#T: Rogue Redhead
devilsanddarlings · 12 days
“ why didn’t you wait for me? ” daphne/shaggy
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Shaggy jumped, clearly startled at the sound of her voice, and turned around slowly to face her. “Like, what are you doing here, Daph?” The slender man inquired incredulously, hand falling to rest on Scooby’s head as his confused familiar slunk around his back to sit down beside him. “Everyone knows how Freddie likes to split up the gang. You should be investigating with him, not us,” he pointed out. “Did you two get into it again?”
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444namesplus · 1 year
1* 2.6.2. 3 3B2 5.0i 5.1 5.53 7 15kg 17 20 22nd 26 50BMG 51 69 97 312 411 414 707 737 747 757 767 777 868 888 1071 1080H 1911 1984 1997 2600 3848 8182 $ & ^ ^? a ABC ACC Active ADIU advise advisors afsatcom AFSPC AHPCRC AIEWS AIMSX Aladdin Alica Alouette AMEMB Amherst AMW anarchy ANC Anonymous AOL ARC Archives Area51 argus Armani ARPA Artichoke ASIO ASIS ASLET assasinate Asset AT AT&T Atlas Audiotel Austin AVN b b9 B.D.M. Badger bank basement BATF BBE BECCA Becker beef Bess bet Beyond BfV BITNET black-bag Black-Ops Blackbird Blacklisted Blackmednet Blacknet Bletchley Blowfish Blowpipe BMDO BND Bob BOP BOSS botux BRLO Broadside Bubba bullion BVD BZ c Cable CANSLO Cap-Stun Capricorn card Case CATO CBM CBNRC CBOT CCC CCS CDA CDC CdC cdi Cell CESID CFC chaining chameleon Chan Chelsea Chicago Chobetsu chosen CIA CID CIDA CIM CIO CIS CISE Clandestine Class clone cocaine COCOT Coderpunks codes Cohiba Colonel Comirex Competitor Compsec Computer Connections Consul Consulting CONUS Cornflower Corporate Corporation COS COSMOS Counter counterintelligence Counterterrorism Covert Cowboy CQB CRA credit cryptanalysis crypto-anarchy CSE csystems CTP CTU CUD cybercash Cypherpunks d D-11 Daisy Data data data-haven DATTA DCJFTF Dead DEADBEEF debugging DefCon Defcon Defense Defensive Delta DERA DES DEVGRP DF DIA Dictionary Digicash disruption
DITSA DJC DOE Dolch domestic Domination DRA DREC DREO DSD DSS Duress DynCorp E911 e-cash E.O.D. E.T. EADA eavesdropping Echelon EDI EG&G Egret Electronic ELF Elvis Embassy Encryption encryption enigma EO EOD ESN Espionage espionage ETA eternity EUB Evaluation Event executive Exon explicit Face fangs Fax FBI FBIS FCIC FDM Fetish FINCEN finks Firewalls FIS fish fissionable FKS FLAME Flame Flashbangs FLETC Flintlock FLiR Flu FMS Force force Fort Forte fraud freedom Freeh froglegs FSB Ft. FX FXR Gamma Gap garbage Gates Gatt GCHQ GEO GEODSS GEOS Geraldton GGL GIGN Gist Global Glock GOE Goodwin Gorelick gorilla Gorizont government GPMG Gray grom Grove GRU GSA GSG-9 GSS gun Guppy H&K H.N.P. Hackers HAHO Halcon Halibut HALO Harvard hate havens HIC High Hillal HoHoCon Hollyhock Hope House HPCC HRT HTCIA humint Hutsul IACIS IB ICE ID IDEA IDF IDP illuminati imagery IMF Indigo industrial Information INFOSEC InfoSec Infowar Infrastructure Ingram INR INS Intelligence intelligence interception Internet Intiso Investigation Ionosphere IRIDF Iris IRS IS ISA ISACA ISI ISN ISS IW jack JANET Jasmine JAVA JICC jihad JITEM Juile Juiliett Keyhole keywords Kh-11 Kilderkin Kilo Kiwi KLM l0ck LABLINK Lacrosse Lebed LEETAC Leitrim Lexis-Nexis LF LLC loch lock Locks Loin Love LRTS LUK Lynch M5 M72750 M-14 M.P.R.I. Mac-10 Mace Macintosh Magazine mailbomb man Mantis market Masuda Mavricks Mayfly MCI MD2 MD4 MD5 MDA Meade Medco mega Menwith Merlin Meta-hackers MF MI5 MI6 MI-17 Middleman Military Minox MIT MITM MOD MOIS mol Mole Morwenstow Mossberg MP5k MP5K-SD MSCJ MSEE MSNBC MSW MYK NACSI NATIA National NATOA NAVWAN NAVWCWPNS NB NCCS NCSA Nerd News niche NIJ Nike NIMA ninja nitrate nkvd NOCS noise NORAD NRC NRL NRO NSA NSCT NSG NSP NSWC NTIS NTT Nuclear nuclear NVD OAU Offensive Oratory Ortega orthodox Oscor OSS OTP package Panama Park passwd Passwords Patel PBX PCS Peering PEM penrep Perl-RSA PFS PGP Phon-e phones PI picking
Pine pink Pixar PLA Planet-1 Platform Playboy plutonium POCSAG Police Porno Pornstars Posse PPP PPS president press-release Pretoria Priavacy primacord PRIME Propaganda Protection PSAC Pseudonyms Psyops PTT quiche r00t racal RAID rail Rand Rapid RCMP Reaction rebels Recce Red redheads Reflection remailers ReMOB Reno replay Retinal RFI rhost rhosts RIT RL rogue Rolm Ronco Roswell RSA RSP RUOP RX-7 S.A.I.C. S.E.T. S/Key SABC SACLANT SADF SADMS Salsa SAP SAR Sardine sardine SAS SASP SASR Satellite SBI SBIRS SBS SCIF screws Scully SDI SEAL Sears Secert secret Secure secure Security SEL SEMTEX SERT server Service SETA Sex SGC SGDN SGI SHA SHAPE Shayet-13 Shell shell SHF SIG SIGDASYS SIGDEV sigvoice siliconpimp SIN SIRC SISDE SISMI Skytel SL-1 SLI SLIP smuggle sneakers sniper snuffle SONANGOL SORO Soros SORT Speakeasy speedbump Spetznaz Sphinx spies Spoke Sponge spook Spyderco squib SRI ssa SSCI SSL stakeout Standford STARLAN Stego STEP Stephanie Steve Submarine subversives Sugar SUKLO SUN Sundevil supercomputer Surveillance SURVIAC SUSLO SVR SWAT sweep sweeping SWS Talent TDM. TDR TDYC Team Telex TELINT Templeton TEMPSET Terrorism Texas TEXTA. THAAD the Ti TIE Tie-fighter Time toad Tools top TOS Tower transfer TRD Trump TRW TSCI TSCM TUSA TWA UDT UHF UKUSA unclassified UNCPCJ Undercover Underground Unix unix UOP USACIL USAFA USCG USCODE USCOI USDOJ USP USSS UT/RUS utopia UTU UXO Uzi V veggie Verisign VHF Video Vinnell VIP Virii virtual virus VLSI VNET W3 Wackendude Wackenhutt Waihopai WANK Warfare Weekly White white Whitewater William WINGS wire Wireless words World WORM X XS4ALL Yakima Yobie York Yukon Zen zip zone ~
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perperam · 3 years
Do you have any Harlivy fic recommendations? Preferably something that is already completed?
okay okay so quick little tangent fact !! I actually just finished my undergrad degree in "english literature analysis & writing" and reading fics is so fun bc I get to analyze them and break them down and if it's particularly well written the stars align and it's just UGH so good. 
ratings are: E (explicit) M (mature) T (teens and up) and G (everyone) anyways here is a HUGE list of my favorite fics to date, their stats/details/plots, reasonings as to why they're on the list to begin with, and a short analysis:
SHORT STORIES (less than 30k words)
for your convenience they’re in order of length bc I’m focusing on this super hard rn
KISS YOUR BEST FRIEND CHALLENGE (T)  STATS — 340 words, shenanigans, fluff PLOT — Harley, TikTok and general Social Media queen, decides to do the trending challenge to kiss your best friend. The best friend? Her roommate and the woman she’s been crushing on for fucking ever: Poison Ivy.
