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Município de Piraquara deve ter devolução de R$ 480 mil de convênio com Oscip
A Organização da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público (Oscip) Instituto Confiancce deve restituir R$ 480.886,42 ao cofre do Município de Piraquara (Região Metropolitana de Curitiba). A ex-presidente da Oscip Clarice Lourenço Theriba responde solidariamente pela devolução de R$ 257.746,90 do valor total a ser restituído, que deverá ser corrigido monetariamente e calculado após o trânsito em…
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#ratinhojr #pontedeguaratuba #psd #litoraldoparana #tcepr #parana #obra #jornale #news
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*Professor Lemos entra com medida cautelar no TC e pede suspensão imediata do Programa Parceiro da Escola*
Parlamentar critica o Programa Parceiro da Escola, afirmando que a iniciativa transfere para empresas privadas a gestão de atividades em escolas públicas, colocando em risco a transparência e a qualidade da educação estadual
O deputado Professor Lemos (PT) protocolou nesta sexta-feira (1), uma representação com pedido de medida cautelar contra o Programa Parceiro da Escola, iniciativa da Secretaria de Estado da Educação (SEED) no Paraná. Segundo Lemos, o programa, que autoriza a contratação de empresas privadas para gerenciar atividades em escolas públicas, representa um passo direto na privatização da educação estadual.
Instituído pela Lei nº 22.006/2024, o Parceiro da Escola permite a terceirização de serviços essenciais, como manutenção, limpeza, segurança e gestão administrativa, em uma tentativa de transferir responsabilidades da gestão pública para a iniciativa privada. O deputado sustenta que essa mudança ameaça a transparência e compromete a autonomia das instituições educacionais.
O programa Parceiro da Escola nada mais é que a privatização da educação pública do Paraná. Nós votamos contra essa lei na Assembleia Legislativa e alertamos que esse programa prejudica a educação pública no Paraná. O governo precisa investir no ensino público ao invés de repassar dinheiro para empresários que não tem compromisso com a educação paranaense, com os nossos estudantes, com os professores e funcionários de escola. É o sucateamento do ensino!, argumentou.
Lemos aponta que o programa envolve um orçamento de R$ 220 milhões, remanejado sem dotação específica, o que desrespeita a Lei Orçamentária. Além disso, o parlamentar alega que a implementação do programa ocorreu sem a devida consulta à comunidade escolar, sem estudo técnico prévio, e com exigências de credenciamento que limitam a participação de empresas. Ele ressalta que o Tribunal de Contas do Estado (TCE-PR) já havia identificado diversas irregularidades no projeto piloto, incluindo falhas no processo licitatório e omissão do controle interno.
O Tribunal de Contas já apontou diversas ilegalidades na implementação do Projeto Piloto do Parceiro da Escola, mas ainda assim, o governo do Paraná quer ampliar o programa. O processo de consulta às comunidades escolares atingidas está em curso, portanto, reforçamos a urgência na concessão de medida cautelar para suspender imediatamente a continuidade do Programa Parceiro da Escola. Precisamos evitar prejuízos ainda maiores aos cofres públicos e aos princípios que regem a administração pública, afirmou.
*Privatização suspensa nos Estado dos Minas Gerais e São Paulo*
A suspensão de projetos de privatização da gestão escolar nos estados de Minas Gerais e São Paulo reforça o movimento contra a entrega da educação pública à iniciativa privada. Em Minas, o Tribunal de Contas do Estado (TCE-MG) bloqueou, por decisão unânime, o credenciamento de Organizações da Sociedade Civil (OSCs) para gerirem escolas estaduais, apontando que a gestão de atividades pedagógicas deve permanecer sob responsabilidade pública. Em São Paulo, a Justiça também barrou, de forma liminar, o projeto de privatização da construção de 17 escolas estaduais, atendendo ao pedido do sindicato dos professores.
