#THANK you i love ranting abt fics :')
sobbing rn thinking of the friends ive made through mcyts.....i love you all whether we're talking right now or havent talked in years.....you all have a special place in my heart......we may have met through liking cubitos but we grew well beyond that....sorry im having thoughts
#confessions#wholesome#literally this!!! youre so correct nonnie!!!!#i love my mcyt friends too#i love the people in that three year old gc that gets spammed mostly with anime these days#i love the various people ive friended on discord that i never talk to anymore but still look through our dms sometimes#i love the people that i still talk to even if they have other interests noe#i love the people thst i still talk to even if they dont have other interests now#i love the people in thwt new gc less than two weeks old#i love my tumblr mutuals tht i dont talk to but see on my dash and go ᗡ: knowing that i followed them for mcyt even if theyre notinto it no#i love the people in the discord server that kinda imploded on itself but made such a big impact on my life#(<- half of these tags refer to people i met through said server)#i love my qpp who still listens to me rant at it abt mcyt#i love the new people i meet i love the old people i dont talk to#i love the people that i start out talking to about mcyt but conversations grow far beyond that#i love the person that i meow back and forth in dms with instead of really talking#i love the people that did so so so much for me when i joined the fandom at 11 and werent creepy towards me (thank fuck)#i love the people that encouraged me to write that encouraged me to draw to look at these cubitos and be creative about it#i love the fanfiction authors that i know that rant about their fics to me in dms#i love the fanartists that send me their wips of block people and i will cheer them on#i love absolutely everyone who made this fandom a home for me for what feels like my entire life#i love you. thank you.#mcyt fandom has done so much for me#90% of the people i know today; i know through mcyt fandom#i would not be who i am today without yall#i love you everyone who was a friend to me through mcyt fandom#Ɛ>
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gothsuguru · 8 months
when y’all do dialogue do you just base line write the quotes and THEN later on add extra info? 🤔 also damn how do people Overall write their paragraphs so well
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imwritesometimes · 6 months
I think the most damaging aspect mentally, as an author, of knowing ppl are creating private discord servers to rec fic to their friends is that for a while now I've had this very suspicion. I'll see groups of usernames leave kudos all over my works for various fandoms but they never, ever, even on a single fic, drop so much as an 'I enjoyed this! Thanks!' But I know they're passing it around in a discord server I'll never see and talking about liking it.
It's demoralizing and I just wish ppl understood that. I don't expect someone to read my fic and be inspired to create sistine chapel levels of gratitude posts/art/comments. But a simple 'hey this was good!' let's me know 'hey ppl like what I'm doing and it's worth it to continue to not just write but share!'
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
i admire ur art SO much. so beautifully coloured like oh im biting it. im chewing. i also admire ur lore so much!?? it’s so well thought out and the NARRATIVES. excellent. sorry this was rambling just had to like. AAA love it
AAAAAAAAAHH OH MY GOD THANK YOU 🥹🥹 clutching this ask to my chest, posting it on my wall
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Ahhhh this is so meaningful to me, thank you so much <3333 Tbh I have trouble picking colors a lot of the time so I'm really glad you like them!! The solution is always to go with bright red 👍
Also omg so glad you like the lore!!!! I mainly do a billion AUs bcs I think its very fun to explore a preexisting narrative and dynamics in a different setting. Like what stays the same, what changes do I have to make to fit the setting, how do I apply all this, yknow??
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bxnnybimbeax · 3 months
thinking about.. best friend!satoru gojo who immediately answers when you come calling
bestie!gojo who not-so-secretly, secretly has feelings for you
bestie!gojo who knows everything there is to know about you. Your oh-so wonderful taste in partners… Your likes and dislikes, hobbies, career plans, plans for the future.. anything and everything. Even if you do or don’t exactly tell him
bestie!gojo who drops everything that he’s doing to come see you, when hearing your incoherent sentences of something along the lines of, “…. dumped boyfriend… cheated..”
bestie!gojo who comforts you in your time of need. Listening to all your rants about your ex-boyfriend, supplying you with whatever he thinks would cheer you up, offering you comforting words instead of solutions.
What a great best friend to have!! Right..?
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“I hate him so much! What a no good bitch ass womanizer!!” You exclaimed in a fit of rage, scrolling through the posts of the woman who, your ex cheated on you with, as satoru tiredly sighs.
“What does she have that I don’t-“ and before you could continue on, you get cut off by your best friend, Satoru. “Absolutely nothing, sweetheart. You should know your worth by now. It’s not something you have or ‘don’t have,’ it’s the simple minded mentality of… What’s his name again?— Doesn’t matter, He’s too simple minded to know the true worth of what he has in front of him.” He tangibly states, as if it was the most well-known fact in the world.
You attempted to up at him through your clouded vision, blinking away tears that spilled like waterfalls. Taking glances between Satoru, and the images on your phone, you stay silent as he studies you, pools of cool colored diamond eyes staring into yours, hoping to see any slight change of positivity.
He sighs again, taking a seat on your bed as he snatches your phone away from you, and before you could protest, he cuts you off once again… by pulling you close, into a hug. Instinctively, you wrap your arms around him, as you let out all your pent up feelings. Sobbing into his chest, as he soothes circles into your back, not caring that you mess up whatever designer shirt he’s wearing.
Satoru’s heart breaks hearing you hurt, he wants nothing more than to ruin whoever was the cause of your problems. But right now, he’s more focused on you.
Satoru hushes your cries, wiping away the salty crystalline off your face as he speaks up, “Oh baby, don’t waste your tears on him. He has no idea what he’s missing out on. Don’t waste your energy on a leech that only takes from you, and never gives. Your deserve someone who reciprocates your feelings, and so much more.” He admitted in a dulcet tone, giving feathery caresses to the side of your face, as he placed a sparse kiss to the side of your temple.
“Cheer up, theses plenty of people who would give the world and die for your affection.” He states in a much more cheerful and playful tone, making you laugh in response to his exaggerated claim.
best friend! Satoru who stays with you, through the night. Comforting and creating a much more positive atmosphere to the contrasted gloomy mood
best friend! Satoru who maybe, you don’t see as just a friend anymore..?
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A/N: Whats goody gangy. ☝🏾🤓 Sorry I was gone for 5 months I was going thru it with some bitch ass nigga I dumped, which is kinda what I based this fic off of, except no boy bsf I’m in love with to comfort me.💔 He made me delete tumblr so I couldn’t write 😞 I still kept on reading tho 😈
Not proof read btw, bc I’m high as a mf, writing with dyslexia. And it’s late a night, idk if it’s gonna be late when I post this tho😛
If y’all sent a request, resend it plssss. 🙏🏾 I need inspo mookies, and if you have a request feel free to send one in. Msg me abt wtv, and lmk if I can improve on anything
Thanks lovies take care and, hope y’all enjoyed!! 🩷
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could you do a fic or headcanons abt caitlin where on away games they facetime all the time? like on the bus and the hotel and the fever team teases her about it? thank youuu
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pairings: caitlin clark x fem!reader
warnings: none
authors note: hii thanks for this request!! this is my first time ever doing head cannons so i hope i did this justice 🫶 enjoy!! (please ignore the fact that i could not think of a title)
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- her teammates definitely have a hard time trying to pull her away from you before they get on the bus
- because of this, she gets all pouty and grumpy, but then she gets the amazing idea of face timing you
- once you pick up, you greet her with a warm smile, one that made her melt everytime before standing your phone by your mirror and getting ready
“it’s only been an hour cait.”
“actually, that’s sixty minutes. pretty long if you ask me.”
