sarvodayanews · 24 days
बरेली में 2 नाबालिग ने 9वीं की छात्रा के साथ किया गैंग रेप, बदनामी के डर से किशोरी ने आत्मदाह कर दी जान
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kaalboishakhi · 1 month
ive seen tags like “rapekink” and “rapedoll” here (while searching for a tag related to “rape protest” for my last post) perhaps there is worse. i feel sick. i want to puke my guts out. because what the fuck? there are people out here not even normalising but straight up romanticising rape???? and that isn't even the worst of it, these are minor girls who are making these types of violent inhumane crimes into something to be desired. god knows how many depraved men are out there preying on these half developed girls and their vulnerability. ive seen teenage girls reading coleen hoover books where the author herself writes about domestic violence and abusive relationships, targeted demographic being teen girls who's brains are likely half developed and market it to them as romance, normalising it all. god knows how many coleen hoovers are out there feasting on their young brains and filling it with sick and twisted ideas of love and romance. it sickens me it all sickens me. the idea of violence towards women being romantic is something as bad as gore, porn should be banned and so should the online reading platforms like wattpad which encourage violence against women, stop romanticising it. it's not romantic. it is criminal. ban these pornbots, ban these porn accounts, please for the love of god humanity is dying.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 2 months
I don't know if you keep up with any YouTuber stuff, but right now a situation has blown up about Cody Ko having had sex with Tana Mongeau when he was 25 and she was 17. She had consented at the time.
There's been discussions about it being a crime and about age of consent and stuff like that, and there have been some people who have said that under no circumstances can a 17 year old consent to sex.
And I was wondering what your position would be as a sex educator? Not necessarily about the Cody + Tana situation itself, just more about whether a 17 year old can consent?
sorry hang on, there are people sincerely arguing that there are *no* situations in which 17 year olds can consent to sex? including with other 17 year olds? because of that's the case, ooooh boy, I'm gonna need a lot of people to touch grass some grass asap.
anyway from a legal standpoint I'm unsure where this would fall. a cursory google search has indicated that Mongeau is American and Ko is Canadian. age of consent laws are different between the two countries, so whether or not this is considered a crime in the strictest legal sense of the word would depend on where, geographically, this took place.
even if it were in a US state where an adult having sex with someone under the age of 18 is categorically illegal, it's unlikely that it would have been treated as a crime at the time if Mongeau didn't alert authorities or press charges. the fact of the matter is that there are just, like, a lot of adults having sex with teenagers, specifically skeezy men hooking up with teenage girls. high school one of my closest friends had a 24 year old boyfriend and everyone agreed that it was weird but also her parents were completely aware of the situation, liked the guy, and let him hang out in their house pretty much constantly, so like. what was anyone supposed to do about that? hell, numerous studies have found that around a quarter of pregnant teenagers are impregnated by someone 5+ years their senior. yes it's a crime, no it's probably not going to see legal action unless someone (usually the minor's guardians) pursues statutory rape charges.
all of which I guess brings us to your question of whether or not a 17 year old can consent to sex with a 25 year old, which I presume you mean in, like, a moral sense and not a legal sense. to which I say sure, a 17 year old is absolutely capable of understanding what sex is and deciding that they want to do that, but that doesn't make it cool and fine that an adult agreed to do it with them.
look, man, I'm 27. I have a lot of 25 year old friends. if any of them announced that they were hooking up with 17 year olds, I would stage an intervention. a 17 year old is obviously not the same as a CHILD child, but the maturity differential is, for the most part, drastic enough that I do genuinely struggle to understand why someone in their mid-twenties would even be interested if not for the sake of having a sexual partners who's less experienced and easier to influence.
having said that I will throw in the final caveat that I am, deeply and always, firmly against carceral "justice," and particularly in a case like this where the younger party was (presumably) not forced or coerced or otherwise hurt, entry into an inhumane prison system is not an appropriate outcome for the older party.
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jessica-problems · 6 months
Mahoako Propaganda
This is the post where I try to convince you that Gushing Over Magical Girls(aka Mahou Shoujo Ni Akogarete aka Mahoako) is actually a wholesome sex positive story about young lesbians exploring their feelings for one another in a world without homophobia. (and I'm serious.) If you are a fan of yuri or magical girls, who dismissed mahoako as being horrible exploitative garbage, this post is me trying to convince you to give it a chance. It's not some horrible male gaze rape fest.
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These characters are explicitly, canonically lesbians, who are in love. They're women who love women, and aren't afraid to show it.
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This is a story where a girl struggles with whether she's being a creep by thinking her girlfriend smells nice.
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They talk frankly about their anxieties about kink.
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there's pining childhood friends. (who actually get together.)
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There's all sorts of lesbians, from wholesome uwu schoolgirl crushes, to weird traumatized alt girls making each other worse.
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Also, a character looks directly at the camera and reminds people that consent is important and you shouldn't touch someone without their permission. Basically, the story uses magical girl tropes as a framing device for the 'magic circle' of kink. In the same way that people use bdsm is a safe space to explore their feelings in new ways, the characters use magical girl battles, which are kind of treated as 'not real' in a similar way. But of course there's the elephant in the room. It's an extremely horny manga, and most of the characters are minors. These are high schoolers who touch each other's boobs. I totally understand if that alone is enough to put you off it, but I will say, these are horny teenagers getting weird feelings about each other and figuring themselves out. They're not powerless victims being exploited. For one thing, there's literally no men in this entire show. Not even a single background character. They're all women. If you're on board with a story about 14 year old girls having funny feelings about their classmates, I'd say give it a shot.
If you're *almost* on board, but the objectification still makes you a little uncomfortable, I can assure you, the story consistently focuses on how the girls feel as people, and goes far beyond simply objectifying them in a sexy pose. The kinks serve a purpose in the plot, and to enhance characterization, so if you do read it, don't completely skip past the kink scenes.
Also, if you're actually curious the kink, I should mention, it's not just bondage and spanking. in the first season alone, they've done waxplay, giantesses, abdl, exhibitionism, electroplay, tentacles, and "the room you can't leave until you fuck" among others. There is a smorgasbord of perversion here, but it's balanced out and contrasted against a bunch of really cute little character moments, especially in the manga.
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metranart · 3 months
Mikey x Reader x Draken (Tokyo Revengers)(Part 8)
Being a gang leader doesn’t leave a lot of free time and having hit the critical age of the hormonal teenager, Draken and Mikey are beginning to feel the raging urge of having some needs meet.
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They knew what was to come, same reason why they kept you at arm reach. 
Now that their brains aren’t a pool of hormones and lust, they realized how instead of being gentle and tender as any first time should be, it was animalistic bordering primal. You basically drove them to the edge of insanity, and they willingly fell into the spell.
Spellbound still, they follow closely behind you, trailing your every move with attentive eyes, internally ready to chase if they need to, to restrain if is necessary and to beg if you force them to it.
All in hopes of keeping you for themselves. They want you to have their kids, share their dreams, conquer Japan along them—… not in that specific order but you get the idea.
You walk moving quickly but quietly. The idea to go find your own gang leader passes through your mind briefly, but you dismiss it. Draken and Mikey’s gazes are on you like a hawk.
If you miraculously manage to escape and go to Elliot's, -you sigh, long and breathlessly- imagining being beside him and under his protection. Your body tenses at the prospect of running away, maybe straight to a cop—
“Such a long sigh,” you hadn’t taken more than three steps when Mikey cuts short your plans by snaking an arm around your shoulders. “Tell me, (y/n), were you planning to run away?” 
 You wrinkle your nose at being discovered. His eyes study you as you stand frozen beside him. 
“Nah, my Babygirl is not such a dummy,” he states, voice heavy with sarcasm. “I wonder where you were off to?” Mikey continues, and soon Draken joins as well.
“Perhaps she fancies another restaurant,” the tall blond suggests, airily.
“Feeling a little peckish, are we?” Mikey replies, playfully, his attention solely on you. “—Looking for another sip of milk? You can have some of mine, if you like.” The Toman leader smirks at seeing you blush hard, and you can hear Draken chuckle.
Your injured hand is wrapped in fresh bandages, you feel exhausted and weak, your crotch is sensitive and your body aches. It might be safer to play along and then plan an escape route. 
His wicked laugh draws your attention back to him.
“My, my Kenchin... how very little our girl is.” Mikey notices, glancing back at his friend, taking in count how your whole frame is dwarfed by his. “Humor me, (Y/N). How old are you?” he asks, and you hate the sound of his patronizing voice. 
Drawing yourself up, you respond with as much pride and dignity as any gang member should have.
“Not old enough, Manjiro,” you snarl, trying to shake him away from you to no avail. “You just raped a minor—” 
Draken sighs, claiming the other side of the sidewalk to walk right next to you. Flanking you. 
