killuaisaprincess · 10 months
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jeonsbabygirlsworld · 9 months
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SUMMARY: In which you teach your daughter a very important life lesson.
PAIRINGS: Husband Jungkook x wife reader
WARNINGS : Fluff fluff !!
A/N: A very small Drabble while you wait for other Fics in my Wip…… and @jungk97kwife to help me with this Drabble ❤️….. I hope you all will like this one 🩷 . Inspired from this .
Exhaling a sigh, you see a very giggly Na-Eun in front of you sitting in her pink teddy bear-shaped cushion chair with a small Sanrio plushy in her hand and some heart-shaped marshmallows, it's been a while since you have taught your girl a very needed life lesson, but your baby seems in a very naughty mood.
Trying again you deepen your voice and speak “If a strange man says, Na-Eun lets go eat cookies, what will you say?” Hoping her to say “no” a loud cheer of "I like it" resounds the Hall. “No baby, you have to say no!”You tell her again and she beeps out a loud “No”.
Giving her a kiss on her cheek of praise continuing you then ask her to return to the deep voice… “If he says, let's go eat ice cream, what will you say?”wanting her to say no she wiggles on her seat which makes you a giggling mess at her antics she says “Good”
Face-palming you tell your baby to say no and a cute NO resounds again, hopping she will get the next one correct you go ahead with the next question “What if a stranger asks, let's go swimming?”eager to hear her a loud “No” is heard.
High-fiving her you move on for the last round before you both practice, taking out your phone, you get her ready and start asking her the same questions again and she answers them correctly until when you tell her you are going to send it to her dad, messing on the last one you don't stop recording and think you will just type out her being camera shy at the end.
“Good! Tell him, go away”Again teaching her something new she follows perfectly behind you and tells her to make a “whuh,whuh”action which she ends up raising her hands and making a “shoo away” motion.
Jungkook on the other hand amid an important meeting, felt his phone vibrate. He glanced at the screen, and upon seeing your name, he excused himself. He held onto the message just to reply with a ‘👍’, hoping you’ll understand that he wasn’t able to check it out   As soon as he was done with his meeting which stressed him out enough, he opened the video and the sight of his daughter on the screen immediately softened his expression. 'Maybe it was a great idea to leave the message for later’ he thinks in between himself as he admires the video, his heart-melting the second he senses her giggles.
He couldn’t help but feel full of pride, his little girl was growing up, learning important lessons, and handling them with such grace and confidence.
Of course, he was in awe of your patience too, something he was missing sometimes such as earlier during his meeting, and he felt a wave of appreciation for having such a wonderful companion in raising their child.
He quickly typed a response back, his fingers barely able to keep up with the rush of his thoughts. KOOK❤️: Cute, so proud of her . KOOK❤️: Doing an amazing job love ❤️ KOOK❤️: Don't teach her everything without me though.
He couldn’t help it, he shook his head in disapproval at himself, at the way he was feeling sarcastically jealous at the thought of you taking over the teaching. KOOK❤️: Can't wait to get home to you.   And with that he’s back to his work, motivated again just because he wanted to leave this place as soon as possible and come back to his family; cause every decision he made, every effort he put into his exhausting work was for his family only. And knowing he’s got an amazing companion at home who’s making sure his princess is growing up healthy, made him realize that all his hard work was worth it.  
In which your about to give birth and jungkook won’t stop panicking
TAGLIST: @kimmingyuswifee @jksgirlhere @httpjeonlicious @bunnykoos @ohsweetmimosa @dragonflygurl4 @lovingkoalaface @snow-strawberry @jungkooks21 @jklvrs-world @aloverga @vsr4197 @skzthinker @kpop-nct @--xxchrissyxx-- @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @olimpiiaa @cassies-cookies @angelbiaa09 @ravynnn-12 @lovebtsforever24 @yuyupie @100butterfliesinthesky @starcandysstuff
Tag lists are still open send ask to join. :0
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jealousmartini · 4 months
!! INCOMPLETE DRAFT. I just wanted to know what you guys thought of this so far. Will complete !!
Into my [ # 007 :: BEDROOM ]
Don't mind the mess
Some collages of categorised randomly selected belongings I have in my room
tap to see full images !
[ # 001 :: IMPORTANT ITEMS ]
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[] Cushioned/non cushoined wheelie chairs, (preferably pink) cute bins, clear/pearly hangers, fluffy heart-shaped rug, cherry themed bed covers, cushioned seats (and one hanging from the ceiling), snacks carrying rolling cart/art supplies carrying cart, heart-shaped clock, leopard-print fluffy towel
[ # 002 :: ROOM DECOR ]
[ # 003 :: ELECTRONICS ]
[] Ipad/tablet, phone, orange-themed switch, multi screen pc, laptop, mic, fan, night-light, extended cable, speaker, headphones, 3ds,
[ # 004 :: ACCESSORIES ]
[ # 005 :: WARDROBE ]
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[] Pink themed clothes (one third of my wardrobe): pink bonnet, pink tank tops, pink baggy silk Jersey(?), pink and black stripey off shoulder long sleeve tee, pink floral bras, strawberry crocs, pink fluffy slippers (a must)
[] Pink, peach, leopard print, emo, purple, brown, sparkly and natural (acrylic) nails
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aclowntiny · 1 year
Blue Skies- Yeosang x Female!Baker!Reader
Word Count: 2,970 | Fluff | Warnings: none hehe
I have decided to do a coffee shop story for every member because why not 😌 feat. Wooyoung because I can dangit 😈
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Sun filtered through the plants that dripped from window boxes, falling gently onto the crown of Yeosang’s head. He strolled gently down the sidewalk, inhaling the scent of spring breeze.
A new café had opened up around the corner from his building, so in one of the windows of free time he received he elected to check it out.
The sign and logo, which featured a blue sky dotted with pink clouds, promised the cozy atmosphere Yeosang expected and received as soon as he walked in, greeted by tables that each had a cute figurine on their center and pastel cushions on all the chairs. There were even couches to sit on and a game table with a sign that read ‘Come Play With Us 🩷’. Yeosang considered sitting there, but no one else was present to play with.
There was much that he expected about the place: open tables, a cute but hip atmosphere, the smell of cappuccino steam rising to greet him…but one thing he did not.
A figure bent serenely behind the surprisingly large bakery case, smoothing out the frosting on the most delicious-looking cake he’d ever seen with a pastry bench, eyelashes fluttering slightly as she worked. The frosting was pure white, enrobing a small round cake that was now getting striped with strawberries, and the woman had a small, calm smile on her face, which focused on placing each one just so. It was just about the most gorgeous sight Yeosang had ever seen; his heart fluttering as he approached the counter. No one else was there- would the baker be the one to take his order, too?
Apparently she would. “I’ll be right with you, sorry! Just finishing up these last few strawberries,” she told him with a small, sheepish but bright smile.
He gave her one right back. “Of course. Take your time.” Sure, the others may have his hide if he’s late for practice, but so what? It was one day. Hongjoong would live.
His eyes kept drifting between the white tile floors and the baker’s fingers deftly, but gently placing their décor around the cake, which was soon slid into the display case next to a chocolate torte and beneath a mouthwatering selection of breads and tartlets.
“D- did you make all of those?” Yeosang blurted out before he could stop himself.
“I did!” Your smile widened into a full-on grin and Yeosang thought he might have a heart attack. “I’m in charge of pastries around here! Well, and drinks right now since my co-barista is on lunch. I’m all finished with the cake now, so what can I make for you today?”
“Um…” It was at that moment that Yeosang realized he had not once looked at the menu. His mind completely blanked, floundering for a moment until… “I’ve never been here, what do you recommend?” Nailed it.
"Well, I suppose that depends on if you like coffee or not. If you don't, my favorite is the London Fog latte, which is earl grey tea with vanilla. If you do, the lavender latte is our specialty and that one is really good too! Very pretty!"
Just like you, Yeosang thought. "Well then, I'd like to try that, please," he actually said, shyly nodding his head as she tapped a few register keys.
"Were you going to be staying here or taking it on the go?"
"Ah," Yeosang rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "I would love to stay but I should take it on the go."
"No problem! Your name?"
"What a nice name! I'll have that ready for you soon."
She was that nice to everyone. She had to be.
Yeosang thanked her, taking a seat at a table with a doraemon figurine winking at him. Cute. He didn't want to stare at the baker, whose name tag read (y/n), but his eyes had minds of their own, drifting constantly back over to the humming baker-barista. Eventually, he applied the three rule, counting to three before looking away so he never stared too long.
He was so focused on counting threes that he barely heard his name, practically jumping as (y/n) called him a second time.
"I hope you enjoy your latte, Yeosang!"
His heart flipped. He looked between his to-go cup, topped with lavender-tinted steamed milk poured in a heart shape, (y/n)'s beautiful smile, & that tantalizing bakery case.
"Er, before I go, how much is the cake?"
Just as Yeosang suspected, the boys were placated by free food.
"This is the best cake I've ever had," Mingi sighed, "where did you say you got this again?"
"The new café around the corner. The baker was really nice. She was finishing it up as I came in."
"If she bakes that good," the tall rapper continued, "I wanna marry her."
"She made my drink, too. That was really good. I really liked the atmosphere in there and she was very nice. Really makes you feel welcome."
"Watch out, Mingi, I think Yeosang is going to marry her," Wooyoung teased, sliding over the shining studio floor to claim a cake slice of his own.
Warmth flooded the singer's cheeks. "All I said was I liked Blue Skies."
"Whatever. Keep sweet-talking her and see if you can get some of this for free, huh?" Wooyoung suggested, elbowing Yeosang in the ribs.
"I might go back. I heard the London Fog is good there."
"Uh, oh, someone's baking a love cake!"
Placing the fat piping bag of green icing you'd held back onto the silver decorating table, you cocked a brow at your co-barista, Hakyeon. "Excuse me?"
"Look at you, piping little frogs holding hands on top of your cake. You and who?"
"Maybe I'm trying to get you a girlfriend," you teased, grinning and giggling at the way the tall man crossed his arms at you.
"No way, you're too happy to care that I'm single. What happened?"
Hakyeon stared at you, dark eyes boring into your soul in an attempt at a withering gaze that just made him look like an overgrown kitten. You couldn't take him seriously, bursting out with a laugh.
"See? I knew it."
"Ok, fine, a really cute guy came in yesterday and got a drink and a cake and I'm hoping he comes back and thinks the frog one is cute and maybe, just maybe, I can figure out who he bought a whole entire cake for the first time, especially if he wants a romantic cake."
Hakyeon blinked, stare melting into amusement. "Wow, that's an extremely elaborate substitute for just asking the guy out."
"He's a customer, I can't just-"
A wave of annoyingly well-manicured tan hands. "Yeah, yeah. What's this guy's name, anyway?"
You blushed. "Do I have to tell you everything?"
"I want to know who he is so I can tell if he's an axe murderer or not."
"Fine, his name is Yeosang, and he-"
The bell hanging at your door chimed, sending you scrambling to finish your cake's green lattice sides and Hakyeon sauntering to the counter. Before he reached it, he whispered out of the corner of his mouth, "When I'm working, I want you sitting at the game table."
"But I have to work-"
"Just do it."
"Only if I'm not working on something. I can't leave stuff in the oven to burn, you know."
A familiar deep voice interrupted your banter, though, sending a happy little shock through your chest. Yeosang was back. And ordering a London Fog, which you remembered mentioning as one of your favorites. You peered at him through your lashes, blushing and practically throwing the frog couple cake into the glass to free up a hand when you saw him wave at you.
"Hi (y/n)," he said softly.
"Hi! Sounds like you're trying tea today?"
He nodded. "You said it was your favorite right? Then I had to try it." Pointing at the display, he let his gaze fall to your latest creation. "That's a cute cake. Did someone order it?"
"No," you shook your head, "I just thought it would be cute if any couples or people with significant others came in."
"I'm sure they'll love it. Could I get some jjinppang today? The guys in my group really loved your cake, too, but I can't spoil them too much."
Suppressing a grin at the evidence your frog cake totally provided you with, thank you very much Hakyeon, you obliged.
Yeosang left, London Fog gripped cutely in both hands as he sighed in curling clouds of steam, and Hakyeon immediately whipped his head your way, chuckling at your own sigh.
"Sheesh, no wonder. Guy must be a model or something. You. Tomorrow. Game table."
All you could do was smile, blush, and shake your head.
True to your-well, Hakyeon's- word, you placed yourself next to the ‘Come Play With Us 🩷’ sign, legs crossed, chin resting in hand, and latte coastered at your side, casually taking a sip as Yeosang walked in again.
“No cake today?”
"I did a sort of plain German chocolate today and decorate-your-own cookies, so I finished early. Wanna play a game?"
He did indeed, challenging you to a really cute cat café-themed dice game, totally creaming you AKA collecting more cats, and icing a decorate-your-own cookie because quote 'the members were being annoying today, so no free food for them'. He drew the cutest little character on his, shocking you when you discovered it was his own creation.
"I wanna put him on a cake!"
"Go ahead," he said with a smile.
Feeling guilty for shirking helping the other Blue Skies customers who ordered pastries, you glanced up at Hakyeon, who simply gave you a cheeky grin and wave. Rolling your eyes, you returned your gaze to Yeosang, who challenged you to a quick card game before he went back to work.
You won, so he claimed he needed to come back to Blue Skies for a rematch. "I- if you're ok with that."
"Of course," you giggled.
"'Favorite game buddy?' Dude, she's totally flirting with you."
"She's nice to every customer. You should have seen the way she laughed and clapped for another person's joke."
"Yeah, but did she draw a hehetmon with a heart on their drink?" Wooyoung asked, hand on his hip.
"She drew a heart in the foam of my first drink last week," Yeosang shot back, making Wooyoung want to take him by the shoulders and shake the forever-singleness out of his handsome friend, "that's, like, the most common latte art there is?"
The worst part was, Yeosang looked genuinely confused by Wooyoung's insinuations. The man was too pure for his own good. That was ok, though. If he wanted to be an angel, Wooyoung was more than happy to play the devil role.
"I don't know why you suddenly want to come to Blue Skies with me," Yeosang questioned with a furrowed brow, long black hair falling onto his forehead, "I've been going for, like, two weeks now."
Because you don't know how to make a move, that's why. Clouds drifted lazily across the sky, faintly obscuring the sun as a breeze ruffled through the planter boxes. The weather wasn't quite as sunny-go-lucky as it had been, as if even the sky knew a scheme was brewing.
"Well, if the lovely, very kind baker isn't flirting with you, then maybe I want some," Wooyoung replied with a wide grin.
"What?" If looks could kill, oh boy would Wooyoung be six feet under. It was like his friend had been taking lessons from Hongjoong or something.
Plans were plans, though. "Why not? She sounds great."
"She's not your type," Yeosang replied a little too quickly, pushing his stray bangs back out of his dark stare.
"Well, I'll be the judge of that," Wooyoung said sweetly as he pushed open the door, head swaying a bit with the tinkling of the cute little bell.
There was a girl behind the counter expertly pouring mirror glaze over some petit fours. She was cute, but definitely not Wooyoung's type. Even better.
"Well hello there," he called out charmingly as the girl smiled and waved, clearly over the moon to see Yeosang.
"Hi! Are you one of the guys from the group Yeosang told me about?"
"Yes, and you must be the baker who made that excellent cake, but I had no idea you were so beautiful," he complimented (y/n), leaning on the counter where she took up her spot by the register.
It took all his willpower to suppress the grin that rose to his face as his whole body was wracked by a hard elbowing and then some to ignore the whisper of "don't be a creep".
"Well, thank you," (y/n) smiled, but her gaze still fluttered back to Yeosang. Oh yeah. Wooyoung could just see the pleading in her eyes. She didn't want this from him.
"I hear you make great lattes, too, which I don't doubt. What do you recommend for someone like me, hm?"
"Weren't you just wanting to get an Americano like usual?" Yeosang cut him off, glancing just as pleadingly at (y/n), who kept up an impressive customer-service poker smile.
"I can do that. If you like it sweet, we do a really good brown sugar one."
Wooyoung fiddled with his collar. "Oh, I do like it sweet."
(y/n) laughed, but it was clearly strained, and her whole body practically melted in relief when Yeosang gave him an 'I don't know this man' glance and ordered a latte extra politely, no rush thank you so much (y/n), practically batting his eyelashes at her.
"Maybe we can have our next cat café match next time, huh?" Emphasis on our.
She didn't look up, but (y/n) accidentally delivered a killing blow. Wooyoung choked back a laugh, disguising it as a cough because holy crap, Yeosang was not going to take that correctly.
"Oh, is Wooyoung not going to be a regular, too?"
"No, I think he's just visiting for now, aren't you?"
Wooyoung flipped his hair back, coyly focusing on studying the Badtz-Maru figurine on the table. "You never know."
"I see," said (y/n), "good to know."
Yeosang's gaze darted between (y/n) and his friend, expression falling into one of defeat. His shining eyes were hard to watch, and in any other situation Wooyoung would have grabbed his hand and given him a hug. But that hug was going to have to wait, as (y/n) was making her way over with their drinks. From what Wooyoung gathered, she didn't usually personally deliver what she made.
She didn't even meet his eyes when she reached the table, looking only between Yeosang and the drink she placed in front of him. Yeosang looked up at her, dumbfounded, as she folded her hands behind her back, dawdling at their table.
She'd drawn a hehetmon on each drink, completely ignoring the fact that Americanos didn't even have milk just so she could splash enough on there to make one stick his tongue out at Wooyoung.
"No heart," he very loudly whispered, giving his dear friend a coy look.
Meanwhile and in stark contrast, atop the other cup, hehetmon peered up at Yeosang with a wide smile and a speech bubble that read 'date?'
Wooyoung had the pleasure of watching years melt off Yeosang's face as his sad puppy look morphed back to pure shock and adoration, a finger pointing at his chest.
"Yes," (y/n) said softly, "you."
"Well," palming the sides of the table, Wooyoung stood up, satisfaction fully lighting his face, "if you'll excuse me, I need to go look for a pastry to get for my brother."
Yeosang's heart melted at the way you looked at him. Him, not the confident flirt that was his most annoying best friend, the guy who was too scared to ask you out.
He couldn't believe such a beautiful girl, someone as kind and talented at making sweet, lovely things, wanted to go on a date with him, but he would thank every cloud in the sky if he had to that you did. As long as you weren't just trying to scare Wooyoung off.
"Really? I mean, yeah, I-"
"Good. Then tell your friend there I'm not interested in him, just in my usual sweet regular," (y/n) replied, voice and smile as kind and honeyed as ever, "ok?"
"You are? You really are?" He asked, dreamy smile involuntarily widening.
You simply nodded, smiling that serene smile you always had on when you frosted a particularly pretty cake. "Of course I am. How could I not be when you've been nothing but kind and fun, huh? You can tell your buddy I said that, too!"
"I will. I'll tell everyone," Yeosang replied before he could stop himself.
Your eyes shone, that beautiful color pulling Yeosang in even more. "I like the sound of that."
You made your way back to the counter, swinging open the little door and stepping back into the kitchen by the pastry case, where Yeosang's friend wandered back and forth, eyes flicking up to meet yours. When he saw you, he grinned sheepishly, pulling out a wad of bills and slinking over to the tip jar, where he dropped them in.
"For putting up with me and finally, for the love of God, getting him that date."
"You're terrible."
"Funny thing, I hear that a lot."
"But thank you," you added, shaking your head in exasperated mirth, "I needed the excuse to not be as creepy as, well you. For a date, and only if you promise to never do that again, I'll give you one of whatever you were looking at on the house."
"I thought you'd never ask."
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Just found out that my best friend is pregnant (FIRST IN OUR GROUP I'M SO EXCITED) and I'm wondering, is there any baby/pregnancy stuff that people don't think to gift but would be really nice to have? Very happy for you :3
not sure on baby stuff since i’m still occupied so i havent yet had the chance to regret not having something.
as for preggy stuff, here’s a mix of both inexpensive and quite expensive gift options!
pregnancy pillow! if bff isn’t too far along then the back pains might not have settled in just yet, and they can get BAD like i sometimes have trouble walking from bed to bathroom without shouting bad. that decreased significantly with a C-shaped pillow! now instead of literally every night it’s only once a week or so!
bamboobie pillows! they’re little microwavable/freezable pellet-filled pillows that you slip into your bra for soothing sore tiddies. and they WILL be sore. perfect for pregnancy, excellent for postpartum, still useful during periods! mine were 10 bucks uwu
a seat cushion! i sit in a computer chair nearly all day and it was already losing the cushion after over a year of heavy use, so i’ve been using a throw pillow to sit on because my tailbone has been taking a BEATING. additionally, i don’t have hemorrhoids yet but i probably will eventually, so a really good cushion will be essential. that’s more late-game content tho.
doppler! you get to see the ‘heartbeat’ (still just a single artery and not yet an actual heart) during the 8-week internal ultrasound. if you’re really lucky, you might get an earlier one, but normally heartbeat is first heard at 6-8 weeks. dopplers are external though, and doctors don’t typically use them until 12 weeks because it’s difficult to get audio externally until that point. if you buy your friend a doppler, it won’t be able to be used until probably the second trimester, ideally after 16 weeks. for this gift, i highly recommend getting one that doesnt require apps or programs, and you should include a tube of echo gel, aloe gel, or aquaphor, whichever clear moisturizing gel you think bff might prefer, because any doppler needs gel to function and its best to get smth you can just massage into the belly after imo. this is the one i have, it’s on loan from a friend so i hafta give it back but i like it since its the plug-n-play type lol. but remember, dopplers shouldnt be used often, once every few days is fine enough.
a grabber! this is the kind i have, i kept it from when i was bedridden from my knee injury a few years back. i normally can’t reach into my top load washing machine, but with a belly bump, now i definitely can’t. it’s getting harder to bend over or reach into tight spaces, so having a grabber is really handy, especially with a magnetic tip! i like this specific kind because i hang it on a screw by the little string pulley bit at the end. that way it doesnt fall over or get misplaced.
grippy socks! self-explanatory. a firm foundation protects bebbie. and everyone likes cute socks!
foot bath! maybe a late-game present, but keep it in mind for a few months down the line. anything to soothe the feet would be a GODSEND right now. i already have problems staying on my feet for too long, but the heavier i get the harder it becomes! i’d kill for 30 mins in one of those fish tanks where the tiny little fish eat all my dead skin. even a small massager would be nice lol. i don’t want my husband touching my feets right now bc theyre sooooo calloused and flakey ;w;
melatonin gummies and a sleep mask! it gets so hard to fall asleep for some reason. ppl will be like “sleep while u can teehee!” like they forgot about the fucking insomnia. it’s enough to make you feel homicidal. those delicious ass strawberry gummies knock me out soooo fast now, and a nicely weighted sleep mask keeps it hella dark even when my man forgets to turn off the goddamned lamp.
white noise machine! if bff doesn’t already have one, that is. i invested in a $100 one (it was slightly on sale, so i got it for 70ish) that has tons of options, i prefer brown noise the most, white and pink noise r too sharp for me. it’s even got an alarm function! i adore it and it helps us sleep because i get distracted by every bump in the night, especially with cats. and if bff doesnt like it, baby absolutely will! white noise is most of what they hear in the womb from bodily ambiance so they’re already used to it.
thats all i can think of right now, i probably included things that lots of people think of already, but i just included stuff i don’t think about until i need it lol
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rarephloxes · 3 years
elucienweek, flower prompt. 
sorry girls!!! I’m late!! Hope it still counts though :)))))))
for @elucienweek <3
rating: G
wc: ≈3.3k
warnings: none!! they just go on a date!!! and bring each other flowers!!
psa: my first language is Portuguese! And this is also the first thing I’ve even written and posted! Ever! So, I’m nervous!! Lol! Enjoy!! Also: outfits link at the bottom!!
  Elain flitted through her bedroom excitedly, her nerves jittery and drowned in thoughts of the day she was about to have.  
 “But what do you think I should wear?” Elain asked her sister, Feyre, who was just a laughing face in the screen of her phone.  
 “Put me on FaceTime,” Elain’s phone speaker told her “I’ll help you pick.”  
 “Can you add Nesta to the call, please?” Elain asked, eyeing the clothes hanging in her wardrobe confusedly, brows wrinkled.  
  With a sigh, she sat down at her vanity, the gleaming glass of her perfumes and pretty makeup containers beckoning her.  
 Feyre’s laughing face, a picture taken by Rhys, her sister’s husband, winked out to be quickly replace by Feyre's and Nesta’s profile pictures.  
 (Elain knew she ought to be used to the fact that her sister was wed, for she had gone to her wedding wearing a beautiful pink dress matching the few other bridesmaids. She had even danced with Rhysand’s broody brother, Azriel, and overall had a great deal of time, but it was still weird thinking of her baby sister as a wedded woman. Who also was, uselessly, trying to pretend not to be pregnant).  
“Good morning,” Nesta greeted them, a little bleary eyed “What’s this about?”  
