REQUESTS OPEN! Check out my pinned post for who I write for!! 18+ F!READER
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Hi everyone! Thank you so much for your requests - my inbox is so full of amazing ideas I can't wait to get to!
Life is being a little unkind recently so it's been a struggle to create anything but I'm hoping to use writing as a distraction and get to some of your requests!
As always thank you for sending requests my way! They are always welcome! <3
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Next Time
Mcreid 18+
Geoffrey was seething, Jonathan didn't need his vampiric senses to tell him that, the look on Geoffrey's face was enough. The Hunter was staring at him now, the bodies of numerous skalls littered the floor of the back alley surrounding them.
He wasn't sure whether or not to speak, unsure if he should simply vanish as quickly as he appeared. He suspected the hunter was angered by the very idea that Jonathan had jumped into battle to help him, or even more likely just angered by his presence at all.
"I didn't need your help leech" the former then. Jonathan walked over one body, then another before he reached the hunter. Stopping only a few feet away from him, his eyes flicking to the hand Geoffrey now rested on his firearm.
"I'll pretend you simply said thank you"
"I'd never thank you"
"No I don't believe you would - shame really given how often I tend to save you" Jonathan knew he was walking on thin ice, goading Geoffrey was never a wise decision but he grew tired of the game they were playing. To put it rather simply he was waiting for the hunter to slip up again.
It had been only for a brief moment, so brief it could have been easily missed but Jonathan saw the look McCullum had shot him way after the last fight they had joined forces in. A similar look he often found himself shooting the hunters way - a look of lust. He knew he'd seen it, he just needed the hunter to act on it. And Geoffrey unfortunately didn't seem to do anything unless it was his idea to do so. But Jonathan was in no mood to dance around the idea of this again, he'd spent too many nights alone since being turned. Too many nights thinking of the hunter before him.
"I never ask for your help. The further away from me you stay the better"
"Is that because you're worried about what you'll do if I get closer?"
Geoffrey's eyes narrowed on Jonathan, his body tensing in a way that could be concern but also simply McCullum readying himself for a fight. Jonathan had a hard time telling the hunters emotions apart more often than not.
"Kill you, you mean? I've no concerns about that leech"
"I'm not talking about you killing me" When Geoffrey didn't respond Jonathan sighed and paced back a step. "Am I not bloody enough tonight? Granted the last time there were more skalls - and I wasn't prepared so it got messy... but is it being beaten up and bloody that does it for you? No? What else was different... my jacket? Would it help if I took it off?"
"What the actual fuck are you talking about?"
"Don't play dumb, surprisingly it doesn't suit you" Geoffrey's scowl deepened at Jonathan's words, his lips rising slightly in anger. "Are you simply deep in denial perhaps?"
"I'm in no mood for whatever mind game your playing" Jonathan's bark of laughter made the hunter flinch, his grip tightening on the handle of his gun.
"You're an idiot, or you must think me one. I saw how you looked at me" Geoffrey's anger faltered, his eyes widening slightly as his hand dropped from his gun entirely. He looked away from Jonathan then back at him again.
"And what exactly is it you think you saw?"
Jonathan felt a brief moment of doubt, an uneasy feeling sinking in...what if he'd been mistaken? The confused and irritated look on Geoffrey's face was becoming more convincing by the second and Jonathan found himself unable to answer.
"Gonna answer me leech?"
"I...I thought..." Jonathan closed his mouth, lips pressing together as he eyes the alleyway behind him, wondering if he could just shadow jump his way out of there and away from what he was worried would be an uncomfortable situation. But there wasn't enough room, and no ledge to use to get to the rooftops.
He turned back to Geoffrey, who was waiting with a look on his face that almost looked smug, like he was glad to see Jonathan doubting himself. Well...may as well.
Jonathan moved quick, quickly enough that Geoffrey had no time to take hold of his gun again before Jonathan had him pinned against the wall of the alley. The brick cold and slightly damp under his hand as he caged Geoffrey against it. "No more pretending"
He could hear the way Geoffrey's pulse quickened, but the hunter didn't look afraid, if anything he looked...amused. "Are you done with the dramatics leech?"
"That's the problem with you toffs, you beat around the bush instead of simply saying what it is you want. You could have just said what you meant and what you wanted. But you wanted me to say it, is that it?"
"It's not about what I want, you're the one who-"
"Isn't it? If this isn't about what you want then you would have ignored the look I gave ya, but you didn't"
"So you were eyeing me up!" Geoffrey rolled his eyes and relaxed fully against the wall, looking over Jonathan's face briefly before shrugging.
"Maybe" Jonathan frowned both elated at the idea that he had been right and annoyed at how casual McCullum was being, like it was completely normal that he'd eyed up Jonathan even though they'd been close to killing each other for months. "You want me to show you what I wanted?"
Jonathan knew if he had a pulse it would have quickened, his eyes locked onto Geoffrey's. He nodded, not fully trusting his voice, or perhaps not fully feeling confident enough to use it now that the dynamic changed. Geoffrey had managed to take full control of the situation and now Jonathan was stood there impatiently waiting for the hunter to make a move.
"Hmm." Geoffrey's head tilted to the side, watching Jonathan. "I wanted to fuck you but... maybe we'll start elsewhere" Jonathan took a moment to remember where they were, not the most discreet or the cleanest location for them to be doing this. "Kneel"
Jonathan's eyes flew back to Geoffrey's. "Excuse me?"
"Don't act so shocked, get down on your knees" Geoffrey's eyebrow rose as he waited for Jonathan to obey.
"Here?" Geoffrey simply nodded. He was almost tempted to argue....almost. The idea of him getting his hands on the hunter in any capacity was exciting enough for Jonathan to ignore the location and the demands. His knees hitting the ground as he lowered himself his face now level with the very hard outline of Geoffrey's cock beneath his trousers. His gaze flicked up at the hunter who was watching him intently, his gaze almost too much for Jonathan.
"Watch the teeth leech, they'll be nothing for ya if you so much as graze me" As if he needed to say so, Jonathan had no desire to end this moment by being too fang happy to be careful. His fingers made quick work of Geoffrey's trousers, pulling them down just enough to free the hunter, his hard length stood to attention between them.
It had been a moment since Jonathan had done this but, he was determined to give the hunter what he wanted. Geoffrey sighed as Jonathan let his tongue travel up the underneath of his cock, his lips gently kissing the tip when he reached the end. He repeated the motion and then let Geoffrey push into his mouth slightly, keeping his jaw relaxed, his lips only just closing around him.
When Jonathan heard Geoffrey mumble something about him being a tease he almost smiled enough for his right fang to dig into McCullum but he quickly masked the movement by taking Geoffrey's length fully into his mouth, his lips closing in tight around him as he moved slowly down, taking more and more of Geoffrey. The hunters groan was enough to motivate Jonathan further. His throat relaxing enough to take even more.
He quickly revelled in the fact that a lack of breathing almost meant a lack of gagging, using this new found skill to push Geoffrey deep into the back of his throat. This got a moan, a moan that Jonathan wanted more of. His head bobbed in earnest now, taking on a pace that had Geoffrey's thighs tensing beneath Jonathan's grip. A shudder racking over the hunters body as Jonathan used his other hand to work the rest of him, teasing and tugging more groans from him.
When Geoffrey began subtly thrusting his hips forwards Jonathan let him, he let him grab his hair, he let the hunter use his mouth to chase the end Jonathan could sense was coming. Geoffrey's voice was rough as he muttered words of encouragement, his hands holding Jonathan's head in place. Jonathan sucked his cheeks in working Geoffrey harder trying to match the pace he wanted. He didn't have to match it for long before he felt Geoffrey's release spill into his mouth, the warmth of him threatening to spill from Jonathan's lips as he let Geoffrey ride out his orgasm.
The air seemed to rush back over him when Geoffrey pulled back, the warmth of his body no longer overwhelming him. Jonathan wiped his mouth with the back of his hand as he watched Geoffrey tuck himself back into his trousers and straighten his clothing. Still on his knees he watched as Geoffrey ran a hand through his own hair before turning his gaze back to Jonathan, his eyes wandering down his body, stopping on the hardness now evident in Jonathan's trousers.
"Hmm, well leech it's been a pleasure"
Jonathan's brows drew together as he watched Geoffrey move past him towards the end of the alley, avoiding the mess of skalls. "You can't be serious"
"Have you ever known me not to be?"
"But you said-"
"I said I wanted to fuck you, not that I would, but sure you proved yourself to be well behaved, so maybe next time I'll treat ya" Geoffrey didn't wait for a reply, he turned and continued on his way, leaving Jonathan still kneeling and confused and more annoyingly, unsatisfied. The vampire groaned before getting up and brushing the dirt off of his trousers. He had half a mind to follow Geoffrey, to demand... or more likely beg for the hunter to relieve him. But he knew he wouldn't get what he wanted.
The very fact that Jonathan had pushed Geoffrey to give him what he wanted and still ended up being the one to walk away untouched had Jonathan shaking his head, only Geoffrey could make him completely forget his goal and end up on the receiving end of disappointment. But the hunters words still rang hot in his ears. Maybe next time I'll treat ya.
Well...then Jonathan would just have to make sure that next time happened sooner rather than later.
#vampyr#vampyr game#jonathan reid#vampyr 2018#dr jonathan reid#jonathan vampyr#geoffrey mccullum#geoffrey vampyr#mcreid#jonathan reid x geoffrey mccullum
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Jonathan sends reader to speak to McCullum on his behalf, for a temporary truce so that Jonathan can work on saving London. Geoffrey is stubborn but he can be persuaded. NSFW +18 (unedited sorry for any mistakes!)
