#TGAMM: Friends In Time
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briastar-artz · 2 months ago
Since you all have seen my TGAMM X GF AU, here are other TGAMM AUs I drew that I come out with.
Friends In Time
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Post The End Swap (I need a better name)
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Also here an extra drawing I made of Todd/Scratch. Sorta like a deltarune sort of thing I think. This one is not an AU btw, I just wanted an excuse to draw him with a sword.
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Below will have an info about these 2 AUs, so I'll be rambling bout it below. :)
Friends In Time
★ This AU is inspired by the Gravity Falls AU called Twins in Time. I love that AU and be like, "Hey what if Young Scratch and Adia got sent to the past but they ended up with eachother present self?"
★ This AU takes place after the 'All In The Mind' episode.
★ Scratch and Molly was messing around with the rare curses (Molly's idea) and Scratch accidentally messed it up, resulting for a portal to open up in the past and young Adia fall in it and she ended up in the present with Molly and Scratch. Past Scratch sort of witness how his friend just dissappear through a portal infront of him, another portal open up behind young Scratch and he falls in it. But instead of ending up with Molly and present Scratch, past Scratch ended up with present Adia. This left everyone confused. Especially present Adia.
★ Molly was kind of excited with the situation since she got to meet her ghost best friend old best friend. Though Scratch suggested for Molly to not reveal anything to Past Young Adia. (I mean hey, seeing your best friend kind of 'died' in the future isn't very nice to know.) I think they'll try to change Scratch name incase. He called himself Duke. They'll reveal about it later.
★ With Present Adia and Past Young Todd/Scratch, despite being confused, they both went on an adventure together while trying to get back to Brighton and find Past Young Adia.
★ Past Young Adia stick around until 'The End' episode. Present Adia with Past Young Todd/Scratch finally reach Brighton during The End too and they visit Todd's house, which also the same time Molly and Scratch and with Past Adia were there to see them.
★ The End would be a bit different than the original. Adia and Scratch finally have a talk before he goes back to his body. The Past selves are sent back to the past. And both Adia and Molly would try to help Scratch remember his time as a ghost before he and Adia went on their adventure together.
Post The End Swap
★ This is basically a personality swap between Scratch and Molly after 'The End'. Or a swap, literally. Thanks to Bill, one of the TGAMM creator for telling us what will Season 3 be like if Disney gave them a green light. This just gave me an idea on how this story would go.
★ In this AU, Scratch did not die. He is still alive and healthy and did not get into any hang-gliding incident.
★ But in this AU, Molly finally gave up her soul after experiencing the rough aftermath of how it gets harder to try to enhappify people, making Brighton better and losing people she love. (Patty becoming a ghost and Ollie moving away) She became lost and hopeless as years went on till high-school. Feeling less joy also made her wraith form change colour to pink like her eyes but a bit dull and a bit gold.
★ Idk how Scratch and Adia will meet Molly yet, but when they did Molly put a curse on them. The same curse that made Scratch got pull to Molly's side whenever she calls for him, but it's Molly who got dragged to Scratch's side when he said her name.
★ Molly had been a ghost for about a month or two. Ofc her family and friends are aware and tries to find Molly's ghost but unsuccessful. The Chens who now stay in another place after the move also being informed by the Mcgees about the situation too.
★ As for being a ghost for too long, Molly's memories started to become fuzzy and she had a hard time recalling them, slowly losing her memories and forgetting who she is. Though it's not as bad as Scratch, but she just had a hard time recalling. She forgot her name and only remember that it probably starts with a M. So Scratch just called her Moll and his reasoning is, "Idk, you just look like a Moll person." Which confused Molly, Adia and himself with it.
★ And yes, these two duo has no idea who the other are due to memory lost. Molly having a harder time to recognise Scratch since he is Todd now and alive instead of the ghost buddy she always remembers. (Same with Scratch as deep down he remember his friend being a human instead of a ghost, and the change of her wraith colour instead of gold is also less helping.) But the name sorta ring a bell for her a bit.
★ Together they tried to uncover Molly's memories as Molly follow Scratch and Adia through the adventure. Plus without them realising, they're also gonna uncover Scratch's memories too! Now it's The Ghost and and Todd/Scratch Mortenson, with Scratch being the optimistic one and Molly being EMolly or realistic and hopeless, or just season 1 Scratch but it's Molly, and Scratch is Molly but in Scratch own way, yk?
Welp these are the info I have about these 2 AUs for now. There are still more TGAMM AUs that I would love to share more in the future! Like there's ALOT in my notes. Wish I could make a fic for all of 'em. Anyways cya and have an enhappifying day/night!
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cartoonbudartz · 3 months ago
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May your holiday be an animated one!
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emositecc · 1 year ago
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They’re too similar wait
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magmagpie · 2 years ago
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I redrew a comic from earlier this year that I never posted for reasons but I want it out in the world now. Don't ask when in the series it takes place. cuz I dunno. I originally drew it way before season 2 came out and I'm not completely done watching it anyway. I'm literally out of the country and unable to watch it for two weeks when the last episodes are supposed to be on Disney+.
