interesting there - Dream SMP was pretty unique in it’s time, and tumblr (especially post 2012) is a unique platform, so it makes sense they combined like that
Q: That makes me wonder, too-- it hasn't come up much before this, but I think it's an important aspect to examine: Do you think that large numbers of people (especially younger ones) being quarantined contributed to the intense/fast-paced fandom?
A: oh absolutely. it was pretty crazy to watch as a (semi) outsider. i joined the fandom in 2019, when it was Very small on tumblr - there maybe three other blogs i could follow who were MCYT related ? and then Covid hit and it bloody exploded. as i’ve mentioned, i was in my final year of high school, plus my town was only quarantined for a small period of time, so i didn’t really get that classic quarantine experience of having nothing to do. but christ, you could tell that so many people were spending practically their whole lives living through MCYT. and i don’t think that was a bad thing - it was clearly a great experience for a lot of people. but that’s why you had things popping up like the high school au blog dedicated to other MCYTblr blogs (where i think i was actually used as some evil class president or something ?? idk), which you would Not have seen in any other environment, i reckon
and i cannot stress your fast paced comment enough - every time i woke up it felt like heaps of astronomical events had happened in the few hours of USA timezone that had passed
it was fun - i felt like a long suffering older cousin at some points, but i don’t mind. that’s part of why i leaned into the election RP - if i could be as evil as possible, i gave them something to have fun with
Q: Now that you mention it, it's really interesting how that played out almost exactly as it did in the DSMP itself! A less-invested party coming in with a cartoonishly evil plan and winning the election to be played off of in roleplay, it's amazing how it worked out like that.
A: ahaha and it wasn’t lost on people at the time !! i was known for quite a while afterwards as a Schlatt-kinnie, which i was happy to lean into. a lot of the plot after that was lost on me - it was my two vice’s that i mentioned before and the rest of the cabinet which really carried things, and i would just pop in whenever i happened to be awake to endorse kitten genocide or something like that then go back to studying. but i’m pretty sure it did continue to trace the DSMP for a while afterwards - i banned the cult party [silverfish2020], so they were pretty quick to form a rebellion group, while i just continued to make worse and worse decisions. to be honest, though, it eventually spiralled out of control - i was taking it so laissez-faire that i forgot some people were genuinely invested, and while i forget details i definitely genuinely pissed a few people off at some point. i remember pretty vividly at one point someone made a post where they said they were worried i was going to doxx them or something like that (?) and i was like damn, this shits more serious than i thought it was. so i arranged to have my character assassinated and noped out - i couldn’t tell you what happened after that (or, frankly, before it). honestly, if you’re interested in niche fandom history though there’s probably something interesting in what went down - worth looking into if you’re bored
Q: Do you remember any other 'Big MCYTblr events'? It's alright if you don't remember what happened during them-- if you can't recall, I'll use them to ask around for people who participated!
A: i don’t rlly remember any other events…i know they happened, but i really had no interest in getting involved beyond answering whatever asks i would get about them. the election from memory was the first Big one (unless prom was first ? idk they were close together) and after that i was very happy to let Quotes as a character die, and i mostly ignored them
plus, it was about that time i started leaving the fandom - maybe a month or so later. by that point the community was Big, and moving fast, and a lot of drama had begun to leak in. you’ve covered some of the controversial blogs etc, and while i didn’t care about them personally they were indicative that the fandom space was different. combine that with me moving out of home and starting university, and i pretty much shut the blog down
Q: What led you to create the mcyt-quotes blog in the first place?
A: ummm i reckon just to have somewhere to talk about minecraft monday. there wasn’t a very dedicated fan base, and fuck knows i wasn’t gonna be talking about minecraft irl in a public aussie high school (i don’t have a death wish) so it just gave me somewhere to collect my thoughts. nothing interesting 🤷‍♀️
Q: Now that you mention it-- what are some of your most memorable moments from Minecraft Monday, whether from creators or the fandom?
A: ahhhhh there were some good ones. the fandom was deeply toxic during minecraft monday, but in a fun way - it felt sorta like following a sport more than anything. a niche reference here, but it felt the same as being a fan of australia’s soccer leagues - everyone hates each other, the organisers are greedy pricks who have no idea what’s going on, and there’s a new, entirely avoidable catastrophe happening every week. i think top moments include: the /top incident, where the fandom was divided after a scandal where Techno used an exploit to beat Vikkstar in an arena game; the a6d beef, where a6d was banned for not having enough viewers and then snuck back in and got into twitter drama with Keemstar; the week were Carson tried to sabotage Techno, leading to some of the most awkward moments possible and resulting in a lot of hate for the guy when he was otherwise still popular; week 7, where literally everything that could be broken was broken; James Charles getting adopted by the Minecraft community after his first cancelling but before everything that went down afterwards; and week 14, where a hacker griefed the arena, destroyed the event, and then accidentally doxxed himself while streaming it all. a fitting end
the main outlet for MCYT back then was actually reddit - there was a very active MCM subreddit which had a ton of statistics etc. the fandom was very into statistics back then, and actually analysing who would be a threat. that increased even more when serious esports players were added to the mix, like XQC and T1yler. they brought the toxic sweaty gamer energy to the competition, and the MC youtubers generally found them hilarious
it’s actually funny how much the vibe of the fandom changes depending on what’s most popular - MCM felt like sports fans, SMPEarth felt like historians, and DSMP was a giant role play arena
Q: Were you a part of the subreddit? (And, if so-- was it any different from MCYT Tumblr?)
A: yeah, i was crazy active on that subreddit !! i was always rooting for either Techno, Schlatt, or James Charles - Techno because he permanently dominated, Schlatt cause i was a casual SMPLive fan, and JC for the meme - and because at the time he was pretty widely accepted, since people loved that he genuinely seemed to get into the competition. funnily, the only time i’ve seen this competitive energy recreated was in the Techno vs Dream duel (which i also got way too competitive about). MCM was the first serious introduction of old school MC youtubers to the new generation - it was fun seeing all the classics slowly come around to Techno when they realised he wasn’t a sweat he was just good, or seeing them try to navigate conversations with the SMPLive gang when the old guard was still trying to be family friendly. the best week was actually Week 14, when a collection of old MCYTbers and new MCYTbers (and James Charles) decided fuck it and went to play on Hypixel for a few hours. it was great. i was also, later, very active on the SMPEarth wiki (the main hub for the fandom in those days) - that place is a gem to this day, and i’m not just saying that because i wrote far too much of it
Q: As time went on, did you see the culture of the fandom shift? What was it like to watch?
A: it shifted a Lot between different phases. even the demographic changed, at different points. you would be hard pressed to imagine that the fans of SMPLive were the same as DSMP, even though there was overlap in creators. even something more recent, like SMPEarth to DSMP - totally different vibe. you can see aspects that influenced each other, though - for example, the SMPE fandom’s obsession with making flags for different factions and putting factions at war with each other absolutely led into the establishment of L’Manburg. then Eret had his betrayal moment, and it turned from SMPE style war roleplay (which you would have on SMPLive, even, for example with the Stal conflict) to actual personal role play, where there were characters separate from the content creators. that division had never been identified before. that was when u started to see a lot of the mainstay parts of today’s fandom pop up - e.g. the c! vs cc! shorthand, or the constant division of content creators onto duos or other groups, and (of course) the shipping debates started up. they had always been there, especially in the Dream side of the fandom (which evolved spiritually from the Skeppy side, imo, which had similar debates) but they Really blew up with DSMP
that’s sort of when i stepped out - nothing against that style of fandom, it’s just not for me
Q: I've heard a lot of people who were in 2019-2020 MCYTblr say that the fandom was a lot more close-knit during that time-- was that your experience of it, too?