Your footsteps were the only sound as you made your way through the winding streets of London towards the theatre Priwen had made their base. Jonathan was convinced you could talk Geoffrey McCullum into allowing him safe passage around the city, he was tired of hurting his men, or having any of them hurt him.
Why he thought you could get through to him was beyond you, you'd barely spoken to words to McCullum. You'd only met Jonathan through Edgar and while you helped as much as you could so far during the outbreak, the only times you came across McCullum was when you were privy to one of his meetings with Edgar. Even then you stood quietly as the two men argued it out and watched just as quietly as McCullum stormed out, you'd be surprised if he even knew who you were.
You would have said no but Jonathan's look of defeat when he asked you had you almost as annoyed at McCullum as Jonathan was. Given Jonathan's track record you couldn't understand why Geoffrey was so against letting him help, surely there was no one better than Jonathan to help with the current epidemic. But you knew McCullum was a fanatic, likely blinded by all of his hate and power.
You turned the rain soaked corner and the theatre came into view, the once colourful sign at the front of the building long since gone dull, only a few letters remained. Your eye caught the two guards on patrol outside the front doors, a burly man and a slightly smaller one beside him. You took an intake of breath before making your way across the road with determination. The men's attention snapped your way when you got halfway, their guns held tightly ready to attack if needed.
"You should move on miss, streets ain't safe" The larger mans voice matched his stature, a deep tone that you suspected warded off most people who came to close to the base.
"I'm aware, but I need to speak to McCullum" You kept your voice even, not allowing yourself to be intimidated by the men before you.
"What's the reason?"
"The reason is my own, let me see him" you could tell the guard had reservations about allowing you inside, but after another painstakingly silent moment he relented and lead you inside. Priwen had striped the place bare by the looks of it - replacing any unneeded furnishing with crates of supplies and weapons, the place was barely recognisable as a theatre save for the architecture itself.
You were lead quickly down a main hall and up a flight of stairs towards the end of which was a set of double doors. The guard headed straight for them, his knuckled rapping against the wood a couple of times before a muffled voice told him to enter. McCullum's office certainly wasn't anything special, the room was thrown together to be functional, a mismatched collection of furniture created an office come bedroom. McCullum himself was leant over a worn desk, a map of London and papers scattered across the surface, his shirt rolled up his forearms, the top of it unbuttoned showing off the red scarf he had wrapped around his neck.
"What's this?"
"Lass says she needed to see ya boss" McCullum's eyes flicked to you, narrowing slightly before he nodded to his man to leave you be. It was only when the door clicked shut behind you that he started speaking again.
"What do you want?"
"I know who you are, part of the job, and I know who you keep company with, so what do you want?" If his tone was anything to go by you could already feel what little hope of success you had slip from you.
"A truce, ideally indefinitely, although temporary is fine for now" His eyebrow quirked up at your words.
"Reid put you up to this"
"He knew you wouldn't have agreed to meet with him to ask you himself" You felt the pressure of McCullum's stare, his eyes never leaving you. You couldn't help the way it made you shiver, his gaze almost too intense. He was intimidating that was certain, you supposed he needed to be as the leader of Priwen.
"No?" You scoffed at the fact he'd so quickly denied you what you came here for, you felt a momentary rise in anger that you couldn't contain. "God you are an asshole" It slipped out before you could stop it and McCullum to your surprise barked out a laugh.
"Foul mouth for a lady, what did you think that I'd give in just like that? Reid is a leech same as all the others. We don't collaborate with leeches"
"I'm not asking you to collaborate, I'm asking you to simply stop trying to kill him so he can work on saving this city"
"Saving it? Is that what you believe he's doing?"
"Oh please spare me whatever speech you have coming, you hate his kind fine, everyone gets it. But tell me as you're clearly all knowing, how close are you to solving this epidemic?" McCullum stood up straight, his height adding to his already overpowering presence, his brows forming a considerably ticked off frown that matched the tight twitch of his jaw. You swallowed quickly, trying to think of something to say to prevent what you imagined would be a rather large outburst, but all you managed was a feeble. "Surely there's something I can do to persuade you?"
"Do you think I'm someone who's easily persuaded?"
"No" You felt defeat wash over you, and a real sense of shame at not being able to help Jonathan in one area he needed the most help. Priwen were relentless in their attacks against him, cornering him on the streets every chance they got. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, sighing and letting your head tilt back slightly, eyes flicking to the cracked ceiling. When your eyes met McCullum's again you were met with eyes less angry but still unmoved.
"I suppose this was a waste of time then" You had wanted your words to be filled with more malice but you found after working yourself up to coming, convincing yourself you had a chance only to be useless, you couldn't quite bring the ire to your voice.
You turned to leave, reaching for the handle of the door but McCullum's voice stopped your hand mid air. "Three nights"
"What?" You turned quickly back to the hunter, he'd moved around his desk, leaning now casually against it, his arms crossed as he looked at you.
"I'll give you three nights, starting today" You were sure your jaw was on the chipped floorboards as you stood dumbly staring at him. The sun was still setting so you knew you had plenty of time to get to Jonathan and tell him the news... three nights, was it enough? It would have to be.
"Thank you, it'll make a difference I pro-"
"Come here" You looked at McCullum confusion written all over your face, he made no efforts to repeat himself, though you couldn't imagine him doing that often. Your steps were cautious as you made your way across the room to stand in front of him. You could smell him now, the smoky scent of gunpowder and a sweet undertone from the unfinished glass of whisky on his desk. His eyes were bluer than you'd noticed before, and now they were watching you again.
You waited for him to do something, a slight pang of fear creeping over you like a spider across your skin. "Kneel"
It took a moment for the words to sink in, it was your turn to frown now. "What?"
"You want three nights? You can use that foul mouth and persuade me to give them to you"
"But you already-"
"I've already done nothing, make your choice" You couldn't stop your heart from beating, the audacity of this man! Your mind was running wild, thinking of the reason you were here, how much this time would mean to Jonathan's mission, how leaving here victorious would be so much better than leaving a failure. But you hated the idea of being used like this, and you hated more the way it filled your body with such heat, the way McCullum's gaze was making your breath catch.
His eyes flicked down to your lips, you realised only after that you'd once again pulled the lower one between your teeth as you wrestled the thoughts in your mind. You could see now the hunger growing in his gaze and you tried desperately to fight what that was doing to you. Would it be so bad? When a rather large part of you was starting to want it?
You raised your chin, trying to show confidence as you lowered yourself to your knees, the hard floor unforgiving, but you put the thought of it aside as you reached up to undo McCullum's belt and trousers. You felt him relax more against the desk as you pulled his shirt out and then began to pull the trousers down just enough to free him. He was already hard and thick, your hand wrapping around him, wondering briefly how he would feel inside of you. You leant forward slowly, pressing your lips to the base of him, then letting your tongue drag along the underneath of him as you moved back. You heard the intake of breath, you felt his thigh tense beneath your other hand, but the gasp that slipped from him when you let your lips wrap around him was the reaction you relished the most.
You set a slow pace, both for yourself and to drag out the feeling for him, if you were going to do this then you were going to do it well. You were almost lazy in the way you let him slide in and out of your mouth, moving down him only as much as was easily comfortable, though you knew you could take more. You sucked in your cheeks every other time you glided along him, each time you were rewarded with a deep sigh from the hunter as he relaxed even more, his arms now holding him up against the desk. The hunter didn't seem to know whether he wanted his head tilted back towards the ceiling or tilted down to watch you, he swapped between both regularly but you avoided his gaze for the most part, focusing purely on your movements.
In a moment of curiosity you relaxed your throat, suddenly taking more of him than before. If you could have smirked you would have at the moan that he let slip and the way he cleared his throat to try and hide that fact that you'd pulled it from him in the first place. You found yourself relishing each noise you heard slipping from him, making it your own little challenge to hear as many of them as possible as you sped up your movements. Your tongue teasing the underneath of his length as you moved your mouth over him with more enthusiasm than before.
When you heard the whispered curse leave his lips and felt his thighs tense again you knew he was drawing near to the end. It was only when his breathing became fast and heavy you removed your mouth from him only stroking him painfully slow with your hand. His head snapped forwards to look down at you, confusion and frustration flicked across his features. "Give him the three nights"
"You didn't-"
"And I wont until you say you'll give Jonathan the three nights" You swore an almost impressed look flashed across McCullum's face as he tried to calm his breathing.
"I'll give my men the order" With that you went back to work, your mouth was on him again in a heartbeat, moving with the same haste as before, your cheeks sucking in around him relentlessly until a deep groan left him and the warm saltiness of him was filling your mouth. A soft moan of your own slipped out before you could stop it, your thighs clenching together restlessly as you swallowed.
He pulled away from you, watching as you licked away the small drop that escaped onto your lip before you stood on slightly shakier legs than you'd care to admit, your eyes finding his as he tucked himself away and tried to straighten his clothing out. McCullum looked so different from the man you'd looked at when you first entered the room. Some of his hair had fallen out of place, his breathing was slowly returning to normal but the frowning captain of Priwen wasn't frowning now, his features relaxed in a way that only made him more attractive.
You didn't allow him to speak, he'd gotten quite enough of the power tonight and you'd be damned if you were letting him have the final word. "Make sure you give the order once you've collected yourself"
If he wanted to reply you didn't let him, turning quickly and leaving the room, the door closing behind you. You let out a breath, willing your body to calm down enough for you to make your way back out of the theatre, the cool air finally hitting your skin when you pushed the entrance door open was like finding water in a desert.
You took a moment, letting your eyes adjust to the outside, taking a deep breath of air, trying desperately to ignore the ache you felt, the desire to go back in there and have him repay the favour. You'd gotten what you needed, one way or another, and you could go back and tell Jonathan the good news. But as you began your walk back to the hospital you couldn't help wonder if it was you who had won tonight, or McCullum.