- caitlin watches you get ready and listens to your rants, admiring your every move
- her teammates look at each other and grin at her lovesick eyes, ready to tease her
- you laugh along with caitlin’s teammates, making her frown jokingly and feel betrayed
- you guys would end the call about thirty minutes later because you had to go to work
- once they arrived at the hotel, she tried to hold herself back from calling you because she knew you probably wouldn’t be home yet
- she wasn’t used to not having you with her, and she wasn’t planning on getting used to it
- hear me out but i feel like caitlin would be the type of person to sleep call
- like even if you guys just fell asleep on accident or did it on purpose, it just makes sense to me
- she would definitely try to wake you up in the morning so she could say bye to you before leaving
“psst wake up pleasee.”
- she knew you wouldn’t wake up, but at least she tried right?
- when you woke up, you realized that she had ended the call. you scrolled through your phone before opening the message she had left you
tried to wake u up but obviously couldn’t 😔 just wanted to say i love u so so much and i wish you were here 😢😢😢
- after their game, i feel like she would definitely surprise you by ordering take-out for you
- once you got the food, you called her to thank her and complained about how tiring your day was
“it’s like you read my mind! i was dreading making dinner the whole day”
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
Hi! I love your fics so much ❤️ I was hoping you could write an Eddie Munson x Cheerleader! Reader were Jason's friend (Andy) tries to date cheerleader reader and she doesn't want to but he doesn't takes no as an answer, so Reader convinces Eddie to fake date her, but, they're very physical, and they end up realizing that they like each other, so they start dating for real this time, but Andy and Jason suspect abt them bc they heard Chrissy and other cheerleaders talking about Reader and Eddie not being really a couple and maybe Andy tries to make a move on Reader but Eddie sees it and he protects her from Andy, and they end up together and happy!
Oh, thank you so much! That means a lot!!!!
underage drinking
Never proofread
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Y/N wasn't new to guys liking her, but she knew half of them liked the fact she wore a small skirt and was flexible. And her popularity. They saw her as a trophy, and not as an actual person. Y/N blames all of that on why she was still single. And she was okay with that. She rather is alone than be with someone that saw her as an object to hang on their arm.
Andy was no different. He was a friend of Jason's and would not take no for an answer. Y/N was on a team with Chrissy, which meant she was with Chrissy the majority of the time. And Chrissy was never away from Jason, and Jason brought Andy. Therefore, Y/N could not escape Andy and his flirting.
She needed a plan, she needed a fake boyfriend to get Andy off of her back. But he couldn't be someone Andy knew, so that crossed out every popular guy Y/N has ever talked to. Who the hell would she even as-
Eddie Munson.
"What's in it for me?" Eddie questioned, crossing his arms as the smirk stretched across his face. It's not every day a cheerleader stands against his locker asking for a date.....even if it was fake.
"I'll keep Jason off your ass, and the rest of the team, all the way to graduation." Y/N offered, a questioning smile on her face as she shrugged her shoulders.
To Eddie, it didn't sound like he had anything to lose. He gets to date a cheerleader and his ass won't get pushed around for the next few months. She's the one that had it all to lose being seen with a freak.
"You got yourself a deal, gorgeous." He winked, grabbing her hand and facing her palm to him. Stealing the pen out of the side of her backpack and wrote his number on her palm.
"Now Chrissy invited me to hang out at this bar, chances are Andy will tag along with Jason. I'm thinking we arrive early, get a drink, and work on our story, yeah?" Y/N ranted as she walked with Eddie to his van.
"Damn, been my girl for like half a day and you are bossing me around. Feels like a real relationship." Eddie joked as he unlocked his van. Y/N scoffed and rolled her eyes.
"Isn't he going to be a little suspicious you randomly are talking to the freak? And that we are all of a sudden together? I mean we've barely ever talked. Little popular cheerleader all of a sudden as the hots for me? I can't see anyone believing that for a second. We've never shown interest in each other, and now we are like in a serious relationship he is supposed to respect?" Eddie questioned, sipping on his beer as Y/N sat at the bar top next to him. The more he thought about it, the more this plan sounded like it would never work.
"Fuck, you are right. Why did I ever think this would work? He is going to see right through my lie, and maybe I just need to go on the date and get it over with. Maybe he won't be too horrible, he could be a nice guy. Slight chance he sees me as more than just a cheerleader. Thanks anyway Munson, It was stupid to drag you into this. I'll still keep Jason and his dogs off of you." She smiled, patting his arm as she walked towards an empty booth.
Now Eddie felt like an asshole. Watching as she played with her fingers, eyes watching the door. Eddie sipped on his beer for the next few minutes. The sound of Jason screaming as he walked into the bar. Eddie felt himself rolling his eyes, catching Y/N doing the same. He watched as she shrunk underneath Andy's stare, smiling politely as she hugged him.
Eddie took a deep breath and called out to the bartender.
Y/N was hating every topic Andy talked about. She just wanted to go home, but maybe if she tried to give him a chance, it wouldn't be so bad.
"FROM THE GENTLEMEN AT THE BAR!" The waitress screamed over the music, placing the drink in front of Y/N.
Y/N looked up confused, her eyes catching Eddie's as he winked, and nodded his beer in the air.
Y/N could feel herself giggling as she nodded her head back as she sipped on the fruity drink. He already knew her well.
"I think I'm going to say thank you to my kind gentlemen," Y/N said to the table, not bothering to watch their reactions as she swayed her hips back up to the bar.
"Is she walking up to Eddie freaking Munson?" Andy gasped from the booth.
"She sure is" Chrissy stated proudly.
"I see you got my drink" Eddie teased, pushing out the stool for her to sit.
"I did, fruity drink, you know me well, Munson." She teased back as she took the seat he offered.
"I figured this is a way to get them to notice our first interaction," Eddie said, keeping his eyes on her, not bothering to look over her shoulder to see the watching eyes.
"Thank you, Eddie." She smiled.
A few days later more people began to notice Y/N and Eddie talking in the halls, flirting and soft touches.
Y/N told Chrissy that Eddie asked her out that night and they've been on a few dates since. Building up their fake chemistry and trying to make it believable to her best friend. Which was a lot easier than she thought.
Chrissy knew it was all fake to get Andy off of her back, but Chrissy also knew Eddie Munson is the type of guy that will sweep her off of her feet. Chrissy had a feeling they'll end up together in the end, so she didn't question the lies.
Eddie and Y/N let a week pass before they got more public. Branching out to going on dates to popular places, and throwing in public displays of affection.
That's when Y/N learned Eddie was an amazing kisser and she loved kissing him.....a little too much. The way he missed made her heart race, palms sweat, thighs clench, and head dizzy. She lost herself in the kiss every time, yanking him closer and kissing him harder. Her head spun every time he slipped his tongue in her mouth. The way his hands gripped her hips, the sounds that came from his chest, and the taste of him had her dizzy for hours.
But he'd pull away, a proud smirk on his face whenever Andy would storm off. Eddie's touch would leave her hips and she'd feel the ghost of his hands. And she hated more than anything that she missed his lips.
It's supposed to be fake dating.
Eddie was just better at faking than she was.
The more dates they went on, the more Y/N began to adore everything she was learning about him. His favorite songs, the ones he'd crank up louder in his van. The names of his guitars, and when he learned to play. His hobbies, his family, and just everything that made him who he was. She memorized every detail of his face. Searching day and night for a flaw but falling short.
He was the perfect boyfriend.
Eddie knew it was all fake but he couldn't tell if he was acting anymore. The way she moaned against his chest when they'd make out. How soft her hand felt in his as they walked. The way she laughed at his jokes. How her eyes stared right back at him when he was talking to her. Every part of her body facing him to show all of her attention was on him.
