effyrosemary · 10 months
I saw this in your priest post - "I thought maybe people will think I’m weird but now I say fuck it bc Anne Rice never shunned away from people thinking her stories/characters were strange/too much" YES. Yes! Not to talk shit but I have no idea how Anne Rice of all people attracted a fandom full of conservatives. We have to keep being freaks on main LOL don't let anyone scare you!!!!!!!!!
Yes!! Thank you!! I can’t believe some of the takes I’m reading from fans regarding some of the things she wrote! It’s what I love about Anne’s books! It’s refreshing to read someone who doesn’t shy away from expressing exactly what she wants, no matter how people may perceive it. That makes a book so much more interesting to me. Luckily there are still amazing Anne Rice/VC girlies who truly are exactly like her, and express themselves however they want, no matter what anyone says. And I was so happy to find them bc girl I was drowning in the literal dumbest takes I have ever read regarding vc characters on Twitter.
(Tw*tter is the absolute worst place to find good takes on literature in general, but some takes I read about my favorite <3 goodest <3 bestest boy <3 Armand <3 were so appalling I was genuinely speechless. They love to misinterpret my boy over there. Alas, everyone can have their own opinions, no matter how wrong I think they are) Imagine getting offended by Lestat eating Dora out on her period lmaoo I can’t
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asthedeathoflight · 3 months
Okay its time for the armand autism post.
Armand Interviewwiththevampire is autistic obviously in the very direct dsm v way what with the blenders but Armand is also like. Thematically autistic. Like you know how monsters are always a metaphor for something? The werewolf story is a story about puberty, or transness, etc etc. Armand's vampirism is about autism.
Like what if there was something wrong with you. What if there was something wrong with you that threatened the very fabric of reality for most people. What if your existence somehow challenged every social norm and rule and convention and you couldn't turn it off. What if everywhere you went everyone could see that there was something wrong with you and this being seen was your death because everyone knows what people do with things that are different.
So you pretend - right, you have to pretend. Only the thing that is wrong with you lives in every fiber of your body and every movement your body makes or doesn't make and everyone knows anyways. Everyone knows about the thing that is wrong with you because you are a bad actor (this, in some ways, is a direct result of The Thing That Is Wrong With You) and so you walk around with your shoddy mask and your bad lies and everyone turns up their nose but that doesnt mean you get to stop pretending, no, because you need to want them to like you. They will never like you but you need to want it, you need to want it like a dog. So you stand in the corner and you blink the right amount of times and you wear the thing somebody said once might be the right thing and it eats you up inside but you never get to drop the mask even for a second because THATS the monster, the monster is the thing that lives in your heart, its not the thing they've turned you into. Your rage, your sadness, your pain, your JOY is their monster and who even fucking cares if you can see yourself in the fucking mirror anymore.
You just walk around and nobody will tell you how they know theres something wrong with you and you have to imagine its just like fucking glowing in your eyes or some shit. Not that you would know.
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royposting · 3 months
I'm over here because there's no one else I can come to with this. Season 3 of IWTV just got announced, and they gave a list of characters who will be in it. Gabrielle being one of them, which is super exciting because they also seem to plan on expanding her story. But why are people already they/them-ing her?? I googled it and it was like "Gabrielle hated being female" of course she hated being female, she was a woman during the Renaissance! Never once did the books question her actual gender, never did Anne say anything about her gender, but they've latched onto this concept of her being transmaculine or non binary, and suddenly it's protocol to ask her pronouns. And because this is the show that it is, I can see them buying fully into that shit, and idk what I'll do if they "they/them" one of the few female characters in this series.
well tbh i dont even know how to respond to this bc thats just? so wack? honestly i feel theyve been pretty reasonable so far (with some exceptions like, cmon, yall know armand would not refer to them as ”sex workers”) but idk i try to stay away from how people interpret characters like this.
like ive seen people call all manner of actual historical important women ”transmasc” - cleopatra, jeanne d’arc, even anne boleyn?? - so i wouldnt put too much energy into it unless they actually announce gabrielle as such. it would leave a real nasty taste in my mouth if they changed, like you said, one of the few female characters to something else.