Diante desse cenário, o deputado Professor Lemos (PT) espera que a ação ajuizada por ele no Tribunal de Contas do Paraná (TCE-PR) também resulte na suspensão do Programa Parceiro da Escola, promovido pelo governo estadual. Segundo Lemos, essa iniciativa equivale à privatização da educação pública paranaense, ao transferir a gestão de escolas para empresas privadas, em um modelo que ameaça a transparência e a qualidade do ensino.
Essas decisões em Minas e São Paulo são um avanço para a educação pública e servem como exemplo do que queremos assegurar aqui no Paraná: a educação como um direito e uma responsabilidade do Estado, não uma oportunidade de lucro para o setor privado, concluiu Lemos.
#lemossemprepresente #lemosnaluta #mandatopopular #professorLemoseuaprovo #lemosmerepresenta
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TCE suspende licitação de publicidade após irregularidades TCE suspende licitação de publicidade após irregularidades O Tribunal de Contas do Paraná (TCE-PR) suspendeu cautelarmente a licitação para contratação de serviços de publicidade pela Prefeitura de Maringá. A decisão foi motivada pela ausência de um chamamento público para compor a subcomissão técnica com membros da sociedade civil, conforme exige a legislação. A licitação em questão possui um valor total de R$ 12 milhões. O TCE-PR também recomenda que o município implemente um chamamento público contínuo para evitar futuros problemas de concorrência. A prefeitura tem 15 dias para responder ao tribunal e fornecer as devidas justificativas. O Tribunal de Contas do Paraná (TCE-PR) suspendeu cautelarmente a licitação da Prefeitura de Maringá destinada à contratação de serviços de publicidade, no valor de R$ 12 milhões. A suspensão foi motivada por uma representação que apontou a ausência de chamamento público para a composição da subcomissão técnica, formada por membros da sociedade civil, conforme exigido pela legislação vigente. A prefeitura terá 15 dias para apresentar esclarecimentos ao TCE-PR, conforme determinação do órgão. O Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Paraná (TCE-PR) determinou a suspensão da licitação de publicidade da Prefeitura de Maringá. A medida cautelar foi motivada por uma representação que apontou a ausência de um chamamento público para compor a subcomissão técnica, conforme exigido pela legislação. A subcomissão, essencial para garantir transparência no processo, deve incluir membros da sociedade civil, sendo um deles sem vínculo funcional com o órgão licitante.
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Não farei o concurso do TcE PR
Meus plantões de 12 horas me consomem muito…
Eu chego em casa esgotada na maioria das vezes e ao deitar para descansar 5 minutinhos eu apago… É muito frustrante. Me sinto péssima por não render, mas não devo me cobrar tanto assim também. :3
É uma sensação terrível…. Vou focar em outros que vejo que serão mais proveitosos e tenho mais chances
Assim que eu mudar para um que trabalhe 6 horas/ 8 horas diárias poderei me organizar melhor <3
Paciencia… g-g”
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A Ação Social de Iguatu aumentou em mais de três vezes a nota da sua avaliação em um levantamento realizado pelo Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Paraná no ano de 2023. O levantamento, realizado todos os anos pelo Tribunal de Contas, avalia todos os 399 municípios do estado e atribui notas as seis áreas avaliadas dentro da gestão pública. E em todas as áreas examinadas o município de Iguatu registrou um aumento significativo nos parâmetros entre os anos de 2022 e 2023, entretanto, a Ação Social deu um salto maior. A pasta, que obteve uma média de 2,80 em 2022, saltou para 8,86 em 2023. “Grande parte disso se deve aos investimentos no planejamento, definição de metas e na execução das ações determinadas” afirma o Prefeito Vlademir Barella. De acordo com as informações divulgadas pelo TCE, dentro da Pasta da Ação Social, são avaliadas sete competências básicas e Iguatu obteve nota máxima no Serviço de Proteção Social Básica (SPSB) e Serviço de Convivência e Fortalecimento de Vínculos (SCFV). O serviço de Proteção e Atenção Integral á Família (PAIF) conseguiu a nota 9,80, seguido dos Serviços de Articulação Territorial e Intersetorial