Eddie never felt so seen in a good way. He opened himself up and he didn't hate it. He learned almost everything about her. And now he saw it, she was so much more than a cheerleader on his arm. If people knew who she really was, they'd be even more jealous of her being on his arm.
Eddie could tell he was falling but he couldn't. It was all play pretend.
The more they spent time together, the more it got harder to remind themselves it was all fake. But maybe they didn't have to pretend.
Neither of them was looking elsewhere, making sure Andy never grew suspicious. Eddie knew she wasn't interested in anyone, otherwise, she would have asked them to be her fake boyfriend.
Y/N was reaching her breaking point. Spending all her time with Eddie was the happiest she's been in years. She didn't feel like just a cheerleader with him. He learned things about no one cared to find out. He knew more about her than Chrissy did. She just wanted to be with him. All she had to do was get the courage to talk to him about what she was feeling.
Another night in Eddie's bedroom, her laying on her stomach as she flipped through a book, Eddie playing guitar softly next to her. Her eyes couldn't help but stay on him. One thing she always loved was admiring him in his most relaxed state. His hair was half tied up in a bun, curls landing on his shoulders. His mouth closed as he hummed, his fingers strumming softly. His eyes flicked down to the strings then back up again.
"How can you read without your eyes on the words?" He teased, not looking at her as he looked down at the strings. But she could see his lips were curved up in a smirk.
"Shut up," She mumbled, embarrassed that she was caught. Feeling her face heat up, quickly darted her eyes to her book.
After a few seconds of silence, she closed her book. Nodding to herself as she moved to her knees. Softly grabbing the neck of his guitar, his eyes lifted up to look at her.
A questioning look on his face as he sat still.
"You okay?" He asked softly
She didn't respond, just leaning forward to place her lips softly on his. Her heart skipped a beat as he smiled and kissed her back.
She slowly pulled away, keeping her eyes locked on his.
Eddie felt his stomach fluttering at the soft look in her eyes.
It wasn't uncommon for them to kiss, but staring into each other's eyes afterward was new for both of them.
"I have a new proposition for you." She whispered
Eddie watched as she let go of his guitar, holding her hands as she nervously skimmed around his room.
"And that is?" Eddie asked, setting his guitar on the floor as he moved closer to her.
"Instead of fake dating...what if we....just dated?" Too scared to look at him, she kept her eyes on the posters on the wall.
"I'm sorry, what is the difference?" Eddie chuckled
"What if we didn't pretend to date, and dated for real." Y/N shrugged, trying to make it sound like it wasn't a big deal.
"Look at me." He demanded
She took a breath and looked at him.
"Are you saying that you like me and want to be in a relationship for ourselves, and not for Andy?" He asked, enjoying how shy she was becoming.
"Yes." She answered honestly, nothing left to lose now.
"Yes." He replied
"Actually?" She asked, keeping her eyes locked on him, trying to see if there was any teasing in his expression.
"I like you too, and I enjoyed having you as a fake girlfriend. I think having you as my real girlfriend would be even better. " He said, leaning close to bump his nose with hers.
Officially being together, neither of them noticed a difference. They stopped pretending for Andy a long time ago.
Since Y/N didn't notice a difference, she forgot to let Chrissy know that it was official.
This led to her letting another cheerleader know the truth behind it, and that led to Andy overhearing that the relationship wasn't real.
Y/N was waiting at Eddie's locker when Andy approached her. She faked a smile as she acknowledged his company. But her smile dropped when his arm wrapped around her waist and dragged her into a kiss.
Before she had time to react, his body was being yanked off of her.
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" Eddie yelled as he held Andy in his grip.
"Oh come on man, I know she isn't your real girl. Drop the act." Andy scoffed. Shoving Eddie's hands off of him.
"Yes, she is." Eddie snapped back. His blood was still hot from seeing Andy's hands all over Y/N.
"Eddie, it's okay." She said gently, grabbing his hand and preparing to drag him to his van.
"Really, Y/L/N? The freak? You pick trailer trash over me?" Andy scoffed, his eyes judging Eddie as he looked him over.
"Go fuck yourself." Eddie sneered
"Oh shut up Andy, I never was interested and I never will be. I didn't pick the freak or trailer trash. I picked the boy I liked. I picked Eddie. Use his name." She spat out, this time yanking Eddie out of the school.
"Are you okay? I tried to grab him as fast as I could." Eddie breathed out, looking over her body.
"Yes, I'm fine." She smiled, reassuringly.
"Good, because no one touches my girl," Eddie smirked, throwing his arm over her shoulder as they walked to his van.
"And no one calls my man names." She teased back, her arm going around his waist.
Maybe she picked Eddie Munson from the start for a reason.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergent @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila
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the-moon-files · 3 months
Wait, quick idea! Twilight looks like the only hylian in his village because everyone else has round ears, so what if he wasn’t as surprised as the others to see their human companion so resilient, but still fairly impressed because of the fact that most if not all people in his village don’t put themselves in as drastic situations as the reader? Or is this just humans from our world?
get out of my head lmao /lh - you, me, and wayfayrr are actually the same person on diff accounts LMAO
im of the belief that (blame @wayfayrr, my beloved) that he knows of humans bc of some in his village but yeah, just not the type of human in drastic situations
(ALSO they wrote me a fun, long, glorious, male reader human space orc au fic for winning their raffle a bit ago, and it brings up their headcanon abt this and i Adore It actually, check it out here pls if u wanna know🤲)
(also if u see this wayfayrr, sorry for the ping, also should i be calling u moss? or wayfayrr?? idk which, i hope thats even ok to ask 😭 i assumed u would call my ass Moon)
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Moon: Male-Masc Reader (he/him)
Orbit: short headcanons-ish, rambling mostly
Stars: Twilight Princess Link (Twi/Twilight), mentions of other Links
Comets & Meteors: CWs: none known, & TWs: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
to reiterate what i said up there, in case u skipped it for the bullet points,
i like the headcanon he knows humans, knows some of their quirks, and how they were the first ppl the other hylian villagers called on to help stuck cows or downed wagons, lots of heavy lifting stuff
but he really hasnt seen the extent of real humans, bc the humans who were in Ordon, well, they lived in hylian society,
why would they need the adrenaline to lift a car when hylians have set up whole tools and systems in all their towns to help lift just a full bucket of water out of the well??
not to mention, i think all the humans in his village were older adults? like at least not the age theyd be doing things like parkour or going to any trampoline parks type of age,
id imagine its more like stories talked about amongst hylians how hard humans can go, and even the humans themselves talked abt things like,
“well compared to u hylians, we have stomachs made of molten lava to you guys really, but we never have to use it, bc u know hylian food works just fine”
when Twi asked they would say stuff like that, but as soon as he saw ur human ass just picking wildflowers and berries off the side of the road to snack on? even random grasses/vines at some point (kudzu)?? easily eating Wild’s Dubious Food that's DEFINITELY got monster parts in it???! gnawing on the bone of a cucco and it just breaks??!!! and you look surprised too, thank fuck finally a normal reaction from u- oh my goddesses u were just curious (damn the elders were right abt human curiosity too) **and are now sucking out the marrow and eating the bone-!!!!!!!!!!!!
Twilight’s perspective of you is actually the equivalent of like, reading stories about vampires all ur life, then this new friend you made starts to get allergic to garlic, crave blood, has crazy strength and advanced senses, etc
and he’s just watching those honest-to-Hylia human mythological feats play out in real time in front of him, like he’s the only self-aware character in the story that immediately clocks the really obvious vampire as a vampire lmao
is the first to either 1. start choking on his laugh as he theoretically knows ur about to jump on the back of a lynel/hinox to ride it around and watch as the others come to the same conclusion OR 2. try to Stop you from jumping on said big monster in an attempt to ride it around bc he gets used to ur human BS quicker than the others and can see it coming a mile away now lol
very much so this meme:
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(ur welcome i made it myself <3)
anyway id love to rant abt this dynamic
abt both Twi’s shock at you eating peppers like a god has come down from the sky to prove their immortality,
but also poor rancher esstientally humansitting you too lmao
the Chain/Time/Wars absolutely put him down as the resident human expert like: “ok he just drank like, 5? No- Four stop him from drinking more at least- (dual sighs). okay, 6 stamina potions, will that kill him??”
