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talon-dragonbeast · 21 hours ago
and the results are in! wow, i didnt expect this to get so many votes, people really love to talk about their gender identities! ive been reading all the reblogs and comments of this post, and let me just say that the diversity found in this community is incredible! there are so many critters with interesting genders out there :}
also, look at these results! the numbers are just bonkers; i didnt expect this at all! the majority of the community identifies as trans male, but in comparison there are very few transfems... i wonder why that is. and the representation of lesser known gender identities, such as agender and xenogender, is also much higher than thought. very interesting stuff!
thank you everyone who participated! :D
random poll time! i was curious about the gender distribution of the alterhuman community so i made this. please only answer if you are otherkin, therian, fictionkin, otherhearted, holothere, archetrope, plural, or any other label under the umbrella
(im very sorry about the lack of options, i hit the maximum which is 12. again, if you are not alterhuman please refrain from voting on the poll. thank you :])
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lav-is-writing · 2 days ago
omg another killer chat writer!! i love your work!! could i ask for some ronin fluff? maybe like with a reader that’s a horror game streamer but the reader is terrified of playing them?
Thank you! Happy you enjoy my writing :D
Ronin x !Streamer!Reader
Warnings: None
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“Okay everyone!” You spoke through your headset, smiling as you noticed the numbers of viewers growing steadily. “Today, we’re gonna be playing . . . “ Your smile fell, before rushing to plaster on a fake one. “A horror game! Yay . . . “
. . .
Ronin watched, a smirk present as he watched your reaction to his request. Anonymous, of course, he couldn’t risk drawing attention to himself. It had been months since he had begun to watch you, a popular online streamer. You were cute enough, especially when you were screaming at the games you played.
Thanks to him, your recent content has become the one thing you dreaded the most- horror. 
Trashy knock-off games made you both laugh and scream, so he started with those. But it wasn’t enough. Ronin turned to real horror, the most gory and brutal ones he could find. 
Noticing the chat, he typed in a message of his own. 
goreboy: scared, darlin’?
. . .
Most of the time, you didn’t bother to interact with your viewers. Sure, you occasionally found one intriguing and made sure to read their comments, but other than that, they mostly went ignored. That is, until now.
goreboy: scared, darlin’?
God, how he taunted you. He only watched your horror content, leading you to believe that he was the one requesting them all. You could see him behind his screen, a devilish smirk on his face as he watched you suffer to get through each suggestion without screaming in terror.
Yet, you were growing fond of him. 
Constantly checking if he viewed your latest videos, if he left a like or dislike. You loved his comments, whether they were about how a certain murder method was off, or if you screamed too much or too little. 
Then you would adjust to his taste, trying to . . . please him? The thought caused you to stop, baffled. You didn’t like him- no, he was just a minor distraction from your work. Shaking your head, you tried to focus on the game.
“goreboy, I’m not scared at all!”
. . .
Ronin froze.
Did . . . Did you just address him directly?
No, he must’ve heard wrong.
But what if . . . ?
. . .
Hours passed as you worked to finish the game, and despite your previous statement, you were screaming the entire time. It was amusing to your viewers, but felt like torture to you. But you managed to get through it, with goreboy’s help.
goreboy: try the red key, darlin’
goreboy: jumpscare warning
Although you would never admit it, his comments got you through the game. The warnings helped you prepare, and you were able to continue time and time again from his hints. You ended your stream, leaning back in your chair with a smile.
And on the other side, Ronin was doing the same, the both of you anticipating your next stream, his next suggestion to answer and scream to. 
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speakofthedebbie · 6 months ago
no cuz the comments on that fic are giving me such an ego boost. i mean if a fic as objectively bad as that is still getting kudos then i guess my other wips are just the bible /j
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sirazaroff · 25 days ago
I just had to come in and say your Gelphie's are some of the best I've seen. I love your style, and I really love the sweetness that comes from how you draw their relationship. Thank you for the great art!
