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undercover op with sanji in a dress?? i think judge would be pissed asf if he picked a backless one and decided to own that metal spine bcs he’s a badass 😏😏 (unless cyborgs are discriminated against. are they? are they common in this au?? or are sanji and his sibs the only ones?? I’M SO INVESTED PLS 🤲🏻)
ooooh anon anon anon,,, YOU READ MY MIND WITH THE BACKLESS DRESS also cyborgs are pretty uncommon but they aren’t really discriminated against— more seen as things to be put on pedestals and not people, though. some see them as feelingless machines, and sanji’s siblings definitely aren’t helping that rep :((
there are other cyborgs but the vinsmokes are the most well-known, and their power + skills and apathy (save sanji) have people kissing the ground they walk on with a mix of fear and reverence. sanji just wants to be a Normal Guy, though, and zoro treats him like one, and it both pisses sanji off and makes him immeasurably happy. make of that what you will 🤭
“Found him.” Zoro frowns at his monitor, double-clicking with his mouse to zoom in. “Grey jacket, next to the beer taps.”
“Yeah, I see him.”
He tracks Sanji over the security camera, watching the blond slink through a crowd that parts for him effortlessly without even seeming to realise. Zoro can’t blame them, seeing as he looks good enough to stop traffic. “Remember, he doesn’t know what’s—”
“Going on, I know, I know,” Sanji mutters under his breath, weaving around a woman who gawks with her mouth slightly open as he flashes her a soft smirk and a wink. “Keep him unaware and get the drive. I could do this in my sleep.”
“I know,” Zoro echoes, even as he holds back a scoff and an eye roll. He’s in a bad mood and he knows exactly why.
He’s scrunched up in his chair in sweatpants and a ratty tank top, a half-drunk can of beer steadily forming a puddle on the desk next to his keyboard as he watches Sanji sidle up to the bar and order a drink. Their target sneaks a look to the side before ducking his head and taking a gulp from his own glass.
The man’s a small-time photographer who looks clean-cut but understated— Insignificant. He’d been chosen precisely because of that fact; GERMA66 had deemed him acceptable as an oblivious carrier of a thumbdrive that supposedly contains plans for whatever the hell Judge is up to next.
Their job is to intercept it before it gets to Charlotte Linlin, or anybody she’s affiliated with.
The bartender returns with Sanji’s drink and he takes it with an elegant incline of his head. “Old fashioned?” he asks, gesturing to their target’s glass, and there’s a pause before the poor man looks around quickly.
“A-Are you—?” he starts, pointing to himself.
Sanji laughs, silky and soft. Zoro takes a controlled breath. “Who else?” He raises his own glass to his lips, and Zoro knows what’s in it. A rum and orange cocktail with Kahlúa and cacao nibs in the egg white foam on top. “That is an old fashioned, isn’t it? Yeah.” The blond’s lips curl up behind the crystal rim, a bold red and sharp at the edges. “You seem the type.”
“You seem the type,” Zoro mocks silently, scowling at the screen. He doesn’t even try not to scoff this time; his chair complains with a loud creak when he throws his weight back, sullenly crossing his arms over his chest.
Look. He’s not sulking, alright? It’s just— difficult. Sanji twists sideways, leaning one elbow on the bar, and the back of his dress dips low enough for his entire spine to glimmer silver-wet in the dim lights. Where was he?
Right, difficult. Sanji’s over there buttering up a literal nobody, and Zoro has to sit here, in his apartment, in this shitty rolling chair with no back support where he’s close enough to go in if Sanji needs backup. He listens to his partner flirt over the comms and grits his teeth as he tries to consciously keep his fists unclenched.
He’s not jealous. It’s just that he’d gotten used to the idea of there not being anyone else, he supposes. Neither of them have any time for romance outside of their jobs, and at some point being together had just become routine; and Sanji’s a flirt, sure, but at the end of the day it’s always Zoro that he ends up with. They have toothbrushes at each other’s places. Sanji has weights by his shoe rack and Zoro has a block of chef’s knives tucked into the corner of his kitchen counter.
Sanji’s laughter grabs his attention, and Zoro realises that at some point he’d lost the thread of the conversation. The blond pinches the collar of their target’s grey windbreaker between his thumb and forefinger, running down the length of it, and their eyes meet through the camera as Sanji pushes off the countertop and the man scrambles to follow.
His dress drags along the floor. The red satin is made heavy by crystalline beading, draping down to just above his hips as he makes his way to the lift lobby, and the man trails behind hanging onto his every word like a starstruck fool; Zoro suspects he himself isn’t much better. The lights of the lift lobby are harsh as they make their way up to the hotel above the bar, and Zoro switches from camera to camera all the way until the man’s sliding a key card into a lock and disappearing when Sanji shoves him into the room with an exaggerated giggle.
His expression sobers when looks directly at the camera across the hall. Strands of hair are drifting out of his chignon and catching in his lashes. “Sorry, mossy. Gonna have to sign off for now,” he whispers, and Zoro can hear the soft smile in his voice before he pulls his earpiece out and shuts the door.
…Yeah, Zoro’s jealous.
It’s enough to have him finishing his beer in two chugs, leaning back to drag his hands over his face and groan. He knows what it looks like. Knows what it’s supposed to look like; a hookup, plain and simple. Judge can’t know that Sanji’s the reason the drive won’t make it to Linlin. It’s risky, sure, but they’re banking on the fact that he doesn’t know that Zoro knows anything about how Judge still has Sanji under his thumb. And if Sanji gets some fun out of it, well— Zoro can’t fault him.
It doesn’t change the fact that he feels sick to his stomach, and it’s pissing him off because he has no right. None at all. He isn’t entitled to anything; Sanji doesn’t owe him, or anyone, anything. It doesn’t matter how he feels. It doesn’t matter how close they sit when they’re falling asleep in the middle of a movie on Sanji’s couch. Sanji’s already been backed into a corner by his bastard of a father— Zoro refuses to complicate things for him any more.
He’ll get up in a moment. Grab a bottle of something stronger this time. The apartment will be his till morning, anyway, so what’s the rush?
And then he hears the front door beep as somebody enters the passcode, and he nearly falls out of his seat sitting up straight.
Zoro glances at the clock as footsteps echo through the entrance; it’s only been twenty minutes, give or take.
Multiple hard somethings clatter onto his desk, and he looks up to find Sanji leaning against the doorway. “Help me out. I’ve got a screw loose,” he says, grinning, and then there’s a moment before Zoro groans.
“If you think that’s funny then you clearly do,” he replies tiredly, standing as Sanji sits on the other side of the table.
He picks up the screwdriver he’d been given, reeling a little. Sanji isn’t supposed to be here, and yet— Here he is, pulling pins from his hair left and right and dropping them all over Zoro’s desk as his chignon untwists itself. A weary sigh leaves Zoro’s lungs. “Where?”
“L4, R6, L12 and 16, and… R23.”
“23?” He frowns. “That’s lower than usual.”
Sanji grimaces. “Slept wrong last night, I think.”
“Hm.” Zoro flips the tool in his hand as Sanji gathers his hair over his shoulder; it’s gotten long now, enough to dust the tops of his shoulder blades with soft, shimmering gold. He rests his thumb at Sanji’s hairline and drags down gently until he gets to the first corresponding vertebra and he’s careful as he fits the screwdriver head in, turning slowly until the joint tightens.
“Did you sleep with him?”
Sanji makes a pfft sound and doesn't even turn, used to Zoro’s straightforward questions. “‘Course not. What, not confident enough in my abilities?”
“No.” Zoro clamps his mouth shut when he realises how defensive he sounds. “No,” he amends, voice marginally less tense, four fingers wrapped over the edge of Sanji’s ribs as he moves down. “I just thought… You were having a good enough time. He liked you. No reason not to.”
“I didn’t want to. That’s the reason,” Sanji says, and it’s flat enough that Zoro knows to ease off. “When we got into his room I knocked him out before I nicked this,” he taps the thumbdrive he’d tossed onto the table with the screwdriver, “out of the lining of one of his jackets.”
Zoro narrows his brows. “Knocked him out how?”
Sanji shrugs a shoulder. “Compressed his carotid. Pretty sure the poor guy was enjoying it, honestly.”
They’re quiet for a while after that. Zoro holds Sanji’s side, elbows digging into the table as he crouches down to see what he’s doing. He resists the urge to press his nose to Sanji’s skin. Beading digs into his knuckles as the screw clicks into place.
He stills. They rarely use each other’s names. “Yeah?”
“Did you—” Sanji’s breath catches, the moment suspended until he shakes his head. “Nevermind.”
He’s beautiful, Zoro thinks. The scarring that frames his spine is smooth under his thumb. “Did it hurt?”
“When he…”
“…Yeah.” Sanji puts the heels of his palms on the table, fingers curling over the edge, thumbs pressing into the sides of his thighs. “He said it was my fault, anyway,” he sighs, letting his weight drop so his shoulders hunch up to his ears. “That I wasn’t even supposed to feel pain, but I ruined it before he could… perfect me.”
Zoro lets his eyes flick up, gaze falling on the elegant curve of Sanji’s nape before he focuses on the last screw.
He’d made a promise to himself on that fire escape. The metal melded to Sanji’s back is a constant reminder to both of them that he’s a double agent. Everything they do is a risk; hell, they both lose sleep over it. Zoro’s used to his phone ringing in the middle of the night. Sanji’s finally starting to allow himself to call.
The blond’s head is hung low as the strap of his dress slips off his shoulder, and Zoro slides it back up and lays it in place. He’s done with Sanji’s spine. “How’s that feel?”
“Hm?” Sanji blinks as he looks up, before rolling his shoulders back. “Better.”
“Alright.” Zoro barely stops himself from drumming his fingers on the table as he bites his lip. He turns around under the guise of readjusting random things on his windowsill. “It’s late. You staying over?”
“…Oh, fine,” Sanji relents, waving a hand. “Too tired to go anywhere, anyway.”
