#THANK YOU this one was crunchy.. monch
ghostwise · 1 year
19% How does your character’s living space reflect their personality?
There's a lot of symbolism to it, so this question is kind of perfect? In the story you're going to see her living somewhere kind of opulent, yet decaying; the mansion is old, it has a lot of history, and it's where she grew up. But it's trapped her.
Rinnala is trapped by the past in this story. She's trapped in the hacienda, she's trapped by her trauma. She can't move on because she feels responsible for the land, and her family, and her father's actions, and in a way even for Zevran--because having him around is not good for her, but she is so unsettled at the thought of him y'know. Being out there. IN the world. Like not wanting to let a frightening sight out of your view. That kind of responsibility.
And there's a scene way in the second half of the fic where she has an interesting interaction with Hamal, she's helping him in this scene, and she asks him, why so surprised? I am not an ungracious host. But it's an obligation she feels. Trapped by convention, trapped by rules.
Things change.
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juniper-sunny · 2 years
tagged by @muddiestpath thank uuuu :3c
🐧 About Me 🐧
SIGN: Libra
HEIGHT: 5ft zero inches
LAST GOOGLE SEARCH: "Xfinity internet outage"... disconnected from Overwatch comp ughh 💀
SONG STUCK IN YOUR HEAD: "Jump Up Superstar!" from Super Mario Odyssey
FOLLOWERS: i shan't say bc i am trying to enjoy being creative for the sake of being creative and if i think about social media engagement/internet number algorithm nonsense i will become salty
SLEEP: i am currently unemployed so I get to enjoy anywhere from 4-11 hrs depending on if i'm excited to do stuff the next day or not lmao
DREAM JOB: a freelance artist but like, one of those old timey ones where my patrons pay me to draw and write whatever I want whenever I want. They would get neverending fanart of my blorbos
WEARING: blue and white striped PJs
FAVORITE SONGS: yeah ok i have hundreds on rotation so i'll just comment with
"Antebellum" - Vienna Teng
"Welcome to You and Me" - Hidetake Takayama ft. Sam Ock
AESTHETIC: my ideal would be soft preppy with lots of cozy sweaters, cute skirts & dresses & heels but I am broke and too lazy to learn makeup and practice walking in heels so I actually wear graphic tees and skinny jeans that I've owned since 2013. I need money and motivation to become the high femme of my dreams
FAVORITE AUTHOR: I have a few! Just gonna list Ben Aaronovitch, Jeffrey Cranor, Joseph Fink, and Kristin Cashore for now
FAVORITE ANIMAL SOUND: monching and cronching on crunchy foods hehe :3c
LAST SONG: "Can't Sleep Love" by Pentatonix
RANDOM: I have a hard time finding recipes that I like to cook on the regular and I found one recently that I love! It has egg, white toast, bacon, green onion, and cheese. Even though I found the recipe on Youtube I'm calling it "primavera toast" because it's shorter and fancier to say than "egg-bacon-green onion-cheese toast" lmao
Tagging: @deny-the-issue @ilikemymendarkandfictional @sherwood-forests @silcoitus @ink-and-dagger @kikorenart @ice-queen-of-music
and the rest of my mutuals!!! Please consider yourselves tagged hehe my fingers hurt i have to stop typing now RIP
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kirby-the-gorb · 4 years
reply roundup!
a few days late because we were busy getting ready for my partner to be out of town -n-
highlights from the past couple weeks include [pumpkin carving], a [christmas comic] in october because no one can stop me, and [space] doing super well for reasons unknown.
also please remember to vote if you’re at all able to! it’s not a magical cure-all, but it actually can make things concretely better. (for example in my city there’s a ballot measure to allow the city council to reduce the duties of the sheriff’s department.) (this is mostly addressed to US folks, but applies to everyone who lives in a system of government that includes voting!)
from the ask box:
@shslweirdo​ asked: Ever seen the Kirby on the Telephone animation?
yes! I love it very much :> (the animation is on youtube [here])
on [playtime]:
@the-aqua-life​ said: the only rendition of kirby that matters
awwww that is a high honor indeed
on [bedtime]:
@okspacekid​ said: sleebycore :>
ohhhh sleebycore :o wonderful
I love everyone’s tags on [monch]. that is exactly the vibe I was going for.
on [leaves]:
living the crunchy dream!