This is Part 1/2
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the5n00k · 2 years ago
Now that the fic is completely finished, I can share some Long Time Friends doodles I made while writing! Drawing little scenarios and visual aids for specific designs really helps me, I do this with most of my long fics
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the-gayest-show · 2 years ago
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Tfw someone hates TGAMM…
I question how people like TOH despite it being "a children's cartoon" (it is rated TV-Y7-FV on d+) and yet they don't like tgamm for its lack of plot (it is not plot based‼ it is episodic with continuity❗)
Or they hate it for random reasons beyond "not my style" which I get but shows like Amphibia or TOH aren't the only good ones around you know.
I question how people hate a show with peak voice acting, songs that are consistent earworms, character dynamics that are so good, and just developed characters in general but idk you do you.
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tally-hautism · 2 months ago
Tally Hall Songs Iceberg
This is not counting covers of other artist's songs, however I am including the Mr. F Mixtapes
Air (Lay of the Land) - If you've heard a Tally Hall song but haven't heard of Tally Hall it's because of these. Not counting the Rob Ads.
MMMM, G&E, Miracle Musical, Shia LeBeouf, Perfect (1 song 29 celebrity impressions)
Surface (Sun in the Sand) - If you've spent a little bit of time interested in Tally Hall you've probably heard of these.
Complete Demos, Admittedly Incomplete Demos, Joe Hawley Joe Hawley, Not a Trampoline, Listed Black, Light & Night Magician's Elephant, Smile Like You Mean It, I Know It's Just the Same, We Need Cash, All of My Friends/I'm Gonna Win, Praise You, Just a Friend
Subsurface (Everything Suddenly Falls out of Sight) - The start of Tallying out.
Cojum Dip, Mr. President Musical, Popular Rob Originals ( Cuckoo, Going Purple, Country Good, ), Hawaii Pt 2 demos, Sketches 3d, yelwaH eoJ yelwaH eoJ, White Rabbit, Candle on the Water, Stationary Love, Nathan Naimark Theme, Pingry EP, Variations on a Cloud, Sleigh Ride Invincibility Star, Special, Weird Bed &/or Yes Please, Good Day Simlish
Center (Every Attachment is Made of the Light) - Yeah, sorry if you've heard these Tally Hall is part of you forever.
Toy Orchestra, Etudes 1 and 2, Hawaii Pt 2 Video Game OST, Happy Monster Band, Kazoo Song, Rob Disney Songs, Christian Bale is at Your Party, White Collar Prison, L'frou Jibet, Lady Madonna, Why Bother?, Gobble Chicken Song, Andrew Has No Power (It's So Sad), We Think We're Playing in a Band: A Tribute to Tally Hall
Bottom (Everything Will Fall Away) - If you've heard these you probably run a tally hall blog or YT channel, Tally Hall is no longer part of you, it controls you.
Maybe in the Night, At Least a Day, Grandpa is Hiding, Tomorrow and Today, Videojuegos, Club Can't Handle Me, Casey Shea's Music ( In Your Head, Love is Here to Stay, Take the Bite )
In The Water (To Order From the Disarray) - Some of these are only on SoundCloud, genuinely impressive if you know most of these.
Rob Rarities ( Chevrolet, Comcast Xfinity, Einstein, I Stand by Your Side, Monopoly and Clue, Summer Song, The Animator, Take a Second Chance on Me + Together Forever (TGaMM), Winter Song ), Joe Rarities ( Dot's Uke, Pu (Woo~Hoo) ), Andrew Live Unreleased ( Fishes, Good Morning Mr. Butterfly, Monsters, Someone Will Be There, Worlds in My Head ), Mr. F ( Yeah Yeah Without Me Vampire Sea, Mix Tape, Mix Tape 2, Mix Tape 3, Top of the Park, Ann Arbor MI August 9th 2019 ), The Baker Bros
Honorary Mentions (There are Some Things We are Never Meant to Know) - These are currently lost media or just things I couldn't find a recording of. If you have a link to one of these lmk please.
Toys R Us, Three Tales From a Messy Kitchen, Let Your Little Light Shine, the song at the end of Mobile Phone Premonition (This is probably a cover, not a lot is known about it)
Honorary Honorary Mentions (Who Do We Think We Are) - These are partial or bad recordings, but not quite lost media, and as such they appear elsewhere in this list as well.
Kazoo Song, The Start of Our City, At Least a Day
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tornrose24 · 2 months ago
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Was talking to a friend about TGAMM self-insert AUs and I was told a Tangled AU would work for me. And it’s kind of scary how well that actually works. Never mind the fact that I actually  look like Rapunzel AND have singing and painting skills in real life. I had to draw that out. (It helps that Rapunzel was a favorite fairytale of mine since I was a kid.) More below.
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-The exact original outfit designs don’t work, so I referenced the historical time period of the 1780s/1790s for this. (In my sona’s case, I would just get mistaken for the ACTUAL Rapunzel and then people will think this is some weird crossover.)
-I can’t do an au without Molly. She’s got quite a story here… but maybe that’s for another time.
-That moment when you realize ‘Oh whoops, if the healing incantation also doubles as a fountain of youth, wouldn’t that effect Scratch if he’s canonically in his 50’s and WASN’T a younger guy like Eugene?’ (Don’t worry, he only physically changed by about 10 years, but there was a reason I drew him in his miserable/soulless state until that point.)
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cure-orchid · 1 year ago
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So I know the show recently ended, but I ended up binging through TGAMM and loved it! The Ghost Friends are all mood and the Mollie ship is adorable. Then I learned about the Chairman Ollie arc for the scrapped third season and IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO COOL TO SEE!
