polycharismas · 7 months
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chiquititaosita · 1 year
I just loved your writing! I rlly wish(as a latina too) that you could write the monter trio with a y/n that is teaching them to dance piseiro (brazilian dance)
I think it would be pretty cool actually 😫💞
bear note 🤩🤩 pillali! (Hello in nahuatl) Tlazohcamati (thank you so much) thank you so much for your request this made my day. I really love to give diversity to latine community. Because as a latine and an indigenous (mexica and huestaco descent) i want to see how y/n will be come into life. But I thought you’d never ask my love :> it may take me a bit because ill be researching when it comes to culture appreciation and not appropriation.
Context: much like the quebradora (the break in español) its almost similar to pisero. It kinda contains the same movements but lots of hips moving on both dance partners. Sometimes there are lifts and spins and turns enjoy!!!
Cw: slight nsfw (suggestive).
Monster trio learning to do Piseiro (dance) with Brazilian (latina) s/o (latine reader)
post type: headcannon
pairing: luffy x reader, zoro x reader, sanji x reader
reader: Latina reader
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reference video
-“ no wait wait! You gotta do this.” you show him the foot work again and corrected him once more
-instantly would drop you if he saw a rack of meat. then immediately apologize after.
-no ifs or buts. It’s canon
- “and spinnnnn!!!” He’s gonna want to be spun around too. Which he does.
- you’ll be falling on your butt 💀
- ngl luffy dances better in the dirt than on tile floors.
- again he uses his hips to try and get in sync with you. But it doesn’t add up sometimes
-“ how are you doing this? Lu?”
-“easy by using my gomu gomu hip moves!” It’s giving very much washing machine moves
-“and dip you to the floorr!!!” It’s so cute to watch him show you what he learned from you! Especially IF YALL DANCED AT CARNIVAL OMGGGGGGG 🤩🤩🤩🤩
-epic show stoppers
-he’ll definitely step on your toes unintentionally. HE DONT EVEN KNOW HOW STRONG HIS GRIPPERS ARE!
-unfortunately dry humping happens to you. If You’ll look miserable nami and robin will try to rescue you :)
-You’ll both most likely dance barefoot because it helps luffy get stimulated and used to it. (If does wear shoes, from what i see he DONT)
- “yeah!- we did this move where I pick up y/n and let her fly a bit! And I kinda grab her how she grabs my hair when I eat he-“ it was the only you could explain it to him.
-“ LUFFY! CALA A BOCA!!” Nami and sanji will smack him for you.
-“SHISHISHI you love me and you know it y/n channn!!!”
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https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRCV4cjo/ < reference
-“absolutely not!!!”
-“I’m not doing it.”
-So getting zoro to do piseiro , he had to have at least 5 drinks worth of sake to get it in his system.
- but teaching him was actually not too bad
-“Why are you doing it this way?”
-“isn’t it easier this way, it just makes this so complicated!!!!”
-since he can only see with one eye it’s a little bit harder for him (if it was pre time skip, that’d be a major difference) it’s just that he doesn’t want you to get hurt
-poor moss heads hips are too stiff
-“ow OW! zoro! That’s my foot.” You huff in frustration.
-“what I’m sorry!-.”
- he’s going try and carry you at least once. It won’t go well at least in your eyes.
-but it goes well in his eyes.
-“and dip? And dip.”He’ll just mutter in the back of his mind. Thinking in the back of his mind.
-“I’m surprised you’re not even complaining.” You whisper into his ear as he blushed
-“ I can’t let that bastard cook take my woman on the dance floor now can I?”
- Shaking your hips damn girl, he attempts to cover your ass if you’re ever like about to shake whatcha mama gave ya, he’s like “NOPE!!!! NOPE! THATS MINE!!”
-he’s a softie for sure when it comes to the love of his life.
- if y’all do the spins, y’all are for sure gonna get lost, but luckily you find y’all’s way back (y’all wouldn’t even be that far away)
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https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRbTJkrb/ <reference
-an absolute menace
- seriously, he’s gonna be dead the minute you start shaking your ass
-ussopp and chopper almost had to resuscitate him and do chest compressions.
-His hips don’t lie and that’s on period
- I’ll say that he loves to watch you smile and dance
-ass grabber indeed.
-“Y/n!!! You should teach some more moves like this in private like in your bed room!”
-“y/n-chwannnn!!!!~ y-your ass it’s on m-my.”
-will immediately take you to another room to strictly eat you out
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Sorry this had taken me a minute, I was waiting for inspiration to strike, then my life got blah! But here we are......based in this prompt, I did tweak things a liiiittle bit... I hope thats ok!!! I hope you like it!!!!
Life Lessons
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: innuendos, flirting, mild swearing, groping.
Summary: with your last year of college coming to an end, determined to be the first in your family to graduate, you prepare for finals, when your English teacher throws a wrench in your plans.
*college au, Loki is captain of the soccer team and Thor is captain of the football team (of course 😁)
Part one-
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You made your way down the halls to your last class of the day, English literature. It was the one class you dreaded. You loved the class, your teacher Mr. Banner was by far your favorite, it was your classmates, well one in particular who seemed to enjoy making your life miserable.
You bolted in, sitting at your desk as you pulled out your laptop, preparing to take notes "Well well, there you are, i haven't seen you in the stands during practice, I thought you may have been avoiding me." He said, propping himself on your desk. "Loki, could you get your ass off my desk please?" You asked, looking up at him, his green eyes bright as ever "I thought you liked my ass, you seemed to when I see you at practice." He smirked making you roll your eyes.
"Maybe I just like soccer, the world doesn't revolve around you and your ego." You said looking back to you laptop. "Ouch, that hurts darling." He said grabbing his chest. You did your best to ignore him, you admittedly had had a crush on him for awhile, who wouldn't, with his long black hair, and chiseled features he could have any girl in school he wanted, and he usually did.
"My laufeyson, take your seat." You heard Mr. Banner as Loki jumped up practically running to his seat. "Morning class, I know you are all prepared for finals, hopefully." He smiled as the class laughed "but, I'm going to change things up a bit. I'm going to pair you off into teams. And I want you to do an analysis of any of Shakespeare's works. You will create a presentation on its significance to modern times, and the importance of the writing, you will have three weeks to complete it and then you will present it to the class." He said pulling out a piece of paper. "As I call your names, find your partner and start discussing which work you would like to do." He said.
You waited anxiously, looking around you would love to be paired with Steve, be was always studious. Or wanda, you knew she always recieved top marks. "And finally Ms y/l/n, you'll be paired with Mr laufeyson. Find your partners and get started." He said sitting behind his desk as you looked at Loki, leaned back in his chair smirking at you. "Shit." You muttered, going up to Mr. Banners desk.
"I'm sorry sir, but is there any way I can get another partner?" You asked as he looked up at you. "And what's wrong with Mr. Laufeyson? You two seem to get along fine." He said, looking back seeing Loki watching you "Sir, Loki is an egotistical jerk, and I would rather work alone then with him, please I'll do anything." You pleaded "y/n, you need to learn to work with people who you may not get along with, it's part of life. I suggest you suck it up and try to get along with him, this project is a large part of your grade." He said "yeah, I know." You sighed, heading back to your desk as Loki gestured to the desk next to him with a smile. "This is going to be a long three weeks." You sighed, grabbing your things.
"So, what were you thinking about doing?" You asked him sitting down. "Well, there's lots of things I was thinking about doing." He purred wiggling his eyebrows "do you have to be a pig all the time?" You asked as he laughed "why don't you harass your girlfriend." You huffed opening your laptop "I don't have one." He said looking at you "Well that's surprising." You said pulling up a reading list of Shakespeare's works. "I have several. I'm a bit.....insatiable." He smirked "eeww, could you not." you said glaring at him. "Can we just get this over with please?" You sighed as he smiled.
You spent the rest of class deciding to do Romeo and juliet, slightly cliche, but popular nonetheless. As the bell sounded you grabbed your things and quickly left class without looking back. "Y/n...y/n wait!" Loki yelled making you stop. "What Loki, I want to go home." You said crossing your arms. "D..did you want to come by practice? We can go over the assignment after?" He asked slipping on his jacket "no I don't think so, I'm just gonna.." you started "Looooki, baby there you are." You heard a girl yell behind him as she ran towards you both.
"Hey Stacy, what are you up to?" He asked as she leaned up, pressing her lips to his as you looked away. "I came to find you, I wanted to walk you to practice." She said, running her hands up his chest. "Whose this?" She asked looking at you "this is y/n, she's in my English class, we were paired up on a project." He said looking at you. "And i was just leaving so.." you said as she ignored you "come on loki, let's go." He said grabbing his arm dragging him off.
You shook your head as you turned to leave, missing the glance he gave you as he was pulled away. This was better you thought, you were not about to be another knotch in his bed post. You made it to your car, throwing your bag in you climbed in. You looked up seeing the soccer field, your eyes immediately finding him. His hair pulled back into a bun, his uniform showing of his muscular frame.
You sat staring as he jogged around the field, until that girl, Stacy, ran towards him jumping up as he caught her kissing her. "Uugh...." you sighed, starting your car as there was a knock on the window making you scream. "Thor, what the actual hell!" You yelled rolling your window down. "Sorry y/n, I was just wondering if I could catch a ride, my brother had practice so he needs the car." He said smiling. "You don't have practice." You asked. "Nope, no football today, coach wants us to "take a day" Whatever that means." He air quoted making you laugh. "Sure, jump in." You said smiling.
You dropped Thor off, making your way home, if you call the closet of an apartment home. You plopped on the couch, scrolling through your phone as you opened Instagram. You followed Thor so occasionally pics of Loki would pop up if he was tagged, this time it was him and that Stacy girl, it looked like she had taken a selfie in the car as his face was hidden in her neck and her hand was on her breast as she sat on his lap. Scrolling down, seeing the caption "this girl gettin lucky tonight" with a winky face, and she apparently tagged eveyone be knew.
You rolled your eyes and tossed your phone aside before making your way to bed, preparing for the longest three weeks of your life...
If I missed tagging anyone let me know please!!
@lokisninerealms @lokiprompts @high-functioning-lokipath @vbecker10 @lonadane @buttercupbestie @lulubelle814 @tjellisworld @sinsandguilt
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teddy06writes · 4 years
could we have more sapnap x karl x quackity x reader maybe about how reader joins, or how the relationship is revealed, or angst, also is there a reason that anon asks are turned off? i mean it might just be me also cause i cant switch to anon, ik that hairbrush anon loves this blog and wants to request but they cant cause anon is turned off, (i know hairbrush anon irl so thats how ik this for some background context) sorry if this is rude
anon: “ Your karlnapity fanfics are sooooo good. I was wondering if you could make another one, it could be about literally anything and I’ll read it. Keep up the great work! “
sapnap x karl x quackity x reader
trigger warnings: swearing, mentions of panic attacks
premise: how you joined the Karlnapity poly cue
{also the anon thing was fixed once I got this ask}
“belp” talking
‘blep’ texting
You didn’t meet them intentionally, far from, actually, you had only met Alex, the first of the boys you’d met, by pure chance.
Well, pure chance, and an asshole who didn’t look where he was going outside A hall.
You had just emerged from your first class of the year, a debate class, with maybe 50 students total, and were immediately slammed into by some jerk who didn’t even stop at first.
You had fallen into someone, who after making sure you were stood up right began to cuss the guy out in Spanish.
“You got something to say to me, dick?” The guy had asked as he turned around.
“Yeah bitch! Why the hell did you push them?”
If you thought this dudes 5′ 9′’ ass wasn’t gonna square up to a huge football player you’d’ve been wrong.
“They were the one who didn’t fucking move, so don’t fucking start with me!”
“Bro you literally slammed into them! You could’ve fucking moved man!” He shoved the guys shoulder, “You didn’t have to take the asshole route, yet we��re still here.”
“Listen Dick, I don’t give a shit, they were in the fucking way.”
“Man your really looking for a fucking fight are you?” He shrugged off his back pack and let it drop to the ground.
The guys laughed, pushing up his sleeves, “I could take your scrawny ass any day, chicca.”
Before he had a chance to blink a fist had been launched toward his face, catching him right in the jaw.
He stumbled back, looking almost as surprised as the guy you’d tripped into, who was looking down at his own fist, clearly in pain.
“Oh you little bitch!” The jock growled, moving to punch him back.
Quickly you scooped up his bag, shoving it into his arms, “We gotta go!!” You shoved the guy, grabbing your saviors hand and tugging him along as you started to run.
As you dodged around campus, trying to lose the yell of the jock behind you the guy who you’d dragged with, offered, “I’m Alex.”
“(y/n),” You slowed to a stop, “I think we lost him.”
Alex nodded, wincing as he examined his knuckles.
You took his hand, checking over it carefully, “It’ll bruise hard, you might not have full dexterity for a while. That’s what you get for punching someone without preparing,” You chuckled, glancing around, “My dorm’s not more than five minutes away, if you don’t have another class to get too, we can go get you some ice.”
“That’d be good.” He winced.
After taking him back to your dorm and getting his hand iced, he disappeared, saying he was late to meet someone, and you rarely saw him again except for your debate class, where you hardly spoke.
~~ You’d met Nick not too long after, though this time, pure chance was more purely your friend George catching you sneaking out of a party you didn’t want to be at.
“Seriously (y/n)? It’s barley even been an hour!” The brit yelled.
“It’s way too loud in there,” You hissed, motioning to the frat house, “I can’t hardly think, let alone stand it.”