@incrediblue said: the best part of raking leaves
the only reason to even let someone talk you into doing it, unless it’s your own yard and you gotta be like. a responsible adult or something.
@dragonofcupcake said: I miss being able to do this. Either way... the leaves look good woah
thanks I used a brush preset XD (snowgum from the organic pack that comes w procreate by default)
thank you for everyone’s enthusiasm on [pumpkin], I do not have a lot of experience with carving but I have done a lot of other crafting, so I figured out how to go slow and really approach it more like peeling than cutting pretty quickly. (not immediately tho hence the toothpick lol)
on [feet]:
@inexplicably-spookified said: ah. a... a perfectly normal kirb...... nothing wrong here
very normal. factory standard. on-model.
on [spider]:
@macro-microcosm said: hey I too am an autistic person who watches Jenny Nicholson! and I find that I do project it on characters I like (but I usually don’t realize it lol)
same remarkably specific hat! I appreciate how comparatively even she keeps her voice, and she mentions autistic folks more than once and it’s literally never as the butt of a joke, it’s pretty much always to be like “hey this seems like a rude portrayal” or “hey sometimes theme parks are a lot”. plus I just love hearing people talk at length about obscure stuff they enjoy, like theme park drama or aggressively mediocre YA films.
on [vote]:
@the-halo-of-my-memory said: [story abt their ballot] itll get mailed back to me again right? anyways this is super cute!!!! i adore every post
if it just got dropped back in the mail in its original envelope, instead of getting filled out and put into the return envelope, it should get sent back! and thank you :>
on [space]:
@okspacekid said: i want to stargaze with kirb.....
I bet it’d be a great picnic activity.
on [juice]:
@0-jayless-0 said: Juice boxes are the best
true. something about drinking juice out of a box just tastes better than a bottle.
@inexplicably-spookified said: he’s drinking dark matter tears. tastes like fake cherry flavour
is it......... black cherry? *badum tss* (because. because dark matter is drawn like a black void. :v )
on [hearts]:
@cloudminty said: Awww that's so sweet I want a love like that someday!
I’m sure your person or people are out there! and they’re as excited to find you as you are to find them :)
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bill-skarsgalactic · 4 years
Fifty questions
I was tagged by the lovely @kathryn-jane (Thank you, love. This was fun)
what color is your hairbrush? - mainly black with a hint of silver.
name a food you never eat? - Eggplant can suck it.
are you typically too warm or too cold? - I have terrible circulation, so I’m pretty much always cold.
what were you doing 45 minutes ago? - Working on a script for work.
what’s your favorite candy bar? - Do I have to pick? Crunchies are pretty bomb.
have you ever been to a professional sports game? - A few. Mainly rugby games.
what’s the last thing you said out loud? - Alright, I’m gonna get back to work.
what’s your favorite ice cream? - The pumpkin pie flavour from my local ice cream shop.
what was the last thing you had to drink? - Water.
do you like your wallet? - I’m not precious about it, but it’s kinda cute. It’s a vintage, mustard coloured wallet with Winnie The Pooh on it that I picked up at a vintage store years ago. It’s kind of falling apart now.
what’s the last thing you ate? - Chicken strips (FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS!).
did you buy any new clothes last weekend? - I did actually! I bought a t-shirt from Hell on Shirts with a Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining graphic on the front and back.
what’s the last sporting event you watched? - Probably the rugby world cup, whenever that was.
what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? - Okay so there’s this brand of popcorn where I’m from that’s like ‘strawberries and cream’ flavoured and that stuff is so addictive!!!
who’s the last person you sent a text to? - An actual fuck boi.
ever go camping? - We used to go camping a lot when I was a kid but not so much now. I’ve got a camping trip planned with some friends though once the virus craziness is over.
do you take vitamins? - Occasionally? Only when I feel like I need them.