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blueiight · 1 year
omg you pointing out that Lestat didn't think to buy Claudia a car 😦 he's thinking "she's a child, a 30 year old child and we will forever have to take care of her 😒" (he had no problems terrorizing his child husband into marrying him on those church steps) but it's so restrictive. he really said you aren't going anywhere independently!!
meanwhile he doesn't have to worry about Louis driving off. reliable Louis who still stays in NOLA even tho there is barely anything left for him there
likethemodel & slaygentford talked about it first :3 i just extrapolated further. i think something to be mindful of also is the intentions lestat had in turning louis w/ vs. where he turned/met claudia. lestat turned a grown 30 something year old louis in pursuit of an eternal companion, whereas w/ claudia, she was then 14 & she was not turned bc lestat wanted a companion, but bc louis wanted a daughter & lestat realized that turning claudia would keep louis. he had no desire for another companion, least of all an eternal child before this moment the way louis did. there will always be a dissonance between physical appearance v. their actual age, but with claudia this dissonance is even more prominent bc she was a teenage girl, and not an adult the way lestat, louis, armand & all the other vampires we will most likely see in the show were when turned. it do beg the question of how claudia travelled in her times away from lestatxlouis. catching greyhounds, fonky ass trains.. clearly she didnt get that far - bruce raped her in tennessee & thats when she decided to come back. also where & who could louis even go to at this time? he doesnt have friends, family, anywhere or anyone in his life outside of lestat & claudia at this point. ep6 wise, the lovebombing, lestat getting louis a car, rare gifts, the record, its clear this is a redo of the ‘courtship’, an attempt of lestat to get back in louis’s graces& a provocation. claudia is getting in his way of doing that, and thats why he doesnt even bother giving her gifts outside of annie’s ring , a poor imitation of pops emerald necklace she got in ep4. lestat wants to push claudia back into the child she once was, but claudia fights back& asserts her own sense of maturity in attire, in setting the terms of the game + quitting even when she ‘won’, and saying theyre siblings now, no longer calling lestat unc or louis dad.
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Tell us more about your mortal days...Tell us more about your time with Nicolas. Is not much explained in the books about these times and we would love to know more about Nicolas.... What did you like most about him? what did you hate? (we love Nicolas)
-smiles- First of all I am very happy to know you love Nicki. And allow me to tag here my Nicki @monsieur-nicolas-de-lenfent if he if his mun want to make an input on this. :-) I would love to, since the books are only explained on my point of view and I really would like to know his feelings and emotions during that period of time.
So in regards your questions....
More about my mortal days. There is not much more than hunting and spending time with Nicki and later on in Paris working at the theater and either can be explained in deeply if you tel me exactly what do you want to know. Becasue each moment can be explained with different emotions.
Tell you more about Nicki...what do you want to know about him? - smiles- That I loved his company and even we had deep conversations I loved his cynicism and ways of thinking even if I was not agree. I loved his dedication with music and when we composed his new songs and I tried to sleep and he kept hitting "that" note that was not perfect and there he was again over and over until it was all perfect. Sometimes I protested "Nickiiiiiiiiiii could you stop you can find that note in the morning lets just sleep now" -laughs- I pretended I hated it but actually I loved it and still makes me smile just thinking about it.
What else do you want to know about him? again this questions might have thousand answers depending on what you are really looking for. Remember, ask the right question and you will receive the right answers. Something I ave learned over the years and mentioned in the books.