“George! Get back in here! Clay challenged someone to a drinking contest and it about to start!” Someone yelled from the house.
“Yeah, in a second Sapnap!” He called before turning back to you, “Stay a little while longer?”
“I don’t want to be here.” You growled, but he was already dragging you back towards the house, saying:
“Come on, it’ll be entertaining if he wins and if not, well, it’ll still be pretty funny.”
Sighing, you allowed yourself to be pulled back inside, following George through to where Clay stood across a counter from a curly dark haired man, and Niki, a woman you’d met a few weeks prior, quietly pouring shots.
“Now the only reason I’m letting you do this Wil, is cause I know you won’t be able to do more than three.” She muttered, sliding the shots between them.
George laughed, “This is gonna be great!”
You sighed, moving to stand back against one of the walls, next to a dirty blonde man, who said, “You don’t look to happy to be here.”
“Not a fan of the noise.” You muttered, rubbing at your forehead.
He nodded, “Makes sense, one of my boyfriends doesn’t like the noise either. I’m Nick.”
“Didn’t George just call you Sapnap? What is with people around here and having weird nicknames?” You shook your head with another sigh, “I’m (y/n).”
“I dunno. Half the people I know at this school have weird nicknames,” He began to point at various people around the room, “Dream, Fundy, Skeppy, Hbomb, Quackity’s around here somewhere. Hell I even know someone who calls himself ‘Technoblade’.”
“Sounds like a prick.” You chuckled.
Nick nodded, “Oh he is.”
You continued to talk for a while, watching as Wilbur tried to out drink Clay, and failing miserably not to laugh when he nearly fell down, totally wasted.
“Hey, uh I think we should head out. I feel bad leaving Kar...” Alex trailed off as he realized you were standing with Nick, “Hey, your uh, (y/n) right?”
“Yeah, Alex, you almost busted your knuckles trying to fight McAllen outside debate with Fenner.” You chuckled.
Nick turned to Alex, “You what?!”
“uhh...” he stuttered nervously.
“You told Karl you fell!”
“In my defense he pushed- no not even- he slammed into (y/n)!” Alex said desperately.
“He did, Alex was just defending me,” Alex grinned at your addition, “But...” his face fell, “This one also is essentially just an angry chihuahua.”
Nick chuckled, “Their right. You are an angry chihuahua.”
Alex rolled his eyes, glancing at his phone, “We should go, Karl’s texting me angry emojis.”
Nick nodded, “It was nice to meet you (y/n).”
“You too.” You smiled, and then they were gone again.
You didn’t meet Karl for almost a month after that, only encountering the man in the colorful sweater when you had been left sitting alone in the dining hall, after a late night study session.
Niki had left a few minutes earlier, but it was long enough that he’d assumed you’d been sitting alone.
“Oh hey, sorry I’m late!” He had called, just a hair too loud.
You blinked up at the mousy haired boy, confused for a moment, before motioning for him to sit down, “It’s okay.”
The few people still left in the hall barley paid attention, so you stifled a laugh, “I wasn’t waiting for someone, my friend just left actually.”
His face got red, “Oh, I- sorry- I’ll just leave then.”
He started to stand up but you held out a hand, “No- uh- you, can stay. I don’t mind.”
He grinned, “I’m Karl! Karl Jacobs!”
“I’m (y/n). Thank you for trying to save me from mild embarrassment.”
“It was nothin, just don’t think people should have to be alone.”
You giggled, “Knight in shining armor.”
That made Karl grin even more, giggling a bit as he asked, “Whatcha working on?”
“Oh, Niki and I were just studying for finals, it may be a few weeks away but I want to be ready.” You chuckled.
“Man, I’m glad I’m only taking one class this semester.”
“Lucky.” You sighed, tucking the last of your papers into folders and stowing them away in your bag, “No late night cram sessions for you then.”
“Nah, my boyfriends’ll rope me into helping them study.”
“Thats the price you pay.” You chuckled.
He nodded solemnly, “A price I am very willing to pay.”
“They sound like lucky guys.” You smiled wistfully, quietly wondering why all the cute guys you’d been meeting were dating, either other people, or each other.
Karl not noticing the almost bitterness in your voice chirped, “Yup!”
“Come on! They’d love you!” Karl exclaimed.
You’d been becoming friends with Karl over the last few months, and now he was begging you to go and meet his partners.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah!” Karl was practically bouncing up and down, “Your like the best! I want my boys to meet you!”
You groaned, letting your head fall into your hands, “Fine.”
“Yay!” Karl giggled, tugging at your wrist, “Come on!”
You looked up from the table at him. “Right now?”
“Yeah, I was suppose to be meeting them at the library.”
Sighing you stood up, “I hate this.”
He smiled sympathetically, “Sorry.”
You slipped your bag over your shoulder, and followed him out of the dining hall towards the library, trying to ignore the stupid feeling in your stomach at his hand in yours.
Upon reaching the library Karl excitedly dragged you over to a table in the corner where your stomach dropped upon seeing who was sitting there.
“(y/n)?” Alex asked.
You chuckled, “Snapmap and Chihuahua boy, I didn’t realize this Karl was your Karl.”
Karl looked confused, looking back and forth between you and his boyfriends, “You guys know each other?”
“That one talked to me at a party when my friends all but ditched me,” You pointed at Nick, and then too Alex, “That one tried to fight someone who bumped into me.”
“Thats- you know what, I’m not gonna ask.” Karl said, plopping down next to Alex.
You sat down on the opposite side of the table next to Nick, “Karl you text in angry emojis?”
Over the next few weeks Karl continued to drag you along to various study sessions, movie nights and other things you assumed would normally just be the three of them, making you confused heart even more confused.
It was strange that they willingly let you intrude on there dates, and any time you tried to bring it up with Karl he’d just brush it off, and if you mentioned it to Nick or Alex, they’d say something about how they were good with it cause Karl was.
And then one night, you were all piled up on the fire escape of the boys apartment building, Alex had just gotten back from a seminar, and was half curled on Nick’s lap, legs stretch across Karl, who was also leaning against Nick.
You quietly hummed a song you heard Wilbur playing, freezing as Karl tugged on your hand, pulling you closer to lean on him, Nick’s arm stretching just a bit farther to wrap around your waist as well, almost cementing you into the moment.
“I like this.” Karl murmured.
Alex nodded sleepily, and Nick looked at your over Karl’s head, “(y/n), uh- I guess we’ve been meaning to- uh- to ask-”
“He means, do- do you want to join this relationship?” Alex asked, cutting him off.
You blinked, surprised, and Karl quickly started talking in your silence, “You don’t have too, we just figured, you know, we, really like, you and- it- we think you like us-”
Cutting him off, you grabbed the sides of his face, quickly pressing your lips to his, and then pulling away, you leaned over to kiss Nick, and then Alex.
“I knew there was a reason you kept letting me in on your dates!”
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the-heaminator · 2 years
BFT incorrect quotes (ill stop with them soon but right now is not the time)
France: What time is it? Prussia: I don’t know; pass me that saxophone and we’ll find out Prussia: *Plays sax loudly and extremely out of tune* Spain: WHO THE FUCK IS PLAYING THE SAXOPHONE AT TWO IN THE MORNING Prussia: It’s 2 am
Spain: I love you guys, you're the best thing that's happened to me. France: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you? Spain: Yes! Prussia: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you. (OOOF)
Spain: Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth? France: You’re a hazard to society Prussia: And a coward. DO TWENTY.
Spain: Prussia, can I talk to you for a second? Prussia: Yeah, what’s up? Lemme guess. You and France are having problems and you want me to teach you how to kiss? Spain: What? No, stop that. I know how to kiss. I’ve read books.
Spain: I’m kind of crushing on someone, but I’m worried about telling you who it is, because you’re not going to like it France: Just rip the bandage off. Spain: It’s Prussia. France: Put the bandage back on. (fdfghsbdvcsafghj)
Spain: What's a word thats a mix between 'sad' and 'mad'? France: Disgruntled, miserable, desolated- Prussia: Smad.
Spain: Sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container. France: The cow??? Spain: What? Prussia: France, W H Y?
France: If I die, my funeral is going to be the biggest party ever and you’re all invited Prussia: If? Spain: Great, the only party I’ve ever been invited to and they might not even die.
France: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon? Prussia: I'm a knife. Spain, from across the room: They're the little spoon.
France: Come on, I wasn’t that drunk last night. Prussia: You were flirting with Spain. France: So what? They're my partner. Prussia: You asked them if they were single. France: Prussia: And then you cried when they said they weren't. (pure france vibes)
*France and Prussia sitting in jail together* Prussia: So who should we call? France: I’d call Spain, but I feel safer in jail
France: They stole from me first! Prussia: Mhm. France: Stole my heart... Spain: It is still illegal to commit murder.
Store Worker: Would a Mx. France please come to the front desk? France, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem? Store Worker: points to Prussia and Spain Store Worker: I believe they belong to you? Prussia and Spain, simultaneously: We got lost :( France: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me-
France: Prussia and I don’t use pet names. Spain: I see. Hey, what do bees make? France: Honey? Prussia: Yes, dear? France: Spain: Don't ever lie to my face again.
France: Would you stab your best friend in the leg for 10 million gold? Prussia: You stab me, and then when my leg gets better, we buy a big-ass house. Spain: You can stab me too, then we'll have 20 million. Prussia: Good thinking.
France: If you had to choose between Prussia and all the money I have in my wallet, which would you choose? Spain: That depends, how much money are we taking about? Prussia: Spain! France: 63 cents. Spain: I'll take the money. Prussia: SPAIN!!!
France: WHY. why did you give Spain a KNIFE?! Prussia: I’m sorry. They said they felt unsafe. France: Now I feel unsafe! Prussia: I’m sorry. Prussia: ... would you like a knife?
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Im sorry it’s not that sexy I’m afraid 😂. I work at Panda Express, so unless you find fried rice with orange chicken sexy with a side of Karen customers sexy then this will be great! 😂
Anyhow, all jokes aside, I have had my fair shares of bad days as I know many people have so I’m certain some people will relate to this. These kind of days suck so much. (Especially if you’re as sensitive as I am). I’ve had one guy ask if I spoke English cause I couldn’t hear him very well, seen my co workers get yelled and sworn at a few times, one lady actually did make me cry once “Oh! Don’t cry! It’s ok!” (Maybe don’t resort to yelling in my face then???), etc etc there’s more but that would be long 😅
My request is really just how the papas and copia would comfort their s/o coming home from one of those shitty days and just feeling like utter crap; maybe a little teary eyed ~Dorky anon
(I do wish people would be more kind and patient. I just don’t see the point in getting angry when most of the time it’s not necessary. We’re all just trying to make it through the day. Just so everyone knows, the customer is not always right. Bad work days happen, but by the end of the night they don’t matter anymore)
you're right that is super not sexy but bitch i FEEL you. im a waitress and while i have no problem with yelling back at shit head customers who don't know how to act, it can still totally ruin your day. im sorry people are so mean to you come live in canada where you'll never see another panda express again (i wont lie orange chicken is sexy tho does it match Karen's spray tan???) anyways on with my job:
Papa II: Would personally seek out anyone who was mean to you. all you have to do is give them a rough description and he'll make a few phone calls. you're never sure how but the next day at work the same customer will come in and apologize and suddenly become the nicest person youve ever met. or you never see them again and your pretty sure no one else will either. Absolutely no one will ever harm II's partner without consequence, and he's not above kidnapping family members to get an apology out of them. this man will defend you to the ends of the Earth.
Papa III: Similarly to his older brother he would be angry at the mere thought of someone slighting you, but he probably wouldn't go as far in the name of revenge. He would let you rant and scream to him about how awful customers are, like, as a species, and make you dinner to make up for it. And remind you that he's been telling you to quit your job for months now because he'll take care of you, why make yourself so miserable, blah blah blah. But you insist on doing your own thing, and because he thinks your delusional he plays along, because thats what you do with crazy people. He loves you all the same. Would also offer to give cheer-up head.
Cardinal Copia: I really want to say he would get so upset you would have to comfort him and promise you're okay, but if I'm being honest, I think he would be a little hard about it. His entire career everyone has been shitty to him, not thought he was good enough, not think he would ever be able to give what they needed from him: he would talk about this until you cooled off and realized one white lady with a shitty haircut isnt the end of the world, and that much worse things can happen. Not exactly the type of comforting everyone wants, but if you let him talk long enough he might have something good to say, and you'll forget all about your own terrible day.
- Rosie (also one time this absolutely insane huge buff 6'7 guy yelled at our 15 year old host until she cried and my 5'5 ass got so heated I almost made him cry and it felt really good. if you want ill come yell at customers for you)
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aj-the-cat · 4 years
(Fuck it, a week early then when i had originally scheduled it to come out)
~ Chapter 1 ~ Masterlist
Word count: 2096
Scorpion’s Roost
Solidarity, Texas
"My god Shawn, do you ever sit still?"
Shawn Michaels squirmed on his horses saddle, itching to get up and move around but the man on the other horse was not having it. "It's uncomfortable, Hunter! You know I can't do long rides. And besides, the dude in El Paso was so rough in me, it felt like he was going to-"
Hunter made a retching sound. "I don't want to hear about your sex life!" Shawn let out an offended gasp.
"But I'm your best friend!"
"That doesn't matter!"