AM I TOO CLOSE? (CAUSE YOU FOLD INTO ME LIKE A HEART WITH A BEAT) (G) STATS — 839 words, fluff, shenanigans PLOT — Harley genuinely wasn’t looking for trouble, but it’s hard to just have a day out when you’re one of Gotham’s most wanted. Running into Ivy, she takes drastic measures (and her hoodie into the mix) to distract the police from looking in their direction.
I’M HOME (G) STATS — 892 words, domestic fluff PLOT — After a long and rough day at work, Ivy comes home to Harley. Relaying the details of her day, she basks in the comfort of her girlfriend, who provides gentle questions and is a phenomenal listener. General cuteness.
CONFLICT DIAMONDS (G) STATS — 990 words, wedding shenanigans, banter, humor PLOT — Batman and Renee Montoya respond to a break-in at a jewelry store, except even though the owner is duct-taped to the wall, it isn’t really a break-in; Harley’s just trying to shop for a ring for Ivy, and that’s difficult to do when the owner is screaming in the corner. Batman and Renee both pitch in to help pick something nice for Harley’s girl, resulting in hilarious banter.
OF COURSE (T) STATS — 1.1k words, hurt/comfort (kinda), harley quinn animated tv show centric PLOT — In the aftermath of Ivy’s death, rebirth, and the fall of Joker Tower, Harley collapses onto the ground. Since she never mentioned that her parents are the reason for most of her injuries, Ivy isn’t sure why she’s so out of it.
PERFECT MORNINGS (T) STATS — 1.1k words, domestic fluff/bliss PLOT — Ivy, who usually wakes up early and before Harley, takes a moment to look at the countless muscles, ridges, scars, and tattoos on Harley’s body as she sleeps. General cuteness.
I’D LOVE TO CHECK YOU OUT (T) STATS — 1.7k words, university au, fluff PLOT — Harley visits the library virtually every day, and it’s definitely not because she needs to work on her university courses and homework. She finally works up the courage to speak to the alluring redhead she sees there every day while absentmindedly looking at a book on sharks. 
I’LL LOVE YOU IN THE MORNING (NOON, NIGHT) (T) STATS — 2.1k words, angst, hurt/comfort PLOT — A snapshot look into Ivy and how she comes to know, care, and love all the sides of Harley—from psychiatrist to criminal to girlfriend. She loves her throughout it all. 
DAY-DREAMING (T) STATS — 2.2k words, shenanigans, psychiatrist Harleen PLOT — Ivy’s falling for her psychiatrist—her humorous, intelligent, caring, and downright gorgeous psychiatrist. It’s difficult, to say the least.
WHAT HAPPENS IN THEMYSCIRA (DOESN’T) STAY IN THEMYSCIRA (T) STATS — 2.3k words, humor, wedding shenanigans, angst with a happy ending PLOT — In a surprise twist of events, Harley and Ivy were drunkenly married at Themyscira. When asked at the wedding if anybody had objections to the union of Ivy and Chuck, Wonder Woman and the Queen of Themyscira herself come to object. Ivy, for lack of a better word, wants to die a little.
NOT A ROCKER CHICK (T) STATS — 3.1k words, rock band au, fluff PLOT — The last thing Ivy wants to do is go to a rock band concert with her best friend, Selina. Despite her best efforts, she can’t help but completely fall into the rhythm of the band and their music, so different than her own norm. And okay, maybe the singer (who Selina was friends with and called “Harley”) was also kinda hot...
A TENDER HEART AMONG THE GREEN (T) STATS — 3.2k words, gotham city sirens raise Lucy au, domestic bliss PLOT — Harley and Selina come back home to the apartment to find Ivy passed out asleep with Lucy cuddling into the crook of her neck and Selina’s cats cuddling her legs. Knowing that Ivy would rather be caught dead than in such a compromising situation (after all, she is the Poison Ivy, who “hates humans”) the two take a photo, since it lasts longer. Shenanigans and cuteness ensue.
BUILDING YOUR GIRL’S SECOND STORY (M) STATS — 3.3k words, university/grad school au, angst with a happy ending PLOT — Snapshots of Harley’s battle with her violent and abusive boyfriend, Jack, and the way in which Bruce, his boyfriend Clark, and her best friend (and potentially lover) Pamela all love Harley and will do anything, anything, to make sure she gets the help, care, and love she needs.
A DIFFERENT KIND OF NORMAL (T) STATS — 3.6k words, coronavirus pandemic/quarantine au, family au PLOT — Ivy is requested by the Justice League to help create and manufacture a vaccine for the COVID-19 virus. As she works on the vaccine, she video calls Harley and their daughter Lucy, both of whom miss her very much. 
RABBIT IN THE GARDEN (T) STATS — 4.4k words, implied suicide attempt, hard angst PLOT — Winters are difficult to Ivy. When Harley comes home one day to see her submerged fully in water in the bathtub, the only thing Harley can do is cry and take her out. Ultimately Ivy is alright—but it doesn’t make it any easier.
WE WILL BE (EVERYTHING THAT WE’D EVER NEED) (T) STATS — 5.8k words, high school au, angst, hurt/comfort PLOT — Harley and Ivy are best friends from high school, living in the middle of Arizona. Ivy is absolutely head over heels for Harley, but the latter is in a growing and increasingly abusive relationship with the older “bad-boy” (literally) Jack. Eventually, the two grow together in more ways than one.  
WHERE THE RED FERN GROWS (EXCEPT NO DOGS DIE) (M) STATS — 9.7k words, domestic bliss, no powers just botanist & psychiatrist au PLOT — After her abusive ex-boyfriend tries to maniacally tear down the front door of her apartment with an ax as her best friend, Selina, pushes the table against the splintering wood, Bruce recommends that Harley gets a dog. She gets two German Shepard brothers—Bud and Lou—who lead her one day on their walk to the most beautiful flower shop owner Harley’s ever seen. The story of Harley and Ivy, told with Bud and Lou present to witness every moment.
THE MOMENT I AWAKEN GHOSTS (T) STATS — 11.7k words, falling in love, feelings & realizations PLOT — A deep look into Ivy’s feelings and how they evolve from general hatred against Harleen the psychiatrist at Arkham to a blooming, kind and gentle love towards Harley Quinn, the crown jester of crime. 