I ended up writing down how I would imagine the story arc going down, and I headcanon that several of the planned season 3 eps (minus the ones that would clash with the finale) happened between JVTHM and The End (Ollie knowing about the wraith memory loss and how he says it could have hinted that it already occurred.)
My Chairman Ollie plotline: It starts with what was outlined in the already written scripts, and Ollie keeps spending more and more time in the Ghost World rather than on Earth. He’s becoming a little more forgetful as the episodes pass and has noticeable headaches. Things like his parents having a Root Beer Bar or the plot of the latest Country Pumpkin movie seem to surprise him when he should already know about them.
He’s missed a few dates with Molly and slipping on schoolwork so she takes an episode trying to talk to him at school but he keeps getting pulled away to fix something as the Chairman. The episode would really drive in how his human memories are failing even when he reconnects with his body and there’s a whole musical number on how Molly feels he’s growing distant. She finally catches up to him in the end and he looks partway between normal and being an empty shell(his hair is even losing the swoop!). She asks him out for ice cream but then we get a wham line “Sure, but… who are you?” Molly’s heart literally breaks as she discovers Ollie has lost all memory of her. He excuses himself and leaves Molly crying with Scratch and Libby coming to console her.
Next episode the remaining Ghost Friends are trying to figure out what’s wrong with him when June comes to Molly’s house trying not to panic. Ollie’s shell came home yesterday but not his wraith and he’s still not back. Molly, Libby and Darryl go to the Chen’s while Scratch goes to the Ghost World to see what’s keeping him. He finds Ollie still obsessively trying to engoodify the Ghost World and his orange glow is much more faded. Worse, when Scratch calls him by his name he asks who Ollie is. Libby manages to discover a page in her pop-up book that was stuck to another and reveals wraiths can lose their memories the longer they spend away from their body and without the will to live they cannot fully rejoin the two halves. Scratch arrives and with all they know they make a plan. Molly, Scratch and the Chen’s go to the Ghost World while Darryl and Libby keep an eye on their bodies. They get to Ollie and he doesn’t recognize anyone but Scratch, but has no emotional attachment to him. Big musical number as they all try to help Ollie remember but it doesn’t work. Everyone is devastated and it seems like Ollie might be gone forever.
Molly doesn’t give up, she pulls down his hood and cups his face, (this is where the drawing is) telling Ollie that she loves him and gives him their first kiss. Her yellow sparks course through him and his orange glow regains it’s color… and he regains his memories. When they pull away, Olly says her name and he’s pulled into a group hug as he says everyone’s names. He leaves the robe and hurries back into his body. A few hours later it’s just him, Molly and Scratch when the ghost council arrives. I haven’t come up with what happens to the robe but Ollie does relinquish his title as chairman and Scratch pulls the council away. Now alone, Ollie didn’t get to say it back in the ghost world, but he loves Molly too. They have another kiss and lean their foreheads together afterwards… and then Scratch comes back complaining that they already sucked faces once today already.
Update 5/27: Yep, I’m turning this into a fanfic. I said I wouldn’t but I got the inspiration on how to do it! It’s called ‘Record of an Engoodifier’
Also bonus doodles:
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jackie-gremlin-ghost · 1 year ago
Rewatching the TGAMM finale (help me I have a problem) and I just noticed a detail that got me emotional again, and further subscribes to the theory that Todd does remember his afterlife as Scratch to a certain extent.
He color coordinated his outfit in a way that incorporates himself and the closest human friends he made during that time.
(I know we see that he had bought the shirt long before he became a ghost, but he didn’t have the shorts then, and it’s too big a coincidence to ignore)
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The blue shirt obviously represents his ghost form, but the rest of the colors can be seen as representing the others, as well.
The yellow flowers represent Molly
The green centers represent Libby and Darryl (heck, he’s wearing the exact same socks and sandals combo that Darryl does!)
And the orange shorts represent Ollie
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I know I’m reaching, but I don’t care. Their friendship makes me crazy emotional.
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tgammsideblog · 1 year ago
Molly and the phases of falling in love (Mollie analysis)
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One of the arcs we are introduced to Tgamm Season 2 is Molly having a deep crush on Ollie Chen, the neighbour family that lives across the street. In around the first third of Season 2 Molly goes through different changes in the way she sees Ollie as a character through her crush.
In this post i want to discuss these different stages of ¨falling in love¨ with someone that has been analyzed in psychology and sociology and how that applys to Molly and Ollie’s relationship and their development.
Let’s start:
In the first stage the person falls in love with another in a way that would be considered ¨superficial¨ as they probably they still don’t know the other person deep enough and they are jumping to conclusions about who this person they like is.
It is seeing the other person through ¨rose-tinted glasses¨, as you still don’t know much about them and you make an idealistic version of who you think this person is in your mind.
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This is more or less who Molly goes through from ¨The New Paranormal¨ to around half of the episode ¨I Wanna Dance with Some-Ollie¨. She idealizes Ollie as a person, talking about how cute and good he is, often downplaying how Ollie is still part of a family of ghosthunters. Molly doesn’t know Ollie too much. She believes that things are going to be fine and there is nothing to worry about.
