dreadfutures · 4 months
Having FEELINGS about inquisitor Ixchel and Rook Terinelan so can I get either "to the ends of the earth, would you follow me?" or "please don’t say i’m going alone" for dadwc?
This is noncanonical but it is based on vibes and certain things from the DA4 gameplay we saw, so if you’re wary of that, stay out! :)
for @dadrunkwriting
Pairings: Ixchel Lavellan & Terinelan Lavellan AU: #shadows in the sun : First Lifetime!Ixchel survives her poison and continues to fight.
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ixchel thinks Clan Lavellan is wiped out
Terinelan, the First, survived and has reached Arlathan Forest, joining the Veil Jumpers
After the events of The Missing, Ixchel comes back with Varric and Harding to find their Rook.
The meeting with Strife and Bellara ends on a dark note. The activity around Arlathan Forest is increasing, and it seems that after ten long years, Solas’s ritual is nearing completion.
Harding had given Ixchel a look of—it had to be pity, Ixchel thinks. She has spent years researching obscure lore and tracking down artifacts and ancient rituals to find any alternative to Solas’s plan, and she has come up with nothing. The Veil is fraying regardless of his actions; it was never meant to be eternal. The evil gods that Solas had trapped long ago will escape someday, and Ixchel has managed to convince her inner circle at least that Solas would not be trying to bring that about early without good reason.
But they don’t know the reasons.
They don’t know how to prepare. How to mitigate.
He has left them with no other option but to stop him.
Ixchel won’t lead the fight against Solas—while she can still hold her own in battle against a Venatori thug or a demon, she wouldn’t do well in battle against a god, and she simply wouldn’t fight Solas. Couldn’t. And everyone knows it.
Ixchel doesn’t know why they invite her to these meetings anymore.
Well, that’s not true. Varric, for all his charm, can’t manage anyone to save his life (or the world, as the case may be). After many turbulent years of experience, Ixchel has learned to command a room: war councils of bickering commanders, conferences of terrified Enchanters, the halls of Empresses and the field of battle—she can maneuver all of them with grace or force as the moment requires. And when faced with the end of the world, she has found that the arguments can spiral quickly if left unguided.
She is as exhausted by it now as she was when she was sixteen and had to get Cassandra, Leliana, and Cullen to stop arguing about Circles.
Today, she has navigated them to their grim conclusion, and the grim reality: they need someone strong enough, smart enough, pissed enough, to stand against Solas. Someone with the grit to withstand anything on the field but also the cunning to know when and how to disappear.
Varric knows he can’t pull the trigger. Harding, as pragmatic as she is, has to know that Solas is still Solas—and she can’t kill a friend. After her surprise meeting, Charter has said she never wants to meet Solas face to face again. Kieran has his own priorities.
Ixchel has run out of options.
Fortunately, Strife has someone in mind.
Varric, Harding, and Ixchel wait in grim silence for him to fetch this new person. Ixchel sits in an empty windowsill, eyes closed and head turned toward the sun. If the others really need her judgment, she’ll provide it, but since she really would rather be anywhere else, she hopes she can ignore the goings-on until someone calls her.
She feels no curiosity at all when Strife brings in his candidate. She knows already it is a Dalish mage who left their clan name behind to join the Veil Jumpers. The Dalish are difficult for Ixchel to work with, these days. She sees the ghosts of her dead clan in all of their faces, and she thinks she hears their suspicious thoughts: is she just a flat-ear they dressed up in vallaslin? Is she a traitor? They say she was a pupil of the Dread Wolf himself.
Ironically, Harding is far better at interacting with their Dalish recruits. Ixchel leaves it to her.
The tones of the conversation are hard, like an interrogation. Figuring out this person’s strengths and weaknesses, motivations. Ixchel hears not the words but the feelings instead and is satisfied that Harding and Varric have found their new recruit. Whether they will prove to be the field leader that they need will remain to be seen.
“Alright. Looks like we have our Rook,” Varric says with satisfaction.
“Is that my name?” the recruit asks dryly. Their voice is deep but not loud and has an almost wispy quality. The words dissipate into the air like smoke.
“Well, seeing as you didn’t offer one, I figured it’d serve as good as any,” says Varric. “Rookie, rook—like that game Dorian plays so much.”
“Chess, Varric,” Harding says, but they all know that Varric was trying to lighten the mood. “I can’t promise you Varric’ll ever use it, but I’d like to know your name, friend.”
“Terinelan,” their Rook says. “Terinelan Lavellan.”
Ixchel doesn’t know how she ends up standing in the center of the room, facing the young man she had thought dead for nearly a decade, but she’s there, and he’s there, and—
“Leave,” she says to Varric and Harding. “Now.”
The man claiming to be Terinelan Lavellan is not the boy she once knew. The last time she had seen Ter, his vallaslin was still raised and fresh over his eye. His voice had been strong, calm, and always full of cheer. Warmth. He was unblemished in every way and shone in her memory as the perfect First—the perfect son, the perfect friend.
In front of her is a mangled facsimile of that boy.
His vallaslin and half his face are marred by burns, and his ear on that side has been docked with a knife. His staff, the one his life-giver had made him when he was chosen as First, was gone. He wore the golden armor of the Veil Jumpers, and a helm was tucked under one arm. He looked ready for war.
The Terinelan she knew was not a warrior. He was a hearthkeeper, a peace-maker, a healer.
The Terinelan she knew was dead.
“Are you okay?” she asks. It’s the wrong question, but nothing is right in her mouth, just like nothing has been right since she heard of the clan’s demise in Wycome.
Terinelan smirks, tugging at scars all across his face. “With faces like ours, do you even need to ask?”
Like ours. She is not the girl who left the Clan for the Conclave so many years ago. Bare-faced. Unblemished. Her hair barely tamed into a braid for the first time. Whole. Now her face is a constellation of brutal scars, mapped by vallaslin like an astrarium; her left sleeve hangs in a knot, empty of an arm; her hair is styled pristinely, ready for battle. Her eyes are milky, washed over like the dead's. She is a ghost, a corpse.
She, too, had not been touched by war when last he saw her.
