bl-bam-beyond · 1 year
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Phupha (KITTIKUN TANSUHAS aka KUN) is a university student along with his best friend Nanfah (WATTIKORN PERMSUBHIRUN aka KIAK)
Phupha known as Phu has secret feelings for Nanfah but also has a fear of losing him if he opens up about his feelings.
Phu shows his feelings through the things he does for and with Nan. Things he sometimes doesn't want to do (like dance classes) but he is always glad he's the first person Nan comes to when he needs anything.
They are roommates. Phu wakes Nan up for school, fixes him food, irons his clothes and keeps their room clean.
Phu is a loner, except for Nan Phu stays to himself and is often jealous when Nan associates with others especially females like the cute freshman GiGi who obviously has a thing for Nan.
Phu also decides to move out when he mistakenly believes Nan has begin dating Dina. But Nan explains Dina confided she has a guy she likes and wants Nan's help confessing to him. Relieved Phu pulls Nan into a hug (Phu is unaware he is the guy Dina fancies)
When Nan sets Phu up on a date with Dina, Phu is crushed. He admits to Dina he's in love with Nan and she thanks him for his honesty and suggest he tells Nan the truth. Phu decides to do that and sees Nan embrace the freshman GiGi and believes he's lost his chance. He writes Nan a note saying he's leaving to be with his mother in Melbourne, Australia.
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Phu takes his things and a photo of himself with Nan and leaves in tears.
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After arriving home after a party with his friends after the last day of classes (he was asked by Phu to come straight home for a talk aka Phu's confession) Nan finds the note and races to catch Phu...but he's too late. Phu is gone.
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gunsatthaphan · 8 months
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pharawee · 5 months
I never thought I'd see Bom and Tar together again but here I am, eagerly awaiting what's basically a BL-themed ad.
You Make My Day will be released starting 5 May on youtube. Maybe by then I've found out what they're actually advertising for. Ice cream? Cute cutter knives on a string?
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maybe-boys-do-love · 1 month
Someone probs wrote about this before, but it’s absolutely bonkers how Aof’s Bad Buddies and Our Skyy crossover with ATOTS put men’s bisexual/pansexual experiences in conversation with gay experiences.
You get Pran and Phupha and even Tian all existing to some extent as gay characters—and I don’t say that because anyone specifically uses that label (only Tian really goes near there). In fact, I don’t even say that because of the gender they’re attracted to! There’s more to their gayness than that. They’re gay characters because all three of those characters exhibit major signs we associate with effeminacy and, more importantly, its early suppression by others, which leads to the shameful self-repression we see in their present day incarnations. They all have softer sides—music, art, gentleness—that they tuck away privately, and they each have clear examples throughout their stories of people telling them that they need to eliminate or at least hide that part of themselves. And these interests and expressions are not just subtext about sexuality here, they are specific markers we culturally expect to see alongside gayness. And the suppression, or lack there of, of those effeminate qualities is a significant gay milestone.
Pat doesn’t have that experience, though, which I think is genius from a writing and queer theory perspective. The thing about the LGBTQIA+ grouping is that it’s a very potent political grouping, but the experiences of each letter within that acronym are distinct, and often it’s precarious to bring up the differences. However, with Pat’s bisexual characterization, we see how it can be productive. Because Pat’s embodiment, interests, and sexuality contained more aspects that were socially acceptable, he did not experience the same type of suppression as Pran, Tian, and Phupha did early on. He never needed to develop coping mechanisms that involved self-denial. Therefore, he’s comfortable being expressive with his more feminine side and his affections. He doesn’t have the same sense that his sweetness puts him at risk of anything. This openness provides a model for Pran in Bad Buddies and Phupha in ATOTS to explore releasing some of their self-control, anxiety, and shame to share the sentimental parts of themselves (Tian’s whole arc in ATOTS is about coming to terms with this more feminine heart inside of him—RIP Torfun 😢).
I think one of the lessons we’re supposed to glean from Pat is that any person, queer or not, could be that open and comfortable with the full spectrum of gender expression, from fist-fighting to hugging your nong nao doll over a crush, if they were given full support by their fams. Since that perfect world doesn’t quite exist, this is a really unique secondary message we get about the potential of reaching across the divides and growing from other groups within the LGBT acronym. Of course, no character is a stand-in for an entire group. Not all bisexual and pansexual folks escape childhood without suppression of their gendered ways of expressing themselves, and they have unique societal and internal challenges that come with their sexuality. But it’s okay to acknowledge, as Bad Buddy and ATOTS do, that many (but not all of course) exclusively gay men have interests and gendered styles of expressing themselves evident earlier in their lives that make them a target for shit, which leads to a specific loneliness-inducing style of relating to themselves and others. P’Aof and his team, instead of comparing those experiences with bitterness (which is what I’ve often felt inclined to do in the past tbh) asks what possibilities exist when these people can understand one another. It’s also somewhat symbolic of the possibilities that occur when the BL trope of ‘gay only for you’ is, not put in contest with lgbtq media, but instead synthesized—which is what P’ Aof has explicitly aimed to do for his whole career.