 “Did you just wake up?” Asked Feyre with a knowing smile on her lips. Elain knew that if said smile was directed to herself, she’d blush. “It’s nearly 3PM,”  
 “Oh, well,” responded Nesta with a carefully crafted absent-minded smile “You know how Cassian can be... energetic,”  
 “Nesta!” Elain, despite her best wishes and her sister’s rather tame answer, blushed while applying her mascara “Can we please focus on the matter at hand? I really need some help,”  
 “And what, exactly, is this matter?” Nesta inquired.  
 “It’s Elain’s third date with Mr. Mystery Man,” Feyre slightly static voice answered. Elain’s phone had never been quite the same after she accidentally potted and watered it with one of her apartment plants.  
 “Oh! I didn’t know you and MMM had gotten to the third date phase!” Nesta replied with a note of enthusiasm, the buzz of a coffeemaker as her background noise “A rather early time of day for a third date, though, isn’t it?”  
 Elain bristled slightly, but Feyre answered first “It’s a picnic date, Nesta. It wouldn’t be the same if was later. And besides, it’ll be just the right time for they to see the sunset,” Feyre frowned “Did you really just wake up?”  
 “I was taking a nap,” Nesta supplied with her mouth hidden by a mug covered in book details, a library’s name scripted around it “What can I say? Cass really wore me out,”  
 “Girls, please, please, can we stay on topic?” Elain pleaded a little, “I really do need help.”  
 “Oh, those are lovely lashes, Elain” Feyre praised from where Elain’s phone was propped in her vanity. Elain, now applying her blush until she looked somewhat sunburned, questioned “Do you like it? I glue them underneath my lash line, see? It looks nice, doesn’t it?”   
 Perhaps sensing the bit of anxiety on her middle sister’s face, Nesta said “It looks beautiful, Elain. MMM will not even know what hit him”. 
 Smiling at her sister’s compliment, Elain stood up and angled her phone to the side, widening the camera range to the view of her bed and bathroom door.  
 “So,” Elain started, slightly out of frame as she scoured her clothes for something fitting, “I thought maybe a dress? No pants or shorts because I bought a charcuterie board and really am planning to eat the cake Lu... I mean, Mr. Mystery Man-” Elain stopped herself with a laugh, what a silly nickname, dear Gods. Of course, Feyre would come up with something like that “- is going to bring, so nothing constricting in the belly area,”  
 “Ooh! I know! What about the white dress? With the blue flower print?” Feyre suggested.  
 “White? Feyre, a white dress for a picnic? I’m aware you live in a palace and has the wealthiest man in the land of the free to pay for your every wish, but please remember some of us have to do laundry” Nesta said, a laugh woven in her teasing.  
 Before Feyre could answer, Elain interrupted the seemingly lighthearted argument lest she lost her sisters to an everlasting word brawl “It’s cute, Feyre, you’re right. But, Nesta has a point. I don’t want any grass stains on it.”  
 “Besides, I thought I could wear my strawberry dress,” Elain said, placing a pink dress in front of her robe clad form.  
 “Oh, that’s cute,” said Nesta.  
 “Yeah, really pretty,” agreed Feyre.  
 “Then why do you both sound so unsure?”  
 “It’s just that it is a little plain,” Feyre explained carefully.  
 “It’s a 500-dollar dress,” Elain defended “And it has strawberries in it!”  
 “Yes, of course,” Nesta complied, “But maybe something with sleeves less... puffy? Or without a childish print?”   
 Feeling a little defeated, Elain nodded.  
 Afterward, the pile of clothes on her bed rapidly grew and with it Elain’s anxiety.  
 “Gods, nothing looks good,” Elain said, hating the whiny tone of her voice.  
 “Wait, wait!” Nesta startled “What of that sage green dress?”  
 The little dying light in Elain’s chest glittered.  
 “The one from Reformation?” Elain asked hangers chiming while she reached for the dress.  
 “Isn’t it a bit too fancy?” Feyre replied, uncertain.  
 “He is really well dressed,” mused Elain, looking at herself in the mirror, sage dress draped over her front “So you think this matches well with my white Fendi boots?”  
 “Won’t the boots be uncomfortable for a sitting on the ground date?” Nesta countered, voice muffled by the running water she was using to rinse her mug, coffee long gone by then.  
 “Well, I guess,” Elain acceded just as another dress caught her eye, “YES! I think I found the one!”  
 “Let us see it then!” Feyre asked around a mouthful of something.  
 “Wait, let me put it one first” said Elain before skittering out of view.  
 “What are you eating?” asked the corner of Nesta’s face.  
 “Rhys is doing business with these Belgium people. Very fancy. Particularly important Belgium people,” Feyre’s eyes and forehead answered, “They brought a lot of chocolate,”  
 “Quite the stereotype,” A pause “Save me some?”   
 “Sorry, I’m finished with them already.”  
 “Ok! Grand reveal time!”  
  Nesta’s side eye and frown disappeared once Elain popped into frame, a soft off-white midi dress with a high neckline and short sleeves now around her body, accentuating the dip of her waist.  
 “Ooh, I love the slit!”  
 “Yes! And it’s such a nice print too! The red details go really well with your nails! Where did you go to get that set?”  
  Elain squealed, jumping a bit with the balls of her feet, her skirts flaring “I get my nails done with my neighbor’s girlfriend. She’s quite good, isn’t she?” Elain approached her phone, showing her nails to the screen. “Oh, and look at the back,” Elain twirlied, skirts swishing around her calves.  
 More excited cheers ringed around Elain.  
 “Your tits look amazing! What about the shoes?”  
 Elain barely had the time to blush.        
 ” Oh, it’d look lovely with the converse I painted for you!” Feyre pointed out.  
 Elain had to turn away to hide her frown “I’d thought to wear slip on heels?”  
 “Way better!” recognized Nesta almost too quickly “Or maybe the pretty red ones with the ties at the ankles? Low heeled?”  
 “The red ones are pretty! Yes! But the slip-ons are easier,” Elain said, showing the options to her camera “Nude or green?”  
 “Definitely green,” said Feyre as Nesta said “Go with the nude one.”  
 “Do you think I could pull off wearing one color on each foot?” Elain giggled, putting her lip gloss and money purse in her bag, leaving the colorful shoes on top of her vanity chair.  
 “Nah, Nesta’s right, go with the nude one,” Feyre said, mouth foaming with toothpaste.  
 “What was that?” Nesta mocked in a singsong voice “Can you repeat it, please, I couldn’t hear around your toothbrush. Or the sound of your betrayal. I always save you a bonbon or two.”  
 “No, you don’t,”  
 “Well, I always mean to!”  
 Feyre spit off frame and flipped Nesta the bird.  
 All three of them laughed, Elain hurrying around her room to seem like she was ready to leave.  
 “Thank you so much for tuning in for this episode of Sisterly Love,” Elain joked with a big, unnerving smile, a weird laugh she hoped the poor functioning camera of her phone would hide “I’ll see you girls on next week’s episode- “  
 “Wait! No!” Interrupted Nesta with a serious face, “I see you worrying about, pretending you’re late,”  
 Feyre, who was smiling at someone else off camera, joined in as if she’d just caught on “Yeah! Stop... doing that,”  
  “Tell us about MMM!” Nesta demanded, “You can’t expect us to let you go on a date with a creep!”  
  “How do you know I’m pretending?” Elain huffed, her eyes diminished into slits, hands at her waist.  
  “As if you’d be in the risk getting to your date late. You like him too much,”  
  Nodding to her sister’s point, Elain dropped her facade.  
  “But he’s not a creep,” Elain said as she plopped down on her cushioned vanity chair, using the mirror to double check her makeup.  
  “Then what is Mister Mystery Man like?”  
   Elain had no control over the grin that illuminated her face “He’s... charming. Kind. Tall. And a swimmer too- “  
  “A swimmer! Nice broad shoulders then, huh?”  
  “Well, yes, I guess” Elain stammered a bit “He works in Communications. His brother’s dogs just had a litter, so now he’s taking care of two puppies. The cutest little things I’ve ever seen to be honest-”
 “Ok, ok, but how well does he kiss?”  
 “You’ve kissed him, right?”  
 With a quickened heartbeat, Elain confessed “Yes,”  
 “Then come out with it already! Tell us how it was!”  
 “It was a sweet kiss. He dropped me off at home and... well, you know how these things go.”  
 Neither Nesta nor Feyre said anything, urging Elain to keep talking.  
  And if Elain got a little breathless, none of her sisters mentioned “We were heading home after dinner. He took me to the new Italian restaurant near the Sidra, so it was a short walk until my apartment.”  
 “He looked so handsome, I thought I’d melt when he held my hand and I’ll admit I was rather tipsy by then, and he was so warm and... Gods, when he leaned down to kiss me, I turned into a puddle- “  
 “That sounds straight out of that novel you lent me, Nesta,”  
 “He is quite the charmer, isn’t he?”  
 “Yes. Yes, he is” said Elain dreamily.  
 “Elain! Don’t forget to do that thing you do with your lipstick? Makes your lips look so good,” Feyre reminded enthusiastically, dragging Elain out of her stupor.  
 “Yeah, maybe then your next kissing story won’t be so wholesome,” Nesta added with a leer.  
 With a happy giggle, Elain carefully traced a discreet line with her lipliner over her cupid’s bow and covered it with lip gloss.  
 “Yeah! Just like that!”  
 “Oh, I see the difference now. You look stunning,”  
 Opening a drawer, Elain asked “Big hoops or small ones?”  
 “They won’t look good with this dress, though” mused Nesta “Unless you’re wearing the small chunky ones, more oval than circle,”  
  “You mean these?” Elain showed the jewelry, to the camera.  
 “Yes, that’s the one. I knew I should’ve gone with you to get the extra earring holes! You look ten times hotter with all these earrings.”  
 “Yeah, you definitely should’ve” agreed Feyre with a smile “You look stunning, Elain. MMM is a lucky man,”  
 Not bothering to hide her smile, Elain thanked her sisters, the video call ending quickly after their well wishes and goodbyes.  
  With a reinvigorated sigh, Elain gathered her basket, carefully picking up the flowers she had wrapped to gift her date and left her apartment in a flurry of petals and jangling keys. 
  Elain waited by the Velaris Park entrance that viewed the Sidra, inhaling the salty breeze that ruffled her hair and skirts, cooling the hotness of the sun on her skin. 
 Twirling around as if she’d heard her name in the wind, Lucien stepped into her line of vision and Elain was suddenly, viscerally reminded of the Three Musketeers Disney film she knew all the song lyrics by heart, with the outdated montage of Minnie, the pure hearted French princess, meeting Mickey, the earnest musketeer with a desperate need to prove himself, saturated in an array of old sparkly effects and pretty roses that sprouted at will, surrounding the animated mice in a haven of pastel pink fluffy clouds and romantic orchestra, and the terribly cheesy, awfully idealistic and childishly romantic speech about love at first sight.  
 He walked up to where she was standing, a carefully wrapped beautiful arrangement of multi-colored tulips, lilacs, and white carnations in his hand, and a basket very much like hers tucked in his elbow. He was wearing a cream button down with the top buttons undone, the wisps of red hair and freckles on his collarbone adorned by a discreet necklace glowing in the sun.  
 Elain’s tote bag slipped off her shoulder in a moment of lightheaded carelessness and Lucien gracefully helped her reassert the bag in her shoulder, his hand lingering if only for a moment.  
 “Are these for me?” he asked as a greeting, the light of his smile mirrored in his eyes.  
 “Yes,” she smiled too, something soft slipping into her ribcage and filling her with sunlight at the sight of him “You said these were your favorites in-”  
 “My mother’s garden,” he said with her, still smiling at her like he could not stop even if he tried “I’ll admit it now that I didn’t share that bit of information necessarily aiming for a gift” he walked the few steps so he could stand at her side “Not that I’m complaining.”  
 "I'm glad you liked them," Elain said, her sunglasses slipping on the bridge of her nose "I believe I was promised a fine spot for picnics and watching the sunset?" Lucien’s presence melted away Elain’s unsteady nerves, the tension of her body uncoiling with the tender warmth flowing off him.  
 "The best spot there is," he promised with a wink "Also, these are for you" Lucien mentioned to the graceful bouquet of peonies, buttercups and sunflowers in his hands, the few residual beads of water in the petals scintillating in the sunlight. “I thought it might be presumptuous of me to gift you my favorite flowers, so hence the absence of tulips.”  
  Elain chuckled, walking by Lucien’s side as he led them to his favorite part of the park “I wouldn’t have minded at all. Tulips are one of my favorites as well,” 
 “A woman of great taste,” he replied with a little head bow.  
 Elain, her mouth a little dry, a few strands of her front hair pieces sticking to her brow, wondered why she had ever felt nervous to meet Lucien, with his soft curls smelling of autumn, apples and cinnamon, steady hands, and bright, bright smile. There was nothing unpleasant about his presence, the effortless way he stood and spoke, the grace in his step or the lovely caramel of his eyes. 
 He guided her to a little alcove of grass, lined by tall stone walls covered in vines. In all her walks through the park, she never noticed it. A beautiful corner hidden from curious eyes, but not blocking the river’s breeze or the sight of its running waters. 
 “I’ve got a friend in the team of architects that planned this park,” Lucien explained at Elain’s surprised face “Not exactly something one would find in the City Guide,” 
 “It’s lovely, Lucien. I’ll admit that this could possibly be the best the best sunset viewing spot,” 
 “Possibly be?” he asked with mock outrage, setting the waterproofed fabric over the grass, soon followed by a dark blue checkered flannel blanket “It is the best one. It’s the reason it’s a secret” he said in a conspirators whisper, comically eyeing their surroundings as if in search of busybodies. 
 “Well, I can only decide after the day’s event,” Elain sat at the other side of the blanket, carefully arranging her basket’s content over the fabric, swiping their bouquets so they rested near their respective owners. 
 “Is this a ruse so that I work extra hard to impress you?” 
 “I don’t know,” she smirked while plating the delicate chocolate strawberries she’d made herself the night before, “Is it working?” 
 “I’m proud to say I’ve being incessantly trying to remain at my A game since the moment I looked at you the first time. 
 “That’s good,” if the blush staining her cheeks gave away her smugness, Lucien didn’t acknowledge it.
It was easier than falling asleep, talking to Lucien. Like being carried away by a gentle river current. Like the subtle swing of a hammock by the beach. 
 He liked bossa nova, and she did too! Her father introduced it to her when she was a little girl, swaying her in his arms. It was Lucien’s mother favorite music genre, he accidentally scratched one of her vinyl records as a kid in his haste to listen to the soft melody, the boyish delight he had at the gleam in his mother’s eyes, rare even then, making his fingers clumsy. 
 He grew up in New Hampshire, in a big estate house with woods nearby, camping with his siblings every other week, learning how to fish with his hands because he never liked to use hooks, even as a little boy. Elain had never been one for the outdoors, except for the window box, the closest thing to a garden she had ever managed to keep over the years in her family’s one bedroom apartment. But she’d like to see it someday. He would love to show it to her, he promised with his hand hidden under his thighs as if to retract from touching the flush on cheeks. 
 Elain lived most of her life in apartments, except for the few summers she used to spend at her grandparents’ country house. Her grandmother had the most beautifully cared for garden Elain had ever seen. It even had a maze, towering walls of green she could get lost into while exploring with her sisters. Once her grandparents passed away, her father had to sell the property. She never got the chance visit it again. 
  The deep orange skylight alerted them of the incoming sunset, the Sidra’s waters a wonderful watercolor of blues, pinks, reds, and oranges, gleaming in between the dark green frames of the vine-covered high fence surrounding them.  
  By then, the initial space between them had dwindled, the food containers already inside their baskets, only wine glasses a sip away from being finished near their lazied forms. Elain and Lucien were laying side by side, the gentle slope of the ground allowing them to look at the departing sun without strain. 
 They hadn’t properly touched yet. The easiness of darkness and alcohol in their last date was substituted by the brightness of day and sobriety, their interaction more measured physically. Elain felt the absence of touch as the whispers of a phantom limb. 
 Consumed by the incandescent light of the sun, an unexpected source of courage, Elain laid her head on Lucien’s shoulder. She hadn’t realized they had been quiet for a while, the sunset filling the space where their words had been. 
 Before she could speak, Lucien snaked his arm under her neck, twisting his body to hold hers as they watched the dark blue dotted with stars overthrow the magnificent golden orange. 
 “Is this, ok?” 
  A nod. 
  A hug. 
  A breath on the neck. 
  A shy kiss on the cheek. 
  The white-hot warmth of his lips on hers. 
  The devastating light of her lips on his. 
  Finally, being home. 
Thank you so much for reading it!!!! Please, I'd reeeeealy appreciate your opinions/feedbacks on it :))))
Elain’s dress, shoes
Lucien’s shirt
63 notes · View notes
closedafterdark · 4 years
Shin Johyun & Kwon Eunbi x Male Reader
15720 words
categories: smut, oral, threesome, mommy kink
Note: this is a sequel to Simulation & one of two prequels planned for Double Trouble
Read on AFF
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“And cut! Good work everyone!”
Shin Jiwon bowed to photographers and staff as the exhausting photoshoot was finally finished. Jiwon was chosen to be the new muse of Yes Underwear, a company that typically used famous Korean idols to model their products. Jiwon was beautiful and proud of her body, so she was happy to be one of the few chosen.
She returned to her dressing room and sat down on the makeup chair, exhausted. She picked up her phone and scrolled through her messages. One of the staff members on set airdropped her some of the unedited photos so she decided to send a few to her boyfriend.
“Some of the shots from today’s shoot, babe! What do you think?”
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The message went from delivered to seen instantly. It took 5 minutes or so before she received a response.
“🍆💦” was the message she received back.
“Such a naughty boy” Jiwon texted as she smiled at her phone.
“Make sure you store up a lot for me when we go to the gym tonight”
You picked up Jiwon from the photoshoot location, but not before she gave you a blowjob in the car and swallowed your cum. You brought both of your gym bags from the trunk, handing Jiwon hers as you both put the strap on your shoulders. Smacking her round ass as hard as you could, Jiwon yelped as you cupped a cheek and squeezed. She punched you softly on the shoulder as she linked arms with you before you both entered the gym.
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The gym was extremely empty since it was the middle of the night. No one was around to care or pay attention as she brought you into the women’s locker room. You enjoyed copping a feel of her breasts and spanking her ass as she was changing. She laughed, knowing you loved her body just as much as she did. Once you both finished touching each other and changing, Jiwon took off her light windbreaker and squeezed a bottle of creme brulee scented body lotion. She made a show of it, applying a layer onto both of her toned arms before rubbing some more onto her abs and midriff. Her belly button was still very cute to you, you’d always tease her by putting your finger inside it.
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“Give me a kiss babe” Jiwon said to you, smiling.
You kissed her breasts and cleavage softly, eliciting giggles from her. Making your way upwards slowly through her clavicles and neck before capturing her thin lips. You tasted the sweet strawberry lip gloss she had freshly applied. Giving each other loving gazes, you kissed her one more time before smacking her ass and heading out to workout.
High intensity workouts were your favorite thing to do. The more calories you could burn, the better. Jiwon on the other hand went for lighter weights, but more repetitions. She focused on her form and keeping her body fit. Neither of you were really into working out before getting together, but decided one day after sex it would help increase stamina for the both of you.
You were drooling from the sight of how good her ass looked in leggings. Her cleavage was lined with a thin layer of perspiration as her breasts jiggled from her lunges and squats. The high tempo music, adrenaline pumping in your veins from the workout, and calm ambience of the empty gym were tempting you to drop everything and fuck her. Jiwon looked at you and smiled, seeing your cock slowly start to harden inside your joggers.
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You continued on with your bench press, turning a slight shade of red as you brought the bar close to your chest. Looking at the ceiling, your view changes to Jiwon smiling naughtily at you as her breasts are in your line of vision. You freak out temporarily as you do one more rep before Jiwon spots you and assists in returning the bar back to its hold location.
“Can’t stop being so horny, can you?” she said, giggling as you turned around and stared at her.
“Hey, I was actually working out. It’s not my fault I have such a hot girlfriend who wants to kill me by flaunting her tits in front of my face”
“Oh come on baby” she replied. “I’m actually working out too. I can’t help it if my horndog boyfriend enjoys my body so much”
“If I recall, you were the one who said and I quote: “If it was possible I wish I could have your dick inside my pussy and mouth at all times” unquote” you said to her, crossing your arms.
“So I’m a slut for your dick” she shrugged, kissing you. “Sue me”
“You know… it is late and there’s no one around” Jiwon began.
“Oh yeah?” you said, raising an eyebrow. Your hands found their way to Jiwon’s butt, staying there as the two of you began to kiss. She bit on your lower lip softly. Jiwon’s moans could be heard as the dangerously thin fabric of her leggings hardly gave her any protection from your naughty hands. You spanked her, the sound echoing through the empty gym. Your bodies are pressed against one another as she pushes you onto a bench. Still kissing each other, Jiwon straddles your lap.
The thought of public sex excited you, something you wanted to do for a long time now. It seemed to excite Jiwon as well as a small puddle began to form on her crotch. Her right hand cups your face as her left pushes her hair back. Jiwon’s moans get louder as she begins to grind herself back and forth on you. At this point, you were so erect to the point it was starting to hurt. Jiwon removes her lavender colored jacket as she gives you a look you knew all too well from your bedroom adventures. She tosses it seductively on the ground, leaving her in her white sports bra. Your hands roam themselves around her stomach and back, clawing her softly. As you groped her body, Jiwon began to leak more. Unable to control herself, she gives you a quick peck before giving you a hint with her eyes to help her remove the breast confining prison that was her bra.
Her breasts were perfect. Fitting perfectly in your hand, you massage them as you have hunger in your eyes seeing her wonderfully pink nipples. You take her left breast in your mouth, sucking on it. Jiwon moans erotically as you sucking on her tits was one her favorite things you do to her. Regretfully releasing it from your mouth, you repeat the stimulation on the adjacent breast. Jiwon moans repeatedly as she pushes her tits on to you, smothering your face. Her lower body is grinding against your lap once again. Your hands travel their way down to her ass, their favorite place to be. You smack both cheeks this time, causing her body to buck in response as she moans.
Kissing her breasts tenderly while sucking on them, you continue to stimulate her before making eye contact. Both of you had lust in your eyes, wanting to satisfy each other. Jiwon’s lips reconnect with yours, the intensity making your head spin. Her lip gloss taste was addictive. As your tongues fought for control, Jiwon overpowered  yours. She pulls away as she begins to run out of breath. Her naughty smile never leaves her face as she kneels on the ground, using her windbreaker as a cushion.
“Someone could come in at any minute” you said quietly.
“Let them. They won’t be the only thing coming here” she said.
Her eyes fixate on the bulge in your pants. Giggling, she kisses it before removing your joggers and boxers. Your cock is trapped slightly in your boxers before it is released, hitting her face. She laughs, licking her lips as she spreads your legs apart. Jiwon watches every muscle in her face react as she blows hot air on your cock and balls. You moan the moment her hand makes contact, slowly beginning to stroke you. While her right hand is busy taking care of your cock, her left fondles your balls; giving each a firm yet not too hard squeeze. She teases you by continuing to blow hot breath every moment you think she will finally take you in her mouth. Jiwon spit forms a pool in her mouth, some of it leaking out of her mouth and onto her chin. Giving your cock head a quick kiss to remove some of the leaking precum, she finally parts her lips. Bringing her head down, you moan as you finally enter her mouth.
Jiwon’s mouth was extremely warm, and wet thanks to her spit. She strokes your cock as the first few inches enter her before removing her hand and placing them onto your thighs. You felt like jelly in that moment, wanting to melt onto the weight bench you were sitting on. Jiwon began bobbing her head up and down, eliciting soft moans and grunts from you as your cock was getting a shower from her spit. She loved giving you blowjobs, the feeling of you filling her mouth. She enjoyed having all of the control over you.
“Fuck…” you moaned. “Babe, that feels so good” Jiwon was sucking your cock at an agonizingly slow pace. She took her time, swirling her tongue around your tip while also making long strokes up and down. Never breaking eye contact with you, she saw you whimpering slightly at her pace. Her eyes squinted, smiling at you as she decided you suffered long enough, sucking your cock deeper and faster. As her head went deeper on your shaft, her tongue flickered along your underside. Eventually she reaches the base as her lips form an airtight seal on your cock and her head bobs in a wonderfully fast rhythm. With enough practice, Jiwon became a master at deepthroating you. The sounds of Jiwon’s throat hitting your cock could be heard in the now quiet gym area. It was like a symphony for your ears as you look down and stroke her head softly, pushing away loose strands of hair. You have talked to her about having sex at a public place before: wanting to do it when you went lingerie shopping with her or under the table of your favorite restaurant. But here she finally was, on her knees sucking your cock at the gym where you two were known by the staff.
Running out of air, she regretfully withdraws from your cock. As it releases with a loud pop, thin strands of saliva are connecting it and her mouth as you see several spit suds formed. Your cock was glistening from light hitting it, you smile sweetly at Jiwon as she does the same to you. Deciding you no longer cared that it was a public place you stood up, removing your shoes, socks and the joggers and boxer briefs that clung onto your ankles. She spits once more on your cock, applying it all over. You rubbed her cheeks softly, Jiwon smiling at you as she kisses the tip before taking the purple colored cloth scrunchie and tying her slightly damp hair into a messy, swirled ponytail.