HARLEQUIN’S ISLE (T) STATS — 17.5k words, hurt/comfort, happy ending, shenanigans, humor PLOT — Harley and Ivy decide to go on a vacation on Bruce Wayne’s new eco-friendly plane, but in a surprise twist of events, things go terribly wrong, Ivy falls out of the plane, and the two (as well as all the other rich and wealthy big-name CEOS on the plane) get stranded on an island with someone actively trying to rob the investors. Harley and Ivy will fight them, god damn it, because they deserve this vacation and they will have it.
LONGER STORIES (30k words to 100k words)
YOUR LOVE (DÉJÀ VU) (G) STATS — 33k words, slow burn, mild angst, canon divergence PLOT — A what-if-Harley-found-Ivy-first fic, YOUR LOVE wonderfully illustrates Dr. Harleen Quinzel treating Ivy in a wonderfully humane and kind way, including learning floriography, the language of flowers, in order to better relate to her. Ivy is taken aback by her doctor's genuine care and begins to develop feelings, all the while Harleen falls hard and fast which wholly confuses and frightens her. The one caveat is that while this is happening, Harleen is also treating the Joker as well, who tries (keyword: tries) to manipulate her. Ivy and Harley dance a timid tango around one another as they try to navigate this new playing field of romantic feelings for one another, and things come to a breaking point when Harleen realizes that, perhaps, all of her patients have a point and that the real villains are not the ones inside the asylum, but rather the ones running it. FAVORITE DETAILS — I just love the way this is written. It provides a wonderful and almost skinny-love like romance (except this takes place in an insane asylum) as Harleen and Ivy both try to understand their strong feelings for one another. The way in which the rogues and other inmates/patients all look out for one another was very heartwarming, and Waylon and Eddie's thinly veiled camaraderie with Ivy—and her thinly veiled appreciation for it—were both lovely and created a really warm environment. It really underlined why Harley loved them because you love them too in the process, and see how she reaches her breaking point.  CHARACTER DEPICTIONS — Harley, as she is in all of my favorite fics, is depicted as an incredibly intelligent and talented psychiatrist. Her caring nature is wonderfully outlined in this fic as she helps Waylon, Eddie, Ivy, and everybody else in the asylum be treated with genuine respect and care, going as far as to get them personalized gifts. Her psyche fracturing slowly never once makes her seem unintelligent to the reader, even as she actively places a ditz persona in order to fool the rest of the asylum staff (and the Joker). Ivy, on the other hand, is illustrated in a way that perfectly shows how all she genuinely needed was someone to listen. She's sometimes harsh and crass but you can see how she begins to soften as Harley helps her and treats her with: you guessed it, genuine respect. FINAL VERDICT — I would get this tattooed on my ass if I could
NOVEL LENGTH WORKS (100k+ words)
ACROSS THE WAY (M) STATS — 128.7k words, slow-burn, tattoo artist & flower shop owner au  PLOT — Botanist and flower shop owner Pamela Isley moves to Gotham from Seattle in search of a new life. Her shop is located directly next to a tattoo shop—one that is incredibly loud and bothersome. Upon walking in to give the shop a piece of her mind, she meets one of the resident artsits, Harley Quinzel, and cannot get her out of her mind. The two become best friends, and feelings slowly start to develop. On a night when Harley is most vulnerable and in need of a place to escape, Pam offers her apartment as a refuge, and from that point on things are never the same again (in the best way possible).  FAVORITE DETAILS — The SIT sessions were a wonderful touch and I loved seeing the recovery of both Ivy and Harley, because it was so real. I also loved how once Harley got out, she did everything in her power to protect both herself and Ivy from Jack, and we got to see her and Ivy grow into their wonderful, healthy romance. CHARACTER DEPICTIONS — I love how all of the characters are illustrated; Selina, who is the caring best friend and genuinely does her best to help others around her all the while being her cocky, usual self. Pam, who escaped Seattle and started anew in Gotham and is the crass botanist and also the insanely kind and caring lover. Barbara is the adorable coffee shop owner, Floyd is the caring figure for Harley that she never had, and everyone is just wonderful.  FINAL VERDICT — literally go read this rn, what are you even doing
MAD LOVE: THE BEGINNING & MAD LOVE: THE FINAL CHAPTER (M) STATS — nearly 400k words total, angst, canon divergence, domestic fluff, slice of life PLOT — imagine YOUR LOVE except this is much longer, much more heart-wrenching, a whole lot more angsty, and Harleen's break with Harley is a lot more prevalent. Another what-if scenario of Dr. Harleen Quinzel meeting and treating the illusive Poison Ivy instead of the Joker, MAD LOVE shows an interesting depiction of the way they manipulate, hurt, care, and love one another. The entire story is riddled with well placed metaphors, recurring themes, and both Ivy and Harley's characters are illustrated in the most complex and interesting way. All throughout both the initial and the sequel, Ivy and Harleen play a metaphorical chess game in manipulation as a means to gain the upper-hand on the other, which creates a dangerous foundation for their following love story. In the sequel, "The Final Chapter," the story starts with Harley and Ivy—already married near the end of "A New Beginning"—having two kids and the entire piece spans over Harley's lifetime until she's on her deathbed, with Ivy still stuck at 33 years old beside her. I personally stopped reading the story after Harley died (I was too emotionally vulnerable to continue on) but if you continue reading on, you get to see Ivy move on and appreciate Harley's impact on her life as she finds love and happiness again after the loss of her wife. FAVORITE DETAILS — We get insight into both Ivy and Harleen's trauma, and how not everything can be fixed with love. Neither Harleen nor Ivy (or their actions for that matter) are characterized as perfect in any way, and the story never excuses any of their more-than-questionable actions; in fact they make MANY mistakes and manipulate one another throughout the story, and both have power over the other (Harleen is her psychiatrist, but Ivy could easily kill her, so emotional power over someone with immense physical power). CHARACTER DEPICTIONS — Harleen is depicted as an incredibly intelligent and capable psychiatrist, and the story somehow wonderfully mixes Harley's desire for violent chaos with Harleen's desire to help others. v Ivy is illustrated as the epitome of "I hate you and will not be nice unless you're literally either my wife or kids." She is seldom kind to others, is often crass, but an entire softy when it comes to Harleen and their children. She's a hard worker and is heavily involved in her research. Harleen, on the other hand, is equally cunning but more lighthearted, extremely athletic and active, the "fun" mom, and less into power trips (unless it's about Ivy). FINAL VERDICT — definitely the most interesting fics I've ever read in my entire fucking life, it's so complex and wonderful and a literal minefield of analysis worthy literature, I'd also get this tattooed on my ass if I could
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wannabe-fic-writer · 3 years
Natasha Romanoff x Reader : You Again
Summary: It’s been years since seeing each other and a lot has changed.
Genre: Fluff , Mentions of Smut
Request: Yes / No
Word Count: 2,478
* * * * * * 
Green eyes discreetly watch their surroundings as the redhead makes her way down the street. She purposely avoids stepping too close to anyone.
Her hand shoves into her pocket to retrieve her vibrating phone. A blocked number displayed across the top of the phone telling her exactly who is calling.
Turning down an empty alley, she answers.
As expected it’s Fury requesting that she come in and she agrees without hesitation. The call ending just as she’s on the other side of the alley. 
The second someone collides into her shoulder she tenses and levels them with a glare. 
E/c eyes instantly flicker over her form,“ I’m so sorry I’m in a bit of a rush, are you okay?” The voice belonging to the offender sounds wildly familiar, causing the redhead to frown and look up at their face. 
The woman in front of her raises an eyebrow, a concernedly soft smile tugs at her lips.
