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bleh1bleh2 · 10 months ago
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When you find out your (boy)friend is planning on leaving tomorrow (and then he stupidly decides to surf the biggest wave in 30 years even though its storming)
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w1ck2drawz · 9 months ago
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More of the klance teen beach movie au
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literallyroselacroix · 8 months ago
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Two lesbians and some twink they found on the street
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antlerclxws · 7 months ago
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Another… another au.. the voices…
Chloe as Brady, Red as Mac!
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grevyi · 5 months ago
14 days with you x Teen Beach Movie AU
[Prompt 1] A storm approaches as Angel surfs while [REDACTED] follows, but they are both swallowed by a wave and transported to a 1960s musical titled Wet Side Story. 
Playing the younger brother of the leader of a motorcycle gang, [REDACTED] is determined to continue the plot of the movie by having Angel catch him when he falls off the stage while singing. (They didn't know each other before all this)
[Prompt 2] When [REDACTED] first meets the surfer gang at Momma's beachside restaurant, he falls in love with their leader. Determined to win them over, [REDACTED] goes undercover as a new surfer named 'Ren' while his gang tries to understand the disappearance of their commander.
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nyabr0 · 2 months ago
harringrove teen beach movie au?
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generisydtoo · 1 year ago
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mewizard · 2 years ago
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are you ready?... ready freddy?... ready steady?... let's GO!!!
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ad-astra-per-aspera-1389 · 1 year ago
ok, hear me out...dead poets society in a teen beach movie plot
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cornskin · 7 months ago
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when-day-met-the-knight · 2 years ago
More TOH Teen Beach ✌️
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Lowkey kinda controversial edition bc it's the Falling for Ya where the couples get swapped. (If you want a Huntlow "version" I drew one here and the first post abt the AU is pinned!!)
I mentioned this in the first post but I'll mention it again: *AMITY IS A LESBIAN!!* Most of the AU would follow the actual Teen Beach Movie bc besides the Falling for u scene Mack and Tanner hardly do anything that would classify as romantic,,
Platonic Rosegold babey (even though amitys highkey disgusted bc of it at first,,) > also platonic Willuz!! I love them,,
Anyway to make up for it I doodled the Meant to Be reprises,,, (the duality of each of them will always make me laugh
Huntlow: *finding each other, dancing, falling in love*
Lumity: *abt to fucking die at the hands of an evil businessman/scientist*)
I overexaggerated. But still,,
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happily-ever-artist · 8 months ago
Update picture for my WH AU! (Sill working on the name.) Yes, I know Howdy, Poppy, and Home aren't in here but I will make them.
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Wally as Brady
You as Mack
Frank as Lela
Eddie as Tanner
Frank's brother (no name yet) as Butchy
Barnaby as Seacat (always thought it was seacap)
Sally as Cheechee
Julie as Giggles
Howdy as Big Mama
Poppy as Aunt Antoinette (Mack's aunt)
Home as Big Poppa (Mack's grandfather but in this au, They're Wally's guardian.)
This AU will differ from the movie in some parts. It will not be the same and there are no villains unlike the original movie.
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literallyroselacroix · 8 months ago
Some concept art for my drdt teen beach movie au ooooooo you are hypnotized oooooo
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Reeeeead itttt oooOoOooooo but only if you’re interestteddddd OooOoOoOooOoOOo it’s also deliberately cringe on some parts because it’s loosely based off a Disney movie OOOoOOoOooooOooO so be warned OoOOooOoOoOoooo
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fishfetti · 9 months ago
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fallin' for ya!
