#THANKS FOR 699 HITS?????? WHAT????
anxiouscr0w · 7 months
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Sssso I finished my assignment, and my hand is cramping so hard. So here, a 2 minute doodle of a future scene in my fic Emotional Support Staff LMAO
ft. an idiot (me)
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siriuslysapphicmoony · 4 months
evanesco — word count: 699
Lately, Sirius has been spending a quite embarrassing amount of time staring at his most recent purchase. He takes the small black box he keeps hidden in his makeup bag and stares at it in admiration and excitement. He imagines what it’ll feel like to finally propose. What will Remus think about it? Will he like it? Will he wear it every day? Will he stare at it the way Sirius is staring at it now, imagining what it’ll look like on Remus’ finger?
Sirius has been so taken by fantasising about his boyfriend that he hasn’t noticed said boyfriend has come back earlier.
“What’re you doing, love?” Remus asks casually.
Sirius is startled. So fucking startled that, panicking, he murmurs an evanesco and makes the little box and the ring disappear.
“What did you just vanish?” Remus asks, this time with amusement in his voice.
“Nothing.” Sirius is shaking. He almost ruined everything.
“Should I be concerned?”
“No– No, I— It’s nothing.”
He's stumbling on his words. Great. Now Remus will think he has some dark, deep secret.
“Sirius,” Remus takes a step forward, clearly concerned. “Are you ashamed of something? What did you just hide? I wouldn’t judge you for whatever it is, you know that, right?”
“I— yeah, sure. It wasn’t that— it was just— can we not talk about it, please?”
Remus frowns. He looks suspicious and amused at the same time.
“Was it porn?” he asks then, raising an eyebrow. The little menace.
Sirius huffs out a relieved chuckle. “Yeah, yeah, it was porn.” He hopes he sounds convincing enough.
A bit passes.
“Do you— do you happen to still have your transfiguration notes on how to summon back something that's been vanished?”
It's been a while since Hogwarts, it's been about 15 years since he's learned that spell and it doesn't happen often that he needs to undo a vanishing spell. He's pretty sure it's never happened before.
“Sure,” Remus looks really amused. Like he's really enjoying himself. “I'll give them to you if you show me what you were looking at.”
Aaaand Sirius is panicking again.
“Why did you vanish it anyway? Didn’t think I would judge you for it, did you? Or thought I would be jealous?”
“Something like that,” Sirius mutters, not really convincingly.
“Sweetheart,” Remus murmurs and he steps forward, reaching for Sirius’ hand and softly brushing the back of it. “There's nothing you could do that I'd possibly be judgmental of. And porn magazines don't count as cheating. You can show them to me. It could be fun.”
Remus sounds really reassuring. He even winks and Sirius is utterly in love with him.
He nods. Hoping this mess will somehow work out.
A few minutes later
“Here's my notes,” Remus says.
“Thank you, babe.”
Remus looks at him expectantly.
“I— can I have a bit of privacy for it?”
“You're still ashamed of it? Sirius, you've never been ashamed of this stuff.”
Sirius sighs as he quickly scans the notes. A warm fondness in his heart as he looks at teenage Remus' handwriting.
He panicks when he reads that you can't let too much time pass if you want your object back exactly as it was.
“Listen, Moony, I'll explain later,” he says and basically flees and locks himself in their room.
He eventually does manage to get Remus' engagement ring back.
“You don't want to show me then?”
“Can you please let it go, Moony? I'll explain everything, I swear. I just can't right now.”
“You're acting weird.”
“Do you trust me?”
Remus sighs. “Of course I trust you.”
Sirius has to propose earlier than initially planned. He just has. He can't let the love of his life think he's hiding something from him. Well, he technically is hiding something. But still.
two days later
When Sirius finally proposes and Remus has said yes and the ring is on his finger and their eyes are wet with tears, Remus gasps as realisation hits him.
“Merlin’s pants. You had vanished my ring, hadn't you? The other night. It was the ring!”
Sirius smiles sheepishly and Remus kisses him and laughs into the kiss. “You're such a lovely idiot.”
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unforgettwble-sumii · 11 months
(Amber Freeman x fem!reader 📖)
⭐ Amber gives you an accidental kiss infront of your friends.
⭐ Warnings ‼️: ooc! Amber (?), swearing, I don't know anything about gaming, Ghostface does not exist, still haven't watched Scream bcs all the killing will make me sad lmfao, not proof read!
⭐ word count: 699
a/n: I am willing to do anything for Amber Freeman. Also I was listening to Clarity while writing this, I low-key felt high.
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The sound of the television and soft laughing could be heard in the background as Amber was sipping a mug of coffee. It was around 6 a.m in the morning and for some reason, everyone was awake.
Not that you had a problem with it, infact, you absolutely loved it. Everyone all huddled up in your apartment and making stupid jokes to pass time; it made you warm and soft inside.
This past week everyone has been staying in your apartment, and seeing them every morning made you feel safe—not from anyone or anything in particular, but you just liked the feeling seeing everyone all together.
"Here, drink this." Sam, who just came from the kitchen, handed you a mug of coffee.
You gave her a smile and softly thanked her; earning a smile from the older woman in return.
"It's decaf coffee, by the way." She added, plopping on the blue bean bag beside the couch, taking a sip of her own coffee before changing her gaze to the television.
"By the way, why are you guys awake at this hour? Especially you Chad. You'd still be asleep due to the amount of alcohol you drank at last night's party." Mindy stated, eyeing her twin brother.
While everyone else was answering Mindy's question, you glanced at Amber who gave you a smile and motioned for you to sit beside her.
You happily obliged and sat beside her. Amber snaking an arm over your shoulder.
Keeping the relationship between you and Amber a secret was harder than you thought; often forgetting that you and Amber kept it a secret.
Coming out to the people you love was a big yet an important thing to do, you just wasn't sure when to tell them or how they would react.
Amber softly rubbed circles on your shoulder, pulling you closer as if you already weren't as close as possible.
"How was your sleep?" She asked, tilting her head slightly.
"Could've been better." You sighed, resting your head on her shoulder.
Everyone, other than you and Amber, had shifted their attention to the screen and the two infront of them; Mindy and Chad, who were currently playing Mario kart.
'Who the hell plays Mario kart at 6 in the fucking morning?' you questioned yourself. You shook your head, discarding the question.
In the midst of the chaos; laughing, giggling, and the sounds of the controller clicking, Amber leaned closer to your face and placed a soft kiss on your lips.
This had caught you off guard, and apparently, your friends too. They all looked at Amber as if she was on fire, eyes wide and mouth agape. Absolute shock washed their face. No words exchanged, just dead silence as you tried to compose a sentence.