It’s second nature to leave a set of pyjamas on the bed; Zoro usually takes the couch, if only because the springs are hell for the tactile sensors in Sanji’s spine. He’s just leaving when Sanji steps out of the adjoining bathroom with a wash of warm air with a towel around his waist.
“Pretty sure your bed’s meant for two,” he says lightly before grabbing the clothes and disappearing back through the door, and Zoro blinks. Sure, he’d splurged on a queen-sized mattress, but he’s never shared it.
He ends up lying down anyway and swiping through his phone mindlessly until Sanji comes out again, hair brushed back. The covers pull as Sanji climbs under and he stretches to turn the lights off, before they’re laying there in silence.
Zoro’s half asleep when he hears it.
“We didn’t do anything in that room.”
“It doesn’t matter if you did.”
“But we didn’t,” Sanji insists, and Zoro hears I didn’t want to do it, any of it, and he doesn’t even realise he’s reached for Sanji’s hand until their fingers brush.
“I know,” he says, gentle. Their hands lay in the space between them until Sanji threads their fingers together, rolling onto his side.
“Just, uh,” he begins, clearing his throat gruffly. “Just wanted to clarify.”
Zoro laughs against his will. His shoulders shake with it, and he hisses when Sanji kicks his shin. He finds the knuckle of Sanji’s thumb as he brings their hands up between their pillows, rubbing over the bone. “Go to sleep, curly. We’ll go through the drive tomorrow.”
Sanji’s lashes flutter before he swallows. “Okay.”
“Goodnight, marimo.”
He turns his face into his pillow. He smells like Zoro’s body wash.
Zoro stares at his ceiling and wonders just how much he’d be willing to give to protect this man falling asleep next to him.
(He wakes not long after sunrise the next day.
Sanji’s ribs rise and fall against his palm, the corner of his borrowed shirt riding up. He’d rolled over Zoro’s arm sometime in the night; his other hand is tucked close to his chest, his ankle skin-warm and pressed to Zoro’s shin. His hair is all over the place and Zoro’s pretty sure he’s drooling.
He smells even more familiar now, like cheap lavender detergent that Zoro buys on a discount, leftover hair wax and orange from the night before. Just a hint of mint toothpaste. There’s the slight rasp of stubble when Zoro drags the heel of his hand across Sanji’s jaw, and the man mutters in his sleep, flipping over to face the other way and hug Zoro’s arm to his chest.
Well. Zoro doesn’t usually sleep in. He’s a busy man, he’s got weights to rep and evidence to process— But seeing as his arm’s trapped, there’s not much he can do, is there?)
(The next time he opens his eyes it’s past noon. He smells caffeine and hot butter, and it drags him out of bed to the kitchen; Sanji’s standing over the stove, hair shoved up into a haphazard bun with a blue ballpoint pen, spatula in one hand and Zoro’s laptop balanced on the other.
“About damn time, you log,” he huffs, jerking his head towards the table. “Coffee’s ready, help yourself. You won’t believe what bullshit Judge is trying to pull.”
Zoro raises both eyebrows and decides to save himself an ass-kicking by keeping his mouth shut. He pours himself a mug of coffee and sits down. “S’that my pen?”
“It’s—” Sanji frowns. “I picked it up off the floor.”
“Hm. I was wondering where it ran off to.”
Sanji rolls his eyes, leaning over to put the eggs down. “You’re fucking horrible. Are you telling me you only have one pen?”
“No. I was just looking for this,” Zoro reaches up and yanks it from his hair, “pen.” He yelps a laugh when Sanji swats him over the head and drags a chair out. “It looks better down, anyway,” he chuckles, wrapping a curl around his finger and tugging before he lets go. “Now run me through what’s going on.”
The blond gives him a stink eye and sighs, turning the laptop so it faces them both. “Okay. So…”)
(Zoro settles in, drinks his coffee, and he still hasn’t figured out how much he’d give. He’s starting to think there isn’t a limit.
He thinks he’d be okay with that, though.)
(part 1 | part 2)
#cyborg sanji au#that last line… be careful zoro be careful#they’re literally married?? and they’re still not together?? guys PLEASE#the way i had to fight w myself to not make sanji answer “when i fell from heaven?” when zoro asked “did it hurt”#THERE’S MORE COMING FOR THIS AU KEEP YA EYES PEELED#WILL BE SEEING MORE STRAWHATS + MORE CYBORG DETAILS#judge is about to earn himself many more haters that’s all imma say#THANK YOU FOR THE ASK AGAIN ANON 😽😽#ino writes#ino’s ask box#zosan#roronoa zoro#one piece zoro#zoro#black leg sanji#sanji#one piece sanji#zoro x sanji#one piece
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hii! 🫀 anon here. i saw ur event post and just knew i HAD to request!!
i wanted to request a law x fem reader nsfw piece with 1. Our bodies fit so well together and 2. Everything alright?” “I just missed you.”(from the fluff prompt) if two isn’t okay then you can scratch the 2nd one! maybee some size kink and tummy bulge too 😽 also i love that you use angel sm in your writing law saying absolutely filthy shit w the angel pet name would be the end of me
congrats on the 100 followers <3!!! you deserve every single one and more!
Ohhhhh 🫀 anon, my precious, thank you so so much for your kind words and continued support <3 I'm not going to lie, I squealed a lil bit when I read this DELICIOUS request. I hope I did your idea and our moody boy justice with this, and I hope you enjoy the read :3
Law x F!Reader - NSFW - “Our bodies fit so well together" & "Everything alright?” “I just missed you.” STORY UNDER THE CUT - MINORS/AGELESS BLOGS DNI 🔞 CW: SMUT; overstimulation, law makes you squirt :3, mirror sex, pussy-drunk law, fluff and smut, lots of praising, law edging himself bc he missed you, law calls you 'angel' --- word count 1.2k
The drag of Law’s thick cock along your walls has you panting as he thrusts into you slowly, each deep thrust sending a shock wave of pleasure through your entire being. The two of you had been at this for hours, both your bodies slick with sweat as a hint of concern creeps into the back of your mind at the fact that your boyfriend hadn’t finished yet. He’d just returned from a stint with the Straw Hats in Punk Hazard, and instead of enjoying the warm welcome the crew had prepared for him, he whisked you away to his quarters almost immediately. The two of you had barely gotten the door shut before his fingers were inside you - not that you minded - but it was a slight cause for concern you knew you’d have to address when this was over.
You knew Law to enjoy teasing and edging both of you occasionally when you went at it, but you’d lost count of how many orgasms he’d pulled from you tonight a while ago. You knew he was close - you could practically feel his cock pulse each time he bottomed out inside of you, his head kissing your cervix as he held you to his chest and groaned into your neck. But just when his thrusts increased pace and you were sure he would tumble over into euphoric bliss with you, he pulled out of you completely.
“Everything okay?” You ask, looking up at him as he stands from the bed, his hulking frame hovering over you as he pulls you to the edge of the bed by your ankles. He leans over, his chest muscles rippling as he wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you into his arms, carrying you in the direction of the bathroom and setting you down on the counter before hitching your legs around his hips. His grey eyes are glossy as he looks down at you, pupils blown out with lust as his raspy voice cuts through the silence.
“‘M fine, angel, I just missed you,” he croons roughly as he slides his hips forward into yours, his eyes dropping down to where you two are once again connected as he sheaths himself inside your velvet walls once more. “Missed you so fucking much.”
Your back arches and your lips fall open with a moan as he pumps himself into you roughly, his short and shallow thrusts prodding at the gummy walls of your g-spot. Law smiles wickedly at the affirmation, eyes trained on the slight bulge of him in your abdomen as he works himself deeper and harder inside of you. He pulls you to the very edge of the counter, the veins in his arms popping as he supports the weight of you with one arm slung under your hips, the other pressing down on your lower abdomen where his eyes had been trained moments ago.
You knew this spelled out the end for you, your body immediately going slack against the cool tile as you felt the familiar sensation rise in your gut. Your mind was spinning as you prepared for an earth-shattering orgasm, one Law somehow knew how to pull from you like it was his god-given purpose in life.
“Relax angel,” he coos, chest now hovering over you, his larger frame encompassing nearly all of you as he looks down at you, his face quite possibly the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen in this pussy-drunk haze he was in. You comply, and the cord inside you tightens as you screw your eyes shut, each one of Law’s thrusts pressing you harder and harder into the counter.
“That’s it, angel, make a mess for me.”
His words snap the cord, your orgasm crashing over you harshly as your hips begin to buck into his thrusts. Law digs his fingers into your hips as he holds you steady, leaning into the counter for support as he thrusts into your soaking cunt. Your release begins to spray out of you, splashing onto his torso and the floor as he pulls out, the pressure being too much so he instead replaces his cock with his fingers, curling them up into your g-spot and pulling even more waves of pleasure from you.
Your eyes remain shut, stars twinkling behind your eyelids as waves of pleasure ripple through your body. You’re not sure if you’re even making any sounds, but your mouth goes dry as your orgasm starts to subside, Law’s fingers working tirelessly against you until he’s sure he has pulled every last drop from you.
He can’t resist the temptation to drop to his knees and swipe his tongue over your swollen lips, a strangled cry ripping out of your chest from the over-stimulation as your hand pushes his face away.
“Wait, wait,” you pant breathlessly, needing a moment to recover from the intensity of your last orgasm. Law chuckles below you, standing up to hover over you again, his body coated in your release as he presses his entire self into you, pulling you into a sitting position.
Your body is weak, hopelessly so, and you can’t help the groan that leaves your body when your eyes drop down to Law’s cock, the tip blushed and swollen.
“How have you not come, yet?” you ask with a laugh, tensing as he chuckles back and slides you off the edge of the counter. Your legs are shaky as they try to keep you upright, and you’re grateful for Law’s strong arm around your waist otherwise you may have ended up on the floor.
“I just can’t get enough of you,” he croons, your eyes meeting his in the mirror before trailing along the tattooed arms that held you flush against him. You hiss as he slides back into your sensitive cunt, and he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck to pepper gentle kisses there. “You got one more for me, angel?”
You moan lightly and lean your head back against his shoulder, feeling your walls clamp around him as he begins moving inside you again.
