skullsemi · 1 year
I’ve been thinking about this and I want your opinion how do you think max reacted to finding out his dad started dating Clarabelle and what do you think max and Clarabells relationship is like
I imagine that at first, Max didn't handle it well. Imagine your silly clumsy slip-on-a-banana-peel-per-second goof dad is now... dating??
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I see he getting in their way in the beginning, not because he's really against it but it's just weird to him y'know?
As for relationship, after a while I think he would genuinely find her really cool
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The way I see, Clarabelle is not exactly a "stepmom". Goofy already is dad and mom enough for Max, but she still cares about him
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ikkosu · 2 months
um umm. imagine giving prowl a hello/good morning kiss but hes not fully awake or his mind is somewhere else so later in the day he goes into some kind of meeting with a lipstick stain on his face.. when he finally realizes he hunts u down to Glare at you and demands you clean it bc its your fault (he just wants an excuse for physical contact oops side note thank u for feeding us all with all ur lovely work. 5 stars
🥺 aww thank you anon. that's so sweet of you pookie. glad you're enjoying my writings!! gobbles up the five star from the palm of your hand
Okay but that's is such a cuteee scenario oh my gosh I can't help but to write a little mini-fic this (a little incoherent I just woke up snskkdkj)
—PROWL'S snuggled up to your side. Even when he's sleeping, a gentle scowl is present on his face. And, the arm curled around your torso is almost like a metal bar, preventing you escape. For now, he's too tired to keep up appearances. Last night's report consisted of him re-writing the expense protocols and it is not a task an hour would suffice.
He came back sluggish and very much irritated. In the darkness of the room, alighted by the mere blue-ish flare of the moonlight, Prowl stands before your bed as a looming shadow. You recalled wheezing when he simply collapsed on top of you, immediately going limp after.
So, when you shift in the bed — it was almost time for work — he was all but annoyed : his bundle of warmth isn't going anywhere when he's got so comfortably snug, so he pits you close to his chassis, grumbling.
"No? Prowl. I've got work."
"It can wait." He murmered lazily, nose chasing for the warmth between the crook of your neck and shoulder. And, when he did — a little purr-like rumble thrummed from his chassis.
You blink. He's slurring in his sleep? Guess, even the strategic officer isn't immune to sleepy mumbles. With a playful smile, you cup his face plates, leaning in to kiss his cheek, lingering a little bit on the sensitive spot on his neck then the crook of his nose.
Subconsciously, Prowl leans forward, likely expecting a kiss on his lips but with an index on his forehead, you push him away gently.The peach cream lipstick stains the areas you've assaulted. But, hey. At least he knows who's stalling who, this lovely morning.
WHILE he's fixing up the last of his documents, Prowl can feel the stares churning through his back. He's got it ever since he walked into that damn room. Obviously, nobody is going to agree with the new 'protocols' he administered. Especially, the younger mechs. But the meeting had just finished, so what's with the staring? Why are they staring?
"Uh, Prowl?"
"What?" He clips and slams the briefcase shut.
When he whirled around, a biting chassis fervent on his tongue, he's greeted with the sight of the bug, smiling in amusement. Great. The scout.
"I don't know what game you're playing at And, likely, i'd rather not know." Prowl seethes. "But I suggest you cut it out."
As usual, he's not the most brightest mech, this morning.
"Alright, then." He shrugs with his servos up placatingly. "But I gotta say, though. Peach does suit you well. Always thought it'd be rouge red or magenta pink. Guess, I was wrong."
"Excuse me?"
"Not that it's bad. It's not bad, trust me." The scout grins. " I just didn't peg you as the type to wear make-up...."
"And, the generator?"
"Ah, yes. That." You scanned the clipboard, nitpicking the many stacks and stacks of paragraphs for a certain information. This, that, this and — "All stabilized, sir."
"Good work." He pats your shoulder. "Debrief in a few hours — I need the new recruits some time to understand the proceedings. Meanwhile, go have lunch. I won't keep you any longer."
With that your Supervisor had left. Dawdling a second longer flipping through the pages, you swivelled around. When you rounded the corner, still buried in your clipboard —
You feel cold metal curling round your wrists. And, you're suddenly pushed up against the wall.
"You." Prowl leans in, scowling.
You grin. "Oh? Good morning to you, too." .
"Clean it."
"Just a simple swipe of a napkin could do the job, prowl."
The grip on your wrist loosens and a servo clamps over your waist. His expressing, though, isn't unrelenting of a frown. "That's the thing, mouse — you inflicted this on me. So, you take care of it."
You raise a brow. "Sure, this isn't some kind of demand guised in the form of something else?"
Prowl doesn't say anything, expression all the more pinched and irritated — but the slight parting of his lips was telling.