"Ok, what the fuck." Tara broke the silence, shocked as everyone else.
You tried to speak, yet failing miserably as you couldn't even form a sentence.
"I knew it. I fucking knew it." Mindy put a hand over her mouth, "pay up fucker." She said, looking at Chad, her smile clear as day.
Chad grumbled as he dug through his pocket to fish out a $20 dollar bill.
Mindy laughed at her brother's defeat, but a serious expression soon plastered her face as she realized you had been hiding your relationship with Amber this whole time.
"You two have been dating this whole time, and didn't think to tell us?!" Tara scoffed, arms folded infront of her chest.
You apologized, "I didn't know how to say it, I'm sorry T, and everyone else." You looked down, not really sure what to say now.
A giggle could be heard beside you. Amber, was laughing her ass off, as if making fun of her friends for not knowing.
You softly hit her chest and giving her a look before she cleared her throat then spoke.
"Yeah, we've been dating for 3 months now."
The sounds of laughing and scoffing soon erupted, lighting up the atmosphere.
Turns out, they didn't really mind. Knowing how hard coming out is, they get where you came from. And in the end, it all worked out well, for you and Amber at least. Chad? not really.
— ⭐ ©unforgettwble-sumii's work. Pls do not repost, steal modify, or translate.
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steinfellds · 2 years
Play For One Stream
Pairing: Streamer!WandaNat x Fem!Reader
Summary: Wanda tries to teach you how to play Stardew Valley for the first time on stream.
1K Words
/ masterlist / / w.n masterlist /
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You were sitting in Wanda's lap. Your back to her front with your feet crisscrossed and propped up on her desk. Wanda had one of her arms wrapped your stomach while the other hand was on her mouse, setting her stream up.
"Why do they even want to watch me play? I suck." You asked curiously, dusting a bit of fluff off Wanda's pants.
"That's the point, Y/n." She laughed, whining when you hit her with a scoff.
"I better get some money out of this stream then. I'm being the main source of entertainment."
Wanda smiled and shook her head, "You're ridiculous, detka." You already got half of Wanda and Natasha's money from streaming because of your shared bank account with them.
You laughed, giving Wanda a quick kiss on her cheek, "Thanks, love,"
10 minutes later, Wanda started her stream. Immediately her fans began pouring in, and to be exact, over 699 people had joined in the first 5 minutes.
You sat shyly on her lap with now both of Wanda's arms wrapped around you. She had her head leaning on your shoulder so she could read her chat.
PenutButter19281: Damn, is the pretty girl on your lap single? What's her Insta.
You watched the way Wanda's facial features turned into a slight scowl. Wanda's hands quickly left your waist as she type out the ban command and banned PenutButter19281.
You suppressed a smile. You and Natasha would definitely tease her about how possessive she was over you later.
CaptainMarvel: Wands, reply to my fucking dm.
Wanda and Carol had been friends for 2 years now. They met at a comic con and clicked instantly. Carol streams as well but she's less consistent with her streams than Wanda.
Wanda laughed when she read Carol's message out loud. She had purposely been ignoring Carol, only reacting to her messages with the shit emoji. She loved riling Carol up for her own entertainment.
"Buy me that gun skin and I will."
CaptainMarvel: Fuck you, bitch.
Wanda grinned, blowing a kiss towards her camera.
She and Carol bought each other gun skins all the time. Half the time, they would log onto each other's account and just buy a skin without even asking for permission.
2 minutes after Carol's message, Wanda got an email saying the skin had been bought. Yet, she still didn't respond to Carol's message and instead started to start the stream fully.
"Okay, chat, so you've all been begging for Y/n to stream with me and I've finally decided that I'll have her play Stardew Valley." The Stardew Valley's menu screen popped on the screen. You thought the menu screen was cute.
Wanda clicked on load game and loaded up your world. She had already created your avatar prior to stream setting up. She knew you would take way too long with how indecisive you were. She thought it would be cute to make your avatar look like you so she did.
You kept looking over at Wanda's chat, you were curious on what they were saying.
BunnyCarrots: omg i love this game ur gonna have so much fun y/n!
Username8274: What's the bet Y/n is going to surprise Wanda with how good she is at video games.
RainbowSheep: Nah whats the bet y/n wont even know what keys to use to move
That last message wasn't entirely wrong.
You jumped slightly when Wanda grabbed your fingers, placing them on the right keys. She briefly explained how to play the game.
"So I can marry a woman in this game?" You asked excitedly, using your axe to chop down trees around your house.
Wanda laughed, "Is that the only thing you took out of my tutorial?"
Wanda's chat blew up with 'LMAO' and 'HAHAHA'.
"I'm gay, what do you expect?"
Wanda pouted and made fake tears pool in her eyes, "You would cheat on Natasha and me with pixels?" She made her voice sound broken and soft.
You smiled and kissed her nose softly.
Wanda's mouth fell open in shock, she didn't expect that answer from you.
"Bitch." She muttered softly, jabbing her fingers into your stomach causing you to let out a high-pitched squeal.
After you planted all your seeds and watered them, you walked into the town.
Wanda took her time showing you all the villagers and explaining which ones you could marry. The villager, Haley, caught your attention immediately.
"I wanna marry Haley." You decided, running around her in circles.
Wanda raised a brow, "But she's mean."
You shrugged with a grin, "It's okay, being mean is hot sometimes."
Wanda shook her head with a laugh, "Sure, sweetheart."
You were seconds away from sleeping for the night and getting your first save but Wanda's PC switched off abruptly, making you lose the progress you had just made. The apartment lights turned off as well, leaving you and Wanda in a pitch-dark room.
"What happened?" You asked, slightly worried this was somehow your fault.
"No idea, baby." You felt Wanda shrug "Nat?!"
"There's a storm coming that knocked the power out!" Natasha called from the living room.
Both of you made a sound of understanding.
Wanda smacked your thighs lightly, "Get up, let's go watch a movie with Nat on her computer."
You stood up and let out a loud groan, "How can you guys play video games for this long without getting sore?" You asked, stretching your limbs out.
Wanda sprinted into the living room and jumped on top of Natasha. Wanda let out a demonic giggle when Natasha started to whine about how she lost the peaceful mood she was in.
You calmly sat down next to Natasha and rested your head on her shoulder.
Natasha grabbed onto your hips and dragged you onto her lap. She kissed your forehead with a smile. You loved whenever you got forehead kisses from her.
"Good stream?"
You wrapped your arms around her neck and buried your head into her shoulder, "Yeah, next time you should let me stream with the both of you.."
"We definitely should."