Shawn remained silent as the horses continued on their path. They trotted through Ginger's Plain, observing a fence around a certain area and the very little vegetation. Shawn broke the silence of the place. "Why'd they call this place Ginger's Plain? I see no red anything, and I certainly see no ginger's runnin' around." Hunter shook his head. "I don't have any clue. C'mon, lets hurry up. We can get to the next town a little past noon if we keep going."
The sun beamed brightly overhead as the two bandits finally made their way to the town sign. "Thank god! My ass is killing me!" Shawn hopped off his horse, staggering a little but still remained on his feet. Hunter shook his head and got off his horse as well, claiming his trusty sledgehammer off his horses rump and sheathing it on his back.
The two bandits walked their horses into town, earning stares from some townsfolk. Shawn looked around, examining every building until one caught his eye. "Sweet! This town has a horse stable, we can leave our horses there while we drink in the saloon." Hunter quickly shot that idea down. "And waste our money? We can just leave our horses outside the saloon for free, and if we need an escape, they're right there." Shawn groaned, but complied with Hunters words.
They walked to the saloon and tied their horses on the poles outside.
The saloon wasn't too flashy, but it did stand out. Everything was quiet inside. "Shouldn't there be a piano man or somethin' in there? Seems dead." Shawn whispered. Hunter slapped him on the back of the head. "Not all saloon's are the same, idiot. If it's quiet, it should stay quiet." Hunter put a finger in Shawn's face. "That means no flirting with the patrons." The shirtless bandit rolled his eyes.
They walked inside and noticed the place empty, except a single table with people playing poker, a shadowed man drinking in the corner and the bartender cleaning a glass. When she heard the bootsteps, she looked up from the glass at the two bandits in the doorway. "Y'all just gonna stand there or am I gonna pour you a glass?" She called out.
Shawn, ever the giddy drinker, quickly walked over to a seat at the bar. "A beer my fine lady." He tried to put on his best charm, winking at the bartender, but she wasn't fazed. She poured his beer and set it down in front of him, ignoring the immediate gulps from him. "What what about you, Nosey? What'll you have?" She called out to Hunter.
Hunter went to grab his nose but stopped midway. "Uh, I don't drink. I think a water is just fine for me, thank you." He sat down beside Shawn who had already finished his glass. The bartender set down the glass of water in front of Hunter and asked, "Never seen ya around here, Nosey. What your name?" Hunter politely set down his glass and replied, "Hunter Hearst Helmsley. But just Triple H or Hunter if fine. Thats Shawn Michaels-" Shawn let out a very unpleasent burp and waved -"My best friend. What about you?"
The bartender smiled. "Call me Chyna. You two seem very interesting, where do y'all come from?" Hunter choked on his water and Shawn snorted. Chyna's eyes twinkled in amusement as the shirtless one of the two beat the other on the back, and the other sputtered and coughed.
Laughing, Shawn replied, "He HATES getting asked that question. Never been good at telling his background so I will tell." Hunter flipped his head around to face Shawn. "SHAWN! Don't you *cough* d-dare!" Placing his finger over Hunter's lips, Shawn cleared his throat and lifted his other finger up.
"You see, this man was born with a silver spoon so far down his throat that it was impossible for him to be seen outside his mansion up in Conneticut. All his life he was a spoiled little rat-" Hunter glared at Shawn, still having his finger on his lips- "Hell, by the time he was 12 he already owned a couple acres of land and a couple slaves. He was so miserable. I found him by hopping a train that led to where he lived and I broke him out of that hell hole. We've been best friends ever since."
Shawn removed his finger from Hunters lips and smiled innocently. Chyna giggled as Hunter fumed, wringing his hands in attempt to not strangle his friend. "Thank you for that, Shawn." He growled. Shawn tipped his cowboy hat. "No problem, ol' friend of mine."
Hunter facepalmed and sipped a bit of his water. "I come from Dallas, bein' a bandit is all I ever known. My parents got shot while I was 13 and I learned to shoot a gun at 14. Been hittin' the roads ever since." Shawn smiled and looked at Chyna expectantly. Her eyes twinkled in amusement at the two idiots in front of her.
Chyna grabbed the men's ears and pulled them to her face, Hunter almost knocking down his water. "I'll tell ya what. You two seem interesting, and nothing ever interesting ever goes on here. I wanna join you two on your adventures." She let their ears go and their eyes widened.
Shawn grabbed Hunter's shoulders and turned both of them around on the bar seats. In a low whisper, he talked to Hunter. "Ya hear this?! We can start a group like we always wanted! And nobody would expect a woman!" Shawn looked back at Chyna and she winked.
"She is pretty, and she seems smart too. We could definately use her on heists." Hunter replied. Shawn smiled wide. "This is our big break! We'll be known all across the nation!" Hunter shook his head. "Don't let your ego get in the way." Shawn let go of Hunters shoulders and placed a hand over his heart. "I do not have an ego!" Hunter snorted. "You so do."
Shawn opened his mouth to retort back but was interrupted by the sound of spurs and bootsteps, as well as a heavy accented voice yelling. "I'll wring that stack o' dimes you call a neck someday, Vince! Don't you forget that!"
Both Shawn and Hunter froze at the voice. "Austin." They both said. Shawn climbed over the bar counter and grabbed Chyna's leg. "Hide me! Please!" Using her other leg, she kicked open a hidden cabinet and Shawn climbed inside. Hunter was about to climb over the bar but Chyna stopped him. "Only room for one. You'll have to face this rattlesnake alone." She pointed to the door just as Austin was walking in.
Austin whipped his head around from looking at something and his blue eyes narrowed as he saw Hunter. Hunter gulped as he saw Austin's hand clench into a fist. "Helmsley." He growled. Chyna put on a bored expression and walked to the other side of the bar, where the shadowed man sat. "I don't see yer partner. Come to MY town alone?" Hunter nodded slowly.
Austin chuckled and quickly whipped out his gun. "Well too bad for you. By order of the town of Scorpion's Roost, you are under arrest for your life of crime as a bandit. Any last words before I shoot you?" Hunter slowy shrugged. "Uh, beer sucks?"
"Wrong answer!"
Hunter ducked just in time for a bullet to shoot right where his head was, making a bottle of tequila explode. He crawled on the floor and between Austin's legs to the door. He stood up and yelled, "I got places to be! See ya!" And hightailed it out of the saloon.
Cursing, Austin ran after the blonde and yelled after him.
Hearing that the coast was clear, Shawn emerged from his hiding place and slowly looked over the bar. No bald-headed bounty hunters. All was clear. Sughing in relief, he climbed back over the bar and settled in a chair. "Thank god that's over. He scares the bejeezus outta me." He reached for his beer glass and found it empty.
Shawn looked to the other side of the bar for Chyna and saw her pouring shots for the shadowed man he saw earlier. He smirked and got out of his chair, sauntering over to where the man sat.
Leaning against the bar, Shawn made sure to puff out his shirtless chest and put on his best charm. "Hiya, Tex. Nice set of legs ya got there. What time do they open?" The shadowed man downed his last shot and set the glass upside down on the bar. Shawn got a glimpse of piercing green eyes and midnight black hair as the man got up from his seat. His heart raced as the man walked away, but he stopped.
"Put it on my tab, Chyna." He growled out and walked away, heavy boots clunking on the floorboards. Shawns heart was racing a million miles a minute and butterflies found their way inside his stomach. "Who was that?" He whispered out, still staring at the door.
Chyna picked up the glasses and put them under the bar. "Nobody knows. Everybody just calls him The Undertaker. He works at the local funeral parlor and comes in here once a week." Shawn's imagination fired up as he remembered the large frame of the man, now known to him as The Undertaker, and imagined his large hands gliding across-
"SHAWN!" Hunter burst through the doors of the saloon, making Shawn snap out of his day dream. Hunter's sledgehammer was out of its sheath and in its owners hands, making Shawn wonder what had happened to make his friend pull out his hammer. "We gotta hide for a while. I managed to lose Austin, but not for long."
Hunter ran over and grabbed Shawn's arm and pulled him towards the door. Chyna waved at the two bandits and set up a tab for Shawn and Hunter, and put The Undertaker's shots on his existing tab.
Outside, the sun was falling towards the horizon. Hunter and Shawn ran to the hotel across the street and burst in their doors. "We need a room. Now." Hunter said, very breathless. He put his sledgehammer on the counter to make a warning to the lady. Shawn had his hand on his gun and was surveying the surrounding area. The woman at the counter shakily pointed upstairs. Top floor, last one on the left." Hunter nodded and both bandits went upstairs.
Going to the room and locking themselves in, they sat on the floor and Hunter caught his breath. "We made it, oh thank god." Hunter thought about his safety in the room. Meanwhile, Shawn's mind wandered to The Undertaker and his green eyes. He usually could forget people and what they looked like, but this man had a hold on his mind.
Shawn usually had his mind hardwired on sex, alcohol and his mischevious antics. But this time things were different. His cheeks burned as he thought about the man more and more. 'God what is happening?' He thought to himself.
Hunter noticed his friend looking a little sick. "Shawn, buddy, you ok?" He snapped his fingers in front of Shawn's face, making the other man jump. "Hunter what the hell?!" Hunter noticed Shawn's pink cheeks but ignored it. "Shawn, you ok? You spaced out." Shawn waved off Hunter. "Im fine."
Hunter nodded and layed on the ground, not even bothering to tour the room. Shawn followed suit and looked up at the ceiling and was lost in thought. 
Eventually, the sun went down fully and the half moon glowed brightly in the sky. Hunter had fallen asleep, but Shawn was still wide awake and deep in his thoughts.
Who was this man Shawn's mind had grabbed on to? Shawn had to find out. Closing his eyes, he decided that in the morning he would find out. Sleep soon took over him and cast him away to a dream-filled night.
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wickedghastly · 4 years
y’all that lemon trick and hex really hits when it needs to hit like holy fucking shit.
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i dont think ive publically talked about this but my neighbor’s upstairs are family to my landlord and for all the years ive lived here those bitches have hated me and my family and threatened to assault my mother (never did cuz theyre punk ass scary ass bitches) like theyre ALWAYS in some shit and some problems (thats why the street life and chasing fast money isnt worth it) always threatening people always screaming always literally MISERABLE MISERABLE people making everyone ese around them miserable
over the summer since i cant smoke in my house i got permission from the landlord to smoke on my backporch. these bitches, who dont know how to communicate like human beings instead of childish wild animals, ended up at some point throwing mop water on me and my partner from their porch upstairs onto me. even after the landlord telling them they needed to stop throwing their dirty mop water out onto our porch because they ruined our wooden table and i wanted to install my handmade haitian hammock to enjoy but was too scared too because itd get ruined by their filthy nasty ass water, they decided to throw mop water off their porch onto me DURING A PANDEMIC and when i cussed them out the stupid bitch was just laughing about it. Because she thought she could get away with it bc the landlord is her son. 
girl when i tell you i took all that long pentup anger and rage and threw some shit at them. CUZ I WAS FUCKING TIRED. TIRED. its YEARS of their fucking bullshit and abuse. YEARS. Over NOTHING bc ever since I first moved there at 16 i ALWAYS tried being friendly and nice but they just HATED me for NO REASON. We could never move because the way our city has been gentrified we’d have to leave our city to the suburbs because of how unaffordable its become. depriving us of too many programs and opportunities we need to survive. so we put up with those bitches for years because we had no choice.
and that shit fucking HIT to the level I NEVER EXPECTED IT TO.
Within the first few days of me making that lemon the landlord went up there AND CUSSED THEM ALL THE FUCK OUT. Literally I stood next to my backdoor so I could vibe and listen and it was BEAUTIFUL. How the fuck is your own son telling you you behave like a 5 year old or an animal has better manners than you. That she’s fucking insane and needs to get fucking help. Y’ALL THEY WERE CRYING AND SCREAMING AT HIM LIKE “HOW DARE YOU SIDE WITH THEM AND NOT YOUR ACTUAL FAMILY”. A whole motherfucking BLOWOUT. It was hard to hear because of HOW MANY PEOPLE WERE YELLING AND JUST HOW MUCH ARGUING HAPPENED but I remember he left with a loud ass SLAM with all of them upstairs discussing how “You need to support family” whatever whatever “im going to talk to housing” etc. 
After that, I didnt hear a PEEP from those people for a while. When I would see them, instead of their usual scowls and stares, they literally pretend I dont exist. LIKE THANK YOU. THATS ALL I WANTED. WHY COULDNT YOU JUST DO THAT FROM THE JUMP.
Y’all but it gets even better. THEY FUCKING MOVED. HE LITERALLY KICKED THEM THE FUCK OUT, HIS OWN FAMILY. I THOUGHT I had heard him saying to them during the blowout that they needed to leave but I wasnt sure!!! BUT HE DID HE KICKED THEIR ASSES OUT!!!!!! I realized it when a new man was living upstairs, I dont see either of their cars anymore, I never hear them in the early morning, their stuff isnt downstairs, they got rid of a giant workout machine (that my cousin snatched up), their name isnt on the mailbox anymore...............THEYRE FUCKING OUTTA HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!
THAT WASNT EVEN MY INTENTION!! I just wanted them to feel all the paina nd misery they had inflicted on my family over these years and BITCHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Yo i didnt even think it was gonna hit like that!!!!! At all!!!!!! I expected maybe for them to always be fighting with each other and aggravating each other but THE FACT THAT THEY LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i let that shit fester until it got fucking worms and bugs all over it outside until i got rid of it at the crossroads and Im convinced that was the ~*secret ingredient*~ that really had it hit harder than I intended to but LMFAOOOOOoooooooOOoooooo 
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minjoonalist · 5 years
Predilection | Chapter Two.