“I-I’m fine.” Natasha says, the frown still deep on her face. 
Nodding, the h/c takes a small step to the side, and continues to rush down the sidewalk.
The encounter remains in Natasha’s mind until she gets to the compound. She just can’t shake how familiar the woman looked. Those eyes were ones she swears she’s seen before, that voice pulled at something seemingly buried deep in her memory.
It’s not until she’s standing in front of Fury himself that she let’s the thoughts ghost away.
“You took your sweet time Romanoff.” He says with a stone face, but knowing him for years allows Natasha to detect the teasing in his tone. 
Moving her curls over her shoulder with a shake of her head, the redhead smirks,“ I was in the city Nick.” 
He nods in understanding.“ Well now that you’re here, welcome to your new assignment,” he holds a file out to her.
She accepts it and flips it open. The frown from earlier returns as she looks at the list of recruits, the same familiar face from earlier stares back at her from one of the many pictures. 
“Don’t tell me all your Avenging has made you too hot for recruit training.” Fury teases once more.
“No just- where’s the file on recruit seventeen?” Her inquiry makes Fury raise his eyebrows, head raising in further curiosity. 
However he searches through the stack of files on his desk,“ lucky for you they haven’t been processed yet.” He hands her yet another file and she tries her best to refrain from frantically flipping it open.
The second she sees the name at the top her breath hitches. 
There’s no way it’s you. 
* * * * * * *
Perched behind the ledge on the building’s roof, Natasha once again peaks through the scope of her sniper. 
“I’d truly appreciate if you didn’t kill him. Not until he’s answered my questions at least.” 
The voice put Natasha on guard instantly. She can’t recall the last time someone had snuck up on her.
Spinning around, a stoic expression plastered on her face to hide her true emotions, Natasha comes face to face with a woman nearly four inches shorter than her. An amused smirk plays on the woman’s face and it instantly irritates Natasha. 
“I’m afraid your questions will have to go unanswered.” The redhead replies, just waiting for a challenge. 
The woman’s hands raise in a show of harmlessness,“ I won’t make your job harder, I imagine if you’ve been looking for him as long as I have this is a rare opportunity.” Nonchalantly she comes closer, raising a questioning eyebrow as she points at the sniper’s scope. Natasha frowns but nods, watching as the woman looks through it.“ What if you just took out his legs. I go in, ask my questions and you finish your job after I’m gone.”
“What makes you think I’m willing to help you?” 
“Isn’t that what heroes are supposed to do, help people?” An eyebrow raises at Natasha.“ Come on Black Widow, you scratch my back I scratch yours.” 
Green eyes narrow at the use of her alias. Something tells her that her identity was known before she was approached.“ Who are you?” She asks. 
“Ooo introductions, fun. I’m Y/n but you can call me Ghost.” You hold your hand out to the redhead.“ I work special operations for a private organization. As mentioned, I’m just here to get some answers. Your target is a scientist gone rogue, if I don’t speak to him a lot of people could get hurt, myself included.” 
Natasha’s head raises, eyes scanning your face for any hint of deception.“ I know who he is.” It’s not surprising that someone else is after the doctor, just surprising that someone found him when she did. 
Taking a risk, unlike anything she’d ever do, she agrees to help. 
A plan quickly forms between the two of you that executes perfectly. You get your information and she takes out her target, both of you gone without a trace. 
“You know, we made a pretty decent team.” A teasing smile hits your lips as you glance at the woman beside you. 
“Don’t get used to it.” For the first time tonight, a smirk plays on Natasha’s lips. 
Chuckling, you nod,“ since we’ll never see each other again, how would you feel about a celebratory drink?”
Once again, she finds herself taking a risk.
* * * * * * *
Natasha pulls herself from that train of thought before she can dive into the remaining events of that night, though she can faintly remember the feel of your hands across her heated skin as whispers of her beauty left your lips. That wasn’t even the last night it had happened, what you did to her left her hooked.
So much so that it became a regular occurrence for her to end up in your bed when she was assigned to missions in Canada. Connecting with you in bed inevitably lead to a stronger connection emotionally. 
It stumped Natasha how you’d managed to get through her facades as if it were nothing. Even more so than that, she wasn’t expecting you to understand her so well, not even her closest friend, the man she considers her brother, understood her the way you did. 
But then the Avengers became a thing and she wasn’t sent on missions to Canada anymore. 
“When was she recruited?” Natasha asks, finally looking up from the picture of you.
“A few months ago, she found us and that,” the man chuckles impressively,“ that’s impressive on it’s own.”
With nothing more to say to Fury, Natasha nods non verbally accepting the mission, and leaves out. Heading straight to the elevators that would take her to the training floor. 
Common noises of the compound could be heard: another group of trainees outside with Sam and Steve, faint sounds of orders being shouted, occasional drilling sounds. 
Stepping into the training room, Natasha’s eyes scan the small group of recruits, and land on you. 
No wonder she wasn’t sure if you were familiar or not. Last time she saw you, you were shorter than her, just as skinny. Now you’re almost a foot taller, more meat on your bones as defined muscles. 
Your eyes land on her and you smirk, winking just barely. 
Of course you recognized her, only difference in her is the length of her hair. Those enticing green eyes are still just that, curves still accentuated by the leather catsuit, expression just as stoic as the night you met. 
Calling the recruits into order, Natasha runs through the basic entry speech, words of intimidation and motivation spoken to reach the hearts of those who aren’t ready and those born ready. She can easily detect who won’t last longer than a week, you aren’t one of them.
“Pair up, combat training begins now, if you can’t take down each other you have no business in the field.” She says, then looking you dead in the eyes,“ seventeen you’re with me.”
Nodding, you follow her over to a set of mats near the window, stepping up to face her head on. There’s just enough time to release a single breath and then she’s attacking. To anyone else she does so with movements as calm as the wind, each strike or counter move executed with precision. 
But you, you know her in a way nobody does, nobody ever has. It allows you to see the slight irritation in her punches, the anxiousness and curiosity in her eyes. It’s how you see that her guard is back up in regards to you. 
You let her get the upper hand, yes let, just so she can pin you to the mat, your arm behind your back in her grasp with her mouth to your ear. 
“Whatever you’re worried about Romanova, let it go. I’m not here with any bad intentions.” You speak, voice as smooth as the day she first heard it.
Her eyes narrow,“ so why are you here?” 
“To see you.” You smile only to grunt when her arm presses into the back of your neck.“ Okay okay. I left the last organization once it fell into the wrong hands, HYDRA’s hands. I found out through some reliable sources that the Avengers were hunting down HYDRA. After what they did to me, what they may still be doing to my friends,” Natasha’s grip has long since loosened, allowing you to shift slightly,“ I have to stop them.”
Releasing you completely, Natasha pops up and offers you a hand of assistance.“ What did they do to you?” 
A snort falls from your lips, your arms spreading out,“ don’t tell me it's been so long you don’t notice. Maybe if I-” playfully you squat down to the height you used to be. You smile when you see the slightly amused smirk on Natasha’s lips, accompanied by an eye roll.“ They made me Captain America 2.0 and at first I was with the idea, until I got word of what their true intentions were.”
“They wanted you to be a weapon.” She understands. If no one else ever will, she does. You nod solemnly and the ex-assassin sees how much you’re torn up by the corruption of the organization. It’s like looking in a mirror, that’s exactly how she felt about SHIELD collapsing. 
