#THANK YOU for sending something innn
pastelgrove · 2 days
First Meetings Sentences, Vol. 3 | accepting
@ravnmiko asked: "Well, that is an interesting way to say hello!" / for Celine from my Farmer!Kikyo skdfjs I need to write out the verse yet
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An   awkward   laugh   parted   Celine's   glossy   lips.   Her   dear   little   sister   knew   just   how   to   grab   someone's   attention.
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"Sorry   ...   she   doesn't   mean   anything   by   her   abruptness.   Dell   just   has   a   big   personality.   I   hope   you   don't   take   any   offense,   Miss"   Seeing   as   the   spunky   blonde   was   still   a   child,   she   figured   none   would   be   taken   but   still   .....
"Um,   was   there   anything   I   could   get   you?   I   believe   we   have   most   things   in   stock."
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jack-kellys · 2 years
wait also pls do 003 for davey for scientific purposes
- @we-are-inevitable ✨
anything for the advancement of science!!
yeah send these in boys i like talking abt my silly little guys
the most canon gay guy ever!!
How I feel about this character:
STRONGLY. like more strong than in a long time even though ive always loved davey. i feel like he recently just clicked as a characterization/character to me. his conviction to the right thing initially colliding with his instinct to protect his family...and then they become the same thing? god. davey flourishing in a social environment once he gets to be in one that he feels right in and letting his prickly exterior relax for a bit. i just fucking love how sharp and clipped he can be, its so. defensive. and bitchy!! i love him.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:
weeellllllllll jack kelly. it's jack kelly, it will always be jack, since they- are- innn-evitable! their arcs work together so fascinatingly since while davey's two convictions get to merge within the strike, jack's are forced to split- his instinct to protect is consistently against his conviction to do the right thing while davey's end up working together. like they aren't opposites but they are...something like it. they are a venn diagram
i ALSO admire spot with davey, very much. also in uksies spot basically runs off with davey and leaves jack behind when transitioning into pulitzer's office, like she's pulling him along and talking and boyy i'm not not gonna call davey flustered-looking. spavey is powerful and sexy and i believe in them.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
davey and crutchie. i said this in my crutchie one but they see each other, like something about them connects very quickly- you can even use the whole "well if he's the best what's he want with me" "selling with jack is the chance of a lifetime!" as a sort of... crutchie sensing that davey needs reasons or other sources before going on jack's word. idk. they are intricate to me, they are strategic and jack's planners.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
a) ryan davey best davey, and b) ryan's davey isn't shy!! he's quieter, maybe, but like... none of davey's lines even suggest that he's timid. out the fuckin gate he's like "you buy back. right" "i paid for twenty and you gave me nineteen..." it's more like he wishes his words wouldn't come out but he can't stop himself from speaking up at every turn consistently.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon:
"this is the truth about the moon, the facts are black and white..."
Favorite friendship for this character:
for davey, would be spot. i like them in 92sies a lot, i like them in uksies a lot... they r one step away from being unstoppable, i know it.
thanks AGAIN jac... come by anytime
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 4 years
asking for respect is asking for the bare minimum so dont feel bad, you deserve basic human decency
Thank you for this🥺🥺🥺
I was actually worried that it would come off as ungrateful or something
Don’t get me wrong, I totally appreciate you guys and I love recieving requests but I just never realized how much I treat myself as a machine when it comes to writing requests and I never really noticed it
But once I noticed this particular thing, I just couldn’t unsee it
But thank u for sending this innn you put my worries to rest
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thearcana-junkie · 4 years
@syrisart Ask me to do a Lucio X Pregant! MC a while back in my personal messaging. To be honest i;m really honored they like my writing enough to request more (I love their art so much!!!!!!) Plus this also gives me en excuse to write more oneshots so I’m not all HC’s. Anyway without further a do!! I tried to be as gender nutural as I could. Thank you so much for waiting all this time!!!
“Sharing Is Caring”
Summary;; You feel off. Lucio thinks your just sick so he calls his best doctor (Julian of course), Your hunches have been correct the whole time. When you announce to everyone your pregnant, everyone is so happy for you. Except for Lucio of course...
Warnings// Pregnancy. Angst To fluff. Gendernutruel. Morning Sickness. Sharing issues.
Pairings: Lucio X Pregnant MC.
Long Fic under The cut
The moment you lifted your head off the pillow you felt sick, so sick, so much so you had to run to the bathroom to keep from up-chucking all over your boyfriend who lay sleeping beside you. Oh boy, what a way to wake the Count on a weekend. He did though, he awoke to you loudly voiding your stomach of its contents in the bathroom. Lucio’s stomach started to turn from the sound, to the point he had to cover his ears with his pillow to keep from hearing you or else he’d be in there beside you vomiting. It wasn’t that he didn’t love you enough to go check on you, he just had a very sensitive stomach.
Once you came out of the bathroom he sat up with concern. “Are you okay?” He asked tiredly as the pillow fell behind him, he leaned back and outstretched his bare arms, one golden, one flesh. You crawled into the bed and curled up to his side laying your cheek on his naked chest. “I don’t feel to hot this morning Honey...I think I’m sick...” You mumbled weakly causing Lucio to frown. “No you cant be sick, we had so much fun stuff to do this weekend.” Lucio whined sadly, you whined right back at him. “Okay... Okay, take the day to rest okay? The faster you rest the faster you recover.” He hummed as he gently kissed your head.
You didn’t know you had drifted off to sleep until you woke up in the bed alone, Well not alone-alone, Mercedes and Melchior were laying on the bed with you. On you was more like it. When you sat up you realized you didn’t feel sick anymore, not dizzy or nauseous at all. So you got up, got dressed, and went down to the dining room. In the room sat Nadia, Asra, and (To your surprise) Muriel. “Hey there’s the sleeping beauty!” Asra exclaimed cheerfully. “How are you feeling my dear?” Nadia asked with worry woeful look as you sat down. “feeling?” You questioned, “Lucio said you were sick so we let you stay in bed...” Muriel said softly, despite his stone look his eyes said that he was worried.
“Sick Smick, I told them you were fine and you were just tired. You look fine!” Asra stated proudly, “that’s cause I feel fine. Actually I’m starving, what’s for breakfast-lunch?” You asked as you rubbed your hands together excitedly. “Well we have Salmon, and eggs, and lobster, and—“ while Nadia listed off all the food in front of you, you slumped a little.
Nothing looked appiticing what so ever...
“What’s wrong?” Muriel whispered to you from across the table, he was so quiet Nadia hadn’t even noticed so she was still listing off the food. “Nothing looks good...” You frowned and whispered back to him. Asra, being nosy of his two friends talking without him, leaned into Muriel. “what’s up?” Asra whispered, Nadia continued talking oblivious to her friends conversation, probably because Asra would comment on what she was saying. “She doesn’t see anything good here.” Muriel whispered to Asra. “Ah well no wonder, there’s no Pumpkin Bread, it always soothes upset stomachs.” Asra said. Suddenly pumpkin bread sounded very good. “Are you three planning something I should know about?” Nadia asked her friends. “Oh! No! Nadia, Mc’s stomach is upset and she doesn’t find anything here to sate her needs.” Asra explained rather brashly. “N-not that I don’t like your food, I do!” You squeaked out, you couldn’t bare hurting one of your friends feelings. “don’t worry so much my dear, What is it that you want to eat? Perhaps such elegant food is to harsh on the stomach of someone not used to it.” Nadia said with a calm smile.
“Pumpkin bread.” You and Asra said at the same time.
Two days have passed, you’ve woken up the same way. Each morning you’d wake up, run to the bathroom to vomit, go back to bed and sleep for another few hours then get up and have Lunch-Breakfest with Muriel, Asra, and Nadia. To which you’d find nothing at the table good and Nadia would send the servants to get you and Asra an unhealthy amount of pumpkin bread.After that normally you were too fatigued to do much other then hang out with the three friends.
You started to suspect the obvious, you were pregnant.
“MC!” Asra shouted making you jump out of the skin,”what!?” You snapped a little more aggressively then intended. “No need to be hostile, we wanted to know if you were listening.” Nadia sighed, you felt your cheeks heat up from embarrassment. “Sorry Asra...” You mumbled softly, Asra brushed it off like nothing happened and continued talking. “We asked Julian to come by and scedual a visit with you to make sure your not coming down with something.” Asra explained. “It’s not healthy what you’ve been doing for the last three days.” Nadia frowned at you in a concerned friendly way. “Of course it was all Lucio’s idea. He asked us earlier before he set out on a hunt with his mongrals.” Asra stated while making a claw motion with his hands. You huffed, “I happen to love those dogs thank you very much, their very well trained” You glared softly, Today you weren’t in a good mood as evident by your snapping and glares. “I don’t need a doctor I’m perfectly fine.” You crossed your arms in a stubborn manner. “Well you’ve been getting sick in the early hours.” Nadia noted. “And you only crave pumpkin bread.” Asra added. “And your moods change... a lot.” Muriel added quietly. “My moods do not change!!” You yelled, Muriel flinching way made you move back from him.
Oh gods, You just yelled at your friend. Not just your friend, the quiet friend who wouldn’t harm a fly. Oh you felt horrible now, horriable to the point you started to tear up. “Oh my gods I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to yell at you I’m truly sorry Muriel. Your right i am being a bitch.”
