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thelazyhermits · 2 years ago
How would Fortune find out if one of the kids is the traitor? (Cannon wise or HC)
Considering the TABF verse veers from canon after the Paranormal Liberation Front war arc, there's technically nothing to expose the traitor/make them come forward like what happens in the manga since most of what happens in canon after that arc doesn't happen in TABF thanks to Shigaraki dying cause he didn't get revived due to the LoV failing to get the Quirk-erasing bullets and AFO never getting released from jail.
So things can go two ways: Either I don't have the traitor revealed or something like the traitor accidentally revealing themselves/they willingly come forward after the LoV has all officially been apprehended.
While I'm honestly perfectly fine with the traitor remaining a secret after seeing their circumstances in canon, if I were to have Fortune find out the truth, I'm thinking it would happen accidentally like via the traitor getting hit by a Quirk that makes them confess or they get into an accident which leads to them saying things they wouldn't normally say due to their injuries/the medication they're on.
I don't have an idea that's set in stone, but the only thing I do know is that Fortune wouldn't out them to the police if they are one of her students because she trusts them and knows they didn't do what they did because they wanted to, and her top priority is always to protect her students.
So, at the minimum, only Fortune, Aizawa, and Nedzu would hear the truth in the TABF verse, because Fortune trusts the other two whom I also think wouldn't want to turn a student over to the police especially when it would really be unnecessary at this point now that everyone in the LoV has been taken care of.
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tuyetthienduong · 6 years ago
Dot xong mang cho ga rwam
Oi mau xong
Khoi hekp
Len hehe
Huhu moi vo
Hihi sc dap ne
Orange huhu dung
K do
Me kia geh hon nua
O biet nen oi may guum tu luc fo
Het hsf1 ......
Team hung huhu thuingthanh god acc tui nay roi
Hehe daitn
Xong thanv Do
Full team ct toi gio
Me keu vo di huhu
Cho chia khao o trong phng 23 3;00 vi gio lunh mku
Churches du huhu tha cho chu shigp
Huy do bach roi
No fai qua re in cac
Oi chua xong
Qua troup
O nay gio ko co oi mau gium
No oi wua kenh mk 101 do
Mm o noi mm c, , the die vi co nguoi kho hon minh roi hihi vh
Dungb hehe dr mms
Ljs huhu mmdl sui lion roi
Ecsao ti may nhin no ngu 1s level max mii f ong fuoc nua vay team ct cac ,
4 m oi etc huhu tha cho em
Lay mang 2 p con 1 cai
Ppmm cac vai kar cac
Huh may do huhu
Ko phai
Hoang dung
Khamg tha y chau vay ma and sc nua con ghiet day gai me nua fdi hihihi
Katma gocne hihi
Hehe pps kings bao for tbis
Giet ma pjat acca len ongay
Jerk chong dai dien nha
Ho mchan von hoa etc buhugu dyng di
Chu shit bao dot
Ome. Of a ahiy only
Hay lam nct anh shit hihi no dui roi
Xxhu du huhuhu
Loa amt huhi
Yeam hehe
May me moi cuoi chiu het noi roi
Bao amy sjitnhihi
Dap mat hai cax ne hihi
Amy huhu moi ong damg dyngb
Ppmm lay cnm vi qua dgit
Tum lai
Bad gurl hihi
Varron noi de bao jerk gia by jerk shut full neu ko vo em. Buoc vo doi toi nam 5 tuoi thibhuhu lit
Trump xuu vi ko virt
Nt eyc muon ne lir hubu
Vo dungb het nha
Me too bhuhu do
Hirn jim shit phan hihi
Jum car huh join them
Nu hoan dai dien team hoang toc bao bi dap ko do full
Hoang dung
Ko qua
Huhu gd help
Lien ha 5 cac hihi
Join shut huhu
Oi mau den xong hihi
4 m etc hugu
Kings cua vua cax ne huhu tai tui tui huhu
Bar cac huhu mli xong anh oi
Gd ans git tum ai huhu
All mha huhu
Dung di
Nt troi oi hoc ngu tou hsd1 sui
Baoi oi mau den de cuu cax max
Huhu hrlp nt hehe mbm
Team con lai huhu cc
Nhan huhu
Pika bao chi chu nhan de canh yrsanh vii tot qua hege mbm nao kk cax
Anh hoang hihi
Kings dau con co dong cac ha
Hiji moi xong sui
Cac caxax tu than e dep trai boz
Huhu xau cc
Hoang dung hehe pika a hehe
Abh cac he em rm cai best revorde in sgit huhu whyyyyy
Jihi mbm
Triey s tum lai
Moi xong huhu lay
Tesm kia sui gic ngu hin huhu
Ooke shit nii anh hoan vui lam hihi xung dang ngay 1 het buon roi hihi
Huhu lo roi
Anh hoang hihi cong ne hihi ghen di
Jsrk vay sa ki lay cac
Yhoi moi tra zing rou cin ong chua ma du cac cii 3 cc kis / ma
Thoi cu ghrn huhu
Team choi hehe mbm
Nt moi phat hiwn nho nay vung 100% time
Hehe cac
Cav tean lut all aee hrhe
5 bf hihi
Da jsrk cac ne bar huhu si
Lg cac xong eoi nen noi
Lg huhu lo rou
Huhu iofl jelp
Heh tui nay bao
Huhu dao no tjong minh dr fa
Thoi moi rm ne huhu
5 bof
Hihi diet roi kings cac dungb
Em kieu sang trumg
Anh hoabg kiru hihi
Anh 20 t kieu huhu
Anh 21 t kieu hehe
Hy huju la hahaha do ma ma nya
Tu du hejeh ma 17 sui jos etc all so
Huhu ko roi
Hos cc tao bao 5'
Kings huhu
Poke kiru shit hihi
T mama huhu bao hai thang cax