A: very much so. it was inevitable, we were a small bunch. i wouldn’t go so far as to say that everyone knew everyone, but everyone definitely had a mutual friend. i mean, hell, even connections to the creators were common - a lot of people on stuff like love or host were fans themselves. of course, looking back at the way that power was abused by certain creators paints it in a different light, but at the time it was fun
Q: Are there any fandom in-jokes, copypastas, running bits, or anything similar that you can remember from your time in the fandom?
A: too many to name. most of them id get in my inbox and just be confused, tbh, like the Kroger anon or some of the kinnies. i’ll try to go through some pre-DSMP era ones from the top of my head. the Hey Wilbur copypasta was cursed, as was SMPRompa (which i actually read the first couple chapters of, out of morbid curiosity. it was an experience). Stal, of course, was iconic in its time, as was the cuck shed. there was Keemstar being referred to as a gnome, his beef with the Skeppy gang, the ‘I could kiss you’ incident, ‘Hey Technoblade’. Jschlatt’s love or host bit where he was a closeted, deeply christian man made the rounds. Technoplane, of course. the Carson crying meme, and Gumball killing James Charles. Petezahutt dropping MCM to spite Keemstar, and Keemstar lying about it. ‘Preston is rusty’ was a classic MCM era meme, after the two fucking dominated. the sheer amount of times MCM got hacked was a bit of an in-joke, as was who actually won week 7 (to this day we didn’t know)
Q: Alright, and last one! Is there anything else you can remember/want archived, or any comments about MCYTblr as a whole?
A: ummmm i don’t think so ! i’ve said pretty much everything that immediately comes to mind. definitely an interesting fandom - one of the most unique i’ve seen. i appreciate your account a lot ! it’s funny to see old posts pop up again
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snickerdoodlles · 2 years
texting fics for the fic tropes ask?
somehow A++ and a big fat red F at the same time LOL
okay so like. you may not know this about me, but i love social media fic (ik ik, hold your shocked gasps til the end). i absolutely love epistolary stories in general--i am a huge, huge fan of outsider POV and unreliable narrator tropes, and epistolary stories are so well suited to one or both of these things. epistolary stories put either a very, very narrow telescope on and/or a very broad/vague/heavily filtered overview of a narrative and i love reading between the lines and teasing out the story that way. plus, especially with a lot of neat ao3 works skins (which i...don't use because im lazy 💦), a lot of these stories play with the traditional way to tell a story and explore narratives told through different types of media, often very punchy types of environmental storytelling, and more, which is so cool to me. i'm not even talking about all the ways epistolary fic can play with character voice, and the differences between speaking vs texting, conversation habits across mediums, etc!!
chat fics...sometimes manage the above.
unfortunately though, many also often fall into referential humor traps and like...sitcom storylines (i'm not sure if that made up term makes sense lol). my point though is that some chat fics are really just treated like those incorrect quotes blogs but in a format that can be posted to ao3. and i already have a lot of irritation with incorrect quotes--it's very rare that a genuinely funny joke can just be ripped from its original context and still be funny, and a lot of people use referential humor as a crutch because they're scared of writing their own humor/jokes. but the thing is, the more references you use, the more you isolate and/or narrow your audience because not everyone is going to know what you're referencing; and it's one thing as a reader to skip over one joke you don't recognize, it's another to skip over multiple jokes in a row that make no sense to you. this goes doubly for chat fics that rely primarily on memes, which are esp flavor-of-the-week references whose original context gets lost almost immediately. and then on top of the humor crutch, a lot of these fics forget that like...epistolary stories still have a narrative? they still have a plot? you still have to explain how the characters started talking to each other, why they're still talking to each other, wrap it up in a good end goal, etc. and a lot of fic just...doesn't. i have zero interest in reading a fic that throws everyone into a groupchat with zero regard for how the individual characterizations, just to ramble out a bunch of ill-fitting references with no end goal or point in sight. sighs
so yeah! epistolary/social media/texting/etc fics are almost always the first set of tags i run through when i first enter a fandom tag and i'll often read those first over everything else because when they're done right, they're so. good.
but if there's no explanation to the how or the why, or zero regard to characterization or voice, or too many memes, i'm immediately out and will probably even mute the story so that it's easier for me to navigate the tags in the future 😂
send me a fic trope!
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rattatooie · 2 years
i think the problem with fandom incorrect quote blogs is that often the jokes in the quotes used dont land at all because the delivery gets lost in written posts. and even if you could rely on people remembering how its delivered in the source theres still gonna be dozens of posts with quotes from media that only a handful of people are familiar with. i also think th *is viciously grabbed by a hawk and flies away to never be seen again*
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25-traveller · 2 years
Alright. Soo ... I'm going to write fanfiction but sometimes and well this account is getting anywhere (however this is Blue, the place for you to imagine and be happy by hallucinations).
I'm very sorry if there are some dark content (not- not content but dark topics like poverty, the history of this and that, criticism. I'm gonna say that I'm a heavy rebel) and also I can't do much NSFW.
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I mostly do SFW. Forgive me.
I accept every fandom, even if you want your OC fandom. But unfortunately I must give you a year to wait, because I'm an anime-ish person. I watch animes often.
I can write your husbandos for you! Do you love Jack The Ripper? Same. You want Buddha or Tsukishima fanfic? I can help you.
Yes, yes, I know I look very panic but well ... That's me.
I will also mention some famous classical writers (ex. Edgar Allan Poe) for readers who likes to read. I'm gonna mention myself them (joke—)
What can I do?
I can do SFW mostly, let's call it Fluff or comfort. For NSFW, usually angst or blood or gore... But if you want some spicy ones, I can give you that (but forgive me for my bad writing, I'm not English nor American)
- Hugs or cuddles or whatever
- Holding hands
- Headcanons
- Ships
- Some sweet moments that I don't know what to say
- Incorrect quotes
- Angst
- Gore/bloods/violence (only for some scenes)
- Kisses
- And probably adult scenes if you want
So, What Can't I do then?
I can't do:
- Self-harm/suicide (Please don't request it except if you want a small suicide like cutting)
- BDSM or hard BDSM
- Fetish (I'm sorry, but I need more practice to describe things like that)
- Incest
- Rape
- Underage — Adult scenes (you know)
For those who didn't know me, let me call Dara for the nickname! I know it's a weird name for you? But this is me. You probably can call me February or Yuki, if you want.
I'm a-15-year-old author who likes to write and draw, known as a girl who is too lazy to do sports and too shy to direct message first. My blog is about my Indonesian Wattpad stories or my OCs, but I often post about fanfics.
I'm currently in:
- Hetalia
- Golden Kamuy
- Hazbin Hotel
- Record of Ragnarok
- Guilty Gear (pls I haven't played it yet, sorry T_T)
I also know BSD, KoF, and SF anyway.
Has a second account: @etoile-girl25
Mostly found on Instagram (tsundokyu.me), Twitter for AU or alternative pov?? (live0nDara) and AO3.
Also discord but I will tell you only if you want to.
Hope you enjoy <3
Chill from,
The Lost Girl
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uncle-jj · 4 months
Sheesh, is that all you're ever gonna say? Come on...
I did NOT make this blog just to write my own incorrect Pizza Tower quotes. There literally is no purpose I made this blog, unless you count rambling or crapposting. Yeesh...like there ever was anything better for me to do (or anything good at all to do)... I mean, I got some substantial fame for incorrect Encanto quotes, and incorrect Animal Crossing quotes, but then Pizza Tower took over Gameblr...and there still isn't anything good for me to do.
I had attempted two April Fools jokes, okay? One was speaking Japanese, and the other was just me saying nothing but "Peppino". As of now, I've applied for college WITH help from my mother (who I still live with)...damn! Nobody even appreciates my other posts anymore! I swear, this website's algorithm is so flawed. What do you guys expect me to do, post another Pizza Tower incorrect quote? I literally had lost motivation to draw even a simple stickman, yet I run a high quality ripping channel that needs to be branded properly, and I used to roleplay so much on Discord. Despite that, I'm still in some roleplay servers, and I have a lack of original characters based on MY designs to roleplay as!