Muriel was unnerved, one minute you were yelling at him now you were crying. “It’s fine, Please don’t cry!” Muriel tried to be as comforting as he could without touching you, he’d never really been in this situation with you so he didn’t know if it was okay for him to hug you so he settled on a hand placed very gently on your shoulder. Julian opened the doors in a flourish motion, “The doctors innn— Oh gosh what happened why are they crying??” Julian turned very concerned when he saw your tears eyes and wet cheeks. “They heard you were coming by and bursted into tears.” Asra smirked, he wasn’t lying but he was leaving out some very important details. “Asra! Stop being mean!!” You yelled at him, Muriel quickly removed his hand from your shoulder seeing your mood had changed. “Julian if you don’t mind giving them their check up as soon as possible, the last thing I’d like is for hem and Asra to start arguing or for dear Muriel to endorse anymore emotional whiplash.” Nadia frowned. YOu nodded and glared at Asra who stiffened on the spot like a startled dear.
“ah, okay Darling if you’ll come with me I’ll take you to a private room.” Julian smiled softly, but for some reason his smile just rubbed you the wrong way and pushed your buttons. You stood and walked through the door flinching off his hand when he placed it on your shoulder. He raised an eyebrow and looked back out on the balcony to siliently ask the group what he did wrong. Muriel just shrugged at him while Nadia sighed. “They’ve been like that for the whole day.” Asra put simply, Julian nodded in acknowledgement before closing the door to follow you. You sat on the dinning table, “Alright, your room?” Julian suggested, “Here’s fine.” You grumbled with your arms crossed, Julian opened his mouth but closed it without saying a word. “So what’s been going on?”Julian asked he most basic doctor question, “Oh don’t act like you don’t already know what everyone’s said.” You hissed at him. “Actually—“ Julian sat down beside you the table. “No one’s told me anything, I was told to come here because everyone’s was worried about you.” Julian said simply as he leaned forward his his arms resting on his knees.
You looked down and pouted, “Sorry... Ive been getting sick, having weird cravings— can we just cut to the chase? I’m already certain I know what it is.” You explained exasperatedly, “And what’s that?” Julian questioned with amusement. “I’m pregnant.” You mumbled tensing up softly. Your muscles that were already tense reacted so fast that you jumped when the door to the balcony flew open with three vary familiar people following it.
“Muriel! I told you not to lean to far or the door would open.” Asra whined at his dark haired friend, “You stepped on my hand...” Muriel blushed in embarrassment. “I can’t believe you two let the countess be caught spying. Remind me to not hire you if i ever need someone to go undercover.” Nadia sighed as she walked over to the table where a very irritated and upset you sat with a Julian who could barely contain his laugh. “I can’t believe the countess of Vesuvia SPIES!” He gasped dramatically with a hand softly on his chest, “You saw nothing, Devorak. I don’t want any rumors starting.” Nadia raised an eyebrow. “I wouldn’t dream of it m’lady.” Julian smiled roguishly.
You cleared your throat to gain their attention, in an instant Asra was at your side smiling ear to ear. “Are you really pregnant!? Who’s the baby daddy!?” Asra asked with excitement, “Uhh... Lucio?” You said with an eyebrow raised, as if it wasn’t obvious. “Asra who else would it be? It’s kind of obviously Lucio.” Julian said with his arms crossed Asra laughed nervously at his stupid question while he rubbed the back of his neck. “what’s obviously me?” Lucio asked from the doorway, all heads turned to see him as he walked in with a bag dripping blood (No doubt with his small kills inside) and two very muddy borzois beside him. He handed the bag to a servant who quickly took the bag to the kitchen while the count walked over to you and your friends. “I...” You started but stopped and looked at your friends for assistance.
Julian smiled, he was no stranger to bringing news like this to people, he was a doctor after all. “Our dear MC here is expecting.” Julian said with a smug smile. Lucio raised an eyebrow, “Expecting what?” He asked, Julian’s smile dropped as he looked back at the group and shrugged.
Nadia sighed, “Let me try. Lucio.” Nadia started, Lucio’s attention shifted to her at the mention of his name. “We’re going to have a new face around the palace.” She said slowly, Lucio sighed in annoyance and looked up. “Oh gods, are we getting new servants? What’d they do now? Whatever they did they probably didn’t mean it, i really don’t want to get new ones. These know the system of things and getting new ones means we’ll have a lot of errors to fix and mistakes made.” Lucio went on explaining why the servants they had now are better then new ones, while it was sweet he was defending them he was really missing the point. Nadia put a hand to her head in annoyance, “I think I’m getting a headache.” She sighed hopelessly. “Guess I’m not the dumbest person in the room anymore.” Asra chuckled, “You try to tell him Muriel.”
Muriel thought for a moment as if he was putting it as simply as he could in his mind before speaking. “There’s going to be a small child running around.” Muriel said slower then Nadia and softer. Lucio stare at him a moment before cracking a very proud smile. “Scourge! You sly dog! When are we gonna meet the little guy!??” Lucio asked as he slung an arm over Muriels shoulder. “What!? No! Not me!!” Muriel steadily got redder in the face as he pushed Lucio off and away. “OH MY G O D S!!! Lucio I’m pregnant!!” You screamed so loudly the devil could have filed a noise complaint. Lucio sputtered for a moment, “What? How? Since when?!” Lucio’s words ran together at he looked at you “Aw, Lucio did your mom never tell you how babies were made? That’s fine, I can tell you and Asra both.” Julian smirked, Asra stood for a minute before looking up at Julian, “Hey!” Asra whined making Julian chuckle.
“I know HOW their made! I just don’t know WHY their made!” Lucio corrected Julian before he gained a pout. “Their messy, and loud, and annoying.” He added. “Lucio, you didn’t think this would happen at some point? Don’t you need a heir to your monarchy?” Asra questioned the older man, “I dunno! I kind just figured I’d always be around, I mean when i was married to Noddy this wasn’t an issue!” Lucio opened his arms in a dramatic wave. “Simply put; I refused to help with the continuation of your hare-brained bloodline.” Nadia said rather bluntly. “Lucio, Your like what— in your forties? What’s going to happen when you eventually kick the bucket again?” Julian asked with an eyebrow raised, “He’s ri~ight, You could keel over any day old man.” Asra sang cheekily, “Hey! Watch it you little urchin! Your aging too!” Lucio snapped at the white haired man, “Yeah but I have magic on my side.” Asra smirked up at him.
Muriel cleared his throat to gain all their attention, when granted he started blushing from said attention and glanced away. “Uh... MC left right after Lucio started talking again...” He pointed out while pointing to the space you had currently been. “They seemed pretty upset.” He added quietly. “Oh dear... How did we fail to notice them leave?” Nadia asked the group with slight surprise and bewilderment. “This is all Lucio’s fault.” Asra huffed with his arms crossed. “I’m sorry, excuse me!? My fault!? What’d I do!?!” Lucio yelled at Asra with one hand outstretched and one on his chest for punctuation. “Well for starters, your initial reaction could have been better... LIke seriously, ‘I don’t know why their made!’ ?” Asra scoffed at him. “I...”Lucio got tongue tied for a moment while he thought of what to say, he eventually sighed an ran a hand through his hair. “It’s to early for this, i thought we’d get married first and i didn’t plan on that for another few years!...I also thought that at that point I could talk them out of it with an exspensive pet...” Lucio’s sentence turned into a mumble at the end while he looked away.
“Look, unplanned things happen, Plus for the first few months to a year you wont even have to do anything that’ll hurt your old bones. They pretty much just sleep, eat, and do their bissinuess in a diaper.” Julian exsplained while taking at jab at Lucio’s age which didn’t amuse the count. “Isn’t there a way to... Undo this?” Lucio asked hesitantly, Nadia gasped in shock at the idea. “Lucio! I’m appalled you’d even think of such an idea!” She scolded, “Yeah, no, i didn’t think so...” Lucio sighed in annoyance, “You really have no idea how these things work.... Do you?” Asra purred.
“Well no, not really. Mother wasn’t the best... Mother. I mean I’ve had a few scares with the maids before i was resurrected—“
“Pardon?” Nadia raised an eyebrow.
“Not important! The point is, I’m not ready to be a dad! I don’t have a parental role model here!” Lucio huffed out. “Join the club.” Asra sighed longingly earning a nod in agreement from the rest. “I get the feeling this isn’t about it being ‘too early’. What’s the real reason?” Julian asked as he waved off what Lucio had said eariler. Lucio bit his tongue for a moment. “I... Well, babies take up a lot of time and attention... What if MC doesn’t have time for me anymore...” Lucio looked down ashamed, “That’s the most childish thing— OW!” Asra yelped when Lucio stomped on his foot, the white haired young man grabbed his foot while hopping on the other one until the sting went away. “What is it with you and those damn heels!?” Asra hissed in pain while hopping before he put his foot back down. “So I can stomp my enemies and look good doing it.” Lucio smirked at the younger.
“Back to the conversation— I don’t think that’s it, so spit it out.” Julian called him out with his arms crossed. Lucio looked even more ashamed, “i-I’m afraid I’ll turn out like my mother...” Lucio mumbled as he plopped down into a chair.
“Bingo!” Julian smiled victoriously as the others mumbled their agreements.
“I can see why’d you fear that.” Nadia added
“Yeah. Your mom’s like actually terrifying.” Asra shivered.
“Don’t get me wrong. She cares about me, in her own fucked up sort of way, but why else do you think i turned out the way i did.” Lucio looked up at the other four. “Well don’t worry about it, it wont happen.” Asra said with a wave of his hand. Lucio, being a little more then pissed Asra could just wave off his concerns like that, stood up. “Could you be a little more empathetic!? I get that you don’t like me but seriously! You’d think you’d do if for Mc’s sake.” Lucio snapped at Asra who only sighed. “I believe what Asra is trying to say is; You’ll be a better parent then your mother because you fear becoming her.” Julian clairified with a hand on Lucio shoulder, Lucio who made a soft ‘oh’ sound at Julians exsplaination.
Lucio smiled softly, “So you guys think I’ll be a good dad?” He asked, the small group erupted in words of agreement to the point it was all jumbled. “Maybe this whole parent thing will be fun.” Lucio smiled with his newfound confidence.