But she is more than a soldier. She is a commander. A Champion. She knows what she can inspire when she rallies her troops, but he is different. How could he come to her banner after all that has happened to him because of her? How could he not blame her, hate her?
Would it be a liability?
Would it be a blessing?
“After all that’s happened, you would still follow me?” she asks.
“To the ends of the earth,” he replies. “I don’t know everything you’ve been through, lethallan, but it’s written across your face. You’re a survivor, as am I. Who else would I follow to survive the end of the world?”
She trusts it, she trusts him.
But in that moment, she doesn’t trust herself. She doesn’t think she can survive the loss of her family—not again.
Ixchel lets out a breath and nods, and with that, the tension between them dissipates entirely. He crosses the remaining distance, tossing his helm aside carelessly, and they fall into a tight embrace.
“Is there time for you to tell me your story?” he asks into her hair.
“Only if there is time for you to tell me yours,” she says. “Fuck Solas—fuck everyone. Tell me everything.”
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Time travel rescue pt.2; 11th Doctor x teen reader ft. Queen
*Author’s note*
Okay ya’ll so I hope you enjoyed the first part, now we get to pt.2 where Freddie and Roger take up majority of this chapter, so you get to see the craziness that I hoped I managed to get in based off of stories of their friendship and videos of them together so I hope I did this wonderful soulmate shipping justice. However fair warning that P**l Pr**ter makes his appearance so prepare your stomachs.
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The next morning I woke up and found myself in a hotel room of sorts.  At first I didn’t know what happened, it was all such a rush last night I—I had this dream that I had gone back to 1975 and actually met my favorite band, and that Roger actually allowed me to sleep in his room.
“Morning (y/n).” I heard that familiar soft voice call out from the kitchen.  Oh god it wasn’t a dream. I am actually in 1975 and I really did—or well currently meeting the band and Roger did give me his room for the night.  I looked up and said.
“Morning Roger.”
“How’d you sleep last night? The clothes work okay for you?” he asked.
“Yeah they—they worked out fine.”
“You hungry? I’m making eggs and cutting up some bread and bacon, I hope that’s alright.”
“That’s fine. I’m—actually quite hungry.”
“Well come on over to the kitchen and I’ll put an extra plate.” I got out of the bed and followed him to the kitchen.  I sat down at the kitchen island bar and he said again, “I don’t know how you like your eggs, so I made them scrambled which is what I prefer. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Well then you’re lucky that scrambled eggs is my favorite. Besides sunny side up makes me yack.”
“I know right, why do people claim that’s the best way to make eggs?” he exclaimed.  Wow so Roger Taylor and I have the same view on how eggs should be prepared, that’s amazing.  He handed me my plate and he asked. “Shall I prepare a cuppa?”
“I wouldn’t mind a cuppa.”
“Coming right up.” He then prepared me my drink while he had some coffee.  As the two of us sat down around the island and ate he asked me. “How are the wounds?”
“Doesn’t hurt as much as it did last night. You and your friends really know how to be doctors.”
“Well even though Brian and I would’ve been different doctors, I don’t think we did too bad. But I will need to change out the bandages and put some more antiseptic cream on it. Just to be on the safe side.”
“Whatever you think is best Roger.”
After breakfast, he put away the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen and that’s when he grabbed the first aid kit under the sink and guided me over to the couch.
“Alright, let’s see how this looks.” He then took a pair of scissors and slightly snipped an area of the bandage before slowly unwrapping it allowing my arm to breathe.  Once the bandages were off, I could see the gnarly scars that I now bore on my arm. Long and thin but thankfully not so deep that I need stitches. “Well it seems to be closing up quite nicely. With how bad they were yesterday, I was beginning to think they wouldn’t. At least not in this speed.”
“Guess I just got enhanced healing powers or something.” I joked. He smiled and rubbed some more cream on my scars before taking another roll of bandages and wrapping it around my arm.  Just as he was about to finish, the door suddenly opened and there stood Freddie all dolled up and ready to head out.
“Let’s go my darlings it’s shopping time!”
“In a second Fred, I’m still wrapping up her arm.” Roger told him as he went back to wrapping my forearm delicately. Freddie came over and sat on the other side of me and he asked me.
“Did you sleep okay dear?”
“Yeah, like a baby actually.”
“Good. That’s just what you needed after what happened to you. But are you sure you don’t want to make a police report about this?” he said as he stroked his fingers through my hair.  Aww Freddie god bless you, why were you taken away from us so soon? We really could’ve used you in today’s society.
“I’m sure Fred. Besides I doubt they’d believe me. I didn’t even see their faces. They wore black masks over their faces so I couldn’t even see their faces.”
“Alright darling. Well once blondie’s done here, I know just the thing to help boost your spirits up. A nice, well deserved shopping day.”
“There, I’m done.”
“Marvelous my darlings, let’s go!” Freddie stood up gracefully and raised his hands over his head and clapped them once.
“Hold on you rotter, we still need to get dressed. I’d rather not go out in my pajamas in the bloody cold.” Roger guided me towards the bedroom once more and I said to him.
“Uhh Rog. What am I gonna wear?”
“Just relax love, I’m sure I got something.” He went through his closet and pulled out a pair of denim jeans as well as a queen hoodie that looked like he had taken from Deacy.  He also took out a fur coat and said. “Will this do?”
“Yeah. Again I really appreciate you sharing your clothes with me.”
“Like I said last night, it’s no trouble. When Queen was first starting off, we barely had enough money to buy new clothes so we pretty much shared clothes with each other. I think we each had a chance at wearing one shirt for different photoshoots on separate occasions.”
“Wow I—I never knew that.” Liar. Of course I knew that, I’ve seen the pictures of the guys wearing the same shirts on tumblr that someone posted.  Once again I got changed in the loo and once I got out, Roger went inside and proceeded to do his health and beauty stuff.
While he brushed his teeth and brushing through his long blonde hair, I couldn’t help but stare at him.  Now I’ll admit, I did fall for the handsome 1970’s Roger Taylor (in fact 70’s and 80’s Roger I had a crush on) but then my crush slowly faded away and turned to something else, it’s like I—kinda pictured a sorta brother-sister relationship.