“Look how perfectly our bodies fit together,” he rasps, and you open your eyes to meet his fiery gaze in the mirror. His arms wrapped tightly around you, his hips jacking into yours as your back arches with each movement. “It’s like you were made for me.”
You hum as his pace increases, a hand sliding down to rub gentle circles on the sensitive bundle of nerves at the apex of your thighs. Your moan comes out as more of a whimper from the contact, and your hands fly out to brace yourself on the counter in front of you as Law presses himself deeper inside of you.
“You’re gripping me so tight, angel,” Law groans, feeling the familiar flutter starting in your core as he speaks, “So, fucking, tight… So perfect.”
His babbling is met with a string of moans from you, your brain going fuzzy from the praise. “Law, come for me,” you beckon, teetering on the edge of release as you clamp down on his length, trying to bring him over the edge with you.
You’re successful, and Law buries his face into your neck again as he feels his own cord snap, thrusts growing sloppy as his cock pulses inside you. You’re so absorbed in watching Law shatter behind you that you barely comprehend the way your body shakes in his arms, milking every last drop from him while he strings together curses into your neck.
His hips finally still, and he holds you tightly against him - his breathing shaky as he tries to ground himself again. He hisses when he finally pulls himself from your grip, an instant rush of both your releases trails down your leg.
He loosens his grip around your body and moves his hands to your hips, gingerly leading you over to the tub and running the two of you a warm bath. He sprinkles some essential oils into the tub before scooping you up into his arms and settling into the water. You straddle him as he leans back against the tiles, your head resting on his chest as the water soothes your now sore muscles.
“I love you, angel.”
The words pull your gaze up to him, lifting your head so that you’re at eye level with him, before connecting your lips to his in a gentle kiss. When you pull away you can see a hint of something lingering in his eyes, and you know there is something under the surface that he was still unpacking. You don’t press it, instead offering him a gentle smile to tell him that you’ll be here when he’s ready to talk.
“I love you, Law, and I missed you, too.”
#100 follower special#limitlessevents - 100 followers#trafalgar law x reader#trafalgar law x you#law x reader#law x you#one piece fanfiction#limitlesswrites#limitlessanswers#trafalgar d water law#trafalgardwaterlaw#law smut#tl smut#one piece#op#one piece smut#supernova trio#supernova captains#cw: smut#cw: 💦💦💦#cw: overstim#cw: praise
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its clingy spencer anon here again!!!!!! bc i had another idea and im about to make it everyones problem 😽
clingy!spencer with clingy!reader, both constantly texting each other throughout the day about the most boring things but the other is still so excited to hear about it
CLINGY SPENCER ANON!! please send me every thought you’ve ever had, thank you.
Spencer always misses you the second you leave, it doesn’t matter for how long. He just wants to be with you allll the time, so when you’re away, he’ll settle for the next best thing: Texting you every chance he gets!!
Though he normally detests technology, he puts up with it just for you, jumping at any opportunity to interact with you. (Sigh… what love does to a man…)
At first, he was worried he would come off too needy, starting small with little things like “did you eat today?” or “how was work?” But you would respond in full, eagerly asking him questions, too, and then it just became your thing.
He reads your messages with the BIGGEST smile on his face, he might as well be twirling his hair and giggling because he just looks that in love. Your messages look like they belong to a cringey middle school couple, filled with “i love youu”s and cheesy compliments.
Even if you send him the most boring, mundane details of your day, he is still so excited to hear from you! You’ll be like “just saw a bird outside” and he’s reading thinking wow!! that’s some great stuff right there!! 😭
Then there’s the phone calls! As soon as he gets into his hotel room, he’s calling you. He loves hearing your voice after a long day of being away from you, it’s his favorite way to de-stress.
He insists on staying on the call with you throughout the night, putting his phone on the other side of the bed so it feels like you’re sleeping next to him :(
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#spencer reid#spencer reid x reader#criminal minds x reader#spencer x reader#spencer reid fluff#x reader#reid x reader
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Hello beautiful!! I hope you’re doing well!! 💗💗💗 Anyways, I was binging on all of your fics again cause they are just so addicting to read. And an idea popped into my head when I reread L$d with Paul and Embry.
This is what I had in mind. Rachel and reader are at her place beyond horny and frustrated. So wanting relief and eager to try something new, they go down at each other. As they are getting it on, Paul and Embry are on patrol. While they are on patrol, their heat suddenly arrives. Feeling desperate, they run to Rachel’s place as soon as their patrol is done. And they come home to a wild sight. But they freakin love it. Paul and Embry join in on the fun as Rachel and Reader help calm their heat down. Idk just a food for thought.
As always keep up the good work! Every fic you post is amazing!! Stay happy forever please!!
- 🪄 anon
hi lovely all is well ! thank you so much for the support and super kind words 😽💜 hope you enjoy :)
AN: for anybody who’s interested in reading : l$d part one l$d part two
lipgloss - reader x embry x paul x rachel
The sky was darkening as Embry and Paul rose up. You and Rachel rose up as well.
“I’ll be over Rachel’s. I don’t want to be by myself.” you say to Embry as he placed a kiss on your forehead and embraced you right before leaving out of the door.
“That’s fine. I’ll just come and get you when we’re done, alright?” he says to you and you nod. With that, Embry placed a kiss on your face and Paul tapped his arm to let him know it’s time to get a move on.
The soft smile you had on your face, disappeared as soon as he left, you sigh out.
Rachel points to the television at her place, “See? I so envy the girls who gets to be clingy to their man. I barely see mine.” she says and you chuckle, “Right.”
“I can’t wait until this lessens down. It seems like day by day, I see less and less of Paul.” she says, feeling a bit frustrated.
You shift so you’re face to face with her, “Yeah, that’s how it is with me and Embry. We don’t even have time to…Never mind.”
Rachel asks, “Have time to do what?”
“Nah. It’s a bit TMI.” you say as continue to watch the television.
“Y/N.” she says and you smile a bit, “Alright….It’s just that me and Embry haven’t had the time to be intimate. He’s too tired whenever he gets back. Only quick kisses and it’s like I’m about to go crazy.” you ramble.
Rachel slowly nods as she looked ahead, “I’m glad it’s not just me…I’ve never been in a situation where Paul didn’t want to give me head.”
“This is bad.” you comment.
“Super bad. I’m this close to humping someone’s leg like a dog.”
You laugh at this but you understood, you were in that same boat.
The series you two were watching went to a break, there was nothing but silence.
“So…How long do you think this will last?”
“Hopefully not long.” you say as you looked to her in horror.
“If it does,” she says and links her hand with yours, “Let’s forget about these stupid boys and get married ourselves.”
A grin appeared on your face, “Imagine..If we actually did.”
“I’ve never been with a girl so what do you think girls do when they’re married to each other?”
You shrug a little, “I don’t know.” you answer sheepishly, “Probably like hanging with your best friend but on steroids.”
“They have lots of sex. Maybe they’re onto something.” Rachel says with a slight groan.
“They give each other head. You’ll at least be happy forever.” you say as you both walk to the kitchen to place the empty dishes in the dishwasher. She bubbled out a laugh.
She looks to you as you’re about to sit down while she stands. You knew that look. She had an idea.
“Why don’t we…” she trailed off. You stare at her with a blink.
“Are you…About to ask what I think you’re about to ask?”
“Maybe?” she says before sucking in a small breath. She sits down next to you.
The series came on but neither was looking at the screen. You instead were looking at each other. Studying each other. Neither of you wanted to speak it out loud, but two hands were joined while Rachel caressed the back of your hand with a thumb.
Your heart pounded, for some reason you didn’t feel nervous. Little did you know, she felt the same way.
Faces were inches apart before closing in distance. It was very slow but lips eventually pressed against each other.
With a soft smack, you both silently thought it felt nice. You both lean in again to see how it felt again. It seemed as though the pent up emotions were pouring out. Soon, you slightly open your mouth to breathe but Rachel slowly took the initiative to slip her tongue in. You both sigh as you both hold onto each other. Warm pools flowed from between of both you and Rachel’s legs as it was exciting and new. You both kissed each other as if both lives depended on it. You both were so in the moment.
Lightheaded, you both opened hooded eyes before Rachel whispered out, “Should we…?”
“Maybe?” you whispered back. Without planning to, you both slowly rise in sync.
Standing in the bedroom that she shared with Paul, you looked at her as she looked at you. Slightly shaky but excited hands reach out and take a hold of her waist. She does the same before your mouths meet again. This time, you both were pressed against each other. You both were focused as this was something that you both were experiencing for the first time.
An intake of breath through your nose was taken as you felt fingers dip a bit in your pants. You both had your faces close without kissing, breathing in the same breath, but she slowly but carefully felt the wet mush that coated her fingers. It was sensitive. It had been a while.
“Let’s just do it.” Rachel whispered against your lips, almost desperately. She was completely vulnerable. You were completely vulnerable. You nod slightly as she lets out a soft but heavy breath as you let your fingers feel her warm wetness. She grabbed your hand and pushed it deep in her pants. It was as if she was relieved, relieved that someone was touching her. You were relieved that someone was touching you too.
Pants were shoved off and you join each other in bed, Rachel climbing on you to kiss you deeply. You both move your hips slightly as you both sensually dry humped each other as tongues met each other’s tongues again and again.
With a quiet moan, you felt her poked out chest under her shirt, her eyes slightly closed as she continued to rock her hips while sitting up upon you.
Her fingers rose your shirt up and helps you take it off.
Rachel leaned forward, pressing each other’s chests to each other as you both tasted each other’s mouths again. The movements were slow and sensual as you both were glued to each other. Your hands go to her naked back as she kisses your jaw and the side of your neck. Quiet sighs were heard from both of you.
Your fingers hit her underwear, your fingers slowly peels them down, she sits back and does the rest of the work of taking them off, leaving her naked before you. The sight was erotic as she then leaned forward over you, taking in a breast in her mouth. You lean your head back with a soft breath. Her wet tongue circled your hardened nipples as she caressed them, almost massaging them.
She lets her own hardened nipples scrape against yours as she captured your mouth in another wet kiss.