Society was right; Twitter is a hellhole, Tumblr is a corporate shilling, TikTok has no home in the USA, and there is absolutely NOTHING good about ANY website, app, or anything like that at all. The internet was never great; it always has been rotten to the core ever since it was born. No kitty picture, lewd drawing, dank meme, online game, or community has the power to satisfy me anymore. TV and movies never help either, and video games don't feel real to me. Books put a mirage in my brain; that includes comic books too. Entertainment is and will always be a hoax to me, and everything on this so-called "Earth" is just absolutely garbage.
God is dead, and they killed themself, all because Eve ate the apple.
0 notes
mezmatch · 2 years
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I posted 3,475 times in 2022
That's 3,350 more posts than 2021!
27 posts created (1%)
3,448 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 895 of my posts in 2022
#star wars - 80 posts
#codywan - 44 posts
#the clone wars - 40 posts
#obi wan kenobi - 36 posts
#commander cody - 31 posts
#omg - 19 posts
#clone wars - 14 posts
#wow - 12 posts
#kenobi spoilers - 11 posts
#whoa - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#please reblog content you genuinely enjoy. not only will it help put the creators work out there but it will also probably make their day 2
My Top Posts in 2022:
Tech Headcanons I have that make sense for some reason
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He loves Lemon Demon (Crosshair introduced him to it and now they listen to it together on shifts)
Likes cinnamon candies
Loses stuff ALL.THE.TIME
He'll blame Wrecker for moving his stuff (Wrecker didn't touch it)
He's a bit uncoordinated cause of the googles
This has led to him bumping into stuff
He fell down the Maurader's ramp once
Crosshair and Wrecker found it hilarious
Loves psychology (He just finds it super interesting!)
Has a journal filled with information about plants and animals on different planets
Is really good at memorizing song lyrics
Apple juice enjoyer
Fidgets a ton
Really likes vanilla candy
Just lays on the floor sometimes (Echo tripped on him once. It hurt)
Has a lil notebook in his belt compartment for ideas cause if he doesn't write it down right then then it's gone forever
Likes chocolate muffins
Sewed Lula for Wrecker (It was actually Crosshair's idea to make it a Tooka. He noticed how much Wrecker seemed to like them.)
Lemon and lime lifesavers
Cream soda lolipops
Has 3 other pairs of goggles because he knows from experience they don't last long enough
Tried blue lenses once (it was a failure)
Likes the color orange
Has an odd obsession with ordo moon dragons
He'd probably be a Ravenclaw
Likes to stay busy cause his mind will wonder
Doesn't like crowds
Had a stick collection at one point (Hunter made him get rid of it cause of fire hazards)
Will pick up leaves and flowers to stick in his journal
See the full post
58 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
Echo headcanons I have that just make sense for some reason Pt.2
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He likes the color blue (it reminds him of the good ole days)
He reads whatever he can get his hands on (Cook books, gardening magazines, the dictionary, you name it!)
Really likes things that glow
Is a plant boi
A really good baker (Makes amazing cookies)
Knows a ton of constellations
Likes Mint tea
Dumps a pound of sugar in his Caf cause he hates the taste of the GAR brand
(Crosshair looked horrified the first time he did it)
Picked up some jokes from Fives (He'll tell them to Omega when she's sad)
Used to whittle (he managed to figure out how to do it with one hand)
Type to lay in the grass at night and look at the stars
The one who keeps in contact with everyone (Will message Rex like "Vod did you eat? No? Go eat now.")
Makes sure everyone stays hydrated
Parental figure™
Mother hen ("Wrecker no don't do that! Tech you're going to get electrocuted! Where's Crosshair?!)
Seems like a mix of modern rock and classical music type of listener
Not actually super grouchy all the time! He just hasn't gotten used to Wrecker's snoring yet!
Will absolutely freak out over old ships (Probably Skywalker's fault)
Is weirdly good at finding lost things
("Echo I can't find my- it's on the copilots chair under Hunter's helmet. "Okay?..")
Would definitely pick the m&ms out of the trail mix
(Wrecker is convinced Crosshair's the one doing it. They keep fighting over it.)
Seems like a vanilla ice cream sorta guy or maybe cookie dough
Actually rivals Crosshair's skills with a rifle
(He's a Arc trooper what did you expect?)
They like to have competitions on shore leave
See the full post
91 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
Incorrect Codywan Quotes
Cody: Obi wan! I thought you were dead!
Obi wan: No, just in deep cover.
Cody: ...But it was an open casket.
Obi wan: It was very deep
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ *⋆.☾ ⋆*・゚
Cody: I fell—
Obi wan: From heaven?
Cody: No, I literally fell—
Obi wan: In love with me the moment you saw me?
Obi wan: Okay, but do you think I'm pretty? Be honest.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ *⋆.☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆
Obi wan: I think I'm falling for you.
Cody: Then get up.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ *⋆.☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆
Obi wan: Did you miss me while I was gone?
Cody: You were gone?
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ *⋆.☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*
115 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
You know what would be great? A clone series. No not the clone wars. Something different. I'm thinking about something with the small moments in between fighting where they would all get to relax for a while. I'm thinking about the clones going out to the 79s to celebrate a victory and maybe getting a little too drunk and doing karaoke and coming back late at night with genuine smiles. The little moments where they would spar or talk or maybe even gossip. The clones chilling in the barracks and playing games that the generals taught them and losing sometimes and not caring because nothing is at stake right then. The clones painting their armor and getting tattoos to memorialize their fallen and remember special moments. The clones laughing and not worrying about the war. The clones out at night on the rare occasion they get leave and looking at the stars and just existing. The clones just being people and finding out what it means to exist even throughout the war. Finding out who they are and being there for one another. Just a show about the clones.
349 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Me waiting for Ao3 to come back online like-
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2,237 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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aquamarinescarlet · 3 years
Great, my girlfriend is a toddler
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Word count: ~4.5k
Warnings: one curse word (I think), mentions of past trauma (nothing graphic), and a lot of fluff
Summary: Reader is caught in a trap during a mission and ends up trapping herself in her five year old mind and body.
Author’s note: I know I basically just post incorrect quotes, but this idea came to me and I just had to write it. I won’t stop with the incorrects btw, and if you guys prefer I create a different blog to post these little stories just let me know. Without further ado, enjoy, and let me know what you think (this is my first time writing something like this too, so tips/remarks are always welcome).
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the marvel characters.
(Picture is not mine, got it on pinterest)
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“West wing clear”
“Basement clear”
“Guys I need some help here.” 
You heard through comms as your teammates infiltrated the Hydra base.
It was a fairly simple mission, small base, so not that many enemies to fight off.
As you made your way down an empty corridor to the control room you could listen to Bucky's grunts, and punches, on your earpiece as Sam and Steve made their way to him. 
The silence and emptiness was rather suspicious, but you made nothing off of it, thankful you would get in easily. 
“I’m in the control room.” You spoke when you found yourself surrounded by computers and all sorts of technology. It seemed quite ancient for an organization that has been a pain in your asses for the past months.
Hacking wasn’t your specialty, but you sure were better at it then the other three, hence you getting the task. Your eyes scanned the room, trained on identifying threats. Surprised by the emptiness of it all, you focused on finding the main system.
You plugged the pen drive Stark had prepared and started typing, your eyes occasionally leaving the screen to take a quick glance around the room, an uneasy feeling growing at the pit of your stomach.
“Y/L/N, we’re all clear here,” Steve’s voice rang on your ear, “how are you doing there.”
“I’m nearly done,” you stared at the computer as the information was downloaded to the little gadget, “I don’t know guys, something here feels wrong, it’s too empty, too quiet.” 
No response.