“Could you take any longer getting ready Rog? I swear you take longer than me!” Freddie complained as he leaned up against the bedroom door.
“It’s called a miracle Fred. And envy is an ugly thing on you.” Roger teased to which Freddie flipped him the bird.  God they really were soulmates, I can’t imagine just how hurt Roger was finding out Fred died when he was just about to see him in a matter of minutes.
“Are we ready to go yet?” Freddie whined as Roger fluffed his hair out and shook his wild mess of hair like a lion shaking his mane and said.
“Alright you impatient bugger. Let’s go (y/n).” I was then put in between them and we left Roger’s room.
As we drove through downtown London, we soon came across a shop that closed down before my time but it was starting grounds for both Roger and Freddie, Kensington Market.
“Hope you don’t mind coming here love. We would take you to Biba but that’s all the way on East London and we’re scheduled for a rehearsal by noon.” Roger said.
“I don’t mind. I’ve—heard some good things about this place.”
“You know Rog and I once had a stall in this joint together before I officially joined the band.”
“Really? What did you guys sell?”
“Oh any old clothes that we could find. Though I’ll never forget that jacket you and Brian tried to sell. That was my favorite jacket.”
“Well then you shouldn’t have had it on the rack then, should you?” Roger mocked as he shut the engine off after finding a parking space. “Plus it’ll be cheap and not as crowded as the stores are right now. Last minute Christmas shoppers and all.”
“Agreed.” We all got out and quickly walked inside the market.  And inside I saw anything and everything.  From antiques, to bridal wear, clothes, furniture, everything small and large you could imagine. “Whoa.”
“I know it’s a little intimidating at first but no worries lovie, you’ll get used to it.” Roger said as he wrapped an arm around me.
“Alright my darlings, let’s head down memory lane. To the clothing stall!” Freddie then dragged us down the store almost towards the end of the building where a clothing stall was all set up.  Behind the counter there was a young black woman with an afro, she wore a Christmas sweater and jeans and was sucking on a lollipop.  “Well I’ll be damned. Billie. Billie Tyler?” she looked up and grinned.
“Oh shit no. Freddie Mercury and Roger Taylor! Never did I think I’d see you two bastards here again.” She grinned.
“So you’re working our stall now?” Roger asked.
“Yeah. Ever since you two boys got all rich and famous, I went ahead and took over the stall.”
“Well hate to burst your bubble but we’re still not rich and famous.” Said Roger.
“What? After all the big success you guys did at the Rainbow last year?”
“That’s the thing. We don’t get paid on our tours. In fact just recently we left our first company because they screwed up our payments. Our manager didn’t even want to give any money so that Deacy could marry Veronica.”
“What?! Those stuck up bastards! I hope Deacy got the wedding he deserved though.”
“It was a small court ceremony but it was still sweet. Although had we had the money, I would’ve planned the perfect wedding for them.” Said Freddie.
“Oh please Fred, you’d invite half of London along with all crazy people you invite to the after parties.” Said Roger.
“So who’s this? Little groupie?” she asked gesturing towards me.
“No. This is (y/n).” Roger said introducing me. “(Y/n), this is Billie Tyler. When Fred and I worked here, she worked at the boutique just across from us. We’d hang out and have lunch on our breaks, she was basically our first fan.”
“Nice to meet you Billie.” I said reaching out a hand to her.  She shook my hand immediately and she said.
“Nice to meet you too (y/n). How’d you come across these two lugs?”
“Poor dear got jumped last night, thankfully Rog was around to help her out.” Said Fred as he placed a hand to my shoulder.
“Oh my god—are you okay?”
“Yeah. Just a really bad scratch along my forearm but nothing too bad.”
“Well I would’ve honestly preferred to run into Bri had I been jumped but I’m glad you had Roger to help you out.” Roger looked at her crossly and she playfully stuck her tongue out at him. “So what brings you three here to Kensington market?”
“Well darling, we were hoping to get (y/n) some clothes. She—kinda came with just one set of clothes and has been sharing Roger’s style since last night. So we’re hoping you might have something that just screams her.”
“I think I might have some stuff. Come with me (y/n) and we can get you out of those boy clothes and into some stylish clothes I have.” She took my uninjured arm and pulled me into the stall and took me towards the changing room she had installed in the back room.
It was then I was given the full 1970’s fashion show.  Both Billie and Freddie practically took me and started treating me like a doll, forcing me to try on clothes, hats, coats, bell bottom jeans, the whole nine yards.
“And I’m telling you it’s flea-bitten Fred. I wouldn’t even dream of someone wearing that!” exclaimed Billie dramatically.
“Oh don’t be so dramatic darling, I think (y/n) would look cute in this.” He said holding up a ragged old fur coat that looked like it hadn’t seen the light of day in years.
“You guys do realize she’s a person. Not a doll, let her speak for herself once in a while.” Roger said.  He turned towards me and mouthed out, ‘I’m so sorry.’ I waved it off.
“Alright then, why don’t we ask (y/n) what she’d like?”
“Yes let’s. (Y/n) darling please tell Billie and that devil mind of hers that you’d want this coat over the decade’s old 60’s coat. This just screams you.”
“Ah, ah, ah! No antagonizing the fashion star here Mercury.” Billie warned him.
“Actually guys, something did catch my eye earlier.” I then hopped off the podium and went over to a large brown jacket that had fur ends on both the sleeves and along where the front part meets with the zipper.  
It had an elegant pattern on it, kinda reminded me of old Norwegian drawings that I once saw back in 1031 when the Doctor and I were helping out against the threat the invading reindeer people (I forgot their real names, plus it was in Norwegian tongue so I just called them the reindeer people).
But anyways, I looked cute and it wouldn’t make me stand out as much.  I picked out a cute sweater, a scarf that almost kinda resembled what the Doctor could’ve worn, and one of the many pairs of bellbottom jeans I was given.
“How’s this?”
“Oh my darling, it’s like looking at a Renaissance painting. You are—phenomenal.” Freddie praised.