You peel your own underwear down, discarding then to the side.
Skin to skin, you both really moan as hands felt each other up while kissing.
Rachel was now on her back, she had no shame as she slowly cracked her legs open, revealing to you the glistening sight. Your fingers gently touch it, feeling the sticky but smooth substance.
“It’s like lipgloss.” you whisper and she quietly chuckled. She was silently excited but so were you.
Using your thumb, you softly pressed against her and circled it, watching her face slightly crumble from the sensation.
You just wanted to know what it tasted like. You put the thumb in your mouth to see what it tasted like and you hum out a sound of approval. Using your saliva to circle her sensitive nub. She slightly bit her lip as you sunk one finger into her. Her hips rolled and you worked your finger as she moaned out. You felt her hand touch your hand, signaling you to add another finger.
Pretty soon, she was fucking herself on your two fingers, twisting the sheets in her fingers as she focused with her hips.
Your fingers were coated after the small but intense orgasm. It was beautiful.
“You’re right. It is like lipgloss.” she whispered as she caught her breath and grabbed your fingers, taking the coated ones in her mouth. She cleaned them with her mouth before grabbing you back into a kiss, putting you right onto your back.
She used one swipe of her tongue on your opening that produced a breathy moan to escape out of your mouth.
Your legs got wobbly as she slowly took her time, licking and making out with your center, your hips lurched as she circled her tongue on your own sensitive nub. You saw stars and whispered out a “oh my god.”
You gifted her back with your own tongue. She held onto your head and the sheets next to her. Her moans were continuous. Her relaxed hips followed your tongue. You sucked her in as you ate her heart out, she whispered out your name like a prayer. She came, you didn’t care that her natural juices were spread across your face.
The patrol was boring, at least for Embry and Paul. They hadn’t seen any vampires for the time they’ve been out.
Embry felt something, something that was aching. He softly panted with his wolf mouth as he trotted through the woods. He was throbbing so much, it almost hurt.
Paul circled around a bit as he felt an aching sensation that wasn’t going away. His mind went to Rachel and how it’s been so long. He didn’t realize how much time went past as he thought back to the last time they were having sex.
“Paul man are you ready? I gotta get Y/N.”
Paul looked at Embry’s wolf. By the wild look, Paul knew he wasn’t the only one who was feeling in heat. Embry’s mind leaked out filling you with his puppies.
“Yeah, come on let’s go.”
Embry and Paul rushed to the home that you and Rachel were in. Pulling up their shorts, Paul opened the front door, he stopped in the doorway.
“What’s wro-“
“Shhh.” Paul says with a finger to his own lips, Embry froze, “You hear that?” Paul asks with a soft smirk.
Embry did hear it. Muffled moans filled the home but he figured it was whatever you two were watching and Paul was just being immature. Embry nodded.
Paul walks slowly through the home. Embry looked at the television that was running in the living room, nothing sexual was displayed, which made him confused because the noises continued.
Paul saw the cracked bedroom door, pushing it slowly open. His nose was met with a mouthwatering scent as his eyes darkened.
Rachel riding your thigh and knee, her eyes were slightly closed as your hands were glued to her chest as you massaged them.
You didn’t notice the presence of the two boys until you saw Paul lean with his head tilted, capturing Rachel in a kiss. She continued the buck of her hips as she held onto Paul’s neck, deepening the kiss. Your head turns to Embry who already has his shorts off, his hardened dick in his hand, slowly stroking himself.
Rachel moaned out with a high octave and Paul watched closely as she rode out her high. She flops next to you, trying to catch her breath.
Paul’s shorts were discarded and his dick bobbed with his movements as he hovered over Rachel next to you.
Embry followed his moments, except scooting you down to where your lower body is hanging off the end of the bed.
He sleeked himself against you as he leaned forward. You lean up to give him a kiss. You felt the bed rock, but Embry sunk into you, you both sighed out with relief. It’s been so long.
He pulls himself out, before sliding back in. It was driving you crazy as you tried to grab ahold of his arms but he was steady. His hardness allowing him to anticipate the next time he slid back in.
“Please Embry, please.” you begged in a whisper and with that he sunk himself deep as your legs were over his shoulders. His hips continuously snapped as you moaned out. His groan was quiet but firm as he continued to deepen his strokes. It was as if he was harder than ever before, his hand gripped the side of your hip, you gasp out the change in rhythm. You thought you were going to die by how hard you climaxed.
You lay back as your chest breathed up and down. Embry stroked himself as you noticed he was still hard as ever. You sit up, peek over to find Rachel riding Paul just like she was riding on your thigh.
Paul was staring up at her as if she was a goddess but he glanced at you, watching and you turn away. You reach forward and take a hold of Embry’s erection and sensually stroke him. His face went to the sky as he groaned.
You felt an open mouth kiss on your neck, finding Rachel at your side. She captured you in a kiss as you continued to stroke Embry.
One of her hands caressed your breast as you lay back, letting go of Embry. Embry instead sleeked against your moisture, as Rachel continued to eat at your mouth. She climbed on you, sitting against Embry’s hardness, her lips never detaching from yours.
You both moan into each other’s mouths as Embry continued to move, sleeking against both of you.
Rachel lets up, looking behind her, now moaning at Embry.
Your lips were captured but this time by Paul. You never kissed him before but you soon find that he had a talented mouth, his hand was groping your chest. You felt yourself be scooted away and you open your eyes, finding that Embry had Rachel against his chest as she had an arm around him, kissing him. Embry let her glide against his hardened flesh as his hands were greedy, feeling every inch of the front of her body.
Hot hands steered your chin away from that sight and his intense gaze is what’s in your eyesight. He kissed you deep as he pressed himself into you, both hands cupping the bottom of you as his hips were strong with deep strokes, your legs tightened around his waist as you cried out. His mouth then makes out with your ear. You were so far gone, you didn’t know what was what anymore as you blindly gripped his naked back.
As he pounded you from behind, gripping your hips so your arched back couldn’t move, you shakily gasped out at both the sensation and the sight of watching as Rachel rode Embry from behind, reverse cowgirl. She opens her eyes and softly smiled at you as she was able to lean forward, still riding him hard. She leans to bring you in a kiss. It was sloppy but still fulfilling.
Embry held you in his arms as he carried you out, starting the journey to the home you both shared. You were slumped and fast asleep in his arms. He peered down at you with slight amusement as he knew that you were worn out, the heated session did last for a long time. Him and Paul couldn’t help it, they did go on and on until they finally went limp. The aching between his legs was still there, but had lessened a lot. With a kiss on your nose, he made plans for the next time you opened your eyes.
#embry call#paul lahote#embry call smut#paul lahote smut#x reader#reader smut#reader imagine#smut with plot#smut#smut with feelings#fanfic#y/n#y/n imagines#x you smut#x y/n#wolfpack#embry call x reader#embry call x you#quileute
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Hiii you are so talented and I just wanted to ask you if you could write about dom jungwon with an s/o that loves doggy style and spanking 🤭🫣
Also I wanted to ask you if you have anons and when that could I please be the 😽 anon??
Have a great day and ty ❤️
aww thank u smmmm!! i only have one anon as of now so ofc u can be an anon:))<3
i decided to merge two asks as i felt like i could:
i mean.. well, i hope you cuties enjoy this one, it's long, messy, n i was gonna do a longer mirror scene but only made it a few sentences😓 oh well, love u all!!<3
It was a mistake, really, to even dare assume Jungwon was small. To tease him, taunt him. Assume, again, that he was submissive, whiny, and pathetic when it came to sex, and the feel of someone bouncing on his cock.
Jake’s laugh was hearty. Ripping through the tense air as you gently pushed aside Jungwon’s shoulder. A playful act, as you hoped. Yet his eyes had grown dark, and something lingered as he glared in your direction. Not so much an annoyed or frustrated stare, but an intense warning he had left you, paired with his small smirk.
“Nah, Y/n, he looks mad…” Jake held back a second laugh, cheeks puffing up as his breath hitched. His eyes creased as his need to burst grew. “Looks like he might just show you how wrong you are” Jake smiled, and then suppressed the action by settling his pearly teeth into the flesh of his lower lip. You scoffed. Flicking a sidewards glance at Jungwon’s form. “With his one-millimetre defeater?” You spoke, unable to even release those words without the presence of a teasing smile. Jake erupted. Slapping a palm to his knee, and letting slip a loud, melodious chuckle between his growing grin.
When you had set your vision on Jungwon once more, he had shifted. Face twisted toward you where you could clearly see his tongue press up against his inner cheek, and his eyes narrow. For a second, your stomach had flipped, and your heart had slipped it’s way down. Dropping suddenly. You swallowed, and he had seemed to notice the regret upon your features. His sweet, endearing smile flashed, and he grinned. “Would you like to find out the truth, hm?”
Jake had been laughing for at least twenty seconds now. Clearly impacted by crude, 12-year-old genitalia jokes. His blurry eyes had made their way toward an evidently puzzled Heeseung, who had just arrived with his newly plastered frown. “Hee, guess what Y/n just said!” He gasped. Collecting his breath as he twisted within his plush seat.
“Too scared my small cock will hurt you?” Jungwon tempted. Smirk crawling further along his dimple-decorated cheeks. He leant, so his heated breath could meet your jaw during his whispers. You let slip a breathy, almost nervous laugh. Perhaps a scoff. Shaking your head from either side.
“I doubt it would even tickle me.” Your head swivelled, and you smiled proudly. A regretful ache whitening your features when he had simply smirked in return. Lashes falling slowly, calmly. He wasn’t defensive. In the slightest. Your eyes wavered. Averting while he clicked his pink tongue against the roof of his mouth and whispered a sentence that had set a shiver to roll down your perked spine and perhaps even make your lower stomach flutter.
“Only one way to tell.”
His voice was low. Honeyed as it snaked through your ears and made you swallow the thick lump within your throat. He had this subtle sexy confidence, enough to have you on your knees, but where had this been hiding? For so long, he had appeared as a submissive type to you. All whimpers and whines as you suck on his pretty pink tip, but now, with his cocky grin, and the reactions to your teases. It might be you that ends up on all fours, crying his name at the top of your heavy lungs.