Twilight, saviour of Hyrule, of the Twili, Link from Twilight Princess himself,
has to keep a record book of all the new shit he’s heard/learned about humans in Ordon, what he has actively learned abt ur ass just fucking around and finding out, and the few bread crumbs of information u give him abt ur species
(that rlly just come off as kind of cryptid statements abt u/humanity, or don't apply in this scenario bc ur only comparison is Earth Rules, which honestly scare every single fucking one of them in the same way as walking on Ganon’s lawn or something, like straight up view ur home planet as enemy territory, the Amazon jungle, the Hyrule wilds if you will-)
Twilight also gets involuntarily volunteered for human-sitting duty too
tbh the only person Not allowed on human-sitting duty, when u guys go new areas esp, is Wild/Hyrule
you’d tell him you wanna get inside the guardian robot to operate it and ride it around and he’d probably be in shock you even fathomed something like that, yet also now EXTREMELY intrigued to watch it play out
(they’re both more of a “u wanna jump off a cliff?? that's actually crazy, wait for me please.” he seems to think he can somehow protect you if he joins you? its worked sometimes to be fair to him ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ just not really conveniently when the rest of the Chain are around lmao)
i live btw, ive been writing/updating fics along with life updates (moving states/new job/online class) so a few asks will hopefully be answered over here in the next 2ish weeks
no promises, my life is kinda girlbossing at the moment too close to the sun and i am Nervous abt disappointing u guys
i already feel like im disappointing my other blog bc i haven't posted in forever bc im writing a fic instead of asks during any free time i dedicate to writing for it so :/
pls excuse my super slowness like a package ur waiting for in the mail or smth type of slow
AGAIN thanks for the ask!! i hope this was at least entertaining to read as some addon to what u said, you guys have gotta check out some of wayfayrr’s stuff if ur into this, bc they're the only other place i can think of that's talked abt humans not just being the same as hylians
have a great week!!
Peace out hugs and chaos,
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blorbopostingtime · 7 months
Alr so maybeee this is a bad opinion but tbh I rlly can't keep it in anymore so imma just say it.
Like sure in the first movie he could be classified as angry but. ITS SO MUCH MORE GRUMP AND ANNOYANCE THAN ACTUAL ANGER?!?!?!?!?!??!
I want more fics, more comics, more fanart, more everything, where Branch just flat out looses his fucking shit.
At anyone, everyone I do not have a specific thing.
Get this grump ass bitch angry at the way the village treated him for fucking years when he was grey, get him fucking angry at his brothers for leaving and abandoning both him and their grandmother, get him angry at the bergens who he lived in fear of for so so so fucking long (SINCE HE WAS BORN TILL HE WAS ATLEAST FUCKING 20. THAT IS ALL HIS FUCKING CHILDHOOD. TEENAGE YEARS, EVERYTHING. AND FOR ALL THOSE YEARS MINUS 4 IT WAS ALSO HIS BROTHERS, THE VILLAGE AND HIS GRANDMA), his grandmother for sacrificing herself to save him and leaving him grey and alone (HE WAS A CHILD. FOUR OR FIVE AND HE WATCHED HER DIE FOR HIM. DO NOT TELL ME HE DOESNT HAVE ANY SURVIVAL GUILT OR RESENTMENT AT THE FACT THAT THIS CAUSED HIM TO TURN GREY AND BE AN OUTCAST IN THE VILLAGE. I DO NOT GAF ABT HOW MUCH HE LOVES HER YOU DO NOW MOVE ON FROM SHIT LIKE THAT WITHOUT IT), his parents for never being there (whole other thing but! Still think it should be a bigger thing.): EVERYONE.
"Oh, but he got angry at his brothers in the 3rd movie!"
Let Branch go feral with rage, let him scream at all the ways people have failed him from the top of his normally quiet lungs, let his vision go tinted red with rage, let him fight and punch and kick and elbow and growl and bite and hurt all the people who left him, like an animal gone abandoned in the wilderness and left for dead, who manages to not only survive but fucking THRIVE as a feral beast.
Show me a Branch who screams a sound so primal the nearby birds fly from the trees, let him be louder than any other troll in the village from living in the wild surrounded by creatures that the trolls were still learning about anf befriending who may or may not havr wanted to kill him, and yet talk about how afterwards he could barely speak because after 20 years of quiet speech if that his voice still isn't used to being loud.
Show us how much Branch is ready, able and willing to to use all the weapons he makes, the rocks he collects as projectiles and bluguons, the whittled stakes and knives, the sheer everything that comes with having lived on his own in the wilderness, angry and scared and so fucking alone.
... Ahem.
Anyways, thanks for listening to my rant and
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saintobio · 3 months
Hi saint!!! I hope you're doing well. You've been very active these days, and I hope you're still taking time for yourself!!🫶
First thing first...BLACK CANVAS!!😭😭👏
GIRL, YOU BROKE MY HEART. It was actually a very realistic, heartwarming but still heartbreaking ending, but I'm glad sukuna had the chance to prove himself and to feel good with the person he is. It makes me so incredibly happy. It's still a little bitter how he was able to move on and get engaged after just two years, but it's for the best of both him and mc. As regards mc, I can't understand if she's in a relationship with satoru? She seemed to be attracted to sukuna and to have some feelings still, but I don't know 👁👄👁
As for sy, the sneak peak you posted yesterday kinda broke my heart. I feel like both mc and satoru are struggling, and mc, being traumatised and skeptical towards gojo, can't let him explain the situation. I kinda wish she would hear him out🥲
And I wonder what akemi situation actually is👁👄👁 and I also wonder if mc will misunderstand something since, in the sneak peak, she interrupted gojo right when he was about to tell her (supposedly)
I've ranted enough!! Thank you so much for interacting with us Saint!! Sending you love🫶🫶💗
i am doing great, thank you 🥹 i’m working from home for the next 2 weeks so i’ve been having so much free time lately.
also for blank canvas bahaha i was satisfied w the ending :’) but what i wanted to show in sukuna’s engagement is this topic you guys might’ve read somehwere, where the man would usually ask the next woman in his life for marriage when he feels ‘most ready’. so he could be with someone for 10 years and not get married, and then jump onto the next relationship for 2 months and immediately feel like he’s ready to be tied down. that’s kinda how it went for him. but still, he acknowledges that yn was the right person wrong time.
and yes, yn is in a relationship with bc!satoru. but since there was no proper closure between her and sukuna, she was unable to control her feelings around him. by the end of bc, she definitely let go of their past now, and she’s fully ready to commit to satoru.