It could be said that Ollie is going through a similar stage too. It wouldn’t be out of place to say that he idolizes Molly the same way Molly is doing at the same time. He talks about being there to protect Molly from the ghosts in ¨Book Marks the Sprite¨ and reacts in a similar way like Molly does when they interact in ¨The New Paranormal¨.
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For this period they aren’t still aware that their crush for each other comes with a risk that puts an obstable between the two. Molly is still downplaying how getting too attached to Ollie puts Scratch and other ghosts she knows in danger and Ollie still doesn’t know about Scratch’s existence.
Mixed with the first stage that is the ¨superficial crush¨ is the stage the two people start to learn more about each other and maybe become friends. The idealized version of the person that one had in their head begins to change into a more ¨realistic¨ one, where you start to see your crush for a flawed person they are, with their ups and down.
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In ¨Book Marks the Sprite¨ Molly spends a good part of the day hanging out with Ollie to distract him from the book sprite that is in the Steins’ bookshop.  Molly tries to persuade Ollie that ghosts can be good and the way he sees them as enemies is not correct. Molly has a whole song sequence about how Ollie is someone who cares about his community and loves helping others but he hates ghosts and sees them as his enemy.
In the sequence we see Molly struggling to understand these two contradictions. She wants to believe that Ollie is a good person and someone is misguided. The way Ollie talks about ghosts and haunts them clashes with the idealistic view that Molly has of him through her crush. She is starting to see Ollie for who he really is. However, it isn’t enough for her crush view to be ¨smashed¨.
Later, in the same episode, Molly asks to Ollie why his family hates ghosts so much. Ollie shows Molly a video that explains how Ruben, Ollie’s father, was attacked by a ghost when he was a kid and ever since then Ruben has been trying to get rid of ghosts, an idea that Ollie and June were taughted. Ollie’s prejuice for ghosts is generational from his father’s side.
Molly returns to the library, dissapointed that Ollie still didn’t change his mind about ghosts. Libby talks to Molly that she was able to communicate with the book sprite once they were able to see things from Libby’s POV. This makes Molly believe that there is still hope with Ollie to do the same.
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In ¨I Wanna Dance with Some-Ollie¨ Ollie invites Molly to be his date at the school dance. Scratch, who has in disapproval of Molly’s crush on Ollie since ¨The New Paranormal¨ doesn’t like the idea of Molly going out with Ollie for the dance. Molly insists in telling Scratch that she doesn’t have a crush on the boy and they are going as two people who are organizing the event. She explains to Scratch that Ollie hasn’t been mentioning ghosts lately and that his family isn’t exactly a threat, as their traps don’t seem to work based on their recent videos.
This ¨lack of crushing¨ is quickly contradicted when Ollie brings flowers to Molly. Scratch follows them to the school dance, with the intentions of making sure that Molly keeps her word.
During the dance Molly and Ollie are constanly pushed by others about how cute they look together, some assuming their are a couple. Molly keeps telling that they are only here as organizers for the event, that their relationship is ¨professional¨. Ollie shows to be sad whenever Molly mentions this, probably out of fear that Molly doesn’t like him back but he still respects Molly’s space. He goes along with what Molly says to others.
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In the song sequence ¨I Keep Ending Up with You¨ Molly and Ollie end up in ¨school dance situations¨ like touching hands or Molly catching Ollie. They see each other in a lovely crushing way, being really into each other. Scratch tries his best to intervine in their interactions, only to make them fall into these ¨romantic moments¨ more.
The lyrics of the song itself are about a person who isn’t able to resist developing feelings for another and not matter what they do they keep falling in love with that said person. However, they give the impression of the relationship being something rushed, that the person isn’t considering what they are walking into, with parts talking about ¨reality crushing¨ and ¨flames burning down¨ which describes Molly overlooking the part that Ollie is a ghosthunter.
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Molly and Ollie are named the ¨Lemming Royalty¨ (Queen and King of the dance) and invited to come to stage. Scratch gets tired of Molly being too romantic why Ollie given he hunts ghosts. He pulls Molly out from the dance room. The two have a nasty argument in the hall that ends with Molly returning to the dance and Scratch leaving the school, not before he gets captured by a ghost trap.
Molly returns to dance with Ollie, telling him that they could consider this a ¨date¨ if he wants, something that Ollie is happy to agree. Suddenly there is a beep sound that comes from Ollie’s spectral snare/ghost traps. He explains to Molly that June fixed the issue the traps had and now they work great.
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That’s when Molly gets crashed by the reality of the danger that Ollie that represents as ghost hunter if his equipment works. She realizes her huge mistake and goes outside to look for Scratch. She frees Scratch from the trap and the two make up, Molly saying that she can’t be with Ollie if that puts Scratch at risk of getting captured.
While the two are talking Ollie goes outside. He uses his special googles to detect ghosts. He finds out that Molly is hanging out with Scratch, listening to Molly about how Mollie can’t be a thing. He is left devastated upon the revelation that Molly has been hiding this secret from him and that he can’t be with Molly as he wished to. In spite of his sadness, he doesn’t tell Esther about Scratch when she comes to pick him up from the dance, showing that he didn’t want to hurt Scratch if it involved him being someone that Molly cares about.