Huhu co dii thu roi hehe matk trm. Liy all
Ayu vi thoi cu
Tjoi cu hihi
Ppmm chinh hiho tui nay moi duoc
Huhi co doi tjubroi hehe
Troi dp dp ha 1s cax hihi
K hihi
Choivhehw de tui nay
Hihi bang em xac
Cac team khoc
Poke hey cac roi
Haha ha too
Huhu lo roi
Anh hoang hihi
Cac snhir kit all hihi sao hsi cac trs muon vay
Oi muon vi vui
Dung m di chey day
Hehevteam hc cu
Con lsibj hihi mbm
Ha ra shi ke
Tr bao hihi le hij
Nghia la i love me
Mem 7 jn nua ma cac all cac sobhihi
Tr tum lai no ko biet cju nhat do huhu
Nhat hihi etc
Jn sap noi dupc
Team cac huhu vay moi no chi 100 skill
E ppmm ma hhu etc ne
Huhy com. Hsy syoc ou
O bao hihi
Tabf tr nua jhoe hege hu ra shi dou ma te ru ka wa ri aka te hi shi re ma ter u
Tr huy le
Nghia la so voi nhung gi the gioi phai chiu dung chug ta chi la con cac thoi tu moi huhu
Tr kieu nhoi
Jn kieu e hem hijihi de etc
Chinese hehe
Qua em hehe
Ngjia ka ko phai
Ang h dung huhu
Khan huhu no cay roi gv buet nua huhu
Lo hihi
Team cac oi
0 notes
thelazyhermits · 3 years ago
After thinking back on that ask I got not too long ago about Fortune & Eri getting supplies for Eri’s penpal letters, an idea came to mind. 
After Fortune writes fan letters for Fatgum & Aizawa, she decides to write letters for her students. Considering this would take place around when the students leave for their winter internships, Fortune would have a lot of free time on her hands, and I think she’d enjoy writing letters to everyone while they’re gone to pass the time.
Rather than mail the letters, however, she’d just leave them in the kids’ rooms, so they’ll have a nice surprise waiting for them when they get back to school. 
In those letters, Fortune would tell the kids how she misses them, how proud she is of their growth while going into detail about all the ways she’s seen each of them grow, and how much she’s looking forward to hearing how their internships go.
Basically, it’s all just lovemail. Fortune pulls out all the stops once again to shower her students with love and support lol 
As you can expect, her lovemail hits them pretty much all in the heart. A straight up feels attack haha
Midoriya’s bawling, doing his best not to get his All Might merch wet. Meanwhile, others like Iida and Kirishima are also moved to tears. 
Uraraka gets flustered because her traitorous mind thinks of it as a love letter at first and refuses to drop that subject, so she’s both happy and suffering all at the same time lol
Bakugou tries to pretend he’s not happy about it, but if anyone were to see him, they’d know he’s lying haha
Todoroki is one of the few able to keep his cool. He just wears a little smile for a brief moment before making plans to hang the letter up or do something special with it cause he sees it as proof that he’s Fortune’s favorite student lol
While Fortune expects some emotional responses, she doesn’t expect that her students would want to write her letters in return which is what they all decide to do without even consulting each other. 
So, there’s just a lot of love and wholesomeness all around haha
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thelazyhermits · 3 years ago
In TABF do you have any HCs for if Fortune ever started dating or showing interest in dating? I imagine it'd be really funny XD
It would definitely be funny because of all the protective people in Fortune's life lol
You know, I honestly never gave much thought to dating HCs since Fortune has so little interest in romance thanks to her stalker. The only romance she ever gets interested in is the fictional kind lol 😂
I honestly can't ever see Fortune ever going out of her way to try dating, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't ever date.
By that, I mean, I can't really see her ever asking someone else on a romantic date, but if someone else were to ask her on a date, I think she would be open to it if she thinks the person is trustworthy and someone that she would at least enjoy spending time with.
Ergo, Fortune is openminded about dating in that she doesn't mind giving it a try if someone was to ask, but she could also care less if she never goes on a date lol
As far as everyone else is concerned, Midnight & the romance loving female students would be encouraging and trying to get Fortune to give dating a try. Midnight tries to set Fortune up on dates all the time cause she wants Fortune to get out there and have fun/enjoy her youth rather than be cooped up on campus all the time.
Aizawa and the equally overprotective students (Shinsou, Bakugou, & Todoroki) disagree with Midnight and think Fortune is better off not worrying about romance lol
Everyone else kinda falls in the middle. They'll be supportive of Fortune no matter what she wants to do and will do whatever they can to help her if she needs it.
