vi-138 · 3 months
I'm super excited to present my artworks for the @sthbigbang!!
These are for @mintenby's fantastic fic, "Team Chaotix! Their Directive is Tracking Down Your… Knights?". @futuristichedge also made some amazing art for this fic!!! Go give them some love!!
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I had so much fun working on this project! There's been so much amazing work and I've been very honored to work with my group ^^
some wips under cut!
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sunshades · 6 months
(should be writing) do i release my heathcathy writing playlist when im done with the fourth chapter. do my cathycliff warriors want my stupid fucking diegetic tunes.
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skz-streamer · 1 year
Sensitive S/o
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Pairing: Skz x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Angst/Misunderstanding?
Warnings: Sensitivity? Slight crying, weights, frustration, small arguments...Im not really sure what to put here so lmk if I missed anything :)
Notes: ARGHHHH I HAD SUCH A HARD TIME TO COME UP W DIFF SCENARIOS SO IM SORRY IF ITS A LITTLE WORDYYY :((( Suchhh a cute ask though thank you lovely anon The Ask :)
Summary: Skz and their sensitive s/o
-please read responsibly, and remember that this work is fiction and meant strictly for imaginative fun. the idols used in fics are more accurately faceclaims and personality outlines for imaginary characters, and should not be interpreted as factual representations of existing people
Full word count ~4.8k ;)
"So, Y/N," Chan began with a cheeky grin, "did I ever tell you about the time I tried to cook dinner for the members?"
You chuckled, your heart fluttering at the familiar tone of his voice. "No, you haven't! Do tell."
Chan launched into a hilarious account of his culinary mishaps, imitating his fellow members' shocked expressions as they took their first bites of his concoction. You couldn't hold back your laughter, and your eyes sparkled with delight as you listened to his animated storytelling.
As the sun dipped lower in the sky, the two of you settled onto a park bench. The conversation flowed effortlessly, jumping from one topic to another. Chan's arm rested casually around your shoulders, and you leaned into his comforting presence. His jokes and lighthearted banter continued, wrapping you in a cocoon of happiness.
A mischievous glint danced in his eyes as he leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Hey, Y/N, did you know that you're the only person who can keep up with my terrible puns?"
You laughed, rolling your eyes playfully. "Oh please, Chan. Your puns are legendary. I just try my best to match the greatness."
He grinned a warm and affectionate smile that made your heart flutter. "Well, you succeed spectacularly"
As the conversation flowed, your heart felt light, and the world seemed to slow down around you. But just as the laughter and stories continued, there was a shift in the atmosphere. Chan's teasing took a slightly sharper edge, and a comment that was meant to be a joke struck a chord in you.
"Come on, Y/N, don't be such a crybaby," he teased lightly, not realizing the weight his words held for you.
Your smile faltered, and you felt a pang of hurt deep within. You knew he didn't mean any harm, but sometimes, even the lightest remarks could trigger a sensitive nerve. You tried to shake it off, forcing a chuckle as you replied, "Yeah, yeah, I know. Just can't handle the master of puns, that's all."
But Chan noticed the change in your demeanor, his keen eyes picking up on the shift in your tone. His expression softened as he realized his words had landed differently than intended. "Hey," he said gently, his voice a warm reassurance, "I didn't mean it like that, Y/N. You know I'm just messing around, right?"
You nodded, your throat tightening as you struggled to keep your emotions in check. You hated how easily certain comments could bring tears to your eyes, even when you knew they were meant in jest. But it was hard to shake off the sensitivity, a part of you that you sometimes wished you could control better.
"Hey," Chan's hand cupped your cheek, his thumb brushing away a stray tear that had escaped. "It's okay, really. I didn't mean to upset you."
Your lips quivered into a small smile as you looked into his eyes, grateful for his understanding. "I know, Chan. It's just…."
He sighed softly, pulling you into his embrace. "Y/N, you don't have to help it. Your feelings are valid. If something bothers you, it's okay to feel that way."
As his arms encircled you, a warm sense of comfort enveloped you. Chan's soothing words seeped into your heart, reminding you that you were allowed to feel whatever you felt. You leaned into his chest, tears wetting his shirt, and he held you tight.
"You're strong, you know," he murmured into your hair. "Being sensitive doesn't make you weak. It means you care deeply, and that's a beautiful thing."
You sniffled, laughing softly through your tears. "Leave it to you to make me feel better, even when I'm being silly."
Chan's fingers brushed gently against your back as he rubbed soothing circles. "I'll always be here for you, Y/N.”
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Lee Know: 
As the credits rolled on the screen, Lee Know let out a content sigh. "That was a good movie, huh?" he said, his voice a soothing rumble against your ear.
You nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Yeah, I enjoyed it. Thanks for picking it."
He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head. "Anything for you, babe."
You felt a rush of warmth at his words. It was moments like these that made you appreciate how considerate and caring Lee Know was. He had always been attentive to your needs, and you cherished the way he understood you.
But just as the credits faded to black, your blissful moment was interrupted by a sudden noise from outside the window. It was a car alarm going off, and the loud blaring sound pierced through the tranquility of the room.
You winced at the sudden noise, and Lee Know tightened his grip around you, his protective instinct kicking in. "Ugh, that's so annoying," he muttered, annoyance evident in his tone.
You nodded in agreement, but something about the noise seemed to have unsettled you more than you anticipated. Your heart raced, and your eyes began to sting with unshed tears. You tried to shake off the feeling, reminding yourself that it was just a trivial noise and there was no reason to get upset.
Lee Know sensed the shift in your mood and looked down at you, concerned furrowing his brow. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked gently.