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The conclusion of ¨I Wanna Dance with Some-Ollie¨ could be seen as part of ¨Stage 2¨ of Molly falling in love with Ollie. She realizes that she was having an idolized version of Ollie in her head, letting her crush for him not see that dating him wasn’t a good idea as long as he had hateful views against ghosts. Her image of Ollie gets crushed by reality, seeing Ollie who he is as a person, one of those sides being a ghosthunter. Ollie can be seen as seeing through this same stage as well, when he learns that Molly has been hiding Scratch from him and why she didn’t want to date him earlier in the episode.
Some weeks in universe after, in the episode ¨Frightmares on Main Street¨ has Molly and Ollie organizing the decoration for a haunted house. Molly had been trying her best to avoid Ollie since the dance, saying that ¨everything is weird and awkward¨ between the two. On Ollie’s side, he has been checking on Molly, believing that Scratch has used some spell on her to control her. Ollie doesn’t want to believe that Molly would be friends with a ghost.
Trying to get some Halloween fun, Scratch asks Molly to allow him to redecorate the haunted house. Scratch invites plenty of ghosts to come and scare people for fun, who many of them believe that the ghosts are puppets or extra effects from the house. Everything seems to be going along well, both ghosts and humans are having fun and Molly is getting tons of donations for the funraising.
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This, however, changes when Ollie goes inside the house and finds it filled with ghosts. Ollie tries pulling Molly out from the place, insisting that she is under a spell. Molly snaps at Ollie and asks him to listen to her. She explains to him that ghosts aren’t evil and that they aren’t doing anything bad at the moment.
In this episode Molly has a lot of less patience with Ollie when it comes to his hatred for ghosts. She snaps at him a lot more often she did in previous episodes and doesn’t act the same ¨lovely crushing¨ way she did. Molly sees Ollie more as a who he is now, admitting that him being a ghosthunter *is* a problem for their relationship. In spite of that, she tries her best to prove to Ollie that ghosts aren’t all evil as he believes and takes to the time to explain it to him.
From Ollie’s side, he clearly cares for Molly more than he hates ghosts. He could have told his family about Scratch since the events from school dance yet he never did. This is because deep down he knows that Scratch may be important to Molly, even if he would rather believe that Scratch put Molly under a spell to make sense of their relationship easier in his mind. While he traps Scratch later in the episode, it isn’t done with the purpose of hurting him as it is to interrogate him. When June shows and almost shoots at Scratch, Ollie interferes and makes June go outside to help Ruben and Esther.
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While all this is happening, the frightmares show up, being attracted to the chaos from the situation. Molly begs Ollie to see the good in ghosts, leading to Ollie to free Scratch from the goo. Scratch uses his chairman powers and locks the frightmares inside the phantom canister from the Chens. Ollie apologizes to Molly and Scratch for thinking that ghosts were evil. The two make up and are on friendler terms now that Ollie is changing his ways.
In the episodes that follow, Molly and Ollie remain as friends, sometimes doing gestures that could be considered as romantic, like holding hands or getting close, indicating they still have feeling for each other. The main difference is that this crush isn’t longer superficial, as they are spending their time to get to know each other better and give each other time before they ask the other out.
In ¨Unhaunting of The Brighton Video¨ Molly helps Ollie with processing his feelings of guilt, that Ollie spends most of the episode trying to avoid. Ollie expresses feeling very guilty for having captured ghosts like Scratch and confused that something he was taught his whole life turned out to be incorrect. Molly reassures Ollie that what matters is he is trying to do the right thing and be a better person now. They later help Blair with completing her unfinished business by returning the tape from a movie she loved when she was alive but she wasn’t able to return before she died.
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In ¨Carbon Zero Heroes¨ and ¨Let’s Play Turnipball¨ they do things together. In ¨Let’s Play Turnipball¨ Molly encourages Ollie to play in the turnipball tournament against Perfektborg. Despite not winning, the team celebrates Ollie for having played well in the game. In ¨Carbon Zero Heroes¨ they two take extreme measures to be ¨Carbon zero¨, helping it has to make a difference. They eventually realize that climate change is too big for one person to solve and it is something that requires collective action. They start campains to make awareness about the issue and ask Pete to push policies that protect the environment.
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¨Welcome to Necro-comicon¨ is another episode that is important for Molly and Ollie’s relationship. In this episode they both try to stop the Chens from presenting the phantom canister in front of a convention of ghosthunters. Molly suggests to Ollie trying to talk to his parents about their views against ghosts but Ollie turns down the idea, saying that his parents aren’t like Molly’s, they have been ghosthunters their whole lives and they won’t be persuaded that easily. He thinks the only option is to get the canister away from his parents. Molly isn’t fond of the idea but still goes along with it.
After many failed attempts at grabbing the canister and the Chens about to give their presentation, Molly suggests to Ollie again to be honest with his parents. Ollie gains the courage to talk to them about trying to consider that ghosts can be good and doing the presentation isn’t a good idea. Both Ruben and Esther appreciate Ollie’s enthusiasm but quickly dismiss him, telling him that his wrong. June questions Ollie why he said that and Ollie explains to June that a ghost (Scratch as Chairman) was the one that trapped the Frightmares inside the canister during Halloween.
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For a moment Ollie and Molly believe that everything is ruined until June shows them that she grabbed the canister, believing in what Ollie said earlier about ghosts being good. June tells them that she is going to find a place to hide the canister and she is going to run some experiments to learn more about ghosts. She meets Scratch, who quickly gets along with June and Ollie is glad that his parents were stopped from presenting the canister.