With present company around, you both agree to talk after training, Natasha telling you to come to her quarters after you’ve checked in. 
So for the time being you focus on training, nailing the hand to hand combat with Natasha before being handed over to Sam Wilson for basic exercises and a run around the compound, where you’re shown the trainee’s residence. 
After checking in with the agent in charge of your training group, you shower, change, and head to the main building in search of Natasha. 
It doesn't take long to find her since you follow her directions perfectly. 
Looking around at her luxury apartment like quarters, you can’t say you expected anything less. Of course Tony Stark made sure his teammates had more than adequate accommodations. 
“Always early L/n.”
The redhead’s familiar sultry voice grabs your attention, causing you to spin around from the window to look at her. 
She’s as gorgeous as she’s ever been. Admittedly the long hair suits her better, still damp from the shower she obviously just took and falling down her bare shoulders. Subconsciously your eyes trail down her tank top and yoga pants covered form. 
“Eyes up here.” She further teases and your eyes snap up to hers.
“Sorry it's just- you look good Romanova. Really good.” You say breathily.
The urge to just dive head first back into your charm hits Natasha hard. She’s seen you for all of a day and apart from your physical, you seem to be the same person she was falling for all those years ago. The only people she’s ever fallen for.
In the next few minutes, Natasha makes coffee, telling you to wait in the living room for her. Only to return shortly after to hand you a cup, and ease on to the sofa. 
Pulling her legs up to tuck underneath her butt, she faces you as you sit beside her, a noticeable distance between you two.
“How long?” She asks almost cautiously, clarifying when you raise your eyebrows.“ How long have you had your abilities?”
“Three years.”
A heavy sigh leaves her lips. Two years after she left HYDRA took over your organization and turned you into a super soldier. She can’t help but wonder what may have happened if she were still around. 
Would you have needed her comfort? Could she have stopped it?
Suddenly a weight lands on her knee, a glance down revealing your hand comfortingly resting there.“ There’s nothing you could’ve done. I wanted the serum, just not for the reasons they gave it to me.”
She silently nods, eyes casting back down to the hand on her leg. 
Whether or not she mentions it out loud, she missed your touch, even the ones as simple as this. Something about the way your touch affected her, be it arousing or calming, occasionally featherlight with the intent to cause laughter from the usually stoic woman. 
A mental sigh brings the thought to the forefront of her mind. It’s not just your touch, it’s you as a whole. Your energy, your aura, your personality, your smile. 
How she’d gone five years without you?
“Can I ask you something?” Your voice pulls Natasha from her thoughts and she looks back up into your soft eyes, hurt hides in them that makes her frown and nod.“ Did you ever consider coming back? Or even contacting me?”
The look that crosses her face is answer enough but she still says,“ more often than you’d think. In the beginning, all I could think about was going back to you and never leaving. I considered finding you just to say goodbye.”
“Talked yourself out of it huh.” It’s a statement not a question. Another nod to how well you read her.“ Figured I was better off without you and the enemies you come with, even if my life was dangerous long before you.”
She shakes her head, chuckling at how easily you saw through her reasoning when she hadn’t even admitted it herself.“ Can I contribute that conclusion to you having mind reading abilities?” 
“You can if it’ll make you feel better but it’s not true,” your thumb smooths across her knee in the same way it always had.“ I never had to read your mind.”
Much like she always had when it came to you, Natasha allows herself to take just one more risk. She let you in the first time, hopefully this time would end better or not at all.
Laying her hand over yours, her fingers wrap around your hand,“ I’m really glad to see you again.”
* * * * *
Taglist: @owloftheshadows @natasha-danvers
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chudleycanonficfest · 3 years
For Good
Day 5, Story #1 is by @accio-broom
Title: For Good Author/Artist: accio-broom Pairing: Ron & Harry Prompt: Brother from another mother / Song Fic Rating: T Trigger Warning(s) (if any): A small amount of peril
They should have known the fight wasn’t going to go their way when they entered the warehouse, but determined to prove their skills as newly graduated Aurors, Harry and Ron barrelled ahead anyway. And now, only ten minutes later, the chaos of the fight is overwhelming them.
Five rogue Death Eaters have backed them into a corner. The rest of the Auror team are here, somewhere, but despite Harry’s loud pleas, nobody comes to save them.
Harry’s heart pounds in his chest as he clutches hold of his best friend. Curses whoosh above their heads, crashing into the stone wall behind them. The taste of dust from the rubble dries his mouth. There has only ever been one other time he’s felt like this, desperate and out of his depth, and he died then, too. 
He is expecting the outcome of this fight to be the same.
There’s so much Harry still has to do. He doesn’t want to die yet. Harry wants children and the chance to have a family with the woman he loves. He hasn’t waited nervously at the top of an aisle for Ginny’s appearance in a white dress to take his breath away. Heck, he hasn’t even had a chance to propose. There are still rooms in their new cottage that they have yet to christen.
It’s too soon. The redhead beside Harry cringes against the wall. Ron still has his whole life ahead of him too.
A purple curse hits Harry square in the chest, stealing the last of the breath from his lungs. His body grows rigid, but his cry echoes around them.
Ron calls out, shielding his friend with his own body as he clutches Harry’s dirty robes. “Harry! No!” 
“Ron,” Harry croaks. “What’s happening?”
“Stay with me, Harry. You’re going to be okay.”
The room around them is growing dark. This is the end.
“I just want to say thank you, Ron. For everything. You didn’t have to be my friend that first day on the Hogwarts Express, but you took me on and let me be a part of your family. And then, you even allowed me to date Ginny.”
“I don’t think—”
Harry can’t let his best friend interrupt this, not when there are so many important things he needs to say before he breathes his last breath. “I just want you to know.” He inhales deeply, coughing as a cloud of dust fills his lungs. “B-because I knew you, I have been changed for good.”
A hack takes over his body, burning his throat as he fights with his last grasp on consciousness. The light dims, so Harry chooses to focus on Ron’s deep ocean blue eyes staring back at him, concern pouring out of them as they sparkle with tears.
And then Harry sees no more.
Warmth shines on Harry’s face. Nothing hurts, and none of the usual thoughts troubles him. 
Everything is good.
When he first opens his eyes, he expects to see King’s Cross station and Headmaster Dumbledore waiting to ask Harry if he wants to move on or stay behind. Harry’s not sure if he’d like to be a ghost. He hasn’t had much time to think about it, which is quite peculiar for a man who always seems to be on the edge of death. He hopes Dumbledore will congratulate him on a good job again. Harry quite liked that before.
But instead of the beautiful Victorian arches and pale green benches hidden behind a light smattering of ethereal fog, all Harry sees is white. No kindly old mentor waits to greet him, and there’s no squawking corpse of his enemy there to help him ponder the real meaning of life.
So this is what dying is really like?
At least it’s cosy wherever he is. The bed he lies on is comfortable, and crisp, white sheets envelop his body. A steady beep fills his ears, and it smells clean. He’s going to like it here. Harry is about to close his eyes and drift back off to sleep for a while longer—he has all the time in the world now, after all—but a long, black blurry shape appears in front of him. As he grows more awake, he can hear other things, like the shuffle of papers and the scratch of a quill against parchment.
With a frown and a groan, Harry tries to sit up, but the action hurts, and he gives up before he’s even given it an honest try.
The blur speaks to him. “Stay there, mate. You’ve had a bad few hours.”
“Glasses?” Harry manages to croak through dry, chapped lips. “Where are my glasses?” 