What I loved most about Nicki... everything. I just can say his eyes or his dedication, its just him. The whole him, the good and the bad. The soul. Him. when one loves someone, that loved is for the whole being not just for that specific thing. I loved Nicki for everything he IS. I loved when he made me smile when I was upset becasue I always had to do thing around the Castle. I loved when we were just drunk happy and we just were unable to laugh becasue I loved to his laugh. His eyes shone, his lips on that beautiful smile. All of his shining with that happiness. I loved these moments to last forever. Also, if we get a little bit private on answers, he is an amazing lover. I have never, ever, in my whole mortal life, experienced anything like with him. I dont know still what he did to me, what he gave me, what he said, what he touched...well...lets not mention that haha....but it was such an orgasmic sensation like never before. I really dont know how to explain it with words. Universe. Big Bang. Inexplicable. And I am sorry, no sorry, for whoever heard us, if you know what I mean. Nicki is a marvelous person inside and out. Yes I know I have said about his darkness and get scared about it but back then didn't not understood. I was a naivee. I thought he was just happy and saw he had so much more deep inside. And I wished I have known all of that and hold his hand and go into this Savage Garden together learning from each other again. Learning from his fears, darkness and all his emotions. Nicki is amazing and should be more respected, understood and loved. He is NOT crazy and I hate people has that etiquette on him. Nicolas the mad man. I hate that. I hate people thinks that. Nicki is a marvel man, he was a tremendous light and soooo much love to give. He is the most deep loving person I have ever met. He is reserved and cynic yes but he has so much love and he is such a good person. I regret so much the fact that I never went to save him, I regret that so very much, I regret I left him with Armand, I see now how things were back then and I see myself inexperienced and terrified. Terrified for Nicki. I was a monster and I never wanted him to suffer in his vampiric life. I wanted him happy. I did not want him to see me a monster and get him scared and leave me. So I had to hide from him and set myself aside and pretend and act cold. and I hated that so much it ripped my soul in pieces. To see the one you love most fade away is something I do not wish to anyone. I gave my mortal life to Nicki when we were at the Village and later on in Paris. The only one by my side. The only one that loved me for who I was, for my mistakes and not be that perfect. For loving me when I needed help with the acts and he helped me to learn the words because was not able to read. He had that patience with me when not even my mother did. So for all of that and more, thats why it was so extremely horrible when slowly I saw him fading away. Thats why I have never said much about it becasue it hurts. Our fears of good and evil now present. Now me as this monster and unable to be with him anymore. I hated Magnus with all my being not for only making me what I never wanted but for breaking into pieces my life, my love and my happiness. Not even a chance to one last night with Nicki, no, he just came and kidnapped me. And I could not bare the thought of Nicki seeing me like this. How much I wanted to hold him, to kiss him one more time. But he could not see me like a monster. I never wanted to hurt him. I never wanted to stick my fangs on his neck and get him. My nature screaming for blood when he was around me that night at the Theater when someone shoot at me and Nicki ran to me and he was around. I screamed to him to get away. When really deep inside I was screaming his name, I was terrified and I needed him, I needed to hold him. I needed to tell him everything is ok. And that horrible night I gave him my blood after all his suffering with the Coven of Satan, I gave him my blood with love and hope we could once again be together. To
continue our conversation forever To travel around the world together. To even complete that fantasy we had to one night play for the King Of France....I gave him my blood on an act of love. And seeing him unable t talk, move or do anything really broke me inside. I didn't know if he hated me more now, I didn't know what was going on inside of him. I could to read his mind. I felt i didn't know what to do. And I thought he hated me now for everything. That last night at the Theater when he said these words to me, I just didn't know and both of us acted with just the emotions we felt at that time. cold, hate, fear, broken love, separation....whatever it was. His eyes were fire, his words venom and i tried to see my Nicki in there and I know now he was there. He was upset and he had his reasons and I do now know, and always knew, I should have never left him there. At that moment, I only saw he hated me and I just could not bare to stay there. Why to stay if he does not loves me anymore? so I left with my mother to travel the world. And let me tell you, There was not a single night I thought about him. I had him always present and I prayed one day everything will be ok. I prayed for his happiness. I prayed that he still could feel love towards me. For all we had and went through before. I prayed that his words to sink together were not real and just words....
So there you have it anon....you made me explain more than I wanted to. With tears in my eyes I wrote this becasue these years will forever stuck with me no matter what and no matter where I am at. But i dont want to end this with a sad note. Just remember what I have said about Nicki. He is marvelous, he is beautiful inside and out. Understand him, do not hate him. Allow him to be him. He is strong, he is just amazing. And no one, none of my other 8 fledglings is like him. And they know, each one of them know what I still feel for Nicki. They understand and respect that and I am so grateful for that. I love each an everyone of them but what me and Nicki had is beyond what I had with any of my fledglings. Remember, I met Nicki when I was still mortal. We shared life together, something non of them, minus my mother Gabrielle, have experienced with me. Not even that time I was on Davids body, even these days were a wreck..different story. So even if I have said that Louis got me more deep than Nicki, perhaps is when I do not allow my "mortal" side of me to get out. So again, yes, What I had with Nicki is something no other had. its deep to the core.