“Ha! No, It’s going to suck! All the crying and poopy diapers. You said it, their very loud and messy and annoying.” Julian laughed wholeheartedly.
“Be prepared to get more crows feet’s, old man, cause with the sleepless nights to come your gonna wish you had been smart enough to wear protection.” Asra added with a smirk.
And just like that, Lucio’s new confidence went right out the window. He slumped and whined softly as he watched Nadia grab the two men by the ears and give a harsh tug to make them wince. “Hush you two!” Nadia almost growled at them before letting them go to place at hand on Lucio’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, you’ll do great.” She smiled softly at him, Lucio’s confidence returning ten-fold. “at least MC will, Their the one who beat the devil and changed you so they can pretty much do anything.” Nadia added last minute clearly getting some enjoyment out of her ex-husbands suffering.
There went Lucio’s confidence yet again out the nearest window. “WILL YOU GUYS STOP DOING THAT!?” He yelled.
There was a knock on the bedroom door where you stayed, Your’s and Lucio’s room to be exsact. You laid on your stomach on the giant bed, your face in the pillow. Mercedes and Melchior laid on the floor with soft whimpers, they were to afraid to lay on the bed after sensing how angry you were. You didn’t bother addressing the person at the door much like how they didn’t bother to wait for a reply before they walked in and sat down at the edge of the bed beside you. You knew very well who it was. “MC?” Lucio’s asked softly, “What?” You groaned from the pillow. “I wanted to apologize.” He stated, “Oh really? What for?” You asked sarcastically from the pillow. “For my reaction when you told me...” Lucio stated, these one sentence conversations were already starting to become the death of him. You said something but it was unintelligible from the muffle of the pillow, after a moment of Lucio’s silence you sat up. “I said! Are you going to leave me “ You repeated loudly, “No! Of course not. What gave you that ridicules idea?!” Lucio asked equally as loud.
You just stared at him for a moment so the pieces would click together. “Oh... Right. MC, I’m not leaving you! I intent to do this with you, I’m confident that we can do this. How hard could it be?” Lucio tried to smile confidently but it came out kind of wary. “Asra and them did that thing where they play tug of war with your confidence... Didn’t they?” You asked with an eyebrow raised, Lucio let out the breath he was holding. “Yessss.” He whined.
You rolled over onto your back and sighed, you looked over at him expectantly. “Truth is, I’m terrified... But i know that as long as your by my side we can do this. I trust you.” Lucio confessed as he laid down beside you, You curled up to his side and hummed. “I’m terrified too so don’t leave me if this gets to hard for you.” You said as you looked up at him. He smiled roguishly, “Wouldn’t dream of it my dove. Speaking on which i have a very big surprise for you.” Lucio smirked.
You bolted upright. “Your not proposing to me, are you!?” You asked curiously as you looked down at Lucio who’s smile was gone now. He stared at you like a deer in headlight for a moment before laying his head back and groaning. “No, Darling, I love you but please— One life changing event at a time!” He whined, you laughed softly at him and yourself. “So what was the surprise then?” You asked as you slowly laid back down.
“I was going to say that I’m having Nadia arrange a giant baby shower for you.” He smiled.
“Oh. Yeah, that’s a good surprise.” You laughed at yourself for being so off in your guess.
As the months went by everything started changing, slowly but still changing.
It started out pretty simple, just what had been happening the days prior to your ‘check up’. But soon Lucio started noticing little changes.
Mercedes and Melchior would follow you around everywhere, nipping at anyone who dared get to close. This included Lucio on a number of times. Often times when you slept Mercedes would sleep beside you for warmth and comfort while Malchior would stand or sleep by the door or outside the door, barking and growling at anyone who dare walk by or into the bedroom. The dogs weren’t the only acting odd though, Camio also started following you around and going after Lucio to request something for you so you didn’t have to get up. Lucio started questioning if they did the things they did because they could tell you were pregnant or because you had trained them to do so.
Then Lucio started noticing the bigger changes;
You started to get more off-the-wall cravings at the most random times. The moments when your emotions would be off the wall started to get closer and closer to each other. When you started to gain wheight the moments when you were ‘fine’ seemed nonexistent, you were either crying over being fat or yelling at Lucio for doing this to you. The Count tried his hardest not to get mad but his paients can only be worn so thin before he’s yelling back at you.
The last few weeks were non-stop screaming matches where you guys would end up sleeping in separate rooms before Lucio would finally cool down and go lay down with you— He wouldn’t apologize and you never asked him too because after all you had been pushing all his buttons. Taping them down was more like it, but he still loved you. The night before you had went into labor was one of the worst fights you guys had since the whole mess started.
You hadn’t seen Lucio since after you had the baby and everyone had filed out of the room to let you and the baby rest. That was when you heard a very fimillar knock at the door, Lucio stood in the door way like a kicked puppy. “I’m sorry I wasn’t in the delivery room... I figured you didn’t want to see me.” Lucio said quietly as he eyes wondered the room for the obvious, his eyes landed on the bundle of blankets in your arms, he wanted so badly to run over and take a peek like a little kid getting a new sibling— however he wasn’t about to enter the room without you asking him to, he’d learned once or twice before when you were still mad at him when he came to bed. “You can come see her.” You hummed in a soft motherly way, Lucio perked up and walked over quickly so you didn’t change your mind before he got to the bedside.
“Her...?” He asked wonderiously, “Yeah, Lucio say hello to your daughter. Lillian.” You hummed as you gently pulled back the blanket she was swaddled in. The moment Lucio saw her he fell in love, She had his hair and your eyes. She stared up at Lucio like he was some giant wonderful creature an adventurer had found. Lucio entry moved her platinum bland hair from her face, she however took the chance to wrap her hand around his finger. “She’s so tiny...” He barely whispered.
You had expected him to cry until his mascara ran clear, but no, he just stood there staring at Lillian like she was the most beautiful-rarest-most exspenive thing he’d ever seen. Lillian stared back at him at him for a moment before breaking into a giggling fit.
“Do you want to hold her?” You asked him, “Can I? You wont try to kill me like a momma bear...?” He asked, you laughed before handing Lillian to him. He stood stiff and held her tightly, he’d never held something so fragile before— he’d held one of a kind glass objects before but nothing was more fragile then his little girl in this moment. “Hi...” Lucio said awkwardly, Lillian squealed at him— at which point he did finally break down and start crying. “Monty! What happened?!” You asked worriedly, “She thinks I’m funny!” He sobbed loudly, You laughed louder then his sobbing.
Lillian reached up and put her hand on his cheek to touch his running mascara. Lucio sniffed and smiled with such fondness.
Mercedes and Melchior came bounding into the room together as if they had been waiting for their turn to see the baby. Lucio sat down in the floor for them to come over and see her. Melchior thought she looked rather funny so he stood back, Mercedes on the other hand couldn’t get enough of Lillian. She licked and stuck her nose in Lillians face. “Okay okay, calm down. This is Lillian— Your job is to protect her.” Lucio explained to the two white dogs that wagged their tailes excitedly.
This had been the happiest day of Lucio’s life.
In the coming months Lucio took on everything with a happy-go-lucky aditude.
Lillian crying at night?
“Ill get her, You sleep.”
Dirty diapers?
“I got this one! You get the next.”
“Oh pumpkin, please don’t chew on daddy’s arm it’s sharp. Here, here’s a toy you can chew on.”
He always gave you your alone time.
He doted and spoiled Lillian rotten. He took her everywhere with him, including meetings— He did use her as a way out of meetings every once in a while but he always told you it was because; “Too much real life exposure will crush her imagination!” It was like she knew exactly when to start fussing so he could leave.
When Lillian started learning to walk is when she really gave Lucio a run for his money. Between trying to catch her running naked down the halls so he could give her a bath to having to put her in timeout because her and the dogs got in trouble together. She didn’t like Camino very much because he was Lucio’s little spy that told on her. He would never spank her though. This didn’t mean her and Lucio didn’t do everything together still, including things he didn’t exactly want to do (I.e; Teaparties.)
When she got into her kid years, she often hung out with Asra, Nadia, Portia, and Muriel. Lucio would of course be the one to drop her off with them on Yours and his date nights.
Lillians teen years made him a nervous wreck, Always sneaking out and getting into trouble. She was never hurt since she played the royalty card and her favorite dogs were always by her side. Still though, that hadn’t stopped her from being brought home in the middle of the night by Julian who found her at the Rowdy Raven starting fights— Not after topping off her glass before he brought her home of course. Her hanging out with Julian did make Lucio feel better since he knew Julian would never let anyone touch her.
Even today, Lillian as an adult scares him to no end. Lucio and Her were back to being as close as they were when she was a baby, but he insisted on her having a cottage in the palace gardens, you and her both tried to remind him that he cant always protect her. It wasn’t until he was too old to continue that he realized; Lillian will be fine, she’s smart and cunning and can definitely beat ass, but what really put him at peace was the man she married, he knew she was in good hands then even if he didn’t think the guy was good enough for his little girl.
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simplygojo · 5 years
killer queen - chapter nine
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Series summary : Y/n, a native to London England, gets asked by the legend himself, Freddie Mercury, to help manage the band. Obviously she accepts, and it ends up being the best decision she ever made. Quickly she becomes close with each member of the band, Roger Taylor specifically…
Chapter Summary : Y/n and the band finally arrived at the farm and begin recording the album. Roger has to wake y/n up after she passes out in the sound booth, and they have a late night together once again...