If Fortune were to ever go on a date, she would absolutely be tailed either by Aizawa or her protective students or all of the above. They all want to keep an eye on things and make sure Fortune is treated right.
The guys also aren't above using intimidation tactics if they think it will ensure no one gives Fortune trouble. Fortune is naturally very exasperated by this, mostly when Aizawa does it since when the kids do it she finds it cute cause they act like protective little brothers lol
However, if this were to keep happening even after the students became adults, then Fortune would become exasperated with them as much as she is with Aizawa.
I could see them even as adults wanting to do this, but it would be harder due to them having busy schedules. So they can't spy on Fortune's dates as much as they used to much to their disappointment haha
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underworldwitxh · 5 years ago
@thelazyhermits just for reference i wrote this before i knew you had posted tabf so these were my personal HC's.. tho ig now you can say they're TABF HC's lol
Here's some 💖Eri💖 HC:
💖 Kirishima and Eri love to dance to "Baby Shark"
💖 Kirishima bought Eri a pink shark onesie
💖 Eri, with Mirio's help, got Midoriya and the rest of Class 1-A shark onesies
💖 Eri often "escapes" her room to go to class 1-A's dorm. She often goes to Kirishima's room, wakes him up and drags him to the common room to dance with her.
💖 Aizawa has stopped trying to get her back into bed during those nights. So he excuses Kirishima from class on those days.
💖 Eri even gave Amajiki a shark onesie but his was purple and she had put Butterfly stickers on it.
💖 Amajiki sometimes will eat edible flowers just so he can grow some for Eri to make flower crowns with.
💖 Mirio slyly takes pictures of it to give to Aizawa ans Fatgum.
💖 Eri LOVES Fatgum. She will often ask to go see "The man that looks like a friend" whenever Aizawa, Shinsou and her are in Osaka.
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thelazyhermits · 2 years ago
something specific….hm. okay. how about her thoughts and reaction to each of fortune’s kidnappings? for the angst of it all… and. this isn’t a hc but i read a fic where momo got her costume made out of her DNA so she can pull her creations out of her body without revealing any skin. so tbh when i was reading TABF and hagakure got her hero costume made out of her DNA, i was really expecting it to happen for momo too😭 but ofc, u know, not all writers are gonna do the same thing so 😭 yeah. also, maybe fortune could tell momo about the underworld? idk when and where that would happen but momo would definitely get angry and upset on fortune’s behalf. and maybe fortune and momo could braid each other’s hair? 🥺 i think they’d have such a cute friendship where momo can act her age and joke around w fortune. all of the girls in class 1A feel so comfortable around her and that would definitely include momo. how often does she think about fortune’s encouragement (that she gave to momo before she and midoriya fought aizawa)? momo, imo, is definitely gonna be a strong, powerful hero that villains are gonna be intimidated by
Her thoughts/reactions to the kidnappings were basically the same in that Momo was very worried about Fortune, and in the case of the summer camp kidnapping, she was heartbroken over the thought of Fortune not surviving since it seemed so unlikely that the villains would spare Fortune, considering they wanted her dead.
I've seen the concept of Momo having a costume made out of her DNA, which sounds really cool, but honestly, I don't really understand how it works. Like I can understand that concept being applied to Quirks like Hagakure's and Mirio's since their Quirks affect their whole bodies, but it just doesn't really make sense in my head for Momo cause I don't get how the costume doesn't get torn when the things she creates pop out of her skin since I don't understand how a costume made out of her DNA would help anything. Maybe I'm just being dumb lol 😂
Fortune won't tell Momo about the underworld since she doesn't want to tell any of the other students about it. I brought up this subject in the Heroes Rising fic to show that I didn't intend for any of the other students to learn about her past. But Momo would definitely be upset on Fortune's behalf if she did know.
All the girls love playing with Fortune's hair, Momo included. Fortune learns from them how to braid hair, so I could see her practicing with Momo's hair ^^
They all definitely feel comfortable around Fortune, but I can't see Momo really acting her age per se since she still views Fortune as a teacher figure and she's always so polite/respectful toward adults and she'd want to be professional to a certain degree.
However, Fortune does encourage Momo to relax and have fun more often and not worry so much about the small things like always being polite.
I'm sure Momo often looks back on Fortune's encouragement whenever she's in need of a pick-me-up/some inspiration since she really takes a lot of strength from Fortune's support and wants to do her best to live up to Fortune's high expectations of her.
Oh yeah, Momo's gonna be an awesome hero for sure. Villains everywhere better watch out haha
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thelazyhermits · 3 years ago
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays, everyone!! I hope you’re all having a great day!!! ^-^
As promised, here’s a post detailing what Fortune got for Christmas. I’m just gonna focus on her since Eri mostly got toys along with a few cute pieces of clothing lol
As I’ve mentioned before, the 1-A students teamed up to pick out gifts for Fortune & Eri, so they didn’t get 20 presents a piece from the class lol 
And the same can be said for Class 1-B. Although, they didn’t split up into so many separate groups like Class 1-A. They just as a whole picked out a few gifts for Fortune and Eri. 