do you go to church every Sunday? - Haven’t been to church in years. I’m not particularly religious and neither is the rest of my family, so...
do you have a tan? - I am so fucking pale it’s not even a joke.
do you prefer Chinese or pizza? - Pizza ‘til the day I die.
do you drink soda through a straw? - I don’t drink a lot of soda to begin with but I suppose only when I go to the movies or order a takeaway drink.
what color socks do you usually wear? - My socks are pretty much all black secret socks.
do you ever drive above the speed limit? - Sometimes :/ 
what terrifies you? - Spiders and the thought that I might never be successful or might die alone.
look to your left, what do you see? - A lamp and a book of post-it notes  shaped like a thumbs-up.
what chore do you hate the most? - Dishes. Dishes. Dishes.
what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? - Haven’t really given it much thought to be honest, lol.
what’s your favorite soda? - Mmm... not a huge soda drinker but Bundaberg Peach Soda is pretty good.
do you go in fast food or just hit the drive thru? - Uber eats but if I have to get in my car, I’m hitting up the drive thru.
what’s your favorite number? - Probably 13 or 27.
who’s the last person you talked to? - My mother.
favorite cut of beef? - All the beef. 
last song you listened to? - Supermassive Black Hole - Muse.
last book you read? - The Outsider by Stephen King. It was great and I definitely recommend it to others who enjoy King’s stuff.
can you say the alphabet backwards? - I tried. I can’t.
favorite day of the week? - Friday.
how do you like your coffee? - Due to the sheer amount of coffee I drink, I usually have it black with no sugar, but if I’m treating myself it’s one sugar and a splash of milk.
favorite pair of shoes? - Black converse forever and always <3
time you normally wake up? - Back when things were normal, 6AM. These days I try to be up by 8:30AM the latest.
sunrise or sunset? - Sunset. I’m the polar opposite of a morning person.
how many blankets on your bed? - Currently? A duvet and a thin throw-type thing.
describe your kitchen plates - I’m currently staying with my mom and she has these vintage, country-style plates that match the vintage of our kitchen, but back home I’ve just got standard white plates.
describe your kitchen at the moment - My kitchen is pretty much exclusively white. White counters, white tiles on the floor, cream walls. A built-in four-plate stove, a free standing, black mini-oven, a silver fridge (that came with the apartment), a white kettle, a white microwave, sink in the corner and a washing machine (also came with the apartment) under the counter next to the sink. It’s pretty basic.
do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? - When I’m out it’s usually beer. Vodka and a mix when it’s on special and nearing the end of the night.
do you play cards? - Not really.
what color is your car? - Red and black, but I’m upgrading to a plain black soon.
can you change a tire? - Yes, but it would probably take me a while.
your favorite state, province, country, etc. - I really enjoy most parts of the UK that I’ve visited and would love to go back to Canada some day. 
favorite job you’ve had? - The one I currently have. I get to write every day and be creative and I’m surrounded by creative people who I love like family.
how did you get your biggest scar? - None of my scars are super prominent, but if I pull my bottom lip really tight, there’s a scar from where I chewed on my mom’s razor. Apparently, as a toddler, my goofy ass climbed into the bathtub, grabbed my mom’s razor that she used to shave her legs and decided that it looked good enough to monch on.
Tagging: @honeysugacube @ill-skillsgard @dreamtherapy @lihikainanea @draculafangirl42 and anyone else who wants to give it a whirl.
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monkeyparasite · 2 years
*crunch monch monch* you deserve one, if it makes you happy, you deserve it
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the-little-birb-prince reblogged your post:He nom the plant.
Oh, hello friend! Komali brought along some lettuce. Monch!
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The large pseudowyvern looks at the strange plant, and gives it a sniff or two.  It looked nothing like the cacti that he normally eats, but it looks like a plant, so he’ll try it.
He noms the whole head of lettuce in one bite, and it tasted cold, but refreshingly so, and it was crunchy as well.  After eating the lettuce, the Diablos looked to the one who offered it and gave a little head nudge, as if to say ‘thank you’.
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