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Are you going to write the second part to the one where Jonathan comes back to you after he was bitten? The one where Elizabeth doesn't exist?
Or is there already a second part?
I hadn't planned to! I originally wanted to leave it up to the reader to decide how things would go! But I definitely can if it's something you guys want to see! - do we want a sad or happy ending?
#vampyr#vampyr game#jonathan reid#vampyr 2018#dr jonathan reid#jonathan vampyr#jonathan reid x reader
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Just finished the game for the second time and I'm SO happy to see some people still active about Vampyr!!!
I haven't gotten thru all the fic out there yet, but a request: Jonathan needs a hug SO badly, but do hugs from humans even comfort him any more, when they shove his nose in delicious smells / remind him of the last embrace he had (killing Mary x2) ? Geoffrey awkwardly pulling him into a hug for the first time vs. Jonathan's hunger and trauma, if that sparks joy for you.
Ah thank you for the request!! I hope you like it!
Jonathan's mood had taken a darker turn lately, with the main threat hanging over London gone he wondered more often than not, what would become of him now. Would he stay until it became too obvious to those around him that he was no longer aging? And then what? Where?
Would his life be a constant game of settling down only to be uprooted again years later when his time there was up? The idea of a lifetime - more than a lifetime... eternity - alone, filled Jonathan with such a deep rooted feeling of dread he found that on this particular evening... he simply wished to be held by someone. To be told that things will be alright, even if it is a lie.
McCullum was pacing in front of him, muttering to himself about the pack of skals you'd found hidden in a lower level sewer. The chilled night air seeming to not have any effect on him as he tried to map out a plan. Jonathan had long stopped listening to him. His mind flitting back to the more depressing thoughts wandering his mind.
He wondered if somewhere were to hug him...would it even bring him the relief he's searching for? The comfort? Or would he simply be reminded of his last embrace with Mary... perhaps he would be so consumed with the fact that his face would be so close to the source of his hunger that he wouldn't even have time to appreciate the gesture at all.
"Reid!" Jonathan's eyes flicked back up to Geoffrey who was now stood still looking at him.
"Where the fuck are ya? Did you even hear what I said?" Jonathan could do nothing more than meet Geoffrey's gaze with a sheepish look of guilt. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, just repeat what you said"
"No" Jonathan sighed at Geoffrey's answer, the hunter was still more often than not stubborn and purposely awkward when it came to the two of them working together - something he had also been stubborn about doing.
"I don't have time for your petty behaviour tonight"
"Touched a nerve did I? Tell me what you were thinking about" Jonathan debated just shadow warping out of this situation, the last person on earth that would understand what he was feeling right now would be Geoffrey.
"It's none of your concern" Jonathan spoke too quickly perhaps, didn't take enough time to hold back his emotions, to keep the answer free of the lump in his throat that wouldn't go away. But he didn't. And he saw the change in Geoffrey's features the moment the shaky response left his lips. The way his eye narrowed slightly, the creased from his brows coming together.
"No it isn't, but I asked anyway, so answer" Jonathan sighed, his gaze flicking to the ground briefly before he looked away into the distance, anywhere quite frankly other than at Geoffrey.
"I just... feel down that's all, it's not exactly easy being what I am" That wasn't the half of it, Jonathan knew that he couldn't go into it all right now, truth be told he wasn't sure he would ever be able to start pulling at the threads of his emotions, the last few months had been nothing short of hell for him. He couldn't even think about Mary without becoming so overcome with guilt and anger at himself.
When Geoffrey didn't respond Jonathan let his gaze find him again, his face had relaxed, now he didn't seem to be thinking of anything at all, just looking back at Jonathan, waiting for him to continue he supposed. "I don't want to talk about it, I'm certain you don't want to either... it's just, sometimes it would be nice to have someone to hug"
"You... want a hug?"
"Oh forgive me, I forgot your devoid of emotions... yes a hug, you do know the concept of that do you not?" Jonathan knew it was futile talking to Geoffrey about anything, their relationship - if it could even be called that - was purely an agreement that Jonathan would aid Priwen when called and listen to everything Geoffrey said. No questions, no demands, simply obedience in the rare moments when they valued his abilities. In return they left him alone.
Jonathan was falling so far into his thoughts which were now plagued with the fact that he'd just let loose some feelings to Geoffrey that he didn't even notice the hunter had moved closer to him. The movement was so quiet, so swift, that by the time Geoffrey's arms wrapped around Jonathan all he had time to do was tense. Which he did marvellously.
"Jesus it's like hugging a fucking statue. Relax Reid" The hug was rather awkward, Geoffrey was almost the same heigh as Jonathan so his arms wrapped around him whilst holding his own arms down at his sides. His scent was overpowering at first, the hints of smoke and musk, the underlying scent of whiskey from previous nights spent at the bar on his clothes. But his warmth was more than anything, the thing Jonathan chased. His mind was screaming at him, torn between wanting to let his head drop onto Geoffrey and let his teeth dig into the rather small part of his neck not hidden by his scarf. To taste what he could so easily smell, see even, the blood pumping red beneath his skin.
Images of the night he had hugged Mary flashed over, how easily he had allowed the hunger to influence him, to attack someone so dear to him. He refused to allow it to happen again. He let out a breath he didn't need before allowing his body to relax, his arms bent up to grip onto Geoffrey's coat and he let his head fall onto Geoffrey's shoulder.
He may not have been the comfort Jonathan had in mind, but he was enough, certainly enough in that moment. Jonathan willed his emotions to let him be for a moment, he did not want to allow himself to be anymore vulnerable in front of Geoffrey than he already was. So they stayed like that.
Moments went by and as they passed Jonathan found he'd relaxed so fully into Geoffrey the hunter was taking a fair amount of his weight. He didn't complain though, which was new for Jonathan, usually Geoffrey complained about...well just about everything where Jonathan was concerned but, now he simply held him.
He held him until Jonathan finally pulled himself away. Both of them straightened up, Jonathan now found himself too tired - emotionally if not physically - to feel embarrassed by what had just happened. He let a soft thank you fall from his lips.
"You're welcome" Jonathan looked at Geoffrey, searching for signs of malice or a snide remark that would have usually followed. But he looked more relaxed than Jonathan had ever seen him, almost completely unbothered by what they'd just done. Jonathan wondered if this was how Geoffrey normally was, that maybe it was just him that was on the receiving end of all of his anger and hate.
"You're staring"
"Sorry, you look different" Geoffrey's eyebrow rose in question. "Less, I hate you and want to kill you"
"Hmm don't get your hopes up too high leech, I may still kill you" Jonathan allowed himself to smirk, there was no spite in his words, he didn't spit out leech like he would have before. "Come on let's get it to, those skals won't kill themselves"
"After you"
#vampyr#vampyr game#jonathan reid#vampyr 2018#dr jonathan reid#jonathan vampyr#geoffrey mccullum#geoffrey vampyr#jonathan reid x geoffrey mccullum#mcreid
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I'm down to my last vampyr request 🥲I'm still accepting requests! But I'm on such a Jonathan & Geoffrey kick I only want to write about them 🥲
I might also start taking some McReid requests if there are any out there you have 👀
#vampyr#vampyr game#jonathan reid#vampyr 2018#dr jonathan reid#jonathan vampyr#jonathan reid x reader#geoffrey mccullum#geoffrey mccullum x reader#geoffrey vampyr
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I think it would be interesting to explore pre-canon Jonathan Reid! Maybe something about him and his partner before the war?
This is so interesting!! I hope I captured Jonathan alright! As I stared this I had so many ideas that they all fought each other for the chance to be the one I went with 😅 in the end this one won! I veered off canon a bit towards the end.... *cough* Elizabeth just doesn't exist in my world
You knew he'd follow you upstairs, the attention would get to him soon enough, all the praising and compliments on his work would slowly but surely wear him down. You hated these parties, obligations to attend because of your parents, but you would never turn down the opportunity to be around Jonathan.
Neither of you had let it be known that you were together, the idea of giving up this little secret of yours was too difficult to let go of, knowing full well that both yours and Jonathan's family would be all over it in a heartbeat. Asking questions of when. When is the wedding? When will you have children? When When When? Neither you nor Jonathan wanted that just yet.
Besides, there was a certain thrill to sneaking off, hiding behind closed doors and shared glances across a room that no one else noticed. You sat down on the window ledge in the upper sitting room you had found the door to, the sounds of the party downstairs muffled by the closed door only briefly loudened again when Jonathan slipped in.
"God I can't stand that woman" You chuckled, knowing full well you'd ignored Jonathan's pleading look of 'save me' that was thrown your way just before you raised an eyebrow at him and walked upstairs to hunt down a quiet spot. "You are merciless for leaving me like that"
"Well I didn't want to give us away" You said innocently.
"Mm, perhaps there is some error to our choice on that, if everyone knew then I could easily use you as an excuse to avoid yet another conversation about how I'm getting on in years and should really find myself a nice girl to settle down with, especially the many daughters who's names I don't even register enough to remember"
"Such a hard life you live Dr.Reid!" You both chuckled as Jonathan sat down beside you, pulling you close to him as you both looked out the window to the dimly lit gardens outside, a few party goers wandering the courtyard. "I hate that you're leaving"
"I know, I can honestly say I would rather attend a hundred more of these parties just to stay with you" Jonathan sighed, his hand mindlessly stroked along your own as you relaxed into him, willing your emotions not to surface again like they had before. "I won't be gone long I suspect. They just need help treating wounded soldiers, they're overrun"
"I just wish it wasn't you, any other doctor would be preferable"
"I'm sure there's another wife out there who would be saying the same if it was another doctor"
"But I'm not your wife"
"Not yet" You looked up at Jonathan, his lip was tilted up in a small smile you couldn't bring yourself to match. His hand gently brushed a wayward strand of hair from your face. "You will be, I'm coming back"
"But how can we be sure? What if something happens?" You could feel your chest growing tighter at the thought of it.