com a nota 9,30. O Diagnóstico do Território e Acesso recebeu a nota 9,00, Instrumentos de Planejamento ficou com a nota 8,80, a Vigilância Social obteve a nota 8,00 e por último, Recursos Físicos e Humanos com a nota 7,10. A Secretária de Ação Social Bruna Oliveira, afirmou que os parâmetros são fundamentais para mostrar o quanto o trabalho desenvolvido pelas equipes e servidores tem apresentado resultados positivos para o município. “No dia-a-dia, na prática, cada um que trabalha e se dedica nas ações sociais muitas vezes não conseguem sentir o resultado de suas funções, e principalmente do quanto é benéfico para a população. Essa nota é a demonstração de todo o empenho. Temos uma gratidão imensa por cada servidor.” Informações Um painel interativo disponibilizado recentemente pelo Tribunal de Contas do Estado (TCE-PR) permite ao cidadão comparar a evolução de políticas públicas nos 399 municípios do Paraná nos últimos dois anos. Os dados se referem a seis áreas essenciais da administração municipal: educação, saúde, assistência social, administração financeira, previdência social e transparência e relacionamento com o cidadão. Referentes aos anos de 2022 e 2023, essas informações foram obtidas pelo TCE-PR a partir da aplicação de questionários com interlocutores municipais nas seis áreas avaliadas. A partir do exercício de 2022, esses questionários passaram a compor uma das etapas de análise do novo modelo de Prestação de Contas Anual (PCA) Municipal, implantado pelo TCE-PR por meio do Programa de Avaliação de Contas Municipais de Governo (ProGov). Dessa forma, ao encaminhar às câmaras de vereadores seus pareceres prévios sobre as contas anuais dos prefeitos, a Corte não opina mais somente a respeito da regularidade ou não da execução orçamentária e financeira dos recursos públicos municipais, mas também sobre a efetividade e a eficácia dos serviços essenciais prestados aos cidadãos. Além de oferecer informação qualificada aos gestores para a melhoria desses serviços, com a mudança o Tribunal busca fortalecer o Controle Social – a participação mais efetiva do cidadão na fiscalização da gestão pública. Os interlocutores municipais responsáveis por responder os questionários eletrônicos enviados pelo TCE-PR são gestores e servidores diretamente ligados à execução das políticas públicas sob análise. Na área da Educação, por exemplo, os interlocutores são os diretores e coordenadores pedagógicos das escolas. Em 2023, um total de 21.698 interlocutores responderam os questionários, num crescimento de 15% em relação a 2022, que teve 18.816 participantes. Do primeiro para o segundo ano desse levantamento, o número de cargos ocupados pelos interlocutores subiu de 13 para 18. Fique por dentro das notícias que são destaques em...
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TCE-PR suspende concurso público da Unicentro por falhas na prova de títulos - YouTube http://dlvr.it/T1NVN1
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De importância para conhecer a banca do seu concurso. Acesse http://www.segredosdacespe.com.br #provacespe #cesbraspe #estudarmais #concursopublicos #concurfriends #segredosdacespe #cespe #tre #trt #tce #tcu #abin #pr #prf #tj #inss
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Agência de Defesa Agropecuária do Paraná deve aprimorar sua gestão patrimonial
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Nova Aliança do Ivaí deverá receber devolução de quase R$ 1,3 milhão
A Segunda Câmara do Tribunal de Contas do Estado (TCE-PR) julgou procedente Tomada de Contas Extraordinária que apurou a ocultação de registros contábeis de receitas calculadas em R$ 711.668,29 e a realização de desembolsos financeiros não contabilizados de R$ 545.420,66 no Município de Nova Aliança do Ivaí, na Região Noroeste do Paraná. As irregularidades, que totalizaram um dano ao patrimônio…
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#tribunaldecontasdoparana #parana #politica #covid19 #vacina #pandemia #tcepr #deputadosparanaenses #portaljornale #jornale
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In Sickness And In Health
Dhawan!master x reader
Summary: when faced with the possibility of your death, the Master reflects on how much you've changed him, and just how unready he is to be alone.