(gaaaah let me just add bc!sukuna was so fun for me to write abt bc my irl bf is also a biker and i’m his proud backpack lollll he’s also looking to get an r1 soon 🤧 i might just fulfill my bc fantasy there)
now for sy! the reason miscommunication happens between gojo and yn a lot is bcos they’re so scared of being hurt and ‘not chosen’ to the point where they’d just not hear the other person out. i think this specifically points to yn bcos she just has that perception that everything gojo does will always end up hurting her, so she’s just not trying to hear it anymore regardless of what he has to say 😅
anyway, this is probably my longest answer here so i’ll cut it here now. again, thank you sm for reading and supporting my fics <33
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supersteiiar · 5 months
Bribelle hcs if u hv anyyy?🥺
- briar’s “magic touch” as described by the show is having super hearing when she’s asleep. on days when she can’t keep herself awake faybelle makes sure to go to all of her classes for her and get her work/keep her updated on the latest gossip and news from around the school. in classic faybelle fashion she pretends to have no idea what briars talking about when she thanks her for it (or says some stupid stuff like “yeah well you’re my enemy and we have to be on equal footing”)
- them being “enemies” has always been more of a one-sided thing with faybelle being super dedicated to their rivalry and briar being like “well . i don’t hate her but if it keeps this cute girl around me i’ll play along”
- they’re both super competitive though so it works out great. they’re not fighting for the top spot in class or anything but they’re definitely teasing each other about scoring one point higher on a test or assignment
- ^ briar’s always willing 2 help faybelle study tho. invites her to “study parties” that turn out to just be her and faybelle LMAO
- i wrote abt this in a fic once but briar keeps sticky notes in her room with reminders to invite faybelle to her parties (bc of faybelle’s curse)
- they have each others coffee orders memorized because they’re gay as hell
- it takes them like twenty billion years to get together . not because either of them are oblivious to their feelings but because they’re scared to love each other . they’re both destined to be alone, destined to lose the ones they love the most. so even though they hang out 24/7 and the entire school considers them 2 be a couple, they don’t make it Official until like… post dragon games
- at that point the whole “300 years of service” thing scared faybelle so bad that she wants to make things official. and briars totally fine with that because lord knows shes been ranting to ashlynn and apple for AGES about how she “just wants to be faybelle’s girlfriend” LMAO
- faybelle shows her love thru acts of service (doing things for others when she could be doing them for herself) and briar shows hers through quality time (she has so little time but she wants to spend as much of it with faybelle as possible) . they both like gifts !
can u tell they’re my favorite ship LMAO
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melobin · 9 days
“i love all 7 not just one” yet ur so dismissive abt a certain member which clearly isn’t loving all 7 goofy ass. no wonder ur friends with ninona 🤣 both y’all r ot6ers
me when i’m onto nothing the fact you can sit and assume you know how i genuinely feel about ot7 riize is crazy to me. you can continue to think what you want to because i can assure you both ninona and i do not gaf !! im far past the point of caring if people think i negatively of me over the situation with seunghan !! i know i love seunghan ! my friends know it too ! i do not gaf if random people on the internet think differently bc frankly why should i ? i run a smut blog girl im just here to talk about cock 99% of the time 😭
if i’m being completely honest here. i feel like people seem to struggle to grasp the concept that people handle things in their own ways. i’m a very sensitive and emotional person and over the years ive been trying to deal with that in a way where i don’t get hurt so easily. i’ve been dealing with severe anxiety for years i have chronic depression if i sat and thought about seunghan’s hiatus every day i would be completely miserable and worried and that’s not how i want to be i want to be okay i want to feel okay.
grief has never been something i ever get too emotional over it just doesn’t happen, of course it’s sad to not see him there but the way i handle things doesn’t mean i dislike him in anyway shape or form and i’m frankly quite tired of having to explain myself about this. at the end of the day, if seunghan returns it’ll be one of the best things to happen, it’ll make me incredibly happy, i don’t talk about my emotions often but if you want the truth there it is. if he, god forbid, ends up being removed from riize then it will hurt me and i will be upset. i’d rather spend his hiatus in a middle group of knowing there’s realistically a 50/50 chance of him returning and him not rather than sitting and getting my hopes up only to be hurt and upset after.
the way i deal with this hiatus is for my own benefit and my own sanity, i don’t want to be sad all the time, i just barely made it out of a depressive episode and i know if i sat and dwelled on him being on hiatus then i probably wouldn’t have made it out of it. the way i treat the other 6 members is the same way i treat seunghan, i feel the same way about them all, it’s just not as simple to show that when he’s not in gifs or videos or photos.
writing about him is not as easy because i haven’t seen him for months and as time has gone by the other 6 have become more visibly comfortable and free on camera and we never got to see that with him. i love writing for him, his porn plot fic is one of my favourite fics ive written and im always happy to write for him. i just tend to write more for sungchan and eunseok because those are the members i am more sexually attracted to, im a slut man idk what you want me to say. people rarely send asks about seunghan, they’re mainly about sungchan and anton and there’s nothing i can do about that. if people send asks about him, i answer them? if they don’t then i dont, i can’t answer something that isn’t there.
i don’t mean to post such a long rant but frankly i’m just tired of having to say the same thing over and over. no, i don’t care if you think badly of me over it, i don’t care for people who think they know how i feel about something and act as if their opinion is the be all end all. so thank you for sending this so i could freely express my feelings about this.
and DAWG leave ninona out of this as well !!! she expressed why she doesn’t write for him and i touched on my own feelings about writing for seunghan. i never once viewed her in a negative way, she’s one of the funniest people ive had the pleasure of befriending and no, she doesn’t hate seunghan either !
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archonadeptus · 2 years
Hi ^^ ok so I got a spark of inspo and I want to get this out before I forget, Genshin x Creator! Y/n (GN) angst thing. Idea is that Creator y/n has a nightmare where their body is almost not their own and they're forced to watch themself kill all of their beloveds, then go to pov the Genshin characters and they have to watch y/n thrashing around saying little "no.."'s and "stop.."s while the Genshin characters are trying to wake them up and stop their suffering, :insert something with ur incredible imagination:, and then they finally wake up with a gasp and tears falling down their face and they hug the nearest character (say like Tighnari or someone else you choose ❤️) and then they just sob their heart out saying "I'm sorry...." Over and over again until they get comforted, then they tell the Genshin characters (I'm leaving the character choosing to you) what the nightmare was abt and then at the end they breakout crying all over again, then one big group hug later y/n is happy (but still very sorry and regretful) and it goes to fluff cuz I can't handle having my heart shattered, with y/n being a bit more clingy. The end. And ofc you don't have to do this req but it was an idea that I got just after reading one on your other fics, anywho have a good day/night/whatever the heck and take care of yourself, imma go cry bc this idea already shattered my heart thinking abt it. 🙂
A/N: Thank you so much for your request! I appreciate it so much~♡ I absolutely love this idea, I love Angst and comfort so much!! I truly hope that this is everything you were looking for. I hope I shatter all of your hearts and mend them again at the end with all of the fluff! Enjoy, lovelies.♡
Edit A/N: I got a little excited and carried away I'm so sorry it's so long omg.
Characters: Tighnari, Kazuha, Wanderer, Xiao, Zhongli
Warnings: A lot of Angst within the first section. Main character deaths (in the form of a dream), upsetting scenes, mention of a character ending their own life. A lot of comfort at the end!~ (The Angst is just a dream!)
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Sitting upon your throne carefully crafted by only the most glorious chunks of cor lapis and most vibrant of flowers always felt a little too much for you. Yes, you had embraced being the creator long ago, but it still felt a little too much. The way everybody would bow to you, some even looking a little afraid. Why in Teyvat would any of your own creations fear you? Then again, why were you even in your throne room to begin with? This was reserved for occasions where your beloved acolytes had assured you that your presence specifically on the throne was important, you just had to address Teyvat from your rightful place. As far as you knew, there were no emergencies that needed tending to and nobody had told you to come here.
"Tell me, what makes you think I adore you all?" Who said that? Wait, that's your voice echoing off the marble walls. Why… Why do you sound so angry? Why is your voice void of any love? Silence fell upon the room, the pressure of the air seeming to thicken. "I do require a reply, that was in no way rhetorical." Your eyes narrowed, deep golden eyes glaring down at five of your acolytes beneath you, bowing lowly on the floor. You weren't controlling your own voice, nor were you controlling your own body. Why is this happening? They all look so afraid.