You grinned in excitement. Streaming with Wanda was fun but with both of your girls,' it would be even more fun and chaotic.
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jackdaw-sprite · 10 months
Fic Stats Game
Rules: Give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the least words.
@ectoentity thanks for the tag! I do have one (1) collab fic that I'll be overlooking for these.
Most Hits: Harmonic Frequencies
The traditional Danny's parents maim him with a Fenton invention. Featuring: an unexpected amount of Jazz POV! Clockwork eating things you probably don't want him to! Frostbite struggling valiantly with being the only sane person in the room. No one is having a good time and they're not about to start.
Second Most Kudos: Cosmic Horror
Clockwork comforts Danny in the wake of the cloning incident. And there are few places safer than the depths of his lair. After all, no one would dare enter it at all with what he's about to become.
Third-Most Comments: Floodwaters
This is comment threads rather than comments, but Floodwaters. This is a Clockwork and Observants origin story set in...some kind of ancient civilization. Which one? Why does it seem a little like Sumer with a bunch of details wrong? What are they doing with that mosaic, and why are they using Egyptian ceramics techniques to make it?
Don't worry about it I'm sure it's fine and the civilization was lost for normal reasons like drought. It is set around the end of the most recent African humid period, after all. It definitely doesn't have anything to do with Clockwork. Or the people trying to stop a drought by getting a force of nature to do their bidding.
Fourth-Most Bookmarks: New Moon
You know Void Danny? Well have a Void Danny in a world where he's Phantom. That doesn't make it easier to get rid of Nocturne's influence. Not at all. Not when Nocturne has an obsession to use as leverage...
Fifth-Most Words: Fine
Danny is turning into clockwork. This is a problem that should resolve as long as he stays away from Clockwork.
Unfortunately, his arm is acting funny. Getting Clockwork to fix it should be fine, right? As long as it doesn't take too long?
Least Words: Weaving
At 699 words, Weaving is very short, and is more of a worldbuilding ramble than a story. I do enjoy the vibe, though :)
Tagging let's seeeee: @underforeversgrace @modordracena @seaglass-skies @datawyrms
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wickermayne · 15 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
Ahh thank you for the ask Lavender, although choosing my favourite fics I've written is like choosing a favourite child 🤣
Tenderness (Five Years After)
Summary: Sasuke and Naruto share a moment before he leaves on his journey of atonement. Fem!Naruto. Oneshot.
Rating: T
Ship: Fem!Naruto/Sasuke
Word Count: 1215
I really love chapter 699 of Naruto which is Sasuke reflecting on his relationship with Naruto. This is my rendition of it with Fem!Naruto and some more romance. I felt it was pretty poetic!
Summary: Being the head of the Uchiha clan came with incredible pressures. And whenever it became too overwhelming, Naruto was there to take control and relax her.
Fem!Sasuke, heavy dom/sub themes. Oneshot.
Rating: E
Ship: Naruto/Fem!Sasuke
Word Count: 3774
I love exploring the intimacy of Naruto and Sasuke's relationship, whether its as friends or more. I can't get over the idea that they understand each other the most. Anyway I wrote that intimacy bleeding into really rough dom/sub sex 🤪
Don't Want to Meet Your Daddy
Summary: Naruto’s not the kind of man Sakura wants.
But he can pretend to be. Oneshot.
Rating: E
Ship: Naruto/Sakura
Word Count: 2141
This is one of my worst performing fics in terms of hits/kudos ect, but I love it because it's getting across the sort of built in angst the Naruto/Sakura/Sasuke dynamic has, yearning for someone who likes you but doesn't want you, taking what you can get 😮‍💨 Anyway, not all my smut needs to have a happy ending 🤣
Hinata Hyuuga, the Housewife That Needed My Help!
Summary: Naruto Uzumaki works for a small construction company in Tokyo. Due to his coworker injuring himself on a job site, Naruto takes his place in the deep countryside. There he meets the gorgeous housewife, Hinata Hyuuga, and then her husband.
And they need Naruto's help. WIP.
Rating: E
Ship: Naruto/Hinata
Word Count: 5806
I'm often inspired by porn and hentai for my writing, but this is the first time I've tried adapting a doujin into a Naruto fanfic and I'm really enjoying it. I especially like how Naruto is in awe of Hinata's beauty, and the depravity of the indecent situation is so hot 🤭
Chicken Ramen for the Pervert's Soul
Summary: Naruto fucking different women, what else could you want?
A Plot-What-Plot? One-shot smut series involving Naruto and various lovely ladies of the Naruto world. Featuring graphic lemons, obviously. Some really nourishing stuff. WIP.
Rating: E
Ship: Naruto/Multi
Word Count: 190608
Of course I must include this! My magnus opus if I ever have one, I started this as practice to improve my smut writing and it just ballooned into my most popular fic by miles. Three years later and I'm approaching 100 chapters!
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zixuo · 2 years
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!! WARNINGS !! :
Mommy Kink, AFAB Childe, strap/cock (wtv you want but I use cock), impact play, fingering, overstimulation, Fem leaning-Gender neutral reader, Brat Childe, first time, degrading/praising, cream pie?
I’m in a devious mood (devious smile) also this is porn without plot, I didn’t feel like doing a build up since I have a major headache.
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He was so pretty, the way he spasmed over your fingers everytime you hit his g-spot was a sight to behold. He let out the cutest moans, his voice cracking everytime you hit deep enough to roll his eyes back.
“You- you bastard- I never said you could domina- hn- dominate in be-“
You quickly used your fingers to gag him, making him choke on his words as his saliva drips and slides down his neck onto his perfectly toned chest.
“Ah ah, if you want more I need you to beg for me baby, cmon I know you want to..”
“Like I would beg for- MNGH!~”
You looked at him, removing your fingers quickly and put him in missionary, not wasting any time in putting your cock into him. He had been prepped before so it wasn’t as painful as he expected.
His breath was haggard, barely struggling to talk as you moved your cock in and out of his hole, you had to stretch him out anyways since it was his first time. He had lied before saying he could totally have you begging under him, yet you proved him wrong in more ways than one.
“Cmon baby, you don’t wanna moan? Hm? I’ll go faster if you let out the finest whimper for me. Cmon, moan for mommy.”
“I would- I would never- mnn- moan for s-someone like you- not in a-“
You raised your hand up, slapping his ass as hard as you can, leaving it red which most likely needed to be tended for later. But he didn’t care, his mind went blank for a second, that one slap threw him over the edge and ripped out the loudest moan you think he would produce this whole night. Bingo.
15.. minutes.. later
“MOMMY- mommy s’ too- too good- deeper- mmmore.. m’ need more- please mommy- I’ll be a good boy- your good boy- pleasepleaseplease..”