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Thank you!! I know I’m very new to this fandom but I’ll give you all the best of me, promise <3
They’re just so sweet man I dunno what to say! The layers to their onion shaped relationship, I really just wanna get into the tiniest of details, whether it’s a rewrite of canon scenes, what ifs, or lil made up moments to showcase their dynamics in.
I know they don’t make the best of choices (cough Glinda cough) but their love was the most genuine and honest parts about them. They would’ve loved just doing laundry and taxes together if given the chance 🥺
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virgothozul · 1 year ago
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Jsdcbbccbhcb !! Merci !! tant de personnes ont réagi au précédent post en français ahahahah 🤣 c’est incroyable ! je ne m’attendais pas à tant de réactions merci merci ! Thank you everyone for the attention on my last post !!!
This is when Miles drops at the police station like a prince, a whole year later, nonchalant about his hiatus. And Phoenix is most likely losing his 💩 3 feet away.
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inkedberries · 2 years ago
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here is part 3!! can you guess where wolfwood and milly took vash hahah
part 1 | part 2
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bakathief · 11 months ago
It’s been 209 days. Since the last time you updated Shadow Chase when are we getting a new update :(
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Hi how are you I‘m good thanks :)
If you are worried that I‘m slacking off rest assured that I have been working on my art in my 2-3 hours of free time every day. If you don‘t believe me you can check out the +140 art pieces in my latest collab or the 22 pages comic I uploaded 2 weeks ago. Thank you for leaving words of motivations in my comments and inbox as noone loves more „when is the next update“ comments than me, especially after a 12 hour shift on the weekend. :)
That being said, there are new pages, when I have the capacity to upload is another question.
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whisper-and-tangle · 2 months ago
gosh i probs wont be able to write another fic today but im SO glad i managed to write 3 FICS IN A ROW ???? like over the course of the first three days of 2025 ive written a wholeass 3 individual fics and like, i only wrote 6 or so fisc ACROSS THE ENTIRETY OF 2024. granted i was dealing with ALOT of shit back then but i'm so glad i managed to start writing again i'm so proud of myself gamers :333 like im unironically so so SOO happy with myself imllike actualy crying kinda hello ??? im so proud of myself i cant believe i managed to do that chat :3333 im badw/words but AWWAWAWW I CANT BELIEVE I DID IT IM SOSOSPROUDS OF MYSELF,..,,.
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carrinth-nsr · 1 year ago
hi all I have to say is that,I LOVE,what you do for 1010 especially the comic,1010 is so much more than meets the eye and God craving for more info that is not canon but ACCURATE, it's just so nice seeing people's ideas and theories/thoughts ab it, thank you so much
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Thank you! Thank you~! I really have way too much love for this fictional military robots turned boy band that I'm so glad to have others to share my obsession with hehe XD XD XD
I think what I love about 1010 is there's so much POTENTIAL in their story. They've got a great foundation concept and I absolutely love all the different (and sometimes similar!) ideas other fans come up with ^_^
(Also I'm weak for robots finding Emotions and Found Families trope)
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yanaleese · 24 days ago
That's sounds very difficult to get through, I wish you the best on your journey!
I think it's completely fine to put things on hold. Especially if it's to not completely burned out. Whether emotionally or artistically. You come first!
And yeah, popularity is extremely scary. Especially if it's not gradual and it's happens too quickly. Also with the examples that had happened in these past few years. How hard and sometimes dangerous it becomes to engage as closely with a large community.
I hope you keep having fun and remember to keep putting your health first! Take your time, it's okay!
(✨️🐇 Anon)
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but all jokes aside yo!!! i agree with you. I've been kind of burnt out so I've been putting this blog on the sidelines...and I do find it hard to pull away at first but I think it's best that with all the anons that I'm ok! That you're ok! That we're all ok!