“So very young, indeed.” The tall blond shares, calmly, “but so are we, and sex between teenagers is NOT legally rape…. more like mildly disappointing for society, but not jail time.” Draken patiently explains, and your fists clench, painfully. 
“That’s fairly horrifying, ain’t it?” Mikey croons and you bared your teeth at them, a mocking imitation of a smile. “Plus, you being our girlfriend, ummm-” he taps his lips thinking, “is not rape at all, it was our first time. Lovers sharing an intimate—” 
“Do NOT call me your fucking girlfriend, delusional asshole!”
You raise your voice, moving slowly to your right towards his left side, but he catches your subtle motion and mirrors it casually in his own. He laughs at you, then, and it absolutely prickles your skin.
“Delusional asshole?” Mikey repeats in a spoiled, childish voice, “-that seems like a bit too harsh, don’t ya think, baby?”
You are about to mitigate any kind of hope Manjiro Sano may be harvesting in that blond sick head of his when Draken towers over you, leaning so closely that you can feel his warm breath against your face.
“(Y/N), please, don’t presume that because we allowed a little disrespect, we will continue to endure it,” his eyes seem darker than ever up close, and your body's involuntary reaction is to try to run to which he catches your forearm in his firm grip in an almost lightning-fast motion.
“I can catch you-” he warns, a little upset by your foolish attempt, “I will catch you, and it’s quite unseemly for a girl to be dragged back like a spoiled brat, don’t you think?” 
Draken’s face is so close that you are only a breath away from a kiss, or head-butt him but neither would have a happy ending for you, so you back down and allow them to believe that you have given in.
“—And just like that all her fight is gone.” Mikey says between merry laughter, eyes creasing while he sticks his front to your back in a possessive hug. “Give her a break, Kenchin, she's just getting used to us.”
Graciously offering you his hand, Draken sighs and waits for you to take it, and after a couple of tense seconds, you do. As a sign of good omen between the two.
You can feel the bulge of muscles and the twisting veins that ran from shoulder to knuckles just by the grip of his hand, it's not bruising but is firmer than what you expected. You shudder, imagining those powerful hands locked around your hips, driving himself deep inside once again.... and you being unable to stop him, once again.
“Why me?” you ask, suddenly, ice dripping from your tone.  
Mikey’s arm is around your waist, light as a feather on the wind as he aids Draken to escort you to the restaurant. A blush creeps up your neck when Manjiro Sano choose to deposit a chaste kiss on your neck instead of answering you, and before you can even think of ask again, Draken does the same but on your cheek.
And you puff some air, outraged. “The least you can do is answer me—”
“And that's exactly what we just did.”
Draken cuts your outburst short to then fall silent. 
“Please,” you whisper, your voice hardly there. But their heads turn towards you slightly, and their attention makes you feel brave enough to continue. “Please let me go. I want to go home, I just want to go home, I’ll do anything! I’ll renounce to my gang, I’ll convince Elliot to…to…not do anything against you, I’ll do anything!” You stutter, finally reaching your breaking point.
“You have nothing to offer us.” Mikey claims in all calm smoothness, trying to pass some of that energy to you. You know they don’t care about any you have to offer, even so, you need to try. “Plus, you are not our prisoner, just our girlfriend-”
“What's the difference?”
The words leave you before you can stop them and both stop suddenly and release your hand and waist, turning towards you.
“Loving can heal—” Mikey proclaims, way too invested. You can clearly see in his eyes that he believes what he is saying. “—But you need to give us a chance to let us make up for what’ve we done, okay?”
Maybe this was their way of apologizing for violating you in every possible way.... did they believe that this could be erased and the three of you would end up being a happy polyamorous couple?
You stood quiet for a moment, staring into his startlingly beautiful dark eyes. He was handsome, and sometimes –like now– he even seemed kind enough, though his words were firm and good intentioned, you knew better than to listen to them. 
So, without answering, you turn from them coldly, taking a few testing steps ahead of them. 
“–Just walk.” You hear Mikey advise; gaze firmly set on your every move. 
“Don’t run… we won’t be able to stop ourselves if you run.” Draken warns, his voice tight as if is taking him a lot not to chase you down. 
You were only a couple of steps away from them, but you could see the tension that it caused them.
Testing your luck and their small slip of freedom for you, you visualized the restaurant and move faster, they compensate for the speed but still don't grab you or pull you. Leaving you some air to breathe. Feeling a little -tiny- more in control, you trot demurely until you reach the door, and turn around.
Genuine surprise showing on your face when you noticed that they hadn't chase you.
“Not even a day ago I trusted you.” You remind them, “you spitted in that trust with your more than reprovable acts-….” their blank faces were hard to read, “-I’ve yet to trust you since.” 
Both blonds nod, understanding what you are saying but still unable to process why you can’t understand them as well.
“She’s going to be a tough nut to crack, ain’t she, Kenshin?” 
The aftermentioned smirks, “if she weren’t we wouldn’t be so interested.”
Mikey snickers at that, opening the door to follow you inside. “Damn right.” 
Both gang members enter and just start to walk, you are already inside a booth occupying the long seat of the right and leaving just the seat in front as their only option. 
“Scoot over, (Y/N),” Mikey orders, “Kenshin and I are far too big to share the same side—” 
“I never hear you complaining when you had to share the same, small and diminutive, bed….” You snarl out, and he looks down at you. 
“I’m hungry and tired, even if you find it hard to believe,” the leader of the Toman confesses and for the first time you notice the bags under his eyes. “If you don’t scoot over voluntarily I’m going to be forced to put you on my lap-” 
You’re quick enough to swallow the gasp, and before it continues, you slide to the end of the booth.  
“Good girl,” Mikey praises, taking the seat next to you, sliding gracefully closer until feels the side of his thigh pressed to yours. Then he starts. 
“Communication based on threats will not help us grow our relationship,” Mikey begins to lecture you, and you feel your blood boil.  
“He’s right, little mouse,” Draken adds, taking the seat in front of you as he flips through the menu. “We ought to be civilized,” he instructs, offering you the menu, and when you take it, he doesn't let go, "do you think you can be civilized?”
Your lips purse, even so, you reply.
“Of course, Sweetie, whatever my dear boyfriend asks.” Your tone drips harsh sarcasm. 
“—I know you are doing it to spite me,” Draken begins letting go of the menu, serious facade yet soon his mouth curves into a smile. “… But you calling me your boyfriend really gave me goosebumps, doll.” 
A blush creeps across your cheeks when you frown, making it unable for them to know if its out of embarrassment or anger.
“Now I’m jealous,” Mikey pouts, “Tell me something pretty as well.” 
The blond asks unashamedly, as if your sarcastic comment were actually a show of affection. 
You ignore him, in order to read the menu and suddenly feel him take your hand nonetheless. 
You are about to snatch it back, violently, when you see him bowing, you feel the barest hint of his breath on your knuckles before he presses his forehead to them, instead of his lips. 
“I couldn't even bring myself to kiss your beautiful hand, my love—” he mutters, “Not when I can only think of kissing your lips.” 
When he look up, his eyes are blackened yet overflowing with a feeling that you refused to call love, and his tone as cold and composed as ever. 
“Knock it off, Sano.” You grunt, uncomfortable. “You can drop the act—” 
“It’s not an act, darling.” Draken cuts in, “It never has been.”
You try to snatch your hand away, but Mikey isn’t ready to let go, not without a token of affection. 
“Let go.”
He shakes his head. You sigh, burdensomely.
“You know what I ask in return.” He simply instructs. 
You would like to hit him but you are so emotionally and physically exhausted that you are reduced to saying.  
“Could my dear boyfriend let go of my hand?”
The blonde's eyes shine and placing a soft kiss on your knuckles before releasing you, he smiles.  
"Your boyfriend doesn't want to, but he will do it because he loves you." He announces and your nose wrinkles in disgust.  
You shake your head disapprovingly and he nods.  
“We love you.”
Draken adds.
“A lot.”
“You are delusional and confused—” 
"Whatever you feel, my love, we feel all the more," Mikey say slowly and clearly. His thumb reaches your cheek and brushes it, affectional. 
You flush a little in embarrassment, and he smirks, glad that you made his point easier. 
“The implication behind this blush tells me of how you don’t find us inadequate nor disgusting-” 
You seem to regret your involuntary body reactions, But unfortunately this only makes you blush more, much to the delight of both blondes.
“There’s hope,” Draken adds out of the sudden. 
“Yes, there is.” Mikey nods, “…. We only have to work for it.”
You're about to reproach him when his fingers gently fall on your lips, "and we will, gladly."
“You will fail.” You say in an icy tone. 