You had him up against a wall, his legs over your shoulders and you thrusted in and out of him. Hot tears fell down his cheeks every time you praised him, he even smiled when you degraded him. How slutty.
“Such a slut aren’t you? Your cunt keeps getting tighter and tighter the more I degrade you, but when I praise you, you moan out like a good boy. Yeah? Such a pretty boy you are.”
Those words made him melt like putty in your hands. He was your good boy, the best boy ever doing whatever you asked, yes he was a brat at times but it always led him back to being fingered and kissed by you every time. Childe doesn’t know what made him so cock hungry this night but he thanks whatever lend him to this point cause he was just about to-
“Ouh- oh mommy- mommy please- m’ need to cum mommy- need to do badly- please- s’ close- s’ close y/n..”
That was all you needed to hear.
You smiled at him, pushing your lips together as you groaned into his mouth, his hot, red, dried tear face was so beautiful in your eyes. He was so pretty ruined like this you couldn’t resist cumming inside, you just needed his consent.
“Yes please- need you mommy- need your cum in me so badly- m’ want you to fill me up mommy- need it- need it so badly-“
You did one last thrust, truly putting a meaning to knocking the lights out of someone, because as soon as you locked eyes with him you swore you saw hearts in his. He threw his head back and moved his hips on your cock, riding out his high as he let out high pitched whimpers and whines. All of this caused you to cum inside of him as well, it felt so good. The hot sticky substance filling his walls was addicting, you couldn’t get enough and started all over again, getting an expected reaction out of Ajax.
“too much- s’ too much- mommy- mommy please- Y/N, s’ too much.. s’.. s’ too good.. too good.. more- need you to fill me up more- please..”
This would be a long night.
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jeysbvck · 2 years
I’m begging for “i could stare at you forever.” “creep” with Adrian 🥺🙏
adrian chase x gn reader
authors note: i loved writing this and it's probably the quickest i've churned out one of these, so thank you<3<3
also lowkey nervous bc you're one talented writer and you requested something from lil ole me<3 also i'm very sorry for how short it is ;(((((
word count: 699
under the cut for the usual reasons
Adrian was certain he was in Heaven and nobody could tell him otherwise. As he lay next to you; your head on his chest, your sweet aroma clouding his senses and your legs tangled up in his, he truly didn't believe life could get any better. He listened to your breathing as you slept, looking peaceful as the morning sunlight beamed through the crack in the curtains, making your face glow. Adrian had thought about this for so long, dreamt about what it would be like, and now he didn't have to wonder. His feelings had hit him like a freight train over a year ago, and after the initial confusion of what these feelings meant, had silently and secretly adored you.
But then last night everything changed. The mission was to get close to a high priority target who was staying in a hotel. The only way to do this, according to Harcourt, was to have you and Adrian pretend to be newlyweds staying in the honeymoon suite, which was on the same floor as the target.
Adrian had been complaining about this plan for days and you really were trying not to take it personally.
"Are you seriously fucking complaining about having to share a bed for the night with a gorgeous woman? Chris had asked him. "Fuck it, I'll take your place right now!"
Adrian had gone silent after that, his cheeks glowing red, whether it was from embarrassment or anger, you could only guess.
The mission was quick and easy; while you flirted with the security guard outside the room, Adrian had climbed in through the balcony and got to the target. You were surprised by how easy and quick it was, but you weren't complaining. Now you could spend the night enjoying the honeymoon suite and the free perks that came with being a newlywed couple on their 'honeymoon.'
Neither of you were really sure who initiated it. It wasn't that you were both too drunk, it was more that you both wanted something to happen, and the alcohol and adrenaline from a successful mission made you both confident enough to take the risk. Once you shared your first kiss, there was no going back, and neither you or Adrian wanted to go back. You practically tore each other's clothes off and had the most passionate night of both your lifes.
You stirred slightly and woke up to Adrian's feather-like touch as he stroked your hair. You looked up at him through your eyelashes and you couldn't help but smile; he was looking at you like you were a work of art. To him, you were.
"Have you been awake long?" You asked, your eyes fluttering as he pressed his lips to your forehead.
"Only about an hour...or three." He replied.
"You should've woke me up."
"No way! You looked way too peaceful. Besides, I've witnessed John try and wake you up, I wasn't risking my life!"
You chuckled as you snuggled into him and closed your eyes again. "It was the best night's sleep I've had in a while."
"Me too."
You couldn't believe how easy this felt, just existing with Adrian. The world outside this hotel room could be on fire, but you wouldn't care. As long as you were in Adrian's arms, nothing else mattered.
You had been crushing on Adrian since the moment you met him. Ever since he actually fell at your feet, before looking up at you and saying,
"Looks like I fell for you sooner than expected."
You opened your eyes again and you smirked when you saw Adrian still staring at you. You shifted under his gaze, feeling a little exposed, which was weird, considering what you both did last night.
"You know, I could stare at you forever." Adrian said quietly, his eyes never leaving yours.
"Creep." You giggled, before you craned your neck up, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. "Are you hungry? We could order room service, have breakfast in bed?" You suggested.
"Oh I'm starving," Adrian replied, peppering your face with kisses. "But not for breakfast." He added, pulling the sheets over both of your heads as you giggled wildly.
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omgkatinka · 3 years
Possessed (1/?)
Summary: August Walker survived and needs a homebase to work on his plan b on a new world order. He is going to claim possession on someone's home who is seemingly an easy target.
Warnings: stalking for this chapter, threads, violence, dubcon and noncon for future chapters
Words: 699
Note: This is merely an introduction, hopefully there is more to come. I have been toying with this idea for a while and thanks to @thatsthewrongwallcraig 's encouragement decided to post. Thanks Tam for listening and advice. This would not be up without you. This is not beta'd.
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Drinking his coffee, August Walker kept scanning the people hurrying through the station. They reminded him of ants. Though ants had a system and a purpose and he doubted half of these men and women had a true one.
Months ago he had a purpose and a system, until he lost his organisation and almost his life to Ethan Hunt. He still had no idea how he had gotten this lucky in the end. The last thing he remembered was falling off a cliff with a hook coming towards his head. What followed was blackness until he woke to lots of pain, bitter tea and some weird honey administered onto his wounds by Kashmiri people in some settlement in Kashmir, that did not even deserve the title village. Once healed enough to move he had made the track from India over to Europe, using all kinds of transportation and stopping in a few safe houses he had established over the years. With cash, a number of prepaid credit cards, a laptop and a couple of unused fake identities in tow, he was now ready to set the foundation for plans b, c, d or one of countless other scenarios in motion, in order to get closer again to his aim of the greater good. He needed to find out, how compromised the apostles were and if he could build from the ruins or needed to start over. For that he needed a headquarter. He had set his eyes on greater metropole regions in Europe but did not have a final plan how exactly to proceed. Using places to stay like hostels, b&b's or hotels was good enough for a couple of days, but not for what he needed. The absence of a body made him sure, the CIA and IMF, especially Hunt, were still on the lookout for him and he needed to be smarter than them.