You sniffled, your voice barely above a whisper. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just... the noise startled me, I guess."
He frowned, his thumb gently wiping away a stray tear that had escaped your eye. "You sure that's all it is?" he asked softly.
You nodded, avoiding his gaze. You knew your reaction was disproportionate to the situation, but you didn't want to burden him with your irrational emotions. You had always been sensitive, and sometimes it felt like a weakness.
Lee Know's eyes softened as he cupped your cheek, turning your face to meet his gaze. "You don't have to hide anything from me, you know," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "If something's bothering you, I want to know."
Your lips trembled, and you felt another tear slide down your cheek. "I know I shouldn't be this upset over a stupid noise," you admitted, your voice cracking. 
Lee Know's expression turned gentle, his thumb brushing away your tears. "Hey, it's okay to feel things deeply," he said softly. "That's just who you are, and there's nothing wrong with that. You're not weak for being sensitive, you're strong for embracing your emotions."
You sniffled, feeling a mix of vulnerability and relief wash over you. "But I feel like I'm burdening you with my emotions," you confessed, your voice barely audible.
He shook his head, his eyes unwaveringly locked onto yours. "You could never be a burden to me, Y/N," he said, his voice filled with conviction. "I love every part of you, even the parts you might consider flaws. And I'm here to support you through everything, even the moments when you feel overwhelmed."
As he spoke, you felt a warmth envelop you, like a protective shield against your own insecurities. His words were a balm to your wounded heart, soothing the self-doubt that had been festering within you.
"I don't want you to ever feel like you have to hide your emotions from me," he continued his voice tenderly. "We're a team, and that means sharing both the good and the tough moments. So, if something's bothering you, let me in. I promise I'll always be here to listen and support you."
You nodded, tears still trickling down your cheeks but now with a sense of acceptance. Lee Know pulled you into a warm hug, his arms cocooning you in a sense of safety and understanding. He held you tightly, letting you know that he was there for you, no matter what.
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Amid the bustling gym, the clanking of weights and the steady rhythm of treadmills formed a backdrop to the scene. You were there with Changbin, trying your best to push through a particularly challenging exercise. The weights felt heavier than usual, and frustration began to bubble up within you as you struggled to complete the set.
Changbin, ever attentive to your emotions, noticed the change in your demeanor. He had a knack for picking up on your subtle cues, the way your brows furrowed just a bit more, and the determined set of your jaw turned into a slightly defeated slump. As you lowered the weights and sighed, he could sense that something was bothering you beyond just the physical challenge.
"Hey, you're doing great," he said gently, his voice a soothing presence amid your turmoil. "Remember, progress takes time. We all have our off days, and that's completely okay."
You managed a weak smile, appreciating his support even if it didn't entirely erase your frustration. "I know, but it's just frustrating. I used to be able to do this without any issues, and now..."
Changbin's hand found its way to yours, offering a reassuring squeeze. "It's natural for things to change over time. Our bodies adapt, and sometimes that means facing new challenges. But you're not alone in this. I'm here with you every step of the way."
As you attempted the exercise again, a combination of fatigue and your emotional sensitivity made your eyes prickle with tears. You couldn't help but feel frustrated with yourself for getting so worked up over something that seemed trivial in the grand scheme of things. But that was the thing about emotions—they didn't always follow a rational path.
Changbin noticed the glistening in your eyes and immediately put down the weight he was holding. He gently cupped your cheeks, his thumbs wiping away the tears that escaped. "Hey, it's okay. You don't have to be so hard on yourself. Your feelings are valid, whether they're about something big or small."
You sniffled, embarrassed by your vulnerability. "I know it's silly, but I can't help feeling like this."
Changbin's warm gaze never wavered, his fingers tenderly brushing against your skin. "You're not silly for feeling things. We all have moments when certain things hit us harder than they should. It's part of being human, and it's what makes you, well, you."
You appreciated his words, his understanding, and the fact that he didn't dismiss your emotions. It was something you loved about him—the way he allowed you to feel without judgment, even when you were grappling with feelings you didn't quite understand yourself.
Leaving the weights behind, Changbin led you to a quieter corner of the gym. He sat down with you, his arm draped over your shoulders as you leaned against him. "You know, sensitivity can be a strength too."
You sighed, feeling the tension slowly melt away as his comforting presence enveloped you. "I guess so. I just wish I could control it better."
Changbin pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. "You're doing just fine, trust me. And if there's ever a time when something bothers you, all you need to do is tell me. I'm here to listen."
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You and Hyunjin find yourselves in the midst of a painting session. The room is drenched in soft, natural light, casting a warm ambiance that should have fostered creativity and joy. Hyunjin is passionately absorbed in his work, brushstrokes gliding across the canvas with determination. You, however, struggle to bring your vision to life. Frustration simmers beneath your surface as you attempt to replicate the vibrant image in your mind.
You swipe the brush across the canvas, the result falling short of your expectations once again. A sigh escapes your lips, caught between the desire to excel and the feeling of inadequacy. Hyunjin glances over, noticing the shift in your demeanor. Concern creases on his features as he puts his brush down for a moment.
"Hey, everything okay?" he asks, his voice a mix of genuine curiosity and worry.
You look up, forcing a smile. "Yeah, I'm just having a bit of trouble getting it right."
Hyunjin steps closer, his gaze softened by understanding. "You know, it's not about getting it perfect on the first try. Sometimes you have to let go of expectations and let your instincts guide you."
As he speaks, you feel a mix of gratitude and frustration. You appreciate his attempt at encouragement, yet the weight of your self-criticism is hard to shake off. You nod, trying to absorb his advice.