Both smirk, and Draken is the first to talk. 
“Wanna bet?” 
⭕️ In my PATREON you will find NSFW art of this story and lots of NSFW content from Tokyo Rev and other popular anime, exclusive smut fanfiction and more. Join our community and vote for the next smutty fanfiction.
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molsno · 2 months
god, what happens next is so good. the character writing is just spectacular. it fascinates me just how much depth there is to each character and how that contributes to the story.
milo's dni is the most revealing thing about him, and it's the very first thing we hear from him:
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right off the bat, we can see what kind of person the protagonist is. he's a pastel softboi trans man who clings to a childish aesthetic to appear weak and non-threatening. despite being involved in a toxic relationship with another trans guy who attempted to rape and kill an 11 year old girl when he was a teenager and later murdered his girlfriend, which milo helped with by dismembering her corpse, he puts "pedophiles and unhealthy pairing shippers dni" on his carrd. which, ok, maybe he wants to distance himself from people like griffin now - except that's not really true, because he talks to, moves in with, and regularly hangs out with a serial killer fan who idolizes griffin and is even dating the guy while he's in prison. he puts "being against neopronouns" and "anti-otherkin" on the same level as those things. he explicitly denies any responsibility in the murders of haylie and savannah, despite having literally chopped haylie's arm off. all the while, he has "you deserve to heal" in big bold letters, while not applying that belief to anyone but himself.
right from the start, it's obvious that milo is not a good person. but he's also humanized throughout the story. sure, some of his softboi persona is a means of victimizing himself to avoid taking responsibility for what he did - and you could make the case that he was a victim in some ways. on the other hand, he also never got to grow up because he spent 5 years in a psychiatric institute. is it any surprise that he clings to the same aesthetic, interests, and hobbies he had when he was 15? he never got to stop being a kid, and how is he supposed to now? he didn't graduate high school, he can't get a job, and nobody wants to be friends with him because of what he did. it raises uncomfortable questions - namely, what happens next? milo served his time for the crime he committed as a minor. he was already punished, but now he has to live the entire rest of his life. what is he supposed to do?
that, I think is the most interesting part of this story. almost every character in this story makes it hard for you to like them, but they also have very human reasons for doing the terrible things that they do. I'll talk about some of my favorites under the read more, but be aware that there will be spoilers:
claire is one of the most interesting characters to me, just because of how unlikable she is.
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when we first see claire in victim impact statement, she tries to ignore haylie, griffin, and milo as much as possible. she doesn't even seem to like her sister. she treats haylie as a nuisance for coming into the room that they share as sisters. she doesn't want to go to the open mic night to listen to haylie play her ukulele. when she finds haylie bawling her eyes out in the bathroom at anime central, she just looks away, as if to say "you chose to date your shitty boyfriend". when she hears haylie and griffin fighting upstairs, she just pretends not to hear it. when haylie is curled up in terror later, claire puts on headphones and turns her back to her. her headphones become a way of drowning out haylie's screams when griffin is around, and because of that, she doesn't hear haylie screaming for her life, and ends up finding her corpse in the kitchen.
that's why I don't find it surprising at all that she becomes an outspoken transphobe who wants to take her anger out on the trans people who murdered her sister. she goes to media events and publicly degenders milo and griffin. she calls aaron's friends trannies. I think it's easy to misconstrue her as a terf, but she literally doesn't even pay lip service to feminism. how could she? she knew that her sister was being abused by her boyfriend, and she did nothing. let me remind you that she lives in a house where "smash the patriarchy" is embroidered on the wall. she doesn't care about any of that. she just wants a scapegoat. she wants to make the law impose harsher punishments on minors who commit violent crimes because she doesn't know what else to do with her life. she very clearly hates herself, becoming an alcoholic to cope with her guilt. she pretends to care about haylie and fight for this law because it's the only way she can convince herself she's a good person, even though she can see that doing what she's doing is turning everyone against her.
and then that brings us to audrey. it's difficult to like her, too, because she's dating claire despite all of the horrible things she's doing. but at the same time, I can see where she's coming from. her mother died of cancer and she and all of her other black siblings were adopted by conservative christian white parents. she's still christian to this day, and makes a point of separating herself from "criminals" by insisting that she has nothing to do with them because she goes to church and takes care of her family. she doesn't want to disavow the law that claire worked so hard to pass because at the end of the day, it won't affect her personally, even though she is aware that the justice system disproportionately punishes black people. she very clearly has a lot of internalized racism, and I think that's best exemplified in the way she draws herself. despite having pretty dark skin in real life, she draws herself as light skinned as claire, her white girlfriend:
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like, it's hard to like audrey, but you can clearly see why she's made all of the decisions she has! she idolizes claire because it's her first lesbian relationship. the way she sees it, claire can do no wrong. audrey does actually seem to be aware that her girlfriend is doing terrible things, but she essentially just plugs her ears and tries to ignore it. that's why she doesn't go to claire's campaign events. she ignores all of her girlfriend's flaws because claire is essentially her savior. because she has claire, she doesn't have to go back to her family, to her abusive alcoholic white father. she doesn't have to actually take care of her younger siblings, which is a responsibility she's foisted off unto mark. that's why she ignores that claire is just as much of an emotional drain as her father. she's highly depressed, she's an alcoholic, she trashes their bedroom (leaving audrey to clean up after her mess), she puts up an emotional wall and dismisses audrey's attempts to comfort her, and dismisses audrey's own problems as being less traumatizing and less important. by all accounts, claire is a terrible girlfriend and a terrible person, but because audrey idolizes her as her savior, she stays by her side. I'm really looking forward to seeing how she reacts to claire's disappearance in future chapters.
and then of course, there's vikki. she's been doing something incredibly disrespectful for years by making true crime videos where she talks about the victims and killers like it's all a joke. she makes a video about whether ethical necrophilia is possible, and makes a callous, bitter joke that the concept of "respect for the dead" is antiquated, because nobody respects her as a trans woman of color even though she's still alive. for this comment, people have harassed her online endlessly, enough that she had to make a video called "STOP TELLING PEOPLE I FUCK CORPSES". that doesn't stop her from making a video about the murder of haylie, complete with an interview from milo. she'll throw him under the bus if it means getting the attention off herself for a bit.
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and yet, I think out of everyone, I feel the most compassion for vikki. yes, she used milo for content and called him a "sad little blonde girl", but I can understand where she's coming from! like, again, she's a trans woman of color in the true crime community. she knows the archetype milo is trying so hard to be in order to avoid taking responsibility for what he did. like, I've personally seen trans women of color who are victimized by white trans men who pull the same exact shtick as milo over and over, so I completely understand her frustration. that said, she also realized she went too far and tried to apologize, only to find out she was blocked and that milo basically wrote a callout post against her. I think it says a lot that vikki was one of the only people to actually try to talk to milo, even if the way she went about it was wrong.
vikki does things that are disrespectful, but to be honest, it's not that surprising! she grew up in a 90% white town in the middle of nowhere, got assaulted by multiple white boys for being a faggot, got sent to alternative school, worked for a funeral home as a teenager, and transitioned. not only is she desensitized to death, she's angry that people revere the dead more than her.
it's astounding, really! what happens next is so well written because it makes makes you feel conflicted about each of its characters. what are we supposed to do with these people who do awful things? a lot of the intrigue in this comic comes from seeing how each of the characters handles this question as they deal with the other characters who have done terrible things, while they themselves are deeply flawed as well. I think the writing really forces you to contend with the idea that these are all still people, and that their humanity needs to be recognized even if they do terrible things. it makes you ask, what happens next?
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max--phillips · 8 months
Indiana just launched a “snitch line” for people to report schools for teaching about LGBTQ issues, Black history, and other topics.
On Monday, the AG, Todd Rokita, launched this “Eyes on Eduction” portal where students, parents, and teachers alike can report… “objectionable curricula, policies, or programs affecting children.” While they hide behind the suggestion that this is to stop “political ideology - either left or right” from being forced on kids, we all know that this is really a tip line for parents to complain that someone told their kid gay people exist or slavery was a real thing that happened to Black people.
I’m not going to lie, despite this being from the office of the attorney general, I don’t think this is much more than a wall of shame functionally. The AG’s office looks at submissions, takes the credible ones, and publishes them on the portal for anyone to see. The PDFs of the so-called evidence also include names of teachers.