When his eyes landed on her, he had his light bulb moment. That would be perfect. There she was: nondescript, even mousy. Walking through the station towards the platform that would most likely take her to her destination. This one was being too polite, constantly stepping out of her path to make way for others, apologizing to the man that had rudely ran into her trolley-bag. Avoiding eye contact.
Abandoning his coffee, August grabbed his backpack and followed her. He kept watching her when she nervously scanned the wagon plan and then walked to the assigned part on the platform, she’d have to get on the train. Only now acknowledging the destination of the upcoming train on the display, August knew he might have hit the jackpot should his assumptions prove correct and that city would be her destination. Considering there were only three stops on this connection, he decided to follow her and find out more about her. The other three stops would be in larger cities as well and if his deductions were right, all of those might provide enough anonymity for him for a while.
He followed her into the train and sat down close to her. Thanks to mobile booking he fixed himself a ticket. Keeping an eye on her, he again could not believe his luck when she pulled out a tablet and logged into the trains wifi. He almost declared this as an invitation. Getting out his laptop, he was quick to log in himself and only needed a couple of minutes to access her tablet and with that viable data. Her facebook account alone was repository of personal information. Her name, date of birth, working place – relationship status. Moving to her Instagram, he found a lot of nature pictures, lakes, beaches, cats. Rarely a selfie and even less with friends. No parties, no boyfriends. He had been right, single woman with a comprehensible small social circle, pliable and submissive to other people. He went on to her amazon purchases, her home address – quick research told him about the apartment building she lived in. Though he needed to be careful, he was set on a plan. He was about to live with this woman for the foreseeable future and she was about to find out soon.
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kamino-blues · 3 years
CONGRATS ON 200 AHHHHH I would like to request a Rex Drabble maybe some fluffy smut if you’re comfortable with that. Maybe something like dancing around feeling for a long time and then it all comes to a head in a supply closet one day 😏 love you 😽
Warnings: Making out in a public place, friends to lovers, suggestive situation.
Word Count: 699 ;)
Note: Heya love! Thank you so much it means so much 🥺💕So funny story I totally misread this prompt at first and was like 'omg so they are actually dancing at a banquet', so I rewrote this 🤣I'll probably post that version one day!
I'm think I'm going to do a second part with this that is smut! I just felt like I was going to make this drabble super long so part 2 will come in the future ;) love you too bb thank you for the request 💕
(ps the reader is a medic I didn't know where to put that so hi lmao- It barely affects the plot though!! wanted an excuse to have Kix mentioned lol)
Every time you interacted with Rex, you felt as though your face was on fire. You had developed the biggest crush on him, and you were starting to suspect that he possibly had one too. He would actually come to the medbay WILLINGLY to get patched up, and it was only during your shift that he would show up.
You often heard Kix grumbling about it, however he knew the exact reason why Rex was acting like this. Which Kix would heavily imply to you, with how he would mutter about how ‘Rex would only do this for cyare’.
Now Rex had called you cyare before, once when he was waking up after sustaining severe injuries on the battlefield. You had no clue what it meant, but the look he gave you, you couldn’t get it out of your head. His eyes were so soft, his mouth was in one of the realest smiles you had ever seen. But you had to do your job, and sadly you couldn't question him on what cyare meant.
You were sure he knew about your crush too. The fact that whenever you would tend to his wounds, your hands would linger on him. The fact that you showed such concern in your eyes as he told you about what had happened. The blush that would cover your face whenever he complimented you. You were head over heels for this man, but you weren’t about to ruin whatever the two of you had going on. That was until you ran right into him in the hallway.
You let out a small huff as you stumbled back, strong arms gripping onto your shoulders to steady you. You let out an apology, looking up. You couldn't help but let out a small gasp, your face instantly flushing as you realized that you ran into Rex.
“I am so sorry Captain! I wasn’t paying attention-” You tried to pull away, but you stopped as you looked at his face. He was wearing the same expression that he was wearing when he was injured all that time ago, his eyes looking at you with the lightest gaze.
“Cyare, you know you can just call me Rex, there is no one around.” His face was flushed tinted pink, and you knew that cyare meant something. You just had to ask, you couldn’t live in suspense of not knowing it anymore.
“Rex,, what does cyare mean?” You felt his grip tighten slightly on your shoulders, before he shifted closer, his face incredibly close to yours.
“It means love,” You couldn’t help but wrap your arms around him and pull him into a kiss. Rex's arms instantly pulled you towards him, his hands resting on your lower back. It was everything that you had dreamed of. It was soft yet passionate, making you want more. You felt your back hit the wall, and suddenly it clicked that you were making out with the man who you had fantasized over for the longest time. You two separated from the kiss, Rex resting his forehead on yours as you both tried to catch your breath.
“I’ve been,, wanting to do that for so long now” You let out between breaths, Rex letting out a small chuckle as he leaned back down to capture your lips against yours. This kiss was shorter, Rex pulling away due to you both hearing people walking towards where you were. Rex grabbed you, picking you up as he rushed to the nearest door. You were hiding your face in his shoulder pauldron, trying to contain a laugh that was threatening to bubble up from your throat.
You heard a door open and shut, feeling your back press against another wall as you moved your face out of his pauldron. You both let out a small laugh, him gently putting you down onto the closet floor.
“What a situation we have gotten ourselves into huh?” Rex let out, you giving another giggle as you moved up to wrap your arms around his neck again. “We might as well make the best of it.” You felt yourself blush at his words, and his lips were instantly on yours again.
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spnscripthunt · 3 years
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I added 459 tags in 2021
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#admin: youchangedmedean - 14 posts
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Longest Tag: 102 characters
#(unless you're like. a personal friend and you want to try to convince them to share 😂 then godspeed)
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Hello SPN fandom!  👋
We are a group of Supernatural fans that have been buying scripts to make them available for the whole fandom. You can see all the scripts we have here. 
With the increased interest in scripts since the show has ended, we want to get more people from all corners of the fandom on board to help out in our mission.
To buy scripts we need donations, and the more people are involved the smaller the hit everyone takes. To help with this, we have set up a server. It is a fandom neutral zone so as many people as possible feel comfortable joining.
