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nocternalrandomness · 5 months ago
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US Navy T-34C banking over NAS North Island
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melmac78 · 3 months ago
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Here’s chapter seven of the Lexington story. The picture on the left is from the main entrance, but shows a good picture of the flags discussed in this chapter. (If it looks familiar, this is the background that @lenle-g used as the backdrop for the amazing artwork based on this story, but you can get this on the flight deck too. The flag on the right is W and sourced online.)
The photos below include the bridge, which accesses the flag area, the flag bag and information about it, and a T-34C mentor which is at least painted like a Flying Tiger. This plane, however, would’ve trained pilots and not for battle. (This is a plane model I’ve flown in.)
Previous Chapter 6
About and hour and a half later, after treating patients in the wardroom and checking up on others, the Tracy brothers discussed options on what to do next.
Each brother started discussing means to contact other ships minus using Four.
This lead to a huge argument between Scott and Gordon, especially as the latter postulated he could use sonar to make his way to land.
Virgil tried to mitigate the argument via walkie-talkie.
John, who was sound asleep fighting off his illness, didn’t hear a peep.
The youngest, who was already feeling a headache and warm in his uniform, was fed up. Alan said he’d start searching the flight and bridge deck.
Miffed when neither brother was listening, he started on his course, stumbling slightly on the fairly smooth floor. Shaking his head he pinched his nose to stave off the uneasy feeling he had.
A few minutes later, the older two brothers realized he was gone.
Scott contacted the youngest, who explained what he planned to do.
The eldest confirmed the idea might work, and Scott and Gordon, along with Jacob, started working on ways to prevent more illness.
Little did they know a person had overheard as they treated a camper, and left before the duo did to keep eavesdropping on the Tracy brothers, particularly the aquanaut.
They had been told to let this run its course, and work on a way to explain any hospitalizations… or worse. After all - the product needed to be refined, and the less known how much of a disaster this test was, the better.
Alan looked around the flight deck, and saw nothing but the blue water of the Atlantic Ocean.
"I've got to find some way to get an alert out to people we're here," he thought and looked at the one of the planes still blocked on the flight deck.
He looked at one painted like a Flying Tiger and placing a hand on it, sighed.
"I really wish we had some jet fuel - Scott could go and fly, but we don't know where…" he started then paused when his head again swum slightly, making him take a few fast breaths.
Alan didn't quite get why he felt like a fish out of water so to speak. It seemed simple climbs were a little bit more laborious, but his breathing now was clearly panic in his mind.
He took a deep breath and sighed. "OK, need to calm down… hyperventilating won't do John any good,” he said, ignoring the niggling feeling in his gut something was wrong.
The youngest then turned to go back up to the main bridge to get a better look of the area around the ship for possible means to signal help.
As he started he felt the wind blow again, making him shudder as though he had a sunburn and the air conditioning was on.
He rubbed his face tiredly and turned to his right where the T-34C was, sitting heavily on the stairs.
"I don't believe it Virgil … I'm frying in this outfit," he said to the vehicle, tapping his comm briefly. "You know, like one of those Astro Dogs at the Astros game we went to…"
The comm clicked off when he leaned toward the plane again and patted it, trying to get it to laugh.
When the plane naturally didn't say anything, he frowned at the painted on snarl. "Come on Virgil - don't snarl. That was supposed to be a joke," he said, playfully punching the plane.
He recoiled in pain from the punch, and had a moment of clarity he hit a plane.
Shaking his hand, he confirmed he hit the plane. “That isn't Virgil…I'm getting to be as bad as John did with those dummies..." he said, pausing and wincing as a wave of dizziness got him.
It was starting to make sense… and that uneasiness came at him stronger. Double with the recollection of the night before…
Alan realized to his horror he had it too. "And John also is… no, not me too. I need to get us help - and fast,” he said, shuddering in the wind. “But how..."
The astronaut braved a glance upward to the bridge, and saw the colorful flags in the air. They were doubling… or blurry… but they seemed to be important.
“The tour yesterday - Gordon said….”
His eyes widened in fevered delight as a plan formed in his head. It was risky with his health but it was a way to get help.
The youngest astronaut hit his sash. "Gordon, you're a genius," he said and started up the ladders to the bridge.
Gordon who was at the open bay near the fo’c’sle, frowned, confused at the comment.
He was thankful however there was one spot the baldric comms worked.
“How am I a genius Alan?" he said through the comm.