Notes: here's some good old hurt/comfort for you all. There's some angst, but mostly just fluffy confessions of love and flirting. Lots of fluff and flirting ❤ feedback is always appreciated!
Warnings: mentions of blood and bodily harm
You'd learnt early on the Master despised seeing you hurt. The moment he saw you injured or upset, planets would be burnt, lives would be taken, and you'd wind up in his arms deep within the TARDIS walls, his lips trailing over your skin as an unspoken promise to never see you hurt again.
Which made the current situation you'd found yourself in really, really inconvenient.
You'd been ambushed by creatures aboard shuttle Alpha 9, viscious creatures who'd unluckily caught you just before before you could make your quick escape. They'd clawed at your arm, leaving a nasty gash on your bicep that burnt like hot acid. You'd howled in pain, pinned to the floor as the leader strangled you against the metal platform, weight kneeling on your hip and making you shriek- the strangled sound ripping against your throat.
You'd managed to get the upper hand, breathlessly shooting the creatures with one of the Masters weapons, scrambling to your feet as you raced through the corridors to find quadrant 35, as per his instructions. He'd set the whole place to blow in 4 minutes, and you'd sprinted towards the entrance, the sound of oncoming footsteps making your heart race.
"Darling, right on time!"
His eyes were alit with murderous frenzy, a laugh perched on his lips. You practically threw yourself against him, stealing a desperate kiss as the distant roar of the creatures pulled you from your mania. "Missed you too, dear" he grinned, before gripping your gashed bicep in a flurry and dragging you towards the TARDIS. You yelped in agony, noise lost over the thunderous screech of the creatures, the Master snapping his fingers as the TARDIS doors flew open in a flourish.
He let go of your arm as he twirled around the central console, the TARDIS raring to life as you closed the front doors behind you. You leant against the wood panneling, desperate for breath- your whole body ached, arm pulsating as blood soaked your jacket sleeve. You groaned lowly. The wound was deep, your throat and hip tender to touch. You felt truly battered, and had to fight back the pain as you lowered yourself down against the wall.
The Master was flipping levers and flicking switches, manic laugh encompassing the console room as he moved in a blur of tartan purple.
"Where next, love? Ooh, how about we crash an alien auction and find you some lovely new jewels, hmm?" He grinned dangerously, his back to you as he typed something onto a pannel.
"So many dynasties out there to overthrow! Planets to burn, chaos to cause!"
You bit your lip as you pulled off your jacket, holding back a whine as you inspected your arm. Your blouse was gashed, exposing your skin and the copius amounts of blood that stained the material. Your breath was thin as your throat ached raw.
The Master laughed giddily as he fiddled with a dial, eyes wide with malice, gaze focused on the controls. "That plan's really got me going Y/N, theres so much more we can do! Now I dont know about you, but on days like this theres nothing better after blowing up a colony than hearing a good scream and shedding a little-" the Master reached towards the scanner, and suddenly stopped.
He tilted his head and inspected his palm, merriment falling from his expression as his eyes rapidly looked down to follow the sticky red trail he'd unknowingly left over the TARDIS controls.
The timelords hand was wet with warm blood, the controls smeared with leftover crimson. His eyebrows furrowed as he brought the hand closer to his face, inspecting it curiously. He furiously thought back to where it could've come from, mind racing at warp speed. He hadnt killed anyone earlier, unless with the TCE- and it certainly wasn't his blood, he hadn't been hurt. He hummed in confusion, until it suddenly hit him.
The inhabitants of Alpha 9 bled a frozen green.
The only creature aboard that ship that bled hot red was you.
"Y/N?" The Master span around to face you. Your body was slumped against the doors of the TARDIS, chest heaving as the blood pooled down your arm onto the floor. Your eyes fluttered in half consciousness as your coat lay strewn at your side. His gaze shot wide. "Oh no, no no no!" He sprinted across the TARDIS floor and crouched at your side, hearts racing in his chest as he scrabbled for your face. "Its ok, you're gonna be ok love, hold on."