In some of these episodes Molly and Ollie gain a better understanding of each other, as Ollie opens up to Molly about him having to deal with the rest of his family being ghosthunters and how his identity was crushed when his worldview was proven wrong. They have closer for the both of them to be open about issues that affect them on a deeper level. Ollie gets the courage to be able to confront Ruben and Esther about their hatred for ghosts. This could be considered the stage of ¨True Love¨.
In ¨The Grand Gesture¨ Molly’s feelings for Ollie are brought up again. They are both falling for each other over again. Molly explains to Libby and Scratch that she has a plan to ask Ollie to be her boyfriend later that day. Libby and Scratch think the gesture of asking out should be way bigger, as it is a special occasion. This somewhat convinces Molly to change her plans and let Libby and Scratch give her ideas.
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This result in very awkard situations that end up wrong and Molly can bring herself to ask Ollie out. She feels very nervous about the gesture having to be grand and perfect that she gets stuck when she wants to tell Ollie. While they are eating banana split, Molly tells to Ollie that she has been trying to tell him something all day, Ollie gets confused and for a second he assumes that Molly doesn’t like-like him anymore. Molly clarifies that isn’t the case. Before they can keep talking, they are interrumpted by June and Darryl’s ghost experiment go out of control.
For their luck, the experiment (Junior) stops eating electricity and returns to his normal small size. Junior says that one doesn’t need to do a grand gesture for people to express love for one another, he thanks Darryl and June for taking care of him and says goodbye, going to ¨higher planes¨.
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Molly takes Junior’s words to heart and finally takes the opportunity to ask Ollie out without making it big. Ollie accepts, telling Molly that he has been trying to do the same but he was think about it having to be a ¨grand gesture¨. The two smile at each other, blushing at how they were trying to do the same thing. They both hold hands, officially becoming boyfriend and girlfriend.
For ¨The Grand Gesture¨ episode, Molly and Ollie have reached the stage of ¨true love¨ in their crushing. It isn’t a superficial idolized crush they used to have at the start of the season. They have spent time getting to know each other and they like each other for who they are as people, supporting the other with their issues and not having to hide secrets like they used to do.
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In conclusion, ¨Mollie¨ starts as two teens falling each other on first sight, having a superficial crush on each other, ignoring who the other is a as person (In Molly’s case) or not having a full idea who the other is (in Ollie’s case). They both rush into being in a relationship, missing the signs that they can’t be together for Ollie being a ghosthunter and things crashing down between the two. Once Ollie starts changing the way he views ghosts, Molly and Ollie take the time to get to know each other and, eventually, the fall for each other again for who they are as people and decide to become a couple.
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fanfic-inator795 · 1 year ago
Okay so, much like the ending of Amphibia, I’m sure this ending’s gonna be controversial for some people for being so bittersweet and for it also ending with the two BFFs splitting seemingly forever… but honestly? I fucking loved it.
While the penultimate ep felt slightly rushed and just a tad unsatisfying due to all they had to cram in and wrap up, I love that this show’s finale was ultimately focused on just Molly, Scratch, and the latter’s series-wide arc of changing for the better and “being brought back to life”, as the TGAMM show bible put it.
Having believed in the Wraith feeling since the start, I was afraid that the Todd reveal would feel rushed given that the crew lost the 3rd season of set-up they wanted, but thankfully it managed to feel fairly natural since - while Todd himself may have been a more subtle hint that you’d only notice if you were paying attention- again, Scratch’s arc and the clear changes we see from him are made known throughout the series. So by the time you finally get to the big payoff, it feels like a natural conclusion.
For all the info dumps we got, I also felt like the ep was pretty well paced as well, still having jokes that made me laugh so it never felt too heavy or melodramatic. I also love that all the major characters in Scratch’s life got to play a role in this one final adventure. I also love that - for as important of a role that Adia played in helping Scratch regain his memories - it wasn’t framed as Scratch choosing his old BFF over his new BFF, but simply Scratch choosing to be brave and live the life he always wanted deep down instead of continuing to run away/hold himself back.
As for what could be seen as the Most controversial bit - Scratch forgetting his time as a ‘ghost’ - I feel like this was incredibly well crafted too. Like anything else in TGAMM (and as Molly herself says) there’s still that spark of hope hinting at Scratch still remembering Molly and the impact she had on him. He’s going to live with those memories and the importance she gave to enhappifying in his heart, even when he doesn’t consciously remember these things.
What’s more, the show also subtly but beautifully emphasizes that even if Scratch won’t fully remember Molly and the others until he’s officially died, the time he spent and the things he did for others as a ghost still mattered - they’re still going to be remembered by Molly, the McGees and their friends, and I LOVE how they also brought back Scratch’s silly toboggan-sneeze curse as just another way a part of ghost-him is going to stick with all of them no matter what - no matter how far apart they are.
While I would have liked one final song (which, I guess we arguably did get that in the credits) I also feel like ending the show on Libby’s Maya Angelou quote was the perfect summation on the show’s core themes - to not just do good for others, but for yourself. To live your best and happiest life.
In my opinion, this truly was just a master class in satisfying series finales. We didn’t need any big final battles or a ton more drama, just one last beautiful character piece that isn’t afraid to be somewhat bittersweet in order to fully sell its message while also still being just as fun and enjoyable and lovely as the rest of the series.