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the-rockstar-lestat · 6 years
Hello Lestat! I'm in the mood for some new music! Any recommendations? Could be modern or classical, I'm not picky. Hope you enjoy your night!
@not-a-princess-but-a-queen Music recommendations! I am always glad to oblige!
I've never lost my love for rock music. I still think it is the supreme expression of the 20th century soul, the spirit of rebellion and searching. But now we're in the 21st century, as I must occasionally be reminded, and I am aware that the so called "classic" rock music I was so floored by in the 1980s, Bruce Springsteen, the Rolling Stones, the Ramones, and all those 80s power ballads, has now become the music your dad listens to , the music of The Man. I'm not sure music is part of your rebellion. Do you use it to rebel, to feed your thoughts, or to tune out with it after a long day? Are your songs political? Do they speak to the deep human needs inside you? Or are they just a beat without a melody? Don't get me wrong, I like some new music. Taylor Swift's Reputation was fun. I think Bruno Mars has written some incredibly clever lyrics. And I like the political statements Beyonce has made with her music. I enjoy her videos more than listening to the music though. But in general I feel like modern Top 40 has become about hooks and beats, and has somehow lost the ability to wrote both words and melodies, while still calling it music. If a song has nothing to say for it other than it gets stuck in your head is it really a song? Or just an irritation.
I don't criticize you for this, by the way, your generation uses the internet and Memes the way rock was once used. It's not bad, just different.I just miss music the way it was.Well, it'll cycle back around again. It always does.
Anyway! Recommendations. Thats what I meant to do. Don't worry we'll get there after all, I don't think im known for my ability to stay on topic.
First of all, I recommend sitting down at some point, preferably with headphones, and listening to David Bowie's "Station to Station" from beginning to end. I think the word is "trippy?" It becomes less of a song and more of a sustained soundscape, the sound track to someone's nervous breakdown. There is part of me that identifies with the Thin White Duke, searching for answers he's probably never going to find.
If you're looking for musical theater, I actually really like the soundtrack of Mean Girls. One can't be deep all the time, there's nothing like a good musical comedy. I also think that Mean Girls has some of the best lyric writing I've heard in a while. Armand and Daniel and Louis and I saw Mean Girls together. Armand said he's the Regina George of vampires. I said he was Gretchen at best. Armand gave me a LOOK and said at least he's not Karen.
Anyway. If your taste, like mine, tends to the Gothic, I recommend Switchblade Symphony. Definitely a lot of classical influence, with a rich, warm tonality, sweeping is the word, about all sorts of dark subjects. I admit, being a vampire has gotten to me, and occasionally I fall into the trap of Goth music. What can I say ? Sometimes a little melancholy is needed, it reminds me of the sometimes overly sentimental music of early Victoriana, when I was happy. It's also something Louis and I can agree on (mostly) . And I do love a violin.
Of course one can only stand the dark for so long without wanting some comedy. For that I recommend Voltaire, and no other. "When You're Evil" is a classic. I also like "Bomb New Jersey" I see it across the river sometimes though I've never been but I wonder what makes dear monsieur Voltaire hate it so much?
And my last recommendation, if you're looking for classical, is my personal favorite opera, La Bohéme. Beautiful music, melodic and tuneful, with a plot that a) makes sense and b) will leave you in tears.
Well that went on longer than I thought. I have a lot of opinions about music
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nastyukulele · 6 years
The end of the Journal of Benjamin Jackson Callaghan
(WELP, since I’ve seen my first character die in the LxU story, I figured I’d close out my part in his story with a last journal entry and a letter that was never sent to his wife. Benjamin Jackson is the first Callaghan to hit Final Death and the first (primary) character of mine to die during a campaign.
@bloodoflordaeron )
Last Journal Entry
Apparently, these goddamned nazis have some sort of super dirigible type thing. Some sort of airship, called Valhalla or some such nonsense. Ain’t real sure about the details, but from the files we managed to find, looks like it acts like aircraft carrier. Ain’t that some shit? An aircraft carrier in the air? Well, can’t allow that, no question there. Even if it’s nazi engineering, some shit like that, dropping planes from the clouds and all that? Gonna fuck up the Allies lines something awful. We shoved in some sort of, I dunno, computer thing. Gonna be honest, ain’t really my area of expertise. All I did was push a few buttons. Added some thing to the whole project that I think was supposed to fuck it up. Some ‘Zero file’ or whatever. Well, thats not the end of that, but there is more in between that and what we’re heading out to do, so I gotta touch on a few other things first here.