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Pairing : Jikook x Reader [Feat. Taehyung]
Words: 3.5k
Genre: Angst, eventual Smut, fluff 
Warnings : explicit wording
Description: you want him, he wants you, but he also wants him, and him wants you- but him hurt you. So You hate him.
“So how’d it go?” Your best friend slings his bag over the chair next you.
You were spending your last free day in the school’s library to finish up on some homework and you couldn't help but feel bummed out. Before you had made the depressing decision to cram every note you’d managed to take in the last few days, you finally made the wise decision to seek out your professor and request a new housing like Taehyung suggested.
Your head rises from the open notebook, eyes squinted and your hair tied up in a messy bun, because you hated when it fell on your face as you read. You felt extremely tired, no thanks to the lack of sleep you got from your sudden anxiety and Taehyung’s slightly worried expression told you that maybe you looked worse than you felt.
“Huh?” you rasped sitting up.
“ I said how did it go? Y’know, operation ‘get rid of fuck boy duo’ ?” He raises a hand to pull a stubborn strand of hair behind your ear, a small desperate smile gracing his features.
You furrowed your brows in return, your eyes narrowing in on him when you start to notice his flustered state. He was sweaty, His hair was wild, lips swollen, and the dark purplish hue that was stuck on his collarbone made its appearance once he shuffled to take off a sweater you’ve never seen before.
“Oh right! Let's see..-he said no.” you pouted and shrugged at him. “I’m sorry Ms. y/n, but it's just too late for that. I’m sure all of you will pull through...That. That was his response.”
The look tae returns, only reminds you of the one you made when you received your rejection. Even when you’ve tried over and over to convince the man of the unhealthy nature that stood between you three, he would only continue to insist that you solve it on your own. It only left you with no choice but to accept your tragic fate.
“So he’s making you stay with Captain hook and Tinkerbell?! Thats fucking crazy-” he starts to rant, his anger spiking too high for the atmosphere. you didn't like whenever he got worked up like that, so you attempt to change the subject at hand.
“Tae the only thing that seems to be crazy right now, is how you came late to our study date, looking as if you’ve just ran a marathon.” you quirked your brow and if you thought that the man had seemed flustered before, then his face must’ve felt as hot as the sun by now. His cheeks went from a pinkish hue to completely red and you couldn't help but to simply giggle at his expense.
“Alright …” you stretched in your seat before turning towards him “who was it?”.
He glances away nervously from you, his bottom lip caught in between his teeth. You could say on some level you were completely shocked. Over all your years of friendship you’ve never known your best friend to be shy about spilling his latest activities with you and that included telling you who's poor soul it was. You knew that it had been awhile since he’s had sex and he hasnt really taken an interest anyone-...wait.
“Oh my god…” your eyes widen. The excitement in your voice makes him look up at you. A mixture of curiosity and fear seen within his eyes because he somewhat knew you had already figured it out. There was only one person he couldn't bring himself to act cool in front of and that was none other than- You look around, eyes searching for anyone who might be listening when you turn back to him and mouth ‘Min yoongi?’
Taehyung cringes before groaning out of frustration.
“I just wanted to talk!! How was I supposed to know he would fall for my hot ass-” he cries out dramatically until someone from afar has shushes him. He then sends a nasty glare towards their direction, only to come back towards you to finish “ and I didnt fuck anyone sadly, … I made out with them.”
“You mean him’ as in Min Yoongi?” you try to correct and get a better answer with full smirk on your face.
Taehyung pouts for a bit. “ You know I find other people attractive besides him.” he mumbles “ anyways don't you remember? I was a complete dumb bitch the last time I talked to him. I turned him down to talk about living arrangements-”.
Suddenly he sits up from his slouching position a shocked expression on his face as if he had just realized something.“Oh shit!” He springs forward.
“What? What's happening?” You shuffle back a little, scared by how frantic he looks all of a sudden.
“ I-I’ve got to go. I-I completely forgot that I’m going to be staying with my crush for an entire week!” he says quickly standing up from his chair and you watch as he quickly reaches for all of his items.
“Hey! where are you going? You just got here” you say a bit saddened by the sudden departure. He grabs his bag, slinging it back up onto his shoulders and comes to land a gentle kiss on your temple. He does this sweet gesture and begins to sprint away before you could say anything else-but not forgetting to yell “I need to pack cuter clothes for Yoongi hyung! Bye!”. you sit there in your spot only shaking your head in return.
“Um hello?” a light voice comes from your side.
With a deep smile still being placed onto your features, you don't pay no mind to it. You were still too busy watching your friend’s retreating figure as he rushes away from your teasing of his crush. While he may not have audibly confirmed who the handsy culprit was, his face certainly did and all you wanted to do, was gush for him.
“Right. I’m dumb and Im just gonna go fuck myself now…” the same voice chimes behind you again, except all confidence before had completey vanished and you finally noticed.
“Wait huh?” you then ask turning around from your spot only to be met with another retreating figure that had it’s hoodie up.
From first glance you could almost assume that they were someone you had seen before. Their walk, their shape, and maybe even just the way they were carrying themselves with grace - it all seemed too familiar to you and Immediately you feel guilty from their words. It sounded as if they had gathered so much strength to talk to you and all you did was Ignore their attempt.
Your head throbbed, eyes were droopy and you wanted nothing more than to go take a nice nap in your bed after all that studying. It had been approximately 3 hours since taehyung had left you to your own presence and you still wondered who the mystery figure was that tried to talk to you earlier.
You’re leaning over in your chair, your bag in front of you as you packed up your remaining items. Your eyes trains on the overstuffed case, when a white object is set down in front of your view. You snap slightly towards it, your mind immediately registering it as a small coffee to-go cup.
“Still spending your life in the library I see, huh nerd?” the voice comes out a bit hoarse as if it’s owner wasn't usually one to speak. But they did and you knew they did -but only to the ones they cared about. Funny that at one point it used to be you...
You could've grabbed everything and got up, hell you could have taken the damn coffee and chucked it at the miserable man that dare to speak to you as if everything was fine. But of course, because you were so damn weak and you couldn't control the shock that had you in it’s vice grip, you look up to the handsomely dark male that once called himself your best friend.
“Jungkook?” You breathed. Swallowing thickly, in your now suddenly dry throat. His tall yet lean figure, shifts slightly from hearing his name come out of your mouth and he simply sends you a small nod in return.
“Y/n.” he greets.
Jungkook wasn't surprised at the frown that immediately comes onto your face and he also wasn't surprised that you didn't notice his little peace offering.
“What are you doing here?” Was the exact question he had already braced himself for when he decided it was best to get to you before his boyfriend did. Not long after jimin’s little show, did he verbally express numerous times he was going to come after you despite what jungkook thought and it was only up to the man himself to at least warn you.
“Did you take a wrong turn or something?” Yet another question comes from you. You were beyond confused by the boy’s odd appearance as he stood watching you silently with a cold expression that was completely different from what you were used to. Even if you both had not been friends for years, never once before have you ever had jungkook look at you without some type of adoration in his eyes.
Until now.
He snaps out of his emotionless trance and comes to take the empty seat in front of you. “Its an Americano with three pumps of vanilla- thought you could use some.” he finally says quietly as the coffee cup in front of you is pushed further your way and you slowly raise a skeptical brow. You then sit back a bit, completely stranger to the man you used to cuddle whenever you felt like it. It was weird how close you could be with someone and then suddenly you werent. Even so, it amazed you that he stilled remembered your go-to coffee.
“Um thanks.” you nod reaching for it, but then hesitating to take a sip “you didn't poison this did you?” you asked narrowing your eyes.
Jungkook blinks momentarily at your question and once he takes in what exactly you asked him he sends you a flat look in return. “ No. I don't know about you, but I do want to get an A in this class. I think me, poisoning one of my partners would be a childish decision ” Jungkook says matter-of-factly and the way he sends you a cold glare while taking a sip of his own drink has you wondering just when did the man become so...bitter?
You take your gaze away from him and lower it back down towards your coffee, a slight blush on your cheeks. The grip on it becoming a bit tighter as you grit your teeth in irritation “I wouldn't call it childish” you mutter under your breath. He’d only been around for about 5 minutes and you were already thinking about poisoning him.
Jungkook takes note of your immediate irritation. You never noticed but the way his eyes suddenly glimmered from your deplore of his comment. It was sure enough a number one sign of his ill intentions and After a silence passes by, only then does his emotionless expression return just before he speaks.
“We need to talk about jimin.”
There were three things you were sure of the moment Jungkook had decided to confront you while at the library. One, the boy was still as loathsome as the day you both parted, Two you were definitely plotting his death by poison and three...you don't know what kind of overbearing confidence Jimin has been feeding the man over the years, but Jeon Jungkook was way too conceited for his own good.
Ten minutes pass the time you were supposed to be heading home, were the same ten minutes you were stuck watching Jungkook babble on to you about...well you didn't know because you weren't listening.
You blinked slowly.
The sight of the muted raven’s lips moving in a concentrated flow to create a very long speech you surely weren't listening to. While so, you took the time to notice the small features of the grown man that had changed over time. His hair had grown out past the usual short cut he always kept, the boyishly round jawline you were used to seeing had transformed into something that one could say was sharp, and his eyes...while they were now cold towards you, even a blind bat could tell that once they fell upon you with a loving warmth- it could make anyone fall to their knees.
Although you hated the man himself, you had to admit no amount of disliking could make you so oblivious to how completely hot he is now. Too bad those good looks had to be wasted on such a shitty person...
“-you're not even listening.” his voice finally registers in your ears and he watches as your once glazed eyes snaps into alertness.
“h-huh what?” you stutter while finally bringing your lost attention back onto him. Jungkook’s highly bothered gaze, stays on you and when he sees the confused expression that you give him in return. It only confirms his suspicions of you not listening to a damn thing he was saying.
“Attention deficit. Even now you wont pay attention to me. ” Jungkook then sighs, his body sliding down as he leans his head back into his chair.
This was a lot more annoying than he expected it to be.
“What's that supposed to mean?” Your brow furrows and you cross your arms at his sly comment. The last place that you wanted to be in this moment was in front of jungkook and he had the nerve to insult you right as you were sitting across from him?
Jungkook raises his head once again only to be met with a harsh glare from your point and Inside he mentally scolds himself for letting those words slip out his mouth. “Nothing.” He quickly replies just before leaning over and more towards you. “I know you don't want to talk to me right now...or ever and I can see you’re more than less thrilled about having to put up with both Jimin and I for a week. I don't like repeating myself, So for once could you please listen to me y/n?” He pleads another emotion besides irritation filling his eyes.
There it was again… you thought to yourself, noting the way jungkook seems to insinuate that you never listen to him and if it hadn't been for the fact that you wanted him out of your sight as soon as possible, you would have asked why he seems to keep the pattern. In- fact the longer you both were in each other’s company, the angrier you become and receiving an F’ for this project was seeming worth it to you. If this was the kind of person you would have to talk to everyday in order to get work done, there was no way any of you were going to pass.
“We need to talk about Jimin” he repeats the same phrase, he uttered only a few moments ago and This time, they actually pique your interest. You then quirk a brow in question, no reasons for why he would want to talk about the silver haired man coming to your head.
“Why? Flaunting him around in my face not doing it for you?” You ask rhetorically, not even attempting to hide the bitterness in your voice. This makes Jungkook narrows his eyes. The faintest smirk appearing on his lips but deep down there was that familiar pinch of emotion that he’d learned to keep at bay. Guilt
“You know green never looked good on you y/n.” He clicks his tongue.
“And being a dick isn’t a great personality trait.” your reply was quick as you attempt to hide the silent sting of his words. You then raise your chin high, feigning confidence “ speaking of- ...what the hell does your boyfriend have to do with me?” You ask finally giving into the evil gaze that probably wasn't going to budge anytime soon.
Jungkook takes a moment to look at you, seeing that you’re equally as harsh gaze had no falter. Brows furrowed, star gazed eyes narrowed into slits, and soft looking lips pursed into a thin line-...wait did he just call your lips soft? What the fuck.
He blinks to himself.
“Well?” You prod, completely unaware of his sudden turmoil.
Jungkook clears his throat “Well, I guess I’ll just start off with the obvious fact that you have a non-stop hard on for him.” he speaks, looking too sure of himself. He would have thought this would have been a bit easier to communicate with you, but somehow he found it hard to tell you that karma was basically kicking him in his ass.
“Every girl has those for jimin, jungkook-” you snort and he rolls his eyes.
“But they’re not like you...”
“How so?” you inquire, a brow still quirked skeptically towards him. Jungkook sighs again but a bit more audibly this time “ You’re just different. They don't have our past history- our relationship.”
“Right, because normal girl’s don't have their crushes sucked away by a snake best friend.” You conclude sarcastically and It comes out just as venomous as you wanted it to “ how lucky am I? ”
The right eye on jungkook’s face twitches and he bites back his winning anger. Why he hasn't gotten up from this table yet was beyond his comprehension, he usually didn't have this kind of patience- not even for Jimin. Maybe because he wants to have it for you.
“Well my boyfriend wants to fuck you in more ways than one…so I’d say pretty damn lucky.” Jungkook swallows, his bottom lip being caught in between his teeth.