But as time passes, your painting continues to deviate from your vision. With each misstep, your frustration mounts. Hyunjin, noticing your growing agitation, offers more guidance – albeit in a way that inadvertently fosters further frustration. His words come out more as critiques than suggestions, and before you know it, your patience snaps.
"Why can't you just let me figure this out on my own?" you burst out, the words carrying a tinge of hurt that takes Hyunjin by surprise.
He freezes the brush still in his hand. "What? I'm just trying to help."
"I know, but it feels like you're just criticizing everything I do!" Your voice wavers, anger and hurt tangling in your chest.
Hyunjin's frustration is palpable, too. "I'm not criticizing. I'm just trying to guide you towards improvement."
"Well, maybe I don't need your constant guidance!" Your voice quivers, the sting of your sensitivity gnawing at you. You hadn't meant for your emotions to escalate so quickly, but here you were – caught in a one-sided argument, tears pooling in your eyes.
Hyunjin's features shift from frustration to confusion as he registers your tears. "Hey, why are you getting so upset?"
Your gaze drops to the floor, shame mingling with your tears. "I don't know, okay? I shouldn't be reacting like this, but I am."
Hyunjin's expression softens as he takes in your vulnerable state. He realizes that this isn't just about the painting; it's about something deeper – a sensitivity that you both know you possess. He lowers his brush, stepping closer to you.
"I didn't mean to make you feel this way," he says, his voice gentler now. "I forget sometimes that not everyone responds well to the way I communicate."
You sniffle, wiping away a tear. "It's not just you. It's me too. I know I shouldn't let things like this affect me so much, but I can't help it."
Hyunjin sighs, his gaze sincere. "You know, sensitivity isn't a weakness. It's just a part of who you are. And I should've been more considerate."
Your eyes meet, a mixture of emotions passing between you. "I'm sorry I snapped at you," you mumble.
Hyunjin places a hand on your shoulder, a warm smile forming. "It's alright. We both have our moments. Let's just take a breather and come back to this later, okay?"
You settle on the couch, the unfinished canvas a silent reminder of your earlier frustrations. Hyunjin wraps an arm around you, pulling you close. "You know, I admire your sensitivity. It means you care deeply about things, and that's a beautiful trait."
You lean into his embrace, finding comfort in his words. "Even when it leads to moments like this?"
He chuckles softly. "Especially then. We're both a work in progress, learning how to navigate each other's emotions."
You smile through the lingering tears, feeling a weight lifting off your shoulders. "I'm lucky to have you."
Hyunjin presses a kiss on your temple. "And I'm lucky to have you. We'll figure this out together, one painting stroke at a time."
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You and Jisung are having a fun-filled game night at your apartment. The coffee table is covered with an array of board games and card decks, and laughter fills the air as you and Jisung engage in friendly competition. It's supposed to be a lighthearted evening, a chance to unwind and enjoy each other's company.
As the game progresses, Jisung's playfully competitive side shines through. He throws out witty comments and playful jabs as he wins rounds and makes strategic moves. His remarks have you laughing alongside him, but one comment catches you off guard and hits a nerve.
"Wow, you're not having a good luck streak tonight," he teases, a grin on his face.
You force a chuckle, but the comment stings more than you'd like to admit. You've been feeling emotionally sensitive lately, and the comment, while meant in jest, resonates with your current state of mind. You glance down at the game board, your enthusiasm waning slightly.
Jisung notices the shift in your demeanor, his expression softening with concern. "Hey, are you alright? I was just joking."
You offer a small smile, "Yeah, I know. Just got lost in thought for a second."
He nods, but his gaze lingers on you for a moment before returning to the game. Despite his attempt to move on, you find yourself feeling more affected by his comment than you expected.
You try to push aside the sensitive emotions that have been triggered. You focus on the games, engaging in the banter and laughter just as you always do. But in the back of your mind, that comment lingers, creating a subtle discomfort.
As you play another round, you notice that your thoughts are a bit scattered. You make a strategic move, but it doesn't quite go as planned. Jisung's playful teasing takes on a different tone in your ears, reminding you of the earlier comment.
"Ouch, looks like you're having an off night," he remarks, a grin on his face.
You glance at him, forcing a smile, but inside, you feel a pang of sensitivity. You didn't want his comments to affect you so much, but here you are, struggling to shake off the emotions they've stirred.
As the game night continues, you feel the weight of your sensitivity growing. You try to brush off the discomfort, but it's becoming increasingly challenging. You want to enjoy the evening and the company, but the comment has struck a chord you can't ignore.
Eventually, you decide that a break is in order. You put on a smile, hoping to hide your feelings and excuse yourself to the bathroom. You get up from the table and make your way to the restroom, closing the door behind you with a sigh.
Inside the bathroom, you lean against the sink, trying to gather your thoughts. The emotions you've been suppressing finally spill over, and you find yourself sniffling softly. You hadn't anticipated that a lighthearted comment during game night would trigger such a strong reaction.
Outside the bathroom, Jisung's concern hasn't faded. He knows you well enough to sense when something's wrong, even if you try to hide it. After a few minutes, he decides to check up on you. He approaches the bathroom door, his hand gently resting against the wood.
"Hey, is everything okay in there?" he asks softly.
You take a moment to compose yourself, wiping away your tears. "Yeah, I just needed a moment."
He doesn't sound convinced, and you hear a soft sigh from the other side of the door. "You know you can talk to me, right? If something's bothering you?"
His words resonate, and you realize that he genuinely cares. The vulnerability you'd been trying to suppress feels overwhelming at this moment. With a shaky breath, you open the bathroom door, revealing your slightly teary-eyed state.