Anyway, unsurprisingly, people have been flooding the portal with junk submissions, as pointed out by the wonderful Erin Reed (@/ErinInTheMorn on Twitter) in her article on the portal:
A report that Godzilla was witnessed with a trans flag
Indiana Jones slapping a Nazi
A report of a famous picture of Trump next to Rudy Giuliani in drag
Multiple reports citing the Bible for teenage pregnancy
A confession purporting to be from Breaking Bad character Walter White
The script for the Bee Movie (classic)
The script to Oppenheimer
The script for Eurotrip, with a note not to tell Scotty
Young Sheldon saying “Bazinga”
So ALL OF THAT IS TO SAY. Here's another link to the portal. Whatever you do, don't add to the list above and flood the portal, making it nearly impossible for the poor AG's office to sort through all the submissions and find credible submissions! That would be sooo uncalled for.
Anyway, side note for you: if you're thinking to yourself, "damn, Todd Rokita, that name sounds awfully familiar," you may be thinking of the time in 2022 he said he was going to investigate Dr. Caitlin Bernard for providing an abortion procedure to a 10 year old girl who had fled Ohio to receive care because Ohio's abortion ban did not provide an exception for minor children who became pregnant as a result of rape. Ultimately, Indiana state courts found him to have violated the law and engaged in attorney misconduct due to his public statements on the situation. Yet, he is still AG. This guy has sucked as long as I can remember. He was Secretary of State of Indiana from 2002-2010, then he was a member of the US House of Representatives from Indiana's 4th district (which my hometown is unfortunately a part of) from 2011-2019, and has now been AG since 2021. For perspective, I was born in 1997--the year he joined the Secretary of State's office as general counsel, then later became deputy secretary of state. He's been doing his damndest to ruin this state as long as I've been alive.
Also, his birthday is Friday (February 9th) according to his wikipedia page. Definitely don't give him any birthday presents by way of the submission portal, okay? Good talk
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girlactionfigure · 3 months
by design
Since the October 7 massacre, antisemitism worldwide has skyrocketed to levels reminiscent of the eve of the rise of the Nazis. Dozens of synagogues around the world have been firebombed or set on fire. A 12-year-old Jewish girl was raped in France on account of her Jewishness; another French Jewish woman was allegedly kidnapped and raped “to avenge Palestine.” A pro-Palestinian protestor killed a 69-year-old Jewish man in Los Angeles. An ISIS-supporting teenager stabbed a 50-year-old Jewish man in Zurich, leaving him in critical condition. A San Diego Jewish dentist was murdered under suspicious circumstances. Protestors have defaced Holocaust memorials, nearly lynched Israel’s 20-year-old Eurovision participant, the mother of an Israeli female hostage had to be rescued from a pro-Palestine mob in New York City, protestors disrupted a memorial walk at Auschwitz on the Jewish Holocaust Remembrance Day, and the list goes on and on…
In 2017, the white supremacist Unite the Right Rally, during which participants exclaimed “Jews will not replace us,” drew widespread condemnation from the left. Yet today, day after day, thousands march in main western cities, including New York City, proudly displaying the flags of Hamas, Hezbollah, and even the Houthis, whose banner proclaims “a curse upon the Jews,” and the left hardly bats an eye. Worse, we are gaslit. We are told that these are merely “ceasefire” or “anti-war” protests. We are told “a few bad apples” don’t represent the movement. We are told we are blowing things out of proportion, or that their hateful actions are valid because of X, Y, and Z. 
But these are not a few bad apples or fringe extremists. I don’t doubt that the vast majority of people worldwide who feel solidarity with Palestinians are not genocidal Jew-haters. But the antisemitism that we see coming from the pro-Palestine crowd is not a fluke. It’s not a coincidence. It’s not an exaggeration, a distortion, or a lie. 
It’s by design. It’s, unfortunately, what this movement was designed to do from its inception, to the detriment of Jews, Palestinians, and Israelis alike. 
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To really understand what’s going on, we have to go back in time to 637 CE. Following Muhammad’s death in 632, the Arab Islamic empires conquered lands exponentially quickly. As a result of this rapid colonization, the Muslim authorities were faced with the “problem” of how to handle the conquered Indigenous peoples that resisted conversion to Islam.
This “problem” was solved with a treaty known as the Pact of Umar. This so-called treaty allowed select religious and cultural minorities, known as dhimmis, or “People of the Book,” to practice their beliefs so long as they paid the “jizya” tax and abided by a set of restrictive, second-class citizenship laws. 
In other words, to survive, Jews had two choices: pay a tax or convert to Islam. But the system of dhimmitude didn’t end there. Jews faced a myriad of second-class restrictions. For instance, Jews could not govern, lead, or employ Muslims. Jews could not join the military or work for the government. When harmed by a Muslim, Jews had to purchase Muslim witnesses, which left Jews with virtually no legal recourse. 
You may think that dhimmitude, which was only abolished in 1856, is too long ago, too far removed from the conflict and the Palestinians of today. But it isn’t. That’s not how history works. Fast forward to the beginnings of the twentieth century and political Zionism. Palestinian Arabs, the majority of whom were Muslim, might not have held any ill will toward Jews. But they were accustomed to a certain social structure, in which Muslims dominated and Jews and other religious minorities were second-class citizens. The “threat” of Zionism challenged this structure. Jews were fine, so long as they knew their place. Once Jews started asking for more, well, that became a problem. 
In 1916, the British promised the Arabs a unified Arab state in Greater Syria, which included Palestine. A year later, the British issued the Balfour Declaration, which stated that “His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”
It’s worth noting that the British did not yet occupy Palestine at the time either of these promises were made. To the Arabs, the Balfour Declaration reneged the earlier promise made to them, whereas the British argued that it, in fact, did not. After all, the Balfour Declaration never specified the exact nature of this Jewish homeland. 
Up until 1917, the vast majority of Arabs in Palestine, save for the higher classes, had never heard of Zionism. To prevent any sort of Jewish homeland from ever coming to fruition, the Palestinian Arab leadership, led by Haj Amin al-Husseini, had to mobilize the masses. So what did he do? He incited antisemitic violence, by disseminating the conspiracy that the Jews intended to take over Temple Mount. This incitement resulted in a series of antisemitic massacres, most notably, the 1929 Hebron Massacre. 
A couple of things are telling about these massacres. First, the language that was used. At the 1920 Nebi Musa riots, Muslim Arabs ravaged the Jewish community in Jerusalem, chanting “Palestine is ours!” and “the Jews are our dogs!” Second, if al-Husseini’s problem truly was Zionism, he could’ve incited violence against the new Zionist communities that had been established over the previous decades. Instead, however, this violence almost exclusively targeted the oldest continuous Jewish communities in Palestine, in Jerusalem, Hebron, Safed, and more. The threat of autonomous Jews prompted Palestinian Arabs to attack their very own neighbors, the former dhimmis.
Today, Palestinians certainly have many legitimate human rights grievances against Israel. But up until the 1930s, when the Zionist paramilitary Irgun carried the first Zionist retaliatory attacks against Arabs, this just wasn’t the case. The Zionist movement purchased lands legally. As a matter of official policy, the Zionists avoided purchasing lands occupied by Palestinian farmers. 
The 1937 Peel Commission corroborated this, stating: “Much of the land now carrying orange groves was sand dunes or swamp and uncultivated when it was purchased.” In 1931, the British created a register for landless Arabs; only 664 Arabs out of a total of nearly 900,000 met the criteria. 
It’s worth noting that the Ottoman Empire had restricted Jewish land purchases. Once again, Zionist land purchases upset the previously existing social order, in which Jews were tolerated so long as they stayed in line. 
In fact, Haj Muhammad Said al-Husseini, the Mufti of Gaza, admitted as much in 1948, when he issued a fatwa stating that “Zionism has created a reality in which Jews have forgotten they are dhimmis.” A similar fatwa had been issued in 1935. 
What’s happening today is not at all shocking considering the earliest Palestinian violent “resistance” to Zionism was, to put it plainly, resistance to Jews. In 1937, when Haj Amin al-Husseini was asked whether he would be willing to absorb the 400,000 Jews already residing in Palestine into a future singular Palestinian Arab state, he plainly said, “No,” and implied that they would be expelled. Of course, he also rejected any partition of the land between Arabs and Jews. In other words, Haj Amin al-Husseini rejected the very existence of Jews in Palestine regardless of the political arrangement. 
Their problem wasn’t just with Zionism. From day one, their problem was with Jews. So is it any surprise Jews today are being terrorized around the world in the name of Palestine?
ionist land purchases did not displace Palestinians. As a matter of policy, the Zionist movement avoided purchasing lands occupied by fellahin, or Palestinian farmers. This is corroborated by the 1937 Peel Commission, which noted, “Much of the land now carrying orange groves was sand dunes or swamp and uncultivated when it was purchased.”
But up until 1936, when the Irgun, the right-wing Zionist paramilitary group, carried the first Zionist retaliatory attacks against Arabs, this wasn’t the case. Land purchases 
"His Majesty's government has been faced with an irreconcilable conflict of principles. For the Jews, the essential point of principle is the creation of a sovereign Jewish state. For the Arabs, the essential point of principle is to resist to the last the establishment of Jewish sovereignty in any part of Palestine." 