You frown and the air in between you shifts just when you start to see unease within his features. It feels as if time has just slowed down, the subtle beating within your heart escalating at jungkook’s highly alarming confession and you try your best not to let your mouth hang open.
Your body freezes, eyes bulging out slightly as you look away in shock and then understanding. For a moment, you wanted to believe that what Jungkook was telling you was true- that the very man you’ve fantasized multiple times about has suddenly done the same for you. But of course you couldn't, only holding onto the silent fear that this was all just some sick joke he came up with to hurt you even more.
Your fists clench at you side. You felt anger spike through you, from the thought of the evil boy plotting harm to you. “That's it? that's why you’re here? To tell me that your little love slave suddenly has his eye on me? How dumb do you think I am?” You sneer at him, your words getting louder by the second and you forget that the both of you were currently situated within a library.
What ever reaction jungkook thought you were going to have towards this conversation, it wasn't one of anger. surprise, happy- maybe even a bit of relief, but he certainly never pictured you rising from your seat and leaning over the table with a look that could kill an army.
He shifts a bit.
“ Do you think I'm so desperate that I would just jump immediately at your word? I'm not naive, little y/n anymore Jeon” you couldn't help yourself, watching as jungkook blinks rapidly towards you.
“Y/n that's not-“ Jungkook frowns and he tries to calm you down, but you were too far gone.
“I'm not that little puppet you can manipulate. I was your friend and that's what you should have treated me as...what the hell did I ever do to you?” The words leave your mouth before you could even register it. It was a fair question, that always seem to plague your mind whenever you thought about this. You’ve asked him this before of course, but for some reason you could never seem to remember what it was that he told you. All you knew was that no matter what it was, there was just no excuse for ever hurting your friend like that.
A long silence goes by.
“Friend.” He simply repeats after a moment. “ y/n you weren't my friend. Friends hangout everyday, friends share laughs and listen to each other's problems or secrets. Friends don't ignore each other’s entire existence when they wanted them most. Friends don't let the other fall while they take a step back…” By then Jungkook had slowly risen out of his seat as well, his speech strong with emotion until the last part had become so low you’ve completely missed it.
However that wasn't your worry, what registered with you most, was the pain his eyes bore into you -as if he wanted you to see everything that he’d kept inside all these years. If that it-self wasn't distracting then maybe it was the fact that jungkook had copied your stature without thinking it through fully. While he leaned over the table - his face only a few mere inches away, it dawns on you quickly that he was way too close into your personal space.
Even knowing so, you still wouldn't budge because you refused to be the one to submit. Instead you kept your unmoving glare onto his wavering eyes, your steady breathing against his increasing inhales, your frozen frame in shock when his moves in even closer, and a blank mind when his lips are suddenly on yours.
Jungkook had snapped.
Chapter Two | Masterlist
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Not always an Asshole (Gavin Reed x Reader)
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You were sat at your desk at the DPD waiting for Connor and Hank to come back with news from the latest Deviant incident. Or more like Android incident. The word deviant wasn’t being used anymore, not since the revolution and the freedom and equality of androids was excepted. Well excepted by most anyway.
Your parter Gavin Reed definitely couldn’t be classed as someone who excepted android, he couldn’t even stand to be near Connor so when he and you had been told you be working with Hank and Connor, Gavin had practically blown all his fuses and almost raged at Fowler. He held it back which you knew was not only hard but completely against what I really wanted to do.
That had been three weeks ago and your partner still went about his work with a sulky attitude and constant verbal stabs at Connor whenever he could get one in. You looked past the monitor on your desk to the detective. He was staring at his own monitor, a frown deeply set into his brows as he concentrated on something. 
You thought about him quite often, more often that you’d happily admit to anyone out loud. You just wished he wasn’t sure an asshole all the time, you knew he had it in him to be nice, you’d seen it on one or two occasions.
When you were cold one during an investigation of a crime scene he had given you his jacket. Another time when you were upset after a really hard interrogation he drove you home and stopped along the way to grab you both a coffee from your favourite place. He even made you coffee at work, occasionally placing a cup beside you as he walked around your desk to get to his own.
All these small things you saw him do that no one else knew about, that he never showed anyone else but you. That being said the start of your partnership hadn’t gone this smoothly, Gavin had complained for days about being stuck with the rookie who was also a girl. You tried not to take notice, especially after Hank and Connor had befriended you and let you in on how much of an ass Gavin could be. But now? Now you kinda liked the guy.
It was simply a convenient bonus that he was attractive too, you were almost caught staring on one or two occasions recently. Like now for instance. Your eyes snapped back to your own screen when Gavin looked up, a deep sigh leaving his lips as he sat back and ran his hands through his hair.
“This is bullshit, Hank and that plastic prick should be back by now” 
“You shouldn’t call him that, you can get into trouble for it now” You kept your voice low, trying to show him that you worried about his harsh words. With Connor now employed by the DPD he could easily file a report against Gavin and you knew that would make things worse. “You want a coffee? I can make you one?”
“No I’m fine” Gavin was in a bad mood, you could tell by the hard set of his jaw and the fact that he didn’t bother to look at you once since he or you started speaking. 
“Okay…oh here they are now” You caught Connor and Hank walking in, both of them looked tired even Connor which was strange but you didn’t question it. “You guys find anything out?”
“Other than what we already know? Android, AX600 model, went crazy and killed her boss? Nope. Nada.” Hank fell into his chair and groaned in annoyance. The android had gone missing after killing this boss of hers, she had shot him six times in the head before fleeing and we couldn’t locate her despite knowing her model number and everything else about her. 
“So you wasted even more time” Gavins voice brought you away from your thoughts about the case, he was stood up now, leaning against his desk, arms crossed. “I told you it was a waste of time questioning the secretary” 
“The android was a secretary two, it made sense to question the other one for any idea as to why she did it and where she went” Hank looked at Gavin as he spoke but you could see the look on his face. It was the look of ‘I can’t deal with your shit right now’.
“Gavin back down, we’ll know more when they unscramble the camera footage from the office, until then we just have to sit tight”
“Can’t argue with that, come on Connor let’s head home” Hank got up, and nodded at you before walking off, Connor following quickly behind after a polite goodnight to you. You looked back at Gavin.
He was still leaning against the desk, his eyes looking down at the ground as he thought about god knows what. You sighed and shut your monitor down, grabbing your coat you went to stand in front of the moody detective grabbing his attention.
“You should go home too you know, you look tired” 
“I’m going to pretend thats a compliment” Gavin looked at you, his green eyes meeting your own. “Fine. I’ll go, you want me to drive you?”
“Would I ever give up the opportunity to be in such wonderfully miserably company?” You replied cheerily, giving Gavin your best smile. He rolled his eyes and grabbed his jacket and keys before nodding his head for you to follow. 
Gavin drove a car like Hank, he told you he couldn’t see the point in the automatic cars, it wasn’t real driving apparently. You didn’t care either way, you were just thankful for the warm heat blowing from the fans as Gavin started driving towards your place. 
“Why are you in such a bad mood? You were fine yesterday, something happen?”
“Why the fuck do you care? Mind your own business” You were used to Gavin snapping at you but you couldn’t say it didn’t hurt more now that you’d seen better sides to him. As if reading your thoughts Gavin sighed and looked at you quickly. “I’m sorry, I haven’t been sleeping great and I’m sick of these cases” 
“With the androids?”
“With any of them, just shitty crimes that people or androids think they can get away with it just pisses me off”
“You know…you could try being nice to Connor for once, he’d be nice back, he wouldn’t even hold how much of an asshole you’ve been against you” you nudges Gavins arm with your elbow gently and smiled at him, even though his eyes were on the road now. “You aren’t always an asshole Reed, why not let everyone see that?”
“And give up my asshole reputation? I couldn’t do it” You saw the smirk pulling the corner of his lips up and breathed a sigh of relief that you’d cheered him up a little at least.
“So it’s a personal gift to me? To be able to see Gavin Reed without his asshole mask on?”
“Sure whatever”
“A gift just for me because I’m special?”
“Specials one way to put it sure” You hit his arm and turned back to looking out the window as he laughed. “Alright whatever it’s just for you” You didn’t reply to him, feigning mock annoyance but once Gavin pulled up outside and turned off the car your house you turned to him. 
“Yeah?” He turned to look at you his upper body turned as much as possible to face in your direction.
“Why aren’t you an asshole to me?”
“Because I have to put up with your stupid ass all the time and it tiring to be an asshole 24/7” you sighed but held firm and looked at him, raising an eyebrow in an attempt to let him know you weren’t giving up that easily. “I guess… I don’t know I guess I like you”
“You like me? Do I get a reward for cracking and worming my way into your hard exterior?” You smiled at him again as he huffed out a laugh.
“Fine laugh all you want”
“I’m not laughing, I’m officially impressed with myself. I have cracked Gavin Reed. Me, myself and I” You let a smug grin spread over my face and you put your chin higher in victory before you both burst out laughing. It was a rare thing to see Gavin smile let alone laugh so you really take pride in knowing you caused it. 
“Will you stop goofing around, you’re worst than me when it comes to being annoying”
“You just said you liked me! That means you like my being annoying! I’m a full package Reed, you can pick and choose” You hadn’t realised during your laughter that you’d moved closer to each other, if you moved closer even a small bit, your noses would touch. For a moment you felt kind of nervous, you’d thought about Gavin in this way more than once but you never thought you’d be in a position to make a move on him, or for him to make a move on you.
But thats exactly what he did, before you knew what was happening Gavin had moved and pressed his lips against yours. You didn’t wait around, deeming the kiss and moving your hands to his hair, you’d thought about his hair so much, now that you were running your hands through it you weren’t sure if this was a dream. You weren’t sure how long you two stayed like that but when you finally pulled away from each other your breaths were coming quicker. 
You kept Gavins gaze before smiling at him and quickly placing a kiss on the scar on his nose before getting out of the car, leaving Gavin sat there looking a little dazed. Before you closed the car door you leant in again. “See Reed, you’re not always an asshole” 
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erregent · 6 years
( under a readmore cause it’s long.
i guess??? this is the start to a gavcentric redemption fic with some ree.d900 on the side. i have maybe three more chapters planned out but i haven’t finished it yet. )
they’re probably going to put on his tombstone ‘dumb shit.’ 
nothing else. no date of birth, mother’s name, none of that. just, here lies a dumb fucker. 
laying on his back in a wet alleyway, struggling for breath around the blood in his mouth, gavin reed thinks it’s probably for the best. 
he was supposed to call for backup but since when the fuck has he ever needed backup? no partner necessary, he may be shit at office work but out here, in the field, was where he got his kicks. a perp wanted to bust out the third story window and try to outrun him on the fire escape? good. 
gavin was not far behind, huffing around smokers lungs but spite was enough to keep his legs moving, keep the high teen in his sights as he darts up stairs one more floor to the roof of the apartment building. 
“that’s enough, kid,” he remembers saying, training his gun at the perp’s back as he contemplates jumping off, “there’s nowhere to go.”
“i can’t--- can’t go to prison, i can’t---” he was high, confused. just a fucking teenager. for some reason gavin thinks of the boy’s mother. where she was now, and if she knew what her boy was doing. did she even care.
he couldn’t tell you why, but he remembers putting his gun away. offering up both hands empty like some sort of peace offering.
“you can still get out of this alright, don’t be fuckin’ stupid. just turn around, and get over here.”
“they’ll kill me! they’ll kill me...i can’t--- no, nono--” 
“who’s they? talk to me, kid, i can’t help you if you don’t talk to me.”
the kid eventually turns around. wet tear tracks on both cheeks, snot dribbling over lips, and hands clutching a beretta.
gavin didn’t have time to say a word before hearing the pow pow of gunfire. 
choking, gasping, he knows he’s shot before he even looks down but when he does, the world spins, and he’s falling over the ledge.
shoulder catches the edge of the fire-escape, shattered. body rag-doll, he manages to land on his back just so he could graciously choke on his own blood. 
so yea, he’s a dumb shit. he didn’t even call for backup. 
you try to do something nice, and it gets you shot twice in the chest. 
somehow, he wakes up. 
he has no idea when, but he wakes up. 
the harsh lighting, the stale sick smell, the soft ‘beepbeepbeep’ lets him know he’s in a hospital. it’s not the first time he’s woken up in one and the detective doubts it will be the last. but this is certainly the first time he can hardly move once consciousness returns to him. 
everything hurts. literally everything, even the follicles of his hair feel sore in his head, and he’s hovering somewhere between drugged beyond recognition and not nearly doped enough to withstand the discomfort. 
all he can manage is a low groan of pain, flexing fingers to see which ones work and which don’t. 
his entire left arm is casted, gavin can barely turn his head enough to see the thing, it goes up to his chest where gauze springs from underneath. it’s wrapped tight, tight around his torso and down to his navel, though gavin can’t see past the sheet thats been brought up to his armpits. he’s sewed up, tucked in, and left here. 
“detective,” a voice calls from the doorway. at least he gets his own room. 
the soft glowing LED in the nurses temple under blond curls would have made gavin scoff if he weren’t so broken. he groans again. a fuckin’ android. he forgets they’re allowed to do whatever they want now, regardless of model and make. 
“please try not to move so much. honestly, i’m surprised you’re awake. you’ve only been out of surgery for three hours, your body is still adjusting to the changes,” she’s rummaging through a virtual clipboard, the skin on her hand peeling back to interface with it directly. 