Jisung's concern deepens as he takes in your appearance. Without hesitation, he pulls you into a comforting hug. "Hey, it's okay. You don't have to pretend with me."
Tears escape despite your efforts to hold them back, and you bury your face in his shoulder. Jisung holds you close, his touch a soothing balm for your frayed emotions.
"I'm sorry," you manage to whisper, your voice shaky.
Jisung pulls back slightly, his fingers gently wiping away your tears. "Don't be sorry. It's okay to feel how you feel."
You take a deep breath, the weight of your sensitivity slowly easing as he offers his understanding and comfort. "It's just that... your comment earlier, hit me harder than I thought."
Jisung's expression shifts from concern to realization. "Wait, the thing I said during the game?"
You nod, feeling a mix of relief and vulnerability in sharing your feelings with him.
He lets out a sigh, his thumb gently brushing against your cheek. "I'm sorry if I upset you. I didn't mean to"
You offer a small smile, touched by his genuine concern. "I know you didn't mean it that way"
Jisung's gaze softens as he holds you close. "You don't have to go through this alone, you know? I'm here for you, always."
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 You and Felix are spending an afternoon together, exploring a bustling shopping district. The sun shines overhead, casting a warm glow on the streets as you stroll hand in hand, occasionally stopping to peek into storefronts that catch your interest. It's meant to be a carefree outing, a chance to enjoy each other's company and the city's charm.
As you walk, a group of girls pass by, casting a quick glance in your direction before bursting into laughter. Your heart sinks as you catch the tail end of their mocking glances. You feel exposed as if their laughter is directed at you, even though you can't be entirely sure. You clasp Felix's hand a bit tighter, a mix of discomfort and embarrassment pooling within you.
Felix continues chatting about something he spotted at a nearby store, seemingly oblivious to the brief encounter. He's always been the kind of person who radiates positivity and doesn't let minor things affect his mood. You don't want to ruin the day with your sensitivity, so you offer a small smile and nod as he speaks.
As you browse through a store, Felix's genuine concern hasn't waned. He can sense that something is off, even though you're trying your best to hide it. He decides to address the issue and approaches you, his voice gentle.
"Is everything alright?" he asks softly.
You hesitate for a moment before admitting, "Honestly, something kind of bothered me earlier."
Felix's expression shifts from curiosity to attentive concern. "What happened?"
You take a deep breath, summoning the courage to share. "When we were walking, I noticed a group of girls looking at me and laughing. I don't know why, but it made me feel self-conscious."
Felix reaches out, gently tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "You're a wonderful person, and those girls' opinions don't matter. If anything, their behavior says more about them than it does about you."
"Felix," you begin, your voice soft but resolute. "There's something I want to tell you."
He shifts slightly, his gaze meeting yours with unwavering attention. "What is it?"
Taking a deep breath, you find the courage to speak your truth. "I love you."
Felix's eyes widen ever so slightly, his expression a mix of surprise and tenderness. The moment hangs suspended between you, a pause filled with emotion.
Then, a heartwarming smile spreads across Felix's face, his gaze never leaving yours. "I love you too, more than words could express."
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You and Seungmin have always had a strong bond, but like any couple, disagreements are a natural part of your relationship. One evening, a difference in opinions leads to a heated argument that tests both your emotions and your sensitivity.
The topic at hand is trivial, something that wouldn't usually escalate into a conflict. But somehow, the conversation has spiraled into a full-blown disagreement, each of you holding your ground with growing frustration. As words are exchanged, your sensitivity to certain tones and remarks heightens the intensity of the argument.
"Can't you just see it from my perspective for once?" Seungmin exclaims, his voice tinged with exasperation.
You feel your heart clench, the sharpness of his tone cutting deeper than he intended. Your sensitivity to emotional nuances has always been a double-edged sword, allowing you to connect deeply with others but also making you more susceptible to feeling hurt.
"I am trying to see your perspective," you reply, your voice strained. "But that doesn't mean my feelings don't matter."
Seungmin's expression shifts, a mixture of frustration and regret flickering in his eyes. "I didn't mean to dismiss your feelings."
As the argument reaches a temporary impasse, you struggle to rein in your emotions. The sensitivity that runs through your veins makes it difficult to shake off the lingering hurt caused by the heated exchange.
Seungmin's brow furrows as he takes in your expression, his frustration fading into concern. He realizes that the argument has taken an emotional toll on you, and the realization dawns that his words have impacted you in a way he hadn't anticipated.
"Hey, are you okay?" he asks, his voice softer now.
You struggle to hold back tears, your emotions bubbling over. "It's just... sometimes the way we argue... it gets to me."
Seungmin's gaze softens as he comprehends the depth of your sensitivity. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize..."
Seungmin takes a step closer, his eyes unwavering. "We'll work through this together, okay? I'll be more mindful of your sensitivity, and you'll let me know when things get tough."
A small smile tugs at the corners of your lips, touched by his willingness to bridge the gap. "Deal."
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You and Jeongin find yourselves on a quiet rooftop, the city lights below casting a soft glow against the night sky. The stars twinkle above, and a sense of tranquility settles over the two of you. Stargazing has always been a cherished activity for you – a time to reflect, share thoughts, and simply enjoy each other's company.
Tonight, however, there's an underlying weight tugging at your heart. Lately, you've been feeling emotionally sensitive, and specific comments and situations are affecting you more than they should. You had hoped that tonight's stargazing would provide a moment of solace, a chance to open up to Jeongin about your feelings.
As the two of you lie on a blanket, gazing up at the constellations, you feel a mixture of contentment and apprehension. You decide to seize the moment and express what's been on your mind.