"I'll be huddled up in some dusty medical tent, I doubt I'll see any of the action" Even Jonathan could hear the lie in his voice, truth be told he himself didn't know what to expect, the very idea of going to France both scared him and filled him with a sense of duty that he couldn't ignore. "I'll write you sappy love letters, you'll be sick of me by the time I return home" You chuckled at that.
"I will be sorely disappointed now if I don't receive those letters. I'll need something to laugh at while you're gone"
"Such cruelty, you'll break my heart"
"Oh well we can't have that, not with you running off to war and all"
"Certainly not! You can make it up to me"
"Oh? How? Is this your not so subtle attempt to get me into a compromising position?"
"Well I haven't failed with that so far" You playfully hit Jonathan who laughed and pulled you closer against him. "Promise you'll marry me when I come home?"
"I hope you have a ring in your pocket" You heard Jonathan huff out a laugh but the smirk on his face wasn't quite as full now. "I promise" You turned to look at him fully, taking a moment to look at every detail of him, you were sure you knew every inch of him perfectly now but still, in this moment you just wanted to lock absolutely everything about him into your memory.
"Did that count as a proposal or will I have to do it again?" Jonathan's attempt to lighten the mood was tinged so blue with sadness you almost didn't want to answer, but with a deep breath you smiled back at him, this wasn't the time to dwell on the future.
"I suppose so... not quite as elaborate as I'd have expected...although knowing you as I do I can only imagine something... clinical? Medical? Hmm...perhaps you could have put the ring in a pill bottle? No?"
Jonathan rolled his eyes at you before leaning close and capturing your lips with his. You both held on as if your lives depended on it, as if any moment some god awful person was about to burst into the room and throw Jonathan on the next boat out of here. You suddenly felt such a sadness for all the many women who'd had to say goodbye to their loved ones before you. Such a sudden sense of being shoved into a club none of you wanted to be in, a club for lonely women awaiting the return of their men... or of the telegram to say they wouldn't be coming home.
The very idea had a tear running down your face, one that Jonathan wiped away gently with his thumb. He held your face still a moment, perhaps taking his own mental image of your face. "A few months... then we'll be together again... probably wishing we could both go back to war to avoid our mothers organising the wedding" the smiles shared between you now were sad ones, ones that wished to laugh it off but couldn't quite life the veil of grief you already felt at being pulled away from each other. Normally you would be checking the clock, seeing how long you could drag out before having to reluctantly return to the party before anyone noticed you were both gone. But tonight? Tonight neither of you could bare the thought of moving just yet, the thought of time standing still just a little longer was too tempting. The thought of just pretending for a moment that the coming days weren't actually coming was too precious to care about returning to a world where you would be split apart.
It was only now that Jonathan allowed himself to even think about going to your door. To show you what he had become. This monster that had consumed him.
A part of him wondered if word of his return had reached you yet, he hated that the last few weeks had been nothing but chaos for him. Yet you were all he thought about when the night began to fade into dawn and his body began to shut down in it's new unnatural way.
A part of him wondered if he should avoid you, perhaps he should leave and pretend to have died. But he knew too many people had seen and spoken to him now to be able to pull it off.
So many visions of your face flashed through his mind, the disgust, the horror and fear, the hurt in your eyes. Jonathan found he couldn't even imagine an outcome where you would welcome him back into your life once you found out what he has become. Another part of him couldn't bare to put you in that position in the first place, to ask you to live with him the way he is, a creature of the night, destined to watch all of his loved ones grow old while he lived in limbo.
All the dinners he wont spend with you because he's out scavenging for skall and rat blood. The very idea of you being privy to that information made Jonathan want to throw up.
He wondered if you still had all of his letters... he still had yours by some miracle, he'd spent hours digging through that god awful pit he'd been left in looking for them... the tied together stack finally in his hands again though they were mostly ruined from the rain.
The warm lights of your home were there, the dark wooden door begging him to knock. He knew you were awake, his new senses drew his eyes up to the second floor where he knew you were sitting in your room. Your heat beating gently, he wondered how that rhythm would change when you opened the door and saw him.
As Jonathan stood there he wondered how many more times he would find himself like this...wondering if now was the right time to knock on the door.
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hii so it’s me again and i have a couple ideas i really love the upper hand fic u did so maybe you could do a pt.2 id love it tysm so much 🥰
The Upper Hand Pt 2
Ah so so happy you enjoyed the first part!!! Again (as always because I'm both lazy and too keen to post finished fics) I haven't checked this over for errors yet! NSFW+18
"We're running low, too low in fact - I know of at least two patients in Whitechapel that have been experiencing nausea and I don't have enough to make the tonics" You sighed at Jonathan's words, knowing full well that meant another trek out to one of the abandoned pharmacies in the city.
"Why don't you use the hospitals supplies? It seems rather stupid when we are quite literally here in the hospital"
"The hospital is short as well, I can't take their supplies when someone here may need it - the nearest pharmacy we can check isn't that far"
"No no, not that far, just around a few corners, through a pack of Skals and a bunch or two of Priwen's delightfully dull patrols" You sighed again, your arms flopping over your face as you laid across the small hospital bed Jonathan had in his office.
"So dramatic"
"I bet you any money there's enough in the supply room to make the tonics and leave the hospital enough"
"Oh? I wasn't aware of your new position as the inventory keeper" You rolled your eyes and shot up from the bed, grabbing Jonathan by the arm and pulling him with you towards the door. His arms were cold, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up, exposing his skin to the warmth of your hand.
You made quick work of dragging Jonathan along with you to the supply room a few doors down, you stopped only once you were outside the door, an impatient look cast towards Jonathan as he reluctantly pulled his keys from his trouser pockets to unlock the door. "You are unbelievably stubborn"
"And you are unbelievably boring but we can't all win"
"You weren't saying that the other night" Jonathan muttered as he unlocked the door. The night in question came flooding back to you, the teasing between you turning into a rather heated night. The imagery your mind replayed had you heating up as Jonathan held the door open for you.
"I thought you'd given up that smug little look of yours"
"Of course not, I still have the upper hand remember?" You rolled your eyes as you looked over the small but cluttered supply room, a large shelf sat in the centre of the room, so full you couldn't see through it to the other side. Surely with all of these bottles and boxes Jonathan could take what was needed without venturing out into the city.
You almost said as much but Jonathan had already begun searching the shelves for what he needed. You watched and then followed him around the shelf as he searched. Your eyes wandering over his form, lingering on his exposed forearms as he reached up to inspect the label on a bottle on a higher shelf. "It's rude to stare"
You tried to suppress the heat you felt rising to your cheeks but you were sure if you looked in a mirror you'd be red. "No staring. Simply waiting with oh so much patience for you to hurry up"
"You're the one who wanted to get the supplies from in here, which by the way is stealing"
"You're everyone's favourite doctor, they wouldn't even suspect you"
"Hmm so I get to be someone else's downfall do I?"
You ignored him, allowing your eyes to venture once more, no point stopping now. You had to admit Jonathan was a fine sight, for a doctor especially. His hair was neatly slicked back, you remembered the feeling of the shorter hair at the back and sides against your fingers. The way he'd used his tongue, teased you, so confident in making a point.
Damn. You'd done a fine job of working yourself up now. Even the little lip bite Jonathan was subconsciously pulling off as he checked more labels had you wishing you were still in his office. Although...he had relocked the door hadn't he? You leant back just enough to see past the shelf, eyes flicking in the direction of the door briefly to check it was in fact closed. The keys in the lock confirming your suspicions.
You moved quickly then, pushing yourself rather elegantly between the shelf and Jonathan. "What are you doing?"
"Getting you back" you gave him no other notice as you dropped to your knees, hands already working his belt open and pulling at his trousers.
Jonathan's whole body tensed as he sucked in a breath he didn't need. "You can't be serious?! Here?!" His whispered yell would have made you laugh if you weren't so focused on pulling him out of his trousers.
In all fairness he could have stopped it, he could have pulled away and stopped you before you started. But he didn't. And he lost all thoughts of doing so when he felt the heat of your mouth wrap around him, working him up very quickly to full hardness. "God" He sighed, allowing himself to lean by the forearm against the shelf as you moved your mouth along the length of him.
He felt his legs twitch when you licked the tip of him, teasing him before taking his length again, moving with an admirable if not infuriating determination. Jonathan let his forehead drop, resting it on the arm against the shelf as soft moans started falling from his lips. He was sure the more sensible part of him was screaming at him to stop this madness, they were in the supply room for gods sake, anyone with a key could walk in.
He could feel his body tensing, that same coil he felt the other night tightening as he neared his release. But just as he thought the end was coming, you slowed down to a brutally slow pace. Jonathan groaned in both annoyance and lust as you leisurely teased your tongue long him, placing only gentle kisses to the tip of his length. He allowed himself to look down at you, you didn't meet his gaze, too fixed on your current task but he saw it...that little smirk. Well...he wasn't about to give up his hold on the lead just yet. Jonathan pulled away from you, startling you when his hands gripped onto your arms, pulling you up and turning you to face the shelf.
"I don't appreciate being teased"
"The feelings mutual my dear, but you deserve it after the other night" You felt Jonathan's hands at the fastenings of your trousers for only a second before he pulled them down, your exposed behind pressing against his length. "If I had known this is all it takes to make you snap I would have done this ages ago"
"I am going to fuck you so hard you won't be able to make your little jokes anymore" You gasped as Jonathan pressed you against the shelf harder, pulling your hips back against his with one hand while the other gripped the shelf your head was against.