“But something’s missing.” Billie said.  She then went over to the hats and picked out dark grey flat cap.  She handed me the hat and I placed it on top of my head. “There. Now you’re an aesthetic.”
And that was that.  I got a few sweaters, a couple of turtlenecks, bell bottomed jeans, some boots similar to what Deacy always wore throughout the 1970’s, and any brown furred or faux fur coat that Billie had.  When everything was rung up, Roger asked.
“Okay how much do we owe you Billie?”
“For you guys it’s on the house.”
“Oh no, no, no darling we’ve got some money to spend now since we left the bastard at Trident and switched to EMI. Now how much?”
“I’m feeling generous today. Plus I hadn’t done a fashion show like that in years. Most customers just demand my stuff and that’s it. So this time it’s on me. But if you want a payment, come by next week after the New Year.” Freddie and Roger looked to each other and that’s when Freddie said.
“Throw in you coming to my New Year’s Eve party and you’ve got a deal darling.”
“It’s a deal Freddie.” They leaned in and kissed each other’s cheeks sealing the deal. “Good luck with the concert guys, I’ll be watching it from home. And it was nice meeting you (y/n).”
“Nice meeting you too Billie, and thank you for the clothes.”
“No problem. Cheers guys. And Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas Billie!” Rog and Fred proclaimed as we walked out of Kensington market.
After that, we headed down to the nearest grocery store for the simple items that I needed like toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, socks, gloves, and Roger passed by some sunglasses and he had me try them on to which I said I looked ridiculous but to him, he thought I looked cute (which I won’t deny made me blush a little).
Once all the shopping was done, we headed back to the hotel and Roger helped me unpack my stuff.  As he was helping me put some of my clothes into his closet he asked me.
“Now (y/n), about that friend of yours. What exactly does he look like?” At that point I thanked god that the Doctor at least appeared human, because if he looked like anything else how do you explain that to your hero?
“Well, he’s got short brown hair, he’s pretty tall and lean. Kinda like Brian but not exactly the same height. Oh and he wears a bowtie.”
“What? Seriously?”
“Yeah he says they’re cool. But hopefully that helps. Oh and he basically wears a suit. All the time.”
“Okay what is he a doctor or something?”
“Something like that.”
“Do you recall where you think he might’ve ran off to?”
“That I—I don’t know. I guess I must’ve been knocked just before he ran. God I—I hope I can find him.”
“Hey, we will. I’ll turn all of London upside down if I have too to help you.” Roger said assuringly as he placed a hand on my shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.  I looked up at him and softly smiled.
“Thank you Roger. I—literally don’t know what I would’ve done had I not ran into you.”
“Think nothing of it love. I’m glad we met last night.” He playfully ruffled my hair making me exclaim while he grinned and softly laughed.  It was then there was a knock at the door.
“Roger! Roger open the door now!” Oh no it couldn’t be. But as I saw Roger roll his eyes and make a disgusted face as he hauled himself towards the door.  I peeked over from the bedroom to see him open the door to reveal the man I feared I would come in contact with.
Paul Prenter.
“What do you want Prenter?”
“You were supposed to be at the Odeon theater 2 hours ago! Where the bloody hell have you been?!” God just hearing his Irish accent made me feel so dirty.  The bastard who became a bad influence on Freddie, and the greedy snake who would go on to sell off Freddie’s AIDS story for like 30,000 pounds was now standing right before my eyes.
“Unlike you Prenter, I know how to have fun.”
“Well your fun has costed the band two hours of rehearsal. Reid is livid right now!” It was then he somehow saw me and that’s when he barged in and said. “Is this the reason you’ve delayed the rehearsal? For some teenage hussy!?”
“Excuse me!?”
“You have no right to be in here. In fact I can have you arrested and charged with stalking.” Paul threatened.  That’s when Roger stepped in between him and I.
“You even think about that and I’ll have you thrown out the bloody window faster than you can blink!” he snarled protectively.
“You’ve been saying that for years Roger and yet you’ve never done it. You don’t got the nerve.” Bragged Paul.
“Do I?” it was then I watched as Roger dragged Paul towards the back door of the small balcony and forcefully pinned Paul’s head to the stone railings. “Wanna rethink that statement?”
“Okay! Okay! Okay just let me go!” Paul wept.
“Then get the hell out of my room and don’t even dare think about calling the police. Or else there’ll be a new decoration all along the pavement of the Marriot.” He picked Paul back up and forced him out of the room before slamming the door and locked it tight.
Holy shit! I wish that was shown in the movie. Damn Roger Taylor is a lion.
“I am so sorry about him. Paul can be a right up arsehole. I’ve been trying to convince Fred to fire him but somehow he still keeps him around.”
“It’s okay Rog. I’ve—been called worse than hussy.” It’s true.  When you’re involved with a gang, you are called way worse things, especially if you’re a girl.  I’ve been called the B word mostly, the P word and even the C word, all before I was 15.
“Who has called you that? What did they say?”
“Just some school punks back in primary school. You know how little boys are.”
“Even so, my mum taught me to never be rude to girls. Men who do such things like that aren’t even worth living. Nor should they even deserve to call themselves men.” As Roger said that, I noticed this harsh, distant look in his eyes.
Was he—I mean I remember reading a story of how he was a victim of domestic abuse.  There’ve been some theories that it was probably his dad since he was never really spoke much by Roger.  So—could that really be true?
“Rog? You—okay?” I said after he didn’t speak for what felt like 2 minutes.  He snapped out of his daze and said.
“Yeah. Yeah I’m fine. Well come on let’s head out and see if we can’t find that friend of yours.”
“Actually. Since I already got you and Fred into more trouble than I’d like, you should go to the rehearsals. I can search for him on my own.”
“Are you sure? I—wouldn’t want you to get hurt again. I have no problem coming with you.”
“Really Rog. It’ll be daylight, more witnesses so I doubt anyone’s gonna jump me. Besides I’ll bet Deacy and Brian are probably pissed at you and Fred for skipping out. Go, rehearse. I’ll meet you guys at around lunch time? Maybe even see you rehearse the concert?”