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guzhufuren · 2 months
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Reveal of the first official poster of thai mini BL series Secret Love, starring Domundi's Firstone and Tle, adapted from a chinese novel (filming is wrapped up)
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hughungrybear · 6 hours
Some blogs really do feel like they love sucking the joy out of the shows that most people watch. I get it - people are free to criticise shows that don't jive with whatever artistic/creative sentiments they have. But some posts by specific blogs really do feel like it was written by a pre-pubescent teenager trying hard to be edgy.
Somehow, I sort of get it. After all, negative reports do sell. It's one of the main reasons why news people rarely broadcast "good" news and if they do, it's highlighted as some type of "special" report. As if good rarely comes in real life. Psychologically speaking, bad reviews do bring the likes and re-blogs that some people seem to crave.
But these blogs fall into a pattern. They would follow which show is currently trending, post some positive reviews at the start, then when they find a following, start nitpicking every small detail and write long essays about it. Afterwards, you will find that most of their writing are just them making mountains of criticisms out of a tiny, microscopic molehill.
So, what am I trying to say here? As an avid watcher of these shows and reader of blogs, you need to be more selective which blogs you follow. It is easy to get swayed when somebody you like and respect (to a certain extent) starts hating the show you are currently enjoying. Suddenly, you start to hate the show too for no good reason other than because you read somewhere that the show is not that good.
Despite the criticisms, I always find Marie Kondo's approach to life to be the most practical — if it stops bringing you joy, DROP IT. Use the 'unfollow' button generously. You don't owe anyone anything.
Now, I'm not saying you should turn a blind eye to any criticism. But you do need to be selective and determine the valid criticisms from fallacious and unjustified ones.
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blmpff · 6 months
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INN SARIN 26.03.24
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Build Jakapan is the best example of a versatile actor. In his new mini series Build took the lead role as Jake, a game engineer. There was no hint of his prevoius characters like Pete or Oak in Jake. Jake was funny, talented and genius. The micro expressions Build shown through out the series makes him one of the most talented actor in the industry. Acting skills along with a handsome face always makes Build stand out. Perfectly choreographed action scenes with smooth moves from Jake made fans go crazy. Overall I rate "Infinity" mini series a 9/10. A talented one like Build Jakapan who is good at acting, singing, dancing and many more is very rare nowadays. Waiting to see more acting projects from him 💙
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auseyre · 5 months
Fate leads him who follows it, and drags him who resists.
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Rewatching this scene, it struck me how genuinely delighted Korn is with Porsche here. Not just the situation, but Porsche himself and the gift that fate has given him. 
Who knows what plans Korn originally had for Porsche and Chay if any. I think they were just another two in a line of spare tools. They were useful for controlling Namphueng if he needed to, even useful for dangling in front of Gun if necessary, but otherwise, not really on his radar. 
But fate had a different idea. Fate shoved Kinn and Porsche together and I think Korn is someone who believes in fate, as long as it favors him. He is, I imagine, intrigued by Porsche turning down the offer at first, but I don’t think it’s until this meeting that interest turns into something more. Sure, Porsche turned down the money, but Korn’s not stupid enough to believe that everybody wants to get in bed with the mob, no matter how much you offer them. Until this meeting, Porsche is still just a minor tool for him.
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This is bullshit. Of course, he doesn’t care if Porsche is happy. He has him trapped, and that’s enough. 
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Here is where it begins. His expression changes from fake benevolence to real pleasure. Poor Porsche has no idea that he’s wooing Korn, but he is. Korn doesn’t want people around him who care about happiness. He wants them to care about duty, loyalty, and family responsibility. All things Porsche oozes out of his pores. 
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And this seals Porsche’s fate. Just look at how delighted Korn is now. 
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Look at the calculation. Now he’s got new options. He’s playing a new game. This is when I believe he decides to put Porsche on the board. Porsche is, after all, not just some random thug, he’s an exiled Mafia prince. He was raised away from everything, and yet he’s loyal, he’s brave, he’s hard-working, dedicated, and self-sacrificing.
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Fate has now given Korn four pieces to play with, Kinn, Kim, Vegas, and Porsche — all raised differently, all with different strengths and weaknesses, all with the potential to give him what he wants. 