You teetered on your tiptoes, hands on his shoulder plates and leaned up to kiss his cheek — the exact same spot you left a mark, this morning.
Prowl loosens visibly and turned away to hide the flare of warmth on his faceplates. Not without grumbling under his breath, of course.
If he wasn't so handsome when he's mad, you're not sure why you tolerate his crass attitude at all. If anything, he's like a cat that claws at you with every chance he gets — then begging for affection, later.
"If you wanted another kiss, you could've asked."
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waywardstation · 4 months
I'm impressed when you go down the route and make Akari become a Sylveon and going against your dislike of most Fairy Types!
I get what you mean when you describe it in the tags as I have the same issue with Poison Types. (verrry unpopular opinion to have I know)
kinda fitting as Poison Types are the natual enemy of Fairy Types (as long as you're not part of the Tinkaton Evo line)
I'm still struggling with Poison Types but actually using them more and interact with them definitely helps a lot! Who knows maybe one day we're managing to feel neutral of these types and the designs.
Yeah!! I’m really only a fan of the Snubbull line, Alcremie, and Togekiss (big points to Volo for this one lol), it’s unfortunate that I just happen not to be a fan of all the others ^^;
And honestly, same with you on poison types!! Not the biggest fan of poison-types either, but Hisui gave me four that I really like a lot lol.
Perhaps we’ll get there someday!! Every time new Pokémon are released I keep my eye out for types I’m not a fan of, in case any come out that I really really like!
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superiorkenshi · 10 months
Do you ship Pinescone (Wirt x Dipper)??
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Usually I don't ship between fandom but I LOOOOVE THIS SHIP!! It's too cute <3 me talking about pinescone:
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number 24 on the number get to know u thing
If I've ever felt I had a mind meld with someone...
Why yes! With my irl best friend and my dearest cognate, @myfairkatiecat 💖💖💖💖💖💖
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introverted-author · 3 months
Elle for the ask game!
A song that reminds me of them: off my chest by Alexa Valentino
OTP: I know they never met but Elle/Emily Prentiss all the way!! They would've been ICONIC.
NOTP: I really dislike Spencelle. I'm sorry but the conversation in the hotel which lots of people call the ultimate Spencelle moment is what made me decide they couldn't be. When Reid says that Elle won, you can see how much pain that puts her in and honestly it's a terrible thing to say to someone in that situation. So, sorry, but I don't like Spencelle.
Favourite platonic relationships: I love Elle and Morgan!! They had such a good friendship in S1!!
A headcanon that is popular in fandom but I disagree with: I don't like the idea that Elle could go on to be an unsub. I think that she would find healing and learn to cope with her trauma - I doubt that she would become an unsub to 'get revenge' on the BAU.
The position they sleep in: tucked on her side, curled up into a ball 🥺
A crossover au I'd love to see them in: I really want a B99 fic where Elle and Rosa meet!! It would be ICONIC and they would be the best of friends!!
My favourite outfit they've ever worn: Elle in her leather jacket in her final episode is the greatest!!
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shuutingstar · 1 month
What are your favorite side character ships in PJO/HoO/ToA?
I’m pretty okay with the semi-canon ships that were hinted at us in the series so most of my favourites aren’t all that out of pocket, but anyways:
- malcolm/connor
- ellis/cecil
- travis/katie
- chiara/damien
- sherman/miranda
- nyssa/drew
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spaceprincessem · 1 year
My theory is that the new ability Buck has is just… maths. He can do maths now. He was a teacher for a second in the dream, after all. And ofc the first thing him and Eddie do with these new skills is go to a casino to count cards.
evan 'i got struck by lightning and all i got was the ability to do math' buckley ahshsjajhssh
no but him and eddie immediately getting into shenanigans by going to test it out at a casino and just having fun and probably flirting and realizing that's not the only new sensation happening rn... but honestly getting a scene where they can just be silly and have fun would be so lovely after all the angst. because they are best friends (in love) and such a beautiful dynamic in the show they (and we) deserve it!
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kaeyachi · 11 months
I am eating your Kaeya Can Flirt But Doesn't Recognize It Thrown At Him like a feast. The thing better than flirty characters is flirty characters who can't take it. Flirty characters who are so much playing a role that they don't know what flirting looks like when it's done to them. On the angst side though.. ON THE ANGST SIDE THOUGH kaeya not recognizing when he's being flirted with because why would anyone flirt with him? Sure he is good-looking, but he is an outsider, and surely others would rather flirt with someone homely and substantial? (But no Kaeya baby you are wrong. So many adore you, romantically, platonically, aesthetically, all of the ways. You belong you belong you belong)
I am very excited to see your takes on the poem-writing. Because that. Ohh that hurt with everything he and Venti and and didn't say to each other. Especially. Especially after his monolog during the play
Thanks for the ask anon! Glad to see you enjoyed that part coz it was one of my faves too. When I first came across that dialogue, I kinda sat there confused by it all, because it is odd for them to invite a stranger to dance and teach songs to, and then it clicked- Kaeya is an eyecandy that those mercenaries decided to gun for lmao. Sadly enough for them, Kaeya didn't notice and probably excused himself after a couple of hours.