“I’d like that. And I’m sure Fred would too. If anything happens, here’s the number for the theater as well as my roadie/assistant Crystal.” He took a piece of paper from a notepad and quickly put down a couple of numbers before handing it over to me.
“Thank you.” I said as I took the notepad paper.
“Stay safe love.” And my heart literally stopped when I actually felt Roger kiss my cheek before grabbing his drumsticks and headed out the door.
Oh my god, I can’t believe I just got a kiss on the cheek from my idol.  I’ll admit internally I’m screaming my head off and melting right on the spot.  I placed my hand over the cheek he kissed and I just felt this warm, gooey feeling inside.
“Oh nana would not believe this.” I then got myself ready and headed on out of the hotel and proceeded to walk around the London streets.
As I saw Christmas decorations and lights on almost every corner, I kept muttering to myself.
“Oh Doctor where are you?” I listened carefully for any wheezing and groaning sounds, an eye for a blue police box, or a tall, lean man wearing a purple suit and bowtie.  But after about 2 hours walking along the streets I saw no one, not even the usual suspicious character that usually follows you once you break the time stream.
I sighed heavily and decided to just head over to the Hammersmith Odeon, because I swear if I stay out here any longer, I’m gonna freeze my organs off.  So I headed eastward towards the theater to meet with Roger and the rest of Queen and finally see my favorite band perform right before my eyes.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
We will rock you assistant; Queen x teen reader
*Author’s note*
Hey all, well here I am with yet ANOTHER UPDATE YAAAAAYYYY!!! Okay so in this fic that was requested on my Wattpad, I had made you the reader, Roger’s sister (they asked for either Bri or Rog and I went with our fabulous blondie hehehe). Anyways not really any big warnings except for the FLUFFINESS, but if I had to pick individual warnings I’d say swearing, mentions of P**l Pr***ter, scars (NOT SELF INFLICTED), animal attacks. So enjoy my lovely darlings :)
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It was 1977, I had finally returned from my 4 year study abroad program that counted towards my shot at a biology major.  And there was an offer saying that if you wanted to complete a 4yr program rather than a full college career that was also an option, so I actually got spend the rest of my secondary school year (years 10-13) down in Queensland, Australia to study in the Zoology program.
I’ll admit it was hard the first year I was there because I had never been that far away from home ever in my life on my own, but I made some really good friends and the professors there were amazing that they became parental figures for us rather than just our teachers.  I got to learn a lot about Zoology and the study of the animals of South America. But it was so good to be home.
Especially now since I get to finally see my big brother after 4 years of not seeing him. And some of you may know him, blonde hair, blue eyes, incredible drummer. Yep I’m talking about the famed Roger Taylor, drummer of Queen.  
When I first told him about the program he at first being the overprotective big brother that he was, refused to let me go.  We fought about it constantly until that’s when our mother made the final decision and allowed me to go because she thought this would be a good experience for me. Especially now since she couldn’t afford another kid going to college at the time.
He was also outnumbered because the rest of the band thought it was also a good thing for me to experience.  Oh yeah, did I not mention that I’m real close with the band? Yeah I’ve known all of them since they formed Queen, but besides my brother, Brian is the one I’ve known the longest.
In fact he was the first to agree that going to Australia for this program would be wonderful to get a full experience background and it would help in future job applications in the future.  Brian’s like a second brother to me so I know that if Roger won’t give into my ways, I can always fall back on Brian to be ‘Brother of the year.’
And Freddie and Deacy were a blessing to have around as well.  Freddie was known to the world by now as the frontman of Queen, but to me he’ll always be known as Freddie, King of the cats and lord of fashion.  He’s always been there to help cheer me up whenever I felt a little blue or after a big fight with my brother, and Deacy was the band’s bass player and mediator if things got chaotic, but whenever it was just the two of us, we got to share an interest of our studies so if he had to do anything regarding to biology I was there to help him as best as I could and he taught me a little bit about electronics and how they worked.
So even though there were tears shed on the last day of spring of 1973, I told the boys I would keep in contact and write every single day and they promised the same thing.  Of course people in Australia knew who Queen were by 1975 when their 4th album ‘A Night at the Opera’ came out.
All my friends couldn’t stop talking about it and some couldn’t stop listening to it, and I was the same way.  But it also helped me out whenever I got homesick and missed them too much.  Just hearing their voices and instruments play brought me back to home and back to them.
And now here I am, standing before the studio where mum said they rehearsed and recorded their albums.  While I was beyond thrilled to finally see the guys again, I was also really nervous.
Cause I mean last time I saw them, sure they were popular but only just through England, Japan and America.  They were still rising stars, now ever since A night at the Opera, they’ve completely exploded to the levels of Elton John, David Bowie, ACDC, the Beatles, and a hell of a lot of other rockstars.  And sometimes egos get in the way or they just forget about who their families are and never talk to them anymore once they’ve hit it big.
I was worried that with as long as I’ve been gone, the four of them probably forgot all about me, or just didn’t want to have anything to do with me anymore. I stood before the door of the studio about to go in but I stopped and set my bags down.
“Okay, calm down (y/n), you can do this. You’ve known these guys since forever. You gotta make this reunion right.” I then did a practice mock turn and said with the most angelic voice, “Greetings my brothers.” I groaned out.  Pathetic.
I then tried another tactic, a simply grand gesture wave but making my voice all high and strange sounding but that didn’t work.  Then I thought, maybe a simple hide and suddenly appear as they come out.  I managed to find a shrub tree so I grabbed that, set it in front of the door and hid behind it before practicing peeking out and saying oh so casually.
“Oh hey guys, didn’t see you there.” I groaned and muttered to myself, “None of this is going to work.” I sighed heavily. “Maybe just a simple, sincere welcome back. Yeah, yeah that’ll do it. It’s only just the most important reunion of your life, what could go wrong?”
*3rd Person POV*
After waiting for over an hour and a half for Freddie, the remaining three members who had come with their wives all decided that they should return home since this rehearsal didn’t seem important enough for their lead singer.
“All that waiting for nothing.” Exclaimed Roger.
“Well we should’ve expected this, I mean after all since—well you know he and Mary broke up and Paul weaseled himself into his life, he’s been a bit….off.” Brian said.