"Such filthy words again doctor! You should really-" You words were cut off as Jonathan pushed into you, your body taking him so easily as he pressed in to the hilt. He gave you a moment, but that was all. Jonathan set an equally determined pace as he moved his hips against you, your grip on the shelves tightening as you tried to keep yourself upright against this delicious assault.
Moments that you wished would last forever passed as you moved against each other - mindful of the noise you were both making as Jonathan moved his hips. You almost didn't noticed the handle of the door jiggling as someone tried to open it. Jonathan's body went still as you both froze, he knew the keys in the lock should stop anyone from the outside being able to unlock the door but that wouldn't explain why he was in the supply room with you with the door locked, not to mention the state you would both be in.
"Blast it I forgot my keys!" Edgars voice sounded from the other side of the door, Jonathan cursed.
"Why am I always getting into trouble with you?" before you could answer Jonathan was moving again, this time as quickly as your position would allow him. You would have called him mad but you knew better than to test him at this point, so you simply held on for dear life as he pushed you both towards your ends.
He wasn't sure if it was the location, the fact that Edgar was likely on his way back or simply from having you again - especially like this, that had Jonathan slipping over the edge, gasping against your shoulder as he filled you. You followed as soon as the heat of him entered you, biting down on your hand to stop the moan that threatened to fall from your lips.
You wished you could have stayed like that for longer but Jonathan had already pulled away, gathering himself together before helping you do the same. You both rushed towards the door, Jonathan's hand quickly finding the keys in the lock and turning them.
It was almost comical how his head shot out, checking left and right to see if the coast was clear before he ushered you out and down the hallway to his office. "That is the last time I listen to one of your ideas"
"Don't even try to tell me you didn't enjoy that"
"I'm not, although I would prefer one of these days to do that with you in a location where we don't have to be quiet" You smirked, hands finding the now wrinkled collar of Jonathan's shirt.
"I'm sure that can be arranged"
"Hmm... so what are we even now?" Jonathan's look of disappointment wasn't easily missed as it crossed his features. "I was enjoying being in the lead"
"Well you'll just have to get back in front then wont you?"
"Hmm" Jonathan turned his head, frowning suddenly. "You do realise we didn't find the supplies we needed... we're going out for them" You groan of annoyance only caused him to chuckle as he reached for your coats. It seemed the night was very far from being over.
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In The Eyes of Priwen - Chapter Four
Another chapter!
Geoffrey made quick work of his journey to Evelyn's house, he could see the two lads stationed outside for the night sitting on chairs out the front. A luxury he certainly hadn't awarded to them. They stood up to greet him when he got close enough for them to be able to make him out in the lamp lit street, the air felt damp, like any moment the heavens would open up and the rain would start to fall.
"Evening boss, everything alright?" Geoffrey was half ashamed that he couldn't remember the name of the guard who addressed him first, he was new.
"Yeah, anything here? I take it you're bein' treated as well as the lads last night?"
"Yeah Miss Evelyn had her man come out earlier with drinks and food" Geoffrey nodded before heading up the stairs, leaving the two men to sit back down. He knocked on the door expecting to be greeted by Sembene but it was Evelyn that opened the door.
"Hello, come in" She ushered Geoffrey in quickly, motioning for him to follow her into the living room and towards the desk at the back of the room.
"Your man not here tonight?"
"He was earlier but not now, I usually let him take time off, it's only me here now after all. Though he hasn't been taking any time since the attack. But now that your men are here I insisted" Geoffrey could already see an improvement, Evelyn was still dressed as casually as before, but her eyes seemed brighter, she'd clearly been sleeping these last couple of nights. "I found something"
"Yeah your note said"
"I don't actually know if it will be helpful to you but..." Evelyn leant over and picked up two brown leather journals from the desk. " My father was an explorer, hence the décor, he usually visited Egypt. Anyway before he died he became obsessed with immortality. Thomas and I just put it down to his love for Ancient Egyptian beliefs and their afterlife, but he wasn't the same in the last two years of his life" Geoffrey was beginning to wonder what any of this had to do with him, but he couldn't bring himself to interrupt her as he would have done with someone else like Edgar. Geoffrey realised he would probably sit and listen to her chat about anything as long as she kept her attention on him.
"Anyway it wasn't until I read his last two journals that I saw Priwen mentioned, and someone named Carl Eldridge?" Geoffrey's interest peaked at this.
"He was the former leader of Priwen, my mentor"
"My father seemed to have been meeting with him, about a weapon that can kill vampires. But later in the journal he begins talking about a club called Ascalon. They apparently reached out to him offering him immortality, I suppose I now know that means turning him into a vampire"
"Yeah it does, what weapon is mentioned?"
"Some sort of sword, the sword of a king" Geoffrey stilled for a moment. The only link to a king was the blood of Arthur that Carl had passed down to Geoffrey. Only in a time of great need was he to even consider using it to help him battle the worst of foes. But Geoffrey wasn't a fool, there was only one sword owned by a king that would be worth mentioning. "You can take them"
Geoffrey took the journals from Evelyn. "You sure?"
"Yes, you can bring them back after you're done with them and to let me know if there anything other than the ramblings of a mad man in there"
"Carl wouldn't have worked with your father if he were mad"
"My father was persuasive, even at the end he could probably talk his way out of the worst kinds of situations. Maybe he talked his way into gaining Carls help"
"You don't sound too fond of him. Your father I mean"
"I was, but he was away most of the time travelling. He'd never take me with him no matter how much I asked. My mother was determined to stick to the rules of the upper class, marry me off to someone suitable, my father knew I wouldn't have it. He used to let me get into all sorts of trouble" Evelyn smiled at the memory and now even more than before Geoffrey wanted her to keep talking.
"Your mother isn't around either?"
"No she passed first, she was sick. About 6 months later was when my father began to change. He died of a heart attack. Then it was me and Thomas. Now it's just me" She didn't say it with sadness but Geoffrey knew what it was like to be alone, you often hide the pain of it, well he certainly did.
"I know the feelin' of being the only one left" Geoffrey watched Evelyn look up at him in sympathy.
"You lost your family?"
"My father came back to Dublin a leech, killed my mother, Carl saved me and helped me hunt down Ian who was turned. That's how I ended up in Priwen" It wasn't a story Geoffrey often told, the short version was the only one he was comfortable with.
"I'm sorry"
"It was a long time ago now"
"Doesn't stop the memory from being there though" Evelyn shrugged to lighten the mood and stepped closer to Geoffrey, this close he could see the faint freckles that dotted across the bridge of her nose, the mix of greys and blues in her eyes. He realised after a moment she had been expecting him to move with her, he didn't and was now blocking her from moving away from the desk.
He cursed himself and went to move but Evelyn reached up, her hand ghosting over his jaw before gently pushing his face slightly to the side, her eyes fell on the faint scar that lined the side of his face. "How did this happen?"
"When I was younger, not so quick, leech scratched me" Evelyn met his gaze, a smile tugged at her lips. Geoffrey didn't want her hand to stop touching him, his own hand by it's own accord reached up to hold her arm in place. What was he doing? He wasn't sure himself. When Evelyn didn't react or pull away he wondered if he could lean in and kiss her, they were close enough.
But he didn't. Or he left it too long because Evelyn did move away from him, her eyes darting away from him in disappointment. Jesus he was a fool, he should have just done it.
"Thank you for coming, I hope the journals help" Her voice was quieter now, embarrassed perhaps. He didn't stop himself this time as he placed the journals back onto the desk and reached for Evelyn. He did it quick enough that he heard her take in a startled breath before he pushed his lips against hers.
Geoffrey would never claim to be the most experienced person when it came to romance but he didn't hold back from this kiss. Their lips moved easily against each other, as if this was a rhythm they had already learnt before. Evelyn's hands gripped Geoffrey's coat as they pushed closer together. He knew he could easily loose himself in this kiss, this moment, it could have perhaps been the only time in many year that Geoffrey would be willing to let himself get lost in something. For a man so devoted to Priwen and the cause, enough to be called a fanatic by many, Geoffrey in this moment wanted to be nothing more than the man kissing Evelyn.
This dance of their continued, building only more passion as they pulled and gripped at each other, Evelyn found herself backed up against the desk, Geoffrey leaning over her as their kiss grew deeper. If breathing wasn't vital Geoffrey knew he wouldn't have pulled away, but when he did they both let their heads rest against each other, their noses brushing gently as they both caught their breath.
They looked at each other then, both surprised as a small smirk pulled at both of their lips. "Lets hope your men haven't been watching through the windows" Evelyn whispered. Geoffrey hadn't even thought about it but now that he was he pulled back, his head snapping in the direction of the window, but all he could see were curtains pulled tightly across the glass.
His eyes rolled as Evelyn giggled at having tricked him. Geoffrey looked back at her, his eyes lingering on her lips a moment, wondering if he should kiss her again. God he wanted to, but the hour grew late and he knew he needed to get back to Priwen. "I want to stay but..."
"You have a job to do"
"Until next time then Geoffrey"
It was hard before keeping his mind off of Evelyn but now all he could think about was their kiss, the way she felt in his arms. He'd left Evelyn's house in a stupor almost missing the goodbyes from the guards outside.
By the time he'd made it back to Priwen most of the patrols were out or sleeping, only the men by the door were awake to greet him and Philip who was nursing a glass of whiskey in the entry hall which as it stands was the only space left with any room to relax in. "'d it go?" The shir eating grin was back on his face but Geoffrey found himself in too good a mood to snap back.
