#TBTR Regina
nakamopapina · 2 years
Regina with H8 or RCMP... OR BOTH!!!! PLEASE!!!
Here's Regina, and RJ, going through some panic. I'm surprised that someone requested an OC.
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RJ, still prefers to be addressed by his legal name though :,3
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For context: 
So the Moe Government announced a new Police Force, they want to add within the next few years, called the Saskatchewan Marshal Service, some of us call them Moe’s Marshals. And they claimed in an article that the Marshals were gonna be more ‘Highly trained,’ than the RCMP,  but also they’re not gonna focus on Community based work, as that’ll be the jobs the other cops can have, but who truly knows? Sometimes they say one thing, then another on a different day.
The RCMP, and Opposition responded with “That’s more like a waste of good money that can go to other places, we don’t need another Police Force! It’s not that necessary!” But the Government is like “Are you sure? We’re gonna do it anyways!” 
Of course we, the people of Rider nation responded in memes, with jokes about how we’ll only accept them if they rode on horses, and wore cowboy hats, and the like. Because we like to troll on our Premier on Twitter.
On the other note, I drew a disembodied arm to represent the Government.
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It’s been super hot and humid lately, and there was a heat warning for a bit, sometimes temperatures had been reaching 30 + without the humidity.
Of course there will always be that one person who wears a bunny hug, and shorts in all weather.
Stay safe, and stay hydrated.
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Here is Regina’s introduction comic. (and RJ’s sort of vague intro), I tried to imply that she’s the type of person that’s overly positive, and that’ll talk your ear off with information, even unnecessary info, if given the chance.
Thus the more or less unwanted introduction of RJ in her intro. (his own will be very short, but he will be done last, so don’t expect his anytime soon)
I try to base these characters not on stereotypes of residents (As they’ll pretty much be the same) but inspired off of their History/historical events.
Here, I depict Regina as someone who likes to brag about positive stuff about her, as it’s very much like that here. With all the ads bragging that we’re the birthplace of Universal healthcare in Canada.
She gets all pouty and upset when compared to Edmonton, but no one likes being compared to others, so that’s a normal thing.
More info (about the comment of RJ being a glorified babysitter) below:
With RJ being described as a glorified babysitter, is he? yes he is. 
Explanation, so you don’t have to wait on his intro comic for it:
No denial about that, I figured that some of these personifications need one, given they can get out of control sometimes, and what human wants to be stupid enough to get involved with that? certainly not me. And what Province/Territory has the time to keep ALL of their personifications/municipalities on semi-decent behaviour? He’s also there to convince Mattie NOT to commit Arson against his enemies. (Because Arson doesn’t solve everything)
He’s mostly behind the scenes, and his purpose in this blog is to mostly share history about the Mounties when I want to share them, it helps to have one individual there to share it, instead of making characters of every. single. Fort. and for the occasional gag comic about someone not paying their parking tickets, and RJ’s superiors (i.e. Ollie, Mattie, or his Boss) are on his ass about it.
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nakamopapina · 2 years
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Another drawing of Fort Qu’Appelle with Regina. Didn’t feel motivated to do a background ;v;
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Haven't drawn Fort Qu'Appelle in a while, so I made a comic.
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Important note: It's more than likely not allowed to toboggan downhill on slopes.
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