“I only just wish he hadn’t made such a big deal about coming to rehearsal and then not show up himself.” Stated Deacy.
“He’ll come around love, meanwhile why don’t we all head out for some lunch. Our treat boys since you all have worked so hard.” Offered Veronica, his lovely wife.
“No love we can’t ask that—”
“She’s not asking. We’re offering.” Stated Chrissie, Brian’s wife.
“Thanks darling.” Brian said softly as he softly pecked her cheek.  That was until Dominque, Roger’s wife took a hold of the door and they were all shock to reveal a young teenage girl with bags and suitcases behind her.
“Sup party people I’m back in the hizz-hou—ohh no! God that was so American of me to say, why did I let Zack convince me to talk like that? I’m so sorry that was terrible, can I get a do-over?”
*My POV*
Well I totally fucked that greeting up. Hizz-house? Really? God next time I see that boy I’m gonna strangle him.  I saw my brother with a raven-haired girl standing beside him, in fact Deacy and Brian all had girls by their sides.  Deacy was arm to arm with a beautiful blonde woman while Brian had a brunette.  
All three of my boys looked at me, almost like they were ready to bawl, especially my brother.  I smiled softly and said.
“Hey Rog.” He just stood there.  All was silent then just before I could say anything else, Roger rammed himself into me, picking me up in his arms and spinning me around.
I let out a shriek at first but immediately hugged my brother back as he cheered happily, hugging me as tight as he could all the while kissing all over my face.  After what felt like eternity, he finally set me down but refused to let go of his embrace. Not that I minded anyway, I missed him just as much as he missed me.
“Oh (y/n) I can’t believe it’s you. You’re—you’re actually here. Home at last!”
“I know, 4 years seems like forever.”
“You have no idea lovie, god I’ve missed you like crazy.” He hugged me once again before getting a second look at me, “Ohh look at you. You’ve grown so much. Last I saw you, you were this big.” He gestured playfully as he placed his hand to his waist.  I playfully shoved him and exclaimed.
“I was never that short, you overgrown blonde giant!”
“Don’t you raise your voice at me little Ms. Thumbelina!” The two of us glared at each other for a brief moment before I let out a giggle and hugged my brother one last time saying.
“Oh I’ve missed you so much big bro.”
“And I you little sis.” It was then my attention turned toward Deacy and Brian. I got out of my brother’s arms and slowly walked towards them cautiously.  Okay so the reunion with Rog was an immediate check point, but I guess that’s to be expected because he’s my brother, but what about the two guitar players of Queen.
“Bri, Deacy. Been a long time. I hope you hadn’t forgotten little ol—” but then just like Roger, but instead of one of them coming up to embrace me, both of them did. Sandwiching me between them.  I smiled as I leaned my head against Deacy’s chest and tried to hug both of them with each arm as best as I could.
“Oh love look at you. You truly have grown into a beautiful young woman. Last we saw you, you were just a kid and now just look at you.” Said Deacy.
“Well how about you? Last I saw you your hair was down to here, now you’ve cut it to a true man’s hairstyle.”
“Do you hate it?”
“No this look suits you just fine. Though I can’t say I’ll miss braiding your hair in secret while you sleep.”
“So it was you who was doing that!” he exclaimed.
“Hey Rog goaded me on. He said I couldn’t do it without waking you up.”
“Don’t you drag me into this!” my brother exclaimed.  I playfully stuck my tongue at him when I was pulled away by Brian. He spoke not a word but just smiled lovingly down at me as he placed both of his hands at each side of my head before gently caressing downward around my face till he cupped each side of my jawline.  A common sign of affection he always did with me.
“They weren’t lying. God you’ve really become a woman now.”
“I know, but I also know that like Rog you can’t help but imagine me as that little girl you first met when my brother joined Smile.”
“That I do.” He smiled softly and gingerly kissed my forehead before hugging me close to him.  It wasn’t until a throat cleared and that’s when my attention turned towards the three women standing there.
“Hate to spoil the reunion, but just letting you guys know we’re still here. And we would like to know just who this famed young girl that has our husbands’ wrapped around her finger is.” The blonde spoke up.  There was no trace of malicious or jealousy in her words, but there was a hint of teasing towards the end.
“Sorry. Chrissie, Veronica, Dominque. This young woman is our biggest fan, future zoologist and Roger’s younger sister, (Y/n) Taylor. (Y/n), this is Brian’s wife Chrissie, Dominque, your sister in law and my lovely wife, Veronica.” Deacy said introducing us.
“Ohh so I’m finally meeting the three famed wives of Queen. Each of your husbands have told me a bit about you, I can’t believe I didn’t put two and two together when I first saw you.” I spoke as I walked up and stood before them.
“Believe us, the boys have told us all about you, especially Roger.” Said Dominque.
“Oh god I swear if he told you any embarrassing stories about me, forget them they didn’t happen the way he says they did. And he’s responsible for most of them happening.” I shook hands with my sister in law and she smiled down at me and she whispered.
“Don’t worry I had your back in defending your honor.” Before winking at me.  Oh I like her already.
“I can’t believe we’re finally meeting the famous (y/n). I especially have been looking forward to this moment for 4 years. The way my husband talked about you I expected to meet a little girl, but you my dear are so grown up.” The brunette Chrissie said.  I smiled and said.
“They all still see me as that little girl, guess it’ll take time for them to see me now.”
“Lovie no matter how big you get you’ll always be my baby sister.” Roger teased as he wrapped his arm around my neck and playfully pinched my cheek.  I whined and shoved him off and that’s when I began looking around.
“Where’s Fred?” at the mention of his name, the guys went either stoic or pissed off.
“C’mon in the studio love, there’s a lot you need to catch up on.” My brother lead me inside the studio while Deacy and Brian grabbed my bags and we all went back into the studio.
It was then I was filled in on everything that had happened.  Apparently now Mary and Freddie broke up with each other and his assistant Paul Prenter had slowly began to move into his life.  Now I vaguely remember meeting Paul a couple of times, but even then I knew there was something about him that I didn’t like.