Kaeya plays up the part that he is aware of his charm (he is!! he knows he looks good!), but at the end of the day, he is also out of touch on how other people think of him (especially when it's to praise him lmao). He's too busy thinking badly of himself tbh. The difference of knowing and understanding, huh?
The poem writing will be on the lore post! Especially with I just recently found out on my research. Lemme tell ya, my mind was blown and is simultaneously also working faster than ever.
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coldbasementruins · 1 year
Yay! Ok so hc 1
There's been more than one occasion of Miri slipping out of bed to go potty when they're all piled up in one bed together, and when she goes back to bed she just goes to sleep on either Kazuki's side of the bed or Rei's depending on her mood at the time. Which led to one of the dads sleepily cuddling the other bc they think it's Miri. They don't talk about it.
Anon, that's incredibly cute and I'm currently dying from heart attack just imagining it.
And knowing these two, they definitely won't talk about it. Either they will just gloss over it embarrassed or they will think it's a normal occurrence, what's there to talk about?
The first few times it's an accident, but after that they start doing it intentionally because Rei liked how warm Kazuki is, and Kazuki realised that he liked holding Rei close to him.
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share-the-damn-bed · 1 year
I am personally a "Nancy and Jonathan have a couple of kids in their late 20s/early 30s" truther, but I found it interesting that the show linked having kids to Nancy and Jonathan's respective future nightmare scenarios (Nancy telling Steve that six kids sounds like a nightmare + Jonathan's fear of he and Nancy having kids who hate him being called his "nightmare cycle" by Argyle).
Interesting!!! That’s a parallel I didn’t notice before. I think the source of their nightmares surrounding children are different (Jonathan’s nightmare is linked more to his ability to be a good father and his nightmare doesn’t really express his desire for children or lack thereof. It’s neutral in that regard. Nancy’s nightmare is directly related to the idea of having multiple children in a small enclosed space for a summer not her ability to be a good mother. Her nightmare is linked to simply having children.)
But the fact these two scenes both use the term “nightmare” in relation to the future and having children is super interesting. Could possibly be meaningful 🤷‍♀️
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keylimesiren · 2 years
I've run across your phantom thief minato art a couple times n I saw you mentioned a fic you were writing of it? could you tell the name, I'd love to read it
Of course!! 0: It's two separate fics at the moment (more like an intro and a continuation), but they're called The Ghost of Mementos and Stygian Ringlet on AO3! The latter's still ongoing :) (and has been consuming my thoughts for well over a year now)
I uhhhhhh just realized I never actually did post the artwork that inspired the whole thing to tumblr so here it is
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soulsilversprings · 5 months
LETS GOOOO! [for the ship ask game]
What made you ship it?
@deamsgirl's fics! I can't remember if I found them before or after I found the wedding photo (which I still can't believe was greenlit), but either way, I fell in love with their collective snarky, attached-at-the-hip dynamic. I'm also fuzzy on when I watched Gary's JN episodes, but his first one (JN068) is peak "So did I just meet your ex?" energy. I was sold.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
They are so fucking ridiculous (/affectionate). Usually how it goes is -- two of them are on their bullshit, and one of them either tries (and fails) to reign them in, or just encourages their shenanigans from the sidelines. You can put them in so many situations where they just fumble the same collective brain cell. It never gets old. They also just have some really cool overlap. Ash and Gary are childhood friends, Ash and Goh are current best friends and research fellows (JN never ended. to me), and Goh and Gary work on Project Mew together. So many ways for their stories to intersect and for their personalities to play off of each other
Also, their canon interactions have such gay energy, it's amazing. I'll name just a few. Going back to JN068 -- the Palletshipping moments (the hand squeeze), and the framing of Goh being in the back, feeling threatened by how close Ash and Gary are. The way that Goh already places so much stock in what Gary says. The way that Gary immediately chooses to rag on Goh with his "I'm not interested in your personality" and "I need to make sure you're qualified to be Ash's buddy" despite being completely normal to Dawn back in DP. Yeah, Ga(r)y, I see you.