All he got was a cut off speaker, hit again when Alan bumped into a railing from vertigo and caught himself.
The aquanaut frowned. "Alan... you OK?" he inquired again, tapping his sash. This time he didn't hear a response.
The youngest astronaut however groaned from collision, but continued as though the others could hear.
"I'm going to set up a signal flag! There has to be a ship nearby - maybe even WASP - that could see it and get help," he said, pausing at the top of the bridge area when he felt a bit dark and unlevel.
He steadied himself. "If I can get there… take it slow Alan, don't pass out,” he said, half feeling his way to the door leading to the flag bag area.
Alan made it to the spot, a small lookout like area where the signal flags were and, tracing then rope with the flags, was able to free it from the tie-down.
He quickly lowered the flags, pausing only a moment when the world spun alarmingly. Alan rested his head against the wall, appreciating the coolness. "I could get used to this…" he started, and started to slide down a little.
A slight burst of friction heat woke him up and he straightened, tilting wildly. Fortunately the flag box was sturdy and wide enough Alan was able to catch himself and keep from flipping over the side to an unforgiving flight deck..
"Nope! I've got to stay awake - John, the others… I need help, and we can't get it … without the flag," he said as he removed the decorative flags until there was a bare rope.
The youngest Tracy then rummaged through the flags, searching for the "W" flag, and whooped faintly with joy when he found it.
Alan's hands were starting to shake as his body fought to keep him alert. He fumbled with the clips, and was thankful the design was the same no matter how he pinned it up.
He felt his vision again start to go again as he grew more ill, but he was going to raise that flag. It was their only chance.
Thanks to the growing darkness pulling at him, every hand pull felt like like he was trying to lift TB5 from underwater.
Still he was determined to get the flag raised, even if he became a human anchor again.
"A little more," he said, gritting his teeth, but finally, he felt the rope not move and secured it to the holder in a figure 8 formation.
Alan looked up and blearily saw the "W" flag waving clearly in the breeze.
"I did it," he sighed wearily, only to feel the world around him darken and waver once more.
He tried to fight it, tried to even hit his sash's comm, but his arms wouldn't comply. Alan realized this time he was going down.
So, he used those fleeting seconds of awareness to stumble toward the wall, rolling onto his back to help him through this part safely.
"I hope the guys …. can find me," he thought vaguely as he felt himself slide down, aided by the wall. He then fell sideways into the massive amounts of flags on the ground, cushioning the now oblivious teen's head.
Gordon tried his sash comm again. "Alan, will you please respond?" he said urgently.
"What's the trouble Gordon?" said Scott instead, who had arrived to where his aquanaut brother stood.
"I don't know. Alan said I was a genius, but when I asked what, he just disconnected the comm," said the aquanaut. "Seemed a bit odd for him to say that though. Kind of out there -"
"No kidding, just like that frying Astro Dog comment earli…" started Scott, who then frowned.
The younger man also frowned. "Frying?... He did sound a bit out of it," said Gordon, who then paled. "You don't suppose he's sick now?"
Virgil, who had been listening to both communications, pursed his lips. "It's possible. He's been around John the most, plus had to keep him from falling into a medical storage bay," he said.
"Starting to sound more than likely," said Gordon. "We need to find him, and fast before he tries to swan dive off into a storage bay.”
Scott immediately went into action. "Gordon, you take the captain's quarters tour,” he said. “I'll take the fo’c’sle."
Virgil heard a different squawk on the radio. “This is Virgil, go ahead Jacob,” he said.
“Virgil, do you or your brothers need my assistance?” Said the older man.
The medic looked at his other ill brother and sighed. “Can you keep an eye on John?” He queried. He knew the older man had wrenched his shoulder earlier catching a football playing college student when he collapsed, and couldn’t assist in a rescue.
“10-4 Virgil. Will be there in 5. There’s an extra radio for Scott on the front desk in the office.”
Virgil switched off the radio. “Did you get that?”
"FAB Virgil. You head to the flight deck when Jacob comes over,” said Scott as he and Gordon started their search. Each grew frustrated as their searches were not proving fruitful.
A few minutes later, Virgil had reached the flight deck and started searching.
After searching bow to stern, he growled. "Come on bro, this is NOT the time to get lost," he said, hoping he did not succeed in doing a nosedive off the ship.
He looked up as though in prayer.
It was answered… just not the way he'd expected.