However, Monoma & Kaibara also secretly bought presents for Fortune XD
All these presents were addressed as coming from Santa, so Fortune never gets a confirmation of who picked out what. However, some presents are obvious enough that she can figure out who picked them out.
For example, Kaibara got her a camera since she had been wanting one after spending time working on her photography skills while on Nabu Island and had asked him to help her pick out one once she got back to UA. 
He decided to follow Komori’s advice and go ahead and get one for Fortune since Christmas was only a few days away by the time of her return. Plus, this way he knows he can get her a present that he’ll know she’ll like haha
Since I’m already talking about a 1-B student, I’ll go ahead and mention what the class as a whole got for Fortune: 
A cute winter outfit that all the girls worked together to buy. They each picked out a different part of the ensemble. 
A garden box that Fortune can hang on her balcony and multiple seed packets so she can grow her own herbs. They made sure to decorate the box to make it look really cute. 
Bath & beauty products/fragrances that are good for relaxation. Cause she had been so stressed because of her stalker, they decided to get her some stuff that could help her relax.
Monoma’s present was a scarf that he handknitted since he thought nothing could surpass a handmade gift lol
Now, let’s move onto Class 1-A.
Bakugou & Kirishima: New running shoes. Bakugou noticed that she has been wearing the same pair of shoes for forever because she’s such a pennypincher, so he decided to take matters into his own hands. Kirishima was in full support of the idea and wanted to find some shoes that were as cool and manly as Fortune lol 
Midoriya, Todoroki, & Iida: A new spice rack filled with pretty much every spice known to man. Thanks to Todoroki’s & Iida’s thick wallets, it was easy for them to acquire the really expensive spices. Midoriya took care of buying the actual rack since that was within his budget lol
Yaoyorozu & Jirou: Am electronic tablet that Fortune can use for work and for pleasure such as reading so Fortune wouldn’t always have to go to a bookstore if she feels like reading. Yaoyorozu took care of that and the case while Jirou got a giftcard for Fortune to use for buying the books. 
Uraraka & Asui: They got her a cat-themed apron and matching oven mitts.
Aoyama, Hagakure, & Ashido: They picked out a cute outfit for her like the 1-B girls did and also got her some cute hair accessories. 
Kaminari, Mineta, & Sero: An DVD boxset of an anime Fortune showed an interest in and some merch related to her favorite anime/video games
Ojiro, Satou, & Kouda: They unknowingly did the same as 1-B and got products that they thought would help Fortune relax. They also got her a free massage at a place not far from the school.
Shouji & Tokoyami: At Dark Shadow’s behest, they got her a pillow they happened upon while out shopping that looked like him since Dark Shadow wouldn’t let up until they agreed lol Aside from that, they got her a picture holder that hangs from the ceiling cause they know how much she likes decorating her room with pictures
Next is Shinsou, Hatsume, & the Big Three.
Shinsou: A cat-earred hoodie with matching socks
Hatsume: She created a mini flying device that basically acts as Fortune’s personal assistant at the dorm. It can watch whatever food Fortune is cooking whenever Fortune needs to leave the kitchen for whatever reason and will let her know when the food is ready so the food won’t burn. It’s also capable of helping with chores since it can carry a great amount of weight despite its small size, so it could carry a basket of laundry for Fortune. It also acts as a second pair of eyes to watch out for Eri while they’re at the dorm. It’s one of Hatsume’s most successful inventions to date lol
Big Three: They also got her more things to hold pictures for display, most of which had a cat theme like cat shaped frames. They also got some fairy lights and other cute dorm room decorations.
And lastly the teachers.
Midnight: As a gag gift, she got Fortune a pair of handcuffs, but when she was playing Santa, she got Fortune some cute clothes.
Thirteen: A jacket made to resemble her hero costume since Fortune has said before how much she likes her costume since Fortune finds it really cute. It’s really soft and comfortable. Hugging Fortune while she’s wearing it is like hugging a marshmallow haha
Mic: A deluxe spa day package along with a note from Santa who said he recommends taking Mic for her plus 1 lol 
Nedzu: Several packets of vegetable seeds along with a note saying that a garden area has been prepared for her. Fortune had brought up to him one day about growing her own vegetables since it’s cost-efficient and because Eri had shown an interest in gardening after seeing it on TV, so now, they have their own garden area behind the dorm, courtesy of Power Loader’s Quirk lol
Power Loader: He built a garden shed for the gardening tools he bought her and built a covering for the garden so it’ll be protected from the elements. He also made a side garden area just in case Fortune and Eri wanna try growing flowers too.
Snipe: A giftcard to the local cat cafe and a stylish hat that he thought would suit her.
Cementoss: A mini zen garden. They help him relax, so he hoped it would do the same for her. 
Ectoplasm: One of those devices that plays relaxing sounds to help you sleep but can also be used as a speaker that you can hook your phone up to and play regular music through. 