Another thing is that I sometimes forget to have fun, especially when you're starting the art. It's sometimes even harder when your art isn't as "polished" or "refined" as others. It's one thing being an artist, the second is being an artist for the algorithm. It can be really draining, but we have to remember as small creators that 5 people online is just as significant as 5 people in your bedroom. who's interested. in YOUR art. YOUR OCs. LIKE DAMN ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Overall, thank you for hearing me out Rabbit Anon - glad to see ur alive, and I hope you're happy, healthy and safe :DDDDD
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ryuki-draws · 1 year ago
I am aggressively blowing a party horn at you in congratulatory gesture (congrats on the degree!)
Thank you so much!! I'm contently lying on the floor, completely still since yesterday when I came home after the defense
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hero-of-the-wolf · 4 months ago
Ask Game
11, What do you like best about this fic?: Old Wounds
3, What’s your favorite line of narration?: The Wounds That Time Cannot Heal
4, What is your favorite line of dialogue?: Ruins of Hyrule
10, Why did you choose the pairing for this particular story?: Stay Awake
(Also, I am slowly getting to not as busy, so hopefully I can start catching up on everything. My goal is reading at least one fic a day, so I will be looking forward to reading more of what you have shared)
11. What do you like best about this fic? (Old Wounds)
I really love writing Hyrule and Twilight interacting hehe. They are my two favorite blorbos so I'm def biased, but I feel like they have an especially interesting dynamic that I'm still trying to pin down
3. What's your favorite line of narration? (The Wounds That Time Cannot Heal)
this part 🫶
She knew that his line of work had been risky, but Hylia if she hadn’t hoped that just maybe they’d get to grow old together. Raise their children hand in hand, enjoy the peace that he’d fought so hard to obtain. Why couldn’t they…?
4. What's your favorite line of dialogue? (Ruins of Hyrule)
this one hehe
“I believe I asked you a question, stranger.”
10. Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story? (Stay Awake)
Soooooo the story behind this one is my friend sent me a meme and I was immediately consumed by the voices and had to write smth, so I asked her (without context) to give me two random LU characters and that's who she chose :3
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tedcicle · 10 months ago
liked ur fic 👍 slash genuine
i’m glad you did anon!!! 💚
it seems like everyone really enjoyed my deranged ramblings… the jerd warriors DID unite…
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soul-eater-novel · 2 years ago
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「はい、なんですアニキ?」 “What’s up, bro?”
「お前ひとつ、アンジーのところに行ってヤツらを引っぱり出してこい」 “Go over to Anji’s place and drag those guys out here.”
「ええっ! アニキは行かないんですか?!」驚いたように、ヤム・クーが言った。 “Huh?! Bro, you ain’t comin’ along?” Yam Koo exclaimed, shocked.
「俺は面白いことがありそうな気がするんでここに残る。いいよな、マッシュさん?」 “I’m staying put. Got the feeling something interesting’s gonna go down here. Fine by you, right, Mathiu?”
「構いませんませんが…. . . 」不思議そうな顔で、マッシュが言う。 “Certainly,” the tactician replied, his expression bemused.
「ではヤム・クー、お顧いいたします」 “Well then, Yam Koo, we are all counting on you.”
「ちえつ、ほんとにアニキは気まぐれなんだから…」 “Tsk. Yeesh, big bro’s as fickle as the sea…”
ぼやきながらヤム・クーが階段へと姿を消す。 Grumbling, Yam Koo disappeared down the stairs.
そうしている間に皆が集まる。 Everyone else had gathered in the hall in the meantime.
ざわめきを鎮めて、マッシュが軍議を開く。 Mathiu quieted down the crowd and began the war council meeting.
もちろん議題は鉄甲騎馬隊攻略法だ。 The main topic of discussion was, of course, the issue of how to defend themselves against the armored cavalry.
「戦場に落とし穴を掘るってのはどうだい?」にやけながら言ったこそ泥のクリンに、レパントが言い返す。 “What if we dug pitfalls on the battlefield?” threw out the thief Kirin, smirking.
「ガルホースの跳躍力はかなりのものだ。穴に落ちたとしてもすぐに跳び出してくるだろう。お前のようなウスノロではないぞ」 “What kind of fool are you?” scoffed Lepant. “The gulhorse posses incredible jumping capabilities. Even if they did fall in the pit, they would just as soon jump out.”