Virgil saw one flag now on the mast of the Lexington - and paused for thought.. "Scott, Gordon, do you know if they were going to change the colors today?" he said.
"I can't believe the 'oh so polite' Scouts managed to spell a curse word in the order they flew them," said Gordon with a chuckle on his radio.
Virgil narrowed his eyes. "Not the time Gordo - were they for sure?" he asked.
Hearing both men grunt in the negative, he nodded firmly. "I think I know where Alan may be. If I'm right, and he's down, I'll need your help to lower him."
"Lower him?" said Scott, concerned.
"No time to explain bro, just head to flight deck. I'll contact you as soon as I know," said Virgil as he rushed up the bridge ladders.
He hoped that Alan was where he suspected and didn't try to go another 50 feet up to higher parts of the ship with their grapples.
Virgil carefully made his way around the steering wheel and chairs to the exit where the signal flags were stored.
There, in a bundle of nautical flags, was Alan, unmoving.
"Alan!" he said and quickly kneeled by the youngest, checking his pulse.
Feeling the heat radiating off the younger man through his gloves, Virgil shuddered, then switched on the radio. "Scott, Gordon, Alan's in the bridge area,” he said and started checking teen’s vitals.
Scott, who was in the office, pursed his lips. "How is he Virg?" he inquired as he hurriedly left the office and headed toward his brothers.
Virgil gently lifted one of Alan's eyelids and checked the ill man's eye response. "Out cold and burning up," said the medic.
"Darn it," said Gordon on his radio, growing angrier. "Scott, we've got to use Four and seek help."
The eldest shook his head, and remembering the others couldn't see it, spoke up. "Belay that Gordon. Right now we need to get Alan to safety," he said.
“Gordon, it’s too risky. We can’t have you drive off in Four and end up falling ill too,” he said.
"FAB," said Gordon, who turned off his radio and started to head up to the flight deck, and upon arrival, then turned to the bridge entrance.
He paused, shaking his head. The risk was great yes, but the reward greater, he mused, and decided to ignore the order.
With that, Gordon turned another route, toward the bow where Four was located.
"John has been out of it most of the morning and his fever keeps going back up despite our efforts to cool him down. And he’d be angry at Scott if we didn’t try to get help for the kids," said Gordon sternly to himself as he jogged to his beloved sub. "Now Alan is sick too, I'm going!"
Gordon climbed into Thunderbird Four and using the emergency thrusters pushed his craft off of the flight deck.
"AaaWeee!" Gordon cried as Thunderbird Four fell the few hundred feet into the waves below. Under other circumstances he would have thought it fun, even though his yellow sub landed on its top in the waves.
"Oof! Don't want to do that again," groaned the aquanaut as he rubbed a bruised shoulder where the harness hit him.
Gordon used the thrusters and soon righted his Thunderbird. The duo dove down deep, hoping to escape detection from his brothers.
Little did he know: he already had a stowaway - one who had already overheard his idea and was in a life pod inside, ready to give him help.
Just not the aid needed.
Meanwhile, Scott had arrived to the flight deck and looked up to the bridge area. "Virgil, I'm here. Where are you?" he said through the radio. “What do you need?"
Virgil leaned over the railing briefly to show his location. "See if there's a stokes or something we can carry him in," he ordered.
"Do you need any rigging to get him down?"
"No, I’ve got my grapples and they’re designed to carry double my weight,” said Virgil. “The winds up here are a little stronger - but we’ll have to risk Alan colliding with something. Meet me on the hangar deck."
"FAB, I'll be back shortly," said Scott as he went to search for the items needed.
Virgil finished removing the last flag when the youngest murmured briefly and opening his eyes, blearily looked up. "Are you my guardian angel," Alan asked innocently.
"Not quite bro - I'm still alive for one," chuckled Virgil as he checked Alan's pulse. "Do you know where you are?"
Alan looked at the flag in Virgil's hand. "I think I've either lost a fight with MAX and the laundry again or I got that flag up and passed out," he said.
Virgil smiled. "No on the former - though I want to hear that story someday, but yes on the latter. Crazy move brother, but it just might work," he said, leaning forward to lift his brother. "Now, I'm sure you know the drill now right?"
Alan saw Virgil's body language and winced. "You're not going to carry me are you?" said Alan, whining like a three year old.
"Yeah - sorry Al, I'm going to have to in order to rappel down. There's nothing but ladders here and if you collapse again -" he said, and again checked the younger man's pulse and response.