We also want to make the scripts and casting sides more accessible so in the server we also have a team working to transcribe the scripts we have so everyone can view them.
If you want to help out with the project, join our discord server:  https://discord.gg/sqMmW8S78y
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613 notes • Posted 2021-04-27 02:17:28 GMT
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Happy Saturday! Look what our bidder @incurablehumanist​ got yesterday from Canada Post and scanned for us: 12.21 + 12.23!
We tried to get 12.22 for fandom but we were outbid :(
These scripts will be linked to the SuperWiki via SlideShare soon, but if you are as impatient as we were after seeing the cover sheets:
If you want to help out with the project* join our discord server: https://discord.gg/sqMmW8S78y
*You can see all of the other scripts we have here. To buy scripts we need donations, and the more people are involved the smaller the hit everyone takes. To help with this, we have set up a server. It is a fandom neutral zone so as many people as possible feel comfortable joining.
634 notes • Posted 2021-06-13 03:43:09 GMT
12.10 - "Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets" - Blue Draft
Just to remind everyone, this is a blue draft, not the final draft, and that any changes from this version could be due to writing edits, directing choices, budget, acting choices etc.
Also, this is currently hosted on Google Drive to get it out there faster, but it will be on Slideshare soon!
If you want to help out with the project* join our discord server: https://discord.gg/sqMmW8S78y
*You can see all of the other scripts we have here. To buy scripts we need donations, and the more people are involved the smaller the hit everyone takes. To help with this, we have set up a server. It is a fandom neutral zone so as many people as possible feel comfortable joining.
699 notes • Posted 2021-11-05 15:28:33 GMT
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Thank you to our bidder @incurablehumanist for 12x19 The Future (Production Draft)! This will be added to Slideshare, but until then:
*back up link in case the first one dies*
Just to remind everyone, these are the white pages, not the final shooting draft, and that any changes from this version could be due to writing edits, directing choices, budget, acting choices etc.
If you want to help out with the project* join our discord server:
*You can see all of the other scripts we have here. To buy scripts we need donations, and the more people are involved the smaller the hit everyone takes. To help with this, we have set up a server. It is a fandom neutral zone so as many people as possible feel comfortable joining.
822 notes • Posted 2021-07-07 20:03:24 GMT
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Hello everybody! 
We have some new scripts which will be scanned and shared with you at 9pm BST / 4pm EDT / 1pm PDT today!
We have 12x18 The Memory Remains (Production Draft) 12x19 The Future (Production Draft) 12x20 Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes (Production Draft)
— admin: @youchangedmedean
829 notes • Posted 2021-07-07 12:01:34 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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jjongslight · 3 years
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#lire taemin - 750 posts
#my gods - 699 posts
#supreme taemin - 619 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i'm just going to speak about something i actually haven't tried - but i figure that jinki is not easy to draw like his face... i don't know
My Top Posts in 2021
Actually, Jonghyun walked so Taemin could run. 
78 notes • Posted 2021-05-20 01:06:38 GMT
the child who was with taemin, her mon made an insta post saying that taemin was really attentive and nice during the production of the video. she also mentioned a part of the video that was cut out was when her daughter asked taemin why they changed to just 4 now, and the mom said taemin calmly explained it. there are probably some other parts like this cut out from the video.....it makes me wonder who made the decision for the cuts? perhaps the pd felt it was best to leave certain things out for a kids focused show? the video hit me harder than i thought it would at some parts, but overall, shinee was so nice interacting with the kids. perhaps all these kids (and yoogeun) could do a show with shinee......one can imagine!
Omg really? Ah thank you so much for that info!! 
So they did get these questions too huh? I think you’re right that they might’ve not wanted the video to focus too much on that aspect especially with the target audience, but I do wonder how Taem or the others approached that topic (although, there is not really a need to know). I thought Minho’s answer was... interesting. 
What I was left wondering was if they were really ready to dive back into their past
in front of cameras... Like that video felt so heavy on Onho’s part. Even though Minho handled it well, you could just sense that distress, but that girl making him laugh at the end was so sweet. 
It really did hit me harder than I thought as well, but like you said they were so sweet and lovely to the kids and it was nice to see these interactions!! 
And I’m totally voting for a show like that!!! SHINee with kids is always a win!!! 
Take care, sending you much love  💗💗💗
91 notes • Posted 2021-03-03 19:57:44 GMT
It’s sad but also beautiful how Taemin is becoming more and more like Jonghyun in many ways. 
95 notes • Posted 2021-05-18 23:38:54 GMT
hey what happened? whats going on w taemin? D: wasn't able to watch it and now i see everyone is upset
Basically, towards the end of the show, they showed a clip of their past concerts in Japan and I think the guys weren't ready to see all those OT5 clips and Jjong smiling or crying with them. They just shut down, Ontae in particular and Tae left the stage not long after.
103 notes • Posted 2021-05-23 11:11:39 GMT
My thing with people loving Taemin first before SHINee or people who only know Taemin is that they really are missing out on the growth and experience he got from being in SHINee and being around 4 other boys that pushed him to want to be the best on all fronts. The journey of Taemin is only satisfying through the lens of his whole career aka from his pre-debut training to now. No one becomes that successful and outstanding without other people of the equivalent caliber (or close to) surrounding them. 
107 notes • Posted 2021-05-19 23:56:09 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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pascalscenarios · 3 years
Bed and Breakfast
SUMMARY: Frankie has a surprise for you.
WORDS: 699
AUTHOR NOTE: Starting a scenarios series. I'll write 500+ word scenarios from time to time :) my ask box is open. Feel free to leave a request! state which character and a prompt/concept or idea you have that you would like me to write.
- K 
“Honey!” he called out after you.
You made your way out onto the front porch, leaving against the railing. You watched as Frankie tossed two large duffle bags into the back of his pick up truck.
“Where are you going?” you asked. You must have forgotten he had a camping trip with the guys.
“Come on,” with his head, he motions for you to ride shotgun.
“What?” You stared at him confused. You pushed yourself away from the railing and made your way down the wooden steps.
“Come on we're leaving” he walked past you, headed towards the house where you came from.
“Leaving? Where are we going?” you whip around.
“It’s a surprise!” he said as he reached the top of the porch stairs.
“Frankie, you know I don’t like surprises!” You groaned.
“You’ll like this one, just me. Wait in the truck I gotta grab a few more things and lock up the house.”
“Just get in the car!” he said entering your guys home.
You sighed walking over to the truck, opening the passenger door and sliding in. You patiently waited in the car for a few minutes until Frankie came back out. He had a backpack slug over his shoulder. He locked up the house, walked over to the truck, quickly tossing his backpack into the bed, then slid into the truck, slamming the door.