Vlad King: A giftcard to the local dog cafe and a cat-themed charging dock for her cell phone
Hound Dog: A really nice foot massager
All Might: He got her a hat, scarf, & mitten combo that’s modeled after Midoriya’s hero costume since he knows how much it would mean to her to be the first person to get merch modeled after her hero. He made the design subtle enough that everyone wouldn’t immediately realize who the hat/scarf/mittens were modeled after since he didn’t want to bring unwanted attention to Fortune & Midoriya’s close relationship, so only those who know all the details about that relationship would notice. He also got her some really nice jewelry and clothes that Melissa helped him pick out. Santa Might went all out haha
Recovery Girl: Her gifts were brought by Santa Might lol She got Fortune a first aid kit that’s packed with everything a trouble magnet like Fortune could ever need. It’s small enough to fit in her backpack, so you can bet she’s taking it everywhere she goes haha
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thelazyhermits · 3 years ago
Time for some TABF info that nobody asked for but I figure y’all will get a big kick out of it haha
So, as everyone well knows, a lot of us have our favorite Fortune ships, with Hawks/Fortune and Tamaki/Fortune being the two most popular. 
But have y’all ever wondered about what’s the most popular ship in the characters’ eyes? Well, you’re about to find out! XD
For starters, I wanna say that, like y’all probably are guessing, most of the shippers are female since the boys either don’t care or don’t wanna ship their beloved Sensei with anyone lol
Anyway, the most popular ship by far is Hawks/Fortune cause that’s one all the girls unanimously agree on. Coincidentally, that’s the ship that all the guys  unanimously agree they dislike the most 😂
Ashido is the most vocal about that pair so she’s basically the captain of that ship lol However, that isn’t the only one she’s in support of.
She’s also a big fan of Todoroki/Fortune. Despite what was said at the all girls sleepover at the summer camp, Ashido refuses to give up on this ship cause she believes Todoroki & Fortune have great potential/chemistry. Plus, it’s obvious how attached Todoroki is to her lol
Hagakure is the only 1-A girl who is with Ashido on that ship cause all the other girls just don’t see Todoroki ever showing an interest in romance and/or just think Todoroki only could ever see Fortune as a big sister.
The only other ships that get brought up by the 1-A girls are Ingenium/Fortune, mostly cause they enjoy teasing Iida but also because they think there’s potential despite the age difference, and Koichi/Fortune, which Uraraka ships.
After Class 1-A meets Koichi, the girls weren’t too impressed with him as far as being an eligible bachelor is concerned, except for Uraraka who noticed the same charms that Fortuen did. Since Koichi & Midoriya are so similar and Fortune clearly adores Midoriya, Uraraka thinks there’s potential with that couple. Regrettably, she can’t get anyone to agree with her, so she’s the lone member of that ship 😂
As far as the Class 1-B girls are concerned, aside from the Hawks/Fortune ship which they all like, they also are willing to get behind Kaibara/Fortune since they think the pair is cute and they all think Kaibara has potential to be a great boyfriend.
Unfortunately for Monoma, none of them like Monoma/Fortune so he never gets any support on that end, which pisses him off cause they’re so supportive of Kaibara 😂
If y’all are wondering about the Tamaki/Fortune ship, Nejire & Mirio are the proud members of that ship’s crew.They’re in full support of it and are totally rooting for Tamaki, much to his horror/embarrassment XD Kirishima probably ends up on that crew too eventually since, while I don’t see him caring about this kind of thing, he does love his senpai and wants to support him haha
The only other shipper is Midnight who also likes the Hawks/Fortune pair, mostly because she knows how much Aizawa hates it lol However, she also just likes Hawks as a person and thinks he’d be a good match for Fortune.
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thelazyhermits · 3 years ago
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope you’re all having a great day and eating lots of delicious food! ^-^
To celebrate the holiday, I decided to share some TABF HCs related to it since I just recently learned that Japan has a Labor Thanksgiving Day which is similar to what the US celebrates. The main difference is in their version of the holiday  the overal theme is expressing thanks for labor workers like doctors, firefighters, teachers, etc.
I hope y’all enjoy! 
So, every year on November 23rd, Japan celebrates Labor Thanksgiving. Since it’s a national holiday, that means the students don’t go to school that day. 
Also, in case y’all were curious, this day happens a few days before Fortune starts getting the feeling of being watched, so thankfully, she’s not super stressed on this special day.
Anyway, Iida secretly holds a meeting with his classmates about the holiday since he thinks it’s important that they all do something for their teachers. This leads to everyone agreeing to write thank you cards for the teachers since kids often do this on this holiday.
Rather than flood the teachers with multiple cards, they all decide to make a single large card for each teacher which they all write their messages on. 
However, what they don’t say is that they all want to write an individual card for Fortune to thank her for not just being their teacher but for always taking care of them at the dorm. 
Naturally, there are some students who want to express thanks for other reasons as well, like Bakugou, who makes sure to deliver his card in secret since that’s just how he rolls lol
Class 1-A isn’t the only class to make cards for Fortune since Class 1-B also comes up with the idea of making large cards for all the teachers. 