“Guys? Can you hear me?” Your heart rate picked up, something was definitely wrong.
In a second the download was complete, and you hastily snatched the pen drive, going for the door. Your desperation grew when you stated it was locked.
“Can anyone listen? I’m locked.” You spoke to the earpiece. “The doors locked automatically. I need help getting out.”
The door was sealed shut, not even a small slit in between it and the floor, your powers wouldn’t help you on this one. You tried to bring your heart rate down as your eyes scoured the room once again for a way out. No air vents, no windows, there was another door on the other end of the room, and you promptly made your way to it, only to confirm it was also locked shut.
Your attention was brought back to the first door, loud banging and a faint voice coming from the other side. Thankfully the boys noticed there was a problem and came to your aid. As you ran across the room, your head started to get fuzzy, your vision was not as clear as it had been seconds ago, and breathing was starting to get harder.
Before you even reached the still shut door, your body collapsed on the floor, everything going black.
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You stirred in bed, shifting to a more comfortable position. Some light seeped through your eyelids, but you were tired, dragging the sleep as long as possible. 
Your peace was broken by a door suddenly opening.
“What the hell happened?” A woman’s voice filled the room. She sounded angry, and upset, the hostility in her tone made you clutch the blanket harder.
“Wanda calm-” A man spoke, but was cut off by the woman.
“Calm down? CALM DOWN? Don’t you tell me to calm down, Stark, when I got back from a mission fifteen minutes ago only to learn that my girlfriend turned herself into a five year old toddler.” She was loud and it just made you even more scared of being in trouble.
A small whimper escaped your throat getting both people's attention. You opened your eyes only to be met by several stares, there were easily five or six people in that room, but you didn’t have time to count as you pulled the blanket over your head, bringing your knees closer to your chest.
Your body was trembling with fear from what you knew would come next. You hadn’t done anything, you had been a good girl, done your chores, never speaking unless spoken to, but for some reason the people from the orphanage took a particular liking in punishing you even when you hadn’t done anything bad.
You waited for it to come, but instead of the ill-disposed voice and harsh hands, you were met with a soft “hey” and a delicate hand. Nonetheless it was still frightened, making your whole body tense.
“I’m sowy, I didn’t do anyfing, pwease don’t huwt me, I’ve been good.” You cried out, tears threatening to fall.
The hand started to caress your arm soothingly.
“Hey Y/N, you’re okay, we’re not going to hurt you, okay? You’re safe here.” Your muscles relaxed slightly at the words, thick with an accent, and touch. Your mind was still on alert but for some reason your body responded to this woman in a way your mind didn’t understand.
“Seems like she lost her memories too, she still thinks she is in that horrible place.” A new voice spoke up.
“Hey Y/N,” the woman spoke close to you, low as not to frighten you further, “you’re not in the orphanage anymore okay? You are somewhere safe. Those people can’t get to you here.”
You peeked over the blanket and was met with mesmerizing green eyes, they seemed so kind and comforting putting you at ease.
“I promise. No one’s going to hurt you. We will protect you.” She offered you a smile that made your lips want to curl into one too, despite your wariness of the woman still being a stranger.
You pulled the blanket back above your head, muttering a quiet “okay”. Your heart rate then picked up it’s pace once you noticed you would be punished for forgetting your manners, your mind still not fully understanding you were no longer in a dangerous place.
You yanked the blanket just below your chin, uncovering your whole face so you were facing the woman.
“Fank you, miss.” You spoke quickly and hid again.
She chuckled slightly and you couldn’t help but feel fuzzy.
“How about you stop hiding that pretty face of yours huh?” The words caused a smile to unconsciously tug at your lips, as you pulled the blanket down and started to sit up. “See, much better, right?” 
You stared at the figure in front of you with what could only be described as adoration. She was just so kind and beautiful you couldn’t seem to stop smiling. A slight movement behind her brought you out of your daze and you landed your gaze on the several people watching the interaction, people you had seemingly forgotten were still in the room.
Your eyes went wide and a gasp left your lips before you laid back down, covering your curled up body with the blanket again. The woman noticed what had frightened you and brought her hand back to caress your back.
“Hey, it’s okay, they’re only here to protect you too. They are just worried about you.” You didn’t move, this was too many new people and having all their eyes on you was making you nervous. “Do you want me to ask them to leave?” She whispered closer to your ear and you nodded excessively.
Sounds of chairs moving, footsteps and a door closing were heard before the room fell back to silence.
“We’re alone now.”
You peeked carefully outside the blanket to be sure you were alone. When you found the rest of the room empty, you moved to sit back up. Suddenly the idea of being alone with this woman made you very shy, your eyes watching as you wiggled your toes. 
“Fank you, miss.”
“Wanda” You whispered, not taking your eyes off of your feet.
After a few moments of silence a question popped into your head.
“Why did you save me?” You tried to speak but the sound wasn’t higher than a whisper.
“”Why did you save me.” You said louder. “The Sisters said that I was- I was a bad giwl, and that is why my pawents didn’t want me, and no one would want because I was bad and-”
“Okay, stop,” she cut off your rambling and you finally met her gaze, “all those things they said about you are not true, okay? Don’t believe any of that.”
“How do you know it is not twue.” Sadness seeping on your voice. “You don’t even know me.”
“Quite on the contrary, I happen to know you very well. I know you get grumpy when you wake up. I know you don’t like to wear dresses. I know you like to laugh and make lots of funny jokes. I know your favourite colour, favorite food, favourite animal, favourite movie… but most importantly,” she brought her hands to rest on your sides, “I know you are very ticklish.”  
At that she started to tickle you mercilessly causing you to fall back on the bed, a string of laughs and giggles escaping your mouth. She stopped after a few seconds and you took the opportunity to catch your breath.
“See. I know many things about you.” 
“Yeah.” You said amidst giggles. 
“And I know that none of those things the Sisters said about you are true.” 
“Fank you, miss Wanda.” She let out a laugh.
“You are too cute,” she pinched your cheeks causing you to feel shy all of a sudden, “just call me Wanda.”
Your gaze fell down to the mattress again.
“Okay, fank you, Wanda.” Your voice barely above a whisper.
“You’re welcome.” She brought her hand up to smooth your hair. “Do you want anything sweetie?” That little nickname just made you even more flustered, even though you couldn’t hide the smile that formed at your lips.
You pondered her question for a second, you were hungry, but you knew better than to ask for food outside of mealtimes, the memories of the punishments still fresh. After a few moments you shook your head.
“Are you sure?” She pushed. “Don’t you want to eat something?” It was almost as if she could read your mind. “You can tell me, it’s okay, no one will hurt you for being hungry. And we can fix up something for us to eat.” She must have noticed your hesitation. “Y’know, I’m a little bit hungry too.” She whispered close to your ear, her breath tickling your ear causing you to chuckle. 
Your mind knew this was a bad idea, that you would get punished after, but Wanda was just so convincing you ended up nodding weakly.
“There you go.” She cheered.
She picked you up from the bed, but before she could lower you to the floor your arms circled her neck and your legs, her waist. You couldn’t help it, you just wanted to be close to her. She giggled at your actions, but didn’t fight it, carrying you out of the room and into a big corridor.
When the sound of muffled voices started to grow louder, your posture became tense. Wanda took notice, rubbing circles on your back.
“Hey, it’s alright, they are nice, you’ll see.” She tried to calm you down. 
Your posture relaxed, but you weren’t sure if it was because of her words or just her general presence.
“Whewe awe we going?”
“To the kitchen.”
“And the people in the kitchen? Will they huwt me?”
“No honey, of course not, they care so much about you, they are here to protect you too.” 
As she made her way into the kitchen, you hid your face in the crook of her neck, trying to ignore how the room went quiet with your presence.
“How is she?” A male voice asked, you recognized it from moments earlier.
