silverskulltula · 2 years
listen hobbit pussy could be mediocre (doubtful) but even if it was it's still followed by a 17 course homecooked meal and the kind of weed that would make sauron scared. lithe beautiful immortal elven pussy has no power compared to the simple, hardworking hobbit. and it goes without saying that you cannot handle dwarven pussy.
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tey4 · 2 years
Yesterday was a fairytale, you were the prince
I finally felt the magic in the air,
You make me feel things, I can hardly express,
Feelings you made me feel, I can no longer bear
I don’t like anticipating my face in red flush,
I think I really like you crush
You’ve got this glow, I think you didn’t know
Walking past you, makes me want to say hello
All these people think that love’s for show,
But I would die for you in secret,
My heart beats so loud I can hear it echo,
I’ve been in misery before you made me forget.
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feralgnasher · 6 years
very minor update: Ashley’s first name is now Ashbury (they still prefer to shorten it to Ash tho)
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silverskulltula · 1 year
the moral of the story is that we can't trust the geriatric crustyasses on capitol hill to retire with dignity instead of clinging to power until they die on the fucking job so we desperately need enforceable age limits in every branch of government. if u can't trust peepaw to drive then u sure as shit can't trust him to make decisions for the rest of us
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silverskulltula · 4 months
is doo[citation needed]liss turning into a tumblr sexyman
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silverskulltula · 3 months
coworkers asked me my favorite color and I said purple and honestly felt this reaction from across the room
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silverskulltula · 5 months
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my one true love has returned to me from against the cruel odds of rng
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silverskulltula · 9 months
having the age slider in fallout 3 tale of two wastelands is so funny. just born as a middle-aged baby
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silverskulltula · 7 months
Get to Know Me Tag Game
I was tagged by @sanguinerosie ! thank you!!!
1. are you named after anyone? Partially after my great-grandfather, who passed away before I was old enough to remember him
2. when was the last time you cried? I think after a stress nightmare I had about half a year or so ago
3. do you have kids? no lmfao, not very into the idea of ever having them either
4. what sports do you play/have you played? never played sports but I did jrotc in high school (fell into it freshman year because I had to pick between it or PE and ended up liking it and making a lot of friends through it.) I ended up in charge of academic team and also did a little bit of drill and rifle team senior year
5. do you use sarcasm? p often
6. what’s the first thing you notice about someone? a huge part of my job is triaging people and being the first person to put eyes on a new patient so while I'm listening to history/getting vitals I always pay attention to someone's expression and overall body language when they're meeting me for the first time. so much of my job is constantly meeting new people but I'm an introverted anxious mess outside of work
7. eye color? blue
8. scary movies or happy endings? I love horror but I'm not big on lots of gore or shock value just for the sake of it. I like to be scared by something, not to watch something that's trying its hardest to be as edgy as possible
9. any talents? I can't think of any natural talents because inside I kinda believe I'm overall pretty mid at everything. but for skills/pursued interests/career related talents, I think I've gotten good at making first impressions with people, knowing what to look for when doing assessments in the ER, that I've seen a wide enough spectrum of things to be able to broadly anticipate order sets, and have also picked up enough overall skills to be self-sufficient re: my own labs, IVs, bedside skills/assisting docs, knowing what to grab for this or that, etc. I'm casting a very wide net here but I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm comfortable in my specialty, I get how it works, I like what I'm doing, and it's all a result of putting in the time actually gaining experience to get where I am now. So not "talent" but time I've put into my career.
10. where were you born? the midwest. I went back to visit my mom every year but she passed away almost 2 years ago now. I have more family around there but I don't think I'll be going back as often anymore.