"Not going to," said the younger, weakly brushing off the hand.
Frowning at his finding, Virgil continued honestly. "Sorry bro, but I'm afraid you will from what I'm seeing. Even if you don't, in your condition we don't need you falling down the stairs from a dizzy spell and get hurt worse."
"No I won't…" Alan murmured and tried to sit up. He sagged back against the wall, supported by Virgil. "O-K, FAB… you win…" he said tiredly.
"I'm glad to hear that. Now, let me do the work this time," chided Virgil as he gently pulled his brother into a standing position.
The move unfortunately was too much of a position change and Alan indeed once more blacked out, sagging into his brother's shoulder with a soft, barely heard moan.
Virgil held on to his brother as he felt the teen go limp. "Easy Alan, I've got you," the medic said in reassurance as he swiftly stabilized his brother and connected the two baldrics together to rappel.
Scott, who had been able to get a backboard to carry their brother, had seen some motion at the spot and frowned. "Virgil? What's wrong?" He half shouted in the radio.
Virgil chose to wait briefly as the feedback faded, then responded. "Alan passed out again."
"Panic attack?" asked Scott. He didn't blame Alan if he did have one at the thought of being rappelled down against his will, ill or not. At least they could carry him down the long frozen escalator.
"No, I think from orthostatic hypotension."
"FAB," said Scott, understanding now it was from a drop in his blood pressure standing an ill Alan up to connect the harnesses.
"I am heading to the fight deck," Virgil said as he carefully connected a rappel charge to a sturdy pipe.
Once assured of its security, he went down the “exit” route with his precious cargo. "Do you have everything ready?"
"FAB, and what I could find to cool him down," said Scott as he laid the items out on the hangar deck.
A few minutes later, Virgil landed on the flight deck, and after removing the harness link, lifted Alan into a fireman’s carry.
Virgil walked a few yards to where Scott was with with a gently moaning Alan. "He's been mumbling on the way down," said the medic as he carefully lowered their brother to the ground. "I think he'll be like John and wake up a little more when we cool him down."
Scott covered Alan with the cooling blanket and checked his pulse. "Why was he up there in the first place?" said the pilot.
"Probably to put that one flag up to get attention," Virgil said, pointing. "I think that one means 'quarantine' or 'medical help' if I've kept some of Gordon's ramblings in my head."
Scott gave an exasperated chuckle. "You're right Virgil - it is one. That crazy kid - no wonder he said Gordon a genius," he said. "Hopefully it'll get us some help - a local trawler, a cargo ship, WASP."
"I hope so too. In the meantime we need to get Alan to the berthing quarters and out of his uniform into something more comfortable," said Virgil.
They both knew like John's suit, it was designed to keep in warmth in a space environment. Alan's fever combined with the suit would cause further issues.
There was a soft groan from the deck, and the two eldest looked down. "Alan, can you hear me," said Virgil gently. "Just relax, we'll have you cooled down soon enough."
The youngest looked at Virgil with dizzy eyes. "Hate being an Astro Dog, Mr. Cheeseburger. Can you hold the anchovies?" muttered Alan before subsisting again.
Scott looked at the teen and gave a weak grin.
"FAB, Astro Dog," said Scott, looking at a slightly bemused Virgil. "Come on Mr. Cheeseburger... let's get Astro Dog here some nice cold ice water to cool him down."
"Definitely," said the medic as he and Scott picked up the stokes to take the youngest to the berth.
In their haste to get Alan cooled down, neither of the fully alert men noticed TB4 was not on the deck.
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shamebats · 8 months ago
It's been 30-34C all day today & we don't have AC & also I haven't showered since early in the morning when I applied my T cream so I'm feeling like the sweatiest stickiest most nastiest goblin creature. My partner just sniffed me & said I smell nice. Never underestimate the raw sex appeal of man stink.
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ladivafashions · 6 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Maidenform Custom Lift T-shirt Bra Style 09473 34C.
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jamilajayplussizerevolution · 6 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Fits Everybody T-Shirt Bra Color Mica Sizes 32D, 34B, 38DDD, 40C, 40D.
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kryschristreasures · 7 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Warners Simply Perfect Extra Side Coverage T Shirt Bra Beige Women's Size 34C.
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jcinfl · 8 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Victoria’s Secret PINK BRA 34C.
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vegasposhfashions · 10 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: PINK VICTORIA’S SECRET T-Shirt Bra Red Pepper Size 34C.