So, after we found this thing all about valhalla or whatever, we were getting ready to leave this crazy nazi science factory. Then that damn nazi fellow, some commander or whatever threatening this nice scientist wizard lady, the one Mort’s sweet on, for her helping us out. Of course, us all being the good guys, we rushed off to her rescue.
Found her in this big factory floor place, all chained up and hanging over an honest to god pit of molten steel. With some wizard lady doing some evil magic shit. Hand to god, I swear that’s what was going on. Krautsberg or whatever his name was was on the other side in that teuton robot thing we fought before I died and became a vampire.
Well, always one for round two, not to mention there was even another one of them lifters there, I revved that bad boy up and drove her up. Not a tank, but definitely the next best thing given the circumstances we found ourselves in. Of course, first plan was to negotiate for the release of our friend and ally, and only let things get messy if we had no other recourse. Well, someone once said that plans never survive first contact or something like that. We got the girl safe, and Mister Krautsenburgen wanted us to do something for him in repayment. Of course, as we were getting ready to leave he decided that maybe we would turn on him and not hold up our end if we took the girl with us. Fair, since he wouldn’t really have any sort of guarantee we would complete his task. He decided to keep the girl with him
Armand, being an honorable and chivalrous chap didn’t take to kindly to that. Neither did that Crowley lass. Was time to throw down and so we did. Big ol’ violent fight, us, that wizard, the teuton thingy and a bunch of those little helmet-gun-robots. Then the flying armored fellows showed up and everything became a mess. Lucky for us we had a big ol’ robot of our own on our side. I managed to ram one of the armored fellows with my lifter, almost took him out. Shot another, almost dropped him too. I was, embarrassingly, rendered unconscious during the battle, but we managed to prevail in the end thanks to our mechanical ally. Even captured that robo teuton suit. I can’t wait to drive that thing around.
We’re gonna be heading into this nazi airfield place next seems like. Deal with that airship thing, make sure it goes down in flames for good. Might try and take the teuton out for a spin. Or that tank I swiped. I’d rather take a look at either of them, try and make sure they are up to snuff. After all, these ain’t good ol’ American machines. Gotta make sure they won’t break down in the middle of a fight. Should probably write to my wife too.
An unsent letter
Dearest Leilah
We’re getting ready for another mission. We’ve had quite the streak of successes. Blow after blow against the nazi war machine. I write to you to inform you of this and so that you can share news that we managed to capture an experimental nazi machine. A variation of tank that ain’t been seen on the field before. And, thanks to us, probably won’t be used against Allied forces. In fact, after we have our tech boys look it over, I plan on using it to wreak havoc against those bastard krauts. Pass this news along to Father, and inform him that, if possible, I intend to include blueprints that he can use in his factory once the intelligence boys give it the go-ahead.
In news unrelated to the combat missions we have been undergoing, we had the free time to visit a local carnival that had set up away from the conflict and the nazis in the forest. They had all sorts of delicious food, a fortune teller, some critters in cages including a tiger. They even had a fellow wrestling a bear. Of course, I took the opportunity to regale my comrades with my story of the time I won a woodland creature wrestling contest against some wolves and two bears. You know, the one I told you on our first date. I embellished it a bit further this time, to enhance the story and even better fit the fact that we were already witnessing a man wrestle a bear in a ring.
Folks in my company seemed to enjoy it, wanted to hear more of my stories too. Shared a few more, and a couple tales about Paul Bunyan, John Henry, all them good folktales from back home. Not all the folks we’ve picked up are American, whole bunch of them are from other Allied nations or local resistance forces. Getting to hear the stories and have some time to relax seemed to lighten spirits. I’ve got another mission soon. Real important this time. I know I always say this, but this one is a real big one. Stopping a major nazi project. As always, I can’t give you any details, just in case some kraut bastard intercepts this letter (if a kraut bastard is reading this: fick dich, du hässlicher kraut mutterficker) but I can tell you that success may turn the tide of the war tremendously in our favor, and failure may mean the jerries stand a chance at almost winning half the war.