The thought was off. Never had you begun to think of cute, innocent Jungwon in such a way.
You couldn’t even comprehend before you were taken by the wrist. His soft, warm palm along your skin as he guides you to his room. You could smell his cologne. Intoxicating. Your head spun, and then thumped when his hands fell against your waist. He pulled you into his chest, trapping you between his ribs. “I wasn’t actually gonna fuck you.” He whispered. Low, and serene. A nonchalant twist of his lips as he holds you close. Peering down through hooded eyes as he wraps his scent around you. Almost pulling the breath from your tight throat.
Jungwon smiled, eyes heavy and dark as they easily traced the outline of your rubbing thighs. His fingers fell, brushing from your side toward your inner leg. The pad of his finger slid, and pressed teasingly between your clothed, and shamelessly soaked lips. Your pussy throbbed at the mere, bare minimum. His slanted smile twitched. “But seeing as your so wet, maybe I should?”
“Would you like that?” His grin was cocky, paired with his lowered voice. His warm breath tangled amidst your hair as his lips landed beside your jaw. Placed closely to the side of your ear. “Do you want to be fucked by my small cock?”
Regret couldn’t have surpassed this stage. It was at a point that the feeling deep within your bones. Dwelling within your squirming, tight stomach. Should be an entirely different word. Perhaps one that has yet to exist.
You swallowed, again. Eyes growing. You suppressed the urge to melt between his fingers. Hand yourself to him. Fall to your knees for him. You gave him a small smile. Your palms were shaky as you buried them between the fabric of his shirt and pulled him near. “Let’s see what you can do..” You whispered, façade slipping, but still stable.
You hadn’t fully given in to him yet. No matter how hard it had become. With his body, warm and soft. His skin sliding along yours, as his shirt was ditched. His golden, gleaming complexion. Smooth to the touch. Had you quietly begging for more. With each stroke your palm took across his abs. Every line you had traced of his skin. The lack of impurities, as his visage glowed.
He set multiple rushed kisses to your parted lips. Overbearing you with his wet, eager motions, before ultimately pushing himself against you and melting into a passionate make-out. His arms snaked, and yours had remained along his heaving chest. Your bodies had been entwined. Your thighs now either side of his waist as you attempt every possible writhe which could set you closer to his heat. Jungwon pulled from your whining lips. Smirk sly as he lifted his hips and rubbed his growing bulge against your clothed clit. You pulsed. Breath becoming fast between his arms, and above his cock. “Can you take it?” He asked, and you had instinctively lowered your head. Quiet, to which he had grinned harder. Dimples popping from between his cheeks. “Wanna get on your hands and knees for me?”
“Yeah.” You had replied. Faster, and more eagerly than you would have liked. Your cheeks had grown warm as he laughed beneath his breath. A gentle, comforting chuckle.
You had always found yourself imagining Jungwon fucking you from behind, as much as you wouldn’t like to admit. The thought of him pushing you down against the bed. Your arms and legs shaky as he ruts himself into you. Constant, rough rocks until you’re a mess in his hold.
Now his fingers were hot as they trailed down your spine. Ticklish, as your stomach flipped. His palm was soft as it pressed into your lower back. Settling there while his fingers had become splayed. Holding you down against his bedsheets. Your knees dug into the mattress, as well as your own palms. Lightly, your fingers wrapped around the blankets. Folding them into a ball you could hold, and grip, to stabilise your shaky limbs.
His cock was hard, clearly leaking as he rubbed his swollen tip against your clit. Jungwon hummed, holding back a whine as he slid his own hand along his shaft. Sighing when a drop of his pre-cum dribbled between your cheeks. With one hand, he held the left side of your ass. His palm moulding the flesh, while you whimpered, and rolled your hips backward, to meet his pink, drooling tip. “Why are you so excited?” He teased. His entire cock sliding between the mess he had made. “It’s barely two inches.” His taunt was light-hearted, as you could clearly hear his stretching smile. Especially the pride that had sunk across his curling lips when his cock had pushed into you. Finally sinking between your plush, clenching walls. His length stretched you wide, pulling both a gasp and a moan from your throat. Your jaw lowered. Ready to let slip the consistent string of whimpers as Jungwon began to move. Roll his hips against your ass. Skin against skin. His cock stroking the deepest parts of you.
He groaned. Head falling backward, as his hips picked up speed. His fast-paced bucks had you shaking. Elbows almost buckling. You were quivering with each rough rock he took into you. Cock squeezing between your tight walls. His hair fell against his vision. Unfortunate. As his dick was twitching at the mere sight of you on your knees for him. Shaky, and whiny. Your ass rolling back against the corrupted air between you and taking his cock so well. He could watch his dick sink into you and could see the way your body shook.
“Am I still small?” Jungwon breathed out. A shaky laugh. He bit his lip, palm massaging the skin of your cheek. “S-shut up.” You stuttered. Face flushed, and gleaming with a sheen of undeniable sweat. Jungwon’s fingers ran smoothly along your ass. The soft skin being handled and traced. Delicately, he lifted his palm and tapped your ass. Two small slaps, that had caused no harm. Your face, however, had lit up, and your tight hole had clenched. Wrapping harsher around his cock while your pussy had swallowed him whole. Jungwon groaned. Voice heavy and loud as you took him. “Ah, Y/n?” His smirk had twitched. “Do you like that?” He questioned, his palm resuming it’s massage. Set lightly on your ass.
You could only moan. Pushing back your hips and creating an arch within your back. His cock slid deeper. Now fully encased between your dripping walls. “Ah, shit…” Jungwon cursed. Softly, beneath his breath. Teeth, clearly biting down into a suppressed smirk.
He rubbed, and then the warmth had supposedly disappeared. His palm lifted, and fell back against your flesh with a sharp, exhilarating slap. You cried at his action. Skin surely red, as he had repeated himself. Breathy sighs evident from his parted lips, while he was set on fucking into you until his pulsing cock had come.
“More, more…” You begged. “Mm fuck.”
All shame now seamlessly evaporating when his cock was buried deep between your walls. Twitching against the tight convulses. Jungwon grunted when his hand met the rosy patch that had been decorated along your skin. His hips lifted, and his skin caressed yours. You were slipping. One final spank, and the feel of his tip slamming the deepest part of you was enough to have you squeeze and make a mess of his dick.
Jungwon’s moans had raised in pitch as he neared. His cock making crude, wet sounds as he pushed through the mixture of white, warm cum. His fingers curled, and gripped your waist, pulling you near as he let the thick stripes of his cum fill your insides. His skin was set against yours. His chest clearly heaving.
“Do you wanna go out there and tell Jake how big I really am?” Jungwon joked between breaths. His chuckle light-hearted as his shoulders fell, and his palms dropped from your skin. His cock slid from within you, letting Jungwon’s warm pleasure release down the sides of your sticky thighs. “I’d rather not..” You sighed, still shaky.
Jungwon fell silent, and then the soft touch of an arm caught you off guard. He had wrapped himself around you, hand flat against your raising stomach as he pulled you back against the comfort of his lap. Between his legs. His breath hit your ear, and a second shiver ran through your spine. It pressed along his back, and straightened when he had let his fingers fall toward your messy clit. “Look at the mirror, baby.” He whispered along your neck. You swallowed, eyes shifting toward the mirror against his bedroom wall. Golden framed with clean glass. Too clear. You couldn’t help but pulse against his heated, smooth hand. His slim fingers had situated themselves either side of your clit, spreading you before your own gaze. Letting the mess drool out from between your puffed-up lips. His cum had filled you to the brim, and now he was showing you the aftereffects. Sly smirk, again, curling upon his lips, as he pressed them to the shell of your ear. He then hummed. “I don’t think a small cock can do this, hm?”
#enhypen smut#enha x reader#enhypen hard hours#smut#hard thoughts#hard hours#jungwon hard hours#jungwon smut#jungwon x reader#sunoosetsasks
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Tired. Also heads up on the inbox stuff.
Q. How are you not upset or freaking out right now? This is not good in any way!!!
A. Okay so this is the last anon message I'm going to answer at least until after the episode. If you want to spiral in my inbox you are going to have to do it with your name. So for the time being anon message capability has been turned off. As for this ask, there is no part of this that is bad news in the grand scheme of things. Am I annoyed by it? Yes. Is it the laziest way to get there? Yes. But it's also objectively hilarious because he's not the one. None of this is about him. So while I am annoyed about how stupid this whole thing is, I also understand what they're doing with it. At this point I genuinely don't know how anyone can be confused by the storyline they're telling here. Episodes 9 and 10 exist in canon. They didn't occur accidentally. Buck is going to try to take an ex home to EDDIE'S house and attempt to have sex with them IN Eddie's bed. The entire thing is about Eddie. And it's objectively hilarious given who the rumored ex apparently is. The spiraling is baffling to me. They could be planning their wedding and someone somewhere would post a dooming speculation post and some of you would crash out immediately. I genuinely don't understand this pattern. Media literacy is a thing. We, and the journalists I might add, didn't invent the stuff we've been seeing since last season. Olive teased a slow burn. He teased wanting a will they/won't they. Welcome to the party people. Relax and let the story unfold. It's going one way and one way only. This part might suck but it's entirely temporary.
Thank you Nonny!
We haven't seen the episode yet, so I'm still cautious on whether or not these 'leaks' are true. So take all of this with a grain of salt.
First of all I owe an apology to the Nonny that came into my inbox a few days ago, talking about the exact scenario from those 'leaks' and that that might happen. I thought it was a ludicrous idea, but if this leak turns out to be true tonight, it will still be ludicrous but fact. So, wherever you are Nonny, I'm very sorry. I was wrong. It has happened before and it will no doubt happen again.😽
I agree with Ali all the way. I'm not angry, just confused by this show's insistance to continuously write up very strange scenarios when it could have been so much easier. But whatever? 🤷♀️
You all know that I was already convinced T would be coming back to play the last act in his plot device arc, but I didn't think the show would take it this far. I suppose Buck is having his own little crazy Vertigo moment here. It is what it is.