“She’s okay, a little scared, seems like she did also lose all her memories, everything she knows is from when she was five.”
Wanda moved around and kept up with the conversation, to which you stopped paying attention when your eyes fell onto a thing a man was eating. You had tried one of those before, once, when an old woman donated a basket of those to the orphanage and you managed to steal a small piece, it was delicious, tasted like heaven compared to all the tasteless food they gave you in that place.
Wanda settled on a chair and you kept your head hidden, but your eyes were locked on the man.
You thought you heard Wanda calling you, but your attention was entirely on that piece of food. The man seemed to take notice when he met your gaze and gave you a smirk. The eye contact would’ve made you shy away, but Wanda’s presence made you feel safe, so you held it.
“I think I know what she wants.” He spoke to Wanda. “Would you like a muffin Y/N?” He directed at you. You lifted your head from Wanda’s shoulder and, after a moment of hesitation, you nodded slowly.
He opened a cabinet and picked one up, handing it to you, offering a beaming smile. You stared at it for a second, not expecting him to give you a whole one. Your eyes darted from him to Wanda, looking for some sort of confirmation. 
“It’s okay, take it.” She smiled at you encouragingly.
You slowly stretched your hand and grabbed the item.
“Fank you, siw.” You practically whispered.
“You can call me Sam.”
“Fank you, Mw. Sam.” 
“Huh, Mr Sam, I can get used to that.” He joked. Or at least you thought he did, since now you were just blankly staring at the muffin, not really sure if you should really eat it, despite your stomach screaming for you to do so.
“Just call him Sam,” Wanda spoke to you, “and we can’t let her keep calling us that, Sam, she does it out of fear for disrespecting us.”
“Is that why she also hesitated from taking the muffin?” A new voice questioned.
“I don’t know Stark, maybe…” Wanda trailed off and you decided to help, since they were talking about you anyways.
“Fhey did not let us- let us eat out of meal time and-,” you took a breath trying to calm your nerves, “and thewe wewe too many kids so- so thewe was nevew enough food and- and,” your eyes went wide when you noticed everyone was staring at you intently and a whimper left your lips unconsciously before you shoved your face back into Wanda’s neck.
She rubbed your back in an attempt to calm you down and, surprisingly enough, it did. Something about her just made you so calm.
“You don’t have to worry about this here,” a man with glasses said, “we have plenty of food and no rules, you can have whatever you want whenever you want, just tell any of us and we’ll get it for you, deal?” You smiled at how nice they were being with you.
“Deal, siw.” You nodded.
“And call me Tony, please.” You nodded again.
“See, it’s fine, you're safe here.” Wanda reassured, giving you a kiss on your temple. The action caused a silly smile to grow on your lips and your cheeks to heat up, as you leaned into her chest.
 “Oh, come on, seriously?” A man with the same accent as Wanda blurted. “She has known you for, what? 20 minutes? And she already has a crush on you.” His comment made laughter erupt around the kitchen, and, even though you didn’t understand what was so funny, you enjoyed the moment. Laughter was not common in the orphanage.
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Throughout the rest of the day you started to feel more comfortable around everyone. 
Wanda never left your side, or, you were the one who never left her side. Spending the rest of the evening watching movies on the most amazing TV room you had ever stepped foot on. 
Other people would join you from time to time. Pietro, who you learned was Wanda’s brother; Natasha, or Nat as she preferred; Bucky; Sam; and Steve. 
You couldn’t quite pinpoint when it was that you fell asleep. You just knew you were now in a room you had never seen before, it was pretty, but unfamiliar. You saw a stuffed animal left on the edge of the bed and clutched onto it, trying to get the images from the nightmare you just had out of your mind.
Several minutes passed and you were just too scared to even close your eyes. Sleeping alone was something you never did, the rooms in the orphanage were filled to the brim with precarious beds or improvised mattresses due to the excessive amount of kids there.
Deciding that you wouldn’t be able to sleep anymore, you climbed out of bed and made your way out of that room. Your feet automatically took you to another door down a big hall. You knocked softly, but got no response. 
After three more tries, you turned the door knob and it opened. You put your head inside the room and detected a figure laying in a bed. 
“Wanda,” you whisper shouted, trying to catch the woman’s attention, “Wandaaa.”
She stirred and lifted her head to look at you, her eyes were sleepy, but she managed to give you a tired smile.
“Hey Y/N, is something wrong? Do you need anything?” 
“Can I- can I sleep with you?” Your gaze fell to the floor.
“Sure.” You smiled widely and ran towards her, climbing into the bed messily, since it was so ridiculously tall.
She laid on her back, opening her arms, and you took that as your chance to cuddle into her, wrapping your tiny limbs around her torso. She caressed your hair until you drifted to sleep.
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The next morning you woke up still cuddled to Wanda. She was still fast asleep, and looked so peaceful you didn’t have the heart to move and risk waking her. Plus, you liked the proximity, the warmth from her body, her arm hugging you close.
A few minutes passed before she opened her eyes, only to be met by yours.
“Good mowning.”
“Good morning princess,” you giggled at the nickname, “wanna go down and get some breakfast?”
You nodded eagerly, already used this new environment, without the rigid rules and punishments. She climbed out of bed and made her way to the bathroom, you just sat up and watched as she washed her face or something. She then went through another door, which you assumed was where she kept her clothes since moments later she came back in different clothes.
She picked you up from the bed and took you into the kitchen. When she walked past the room, a confused expression grew on you.
“Whewe awe we going?”
“To the dining room, we usually have our breakfast there.”
“Oh, okay.”
And that was one breakfast table alright. All kinds of fruit, bread, cereal, cake, cheese and ham, and butter. 
“Look who found our little runaway.” Tony commented, but you didn’t give him any attention, mesmerized by the amount of food.
“Yeah, she found her way into my room in the middle of the night.”
“Really? How?” Steve asked.
“Good question, hey, sweetie,” Wanda caught your attention and you turned to look at her, “how did you know which one was my room last night?” You shrugged.
“I just knew whewe to go.”
“Seems like some part of her memory is still intact.” Stark remarked with interest.
Wanda sat down, with you in her lap and started serving food on her plate. The rest of the room fell into light conversation as you all enjoyed breakfast.
Soon you were interrupted by Bruce.
“Guys, I’ve got results from the tests.”
“Do you know what happened?” Steve asked eagerly.
“Kind of, the smoke she inhaled during the mission was poisonous, it was supposed to kill her, but it seems like her cells reacted to it differently.” He explained. “Her shapeshifting abilities reacted with the poison causing her body to, well, change, in order to avoid dying.”
“My powews wewe able to bweak down the poisonous gas into hawmless pawticles.” You responded automatically.
Everyone was shocked at your statement, but you just kept on eating like nothing had happened, not understanding what they were so surprised about.
“Yes… precisely,” Bruce added, slowly, “and that took a toll on her own cells, turning off her powers momentarily, why she got stuck as her five year old self with no memories whatsoever of the rest of her life is unclear.”
“Can you turn her back?” Nat asked.
“I can try and find some serum that reverts her situation, but, by the looks of it, her body is doing it on its own.”
“She did remember her way to my room last night, and now this. It means her memory is coming back.”
“Can you predict how long it’ll take for her to come back to her own self?” Bucky urged.
“Not really, this is all new to me. Although if I had to take a hint, I’d say a couple of weeks at least.” The scientist answered.
“But she will come back, right?” Wanda sounded preoccupied, and it caught your attention.
“Relax sister, she’ll come back. And even if she doesn’t, she’s already in love with you again anyways.” Pietro teased.
“That’s not helping.” She teased back and tightened her hold on you.
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A few days passed and, as expected, you were still stuck as a five year old. You would slip out little snippets of things from time to time, memories of things you’ve learned only when you were much older, but you still weren’t coming back.