If he’s still alive, he at least deserves to be able to see correctly. The shape presses a familiar metal into his hand, and gingerly, Harry lifts them to his face. Forms become sharper as the world finally shapes into focus.
“Welcome back.” Ron beams down at him. “You’ve been out for a couple of hours.”
Harry’s confused. “W-what happened?”
“Ah, mate.” Relief floods Ron’s face. “It was awful. Selwyn and his buddies cornered us, and I thought we were done for, especially when they hit you with that curse. Fuck knows what that was—the Healers were utterly stumped. You were fucking paralysed, Harry.
“They were about to hit me with the same thing when Smythe and the others finally found us, the lazy gits. They arrested everyone. Otherwise…” The redhead trails off with a sigh. He pauses, a mournful look crossing his face. After a moment, he shakes whatever thoughts are haunting him out of his head, and his usual lopsided grin reappears. “Anyway, I managed to grab you and Apparate us out of there. Brought you straight here.
“The healers are still running tests, but I think you’re going to be okay.”
Harry nods, memories of the fight roaring back into his mind. He scrunches his eyes tightly closed, trying to ignore the throb of pain. Maybe he bashed his head? Then with a groan, his final words to Ron echo, like the final moments of a love film.
Because I knew you, I have been changed for good.
“Paralysed, was I?”
“Yeah, I was trying to get you to move your fingers and your legs and stuff but nothing. Although it, uhm, it didn’t shut you up. You couldn’t stop talking.” Ron’s ears turn pink, and he takes a sudden interest in the top left corner of Harry’s sheets.
Harry’s not sure he wants his friend to repeat whatever he said. The memories are cringe-worthy enough. “Oh?” he questions anyway, inwardly kicking himself as the word falls out of his mouth.
A silent nod confirms Harry’s suspicions that whatever he thinks he said was actually spoken. Ron doesn’t say anything else. A flicker of movement from a diagnostic charm distracts both their attention, and Harry’s best friend glances up at the door with glassy eyes. He clears his throat before finally looking back at Harry.
“So, I owled Ginny and Hermione. And Mum, of course. Now I know you’re not going to die, I think I’ll go and wait outside for them. They’ll want to see you, and I don’t think Mum will do well trying to battle the Welcome Witch for an answer this afternoon. Plus, if anyone hears that the famous Harry Potter is in here, we’ll never get a moment’s peace.”
“Sure, thanks, mate.”
Harry closes his eyes again, letting the sound of trainers squeaking against the linoleum track Ron’s movements towards the exit. To Harry’s surprise, a surge of disappointment tugs at his heart. He confessed his true feelings to his best friend, told him how much he means to him, and got nothing back.
“Oh, and Harry?” 
Ron’s voice breaks through Harry’s brooding, causing the wizard’s eyes to shoot open as he lifts his head from his pillow just enough to glance at his best friend. “Yeah?”
“I love you, too.” Ron’s grin widens, and there’s a cheeky glint in his eyes. “Just wish you didn’t wait until you were on your deathbed to say it.” 
The ginger git’s glowing pink ears disappear before Harry can even reply. Harry sinks back into his bed, a small smile crossing over his lips. 
He knew it.
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tamlinsbedroom · 3 years
Chapter 15: The Soldiers of Hybern
It was true. I looked down at my burned and blistered wrists, the burns in the slender shape of a handcuff.
Salty tears escaped my eyes, falling onto the wound and stinging it. Tamlin sat up, heading out down the hall.
“I’m calling a healer.” He said shortly, the shirtless male taking off in large strides. Rhysand kisses my forehead, using the soft pads of his thumbs to erase my splotchy tears.
“It’s alright. Don’t worry, Alanna darling.” He began. “We are going to see what, or who did this to you.” He said the last part with a growl, hate seeping out of his pours into the air around us. He held me close to him as Tamlin came back into the chambers with a healer.
The female was old, it seemed. Her eyes shone wisdom beyond time. Some human eyes looked similar, but none quite as wounded. It was true—the healers eyes looked wounded. No doubt, she’d seen the horrors of hundreds upon thousands of wars in her immortality.
“How did this happen?” She glanced at my wrists, fear in her eyes. Rhysand and Tamlin worriedly looked at each other.
“She had a nightmare and woke up with those. Why? What is it?” Tamlin asked shakily.
“I haven’t seen this kind of magic put to use in a thousand years…” She held my wrists softly, all the while applying a salve to the burns. “The enemy has a connection to the girl. Something like a piece of hair, blood, something she’s worn.”
Rhysand shook his head.
“How would they have gotten that? When the Hybern soldier broke into the windows we had her shielded behind her. We had our eyes on him the whole time, he didn’t pick up anything.” The healer shuddered.
“Then their power is far beyond just this world. It would be wise to be on your best guard. Protect the girl, teach her to mentally shield as soon as you can.” She finished up bandaging me, wincing when I did. My mates thanked her as she left, looking at me with a sorry look.
“We should have protected you better…” Rhys started. I cut him off.
“None of that. Neither of you could have known that this would happen to me. Now just teach me how to shield already and we’ll figure it out.” I practically yelled.
My mates looked shocked at me, at my sudden outburst. I myself didn’t know where it came from, perhaps now that I had some powers? Either way, they both nodded and helped me out of the too-comfortable bed.
We headed to breakfast, and after that was over, they began to train me.
I sat on a straight backed chair in the formal living space, the males standing around me.
“I’m going to try to infiltrate your mind, and you are going to resist. No matter what, you resist. Got it?” He was stern, but I understood. He was worried.
“Got it.” When his talons scraped at the walls of my consciousness, I cringed and jerked back.
“Resist.” I tried, it was too much. I couldn’t—
“Resist, Alanna!” He yelled, and something in me snapped. It was like a barrier that built itself up all at once around my mind, shielding me from those sharp claws. Rhys let up, looking pleased at me.
“Well that was easier learned than I thought it would be.” He petted my head. “You just need the stamina to keep them up. We’ll work on it throughout the day.”
Tamlin smiled at me a proud smile, pleased with my new ability.
The rest of my day consisted of Rhysand randomly trying to get passed the shield in my mind. Thankfully, I was successful most of the time. The few times I let him slip past due to those talons being extra harsh, he tried again even harder. I could now successfully shield my mind, which should keep the enemies from hurting me physically through nightmares.
I was lounging on the bed with Tamlin to my right, and Rhysand to my left when my mates heard the door open.
“Lucien.” Said Tamlin, winnowing right downstairs to address the redhead. Rhysand followed, taking me with him.
Lucien was bloodied and bruises littered his face. He had no weapons on him, nor did he have his sachet that contained food and other necessary items.
“What happened?” Tamlin urgently asked, going to his friend and easing him into a chair.
“T-they’re powerful.” He coughed, holding his chest as if his lungs were on fire. “You have no idea…When I got there, they had tens of thousands of soldiers. Not just any soldiers. Somehow, I don’t know how, they resurrected their fellow fallen soldiers. But they’re not all there. They’re skeletons, and they’re nearly impossible to kill.” Tamlin and Rhysand had sweat glistening on their brown at hearing what the emissary was saying.
“How did they find you?” Rhysand asked next.
“Hounds.” Was all he said. It made sense, as his garments were frayed and looked like something with large, sharp teeth tore it.
“What did they say?” Tamlin asked, holding out a goblet of rum. For the pain, I assumed. Lucien was flinching at every little movement.