"Jeongin," you begin softly, "sometimes, I get a little more affected by things than I let on."
He turns to you, his eyes curious. "What do you mean?"
You take a deep breath, trying to put your feelings into words. "Well, like when certain things are said a certain way, or when I'm feeling overwhelmed, it gets to me even if I try not to show it."
Jeongin nods, but his expression doesn't change much. "I get it. We all have our moments, right?"
You feel a pang of disappointment – it's as if he didn't quite grasp the depth of what you were trying to convey. Nonetheless, you press on, hoping he'll understand better with a bit more explanation.
"Yeah, but sometimes it feels like the sensitivity is a bit too much. Like, I wish I could just brush things off, but I end up overthinking."
He offers a sympathetic smile. "It's okay, you know? You're allowed to feel how you feel."
His words are reassuring, yet you had hoped for a deeper connection, a moment of shared vulnerability. You let out a soft sigh, the stars above seemingly reflecting the emotions swirling within you.
As the night progresses, you both continue to share stories, laughter, and quiet moments of contemplation. It's a beautiful night, but there's a part of you that longs for a more profound understanding from Jeongin.
The conversation turns to dreams, aspirations, and fears. You listen intently as he speaks about his hopes for the future, his determination to succeed, and his worries about letting people down. He talks animatedly, completely immersed in the conversation.
You seize the opportunity to dive a bit deeper. "You know, Jeongin, I've been feeling a bit lost lately too. Like, I'm not sure where I'm headed."
He grins, nudging your shoulder playfully. "Don't worry, you'll figure it out. You're amazing at whatever you do."
You smile back, but a part of you aches. It's as if your words were merely skimmed over, not fully comprehended. You had hoped that sharing your uncertainties would spark a more profound exchange.
He yawns and stretches, a contented smile on his face. "Tonight was nice, huh?"
You nod, feeling a bittersweet smile tugging at your lips. "Yeah, it was."
As he gathers the blanket and begins to pack up, he glances at you, his gaze lingering for a moment. "You okay?"
You hesitate, then decide to voice what's been on your mind. "Honestly, I wish sometimes you could pick up on the things I don't say. Like, understand when I'm struggling even if I'm smiling."
Jeongin's expression shifts from confusion to realization. "Wait, are you saying… you've been feeling more sensitive lately?"
You nod, relieved that he's finally connecting the dots.
He lets out a sigh, his features softened by understanding. "I'm sorry if I missed that. I guess I assumed you were always strong, that you didn't need anyone to worry about you."
You let out a chuckle, a mix of amusement and fondness. "Well, even strong people have their moments."
Jeongin's hand finds yours, his grip gentle and reassuring. "I promise, from now on, I'll pay more attention. I want you to know that you can always talk to me."
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chocotonez · 1 year
skz as love languages pt1: words of affirmation
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a/n: did you miss me lolol?? I’m back! thank you for 1k followers while I was gone, I decided to show my love for you guys through a few special fics I will be uploading through June!
summary: skz expressing affection through different love languages, first being words of affirmation!!
warnings/genre: fluff, hcs, cursing, eng is not my first language :)
1k special master list here! -> ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
-king at giving words of affirmation but receiving them is a little bit more difficult…
-he worships you every day of his life but he can be a bit of a tease if you come to him directly for praise but that’s just because he is comfortable with you!
-“hmm? need me to tell you that you did a good job?” And get all giggly if you pout or huff
-but always praises you and reminds you how amazing he knows you to be and how beautiful you are
-loves to randomly text you “you look amazing today baby” or “I’m so proud of you! :)”
-but if you tell him the same thing he’ll be blushin and denying and kicking his legs and gigglingggg like stahppp
-it’s a lot of insecurity on his part but also how can an angel like you think so highly of someone like him?
-it’s hard for him to accept your words of affirmation at first but later in your relationship he always just kisses you all over your face, too shy to say thank you or accept the compliments
-compliments you at least fifty times a day tho, but doesn’t think any of those words could possibly mean anything compared to just how lovely and amazing you are
-now if only he could learn to accept a compliment!!!
lee know
-weaponizes compliments LOL
-especially if you’re someone who gets shy easily but like who wouldn’t get a little flustered w THE lee know flirting with you
-“awww who’s a pretty baby?” and cooing and giggling at you while poking your red face
-gets a little shy and defensive if you compliment/tease him back though, especially if the compliments are very genuine and meaningful
-can’t handle praise from you his brain short circuits and he’ll always just respond with “oh u want me so bad…” or “ok and”
-but that’s just because he’s so obsessed with you that he has no idea how to respond I swear
-very good at serious reassurance when necessary because you can rely on him for his honesty, so it means a lot when he’s just like “why would I ever lie about how much I love you?” Because yea why would he…
-can definitely be hard to get through to though because at first he thinks you’re just trying to flirt but then he realizes that you genuinely care about him and he’ll probably cry a little bit
-compliments you without even realizing it
-“hey, have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” just randomly because like, you are!! and he just wants to remind you he doesn’t even think about it
-loves loves loves when you compliment or reassure him, likes to go straight up to you and is like “do I look cute today?”
-gets so soft when you compliment him because like,,,he thinks you’re just the most perfect person in the world and you think he’s a cutie?? like hello??