“you took two gun shot wounds to the torso. one made a clear shot, it hit nothing vital. the other punctured a lung and broke one of your ribs. your shoulder and arm were shattered from impact after you fell, and required extensive surgery and reconstruction to repair. do you remember where you were before here, detective?”
gavin groans. his mouth tastes like sandpaper and actual, literal asshole. it’s too dry, he rolls his tongue around but it feels two sizes too big. he manages to croak out “case,” and not sound totally out of it, to his defense.
“yes, we were informed by your department you were chasing a suspect. though i am not authorized to talk to you about legal matters, i just need to confirm your mental faculties are still in order. you fell almost three stories, detective. the only reason your skull was not crushed on impact was the loss of momentum your body sustained hitting the fire escape on your way down.”
he manages a scoff this time. guess he’s lucky for the shattered bones.
“what is your name?”
another noise, he grinds teeth around the ‘g’ sound.
“g...avin. reed.” 
“yes, that’s very good. i have more questions for you, and you willneed a debriefing, but you still need rest,” she’s coming to his bedside then, futzing with the fancy IV machine whirring away there. she hits a few buttons, pumps him full of morphine, and suddenly gavin feels really warm and he wants to sleep.
he does. 
it’s the first time in twelve years, gavin sleeps longer than two hour increments. 
the next few days come in blinks, and trying to keep track of time is utterly useless. there’s a potted plant at his bedside one time he opens his eyes. a succulent, some weird desert lookin thing and he knows it’s chen. he likes this kind, barely have to do shit to keep it alive. he passes out trying to move his arm to touch it.
the next time he’s awake, there’s flowers. a single arrangement, freshly pruned peace lilies harsh white like his whole fuckin’ room with a little blue ‘k’ on an equally white card in the middle. if he could, he’d knock the whole thing off on principle. fuckin prick.
the third time he can actually remember anything, he’s sitting up more. that same blond nurse is back, checking about his vitals and tidying the room. there’s not much to do, even in his haze gavin can tell there has been little traffic here. the detective isn’t shocked by the notion. he’s not known to have friends. 
he’s awake for more than fifteen minutes this time, and gavin knows what to expect. a half hour into consciousness, one of his own is buzzing into his room. he’s expecting chen, maybe anderson if the captain wanted to let the old man gloat. he’s not expecting fowler himself to walk through the door.
his gut plummets like a shitty wooden roller coaster at the sight of him. dark blue button up. black slacks. badge at his hip. but no clip board, no pen. he’s not here to talk about the case.
“reed,” fowler begins, hands in his pockets as he walks toward the large window to gavin’s left. it’s hard to turn his head that way, considering his shoulder was in pieces not long ago, but he manages to get the man in his peripheral. 
the silence that follows is maddening. gavin wants to claw his god damn skin off. 
“you could have died, reed. you very well should have.”
“i had it under con-”
“if you try to undermine what this is, so help me.” perhaps it’s just the morphine, but gavin swears fowler’s hands are shaking in his pockets.
“listen. you’re a good detective, gavin. you and i both know that. it’s why i wanted you back on the force after the whole android awakening,” fowler has finally turned to face him now though stays by the window. his voice is level, but terse. he feels like he’s being scolded by his father.
“you bitched and moaned about what cases you wanted, you bitched and moaned when i brought in the other rk unit, and you bitched and moaned when i tried to pair you with him. for months. and i’ve listened because you got results. i don’t give a shit if you’re everybody’s best friend, so long as you do the job and you don’t get yourself killed. but you fucked up big time, reed. and i can’t have it happen again.”
“you are not dying under my watch, gavin. you hear me? not because of your inflated ego and some shitty pride!” 
gavin swallows at the tone of fowler’s voice, would have flinched back if he could. for once in his miserable fucking life, the detective agrees, and nods.
“yea. yea i hear you.” he hates how weak he sounds. he’ll blame it on the fatigue.
the tenseness fowler carried in his jaw loosens some. shoulders slack. gavin can see the clenched fists in his pockets ease. he’s said the right thing. gavin wasn’t made a detective for nothing. 
“good. cause you’re getting a partner when you get out of here, and i’m not hearing another word out of you about it.”
ok, so he’s not fired. that’s awesome. but...fuck. he doesn’t even have the energy to ask who. he likes to think he’d be all teeth and gums about this, being the squeakiest wheel he can be to get the grease, if he weren’t still in recovery. 
“get some rest. we’ll interview about the suspect when you’re not drugged off you ass,” his captain makes to leave, but stops by the doorway just to shoot gavin a rarely seen, but always infuriating smirk, “should probably keep you on it, though. you’re a lot nicer when you can’t bark.”
fowler leaves. 
gavin, through grit teeth and optimal discomfort, manages to knock the peace lilies off the table.
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cottoncandyreaper · 3 years
((Underswap story anyone??))
I'm seventeen living on the surface now for eleven years, found and currently dating the human girl of my dreams, on the track and free-style dance teams at school with an amazing Dad and magnificent Uncle along with so many friends and people I've considered family all my life. I'm happy and feeling pretty great about it all but recently I've felt this confused sensation about something; it's been nagging away at my soul for some months now even. Hannah, my beautiful and graciously kind girlfriend noticed it almost immediately asking about it now and then but how could I give her a answer if I wasn't even sure what the thing was that needed asked about. I was wanting answers just as much as she did that was for sure. And for once it felt like something I couldn't or more like wouldn't talk to anyone about which was defiantly out if character for me. I considered myself an open book about anything always leaning heavily on my Dad when something stressful came onto me. So I was kinda confused on why this was so different feeling.
I didn't want to push it onto anyone; not family or friends and that really sucked feeling like a cracked bottle just draining little by little each day so after months like this...I felt almost empty. And lost huddled in a corner in my mind with my own annoying emotions. Is this what the early stages of depression felt like? Dad was open about his own depression...was it really okay to bring mine up to him?
Groaning outwardly leaning against the sink at my Aunt Muffet's bar staring at the dishes as my mind raced I had the sudden urge to go to bed soon when I got home.
"Whats wrong Deary?"
Aunt Muffy as I liked to call her walked into the kitchen from the side door seeing me right as I leaned over which was heavily frowned upon by her. She was big on posture.
"Oh! S-sorry I'm fine just tired is all. I had early track practice today before I came here."
She eyed me suspiciously folding her lower arms as she walked to me and adjusted the tie I wore. Darn this uniform she made me wear.
"Go home sweetie, I can handle things from here."
"What? But its not even my normal time yet. I still have an hour in a half."
"And I said go home, I have plenty of help for the night so listen to your auntie and go rest up."
She covered my mouth with one word out smiling that loving smile that has always comforted me.
"Besides deary, Hannah is here to pick you up."
"S-she is!?"
The simple mention of that heavenly name sent my mood through the roof as I dried my hands off quickly to kissing Aunt Muffy's cheek and dashed out into the dining room towards my perfect flower standing by the door. Hannah only managed a few steps before I was on her with arms around her waist picking her up and spinning us around.
"Hey honey! Glad to know you missed me since leaving school just a few hours ago."
She held my cheeks so softly in her warm hands sending tingles straight through me as she kissed my nose.
"Sorry, I didn't know you were picking me up."
"Your Dad asked if I could. Apparently Blue is trying out a new recipe and he's supervising."
"Yeah that sounds about right."
Grabbing my school bag I had hanging behind the front counter after settling her back on her feet I followed right behind her out to her little blue toyota perfectly named berry-boy jumping into my rightful front seat and off to the roads ahead.
"How was work today? You've been doing part time since school started but you haven't told me much about it yet."
With her eyes on the road Hannah's voice chimed throughout the car like a choir as I began loosening my tie and un-did the top few buttons.
"Fine, I've always helped Aunt muffy ever since I was a kid in the Underground so its second nature to me. Apparently she says people like my friendly attitude. Plus I'm allowed to keep the tips I get so thats always a bonus."
"Do you think she would let me work there with you too?"
I didn't mean to chuckle but I did earning a questionable side eye.
"She wouldn't trust us together for five minutes inside her establishment. She has a no couples working together policy."
"Since when!?"
"Since we started dating."
I looked over seeing that cute little pout that broke my walls down when she was trying to get something from me but at least this time it wasn't my personal downfall.
"I kinda agree with her though, what would happen if I saw your cute butt in uniform? I would have to grab your ass all the time and that would loose me tips."
I gave a fake playful whine as the pout turned to a blush.
"Win! Oh my god shut up!"
Laughter bubbled out of an giddy fountain as she reached over to try and swat at me only for me to catch her hand and kiss it. The blush worsened in response.
"Facts are facts tulip I can't change them."
"Get out of my car you terrible flirt!"
She laughed through the statement as she pulled into the driveway throwing the car in park only to throw her signature pout my way.
"You're such a baby."
Leaning over I grabbed the back of her neck making her sqeak from the surprise before stealing her lips happy to make the pout disappear.
"I-I hate when you do that...I love you. I'll text when I'm home."
"Good girl. And I love you too."
She rolled her eyes as I stood from the car watching her go not moving till she was fully out of sight. Signing gently as I brushed my fingers agaisnt my lips smiling now having my mood lightened even more I walked inside shutting the door quietly and tried to escape to my room upstairs; it failed miserably.
"Welcome back Kiddo."
"H-hey Dad. How's dinner going?"
"Better then I thought. He's using a recipe book Asgore leant him so its going well. How was school and work?"
Seeing as hiding away in my room was destroyed I followed Dad into the living room dropping my backpack to the ground before falling into the couch cushions across from him.
"Good, track practice will be picking up alot more soon for the fall meet so I'll have it twice a week starting next week. And I got tipped by the little old couple that come in for coffee every Friday. They weren't even my table."
"Heh, they like you."
"I never knew just how cute little old couples could be."
Dad snickered at my comment folding his legs up tapping his foot agaisnt my leg.
"I saw Hannah dropped you off like I asked of her, nice move by the way on the kiss. Wish I taught ya that instead of the movies. Wins hearts everytime."
"Dad! I do not need that kind of advice from you please and thanks!"
He laughed out as my face no doubt turned shades of purple while grabbing one of the pillows chucking it right at that boney face of his. That shut him up at least but the orange glow I saw in his eye partnered with the smirk I suddenly felt like I was going to have a bad time. The pillow fight was a blur; smacks, hits and laughter echoed off the walls of the living room as we both fought in this squishy war. We had tag teamed using magic to move most of the furniture around so not to destroy anything and get yelled at by Uncle Blue at least before it got real bad.
"Give it up kiddo! You've never won a pillow fight with your old man! I'm the pillow fighting champion in this household!"
"Stop talking and watch your back!"
He was confused seeing my magic come to life in my eyes only to have the biggest pillow in the living room attack him right in the back of his head and neck throwing him off his game as I came up and hit him again in his side as hard as I could. The moment I saw him off balance enough I pushed him down grabbing his arm and pinned it behind him sitting on his back to add to the winning stance.
"I got dunked on by my own kid...Im so proud."
"Dad you're a dork."
I laughed releasing his arm but stayed on his back feeling pretty happy right where I was.
"I was waaay over due for a victory."
"17 years over due for a victory."
"So you were having pillow fights with me when I was a baby? Rude."
"Absolutely, I just had to tap your head with a pillow and you'd fall over, easy win."
"Wow Dad, didn't know you'd stoop so low."
Climbing off I layed on the floor next to him also on my stomach folding my arms under my chin turning my head to look at him.
"Feeling better?"
He reached over laying a warm skeletal hand ontop of my head pushing the short red locks back gently.
"You've been down in the dumps for a while kiddo, I'm your dad, you think I wouldn't notice? I gotta make sure my baby-bones stays happy ya'know."
"Oh...I mean, yeah I feel good. Thanks."
"You wanna talk about it?"
"I...don't know yet? Is that dumb? I haven't really figured out some stuff."
"Its not dumb hon, when you figure out what's going on you know I'm here."
"Yeah...thanks Dad."
He smiled satisfied with my words and just started to get up when Uncle Blue's voice rain down like thunder.
I couldn't stop laughing as Dad snickered reaching his hand down to pull me up as we cleaned explaining the 'tornado' that hit out of no where. Uncle Blue wouldn't believe us at all as he finished dinner while supervising the clean up at the same time. We ate at the table with the feeling of calm settling in my mind for once then I was finally given the joy of going to my room to work on homework with headphones in drowning out the real world.
I had showered kinda late, finished homework and just layed in bed texting Hannah. She was trying to trigger my sadness seeing if something said in the past was the whole reason. I just kept replying by sending her emojis with every failed attempt.
'Thanks for trying Tulip but I think Imma go chill with dad and talk with him...I think I can try and explain it now. Maybe'
'You sure?'
'Nope but he's understood my babbling for years'
I didnt wait for her response dropping the phone into the mess of sheets leaving my room traveling down the hall with soft steps to the last room knocking gently like I was scared of the door.
"Dad, you asleep?"
"Not anymore."
I giggled opening the door watching the last bit of him sitting up in bed as the sheets fell to his lap and stretched long arms above his skull.
"Whats up kiddo? You good?"
"Yeah...I just wanted to try and, talk about whats been going on?"
That perked him up instantly as he wiggled over making room for me in the bed patting the mattress as he did. Closing the door before I strolled over falling into the spot as Dad moved the blankets around covering me up and finished with wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
"Alright I'm all ears Win."
I rolled my eyes at that one for sure but bit my tongue at a comeback as I tried to explain the best I could manage.