Monoma is the only 1-B student who writes his own individual card for Fortune, but it takes him forever to actually deliver it, making his classmates wonder if he’s actually trying to give her a love letter cause of how flustered he gets about it lol
For the record, there were no love confessions in the card. Monoma is just like that when it comes to doing stuff like this with Fortune. He’s a very awkward boy haha
If you’re wondering about the other students, Shinsou, Hatsume, and the Big Three make cards for Fortune too. Poor Tamaki was so nervous about delivering his that he had to get a lot of peptalks from Mirio lol 
In addiiton to making a card, Hatsume made Fortune her own roomba for her to use to keep her room tidy. Thankfully, despite Fortune’s iniital worries, it never exploded like so many of Hatsume’s other inventions lol
After getting the holiday explained to her, Eri also makes cards and drawings for Fortune and the other teachers since she wants to thank them for taking such good care of her.
Fortune made cards for the other teachers with Eri since she wanted to thank them for all their hard work as pro heroes and teachers and express her appreciation for them looking after her
Aside from making cards, the 1-A students decide to prepare a special dinner for Fortune who’s normally the one who does the cooking. They enlist Eri & Shinsou’s help to distract Fortune, so she’ll be out of the dorm while they make the surprise dinner.
They had wanted to invite Aizawa and other teachers, but in the end, they didn’t cause they wanted their teachers, who are off work except for their pro hero duties, to get all the rest they deserved. 
However, they do make a special to-go plate and have it later delivered to Aizawa’s apartment, who was very pleased with the present, not that he’d actually admit it out loud lol
As far as Fortune’s reaction is concerned, she is beyond touched when she receives everyone’s letters and loves all of them. She makes sure to put them all in an album so she can preserve them and read them anytime she wants. Anytime she needs a pick-me-up, she reads those cards
Of course, she’s equally delighted with the surprise dinner that’s filled with dishes that she loves. Thankfully, her Quirk didn’t ruin the surprise for her like her students were worried would happen lol
All in all, it’s an awesome day from beginning to end that Fortune won’t ever forget.
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thelazyhermits · 3 years ago
I just thought of a hilarious way to make this post canon while keeping Fortune’s identity under wraps.
In order to get Fortune to the field without drawing any suspicion, Nedzu decides to hire some cheerleaders for this year’s Sports Festival, and right before the scavenger hunt, he asks Fortune if she’d be willing to replace one of them who had to leave because she was “feeling unwell”.
While Fortune’s not the type who likes to receive that kind of attention, she agrees since she just can’t say no when her help is needed. Plus, it does seem like it’d be fun to cheer her students on like that.
Naturally, there are a lot of students who are very happy when they see Fortune with the cheerleading squad lol
Thanks to Nedzu’s clever thinking, Fortune is more accessible to the students during the scavenger hunt. And while she still gets attention since all the students are fighting over bringing her to the goal, most people just think they’re going after her cause she’s close to the field or cause she’s cute lol
So no one ever starts thinking that she’s somehow connected to UA in some way, which is exactly what Nedzu wanted. 
Meanwhile, Aizawa is annoyed cause no one told him about this special scavenger hunt or the fact that Fortune would be wearing a cheerleader uniform in front of all these people. Fatgum feels similarly lol
All the other heroes who Fortune is friends with think this is hilarious and one of the most entertaining Sports Festival events in UA history XD
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thelazyhermits · 3 years ago
After giving it some thought, I decided to make a new version of this post since there were some changes I wanted to make. So when it comes to Fortune’s scars, come here for updated info.
For starters, Fortune does have scars thanks to all the years of underground fighting. However, she only has one really bad one, a burn scar on her upper back, which she always makes sure to keep covered since it would draw her a lot of unwanted attention otherwise.
The rest of her scars are visible but minor enough that Fortune doesn’t care if they’re seen since none of them look worrisome enough that people would start asking questions. 
The reason she doesn’t have a lot of more serious scars is because Mumei made sure she got the right kind of medical attention to prevent ugly visible scarring, because her good looks were part of her appeal as a fighter and he didn’t wanna risk her losing popularity because of too much scarring.
That’s why she has a bad scar on her upper back since that’s one area that was always covered by her clothes, so Mumei didn’t care about tending to injuries like that.
The reason why that’s the only spot with a serious scar is because there were many times when Fortune had to wear outfits that showed off her skin while fighting. So her upper back was just one of the few areas that was always covered even when she was wearing more revealing outfits.
This is why Fortune reacts the way she does when it comes to perverts. It’s because she had to deal with them a lot in the underworld.
Also, while she hated wearing revealing clothes in the past, she doesn’t really mind it now since she has gotten used to it at this point, even though she doesn’t have all her memories of those fights. 
She wouldn’t ever go out of her way to wear an outfit like that, but she will wear one if necessary. And she won’t really get embarrassed either, unless she gets a lot of sincere, kind compliments thrown her way.
The reason her feelings have changed is because in the past she couldn’t do anything whenever she got unwanted attention while she was wearing revealing clothes. Now, however, she can fight back and unleash punishment if she sees someone looking at her inappropriately. So now those clothes don’t bother her like they used to.
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thelazyhermits · 3 years ago
Happy Halloween, everyone!!! ^-^
In order to celebrate everyone’s favorite spooky holiday, I decided to make a post about Fortune & Eri’s first Halloween since I haven’t done anything Halloween-related for TABF.
Hope y’all enjoy it! ^^
As I’ve mentioned previously, Halloween isn’t as big a deal in Japan as it is in other countries. It’s mostly just celebrated via having parties.