JN102. AKA, the Project Mew episode where Goh seethes at the idea of working together with Gary (though, tbf, Gary revels in making his existence as irritating as possible to Goh). But then they have a heartfelt talk underneath the sunset, and they get all "bro... bro :0" over saying each other's names. (I'm not kidding, that happens). And meanwhile Ash keeps tagging along to all these missions even though he's not in Project Mew. He's just there to either go :) and support Goh, to roll his eyes at Gary and Goh bickering, or to defend Gary from even the slightest hint of haterism.
And that's not even to mention JN113, where Goh finally tells Ash "listen I appreciate you but like. you're not in Project Mew. i should do this on my own. shouldn't you be training?" Where Goh and Gary dramatically lock eyes with each otherwhile battling legendary Pokemon and learn that -- damn -- they do care and admire each other. (I'm just rambling now sdhjkgls)
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
This took some thinking, and idek how unpopular these are, but... Ash is the shortest of the three, but he can easily sling them both over his shoulder. Oh, and for fics where the characters actually age, I hc that Goh is the same age the other two, but he just started his journey later because he was so determined to make Mew his starter. (But that's a hc I can compromise on. Making pokeani's timeline make sense with ours is a struggle and a half, lmao.)
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trangenderstan · 8 months
Have you ever considered mlpifying the pines family (like. Turning them into horses. Do you get what I mean) I tried to make them in pony town at one point
Anon you wouldnt BELIEVE the exact thing me and my best friend were talking about literally yesterday. Is everyone having some kind of MLP flashback? Is this like an autism broadcast situation?
But yes, yes i did. And i do have many headcanons for them. AND i made them in ponytown at some point (at least Stan and Ford). To me the Stan twins are both unicorns, except Stan's horn is broken yada yada. Oh and Ford has a genetic condition that resembles polydactyly in humans!
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Have this forbidden sketch by @unearthlyfromage that im pretty sure he never posted. And if he did you get to enjoy it again so idk win/win
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queerplatonicpolysho · 2 months
aac questions :0
what app(s) do you use?
what app would you recommend for people just trying out aac for the first time?
we mainly use TouchChat and Proloquo4Text! TouchChat we use the WordPower 108 vocab, and Proloquo4Text we use when we want to type.
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for recommendations, i'm gonna start with symbol based apps.
if you have iOS, i'd recommend trying TD Snap lite (free, $50 upgrade for voice), trialing TouchChat (free for 30 days, full price $300 or $150 on sale), trialing Grid for iPad (free for 30 days, $400 full price or $200 on sale), or Proloquo2Go (no trial, $250 full price or $125 on sale). Proloquo also has a fantastic vocabulary, but the fact it is subscription only is very :/
TD Snap's vocabularies are a little lacking, but it has the advantage of being relatively cheap. TouchChat is very polarizing in my experience, but i love it, especially the WordPower vocabularies. Grid for iPad is more expensive than the other options but has a lot of vocabulary options. Proloquo2Go is kind of the face of symbol based AAC. its vocabularies are a little lacking (not as bad as TD Snap's though), but it is extremely customizable. plus, AssistiveWare, who made the app, is a pretty cool company, for the most part. they have quite a few AAC users employed and are very interested in what AAC users think and our experiences.
if you're on iOS but cannot spend any money, your options are very limited. TD Snap lite is exactly the same as the full version, but without voice output. if you cannot spend money, this is probably still your best bet. otherwise, there's ChatterBoards and SymboTalk, Weavechat, and Cboard. Weavechat is probably the best option out of these if you need voice output.
if you're on android, your options are also more limited. CoughDrop, Avaz, and Weavechat are the only robust options i know of that are on android. Coughdrop and Avaz have monthly subscription and lifetime purchase options (idk how much they are), and Weavechat is free. i used CoughDrop before i could afford anything else way back in like 2021 and i hated it. i hated Avaz a little less when i played with it recently, but still not a fan. i have spent like five minutes on Weavechat so i have little opinion on it.
if you're looking for typing AAC on iOS, i'd recommend Proloquo4Text (no trial, $125 full price or $62.50 on sale). Speech Assistant is a budget option that's available on iOS and android. it has a lite version and a $20? full version. Spoken is on android and iOS too, no idea how much it is but i think it's subscription based, so, yuck. Grid for iPad also has some typing based vocabularies i like.
these are just my opinions, though! your mileage may vary. you may hate apps i love and love apps i hate, and that's ok!
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kazanskys-mitchell · 8 months
👋🏿 hi! Your art's cool, you draw jet planes so well. Out of curiosity, have you seen any of Val's other movies besides Top Gun/TG:M? (if you mentioned on your blog I didn't read well enough😔)
hi! i’m glad you love my plane art! :)
i’m slowly working my way through his movies! the ones i’ve seen other than tg and tgm are real genius, tombstone, and kiss kiss bang bang. next one i plan to watch is thunderheart
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