"M-my divine." Zhongli spoke first, daring to lift his amber hues to meet your own. "You created us. Everything is made with nothing but your own hands and abilities. Do you not love what you have created?-"
"Shut it, Morax." Your voice was so heavy in the air, the floors lightly rumbling with an ever-growing rage. "I did not ask for a rant, just a simple reply. And did I hear you questioning me?" You stood rather abruptly, Zhonglis eyes meeting the floor once again. You summoned a weapon made of nothing but pure golden swirls, you placed the tip beneath Zhonglis chin and lifted his gaze upward to meet yours again. "I simply detest you. My most loyal acolyte? What a lie." Kazuha seemed to slowly lift his gentle tear filled gaze up, his soft doe eyes meeting your own.
"B-beloved, he didn't mean it in the way you think. We truly adore you… But please…" The sword you now wielded left Zhongli causing his gaze to move away to the floor again, it now lifted up Kazuha's gaze to meet your own.
"Beloved?" You spat out, glaring down at him. "And you too dare to question my judgement?" He slowly shook his head, shutting his eyes tightly to try and will away his pretty tears threatening to spill down his dusted cheeks.
"I-im sorry, your grace." A smirk painted itself on your lips before you knelt down a little before him.
"Let me tell you a little secret, my dearest wandering samurai. You know your beloved Tomo?" His eyes immediately filled with love and pain at the mention of the fallens name. "I had so much fun controlling his fate, you know. His obsession with the Musou no Hitotachi was such a good plan. Do you know why I led your beloved to death?" He was trying to muffle his own sobs with his hands pressed against his mouth. You… You led Tomo to death? "Because I grew bored of him. I didn't want to play with him anymore. But my goodness, seeing you watch him die certainly was a treat. I mean, look at what it did for your character development!" Why were you telling lies? This wasn't you, why can't you stop yourself? "Do you want to know what he was saying before your arrival? He was begging me to spare him for longer, just so he could say goodbye to you. To ensure you were okay." You scoffed at this, "He didn't trust that you were safe with me." Kazuhas sobs now escaped his lips as his broken stare met your own. "Ah, but maybe he was correct. I'm bored of you too, Kaedehara Kazuha. Tell me now, how badly do you wish to see him again?"
"N-no please… T-this isn't you. S-stop, I beg of you, I'll do anything." Rolling your eyes you stood,
"Your begging no longer amuses me, Kazuha. Do you desire to see what Tomo saw upon his death? Let me show you…" Before he could even cry out his love for you and his apologies, you preformed the divine punishment upon him. Though this time, it was all golden. His body lay before you, your other acolytes whimpering at the sight.
"Now, Xiao my darling." He seemed the calmest of them all, his eternal suffering allowing him to mask his emotions easily. That now though was boring to you, you wanted to see him break. "You're nothing but loyal to me, right?" Your hand gently cupped his cheek, thumb rubbing against his skin in soothing circles. He nodded eagerly, eyes on your own.
"Yes, your grace."
"Would you do anything I ask of you, beloved?" Once again, another gentle nod as his faze softened at your touch.
"Yes, your grace."
"Good boy." With a smile, you gave him his Jade Spear again, standing with him. "Kill Morax."
"Y-your grace?" Zhonglis head snapped up at your words before gazing at Xiao with the Jade spear he once gifted him.
"You heard me, darling. Kill him, he's a traitor. Did you hear how he questioned me? Did you hear his lack of faith?" Xiao's hands gripped harder onto the spear before his eyes met Zhonglis again.
"Child, you must." He sighed, lowering his head. "It is what our creator desires. I deserve this punishment…" Xiao raised the spear as you smiled brightly, stepping back.
"Any last words, Rex Lapis?" Zhongli knelt on his knees, gazing up at Xiao.
"It was an honour to fight beside you, to raise you, and die by your hands my Adeptus. You are my strongest warrior, and you shall always shine like gold within my memories. Even during death." Xiao shook, eyes finally filling with tears. Did he… have to do this? Did he have to kill him… n-no. There must be another way for him. Immediately he lowered his spear and fell down to the ground before your throne once you sat back upon it.
"Your grace, please. Spare him, let me die in his place"
"Oh how boring. I would have thought you'd at least inflicted some damage. Not even offering Tighnari over there as a substitute? Or Wanderer? No?" Rolling your eyes you hummed. "Very well. Put on a show for me." Xiao simply nodded, Zhongli however stood and began to rush over to Xiao.
"No!" Golden chains soon shoved him to the ground. "You cannot make him do this! This is unjust, your grace." His eyes shone as he struggled against the ever strengthening chains.
"Unjust?" You smirked, "I see now that I sit before Rex Lapis and not Zhongli. Only the God of contracts would have the will of stone to dare question his creator." He growled lowly, golden markings forming upon his skin.
"Do not lay a hand upon him." You giggled, throwing your head back in glee against your throne.
"Me? Lay a hand upon him? No, no. I think you'll find yourself quite mistaken there, Morax. For he shall kill himself." Without another word needed from you, Xiao did just as you had said. He laid there before your throne, body weak as he whined and reached for you within his final moments. At this, you simply smacked his hand away and sighed. Zhongli was screaming with rage at this point, nothing but agony filling his body. Wanderer and Tighnari simply sat there and watched it all.
"H-how could you kill off your own acolytes like this?"
"Ah look who's finally decided to join this wonderful discussion of ours~ If another word leaves your lips, I too shall end you Tighnari. I'm not interested in you right now…" Your golden eyes drifted over to wanderer. "I'm interested in him."
You knew Wanderer was panicking, all of the memories about being abandoned, tortured and broken replaying in his head. You were watching his memories and his thoughts, they made the real you scream in upset. Surely all of this wasn't happening right now?
"My dear Wanderer." His doe eyes gazed at you longingly. Ah, so this wasn't Wanderer. This was your beloved Kunikuzushi, before you got bored and put him through suffering so all of his love and loyalty would belong to you. "My darling Kuni… You love me, don't you?"
"Y-yes my divine." You smiled brightly, moving over to him and removing his hat to pat his head.
"Good boy. How will you prove your love to me, Kuni?" He scrunched his eyebrows in thought, it was almost beyond adorable.
"However you see fit. You have all of me, my Divine." You smiled brightly before humming again.
"Then perish just for me? Just like Xiao?" He simply nodded almost like he was in a trance.
"Yes, my divine."
No. No. No. No! No!
"NO MORE!" Your eyes snapped open as you threw yourself up into a sitting position, out of it and seeming to be in a half awake dream state. You were pushing whoever was around you away, whilst simultaneously trying to pull them closer.
"What's going on? Your grace, wake up now." Wanderer sighed whilst trying to hold you still to prevent you from hurting yourself in your panic.
"Hey, hey!" Was that Wanderer? "Calm it down love… Wake up." You began to scream, the dream still feeling so real. Tears rapidly rolled down your face as firm hands gripped onto your shoulders. "Hey! Fox boy! Get here now!" In any other circumstance, if you were fully awake, you would have giggled at Wanderers words. But not now, not when you killed them all. Not when you forced Tighnari and Zhongli to witness such brutal deaths.
"Seriously?! 'Wake up now?' That's all you could think of saying? I tried that already!" He growled lowly as he struggled to keep you calm, your cries and screaming tearing at what heart he wished he had.
"Our divine can hear our voices, that will keep them grounded onto something and saying 'wake up' just proves to them they're in a dream." Tighnari snapped lightly whilst fumbling in his bag before pulling out an orb filled with plants. "Hold them still!"