Word Count : 4.7k
Pairings : Ben!Roger Taylor x Reader 
Warnings : Swearing, SMUT
a/n - SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG!!! I had to deal with family issues so I had no time to write, but it’s here now!! Also, if you’d like to be on the tag list OR request something, then please send me an ask!! luv youuu <3
                                              Killer Queen Masterlist
            You felt someone gently shaking you as your eyes slowly fluttered open. You sat up and looked around, eventually right into Rogers beautiful eyes. “Love, we’re here.” He said softly giving you a small smile. This made your heart jump just a bit. You had all finally arrived at the farm, Roger looking completely out of place in his fur jacket and designer sunglasses. You all stepped out of the car, bags in hand as you walked towards the small stone house, which looked as if it was seconds away from falling apart. “Well, this is, nice.” Roger said, obviously forcing his positive statement. “Well I think it’s positively marvelous.” Freddie chimed in as Prenter carried Fred’s bags behind him. “Alright, I’ll show you all to your rooms.” Prenter said as he rushed inside the small home. You walked inside the home behind Roger, and it stank like a barn. “What a lovely smell.” Deaky said, causing the group of you to let out a chuckle, except Prenter. “Okay Freddie you’re upstairs, the biggest room of course.” Brian you’rel to the left, John to the right.” Paul began to walk away and you and Roger looked at eachother. “What about us?” You said, evidently not pleased. “Oh yeah, you two are in the basement.” He said walking upstairs to show the rest of the boys their rooms. 
            “I swear to god if he doesn’t show us where the bloody hell our rooms are I’m gonna kill him.” Roger said, dropping his bags on the ground and sitting at the kitchen table. “That man gets on my nerves, there's just-” Roger interrupted you “Just something about him.” You nodded in agreement. “Glad it’s not just me.” You said, even though you knew Freddie was the only one who liked him. Deaky was the only one who didn’t despise him, the rest of you did. “So...about last night…” You began as you walked towards where he was sitting. He smirked as he watched you walk and looked you up and down. “What about it?” He asked. You smiled and rolled your eyes. “Hey, I’m serious. Brian and them can’t know about it, or if it happens again…” “You think it might happen again?” He said hooking one of his fingers through your belt loop as he stood up in front of you. “I said IF.” You said, walking away from his grasp, but he quickly pulled you back from your belt loop and placed both his hands firmly on your hips, holding you in place. “Roger.” You said sternly, but the look he gave you made your heart flutter. He gave you a sarcastic pout as he leaned closer to you. “I know you’ll give innn.” He whispered in your ear, then placed a soft kiss on your jawline. You subconsciously closed your eyes and leaned into his touch. “Says who.” You countered. He placed another kiss further down your neck. “Me.” He said, the lust obvious in his voice. You sighed in pleasure as you felt his gentle hands trace the skin on the dips of your waist. You rolled your eyes and brought your hands to his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. His hands moved to the small of your back as he pressed you against the kitchen table, you wished you could repeat last night right here right now, but you knew better. You pulled away quickly and looked at him. “That's enough, the boys will be back soon, and there can be no distractions while we’re here.” You said softly as you separated yourselves. “Oh love, then why the bloody hell did you come?” He teased again but you shot him a stern look, making him stop immediately. “Because I am the only one who can keep you boys in check, keep you on task, and keep you focused.” You explained, merely moments before Paul walked back in the room with Brian and John. “Okay you two, your rooms are this way.” He said in his high pitched voice. You and Roger grabbed your bags and followed Prenter downstairs. The two rooms beside each other both had water stains on the walls and bales of hay in the coroners. “It’s bloody freezing.” You said glaring at Prenter who in response just shrugged. “It’ll get warmer as the day goes on.” He said as he walked back up the stairs. After Prenter left, the two of you looked at each other and then each claimed a room, placing your bags on the bed. “Well this is gonna be fun.” You said sarcastically. “I can’t believe that Prenter has to come with us.” Rog said. “He’s such a prick.” You added. “Come on, everyones upstairs, let’s join them.” You said as you walked up the stairs with Roger behind you. The two of you walked into the kitchen area as Deaky and Brian were arguing about how many cows they saw on the drive up. “Bri, I know what I saw, I saw 47 cows, there’s no way there was only 31. You probably fell asleep” Deaky said which made Brian stand up. “I did not fall asleep!” He yelled angrily. You let out a laugh. “What the fuck are you arguing about?” You said. “Y/n, we did this thing on the tour that when we were driving for a long time, Deaky and I would have a competition to see who could catch how many cows we passed.” “It’s to pass the time really, we both hate long drives so it’s like a game of sorts.” Deaky added in. You and Roger both laughed. “Bloody hell you are both losers.” Roger said as he walked over to the coffee machine. “Rog will you make me one too please? I’m gonna go see Fred.” You asked nicely as you went to go up the stairs to Freddie’s room. “Of course.” Roger replied as he got out a second mug. Brian and John looked at each other in confusion and then looked at Roger. “Well that was awfully nice.” John said and Roger turned around. “What was?” He asked as he filled one mug with coffee. “There was no bickering, no snotty remarks.” Brian said. Roger rolled his eyes. “Are you joking? Guys she just asked for a coffee.” He said as he filled up the second mug. 
              You walked upstairs and knocked on Freddie’s door. “Fred?” You said as you walked into the room. He was sitting in the coroner of the room with a paper and pencil in his hand. He didn’t say anything as you walked closer to him. You caught a glimpse of a tear rolling down his cheek and you kneeled in front of him. “Fred what’s wrong?” You asked him. He gave you a small smile and leaned back in his chair, quickly writing something down on the paper. “I’m writing a song for Mary.” He whispered. “And it’s really good.” He said smiling again. You let out a small chuckle. “That’s great Fred. Well I just came to see how you’re doing. How about we start recording tomorrow?” You said as you stood up and walked towards the door. “That sounds excellent y/n.” You smiled and left the room, walking back down to the kitchen where Roger was waiting for you with a coffee in his hand. “For you.” He offered. You just smiled and took it from his hands. “Thank you.” “I don’t even get why you need s coffee y/n. You slept the whole three hours here.” Deaky teased as he stood up from his seat and walked to the window. “Well shit, it’s raining.” He said. Roger laughed, “Have you not been hearing the rain on the roof this whole time?” He said with a laugh as he sipped his coffee. Deaky rolled his eyes and sat down at the round table. 
            “Anyone want to play cards?” Brian asked as he took a deck out from his jean pocket. “Yeah sure.” You said taking a seat to the left of Deaky, Roger sitting to your right and Brian sitting across from you. “So what are we playing?” You asked after you took a sip from your coffee mug. “It’s called Brag, a bit old but my Grandad taught me it when I was a boy. The three of us play it all the time.” Brian said gesturing to Roger and Deaky. “Why haven’t I been invited to these card games?” You asked. “Well, girls don’t really play ca-” “What Bri means to say, love, is that you don’t seem like the type to like cards.” Roger said immediately correcting Brian. You crossed your arms over your chest. “So it’s because I’m a girl?” You said, your anger flowing through your veins. “No no no!” Deaky said to try to correct them. “No you know what, it’s fine. I don’t care.” You said, but you obviously cared. “I’m sorry y/n, I didn’t mean it li-” “Bri, I really don’t care, just explain the game and then let’s play.” You said putting your coffee mug on the table and interlocking your hands together. Brian explained the game, and you were determined to kick all three of their asses. After four rounds, Brian had won twice and Roger had won twice. “Fuck this I’m gonna make a grilled cheese.” Deaky said as he walked over to the kitchen. “Make me one!” You called. “You done y/n?” Roger said almost sounding cocky. “Not even close.” You told them. The next round you won, then you played again and won, then again, and again. After five more rounds, you winning every single one of them, Brian stood up. “Deaky now I want a grilled cheese too.” “Yeah let's take a lunch break.” Roger said as he put his cards down on the table and joined the boys in the kitchen. You had a proud smile on your face. ‘I showed them’ you thought to yourself as you stood up to join them in the kitchen. 
            The day went on slowly, as you all felt like you had nothing to do. Once dinner passed, you were sat in an old armchair reading a book, while the boys were sat discussing song ideas for the album. The only reason you were all here was to make music, so that’s basically the only thing you wanted to do. You finally got up, marking your spot in the book and walked over to the table. “Alright, I think I’m going to get an early night.” You said to them. “Alright, night y/n.” Brian said, looking at you for a moment, before he continued to write lyrics down in his notebook. You gave them a small wave before walking down into the freezing cold basement. “Fuck it’s cold.” You whispered as you wrapped your arms around yourself. You quickly changed into a huge sweater and some joggers before you crawled under the thin covers. You forced your eyes shut as an attempt to go to sleep. You heard Roger and Deaky say they were going to head to bed now as well, but Brian said he wanted to finish his lyrics. You heard the stairs creek eerily as Roger walked down them. He went straight into his room, you heard him looking around for his clothes. After a moment the noise stopped, and you heard his footsteps slowly approaching your door. “Y/n.” He whispered. You sat up and opened your eyes, your room was pitch black, all you saw was Roger’s silhouette standing in the doorway. “What Rog?” You asked as you reached around the bedside table for the lamp. You pulled the metal string to turn it on, light filled the room as you noticed Roger was now standing at the side of the bed. “I will never be able to fall asleep in this temperature. It’s too bloody cold.” He said wrapping his arms around himself. “Okay, what do you want me to do about it?” You said, a bit annoyed that he was bugging you. You watched as a smirk grew on his face. “Well I can think of some...activities that can warm us up.” He said. You fought the smile that was trying to creep onto your face as you rolled your eyes. “Rog, I said no distractions, remember?” You protested. “Oh but y/n it’ll do the opposite of distract me, it’ll help me...uh...release my urges so tomorrow I can focus on music.” He explained as he sat on the end of the bed. You had a stern look as you scanned his face. “No.” You said, laying back down and pulling the covers over your body. “Fine then, but mark my words, I will convince you during this trip.” He said dramatically as he stood up. “Good night Roger.” You chuckled and he smiled wide. “Goodnight love.” You closed your eyes and pulled the covers right up to you chin as an attempt to keep warm, but you eventually fell asleep.