"Its...probably weird. I think, I'm not really sure were to start. I don't think I want to be considered just a...girl anymore? I guess the best example would be if like Hannah and I went out on a date...I'd like to be seen as that protective figure, the masculine 'boyfriend' kinda girlfriend. I always feel more comfortable in that kind of situation. I would probably still put on a dress for her if she asked me though and there are times where I feel really pretty and like a actual girl. But I really like wearing the uniform at Aunt Muffy's place because I like that I look handsome and even get told that or that people think I'm a guy all together. I kinda like being seen as a guy...and a girl? Or even as neither. I'm actually happy being considered anything these days. I've started having people ask me my pronouns recently too but I don't know what to tell them so I just tell them my name. Some people at school have tried to explain some things to me but it feels weird to talk to them about it so I just shrug it off; so I've been confused for months now. It's been really tiring and kinda aggravating...I think that's it. Thats, kinda hard to say out loud for some reason."
Dad gave a tiny hum as I finished while I wiggled around to lay my head more on his shoulder as his fingers played in my hair.
"I think I get the main idea you have."
He reached for his phone keeping it out of my view as he typed while speaking.
"Im ninty-nine percent sure its this, one of my coworkers is the same way. I had a small hunch you were like them but I liked that you weren't titled. You were just my normal little Winnie in a relationship with your datemate. Monsters don't have a group like the humans do but they're called the LGBTQ+. I've been learning about them alot but...didn't want to say anything to you about it."
Dad contiuned speaking as he showed me what was pulled up on his phone; a entire website dedicated to the group.
"There are forms for all the branches of the group too."
He navigated through the webpage easily telling me he had been here often before going to a section that had all kinds of flags on it.
"Monsters don't put titles to things like humans but to them you would be considered a lesbian who is also gender fluid. Being a lesbian is the sexual orientation while being gender fluid is the identity you express."
I slowed his movements to read the passages wrote under each flag he showed me. Every word sunk in sending chills through me at finally connecting all the dots for the full picture. I felt every form of relief just flood my system as all my weight settled against Dad.
"Thats...so cool. Thats amazing. So people are like that everywhere, there's something I'm considered besides a monster human combo; I think I really like it."
Dad pushed my bangs to the side placing a skeletal kiss to my forehead.
"Sorry I shielded ya too much kiddo, I wanted ya to keep that mind set that its normal to love regardless of anything different, like your mom did. I made it seven years at least."
I smiled at the mention of being like Mom as I turned to hug him tight letting my head lean on his as the arm from around my shoulders found a spot on my back.
"Its fine Daddy...thanks for understanding the babbling."
"I've mastered that skill years ago kiddo. I'll have to get you too meet my coworker that taught me, they're really nice. They'd love to finally meet you with how much I yap on about my awesome baby-bones."
"Daaad...please don't embarrasse me at work without me there but, that sounds like a good plan to me."
We solidified it by texting his coworker staying cuddled together a little longer before I forced my legs to move kissing Dad good night and went back to my own bed feeling lighter then air with all the weight finally off.
"You already knew!?"
Hannah gave a sweet but sheepish smile as she sat at the kitchen table sipping her smoothie I made her while coming clean of the information she held.
"Im sorry honey I thought you knew too? We never talked about and I didn't mind since you were happy. I've considered myself a lesbian for years I just thought...you did too."
I whined hiding my face in cold hands listening to her explanation and assumption of my level of knowledge.
"Underground kid remember? There's still alot of stuff I don't get about humans like you do...but at least I know now."
"And I can help you learn more about the group too. As long as your Dad is okay with it?"
Dad's boney butt had been sitting on the counter top swinging a leg and sipping at his own smoothie when her question aimed at him redirected his attention to us giving a thumbs up.
"Always good to have a guide to human 101."
"Dad you're such a bone head you know that?"
He chuckled hopping off the counter taking one big step over kissing my forehead.
"Love you kiddo."
"Love ya Dad."
Leaving the kitchen with his smoothie in hand I picked up my chair moving closer to Hannah where I got comfy leaning against my fist listening to her as she went right into teacher mode.
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ithisatanytime · 4 years
  In real life i dont really show it, except to my sister sometimes, we are pretty close. but if you were my coworker, or another acquaintance, you’d literally never know. what i am getting at here is almost all men are dealing with this kind of pain in their own way. but this isnt a men vs women issue, influential and powerful jews in media and the social sciences frame it that way so that we cant change it. they make it a womens rights issue. but the thing is, it hurts women worse than men, but women im sorry, are not very self aware. they are obviously struggling with this shit, it manifests all the time in a million different ways but they dont really understand whats hurting or why.
  The second man you sleep with, after the first, increases your odds of dying alone by 200 percent. there are studies on this im not just pulling it out of my ass. the odds increase with each subsequent partner, but that first jump from one partner to two increases the odds the most, its significant. dont get mad at me, im just relaying to you the world we live in, ignoring it wont change that.
  women now have the right to be slaves. they have the right to be miserable, whereas in our recent past, and for all of history, they were given a place of privilege and honor. people speak dismissively of men openeing the door for women, remaining standing until women are seated, taking your hats off in the presence of a woman, all that m’lady type shit that makes us cringe now, because they seem to be insignificant acts. but really think about it, why did we do that stuff? those gestures were manifestations of the attitudes men held towards women at the time, imagine me and you were walking side by side, we came to a puddle of mud and i didnt want to get my shoes wet and i asked you to take off your jacket and throw it into the mud for me so i could walk on it! IMAGINE! of course you’d refuse, and youd feel disrespected and thats key. women were the ruling class. they didnt have to toil away their whole lives, they didnt have to fight and die in wars, they were seen and treated as more valuable than men. they just werent treated like they were smarter, because the fucking arent.
  Womens rights have fucked us all so unbelievably bad, literally not one of you realizes how much worse your life is compared to how it would have been if you grew up in a functioning white society. this is strictly the fault of men, its as though influential jews told children that they ought to be in charge and men went along with it or argued with the children about it instead of these influential jews. its fucking absurd, sometimes i look at boomer men and i just want to slap my forehead, what the fuck were they thinking?
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Lesson I learned from you
1. Never fall in love somebody who’s already taken.
2. Never wait to see if somebody will change their mind to pick you.
3. Never hope that things will get better, because if it’s already shitty...its just gonna get worse.
4. Never lie and try to hide how much you care about someone. That shit will eat you alive until it festers and vomits out your throat.
5. Never consider having sex with someone and their wife, if really all you wanted was to selfishly keep the husband to yourself.
6. Never cheat in love, because if you cheat, you’re lying to yourself too about the foundation being solid. This shit ain’t like MyLittlePony mf. Love is hard. Its diligent. Its patient and kind.
7. Never fall for someone who told you “Don’t fall for me” or “Im and asshole.” Although this person may have insecurities, they’re most likely considering your time and patience by telling you the truth. These aren’t clues to make you find out why. These are warnings people. If they bluntly say that hurtfully truthful stuff about their character...they definitely mean it. Its not a pick up line for you to try harder to change their mind about how they see themselves. How people see themselves is a reflection of their character. Believe that.
8. Never tell a lie to a trusted friend, just to see if they’ll let you fit in. Lies can create mishaps. Especially when you have to lie to yourself to keep that lie as a fact in your dictionary of beliefs to believe in case they ask you, “are you lying?” just to make two lovely ass twins be you're girlfriends.
9. If a girl, boy, or they say they don’t want to be with you. Don't try to convince them otherwise. It wasn’t a chance for you to prove to them just how worthy you were. Real talk, if someone can't see it, you don’t have to buy them another pair of prescription glasses to see it. Move the fuck on. Im not kidding you. It’ll save you a lot of time and money.
10. Don't let no woman take you on the ring around the rosy. She knew she wanted you to let her go a long time. I bet she’s like finally like, YEA YOU DID IT! YOU FINALLY LET ME GO. It was probably just a phase any way to keep her sex affairs going without it looking too demanding in character.
11. Don't let no one abuse you, take advantage of you, or steal your heart away without permission. If it wasn’t meant to be. It just wasn’t meant to be. God wouldn’t let you get tormented and tortured just so you could get married to a crook who switches tags at Walmart’s self-chekouts. Read up on the meaning of true love.
12. Don't ever sustain no man/woman/person’s attempts to seek love elsewhere for their comfortability. Truth is, if it hurts you seeing them with other people, looking at other people, and flirting with people in front of your face. Don't continue to date them. Find somebody else. They probably still want to be single, but just haven't told you. Or they like to keep an insurance policy at the house just in case they change their mind about somebody...to keep their options open.
13. Never marry somebody or get engaged to someone just because you don't want them to walk away. Keeping a girl attached with statements and progressions of higher commitment, while still treating her like you’re single...DOES NOT make the relationship better. Its still the same bullshit as before if no one takes accountability for their actions and makes a steady to see the needs to create a change.
14. Don’t kiss nobody unless you actually mean it. Don't have sex with someone who you want a commitment with, unless they commit to you first. Truth is, you’re just handing vote-for-me cookies to your greatest “maybe” people. Cause’ if they weren’t your first choice, you’ll probably be their last one.
15. Never lower your moral standards just to keep someone happy. If they ask you to help cheat, say no. Its probably a warning that you’re too available to them. Especially if you know virtually interaction is getting too close to PG-13 its time to cut the conversation off.
16. Don't risk your life or your heart for somebody else’s attachment to you. If either of you feel like your life would end without the other, its probably just a misplacement in temperament. It’s cut short. Its short lived for a reason. It wasn't meant to last. God intended for us not to own our partners, but to experience our conjoined lives right beside them.
17. If you ever meet somebody that makes your clit or your dick get hard. It was probably just lust. Lust can feel like love to even the most brightest hearts. Im an empath. I should know. If you suffered from childhood trauma, someone’s touch can make you feel like its love if it makes you feel special.
18. It’s not the end of the world. You’re just not the one. They’ll be multiple partners who will make you feel just as great as they made you feel. Some will make you feel better to where you see stars, girl. Its just how you connect. If the person makes it known that they were just tryna “get some” from you, don’t fool with them if thats not all you wanted. Because what you agree to, they’ll be ok with just giving you less than what you wanted. If you wanna date, then date. If you want a hoe, then let that girl know “hoe, its just sex.” And ladies if you don't like being  treated like a bedroom girl, but you want an official, committed “claim-me-im-yours” relationship don't give him the access card...the key to your heart....to yo pussy. That’s bullshit minimum wage this motherfucka’ is tryna offer you. DONT TAKE HIS SHIT.
19. If you done be done. Don’t wait to see if it get better. Don't hold out because you afraid you aint gonna find better. If a man wanna be single, but keep you at home, thats false advertising, ladies. Because he's slutty outside, “but im, your bitch” at home....thats not loyal. He’s just got a place to sleep. Like a dog. A dog like that gonna come back home to eat his food, watch tv, and sleep with you. Then act like you don’t mind, because they don't care how their actions affect you. Thats called disrespectful.
20. Never feel obligated to stay. Leeeeaaaaaveeee that mf. If a person make you feel miserable, and trapped, WHY YOU STILL THERE? Oh, cause I love them and I know it can’t get any worse.....but look at what “your love” is doing to you. Got you attached to some ungrateful ass, unappreciative ass, low down dirty dog, who makes you feel better about it by kissing up on you. Thats not true love. Thats some toxic parasite/host shit. Some codependency will have your ass feeling trapped. Especially if they the wrong one.
Nobody said you had to compromise your happiness, your mental health, or your money for somebody’s else nastiness and addictions. 
21. DO NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH A NARCISISST> that bitch know how to trick daddy pimp yo’ ass into some “who the fool, wtf, Houdini type of shit. I am not fucking playing with you. And it be right when yo ass leave that they wanna change or offer some skittles out they last fucking pocket. “Like damn this aint good enough for you?” 
“Hellll nahhhh, I said I wanted commitment, don't try to bargain lower than what I’m asking. DEAL OR NO DEAL.”
“I’ll suck yo titties and pee on your pusssy”
(*internally screaming breaks Sith Lord mind tricks) 
NO. Gtfo Slytherin.
0 notes
akitarusx · 7 years
for the "Get to Know Me Uncomfortably Well": 1, 3, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 22, 23, 27, 28, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 44, 46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 68, 69, 71, 73, 74, 77, 78, 80, 81, 83, 84, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 100 :DD I'M SORRY I REALLY WANTED TO ONLY DO TWO LINES OF NUMBERS BUT ENDED UP WITH FOUR I JUST WANT TO GET TO YOU KNOW I'M SORRY (i honestly wanted you to answer all but that's a bit too much lmao)
I put them below the cut! I hope I answered all of them / didn’t add extra. lol  💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕get to know me uncomfortably well.
1. What is you middlename? Taylor.
3. When is yourbirthday? October 5th!
8. Where are youfrom? South Carolina.
13. What talents doyou have? Uhh. I don’t think I have any? Lol. I used to play piano. Thatwas my only talent. Writing too, I guess.
14. Are you psychicin any way? Lmao no jdfjsfsjdjds
15. Favorite song?Hmm currently it is…. Games – Demi Lovato or Dramarama by Monsta X
16. Favorite movie?Moana.
17. Who would be yourideal partner? Someone who can understand my mental illness and won’tostracize me or belittle me for it. Someone who won’t be overbearingly socialand that is just laid back. Idk someone who’s just super chill and nice. Whodoesn’t look for all out things or expect a whole lot from me and I wont expecta whole lot from them beyond both of us having a healthy understandingrelationship. But, the thing about that is, I’d have to be completely andutterly comfortable with them as in they’d have to be my friend for a good twoyears at least to even have my trust. Which lmao makes me feel bad because Isee so many people NOT having to do that and so then I feel bad but if someonetruly loved me like that I imagine it’s something they could understand andhandle until I’m ready.