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solar-halos · 7 months ago
wip word game
name of the game (aka the rules): You will be given a word, and share one sentence from your WIPs that start with each letter in that word
i am so sorry i was tagged so long ago by @ongreenergrasses but for some reason i was like “oh i don’t have wips” even though i have so many wips?? like idek.
anyway the word here is BEING
B - But he does care about Annie, so if this’ll make her favorite movie even better, then who’s he to complain? (teen beach movie au)
E - Eventually, Rhiannon’s breathing evens out. (ancient greek mythology au... slowly but surely it is getting added to)
I - “I’m not making it moo,” Annie says, even though she knows she will. (restaurant au)
N -  No offense, but these people have zero tact. (odesta planet of the apes crossover... its gonna be fierce)
G - Gabe is always with her. (pjo fic that is driving me crazy)
thank u sm for the tag, this was so much fun! tagging (if u want/have wips): @persephoneprice @boabel @bodyelectric77 @the-sun-and-the-sea. and literally anyone else with wips!! the word is gonna be FAIR
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booksrbetterthanpeople · 1 year ago
since we have a Zombies AU, what about Teen beach? Adrienette could be Lela and Tanner (with Marc as Butchy since he and Mari are HC’s as cousins. And Luka and Kagami could be Mack and Brady, but it would end up as a long-distance kind of poly thing!
On the sunny beaches at the lovely French Riviera, Kagami is a young surfer known around for her impressive moves and skillfull maneuvers
As she's getting back from surfing a wave, she makes her way to The Liberty, a surf shop owned and operated by Anarka Couffaine and her children, Luka and Juleka, to get some board wax
There, she walks in on them watching their favorite film, a 1960s musical titled Wet Side Story, where surfers and motorcycle bikers battle for the privilege to hang out at Big Kwami's, a beachside restaurant
It's surprisingly progressive by showing white and people of color hanging out together and the subtle queer themes
As Kagami and Luka watch the scene where Adrien, the leader of the surfers, catches Marinette, the cousin of the biker leader as she's falling off of the stage during her solo, they can't help but gush over their chemistry
Kagami: For such a campy low-budget film, this scene is truly a work of art.
Luka: Yeah, you can tell by Marinette's reaction that she wasn't expecting a surfer of all people to help her and Adrien... He didn't think about her being a biker, he just saw someone in need of saving.
Soon, Kagami's aunt, Tamika, comes by. Despite being the sister of Tomoe, she's nothing like her. She never excelled at fencing and is always aiming to please and honor her big sister despite the fact that she passed away years ago
When Tamika tells her that she needs to finish packing, this gets Luka's attention
Kagami then explains to him that before her mother died, Tamika promised Tomoe that Kagami would attend the same private school she did in Japan and join the ranks of the school's top-rated fencing team to continue her family's legacy. And she is leaving the next day
Luka: It doesn't sound like you want to go.
Kagami: I don't. But, it's what my mother would have wanted.
However, Luka's not letting her leave without a proper sendoff and without spending just one last moment together. So, he calls Kagami the day before she has to leave, and tells her to meet with him on the beach with her surfboard.
Together, they decide to surf a 40-foot wave that is about to hit the beach. However, the wave proves to be too strong, and they get swept away before they can paddle back
Somehow, eventually, they land on another beach where it's day time and brightly-colored
After their vision adjusts, they find themselves on the beach where Wet Side Story was filmed during the cast's opening number. Deciding not to let this moment goes to waste, Luka joins the film's cast in singing "Surf Crazy" while Kagami is wondering what the fuck is going on
When the song comes to an end, and the two wrap their heads around everything after concluding that this is not a dream, they remember that there will be a storm and giant wave at the end of the film. They can paddle out and it'll take them home. They just have to go along with the film
They go into Big Kwami's and introduce themselves to the surfers- Adrien, Nino, Nathaniel, Myléne, Ondine, Denise, Chloé, Cosette, Aurore, Jean, Austin A, Austin Q, and Austin B- who are all perplexed by the newcomers and don't know what to do or say until Jean just hollers,
Jean: These smoothies are crazy, dudes!
Then a moment later, the bikers arrive, consisting of their leader, Marc, his cousin, Marinette, along with Alya, Ivan, Max, Kim, Alix, Sabrina, Rose, Zoé, Simon, Mireille, Reshma, Lacey, Ismael, and Austin T
Luka: Oh, my God, I love this song.
Kagami: Yeah, and Marc is obviously looking at Nathaniel every time he says, 'Cruisin' for a Bruisin'... Also, is Marinette hotter up close, or is it just me?
Luka: Oh, I was looking at Adrien, but yeah, you're right.