Really, the only thing that makes me kinda sad is that Scratch never said goodbye to GhostShark - but hey, he’ll see him again eventually, and honestly my hc is that the Jeoffs are taking care of Sharkie for him in the meantime. Other than that, this was a 10/10 finale for me, absolutely no notes.
Now… obviously this was the finale that the TGAMM crew was always leading up to, I assume once they realized that they weren’t getting a s3 they asked Disney to give them one final ep to wrap things up. If that wasn’t the case though and this was always meant to be the s2 finale, I guess s3 would be about Todd slowly remembering his life as Scratch and eventually coming back to Brighton alongside Adia to help Molly stop Jinx’s revenge or whatever. But… eh, I personally don’t think that’s needed.
I think the show ended perfectly, leaving just enough ambiguous for fans to still imagine how Molly and Scratch’s adventures are going to continue one day while at the same time being super satisfying - probably the best series finale that we’ve seen out of any modern Disney cartoon.
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what-is-this-about · 9 months ago
So uh, I thought I'd share about this tgamm au I've working on since... (checks)... around last year's october (O_O')
The au is called "Next In Line"
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I've spent this whole time sharing it with a friend, and that has given me the confidence to share... a small part of it 😅 (yes, I am a coward)
Main things I feel like I should talk about:
- The Chairman doesn't feed on misery here, meaning scare quotas are not a thing, tho ghosts still have to deliver monthly reports to him and the Ghost Council about any paranormal troublemakers or anomalies that happen in their town
- I hated how Scratch alived in the finale (STOP BREAKING MY FOUND FAMILY FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!), and so, I decided to kill him 😐🤷🏻‍♂️. Doesn't this nuke one of S2 main plot arcs? Yes it does, but I think the first point made clear this is a big divergence from canon. (Adia is also here, and has some plot relevance)
- One of the main points of this au is that Molly accidentaly split herself in two halves: body and soul. This starts as her having twice as much time as before, but has some unforeseen consequences later on.
- The other mayor point, from which the au gets its name, is that Molly ends up becoming The Chairman's apprentice, and this comes with its own set of challenges.
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It's not the robe that gives the powers this time around
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xphantomnebulax · 1 year ago
Ghost Friends Precure - Singular Transformation and Group Transformation poses
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I’m back again with my TGAMM X Precure Au hehe but this time I’ve drawn each of the first 3 with their singular and group transformation 🩷💚💙
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the5n00k · 1 year ago
An observation about TGAMM The End
Big big spoilers ahead, click away if you aren't caught up
This is also my first NEGATIVE TGAMM analysis post! Wowie! So if you don't want to see me bitch, also click off now
The End and how Molly McGee's character was disrespected
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The End is. An episode. I have many MANY thoughts about it but it would be far too long to put in one post so I'm going to explore one of my more reoccurring opinions. This episode recontextualized a lot of things but I'm going to talk about how it recontextualized Molly as a character. Most importantly as a MAIN character. A TITLE character. A character with her own past and personality and feelings. All of which this episode completely stomped all over, handed her the check, and said "figure it out"
I want to apologize to my friend who called this so SO much earlier into the series and that he had to listen to me watch this show on lethal amounts of copium. You were right but I knew neither of us wanted you to be.
Now let's get into the meat of it, shall we?
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All throughout season 1, Molly's history and relationship with the concept of friends is always treated with complete sincerity and the emotional pause it needs to sink in with the audience that she's been through it. Moving away and leaving friends is why she put so much importance on the "forever home" in the first place because she's had to leave so many people she loved. She had a rocky beginning with Scratch during the early season but quickly became on equal footing with him as they began to understand each other and their boundaries. Because she genuinely cares about him. Similarly, season 2 explores the boundaries of their friendship and shows Scratch more willing to participate in whatever Molly is doing, even begging sometimes to be included. And Molly is very patient and kind with him all throughout trying to help him regain memories of his past. And Scratch actually reciprocated a few times like helping her learn Thai and working with Libby to set her up with Ollie. They're the closest they've ever been and something I can confidently call true best friends, possibly the closest and healthiest friendship I've seen portrayed in media. Season 2 showcases how far either of them are willing to go to help each other.
Then The End happened.
Molly is the same understanding and supportive friend as she had been all season, almost to a fault. She encourages scratch to go back to his life, knowing the risks that come with it. Why did there need to be the risk of forgetting her when his spirit didn't immediately forget his living life? Don't know. Something to do with an unreleased episode although I doubt the rest of season 3 would have sweetened my opinion of this episode. Only she knew he was about to do this, she didn't talk to any of his other friends or family before he went out to Todd's house. They only found out after the fact and the next morning is when he left. None of them had any time to process that they just lost a family member, especially not Molly.
The scene where he's talking to her on the bench breaks my heart. Knowing your friend is no longer there and is replaced with this stranger. So much of this episode would have been fixed to just let him keep his memories. Considering how hard it was to pull his living memories out of his spirit, it's very likely that even the small fragments of her he remembers will slowly fade away. She had to do the one thing she never wanted to do again and repeat the same pain that's plagued her for the entire series. And it sucks! Why doesn't she get a happy ending? Hell, I'm not even convinced this was a "happy ending" for scratch since he can't remember any of the people he just spent the last two years with.