-bad at just sitting down and reassuring you, but if you ever want a random, badly timed compliment he’s the one for you
-sometimes you’ll just be sitting minding your own business and he’ll walk into the room like “you’re the most lovely person I know”
-always adds a kiss w his compliments <3
-gets surprised if you reciprocate, his heart skips a beat because he never compliments you with the expectation for you to do the same, he just loves reminding you how perfect you are
-very random with it but also super smooth
-one time you two were arguing and he just stared at you before being like “god I love you more than anything” and your brain short circuited and forgot why you were mad for a moment
-devours compliments from you but it may not seem like it because he just seems neutral about it
-he’ll be like like “thank you :)” but inside he’s melting and his world blooms with colors and he’s frolicking in a field figuratively or smth idk
-he’s just not sure how to express how much he loves it when you tell him nice things without jumping for joy or smth TT
-daily compliments!! this man will reassure you with how much he loves you every single day!!!
-he’s your personal hypeman istfg always reminding you how beautiful you are, how proud he is of you, how amazing you are and how in love he is with you
-the best part is that they’re always very personalized, it’ll always feel like these compliments are directed to you and you only, rather than just the standard “ur so beautiful” he’ll describe and romanticize each of your features so you know that YOU are the beautiful one!
-loves compliments but never takes them too seriously
-he shows his love in other ways so he can be a bit of a tease about it, because you know he loves you through different means
-probably does fboi pick up lines on you, “dayummmm shordy u so fineeee” and you’re just -_- while he’s laughing his ass off
-he genuinely thinks ur the most perfect person ever I promise
-he loves when you give him compliments or remind him of how much you love him or reassurance in general, it might be his favorite reassuring love language because it always makes him feel so safe and secure in your relationship
-“you really love me that much? :>” LIKE OF COURSE I DOOO :,0
-can never stop himself from smiling when you randomly tell him a few nice words
-after a performance he’ll always be like “DID I DO GOOD?? DID I LOOK GOOD??” ofc u did :(
-your words are his favorite thing to hear and especially when it’s talking about how much you love him and how cute he is <3
-he’s so whipped over you
-he gets really shy about reassuring and complimenting you tbh
-it’s just like how could he possibly convey how amazing and beautiful you are in just words yknow?? I think he’s better at other love languages because he feels so awkward just stammering and blushing while trying to express how proud he is of you
-but he loves loves loves when you praise him sometimes he’ll go out of his way to act all cutesy so you’ll baby him and call him cute LOL
-texts you after every performance to make sure you saw him and he did good
-staff always giggles at how his quality of performance went UP!! ever since he started dating you because he wants you to praise him
-sometimes he’ll get all soft and cutesy and you guys will just be cuddling and he’ll be like “god you’re so perfect” and you’ll be like STAWPPP because stop he’s so cute I’m sobbing
-sorry I’m like losing consciousness as I write about him I love him
-he’s not the best at giving words of affirmation but he will randomly become the rizzler (that’s right I know English slang) and he’ll get all giggly if you get flustered but
-he mainly just loves when you give words of affirmation :)
-he’s honestly very sweet about how straightforward he is about it because like,,,hi!! he doesn’t joke around
-he will just tell you you’re the most amazing person he knows and he’s so proud of you without even smiling or laughing because he’s so deadass about it
-thinks it’s just amusing when you get so blushy and flustered
-like ur so cute but also cmon babe why r u laughing…cuz like it’s not a joke ur just so perfect
-thinks it’s funny if you’re praising him because he just thinks you’re trying to flirt or tease him until he realizes you’re just seriously in love with him and think he’s cute and pretty and just UGHHHH
-giggles if you tell him that you’re proud of him or if he looks handsome today <3
-but he’s just gotta keep on praising you because he feels like it’s important for him to always make sure that you know that he thinks you’re perfect
-wants you to know he loves you because sometimes it’s difficult for him to express it properly through other means
-so he’ll always be serious when giving words of affirmation <3
-don’t expect him to be so serious when receiving though
-will always respond with “oh u want me so bad,” “ok and,” “so ur obsessed with me…”
-but that’s just because he gets all flustered and doesn’t know how else to respond
-babies you a lot though, always cooing over how cute you are, squishing your cheeks and saying how much he loves you
-he may tease you but he’s obsessed with YOU I swear omg
-always giggling if he sees you in a pretty outfit, asks you to pose and just thinks ur so stylish and gorgeous <3
-“god you know you’re so beautiful right?” or things along those lines
-“bro I’m not obsessed with y/n I swearrrr” and he’ll be like all over you talking about how amazing you are and how beautiful you look <3
-“my cutie is so perfect today!” Or if you have a cool accomplishment he’ll be like “wowww my baby is so amazing”
-pls don’t stop praising him tho even if hes such an asshole about it he really loves when you call him pretty words <3
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vaaaaaiolet · 2 months
sorry vivi ignore me in your inbox I just reread re:you don't know my name and IM AUGHHHHHH ARGHHHH I'm having such a violent reaction oh my god your writing >>> oh gOD YOUR WRITINGGGGGGGG I feel like reader gushing over leon right now except it's you oh my god vivi permission to print that fic out and bind it if I ever get the chance PLEASEEEEEE I'm literally begging you UGHH ok ok calm calm here's two of my fav lines this entire fic bc I think you deserve a nice long comment as all writers do when it comes to fics
"There’s going to be a horribly empty space in my column if I don’t figure out how to type something other than your name soon." -> I screamed when i read this UGHHHHH so cute!?!?!?