After the start the surf and turf war and the number, "Cruisin' for a Bruisin'", Kagami and Luka are then invited to come to a party at Big Kwami's later that night.
That evening, Luka is enjoying the vibe of the film while Kagami is becoming more stressed by the minute as they need to get back home so she doesn't miss her flight. Luka's attempts at assuring her they'll get home before that don't work, and she starts to storm off as Marinette is singing "Falling For Ya" on stage
As Kagami is about to leave, she trips on the steps because of her flip flops and falls in the arms of none other than Adrien. Seeing this, Luka turns to the stage and sees Marinette about to fall off of the stage, but then catches her, and the two leads fall in love with them
This interferes with the film's plot, and now, none of the characters are sure what to do now. To keep the movie flowing and get out, Kagami and Luka realize that they need to make Adrien and Marinette fall in love to fix things
Luka: Let's just hope Les Moth and Dr. Pavon don't mess things up.
Kagami: Right. Them... Do those villains seem out of nowhere, or is it just me?
Luka: Yes! What is up with that? I get that they have to like, make the Bikers and Surfers get along to save their friends, but why scientists who are trying to control the weather?
Kagami: And the technology seems far too advanced for a 60s film.
Luka: What about Frankenstein?
Kagami: It is based on a book, it does not count.
As Adrien and Marinette express their love for Kagami and Luka, respectively through the song "Meant to Be", they try to subtly suggest to them that there may be someone else they are really meant to be with. Though, they can't lie and say they're not smitten by their damn 60s charm
That night, Luka joins the biker boys for a sleepover/initiation now that he's dating Marinette, while Kagami hangs out with the surfer girls (And Denise) at Big Kwami's as they sing "Like Me."
With Kagami, their relationship advice doesn't match with her modern views on how a relationship should work
Chloé: Invest in a cute sundress. Guys love to see a little knee these days!
Denise: And put those baking skills to use! Feed him a pie, and he's all yours'.
Cosette: Remember to look shy. Bat your eyes and look away to get him interested.
Now, with Luka
Kim: Take the lead. The ladies like a man in control.
Ismael: Don't let 'em know how much you care, alright? You can't be soft.
Marc: Yeah, trust us. The guys will be all over you... GIRLS! Girls! I meant girls! I am heterosexual... Dudes.
Austin T: *Whispering* Nice save.
As the movie progresses, they fail to make any progress on getting Marinette and Adrien together and find themselves falling for the characters themselves. Needing to de-stress, Luka decides to join some of the surfers by the bonfire
They get a little hostile at first when they see his biker attire until Luka correctly guesses the model guitar that Austin Q is strumming, and Adrien invites him to sit with them
Adrien: So, what's a biker doing over here?
Luka: I don't know. What's a cute surfer doing inviting me to sit with him?
Adrien: It's... Wha... What?
Nino: Dude, did he just flirt with Adrien?
Nathaniel: That's... Cool?
Jean: I wanna flirt with guys!
Cosette: Fuck that. I'm flirting with girls.
As Luka plays "Meant To Be Reprise" on the guitar and sings, Adrien is just smitten and sings along as the surfers find themselves thinking about the crushes they can't have for two reasons
Meanwhile, Kagami goes to surf, and catches Marinette's eye. When she returns to the beach, she's confronted by Marinette, who asks her to teach her how to surf
Kagami, after falling off her board while giving Marinette and lesson, realizes that she and Luka are morphing into the film when she falls into the water and her hair does not get wet
Kagami: Why isn't my hair wet?!
Marinette: *Giggles* Everyone knows you don't get wet when you get in the ocean or a pool. God, you're every bit as funny as Luka says you are.
Kagami: ... He talks about me?
Marinette: Yeah... Is there something going on between you two? I-I wouldn't want to-
Kagami: I wouldn't mind if you had a crush on Luka. That is to say, if we were dating, but we're not. But, I am polyamorous, so it would not bother me if you liked Luka.
Marinette: ... Poly what?