“They told me they only let me go to deliver a message that spoke far louder than a piece of paper.” He downed the liquor. “They said that if you didn’t hand Alanna over, they would destroy all of Prythian and you. There were other spies there too, we were all chained in a room together. All to deliver the same message to our high lords”
This was bad…very bad. I had to go, I couldn’t let these rogue half dead half alive soldiers destroy all of Prythian, all those innocent fae, and not to mention my mates and the other high lords. I began to think up a plan, how to leave when they wouldn’t notice. I couldn’t just tell them that I thought it was best for me to go, they wouldn’t allow it. And I understand, I’d do the same thing in their place. It would be so incredibly difficult. I didn’t want to leave them. I couldn’t bare it…but if it meant saving them and the citizens of Prythian, then I would. My thoughts were interrupted when Tamlin and Rhysand each held my hands.
“No one is taking you from us, and no one is destroying Prythian. We’re going to figure this out.” Tam said, releasing my hand as his claws began to come out at the knuckle.
“You have nothing to be afraid of as long as we’re around.” Rhys added, kissing my brow.
If only they knew what I was about to do…they may never forgive me.
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mischiefandspirits · 3 years
Rogue Bats (1/4)
Halloween has come to Gotham and the Batkids decide to have fun with it by having the whole family dress up as various Rogues.
Parts two, three, and four
Flash raced into Blüdhaven following Nightwing’s tracker. He ran up the side of a building and came to a stop on the roof. He opened his mouth to call out to the vigilante, and froze when he took in the figure sitting on a crate in front of him.
They had brown-black hair with the right half dyed hot pink at the tips and the left dyed electric blue. Their face was painted white with bright red lips. A domino mask covered their eyes, electric blue on the right and hot pink on the left with lenses in icy blue. Their suit was a checkerboard of red and black. Their chest, shoulders, and sleeves were black on the right and red on the left with a red right gauntlet and black left. Their pants were red on the right and black on the left with their boots being the reverse. A large red diamond was on the right thigh and two smaller black ones were on their left knee. Pink pockets wrapped around their waist like a built-in utility belt and a pair of black and red bats were strapped to their back. A familiar v-shaped bird emblem stretched over their chest and down their arms to their fingertips in electric blue.
“Harley Quinn?” What was the Gotham rogue doing in Blüdhaven? Did Nightwing know about her? Why was Harley wearing Nightwing’s symbol? Did he need help? Where was he? The tracker had led Flash to the roof so he should have been there. “Where’s Nightwing?”
Harley had turned to him as soon as he arrived so he was able to see red lips quirk into a smirk as the Gothamite twisted into an armstand on the crate. Legs swinging cheerfully above, red and black gauntlets lifted to cup the white, smiling face. “Come on, Red. Doncha recognize me?”
Flash’s mind went blank. Beneath Harley’s Brooklyn drawl was distinctly the voice of, “‘Wing!?”
Nightwing laughed, then popped up onto one hand to do a spin. “How do you like my costume?”
“Costume?” the speedster said, still staring blankly at the vigilante.
“Yup. For Halloween,” Nightwing chirped, dropping back onto his feet.
“It’s not Halloween.”
“It’s October, close enough,” he said with a shrug. “I didn’t put all this work into designing a Harley-Wing suit for it to be a one-night thing.”
“So you’re just going to pretend to be Harley Quinn for the whole month?”
“Yup,” he popped the p. “I would have worn her actual outfit, but the Robins vetoed it and I’d rather not give B an aneurysm.”
Flash valiantly fought down the image of Nightwing in one of the various revealing outfits he’d seen Harley Quinn wearing in the news as his communicator chirped. “Whoops! I forgot! Donna wanted to see if you wanted to help on a bust she’s leading, but you weren’t answering your T-comm. I said I’d come to check on you.”
“Shoot,” Nightwing hissed, the playfulness leaving his posture. “My T-comm got fried in a fight two nights ago. Roy’s fixing it. He was supposed to let me know if I got an emergency call.”
“It’s nothing urgent,” Flash said before the vigilante could get worked up. “Donna just thought you might want to come. I’m going too.”
Nightwing hummed, then shrugged. “Sure. I’ve got nothing going on. Let’s go.”
Flash glanced down at his suit. “Do you want to change first?”
Red lips curved into a Cheshire grin. In a Brooklyn accent, Nightwing asked, “Now why would I do that, Red?” He wrapped his arms around Flash’s neck. “You know, I may or may not have a Poison Ivy suit in just your size at my apartment.”
“That’s… Harley Quinn’s girlfriend, right? The green redhead?” Flash said, thinking. He was pretty sure he remembered seeing a plant-controlling Gotham villain in a leotard.
“She’s Harley’s wife, but yeah.”
“Does the costume have pants?”
Nightwing pouted, but nodded.
Flash picked him up and swung him onto his back. “Fine, but I’m not painting my face.”
“I’ll allow it, but nothing’s coming near my eyes.”
“Your goggles cover them anyways,” Nightwing sighed and Flash took off.
Riddler was hacking into Gotham’s electrical plant when someone called out, “I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?”
He paused, thinking. “An echo.” He turned with a scowl. “Now here is a riddle for you, who is foolish enough to interrupt me?”
All the Riddlemen scattered across the warehouse stared at him with wide, confused eyes before a figure dropped down in the middle of the room.
“An echo,” she chirped, ignoring the various weapons that rose to point at her.
The young woman wore a black cape that had a green lining covered in black question marks. She also had on a black armored suit with green detailing along the sides and a purple utility belt. A purple domino mask with black lenses covered her eyes while green and purple ribbons were braided into her blonde hair. A gold staff with a question mark was in her hands and a golden bat emblem stretched across her chest.
“What is this?” Riddler asked, standing up.
Stephanie’s purple lips were stretched in a Cheshire grin as she gave the staff a twirl. “I am filled with everything children fear, yet when I arrive children cheer. What am I?”
“Halloween,” Riddler answered. “You’re going as me for Halloween?”
She froze. “Are you going to be weird about this?”
“I am honored!”
“Yeah, you’re going to be weird about this,” she sighed.
“Oh, when your father hears about this,” he chuckled, turning back to his desk to grab his phone.
“Should have been Roxy Rocket and let Sig have you,” he heard her mutter.
“That’s Batgirl, right?” one of the Riddlemen asked. “Shouldn’t we be stopping her?”
“Yes, can we just skip to the part where I kick your guys’ butts already?” Stephanie asked and gestured towards the woman, who flinched back at a look from Riddler.
“Yes, yes, in a moment. I need to get a picture of you first!”
Stephanie groaned, but posed with a smile when he held up his phone. He took a few pictures of her then looked through them to find the best one.
“Can you send me that one?” Stephanie asked when she skipped over. “Oh, and that one!”
“Of course!”
Kate and Bette
The False Facers scattered as a blast of ice froze solid the crate of weapons they were hauling.
“What the hell is Freeze doing here?” one of them shouted just before he had to duck a blast of fire.
“Mr. Freeze and Firefly!?” another shouted.
“You’re half right.” A young woman dropped onto a shipping container.
Her skin was slate blue and her hair was an icy white under her silver helmet. She wore a black suit with silver pockets built-in along her hips. She also wore a silver bird shoulder necklace that matched her gauntlets. The soles and toes of her boots were also silver while the lenses on her helmet glowed an icy blue. Her wispy cape was an iridescent white that looked like mist as it drifted behind her.