That, combined with the fact that the students are all busy gettting ready for the Cultural Festival, meant that there really weren’t any big plans for Fortune & Eri’s first Halloween.
Thankfully, Nedzu came up with the idea of putting something together so the students at UA could dress up, play games, and receive free candy on campus. He claimed that it was a reward for all the students working hard for the Cultural Festival, but he also did it for Fortune & Eri’s sake since he wanted them to have fun on their first Halloween.
So, on Halloween night, the celebration begins and all the staff members are in charge of running things, meaning the kids don’t have to do anything but have fun.
Naturally, everyone is very excited about this, and many of the students are eager to dress up for the festivities.
Unsurprisingly, Midoriya is deeply considering dressing up as All Might like he always does. After hearing that, Fortune came up with the fun idea of dressing up as Nighteye, so the two could be a pair. Plus, she just thought it’d be funny and wanted to see how Nighteye would react.
What Fortune didn’t expect was for Eri to ask to be Nighteye too. Of course, Fortune was totally fine with this and made sure they had everything they needed so they could both be Nighteye.
The reason Eri asked to be Nighteye was strictly because that was who Fortune was dressing up as. Since this is only a few weeks after Eri moves into the dorm, she’s in the stage where she’s not super open about what she wants to do and what she likes/dislikes. She mostly just does whatever Fortune does cause that feels the most comfortable for her.
For future Halloweens, Eri would definitely branch out about costumes, so it’s just her first one that she wanted to be whatever Fortune was.
Unsurprisingly, a lot of people get a huge kick out of the Nighteye pair, Mirio especially. He takes so many pictures of them in their costumes and sends them all to the members of the Nighteye Agency.
Bubble Girl and Centipeder find it absolutely hilarious. Nighteye is honestly a little impressed by how well the costumes turned out since the girls really do resemble him.
So, Nighteye does pass along some praise for the girls’ costumes. Unfortunately, Midoriya in his All Might costume isn’t nearly as lucky lol
One of the many fun things the Halloween event has to offer is a costume contest that has several different prizes like “Best Overall Costume”, “Scariest Costume”, etc.
Fortune won the “Most Realistic Costume” because in addition to looking just like Nighteye she acted like him to a scarily accurate degree pretty much the whole night. She had people like All Might and Mirio impressed with her performance, the latter so much so that he was calling her Sir the whole night lol
So it only seemed right for Fortune to get that award. Meanwhile, Eri got the “Cutest Costume” award cause she really looked adorable in her suit and glasses. Although, to be fair, it’s not like anyone could compete with someone as cute as Eri no matter what she’s wearing lol
There was also some trick-or-treating where the kids could go to different booths manned by the staff to ask for candy. That was mostlyset up just for Eri, but a lot of the students ended up wanting to do it too lol Since she’s with Eri the whole time, Fortune naturally also gets to enjoy her first trick-or-treating experience.
If y’all are curious about Fortune’s thoughts on Halloween as far as the scary aspect is concerned, she can handle costumes until they get scarily realistic. That’s when she starts to get nervous, but what really will send her over the edge is when they jump out of hiding to scare her.
So, for the most part, she can handle Halloween costumes. She just can’t do things like haunted houses or anything that involves people trying to scare her.
Thankfully, UA focused more on the fun side of Halloween for this particular event than the scary side, so there wasn’t anything to worry about on Fortune’s end.
As a result, it was a very enjoyable first experience for Fortune and Eri. While Eri didn’t smile since this happened before the Cultural Festival, Fortune could tell that Eri had a lot of fun and was just as happy as she was.
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thelazyhermits · 3 years ago
Y’all know how I write Dark Shadow as if he’s his own character and make him even more human-like in TABF than he is in canon?
Well, recently, an idea has been rolling around in my brain that could explain why Dark Shadow is like that in TABF.
What if the reason Dark Shadow started exhibiting more human-like behavior was because during the course of his and Tokoyami’s time at UA he was treated more like a living being than just a Quirk?
Like up until that point, Dark Shadow was just seen as a Quirk in the world’s eyes while Tokoyami and his family actually treated him like a living being. That’s why he mostly only popped out to talk when he and Tokoyami were alone or at home.
However, at UA, things are different because Fortune loves him and treats him just like she would any other living being. This, in turn, leads to all the other kids treating him similarly, so he’s basically like another student of Class 1-A. 
As a result, Dark Shadow, in a sense, becomes more like a human because of this new environment. That’s why he more vocal about his feelings and more prone to act without first being ordered to by Tokoyami. 
Obviously, this comes with its drawbacks since he does things that embarrass/annoy Tokoyami, but one good thing is that Dark Shadow is now more willing to act without orders in a battle situation. 
Like during the TABF version of the second round of the Joint Training Arc for example. In canon, Dark Shadow doesn’t do anything when Tokoyami starts choking on Komori’s mushroom, but in TABF, he gets angry and goes berserk because she dared to hurt Tokoyami.