British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin, 1947
Time and time again from its inception, the Palestinian “resistance” has prioritized the murder of Jews over their own national aspirations. Between 1939-1947, the Palestinian Arab leadership rejected a number of iterations of a “one state solution” with an Arab majority on account of the fact that said state would have too many Jews or afford Jews too much autonomy. 
The original 1964 charter of the Palestine Liberation Organization is telling. In 1964, the charter explicitly stated, “This Organization [the PLO] does not exercise any regional sovereignty over the West Bank in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, in the Gaza Strip, or the Himmah area.” In other words, the PLO’s main aim was the destruction of Israel, as opposed to self-determination for the Palestinian people living under the occupation of two different Arab nations. It was only in 1968, shortly after Israel captured those territories during the Six Day War, that their charter was amended to include Gaza and the West Bank.
The pattern has continued. In the early 1990s, when Israel and the PLO pursued a peace process known as the Oslo Accords, Yasser Arafat, al-Husseini’s protege and chairman of the PLO, gave an address at a Johannesburg mosque where he assured the worshippers that this peace agreement was merely a “tactical step” in the ultimate goal to annihilate Israel. 
Among the most heard chants at pro-Palestine protests today are a number of variations of “globalize the intifada,” but the intifadas drastically deteriorated the quality of life of Palestinians. The checkpoints and the West Bank wall, for example, were erected in response to the intifadas.There is absolutely no strategic reason in calling for an intifada if the concern is truly Palestinian human rights. The only reason to call for an intifada is if what you wish to prioritize is the murder of Jews. 
In the 1960s, Vietnamese general Vo Nguyen Giáp advised Arafat to "…stop talking about annihilating Israel and instead turn your [Arafat's] terror war into a struggle for human rights." But the fact remains: Arafat, and his successors, continued to prioritize Israel’s destruction over Palestinian human rights. 
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mykidneysbuddy · 5 months
him having a crush on her in the show is NOT an excuse to ship them.
i dunno if you noticed but kids sometimes have crushes on adults. you can't tell me you've never met someone who had a crush on their teacher. sometimes it happens. im betting most of you (minors) reading this have an adult celebrity crush (probably multiple). it's NORMAL. kids are kids, they don't know better. but im sure most if not all of you (minors) reading this would never date them if you got the chance because IT IS ILLEGAL AND DISGUSTING.
varian was like, what, 14 when the show started? and 16 when it ended?? even if im wrong about that i know for a fact he's a teenager the entire show. and guess what. cass is an adult the entire show. she doesn't indulge varian during his crush phase, she doesnt encourage it, she doesnt completely crush his crush yk but she doesnt participate in it. she does the right thing LIKE ALL OF YOU SHOULD BE DOING. NO!!
"aging varian up?" STILL WEIRD
"but it was a medieval time where pedophilia was normal!!" DOES IT LOOK LIKE WE'RE IN THE MEDIEVAL TIME TO YOU?
"shes a girl so its not pedophilia 😒" im sorry WHAT?
"i don't ship it but i support people who do!!" STOP, CALL THEM OUT, IT'S WEIRD
"they're fictional characters, who cares???" girl.. that's the weakest excuse I've ever heard you freaking weirdo..
"most of the disney princesses are minors!! that makes it okay!!" uh IN THE ORIGINAL STORIES? THAT WEREN'T WRITTEN BY DISNEY?? in the original story of SLEEPING BEAUTY, she isnt kissed and woken up. SHE IS RAPED. DO YOU CONDONE THAT TOO?? BECAUSE IT HAPPENED TO A "DISNEY PRINCESS"?
im sorry yall for getting angry, i hate to see my boy varian done dirty like this 😔
(that doesn't make it okay for Cassandra, he's just my favorite character so I'm singling him out. LEAVE HIM ALONE!!)
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biwitchenergyz · 3 months
I think Blood and Cheese shows how Team Black is not really “Team Women” or “Team Feminism”. Not to say that Team Black does not have a lot of amazing female characters but I think that the male characters of team black (mainly daemon) make choices that are so anti-woman that it overshadows the female power of team black.
(TW: discussions of SA, Blood and Cheese, Murder, and war)
I’ve been re-reading fire and blood while waiting for the new season and I have noticed a few things that I don’t hear about when I see team Green and Team black having debates. Firstly, with Blood and Cheese, Daemon made a very specific decision to send two MEN into the Red Keep with the intent of killing a young boy who would likely be surrounded by his mother or a nanny( aka women). Wether or not he knew how they would do that is unclear but I genuinely think he would have had to help make some kind of plan if he wanted blood and cheese to carry out his order without issue (assuming blood and cheese were not smart enough to devise a plan and get away with it which I think would be the case). So saying that he does know that his assassins plan on trapping Helaena and her kids in Alicents room, then Daemon has allowed these two men (with sketchy backgrounds) to be in a position where they could commit sexual violence against these women ON TOP of killing a child infront of his mother and grandmother.
When discussing Blood and Cheese I’ve noticed nobody really talks about how they STRANGLED Alicents bed maid (aka another woman) and then tied Alicent up so that she would be forced to watch as her daughter was mentally tortured and her grandson is beheaded. At its root I think the blood and cheese event is deeply misogynistic because a majority of the victims end up being women who either lost their lives or are forced to watch the traumatic death of their loved one. Once again, Daemon and Mysaria willingly chose these two brutes to conduct their plan when they could have chosen a female assassin or a less violent death. (Although I do not think they were right to kill a child in any circumstances).
The greens committed war crimes that are unacceptable especially when it comes to the r@pes that occurred after battle but Team black is not exempt from this either. When they wanted to get the loyalty of House Greyjoy, Daemon suggested to Rhaenyra that they allow The Red Kracken to do as he pleases as long as he attacks their enemies and that is what he does. It is said in the books that he took hundreds of salt wives and kidnapped women and girls. Essentially, Daemon encouraged Rhaenyra into allowing this man to raid and r@pe her enemies and she decided to allow this. Not only that, but the greyjoys continued to do this even when king Aegon iii told them to stop.
To sum it up, Daemon (and partially Rhaenyra in some cases) had one woman strangled, two women (and a little girl) watch as their child relative is beheaded after they are threatened with rape, Greyjoy soldiers kidnapping and r@ping women without any consequences or pushback, and behave so creepily to a minor (nettles) that his wife demands the girls head and puts her life at risk.
I don’t think any team that Daemon Targaryen is on can be considered feminist. The only feminist team is team ‘all the women of house of the dragon were victims of the patriarchy and all of their actions were done because they thought it was their only chance at survival’.
Also based off show-canon, Daemon killed his first wife simply because he did not like her and wanted to be free to chase after some other teenage girl.
(This is just my opinion based off of the books and some parts of the show.)
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femlacey · 4 days
It’s incredibly concerning to me that so many people have just accepted that teenage boys go through an ‘edgy phase’ that often entails harassing minorities online and saying/commenting inflammatory things online for attention (including threats of rape and ‘jokes’ about being attracted to children/animals).
The ability to ‘crack a joke’ or start unnecessary discourse about ‘misandry’/‘the bear’ when faced with the image of a woman and/or girl who has experienced abuse or lost her life to femicide isn’t just ‘dark humour’.
It’s a display of a concerning lack of empathy for female victims of male crime: a growing trend amongst men and boys. It doesn’t matter if they don’t genuinely believe or agree with everything that they’re saying. They’re still capable of making light of violence against women and girls and that’s not a phenomenon that we should be expected look past/ignore because it’s ’just rage baiting’.
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homosexuhauls · 1 year
By Vidya Krishnan
GOA, India — My niece was just 4 years old when she turned to my sister-in-law in a packed movie theater in Mumbai and asked about gang rape for the first time.
We were watching the latest Bollywood blockbuster about vigilante justice, nationalistic fervor and, of course, gang rape. Four male characters seized the hero’s sister and dragged her away. “Where are they taking Didi?” my niece asked, using the Hindi word for “elder sister.” It was dark, but I could still make out her tiny forehead, furrowed with concern.
Didi’s gang rape took place offscreen, but it didn’t need to be shown. As instinctively as a newborn fawn senses the mortal danger posed by a fox, little girls in India sense what men are capable of.
You may wonder, “Why take a 4-year-old to such a movie?” But there is no escaping India’s rape culture; sexual terrorism is treated as the norm. Society and government institutions often excuse and protect men from the consequences of their sexual violence. Women are blamed for being assaulted and are expected to sacrifice freedom and opportunity in exchange for personal safety. This culture contaminates public life — in movies and television; in bedrooms, where female sexual consent is unknown; in the locker room talk from which young boys learn the language of rape. India’s favorite profanities are about having sex with women without their consent.