            The next morning you woke up to the boys arguing in the kitchen. You put on some fuzzy socks and walked up the stairs. “I put my heart and soul into this song.” You heard Roger say with his back turned to Brian and Deaky. “Morning boys.” You said sitting beside Brian. “No one is disputing that.” Deaky said pointing his fork at Roger. “What are you guys eating? Can I have some?” You asked once you noticed the plates sitting in front of Brian and Deaky. “And you don’t like it because you want your songs on the album!” Roger said, turning to face the three of you. “It’s not that Roger.” Deaky countered. “Then what is it?” You sighed and stood up. “I guess I’ll make something  myself.” Brian looked up from his plate and looked at Roger “I’m in love with my car? Maybe it’s not strong enough?” Brian asked, Deaky shrugging in agreement. Meanwhile, you put two pieces of bread in the toaster and snagged the last two pieces of bacon and sat back down beside Brian. Roger scoffed at Brian. “What does that even mean ‘not strong enough’?” Just then Freddie walked in. “I know I’m late. What did I miss?” He asked. “They’re arguing about Roger’s car song.” You said rolling your eyes. Freddie shot you a look of understanding and nodded. “Is it strong enough, that’s all I’m asking. If I’m on my own here than I apologize.” Brian said in defence. To no surprise Roger was still being aggressive and pointed at Brian. “How does you new song go then hmmm?” He taunted as he grabbed the paper sitting in front of Brian. You paused as he read the lyrics. “You call me sweet, like I’m some kind of cheese?” He read and you laughed a little. Brian nodded “It’s good.” “Wow!” “Is that, you know, let's read yours. When my hand’s on your grease gun. That’s very subtle isn't it?” Brian said, which made you lean over and look at the rest of Roger’s lyrics. “It’s a metaphor, Brian!” Deaky straightened his back and chimed in. “It’s just a bit weird Roger, what exactly are you doing with that car?” You rolled your eyes as you got up to get your toast that popped. You spread some butter over it and brought it back over to where you were sitting as Freddie spoke. “Children please. We could all murder eachother but then who would be left to record this album?” “Statistically speaking, most bands don’t fail, they break up.” Deaky said, picking at food on his plate. “Deaky why the hell would you say something like that?” You said scowling at him. Freddie pointed at Roger. “Roger there's only room in this band for one histerical queen.” Freddie picked up a box of cigarettes and walked out. “You know why your angry Roger?” “Why?” “Because you know your song isn't strong enough.” Roger gave a small nod, but you could see the volcano of rage about to erupt. He picked some of the food up off the counted and threw it at Brian. “Is that strong enough?” He yelled. “Rog…” You began, as an attempt to calm his rage. Instead, he cleared everything off the counter with one sweep of his arms. “What about that?” He grabbed the coffee maker and held it over his head. “Not the coffee machine!” You, Brian, and Deaky all said in unison. “Enough!” You stood up and glared at all of them. You walked over to Roger, and gently took the coffee machine out of his hand, placing it back down on the counter. “Today is the start of the album, how about we set up the studio with the equipment, yeah?” You suggested, Roger and Brian nodded. “Okay, good, I’m going to get ready, I expect all of you to be grabbing your instruments from the van when I’m done.” You said sternly before walking back down to your room. You put on a pair of blue jeans and a white long sleeve shirt before quickly brushing your hair and then running back upstairs. 
            Just as you had asked, all three of the boys were bringing in their equipment into the studio. You were about to follow them, but you heard someone, most likely Freddie playing piano. You walked towards the sound, which led to a small living room with a brown grand piano in the middle of it. You stood in the doorway not making any sound as you heard Freddie sing lyrics you hadn’t heard. At the end of the lyrics his voice cracked from the emotions that must’ve been flooding his mind. It sounded beautiful, and you hoped that Freddie would present it to the band. “That’s really good, Fred.” You said after a minute of silence. “Oh god y/n, I didn’t know you were there.” He said, startled. “Thank you dear, I think it’ll be magnificent.” You chuckled as he walked over to you. “Anything you write is magnificent.” He laughed. “It is isn’t it?” You nodded as the two of you walked out of the living room and towards the studio. “Fred we’ve been here for over twenty-four hours and I’ve barely seen you. Everything okay?” You asked him. He didn’t answer for a moment but gave a small nod. “I’m just figuring some things out.” He said vaguely, although you had a feeling you knew precisely what he was talking about. “Well, you know I’m always open to talk, if you want to.” You offered before the two of you walked into the now set up studio. “Well there they are.” Deaky said. “Wow it looks good guys.” You said as you walked into the middle of the room, where a mock recording booth was set up. “Alright listen, I want to record a song.” Freddie began, as all of you gathered around him. “I have already got Brian to write a guitar solo for it, and I’ve been working on it for a while. It will be our biggest and best song yet.” He explained. “Alright then, lets do it.” Roger said, nodding as he twirled his drumsticks. Freddie gave each of the boys a sheet that he had written and they all began to practice their own part. You took a seat on one of the chairs as you watched them all play. Your eyes focused mainly on Roger, you loved watching him play the drums, he did it with such passion. As you stared at him, your thoughts began to drift to your night before the trip. You wanted it to happen again, and again, and you wanted it to be normal. You wanted him to share his warmth with you when the two of you tried to sleep in the freezing cold. You wanted to tell him that he’s constantly on your mind, and how much you crave him. But you knew you couldn’t, not while the album has such a close deadline. Roger finally noticed you staring and gave you a wink and a small smile, to which you simply rolled your eyes and looked away. Finally the boys decided that they’d just begin recording some of the other songs, and work on what you all called ‘Fred’s Thing’ once all the other songs were done. For the rest of the day, they recorded Brian’s song called 39. You brought in some sandwiches around 3pm and then made grilled cheeses around 7:30, making sure that the boys took some breaks in between takes. After they ate their dinner, they continued to record while you remained in the recording booth the whole time, laying down on a small couch in the back. You eventually fell asleep, your legs curled into your chest and your hair covering your face. 
            After who knows how long, Roger had finally decided to wake you up, he shook your shoulders gently. “What?” You said harshly as you opened your eyes. Roger laughed, “A bit rude there love, but we’re going to bed now. It’s midnight.” He said making your head shoot up. “Bloody hell it is not!” You shouted sitting up quickly, which only made Roger laugh harder. “Yeah, come on.” He said helping you up from the couch. The two of you walked back to the barnhouse together, your hands brushing his every so often. “I’m just gonna clean up, you head to bed.” He said, which made you let out an ugly chuckle. “What was that about?” He asked, offended. “You? You’re gonna clean up? Since when do you do that?” You asked him laughing a bit as you sat on the kitchen counter dangling your legs off the side. “Since now! Brian, Deaky, Fred and I all decided that we’d rotate dishes each day so you’re not doing them.” He admitted, turning on the tap to fill up the sink. You smiled wide and looked at him. “That’s very sweet Rog.” You said as he walked up to you, standing between your legs. “Well I’m a sweet guy y/n.” He said, his voice slightly louder than a whisper. Roger put both of his hands on either of your thighs and slowly slid them up towards your hips, this made you felt a heat grow between your legs. “Rog, we shouldn’t-” “I get that we shouldn’t y/n, but I’ve been craving you constantly.” He said in a whisper as his hands moved from your thighs to your waist. “I know you’ve been craving me too.” You gave him a look of disbelief. “I have not.” “Y/n, I saw how you were looking at me today. I’m not trying to force you, but I would never say this unless I knew you wanted it too.” He said as he was merely inches away from your face, “Come on love.” He whispered in a low raspy voice, making the heat between your legs almost unbearable. 
            “God Taylor, you’re the worst.” You said before wrapping your hands around his neck, pulling him closer to you. His hands quickly snaked around your waist pulling your body flush against his as the two of you kissed, allowing his tongue into your mouth. Your hands combed through his hair and his trailed up your shirt to roam your body. His lips felt warm as they trailed from your mouth down to your jawline, then to your collarbone, nibbling and gently suckeling on the sensitive skin on your neck. You felt his hands play with the belt loops of your pants, as if he was daring to take them off. “You fucking tease.” You breathed, reaching down to unbutton them, and he quickly slid them down your legs, the counter was frigid against your thighs, causing you to shiver. “Don’t worry baby, I’ll warm you up in no time.” He growled in your ear, causing a shiver of pleasure to run down your spine. You looked him in the eyes for only a second, but you noticed that dark glaze over his eyes, just like the time before. “Are you going to take off your pants, or am I gonna have to do that for you?” You said, which just made him smirk, he pulled his jeans down his legs and you could already see the tent that had formed in his boxers, which only made you want him more. You pulled him back in for another kiss, this time it was more heated. His hands were on your hips, guidning them as you rolled your hips into his tent, deepening the kiss. Finally, he decided that he needed you, he needed you now. His right hand left your hip and swiftly snagged your panties down your legs and onto the floor. He slid his boxers onto the floor as well and pulled your closer to him again. “Rog, we’re just gonna do this on the counter?” You whispered, and he nodded. “What if someone hears us and comes downstairs?” You asked, resting your hands on his shoulders, the dark glaze left as he looked at you, almost with puppy dog eyes as he spoke. “It’ll be fine y/n, they’re exhausted, and you’ll just have to stay quiet.” He smirked at you and you smiled back. “That may be hard.” You whispered back and then resumed kissing him. He pushed you back gently, so you were laying down on the counter, which was the perfect height for you and Roger. He slowly put himself in, which made your fists squeeze up into balls. He looked down at you and put one finger over his mouth, ensuring you stayed silent. Roger began thrusting slowly and gently, this made it easy for you to stay silent. He put one hand on your lower stomach to keep you from squirming as he started to move faster. You felt yourself struggling to not make noise as his pace gradually sped up, his hand pressing down harder and harder on your stomach. Your throat burned as an attempt to keep quiet. “Rog.” You breathed as a signal for him to either hurry up or cover your mouth. His hand moved from your stomach and reached to cover your mouth strongly, while his free hand moved to your hips, to assist him with the thrusting. You squeezed your eyes shut, as you needed to relieve some kind of sound. But before you could do that, he pulled out and pulled you up so you could finish it all off. “Can I finish on-” You interrupted him buy hopping off the counter and sticking it in your mouth, which brought him to his finish. You swallowed everything he had let out, which impressed Roger. 