Now back to the real issue at hand. Luka and Kagami can't get wet, and they then begin to spontaneously sing and are unable to stop, leading to a song that is nowhere in the movie's cast album, "Can't Stop Singing"
They are then captured by Les Moth and Dr. Pavon and taken to the villains' lighthouse lair before their respective dates with Adrien and Marinette on the beach
Instead, Adrien and Marinette meet. And after some awkward conversation, they find they have a bit in common. However, before they can talk some more, Adrien spots a strange signal coming from the old lighthouse. In morse code, someone's saying "Help us. Kidnapped. Kagami and Luka." Good thing his character bio says he can read morse code
They round up the bikers and surfers to convince them to save Kagami and Luka and expect some reluctance, but to their surprise
Jean: That biker taught me things I didn't think were possible! *Seizes Austin T by the face and kisses him* Hell yeah, I'm saving him!
Zoé: Sure. Fuck it. *Kisses Cosette*
Marc: I'll help you if you do two things for me. One... Quit holding my cousin's hand, pretty boy! *Adrien quickly lets go of Marinette's hand* And two!... Tell me where that cute redhead surfer is.
Nathaniel: *Giggles* Hey, cutie.
Marc: *Smirks* I'll get to you later.
Meanwhile, Kagami admits to Luka that she is glad that she ended up in the film and does not have to attend private school and live up to the expectations her mother had in place for her
When she confesses that she thinks Marinette is braver than her for stepping out of the role the movie had set for her, Luka denies that, saying that she is the bravest girl he knows. And, noticing the little tint to her cheeks when she talks about Marinette, he asks if she likes her
Kagami: ... Don't think I didn't see you almost kiss Adrien.
Luka: Okay, that's fair. But, um... He's not the only person I like.
Kagami: I know, you like Marinette. Who doesn't?
Luka: Yeah, her too. But, I also meant you.
The surfers and bikers storm the lighthouse and in a typical queer teenager fashion, they trash the place with weapons they somehow obtained, and make out on top of the expensive equipment as Elvis plays in the background and disarm the machine... But now it's gonna explode
They escape just seconds before it explodes, and the scene takes them back to the beach. The film's plot returns to normal, and Luka and Kagami realize they are able to return home
Kagami: ... Fuck it. *Kisses Adrien and then Marinette*
Luka: Well, if she's doing it. *Kisses Adrien and then Marinette*
Austin A: Wait, we can just like, date more than one person? That's a thing people do?!
After saying goodbye to everyone, Kagami and Luka get on their surfboard and return to the real world, where no time has passed since they left. Kagami successfully surfs the 40-foot wave without getting dragged into a movie, and all is well... But, Tamika's upset about her delaying her flight
Kagami stands up to her aunt, telling her to stop trying to impress her sister when she's no longer around and to finally take the weight off of her shoulders. It takes a bit of convinving, but Tamika relents and agrees to let her continue her education in France.
Now all is well, and Kagami and Luka start dating
*Post Credits*
*Drenched and coughing up water, the bikers and surfers drag themselves onto the beach*
Marc: Guys! Guys, my hair is wet!
Alya: WHAT THE HELL?! So is mine!
Chloé: My mascara is running!
Kim: My beautiful quiff! Someone get me some grease!
Nathaniel: Why is it so hot outside?! It's boiling!
Austin A: Ew! The water tastes like salt!
Modern surfer: Hey, dudes. Are you lost? You're like totally wiggin' out, bruh.
Bikers/Surfers: ...
Sabrina: ... Hello. What year do you come from?
Modern Surfer: ... It's 2015. Seriously, do you need to call someone? *Holds up a flat phone, and the bikers and surfers scream*
Adrien: This is a phone? *Slowly takes it* Where's the dial?
Marinette: Maybe you open it?
Phone: You have one new message.
Bikers/Surfers: *Scream again*
Max: Guys... There's a woman inside of it.
Cosette: What sort of witchery is this?
*They crowd around Adrien as he taps the screen, and they scream at the image of Jagged Stone as the Home Screen*
Marc: Men can wear makeup?!
Jean: I am in awe of the future! *Sees a bunch of tan shirtless guys* And the awe continues.
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