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bess-ville · 11 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Victoria's Secret Very Sexy Tan Black Animal Print Padded Bra, 34C.
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brautonomy · 11 months ago
Story Time Pt. 2
There was a content creator I was really into watching as I learned more about proper bra sizing. This channel would educate on all the accurate ways to fit yourself for a bra and related content. The owner of the cannel liked to say she catered to DD+ women as was one herself and referred to herself as full busted. The thing is her size was average… (32F-32FF). That’s the average woman’s bra size to a T. If a woman uses the underbust/bustline method of sizing that is the average. 32F is the most common bra size. Most of these women that are 32F are under the impression that they are 34C-34D. I was so disappointed that she stopped posting content because she lost weight and became a 32DD/E. Which is the sister size to 30F which is what I imagine is more accurate to her new weight loss (pure speculation, that may be inaccurate). Generally, our cup size stays almost the same as a letter but gets smaller when you also go down in a band size, unless you are developing or undergoing hormonal changes. She may measure as 30F but perhaps prefers the fit of 32DD/E because she may have lost cushion that makes tighter bands feel comfortable. Which is fine! 32DD is her size. Either way, my issue is she suddenly stopped posting bra content because she wasn’t as big and “full figure” as she used to be and doesn’t need support as much as she did before, she believes that bras are no longer worth talking about. In my opinion nothing is further from the truth! What about all the other women that can relate to her body!? What about all the women that are still stuck wearing the wrong size, bands too big and cups too small!? She completely stopped posting and it was heartbreaking because she inspired me so much! 💔
Not enough people speak up for girls that are thinner and smaller but still have higher cup sizes than what they are told or what society thinks they are. I am so tired of women telling other women they are lying and “just want to be bigger” when all we are seeking is a bra that fits properly. It’s not just girls that seem flat that need bigger cups than society says, it’s average sized women in 34C that need to wear 32F!!! it’s women who are wearing 38B but need 34D-DD or 36D. It’s for the 80% of women wearing the wrong size right now! We all need/deserve bra sizes that were made for our proportions. We need all women to understand what bra sizing should be and demand it!
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j77m · 1 year ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Victoria’s Secret by Victoria Light Pink Push Up Bra Size 34C.
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militaryleak · 1 year ago
Taiwan's Aerospace Industrial Development Corp Develops New Trainer Aircraft
Taiwan's Aerospace Industrial Development Corp (AIDC) has announced the completion of the first design phase for a cutting-edge military trainer aircraft. This strategic move aims to replace the aging 36 Beechcraft T-34C Turbo-Mentor trainers, which have faithfully served the nation for nearly four decades but are now approaching the end of their service life. With the completion of the initial design phase, AIDC is poised to move forward into the second stage, contingent upon the air force's initiation of the development and production process for the new trainer jet. AIDC envisions a prototype ready for testing by 2028, with mass production set to commence in 2031, marking a crucial milestone in Taiwan's aerospace capabilities. The ambitious plan involves the development and production of 45 domestically manufactured trainers at an estimated cost of NT$21.4 billion (US$690.3 million). AIDC emphasizes that although acquiring the same number of planes from foreign sources would be marginally cheaper at NT$18.6 billion, the long-term benefits of investing in domestically produced jets far outweigh the initial cost difference. One compelling factor is the potential savings in maintenance fees over a 25-year lifespan. AIDC estimates that maintaining domestically built planes would amount to NT$52 billion, a figure notably lower than the NT$52.9 billion required for maintaining aircraft procured from abroad.
Taiwan’s Aerospace Industrial Development Corp (AIDC) has announced the completion of the first design phase for a cutting-edge military trainer aircraft. This strategic move aims to replace the aging 36 Beechcraft T-34C Turbo-Mentor trainers, which have faithfully served the nation for nearly four decades but are now approaching the end of their service life. With the completion of the initial…
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kellstreasures · 1 year ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Rampage 2-Pack Push-Up T-Shirt Bras - Size 34C.
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ladivafashions · 1 year ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Maidenform Custom Lift T-shirt Bra Style 09473 34C.
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jlunnposh · 1 year ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Playtex Secrets Beige Ultra-Soft Comfort Wire-Free T-Shirt Bra - 4830 - Small.
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vegasposhfashions · 10 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: PINK VICTORIA’S SECRET T-Shirt Bra Red Pepper Size 34C.
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