"There’s nothing more romantic to a journalist than setting your facts straight next to somebody who smiles like the sun, like you, Mr. Kennedy" -> idc if Leon isn't into reader atp he is now anyways sorry for going manic in your ask box but I just thought you needed to know how much I love that fic of yours it's so great it's changed the trajectory of my life forever
kisses!! cressie ❤︎
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please go manic in my inbox whenever you like bc i'm reserving a spot just for you :,,) i'm flattered BEYOND BELIEF oh my gosh. you make every minute spent writing that fic worth it.
anybody reading this please check out cressie's mindblowingly creative social media au penpal series from one admirer to another where reader and leon are models like wtf. which is so??? the effort you put into your work is INSANE cressie you're such an inspiration to me <33333
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alphabetboyluvr · 1 year
im glad i come to you since wattpad and now people are recommending your fics here and im so happy!!!
what bd have and others dont?
good story line (id say unique and my style sksksk)
good ass long series (i love long series???!!!!)
fast updateee (i love youuuuuu, thanks so much)
approachable writer (she reply to me?!!)
cute chapter cover? (idk how to say this but the pic is so cuteeee on every chapter? iykyk)
good writing style (i love details?!!! so i enjoy reading them)
available on wp and tumblr (girl i enjoy to read on wattpad bcs the comment is so funny af and i enjoy leave the comment too, and i enjoy to send you ask here in tumblr)
there’s a lot more but ill end the discussion here sksksk bye
anywayyy, i hope you got the motivation to write and everything and everyone please read bad decision ohmygod ARGHHHH i love them and i miss them… muahhhhh ❣️
this is??? so ?? kind ?!!! ㅠㅠ
he he the fast updates are literally because I loveeee this couple and I want them to succeed!! but can't stop setting them up to fail!! then needing to rectify my ... bad decisions (badum tsskk 🥁)
also I literally love making the bd chapter header pictures (and not to give anything away but recently they've started having clues for the epilogue in them 👀)
honestly the main reason for me having tumblr is because of the ask function!!
I'm writing for bd 47 today!! I'm busy over the weekend so I have no idea when it will be done!! but I do think we get date #2 and #3 in the next update he he
thank you so much for your kind words!! I really do appreciate them <33
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scepterno · 1 year
your alenoah fic left me in PIECES chapter 5 wrecked me in every way the picture of Alejandro and his brother???? helooks so cute I want to squeeze him like one of those toys(the ones that have their eyes pop out???) "There are tiny raised circles on his upper arms, but those were there before the volcano. Noah never asked about those, and he will continue this tradition by not asking about the new scars. " YOUARE MESSED UP IF THATS WHAT I THINK IT IS!!!! 😿😿😿😿😿 "But you aren’t a Burromuerto anymore. Why do you care so much about a name that abandoned you? " ARGHHHH 😿😿😿😿😿😿😿☹☹ "Oh, really?” he snorts. Then he’s growling, “You haven’t changed, you just think you have.” 😿😿😿😿😿😿😿😿😿😿😿 " “Save it for someone who cares, Alejandro. I know what you are " OHMY GODD 😿😿😿😿😿 " He dares to meet Alejandro’s hopeful gaze. Smitten. He hates how accurate Heather’s assessment was. There’s nothing to compare Alejandro to other than an abandoned puppy begging to come inside and be loved— and dammit, Noah is a dog person. So he asks, “Do you want to come inside?” " 😿😿😿😿😿😿😿😿😿 oh myword 😿😿😿😿😿😿😿😿😿 " Alejandro snaps his hair tie again, and again. A red line slowly forms around his wrist.  " 😿😿😿😿 i love your Alejandro to BITS he makes me😿😿😿😿😿😿 this is getting kinda long now whoops
thank you anon i really needed this pick me up rn
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theloveinc · 2 years
You did really good with what I had! I'm not a fic writer, which is why I wanted to pawn it off. This is blanket permission to take it wherever you want 😊
He's making fun of our slippers? And we're being cute and domestic? Yes please 🥰
And like, he already knew us which is why he wanted to ask us out in the first place, but now after spending so much time with us he really knows us, y'know? Like it's one thing to know someone's favorite snacks, and another to know why it's those ones and not something else. Or how passionately you'll argue with him to defend a certain genre of movie (he's fine with rom-coms, but he'll argue with you about any other genre just to get you riled up).
How do you think he eventually asks us again? Is it super casual like before, or does he put more effort in now that he knows what we'd want? Oh! Do you think he's had to watch us turn down other people, just to turn around and agree to go do an activity with him, but it's not a "date" (hiking, video games, farmers' market, etc.)? I think Denki definitely asked us out once or twice just to mess with him 😂
(are you still doing anon labels/tags on this new blog? If so can I be 🐞 if it isn't already taken? If you're not doing it then don't worry about it! I just foresee me wanting to send more brain rot your way if you're okay with that?)
(pt. i here!)
ARGHHHH, and Bakugo just being increasingly more and more glad that he was turned down initially, cuz now that you're both at the point where you know why you like which snacks, know which socks the other prefers, even the various before work + shower routines you have... things are so much deeper than before.
NOT that you wouldn't have gotten to that point eventually too, but... it almost feels more special this way cuz it's like... his love for you (and you him?) is bigger than ever now.
I definitely think he puts in more effort now, too! Obviously not... too much (just because he has a hard time thinking of things that aren't ridiculous), but he buys you flowers and candies, at the very least! Or maybe writes a card, OR OMG PLANS A LITTLE WALK OR OUTING, like a picnic🥺 cuz by that point, you're basically in the dating stage already so it doesn't feel weird or nerve-racking at all.
Skjdfhaklsdf though, I agree that Denki absolutely asks you out... and yeah, probably not even seriously (cuz of bro-code), but instead to show a crybaby Bakugo that the reason he was rejected wasn't because you didn't like him, but that you were "too busy for anyone and everyone, man" (cuz lord knows he has to explain since Bakugo is peeved @ him LOL).
He feels better when you immediately come round to express how weird it was that Denki asked you out, though... and then ask to do something together later (like you said, and btw, I love all your ideas). It's the one time he's like... damn, Denki was actually Right.