After a while you fell into a routine. You would sleep with Wanda every night, watch movies with her and some of the other people in that place, Bucky and Sam would come up with the funnest games for you to play, Pietro would take you around the compound to help set pranks to play on the others. 
You grew accustomed to the place and the people. The lack of excessive rules was relaxing. How nice everyone was to you. When Wanda would call you cute nicknames and get you all shy and flustered.
You were now watching Frozen for the fifth time that week, with Wanda by your side and Nat, Peter and Sam scattered around the TV room.
They found it adorable how you sang along to every song even though you didn’t know any of the lyrics. Peter and Sam had now countless videos on their phones of you doing all sorts of things just to mock you when you came back to your older self.
The movie was nearing the end, now on the scene where they were rushing Anna to the trolls to see if they could help keep her alive. You sang along to the song up until the moment where Anna collapsed from the spell Elsa threw on her.
At that moment you mindlessly turned to Wanda, the words seeping out of your mouth without your control.
“You bettew not die on ouw wedding.” Her eyes went wide with shock from the statement, which you didn’t notice. 
“What?” She whispered, more to herself than to you.
“Yeah, well, I’m gonna mawwy you one day.” You gave her a smile and turned your attention back to the TV, unaware of what you had just said as a blush creeped around Wanda’s face.
When the movie ended, you chanted for you guys to watch it again, earning a groan from everyone. When a yawn escaped your lips, Wanda took that as her cue.
“C’mon, honey, you are tired, we can watch it again tomorrow.” She picked you up.
“Pwomise?” You gave her your puppy eyes.
“I promised.” She pecked your nose, earning a giggle from you.
You settled in her bed as you waited for her to shower and join you. You cuddled into her and drifted off to sleep.
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You woke up feeling extremely weird, your muscles ached and your head was spinning a little. You kept your eyes closed as memories from the past days came back to you. The mission going wrong, you waking up in the med bay. 
And then you remembered.
“Holy shit.” You whispered to yourself, careful not to wake Wanda.
You had spent the past week as a five year old. Every moment started to come back. You playing hide and seek with Sam and Bucky. That time you and Pietro showered Nat with glitter,  and how she almost killed the boy later. Tony being a dad all the time, checking up if you needed anything and making funny faces to make you laugh. Steve carrying you around inside his shield. 
And Wanda, always being there with you. Taking care of you. Watching the same movies all the time. Cuddling every night. 
Your attention was caught by the woman stirring in bed next to you, still fast asleep. She had been so patient throughout the whole situation that you couldn’t help but smile.
You propped yourself up on one elbow, facing your girlfriend. You watched for a few minutes while she was fast asleep. Just appreciating how beautiful she was and how peaceful she looked. You were falling even more in love with her, if that was possible.
Not being able to hold yourself back any longer, you gave her a lingering kiss to her forehead, moving then to her cheek, leaving small pecks all the way. You then moved to her jaw and neck, inhaling her scent, as your free hand started to draw circles on her stomach.
You felt her breath changing, indicating she was no longer asleep and directed your lips to her ear.
“Good morning, my love,” you whispered softly, pecking her earlobe gently. 
Her hands grabbed your cheeks and moved you up to face her, her expression one of full happiness.
“You’re back.” She whispered moments after, trying to convince herself that it was true.
“I’m back.” You leaned down to capture her lips in a long and passionate kiss, resting your forehead against hers’, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she moved so she could stare into your eyes, “I missed you.”
“Why? I was here the whole time.” You teased.
“You know what I mean.” Your smile grew as you leaned in again, your lips meeting in another gentle kiss.
“At least we learned two things from this experience,” she eyed you with curiosity, “first, is that no matter what I’ll always be in love with you,” you referred to the crush five year old you had on her, and enjoyed as her cheeks turned bright red, “and second, is that you are great with kids.”
“I am, aren’t I.”
You spent hours in bed, cuddling, kissing and laughing at your childish antics from the past week.
That’s when you knew, you would marry that girl.
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blueberrysunflowers · 2 years
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hi everyone 👀
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hello twt friends !!
this is the side acc for @exasperatedmoron
tumblr is ✨silly & quirky✨with it’s side accounts and my haikyuu account is a side account !! it means i can only post/retweet on here !! when i follow people back / comment on other’s posts, it will show up as that account !! (because the main acc + side accs all share one timeline) 🕺 there isn’t really anything i can do about it apart from making a whole ass account but 🥲 i hope this clears things up !! <33
— 🕺 — ✨ — 🕺 —
✨ what to expect on this page — 80% incorrect quotes, 10% headcanons and 10% fanfics 😌
✨ ships to expect from here — kagehina, tsukiyama, daisuga, asanoya, iwaoi, kuroken, and kiyotana (however, i do have a balance of general quotes and ship quotes lined up☺️)
✨ #life in the (team name) household — an easy way to navigate through the page and read content with only the characters you want 🌻
✨ disclaimer 1 (sources) — most of my quotes come from my other incorrect accounts / my old fanfics in other fandoms, i may not be able to credit them all so not all quotes are mine‼️ ADDITIONALLY i apologise if i post a quote another hq incorrect quote acc has posted ! let me know and i’ll take it down :))
✨ disclaimer 2 (age appropriate content) — anything that implies anything sexual is always with the timeskipped characters! i try to always add the #timeskipped hashtag so it’s easier to find too🔞
✨ a little about me — i’m elle!! (she/her, sometimes they/them). i’m 21 and i watched hq for the first time in may 2022 (and i’m very upset i didn’t watch it earlier). i mainly write socmed aus on twitter !!
✨ my other tumblr blogs! — @queeneye (queer eye) , @exasperatedmoron (DCTV), @three-trainwrecks (unus annus), @choupielu (skam france)
✨ ao3! — xllx / exasperatedmoron
✨ twitter! — chouyo_
✨ current fics published on ao3 / published on tumblr / in the works / posted on twitter !!
tsukiyama || yamaguchi does tiktok and tries introducing tsukki to his followers + domestic fluff and sharing a bed + suga being a great upperclassman moment
hinakage || [NSFW] long distance + voice recordings
karasuno volleyball team || different members of the team baby sitting natsu
kagehina || there’s a small flood, hinata injures his ankle and kageyama is a secret, caring sweetheart with strong arms
kagehina || engaged since they were first years. they never hid it, but somehow no one knew. everyone assumed it was just them making jokes + hinata sending out wedding invites now that he’s back from brazil
kagehina || literally just them holding hands because hinata got lost in the crowd before a game (and a little of “gay panic!kags” but make it tall beefy football man)
kagehina + mainpairs || they both have their main twitter accounts + a secret private side account where they scream about their crushes. lots of crack and fluff !!
kagehina + mainpairs || they both run secret sasaki to miyano stan accounts & are moots on those accounts without realising it + take inspiration from the show to flirt with their irl crushes !!
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doctorcollege · 3 years
i will never stop thinking about the time an old incorrect quote blog posted a joke quote from anti saying that he Hasn't Lost His Virginity Because He Never Loses, and how jack ended up reblogging it. thus indirectly confirming that anti is, in fact, a Virgin
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marzipanandminutiae · 4 years
I know you don't want to write about 1950s people hating Victorian era, but can you please give some sources?
an article from the BBC that is very “rah rah Victorian architecture” and thus not unbiased, but it does include quotes from people who were around back then that reflect the midcentury attitude towards Victorians
this blog post detailing the destruction of LA’s Bunker Hill neighborhood in the 1950s and 1960s
another article, from Fast Company, about why Victorian houses became the platonic ideal of the haunted house
I also feel like Shirley Jackson’s The Haunting of Hill House reflects 1950s fear of and distaste for Victorian houses. I get that Hill House is meant to be supernaturally evil, but many of its traits- dark, heavily ornamented, difficult to navigate if you’re not used to it, nestled on a wooded estate in the hills -could be a game of High Victorian Country House Bingo. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the book was written at a time when “Victorian architecture = scary/bad” was really solidifying in our cultural consciousness.