"Fine, she gave me her fathers journals, seems he was working with Carl"
"I never heard of that happening"
"Nor I but sure it's there, I'll read over them and see what comes of it if anything" Geoffrey took Philips glass and took a swig himself before handing it back and muttering a good night.
"Hold on! Ye aren't going to entertain an ol' man?" Philip sat forward, a knowing look on his face but Geoffrey simply shrugged.
"You'll just have to find your entertainment elsewhere, I have nothin' to share"
"Oh aye, so that smile that was on yer face as ye came through the door was a coincidence then?" Geoffrey didn't even answer he simply turned and headed for a free bed. He would deal with Philips teasing tomorrow.
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In The Eyes of Priwen - Chapter Three
I literally cannot stop writing!! I hope someone out there is enjoying this story so far! Warning: details of violent attacks
Blood was nothing new to Geoffrey, he saw it almost everyday. But this was even a tad too much for him. The walls of the small house in the back end of Whitechapel had been sprayed with the blood of the three bodies that littered the floor. Each one torn to shreds, one was barely recognisable, not that Geoffrey knew who they were.
The chipped and worn floor to the home was slowly turning red with the pools of blood that was gathering beneath each body. The house itself wasn't messy enough for Geoffrey to think they'd put up much of a fight, he wondered if they'd even had the time to react fully before they were torn apart.
"Jesus" Philip walked in behind Geoffrey, cautiously stepping over the arm of the only woman in the group of three to get a better look. "This was done recently enough, a few hours maybe"
"We get any witnesses?" Geoffrey wasn't sure exactly when he'd taken up not only the role of leading Priwen but also detective work. Most of the police force in the city were busy handling barricades or patrolling uselessly in the upper class areas. Not that there were many left mind you, a lot of the police force had been killed in the earlier days of the epidemic.
"No" Bennett spoke from beside Geoffrey, his eyes firmly planted on a clean spot on the wall. It almost made Geoffrey chuckle that the lad had such a hard time looking at the scene in front of them when he so often lead patrols out to hunt leeches.
"This the work of this new leech do you reckon? You said the lass was attacked by the brother with claws?" Geoffrey took a moment to consider this, wondering how Evelyn had managed to survive if this was in fact the work of her brother. "They've no bite marks though"
"Hardly think he needed to bite them after ripping them up so badly" Bennett chimed in, his eyes flicking briefly to Philip before returning to the wall.
"Aye that's true enough, what do you want us to do?"
"Clean it up, burn the bodies, I doubt whoever it was has left any sort of trail behind but leave a patrol around the area" The men nodded at Geoffrey's orders and Bennett rushed out of the house to get two men to come in to start the work. Geoffrey rolled his eyes as him and Philip shared a knowing glance before he followed Bennett out. He offered Bennett a cigarette before lighting his own. "You alright there? Lookin' a bit green"
"Not funny, even that one had your stomach turning don't pretend it didn't" Geoffrey chuckled at the defensive response but didn't deny it. "You going back to the west end to update what's her name?"
"Aye I'll head there now, let her know no ones seen him"
"Will you tell her about this attack?"
"No, we don't know it was him and besides there's no point scaring her further"
"You could send one of the lads over, save you the trouble" Philip joined them outside lighting his own cigarette as he did.
"It's alright I'll do it" Geoffrey's eyes met Philips again, he frowned. That damn fucking smirk was back on the old mans face. "Something to say?"
"No no, we'll see ya later" Geoffrey took another moment watching the older man before shaking his head and setting off in the direction of the west end.
"So he's not dead?"
"No I don't think so, none of the lads have seen him" Evelyn nodded, frustrated but she didn't take it further. Geoffrey watched as she walked towards a sideboard in the living room by the door, decanters filled with amber liquids and cut glasses filled the surface. Evelyn took two glasses filling each with a helping of whiskey before offering one out to Geoffrey. He took it this time. Following Evelyn's actions and taking a sip. Jesus that was good whiskey, he almost wanted to hate Tom at the Turtle for serving such low quality liquor.
"Thank you for coming to update me, I know its's probably an inconvenience for you"
"It's fine"
"If my brother is a new kind of vampire will that make him easier to track down?" Geoffrey stilled, he could feel the events of tonight on the tip of his tongue, the scene replayed quickly in his mind. He looked back down at his whiskey, swirling the glass in an attempt to look casual.
"Perhaps, depends on what he does with this new life of his" Evelyn's eyes narrowed on him, she watched him closely as he drained the last gulp of whiskey from the glass and place in down on the sideboard. "I'll leave you, guards are being posted outside, they'll be here later tonight"
"What aren't you telling me?"
"Excuse me?"
"You looked away when I asked about my brother, it makes me feel like you're keeping something from me. I have paid you to tell me what you find out McCullum" The use of his last name was a stark difference from the night before when she had called him Geoffrey, he didn't like the change. He could see the determination on her face, she wasn't going to let this go easily. Geoffrey sighed before giving in.
"There was an attack tonight, I don't know if it was your brother but the people who were killed were taken out with claws. I think anyway. There wasn't much left of them to know for sure but, there were no bite marks so it lines up with your attack"
Evelyn stood still, too still, looking at Geoffrey with an expression he couldn't place, was it fear? Anger? He couldn't tell. "Unless he did bite you?"
"He didn't" Evelyn tipped back her glass and finished the last of her drink as well, she clearly handled it well, Geoffrey remembered when Bennett took his first sip of whiskey, poor lad ended up coughing his guts up. "Thank you for telling me I suppose"
"I was trying to keep ya from worrying"
"Does it matter to you if I'm worrying?" She wasn't being spiteful Geoffrey knew that, but he was also quick to bite back his over eager response of yes. Why did it matter to him? He'd only known this woman a handful of nights are here he was doing all he could do to make her feel safe. He wanted to put it down to the hunter in him, wanting to do the right thing, surely any man would feel the same. But a deeper part of him was starting to realise this was just an excuse.
"It does when you're paying me" He regretted his answer as soon as he said it. The look on Evelyn's face went from curious to bland indifference. "I didn't mean it like that, I just... thought to avoid giving ya more reasons not to sleep"
"I suppose I won't sleep until it's over anyway"
"The lads outside will keep the house safe"
"I hope so"
Two days had passed and Thomas was neither seen nor heard of much to Geoffrey's annoyance, however uproar was caused in the Priwen base when the two lads watching over Evelyn's house came back with tales of not only being well fed but also being brought hot drinks every other hour. Geoffrey almost ripped his own ears off after listening to them all fight over who got to be on tonight's shift.
He almost almost called the whole thing off. Well not really, but he did let the thought pass over his mind once or twice.
"You's will all be fightin' over the lass soon enough" Philip quipped from beside Geoffrey. His makeshift office space - which was really just a corner of their meeting room- was always invaded by noise or Philip. Next time he'll find somewhere with a bloody door. "She seems to be treating us all very well... do we have you to thank for that?"
"What? Just spit it out will ya? I can't stand the sight of your face when you're smirkin' like that"
"No no I'll go and give her the updates" Philips mocking tone was not lost on Geoffrey. "Oh of course I'll spare a few men for ya, and come over almost every night to give you piece of mind"
"I haven't been there in two days"
"Bet you're thinking about going though aren't ya?" Philip chuckled to himself before leaning back in his chair, his boots coming to rest on the little space left on the table Geoffrey was trying to work on.
"Get yer fucking boots off the table"
"Geoffrey McCullum falling for a west end lass. God I wish Carl were alive to witness this"
"I'm not falling for anyone, grow the fuck up you sound like a girl" Geoffrey used his elbow to push Philips boots off the table but this only made the other guard laugh more.
"No need to get yer defences up, from what the lads say she's a real looker" Geoffrey frowned, all of a sudden wondering just how much time his men had been able to spend with Evelyn considering they were only meant to watch the house. Before Geoffrey could argue further another guard came into the room, the messenger boy from before following in after him.
"Got another message for you boss, wouldn't give it to me"
"Because it ain't for you" Geoffrey scoffed, the boy clearly found his voice since the last time they'd seen him.
"What's your name?"
"What's it to you?"
"You know mine" Geoffrey held out his hand for the note which the boy promptly handed over.
"See wasn't so hard was it? Go on then" Geoffrey looked down at the note waiting for them to leave before opening it.
"Another note, aren't you the popular one, though we know who it's from" Philip had leant right over into Geoffrey's space to look at the note in his hand.
"Jesus Christ are you still fucking here?" Geoffrey moved away from Philip to read the note
I want to show you something I found that you may be interested in. Whenever is convenient. EC
"Something to show ya huh? Make sure you bathe before you head over"
"I swear on Carl's fucking grave one more word and I'll bury you in with him alive" Philips chuckling was loud enough for Geoffrey to hear even after he'd left the room. He hadn't planned on visiting Evelyn tonight but... well now he had an excuse to go.
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In The Eyes Of Priwen - Chapter Two
Another chapter! Geoffrey and Evelyn have their first proper encounter! Also yes... I took so much inspo from Penny Dreadful I can't help it! Also I wont be sticking entirely to the lore of the game so if I veer off don't be surprised!!!
If Geoffrey hated London, he loathed the West End. Safe as it was he couldn't help but be irritated by each toff he walked past. The last couple had been particularly irritating in their snobby clothes and stupid try hard accents. But the idea of a paying job that put food on the table for his men kept him walking towards the address on the note he had received the night before.
The hour was late but there was a warm glow coming from inside the house as Geoffrey walked up the steps leading to the dark wood door. He took a moment, wondering if he really had it in him tonight to listen to whoever this woman was waffle on, but after hearing the way she spoke to Edgar in his office he was almost intrigued by her lack of socially required manners. His hand knocked on the door a few times but opened almost immediately. A dark skinned man stood looking at Geoffrey. "Mr McCullum I presume, we have been awaiting your arrival" A rich African accent welcome Geoffrey into the house.