I dunno. Maybe this is just something that only makes sense in my head, but I thought I’d share it anyway lol
Also, in regards to Dark Shadow going berserk in the JT arc, I know Kuroiro acts like he has never seen that before in Dark Knights, and I would say that’s because Dark Shadow knocks him out pretty much instantly during the JT battle. 
Plus, Kuroiro didn’t really think of it at the time as Dark Shadow going berserk. He just thought the sentient Quirk was capable of attacking without Tokoyami’s orders. 
That’s why I’ll probably leave Dark Knights as it is, but I’m willing to make changes if y’all think I should ^^
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thelazyhermits · 4 years ago
In honor of best boy Midoriya’s birthday, I wanted to make a post covering his first birthday at UA which I’m really surprised I haven’t addressed after all this time lol
Anyway, as you all can expect, Fortune knows exactly when Midoriya’s birthday is and is very excited over the fact that she can finally spend the special day with him.
Of course, since it’s a school day, she mostly spends the day with him in the same way she does any other day.
The main difference is Fortune secretly prepares a katsudon bento for Midoriya’s lunch and gives it to him as a present since she figured the best gift she could give him was his favorite food since Midoriya has never really been a material person except for when it comes to All Might merch lol
Fortune prepares the bento secretly since she doesn’t want to arouse anyone’s suspicion and be accused of playing favorites. That’s why she tries not to bring too much attention to Midoriya’s birthday while around others since he wouldn’t want a big deal made out of it.
However, that doesn’t stop her from casually remarking about what day it is around Uraraka and Todoroki during breakfast, making it seem like she got that information from looking at Midoriya’s student file. Naturally, the two make sure to wish Midoriya a “Happy Birthday” when they see him during homeroom which leads to everyone else in the class, sans Bakugou, doing the same.
Fortune also makes sure All Might knows it’s Midoriya’s birthday and reminds him to wish Midoriya a “Happy Birthday” since there’s really no greater present than that in Midoriya’s book. 
Since All Might didn’t know it was Midoriya’s birthday, he promptly panics and freaks out for a while over what to get his successor. But in the end it all works out since Midoriya would love anything given to him by All Might haha
The three end up having lunch together to celebrate the momentous day, and Midoriya is beyond thrilled cause he gets to eat his favorite food while chatting with his favorite hero.
Fortune originally had planned to just have the two eat lunch together, so Midoriya could get that quality bonding time with his mentor. But Midoriya was quick to invite Fortune to join them since he thought lunch would be even more fun if they were all together.
This, of course, makes Fortune really happy since there’s nothing she loves more than spending time with Midoriya.
From an outsider’s POV, they’d wonder if today was Fortune’s birthday since she’s so happy the entire day. It just means a lot to her to be able to spend Midoriya’s special day with him since that’s something she always wished she could do.
She’s so glad that she can finally give Midoriya all the love and appreciation he deserves, so glad she can help make his special day extra special.
Naturally, it’s a birthday Midoriya won’t ever forget. 
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thelazyhermits · 3 years ago
Any more Pro Protection Squad antics?
Pro Hero Protection Squad antics, hmmm....
All the members take great joy in messing with Aizawa. Without fail, they will never pass up an opportunity to irritate him, because his reactions greatly amuse them.
The most common way they do it is by not telling him when Fortune is doing something he wouldn't approve of, like trying out support items he personally would deem too dangerous or going out with Hawks for a day on the town.
When it comes to events like the latter, Fatgum also gets left out of the mix cause he's just as overprotective as Aizawa.
Those two are the only ones who disapprove of Hawks being in the squad cause of their protectiveness, but everyone else likes Hawks. So majority vote rules lol
One of the ways the members like to mess with Aizawa is by holding mandatory squad meetings at random. He hates that cause nothing really productive gets done in those meetings. They're clearly there just to hang out lol
In the past, I said that Nighteye is an unofficial member since he refuses to admit that he's protective of Fortune. Well, Aizawa is a reluctant member cause he thinks the whole protection squad idea is stupid lol Yes, he'll admit he's a little protective of Fortune, but he does not think that warrants a squad.
Everyone else loves the squad and enjoys coming up with reasons for them to hang out since it's fun. They even go out drinking together occasionally.
One meeting involved Midnight going over a list of potential suitors for Fortune that she was thinking of introducing to her. There was a slideshow and everything lol
Aizawa and Fatgum shot down every single person Midnight suggested. Meanwhile, the rest of the squad piped up every now and then with their own critiques.
In the end, none of them thought any of her potential suitors were a good fit, much to Midnight's exasperation. After that meeting, she decided to never do that kind of thing again since she realized that no suitor will be good enough in these guys' eyes lol
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thelazyhermits · 3 years ago
That Shinsou art I just reblogged has me thinking about how I could see Class 1-A doing that with Fortune.
Considering Fortune isn’t the most fashion savy and typically dresses like Midoriya, minus the special t-shirts, I could see all the girls wanting to dress her up in cute, fashionable clothes. Eri would also have a lot of fun picking out clothes for Fortune with the other girls’ help.
One day, it just turns into a big competition where all the girls and guys of 1-A pick out outfits for Fortune to wear, and whoever gets the most votes/points is the winner. 
Fortune would be perfectly fine with this as long as they’re reasonable with what kinds of outfits they want her to wear lol
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