The Master didn't often openly panic. Even when his life was threatened in the most dangerous of ways, he'd face death with a smile and a giddy wave of whimsy. Fear was for weak, petty little humans, not for powerful beings like himself. He shut off his emotions like a tap, only showing the world his glorious joy or furious anger: The basics the universe needed to fear him. But per usual, you'd come along and shook up his routine- and as you bled out on the TARDIS floor, his hearts raced beyond comprehension.
"Stay awake for me, hey, c'mon don't fall asleep." His grasp had left a bloody handprint on your cheek, your head limp in his hold as he desperately scooped you up into his arms. "C'mon Y/N, stay with me." The TARDIS hummed in distress as he carried you through the corridors. She seemed as upset as he did, having taken a strong liking to you the moment you stepped through her doors.
"Master..." You croaked out, struggling to meet his gaze. He weakly smiled down at you.
"Good girl, i'm here, everythings going to be fine" you returned a pained grin, lips parted as your eyes fluttered shut. "M' Masters good girl" you hummed, exhaustion taking over as you fully went limp.
The Master clutched you tighter to his chest, a desperate snarl ripping from his throat. Even in near death you still devoted yourself to him, a sick irony in truth- it was because of your devotion to him you were hurt in the first place. The TARDIS hummed again, pulling the Master from his thoughts, the hallway lights indicating the way to the distressed timelord.
She moved the medical bay closer to the the console room, the Master racing through the doors and tenderly laying you down on the bed, silently thanking her.
"You're not dying on me little madam, don't you dare try dying on me today." His trembling hands fought to unbutton your bloodsoaked blouse, your bare skin exposing the extent of your injury. Under normal circumstance, you being shirtless would stimulate something inherently primal in the timelord, your body drowned in lustful kisses. But now, it was a race against time to halt your excessive bleeding: and the Master was never known for his patience.
Shaking hands pressed hard on your wound, bandaging tight around the bleed as a drip was firmly placed into the crook of your arm. Coat tossed aside, the Master rolled the dark sleeves of his shirt to his elbows, a sight he knew you'd be drooling over were you not close to death. Your face was ghostly pale, a stark comparison to the dripping crimson. The master gently tilted your head, eyes fixating on the dark blotches blooming on your throat- if he wasnt so fearful for your life, he'd be furious. But now, the timelord decided, wasn't the time for theatrics.
Tender fingers smoothed a balm over your bruise covered hip and throat, a healing concoction he'd stolen from the Sisters of Plenitude after a thrilling turn on New Earth. It was sure to deal with the bruises quickly. He smirked weakly, a laugh lost in his throat. You normally loved the bruises he gave you, wearing them with pride under your clothes, a mark of the Master owning every part of you- much to your delight. His bruises told a story on your skin, littered over your collarbone and thighs like a devotion of love- But these bruises were angry, mocking the timelord with vengeance. He supposed this was the creatures' revenge for the destruction of Alpha 9. The thought of it made him sick.
Your stillness was agonising, the mystery of the unknown rivalling the maddening pound of the incessant drumming in his head.
He grabbed hold of an intricately shaped tool, scanning over your body with shallow breath. Your vitals soon appeared on the dark wall, graphs and statistics plastered across the space. With a huff, the Master turned to you, hand caressing over your cheek. He placed a tender kiss to your forehead, lips soft against your damp skin, before sitting down at your side.
You lay there for what seemed like centuries for the timelord. The wait was pure agony.
A warm washcloth had been taken to your skin, all traces of the blood disappearing from your skin. The Master furiously scrubbed at his hands and forearms, the red staining his skin like a vicious reminder of your injury. The TARDIS luckily cleared the pool of blood in the console room, the Master gently patting the wall in thanks and recieving a warm hum in return. His hands were red raw by time he was sure no blood was left, trembling fingers brushing the hair from your face as he tenderly cleared the blood from your cheek.