“Here comes the best part” you said to Jiwon as you tapped your cock on her tongue a few times, causing her eyes to form crescents at you.
You grabbed onto the poor excuse of a ponytail and pushed yourself into her mouth more. Moaning in pleasure, you wasted no time by roughly bobbing her head up and down. Jiwon’s eyes widened with delight as she gags from you taking control. Her eyes began to water as she hungrily accepted your throbbing, needy cock. She didn’t even need to talk for you to know Jiwon was enjoying this from the sounds being emitted as she gargled a mouthful of cock. Her nails dug into your thighs painfully as she motioned for your body to come closer to her. You obliged, closing the distance as your grip on her ponytail tightens and you fuck her mouth even rougher than before. Her tongue and uvula vibrated on your shaft as your girlfriend was getting orally assaulted to her heart’s desire.
After what feels like hours when in reality it was probably less than 10 minutes, you let Jiwon release your cock from her mouth as she was tapping on your thighs. She coughs, catching her breath as drool spilled out of her mouth and began dripping from her chin. Jiwon laughs, knowing she was a disheveled mess. She runs her mouth along your length as she strokes it. Spitting on your cock a few more times, the all too familiar squelchy sounds you were used to rang through both of your ears.
“You were so rough, baby” she said to you. “I felt it hit the back of my throat several times”
“You look so good in this outfit” you told her.
Having finally recovered, Jiwon pulls you in for a kiss. She slides her tongue down your mouth as you both fight for control once more. She stands up as you two continue making out, her hands finding their way back to your cock. She strokes you roughly as your hands are firmly placed on her butt. You slap her ass cheeks as hard as you could before finding the hem of her leggings and pulling them down. Jiwon wore a dangerously thin thong that barely covered anything on her lower body. You both give each other sensual overload kisses before returning back to the workout bench. You sat down first, readying yourself as Jiwon straddles your lap.
She rubs herself on your crotch, rocking back and forth as your tip brushes against her lips. Jiwon holds onto your shoulders as she moans loudly. Your love juices were now staining each other’s thighs. Her pussy was beautifully pink, almost the same color as her nipples.
“Please… baby… fuck me… now” Jiwon moans while still grinding on you. You smile as you see how desperate Jiwon has become. Her eyes never break apart from yours, pleading you to enter her warm, wet cavern. Jiwon lets out a loud gasp as your tip begins to part her lips. Your hands find their way to her hips, holding onto them as you lower her fully onto you.
“Oh fuck…” she cries out.
You moan as Jiwon’s walls gradually begin adjusting themselves to your intruding cock. She was agonizingly tight no matter how many times you both had sex. Once she gives you the okay, you begin guiding her hips up and down as she feels your cock enter and exit her. Her grip on your shoulders hardens as Jiwon rides your cock as if her life depended on it. Her moans evolve into loud screams that echo throughout the room as you relish in the fact that her pussy was still so tight. Both of you soon find a rhythm you agree on as Jiwon grabs your hands from her hips and interlocks them with her own. As she begins to fuck you harder and harder, her eyes roll to the back of her head from how you were making her lose control. Her mouth remains open, letting her screams of pleasure escape as the sound of skin loudly colliding with skin accompanies it to create a harmonious wave of euphoria. Jiwon’s butt rubs against your thighs as your balls touch her lower pussy lips.
“Fuck! Just like that, baby” Jiwon yells in between bounces. “Harder. Keep fucking me harder!”
Your worries about doing such an inappropriate action in a public area were long gone as you could only focus on the beautiful woman enjoying herself on top of you. Jiwon’s hands are firmly placed on your chest for support as you begin squeezing her large tits. You take both at the same time, pinching her nipples before slapping her tits.
“Holy shit… slap my tits again!”
You obey, slapping them again. And again. And again.
Jiwon’s body shook with pleasure, her breathing becoming more erratic as the sensations of stimulating her breasts and pussy were causing her to go insane. The moment the tip of your cock reaches a certain spot, Jiwon screams loudly. Her body tenses up as she feels an overwhelming sense of pleasure flow from the top of her head to her toes which were buried under your thighs. Her body shaking once more, you feel your cock flooded by Jiwon’s juices. Her orgasm hit with such force, it almost pushed your cock out of her.
You bounced Jiwon on your cock slowly several more times to allow her to ride out her high. Her muscles loosen up and she looks at you with a fully satisfied smile. She leans down and captures your lips, continuing to be fucked tenderly. You loved Jiwon and she loved you. She is not given the chance to rest as you force her onto your cock roughly. 
“Fuck!” Jiwon screams as you slap her ass loudly. “Your cock feels so good inside me”
“Your ass is amazing” you reply as you slap both cheeks once more and begin to suck on her nipples.
You push yourself further into Jiwon’s pussy, another long drawn out moan escapes her mouth as you fill her up. Your hands hold onto her hips for support as Jiwon screams with every bounce on your body. Your ballsack smacked against her clit while the base of your shaft collides with her round ass. The wet sounds of penetrating her pussy were one of your favorite things about having sex with her.
Jiwon’s moans were part pain and pleasure as she couldn’t get enough of riding your dick. Every inch of your dick filled her pussy. Between that, you alternating between slapping her ass and groping her tits, Jiwon was completely lost in ecstasy. Her firm hold on your chest tightens as she tilts her head back and closes her eyes. She’s completely immersed in pleasure and can only focus on that. Her body reacts to another orgasm, violently flowing through her body as she cries loudly.
Unlike her first orgasm, you continue fucking Jiwon roughly. This in turn causes her to scream and moan accordingly. Normally you would’ve cum after she let you facefuck her, but her blowjob in the car was helping you last longer. Although at this point, both of her orgasms on your cock were building up pressure inside you. Jiwon’s walls were beginning to constrict your length even more. Your stamina was rapidly depleting, so you used all of your energy to fuck her as hard as you could. Jiwon’s screams accompanied the sounds of her ass being slapped, wet flesh smacking against wet flesh and the bench you were sitting on to roughly shake against the gym mat it was on top of. Jiwon’s third orgasm arrived mere moments after her second, her eyes rolling to the back of her head once more as you thrust into her as if you both depended on it to live. You grab onto what you called her “baby making hips” and pump as hard as you could until you feel yourself climax. You suck on her breast loudly as you both moan, Jiwon’s pussy impaled by your cock as you begin to fill her pussy.
Your shaft throbs multiple times as your seed fills her extremely tight love hole. Your bodies violently shudder, the aftereffects of your orgasms causing both of you to reach euphoria. Goosebumps form on Jiwon’s breasts and body as you kiss her tenderly. Once you finish unloading inside her, Jiwon withdraws her pussy slowly. She was still sensitive from her post-orgasm, both of you moaning as your penis exits her body. A white pool of liquid begins to escape from her cavern, staining both of your thighs and the poor workout bench that was sinfully defiled. Jiwon giggles as she sees the aftermath: the bench covered in sweat, cum and pussy juice. She smiles in satisfaction as she leans down and kisses you on the lips.
“Fuck, that was amazing” she moans, panting heavily as she struggles to catch her breath. Her body was drenched in sweat as her breasts heaved. She traces a small pool of both of your cum and puts it in her mouth.
“I can’t believe we just had sex in a public place” you said, catching your breath as the light overhead shined on your cock that was glistening from your cum and Jiwon’s juices.
“Another thing to cross off the list” Jiwon said, smiling sweetly at you as she kisses your chest and gets back on her knees to clean your cock.
“We’re supposed to be cleaning up” you said to Jiwon, moaning once more as you stroke her head.
“We can clean up after you cum in my mouth again” she said. “Plus, you still have to fuck me in the shower”
The sun shined brightly inside your room the following morning. Both of you forgot to close the blinds as you were both sore and exhausted from the gym and fucking each other’s brains out. Your bodies plopped on the bed immediately after changing into pajamas. You turned over and saw Jiwon fast asleep. Her head was peacefully resting on your chest as her left arm wrapped around you. Her soft breaths tickled your face as you admired your girlfriend’s natural beauty. The tight fitting tank top gave you a view of her cleavage, her erect nipples poking through the fabric.
You looked at your phone to check the time: 8:00 AM. You rubbed your eyes and stretched your arms, trying your best not to wake her up. Jiwon was never a light sleeper, but she reacted the moment your body moved.
“Mmm” escaped her lips as she opened her eyes. Her natural, makeup-less face was so beautiful. It looked so serene and innocent.
“Goodmorning, babe” she said, smiling as she covered her body and her eyes squinted from the sunlight.
“Hi love” you said, kissing her forehead gently. “Sorry to wake you up”
“It’s fine” she said, hugging you tightly as she pulled you in for a kiss. “Last night was amazing”
“It really was” you replied, kissing her back.
You kissed each other softly as you helped Jiwon remove her tank top. She giggles, removing your shirt as she reaches down and isn’t surprised that you weren’t wearing anything on your lower body.
“I wish I could take this everywhere I go” she said in a naughty tone as she began stroking your cock.
“We could just stay in bed all day” you said, fondling a breast in your hand.
“Ahh- as much as I would love to, I have a shoot today and you have your Pilates class” she said, kissing your tip gently before running her tongue up and down your length.
“I could just skip it” you moaned.
“Babe” she said. “We’ll have plenty of time to have sex tonight”
“But until then, I could use a goodmorning breakfast to start the day…” she said as she took your cock inside her mouth.
After you asked for a quickie in the shower, Jiwon left for her schedule. You stayed behind and cleaned the house for a bit before getting ready for Pilates. Although some time had passed since you and Yerim broke up, you continued taking classes because of how your body felt doing the exercises. Since the studio was so close by, you decided to walk there. Spring time in Seoul was a wonderful feeling. The sounds of birds chirping and the leaves of trees beaming with life. You cycled through a playlist Jiwon made for you as you enter the extremely narrow entrance of the studio and climb up the steps until you reach the 4th floor. The class was very intimate: 4-8 people at most each session. You were acquaintances with a few of them, engaging in small talk occasionally.
As the class is about to begin, one last person enters the room. Calling her beautiful would be an understatement. You froze up at first, wondering why Joohyun would be in the same class as you especially since you switched studios because you didn’t want to run into her or the others. Her height and certain facial features were similar to Joohyun, but one or rather, two things that set them apart was her noticeably large chest spilling out of her sports bra. Her leggings gave the appearance that she had long powerful legs that were topped off by a nice, round ass. Drool starts to escape your lips as you catch yourself staring for too long and look away.
“Is this spot taken?” she asked you.
You look up and see her smiling sweetly at you. Everything about her was beautiful. Her hair was wrapped messily in a pink scrunchie. The only makeup she wore was a light layer of lip gloss and a small amount of her eyebrows filled in from an eyebrow pencil.
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“Is this spot taken?” she repeated.
“No, not at all” you said.
“Thank you” she replied, sitting next to you. Her smile warms your heart, she definitely left a good first impression on you. “I just moved to this area recently and the reviews for this spot were really good”
“It is” you said. “I’ve been going here for a few months now”
“There aren’t too many guys doing Pilates. Most think of it as a woman’s exercise”
“I thought so too until my girlfriend brought me one day. Well, ex now” you laughed.
“My name is Kwon Eunbi” she said, extending her arm towards you.
Eunbi explained to you the reason for her moving neighborhoods was to be closer to her job. She was working at a new startup company’s marketing division. She had been there for a little under a year. Commuting back and forth from her old neighborhood began to be too time consuming. Eunbi decided it was time for a change of pace.
The class went relatively smooth. Well, as smooth as it could be with your eyes locking on to Eunbi’s body like she was your next meal. It didn’t help that your erection stretched out your joggers. Eunbi knew this, giggling as she saw you staring at her ass and tits with the corner of her eyes every time the instructor gave the class a new position to do. One pose in particular that turned you on was when the class had to bend down and touch their toes. Eunbi did so before you even thought of it, giving you a wonderful view of her full breasts. Seeing them made you imagine how heavenly they must feel, both for your hands and your dick. It twitched at the simple thought of it.
Thankfully, the hour long class ended without you busting a load in your joggers. The instructor and students all bow to one another as they begin to leave. Placing your water bottle in your bag, you were about to leave when Eunbi stopped you.
“Did you get a good view?” she asked softly.
“What?” you replied.
“Don’t play dumb” she said, giggling. “I know you were staring at my ass and tits the whole time”
“I-I wasn’t”
“Shh, it’s okay baby. To tell you the truth, I’m flattered. I’m proud of my body so it boosts my self confidence when others think so too” she said as she closed the distance between you two and moved a finger gently on your chest.
“I-I have a girlfriend” you say to her, your cheeks beginning to turn a bright shade of red as you nervously gulp. Your eyes didn’t know where to look as Eunbi has her body mere centimeters from yours.
You are frozen, stunned by the beauty in front of you who left you hypnotized by her big, doe eyes piercing your soul and the way her soft, delicate hand caresses your cheek tenderly.
“S-someone could walk in and catch us” you managed to say.
“Shh, it’ll be fine” she replied softly. “They’ll get a good show if they do”
Eunbi cups your crotch roughly as she pulls you in for a kiss. She bites your lower lip, allowing her tongue to break down your defenses and assert control in your mouth. Her kisses are soft and tender, washing away all your worries. Each connection of your lips made it feel like a new world was created: one that contained only you and her. She continued to kiss you delicately, her lips eventually reaching the side of your neck as she helped you remove your shirt. You ran your fingers across the extremely soft fabric of her bra.
Your eyes kept moving back and forth from her face to her chest. Not wanting to break the connection, Eunbi smiles as she sees this. Her lips eventually made their way to your chest, planting kisses all over.
“Take this off me” she said, pointing to her sports bra.
You sucked on Eunbi’s lips, savoring the taste of her peppermint lipstick. You repeated her actions, making a trail through her neck and onto her collarbone before reaching the ultimate prize: her delicious looking cleavage. You felt the soft warmness on your face as you gently sucked on her skin.
Your hands move onto her hips and then her back, her body shuddering from your cold touch until they rest firmly on her butt. You admired each curve on her body like it was a work of art. You squeeze each cheek before your hands move back onto her chest. Eunbi bites her bottom lip as she looks at you fondle her breasts with her hands, causing her to moan in a seductive tone.
“You’re a naughty boy aren’t you…” she said.
Her mouth opened and her breaths got heavier as you planted more kisses on her chest and cleavage line, your hands finding their way to the back of her bra to help her remove it. She removes your hands, pulling up the bra softly until her breasts are completely exposed, plopping down thanks to her teasing you. You resumed kissing every inch of them, pinching her pretty pink nipples and squeezing the other breast that wasn’t getting attention from your mouth.
“Oh my god…” she moaned softly, as she ran her fingers through your hair.
Eunbi’s skin began to moisten up with sweat. Now it was her turn to have a rosy tint of red on her cheeks, maintaining her hold on your head as she wanted more. You reached for her hips until you found the hem of her leggings and pulled them down. All that remained was a cute purple colored lace thong that you thought shouldn’t have even been worn at all with how little coverage it provided.
Your lips returned to hers as you both sat on the nearest pilates reformer. She stuck her tongue inside your mouth as your hands ripped off the thin fabric on her lower body and tossed it on the other side of the room.
“Babe! That was expensive!” she whined. You smiled at her as your fingers ran up her smooth, creamy thighs and found their way onto her backside. She giggled and kissed you once more. You squeezed her ass firmly, as your tongues fought for dominance. Not wanting to waste any more time, Eunbi’s hands reached for your joggers. She untied the string gently as she removed it and your boxers.
Eunbi sat on your lap as you kissed your way from her lips down to her toned stomach, leaving small trails of saliva on her skin. She tied her hair into a cute bun as her crotch began to rub against yours. Her powerful thighs lock firmly on your own as you play with her breasts.
“Baby…” she moaned.
Your hands roamed across her body, beginning to memorize where every curve began and ended. It hasn’t even been two hours since you met Eunbi and yet here you two were, fully naked in an empty pilates room feeling each other’s bodies. Your hands that were on her hips pulled her down so that she was on top of you. Both of you breathing heavily as she pulled you in for another earth shattering kiss. It started off sweet and gentle, yet maintaining the deepness and passion from earlier. Soon she started to be more daring, kissing you fiercely in a frenzy of rapidly increasing body temperature and damp skin from perspiration. Her body began rubbing against yours as you tried to keep her balanced. She sucked on your neck as you felt her breasts rub against your chest.
“Take the clip off your hair” you moaned, temporarily breaking free from her lips.
She giggled softly and pecked your lips before honoring your request, seductively shaking her hair as it flowed throughout the air and fell back down onto her shoulders.
She kissed your lips slowly, allowing you to smell Eunbi’s natural scent. There was still the faintest hint of what you picked up to be strawberries and and rose petals, unsure of whether it was from her body wash, shampoo, or body lotion. Not caring which one it was from, you moaned as Eunbi moved her lips from your jaw, neck, across your chest and onto your stomach. Soon she kissed every part of your body until she reached your throbbing cock which was leaking precum thanks to her pussy rubbing against it, all the while she maintained eye contact with you.
Eunbi’s tongue makes contact with your flesh, swirling slowly around the tip before moving up and down the sides of your length.
“Does it feel good?” she asked as she stroked your cock.
“It feels so good”
She puckered her lips temporarily before parting them with your shaft, sliding up and down from tip to base. Eunbi’s mouth was warm, covering you in saliva as she took you until you hit the back of her throat.
“Good, I’m glad. You feel very good in my mouth” she said softly.
Eunbi gave you a very sensual and passionate blowjob, contrasting Jiwon who always wanted you to fuck her mouth. Her eyes never left your sight, as if to show you she was very serious about pleasuring you.
She stroked your cock with a firm grip, taking your balls into her mouth as her eyes smile in satisfaction. You closed your eyes and tilted your head back, as you felt Eunbi suck the life force out of you. Her muffled moans could be heard even though your cock was in her mouth, loud slurps letting you know she was enjoying herself.
“Do you like how I suck your cock?” she asked innocently, looking at your face for a response.
“Can you please go a bit faster?” you moaned.
“Sure, baby. I was kinda hoping you’d say that” she replied, pouting at you teasingly as she kissed your tip.
Eunbi’s mouth dived back onto your cock, being a lot more aggressive this time. Her hands stroked you a few times before they went to your balls and cupped them. She would take short breaks and gasp for air before returning her mouth onto you. Saliva dripped from her mouth whenever she paused.
Your body was unable to process the sudden rush of pleasure, goosebumps forming all over your body as Eunbi sucked you as hard as she could. You began moaning loudly under her care.
“Cum in between my tits” she said, as her grip on your balls tightened. “I know you can’t last much longer”
Eunbi’s tongue teases your cock head, swirling around quickly as she strokes your shaft at a painfully fast pace. Her saliva spread with every stroke. You closed your eyes, knowing that you were going to fill her pretty tits with your sinful fluid.
Soon enough, you felt your orgasm arrive. It traveled across your entire body from your head to your toes. Your body shakes violently as Eunbi squeezes her breasts around you as you thrust between them. You pushed your head upwards as the wet, makeshift cave of her breasts began to fill with your load. Ropes of white liquid release from your tip as they paint her milky breasts. The first few hit her chin and neck, causing Eunbi to laugh. You thrust your cock between her tits several more times as your orgasm winds down.
Eunbi smiles at you sweetly with her eyes as she takes your cock in her mouth and swallows, giving you a good view to see your load travel down her throat. Her breasts jiggled as she got up and hugged you, placing her arms on your biceps and lightly squeezing them. She stared at you with faux innocent eyes, contrasting the lewd action she just committed. 
“How could someone who looks so sweet be so naughty?” you said to her softly.
“I can use my mouth for more than just talking” she said, smiling at you as she asks for a kiss.
Parting after a few minutes, you push your forehead against hers as you both try to catch your breath. Smiling, you tuck away several loose strands of hair.
“Thank you for making me feel good, mommy” you said.
“Mommy?” She said, looking at you with a twinkle in her eyes.
“It’s not what it sounds like, I mea-”
“Hmm… I like it” she said, smiling. “From now on, you’ll address me as mommy”
“O-okay, mommy” you quietly said.
Both of you cleaned up the room and each other before leaving. You were disappointed you didn’t get to have sex with Eunbi, she shared the same sentiments  as she soon asked you where your apartment was.
“W-why do you ask?” you nervously said.
“You said your apartment is close by, right? We both need to take a shower. Plus… you still need to fuck mommy” she mischievously smiled at you as she walked away, her ass swaying with each step.
The walk back to your apartment was rather quiet. You were still a bit nervous, having sex in public places two days in a row. Eunbi didn’t seem to care at all, clinging to your arm the whole time as she happily talked about how good she made you feel. Both of you entered your apartment, taking off your shoes while she admired how spacious it was.
“This place is really nice!” she said, running into the living room.
“My girlfriend is a model and I have a pretty good paying job so it has its perks” you said, rubbing the back of your neck shyly.
“She’s a lucky girl then…” Eunbi replied as she hugged you. “Are you gonna give mommy a tour?”
“I need to shower” you said, poking the tip of her nose softly.
“Please… baby” she whimpered, her big eyes getting watery as she gave you the cutest pout ever.
“Okay… fine, I guess”
You removed your socks and shirt as Eunbi’s mouth watered at the sight of your half naked body.
“So as you can see, this is the kitchen and living room area” you began, extending both arms to show her the opposite sides of the room.
“I wanna get fucked in both!” Eunbi confidently said.
The wooden floors of the apartment were satisfying to walk on. You smiled as you passed the grey colored couches and large flatscreen television of the living room as you shuffled along, Eunbi was refusing to let you go from her embrace.
You then lead Eunbi to you and Jiwon’s large master bedroom. Having a bathroom connected to the bedroom was one of the main selling points that led you to signing a contract for the lease. Extremely tidy in appearance, you were glad Jiwon didn’t leave clothes lying around everywhere like usual.
“Oh, your bed” Eunbi said as she jumped onto it. “I definitely want to have sex here!”
 “I still haven’t shown you the guest bedroom” you said quietly.
“Are you gonna fuck me in it?” Eunbi said, looking at you with a pretend confused look on her face.
“I-I guess?” you said. “That’s a lot of sex”
“There’s no such thing as too much sex, baby” she said as she lead you back to the master bathroom and proceeded to take off her clothes.
You looked at her stunned as she was fully naked in front of you once again.
“Why are you just standing there, baby? Take off your clothes so you can fuck me in the shower” she said, smiling sweetly as she took off your shirt.
“Why don’t we take a bath instead?” you replied as your hands fondled her breasts. Eunbi giggles as she bites her lower lip and pulls you in for a kiss.
You both walked into the bathroom, filling up the tub with hot water. Eunbi looks at you and smiles, running her fingers in the water. She wraps her arms around your neck as she sits on the edge of the tub and pulls you close to her.
“We should get in, mommy” you said as you kissed her. “I feel gross and my body is sore”
“You haven’t even begun to feel sore yet, baby. Mommy is gonna make you feel even more sore when I’m done with you”
You sat closely together in the comfortable tub, the water jets releasing hot water that soothe your aching muscles. The temperature was perfect, and so was the beautiful woman you were sharing this moment with. Eunbi found a bath bomb in one of the cabinets and threw it in beforehand, laughing as you both watched the bubbles fill up the tub.
Eunbi leaned her head back onto you as she was sitting with her back facing you. You fondled her breasts under the water, squeezing her nipples as she moaned softly. She reached under and found your hardening cock, stroking it slowly. You momentarily released her breasts from your touch as you massaged her shoulders.
“Oh my god…” she moaned.
“You’re so tense, mommy” you said as you kissed her neck.
“My job is stressful. I’m on the older side in my department and have been passed up for promotions. The company prefers younger girls” she said in a sad tone.
“Why is that?”
“I don’t know. I’ve been working there longer than most of them. I deserve to be happy”
“You really do” you said to Eunbi as you continued leaving a trail of kisses as your hands returned to her soft mounds.
Eunbi stops stroking your cock and faces you. She wraps her arms around your neck and looks at you lovingly.
“Are you gonna make me happy, baby?”
“Anything you need, mommy” you replied.
She smiles, hearing your words. You shared a passionate kiss, both of you feeling rejuvenated from the relaxing bath and being able to quickly be comfortable with one another. It was another one of those moments where you felt you and Eunbi existed in a bubble all your own.
“Your lips taste good, baby” she said.
“Yours do too”
“Does your girlfriend enjoy intimate moments like these?” she said, pouting.
“At times, she does. But sometimes it feels like she just wants to have sex just to fuck” you replied.
“I can’t say I blame her” Eunbi quietly said, stroking your cock. “This certainly feels good. Have you tried talking to her about it?”
“I haven’t brought it up yet”
“Communication is important in a relationship. You should tell her how you feel, baby”
You and Eunbi continued to sit in the bathtub, caressing each other's bodies and saying sweet things.
“I think it’s time we dried ourselves off” she said, half an hour later.
As she attempts to get out, you hold onto her wrist gently and surprise Eunbi by pulling her back into the bathtub. You reached down and found her soft lips, rubbing it.