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bl-bam-beyond · 10 months
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Special Workshop Episode
The story of Phupha (KITTIKUN TANSUHAS aka KUN) and Nanfah (WATTIKORN PERMSUBHIRUN aka KIAK) began with two short mini series in AUGUST 2022 (PHUPHA) and NOVEMBER 2022 (NANFAH)
I adored both mini series immensely so after the 2nd mini (NANFAH) a series was announced to tell their entire story.
The mini series were directed by SITTICHAI CHUTSIRI aka CHOI and he's known to be a director of commercials but he also directed short BL 21 DAYS THEORY for Rookie Thailand.
After several false starts for the series to premiere it finally did on WeTV on March 1, 2023 with a re airing on the DEVONTE296 OFFICIAL YOUTUBE CHANNEL.
The Series had so many changes from the mini series it sadly was a bit of let down...just a bit because I was rooting for Phu and Nan. The Series also had a different director than the mini series KONGKIAT KHOMSIRI aka KHOM.
Khom is a screenwriter and director of a slew of series and movies. Most notably to BL fans, he directed KINNPORSCHE.
The screenwriter of The Promise was THANYATHORN SIWANUKROH aka FUNT or FUNTLAND. I'm not certain but I don't think she wrote the mini series. No writers were credited for PHUPHA | NANFAH that I'm aware of. And on FUNT'S MDL page she isn't credited for either mini series. Though she has an impressive list of screenwriter credits.
Now the gifs I made are from what is referred to as a special workshop episode and is under 7 minutes
Nan and Phu are a happy couple and Nan asks Phu when he knew he was in love with him. Phu answers but ask Nan if he recalls the kiss they shared the night before their graduation (Nan was drunk...this was in the series but not the minis) Nan says he has no recollection because while inebriated his memory is wiped clean.
There was a special episode called PROMISE: THE HONEYMOON which required payment which I did not do since I was disappointed with the series.
A season 2 is planned but no release date.
@pose4photoml @lutawolf @pharawee
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
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the couple // the mockers
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pharawee · 2 months
The trailer for Secret Love is out but we still don't have a release date & platform. Save us gagaoolala. Gagaoolala save us. 🙏
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Commentary: This was a hard watch and right up Earth's alley because it required a lot of crying. Earth's Ozone was bullied after being sent by his parents to an all boys boarding school. As another new student Santa's Sun was also bullied a little however it was Ozone who took the worse of it. As he was immediately labeled a "gay boy" but Sun was usually there to assist but out of the sight of the bullies. Once Sun had to watch helplessly as Ozone was bullied on the soccer field. The viewers learn Sun tried to help a bullied student yet the bullied student sided with the bullies. Making Sun take the blame and ultimately sent to the boarding school. Is this why he didn't help Ozone? Or did he not want to be labeled gay also by the bullies?
Ozone froze Sun out after this and Sun was clearly regretful. After the graduation ceremony Sun could not hold back and to Ozone's surprise Sun laid quite a kiss on him. Later the two briefly spoke before leaving the school. Ozone hands Sun a note saying "Would You Be My Love"
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hughungrybear · 11 months
Maybe it's because I have been watching more BLs than lakorn (playing catch-up) that my YouTube's suggested videos are once again riddled with newly released videos with titles like "BL actors who fell in love on the set for real" and "BL actors who hate each other in real life" (which, annoyingly features pictures of Ohm and Nanon in its title page). More irritatingly, I see the same on other socmed fan pages.
I am old enough to remember some fans saying MewGulf is "real" only for Mew to recently come out and declare that everything their cp did was for fanservice.
My point is, some "fans" need to chill on who 'loves and hates their co-stars in real life' theories. Gods damn. These are actors. If their series made you believe in love then kudos to them - it means they are great actors. But some fans need to accept that the characters and the actors that played them lead separate lives. So if you find yourself agreeing to the toxic fans' sentiments (delusions), sit down and have some goddamn tea. Find another hobby apart from watching BL while you're at it. Don't let yourself fall into that particular blackhole.
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[Nickname: OHM]
[Nickname: GUIDE]
[Nickname: ATOM]
[Nickname: PRAME]
[Nickname: POOM]
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rjptalk · 2 months
Last Year Pat and Pran returned in Our Skyy2 much to the delight of the fans. #PatPran #OhmNanon #BBS
Last year the characters of Pat and Pran from my favorite BL series, Bad Buddy, returned in a new series and we could not have been happier. The following review appeared on the SERENDIPITY website. Welcome Back, Pat and Pran, by Rich Paschall Pat (Ohm Pawat) and Pran (Nanon Korapat) have finally come home. At the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022, the Bad Buddy Series (BBS) became an…
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