I know that with your picture in my locket over my heart I shall succeed though. Ain’t nothing that can stop me as long as I have you in my mind and heart. I’ll make sure to mail you a scrap of the nazi machine we’re gonna bust up with my name etched into it.
Yours forever, Benny J.
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an in this episode: we talk about your favorite couples from the hills!
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madi: hi sexies! i’m madison ware and you are listening blonde and bubbly! this week is the week of love and for that i have four amazing guest for you guys! but before i present them, i’ll tell you which fantastic champagne we will almost all drink today! so the bottle of the day is an Armand de Brignac Gold Brut. without further ado, i’ll tell you guys our four guests! we have kazi and mia, and jinyoung and atlas! two married and solid couples that i have the pleasure to be friends with. i’ll start to interview jinyoung and atlas, then i’ll finish with mia and kazi!
madi: welcome atlas & jinyoung on this special valentines day episode of blonde and bubbly! I'm so hyped to have you guys!! Lets start without further ado with the first question: how long have you guys been together?
jinyoung:  over eight months I believe or in about that
madi: how did you guys meet?
atlas:  we grew up in busan, south korea, together, going to the same school and all though we weren’t actually friends. i always had a crush on him but i actually bullied him quite a bit because i was dumb and couldn’t even be nice to him. he ended up leaving to start training at bighit and i never really saw him until i came to the hills and we reunited
madi: this is so adorable!  what's your favorite memory of you guys?
atlas:  i have too many memories to choose from but i think getting to go with him on tour and see him do what he loves. it was really amazing to see how outgoing he was on stage and how he and the fans interacted and he even came down from stage to kiss me at every show so that was nice
jinyoung:  oh wow there’s so many. but i believe my favourite was when I took him to a dog cafe. you should’ve seen the way be lit up.
madi: awww!  who's the messiest?
atlas:  umm probably me, jinyoung is a clean freak and always is cleaning the house
jinyoung:  him. he probably said something about me cleaning the house. i like things clean. plus it gives me something to do
madi: i see..  what's your biggest pet peeve about your significant other?
jinyoung:  his stubbornness, in a way. my god, can that man get jealous. I want to smack him over the head sometimes but it’s not major.
atlas:  probably that he doesn’t realize how beautiful and amazing he truly is, but i’m working on it. he will realize it sooner or later.
madi: this is so adorable.  what's one thing you like the most in your significant other?
jinyoung:  his eyes, they’re what made me fall in the first place. he likes to believe he’s not soft but I could see it in his eyes, they’re warm, like home
atlas:  definitely his heart, he has the purest and kindest heart i’ve ever witnessed in a person. he sees the best in everyone (even if i don’t approve of it sometimes) and always wants to help make people feel better and make the world a better place. he truly is an angel
madi: im going to cry this is too much.  do you guys have any special plans for valentines day?
jinyoung:  uhh not that I’m aware of. I don’t make a big deal out of it because I think if you love someone it should be shown everyday not just go all out on the one day. but with that i’ll probably do something for him, maybe not big but meaningful
atlas:  i do have something planned that he does not know about and it will remain a secret until further notice
madi: oooooh...  Where was your first date?
jinyoung:  an aquarium. I love aquariums. anything water related tbh. i don’t even think I talked to him all that much I was too into the animals, but it was fun and he was very sweet.
madi: i love aquariums too!  What's your favorite thing to do together?
atlas:  personally.. my favorite thing to do with him is make breakfast. Well.. I normally make the pancakes and he will make the tea or cut the fruit. We are super domestic and always do stuff around the house together and take our dog for a walk or play with our cats, but I’d say waking up to him and then cooking breakfast together is a big favorite.
jinyoung:  I’m stuck between two. mornings, waking up to him and making breakfast and then watching the stars. those are just us things. the little things.
madi: this is all very romantic, i love it.  thank you so much for participating in this episode of blonde and bubbly, it was a pleasure to have you guys! I have one last questions for you guys; if you could give any relationships advice, what would it be? Thanks again for coming!
jinyoung:  ahhh you’re very welcome madi thank you for letting us on an episode. and oh gosh okay, um my advice would be communicate. I know a lot of people say this probably but it really is a big part. talk to each other, it can be hard sometimes but in the end it’s better. don’t hide things especially on how you’re feeling. whether you’re uncomfortable, or wanna try something. be open minded and respect each other’s choices. don’t wait to say things, just say them.  