The biggest slap to the face is when Libby, Geoff, and the McGees come up behind Molly and just act like all of this is fine? They're treating scratch like this wild animal that deserved to be released into the wild because he could never fit in with society when he was PERFECTLY HAPPY with the McGees. He proudly displayed to the entire ghost world that he was an "honorary McGee" and told a ghost hunter to his face that him and Molly would do anything for each other despite their differences. Was all of that completely pointless? Because it sure feels that way. He had this entire new "life" he just completely abandoned because oh I guess I'm not really dead. Guess I better go reconnect with my childhood friend I haven't seen in person or had any meaningful conversations with in decades!!! See ya, chumps, hope you weren't attached to me or anything!
It's so disrespectful to the audience's investment in Molly and Scratch's friendship, the themes of friendship overcoming all odds and lasting forever, and Molly as a character. And to a lesser degree, it's even disrespectful to Scratch since most of the season he spent brooding over the fact that he didn't remember his past! Now he's forgotten a large portion of his "life" all over again. Now he's going to have to live with this nagging itch at the back of his mind that he's forgetting something until he manages to completely repress it too. And to rub salt in the wound, the credits don't have near sight nor mention of Molly McGee outside of a painted portrait of her and (spirit) scratch. All this does is tell me a LONG time has passed and neither of them have managed to successfully contact each other. The dream team is gone, this is a story about a girl and a ghost and none of it meant anything.
"he'll remember when he dies again!" Where does it say that
"he didn't forget, he said Moll! That means something!" The longer he spends away from the McGees and Brighton, the more likely he is to completely forget them altogether. The vague memories will eventually fade away and every "forever memory" will be worthless.
"it doesn't matter, this is Scratch's story" then why isn't it called 'scratch and the human girl'? Or 'the scratch show'? Why is Molly a title character if she's nothing but a plot device for his character development.
"Molly had to learn how to say goodbye." No she didn't. She's been doing that her entire life. She's pretty well aware of how to say goodbye. Making her relive 13 years of trauma from the other side of the vehicle doors is not a useful life skill. Pain is not necessary to grow up.
I don't care what the excuse is. This was a terrible ending for both characters and no amount of "he's happy now!" coping from both the fans and the writers is going to get me to see this any other way. If you enjoy the episode, great! I'm happy for you, there's a lot to love in the music and voice acting and breathtaking animation. But none of that could save me from this abysmal attempt at a series finale. I was so viscerally disgusting by this as a finale that I spent a good two days completely nauseous thinking about it. What a disaster. The sad part is I like the story potential! Him reuniting with Adia is what I've wanted for him all season so he could get closure. Molly and Scratch having to say goodbye is heartbreaking but understandable, a lot of shows nowadays end that way and I half expected it. But him completely forgetting the girl he owes his new lease on life to? My gosh it's just a deal breaker. It is such a cruel end for these characters and I cannot wrap my head around why they thought it was a good idea outside of cheap angst.
I wanted to like this episode and I still do. But they just did so much wrong when one thing could change and it would have completely flipped my opinion on the episode and series in general. But what do I know, I'm just a negative nancy.
Anyway idk how to end this off, justice for Molly McGee, Scratch deserved to be called Scratch McGee, kill Todd Mortenson, peace out
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briastar-artz · 2 months ago
The first anniversary of the TGAMM Finale. Well can't believe it's already been 1 year since the show ended. So here is me rambling bout it below.
TGAMM is my most favourite Disney TV show and till now it's still stand mighty as my most favourite fandom I've hyperfixinated.
I've first discovered this show by a fan art from EMositeCC in Instagram about the Soda to Remember ep. I've seen a trailer about it when it first came out but unfortunately I do not have Disney Channel to watch it so it doesn't interest me at the time. So glad I've pick an interest to it now and explore more of this silly show.
I've met and seen amazing people in this fandom that I admire and inspires me a lot. Full of imagination and creativity!
What do I think of TGAMM? Well it have been my comfort show until now. It makes me happy whenever I watched it, (EXCEPT YOU THE END, YOU MAKE ME CRY EVERY SINGLE TIME) despite there are certain episodes that I found a bit uninteresting for me. The songs, I loved it! Never thought I would enjoy a musical show but here I am!
I love these silly characters and their shenanigans, relationships and development. My favourite is totally Scratch, and his with Molly's friendship are my top tier duo I love! I love them. They're just so silly together. They're totally not supposed to be apart! (I'm in denial, pardon me)
If I get the chance to go back and see this show, engage with the fandom and community like it's the very first time, I Will take it. The era back then it so fun ngl, wish to experience that again.
I hope that TGAMM fandom will still stand strong in more years to come, probably for the next eternity. And also I really really REALLY hope I will still hyperfixed on it for more years. This is the longest I've been like it's my undertale era. I will use my inspiration that I got from TGAMM in my everyday life. Like never saying next time to things when the opportunity is there for me to reach. Just there and I will go for it. Becoming more brave and confident just like Scratch. Enhappify the world just like Molly.
I hope I have a fan art for this day hut I unfortunately do not as I have a wip art and busy with studies. But I'm gonna day this.
To Bill Motz and Bob Roth the creator of TGAMM, the animators and team working on this show. To the community and friends of this amazing fandom. Thank you for making my everyday life better whenever I needed it.
That is all from me. Sorry rambling a lot. I just wanna let you all know how much I love this fandom with all my heart. It's basically the highlight of my life. Anyways have a Enhappifying day/night!
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