11. hobbies? gaming, music, sci fi, but I also want to get into biking more and start going to local renaissance faires and such to get out more
12. any pets? one cat, she's a polydactyl cat and she chose me as her person since she was a kitten
13. height? 5'8"
14. favorite school subject? biology
15. dream job? I love the ER but one day I'd like to make the jump to a non-bedside job in healthcare for the sake of my own physical and mental health. something like informatics or biomed where I could still apply my experience to work on process improvement or things like that. I absolutely do NOT ever want to teach (at least not nursing)
The game says to tag 15 but I'm gonna tag as many people as I can think of so feel free to participate if you wanna, no pressure! apologies if I miss any mutuals/anyone, this is also an open invitation for you to answer if you want!
@batgirlfangs @cinsynate @whats-ursine @memetrash-coyote @clumsyrubicunda @undacvr @tsdo @pumpkajelly @azurecrucis @themushroombat @revotheus @jinglebellrockstars @pk-nexas @raspbrrytea @bigbassnospace @alolabraixen @skeezels @rexiedemibunny @zucktales @piraticoctopus @fruity-bats @astralikacastle @bussywhipped @pocotippy @raichuunosuke @xxx---sink----xxx @tolovedolliedearest @icyfloridian @hamcubes
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silverskulltula · 8 months
going to get my fuckin car back from the body shop today let's GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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silverskulltula · 7 months
I want to do a low intelligence New Vegas run where I also get as many bad quest outcomes possible. I want the worst ending slides, all the bad reputation, as many companions dead/angry/unavailable as I can manage. I know I can lose Arcade, Cass, and at least one more human companion by selling Arcade to Caesar, letting the Van Graffs kill Cass, and locking one of the other companions in the freezer during Beyond the Beef. I'm not sure if convincing Veronica to stay with the Brotherhood and then blowing up the Bunker kills her but it would be *very* funny if it did.
This would be streamed and recorded, of course
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silverskulltula · 8 months
I just went through my Steam library and added games I haven't played/games I was gifted/games I picked up on sale years ago to their own Backlog category so I can easily find them for streaming you wanna know how many there were?
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silverskulltula · 8 months
fallout: new vegas bleed me dry sex any% post-game commentary for those who made the correct decision not to watch: the goal was to do red lucy's quest starting from a new game as fast as possible since she falls in love with you for your egg-collecting skills. I made an energy weapons crit build character and went north from goodsprings to black mountain and cut north to repconn headquarters. I got the matter modulator and a fuckton of microfusion cells. I then stole everything in the silver rush once I got to freeside. I also got veronica and ed-e and collected the snowglobes for goodsprings, hoover dam, the mormon fort, the strip, and the test site when we eventually got to the lucky 38. we made a detour to the tops to seduce benny and fuck him to death (since it was valentine's day.) we sold the snowglobes and killed mr. house. we bought the unique recharger pistol in novac (which we really didn't need since the unique plasma rifle was more than enough.) we got boone's beret and left him to stew about his dead wife on valentine's day. we then got the unique gauss rifle (very important.) NOW we started the quest. we did vault 22 for the mantis eggs and then got the rest of the eggs up to the deathclaw eggs without much of note happening. I got to see mean sonofabitch absolutely LAUNCH a fiend with his sledgehammer. we went to quarry junction last and I stealth-crit the dealthclaws with the unique gauss rifle and only used about half of my total microfusion cells. I took the last eggs to red lucy, completed the quest, went to her bedroom, then called time and quit the game because poorly-acted sex sounds are not safe for twitch.
happy valentine's day! if anyone else tries this I'll be fucking surprised but I'd kill to hear how you would do it. energy weapons just seemed like the fastest way to get OP for free besides like the alien blaster which funnily enough would be in the exact same place as the gauss rifle. the free ammo in repconn/silver rush and the low strength/skill requirements for the gauss rifle are just too good for becoming a killing machine as quick as possible without exploits
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silverskulltula · 10 months
hey could anyone help me out in ACNH? I restarted my island and could use apples, oranges, peaches and any DIYs you could spare pls
I wanna get a 5 star island with just DIY items and little to no terraforming
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silverskulltula · 5 months
I'm off on a quest to find the Metal Legion lager at Total Wine
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silverskulltula · 3 months
we're all joking about it to mask a deep and overwhelming sense of impending doom, right
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