I'm not upset. I am going to get through whatever it is they'll show us of this very bad decision, because I know there's a light at the end of this tunnel. The man is head over heels in love with his best friend and if this is the way for him to realise it? Well, c'est la vie.
It'll all be part of buddie's 'will they won't they' romance. This truly is the slowburn to end all slowburns.
Silver lining? At least he didn't bring home someone else and we'd have to go through the whole cycle of people jumping ship going 'OMG Buck and that random woman/man' were perfect for each other. They are soulmates' phase. Better stick with the annoyance that we know than to add new unknown and unpredictable annoyances to this fandom.
Everyone should be watching this episode though. Don't let T stop you from watching and enjoying Buck's first moment of realisation in 7 seasons. Don't let T stop you from watching Buck crash out over Eddie. Don't let T stop you from exploring more strange Bobby lore. Most of all though... don't let T stop you from enjoying Aisha's directorial debut. It'll be wonderful if we could all support her as she deserves.
So I'll be sitting down tomorrow morning to watch the episode, as unspoiled as possible at this moment. I never open any social media on Friday morning and happily watch whatever story is about to unfold.
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
#anonymous blog I love#nonnies galore#buddie speculation#911 8b speculation#911 spoilers#911 leaks and predictions#caution: take this with a grain of salt#because the leaks have not been confirmed in any way
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HI😽 kind of hard to explain, but what about like civ!gn!reader x gaz and it’s pretty early in their relationship and the reader meets 141 or his friends or are at some sort of outing with other people or something and like it’s so obvious how smitten reader is with him and it’s noticeable to everyone whereas kyle doesn’t notice much or at all, and is pretty much oblivious to it? like they’re pretty much enchanted by him yk?
like for example; kyle is casually talking about something with the group, reader is sat next to him and he isn’t looking at her as much (bc he’s engaged w what he’s saying and the conversation) but reader is just totally admiring him, starstruck by him. an enamored, infatuated look on their face. just staring at him, not listening much just because they’re just so captivated by him? idk i hope this makes sense!!
maybe during or afterwards, someone lets him know their observations (i can totally imagine it being soap or alex lol, or price in a fatherly kind of way [if it’s 141])
feel free to ignore this especially if it doesn’t make sense! i wasn’t sure how to explain or if it did correctly but i hope i did! THANKS!❤️❤️💕 (sorry if this is long😭😭)
thank you so much for requesting this anon! i feel like this it totally possible for him because while he may be a genius on the field, he gives a lil clueless vibe w relationships

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summary: Despite being such an intelligent and observant soldier, Kyle can be a bit dense. After a chance meeting, you two have been dating casually but you are left wanting more. You think it’s a big step when you meet the 141 but the night goes for the worst. Can someone talk some sense into him?
pairing: Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x civilian!gn!Reader
warnings: swearing
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“Are you sure this is okay, Kyle?” you asked as you adjusted your jeans and black shirt. “Mhmm” he replied, without giving you a second look. You tried to hide your nervousness behind a smile but your hands gave it away. You were meeting Kyle’s teammates for the first time and wanted to make a good impression. Despite him reassuring you it would be alright, you still had butterflies in your stomach at the thought. What if you weren’t good enough? You were meeting his captain for god's sake! As you scanned the crowded pub behind him, you hoped you would make it out of this date alive.
“They should be here somewhere,” he reassured, taking a look above the conversing heads and cheers of drinks. “Ah there they are!” he said finally locating the high top at the corner of the busy bar. Without a second look, he maneuvered to the table and you attempted to follow his long stride. You managed to dodge the splash of beer as you reached behind Kyle. “Took us a minute to find you,” he said breathlessly, “Like I said last week this is Y/N.” He gestured to you and you gave a small wave to the group.
“Y/N, our person of the hour!” one of his friends remarked, you assumed it was Johnny based on his thick accent. “Nice to meet you all,” you smiled and you took a free seat beside Kyle. “Mind reminding me of your names again?” you asked politely, It’s not like you didn’t know who they were but you appreciated the clarification. In fact, once you differentiated Simon and Johnny, the entire group and the stories Kyle had told you fell into place. “Gaz, you want to do the honors?” one of them asked but he was already diving head first into the drinks menu.
“Ah I guess I’ll do it,” Johnny said as he cleared his throat. You crossed your hands, preparing for this presentation. “Well here we have Simon,” he said as he gestured to the quiet man who took up a majority of the corner with his broad frame, “doesn’t say much so don’t be bothered.” You nodded as he pointed to the older man who sat drinking a scotch that looked more than your paycheck, “I’m sure you’ve heard of our Captain Price.” Again you nodded and Price stuck out a hand for you. “You can call me John.” “And finally,” Johnny said bringing the attention back to him, “I’m Johnny Mactavish.” You gave a round of applause to his fantastic introductions.
“Well I think you deserve a round for that,” you smiled and Johnny’s eyes lit up, “plus I’m sure Kyle knows what he wants by now.” You smiled at him but his gaze was plastered to the decorations on the wall. “Yeah, and you?” he asked and you smiled at the brief acknowledgement. “Just a rum and coke, my typical order.” You gestured the bartender over and ordered everyone a round of drinks. Your ears rang from their jeers and words of gratitude. “Anything for those who keep Kyle safe,” you smiled as you looked back at him but once again, his eyes were looking somewhere else.
Sensing the lull in silence, Soap spoke up. “So uh did Kyle ever tell you why we call him Gaz?” You shook your head as the bartender returned with your drinks. “He hasn’t actually,” you smiled, “heard he had a fun nickname.” “It’s more of a call sign for us but ever since he joined he’s been Gaz to us,” Simon spoke up as he sipped his chilled bourbon. “Well it all started when I finished basic,” Kyle began and you looked at him. You loved when he spoke about something, especially when he talked to an attentive group. He was a natural storyteller and captivated his audience.
He took a sip of his pint before he started his story. “A buddy of mine said that it was a tradition, something your platoon decides on and he threw a few out there,” he continued and laughed at the memory. He could tell you the most mundane instruction and you loved the way his lips curved into a smile after every statement and how he held eye contact with those who were listening. You could completely drown out all the other extraneous noise and just tune in to the Kyle Garrick radio. “Anyways what started as Garrick turned into Gar and eventually a Lieutenant passed by and just said to call me Gaz,” he concluded and Johnny laughed at the ending.
“And we thought it was more than that,” he joked and everyone joined in. Kyle’s laugh was infectious to you and you suppressed your giggles with your hand. He smiled at the slight jab, sipping out of his glass that was collecting condensation. “Not everyone can be called something like ‘Soap’” he shrugged. You noted to yourself to remember all of these silly little names that were such a foreign concept to you. You’d have to circle back to Simon and John. As the two continued to trade insults and laugh, you finished your drink. You were happy because Kyle was happy. You hoped this wouldn’t be the last time you would be meeting such an interesting group.
Eventually, Simon put an end to their banter and the conversation moved on. “So are you two a couple?” John asked and before you could reply, Kyle beat you to it. “Just have been dating a month or so, nothing official yet,” he replied casually. “Five months,” you mumbled and under the roar of the bar, only Simon heard you. Maybe that was the best way to put it but you wanted something more permanent. Something less fleeting and unemotional. You tried to suppress your disappointment but the tension in the air was evident. You tried to think of an escape route. “I’m gonna go get another drink, I’ll go to the other end of the bar,” you said as you glanced at the swamped counter, “they look busy.” You grabbed your wallet and hopped off the stool, mingling through the crowd.
When you left, Johnny immediately attacked Kyle. “Okay Gaz,” he said calling the attention to himself. “What the fuck are you doing?” he asked suddenly and Kyle turned to him, surprised. “What do you mean?” “That ray of sunshine is clearly into ya and you’re like a sheet of cardboard,” he boasted and the rest of the table nodded. Kyle turned to see you trying to make your way to the bar amongst the crowded room of patrons. “We’ve been dating for a month, I don’t want to make things too serious,” he replied as he turned back to the group. “You should see how they look at you,” Price began, “it’s like you created the stars in the sky.” Despite his efforts on the field and in recon, Gaz strained to remember those recent moments. “I’m just saying,” Price lectured, putting a hand on Kyle’s shoulder, “they’re someone worth putting the effort into.”
As Price loosened his grip, Kyle turned to see you struggling to get the bartender’s attention. “Listen to us, a table of a bunch of single blokes,” Johnny said with a laugh. Kyle laughed along nervously but got up from the table. “I’ll be right back,” he said and his departure was met with hollers from Johnny. As you sighed in defeat as the bartender helped another patron, you felt Kyle hold your waist from behind. “Over here!” he called and in a few moments, the bartender returned to take your order. “They’ll have a rum and coke,” he ordered and you couldn’t help but smile a little wider at his good memory. “This one’s on me, love,” he said as you looked up at him.
“Thanks, Kyle, I appreciate it,” you replied with a slight smile. Before you could turn to get your drink, Kyle placed a hand on your cheek. “Hey uh would you want to be something more permanent?” he questioned and you couldn’t help but be surprised. “Oh Kyle, if this is something your buddies said then–“Before you could finish, he interjected. “No,” he said with a smile, “actually I’m glad you get along with them, they’re a bit of a mixed bag.” You looked over to the group and let out a laugh as Johnny tried to get Simon to take a shot with him. “They’re great, real good people you work with,” you pursed your lips before replying, “but I think I’d like that.” He kissed you softly and you swear you could hear your table cheer. “I really like you, Kyle,” you giggled, almost as if this was a school crush confession. “Good, I don’t know what I’d say if the person I fancied said no,” you both shared a laugh as you returned.
As Kyle checked his phone quickly, Johnny shot you a quick wink. You didn’t know what happened when you left but you were glad that this group looked out for Kyle– not just on the field. As Simon and John held a drunken Johnny up and helped him into an Uber, you felt Kyle interlace his fingers with yours. “Not too early for some PDA?” he questioned and you shook your head. “Never.”