The house itself was warm, a fire was burning in the living room adjacent to the hallway. Geoffrey's eyes flicked from the staircase leading upstairs to the Persian rug covering the floor, to the array of ornaments displayed on a sideboard, each from various cultures creating an eclectic feel. A movement had Geoffrey attention turning back towards the living room where Evelyn stood. She was wearing a long black cardigan wrapped and tied around her body, a slither of dark silk peaked out from the neckline, her feet were bare. Geoffrey wasn't sure what he was expecting, given the hour he supposed something comfier for her was reasonable but he'd never seen an upper class woman dress so casually or maybe he just didn't know toffs as well as he thought he did.
"Thank you for coming" Her voice was softer than it had been in Edgars office and Geoffrey took a second to notice how tired she looked. Edgar was right, she looked almost as tired as he did.
"Decided to ask for my help then?" Evelyn's eyes flicked cautiously to Sembene and a subtle nod had the man leaving through a door further down the hallway.
"Come in" She nodded her head in the direction of the living room, Geoffrey followed, feeling the warmth of the room as he rounded the sofa to sit on the closest side to him. "Would you like a drink?"
"No I'm grand"
"Alright" She sat down on the free side of the sofa, turning to face Geoffrey. He could see she was nervous, but by him or the situation he couldn't tell. "I suppose Edgar has told you his version of things"
"He did, that your brother was turned and attacked you" He saw Evelyn flinch at his words but her jaw was tight, like she was holding in anger.
"Edgar loves a story, especially when he deludes himself into thinking he's a vital part of it" Evelyn met Geoffrey's gaze, he wondered then what she was thinking as she let her eyes map out his face for a moment before speaking again. "My brother went missing as I'm sure you know, and he did come back changed. I was in here but over there" Geoffrey eyes followed Evelyn's gesture to the back of the living room where a sturdy desk covered in books was positions, bookshelves lined the walls behind it.
"He came in late, I'm not sure I can even remember the time but it was dark, the fire had almost burnt out. I turned and he was stood by the door, I knew it was him straight away but he was just stood there. Then I spoke his name and he turned.." Geoffrey watched as she paused taking a breath before continuing. "His eyes were, um, like an animal.. they reflected the light, like a bat maybe? He just stood there motionless and I walked over to him, stupidly in hind sight. He attacked me, I pulled away and the next thing I felt were claws ripping down my back, then I woke up at the hospital"
"Enter Edgar" Evelyn chuffed out a laugh but didn't quite allow her lips to pull up into a smile.
"Yes enter Edgar, it took a few days but eventually he came to me with his questions, I suspect he told you my brother needs to be found. That, that is what's safest for me"
"Aye something like that"
"He's lying. It wasn't until I was healed enough to home and continue as normal that he approached me again. I told him about Thomas, the way he looked, his eyes, his skin-"
"What was wrong with his skin?"
"It was like his veins had turned black, like a darkness was creeping it's way across his body and up his neck. Edgar became obsessed very quickly with the idea that he was a different kind of vampire, he wanted to employ you to capture him and bring him to the Brotherhood for them to... learn from him..." Here was the source of the anger she was keeping at bay, Geoffrey could see the signs, he knew more than anyone what it was like to hold it in.
"You can't give him over to them. I don't want him being experimented on. I want..." She paused looking towards the fire, the light of it flickering against her face as she took another breath. "I want you to find him, and put an end to what he's become"
"Do you have a photo of him? So I know who I'm looking for but also for me men? They're out on patrol more than I am, might be that they already found him" Evelyn nodded and reached behind her pulling a small photograph from a side table.
"I worry your men won't remember killing him if they kill so many each night"
"If he's different and... someone from the upper class, they'd remember" His eyes gazed over the photo of Thomas, they shared many of the same features, his eyes were the same, his hair cut in a harsh undercut but the same shade as Evelyn's.
"Better loot?" Geoffrey stiffened slightly before looking back up at Evelyn. She didn't look angry at the statement so he nodded. "Can I ask you something else? When you find him... I need to make sure he's gone" Geoffrey looked at her in confusion, it wasn't often that many people requested to see the bodies of leeches before they were burnt. "I haven't slept well since it happened... I keep thinking he's going to come back... I need to know it's over"
"You'll be the first to know" Clearly satisfied Evelyn nodded with a relieved sigh before getting up and walking to the desk, Geoffrey watched as she grabbed an envelope before returning back to him.
"Your payment, half now, half after. I hope it's sufficient" Geoffrey reached out, this had also never happened. Not that Priwen made it a habit of taking jobs, killing leeches was what they did anyway, but they were never paid. Sometimes if they'd saved someone they would be allowed to as Evelyn put it, loot the place...well they did that even if it wasn't offered. But as Geoffrey took the envelope he couldn't help the small ounce of excitement knowing he would be able to provide for his men, no matter how small a...
Geoffrey's eyebrows rose, this wasn't a small amount. If he rationed it the same as he did their current income it would last them weeks, and this was only half? His eyes flicked back up to Evelyn who watches him, waiting he realised for his approval. "This is.. a lot"
"I want to be kept in the loop, I'm paying for that as well as your services" Geoffrey nodded before tucking the envelope into the inside pocket of his coat.
"You'll be kept informed" Evelyn smiled then. It wasn't a full smile by any rate, but it caught Geoffrey's attention. He found himself without being able to stop it, thinking about the woman stood in front of him. The way her hair fell, her eyes such a melancholy shade of blue, almost grey really, her lips... even in this tired state she was beautiful. Too beautiful for him, even without the difference in class.
"When will you come back?" Geoffrey realised he'd been staring, if he were younger he would have blushed.
"I'll talk to me men, once I know if he's still out there or not I'll let you know. I'll see if I can spare a man to come watch the house in case he returns" The weight coming off Evelyn's shoulders was practically visible as she relaxed. It wasn't the norm for Geoffrey to be this accommodating but with the payment and...well...he felt better knowing Evelyn might sleep if she knows someone is watching over the house, he felt obligated to make the offer.
"Thank you Geoffrey"
The way his name sounded coming from her lips was not something Geoffrey had anticipated thinking about on his way back to Priwen. More than once had he caught himself lost in thought, thinking back to their meeting. Thinking back to not even the meeting itself just the way Evelyn had looked, the way she had sat so defeated on the sofa beside him, he thought about the scent of her perfume, he hadn't given it much thought while he was there but here he was thinking about the sweetness of it as he walked down the damp streets of London.
God what a fool. He rolled his eyes, he hadn't thought about a girl like this since he was younger....a fair bit younger. Geoffrey didn't have time for women, Carl saw to that. He was kept busy, training to take over as Priwen's leader, Carl had always drilled it into him that there was no time for distractions. God the first time he'd been intimate with a girl was his eighteenth birthday, Carl had given him a handful of coins and an hour. Since then there had been few occasions to relieve that somewhat forgotten need, and he never thought about any of them after.
But even now walking past the two of his men who stood watch at the doors of the shithole they were squatting in he couldn't stop his stupid mind from going back to her.
He found Philip quicky, telling the Scot to grab whoever was here for a meeting. He knew Bennett was here but the others he couldn't remember if they'd been sent out or not, bloody epidemic was causing chaos with the rotas.
The makeshift meeting room was not the worse they'd had but still, a questionable table was placed in the centre of the room covered in a worn map of the city and papers, which was only big enough for the main guards of Priwen to occupy with no chairs, a few crates were stacked in the corner and a unused and filthy fireplace was behind were Geoffrey usually stood. It wasn't much but at least the roof didn't leak like the last place.
Philip walked in with the few men Geoffrey had allocated as the heads of each patrol group, Bennett like he expected walked through the door, he was younger than Geoffrey and Philip, in his early twenties but Geoffrey trusted him all the same. He'd proved himself loyal to Priwen and had a decent head on him. The rest piled in behind him, five in total not including Geoffrey.
He pulled out the photo first and placed it on the table for the men to look at. "Seen this one out on your rounds?" They all took a look at the photo each of them in turn shaking their heads. "The note from yesterday mentioning a job is concerning this lad, he's been turned, his sister wants him hunted down and killed"
"Bit brutal for a family member to request a hunt" Bennett spoke up, his cockney accent reminded Geoffrey of the young boy who had approached them at the bar the night before.
"He attacked her so... she's aware the brother she knew is no longer here" The men nodded in understanding.
"This who you went to see in the west end?"
"Aye, she's paid us well to get it done and keep her informed so take the photo and check with your groups that no ones already put him down"
"How well? Can we expect a better order this week? I know the local butcher keeps back what doesn't sell but we barely made enough to cover it last week" Bennett was good with the money Geoffrey allocated for food, he'd haggled on more than one occasion with the locals to get better deals for them, but even then Geoffrey knew it wasn't always a reliable tactic.
"Aye we can compensate him better this week for keeping the cuts for us. But don't go mad" Bennett nodded. "I want reports back after you've spoken to everyone and when you find him... let me know straight away. She wants clear confirmation it's been dealt with and find a spare lad to go and watch the house"
Geoffrey dismissed them quickly after that but Philip lingered behind as he always does. He'd been part of Priwen longer than Geoffrey, the older man was reaching twenty when Geoffrey was recruited after Carl saved him from his father. Geoffrey had suspected he would be against Geoffrey's taking over of leadership when Carl passed but Philip was more loyal than the rest. He was Geoffrey's closest.