“Geez, poor Freddie.”
“Paul’s poisoning his mind.” Stated Deacy.
“I wouldn’t doubt that. I mean, even with the couple times I’ve actually met him, I knew I didn’t like him. One look into his eyes and it’s like a Taipan is staring right back at you.”
“Taipan?” asked my brother.
“One of Australia’s most dangerous snakes. One of the boys in my group got bitten by one about a year ago. We never saw it coming; it was wrong place, wrong time.”
“Jesus was he okay?” asked Dominque.
“Yeah, luckily we managed to get him to the hospital where they gave him anti-venom.”
“What’s that?” asked Chrissie.
“They milk venom from the snakes and with the help of some brilliant chemists and scientists, they can create a potent to counteract the venom in the body. If they are given it in time, and it has to be from the same species of snake or spider or whatever venomous creature you’re getting it from. If you use black mamba anti-venom to counteract a rattlesnake venom, it does nothing.”
“Wow, the things science is doing for us nowadays.” Said Veronica.
“Okay so we’ve established the fact that Paul’s a snake, but what can we do to help Freddie?” my brother demanded.  No one spoke up until I said.
“I guess the only thing we can do is just be there for him as much as we can.”  The guys were hesitant but they agreed solemnly. “So what were you guys up to before I got here?”
“Well we were supposed to rehearse at Freddie’s request but of course he decided to not to show up.” Answered Deacy.
“So we were gonna head out and treat the boys to lunch, would you care to join us?” asked Veronica.
“Yes please, if you don’t mind. I’ve been on a plane for over 12hours with only snacks to keep me happy. And don’t get me wrong but plane food can only go so far.”
“Then have no fear sister dear, let’s get that tummy of yours filled with some real meat.” Roger as he poked my stomach making me curl up and push his hand away. It was then Brian spoke up.
“(Y/n), what’s that scarring on your leg?” I looked down and sighed.
“Well let’s just say Cody, the boy who got bit by a snake wasn’t the only one who experienced an animal attack. Mine however was a bit more vicious.”
“What happened? What hurt you and how come you never told me about this? How long ago was it?” Roger began frantically asking questions in a demanding tone.
“Rog relax I lived. Aaron got a bit cocky thinking that just because he was from Texas he could wrangle any pig. So he snuck out away from the school grounds and found a trial leading to a herd of wild feral pigs. Nearly got himself killed had I not been there to save his sorry ass. Thankfully before the pig could tear a main artery, the professor came and fired a gun into the air which scared the boars away. Had to be given over 20 stitches and 4 weeks of bedrest, but at least I didn’t end up with an amputation.”
“Did they call mum and inform her what had happened? How long ago did it happen?”
“It happened 6 months after joining the program, and yes they did. They always inform the parents of anything that happens to the students, and critical injuries or hospital visits are immediately told to the parents.”
“Well why didn’t she call me about it?”
“Weren’t you guys on the American tour around that time?” He shrugged before wrapping his arms around me bringing me close to him.  “Hey, I’m alright. Just hurt like a bitch but I’m okay.” I said softly as I rubbed his forearm.
“I just wish I could’ve been there. I could’ve saved you, helped made you comfortable as you were on bedrest. Kissed your boo-boos away.” I groaned out his name he softly chuckled and said, “still scars or not you’re still every bit the baby sister I know and love. I’ll take you no matter what.” He stroked down my hair and leaned his head on top of mine.  I smiled and nuzzled into his neck until Brian spoke up.
“We’ll try coming here again tomorrow, but for now I say let’s celebrate our best girl’s return with a well-earned English lunch.”  Everyone was in agree so we took my bags, placed them in the trunk of my brother’s car and we all headed out to lunch.
Throughout the entire day, we spent the day at my favorite restaurant and I told them more about the program and how my official diploma would be shipped to me in the next month or so.
The next day it was pretty much like the same thing as yesterday.  I was sitting between Chrissie and Veronica on the couch. Roger and Dominque were sitting together on a chair looking through a boating magazine.  Deacy who was sitting on the other side of Veronica were talking together while Brian sat on the drum risers.  I’ve noticed that for the past hour he’s been softly tapping his foot twice and softly clapping his hands.
“What about this one?” muttered Roger.
“This one is for me.” Dominque spoke.
“I don’t see how you can buy a boat Rog, and most importantly where would you keep it?” I questioned.
“First of all it’s a yacht, totally different. And second down by the docks of course. We’ve got a lake house that we bought about a year ago.”
“How come you always get the good stuff when I go away?”
“Aww don’t worry love, I’ll buy you one soon enough. Till then you can take the basement whenever you come and visit.”
“Roger, don’t you boot your sister down there, it’s not even finished.” Dominque said.
“Thank you Nicky, you’re the best sister I could ever ask for.” I reached out for her hand and she took mine.
“Everyone up on the drum risers.” Brian suddenly stated as he now stood up.  We were a bit confused a bit till Brian emphasized his point once more, “Up on the drum risers.”
“Finally some action!” I moaned out as I sat up and as I walked up Brian said.
“Thank you (y/n), showing some enthusiasm.” As I stood beside him, he wrapped his arm around me and kissed the top of my head as I hugged him around his waist. It was then Deacy spoke up.
“Just (y/n), or all of us?”
“Yes, yes c’mon John. Everyone up, I’m not waiting any longer.” Soon everyone got off their butts and walked up onto the drum risers.  Chrissie stood to my left while Dominique stood to my right.
“Bass?” questioned Deacy as he made the gesture of holding his bass guitar in his hand but Brian told him and even gave him a mock kick to his bum.
“No don’t need it, get up. Well c’mon Rog take your time.”
“Alright. What’s this about?” Roger spoke as he was the last to get up on the stage and that’s when Brian said.
“You remember our last concert? The crowd were singing our songs back to us. I mean it was deafening but—it was wonderful. They’re becoming a part of our show. I want to encourage that so…..I’ve got an idea to involve them a little bit more.” He then began stomping the ground twice before breaking on the third beat. He did that a few times before John sneered with sarcasm.