For hours on end he sat, holding your hand in his own. You were far too still for his liking. He was used to you reaching out for his touch constantly, always a tacticle creature. He sighed and placed a kiss on your knuckles, brushing over them with his thumb.
"You humans...you're all so delicate." He mused. "I never could understand why the doctor kept a troupe of your kind around. Typical- now I do, and the one I actually take a fancy to is knocked out cold." The Master sighed, running a hand through his messy hair. You still didnt move.
"What've you done to me, love? You've turned the universe's big bad Master into a sentimental, lovesick schoolboy. I hope you're proud of yourself."
He leant back in the chair, gently patting your hand. He sighed again. "You managed to make me fall for a human, you beautiful creature. If I didnt know you better i'd call you a fool, running into the arms of a being known for the destruction of everything in its path. But that wouldnt change anything, would it? You always were beautifully stubborn."
Silence. The master bit his lip.
"I took you in because I was bored, wanted something to tease and prod and play with. Maybe I was secretly lonely. God knows why you stayed." He let out a weak laugh, rubbing at his chin. "You put up with me all that time. You saw something, I still for the life of me can't figure out what you managed to find inside all the cruelty I sent your way. But you stayed, and now i'm the one begging you to stay with me. Strangely poetic, isn't it love?"
He would never admit it to anyone outside the TARDIS walls, but he was terrified- instinctively he knew at one point you'd be hurt. Humans just werent as durable, he knew that. But the pain of seeing you hurt? Now he certainly didnt expect it in as full force as it came to him.
"I can't lose you. Its supposed to be you and me, travelling the stars and causing chaos together- you're mine. Finally, something I care more about than myself-and the universe tries to take it from me."
He took your hand he refused to release in both of his own, placing his forehead on your knuckles and taking in a shaky breath.
"Despite my, and i'm directly quoting you here Y/N, 'devilishly handsome' new face - Im old, really old, i've been around for a while. I've seen things, things you wouldn't believe. Done things you couldn't begin to imagine. I've ran for prime minister and became the dictator of the world, explored a planet of cheetah people, turned the whole of planet earth's dead into cybermen- and i even did that one in a corset and heels."
The Master laughed, but it fell on deaf ears.
"It was all 'been there, done that, killed their people.' It got boring fast. But with you, its like the universe is this new, incredible thing- the look in your eye when we step out this tardis makes me feel like im doing all this for the first time again."
The master shakily laughed, kissing your fingertips. He'd blame it on the exhaustion, but tears began to well in his eyes.
"But this time... i'm happy. Sure, the anger never leaves, the need to destroy is still incessant and those god damn drums still plague my mind every single day: but now i'm happy. You make me so happy, love. You, with your wonder and excitement and cheeky little darkside, your willingness to see the world for whats real and not just whats good."
The Master sniffed, placing your knuckles against his lips as he looked at your unmoving form. He knew you'd normally squirm and blush at the sensation, your stillness hurting him even more.
"You kneel at my feet, stand by my side, lay in my arms and you call me your Master- and every time, you say it like a god damn prayer. You looked into the eyes of the universe's most messed up soul and said 'I love you'- and I thought I was the mad one. " The Master laughed weakly again, placing a kiss on your knuckles. He let out a breathy sigh and pondered for a moment.
"When you wake up, i'll show you the stars. Not like before, no. I'll take you anywhere your heart desires, show you the universe you want to see, and hold you in my arms. This TARDIS, my TARDIS, is your home. You belong next to me, not in a bed close to death but past that console room, out those doors, exploring space and time and making you as happy as you make me. Anything you want, you'll get. I'll even teach you to fly the TARDIS, eh?" He gave a pained smile, tapping your hand. "You've always wanted to know how to fly the old girl, havent you love?"
The master interlaced his fingers with your own, holding your hand like it was the most precious thing in the world.