            “God you’re somethin’ else y/n.” He said wrapping his arms around your waist. “So I’ve heard.” You whispered back with a proud smile on your face. He looked at you in a way you hadn’t seen before, but you couldn’t quite tell what it was. “Why are you looking at me like that?” You asked a small smile playing on your lips. He shook his head and laughed quietly. “I’m just tired now y/l/n.” He said as he put back on his boxers and held his jeans in his hands. “I’m going to bed now.” He said before walking downstairs towards your rooms. You stood behind the counter dumbfounded, he was avoiding something, and you just wanted to make him admit it. His attitude after made you feel like he had just used you, but you figured that he was just tired. Just as you went to follow him downstairs you heard someone walking from upstairs. “Shit.” You whispered, and before you could make a run for it, Deaky had walked down the stairs. “Y/n? What the bloody hell are you doing? It’s one in the morning.” He said, frustrated. Luckily you were standing behind the counter so he couldn;t see that you were butt naked, but your shirt remained. “Uh, I-Um, I wanted some water.” You said, hoping he wouldn’t come any closer. “Okay well can you get it quietly? I’m trying to sleep here.” He said before turning around and walking back up to his room. “Jesus.” You whispered in relief before grabbing your pants, turning off the lights and running down to your room. After you had changed into your warm pajamas, you crawled into bed and began to drift off to sleep. Roger was completely right, you were craving him, and you felt like maybe, just maybe, you wouldn’t be able to stop.
Series Taglist & Some New Friends: @triggeredpossum​ @toger-raylor​ @antoouu​  @s-e-l-e-c-t-i-v-e-listener​ @creativedogs​ @wvnhedas​​ @rockyroadthepastryarchy​   @coltonthekanima​ @anna1523​ @fandomshit6000​ @shutup-sorry​ @a-crowd-of-newsies​ @butterfliesflewaway​ @ultrunning​ @unicorntrooper​ @digicharr​​ @howmanymoregalileos​ @sargent-barnes​ @sincereleygmg  @ultrunning​ @illfoandillfie​ 
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miniyeo · 4 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Learn to know your mutuals and followers ❤
-guess who 👁👁
Hellooo~ 🥺🥺🥺💕💓💞💗❤💕💞 thank you for sending this innn. I wonder who this is 🤔. That's so hard to guess..... I give up🤚🏼😔
1. Stormssss⛈⛈
2. Taking naps (This is the only way im surviving rn)
3. Pizza🤚🏼✊🏼💓💕💗💞
4. Hugs!!!!
5. Seeing my loved one's happy and content 💓
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claracivry · 5 years
Yeeees OUAT! Can we get some Hook with "doesn't realise they've been injured"? Pretty please and thank you!
Here you go!! Hurt Killian, worried Emma and some appearnaces by Ruby and Whale. Hop you like it!!!
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Still many things open folks! Send them innn. 
Hook angst abs Captain Swan coming :)
He hadn’t thought it was important. In Killian’s mind, if you had all your limbs in the places they were supposed to and you weren’t spraying your companions with blood, then everything was ideal. What wasn’t ideal was anything happening to these ladies he was with, Emma and Ruby, so he kept fighting and focused only and completely on making sure that they won, that the foes were all accounted for and neutralized and that they could get out of here easily.
So it was a bit of a surprise when he nearly feel into Emma after a bout of dizziness. Really strange.
“Killian? Are you all right?”
“Of course, love.”
Nothing was broken, nothing was bleeding. Sure, he’d been thrown against a wall and it had hurt quite a lot, but he’d been thrown around before (being with the savior had many perks, but this was definitely not one of them) and nothing serious had happened. This was just a fluke, had to be.
But the more they moved…. Ruby was eyeing him oddly, too. Wanting to say something, but not sure what…. And then his knees went down again and his did a funny thing. Ruby caught him, but he nearly kissed the floor. Again. And he had no idea why this was happening.
“Are you hurt anywhere?”
“I am not…. I don’t know why….”
“It can’t be a spell, there’s no magic here, so it has to be something more… Physical. Where does it hurt?”
“Nowhere, I told you, love, I’m fine, no blood, nothing broken. Maybe I didn’t eat enough today?”
But that answer didn’t convince Emma. Something was going on with her boyfriend, something that had to do the fight from before – and something that could be serious. He was honest about not thinking that anything was going on, but still. He wasn’t a doctor, couldn’t be sure.
“Does it hurt, anywhere? Please Killian, be honest.”
“My side does hurt a bit, but it’s just an ache, really….”
And then Emma put her hands in the mentioned side and Killian saw stars, his eyes going white. Shit. Emma frantically took off the pirate’s jacket and shirt… There was no wound, but an odd patch of purplish skin, which was what Emma couldn’t touch because it hurt too much.
“Ruby, wasn’t Whale among the prisoners? See if he’s still around, bring him.”
“I don’t think he’ll be able to help much. Our captors drugged him, he was just using some physics thing to get away.”
Killian’s purple patch was growing bigger and he seemed to be in more pain now. Hell, he was surprised he hadn’t been doubling over before. It really, really hurt. But what was it? There was no magic, but what human condition caused this? Emma suddenly wished she’d seen more seasons of House, but she kept getting interrupted by impending doom.
Ruby appeared with Whale and an I’m sorry expression in her face.
“Is it that bad?”
Ruby nodded solemnly. They really needed a doctor, not this…. This mess.  
“I’m gonna buy you a necklace of rubies, Ruby. That shoot… lasers so you can always be protected.” The doctor said, slurring his words.
“Ok Whale, focus, we have someone with dizziness, abdominal (that’s still the abdomen, right?) pain and this patch of purple skin.”
Something lit up in the Doctor’s foggy mind.
“I know this! It’s inf… isnf… outer… inswer….. inter! Internal bleeding!”
It was good that they had a diagnosis. It wasn’t good that it was internal bleeding.
“That’s only fixed with surgery. We’re miles away from the nearest hospital. I don’t like this!”
“I’m fine, love. It will… it will pass.”
“You’re bleeding on the inside! You have a hole in one of your internal organs and it’s bleeding! Losing blood inside! If it was outside I could bandage and we could move you but there…It’s too dangerous! Only trained professionals can do it! And the only trained professional around…”
“Did you know, Ruby, that the wheels on the bus go round and round?”
Whatever he was on, Emma wanted some after this mess was over. Now Killian’s purple stain was bigger… Emma
was stressed
“Why didn’t you say anything before? I don’t know if moving you will worsen things but I can’t very well leave you there on the floor, can I?”
“Wait… We’re not in Storybrooke!” Ruby remembered- they’d been taken a couple towns over, which was why it took so long to find them. “There’s more than one doctor here! We can simply call an ambulance!”
Emma was left speechless. How come she hadn’t thought about that before? They were so used to using magic for everything, so used to having Whale as the only functioning doctor…
The ambulance came fast. They took Killian to a hospital full of strangers and everything went surprisingly smoothly. No witches, no attacks, no one slammed into walls.
“We were able to find and close the bleed. Mr Jones should make a full recovery, but he will need bed rest for a while.”
So efficient. Emma was flabbergasted. She went to Killian’s room and everything seemed so professional. So unmagical- Ruby smiled at them as she left for Storybrooke, a slightly more aware Whale in tow.
Emma looked again at her injured prince.
“Sorry about all this, love. Such a hassle.”
Emma tsked, shaking her head, and lay next to him in that hospital bed.
“Are you kidding? Bed rest sounds like heaven, I’m almost grateful to your internal bleed.”
She kissed him, softly.
Bed rest was what dreams were made of.
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wonhuis · 5 years
✨Hi, Paula! 1; 2 and 11 -Juli/cheolsbae
thanks for sending innn~
1.Song of the year? see i’m gonna answer Un Village by Baekhyun because even though it is NOT my fave song of the year, it holds a really huge meaning to me because i’ve been waiting for a baekhyun solo for SO LONGGGGGG
2.Album of the year?purpose by taeyeon!!! but also we by exid, the svt and nct ones and also the oneus onesss
3.Something you want to do again next year?have a job that i like lmao i loved my last job but for some problems with a coworker i ended up leaving, but i really do hope i can find another one that i like soon!! i never had a job i liked as much as that one :/ (but that’s because everything i worked in/as was really shitty lmao that was the first one that i didn’t have to work on weekends lmao)
send me a number!
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centipedall · 3 years
City Slickers 3
Nancy of the City Slickers was on the prowl. After the note was discovered at the yard, the City Slickers went on high alert. Any and all anomalous animal accounts were to be thoroughly investigated. Out of the seven they had received since the Spiders, four were just cats and dogs with mange. Another one was a bear that had escaped from some rich guy’s house. About a week ago, Nancy had personally torched a swarm of mutant pigeons constantly vomiting chunky black goo (which was another thing they had to look out for). Finally, there was today’s message. Somebody had seen a bigass snake through an abandoned factory window. Like, really big. Train big.