It is the specific horror of gang rape that weighs most heavily on Indian women that I know. You may have heard of the many gruesome cases of women being gang-raped, disemboweled and left for dead. When an incident rises to national attention, the kettle of outrage boils over, and women sometimes stage protests, but it passes quickly. All Indian women are victims, each one traumatized, angry, betrayed, exhausted. Many of us think about gang rape more than we care to admit.
In 2011 a woman was raped every 20 minutes in India, according to government data. The pace quickened to about every 16 minutes by 2021, when more than 31,000 rapes were reported, a 20 percent increase from the previous year. In 2021, 2,200 gang rapes were reported to authorities.
But those grotesque numbers tell only part of the story: 77 percent of Indian women who have experienced physical or sexual violence never tell anyone, according to one study. Prosecutions are rare.
Indian men may face persecution because they are Muslims, Dalits (untouchables) or ethnic minorities or for daring to challenge the corrupt powers that be. Indian women suffer because they are women. Soldiers need to believe that war won’t kill them, that only bad luck will; Indian women need to believe the same about rape, to trust that we will come back to the barracks safe each night, to be able to function at all.
Reports of violence against women in India have risen steadily over the decades, with some researchers citing a growing willingness by victims to come forward. Each rape desensitizes and prepares society to accept the next one, the evil becoming banal.
Gang rape is used as a weapon, particularly against lower castes and Muslims. The first instance that women my age remember was in 1980, when Phoolan Devi, a lower-caste teenager who had fallen in with a criminal gang, said she was abducted and repeatedly raped by a group of upper-caste attackers. She later came back with members of her gang and they killed 22 mostly upper-caste men. It was a rare instance of a brutalized woman extracting revenge. Her rape might never have made headlines without that bloody retribution.
Ms. Devi threw a spotlight on caste apartheid. The suffering of Bilkis Bano — the defining gang rape survivor of my generation — highlighted the boiling hatred that Indian institutions under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a Hindu nationalist, have for Muslim women.
In 2002 brutal violence between Hindus and Muslims swept through Gujarat State. Ms. Bano, then 19 and pregnant, was gang raped by an angry Hindu mob, which also killed 14 of her relatives, including her 3-year-old daughter. Critics accuse Mr. Modi — Gujarat’s top official at the time — of turning a blind eye to the riots. He has not lost an election since.
Ms. Bano’s life took a different trajectory. She repeatedly moved houses after the assault, for her family’s safety. Last August, 11 men who were sentenced to life in prison for raping her were released — on the recommendation of a review committee stacked with members of Mr. Modi’s ruling party. After they were freed, they were greeted with flower garlands by Hindu right-wingers.
The timing was suspicious: Gujarat was to hold important elections a few months later, and Mr. Modi’s party needed votes. A member of his party explained that the accused, as upper-caste Brahmins, had “good” values and did not belong in prison. Men know these rules. They wrote the rule book. What’s most terrifying is that releasing rapists could very well be a vote-getter.
After Ms. Bano, there was the young physiotherapy student who in 2012 was beaten and raped on a moving bus and penetrated with a metal rod that perforated her colon before her naked body was dumped on a busy road in New Delhi. She died of her injuries. Women protested for days, and even men took part, facing water cannons and tear gas. New anti-rape laws were framed. This time was different, we naïvely believed.
It wasn’t. In 2018 an 8-year-old Muslim girl was drugged and gang raped in a Hindu temple for days and then murdered. In 2020 a 19-year-old Dalit girl was gang-raped and later died of her injuries, her spinal cord broken.
The fear, particularly of gang rape, never fully leaves us. We go out in groups, cover ourselves, carry pepper spray and GPS tracking devices, avoid public spaces after sunset and remind ourselves to yell “fire,” not “help” if attacked. But we know that no amount of precaution will guarantee our safety.
I don’t understand gang rape. Is it some medieval desire to dominate and humiliate? Do these men, with little power over others, feeling inadequate and ordinary, need a rush of power for a few minutes?
What I do know is that other men share the blame, the countless brothers, fathers, sons, friends, neighbors and colleagues who have collectively created and sustain a system that exploits women. If women are afraid, it is because of these men. It is a protection racket of epic proportions.
I’m not asking merely for equality. I want retribution. Recompense. I want young girls to be taught about Ms. Bano and Ms. Devi. I want monuments built for them. But men just want us to forget. The release of Ms. Bano’s rapists was about male refusal to commemorate our trauma.
So we build monuments with words and our memories. We talk to one another about gang rape, keeping it at the center of our lives. We try to explain to our youngest, to start protecting them.
This is how the history of the defeated is recorded. That’s what it all boils down to: a fight between forgetting and remembering.
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Rewind, Remix, Replay Jay & Kim 5x20
You can find the rest of the series here
I have been waiting (impatiently) to be able to do this chapter. I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. Would love your feedback on this chapter- (if you have to pick a chapter to leave a comment on- please let this be one of them.)
Hey, if anyone wants to help me out. I spend so much time looking for good GIFs for the beginning of the chapters. So, shoot me any if you find good ones. 
Jay holds the door open as Zoey quietly walks outside the police station. Her blue eyes are on the floor, her posture slumped and dejected as she trails after him towards the parking lot. Jay is walking with purpose to where he had parked his truck. He had still been on shift looking for a teenage girl who may have been kidnapped when he got the call. The woman on the other line called about his niece who had been picked up for trespassing and truancy.
But Jay didn’t have a niece.
He had started to tell them at the other station that there must be a mix-up- until she recited his badge number 51163. That was when he started listening. It hadn’t taken him long to figure out who his “niece” was. Jay had slipped Zoey one of his business cards at one of the first movie nights he had spent with her and Kim. A backup, he had told her, just in case she ever got into trouble and couldn’t reach Kim. He was just a phone call away. He knew that Zoey had been struggling and wanted her to know she had an extra layer of support.
She had eyed the card uncertainly when he had given it to her. It was before their friendship had really cemented. She had taken it and put it in her backpack, but hadn’t entered the number into her cellphone. Jay could sense her lack of faith and didn’t blame her. Her strong support system had been leveled by her parents' divorce, her mother’s rape, and her father’s instability in her life. It was a lot to go through at thirteen when she should have been worried about school dances and middle school crushes.
Zoey felt awful, emotions churning painfully in her stomach and pushing up into her chest restricting her air. She felt like she was heading to face a firing squad. When she had been arrested it had freaked her out, she had never been in trouble. While the others had tried to leave, she had frozen in place when the cops started shouting orders. In the end, it hadn’t mattered, even those who had tried to flee had been caught.
When she'd sat down at the station and asked for her parents' phone numbers she hadn’t answered right away. She knew her dad was away on a “business trip” with his new girlfriend and her mom wasn’t even leaving the house for groceries she doubted she would be able to handle it to leave to come pick her up from the precinct. The desk sergeant had been irritable, thinking she was just being difficult. She knew that if she gave her aunt Kim’s number, she would drop everything and come pick her up. She told herself that she didn’t because she knew her aunt was already stressed with trying to help her mother come to terms with her trauma. But it didn’t make the fact that she was embarrassed and didn’t want her to know any less true.
It had been impulsive to give Jay’s number. She had told the woman that he was her uncle knowing that she couldn’t be released to anyone but family because she was a minor. The woman had looked skeptical, so she had rattled off his badge number too. Zoey had felt like it had been a pretty solid decision until he walked in the door. He didn’t look like Jay who came over and watched movies and made specialty popcorn. The guy who curled up with her aunt and made sassy commentary about what they watched with a smirk on his lips.
No, it was Detective Halstead. He was dressed in street clothes but with a badge hanging around his neck and a gun strapped to his hip. His face was stoic, but his jaw was clenched, his eyebrows furrowed, a hint of tension in his posture. Zoey had gotten used to reading body language in the last year when her parents had started fighting, it was easier to know what was in store for her that day. It had only gotten more finely tuned this year.
Jay's sharp eyes had roved over her analyzing her as he walked in. She had shifted in her seat eyes barely looking up from her sneakers. He hadn’t said anything to her as he had disappeared into another room with the desk sergeant. The minutes he was gone felt like hours, anxiety making her heart race. When they had come back, the two had split off with Jay heading towards her. He had gestured for her to pick up her bag nodding towards the door. He opened the front door for her to leave as they headed across the parking lot in silence.
Zoey stopped a few feet from his truck. “I’m sorry,” Her voice was quiet but clear, “I know you must be really angry…But thank you-for coming to get me.” Jay paused, keys in hand, and turned back to look at her.