Though honestly, Denki is probably pretty good at dating, in some ways, but I digress!
ANYWAYYY, absolutely you can be ladybug anon!!! You're gonna be my first named anon who didn't move over w/ the same name from IHB, so yes it's available (and super cute)🥰🥰🥰. I really look forward to any future asks you send, and I hope being patient with me when it comes to responding isn't too difficult❤️
Thank you again for this!!!
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mindninjax · 2 years
New follower! Just wanted to say that I am absolutely in love with every single thing I’ve read of yours so far. ‘Spinning Cherries’ is one of my faves, it’s absolutely adorable! There’s lots of drunk Bakugou content out there (and I love all of it don’t get me wrong), but it was really cute to see how he interacted with us being drunk for once. Very sweet and wholesome.
And I just started ‘Bound to You’ and I am HOOKED (even though Tumblr crashed on me while I was reading it arghhhh). I’m so weak whole fantasy AU/barbarian-esque Bakugou iwjfjbsiqbckcjnswb
Omg reee thank you so much! Oh spinning cherries is my comfort fic im sobbing thank you!
And BOUND TO YOU! MY FIRST BIG BABY! If makes me so happy you’re enjoying it!
If you’re into Barbarian Baku you should absolutely positively check out They Came at First Light by @katsukikitten . It is one of my all time favorite fics. Make sure you mind the warnings on it but I promise you it’ll blow your mind.
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p-antomime · 3 years
Kiki you’re the Doja Cat of fanfic cuz I heard from a friend of a friend that your fics were a ten out of ten
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why the gif kinda cute... AND LMAO you had me all smiling right now </3</3 i love this doja's verse so much arghhhh, JUST COME HERE AND GIMME A HUG A KISS A COOKIE ANYTHING! ILY MATERIA ! :((
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maeum-your · 3 years
hello i might be falling in love with heeseung 👉🏻👈🏻 he's just so ARGHHHH 😩😩 taking care of y/n, offering massages, singing, I WANT THAT TOO !!
ANYWAYS. it's really cute how excited riki got when he became friends with sunoo 🥺
and go y/n 🥳 she might be hurt but she can still attack, and i love her for that! i also love the picture of jay 🤩 but the enhypen flops thing kinda hurt. i'm gonna listen to go big or go home now!
this is heeseung's malewife era 🤩 i am being completely bias wrecked by that man BUT HEEYN WILL STILL NOT HAPPEN IN THIS FIC 😭
go big or go home is literally the main reason why i ended up so involved in enhypen's business that song has me in a chokehold to this day 💖
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evanescentdawn · 3 years
(23th sept)
today’s writing:
I want to give up writing for this fandom sob sob WHY IS IT SO HARD. WHERE ARE THE IDEAS!!!! it takes me x1000 struggles to write for them urghhhhfjfjfkfkkffk I WANT TO THOUGH LET MEEEEEEEE
—I kind of started to re-read the manhwa again, and oh man. I have so much feels again. Also, Ijekiel…. I really wanted him & athy to get know each other more and spend time together… so I ended up writing an au where Lucas drops her her in his house more lol and they end up becoming childhood friends. BABY IJEKIEL IS SO CUTE HELP
—worked on the time travel wip again!! man, this fic is a hard fhfkkff. I have absolute no idea on what I’m doing and winging it. THIS IS WHY!!! I SHOULD HAVE WRITTEN DOWN THOSE IDEAS ARGHHHH
—edited the claude & Felix break wip! Virtually have no idea on what I’m doing in this one either………..
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dreamwritesimagines · 5 years
So I finally caught up on Princess’s exploits and OH MY LORD! I don’t even have words. Firstly, Meriel and Cassie are in LOVE and that means that Fin and Jaskier can be together too and I’m freaking dyinggggg. But then Geralt just up and KISSED her and oh my days, why am I telling you the plot of your own fic like you didn’t write it, bc I’m excited that’s whyyyy! Cannot wait for the next chapter, I cannot wait for their mum to get her come uppance and for the witch to be the real OG arghhhh!!
Omg honeeey thank you! ❤ I'm so excited too!❤ I think the fact that they can touch will change everything in their whole dynamic and it will be so much fuuun! ❤
Cassie and Meriel would be a cute couple! 😍❤
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moncheles · 5 years
I’m trying to get myself to resist shipping Dany and Jon but it’s practically useless right? Cause my gosh they are so cute
arghhhh I’d totally recommend shipping them!!!! they’re perfect together 😍 just don’t expect too much from show jonerys 😫 I’d just stick with the books/fics..
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katzuyas · 8 years
Any recommendations KuroHina fic? I'm a KuroHina trash, and definitely love all of your fic. But I was hoping if you can suggest me. New and one shot, if possible. I read fics at ao3 so if you can recommend some in there that will be awesome too!^^
believe it or not for all that tracking kurohina tag is getting there’s literally maybe a fic in 5 that is actually kurohina these days and it frustrates me to no end bc bokurohina and kurokenhina have their own tags but no ofc ppl have to put it in the kurohina tag as well; it’s beyond annoying arghhhh-- but enough ranting, sorry //sweats
I don’t really know what you mean as new so I’ll just pick these two bc there’s honestly v little to pick from, I’m sorry...
Here Comes Trouble by CharmedBritannia | which is a v cute college roommates au with pining kuroo and a sneaky lil shit hina
get that dynamite by gealbhan | it’s a hp au with seeker hina and slytherin captain kuroo, it’s pretty cute
I’m happy you like my fics, thank you!!! I wish I had something better to offer u in terms of recs tho ;u;
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