"So..this west end lass...she's overpaid if anything, especially if this is only the first payment"
"I didn't argue with her on it"
"Cannae blame you, we'll eat well this month!" Geoffrey could feel Philips eyes on him, he turned to face the older man. "You're going to a lot of effort to keep her happy, placing a lad outside the house and all"
"Like you said, she paid well"
"Aye she paid well..." Geoffrey's brow cocked up at Philips smirk, the older man walked casually out of the room, leaving Geoffrey alone with his thoughts. He had planned to go over reports and routes for each scouting group to take based on the levels of violence in the areas, a solid plan for the rest of the night. But yet again on more than one occasion did Geoffrey find his mind drifting back to Evelyn.
A knock against the door frame had him almost jumping out of his thoughts, his eyes narrowed on Bennett. "Sorry to bother ya, no one's seen the bloke"
"Alright, we can start looking then"
"Yeah...there has been an attack though, think you might want to come see this one" Geoffrey sighed, so much for a night in with his paperwork.
"Lead the way"
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In The Eyes Of Priwen - Chapter One
My first chapter of my Geoffrey x OC fic! I decided to write it for an OC in the end! I hope you guys don't mind! This fic takes place a few months before Jonathan comes into the story of the game! PS. Sembene is 100% inspired by Sembene in Penny Dreadful! He was amazing in the show and I basically imagined him right into this fic!
Geoffrey hated London, the wet streets becoming worse with everyday that the epidemic continued to plague the streets. Barricades blocked so many paths, it took months for him to secure a pass for each member of the guard to get through them without a fuss.
He scoffed to himself as he made his way through Whitechapel and towards Pembroke Hospital, if only they knew how much Priwen sacrificed to save their miserable city from Skals. God if only they knew about Skals in the first place, maybe he could actually put his feet up for once.
The hospital was busy as ever, the few nurses they had dashed past Geoffrey without so much as a glance in his direction. Not that he wanted the attention, in fact he only came her because Edgar was useful for information. Well...when he wanted to be or Geoffrey made it clear bad things would happen if he didn't help Priwen. The wooden stairs of the hospital were study under Geoffrey's boots as he quickly made his way up them to Edgards office.
Just as he'd made it to the large wooden doors he stopped, hand mid air reaching for the door knob. There were voices coming from the office. Geoffrey gave it another moment before deciding his time would not be wasted because Edgar was running late or forgot their appointment. Especially given that he was the one who insisted they have them. Pushing the door open Geoffrey walked in, his eyes finding Edgars who looked surprised by his unannounced entrance and then finding the pale blue eyes of the woman stood in front of his desk staring back at him. He hadn't seen her before, her clothes were plain enough on her elegant figure but of a decent decent quality so Geoffrey suspected she came from money, her light ashen hair fell freely in loose waves, unusual to see given that most women wore their hair up.
"McCullum! Gosh is that the time I apologise, however your timing is most convenient, Evelyn here-"
"Does once again not need help" She was well spoken. From money then.
"Evelyn please McCullum here can help I am sure"
"We do not need help. I would appreciate it if you kept your always over reaching and prying nose out of our business" Geoffrey's eyebrow quirked up on its own accord, perhaps he was wise to have come in and not miss this show. Evelyn turned and began walking towards McCullum who was still holding the door open. He moved to the side to allow her past, their eyes meeting as she moved passed him and out the door.
Geoffrey's gaze flicked back to Edgar half in curiosity but mostly in his usual annoyance at being in the same room as the man. "By the Stole she is stubborn, come in McCullum lets hear your reports"
Geoffrey let the door close behind him as he made his way over to the desk, he never sat down. He didn't want Swansea getting the impression that he enjoyed of was remotely comfortable being here. "What exactly was I supposed to be helping with there?"
Edgar sighed dramatically before turning his attention fully to Geoffrey. "Evelyn Cooper, her parents were patrons of the hospital, they have passed sadly but Evelyn was good enough to keep the donations going, her father left her everything. Anyway she has a brother, a twin, Thomas. He went missing. Then a fortnight later Evelyn is rushed in here by her servant man Sembene - wonderful man, you know he came from-"
"I'll have the short version of this"
"Very well" Edgar sighed again, rolling his eyes. "As I was saying she was rushed in here, her back torn to shreds - poor girl it's rather unsightly- by what I can only imagine were the claws of a vampire!" Geoffrey attention was finally capture at this. "Once she came to I obviously asked her what happened, in her partial lucid state she admitted it was Thomas, that he had returned home but wasn't himself. When she recovered - only a few weeks ago mind you, she told me that she wanted no one to hear of this"
Geoffrey allowed himself to lean back against one of the side units adorning Edgards office, his arms crossing over his chest as he continued to listen to Edgars story. "I told her to meet with you, that I would arrange the meeting myself. I told her that you could help us track Thomas down. McCullum I don't think the poor girls slept a wink since she returned home"
"She doesn't seem to want my help"
"She doesn't know what's best for herself, we as men must make this decision to intervene, her parents were dear friends" Geoffrey felt himself grimace at Edgars entitled opinion before pushing himself away from the sideboard he was leaning against.
"I don't go begging toffs for work, if she doesn't want it, I won't be giving it. Now get on with the reports I have better places to be"
McCullum was tired, irritated and itching for a drink by the time he left Edgards office. His feet carried him without aid to the Turquoise Turtle where some of his men were waiting for him. Philip his second in command was waiting outside with a few other lads.
"Took you fecking long enough" His deep Scottish accent almost sounded harsh to Geoffrey after listening to Edgar waffle on for the better part of an hour. "Got ya a whiskey in"
"So kind" Geoffrey took the drink without any complaints, settling himself against the low wooden railing that lined the outside of the pub. The scent of sticky spilled beer and old bar stools filled his senses as he sat listening to the banter between his men. Only occasionally joining in himself. But this wasn't a bad way to end his night at all. In fact it felt like a luxury given how run down they'd been recently.
"So the reports with the ol' toff went alrigh' then?"
"Aye, he's as fucking annoying as anything but sure what else is new" Philip chuckled as Geoffrey took a sip of whiskey, his eyes narrowed suddenly as he noticed a young lad hovering near them. He couldn't have been older than thirteen maybe younger, but the way he stood so close to them told Geoffrey he was after something. "You got something to say lad?"
Geoffrey's men hushed at the sound of their leaders voice, all of them turning to look at the boy in front of them. "Yeah I got a message for a McCullum? Was told he was the leader" The boys cockney accent suited the way he tried to make himself look taller now that the attention was on him, a show of bravery Geoffrey supposed.
"Come on then hand it over" The boy hesitated for a moment, his eyes tracking over every one of Geoffrey's men before he gave in and walked between them up to Geoffrey, handing over the folded up note. "Thanks" The boy nodded before walking off quickly leaving Geoffrey and the note the most interesting thing for his men to look at.
"Got an admirer we don't know about?" Philip smirked, elbowing one of the lads as they giggled like girls. Geoffrey rolled his eyes before opening the paper, a neat handwritten note inside.
If you are interested in helping me, please visit at your earliest convenience, I am aware you work late, this won't be an issue for me. You will be compensated for your time. My address is...
Geoffrey read the address, he knew it was in the west end. So he had been right. Evelyn Coopers name was signed at the bottom of the note. "So?" Geoffrey's gaze flicked up to his men who were watching him, waiting for some insight.
"A job perhaps. I'll look into it" That was all they needed to return back to their drinks and banter, only Philip kept his attention on Geoffrey.
"Don't usually get hand delivered notes, we going up in the world?"
"Perhaps" Geoffrey smirked, another gulp of whiskey burned it's way down his throat. "Or it might be that we're no longer invisible to the public eye"
"Aye that too, not sure I like the idea though"
"Me neither, I'll see what comes of it anyway" Knocking back the last of the whiskey Geoffrey nodded to Philip before setting off back to Priwen's current base. He would follow up on the note tomorrow after he'd gotten some sleep.
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Upcoming Vampy Fics
I am currently working on finishing a few requests for Jonathan & Geoffrey and I wanted to post a little list so you know (if you requested) that your request is on the way!
Priwen guard being spared by Jonathan and later getting to know him better
Jonathan pre-game
Second part to my Upper Hand fic!
A longer fic following Geoffrey through the game and slightly before but with an SO (Maybe OC, what do we think?) this will take me a minute to fully hash out how I want things to go but I have been thinking about it for months!!!!
Please drop more requests for these two! I love writing about them!
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Happy Valentine’s Day!! I hope it goes amazing for you 💕🎀✨ wishing you all the happiest, warmest and most precious experiences, today and always.
Sending you all my love! ☺️
Sending all my love back! (I'm so late to reply oh my goodness!!!)
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Just want to say as small of a fandom this is I'm so glad we have such talented writers like you 💜
Oh my goodness 😭 thank you so much!!! I am so glad you guys enjoy my fics xx
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It was originally thought up as a OC fic but I just know how much people hate them 😅 and with the lack of fics out there I feel like most people will prefer the x reader purely because there’s hardly anything else out there!
But I shall give it a go!
I have the idea for a full fledged fic for reader x Geoffrey McCullum…. Like I think about it all the time and have figured most of it out but….
The fandom is so small especially for x reader fics 🥲 even the mcreid tag doesn’t have updates for days at a time 🥲🥲🥲
So should I even bother with it?! I wish our boys got more love 🥲
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I have the idea for a full fledged fic for reader x Geoffrey McCullum…. Like I think about it all the time and have figured most of it out but….
The fandom is so small especially for x reader fics 🥲 even the mcreid tag doesn’t have updates for days at a time 🥲🥲🥲
So should I even bother with it?! I wish our boys got more love 🥲
#vampyr#vampyr game#jonathan reid#vampyr 2018#geoffrey mccullum#geoffrey vampyr#geoffrey mccullum x reader
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