“Oooh” she said, closing her eyes. “That feels so good”
You smiled as you stuck a finger inside.
“We should get out though, baby. So your finger can be replaced by your dick”
You gently massaged her breasts with your free hand, grabbing a small amount of bubbles and rubbing them on her. She giggles as she takes some and blows it on your face.
“Babe! I said we should get out” she laughs, stroking your cock once more.
Touching each other a few more times, you both find the willpower to stop and get out of the tub. Eunbi hugs you lovingly as she wraps around the lower part of your body. You do the same, squeezing her breasts and butt as you wrap a towel around her small body. The towel accentuates it, showing off her delicious looking cleavage. You grab a smaller towel and begin drying off her hair. Eunbi smiles as you give her a kiss.
“I should send this to oppa” Jiwon smiles to herself as she takes a photo of herself in front of a mirror.
“Uniform Johyun!” she typed into the message. “I’m wearing this outfit tonight”
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The next few hours consisted of you fulfilling Eunbi’s wishes. The kitchen, living room, both bathrooms - all places you and Eunbi had sex in, which meant you didn’t hear your phone vibrate alerting you of Jiwon’s text. It started off strong, she wanted to be roughly fucked on every surface. As the hours went on and both of your stamina depleted, Eunbi wanted you to go slowly. Even when you wanted to pound her. Now, it all culminated into the both of you being in the guest bedroom.
You find yourself on your back as Eunbi’s body hovered over yours, sitting on your lap as her thighs hugged the sides of your hips. She held onto your chest as her body rocked back and forth. You both took a quick shower in the second bathroom, well as quick as one could have while they were having sex. You inhaled the scent of the peach body wash and green apple shampoo she used as the aromas relaxed your tense body.
“You’re such a naughty boy, baby…” she began. “Still so hard even after all the times mommy made you cum”
“Mommy’s body deserves to be worshipped” you replied as her bright, big eyes stared into yours. She smiles, as her hand rubs your cheek softly as she leans down.
“Then worship mommy’s body all you want, baby” she said as her long, black hair flows over her shoulders and she captures your lips once more.
You break the kiss and sit against the headboard, watching her every expression as the both of you sat in front of one another.
“We just met and yet I feel so loved by you” Eunbi said, stroking your cheek.
“I do too” you replied, giving her a kiss.
“Your girlfriend won’t like hearing that”
She held onto you as she kissed you, hard. You ran your hands across her back, pulling her closer to you. Your bodies refused to be apart. You opened your eyes and saw her smiling through your connected lips.
“Babe…” she whispered into your ear.
“You’re turning me on so much right now…”
You gently squeezed her butt, causing Eunbi to moan.
“Baby… look how wet you made me” she said, her hand moving down and parting her lips. You kissed her, massaging her ass as she stuck a few fingers inside her.
“See how wet I am?” she moaned, showing you her fingers that were now covered in her juices.
You don’t reply and bring them to your mouth, causing Eunbi to moan. You opened your eyes and saw her showing you an extremely cute pout that was anything but innocent.
“Does mommy want to know what she tastes like?” you said as you moved your face forward, burying your tongue inside her mouth.
Your kisses filled your body with an unexplainable feeling of love. You wanted to show her you loved every part of her body. She smiled at you as her hands ran themselves naughtily on your upper body. Yours rested on her chest, cupping her warm and soft breasts. You gave them a light squeeze, making Eunbi moan as you bring your mouth onto her nipple.
Eunbi grinded herself on your hard cock as you continued to fondle her tits, sucking on her nipples as her moans were gracing your ears.
“This is bad… I’m falling in love with you” Eunbi said quietly, her eyes carrying all of the emotions she has been holding in.
She doesn’t give you a chance to say anything as she pulls your head onto her chest. You closed your eyes, savoring Eunbi’s scent as your body relaxed. Her large breasts surrounded themselves on your nose and mouth, gently brushing your face as you feel how milky smooth her skin is.
“I love your body so much” you said, as you planted kisses all over her tits.
 You pulled Eunbi forward and turned her over so that she softly fell on the bed. Her breasts jiggled and her hair flowed in every direction. You looked at each other lovingly as you began to kiss every surface of her body.
“You’re so beautiful, mommy” you said as you gently kissed the area between her breasts. Eunbi moaned as she tightened her hold on you. You twirled your tongue around her nipples.
“That feels so good…” she moaned.
“Your tits are amazing, mommy” you said as you sucked on them. “They’re so soft… and warm”
Eunbi had a firm grip on your throbbing erection, slowly stroking you up and down as she squeezed your precum out. The colorless liquid stuck onto her fingers as she spread it all over.
“Baby, you’re so hard” she said as you kneeled on the bed and she flipped herself over so that she was laying down on her stomach.
Eunbi kissed the tip of your cock, making you moan loudly as she smiled and ran her tongue across your length. Her nose nuzzled against your base as she took your balls in her mouth.
“That feels so good…”
She doesn’t bother replying and dives straight onto your cock. Eunbi sucks you with such force, as you clutch the bedsheets for support. Her tongue swirled against your tip as she stroked your length with her left hand. You closed your eyes as her wet cavern begins to fill up with you.
“I love your cock so much” she said in a quiet whisper. “No wonder your girlfriend wants this every day”
“Fuck… your mouth is so good”
She watched your facial expressions, smiling happily as she knew she was pleasuring you. Eunbi’s saliva dripped from her mouth and your cock, staining the bedsheets. She spat on it a few times in order to make sure it would be fully covered.
“Do you like when I suck your cock?” Eunbi said as she began to pant.
“I love it” you said as you and Eunbi were both sweating. The faint layer of perspiration glowed on Eunbi, accentuating her beauty even more.
“Me too” she said quietly.
Eunbi moans vibrated as she stuffed her mouth full of your cock. She cupped your balls which have been putting in overtime these past 24 hours. You don’t know how long she sucked you for, but your body was paralyzed from the pleasure as you stood there frozen.
“I-If you k-keep doing that, I’m gonna-”
“No” she said softly as her puckered lips ran across your length. “Please don’t cum yet, baby”
“You have to fuck me. Can you do that for mommy? Please fuck me” she said as she held onto both sides of your face, looking you straight in the eyes as her pussy lips grinded against your cock.
“Fuck mommy. Put this hard dick inside me and fuck me as hard as you can…”
You grabbed Eunbi’s toned arms and pushed her face first onto the bed. Her long, beautiful hair was damp once more as she moved it all to one side. She stared at Jiwon’s vanity mirror, looking at your eyes with anticipation as she was fully exposed before you.
You slapped her soft butt cheeks a few times with your cock, teasing her before sliding yourself inside. She moaned at your initial penetration, her arms flat on the bed as her warm cavern constricted you.
“Fuck…” she moaned into the bedsheets.
“You’re so tight, mommy” you said as you slowly thrusted in and out of her hole.
Her warm walls squeezed your cock painfully, arousing you even more. You thrusted into her slowly, yet deeply. Her asscheeks rippled from the force each time it collided with your torso.
“Your pussy feels so good, mommy…” you said as you saw Eunbi closing her eyes through the mirror.
Eunbi was moaning as you held onto her arms while you fucked her. You picked up the pace, causing her to scream loudly. She tilted her head back as you continued thrusting.
“Yes! Fuck yes! Harder!” she yelled repeatedly.
You let go of her arms, causing her face to fall and be buried onto the bed. Your hands held onto her hips for support as you slapped her ass. She moaned loudly each time her ass hit your pelvis. The sounds your bodies made harmonized with her screams, filling the empty room with your love noises.
“You’re fucking me so hard, baby” she cried. “We should have done this after the class earlier”
“Shut up” you said, smacking her ass loudly.
“Holy shit-”
As your cock slid in and out of her pussy, you fucked her roughly. Eunbi was sweating profusely as you held onto her arms once more.
“Baby…” she cried.
You stopped thrusting, pausing to catch your breath. Sweat dripped down both of your bodies as you both panted for air. Once you both recovered, she gave you a kiss before she grabbed your dick and moved her head forward.
Eunbi moaned the moment she started sucking your cock. Her tongue swirled around your length as you were getting close to cumming. You felt your orgasm building up, ready to explode soon.
“I’m close” you weakly said.
“N-no, baby. You have to cum inside me” she said, turning her body over so she was facing you below.
You parted her legs and inserted yourself back into her. Both of you moaned as your cock disappeared inside her.
“Fuck…” she moaned loudly.
You moved slowly, her walls still extremely tight around your shaft as you thrusted. Eunbi screamed, her breasts jiggling as her body moved up and down. Her hair was extremely messy and her skin glowed from sex.
“Baby… harder…” she said as her voice cracked. “Baby…”
You fucked her harder as her mouth was wide open in pleasure. Her screams became louder and louder as her legs that were wrapped around you slowly fell back onto the bed. You slammed your cock in her needy pussy, Eunbi struggling to breathe as her eyes looked into your soul.
“Baby… cum inside me…”
“I’m cumming, mommy…” you moaned as your eyes struggled to stay open.
“I love you” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “I love you so, so much… cum inside me. Fill me, please”
You gritted your teeth as you fucked Eunbi as hard as you could. Your orgasm was finally free. You thrusted deep inside her, moaning loudly as her walls wrapped tightly around your cock, pulsating as your semen released inside her. Eunbi cummed almost at the same time, her body shaking from the most intense one of the evening.
“I love you so much, baby” she weakly said as she held onto your face. “That was incredible”
You kissed each other on the lips, looking at each other lovingly as you stroked each other’s hair. You both passed out for several hours, waking up to find the sunlight from earlier was now replaced with darkness. Eunbi woke up shortly after, helping you replace the bedsheets before you two take another shower. Both of you were too exhausted to go another round, so you helped clean one another before she changed into a spare set of clothes from her bag.
“Oppa, I’m home!”
A beeping noise rang through the apartment as you heard the sounds of the door being locked. You and Eunbi were on the couch, laughing at a random show she landed on. Jiwon runs inside smiling before she sees you two.
“Oh… I didn’t know we had company”
“Baby… uhh”
“Hi, I’m Kwon Eunbi” she said.
“Shin Jiwon” your girlfriend replied.
Jiwon looked absolutely beautiful. She wore a loose fitting button up shirt that was accompanied by a striped long tie. Her shirt was tucked into a gray skirt that showed off her thick thighs and long legs.
“You look beautiful, baby” you said as Eunbi looked at you with an uneasy expression upon hearing you say that.
“I do, don’t I?” she said as you placed your hands on her butt and kissed her.
“Babe, stop. Not in front of our guest” Jiwon said, hitting your shoulder softly when your kiss became more aggressive.
You saw a slight hint of jealousy in Eunbi’s eyes. She composed herself and smiled at Jiwon.
“I’m terribly sorry I showed up unannounced. I just moved to the neighborhood recently and your wonderful boyfriend is my first friend” Eunbi said.
You looked at Eunbi’s outfit and it had similar characteristics to Jiwon’s. Eunbi wore black thigh highs, ending just below her knees. Her thighs weren’t as thick as Jiwon’s but still visually pleasing even though her blue skirt with red trim was much longer. Her button up featured a big red bow. Both women’s breasts were defined through the shirts.
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“That’s a cute outfit!” Jiwon said as she sat next to Eunbi. You were a bit confused, seeing your girlfriend and the woman you just spent most of the day having sex with talk to each other.
Eunbi smiled at you before turning to Jiwon. “Your boyfriend never told me how nice of a body you have…” she said as she rubbed Jiwon’s thigh.
“You’re not so bad yourself, Eunbi…” she replied as her hand cupped Eunbi’s breast, causing her to moan as Jiwon groped her.
“Babe” Jiwon said as Eunbi returned the favor. “Did you fuck your little friend here?”
“W-what?” you said, your face turning red.
“Both of you have a hickey in the same spot”
You and Eunbi looked at each other, seeing Jiwon was right. You were sure both of you were careful not to leave any marks. You were scared at how Jiwon was going to react since her face was unable to be read.
“I-I can explain…”
“Please do” Jiwon said, crossing her arms.
“H-her body reminded me of yours. S-she seduced me” you said.
“You’re a terrible liar, babe” Jiwon replied.
Jiwon turned to Eunbi. “So tell me. Where did my boyfriend cum?”
Eunbi looked calmly at her and replied. “On my tits in the pilates studio and various places throughout the day. Mostly in my mouth and pussy”
“Is this true?” Jiwon asked you.
“It-it’s true”
“So you fucked this slut…” Jiwon said as she began to unbutton Eunbi’s shirt. “And you didn’t call me”
“What?” you asked, confused.
“You know it’s one of my fantasies to have a threesome! Especially with someone with as hot of a body as yours” Jiwon said softly as her hand ran up Eunbi’s thigh and was pleasantly surprised to know she wasn’t wearing any underwear.
“Are you sure you aren’t jealous that your boyfriend fucked me for 10 hours straight?” Eunbi seductively said as she rubbed Jiwon’s cheek.
“I’m not jealous” Jiwon said, pushing away Eunbi’s hand. “Since you spent all day preparing him, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind joining us”
“I’m sorry, what?” you said, coughing. You couldn’t believe your ears.
“I’d love to” Eunbi said as she removed the loose knot of Jiwon’s tie and quickly unbuttoned her shirt.
“What is going on?” you thought to yourself.
“We should establish some rules” Jiwon said as she squeezed Eunbi’s breast with her free hand.
“W-what do you have in mind? Ahhh” Eunbi moaned as Jiwon’s finger was inserted inside her.
“You aren’t allowed to swallow my boyfriend’s cum-”
“That’s boring” Eunbi immediately said. “Plus, I’ve already swallowed a lot of his loads”
“F-fine. You’re only allowed one chance to swallow. If you do it twice, I kick you out”
“Fine” Eunbi said, smiling sweetly. “I already feel full from it anyways”
She stared at you, studying your expressions as you weren’t sure how to feel.
“What’s your rule?” Jiwon asked as she helped Eunbi out of her skirt, exposing her.
“You’re not allowed to interfere if your boyfriend cums inside me. His cock chose me to finish into” Eunbi said.
“So arrogant” Now it was Jiwon’s turn to smile. “What makes you think you can make him cum while I’m here?”
You looked at both women sitting next to each other on the couch, Jiwon without her shirt and Eunbi without her skirt. Two beautiful, half naked women touching each other while establishing rules for an impending threesome. This was something most men would dream of, yet here you were nervous as hell.
“What makes you think he’ll be able to resist my body after he’s tasted it all day? Even you can’t resist seeing as how your finger is in my pussy”
“You’re so bold” Jiwon said as she inserted another finger. “I’m gonna enjoy ruining you”
“Why are your clothes still on?” Eunbi asked her.
“I could be asking you the same thing” Jiwon replied as the three of you entered the master bedroom. “So we’re ready to do this?”
Eunbi and Jiwon softly brushed their lips against one another the moment they sat on the bed. You could feel your cock hardening at the sight.
“I’ve been ready” Eunbi said softly.
“You say you’re ready and yet your shirt is still on” Jiwon said in a seductive tone.
“Your skirt is also on” Eunbi said, tilting her head with a faux confused look.
“Take it off, now”
“Can your boyfriend be the one to do it?” Eunbi asked quietly.
Jiwon huffed, smiling as she turned her head away. “You really are a slut, aren’t you?”
“Your boyfriend’s a good lover, what can I say”
“He really is, isn’t he?” Jiwon said as she held onto your hand. “Go ahead babe, take off that poor excuse of a shirt”
Your heart started beating quickly. Eunbi gave you a reassuring smile, holding your hands tenderly as you began to unbutton her shirt.
“Don’t be shy, baby” Eunbi said. “Why don’t we undress each other?”
You stood there frozen as she removed your shirt and pulled it off you. The cool air coming from the air conditioner caused you to shiver slightly. She then removed your pajama joggers and boxers, licking her lips as they dropped to the floor. Jiwon’s eyes burned with anger, but made no intentions of interrupting.
“Your turn to undress mommy” she said lovingly. You nodded, touching her extremely soft skin as her shirt was removed. Eunbi stood before the both of you in a matching black bra and thong. Not a single blemish on her smooth skin, Jiwon licked her lips upon seeing Eunbi exposed.
“He calls you mommy?” Jiwon asked. “Well, I can certainly see why”
Eunbi ignored her and continued to look at you with an affectionate stare. “Take these off too, baby”
You held onto the strap of her bra, kissing her shoulders and collarbone as your other hand reached behind her and found the hook. Undoing it slowly, the restrictive fabric fell to the ground.
“Wow” you and Jiwon moaned as Eunbi’s bare large breasts were exposed to you both.
“I knew they were big since your shirt outlined them, but who knew you were hiding something so beautiful?” Jiwon said.
“Most guys only talk to me because of my tits” she said quietly.
“I can see why” Jiwon said with a smirk as she moved closer to Eunbi, squeezing one of her breasts. “I mean, look at you. Such big eyes and a cute face, with this kind of body? So slim yet your tits are massive… not to mention your wide hips and hourglass waist… nice thighs with a cute butt too”
“I could say the same about you” Eunbi replied quietly as she took off Jiwon’s skirt and undergarments. “I would kill to have an ass and thighs like these”
Both of them softly moaned as they fondled each other’s breasts. Jiwon ran her hands up and down Eunbi’s back, tracing her fingers on her flat, toned stomach. Eunbi’s hands soon felt up Jiwon’s thighs and wide hips, reaching back towards her butt and squeezing it, causing it to jiggle from her touch.
Jiwon moaned as the two began kissing each other. “Stop, that tickles. My boyfriend’s watching…”
“Don’t focus on him, baby. Focus on mommy” Eunbi said as she squeezed Jiwon’s ass once more, a bit harder this time. “You’re getting turned on watching this, right baby? I see your dick getting hard”
Jiwon began breathing heavily as Eunbi suddenly grabbed her face, kissing her wildly as she inserted her tongue inside. Both women continued making out in front of you, as you watched their hands move across every single surface of each other’s bodies. Their voices began to increase in volume as Eunbi grabbed Jiwon’s arms, turning her around. She used her left hand to fondle one of Jiwon’s breasts and the other to roughly part her legs.
“You’re such a slut” Jiwon said, moaning loudly. “Doing such dirty things in front of my boyfriend”
“Our boyfriend” Eunbi corrected her, turning to you and smiling sweetly. “Right, baby? Should I show this whore how much I can make her feel good?”
“Ahh- you’re turned on by this aren’t you, baby?” Jiwon asked as she brought you onto the bed.
“I-I am” you replied as Jiwon grabbed your cock. Eunbi split Jiwon’s legs widely and buried her face into her crotch.
“Holy shit… that feels so good, mommy…”
“Kiss me, oppa” Jiwon moaned as she pulled you in, you could smell the distinct aroma between both women: Jiwon preferred fruit scented aromas while Eunbi liked flowers and more natural scents.
“Don’t kiss him!” Eunbi yelled as she slapped Jiwon’s ass and pulled her back by her hair. “You should be kissing mommy and not him!”
“You did say he’s our boyfriend, right? Which means I can kiss him!”
“I didn’t expect you to be on board with sharing him” Eunbi replied.
“With a body like yours, I’d even share my last name with you” Jiwon said.
“So if I told you I love him, you’d be okay with that?”
“I’d be okay with you having his child if it means the three of us get to be with each other like this”
“Don’t say anything you won’t regret, my dear Jiwon…” Eunbi smirked, holding onto Jiwon’s toned arms and gently rubbing her pussy. “Baby, look at how wet she is”
“You’re wet for me and not your boyfriend, right Jiwon?”
“No… that’s n-not true”
“And why not? Don’t be shy. Admit you’re a little slut for mommy…”
“I’m not…” Jiwon whimpered.
“Your lips say that and yet your body drips… for me, slut”
“I’m only a slut for my boyfriend and his dick!”
Eunbi smirked and pushed Jiwon back onto you. “Baby, take care of this lying slut”
Jiwon embraced you and immediately began kissing you desperately, as if to prove Eunbi wrong. You held her in your arms, running your hands all over her body as her tongue fought for control.
“Don’t believe her, oppa. You know I love you right? I love you so much” Jiwon said weakly, tears beginning to form in her eyes.
“Oh spare me the waterworks, you bitch” Eunbi said as she yanked Jiwon from your body and kissed her roughly.
“Baby, please… I only love you” Jiwon was crying now, unable to resist Eunbi’s soft lips.
“Awh, look at this jealous slut baby…” Eunbi said as she pulled Jiwon back by her hair. “Continuing to lie to you, me and herself that I turn her on more”
Eunbi climbed on top of you and began to kiss you. Her breath tastes sweet, the slightest hint of strawberry from her lip gloss as you felt the differences between her and Jiwon. Eunbi’s lips were fuller and extremely soft, Jiwon on the other hand had thinner lips that were firm and easier to bite. You were turned on by both women.
Jiwon snuck around you both as Eunbi was kissing you while sitting on her stomach.
“Baby, look how hard you are for mommy…” she said as she began stroking you.
You moaned into Eunbi’s mouth as her tongue assumed control. “Touch her baby, touch mommy”
 “I-I don’t know. This feels weird”
“Baby, there’s no need to be shy. In fact, it kinda turns me on seeing you with another woman” Jiwon said as she and Eunbi made out once more, grabbing her breasts while Eunbi grabbed her ass. Both of them squeezed and fondled each other, not wanting to disconnect their bodies.
Eunbi broke the connection first, catching her breath as she smirked at you and gave you the naughtiest look of the night. “Come here, baby. Show this whore how mommy likes being touched…”
“Look at these breasts, oppa” Jiwon said as her hand cupped the soft mounds of flesh and fondled them gently. “I hate to admit it, but they’re bigger than mine. See how pretty they are? But I bet you know that since you’ve played with these all day” she teased as she placed your hand on Eunbi’s chest.
They were dangerously soft, even softer after the repeated showers and applications of lotion you both did throughout the day. Jiwon wasn’t a pushover when it came to size but Eunbi was large, which contrasted her very slim body. You pinched her soft nipples, watching them grow erect in your fingertips.
Eunbi moaned from you worshipping her breasts and Jiwon’s lips on her mouth. Their scents mixed together and caused you to be unable to think properly. You felt your cock harden in Eunbi’s hand.
“Baby, you’re so lucky…” Eunbi said as she bit Jiwon’s lower lip. “You get to play with these tits, ass and hips every single night”
“Ahh” Jiwon moaned. “You’re just saying that, whore. You know you have the size advantage”
“Shut up. You know your ass was made for spanking and your large thighs and wide hips are what people would call made for child bearing”
Eunbi stroked you a few more times until they both sat next to you, smiling.
“Baby” Eunbi began, softly kissing you. “Do you like me more… or this whore?”
You looked at Jiwon, who was beginning to leak onto the bed sheets.
“Go ahead, baby. I won’t get mad”
You moaned softly as Eunbi stroked your cock while Jiwon rubbed her breasts against your chest.
“Answer me, baby” Eunbi said. “Who do you like more?”
“I like my girlfriend more” you said quietly.
“That’s fair” Eunbi said as she increased the pace at which she was stroking you.
“Hmm” Jiwon said, putting a finger on her temple, tilting it while pouting cutely. “Who has nicer tits?”
Both women moved closer to you, squeezing their breasts together.
“Fuck, how am I supposed to choose?” you thought to yourself. 
“Maybe we should smother him to help his decision” Eunbi said.
Both women pushed their large chests onto your face, drowning you in a sea of wonderful soft flesh and tasty pink nipples.
“Take your time, baby… we can’t have you making a wrong decision” Jiwon said, giggling.
Your lips wrapped around Eunbi’s nipple, sucking on them before doing the same to Jiwon. Both women moaned in pleasure as you alternated between the four breasts.
“You seem to be enjoying this a little too much, baby” Eunbi said. “Whose tits do you think are nicer?”
“Yours” you moaned. “I’m sorry, baby. You know I love yours but mommy’s are just too wonderful”
Eunbi triumphantly grinned at Jiwon, causing her to roll her eyes and pout.
“Pft, whatever. Just cause yours are like melons” Jiwon groaned.
 Eunbi smacked Jiwon’s ass as both of them turned over and laid on their stomachs.
“Now who would you want to pound from behind more?” she asked.
You licked your lips, trying your best not to drool at the sight before you. Both women were extremely curvy, even more so from a behind view. You ran your hands across each of them, squeezing their asses lightly. You parted Jiwon’s thighs first, slowly kissing her lower back and perfect butt - rubbing your face against it. Your face has been buried between her legs more times than you can count. She still smelled wonderful.
You felt something brush against your thighs and look to your side. Eunbi was teasing you, wiggling her ass. Your mouth moved towards her body, admiring her equally delicious looking thighs and cute butt. They were both beautiful, even more so naked, but they made you feel differently.
“I like Jiwon’s butt and thighs more but your pussy is tighter, mommy” you said.
“See, whore? He likes my pussy better. That fat ass and wide hips don’t mean shit if you aren’t tight”
“Whatever you slut. I know you won’t be able to beat me in this last category” Jiwon said as both of their faces inched closer and closer to your hard cock.
“Oh, I know I’m gonna win this one” Eunbi said as her hands wrapped around your shaft and she squeezed you, causing more precum to leak out.