#kyle gaz garrick#gaz x reader#kyle garrick x reader#task force 141 x reader#task force 141#cod x reader#call of duty modern warfare#cod mwii#modern warfare 2#call of duty#mw2 imagine#madebyizzie#gaz imagine#kyle garrick imagine#mw2#izzie is writing
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HIIIi love your writing so much so here i am making a request with promp 12. or 19.?? maybe combo or you can choose whichever youd like with the character Zane from Ninjago
when maybe with prompt 12 where Zane has some sort of panic attack so the reader is there to help him??? THANK YOU SO MUCH IF YOU DO HAVE A GREAT DAY AND DONT FORGET TO DRINK AND EAT UP😼😼😽
YAH thank you sweets!! One Zane fic, compliments to the lovely anon!! <3
Word count: 1.3k
Ninjago - 12. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” and 19. “Your hair looks so soft.” (Zane) (300 follower event)
The market was alive with noise and movement. The torrent of people was thick and powerful; if you stepped into it, you were bound to be swept away. So you and the ninjas made sure to stay on the outer edge, using alleyways as they were available instead of braving the main street.
Zane was never a fan of large crowds. They caused him a faint anxiety, especially when he was with people, as that added the responsibility of keeping track of them. You, of course, knew about this, so you were holding his hand to ensure you wouldn’t be separated. You still saw the occasional flicker of worry in his eyes, but you knew it couldn’t be helped.
“How far did Ronin say it was?” You asked, getting a little impatient. “We’ve been wandering the streets for hours.”
“That’s the thing,” Lloyd sighed. “He didn’t say how far it was. He just said to ‘look for a cart in a caravan with a blue feather painted on the door.’”
Jay rolled his eyes. “How specific of him.”
“I still think our best bet is the market. Where else would a caravan be in such a huge city?”
“Nya’s right. We’ll keep searching here,” Kai agreed as they emerged from an alley into a new portion of the market.
Before you stepped into the noisiness again, you paused, leaning in to speak softly to Zane. “Doing okay?”
He gave a sincere smile, squeezing your hand. “Yes. Thank you.”
You smiled back, hurrying to catch up with the others before they got too far.
You traversed several more streets before you found anything; the market was like an endless maze, seemingly never ending no matter how many twists and turns one made.
Your blind trek finally came to a conclusion as the sun was beginning to flush the blue from the sky with orange, and the people were beginning to head home. Many vendors had also left, but fortunately for your party the caravan appeared inhabited still.
It was a posse of quaint carts, each not much bigger than your average camping trailer. The intricate blue feather painted on the door distinguished the one you were looking for, and Jay practically bounded up the steep stairs to pound on the door.
There was no answer. Jay’s fists clenched. “If Ronin sent us on yet another wild goose chase—!”
“Are you looking for Natalia?”
Everyone turned their heads to see a young boy peering out from behind the cart. After exchanging glances and shrugs among yourselves, you turned helplessly to the boy. “Is this Natalia’s cart?”
“Yes. I will tell her she has visitors. She will be a while. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind you waiting inside.” The boy disappeared as quickly as he had come.
Jay opened the door just as you had opened your mouth to ask if it was a good idea to go inside. You hadn’t missed the way that Zane’s hand was tightening around yours, and you had a pretty good guess as to why. It had been a long day full of stress, and now he was being packed into a little cart with six other people. The strong smell of incense wafting from the open door wasn’t promising, either; you could tell before even stepping inside that you’d be choked by the smell.
And choked you were. The oppressive heat in the cart (partly from the several sticks of incense burning in the small space) only worsened the smell. The numberless trinkets and furniture impossibly crammed into the little space made it twice as claustrophobic as it should have been, what with seven people now crammed inside.
It was the smells. The colors. The heat. The voices of the ninjas. The voices of the remaining people out on the street. Everything. But most of all it was the stress of being on a mission in such a place. Zane had been trying to keep serious, knowing that what they were doing was important. But it was too much. It was all just so noisy.
Zane suddenly let go of your hand. Even the feeling of your skin on his was making everything worse. He tried to close his eyes, but it didn’t help, so he opened them again, and that didn’t help, either. It seemed that whatever he did, he was making the panic worse.
You knew what was up the second he stopped gripping your hand.
“Guys,” you spoke over the others, sounding as casual as you could. “Why don’t you go and keep a lookout for this ‘Natalie’ person?” You nodded at the door.
Jay opened his mouth to protest, but Kai, who seemed to suddenly notice Zane, smacked his shoulder before he could speak. He ushered the others out quickly, sending an encouraging look your way before stepping out himself.
You turned to face Zane when you heard the door close. By now his breathing was ragged and he was shifting his weight uncomfortably, his fingernails digging roughly into his palms.
“Hey,” you spoke quietly. “Zane. Just look at me.”
His head snapped up, distressed eyes wild as they bored into yours.
“Good. Now focus on me. Look in my eyes. It’s just you and me.” You seamlessly wrapped your hands around his, wedging his fingers out of his palms to entwine with yours as they relaxed.
He nodded subtly, but his breathing was only growing faster. You repeated your last line a few times, making sure to keep your tone calm and encouraging.
Zane’s hands gradually unclenched, and after a while his breathing finally began to slow.
“You’re doing great. Deep breaths. Here, just follow my lead.” You breathed deep too, letting him synchronize his breaths with yours.
Tears started to brim his eyes, and you could see the exhaustion of the day taking its toll on him: his knees wobbled a bit, so you guided him to a chair.
“Just take it easy,” you whispered, pulling up another chair beside him.
You wrapped an arm around his shoulder, letting him put his head on your torso. You felt him start to shake, and though he was clearly trying to keep his breathing calm.
“Your hair looks so soft,” you murmured. “Can I touch it?”
Given a small nod by Zane, you reached up a hand to stroke his hair. This seemed to help keep him relatively calm as he trembled, working the remaining anxiety out of his system.
It was a while before he tried to straighten himself. He suddenly pulled away from your chest, looking into your eyes with a sincere smile. “Thank you,” he whispered, his voice a little unsteady.
You just nodded, bringing the hand that was buried in his hair down to cup his cheek. “Of course.”
Zane placed his hand atop yours, adding pressure to quell the shakiness. He turned his head a little to kiss your palm as he leaned into your touch.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
You blushed a little, making Zane’s smile spread wider.
“Do you want to go back?”
“No. I’d like to finish the mission. I feel much better.”
You eyed him warily, prompting him to grab both of your hands and hold them on your lap. “Trust me, I’m fine now.”
You didn’t like the twinge of exhaustion you saw in his eyes, but ultimately you respected his judgment. You gave a small nod.
Not two seconds later a knock came at the door of the little cart. You heard Jay’s voice on the other side. “Guys! Natalia’s coming!”
You both shot up, you scrambling to the door, Zane following a step behind. You paused as you grabbed the handle, looking back at Zane one last time.
“Let’s go out,” Zane insisted. “The smell in here really is oppressive.”
You laughed, affirming your agreement by swinging the door open and hopping into the fresh air outside.
When on flat ground, Zane held your hand once more, once again aware of the (admittedly smaller but still not insignificant) bustling market.
Kai sent you a look that asked: All good?
You gave a thumbs-up, earning a confused yet innocent smile from Zane.
“All good,” you said, kissing Zane’s hand quickly before getting down to business; Natalie was approaching, and the mission had to go on.
Thank you so much for participating in our event!! And thanks for reading, take care guys <33
(divider by saradika)
#ninjago#lego ninjago#ninjago x reader#zane julien#zane julien x reader#zane x reader#ninjago fanfiction
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Hi, It’s me the anon that requested the Xenophanes x Demon Reader that was friends with Fleeway.
I have another idea 💡
So continuing on from my previous request let’s say reader and Xeno are just hanging out and somehow Sonic stumbled into Xeno’s dimension and he sees the reader next to Xeno and he freaks out because he thinks Reader is Amy so he runs up and grabs Reader trying to save them from Xeno and both Xeno and Reader are confused and shocked by what’s happening. So now we have Xenophanes and Sonic chasing after each other because of Sonic’s confusion.
Meanwhile Xeno’s puppets (Eggman, Tails and Knuckles.) are just watching the whole thing go down while Majin Sonic and Unused Sonic (His name is just Unused but yeah..) are just silently making jokes and laughing at Xeno.
Once again, I hope you’re doing okay! 👍🏽 And I’m doing alright as well 😽✌🏽
Xenophanes with a demon reader (Part 2)
Hey there again! Thanks for the ask!
Honestly I love the idea you just said that I started writing this as soon as I saw the request. Although it’s almost 5:00am where I am and I should be asleep right now I don’t care. Just imagine Sonic having an Amy moment when she accidentally confuses others like Shadow for him. Kind of ironic when you think about it. Anyways glad to hear your doing well and once again hope you enjoy reading this! ~Blaze/Dawn
Here’s Part 1 of the Ask
Pronouns: She/They
Warning: ❌ (Sonic has his Amy moment lol)
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Xenophanes + Sonic + Xeno’s Puppets (Tails + Knuckles + Eggman) + Majin + Unused
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art by OrcaTheArtist on Deviantart + Banner by 5macc13 (Edited By Me) on Pinterest

- It’s been a while since you’ve met and eventually befriended Xenophane and you got to say you honestly don’t regret it. Pretty much after being ‘introduced’ to him by Fleetway you two have been attached to the hip. You even got to know his puppets which although at first they only got along with you because of Xeno eventually they did manage to genuinely get along with you outside of him.
- You even got to know some more of his ‘friends’ , for example people like Majin and Unused. Honestly you found the two of them interesting. It didn’t seem they did any harm yet they seemed to hang around people like Xeno. Just like the puppet gang they were actually decent to be around. Sometimes when you aren’t hanging out with Xeno or Fleetway you three like to have a get to gather and just talk. Kind of like the Unused and Majin Show (By Nominal Dingus on YouTube) just minus the talk show part.
- Surprisingly the two of them somehow don’t confuse you as Amy. Although they do see the resemblance just like Eggman they can distinguish the difference between you two. Plus they understand that you are your own person and understand that it can be annoying when you get compared to someone you aren’t. They respect that so they don’t do it.