atlas:  oh man, I really suck at giving advice but I will give it a go. I guess… don’t look for love or a relationship, it will come to you naturally and maybe when you least expect it. It could also be the person you least expect it to be, but definitely don’t wait around and look for love because when it is time it will come to you and if it’s meant to be it will be so amazing and life changing
madi: very good tips guys! we’ll now welcome mia and kazi!
madi: hi guys! tell us how long have you guys been together? 
kazi: been together for over a year, been married for 6 months, been crazy abt mia ALL the time:) 
mia: 10950.012 hours 
madi: and how did you guys meet?
kazi: we met in a lil town called toronto n she was sayin i liked toes in my butt? i hadn’t even TALKED to the lady before.. then we started dming and quickly became enemies
mia: i stayed in canada for a few months.. like two.. when i was 19 and i ran into him at a bar [wanted to know if they had mozzarella sticks] where i saw him flirting with eight different girls at once they were all competing for his attention he took them behind the bar one at a time and boinked dem all and i thought to myself well thats NOT sanitary so i started a rumor in the bar that he liked toes up his butt and he got mad and said hey, u there, stop spreading lies about me and the rest is history
madi: what's your favorite memory of you guys? 
kazi: my favorite memoryyyy idk there’s so many..when she told me she was pregnant (that‘s in the top 3 happiest moments of my life), when we got married, the whole day leading up to when i proposed n then when i actually proposed.. when we were fighting for like 2 days but we said we’d meet up on the beach in malibu to talk n we talked ALLL night n fell asleep there (didn’t get kidnapped by pirates).. when we babysat for luke and kaia the day after i told her i like her.. see there’s too many i could keep going 
mia: idk i cant pick one mostly because i cant remember my memory is terrible but also because theres so many.. but uhhh.. probably when we spent all night being weird and taking notes on each other and he was educating me about the weeknd and other artists he loved cuz i was really getting to know him and know what he loved 
madi: who's the messiest? 
kazi: i’m gonna say FATTY is the messiest esp cuz that one time he took a shit under the dining room table n it stinked the place up but i couldn’t find the freakin poop.. lil trickster 
mia: my boyfriend jose
madi: and what's your biggest pet peeve about your significant other? 
kazi: when she’s a stubborn freakin BRAT n she KNOWS i hate saying no to her so she keeps goin til she gets what she wants but i’m toughening up.. 
mia: not really a pet peeve but it just bothers me that hes kind of a pushover.. he’ll let anyone and everyone walk all over him wish he’d be more assertive and just punch someone in the face if they mess with him u know (i dont condone violence) 
madi: what's one thing you like the most in your significant other? 
kazi: i cant pick one thing cuz i love n adore everything abt her.. but i’ll say that i love her amazing sense of humor, her natural and genuine kindness, and her beautiful perfectly sculpted yiddies.. 
mia: hes so kind and genuine and loving to everyone and everything hes also really undertanding and patient especially with me 
madi: ugh you guys are so cute. do you guys have any special plans for valentines day? 
 kazi: no not yet, last year we went to paris and since mia’s pregnant this year we can’t go THAT far out but i think i might have an idea cookin so it’ll be fun 
mia: i forgot valentines day was a thing 
madi: Where was your first date?
madi: What's your favorite thing to do together? 
kazi: i think we spend a lot of time eating together we’re always cookin or doin smth food related.. that’s when we’re not havin SEX!!!!
 mia: iono i just like when its me and him [and our dogs] and we just talk for hours about anything and everything
madi: thank you so much for participating in this episode of blonde and bubbly, it was a pleasure to have you guys! I have one last questions for you guys; if you could give any relationships advice, what would it be? Thanks again for coming! 
kazi: date ur best friend it makes everything a billion times better 
mia: stay single 
madi: and that is it for today guys! i’m so glad that you accepted my offer and cant thank you enough! thank you so much atlas, jinyoung, kazi and mia for coming and participating! this is a reminder that blonde and bubbly was created by me and sabine al-masri who we all miss. and a big thank you again to mia for our amazing theme on tumblr, make sure you check it out! my name is madison ware, i’m blonde and i had wayy too much bubbly so it’s time for me to say goodbye! 
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