“Zoey, I’m not angry-I'm worried.” Zoey dared a glance up at him because it wasn’t the reaction she was expecting. “What were you thinking? Ditching school to trespassing at a building that’s under construction with a bunch of older kids who are drinking? Do you know how dangerous that is?”
“I do know how dangerous it is!” Zoey shot back, “And I wasn’t drinking,” Jay’s face softens, his head cocking to the side as he watches tears shine in her eyes. Her thoughts of her mom were written all over her face. “After everything-I'm not that stupid!”
“Zoey,” Jay watched her body roll with the different emotions boiling up, guilt to anger to frustration and back again. He takes a step towards her and she takes one back.
“I didn’t even know there was going to be alcohol there. I knew it was wrong to skip school, but I was invited to go somewhere for the first time since I’ve been back in Chicago. I didn’t want to break into that building or drink. I just wanted to be around people, make friends, and be accepted. Not be trapped in my house. I just wanted to feel normal.” Hot tears finally broke free sliding down her cheeks. Zoey wiped at them in frustration. “But I’m sorry. I know I messed up. I know I made you leave work and look bad. I promise I won’t call you again.”
“Whoa, whoa, hold on.” Jay's voice rose, “I never said that.” He heard the sharpness of his tone and took a breath to calm himself. “First off, of course, I want you to call me if you are in trouble. I meant it when I gave you my number Zoey, I’m here for you. And I don’t know who made you feel like you couldn’t make mistakes-ask for help, your dad maybe?” He tried to control the emotion on his face as Zoey looked away and he knew he had hit the mark and it made him itch to talk to Jordan more than ever. “But I remember being thirteen and doing some stupid things to fit in. And I didn’t have half the stuff going on that you do right now.”
Zoey bit her bottom lip, shifting awkwardly, more tears falling. Jay closed the distance between them, hand going to the back of her head urging her forward. Zoey fell into his embrace wrapping her arms around his waist as he tucked her under his chin. “I’m here for you kid. But I’d rather not have to spend time with you by picking you up from the station. I’m more of a milkshake and fries kind of guy.” He teases, kissing the top of her head.
“Are you going to tell Aunt Kim?” Jay eased her back wiping the leftover tears off her cheeks. Zoey could already see the answer in his sympathetic blue eyes.
“You know I have to, right?” Zoey looks up trying to twist away from him. “This isn’t something I can keep from her.” Zoey let out a shaky breath before shaking her head and then nodding.
“I know,” She agreed, “But I want to tell her. Will you just… be there while I do?”
Jay lingers on the outskirts of the conversation, and when the tears start up again and Kim pulls Zoey into a tight embrace, he steps away letting them have privacy. He goes to the kitchen and absently starts busying himself with cleaning Kim’s kitchen. He just needs something to do because he can’t fix this. He declutters the countertops before wiping them down, does the dishes, and is in the middle of sweeping the floor when Kim walks in.
Kim walks into the kitchen and stops abruptly when she sees Jay cleaning. He glances up feeling her enter. Her face was unreadable, “Everything okay, sweetheart?” He dumps the dirt into the trash.
“Yeah, I mean as okay as it can be right now. Zoey is still a mess but she agreed to go back to counseling.” Zoey had done a few appointments when she first got back to Chicago but it hadn’t stuck.
“That’s good, I told her it helped me sort out my head when I was struggling.” Jay clipped the dustpan back to the broom and set it back in the closet. “She said that didn’t think it helped last time, but I told her you get out of it what you put in. I’m glad she decided to give it another go.” Kim pressed her lips together watching him. The whirlwind that she had brought him into.
“Thank you for picking Zoey up.” Jay gave her a supportive smile. Kim looked wrung out and frazzled. “Is there anything I need to follow up with at the station? Are there any statements that need to be made or fines or-”
“No, I smoothed out all of it with Sargent Hicks.” Jay soothed, “Zoey’s breathalyzer test came back clean so it didn’t take much to convince him to let her go. I told him she was a good kid just was having a rough time and that if he let her off, he would never see her come through his doors again.” Kim let out a relieved breath tension releasing from her body. Jay’s grin turned sheepish, “Well that and I promised him Salmon.” At Kim’s confused look, he explained, “Hick’s is a fisher but hasn’t been able to go himself the last few years. I’ll be bringing him fish back from the cabin for the foreseeable future. It’s worth it though, he promised me they would leave Zoey’s name out of all the paperwork.”
“Jay, I don’t know what to say. How to thank you.” Kim is floored by his simple response.
“You just did.” Kim could see it in his eyes, that was it. He didn’t need anything else. He wasn’t expecting anything from her. No conditions or strings attached. It was the moment Kim realized she had more than just friendly feelings or lust for Jay Halstead. They were strong and deep and she had no idea what to do with them. He cocked his head to the side in question and she registered that she had just been staring into his soft blue eyes.
For a second, she thought those perceptive eyes had seen right through her. “C’here,” He reached to cup her cheek and pulled her in for a tender lingering kiss to her lips. When their eyes met again his were playful, “Yeah,” he nodded to himself definitively, “That’s more than enough.”
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weirdgirl92 · 2 months
LunaDude1996 just keeps showing more of his true colors…
I could’ve just continued to block and delete these messages of his, but I’m sorry, I’ve just GOT to break down this one message in particular, because it reveals so much!
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“If I were in the Cuphead fandom, I’d defend with as much force as possible.”
Ah, but see, unlike you, our ways of defending our faves in the Cuphead fandom don’t involve things like stalking, doxxing, rape threats, or death threats. Your definition of “defending” is NOT the same as ours.
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“All he accomplished is letting any and all XY/Serena/AmourShipping fans win the wars.”
You mean the wars that YOU, and other toxic fans who behaved like you all started? And don’t you dare drag someone as nice as Pokenoire into your petty shipping drama! He’s made it very clear that he doesn’t want people tagging him in these kind of posts!
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“Glad to be a psycho against my own will”
You didn’t become a psycho against your will, you CHOSE to become a psycho because you’re a grown ass man who’s very much capable of making his own stupid decisions. Britt never forced you to read her anti-amourshipping posts in 2016, you actively CHOSE to seek out those posts yourself, and continue to do the same thing with ours all these years later (because you’re an obsessed freak with a victim complex).
“…and Idc if they’re teenage girls or not. The only thing I’m glad for you is admitting that I will never change, as I told skytroops back in 2021”
You said it, not me. :/
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“This is what happens when you don’t let me enjoy this scene for 8 fucking years.”
Again, no one was forcing you to read our anti-amourshipping posts. You actively CHOOSE to seek out our posts, then proceed to get mad about it.
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“Spoken from someone who’s not only an imbecile but also clearly has no idea how to enjoy shit in peace.”
You mean an imbecile like you? Because as far as I’m aware doxxing, stalking, and harassing minors over fiction is NOT the same thing as “enjoying shit in peace”.
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“Children deserve to have their shit taken away from them. In spite of that, adults and teens who have internet are the true fans”
Hey, moron! You do know that teens are ALSO children, right? Like the ones that you’ve bullied and stalked for the past 8 years, because you couldn’t handle them not having the same exact Pokémon related opinions as you? Children and teens all deserve a safe space from toxic adults like you. You’re not the main character!
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stephanieromanoff · 11 months
I decided doing like a masterlist of fics from AO3 I like for myself, but thought maybe I should share it with y’all so here it goes.