“You ready?” He smiled, putting the key into the ignition, twisting and leading the engine roar.
“Are you going to tell me where we’re headed?” you slipped on your seat belt, as well as Frankie.
“Nope” he pops the p.
“You seriously aren’t going to tell me?”
Frankie puts the car in reverse, pulling out of the driveway, then makes his way down the road.
“Like I said, it's a surprise!”
“Last time you had a surprise for me you handed me a snake while I was blind folded! I thought you got us a puppy.” you pouted.
He chuckled at the memory. “I promise this one’s nice” he picks up your hand planting a kiss on your knuckles.
“I hope so”
Rumors album by Fleetwood Mac played as Frankie drove. You spend the last 45 minutes talking to Frankie about random things. You even tried to guess where he was taking you.
“So we aren’t camping?”
“Visiting family or friends?”
“Not even close”
“Where on earth are you talking?!” You groan in frustration staring out the window, trying to get a clue by looking at your surroundings.
“Here” he pulled onto a gravel path leading up to a quaint little white lake house with various cars packed outside it. You looked at the sign.
Aspen B&B
Then it hits you. You’ve seen this place before. It was a cute Bed and Breakfast you told Frankie about a month ago. You were absolutely in love with it when you came across it randomly online.
Frankie put the car in park, turning off the car. You quickly hop out of the car to get a better look. It is old and beautiful, surrounded by luscious plants and flowers, a few yards away from where the house sat.
Frankie walks over to the passenger side, leaning against the side of his truck.
“Surprise! You like it?” He says, folding his arms across his chest.
“Like it?” You turn to face him. “ Frankie, I love it. I can’t believe you remembered I wanted to come here!” You smiled brightly. “It’s even more gorgeous in person!”
“Of course I remember. You couldn’t stop talking about it for a week straight! We’re staying here for a couple nights.”
“Yeah, really.”  
You walk over to him, wrapping your arms around his neck, his hands wrapped around your waist.
“Thank you” you say looking up at him.
“You’re welcome honey.” he says, kissing you softly.
MT // @wifeofdindjarin @icanbeyourjedi​ @sara-alonso​ @greeneyedblondie44 
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pansydaisy · 4 years
early mornings, ron weasley
“i’m much more of a morning person when i wake up next to you”
a/n: thank you, lovely jess @whizbangs-78 for the general idea inspiration for this piece of writing
words: 699
taglist: @whizbangs-78 @vivianweasley @cappsikle @lunalovecroft
The sun rose in the early hours of the morning, its golden hue beaming in through the opened curtains, casting light over two intertwined bodies tangled within white, silky sheets. A gentle breeze blew in from the cracked window, carrying with it the fresh scent of flowers and distant citrus, brushing ever so softly against bare skin.
Ron stirred awake before the clock hit seven, quite early compared to most mornings. With a stretch of limbs, he turned so that he was directly facing you, still soundly asleep beside him.
His hand reached out, fingers delicately caressing your cheek, brushing aside a few loose strands of hair that had fallen into your face. He studied your features, admiring the orange glow across your skin, accentuating the curve of your lips and the rosy tip of your nose.
After a few minutes, his fingers traveled down to your shoulders, stopping to trace outlines of different shapes and lines, your skin warm to his touch due to the heated sunlight.
There were quiet snores slipping past your throat, and while the majority would find the noise to be of the irritating type, Ron loved it, he couldn’t help but chuckle upon hearing it. Besides, it was easy for him to tune it out if he so desired, focusing solely on how peaceful you appeared, chest rising with every breath you took.
His head fell into the crevice of your neck, his lips pressing a kiss just below your jaw, the action sending a tingling shiver across your body which caused your eyes to flutter open. You hummed at the feeling of his lips against your skin, the sleep state you were in before wearing off.
“Good morning to you too,” You giggled as he lightly nipped at your earlobe, “Getting impatient, were you?”
“Just a bit.”
He situated himself so his nose was brushing against yours, before letting his lips mold with yours in a sweet, lingering kiss. You leaned into his touch, your fingers tangling into his locks of hair.
When his lips left yours, he pecked you softly on the tip of your nose before falling back into the mattress, pulling you with him so that your head was rested atop his chest, and as you listened to the patter of his heartbeat, his hand began to soothingly rub against your back.
“Do you suppose we could just lay in bed all day?”
You couldn’t help the smile that danced amusingly on your lips at his words, even contemplating it yourself, “I admit that does sound quite nice.”
Ron’s hand slid up your back, brushing against your neck before landing in your hair, his fingers tangling between a few strands. You let your eyes flutter closed again, content with the way his touch felt, the way he held you in his arms.
But before you could drift off to sleep for the second time, an uncomfortable rumbling sound invaded the silence, signaling your hunger. You could only sigh, forcing yourself out of his arms. A pouted frown fell on his lips as you did so.
“I’m afraid we can’t just lay in bed all day. Turns out we still have to eat.”
“Can’t we just stay here a bit longer?”
“Nope, sorry buddy,” You pecked his lips before climbing out of the bed, still wrapped up in a blanket as you wandered out of the room.
“Buddy? Did you really just call me that?” His voice echoed through the hallway, and you couldn’t help but laugh, certain there was an even deeper pout on his lips.
As you began to pull ingredients and dishes out of the fridge and various cabinets, you could hear Ron’s footsteps approaching behind you, the wooden planked floors creaking beneath his feet. Upon reaching you, he immediately wrapped his arms around your waist, “What’s on the menu for breakfast, then?”
“Pancakes, of course.”
“With chocolate chips?”
You smiled knowingly, pointing out the bag of chocolate chips on the counter, “As if I would forget.”
While you stirred the pancake mixture, pouring it onto the pan in little circles, you began to hum a tune, patiently waiting to flip each one as they browned. Ron smiled fondly, watching you with admiration just as he had done while you slept, “I love you, you know that?”
Your heart fluttered at the words, as if it was the first time he had ever said them, “I love you too, Ron.”
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posswrites · 2 years
6/14 Drabble
Prompt: “We could just pretend.”
Pairing: Harry/Pansy Word Count: 699 Rating: G
Harry hadn’t meant to be late for class, but of course it had to be Potions. Peeves had put a trick tile in one of the stair landings and had transported him halfway across the castle. No matter how quiet and discreet he tried to be, as soon as the door closed behind him, every eye in the room turned to him. Two to a table. Inter-house. 
Of course it had to be partners’ day too. Lovely. 
Hermione was giving him a look between annoyance and sympathy from her side of the room, luckily paired with a Ravenclaw. He adjusted him bag over his shoulder awkwardly and cleared his throat as he moved to the only empty seat.