"What does it look like I'm trying to do? I'm not just sitting here for my own amusement." He spoke harshly to others, but his lips moved by your ear as he whispered. "Shh, I've got you. Everythings alright now, I'm here, I've got you. Love… Come back to me." At his gentle tone, your screams lessened into light whimpers. This prompted Tighnari to place the orb beneath your nose, and once the sharp smell of several herbs filled your senses your eyes snapped open.
"KAZUHA!" You panted, starting to cry again hiding within Wanderers arms. "X-xiao! Wanderer- What have I done?!" Tighnari immediately moved the orb away, tucking it back into his bag as he cupped your cheeks so you looked at him. Wanderer was a little taken aback at the possessive feeling within him especially after hearing you call his name like that. He'd never seen you look so helpless, almost like the way he once was when he was known as Kunikuzushi. Tighnari offered you the most reassuring smile he could,
"Hey there my Lotus, we've got you now. You're here darling, you're away from that place." Your whimpers shattered his heart, yet due to calling his name you didn't see Xiao rapidly approaching.
"Get away from them! What happened?" He moved to push them away to check to ensure you were alright, but Wanderer just shoved him away with his leg as he continued to hold you.
"Watch yourself little Adeptus, don't take what isn't yours." Xiao opened his mouth to say something more before Zhongli cut them off once walking into the room.
"Do not upset our Divine any further, your rage is distressing them." Xiao gazed at your tear stained face, but once your shaky hand reached up to his cheek curiosity filled his mind from your words.
"You're alive…"
"Yes, I am alive." He responded quickly, confused as to why you were asking. His debt didn't affect him whilst you were there, why would he be dead? Your head turned to see Wanderer holding you safely in his arms.
"Wanderer… My Kuni - you're alive too." Your eyes trailed around the room to try and find Kazuha. Where was he? Did you actually kill him whilst that horrible nightmare possessed your body? "Kazuha. Where is Kazuha?" You immediately stood up despite shaking, it felt like your body was still gaining its rightful strength after your dream. As you heard once in a previous life, all dreams pass a realm of reality. You tried to move forward, only for Xiao to hold you safely as you fell a little. Zhongli placed his hand upon your back,
"Tighnari, please go and get the samurai. I believe this is the only way we can calm them." Tighnari nodded before giving you one last look before leaving to quickly go and find Kazuha. He was always wandering your serenitea pot lands at this time, he wouldn't be too hard to track down. They soon moved you back down to sit upon the sofa again trying to keep your attention on them and not on the nightmare.
"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry." Your tone was filled with nothing but heartbreak, your tears rolling down your flushed cheeks once again. "I'm sorry, please forgive me. Please don't hate me, I don't think I can bear it." Your soft sobs and begging flickered panic within your acolytes' hearts. Their own creator was begging them… This felt so wrong.
A bang from the main door made you jump whilst the others summoned their weapons to protect you, Wanderer standing in front of you to shield you with himself.
"Your grace!" The sound of Kazuha's voice made you sob out in relief as you pushed past to bring him into your arms, fist clinging onto Xiao's clothes as you held him.
"You're alive. You're both alive - you're okay." Taking a shaky breath in between your sobs you continued to cry out apologies. "I'm sorry, I'm so truly sorry." Falling to your knees, the wandering samurai and adeptus followed your lead and dropped to their knees with you to bring you into their warm embrace.
"My beloved divine, I am here now. I'm so sorry I'm late, dearest. I won't leave your side now okay?" You nodded against his warmth, hiccuping as after a while your sobs slowed.
"I killed you. I killed you Kazuha, fed you dreadful lies then killed you." Taking a jagged breath inward, your eyes met Xiaos. "You ended your own life due to my words in return for me sparing Morax. I- … I then went to kill Wanderer the same way as Xiao before waking. I forced Tighnari to watch all of it, I was so horrid I couldn't control my own body. Please, forgive me." A cup of cold water was soon brought to your lips by Tighnari as both anemo users held you closer. Softly sniffling, you began to drink slowly before coughing a little.
"Gentle, your grace. Do not rush…" Xiao gazed at you sorrowfully before looking downwards.
"No, you do not need to be forgiven. I do. If I was here, I would have destroyed the dream before it dared to even look upon you."
"Xiao," Zhongli began, his hand upon Xiao's head with a gentle smile. "Not now. This wasn't your fault, nor was it our divines. Bad dreams happen, I've seen my fair share during my lifetime. Many were brutal from the archon war." He sighed lightly, placing his hand carefully upon your cheek trying to comfort you. "But you see, dearest, they are a manifestation of our worst thoughts. Something that you would never do turns into something so real. We are all okay now, my divine, we're all here." His touch grounded you even more as he slowly lifted your now fragile form up and into his arms before getting you comfortable back on the sofa. Wanderer was sitting beside you, hand fiddling with the divine material of your clothing. Your gentle voice was but a whisper, but it made him practically melt.
"Please, hold me?" You didn't have to ask twice. You were immediately against his chest, safe and warm. A warm hand upon your back making soothing circles. Sure, you couldn't feel any heartbeat to ground you, but he was trying by channelling power through his vision to slowly bring it to life to mimic a heartbeat.
"Your grace, you can tuck your hands into my tail. You seem chilly… And don't worry, that was a case of a night terror and sleep paralysis. I've got little herbs to ensure that won't happen to you again." He paused, smiling as you held onto his tail. A light giggle escaped your lips as Xiao moved over to dry your tears. "We know we're safe with you, just like you know you're safe with us."
"What're you looking at, grandpa? They're safe with me, they don't need any extra. Move aside." Wanderer smirked before sticking his tongue out at Zhongli causing the archon to sigh. Though he buried his head against your neck as you held onto him hiding into his warmth with only a gentle whisper to be shared between you both. "I'm not going anywhere, yeah? I won't abandon you, and you won't abandon me. I've got you, I'll keep you safe." He pressed a gentle fleeting kiss to your shoulder before Tighnari took the place beside you, his tail soon brushing against your hand.
"Such a thing won't happen again." Xiao stated a matter of factly, crossing his arms against his chest. He'd be keeping a closer eye on your dreams now, so do not fret.
"And even if it did…" Kazuha's voice soon joined in, leaning over the sofa to fiddle with your strands of hair. Oh how you melted his heart, creator. "We will forever be here to pull you out of the world of dreams. They shall never hold onto you forever, but we shall do so."
"I agree with Kazuha, your grace. Forgive our selfishness, but you cannot get rid of us so easily. We shall forever be here with you and we won't ever lose you. As, my beloved, you shine like gold to us and us alone."
You're safe with them now, and believe me when I say you don't leave their arms for a long while. They never complain about this of course as this is all they want. You.♡
You have the control, your grace. Nothing like that will ever occur unless you desire so.
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genshinconfessions · 11 days
Hello I am the Arle x Chiori dude here again and i am letting everyone know I HAVE A LIST OF RAREPAIRS I LIKE OR THINK WOULD BE CUTE SO SO SO SO UH HERE:
Layla x Furina
— I just think. They would get along. And they could take naps together. They both deserve it. Also their color pallets match and they would eat mac n cheese together. I bet Layla would be so fascinated by Furina's hair length changing and how she has the constellation of a god despite technically never being one (she wouldn't know abt Wanderer having a god's constellation)(a god's constellation is one that reflects their form)
Mualani x Kirara
— They would explode the world from the sheer >:3 energy that their combination would bring.
Wanderer x Albedo
— One was abandoned for his humanity, the other was abandoned for his lack of it. Very poetic if you ask me.