“Thank you John.” Brian spoke mockingly.  I just rolled my eyes at their interaction before Brian urged all of us again, “C’mon.” Soon everyone started to stomp along with Bri.  I felt a little out of place and I was just about to slowly back off when Brian spoke again, “That means you too (y/n).”
“Yeah, now c’mon join the ranks.” My brother then pulled me between him and Deacy and I joined in on the rhythmic stomping.  “Good. Now I want you to clap on the third beat.”  Soon it formed into a STOMP, STOMP CLAP. STOMP, STOMP CLAP.
“Don’t speed up!” My brother claimed but he looked down at me and playfully bopped my nose.  I glared playfully up at him as Brian said.
“Rog keep that time.” We all continued the tempo following my brother’s lead when I heard Brian speak up again after he had turned toward the piano to play a single key, “No Prenter? It’s unusual to see you without your clone?”
“It’s unusual seeing you be so bitchy.” I looked up to see the last Queen member I didn’t see the other day, the front man himself Freddie Mercury.  He looked different as well, much like Deacy his hair was now shorter.
“That’s usually me.” Deacy spoke as he pointed to himself and I playfully bumped into his arm.  Brian turned back around toward us and playfully teased my brother.
“Ahh you’re keeping time Rog, good.” I heard my brother playfully scoff and that’s when Freddie stood beside Bri and asked.
“What’s going on?”
“You’d know if you were on time.” Said my brother as we all ceased our stomping and claps and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.  Freddie turned to look at my brother as he said.
“I’m a performer darling not a Swiss train conductor.” He then turned to Brian and said, “Sorry I’m late.”
“Again.” Deacy spoke bluntly.  Fred turned back towards us and when he finally took notice of me he said.
“And just who is here with us today?”
“If you were here yesterday Freddie, you’d realize it’s me.” His eyes widened and he said.
“No way, (y/n)? Little (y/n) Taylor?” I nodded and grinned at him.  He grinned back at me and stated as he pointed at me, “Afterwards, you and me, outside. We’ve got some things to talk about.” He then turned back to Brian and continued, “Now back to the matter at hand, will you please tell me why you’re not playing any instruments?”
“I wanna give the audience a song that they can perform. Alright? Let them be a part of the band so what can they do?” Brian then resumed stomping and clapping two times before we all resumed and joined him.  Even Freddie joined in at one of the claps.  “Imagine….thousands of people. Doing this in unison, hmm?” Freddie had a processing look in his eyes before finally saying.
“What’s the lyric?” And it was then a new Queen hit was being born.
As the day went on, I walked over to Brian who was at the controls with pieces of paper scattered around him, pencil in head connecting it to his brain trying to get the right lyrics.  I slowly walked up towards him and asked.
“So this is how the great Brian May works his lyrics?” He turned to me and he smiled.
“It’s how we all work. Though you should’ve seen us when we went to Rockfield farm to record a Night at the Opera. Sheet music everywhere.” I chuckled and sat down next to him in the extra chair.  I grabbed one of the lyrics sheets and read the lyrics.
“This is good Brian.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah, I mean just based off of the rhythm you had going down, made me think about all the sporting events that happened back down in Australia. You think London is fanatic when it comes to football, you clearly haven’t seen the Aussie’s do it, along with rugby. Those fans get insane.”
“I can imagine. But I’m unclear of which order to do some of the lyrics.” I stood up and placed the lyric sheet I had back down and leaned over his shoulder to read what he had so far.
“Why not do it like an evolution type thing.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean like you’ve got each new stanza starting with man. But why not go in age order. Start with a young boy who once started off in the schoolyard kicking mud around, then the young ambitious young man thinking he was gonna rule the world someday, kinda like what my brother envisioned.”
“Before finally ending it with an old man, after all is said and done all he wants is peace. Love you are brilliant!” he gasped before bringing me into his lap and hugged me tightly.
“What would you guys do without me?”
“Probably have another car song by your brother.”
“Oh don’t even get me started on that.”
“So you agree with me?”
“Yes, infinitely. I was embarrassed at just hearing the song being played by some of my fellow zoologists, mainly the boys who were also car nuts like my brother.”
“Oh I see how it is!” We looked up to see my brother standing there with his arms crossed over his chest.  He walked over to me continuing, “You also think my song’s stupid? Siding with this rotter here?”
“I’m sorry Rog but you’ve got to admit it makes you sound like you’d have sex with a car.”
“At least one Taylor sees the problem with your song.” Brian pipped in.
“You keep out of this!” Roger pointed to Brian.  He then directed his attention to me, he gestured with his finger a ‘come hither’ motion, “You come here.”
“No, no Rog I know that look! Back away from me!” I warned him as I got off of Brian’s lap immediately recognizing the sign of what he was going to do.
“You’ve got nowhere else to go (n/n). Only one way out of here and you gotta get by me to get to it.” I backed myself into a corner as he kept walking toward me.  I quickly looked around before running to the left but he followed and blocked my path.
However what he didn’t expect was for me to go to the right and race out but just before I managed to get out of the door, Roger grabbed me around the waist and threw me over his shoulder.
“Oi yah big goober! Put me down! Roger I’m not kidding I’m not seven years old anymore you can’t do this to me!!”
“Not till you apologize, ready for the helicopter?”
“No! Please Rog anything but tha—HEY!!” As we were now in the middle of the studio, he began to spin me around.  “Stop it! Rog I’m not kidding put me down!”
“Not till you change your mind about my song.”
“Okay then you’re not getting down.” He kept the act up for about 10 minutes till I finally relented and gave my brother what he wanted, even though my opinion didn’t change.  I just wanted to stop the room from spinning and the blood from going to my head.
After helping the boys record the song, I was allowed to go to my first Queen concert in over 4 years.  We were at Madison Square Garden and I was up in the front row in a special center-stage reserved seat that the boys managed to swindle for me.
And getting to see them on a bigger stage with a larger audience and more fans than they did when I last went to a Queen concert at the Rainbow back in ’74 before I left for my program.  They were now full-fledged Rock-gods and I was honored to be apart of their close circle, hell I’m lucky to be related to one of the band members themselves, and a surrogate sister to the other three.
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