"So you just wake up now, darling. Save this old mans hearts from breaking. I cant be alone anymore, I can't walk the stars without you next to me. I need to share this life with you." The master paused, breath caught in his throat.
"I love you too much to let you go."
He'd said it before, in secret moments and late night confessions, but it still felt strange on his tongue. The Master didnt love, that was the Doctors job. The master was the cruel one, the monster that sought destruction across the universe, while the doctor dragged their bunch of tagalong pets behind him to pick up the pieces. It was an old game, a legendary one. But he couldnt do it alone, not any more.
Thats when he felt it- The gentle twitch of your fingertips against his hand. The timelord held his breath, straightening in his chair. You slowly began to stir. You were mumbling under your breath, eyelashes fluttering as the room slowly crept into view. Your lips were dry, voice hoarse, and as you pulled yourself from slumber you weakly called out his name.
The hand holding yours squeezed lovingly, brown eyes soon coming into your hazy field of vision. "I'm here, love. Im always here."
You smiled at that, tenderly pulling his hand towards your face and sighing into his touch. The master gently held your face, thumb brushing over your cheek. "Now what time do you call this, young lady?"
You laughed weakly, the force on your throat causing you to wince. The master shook his head, moving closer. "You're just a little trouble magnet, arent you?" He teased. A small smirk played on your lips as you leant closer into his touch. "Well, I learnt from the best."
It was the Masters turn to laugh now. "That was beautiful, what you said." You quietly murmured, gaze meeting his own. The Master paused for a moment, the internal debate going on in his mind evident on his face. You could see in his eyes he was raring to downplay his confession. "Don't try and deny it, pretty boy. I heard every word."
The Master finally relented, standing up from his chair and pulling his hand away from your face. You whined at the loss of contact, hand weakly reaching out towards the timelords arm. You felt a lump build in your throat- had he gotten annoyed at that? "No, Master i'm sorry, please don't leave." You whimpered out. He raised an eyebrow and gently shushed you.
"Hey hey, down girl. Give us a second." he smirked, pulling off his shoes and shedding himself of his waistcoat. You watched, transfixed, the Masters shirt and pants soon following, leaving him stood in his socks and underwear. The timelord returned to your side, pulling up the covers of the bed and signalling for you to shuffle over.
You limply moved to the side as the Master slipped under the covers, his arm curling around your shoulders. You instinctively nestled into his arms, head resting on his bare chest, your legs tangling together in a jumble of limbs. The Masters arms felt like safety, his fingertips trailing over your back, rhythmic heartbeat against your temple. You hummed contently. "What was that for?"
The master smirked cockily. "I said i'd hold you in my arms when you woke up, love. I thought you said you heard everything. Or did you just get distracted by the thought of me in a corset and heels?"
"Shut up." You weakly gave a playful push his chest with a groan, a low rumbling laugh following from the timelord. The Masters lips ghosted over your forehead, hot breath a sharp contrast to your cold skin as he placed a slow, gentle peck. You sighed contently into his hold, eyes fluttering shut with bliss.
"Thank you Master, for being there for me." you murmured lowly, your fingertips drawing circles over his warm skin. The Master hummed, head resting atop of yours.
"Always, love" he replied, thumb caressing over your shoulder. "As you humans say, 'in sickness and in health'."
You let out a soft giggle, the sensation making the Master shiver, goosebumps forming on his skin. "Normally, that's said during wedding vows." You supplied, biting your lip. "Its something reserved for a married couple."
The timelord brought you tighter to his chest, a smile playing on his lips. "Well then, if we're ever going to get to that point Y/N, you're going to have to stop trying to bleed out in the console room. I'm not cleaning up blood on our honeymoon." He jibed, smirking as he felt your heartrate quicken. The notion of you being wed seemed to excite you. He filed that thought away for later.
You craned your neck to face the Master, a tired smile gracing your lips. "So no 'til death do us part?'." Warm browns turned to meet your lazy gaze, a tender expression on his face as he shook his head. "Lets just focus on the sickness and health bit first, hm?"