Architectural taste is highly subjective, and I was of course joking when I said people in the 1950s were incorrect and to be pitied for not liking Victorian buildings. A lot of incredible structures were lost to their attitude, but who gets to say what’s beautiful and worth keeping? Public opinion and trained architects alike agreed on this at the time, and we still shake our heads over it today. 
(It’s similar to the modern question we face about Brutalist buildings. I hate them and I’m in the majority there, but how would I feel if what I loved was on the chopping block as it was in the 1950s? Is architectural value a matter of majority rule? Is it a about rarity, or association with a famous designer? I really don’t know.)
Anyway, it’s an interesting trend regardless of how you feel about Victorian buildings, and a peek into the beginning of cultural associations that persist to this day.
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temporoom · 5 years
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Wow thanks ! I kind of feel proud right now ! (Also yes I think it’s on twitter, I talked about Beastars a lot there)
Since I don't want to extend this list too much (I really should make a google doc about all the manga I’ve read and all the anime I’ve watched)  I decided to only list mangas that got an anime adaptation (so no Light Novel or original anime)(and a good one please) and maybe use that to present other mangas by the same author that I think are worth checking out. I would still recommend the mangas more anyway. 
(Why didn’t I made a manga list? Because I have to put in over 100 types of manga in it. Just as a reminder I’m 16.)
(This is a list and not a top, I didn’t choose a particular order) (Also I decided to not put in manga that I know you must have read)
Also I won’t put summaries, just impressions of each.
1) Koe no Katachi
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A silent voice hits home in a very specific and careful way with its depiction of bullying and what it feels like to be deaf. I literally cried while reading the manga and I would always recommend it as a “must read”. Each character is balanced in a way that makes them interesting and makes them very human. I can’t express how much I love this manga but I really do as it holds a very special place in my heart (it will always be number one, despite all the other things I’ve read.)
I want to also recommend To Your Eternity, the other work of the author. It changes a lot from A Silent Voice but is still very interesting.
2) Koi wa Ameagari no You ni
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This is a manga where you definitely shouldn’t stop at the summary. It’s not just the story of a 17 years old girl in love with the 45 years old manager of her part-time job, this is the story of two people who gave up on their dreams ans as time passes by learns to recover what they’ve lost and to decided what they need for their future. It’s beautiful in its story and art. 
3) Wotakoi : Love is Hard for Otakus
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I’m an otaku. Have been since Elementary school (no joke), and damn this manga is good. Just the daily life of adult otakus dating and talking about different stuff. It’s realistic in a hilarious way and depicts life as an adult and as an otaku very well too. Just good and cute slice of life. (And good for aus... *wink wink*)
4) Fruits Basket
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Ah… Good ol’ Fruits Basket. My second manga ever. And I still consider it a masterpiece. Everything is absolutely amazing : the characters, the story, the way its told… I love it all and wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. Now don’t be surprised that I like tragic pasts and emotional stories that makes you want to cry for days while you curl up in your bed eating pretzel. 
5) The Ancient Magus Bride
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I’m always in for Beauty and the Beast type of stories, and The Ancient Magus Bride is a very good one. The amount of reasearch the author put into her work as well as the little details makes it a very compelling and detailed story with a rich universe. Also the relationships between each characters is pure gold.
I also want to recommend the other manga by the same author : Frau Faust. Which is not only amazing because it’s Faust wanting to find each part of her demons to kill it once and for all, but also because if you look at volumes extras you have an official actor au. 
6) Magi The Labyrinth of Magic
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I talked about Magi a lot on this blog, and my opinion doesn’t change. I love it. It starts as a basic adventure/action story with humor, but once you get in it… The author throws political and geopolitical issues at your face like “hey it’s reality” while questioning how a leader should be and how country should be ruled. There’s no answers to those questioning, just different interpretations. The characters are fleshed out and are all interesting in their own way. Also you will recognize her as my main inspiration for my art style.
As for her other works : Sumomo Momomomomo is also a very good manga and unlike Magi is shorter while still being compelling. 
7) Assassination Classroom
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People who have been on my blog for while now, know that I used to be in the AssClass fandom… While it wasn’t completely dead yet. I can’t talk about AssClass without comparing it to Yusei Matsui’s first work : Tantei Nougami Neuro. As AssClass has a good main and supportive cast… but very lame villains. And Tantei Nougami Neuro had an “okay” main and supportive cast but the best villains I’ve seen out there. It is one of Kaiu Shirai’s inspirations for TPN so if you haven’t read it yet I would advice you to do so. To tell you… All the villains in TPN reunited makes me laugh compared to the chill that went down my spine when I first saw Tantei Nougami Neuro’s main antagonist for the first time.
8) Azumanga Daioh
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Azumanga Daioh is just the daily and stupid life of a group of teenager (?) and their teachers. If any of you reading this post has an incorrect-quote blog… Please… I beg you… Read this manga… So many good out of context quotes… It’s amazing. (Also you have a genius 10 years old girl) One of the things as to why I like this manga so much is that each conversation is hilarious… but you know you might have them in your own real life. And that’s the power of Kiyohiko Azuma. (Also read Yotsuba, good and cute slice of life with a 5 years old girl)
And that’s it for now ! If you want a list of the manga I’ve read or a list of original anime I can also provide that! Thank you for reading it all and I hope you’ll have fun !
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incorrectzetiquotes · 5 years
Hey there everyone! Welcome to my incorrect quotes sideblog dedicated to the Deadly Six from Sonic Lost World! They’re huge comfort characters to me, and writing about their dynamic always cheers me up! So, this blog will be just for that! Except with a more memeish twist.
I’ll begin posting incorrect quotes soon! I also accept submissions, so if you have your own ideas for incorrect zeti quotes, feel free to submit them! Just make sure to include a source, and please don’t submit any quotes that are offensive! Also, be cautious with sexually explicit quotes, as I am a minor. I don’t mind dirty jokes/innuendos, just don’t send anything too nasty/risqué. That’s all for now, enjoy the blog!
~ Mod Zyra
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powerovernothing · 5 years
Of your three boys, Lucian, Martian and Korbin, who is the best at monopoly? (if they played monopoly) Who tries to cheat? Who gets upset when they loose?
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Hehehe, oh my goodness. Leave it to my dearest Mistress Sis to not only send me the absolute best types of messages with the very best questions based around my incredibly silly Assassin like, and Priestly children, but to turn around and send me one that is just so adorable and made me giggle like the utter fool I am when I first read it in my askbox? Well now, how could I not do everything with my power to put together the best and perfectly fitting answer to all your precious wondering?
I’m just a bit ashamed that it took so long to get around to answering this properly, though! Mostly because, early on when I was putting together what I wanted to reply with, I knew I wanted to include several things, and one of those things was a piece of a story of mine that actually wasn’t edited at that moment! So, I had to set a few things aside, put the answer on hold, and do what I could to make sure the story turned out well, and good enough for you to look oover when I finally got around to posting this on my blog!Well, now it has, and not only that, but I have several more amusing things to speak of in regards to three foolish boys! And what would happen when, not if, they played Monopoly, and what becomes of their little games when they get too involved in brotherly antics! Check out everything below, and thank you so much for sending me lovely questions about Korbin and his brothers! You know I always have and will forever dearly appreciate it!
Let’s dive in!
(*~*Tons of lengthy discussions, snippets, and screenshots based around the boys in the Modern Verse behind the cut!*~*)
Honestly, it should go without saying that anything that the boys end up doing together, no matter if it’s a simple board game, or a round of snowball fights in the late of night, it is most certainly going to turn from being innocent and simple, to over the top, dramatic, and super childish. Korbin and his siblings are incredibly competitive, and they always are trying to find ways to outdo the other in some way.