“Holy fuck…” you moaned as Eunbi took you inside her mouth.
“Yummy… does that feel good, baby?”
“Yes, mommy” you said. “It feels so good…”
She smiled at you sweetly as her tongue roughly flicked against your tip and the sides of your shaft.
“Get off whore, it’s my turn to suck his dick” Jiwon said, pushing off Eunbi several minutes later.
Eunbi pulled on Jiwon’s hair slightly, but still let her continue. “I didn’t even suck him for that long, bitch!”
Jiwon’s hollowed out cheeks took your cock easily, bobbing her head up and down as her warm walls and soft tongue massaged every part of you. Her suction like hold on you was released after a few minutes, regretfully. You wanted more. Her tongue swirled around your head while she stroked you, maintaining eye contact.
“I know it wasn’t long… but whose mouth do you prefer?” she asked quietly.
“I-I like both” you said, moaning from the pleasure caused by both women.
“How can you not know?” Jiwon said as her free hand squeezed your balls painfully hard. “It’s either her, or me. Simple enough!”
“Calm down, whore. Maybe we should just give him a longer demonstration” Eunbi said, pushing Jiwon out of the way as she spat on your cock. She spread it by taking you in her mouth while bobbing up and down. Jiwon on the other hand, replaced her hand with her mouth as she sucked on your tender sack.
“Just tell us who gives you better head, baby” Jiwon said, releasing one of your balls while licking the other.
You closed your eyes, the waves of euphoria flowing from your head to your toes. You wanted more. You wanted a second cock so you could feel both women’s mouths on it at the same time.
“You know you’re not so bad at giving head, Jiwon” Eunbi said as she leaned down and gave her a sloppy kiss, both of their saliva mixing together. Both took turns massaging your cock and balls with their hands until they began to ran out of breath.
“So who do you think is better?”
“I want more-” you desperately pleaded.
“You’re so needy, baby” Eunbi said, giggling. “But I guess we didn’t really suck his cock that much”
“How should we solve this?” Jiwon asked.
“We do it in intervals. I suck his cock for a certain amount of time. And then you” Eunbi said, crossing her arms.
“Wait, why do you get to give my boyfriend a blowjob first?”
“Because I came up with it, bitch” Eunbi replied, slapping Jiwon’s breast while licking her lips. “Besides, you didn’t let me finish. Afterwards, we both suck him. Together”
Both women looked at each other and smiled, their eyes twinkling with delight as they silently challenged one another. They gave each other one long, passionate kiss before Eunbi got to work.
You moaned as you entered her mouth once more.
“She looks so pretty sucking your cock, oppa” Jiwon said as she squeezed Eunbi’s ass and held onto her hair.
You watched intently as you felt Eunbi’s tongue made waves on the underside of your shaft. Her saliva began to leak out of her mouth as she bobbed her head up and down. Jiwon caught the liquid with her hand, spreading it on your balls.
“How does that feel?” they both asked you.
“Holy-” you weren’t able to finish your statement as her head moved up and down. Eunbi smiled through her eyes as her warm and wet mouth drenched your cock in saliva.
“You’re such a dirty, sloppy slut” Jiwon said as she pushed Eunbi’s head deeper. Eunbi tapped on your thighs several minutes later, coughing. Jiwon didn’t give her time to rest though as she pulled her in for a kiss, both of their lips smacking loudly.
“Your boyfriend likes that” Eunbi said as she spat on your cock. “I bet he doesn’t moan for you like that”
“Ugh, just hurry up already! I want to suck his cock!” Jiwon whined as she lowered her face onto you, parting her lips with your tip and sucked on it. It made a suctioning sound shortly after.
“Don’t cut into my time, bitch!” Eunbi said as she pushed Jiwon away.
Jiwon rolled her eyes and scoffed. “Fine then. If you want to fill your dirty mouth with my boyfriend’s cock so badly… Here”
She pushed Eunbi’s head down forcefully. Eunbi’s eyes widened as Jiwon forced her to deepthroat. Her body tensed up and she began moaning loudly as Jiwon showed no intentions of releasing her grip.
“Look at the dirty bitch choke on cock” Jiwon said smugly.
She released her grip on Eunbi’s head after several minutes. Eunbi quickly moved her head up and started coughing. Her mouth was a mess, large amounts of spit drooling out as a thin layer was still connected to your cock. The others from her mouth fell onto your shaft and dripped down to your balls.
“Had enough?” Jiwon asked.
“You wish” Enubi said as her mouth returned onto you.
“You really are a dirty slut” Jiwon replied, smacking Eunbi’s ass loudly. You saw that Jiwon was beginning to get annoyed. She grabbed a handful of Eunbi’s hair and pushed her down once more.
“You better not choke” she commanded.
You held onto Eunbi’s head as she continued to furiously suck your cock. Jiwon smiled as she enjoyed watching you use Eunbi.
“Come here, babe” Jiwon said as she stuck her tongue down your mouth. You pulled her closer to you, as you continued to share a passionate kiss. Between kissing Jiwon and Eunbi’s blowjob, you were nearing your limit.
“Don’t cum for her” Jiwon said, biting your bottom lip.
“But… her mouth is so good…”
“You only cum for me!” Jiwon screamed.
You ignored her pleas and bobbed Eunbi’s head up and down until you felt yourself cumming. One final push of her head down your shaft was all it took as you released wave upon wave of hot semen down her slutty throat. Eunbi gulped it immediately until she felt you had nothing left to give. Jiwon pulled Eunbi off of you as you both moaned. Enubi was a drooling, satisfied mess as spit continued to fall out of her mouth.
“You bitch… swallowing my boyfriend’s cum. I didn’t even get to suck his dick!”
Eunbi laughed in satisfaction. “Holy shit his dick is good. Listen you whore: if my old roommate couldn’t stop me from swallowing her boyfriend’s cum, what makes you think you could?”
You laid down on the bed, catching your breath as both of the women continued to argue. Eunbi grabbed Jiwon’s hair and yanked it roughly as she laid kisses all over her chest and neck. Jiwon grabbed Eunbi’s tits and squeezed as hard as she could. You were aroused at the sight, your cock beginning to re-harden.
“Mommy, stop!” Jiwon screamed. “I want to suck his cock!”
“You dirty, dirty whore. You can’t live without his cock can you?” Eunbi said as she slapped Jiwon’s ass. “Fine, go ahead. But I guarantee you he won’t cum for you”
“We’ll see about that” Jiwon said as she stroked your cock, Eunbi’s saliva shining from the bedroom light. “Your disease filled spit is still on his cock”
“I thought you knew your boyfriend liked things sloppy” Eunbi said. “Isn’t that right, baby?”
“Don’t give me pointers on how to suck my boyfriend’s cock” Jiwon said as she kissed your tip.
Jiwon smiled at you as you both made eye contact. She gently massaged your balls as you began to breathe deeply. Eunbi’s blowjobs throughout the day were tender, loving. She wasn’t able to show that off in front of Jiwon since your girlfriend kept pushing her head down. Jiwon normally wanted you to facefuck her, but this time it was her being the softer one. Probably due to the fact there was another person to share the experience with.
She ran her lips up and down your cock, her tongue poking itself out of her mouth to tease your head. Her bright, shiny eyes smiled at you as she continued to give you pleasure.
“How does that feel?” she asked softly, squeezing the newly forming precum out of your tip.
“It feels wonderful”
“She’s not better than mommy, right baby?” Eunbi asked as she took Jiwon’s release from your cock to kiss her.
“I like both of your blowjobs…” you said as they kissed each other hungrily.
“Baby, we’re not going to end this in a tie” Eunbi said. “Who gives you a better blowjob? You need to make a decision”
Silence filled the room besides the random pierces of Eunbi and Jiwon kissing each other.
“He’s not saying anything… that means I just need to suck his dick more” Jiwon said as her lips reattached themselves once more.
Jiwon sucked you hard, there was a method to the way she gave you head. It was as if every single movement and action was precisely planned. Her head bobbed up and down your cock, her tongue swirling around your base. Even though Jiwon meddled, Eunbi’s blowjob was rough and intense. Jiwon’s on the other hand was tender, full of love. You moaned loudly as your hand held onto the back of her head.
“Baby, you’re being so loud” Eunbi said. “Look at your body quiver”
Jiwon releases her hold on your cock, a loud popping sound being head when she does so. “Mommy, go control our boyfriend. He’s being too loud”
“So he’s our boyfriend now?” Eunbi smirked.
“Just make him stop”
“With pleasure” Eunbi said as Jiwon returned to sucking your cock. Eunbi climbed onto you slowly, smiling the whole time.
“Shh…” she said, preventing you from speaking by placing a finger on your lips. “Just listen to that slut suck your dick, okay baby? Listen to those sounds while I put your mouth to good use”
“What do you-”
Eunbi doesn’t give you a chance to talk as she lowered her body onto your face. Her legs spread wide open as she turned around and placed her hands on your chest. She grabbed her ass and spread it apart, giving your mouth easy access to her dripping wet walls. Her thighs wrapped around your head as you began eating her out.
“Oh fuck…”
Jiwon sucked your cock even harder, seemingly jealous of you moaning over another woman.
“Babe, look at how your boyfriend eats my pussy”
“Shut up!” Jiwon whined. “He eats my pussy good too”
Eunbi moaned as your tongue splits her folds apart, causing her juice to enter your mouth. “He’s eating me so well”
“Mommy…” you managed to moan from under her.
“Ahh… see I told you he likes my pussy better”
 You grabbed Eunbi’s ass and squeezed it firmly while she continued to grind on your face.
“You love mommy’s pussy, don’t you baby?”
You slapped her asscheeks hard, causing her to jump slightly. She repositioned herself and let you feel every surface of her love hole. You wanted to worship the woman who made you call her mommy, you wanted to kiss her body as much as you could.
“Jiwon, his mouth feels so good” Eunbi moaned as she rubbed herself on you.
“You slut” Jiwon said, jerking your cock.
“Baby, touch my tits” Eunbi said, guiding your hands to her soft mounds. You continued tasting her delicious folds, inhaling her unique scent. She moaned loudly above you as her body began to squirm. She grinded on your face several more times as you squeezed her tits. Soon you could feel an overwhelming pressure begin to mount inside her pussy. Eunbi pushed herself further into you as you squeezed her tits, causing her orgasm to release.
“Oh my fucking god!”
“You’re such a whore, mommy. Cumming inside oppa’s mouth like that. So unladylike” Jiwon said.
Eunbi fell onto your body, sitting on you as she took turns sucking your cock with Jiwon. You felt the sudden transitions of Jiwon’s roughness and Eunbi’s tender softness; you wanted to scream loudly from how good the pleasure felt.
Jiwon sucked on your balls roughly as you felt Eunbi’s tender lips take your cock inside her mouth. Eunbi felt surprised the moment she felt you parting her cheeks and sticking your tongue inside her more sensitive hole. All you could hear were muffled screams as she didn’t want to release your cock.
“He’s about to cum” Jiwon quietly said, moaning as she sucked on your balls.
Eunbi’s body began to tense up while she was furiously rubbing her clit. “Mommy is cumming too…” she moaned.
“Fuck! I’m cumming! Mommy’s about to cum on your face, baby…”
You and Eunbi pushed your heads downwards as you both orgasm at the same time. Eunbi screams through your cock as it coats her walls with a creamy white reward. Jiwon tries unsuccessfully to push her off as she buries her pussy in your mouth.
“You fucking whore! I told you not to swallow his cum!”
Both of you took your time to recover, Eunbi lying on top of you as you both felt each other’s bodies heave. She hovered above you, smiling sweetly as she gently placed a kiss on your lips.
Eunbi lets you go, giving you one more quick peck before she turns to Jiwon and begins sucking on her lips. Jiwon moaned as their tongues fought for control. Eunbi’s hands eventually find their way onto Jiwon’s butt, squeezing each soft cheek.
“Look at this needy slut, baby” Eunbi said as Jiwon moaned. “All you have to do is touch her in order for her to be soaked”
“Look at how beautiful you are when you moan for me. I’m so good at pleasuring men and women. This slutty pussy is mine, understand?” Eunbi says as her fingers trace Jiwon’s lips. She is unable to say anything due to the pleasure, only loud, lustful moans coming out of her lips.
“Baby… fuck this whore senseles” Eunbi said to you as she pushed Jiwon away.
Jiwon screamed as you caught her in your arms. “Oppa!” she whined. “This whore is being mean to me…”
You smiled and gave her a soft kiss before stuffing her needy pussy with your cock as hard as you could. Jiwon was painfully tight.
“Ahhh fuck!” she screamed.
You thrusted inside Jiwon fast. Her walls squeezed your cock as a response. Her pussy was so wet, it made it easy for you to pump in and out.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck me hard!” she yelled in between thrusts.
“You’re pounding her so rough, baby” Eunbi said as you pulled out of Jiwon and entered her just as hard.
“Oh fuck…” she moaned as she gripped the bed sheets.
Jiwon moaned before kissing Eunbi, both of them moaning as you took turns fucking both. Whichever person didn’t have your cock inside them, was getting their beautiful ass fondled and slapped. You were currently inside Eunbi, her juices leaking out as she moaned from you slapping her ass loudly.
“I want to get fucked!” Jiwon begged as she held onto your base and forced you out. “Fuck my pussy too…”
“You slut” Eunbi screamed as she slapped Jiwon’s tits.
“You’re the one acting like a slut! Trying to hog my boyfriends cock all to yourself”
“Shut the fuck up!” you yelled. “You’re both dirty sluts that need this cock to punish you”
“Mmm, I like it when he talks dirty” Eunbi moaned, turning her head back at you. “Fuck these cocksluts of yours”
You returned back to fucking each woman for a certain period of time, both screaming as loudly as they could when you filled them up.
“You like mommy’s pussy more, don’t you?” Eunbi moaned as you were currently inside her.
“Oh shut up” Jiwon cried.
“I was talking to oppa, whore” Eunbi said as she loudly slapped Jiwon’s face.
Eunbi took turns slapping Jiwon’s face and tits, causing you to fuck her harder in anger. Eunbi began to scream so loud it echoed inside the bedroom.
“Harder! Fuck me harder” Jiwon screamed as your hands squeezed her butt cheeks while you fucked her.
The sounds of her ass hitting your stomach were as loud as Eunbi’s screams. You were ready to pull out of Jiwon and were preparing Eunbi’s pussy until you felt Jiwon grip your butt and push you back into her.
“Please… keep fucking me. Not that slut”
“You selfish whore” Eunbi said, slapping her face so hard you winced slightly.
Eunbi continued saying vulgar things to Jiwon while you fucked her. Eventually, you have had enough. You spank Eunbi’s ass with a deafening sound.
“Stop hitting my girlfriend, you whore” you said as you inserted your cock inside her.
You grabbed Eunbi’s arms and yanked them back as you fucked her from behind. Jiwon began sucking on Eunbi’s tits, her orgasm traveling through her body. Eunbi screamed loudly as she came all over your cock. Her body violently shook from the aftershocks as she collapsed on the bed.
“Baby…” Jiwon softly said as she crawled near you and entered your embrace. “You did so well”
“It really was amazing” you said as you kissed her lips. “I’m sorry I didn’t get to cum in your pussy”
“There’s no need to apologize, oppa. There’s always other times you can”
“I love you so much, baby” you said, catching your breath.
“I love you too. You know, I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to have fun with her and I’m not around”
“Really. She’s a fun fuck and has such a hot body. But she seems like such a sweet person too”
“I love you” you said kissing her on the lips before pulling her into your embrace.
“I love you too, oppa” she groggily says as the two of you drift off to sleep.
You woke up the next morning, still laying in cum stained sheets. You tap the side of the bed to find it is now empty. Getting up, you find you are the only person left in the room. Your lower body is still sore as you get up and check your phone. You had two unread messages.
“Hey, sorry I left early. Have a company schedule all day. If your body feels sore, I took care of your morning wood. Last night was amazing. Jiwon’s a sweet girl, don’t lose her. But anytime you want to have fun, I’ll be ready. I’ll see you at Pilates next week” - Mommy♡
“Goodmorning, love! Sorry I couldn’t make breakfast for you, I had to leave early for a shoot. I’m so sore from last night, hopefully you pound me just as good tonight. I love you”
You smiled, trying your best to get your sore body out of bed and into the shower.
“Team Leader Kwon, here’s your coffee and the breakdown of today’s photoshoot”
“Thank you, miss Miyawaki”
Eunbi sips on the amber liquid as she goes over the clipboard she was also handed. The shoot was going to be long. Eunbi’s role in the marketing department was being a team leader and overseeing the company’s promotional mediums.
“Where are our interns?” she asked.
“They don’t start until next week, ma’am”
“I see”
“Let’s get this shoot started” she announced, crossing her legs and folding her arms while having an annoyed facial expression.
The model arrived on set, a curvy young woman wearing a pair of white jeans that showed off her powerful thighs and round ass well. She wore white high heels and a green top that showed off her midriff and fairly large breasts. She bowed to all of the staff before she stopped in front of a table. Her manager explained that the woman sitting down in front of them was in charge of the whole shoot.
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“Hello, my name is Shin Johyun. I hope we have a good shoot today” she said, bowing.
Both looked up at each other and were stunned. Jiwon covered her mouth while Eunbi’s eyes widened.
“You…” they both said.
“Team Leader, this is our new soju model” Sakura quietly said.
“Yes, I’m aware of who she is. She and I know each other well… very well in fact”
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blues-sevenfold00 · 3 years
Tags for Aesthetics (Work in Progress)
Ambient GIF
Atlantis * (with some world building posts in the back)
Avenged Sevenfold (with some world building posts in the back)
Ball *
Balloon *
Bathtub *
Beach Ball
Black Cat
Blueberry *
Campfire (gifs)
Candle (gifs)
Candy Corn
Car *
Care Bears
Chair *
Charmmy Kitty
Christmas Lights *
Christmas Tree
Clock *
Clothing *
Colour Spectrum
Crystal *
Crystal Ball *
Crystalline *
Cushion *
Cute Insect
Dango *
Droplets *
Easter Egg
Electronics *
Entomophobia * (real insects)
Fireplace (gifs)
Flower Power
Frog *
Full Moon
Gingerbread House
Glitter (non-animated)
Grim Reaper
Halloween Art
Halloween Food
Haunted House
Hot Air Balloon *
Holly and Ivy (green and red)
Ice Cream
Inner Tube
Jellyfish *
Jimmy Sullivan (with some world building posts in the back)
Keroppi *
Kirby *
Kitchenware *
Lemonade *
Lips *
Lipstick *
Lisa Frank
Little Twin Stars
Luggage *
Minicakes *
Miscellaneous Object *
Moving Water (gifs)
Mushroom *
My Little Pony
My Melody *
Octobabies *
Orange Sunset
Pacman Ghost
Pen *
Pink Car *
Pixel Scenery
Pool Toy
Pride Flag
Psychedelic Nature
Pumpkin Ambience
Rainbow Flag
Raspberry *
Rupee *
Shooting Star (gifs)
Similar to Lisa Frank *
Smiley Face *
Sparkle (gifs)
Spider Web
Splash of Colour
Sponge *
Spooky Tree
Starry Night
Strawberry King
Strawberry Shortcake (with some world building posts in the back)
Suncatcher *
Tropical Drink *
Underwater *
USA Hana
Weights *
Wish Me Mell
Witch Hat
Yin Yang *
Zacky Vengeance (with some world building posts in the back)
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atsukashii · 4 years
❝crush culture❞ // e. kirishima
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SYNOPSIS: ➛ Confessing to someone you’ve liked for a long time is scary stuff, even when the person you’re confessing to has a smile like the sun and radiates good energy.
» CHARACTER PAIRING: eijiro kirishima x reader
» GENRE: normal?? U.A era, oneshot
» WARNINGS: fluff to the max, Kirishima fluff right here.
« masterlist || ao3 »
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To say you had a crush on your best friend Eijiro Kirishima would be the understatement of the century. Everyone knew it about it; Bakugou made it his mission to give you non-stop crap about it, only making it worse when Kirishima was so oblivious to everything you did! You’d even asked him on a date for crying out loud! Though you stuttered and stumbled a bit getting there, he thought it was the both of you just going out as friends. What did a girl have to do to get his attention? Everything apparently...
Groaning, you walk into the common room and flop face first onto the couch, earning a laugh from your friends sprawled out across the room.
“Progress?” Mina’s voice breaks the giggles and you turn your head slightly to the right, looking at her amused smile.
“I’m going to go crazy.” your complaint only makes the girls laugh more. Trying to get the guy you like to notice your feelings for him shouldn’t be this hard...right?
“Maybe you can write him an anonymous letter or something,” Ochako suggests, tapping a finger on her chin in thought.
“But if it’s anonymous it would defeat the purpose of the confession,” 
“Then she can just add her name.” Shrugs your friend Kyoka, like that whole idea was the easiest thing.  
“Ohhh maybe buy him some candy or something and write a cute little note and sign your name at the bottom. That would be sooooo cute!” Toru squeals and you can’t help but sigh.
“For Kirishima, protein bars would probably be better.” adds Tsu, resulting in the group sounding in agreement. Yeah, they weren’t wrong there, but you knew the boy had a secret stash of chocolate next to his bed when he got midnight snack cravings. It was when you’d first become close friends, Kirishima had come down stairs and found you snacking on strawberry ice cream from the freezer at a quarter past two in the morning. Turns out, he’d had the same idea. So you spent the next hour sitting on the floor of the communal kitchen, eating ice cream and getting to really know each other. And then as you walked back to your room, your heart almost bursting inside your chest, you realised what you felt for Kiri that night wasn’t just friendship. 
“-maybe we need a different opinion…” Mina says, catching your attention. The pure mischief in her eyes screams trouble and as you hear the door to the dorms open, Mina perks up in a way that makes you want to puke from nerves.
“Bakugou!” Oh please anyone but him!
“What the hell do you want, Racoon Eyes?” His voice booms through the common area. God does this boy not have a quiet setting?
“What would be the best way to get Kirishima’s attention...Asking for a friend of course!” Mina asks, winking a so not subtle wink in your direction, making you blush bright red.
“You still haven’t told him yet idiot?” Bakugou’s attention is now directed to where you are sprawled sadly on the couch. 
“No…” Your pillow-muffled response makes the girls stifle their laughter out of pity, whilst Bakugou just huffs in annoyance - as if your very presence requires too much effort for him to deal with.
“Just man up and tell him, moron,” he snaps like it’s the simplest thing ever and not utterly terrifying.
“I’m going to try option two,” He rolls his eyes and leans over the back of the couch, glaring at you.
“You’re such a coward. He’s not going to hurt your precious little feelings y/n, just do it already. I’m sick of hearing about this shit.”
“Hearing about what?” Your heart gets caught in your throat as the spiky haired redhead in question walks into the room, a towel around his shoulders and looking like he walked out of a damn dream. You couldn’t bring yourself to do anything but turn all shades of pink and gulp for air like a fish. Since when had you gone from being able to talk to your best friend about literally anything to this stuttering and jumbled up mess? You weren’t all that sure, but you were aware that you’re currently making a fool of yourself. You hadn’t realised that Bakugou had come back from the gym as well, and it made so much sense that Kirishima was with him, but god! Who the hell gave him permission to look that good? It should be illegal.  Kirishima’s red eyes meet yours from across the room, and he shoots you that signature smile that was so warm and you swore flowers actually sprouted wherever it was directed. Looking at him sometimes was like staring into the sun. 
“We’re just going around saying cute things that would get our attention,” Mina swoops in to the rescue making you instinctively rip your eyes from the red head and focus them on her.  What are you doing? You mouth tensely, your back to your crush so that he can’t see your crimson face. Mina only winks at you in response, so you look to your other friend Ochako, who is currently no better. Supplying you with a cheeky grin and wagging her eyebrows suggestively, you can’t help but want to groan in annoyance at their antics. 
“Well, I mean it is Valentines day coming up, so that makes sense.” All the girls turn to him grinning, and you instinctively fear what someone says next.
“What would someone have to do to get your attention Kiri?” Mina asks him teasingly, but also completely seriously. Oh my god… You couldn’t believe that she was actually asking him, but at the same time you are curious. You have done basically anything but yell at him in the face that you liked him and wanted to date him, so you were listening a little too closely to his response. Pink dusting his cheeks, Kirishima looks over the group and scratches the back of his head with a nervous arm.
“Well I guess it would have to depend on the person.”
“LAME! Come on Kiri, give us something more than that!” Mina whines, earning a chorus of agreements from the crowd of girls around you. It was so quick that you barely noticed it, but Kirisima glances at you before shifting on his feet nervously… He only looked at me because I'm his friend, and he finds these questions awkward. Yeah, that’s why.
“Well, I guess they’d probably just have to tell me. That's super manly.” You try not to sink in your chair as Bakugou gives you a knowing look. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know asshole, you try to scream at him through your eyes. “Anyways, i'm going to go wash up.” Kirishima leaves the room, shooting you one last smile and you instinctively let out a breath as if you'd been holding it since he came into the room. Your lungs sure felt like they had.