- You’ve pretty much gotten used to hanging out with demented version of sonic and his friends as well as being one yourself you haven’t really had the chance to think about what would happen if you met the real deal. Although you couldn’t really care less if you met the actual Amy, however with someone like Xeno you severely doubt that he would be kind meeting the real Sonic or any of his friends. Considering what he did with his versions of Tails, Knuckles and Eggman, who knows what he would do with the actual characters from the hit game series. However, you were about to find out what would happen and although nothing too violent happened it was definitely funny at least to you and those who witnessed it.
- Somehow Sonic found himself in the universe that contains all of you. Not recognising where he was and wondering where his friends were he immediately went and looked trying his best to not get caught by whatever could hurt him. After looking around he stumbled between all of you hanging out. At first he was wondering who the hell all of you were but when he saw you his eyes immediately widened. Although you didn’t have that much of Amy’s appearance, he saw his friend's silhouette and automatically assumed that you were ‘Amy’. He didn’t want ‘Amy’ to get harmed by Xeno and the others so he figured he risked his life and save you.
+ As soon as Sonic saw his friend hanging out what looked like disturbing versions of him he let his emotions get the of him and placed a hand on your shoulder and pulled you back. At first you were confused at who the hell was pulling you back and it seemed like the others were as well. “Amy! Be careful!” Sonic said hugging you tight, keeping an eye on the others still not paying attention to you who clearly wasn’t Amy. “Who the hell are you? And why the hell are you grabbing onto them like that?” Xeno said slightly growling at Sonic like a goddamn dog seeing another dog. “I’m not letting you get close to her or harm her so back off”. Everyone including you just looked at Sonic. The puppet trio whispering to each other about their friend confusing you for Amy, wondering what Xeno may or may not do to him. Majin and Unused slightly chuckling to themselves, well mostly unused and Xeno preparing himself to attack Sonic.
+ “What do you mean? They aren’t going to attack me?” You said as you tried to remove Sonic’s arms around you “What are you talking about Amy can’t you see…” Sonic was about to explain how clearly dangerous the others looked, however he quickly stopped himself and took a minute to take in what you said. Why weren’t you worried about them? Then he finally decided to look at you directly. That’s when he finally realised that you weren’t Amy. Well at least not mentally and sort of physically. “Wait your aren’t…” he said slightly, stumbled back removing his arms from you. “Unfortunately I’m not your friend ‘Amy’ I’m [Name]” you explained yourself giving a shocked Sonic a smile. You can hear Unused letting out a slight snort trying to hold in his laughter as Xeno approached him. Sonic slightly chuckled to himself out of awkwardness and slowly tried to get away apologising before quickly running off with a slightly pissed off Xeno chasing after him. The rest of you pretty much just stood still watching this whole shit show go down. “Should…we stop him?” Majin spoke up suggesting how to stop Xeno from harming Sonic “Nah just let him do it” Unused waves Majin off slightly entertained with what’s happening right now “Yeah I agree, let’s at least let him get it out of his system before stopping” You added on trying your best to conceal the smirk appearing on your face.
#sonic.exe#sonic.exe x reader#xenophanes#xenophanes x reader#xenophane#xenophane x reader#sonic#sonic the hedgehog#majin#majin sonic#unused#unused sonic#miles tails prower#soul tails#knuckles the echidna#soul knuckles#eggman#soul eggman#sonic series#sonic series x reader#sonic x reader#x reader#request
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mi corazón have my asks been going through? every time i get a notification i hope its eiither a new fic or you responding to my messages 😢
- 😽 anon
hiiii kitty cat, i answered ur ask yesterday, they were all in one post with multiple other asks so u probably haven’t seen it but i got it, thank u again !!! 🫂💖 im kinda slowwww at replying to everything but ill reply eventually 🫡
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heyy lovelyy <3 how are you? did you drink enough water? did you rest well? i hope you're doing fine!!
a message coming from the milky way 🌠
★ dreamy anon!
Hii! I’m doing well thank u! I had enough water and I had a good nap 😮💨 thank you for asking again I hope you’re doing well too 😽😽 sending hugs and kisses
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to the 😶 anon i just wanted to say that you are so so strong for everything that you're going through and don't listen to the speech therapist !! ik they're technically qualified but a good therapist (speech or not) would never give up on their client or at the very least refer them to someone more qualified and trained.
i'm absolutely appalled and disgusted by their unprofessional behaviour, and please don't let them make you feel disheartened or like you'll never be able to speak again. i really and truly believe you can and you will no matter what, no one is beyond helping and that's the first thing we learn as psychologists/therapists.
trauma responses are incredibly tricky, especially ones like selective mutism. but if you haven't already i'd recommend seeing a psychotherapist alongside a new and better speech therapist. i'm not exactly sure how speech therapy works where you're based, but from what i know they're not specialised in dealing with the more psychological aspects of it, like with it being a result of trauma.
if you work to unpack the underlying cause of it first it could prove to be a lot more useful than just speech therapy alone. honestly from experience cbt does wonders and i'd highly recommend finding a good and qualified psychotherapist that specialises in ptsd/trauma responses. maybe put the speech therapy on pause for now and recuperate and when you're ready and comfortable look for a psychotherapist.
working at your own pace is so incredibly important and know that it doesn't matter how long you take, the road to recovery is a process that can't be rushed and a small improvement is still improvement!! even going back a couple steps is essential to progress and healing so please don't feel like it's not possible. it absolutely is and it's well within your reach.
i know i'm just a stranger on the internet but i really and truly believe you can do this and you've got this. i am so so proud of you for everything you've endured and i really hope that you report that speech therapist to their board or something. genuinely disgusting behaviour tbh i cannot believe it.
anyways i hope you feel better really soon and don't lose hope !! wishing you all the best forever and always <33
(also wishing you the best my lovely and i hope you're doing well too !! i hope you don't mind me sending such a long ask but as someone who's training to be a clinical psychologist (hopefully god willing) it genuinely fills me with such rage when i see rude therapists. you studied for so long and chose that occupation yourself how dare you treat clients/patients that way smh. anyways sending you all my love <33)
awwwww, its rlly nice of u to send such an encouraging message to the anon <3 you have a heart of gold 😽
i hope they read this and understand that what their previous therapist has said, was bullshit. finding a good therapist or psychologist, who’s certified to treat such cases, is so important and i hope they find that person. everyone deserves a chance for proper treatment !
thank you for speaking up and i bet its 100% appreciated ^_^ inshallah you’ll become the clinical psychologist you desire to be x and i’m sure you will bcs u r a sweetheart mwah
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seungmin pavlov anon here… i am very happy to see that my ask was well-received 🤭 catboy anon, i wanna kiss u for those ideas about conditioning seungmo and lino… u have no right to produce such banger concepts all the time !!
i was also the hannie weaponised dacryphilia anon, i am sorry pink for the havoc i caused within u 😭
also, could i be a regular anon around here? 🌸 anon if it’s not taken! i love this blog sm !! ♡
hello hello! it’s great to see the genius mind behind those asks again hehe thank u for sending them in <3 as u can see the seungmin one took quite the toll on me it seems you have a knack for sending ppl spiraling w ur ideas~
one of the few certainties in life is catboy anon disturbing everyone’s peace w the most deranged thoughts on god’s green earth (<- madly in love) and yes…uttering the words “hannie” and “dacryphilia” around pink is a dangerous game 😽
you can definitely be 🌸 anon welcome! i’m so glad u like it here please feel free to stop by whenever you’d like!
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I just read TTN again and omg- I was giggling and kicking my feet ngl😂
(TTN spoilers!)
But still,the last scenes from part 10 make me sob violently,BECAUSE THEY WERE FINALLY TOGETHER AND R HAD TO GO AWAY. Glad that R came back after 3 years though.
I LOVED THE FACT THAT YOU PUT AUNT JANET IN THE PIRATE HOBIE FIC,TOO! I loved her character in TTN,so it was great to see her again.
(Also my vacay went really well,thanks for asking😽)
Ah yes TTN my best work! (I miss it honestly perhaps it's time for me to also do another read through)
I was feeling a lil bit evil while i was writing that LMAOO
Glad you loved it!! Also you doing re-read makes my heart full ❤️
I love aunt Janet, i just had to write her in that au!
You might see other TTN characters on there 🤫
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anyways brb devouring hannie’s boyclit at the moment🤭😋😋💦
😭 long ask warning
THANK YOU SO MUCH POOKIE? gosh idek how to reply its taken me a bit because i genuinely dont know how to respond??! im forever grateful for this!!!
yk after i deal with my last stretches of uni for the year AND finish my pending wips i might treat u to more hannie stuff 😋 i keep saying this but specialllll shoutouts to mei bc they are the one who keeps motivating me to make stuff lmao and they asked for this hannie boypussy thing. then my dick ran with it. THEN IT REACHED YOU?!?! MEANT TO BE METHINKSSSS
OUUUU PLS serving u with the art was so fun tbh so im very glad u liked it IM GLAD U LIKED THE FIC AT ALL AHAHAHA ur enthusiasm drives me to create and ID LOVE TO KEEP HEARING FROM U POOKIE ANON GOD U MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD EVEN IF IM Going Thru It
go fuck up them clit nails and finger hanji’s pretty pussy with them 😋😋 PINK BOOKET FOR U MY LOVELY! HOPE URE ALWAYS HAVING A GREAT DAY‼️ I LOVE U DOWN i hope u never get neutered so u can be just as insane as me
#is this what they mean when its possible for doms to be on the receiving end of a praise kink#lol srry nasty joke aside#GOD I CLDNT STOP LAUGHINGGGG I LOVE U POOKIE ANON#<3 pookie anon#💌 ipeginbox
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I'm glad you're back here <3
-Sigma simp
Thank youuu😽 I’m so happy to have you in my asks again sigma simp anon (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
The literal second I decided to post again my professors decided it would be the perfect time to assign a bunch of huge projects buuut I’m almost finished with all of them so after that I will be back on the grind again:D I’m excited to be able to post endless amounts of sigma content for you again !!
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