「ガルホースだって動物だ。きっと天敵がいるはずだぞ。 “Gulhorse are animals. There must be a predator that preys on them.” Put in Kuromimi.
それを捕まえてきて放せばいいと思うぞ」今はクロミミだ。 “If we catch that creature, I bet we could unleash them on the gulhorse!”
P199 「それも一理あるが…」クワンダが答える。 “There is some merit to that idea…” Kwanda rumbled.
「ガルホースに関する情報は、テオの部隊の軍事機密だった。 “But all information related to gulhorses is a classified military secret because of Teo’s unit.
たとえ天敵がいたとしても、探るには時間がかかる」 And even if there is a natural predator, it would take us time to track it down.“
「ううむ…」 “Hrmm…”
何しろ相手は鉄甲騎馬隊、今まで誰もかなわなかった部隊なのだ。 Whatever ideas they might have, they were still up against the armored cavalry that no one had ever managed to defeat.
皆が知恵を絞ったところで、効果的な対策など見つかりそうになかった。 They all racked their brains, but couldn’t come up with any plans that seemed feasible.
マッシュを含め、皆が大きくため息をついた時ーー。 Mathiu let out the breath he had been holding in a giant sigh.
「そうだ!!」 広間にひときわ大きな声があがった。 At that very same moment, someone shouted loudly.
“Wait, I’ve got it!”
ティルが顔を上げると、フリックがメンバーを押しのけてティルとマシュの前に歩み出た。 Tir raised his head. Flik pushed aside the other members to stand beside him and Mathiu.
「思い出したよ、あるんだよ!!たったひとつだけ、方法が!!」 “I’ve just remembered! There is one way!”
メンバーがざわめいた。フリックが続ける。 Everyone broke into excited chatter. Flik continued.
「これはまだ、レナンカンプのアジトが帝国軍に襲われる前の話だが…。 “This goes back to Lenankamp, at the hideout, before we were being pursued by the Imperial Army…
実は俺、オデッサに頼まれて、北方の秘密工場に、ある武器の設計図を届けに行ったことがあるんだ」 At Odessa’s request, I had gone to the secret factory in the north to deliver the plans for a certain weapon.”
「武器…」不思議そうにティルが呟いた。 “A weapon?” murmured Tir in wonder.
やはりメンバーを押しのけ、ビクトールが前に歩み出る。 Viktor joined the fray, also pushing past the others to join them.
「武器ってお前、もしかして…」 “Ya don’t mean… that, do you?”
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roccinan · 1 year ago
Just finished watching the episode where Andrés sings at that random wedding last night, and now I'm trying not to think of the fact that if he was alive he would've definitely sung at Sergio's wedding and probably been the happiest of everyone there ;___;
(sorry for dropping this completely unasked for observation in your inbox lol, just had to tell someone!)
(No problem at all, anon! I'm happy to be your go-to observation person haha!)
You're right anon and I completely agree :') If Andres lived, he would 110% be the happiest person at Sergio & Raquel's wedding. Completely unprompted, he'd go up there and serenade them for the whole night until he's forcibly dragged off stage. Then Martin replaces him and the singing goes on LOL
And since we're all in quantum time anyway, it would have been so much better to see Andres sing at Sergio's wedding instead of some random couple's(!)
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lexa-griffins · 2 years ago
a message for us readers of top clarke/bottom lexa content: lets show up and support this content as much as we can and leave nice comments!!! we may not be majority but we can let the authors/content creaters know there's interest in this content so that they don't think they're writing into a void and get discouraged💖
👏👏 YES
Very well said anon!!! Comment on stuff, reblog and add a tag to tell the creator how much you liked it, if you dont feel comfortable reblogging, send an anon ask!! Some people create out of love but when they have none to little feedback it does make people much less motivated, especially if writing something that isnt the majority of the fandom's preference!!!
The more niche you go, the more you gotta show love to the creators if you want them to continue creating!! 💕
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