“Told you so, dumbass.” Bakugou calls as he walks out the room, and the temptation to throw one of the cushions at him is almost too much, but you don’t have the energy to focus on him right at that moment. Instead, you take a deep breath and turn to Mina with determination in your eyes.
“I’m going to tell him.” The noise they all release from their throats somehow didn’t shatter the glass, however it does earn an appearance from a very concerned Iida who barges into the common room in alarm. Never a boring day I guess, you think as you glance at the empty spot where Kirishima had just stood. Tomorrow, you let out a shaking breath. Tomorrow. 
❀ ❀ ❀
Today is the day. The sun is bright and high in the sky, it isn’t that cold for a February afternoon, and everything so far is going your way. It had to be today. 
You linger around the entrance to your classroom, waiting for Kirishima to make his usual appearance. You hear him laughing along with Kaminari before you can even see him. You feel his throaty, sunshine filled laugh echo through your bones and stir up the butterflies that had just begun to rest in your stomach. And when he rounds the corner and see’s you waiting there, he sends you the sweetest smile that makes your thundering heart drop through the floor. 
“Hey, y/n! Thanks for waiting.” he says happily. Kaminari’s eyes glance between the two of you quickly, before grinning far too ecstatically for your liking.
“It’s all good.”
“Where are you two off to?” Kaminari but’s in with a knowing smile. Kirishima looks at him as if only then suddenly remembering that he was there as well. 
“It's Friday afternoon and we’ve got an exam on Monday, dude. It’s crunch time.” Kirishima nods at you, bumping his fists together as if he’s readying for battle. You and Kirishima had begun to study together towards the end of your first year of school. He claimed that you were a better tutor than Bakugou, which you constantly brought up to the fiery blonde whenever he began to annoy you. You always ended up running away like your life depended on it as soon as the words left your mouth, but his pissed off look made the risk of imminent death so worth it. 
“Can I join you guys today?” You look over at your eccentric friend and can’t tell if he is being serious and wants to study, or if he just knows how important today is - because Mina can’t keep her mouth shut - and wants front seats to the show.
“Uh, I mean-” you are immediately cut off by a hand yanking Kaminari back by his collar and revealing a stoic faced Bakugou.
“Leave them alone sparky. You need to study and I’m only offering my services today, so take it or you’re on your own.” He doesn’t even give Kaminari a chance to breathe before begrudgingly pulling him down the hall away from you. 
“Well looks like it's just us y/n.” Kirishima says, taking a step down the hall. You can’t hide your smile, quickly moving to catch up to him. 
“I’m glad. You’re enough to handle, I'm not sure how I’d go adding Kaminari to the mix.” You tease your best friend. With a fake and very over-exaggerated gasp, Kirishima places a hand on his heart and stares at you in shock.
“That really hurt, y/n.” He cries out, stopping in his steps as you keep walking ahead. You try to hold in your laugh at his antics but fail miserably, letting out a loud laugh as you turn back to him.
“Your heart isn’t on your right side, Kiri,” You correct him, walking backwards for a few steps and only turning around when you see him run to catch up to you.
“I knew that. Just making sure you did.” He explains, falling into line next to you once again, making you look up at him and raise an eyebrow.
“Sure…” The two of you together walk out of the building in silence, just appreciating the peace that comes with being around each other. You and Kirishima didn’t have to even talk when you were together, just being in each other's presence is enough.
You feel your hands begin to sweat as you step outside. You were really going to do this, you were going to tell him… But what if he doesn’t feel the same? Risking a glance at him, your heart flutters and you know you have to do it. If you have to continue on like this for another day you are going to lose it. You love Kirishima’s friendship, but god you want something more. You want him to hold your hand on your daily trips to and from the dorms, you want to go and eat katsudon with him and not as friends. You want to be able to kiss him for no other reason than that you could. You are willing to risk one of the closest friendships you've ever had for it. 
“-day.” You blink and snap your head in Kirishima’s direction. He was talking and you didn’t catch a single word he said. A knowing smile cracks across Kirishima’s face as he takes in your startled expression.
“Was I that boring?” He jokes, pink beginning to dust his cheeks. Your heart lurches at the thought and you stop dead in your tracks.
“No! Not at all!” The words come out far too loudly which causes you to blush bright red and for Kirishima to frown at you. Oh god, what if he knew? You quickly try to change the topic whilst brushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “Sorry, i’m just in my own world. You’re definitely not boring, Kiri.” You promise. 
“Y/n… Are you alright?” Letting out a groan, you wipe a hand down your face and sigh. Well this is it, I guess.
“Actually Kiri, there's something I need to tell you,” Suddenly you’re glad that you’re not walking, because the look on his face that you see by peeking through your fingers would have made you trip over absolutely nothing.
“What is it?” God bless him, he’s concerned. And he had every right to be, because it feels like you are about to pass out. Nervously, you begin to fidget with your hands before grasping them tightly in front of you. 
“There’s this guy,” It’s all you had to say before Kirishima’s smile slipped straight off his face. Ouch. He must see something in your face because not even a second later, his usual happy-go-lucky smile reappears. You however, can read Kirishima like a book, and when his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes, you know he wasn’t feeling it. 
“So, there's a guy you like, huh?” He utters, adjusting the shoulder strap of his bag.
“Yeah, he’s super kind, brave and handsome too.” You reply, a smile climbing onto your face.
“Sounds like a real catch, y/n.” Is all he says, starting to walk away - obviously expecting you to walk with him. “You deserve it.” How cute, you thought. 
“Thanks, but really I’m the lucky one. We’ve been friends for so long too, and he treats me so well.” You boast, walking behind him, hoping for him to catch on. Kirishima stops so suddenly that you run into his back, what is he...
“I don’t…” He starts slowly, his back still turned to you. He moves as if he's about to turn around and face you, but lets out a dejected sigh instead. 
“Kiri…” he turns around at your voice, no smile or happiness found on his features. Just a look of pure devastation and concern.
“He’s a good guy?” You can’t help but want to smile at his question.
“Oh, the best.” Pursing his lips, Kirishima nods his head a few times before letting out a strangled groan that catches you off guard. 
“Is it Bakugou?” You choke on oxygen and splutter as he looks you in the eye, as if trying to tell if you are lying. 
“No. Never. Nope. Not happening,” you shudder at the image of that possibility. Like sure, you’re not blind and Bakugou is attractive, but personally, that loses its appeal as soon as he opens his mouth.
“Kaminari?” He counters, taking a step forward with his face fixed into a scowl that is so unlike him and so rare that it throws you for a loop.
“No, Kiri-”
“Sero? Midoriya? Iida? No… wait Ojiro? Shoji?” The names leave his mouth a mile a minute as you gape at him. He is now in his own little world of chaos that you’ve created, a hand over his mouth as he mumbles. “It’s Todoroki isn’t it?” Kirishima asks, whipping his head to you. Annoyance bleeds through his eyes as he says it. “It’s always Todoroki…” 
You suddenly can’t hold it in - the frustration of not being able to get a single word in, the nerves pounding through your bloodstream, and maybe just a little bit of courage has you blurting it out.
“Its you!” Crimson eyes meet your own and you suck in a nervous breath as he stills completely. “It’s you…I want to…” Your voice drifts off as a smile breaks out across his face slowly. 
“It’s me?” You don’t even have time to finish nodding before he practically leaps at you, picking you up around your middle and laughing so loudly that people walking past are staring. You can feel your heart pounding inside your head as you stare down at Kirishima... Wait, does that mean…
“Thank god,” he says as he begins to put you down, but doesn't move to let you go. “I swear if you had said someone else, I probably would have died.” You want to roll your eyes at his dramatics, but your brain can’t seem to catch up. He likes you! He likes you too! That’s what that means, idiot!
“Kiri…” you only manage to get your voice out as a whisper. 
“I really like you y/n, like stupidly so.” Now it's your turn to grin like an absolute maniac at him. Holy crap, you did not expect this. Best case scenario, of course, was this outcome, but it wasn’t your expectation. Ohmygod he likes me.
“Will you...quit smiling at me, I can’t stop messing up my sentences when you look at me like that!” Kirishima complains, but there’s no annoyance in it as he’s grinning back at you.
“Look like what?” You argue. Reaching up to touch your cheeks which are now starting to hurt, Kirishima snatches your hand in his before you have the chance. 
“So pretty. Seriously, y/n, give me a chance to breathe.” He says squinting at you playfully. “It’s like looking at the damn sun.” You’re laughing, a proper heart-filled laugh that ends with a snort loud enough for you to slap your hand over your mouth. Kirishima stares at you dazed for a moment as his free hand wraps around your waist.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks out of the blue, his cheeks tainted the same colour as his hair and you’re sure you look the same. Your brain has officially stopped working. 
“You don’t have to ask me Kiri,” you point out.
“Consent is manly.” He grins before finally closing the distance between you. It both seems to last forever, but also for not even a second. Reaching up on your toes, you wrap your arms around Kirishima’s neck and pull yourself impossibly closer to him. When your lungs begin screaming at you and you realise you’re not breathing, you pull back from the blushing boy. You can’t stop your smile this time, even if you tried. This was the best idea you’d ever had.  “Want to go out with me for dinner tomorrow night?” He asks, pulling back just enough to look down in your eyes as his breath fans your face. Not in a million years had you thought that you would actually be standing here with Kirishima like this. But whatever luck you somehow gained overnight, you were so grateful for it. Just as you are about to respond with a massive yes, the impending doom of your incoming English exam on Monday emerges back into your train of thought.
“How about we do a study date for now? I wasn’t joking about the tutoring, you know.” You point out, making Kirishima fake a pout in annoyance.
“Fine,” he gently reaches down and envelops your small hand, linking your fingers between his. “I’ll just have to settle with that for now. But once we’re done, I’m taking you for katsudon because I know it’s your favourite.” Without a second of hesitation you reach up and kiss Kirishima lightly on the cheek, making that bright blush come back all over again.
“I can’t wait.”
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©️ 2021 all rights reserved to atsukashii, do not change, edit, translate, or repost any works on any platform.
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gvf-imagine · 4 years
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Weekend with Jake
You and the boys relaxed in Jake and Josh’s basement, it was a calm saturday afternoon and most of your free time was spent with these men in this basement. They were your friends, your best friends even. Sam was the first one you met , he was in your biology class to which you both showed up late and were paired together to dissect a frog. Which you both protested, instead of cutting up a poor frog you and him talked about music the whole class hour. You failed the class but gained a friend, well four friends after he introduced you to his brother’s that lunch period. That was a few years ago now, back in freshman year. Now you're all seniors, who barely attended school. The boys at least had good reason, they were investing their time in their band. You just didn't want to go to school if your friends weren't there, you did what you needed to graduate and coasted through the rest.
“Thirsty?” Jake inquires , noticing you'd been quiet for a while. You didn't realize any of them had spoken; you were adrift in reflections of the past.
“Yeah I could go for some soda” you answer, offering him a kind smile, he grins back and hops off the black suede couch, his imprint still left in the cushion next to you. You hadn't noticed the warm presence of his body heat until it was gone. He moved across the room and jogged up the stairs headed for the kitchen.
“I'm bored” Danny utters, looking at an old magazine. He let it fall out of his grip and settle lightly on his lap.
“Me too” Sam announces, he had been situated in the corner of the room and was fiddling around with his Bass, he often played small compositions to himself. You looked to Josh who you expected would be the next to say something, he was far too enthralled with his phone to even regard that any of you were here.
Jake's footsteps descended the stairs before he hopped over the back of the couch landing perfectly in his fading imprint.
“Here you go!” he voices handing you the cold can. You grab it and inspect the label, your eyebrows peak up towards your forehead in thought.
“You got me diet?” you inquire looking to him. His face goes pale and panic fills his chocolate brown eyes. He shifts his weight on the couch, adjusting his posture. He gulps telling you his throat went dry. You tried your hardest not to laugh, but couldn't help it. It was cute seeing him all flustered at the thought of insulting you.
“Jakey, I'm just kidding, I prefer diet, thank you” the words escape your lips and Jake sighs with relief sneaking in a small chuckle as well.
“Good….because I didn't mean anything by bringing you diet, I mean I know you like it but I dont - I dont think youre ya know, I don't thi- you look really good to me like you don't have to change anything about your- I just-” you put your finger to his mouth, his haphazard words coming to a stop.
“Thank you Jake” you speak softly, you knew what he was trying to say.
“Let's go swimming” Josh proposes, finally lifting his eyes from his phone. You had almost forgotten what you were talking about.
“Swimming? We don't have a pool” Sam replies, setting his base back in its case. Josh shrugs looking at his tall, slim, younger brother.
“no , but the neighbors do and they're out of town” he offers with a sly grimace.
“Problem solved” Danny chimes perking up with a toothy grin.
“I’m in” Jake replies nodding.
“(y/n)?” Josh asks, they all look at you in waiting. Your eyes flicker between the four of them.
“Sure….but I don't have a bathing suit” you realize.
“That's ok you can just wear your birthday suit” Josh winks. Your eyes roll, as they often did in Josh's direction.
“You can borrow Ronnies,here come on I'll take you to her room” Jake offers, touching your shoulder gently indicating it was time to stand. You agree and follow him up the stairs and down the hall to her room. You walked in and it smelled just like her, vanilla and cashmere , her signature perfume scent. Jake looks around the room and silence settles in the air he looks over to you his hand tucked snugly in his back pockets.
“Here it's right here….dont worry its clean '' he says pulling the bikini out of Ronnie's drawer. You look at it as he hands it to you , it was the color of strawberry milk, which you liked, it was also a two piece, which you didn't like.
“Oh it's a bikini” you utter, you didn't mean to say it out loud. You did not usually wear bikinis , you didn't feel very comfortable in them, especially not in front of four boys. You just didn't feel like you had the right body for a bikini. Jake must have noticed your unease
“You can wear one of my shirts if you're not comfortable in just that” he offers gently. You smile and thank him but decline, you didn't want his clothes to get ruined from the chlorine.
“Ill just wear this, its no problem, plus I really wanna go swimming its hot as fuck out” you chuckle. Jake nods in agreement
“Well I'd better go change too” he announces, leaving you alone in the room. You slip your clothes off and shuffle into the bikini. You looked at yourself in the mirror that hung on the back of Ronnie's door. You didn't look as horrible as you thought you would have, but you were still kind of nervous about the guys seeing you like this, they'd never seen you in such a small amount of clothing.
“Most of your body will be underwater, they'll only see you for a moment” you give yourself a small pep talk.
“Come on (y/n) were leaving!” you hear danny call from the living room. With a fortifying breath you give yourself one last look and walk out of the room. You make a pit stop in the bathroom and grab a towel to wrap around your body , you grabbed an extra four for the guys as well. The soft shag carpeting of the bath mat in the bathroom grounded you and calmed you.
“Just getting some towels!” you yell down assuming they heard you. You had the towels and you were ready to go, butterflies slammed incessantly into the sides of your stomach, begging to be released.
You walked down the stairs and found the guys waiting by the front door.
“Alright let's go” Josh says as he turns the bronze door knob, the sun gleamed in the sky, you squinted trying to combat its powerful rays.
“Jesus christ” Sam spat holding his hand up above his eyes.
“Good day for swimming,” Danny adds as you all walked towards the backyard, the neighbor in question was a few houses down. The warm soft grass felt inviting on the bottoms of your feet the sun bathed your skin with warmth like a hug from mother nature herself.
The pool was actually pretty big, you were almost surprised something like this was in someone's backyard and not on an episode of ‘cribs’. The boys begin pulling their shirts off with no thought , you were almost jealous at how little they had to worry about their bodies. You, on the other hand, were a little more reluctant. A few droplets of water hit your face as Jake jumps in the pool, then Danny then sam.
“Come on” Josh nudges you before joining his brothers. You watch them with a smile before dropping your towel , slowly. Jake was watching you intently only with his head visible above water. His lips part and his tongue smooths across them as he takes in the sight of you. His hair was wet and small drops of water cascaded down his face, he didn't seem to notice he was too engaged with you. You didn't see him looking at you at first and the first person to say anything was danny.
“Jesus…” he muttered, in a good way you had hoped.
“I'll take that as a compliment Daniel” you chime walking closer to the pool, using the ladder to slowly dip yourself in the refreshing water. It wasn't too cold or too hot, it was perfect and your body thanked you for it.
The guys swam around for a while, all of you splashing each other, laughing and probably being far too loud to go unnoticed by the other neighbors but none of you cared. It was freeing to be in the water, all your worries fade with every splash , ebb and flow just like the artificial waves Josh and Sammy were causing while wrestling in the water. You felt something grab your leg and pull you under before you could let out a sound. You smile when you see Jake's long hair floating aimlessly in the clear blue water, he waves to you then brings his hand to his lips and blows you a kiss before resurfacing. You stayed under a few seconds longer than followed him up. The noise of the outside world filling your ears once again. Jake flipped his hair out of his face, you watched in slow motion as droplets of water flung of the tips. You couldn’t help but take not of how attractive Jake is, his smooth sun kissed skin covered in droplets of water racing down his body
Stop stop stop.
You pull your eyes away from him , you could swear you saw him smile.
Your heart was fluttering in your chest, you hadn’t felt like this before about Jake, you’ve always seen him as a best friend. The night went on and now you and Jake found yourselves back at his house , upstairs on the balcony that was attached to his second floor bedroom.
“You want a drink?” He questions
“Wine?” You inquire with a smile.
“Yes ma’am, your favorite too, pink moscato” he returns the smile. You were at the kiszkas so often for dinner they’d always kept a bottle of your favorite wine in their liquor cabinet. Jake stepped out of his room and downstairs. You turned your attention to the sky. Pinks and oranges painted across the lazy sky as the sun began to set. You closed your eyes, your body tired from spending the day in the hot sun. The clinking of glasses brings you back to a more present state of mind. Your eyes flicker up to Jake who stood over you, holding a wine glass out to you , once you took it he returned to the wooden patio chair he was sitting on.
He poured your drink first and then his, the wind gently blowing his hair. You took a sip of the sweet and tart liquid, it was ice cold and delicious.
Your eyes find their way back to the sky.
“What a beautiful view” you chime to no one in particular. Jake looks to you, he watches the wind sweep through your hair , his eyes scan your profile lingering on your lips.
“Yeah...you’re gorgeous” he says , his words softly float out of his mouth.
“I means ITS- it’s a gorgeous...view” he corrects himself quickly, he curses himself under his breath. You pretend like you didn’t hear the first part but you did and it made your stomach flip. Did he really think you’re gorgeous?
“Are you sleeping over?” He asks, taking another drink from his glass. You mull the idea over in your head.
“Do you want me to?” You respond , a loaded question.
Jake catches this and smiles at you.
“Of course” he coos. This would not be the first time you slept over so it wasn’t a big deal.
The rest of the guys were downstairs drinking around the fire pit, you could see them from where you were sitting.
“Wanna join them?” Jake asks, noticing you gazing down at them.
“Sure!” You chime. The two of you grab your drinks and make your way to the fire pit.
“We should make s’mores” you propose making a pit stop in the kitchen. You open the cupboards looking for graham crackers and some chocolate bars. Marshmallows were on top of the fridge as always.
“Here I can carry that” Jake offers, taking the food from your hands , such a gentleman. His fingertips gently brush against yours and by the look in his sparkling eyes you couldn’t help but wonder if it was intentional.
“There they are,” Josh exclaims as you and Jake sat down. You sat next to Danny who welcomed you with a side hug and a kind smile. Jake sat across from you with Sammy. Flames of blazing heat separating the two of you, obstructing your view of him.
“We brought snacks” Jake chimes tossing the marshmallows to Sam who tore the bag open happily.
Conversation flowed as easily as the drinks, the sun was gone now, the heat of the alcohol was all you needed to keep you warm. The five of you spent a few hours around that fire landing you all in a drunken stooper.
“Well...I think I’m gonna go to bed ladies” you say, struggling to stand up. Danny holds your arm stabilizing you. You turn and give him a good night hug, his hand brushes up and down your back as he says goodnight. You take a lap hugging each of them , all of them saying goodnight. You stumble again as you walk towards the house.
“I’ll help her” Jake says standing to his feet, you feel his hand lay above your hip bone and his other hand grab your arm as he stands behind you holding you up.
“Went a little heavy on the wine huh girl?” He laughs as he moves you through the house.
“Yeah” you slur.
“Think you can make it up the stairs?” He asks, trying to catch your gaze. You shrug. He chuckles and just picks you up bridal style , carrying you gracefully up the stairs. He sets you down on his bed gently, his mattress shapes to your body , you feel him drape a thick comforter over you , his body weight settling next to you. He brushes your hair out of your face and kisses you softly, reluctantly on the cheek. It felt right, being here with him in this bed , with his arms wrapped around you , your body against his, his face nuzzled into your neck planting kisses on your shoulder. He whispers a soft goodnight.
The next morning you woke up to an empty bed, it took you a moment to realize where you were, your head pounded , the night before still knocking against your brain.
Jake was nowhere to be found , well, at least in the bedroom. You squint your eyes as the sun gleamed through the blinds
“Good morning” Jake voices as he steps into the room carrying a tray with breakfast foods laid out attractively.
“I brought you breakfast, I bet you’re feeling pretty rough” he chuckles as he sets the tray down so it’s stationed across your lap. You smile at the plate of delicious food in front of you and then turn to Jake.
“Oh Jake this is so sweet, thank you so much”
“You’re welcome girl….I made it all myself” he adds.
“Well here we can share” you chime scooting over so he could get closer, he wasted no time doing so.
You rest your head on his chest as he takes a drink of juice.
It all felt right, for the first time in your life everything felt right.
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marriedtothewriting · 5 years
Swiped Right
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Choi Minho x Female reader | Fluff | Request
Summary: You had decided to put up a profile in a dating app, but you would’ve never known you’d meet a man quite like Choi Minho.
Word Count: 2631
It seemed silly at first to make a profile in a dating app. It at times even felt a little desperate. But you weren’t desperate, you just simply didn’t know how else to meet a potential partner. And what shameful was there in looking for a partner online? Who knows, maybe you’ll meet your life’s partner.
   There were many suitors, which most you weren’t interested in, and the few you were, eventually didn’t seem like the right person for you. But suddenly, you noticed a picture of a very beautiful man. His selfies were taken more from the front, but he still looked very flattering. The other pictures were him being in the gym or overall a picture of his body. He had a great body too. He looked so unreal that you first bet he was just a catfish. Could someone that handsome be in a site like this? Surely he could get anyone he wanted. But the temptation was too great, you wanted to get to know him.
    You looked at his profile more carefully: “Choi Minho, 28, likes soccer, video-games and exercising”. Well, he seemed like a nice guy, you thought to yourself. What was the harm in contacting him? You wrote him a little message, just a simple “hi”. That was how you started talking to mister Choi.
   Minho was such a sweetheart. You two got closer, and he even began to send you a good morning message each morning. It was really cute. But you still feared he wasn’t real, as he seemed just too perfect. A few more messages later, you decided to ask if he would want to go on a date. You didn’t know where you got that courage, but you just really wanted to meet him face-to-face. To your delight, he agreed.
   And here you were, wearing your big date outfit. Just something casual: a clean black blouse and light blue jeans, still nice. Your make-up was also somewhat minimal, just foundation, a natural eye shadow with a soft eyeliner and some lip-tint that was darker than your own lip color. It really took all your willpower to not put on some bright eye shadow and your big and bold eyelashes with a very dramatic winged eyeliner and noticeable lip color. You looked at yourself in the mirror for the last time, before putting on a jacket and  heading out to meet your possible prince charming.
   It was a little chilly outside, but not too cold. Minho had suggested just a normal small café as a first date, and you were okay with that, so you were heading to the café you two chose. It gladly and conveniently wasn’t too far away from your place, so you decided to just walk there. Though after few too many steps you regretted your decision. The way there seemed longer than you remembered it to be. You already felt like you weren’t going to impress Minho with your low stamina.
   When you finally were close to the café, you saw a very familiar face with a dark hair standing in front of the place. You stopped in your tracks as you recognized it to be Minho. He was real. Your heart started bounding louder all of a sudden. The man was looking around, seeming calm. You honestly thought about turning around for a moment, you were so nervous. But then your brain told you how stupid that would be, so you took a deep breath and walked towards your date.
   Minho noticed you soon after, a gentle smile forming on his lips. God, he was so pretty. You tried to smile back, but you bet it looked very silly.
   “Hi”, he greeted with a delighted tone.
   “Hello”, you replied a little out of breath.
   “Did you walk all the way here?” he asked, seeming a little concerned.
   You simply nodded, then took another deep breath. Minho raised his eyebrows and honestly looked impressed.
   “I hope you haven’t been waiting for me for too long…” you then mentioned.
   “No I haven’t, maybe five minutes”, he replied with a smile.
   You still felt a little bad that he had to wait at all, but he kept smiling like he could read your mind and tried to assure you that it was fine.
   “You look really pretty”, Minho suddenly said, finishing with a smile.
   Your eyes widened and you shyly looked down, mumbling; “Thank you... you look very handsome yourself...”
   “Thank you”, he thanked. You were a little amazed that he could hear your mumbles. “Shall we go in?” Minho then asked, grabbing the door to open it.