Nancy drove one of the Slickers’ big black vans up to the supposed snake pen. The factory was actually kind of small, compared to the unused lot it was next to. She kicked open the door and walked in, flashlight at the ready. Immediately, she saw something big and scaly. Nancy rushed to the side, up the walkway to her left. It carried her above the main floor, and she managed to creep up to a catwalk directly over what she saw.
Nancy had trouble making the creature out. She thought she saw a long, scaly thing strewn across the floor, one section ending at the door. She couldn’t find where the other end was. She also couldn’t see the part near the door, but the rest of the body on the floor was clear. It had large irregular armored patches of scale, with small spines poking out from the middle of each one. She could barely see the Serpent’s coils hanging around the catwalks. The monster was actually smaller than the report made it out to be. It was only small-car-big, and not subway-train-big.
The Snake’s body slowly shifted about, before settling back down. Apparently she hadn’t spooked it that bad. Nancy fingered the gun by her hip. Thank god she was sneaky enough to slip it past the bosses. Honestly, though. What kind of monster-hunting organization doesn’t allow guns? Personally, Nancy thought it was a test. That you were supposed to cheat and sneak them out, and only then were you worthy of a weapon. Everybody else? They were just pussies.
She slowly aimed the gun at the creature’s body. Hopefully, she’d scare it enough that she could find the head. Just as she turned the safety off, the warehouse doors slammed open. For the briefest moment, she could see the thick, short skull of the Serpent. Then, the glare eclipsed it. And a figure bathed in light strided in.
It looked like a normal man, for the most part. She thought she could see some weirdness with his skin, but other than that he was your average tank-topped citizen. The only weird thing was the head. He was wearing a patchy, rubbery-looking mask that bore a mild resemblance to a hammerhead shark- it had a wide, short head, and a mess of teeth all around its mouth. Everywhere that wasn’t covered by the mask bore blue, shark-like tattoos. The creature looked looked at the Snake, opened its jaws, and spoke.
“So. You have the stuff?” It had a rough, somehow spiky voice.
“Ahhh, yessss. I alwaysssssss havvvvvve it.” The Snake spoke like a typical cartoon snake, if someone applied the qualities of the “S” to every letter.
“Great. We can make this quiet and short. Neither the Great Shark or the Lion can hear of this, understand?”
“Offff courssssssse. We’rrrrrre innn the sammmme boaaat.”
“Okay. Now do it.” The man-fish pulled up its sleeve.
The Snake seemed to smile in an oddly human way, before opening its jaws and clamping down on the Shark’s arm. The Shark convulsed, and then it went completely still. Something had changed in it. And then, it’s head- the entire skull- started squirming. The ends of the skull twisted a full 360 degrees before suddenly snapping back. And it looked directly at Nancy with a wide, toothy grin.
She stumbled back- and slammed into a coil of Serpent behind her. A spine on it jabbed a full three inches into her back. A flash of pain raced through her, but was quickly replaced with another surge of pleasure. She gasped, and staggered forward. Her muscles spasmed, sending her over the catwalk’s rail and right in between the Shark and the Serpent.
She felt her ribs and arm crack- and a second later, heal. Nancy had somehow managed to keep ahold of her gun, and she quickly aimed it at the monster Snake. She fired twice, hitting the body square. One shot managed to pierce, while the other just bounced off of an armored patch. The Shark grabbed her neck from behind and threw her through a high-up window. She smashed through, landing on the pavement outside.
Unfortunately, she had lost the healing qualities, and she felt things crack. Her gun slided out of her grasp, and the doors to the warehouse slammed open. The Shark strided out and blurred. It’s body, now tinged grey, was suddenly replaced by a much larger creature.
The Shark was much more shark-y this time around. Its head was similar to a hammerhead shark, albeit with a few differences. For example, it had a series of nostrils across the front of the skull, and a couple of eyestalks on each elongated side. It also had millions of two-inch-long teeth all around its body. It had several fins on the underside that it propped itself up with. They started rapidly moving, somehow allowing the fish to waddle around. The Shark’s tail was curled under it, for some reason.
Nancy propped herself up, absent-mindedly pulling a shard of glass out of her skin. She cracked her knuckles and winced as blood leaked from in between the knuckles. Damn pieces of glass. Good thing it isn’t a vampire. They had a series problem with those things a while back. Apparently they were some species of helminth that induced an epigenetic shift, causing a medicine-resistant hemophilia.
She didn’t really understand how they- ah, shit. She realized that she had just been standing there for a second. She really needed to stop trailing off like that. In that time, the Shark had waddled a little closer.
“My colleague fought one of your buddies a while back. The Spider, I think it was called? Anyway, she squashed it like a bug.” She gave a devilish smile, which quickly faded.
The Shark’s pupils dilated and its nostrils flared, as it said, “Ooh. Could you say that again? I really like the pitch. Mmm. Yeah. Wait wait, stop moving. The way the ultraviolet light reflects off of you… Ohhh. What’s that taste?”
Nancy shivered. She recognized that tone of voice in some… choice encounters with others. She didn’t get those encounters much anymore. Not since the facial reconstruction. Not since that thing in the sewers. Not since Andr- Goddamnit. In the time she had reminisced, the Shark had shifted onto its back fin.
It launched forward, propelling itself with its tail. Nancy dodged, but was scraped by its toothy skin. It landed on the ground and spun around before launching again.
“OH, YOU SMELL SO GOOD!” It screamed as it flew past her. When it landed on the ground, it desperately lapped up some blood that she had dripped. She could see its denticles and teeth extend by a couple centimeters.
“The fuck?!” Okay then. Might as well be a vampire.
It was then that the Snake ambushed her. The creature wrapped around her, spikes piercing all over. Oddly enough, the wrap was less of a crushing attack and more of a tight hug. Whatever was in the spikes (venom, maybe?) was constantly rejuvenating her, filling her lungs with air and repairing any cracked bones. It was a pretty lackluster attack, if it was one at all.
“Sssssorrrry. I donnnnn’t liiiike ssssseeeeeing otherrrrsssss hurrrt. I’mmmm afraaaaiiiid weee miiiight havvve to challlllk thissssss downnnn to proffffessssssionallll diffferencccccesssss.” Nancy started to fade into a happy, dreamlike state. That explains why the Shark and this guy met.
“NO! GIVE!” The Shark slammed sideways into the Python, and was pierced by its spikes. At the same time, the Python began to bleed.
“YEAH! I SAW THAT! GIVE ME ANOTHER LOOK!” The Shark bit the Snake and tore a huge chunk off of it.
“WOW, THAT’S GOOD!” It eyed the Python’s head. “I WONDER WHAT THAT FEELS LIKE.”
It’s jaws clamped onto the Snake’s skull, and seconds later, it exploded in the Shark’s mouth with a shower of blue blood. Nancy felt the creature go limp around her. It slowly unraveled, and she climbed out.
“OH NO. DON’T THINK I FORGOT ABOUT YOU!” The Shark leaped in front of her and bared its blue-stained jaws. Then it looked up.
“HEY, BITCH! WHAT’RE YOU UP THERE FOR?! ARE YOU TOO SCARED OF ME!?” The Shark’s smile grew wider, seconds before a massive shape slammed into it from above.
“The Eagle orders you to cease and desist, or Her knight shall be forced to act!” The flier’s voice was neither masculine or feminine, but was deep and stately. It was filled with authority. It took a second for Nancy to notice that she had heard the voice only after the creature landed.
Nancy decided to take the opportunity to get out of there. She grabbed her gun, then dashed straight to the car. She was about a foot or two away when a shape landed atop the roof, caving it in. A second later, a scream of wind blended in with a crunch of metal.
She saw some kind of metal avian for a second, before it blurred grey(er) and became humanoid. It took the shape of a man in a metal suit, with a slightly avian helmet. The helmet had small bulges where eyes would be, and over the lower part of a beak-like jut was a cruel hook. From chinks in the armor, metal feathers peeked out.
“Madame, were you at all harmed by these uncouth beasts?” The beak of the helmet started moving a second before the voice started. It also moved far too fast for the slow words.
“Jesus Christ, of course I was harmed! It was a giant shark! And a giant snake! Wait- who the hell are you? Um, I mean, what the hell are you? Oh, and shouldn’t you be more worried by the Shark?” Nancy was rather flustered by the condition of the Slicker’s van.
“Do not worry about the Berserker of the Sea. That split cannot trouble this reality any longer. To do so would be a violation of the accords, and only the deeply suicidal and certain… things hold the accords in such disregard.”
Nancy was about to ask if the creature was like the Shark, Snake, and Spiders before she realized that she hadn’t heard any noise behind her for a while. She turned around, and saw a pulpy mass of flesh, from which a mass of cartilage extended.
“It is a shame that some of my brethren are such… miscreants. It is worse that Falcons like me must enforce such strict rules.”
“Oh. So I guess you’re related to the Spiders then. Say, you wouldn’t happen to know anything about a party, would you? I think it might involve some of these, uh, ‘miscreants.’”
“I’m afraid I do not know too much about this. However, my Queen might. Please, come attend her court. I require you for debriefing.”
“Uh, actually, some of my bosses-” The Falcon cut her off.
“Do not resist. I shall be forced to treat it as further obstruction of the law, and must regretfully respond with due force.”
“Oh. You’re one of those assholes. Whatever. I agree.”
“Excellent. Brace yourself.” The creature shifted into an avian form, then took off.
“Brace myself? What do you mean- Oh holy fuck!” Nancy felt a pair of claws on her back before she zoomed away.
She could barely catch a view of the city before she felt herself tumble onto a concrete floor. She managed to stand up, and was faced with a court of Birds. It was an odd sight, actually: there was a purple carpet, a golden throne, and numerous golden ornaments set upon a long, beautiful table. However, the floor was a rough, unfinished wood, probably from a building with suspended construction. It was a beautiful sight, due to the fact that there weren’t any walls. In fact, Nancy could see all of downtown from here.