Love Language
Trapped under the rubble - comfort
Meet Liho… and the man whose dog I stole - civilian!reader
Stay - nightmares, comfort
A weekend at the Barton’s - domestic
The Gardener - gardener!reader
A third heartbeat - pregnant!reader
Only yours to see - slight angst, hurt/comfort
Finally - pregnant!reader
Dog days
Look at her - pregnant!reader
Ti amo - italian!reader
Zashchitnik - newborn, mom!reader, mom!nat
милая - Barton!reader, domestic
Itsy Bitsy Spider pt 1 pt 2 - Stark!reader, age gap, first time, smut only in part 2
Party favour - bottom!reader
Second first time
My best girl - bottom!reader, domestic
I prefer yours - period, fluff
As the sun rises
You’re barely waking up and I’m tangled up in you - fluff, morning sex, top!reader
Learning opportunity - bottom!reader
Pumpkin spice - bottom!reader, pregnant!reader
Honey - supersoldier!reader, first time
One more struck of luck - sex pollen, bottom!reader, 2 parts
With the right person - fluff, domestic, talk about having children
One more struck of luck - smut, sex pollen, aftercare
Blue christmas - smut, friends to lovers, domestic
The smell of a Rose - pregnant!reader
I think she likes you - civilian!reader, coffee shop, minor stucky
Take me home for Christmas - smut, civilian!reader, fake dating
Number Neighbors Never Work - civilian!reader
Detecting Love - light angst, fluff
Coney Island - some fluff, death, no happy ending
Drinking Alone - there’s fluff, happy ending, comfort
Enough - light angst, happy ending, comfort
Dance with me - dancer!reader, light angst, happy ending
Maybe you should be - light angst, comfort, happy ending
Waiting game - light angst, happy ending, age gap
Taken - threats of rape, hurt/comfort, happy ending
You’re not a monster - also kinda have brucenat, hapoy ending
Freaking me out - very light angst, Jessica Jones is reader’s best friend
Is this what you expected? - soft nat, happy ending
Back to you - post endgame, happy ending
OTHER FICS (not reader insert)
I have these scars but I’m not fully healed - ft Yelena Belova, talks about sterilization
It felt like I was drowning and you saved me - wandanat, friends to lovers, nat discovers her sexuality
Mother’s day - Wanda and Pietro are teenagers, mother figure!Nat
Thirteen - Nat being a big great big sister to Yelena, talks about period and sterilization
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eris-rose · 1 year
Persona 5 vs. Milgram: How One Story Succeeded at Portraying Teenage Sexuality Where the Other Failed
tw: child abuse, child ra**, sexuality and sexualization, abortion, s**cide
(Note: I am not personally a victim of abuse or ra**, so if I say something stupid here, please let me know. I am always open to criticism and I don't want to be an asshole.)
rare moment of @lady-hestia-rose having original thoughts and not just reblogging everything
So this year I discovered both Persona 5 and Milgram, and I love both of them sososo much. I've infodumped about both of them for hours and overanalyzed the writing and symbolism both stories use to no end. Persona 5 Royal is probably my favorite piece of media I've ever seen. Milgram has brought me and my best friend closer together as we rant about our murderer blorbos and how well-written they all are together.
However, playing Persona, to me, is like the video game equivalent of watching a Shakespeare play. It's a masterclass narrative, very entertaining, and full of depth and symbolism to analyze, but it also has a bunch of misogyny that can really sour the mood sometimes. This seems to be a problem that the Persona series has had for a while judging from my experience playing P4 and what I've heard about other games, but in 5 it's like eating the most rich, satisfying cake you've ever had and then finding out some jackass poured pebbles into it. The way Persona 5 treats its female characters is by far my biggest problem with the game, with one problematic aspect in particular being its sexualization of the high school female cast, particularly Ann Takamaki.
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Ann's storyline is mostly focused around her looks and how her appearance affects the way people treat her. At first, this plotline is taken in a promising direction. Because of her Caucasian ancestry, Ann faces slut-shaming and fetishization from most of her peers at school. In addition, Ann, along with many other girls in the school, is targeted by her abusive gym teacher, Kamoshida. It's not entirely clear how far his advances went with Ann specifically, but she is shown to face sexual harassment and coercion from Kamoshida onscreen, and Ann's best friend Shiho attempts suicide after being all but stated outright to have been raped by Kamoshida. So Ann is a victim of sexual abuse and a witness of her friend's abuse as well. There are plenty of interesting and thoughtful angles you could take with this story. You could show her reconnecting with Shiho and bonding over their shared trauma, with them going through the healing process together. You could show her being initially distrustful of the other Phantom Thieves until their bond grows stronger and she is able to feel safe around them. You could give her an arc about reclaiming her sexuality and taking back this part of herself that was used to hurt her.
What does the game do?
Barely fucking anything.
Ann gets little to no character development post-Kamoshida. Instead, her Confidant storyline is about her modeling career, with only one conversation where she sees Shiho again even acknowledging her past trauma. The game also continues to make her the Ms. Fanservice of the team, with constant gross jokes about her "hot bod" and the male characters being pervy around her. She keeps getting put in skimpy outfits and having to use her sex appeal to seduce enemies, as if the previous storyline never even happened.
For obvious reasons, I am very uncomfortable with any storyline that sexualizes minors, even if it's for a reason that serves the story. This is a general rule I apply to most media I consume. I'm considering completely skipping the Dancing in Starlight spinoff game because of the content I've heard it contains. And it's not just something I apply to Persona. I stopped listening to the song "Romeo and CInderella" by doriko despite really liking it musically because I was very uncomfortable with the story of the song. It's a problem I run into a lot when consuming Japanese media. However, I was thinking about this stuff a couple days ago, and I realized something. There is one specific piece of media I really like that shows a minor with sexual imagery that actually doesn't make me sick to my stomach. That is the song "Tear Drop" from DECO*27's music project Milgram.
(Note for Milgram fans: This part is based entirely off my interpretation of the offical English translation of the lyrics. I have not watched the voice dramas.)
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"Tear Drop" is about a 17-year-old girl named Kashiki Yuno. The music video has several shots of her wearing lingerie, and the song approaches themes of innocence, sexuality, and relationships. Not only do I like the song, it's arguably my favorite song in the entirety of Milgram (although Backdraft also puts up a good fight for that title).
(Note from the future: I have been corrected. Yuno is actually 18.)
Why is it that I like "Tear Drop" despite depictions of sexualized teenagers usually making me uncomfortable? What sets apart Yuno's story from Ann's that makes it work?
(Note: I'm about to discuss a controversial aspect of Japanese culture as a mostly uninformed American. I may be about to say something stupid. If you're more knowledgeable about this subject than I am and you notice me saying something stupid, I am so sorry. Please tell me.)
In Yuno's first song, "Umbilical," it was heavily implied that she was involved in the Japanese enjo kōsai industry, which is often translated as "compensated dating." Taking the definition from Wikipedia (the most scholarly of sources), it is "the practice of older men giving money and/or luxury gifts to attractive young women for sexual favors." The song also implies that Yuno's "murder" (the premise of Milgram is that all of the prisoners the songs are about have killed someone) was an abortion.
So, Yuno was raped. I think that's quite clear. If you're a minor and you have sex with an adult, you were raped. No further clarification needed. Hopefully I don't need to argue that Yuno's abortion was justified either.
After the release of "Umbilical," Yuno was overwhelmingly voted innocent by Milgram's official poll. She garnered a huge amount of sympathy from everybody in the audience, and people expressed their sympathy for Yuno quite often. However, this rhetoric often took on quite a patronizing tone, like calling her "poor baby" or regretting that the circumstances of her life "forced" her into compensated dating to make ends meet (which, from what I understand, isn't quite how enjo kōsai works, but that's another discussion for someone who knows more about this stuff than me).
In Milgram, the prisoners canonically can hear what the audience is saying about them. And Yuno was not pleased.
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"Tear Drop" seems to be almost entirely addressed towards the audience. In the image above, we see Yuno removing the metaphorical rose-colored lens from the audience to see the real her. The lyrics call out everyone who infantilized and looked down upon her, drawing similarities between the people she dated and the viewers. Here are some examples from the English translated lyrics: "'Poor naive little girl'? So off the mark, what's it to you? It's just absurd"
"Don't weigh me measure me against your morality Just shut it, will you? You know it all Feeling magnanimous? INNOCENT? I'm so not that Just shut it, will you? You know it all" "Caressing me with your 'Good girl' Who needs your self-righteous pardon?
I'm the one who chose, let you and you and you all in Happy or sad? Why decide? Where'd you get your half-baked sense of justice So nauseating...so creepy...will you please disappear"
Yuno is sick of everyone else making judgements about her and trampling over her own desires and wishes, and in this song she gives the middle finger to everyone who did so.
Generally, I am against portraying sexualized minors in media. However, I think it's important to realize that teenagers are not completely sexless beings. They have their own wants and desires, they want to be sexy, and it is important for them to have their own safe sexual exploration. And like it or not, sex has undoubtedly affected Yuno's life as a rape survivor. And unlike Persona with Ann, Milgram has the respect to not just pretend this part of Yuno's life never happened and allows her to be sexual on her own terms, instead of just pandering to the male gaze.
I grew up in the LDS Church. While I have not gone through anything on her level, I see parts of my own story in Yuno as someone whose sexuality was used to hurt me and who has coped with the trauma by redefining my sexuality as my own. I find "Tear Drop" incredibly inspiring, and I think that's what sets Milgram apart from Persona in its approach to teenage sexuality.
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This is the second-to-final shot of Tear Drop. Her face is full of relief, with her clutching the jacket like a comforting blanket. Not everything she has faced is fixed now, and her teenage naivety is still clear in many of the lyrics. One song didn't melt all her trauma away. But she's getting there. She's making progress one step at a time. The final shot of the song is her pulling the jacket in, covering more of her body as she rests.
In Persona 5, Ann's sexuality is used to objectify her. In Milgram, Yuno's sexuality is used to empower her. That's what makes the difference.
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