   You nodded in response and he followed with opening the door completely. He gestured you to walk in first. Such a gentleman. You did so, stepping in the café before him. While walking towards the counter, you tried to look for your wallet from your bag, but Minho quickly stopped you.
   “No, I pay”, he said.
   You pouted a little, however, decided not to protest.
   “What would you like?” he asked.
   You had to think quickly. “A latte and… a cupcake.”
   He nodded reassuringly and asked you to find a place to sit while he went to order. You did as he asked, looking around. The place itself was fairly small, having light brown walls and smell of, well coffee. The tables were small and round, with a few customers sitting in them. You noticed one table with two chairs that were empty, so you walked towards it. You sat down, putting your bag down and taking you jacket off. You let it fall on the back of the chair you were sitting on and then hanged the bag on the corner. The seat was dark brown with a pastel pink leather cushion on the back and seat.
   Not too long after, Minho arrived holding a small tray with two mugs of coffee and your cupcake. He placed the tray down on the round table and sat down opposite to you. You thanked him and picked your mug and your treat. Minho took his coffee and took a sip of it.
   “This is good”, he said and placed the mug on the table.
   You decided to copy Minho and took a sip of your coffee, realizing it was a little hot, so naturally, you smacked the mug on the table very quickly and stuck your tongue out to cool it down. Classy.
   “Are you okay??” Minho asked worriedly.
   You nodded and held your hand up to calm him as you panted. “Yes, it was just… so hot…”
   Minho’s worried expression turned relaxed and he chuckled lightly. “Sorry, I should’ve mentioned that.”
   “It’s okay.” You took a deep breath to calm the burning sensation in your mouth, but to no avail. You glanced at Minho and he seemed slightly worried again. You quickly smiled, but you bet it looked like you were suffering.
   You looked at the cupcake on the table. It was wrapped in a pretty red and white polka dot paper, a pink strawberry whipped cream on top of the light brown cake. A sweet and cooling treat. So you grabbed it and took some of the wrapper off to have a bite, taking a lot of the whipped cream on top. It did taste delicious.
   You licked your lips and put the cupcake down, feeling your tongue cool down. Nice. But as you looked up to Minho, he had an expression on his face you couldn’t read. You raised your brow and then Minho kindly pointed at you and at his own mouth, like telling you something. You raised your fingers at your lips, then felt something on top of your upper lip. Lightly, you wiped your finger on your skin, taking off some whipped cream left-over. Oh, you have had a strawberry mustache.
   It felt embarrassing. First coffee and then the cupcake. Was everything against you? You grabbed a paper towel and wiped your mouth, hoping it wouldn’t take off any tint from your lips.
   “It must have tasted good”, Minho noted.
   You looked at him with a questionable look. “What?”
   “The cupcake”, he clarified.
   Your eyes widened in realization following with an assuring nod.
   “Would you like to taste?”
   Silence. You mentally smacked yourself. That sentence sounded so wrong. You were ready to apologize but before you could say anything Minho spoke.
   “Yes, I would like to.”
   You froze for a second, but as Minho rose his eyebrow, you awkwardly pushed the cupcake to him. He grabbed it and took a bite.
   “Ahh”, he let out a noise and basically slammed the cupcake on the table. “This is good! The baker did a good job!”
   You raised your eyebrow. Minho then pushed the cupcake back to you. You looked at the treat but then raised your eyes back up to your date.
   Minho smiled in satisfaction. You smiled back. Then, your eyes met, and you two simply stared at each other for a good thirty seconds. You could feel your face heating up slowly, so you covered your cheeks with your hands. Suddenly, Minho looked away, chuckling oddly. Was he also nervous? He acted more nervously, sifting his eyes to his coffee as he coughed lightly. It was incredibly adorable.
   The man in front of you slowly raised his gaze back to you in a shy way. You smiled even wider at him, which made him smile too. Though there had been a long silence between the two of you, and even though it was somewhat awkward, it didn’t feel uncomfortable. You felt very at home with this man, and you started to feel very glad you messaged him in the first place.
It had been some time, you honestly didn’t even know how long, and your date with Minho had been fun. You still held the awkward atmosphere for a while, but it didn’t really matter. It was more cute awkwardness since it was your first date and all.
   “Are you enjoying yourself?” Minho asked you.
   “Yes, it has been lovely”, you replied with a gentle smile.
   “Good”, he seemed satisfied. “I also feel the same.”
   You took the last sip of your coffee and ate the last bite of the cupcake, putting the mug on the table. Minho had finished his coffee before you. He then took out his phone and looked at the screen.
   “Oh, it’s already been an hour?” he then said with a surprised tone.
   Your eyes widened. “Really? It felt like maybe half an hour at max…”
   “Well, time flies with good company”, Minho nodded his head to himself and you chuckled, nodding back in agreement.
   “But… I should go home…” you mumbled, even though you didn’t really want to go.
   “That’s okay.”
   Both you and Minho stood up from your seats, Minho clumsily bumping the table so that his mug fell down. Probably due to his long legs.
   “Ah!” He quickly grabbed it and put it back.
   You chuckled silently. “Glady there was no coffee in the mug anymore.”
   Minho laughed himself, agreeing with you.
   You two walked at the door, and like a gentleman, Minho rushed to the door and opened it for you. You smiled wide, nodding your head while you walked past the man. He quickly followed you and the door closed behind him.
   You turned around to face Minho, smiling kindly at him. “Well, as I said, I had a nice time", you began. “Maybe we could do this again, but I should really go now.”
  “Hold on-!” Minho said quickly. “I’ll walk you home.”
   You blinked your eyes two times in confusion. “What? No... I’m fine-.”
   Minho, however, stopped you before you could finish by placing his hand up.
   “Please, it’s getting dark", he noted. “And it’s not a problem at all.”
   You pouted your lips a bit. But, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to walk along with this perfect man. So you sighed in defeat and nodded your head in agreement.
   “You’re right…” you admitted. “I could use a strong and brave company like you.”
   You froze for a moment. You didn’t know where that came from and how you would just say it so bluntly.
   You looked at Minho and he was smiling in approval. How annoying. You punched him gently on the chest and he chuckled.
   “Don’t worry my lady”, he said with a firm tone. “I will protect you!”
   You rolled your eyes at his cheesy act. “Just come on then.”
   And so, you started walking, Minho closely following you. You were very concentrated on where you were going, and you walked with determination. Minho was following you the best he could, but you walked fast. You heard him talking some small talk and you answered when you could.
   You then finally ended up in front of your apartment building. You stopped and Minho followed, looking around. You turned around to face the taller man.
   “Welp”, you began. “This is my stop.”
   Minho looked at you. “It’s nice”, he said.
   You nodded your head.
   Then, there was another awkward silence, this time for too long. You both just looked at each other, both waiting for something to happen, for the other one to say something. You finally decided to break the silence.
   “I should go”, you began, “I had a lovely date, Minho. Thank you.”
   “I also had a nice time”, he continued.
   You smiled and then started walking towards the door of the large building.
   “Are we going to meet again?”
   You stopped in your tracks, then turned back to Minho. He looked hopeful, his eyebrows up. God, he looked so cute.
   “Maybe”, you simply answered. Though you wanted to say “definitely”.
   “’Maybe’?” Minho mumbled to himself.
   Then, Minho took a step in your direction, gripping your arm and pulling you closer to him. You stared at Minho’s eyes, but he wasn’t staring at yours. His eyes were fixed on your lips. You could hear your heart bounding in your ears as his face got closer to you. And soon Minho’s lips were on yours. Your eyes were wide open for a small moment, but they closed as you kissed the man back. The kiss lasted for a second, but you swore it felt much longer.
   Minho was staring at you intensely, and you could feel your cheeks heating up again. Then, he let go of you and looked away shyly. How was this man so sexy and so cute at the same time?
   “I’m sorry…” he spoke softly. “I just… I hope I didn’t break any boundaries.” He then bowed deep.
   You started chuckling gently. The man slowly rose and looked up at you through his lashes.
   “It’s okay”, you said. “I really liked it...”
   Minho smiled wide at your comment and rose up completely. “I hope you have a nice night!”
   You nodded. “I hope you have a nice night as well.”
   And so, you turned around, going through the door to the large building, Minho leaving behind. You walked to the elevator and called it to you, looking back to the door with larger windows. Minho still stood there, like it was his duty to make sure you would go to your apartment. You waved at the man and he waved back. Then you heard the ting and the doors inside the elevator opened. You stepped in, taking your last glance of the beautiful Choi Minho and then the doors closed.
   You smiled to yourself as you thought of the man you were on a date with. How on earth did you end up meeting a man as perfect as Choi Minho? But then you took a deep breath. Did it matter? You were the happiest person on earth, for sure.
Request: “ Hi I saw you’re a new blog and your first scenario was really good, shawols are so talented💙I wanted to request a fluff scenario with Minho!Apparently Taemin said Minho uses dating apps(no idea if he was joking)and I thought it’d be fun to have a scenario where Minho and Reader maybe met on a dating app and their first date goes horribly wrong(not in a bad way, more like funny mistakes)but they still end up maybe kissing already afterwards ;)I hope this wasn’t too specific haha it’s up to you “ -Anon 
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otakurobincandy · 3 years
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Yumetwins Sweet Sakura Morning March 2022 Box @yumetwins (The moment this box was announced I counted down the days until my boxes renewal! 😅😅) This box is all about routines which is definitely something I do everyday and each item definitely helps out with that! - Cardcaptor Sakura Tumbler ( I absolutely love this Tumblr because i absolutely adore Cardcaptor Sakura; I'm currently using it for teas and Matcha Lattes! And it's so cute and helps me when i have morning shifts or for when im up earlier then normal) - Milk Carton Planner Sticky Notes ( I actually received one of these in a stationary box I got last year (I got the blue and yellow on in that) and I desperately wanted more because I lobe kawaii milk themes; so this time around I got the cute Pink one! (Strawberry Milk anyone) Cannot wait to take little notes to myself!) - Kawaii Character Alarm Clock ( I have a Sumikko Gurashi wall clock from a yumetwins prize back in 2020 and now I have a matching colour/character one for my desk! I'm always looking at the clock to make sure I'm sticking to my schedule and more clocks the better! - Japanese Pattern Quill Pen (I always wanted a Quill/feather pen after seeing my best friends one that she had back in highschool and I'm so thrilled for mine and I absolutely love the pattern on it) - Yumetwins Original Nyan Nyan Sailor Suit Cushion (this was the big ticket item for me this box. I knew exactly where it was going; my desk chair and is absolutely comfy. I use for arm rests, head rests and for my back. It's so cute and perfect!) #yumetwins #yumeroutine #kawaii #subcriptionbox #cute #cardcaptorsakura #nyannyan #sumikkogurashi #clock #Tumblr #stationary #pillow https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca1DUWxL190/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bttomyoongi · 7 years
м.у.g + ρ.ʝ.м | chpt 4
—¢αмвσу [уσσимιи] αυ
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🅿🆃 4
9:57 PM
Min Yoongi’s Apartment
Yoongi tapped his fingers his thigh eyes cast up as a bored sigh let his pink lips. Yoongi glanced around his eyes setting on the discarded bowls and coffee stains on the yellow coffee table in front of him.
Yoongi shifted moving his laptop off his lap setting it down beside him before getting up and picking up the discarded items and placing them in the sink.
Yoongi made his way over to the mirror in the corner of the living room which was slightly dirty causing another small sigh to leave his pretty pink lips. Yoongi flattened the skirt against his milky thighs titling his head slightly as he twisted his body inspecting every curve and flaw.
A barely audible ding came from his laptop, he turned his head and made his way back over to the couch plopping down placing the laptop back onto his lap. A small giggle left his lips
Parkmin95 has added you
“Park..” he titled his head slightly ‘cute’ he thought to himself he glanced down noticing three speech bubbles. He brought his legs up crossing them as he waited patiently.
Ready little one?..
Yoongi almost nodded his head a slightly a blush rose to his cheeks as he shook his head and typed back.
Of course|
Of cour|
Of co|
Of |
Yeah I’m ready
Yoongi cleared his throat setting the laptop on his coffee table eyes averting over to the box of his favorite toys under the coffee table. The glass dildo sitting directly on top of all the items.
The Skype ringtone rang from every corner of the room shaking yoongi out of his thoughts. Yoongi leaned forward clicking the accept button before leaning back draping one of his legs over the other straight Yoongi took his bottom lip between his teeth waiting as the screen connected.
Yoongi lips parted open as he was met with a sight. Even tho the person before him was not fully shown it was enough to almost cause the elder to release ribbons of cum in the red lace underwear he wore under the pretty black skirt which made his milky thighs look almost edible.
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A soft chuckle rang from the speakers of the laptop. Yoongi almost melted in a puddle from the sound. “How should we start little one? Maybe you wanna ride one of your pretty toys or show me just how deep those beautiful fingers of yours can go? Hm?”
‘I’m in fact paying for a good show’ the younger thought tilting his head slightly as he starred at the screen eyes trailing over the elders thigh up to see a faint sight of red he glanced up starring at the elders slightly pudgy stomach up to his defined collarbone begging to be marked with shades of red, purple, and blue.
A hum of appreciation left the younger’s lips as he ran his fingers through his orange hair leaning slightly on his right hand. “Is that what you want me to do sir?” He questioner watching as the younger bit his lower lip gently wishing he could use those lips upon his own and other places.
The younger nodded his head eyes turning a darker shade of brown as the elder leaned back on the couch splitting one of his legs giving the younger a clear view of the red lace that was once peeking from the skirt he glanced at the elders eyes noticing his pupils slightly blown out lips parted slightly as he leaned back his hands trailing down the sides of the skirt slowly hiking it up.
His fingers gently gripped the waistband of the lace slipping them down his thigh and throwing them beside the toy box on the ground. Yoongi leaned down slightly pulling the glass dildo from the top of the stack he cast his eyes up slightly to meet the younger’s before he averted his attention back down grabbing the small jar of strawberry lube bringing both to the side of him.
Yoongi glanced at the younger through the cam. “Go ahead and prep yourself little one” Yoongi blushed a slightly red shade grabbing the jar of lube propping both of his legs up he shoved three of his fingers inside the jar of lube slipping them out quickly after setting the jar to the side.
Yoongi bit down on his lower lip his middle finger brushing past the bundle of nerves pushing the finger against his rim. He pushed the first finger in and leaned his head back against the cushions slowly easing a second finger inside of himself.
A soft moan left his lips as he shut his eyes closed. Jimin felt his skinny jeans growing tighter he gnawed on his lower lip shifting around in the chair. In his head he was calculating the cost of all this and determined the elder would surely be able to buy himself a whole two month trip to Paris for the prince.
Yoongi shoved a third finger inside of himself slightly slouching against the couch his hips raised slightly meeting the pace of the three fingers felt deep in his walls. Moans of pleasure a few profanities left the elders lips as he rutted his hips up feeling his stomach tightening up.
“Pull the out” the younger said eyes watching closely. A slight whine left Yoongi’s now cherry red lips as he slowly slipped all three fingers out. “Good boy” a hum left the elders lips at the praising surely praising was his favorite kink.
“How about you play with a toy for me little one” Yoongi nodded lust filled eyes casting on the glass dildo. Yoongi lifted up the toy eyes shinning with excitement he placed the toy at his rim feeling the coolness of it mixing with the heat of his rim a soft hum escaping his lips.
Yoongi glanced up his eyes shining eyes visible through the screen as the younger nodded his head signaling the elder. Yoongi giggled to himself as he twisted his body over raising the skirt up to his waist as he lent forward exposing his plum ass to the camera.
“Fuck” Jimin swore softly eyes never straying away from the screen as the breathe got stuck in his throat lips parted slightly.
Yoongi giggled slightly as he swayed his hips slightly pushed the tip of the glass dildo past his rim. Yoongi slid down onto the glass feeling all his muscles and nerves toggle slightly as he clenched around the glass toy.
Eyes rolling back in his head as he threw his head back hips jolting upwards as his hips rutted against the glass.
Jimin leaned forward in his seat his mind going blank a dazed expression clear as day could be seen on his face as he started at the elder with so much amazement and lust. Wishing that for a moment the glass would be replaced his cock which was strained against his boxers begging to be released and to release the load of cum which he wished would fill the elder to the rim.
A whine and whimper left the elders lips as he rolled his hips against the toy mind going hazy. “How does it feel little one..?” The younger questioned.
Yoongi lips opened and closed as he struggled to find the words. “A-ah s-so good” he moaned out feeling his stomach tightening up and clenching tighter than before around the toy lips parted open.
His tongue swept across his lower lip as his body slightly began to shake a orgasm rushing through every area of his body.
“Cum for me little one..”
Yoongi leaned down turning his body and resting all his weight on his forearms as he rutted his hips up faster before ribbons of cum shot out his untouched slightly red tip. The white substance landed on the tip of his nose, and all over the black skirt, some even managing to fly onto his laptop.
Jimin failed to notice the cum dripping from his boxers down his thigh almost straining his jeans as he starred at the elder, lips almost fully open. “Damn..” he mumbled to himself.
Yoongi turned himself around to face the camera pants leaving his lips as he slipped the glass dildo out of himself. “...did I do a good job sir?..” he questioned Jimin only nodded his head in response struggling to find words. A breathless giggle left Yoongi’s lips as he dropped the toy beside him. “It felt so good...but I’m sure I would enjoy riding you a whole lot more.. we should play some more some other time Mr Park”
Yoongi winked as he leaned forward. The cum on the tip of his nose glistening brightly. “I really enjoy playing with you” Yoongi giggled tilting his head his finger hovering over the end call button “text me sometime yeah?” He clicked the red button hearing the ending noise before leaning back in his chair.
His face turning red instantly, he covered his face with his hands slipping the skirt down his thighs standing up and making his way into his bedroom. Yoongi grabbed a oversized long sleeve shirt and slipped it on along with a pair of boxers making his way back to the living room.
Yoongi’s phone buzzed as he made his way over to it. He picked it up starring at the screen before him.
Transaction complete
[++a/n: this turned out differently than I expected but Jimin and Yoongi will meet up soonnnn++]
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chocobabyporcelain · 7 years
How would the bros react to an S/O who wears jfashion? (I'm trying to think of things you like but all i can think of is jfash)
I am so here for this. But of course, you knew that.I did a different subfashion with each bro, but if you wanna see a specific bro with a specific fashion, just shoot me an ask and I’ll get to it.I’ve included a links to a pinterest baord on each fashion so if you’re not familiar, you can get a better visual.(Also, side note, I can totally see Iris dressing in Visual Kei)
Tags: @neko-otaku13 @itsmootothecow @itshaejinju @mp938368 @ffxv-milkshake @bespectacled-girl @insomniacapples @expectogladiolus
Noctis –Decora:
Noctis had known you since middle school, but he’d never seen yououtside of school before. Which meant he’d never seen you inanything other than your school uniform and the minimal makeup yourschool would allow.
Whenhe saw you at the arcade, dressedbrighter than a rainbow, he couldn’t help but stare. Nobody couldhelp but stare. Not all of them appreciative.
Youwere dressed in a bright yellow cut-sew with multicoloured polkadots, along with a red and blue chequered skirt over rainbow tights.There were glittery greenplatform sandals on your feet and a strawberry patterned jacketdraped loosely over your shoulders. You had a seemingly impossibleamount of hair clips decorating your bright red wig and plasticjewellery lining your wrists and fingers. Yourfuzzy, blue monster backpack was hanging limply from your arm as youand your friend, who was dressed similarly, battled on one of themachines.
“Yes!” you yelled out your victory, throwing your hands in theair as you jumped up and down, your backpack bouncing on your arm.
You friend groaned loudly and threw her head down in a pout. “You’reonly good at this because you have more experience.” she grumbled.
Noctis could hardly believe it was you. Could this really be (Y/N)?The girl in his class who kept to herself and barely said a word toanybody? The girl who got so embarrassed when she mispronounced“disestablishment” that she refused to speak for the rest of theday?
He took a deep breath and slowly made his way over to you. “(Y/N)?”
Youturned to face him, youreyes widening when you saw exactly who was addressing you. “PrinceNoctis!” You stepped back, subconsciously pulling your jacketfurther around yourself, as if trying to hide.
Your friend cast a look between the two of you and smiled. “I’mgonna go grab some sodas.” she said, slipping away before you couldcall her back.
An awkward silence stretched between you, both of you looking aroundin different directions.
You both spoke simultaneously, and then laughed nervously atyourselves.
“You first.” Noctis insisted.
Younodded.“I was just gonna say it’s a little strange seeing you outside ofschool.” You pulled yourbackpack to your front, running your fingers through its soft fuzz. Anervous habit you’d picked up somewhere along the line.
Noctissmiled at you, giving your coord a once over. Which made you a littleself-conscious, honestly. “You look amazing.” he gesturedvaguely at your clothes. “So bright andbeautiful.”
It was hard to tell who blushed harder at that comment, you orNoctis.
“Colourful!”he corrected. “Bright an-Bright and colourful.”
Youchuckled. “Thank you.” Youlet one arm fallfrom your bagto your side, fingers playing with the hem of your skirt. “It’scalledDecora fashion.”
“I’dlove to hear all about it,” Noctis was almost embarrassed at howquickly he’d spoken. “If, y’know, you’d like to tell me?”
Youswayed a little, rolling up onto the balls of your feet with a brightsmile. “Yeah, I’d really like that.” you replied, maybe alittle too eagerly.
Iswear, Decora is a lot nicer looking than the coord I just described.
Prompto – Fairy Kei:
You were sat on a high wall just behind the overlook in Lestallumwhen Prompto first saw you. He caught sight of your pastel pink andbaby blue sneakers dangling just above his line of sight. “Oh,”he muttered softly as he looked up and saw you in your entirety.
Your fluffy tutu in pink, mint and lavender splayed out either sideof you, draping over the pastel candy-print tights that encased yourthighs. The pink sweater you were wearing (in Lestallum, which wasquestionable enough) was easily three times too big for you, one sidehanging off your shoulder, and had “Barbie” written across thefront in pretty cursive letters. You wore baby blue knee-highs overyour tights, with little pink teddy bears holding balloons on thesides, disappearing into your high-top sneakers. Your hair was dyedin split colours, pink one side, blue the other, and was tied up intwin-tails, with slightly uneven tie-off points which looked clumsy,but cute. You were swinging your legs daintily, fully engrossed inyour phone.
Prompto couldn’t help the smile that stretched across his face ashe looked up at you. A real life fairy princess, perched comfortablyatop her vantage point, looking out at the world. You were beautiful.A true vision in soft pastels.
He took a deep breath, gathering the courage to call out to you.“Exc– Excuse me!”
You peered over the top of your phone, unsure whether or not thevoice was calling you. You saw the blonde man down below waving toyou, and you gave your own shy, tentative wave in return.
“Hey, this might sound weird but, um,” he lifted his camera, asif to make you aware of its existence. “Would you be comfortablewith me taking your picture?”
You knitted your eyebrows, worrying your lower lip a little. “Oh,erm…” You considered it, briefly.  He seemed genuine enough andhe did ask permission first. That’s gotta count forsomething, right? You took a breath and forced a smile. “Yeah,sure.” You placed your phone down beside you and held up a peacesign.
Prompto hesitated. “Are you sure?” he called up. You werebeautiful and he definitely wanted a picture of you, but hewasn’t prepared to make you uncomfortable.
“I’m sure.” you replied, giving a short chuckle.
Prompto smiled up at you once more and aligned his camera, spending alittle time adjusting in a way that was comfortable and got a goodangle. He framed it perfectly, the midday sun behind you in a waythat made you glow radiantly.
“How do I look?”
“Gimme a sec.” He quickly made his way up the small hill, and youswivelled around on the wall to greet him.
You jumped off your comfy perch and grabbed your soft backpack offthe ground, stuffing your phone back into the yellow fluff.
Prompto stopped short when he caught sight of it. The fluffy birdshaped bag was recognisable anywhere. “Is your backpack a chocobo?”he asked with an excited smile.
You giggled, pulling your soft bag closer, cuddling him like aplushie. “Yeah. He’s super cute. I love him.” you said, swayingthe bag as if nursing a child.
“I think you might be my favourite person.” Prompto muttered,unable to stop the heat rising to his cheeks.
Blushing just as bright, you gave another nervous giggle, buryingyour face in the soft fluff of your chocobo backpack. “Do you, um,”you lowered the bag from your mouth, realising it was probablymuffling your speech. “Do you think you could email me that pictureso I can use it for my blog?” you asked, gesturing to his camera.
“Oh, sure thing.” Prompto reached into his pocket and dug out hisphone, opening his notes app and handing it to you. “Here, writedown your email address.”
You took the phone from him, typed in what you needed to, and handedit back.
Your name, email address and phone number.
“(Y/N?),” he smiled. “That’s a pretty name.”
“Thanks.” You began to fidget with your bracelet, a band ofplastic, pastel beads spelling Cry Baby that was previouslyhidden beneath your sleeve. “So, do you have a name, orshould I credit you as Mr. Camera.” you asked.
Prompto snorted at the nickname. “It’s Prompto.” he replied,maybe hoping a little that you’d call him Mr. Camera anyway. Maybehe thought it sounded kinda cool.