Without a doubt, Korbin and Lucien are the very worst offenders for this happening, but you would be surprised to find out Martin is just honestly as bad!
Perhaps that is what happens when you live with Assassins for so long, or perhaps its just because Lucien brings out that side of you. Whatever the case may be, anything can go from a fun little game, to a full on war without hardly much effort. Case in point? When the boys were trying to pass the time during a storm and were playing Uno together:
Korbin: [pleading] “Brother please, you cannot do this to me!”
Lucien: “Forgive me, my Silencer, but I must. It is as fate has foretold.”
Martin: [aghast] “How could you, Lachance, and to Korbin of all people?! I would never have thought you to be capable of such heartless betrayal!”
Lucien: “You should know by now, Septim, just what it is I am capable of. But even so, understand I surely have no other choice.”
Lucien: [places a Draw 4 card down upon the table] “Uno.”
(This is an unposted Incorrect Quote, but if you like it, I can totally upload it as a proper post!)
See what I mean? Or perhaps you would rather see what happens when they spend an afternoon playing laser tag together, after Korbin chose to drag both of his older brothers there to help them vent and let off some steam, after they spent far too much time together, and it wound up turning into a screaming match for Divines and Sithis only know what reason!
“Lu-Lucien? …Brother, Iwill… I will have you know if this is your attempt at a joke, it isn’t funny inthe slightest…” He mumbles unsteadily; continuing to shake Lucien’s still andunmoving shoulders with both hands. Lightly at first, but then more desperatelyas he attempts to rouse him in vain. “…You stupid bastard, I know you can feelme shaking you, so wake up! Wake up and say something! Anything! I don’t care what… don’t just lay there!”
As the growing silence engulfshis senses and clouds every thought, Korbin ceases his futile shaking and laysLucien flat upon the ground. Bowing his head – and knowing he would never againfind comfort within the once shared sanguine tinted twilight – he grasps onto partof Lucien’s dress shirt as broken tears slip down his cheeks and feels himselfslowly succumbing under the weight of his grief.
“…Don’t leave me, Lucien… please…” He whispers, wishing for someform of a miracle, for one moment more, for a chance to say all that hadremained unspoken… and yet just as soon as such feelings of frailty comes, theyare quickly replaced with a newfound anger – and an uncontrollable rage.
“Damn you, Septim, you havegone too far!” He cries out to the emptiness, once sorrowful prayers nowconsumed with a need for vengeance, as he dearly hopes his target will somehow hearhim and know what was coming. “No matter our bond, no matter what love weshared, it is over! I will hunt you down for what you have done, for whom you havetaken from me, and I will end your life by my own hand! You will beg for deathbefore the end, but no mercy shall come to you! I will make absolute certain ofthat!”
And in the aftermath of Korbin’sincredibly dramatic threat, Martin responds by carefully stepping out of the darkenedcorner he was listening in from. Standing across from where his chosen siblingsremained close together over the carpet in an extended moment of uncomfortable silence,Martin exchanges a dark glare with Korbin…and then finally loses himself to thecackling laughter he struggled, but ultimately failed, to suppress despite hisbest attempts to stay in character throughout the course of the over the top performance.
“For the love of Akatosh, onlyyou two –” Martin gasps for breath in-between giddy giggling and reachesup to wipe at the amused tears with the back of his hand. “—only you twowould take something as innocent as a simple game of laser tag – which isabsolutely meant for children, no less! – and somehow find the means totransform it into a brutal war reenactment!”
This is apart of one of my newer fan fictions I uploaded to my blog entitled “Bitter Are The War Between Brothers”, which you can find the rest of right behind this little link here if you’d enjoy reading the over the top antics, and incredibly hammy performances!
Outside of those examples there, however, I’m pretty certain even a simple game of Monopoly would end turning into some sort of death battle with these idiots at the wheel. I mean, two of them can’t even get through a simple game of chess without Lucien trying to break the rules at some point, because he absolutely despises how talented Martin is at the game!
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Do you think he’s above trying to distract his brother and change the pieces when he isn’t looking? Not hardly! In fact, that’s just the kind of petty thing he would do, because he’s tired of losing, tired of looking like a fool, and just wants to win some game between himself and Septim at some point, dammit! He doesn’t care what he has to do to make it happen!
So, Lucien would absolutely cheat while playing, because Martin is simply too good at money management, and hotel strategies, and would end up in jail more often than the others. Korbin and Martin would absolutely make some sort of jest about him being behind bars – and how it suits him, and reminds them of the many times they had to bail him out in real life – and Lucien would most likely just grumble and then flick one of the die or one of his little houses at their heads.
To which Martin would not approve of, and then give him a longer sentence.
So, Lucien would be the cheater, and Martin would be the one who plays the very best, and has the most money and properties – I mean, after all, he is a Emperor in another non modern life, hehe – and Korbin… he would do his best to try and play fair.
In the beginning.
But then at some point he would get frustrated with Martin as well, and would ‘bail’ his brother out of jail, and then stage a revolt against Martin and try and destroy, or at the very least, blow up all of the hotels he has. Which would include over the top sound effects from Korbin, lots of giggling from all three of them, but sadly would not actually do anything to overthrow Martin and simply cause both Korbin and Lucien to wind up in jail together.
…In short? Martin is the smug victor with tons of money, Lucien is incredibly annoyed and close to flipping the table, and Korbin just really wants to play Go-Fish next. What exactly would that round of Go-Fish – which would ultimately turn into a serious round of Poker – entail, you may ask? Well, if you’ve been paying attention to all my rambling, you should know by now…
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When Assassin’s want their revenge upon those who wronged them, it can only end… bloody.
But honestly, I do believe I am simply being just a tad bit silly! All in all, when it comes to the boys and the idea of them interacting and playing games like a normal family… well, I don’t honestly think they know the meaning of the word ‘normal’. I think that got lost somewhere around the time two Hitmen adopted a Sunday School Teacher – at least in the Modern Verse – and brought him into their shadowy little world. Basically, at the end of the day, everything between them will end up being turned into a competition.
Even in the Revised Timeline, Lucien and Korbin always try to one up each other when it comes to their Assassination contracts and which has the best murdering tactics to fell their targets, and Martin and Lucien try to show up the other with various forms of magic, potions, or other rule breaking means when they spar to catch the other off guard and land the ‘killing’ blow.
No matter the world, no matter the verse, some things never change, hehe~!
In any case, my dear lovely and darling Mistress Sis, I hope that provided you with a few answers, and maybe a few giggles just as well! I honestly adored seeing you send me this message, and I honestly loved taking the time out to answer it – and answer it properly! I know it took a while, and I know you had been waiting for a bit, but I hope it was worth it in the end! Even despite the length, whoops!
Thank you so very much for sending this my way, as well as the rest of the questions that I will be doing my best to answer over the next little while.
You always pick at my brain in the best ways, and always ask the best things about the boys, and I always appreciate it. Just as I always have, and always will, super appreciate you. Thanks so much again, darling! Tons of hugs and kisses, and lots of love coming your way~! ♥
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You don't have to post this bc I'm sure you just want to let it go but..I used to run an incorrect quotes blog and WOW I can't believe you're getting hate. Everyone makes the jokes that are posted here. Before these blogs were popping up, people made their own posts and put characters in the same scenarios of characters from other shows/movies/books to exaggerate their traits or arcs. It's a different way of looking at characters.
I was surprised as well when i saw the first anon hate in my messages, but then one become two, and the last thing I know, theres a big number of anons. I’ve been ignoring it for weeks, but enough is enough.
This is a joke blog, everyone who follow this is just because they want to laugh a little and i’ happy with it, that is the pupporse (you said you used to run a blog like this, so you understand that), so it’s a shock for me that theres even hate for this.
I used to follow lost of blogs like these before they become popular as well, and i’d never seen any of this.
Sorry for the rant, and sorry if my post was unnecesary.
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