You nodded gently, satisfied, the Masters hand gingerly taking hold of your cheek. The distance between you both soon closed, your lips meeting his. You quickly sank further into his hold, letting him guide your mouth, his touch soft and considerate. A soft smile spread across your face as you let him take control- even in his most gentle moments, he was still certainly your Master.
Time melted away, you had no clue just how long you'd submitted yourself to his kiss, the Master letting you break for air when you needed to before diving right back in and taking ownership back of your mouth. Eventually you parted, both of your lips red and glossy. You sank back into his chest, nestling deep into his arms as exhaustion took hold once more.
"I love you, Master" you mumbled into his skin as you began to fall back into slumber.
The Master smiled almost proudly, before letting his own eyes flutter shut. He didn't need sleep as much as you did, timelord biology never requiring them to rest. But he decided he'd make an exception for you- another one to add to the ever growing list.
"In sickness and in health" he purred in reply, before letting the coaxing lull of sleep pull him down into the comforting dark.
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Lista de Políticos Inelegíveis no Paraná em 2024: Impacto e Consequências O Tribunal de Contas do Paraná (TCE-PR) recentemente divulgou uma lista de políticos que podem ser barrados das próximas eleições devido a irregularidades nas contas públicas. Este artigo detalha os nomes mencionados, as implicações legais e políticas dessa decisão e como isso pode moldar o futuro eleitoral no estado. O Papel do TCE-PR na Fiscalização O TCE-PR tem a responsabilidade de garantir que os recursos públicos sejam utilizados de maneira adequada e transparente. Sua função é auditar as contas de gestores públicos e identificar possíveis irregularidades que possam comprometer a probidade administrativa. Motivos para a Inelegibilidade As irregularidades que levam à inelegibilidade incluem má gestão de verbas, falhas na prestação de contas, desvio de recursos e outras ações que demonstram falta de integridade no uso do dinheiro público. Estes atos comprometem a confiança pública e a legitimidade dos processos eleitorais. Nomes de Políticos Citados A lista divulgada pelo TCE-PR inclui 1.861 nomes, com destaque para cerca de 50 políticos de Londrina e 14 de Maringá. Entre os mencionados, estão figuras conhecidas como Mário Orsi, Nedson Micheleti, Alexandre Kireeff, o atual prefeito de Maringá, Ulisses Maia, e o ex-prefeito Silvio Barros II, que é pré-candidato. Impacto na Eleição de 2024 A inclusão desses nomes na lista do TCE-PR pode alterar significativamente o cenário eleitoral de 2024. A Justiça Eleitoral analisará os registros de candidatura com base nessa lista, podendo barrar aqueles que forem considerados inelegíveis. Isso pode abrir espaço para novos candidatos e modificar as alianças políticas existentes. Processo de Análise pela Justiça Eleitoral A Justiça Eleitoral do Paraná, representada pelo TRE-PR, avaliará cada caso individualmente. Este processo inclui a verificação das irregularidades apontadas pelo TCE-PR e a decisão sobre a validade ou não das candidaturas. Este procedimento é essencial para assegurar eleições justas e transparentes. Reações Políticas e Públicas A divulgação da lista gerou reações diversas entre os políticos e a população. Alguns políticos alegam perseguição política, enquanto outros defendem a transparência e a necessidade de accountability no uso dos recursos públicos. A opinião pública, por sua vez, acompanha de perto essas revelações, que podem influenciar seu voto. Consequências a Longo Prazo A exclusão de políticos inelegíveis pode ter consequências duradouras no cenário político do Paraná. Além de promover uma maior responsabilidade entre os gestores públicos, pode incentivar uma renovação política, com a entrada de novos líderes comprometidos com a ética e a eficiência na gestão pública. Conclusão A lista do TCE-PR é um instrumento crucial para garantir a integridade das próximas eleições no Paraná. Ela destaca a importância da fiscalização e da transparência no uso dos recursos públicos, e seu impacto será sentido tanto nas urnas quanto na administração pública futura
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