“Prompto.” you repeated.
That’s when a car horn decided to blast, startling the both of you.
“(Y/N)!” you heard your friend’s voice call.
You looked up to the road, where you could see the car of anotherfriend, the one in question leaning far out of the window. “Get in,loser. We got a tea party to get to!”
You waved and turned back to Prompto. “That’s my ride.” Youhesitated, rocking slightly on your heels. “So… text me later?”you trailed off cautiously.
“Sure thing!” Prompto’s reply was immediate. “I’ll send thephoto tonight.”
You smiled and nodded. “Thank you so much.” With that, you rushedto your friend’s car, pausing to wave before you climbed in,ignoring your friends as they teased you.
Prompto waited until the car drove off before looking back at hiscamera, at the photograph of you, sitting atop the wall with thatsweet smile. “Ah, geez.” he muttered.
He had it bad.
Hereis my very own Fairy Kei board!In fact, most of the coord in this is based off my actual wardrobe.
Also,can I throw out the headcanon that Prompto is totally prepared totwin with his Fairy Kei S/O?
Ignis – Uchuu Kei:
For as long as Ignis has known you, he’s known about your penchantfor space. Many a time he’d found you, in the wee hours of themorning, curled up on the woven chair that sat on your balcony,staring up at the night sky.
He loved the sound of pure excitement in your voice as you pouredover your star chart, talking endlessly about the vastness and beautyof space, yet to be explored.
The crescent moon string lights you’d hung around the vanitymirror, the nebula print cushions you’d decorated the bed with, thenebula soaps in the bathroom, all of it may not have been to Ignis’staste, per say. But, a shared home should have equal representationof all parties coexisting, and that was your mark.
He’d noticed you were starting in integrate your passion for spacein your outfits. It started with your nails, your usual block colouracrylics traded in for nebula patterns. Then, there was a pair ofholographic creepers you had your heart set on from the moment yousaw them.
You’d started to wonder if you could make your whole wardrobe spacethemed. Or would that be silly? You supposed it was. After all, youweren’t a little girl anymore, and they probably didn’t even makespace themed clothing in your size.
Still, that didn’t stop you looking it up at home whileprocrastinating work. You scrolled through pages and pages ofchildren dressed as aliens and astronauts, becoming more and morediscouraged at each microhuman you saw draped in silver, green andUFO print.
Until, you stumbled upon something amazing.
You slammed your hands down on the table, staring wide-eyed at thescreen on your laptop.
“(Y/N)?” Ignis called, poking his head around the door of thesmall dinning room, where you were (supposed to be) working. “Whatwas that? Are you alright?”
You smiled at him over the top of your heavily decorated laptop.“It’s a thing!” you muttered, your voice pinching slightly asyour excitement become more apparent. You beckoned him over to showhim the images on your screen.
Ignis came to stand behind you, placing an arm across your shoulders.He watched with you as you scrolled down the page, showcasing imageafter image of people—adults—wearing nebula patterns,silver, constellations, aliens. Space fashion was a thing!
“It’s called Uchuu Kei,” you said, opening a few images in newtabs for a closer inspection. “I can’t believe it’s actually athing!”
The excitement in your voice brought a smile to Ignis’s face. “Ithink it’d suit you nicely.” He pointed to a particular image onthe screen. I girl dressed in a silver dress, navy, star sprinkledtights and holographic creepers. “You’re halfway there, you justneed the dress.” he commented with a chuckle.
You laughed along, mulling it over in your mind. Could you reallypull it off? You wanted to, but you weren’t convinced. What if youjust looked really silly? “You think so?” you asked, a littleshyly.
And with that, your mind was made up. You’d try out Uchuu Kei. Andif it didn’t suit you, it didn’t suit you, and it would be alearning experience and you’d move on.
It started with you collecting garments, tucking them away in yourcloset until you felt you had enough to build a semi-decent coord. Itwas mostly tops and sweaters, you noticed. All with aliens, crescentmoons, rocket ships and various other space motifs. You only had ahandful of suitable skirts and one pair of shorts, and two pairs oftights.
When you felt you had enough, you wanted to work on building a coord.You gathered all of the Uchuu clothes from your closet and laid themout neatly on the bed. You’d pick up a shirt, lay it over a skirtand then put it back, picking up a different shirt and trying again.
You were there for hours, and quickly growing frustrated.Why was coording so hard?
When you finally settled on what you hoped was a workable coord, yougot changed, applying a little makeup and checking yourself over inthe mirror. “Ignis,” you called, making your way out of thebedroom and landing before your boyfriend in a cute curtsy. “Do Ilook alright?”
Ignis regarded you with an appreciative hum. You were wearing a shortsleeved t-shirt, black with a little green alien riding in a UFO withthe words I BELIEVE written in bold, friendly letters.On top of that was a nebula print suspender skirt, the strapsdecorated with badges of UFOs and rocket ships. You were wearing oddsocks, one navy and sprinkled with glittery stars and one a plainwhite, both pulled up to just under your knees, and on your feet,your beloved holographic creepers.
With a gentle smile, Ignis got to his feet, placing a hand on thesmall of your back, pulling you closer. “You look exquisite,darling.” he whispered, softy brushing a stray lock of hair fromyour face. “My little space princess.”
Someexamples of Uchuu Kei.
Gladiolus – Oshare Kei:
Gladiolus has known you for a long time. He’s seen all of yourabrupt style changes, and they happened often.
When you two met, you were playing around with Gyaru. It was acomfortable style, but the fake tan was annoying, and the bleachedblonde and heavy makeup really did not suit you.
You very briefly tried a Classic Lolita style, but thatquickly evolved into a more Gothic Lolita style, which youfound far more suited to you. Far more stylish.
Moriwas one of Gladio’s personal favourite looks on you. Theloose, floaty dresses and thick woollen cardigans gave you adelicate, doll-like look, and the earthy tones made you appear like aforest sprite.
When you announced, out of the blue, that you wanted to try adifferent style, Gladio had to admit that he was sad to see yourforest girl look go.
He very quickly changed his mind when he saw your next style.
Thefirst thing he noticed was that you haddyed your hair again. Mostlyblack this time, with neon pink dip dye. The vest you had on was alsoblack, full of rips with more neon pink peeking through. Hecould see the slightest hint of black, Lycra shorts peering outbeneath your short, pink and black tartan skirt. Yourblack and pink striped socks were uneven, one just below your kneeand the other pushed down to mid-calf, both disappearing intobattered, black converse.
Youspun on the spot, your skirt flaring out and showing off how snuglythose shorts fit. “What do you think?” yourquestion ended in a nervous lilt to your voice as youendedyour twirl in a cute little curtsey.
Gladiolooked you up and down, a muted grinplaying on his lips. “I think,” he said, pulling himself up offof the sofa and approaching you. He held your wrist in his hand andtwirled you once more, leaving you giggling and almost falling intohim. “thatyou look amazing.”
He stepped back, admiring you all over again. “What’s it called,again?” he asked.
“OshareKei.” you answered. “It’s kinda like Visual Kei, but morecolourful.” You swayed alittle, glancing down at your outfit. “Well, more pink, on thisoccasion.” You chuckled nervously, suddenly becoming self-criticalof your chosen colour scheme. Was it too same-y?No, no, plenty of coords use a two-colour palette, you looked fine.Better than fine. You lookedamazing! Right?
Gladioraised an eyebrow at you. “Hey, I know that look.” He lifted youup by the waist and held you with one arm under your butt and theother supporting you back. Herested his forehead against yours and looked you in the eye. “Believeme, (Y/N). You look incredible.Better than… the girl fromthat… Visual band you like…”he trailed off, trying toremember the band, or the girl, or anything, really.
Youscrunched your nose a little. Well, that was vague,but you decided you’d take the compliment, anyway. You smiled,wrapping your arms around Gladio’s neck, swinging your legs gentlyat his sides. “Thanks, Gladio.” you muttered.
Ican see Gladio really being into the “soft punk” vibe Oshare Keigives.
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yuriplisetsk · 7 years
Just because I am a huge sucker of your writing and I literally cannot have enough of it, I would kindly request some nice teacup piggy Yuuri and his owner Viktor? Thank you for being awesome! :*
Viktor gets to Yuuri through a friend’s friend. He doesn’t actually need another pet, but he’s a man weak to cuteness with more money than anyone at twenty seven years old should have. And Yuuri  is so cute, he falls in love immediately.
He’s a hue of pretty pink with brown round spots, and arguably the cutest thing Viktor’s ever seen. He’s a little, shy, nervous flurry of movement. The first day, Viktor puts him down only for him to squeal into the undiscovered territory of his living room and corner himself into a secluded spot. Makkachin, always the gracious host, goes to him with her cold nose and patient huffs. Yuuri cowers in fear, but Makkachin puts her nuzzle down on her paws and waits for him to approach voluntarily. After some minutes, Yuuri tentatively does. He wobbles out from under the chair and sniffs at her paws, shortens the distance between them inching very slowly forward.
In no time, Viktor is the lucky spectator of a bond forming, sealed by slobbery kisses. Makkachin’s tongue can easily cover the entirety of Yuuri’s head, and after clutching at his heart dramatically, Viktor prepares himself to give a lot of baths to his pets.
After that, it’s actually easy. And adorable. Makkachin takes a serious liking to the teacup pig, and lets him cuddle up into her curls, bestowing licks and yips and getting them both to play fetch together, to the point of letting Yuuri sleep with her and conceding her favourite toy (which is big as Yuuri’s body, so it looks absolutely heart stopping to see him trying to snuggle it). Yuuri likes to hide into the couch cushions, and running aimlessly around on the carpet - one time he tries to ride on Makkachin’s back, too, but he has no claws to hold onto her and it ends miserably on the floor, and then in Viktor’s hands, who tries to comfort him by holding him up, earning him excited yaps and some pee - but Yuuri starts coming when called and tentatively presses his little snout into Viktor’s palm to express affection, and Viktor squeals and floods his instagram with photos and videos. 
“My cute little piggy,” he captions, with an outrageous amount of emojis, and some millions of likes later his fans start sending him little clothes for Yuuri to wear. Yuuri doesn’t really like the attention, at all, but he begrudgingly accepts it because he gets a lot of treats and he’s a voracious eater.
Viktor coos and praises him, starts bringing him to official events as long as Yuuri looks comfortable with it. He bundles him into warm clothes to avoid him feeling the cold of the ice, puts him into his own scarf whenever he can just to flutter butterfly kisses on his face, to which Yuuri replies with joyous, almost embarrassed squeals. At the rink, everyone is taken with him. Even Yakov. Yura calls him katsudon just to be a pain in the ass, but otherwise presses his slender fingers into the bristles while Yuuri yips excitedly and lets him eat from his hands. Viktor has to start really cleaning his house because at any time, someone might drop off unannounced to play with Yuuri. It wasn’t this bad even when Makka was a puppy. But it’s undeniably nice.
He gets piles and piles of toys mailed to him, and every time he checks his email, there’s some new publicity offer which Yuuri would be very welcome to star in. Viktor doesn’t want to stress his little pet, but some of the offers are just too cute to pass on. Like that one with the strawberry.
All in all, Yuuri takes surprisingly well to stardom.
Viktor totally doesn’t make him get professional photo shoots. Except he does, and the one with the ice cream becomes the most liked photo of the century. Oh, well. It’s not like Yuuri would mind (he would).
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daydreamindollie · 7 years
[Seokjin x Reader] Three Kisses
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M I N I . S E Q U E L . TO : The Boxed Lunch Mystery
Genre: Fluffiness Overload
Length: 2.8k
Quick Summary: These are the three kisses that you owe Jin.
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"...Pucker up beautiful..." he leaned closer and you felt as though your heart would beat out of your chest from sheer excitement and fear. As foul fate would have it though, anxiety had quickly oppressed all of your elation and stomped it into the ground, into nothing, making you lean back whilst he continued to incline into your face.
"Jin...I-I haven't been kissed before." He stopped a hair's breadth away, his plump lips just at the reach of yours but it also felt like multiverses away, all at the same time. Holding your breath in suspense, it wasn't until he had reclined several inches did you finally allow yourself to breathe with liberation. A handful of moments passed achingly lethargically, where he took the time to examine your expressions, they changed from embarrassment...to shame...and eventually morphed into self-dissatisfaction.
He got the hint.
Instead of quenching his desires to lock lips with you, he simply raised your gaze at the soft hold he had on your rounded chin and stared lovingly into your eyes.
"I will wait until you're ready..." there was a tender peck placed at the centre of your temple, causing the flourishing of rosy blossoms to tint your ample cheeks, "I'm just glad I finally have you in my arms and am finally able to call you mine." encasing you in his strong arms, you smiled in content, a herculean weight seemed to have instantly been lifted from your petite shoulders and brought a wondrous relief...but it only seemed as though it was placed onto your (now) lover's infamous broadness, which wasn't any better, in fact, it was worse.
Disappointment consumed your form like a starved being as you hesitantly permitted your head to fall onto his cushioning chest, "I'm sorry Jin..."
Smiling into the crown of your head and addictively taking in the scent of your shampoo, he whispered another phrase of honest reassurance, "Don't worry...this is more than enough..." You sighed in consolation. "For the meantime..." You could feel his smirk take command over his once caring smile, which had you whining and throwing weak hits at his back as soon as a string of laughter flowed past his pink lips. "Hey! I've sworn to get those kisses and I will." he leaned back before snapping his head forward to nuzzle his nose with yours in an Eskimo, "Watch your back jagi~"
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It was clear that the boys also knew what was up between you and your boyfriend (using that title to call Jin still had you blushing a colour redder than cherries), and they were being as persuasive as they could with you.
"You know..." Taehyung started one day as he swung in his chair beside you, fully grasping onto the opportunity of having the teacher's back turned. "Hyung's a really nice guy." you hummed in agreement, already knowing where the conversation was going, "Good - you agree!" he grinned rectangularly, his eyes scrunching up as his nostrils of his nose flared somewhat. This kid always gets so excited, too easily, "Do you know what he deserves?" he rocked his chair to stretch across the path between your desks and gravitate towards your face. Closer and closer he came..his eyelids peeling back as far as they could go, doing his best to communicate how serious the topic was to you.
"Wh-what's that?" you whispered cautiously, scared of the already suspicious teacher, Taehyung wasn't as closely paying attention to his peripheral view, however, his voice only becoming louder and - soon enough - everyone's eyes were practically on him (and you), rather than the teacher.
"He deserves a Kis-"
"KIM TAEHYUNG! Step Outside Right This Instant! I Will Not Have You Disrupting My Lesson!"
It looked like he wanted to complain but, fortunately, he ended up knowing better and - for once in his life - screwed his mouth shut before obediently making his way out of class, but not before turning and grinning widely at you.
"When you kiss, make sure to make a loud 'MWAH' sound so that he knows you enjoyed it!"
Giggles from the girls and sniggers from the boys followed him through the doorway but all was silenced by the chilling stare of the professor.
"Don't listen to him (Y/N), he doesn't know anything about being in a relationship," Jimin whispered from the other side of you, reassurance that you definitely needed after such pressure was given by Taehyung's words.
"He's right about the kissing bit though. Jin-Hyung needs a big peck on the lips!" just like his best friend, Jimin was also quick to disregard the presence of the teacher and his speech's volume subconsciously grew.
"Park Jimin...don’t tell me you want to join your best friend out in the corridor." the teacher threatened, instantly silencing the boy, which brought some relief, such respite was short-lived, however, as he whispered over to you once more the instant the teacher was definitely turned away.
"Try to be cute when you finally kiss. All guys like it when a girl is cute and Jin-Hyung is no exceptio-"
"That's it- OUT!"
. . . . .
Every one of the boys did their best to convince you in their own way: Namjoon, got you a book from the library, all about relationships, and even bookmarked the chapter dedicated to kissing, Yoongi had been as blunt as he had always been, never forgetting to remind you that Jin was waiting for a kiss every time the two of you had an encounter, Hoseok would try to convince you with unconvincing aegyo, Taehyung and his partner in crime (Jimin) would just keep pestering you about it whilst Jungkook merely cheered you on like the cute dongsaeng that he was.
It was all becoming too much and they were finally able to convince you that Jin had no right to suffer waiting any longer, so when the two of you were alone, you boldly confronted him about it.
"I'm ready for a kiss." you watched Jin raise a suspicious brow after drawing his attention away from the cutting board. He was chopping up some strawberries as you melted chocolate to make the perfect snack for your comfortable, movie date at home.
"Are you sure?"
You paused with doubt but quickly tried to recover yourself, "Y-Yes!" it was a futile attempt, however, as you only ended up looking even more unconvincing.
"...close your eyes..." doing as instructed, you held your breath, scrunched up your nose and puckered your lips as passionately as you could, trying to convince yourself that you actually were ready.
'How cute~' Jin admired in thought, preventing a chuckle with a simple gnaw of his bottom lip.
You felt a sudden but gentle grip on your shoulders, causing a hitch in your breath and a sudden increase in tension throughout your body. Seconds crawled by in a snail's pace - agonisingly slow. His minty breath fanned over your punctuated lips, teasing you like a predator before it went for the kill..but the anticipation of an embrace against your trembling lips was quickly misdirected to your cheek. With a fluttering of eyes, you locked gazes with him.
"You're too cute." he laughed, before pulling you into his arms, "have the boys been pressurising you?.." he didn't wait for an answer as he knew you hated tattle-tailing others, "I'll give them an earful for you." he nestled his nose into the tufts of your velvet locks, a habit that he was quick to develop as soon as the two of you began dating, "Remember that I'm willing to wait. I've learned my lesson from the last time." he laughed and took your chin in the crooked fingers you adored, tilting your head so that he could stare at your kissable petals of velvet, "Although it's torture...I'm willing to wait. For you, " he pressed another innocent kiss to your brow, "I can wait...only for you, Jagi."
He really is such a beautiful human being...he truly didn't deserve another long wait...
"Kiss me..."
"Jagi...I said that-"
"And I'm saying to kiss me." you commanded in desperation, clutching at his shirt as you stood on your toes, "After all that.." you blushed brightly, looking away in a moment of timidity, "I think that I actually really do want to kiss you Jin...I'm ready." he could only stare in disbelief, struggling to gulp down his urges with respects to your comfort.
"A-are you positive about this?" he croaked.
You nodded eagerly, "Please~" your begging and subconsciously pouting lips were what had finally reeled him in. As you were beginning to feel a dull ache in your toes and calves for inching up so high, he had leaned down to press a loving kiss on your lips.
It was magical!
There was a sweet, juicy taste covering his lips...clearly, he had been taking cheeky bites of the berries he had been cutting - how greedy. At least he was sharing them with you now and in the best way possible. His lips felt like a bed of velvet rose petals, assisted by the stoutness of marshmallows, and with the sudden but loving tightness in the embrace of his arms around you, there was a synchronisation in the beating of your hearts. If this was cloud 9, then you'd want to live through this for hours every day.
Unfortunately, all good things had to end and that included this kiss.
"Wow..." you breathed after finally catching your breath. It only seemed like seconds but..had it actually been several minutes already?
"'Wow' is right..." Jin grinned, reaching behind him to take a strawberry and place it in your mouth.
"Mmm~" you hummed, smiling brightly at his following giggle.
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It's currently exam month and the stress that came with the pressure to do well was slowly separating you and Jin. Nobody was ignorant of the fact either, not even his 6 best friends, they were actually the first to point it out and when they did, the two of you agreed shamefully. There was comfort in the fact of your understanding of each other's struggles to do well though, and so, whenever you could, the two of you would do whatever you were able to, in an attempt to comfort one another. That only came at rare times though, and it was always just cuddling up to each other until you fell asleep in each other's arms.
Feeling like they should play the role of matchmaker, the boys took matters into their own hands with striking determination, which wasn't a surprise as they were the personal fan club to yours and Jin's relationship.
"Let's have a study date," Namjoon announced during lunch one day, instantly interesting both you and Jin.
"That sounds like a good idea." Jin smiled, the dark circles under his eyes making you frown for a moment but quickly agreed as well once everyone's attention was directed to you.
"Perfect!" Taehyung grinned. His signature triangular one - the exact one he would communicate his mischief with.
Was this really a good idea?...
. . . . .
Just as your group was getting to the topic of Chemistry (with its covalent and ionic bonds, alongside complex equations and the skill required for balancing them), there was a sudden shift in the ambience of the room, but you couldn't conclude exactly what it was and left things to unfold for themselves.
"Ping!" Namjoon feigned a phone notification and dramatically gaped at what he saw when the screen came to life before him, "I need to go, sorry guys, there's an emergency back home! Bye!" In a blink of an eye, he was gone, well..almost, he had managed to knock over several things on his way out, which only made you giggle.
Not a second later, Yoongi was speaking up in his husky voice, "I can't stand this, I'm going home. I want to sleep." nodding in understanding, you wished him pleasant dreams, to which he nodded gratefully at before stepping out of the room.
The rest of you continued until (exactly five minutes later) there was a shrill of alarm from Hoseok's phone.
"Oops! Sorry guys, I have dance practice with the team - See you later, bye! Study well!" he rushed off in a flash, hiding a grin but you clearly saw it and assumed that he was only ecstatic about leaving the studying for his passion for dance. Lucky him.
Coincidentally, precisely five minutes after Hoseok's sudden escape came the final three's.
"I'm bored! Aren't you Tae?"
"No- not really- Ow!"
"You are Taehyungie..." came a harsh whisper from Jimin.
"Wha?-...Oh yeah!" Taehyung coughed and smiled widely, "I am, actually!"
"We're..gonna..go..and..play..video..games..at..my..house..now." Jungkook announced robotically, already working at gathering his notes together in a bag.
"Goodbye!" They cheered in unison before barreling out the door, not fitting at first because all three went at the same time, creating a whole kerfuffle - which seemed more entertaining than worrisome - of pushing and shoving until they finally went one by one.
You and Jin were left alone with only your personal notes to accommodate the space of the pullout table you were resting on. It took a little while for you to try and process everything and just as you were about to conclude what had just happened, Jin burst out laughing, a melody that you were addicted to and found incredibly contagious. Soon enough, you were both cuddling up to each other, grinning from ear to ear, you were tucked up in between in legs as he pressed his back into the edge of the bed, the way he had you squeezed up into his chest.
"I love your friends." you giggled.
"Good, but hopefully not more than me.." he playfully teased, smiling when you leaned up to imprint a kiss on his sharp jaw.
"Of course not. They're just like brothers to me..you're my only Romeo." as expected, he cringed back as you laughed.
"Stahb being cheesy."
"But I can't help it. My love for you does things to me~"
"Stahb it!"
"Make me~" you challenged with a grin.
"Gladly." this second kiss wasn't like the first time, this was a little more fiery, compensating for all the extended time that the two of you had spent apart in torture, under the consistent pressure of your exams. There was a teasing biting of each other's bottom rip, and a risqué flick of the tongue against balm-flavoured lips but that was it. This was the heaven you treasured and desired to stay in forever.
"I love you..so much."
"I love you too...but much more~"
"Now you're being the cheesy one!"
"Only because of you Jagi."
"So cheesy! Ew!"
"Make me stop then!"
"Hmm...I don't think so!"
"My breath might start stinking of cheese if I kiss a cheeseball like you!"
"But Jagi!~"
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The two of you had organised a date for Saturday, in celebration of completing all of your exams. It was supposed to be a perfect date, starting with a perfect walk in the park, enjoying the perfect weather before settling down with a perfect picnic to talk over, whilst flaunting the cutest PDA out there. Such plans were ruined, however, with the accumulation of grumpy clouds and the ultimate downpour that neither you or Jin bothered to check in the weather forecast this morning.
Pitifully, your date had ended in disaster...
With the bulbous and constant droplets of rain hitting you both, you were both grateful that Jin's house was close by, and all it took was a quick run before to be able to dry up before snuggling into each other inside.
"I'm sorry about this Jagi." Jin sighed upon handing you a fluffy, pink towel.
"Don't worry," you smiled in comfort, drying yourself off, "it wasn't your fault."
"But I should have at least checked the weather today." he was too ashamed to look over at your spoiled picnic basket and preparations, "Now all of your hard work has gone to waste..."
"You mean our hard work," you giggled, "you helped too Jinnie."
"It was mostly you though. Remember how you got annoyed that I kept eating the things you made?" you could only laugh, "Everything you cook tastes so good, I couldn't really help myself. I'm sorry." he was almost sobbing but you brought him into a clinched embrace, which he quickly returned, just in time to hear you closely whisper the words that melted his heart.
"I love you."
"I love you too...can I have a kiss?" he had no shame, and just for that, you decided to play around.
Instantly frowning, he whined into your hair, "I thought that you loved me~"
"I do."
"Then...where's my kiss?" he pouted, bending down to lean his face into yours, stressing out a puppy dog face - pouting lips and all!
"Right here." raising yourself up to your toes, you captured his puckered lips into your own. His were much more voluminous than yours, but he found it cute how everything about you fit so perfectly into his, from your adorable hands to your huggable body, your loving gazes and - of course - your cushion-soft lips.
Today may not have been a perfect day, but it certainly had a perfect ending.
That, in itself, was satisfactory enough.  
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