Kaveh x Heizou
— Idk i saw this on another tumblr acc and I just. Can't stop thinking about it. Like like I bet Kaveh would love hearing about Heizou's cases and Heizou would find Kaveh's art so fascinating and beautiful. They would yap to eachother sooo much it would be horrid /pos
Sucrose x Hu tao
— OK JUST HEAR ME OUT- I actually don't have an explanation for this one, just vibes I think.
Wanderer x Cyno
— They are both so competitive they would play tcg get into one of those "being mean to eachother but they're actually flirting" things and end up making out.
Fischl x Xingqiu
— They would enable eachother so much, PLEASE let them judge people together i beg you
Alhaitham x Tighnari
— I'm kind of suprised that this is a rare pair tbh, Tighnari deserves more. I feel like they would just get eachother, with Tighnari being so well adjusted and Alhaitham being, well, Alhaitham, Tighnari probably wouldn't take his harsh words to heart as much and be better at understanding what Alhaitham is trying to convey. And Tighnari has to deal with idiots all day and tell people what to do, Alhaitham's quietness and independence would probably be a nice break for him.
Alrlecchino x Chiori
— POWER COUPLE LESBIANS POWER COUPLE LESBIANS AAAAAAAA idk it just feels so *right* and I want to see them beat someone up together.
One sided Itto x Alhaitham
— Call me crazy but I think Itto trying and failing MISERABLY at wooing Alhaitham would be so funny, Shinobu would point out the ring on his finger (I'm a Haikaveh truther) and Itto would SOB.
Shinobu x Yanfei
— I actually don't know if this is a rairpair but I need them to be law school gfs thank you.
Alhaitham x Kaveh x Cyno x Tighnari
— If you look it up on ao3 there are like, a few hundred fics but I PROMISE you that a lot of them are from the same few people. I just. I just. Ugh. They are so. I could rant for ages you don't even know.
Xingqiu x Chongyun x Gaming
— HEY HEY HEY LISTEN COME HERE I need more of them and I WILL FIGHT YOU FOR IT. I don't need to give you a reason for them, I don't HAVE one I just REALLY LIKE THEM for NO REASON.
I WILL be back with my crack ships and you will call me 🔔 (pretty please)(no pressure)
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thegnomelord · 2 months
Being trans is feeling like a fetish now day ngl. I felt nauseus while reading that fic and others (don't want to spread hate!!! Every one is free to write what they want) and ngl it felt as it was "hey you are trans ftm? Cool! you are a girl! Let's use girl terminology,"
WHY DO ALMOST ALL WRITERS THAT WRITE FOR GN WRITE FOR FEMS?????? I see x gn reader and go "oh cool?!! I can read a fic without being dysphoric???? Fucking hell yes!!!" *gets slapped in the face with fem words like cunt or breats and dresses and ✨she✨ and ✨her✨*. I am sorry for ranting and feel free to block me or ignore or straight up deleat this and don't respond but I am very tired abt this...
On a side note though I want to say that I really enojy your writings!! They are one of the most well written x male fics I can read without the fear of you using fem terminology out of nowhere and that is a big comfort for me actually, I can enjoy them and they actually put a smile on my face every time. Thank you for your works gnome!! I wish you the best mate 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Your opinion, which I agree with, is 100% valid and people saying that it's hate to point out rightful criticism like your own are just stupid and don't understand the difference between criticism & hate.
Also yeah, the GN reader tag is heavily listed to fem reader, even if someone doesn't use pronouns they write the reader in a very feminine way. And on some part I get it, you're gonna write things from your bias and I can reasonably well write about male reader BC I'm a dude, but I'm not gonna label that thing fem reader when its obviously not.
Also don't worry ab it dude y'all are fine to rant to me ab anything, just might be slow to reply since I'm working. And thanks for the love dude :Dd
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2knightt · 1 year
i LOVED the darry x motherly!reader and i’d love to know more about the relationship that ponyboy and johnny have with reader
PB.C and J.C x motherly!reader
2.platonic fic
3.darry x reader is said through out the fic!
4.minor mentions of abuse and violence.
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dude?? they literally love you so much???
they are so thankful for you. like actually, they think you were sent from heaven.
ponyboy looks up to you so much oh my god.
he tells you EVERYTHING and when he goes out with you he follows you EVERYWHERE
he is like a lost puppy.
“where are we going y/n?”
“well, *i* was going to get groceries for your house.”
“oh! can i get a snack while we’re there?”
“..yeah sure pony. as long as you eat.”
when walking around the store with him he’s holding the bottom of your shirt because he’s scared ‘you’ll get lost.’
he’s the one that always gets lost.
he forces you to read to him when he’s tired.
he just does!! he puts those puppy eyes to good use fr.
and you fall for it every time. you know why?? cuz you see him like a little brother or a son.
i know you do. it isn’t good to lie to the author.
you will do anything for him and you believe he can do NO WRONG.
when he ran away?
“darry, he’s just a kid. he was scared, c’mon. give ponyboy a break.”
if he jumped someone?
“hey, at least we know you’re strong now! good job!”
if he killed someone??
“oh, he’s just being silly. tell them you didn’t mean it ponyboy.”
“i ain’t mean to shoot the guy 12 times.”
back to the topic of him telling you everything!!
he told you abt his lil crush on cherry valance and you felt like a proud mother.
“yea…she’s just a real looker.”
“AHHHHHH!!!—i mean, that’s so great ponyboy.”
he’s so embarrassed when you ask for updates about her.
when you stop reading he’ll go,
“why’d you stop reading, ma?”
or if you need help carrying in groceries he’ll say, “do you need any help ma?” in a quiet voice so the gang doesn’t hear him.
normalize giving ponyboy beat hugs!!! he loves them!!! but he gets embarrassed!!!
johnny is your biggest fan ever.
he talks to you about everything.
“y/n, did i tell you about the ladybug i saw today?”
“yeah johnny, you did.”
“oh…well did i tell you about the grease i saw getting arrested?”
“pardon me johnnycakes?”
he rants to you about everything and anything.
and you just listen while you rub his back with your hand.
when his mom yells at him, he rushes to see you.
and your heart just hurts when you see him cry about that.
but he’s so glad that you’re there to help him, to give him the motherly love he needs.
he isn’t big on showing you physical affection, but he will give you gifts.
he steals pretty flowers for you, he’ll give you cigarettes if you smoke, and he’ll even steal a few things for you.
he will cry if you bake him treats.
he loves homemade goods, so if you make him some cookies he will tear up and say thank you.
even though johnny ain’t very intimidating compared to your boyfriend, he still tries.
if he’s with you and some guy tries to hit on you he shows up outta no where and just goes,
“aye! you know she got a boyfriend right? he’s real tuff, so don’t try anything funny.”
“yea? is that supposed to be you?”
“na, darry curtis!”
the mfs apologizing and scurrying away in fear.
nobody wants that smoke from darry😭😭
for mothers day ponyboy and johnny get together to write you a cute little card, separate from the gangs card.
johnny has one side of the card while ponyboy has the other.
“dear y/n, this is johnny. i just want to say, happy mothers day. i ain’t very well off with my words but, i hope you can understand. i want to thank you, i know i don’t do it often but..i hope you know i’m thankful. for everything and anything you do. if you and darry didn’t meet, i think i would’ve lost my mind. so uh, again, happy mothers day. keepin’ this short and sweet.”
“dear y/n, happy mothers day! me and johnny are making a separate card from the gang because…they aren’t…civil in anyway. like what johnny said, i want you to know im thankful for you. these past few months were tough, but you made them bare able. you know what situation im talking about by now, don’t you? but, thank you. i’m forever grateful for you y/n. im glad darry found you.”
author notes ;
1.thought it was fitting for mothers day since it’s tomorrow <3
2.maybe ooc LOLLL
3.thank you sweetheart for the compliment <3
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may 13th, 2023. 5:26
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