Ah, yep, there’s the shipping yard, the really big factory that was filled with chunky sludge, the rhizocephalans apartment, that old abandoned TV studio that never stopped broadcasting, the muppet butcher shop, and the bridge where all those toothless vagrants lived! Actually, they needed to check a few of those out sometime. Except for the factory. Nancy was pretty sure that was just a giant Vermin.
She was shook out of her reminiscing by a strong gale. Apparently, being high up with no walls had a few downsides. Surprisingly, none of the Birds around her seemed to be affected. She met eyes with the one on a throne, a robed figure with an ornate eagle mask and a crown, and it spoke.
“It appears you have had an encounter with the Maned One’s and the Great Lord’s servants. I do beg your pardon; the Squamata were once ours, but no longer. Now, I do trust you won’t tell your organization about our encounter, yes?” Somehow, its voice was even more regal than the Falcon’s.
“Listen, uh, whatever business you guys have going on, I don’t wanna mess with it. Can… can you just let me go?” Nancy was honestly getting kind of sick of monsters.
“Child, this might be a lucrative opportunity for you. We know where the Maned’s Affair shall be located. If you performed a few tasks, we could relay this information to you.”
“What would you have me do?”
“Simple. Just periodically relay information about your Organization to us. And we will give you the location.”
“What? No? Are you kidding me? I’m… I’m not gonna do that!” Like she was going to sell out for some monsters. Who did they think she was, that one guy who tried to bomb the statue on Pendulum Square? And then that big thing came out, the swingy clock freak. And then the guy was all “I wanna be your servant!” and about two-hundred people were retconned out of reality, and it was just a whole thing. And for whatever reason, only the Slickers and that cult remembered it. Ooh, the cult, what were they up to- Wait, she’s speaking again, what’s she saying?
“...shalln’t obtain your desires.” Damn, that sounded long-winded. Agree? Yeah, let’s agree.
“Ok, fine. Your passionate speech has convinced me to agree with you in the subject of….?”
“Being our Agent in your Organization?” Nancy detected a hint of- or, rather, a lot of- exasperation in her voice.
“Yeah, that. So, uh, your lackey totaled my ride. Can I… Oh my God where am I?!” Nancy found herself right in front of the Slicker’s HQ, a squat building that looked like it should’ve been shut down for asbestos in the 70’s. In her hand was an address. Huh. Up on the north side of town. A.. mansion, right?
Nancy pocketed the paper before walking in. Not an unusual mission, all-in-all. Well, no injuries though! But, on the other hand… she had no injuries, and thus had to do paperwork. Nancy briefly considered smashing her skull against the wall, but walked in anyway. Bureaucracy was better than the ICU, right?
It wasn’t.
It turns out that there were a few months until the party, so the Slickers had time to prepare. Any and all paranormal activities were to be declined to minimize loss of personnel. They decided to actually give people weapons training. And, most importantly, the guys at the top decided to roll out a new weapon. Something black, chunky, and quivering. And about to hatch. Nancy, meanwhile, found a note on her fridge. The little index card read “You owe us.” and was punctuated with a smiley face.
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prince-ratjaw · 6 years
Get to know me even more!
Tagged by @ancientarchipelago. Thanks! c:
Rules: answer the questions in a new post, and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better
A: Age - 19 going on 20 baybee
B: Birthplace – Washington DC
C: Current time – 11:32 pm. sleepy hours
D: Drink I last had – Tea bc my roommate made me some!
E: Easiest person to talk to - @burgundymoor why can’t i tag you you slut
F: Favorite song – hhhuuh it depends on my mood?? rn my favorite slow song is I Found by Amber Run. i just started playing Untouched by the Veronicas so i suppose that’s a favorite upbeat song. funny cause this song came full circle, i liked it when i was young and then got tired of it. but now its back and im jammin.
G: Grossest memory – why is this question on here. who would wanna recall their grossest memory.
H: Horror yes or horror no – horror eh! most of it’s kinda annoying.
I: In love – i fall in love with every attractive mildly edgy boy i see in media PLEASE send help genji shimada is my everything. i also have .... crushes... im.. gay. hhhhhhhhh moving on
J: Jealous of people – this is just a character trait of mine.
K: Kiss number 1 – first one was with my first girlfriend innn uh... the summer between middle school and highschool. it was as awkward as youd imagine. i sadly don’t recall my first kiss with the next person i dated. im sad about this bc they kinda taught me how to kiss. to this day i still kiss like they do. (which is neat bc i kissed them recently and it was still the same as them and ok look im gay alright and i bet our first kiss was super cute but i cant remember it >:c)
L: Love at first sight or should I walk by again-  i agree with @ancientarchipelago! people are cute but thats about all you can gather just by looking. now i definitely have clicked faster with people ive just met vs longterm people. sometimes personalities just know each other. but a love shouldnt be formed from that. bc youll discover things about them that clash with you later. i just generally go with “avoid rushing relationships until you know how they REALLY work with you. it may seem fine at first but youd rather know those little issues before youre in a commitment!”
M: Middle name - hhhhgg dont laugh... its Gower
N: Number of siblings – 1. my older brother WHOMST I LOVE ;;
O: One wish - penis, no boob. wait is that two? i change my answer to being able to fly.
P: Person I last called – god i never make calls. i went back in my phone history and the last recent ones were to order food lmao. before that was @theslavicnord i think.
Q: Question I am always asked – "did they hurt?” people START with this question. theyre talking about my gauges but they dont like. say hi. or mention my gauges. it always takes me a second of squinting to realize theyre asking if my gauges hurt. 
R: Reason to smile – boys... cute... boys............. PUPPIES.... cats... the thought that one day ill look how i want and love myself and be proud of my accomplishments.....
S: Song I last sang – LOL the fullmetal alchemist brotherhood opening REALLY badly (voice cracking and everything)
T: Time I woke up - 8am... but then i slept all day and woke up at 3pm. ha..haaa.... depression!
U: Underwear color – white! boring.
V: Vacation destination – recently ive been having an urge to see something amazing. something big and breathtaking. the pyramids? i want to travel and see a world wonder.
W: Worst habit – sleeping all day instead of going to class. not taking care of myself.
X: X-rays - ive only had one (excluding like teeth xrays which i get yearly for my wisdom teeth) and that was for my knees bc they were painful and they couldnt figure out why.
Y: Your favorite food – pastaaa <3 oh and sushi is good too! and tabouleh. and nachos. and quesadillas. etc.
Z: Zodiac sign – scorpio! i used to hate it but im starting to own it and appreciate it a bit more. it was always portrayed as “sex and mystery” which... meant nothing to me. but more specifics like my natal chart i really identify with! im still learning myself but as i meet new parts of me, its cool to see they were already written in the stars.(cliche alert!)
I tag @theslavicnord @burgundymoor BITCH LET ME TAG YOU @brandynisapunk @thisistrashking @gen-deer 
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roses-and-oceans · 7 years
so did you butter or did you nut? because in either case I'm impressed as balls.
Both (・ิω・ิ) the boys were just so beautiful I turned into butter then I proceeded to nuttThey named butternutters after me (・ิω・ิ)(・ิω・ิ)(・ิω・ิ)(・ิω・ิ)(・ิω・ิ)(・ิω・ิ)(・ิω・ิ)(・ิω・ิ)(・ิω・ิ)(・ิω・ิ)(・ิω・ิ)(・ิω・ิ)(・ิω・ิ)(・ิω・ิ)(・ิω・ิ)(・ิω・ิ) OMG I HOPE I DIDNT RUIN THEM FOR U LMAO IM SORRYmy phones autocorrect changed nutted to butter and I just left it there because my god tumblr mobile is finickyI was clutching my side for quite a while when I got this ask and remembered my tags LMAOAhhh thank you for sending something innn ahhhh ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ (I like thanking peeps regardless of what they send it, I feel happy when I interact with you guys ヽ(´▽`)/ )
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emotio-nality · 7 years
40 if ur still answering
aw of course im still answering them (im a sucker for receiving questions bc it makes me feel kinda validated).  thank you for sending this innn!!!
40. Do you believe in love?
love. L-O-V-E. luhvvvv. i wholeheartedly and completely believe in love with all of my soul and am unashamedly in love with the idea and concept of love. 
sorry if you just wanted a short answer, but boy, im probably gonna write a paragraph that goes for 4.6 years hahahaha ,, sorryyyy
but i truly believe that love is something that no human/living creature can live without. like obviously some people are incapable of love but in my opinion, without love, you cant live to the fullest extent, you dont feel as deeply, you dont really live? to me, i kind of believe that one of the purposes of life is to love. it sounds simple and cheesy but honestly, when you love, you are bearing your heart and although you are making yourself vulnerable, you kind of need to be able to do so and learn how to be true and open with others and trust that they are doing the same because it allows you to become close to other people in an honest way. and the action of loving someone is so pure and wholesome aqnd when they love you back (not necessarily romantically or sexually or anything, but also platonically, or sensually or with a familial love) it is honestly one of the fulfilling things that could ever happen to you. (i know this is me just rambling and not really making sense but oh well) love is love and love is good!!
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amberrassing · 7 years
i will literally adore you if you send me one: 1, 6, 29, 61, & 97
1. Last kiss: back innn Feburary? January? Idk but on a night out6. Dated someone twice: yeah technically29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: visiting my best pals in just over a week, then celebrating my birthday with them 👌61. I’m about to: shower, eat and start work 😪97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: honestly no clue. Either to the beginning of time or not at all tbh, I’d rather go into the future
Thanks! Idk who you are though so I can’t send you one 😂😂
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hoseoks-hoe · 8 years
i associate you with a cucumber :3
Bc my non existend dick is so big 🌚?THANK YOU FOR SENDING SOMETHING INNN
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