20. Are youreligious? Not really, no.
22. Have you ever gotin trouble with the law? Nope!
23. Have you ever metany celebrities? I met Patina Miller! She was in The Hunger Games and she’sfrom Madam Secretary and the musical Pippin to name a couple of things lmao.She’s so sweet.
27. Would you like tobe a big celebrity? No. If I was ever a celebrity, though, I would like itto be like general recognition where I live for cooking.
28. What type ofmusic do you like? I like most anything really?? I wind up liking a songfor beats half the time lol. I like slow songs but I can’t listen to them awhole lot or I’ll get bored / side-tracked.
30. How many pillowsdo you sleep with? 2 to 3.
33. What do youtypically have for breakfast? I don’t eat breakfast – but any childrenreading this you better eat your breakfast or I’m going to fight you. On secondthought, anyone reading this EAT YOUR BREAKFAST AND EAT YOUR MEALS.
34. Have you everfired a gun? Yes.
35. Have you evertried archery? Yes. Failed miserably. Probably cause I was like 10 and weakas hell lmao
36. Favorite cleanword? Uh….beautiful I guess? Lmao I never think abt that.
37. Favorite swearword? Fuck
38. What's thelongest you've ever gone without sleep? 48 hours and some. Dark time lol. 2to 3 days without sleep sometimes.
39. Do you have anyscars? Yes! I have a scar on my left knee from falling off my bike and on asharp rock when I was a kid. I have a scar on my right hand right on theknuckle of my index finger from catching my hand on a metal door to try andkeep it from closing on me.  I have a veryfaint scar below that across my right hand where my hand hit the oven elementwhen I was baking a cake and my mother scared me. It’s almost completely gonenow. And on my right arm I have a long scar from a baking pan from when I wasin culinary school. I don’t know how I got it, really. Because it didn’t stingor anything. I just happened to look down and see the burn because my team matewas like Morgan oh my god what did you do lmao. Chef instructor made me putsome gel on it and cover it up so the gel would stay for rest of the class
40. Have you ever hada secret admirer? Nope. Never. Lol :\
41. Are you a goodliar? No. And even when I’m not lying and I’m being asked for the truth Igiggle my way through it t_t
42. Are you a goodjudge of character? Lmao NOT REALLY I mean maybe now I am but back when Iwas younger lmao nope
44. Do you have astrong accent? Lmao probably I’m in the south. I get made fun of thoughbecause apparently I use a lot of northern phrases/pronunciations too. Idk if I’vedone it recently but when I was younger I got made fun of a lot by my grandfathersdfjasdfjsj lmao
46. What is yourpersonality type? Ok I asked my friends this for an accurate depictionlmao.
@kimbeokjin said: both of yall are some fucking WRECKS thatsur personality type. on a serious note ur sensitive and understanding and fullof too much love and anxiety. ur funny and super family oriented and talentedand generally positive. and an intellectual ur truly the ONLY white girl i trust
47. What is your mostexpensive piece of clothing? A red lace dress.
50. Left or righthanded? Right handed.
51. Are you scared ofspiders? Yes and no. Like I don’t inherently fear them, but I always getfreaked out when they show up because I don’t expect them so my scary ass jumpslol
52. Favorite food?Hmmm my mom’s spaghetti/the recipe.
53. Favorite foreignfood? Hmmm I haven’t really gotten to eat a whole lot of foreign food whichmakes me sad but I really, really loved an udon bowl I had at a Japanese restaurantat the beach.
54. Are you a cleanor messy person? Messy.
56. Most used word?Probably mess or childish
57. How long does ittake for you to get ready? Sometimes less than 15 minutes, sometimes up to twohours.
58. Do you have muchof an ego? I don’t think so at least
59. Do you suck orbite lollipops? Both lol
60. Do you talk toyourself? Mostly when I’m cooking
61. Do you sing toyourself? Yes!
62. Are you a goodsinger? Lmao no
63. Biggest Fear?Abandonment. Failure. Not being good enough.
64. Are you a gossip?yes
66. Do you like longor short hair? I love long hair on me personally but I love short and longhair on women and men lol
67. Can you name all50 states of America? Lmao no I always get close so I get like 40 of themnamed then I’m like UHHHHHH
68. Favorite school subject? English.
69. Extrovert orIntrovert? Introvert. Extrovert when I’ve gotta get those extra points lol
71. What makes younervous? Insanely large crowds. Men. Older men to be specific. Okay, yeahall men lol. There are very few dudes I trust but men in public tend to make mesuper nervous when they stare like they were raised in a damn barn lol
73. Do you correctpeople when they make mistakes? Not entirely
74. Are you ticklish? Yes
77. Have you everdrank underage? Heheh yeah …
78. Have you everdone drugs? Nope!
80. How manypiercings do you have? I have one ear piercing on both ears and I had anose piercing but I accidentally ripped it out and couldn’t replace it.
81. Can you roll yourRs? No
82. How fast can youtype? I think last I checked it was 120-130 words per minute
83. How fast can yourun? Lmao I have no idea
84. What color isyour hair? Brunette/dark brown
86. What are youallergic to? Apparently I have a slight allergy to squash onions and appleslol. I am allergic to dust though.
88. What do yourparents do? My dad is a maintenance supervisor.
89. Do you like your age? YES
90. What makes youangry? Racism homophobia sexism etc. a particular thing that makes me angrycurrently in rampant anti-blackness in kpop.
91. Do you like yourown name? Yes!
92. Have you alreadythought of baby names, and if so what are they? I have but…I’m not reallysure lol :\
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? I want a girl themost. But I’d love to have a girl and a boy.
94. What are your strengths? I don’t have any I feel.
95. What are your weaknesses? Insecurity.
100. Color of your room? Blue
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fallynephemeron · 7 years
The best you've had, huh Xave? Any of the following.. I'm interested.. About You 8, 22 (me instead of a follower), 45 Relationships 8, Porn & Sex Ind 26, 27, 30. Sex 6 (humor me an say it again), 14, 30, 34, 38, 53, 82, 91, 102, 106. Fetish 5, 11, 30. This or that 8, 22, 25, 43, 55, 73, 87, 92. Thats all. No offense taken if you dont answer. Its fine. Was just thinkin of you the other day then saw this -M
Xave:  Shit.  didn’t realize you might read that.   uggggg.  You always did know how to make me blush.  It’s true though. I won’t take it back.  Riv says there’s millions of parallel universes… so maybe somewhere out there we ended up together.  I wouldn’t be surprised at all. If I’d found you first things could have ended up a lot different than they are now. I think we both know that.
Alright… mr. curious….. you asked…. so that’s what you’re getting
About You, 8 , 22, 45
 When was your last erection/arousal?
Xave:  Mine?  Uggg. Fuck, this morning. In the shower. No I didn’t do anything about it.  That just makes it worse.  It went away eventually. Daily life is finding ways to distract myself and constantly trying not to get turned on.  
   If someone you knew asked for a nude image, would you do it? What about a tumblr follower?
Xave:  specifically you?  My nature and desire say yes…. my wedding vows say no. Sorry love.
 Whats your favorite lingerie outfit?
https://www.pinterest.com/pin/431993789231669578/    something like that.   And no, that doesn’t count as a picture of me. :P  So…. are you into that kind of thing?  or just curious. ;)  cause i don’t think i remember stuff like that ever coming up when we were together.
Relationships 8- What do you look for in a hookup? 
Xave:  in the past?  cause that doesn’t happen any more.  But… since you asked, i’ll tell you what I notice- nice smile, no scary vibes, not completely filthy, or obviously a druggie…. that’s about it.  lol.  I’m a slut with low standards, what can I say?
Porn & Sex Ind 26, 27, 30.
Have you ever tried to recreate a scene?
Xave:  not really? I mean, you can’t help but pick things up here and there. But… There was this one guy I was with a few times that was OBSESSED with porn. He loved acting out the same scenes his favorite porn guys did.  Once or twice was fun, and a change of pace, but it didn’t take long for that to get really old. Like there was no connection there at all. It was kinda weird.
Have you ever used porn to show a partner what you like/want?
Xave:  oh yeah. it’s helpful for sure. Though no one’s ever made a porn vid, at least that I’ve found,  that can quite capture the elegance of making someone come completely undone over a long period of time…. but then… you never seemed to need instructions for that, did you. ;)
Have you considered getting into porn?
Xave: I’ve had experience in the industry. Mostly stills. I was young, underage, and no one cared and no one asked. I don’t have a problem with porn, and it might be fun if I hadn’t been burned in the past.  But I don’t think I could do it without some serious drugs or something to get me through the inevitable flashbacks.  So, no.
Sex 6 (humor me an say it again), 14, 30, 34, 38, 53, 82, 91, 102, 106.
Who was your best sex partner?
Xave:  say it again huh?  lol   Alright.  Mike Lamb is the Best fuck I’ve EVER had.  Happy?  
Do you like dirty talking?
Xave:  If it’s done right yeah for sure… sometimes it just awkward, and WAY too often it sounds cheesy and corny.  Then I get the giggles and ruin the moment.
Where is the strangest or wildest place you’ve had sex/oral?
Xave:  I’ll go with wildest… which I kinda answered for myself when I answered Wyn’s questions…. out in the middle of nowhere in the woods.    Strangest?  too personal to answer in public.  It’s a really bad memory. I might spill if we were having a private conversation.  I always trusted you with that stuff.
Whats your funniest sex experience?
Xave: Halloween, a long time ago. This guy I was screwing  thought it would be HILARIOUS to try to scare me… like during sex.   So we were going at it…. like full on,  he’s on top.  and he’d rigged stuff to fall on me.. like plastic spiders..and a rubber rat,  it was ridiculous. I just laughed. There’s scary shit out there, and plastic spiders and rubber rats don’t even register.   Anyway,  but then like, he’d rigged this scary mask to swoop out over me, after the spiders and stuff fell… but apparently, he’d forgotten about it.  And it didn’t come out when it was supposed to, it got stuck or something… so we like,  were JUST about there.  Like just about to hit climax.  He wasn’t very good anyway…. and this fucking mask, comes swinging over him out of nowhere, and lands right on my face.  He screamed, so high pitched, pulled out, freaking out in hysterics.   Then I got the giggles and he lost his erection. He was SO embarrassed. He wouldn’t answer my texts after that.   I still think it’s hilarious.
Have you ever faked an orgasm? Describe the experience(s).
Xave:  ugggggggg.  yeah. With my husband. He was trying SO hard, and he was completely miserable. This was before he knew he was ace. I faked it… and we were done. I just couldn’t bear to see his face if he knew he’d failed again.  
Which non-genital parts of your body do you like being touched or stimulated? \
Xave:  mmmm, fuck.  nipples. shoulder blades, the backs of my thighs, like that place right under your ass?  
Do you like cum or is it gross?
Xave: mmmm, depends on the pheromones. Some guys just taste gross. That’s all there is to it.  But…. some pheromones … when they match with  yours,  it’s SO good and you just want more.
Do you like to have your ass eaten?
Xave:  not ashamed to admit it.  absolutely yes.
Has anyone ever cum inside you on accident? How did you feel about that?
Xave: If it’s really an accident…. that’s one thing.  I’ve had shitty guys do it on purpose when I hadn’t consented. That fucking pissed me off. A lot.  I didn’t screw around with them ever again, unless I didn’t have a choice,  which has happened in the past.
Do you like to play with balls/have your balls played with? 
Xave:  it’s not really my thing..especially my own, unless, again and always, if it’s done just right. But if I know that’s something my partner really enjoys, I’m into making that a priority for him.
Fetish 5, 11, 30. 
Are there any fetishes you don’t have yet, but may be interested in?
Xave:  mmm, being tied up. No one’s really done that well for me.  Like, everyone that’s tried it has been a sadist, and I really hate sadists.  Not my thing at all.  But sensory deprivation and not being able to move, combined with edging,  that would be amazing.
Do you enjoy long, extended teasing/edging sessions?
Xave:  Fuck you Mike. LOL  you just want to hear me say it.  YES.  you KNOW I do.
Are you an exhibitionist?
Xave:  lol, guilty as charged.  In every sense of the word.  Except when it comes to talking about difficult stuff, then it’s just gotta be secure and private.
This or that 8, 22, 25, 43, 55, 73, 87, 92.
Rough Sex or Intimate Sex
Xave:  BOTH.  like really both. alternating, or at the same time,  in the same session. I love it.
Circumcised or Uncircumcised
Xave:  am i?  I’m cut.  But as for what I prefer?  doesn’t matter, either/or.
Ruined or Complete Orgasm
Xave:  with someone that can pull it off, and then keep going???  Ruined. 100%.  But who the hell knows how to pull that off with such perfection…. oh … I guess I know one guy. ;)
Dirty Talk or Loud Moaning
Xave: Both. Fuck.
Length or Girth
Xave:  Girth
Ball Licking or Rimming
Xave: rimming.
Doggy Style or Missionary
Xave: ugggg, they both have their place,  but if I had to choose just one for the rest of my life,  then, Missionary.
Slow or Fast
Xave:  Both.  but again… if I can only have one, forever, then slow.
Are you happy?  Now I’m horny.  do you KNOW how long 14 days is?
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