“Is everything all right, Harry?” Slughorn asked, having to pause his instruction. Harry couldn’t even imagine the trouble he’d be in if it was Snape teaching.
“Yeah, just Peeves,” he replied with a sigh. 
“Ah. Well, glad you even made it at all, then! Just take your seat and get to work.”
As soon as his bag hit the table and he looked to his left to see his partner, he groaned.
“No one wanted to partner with you, huh?”
“Very funny. I was hoping you wouldn’t show up at all and I’d get to work with myself.”
“You haven’t even started yet.”
“Yeah, well.”
Harry rolled his eyes, trying to collect his ingredients and opening up his book, all while Pansy doodled on her parchment. He took a moment to look up at Slughorn’s instructions on the blackboard before pushing the pile of beetle wings over to her while he weighed the pile of frog livers in front of him. “Can you crush these?”
“Say please.”
“Please,” Harry deadpanned.
Pansy slid the wings over and started crushing them one by one, as slowly as possible. Harry could hear everyone softly chattering around them, talking to each other, working together, and talking to Slughorn as he came around to check on each pair. Their table, however, was silent. He found himself looking over longingly at Hermione, who was animatedly pointing something out to her partner. The girl was handing on to her every word. She must be having the time of her life.
“Pansy, I need those wings.” When he looked over and saw they weren’t done, Harry turned down the flame underneath the cauldron. “I have to add them before it boils.”
“I’m sorry, Potter. They’re really hard to crush today.”
“Can you do anything I need you to do or am I just going to do this whole potion myself?”
“How are we doing over here, you two?” Slughorn asked, making Harry jump with a hand on his shoulder.
“Going great, Professor!” Pansy piped up with a smile so fake, Harry wanted to laugh.
“Just brilliant,” he said instead.
“Good, good! Well, I thought you two might work well together! I’m excited to see this finished product, especially considering the best pairing gets a month of half-length essays...” He announced the last bit a little louder to the rest of the class, which was initially met with silence, then louder chattering as everyone started doubling down on their enthusiasm.
They watched him walk away, and then Pansy shifted on her stool to look at him. “Okay, here’s the deal. Now that there’s a prize involved that I’m interested in, I have a proposition. We can just pretend we work well together.”
“That’s... what I was going to do the whole time.”
“I’ll even call you Harry.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“Okay, good. Thank Merlin. Get to work, Potter.” She took the beetle wings back and started crushing them with vigor, earning a chuckle from Harry.
“Now you’re paying attention.”
In the end, it was Hermione and her partner that had the best potion, which Hermione was extremely disappointed about and Harry knew he’d never hear the end of it, but Harry and Pansy had come in second, to their surprise. He caught her eyes as they were packing up to leave, and he could have sworn he saw the faintest of smiles crawl over her face before she wrapped her arm around Draco’s.
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shaheenarnitipsyart · 3 years
The Greater Horror for Rio
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This is the 16th time joining @flashfictionfridayofficial ! Thanks for the challenging prompt!
Word Count: 699
T/W: non
Kyle (they/them): student (Jeff is their game avatar)
Rio (he/him): writer 
Holding a gun and a survival knife, Jeff crawls under the desks of the abandoned science lab. He has to find a key and a USB stick which is supposed to contain some information about the top-secret project. Documents are scattered everywhere. The windows are all shattered into pieces. It could have been an easy mission had it not been for a bunch of zombies roaming around. The byproducts of the 'top-secret project,' those zombies are sent to the secluded area, including the abandoned lab. Some are not that strong, but there are nasty ones that are creeping up to you without a sound. A distant scream sends chills down his spine. The lights are all gone, so Jeff has to rely on a dim light from outside. He is desperately searching for the USB under the desk while trying not to make any noise. Nothing is here, just some old traces of blood here and there. Suddenly, he spots a skinny figure wobbling towards him. He shoots a gun in that direction, but it keeps coming towards him. Shit, shit, shit! He knows that he is running out of the bullet. He runs towards the only exit of the room, hitting and kicking all obstacles on his way. But at the very last moment, a giant figure appears at the exit. Its eyes are glaring red. Jeff knows that it is over. 
'Aaaaaa!! Nooooooo!!!' 
Here comes the scream. It's always like that. Kyle puts away their game console and looks behind their shoulder. Rio, their cousin, is staring at the bloody scene in which the giant zombie smashed Jeff. Rio is leaning on Kyle's back, and Kyle can feel his tremble on their back. 
Kyle sighs and turns off the screen. Rio looks at Kyle with an accusing expression.
'You promised that you won't play horror games while I'm staying at your place.' Pulling a blanket over his shoulder, Rio spits out the word. 
'Well, you fell asleep while you were writing your damn novel.'
Kyle shrugs their shoulders. 
Rio is a writer, known for his cool looks and cynical comments. However, in front of Kyle, Rio is a totally different person. Whenever he is stuck with his novels, he comes to Kyle's place. 'Changing the environment is the best way to deal with problems.' Rio always says and barges into Kyle's flat. Kyle always makes an annoyed look. However, they don't hate the presence of Rio at their flat. They have never said that, but they kinda like squeezing into a small couch together because it reminds them of their childhood. 
'You know I can NEVER sleep after watching horror games or horror movies! I'll have a nightmare at least for 2 months! You deprive me of sleep!!' Rio pouts like a little kid.
'Yeah yeah, you are easily freaked out. Why did you take a sneak peek, then? You could've just looked away.' 
Kyle chuckles. 
'Damn you! I couldn't help! Besides, you didn't keep your word!!' 
Rio jumps off the couch and storms out of the room.
'Hey, where are you going? It's 3 am, and you might bump into a zombie!'
Kyle shouts at his back, still giggling. 
But there is no reply from Rio, and eerie silence fills the space.
'Rio? Hey, Rio?'
Kyle can't take it anymore. Then they hear a scream.
It is from Kyle's kitchen. Kyle imagines a zombie getting into the kitchen from the small window for a second. Ridiculous. 
'Rio!? What happened!?'
Kyle finds Rio standing in front of the fridge. He is pointing something in the freezer - well, to be precise, something NOT in the freezer.
'How dare you, Kyle! You have eaten all the ice creams here!? What a nightmare! I wanted to comfort myself with the mellow sweet sorbet...'
Kyle bursts into laughter. 
'Hahaha! What was that scream!The disappearance of the ice creams is a greater horror for you then?' 
Eventually, Rio starts laughing, too.
'But still, you gotta make up for my sleep!'
'Hmm.. cup of ice cream, then? I'll get one for you later.'
'One cup? You gotta feed me a nice ice cream every night for 2 months from now on!'
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