“It’s Freezebird and Firebat,” she said as another woman dropped down, kicking a False Facer to the floor as she went.
She wore a black suit as well, but hers came with a yellow utility belt, gauntlets, and boots.From her bat-eared cowl spilled red, orange, and yellow hair that appeared to be on fire. The red lenses over her eyes looked like insect eyes while her black, yellow lined cape looked like bat wings. A bat stretched across her chest, glowing red hot.
Flamebird lifted one gauntlet and a blast of energy shot out, freezing another crate solid. Meanwhile, Batwoman pulled a gun out of the holster on her belt, which proved to be a flamethrower when she set another crate alight.
The two fell upon the criminals with fire and ice.
“This is fun,” Freezebird said, freezing a False Facer’s gun and punching him in the face. “We should do this every year.”
“Good luck with that,” Firebat snorted as she flipped a False Facer over her shoulder. “I still don’t know how those brats talked me into this.”
“Come on, you know you love B’s kids.” Freezebird spayed the floor, causing a trio of False Facers to slip on the ice and fall over. “Especially the Reds. Of course they talked you into this.”
“I’m partnering up with the Question for the rest of the month.” Firebat used a grappling hook to topple a crate to knock out the last of the False Facers.
“She’s not even dressing up!” Freezebird huffed as she started putting out the fires.
Freezebird glared at her cousin, who was tying up the criminals. “Fine, then the Question can go with you to that event next week.”
Firebat glared back. “You know she can’t.”
“What a shame.”
“You're obnoxious.”
“Maybe ‘Wing will want to hang out next week.”
“Maybe I’ll show Solstice that picture of you -”
“Fine! I’ll stop. Geese, you’re the worst, cuz,” Freezebird huffed, throwing her hands up and marching out of the warehouse.
Dick also got Haley a little hyena costume. Harley thought it was great when she found out Dick chose her and even made her own Night-Quinn outfit.
I had actually planned to have Duke be Riddler as a nod to how he started down his path to vigilantism, but while trying to figure out who Steph should be I remembered him and Steph's dad actually have a history so...
Bette was originally going to be Firebug, but I figured that was too on the nose so I swapped her fire with ice.
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theshatteredrose · 2 years
Omg I had such a silly idea go through my head, after reading that chapter I couldn't stop thinking about Taksony, his soldiers, the lore about him we don't know. I figure he had tons of soldiers like Ahimoth who WERE blindly loyal to him, in addition to soldiers who just tolerated him for whatever reason. But anyway I had this thought, and it's just me entertaining myself so don't take it seriously lol.
Imagine a group of Taksony loyalists, after his death, want someone similar to take his place, and naturally who better than his own blood heir, right? Sure Rahas was a moody and uncooperative brat, but they could easily train him to be ruthless like his father! It's in his blood after all!
Meanwhile there's a group of soldiers who immediately went rogue after Taksony’s death, and the LAST thing they want is for someone of his blood to take over. So while the Loyalists are searching for Rahas to make him Taksony’s successor (yeah good luck with that) the Rebels are trying to counter them by attempting to assassinate him.
Now where it gets dumb and silly cuz this is The Guardians we're talking about. They all make it to Lagaard, separately of course, in search of Rahas, to either kidnap him or assassinate him to end Taksony’s bloodline. However every last attempt at getting close to him is foiled by something completely innocuous and random, and the members of the Guardians Guild are suspiciously always the ones getting in the way.
An example: one assassin is following Rahas through a crowded part of town and is ready to lunge for him when an arrow suspiciously shoots him on the shoulder. He goes completely frozen and just paralyzed. But Tobyn says he was actually aiming for a guy BEHIND him who was trash talking Jhon earlier! He just got in the way! Seriously!
Another funny one is that one of them sees Axel, recognizes him by reputation, and just fuckin leaves cuz "nah not worth that mess bye".
They're all none the wiser (or are they?) And nothing bad happens aside from a few casualties of coincidence 😂😂😂
Ahahaha, that does sound like a lot of fun! Guardians boys being protective of one another and of others. You know, now that Rahas has found his place in the world, he and Tobyn would get along quite well, probably to Jhon's chagrin after he finds the two discussing the most painful ways to hinder someone :'D
I really like the idea that Axel is so notorious that anyone who knows of even a hint of him is like "Aw naw, I ain't fucking with that." And Axel is just like "??? Well, whatever, I guess".
((On a tangent, I have this idea for my Nexus series where Falkner's past comes back to hunt him down by systematically hunting down other redheads to get under his skin. Only, the violent murder takes one look at Axel and just backs off XD))
Imagine the kind of punch Axel could deliver if he was absolutely livid XD
I also like the idea of Rahas recognizing some of those assassins or followers and deciding to fuck with them. Hey, he deposed of Ahimoth, one of the most recognisable assassins that worked for Taksony. These bastards are obviously up to something, and he's pretty sure it ain't something 'good'. And because Rahas is so much fun being a complete badass~
While Taksony was 'content' with wielding absolute power and terror over everyone who knows him, Rahas is using his skill and potential status to get rid of bastards like Taksony that enter his life, or the lives those he cares about. He's not a vigilante that is going around saving the world. Nah, he's content with protecting those in his world. Their happiness and safety is his top priority. Anyone who dares mess with that is going to regret it severely.
We don't know much about Taksony, and that's by design. He's this shadowy figure who is a complete mystery. Why do some people blindly follow him like he's some kind of messiah? How did he come to get such status and power? Who was he as a child? Did he have more children?
He honestly had three types of 'followers'. Those who are blindly willing. Those who gladly use his vile reputation to their advantage. And those who are there under duress.
Whoops, sorry, got a bit rambly there XD
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anxietylord · 3 years
Jonathan getting Edward to snort while laughing, or visa versa
This was truly a treat to write, thank you so much for this. I'm finding I rather like writing fluff. This ended up a smidge longer than I would've cared for, but it is what it is. Enjoy!
When people thought of Doctor Jonathan Crane, the word funny was not the first to come to mind. He wasn’t against banter with someone who could keep pace, someone like Edward, but Jonathan Crane did not joke. He’d spent so long being the butt of other people’s jokes that he felt no need to be the cause of further laughter. On the few occasions he did something that caused Edward to giggle, it had earned the younger rogue a sharp, dangerous glance, or even occasionally an equally sharp elbow to the ribs. Even after all these years, after everything he’d done, it was hard for him not to feel like nothing but a joke himself.
“I cook, you wash, that’s the deal.”
“Yes, but you always cook and thus I always end up washing. I’m rather beginning to think that this is all an elaborate ruse to get out of doing the dishes, dear.”
“It might be, but until you decide to take over dinner responsibilities for the evening, you can’t prove that theory. And before you ask, no, getting take out and arranging it on plates does not constitute ‘making dinner.’”
Cooking was not exactly Jonathan’s strong suit. Neither was folding clothes, making beds, grocery shopping, or any domestic necessities really. When he’d lived alone, things like eating and tidying were never important, only his work was important. But ever since he began this… cohabitation with Edward, he’d had to give in to his partner’s demands to ‘live like an adult man.’
Despite being deficient in many of these tasks, there was one thing Jonathan was excellent at: cleaning. He’d spent many hours sanitizing everything in his lab, wiping things down, loading up the autoclave time after time. He relented to the subjugation of washing the dishes if it meant not having to cook or fold clothes, the latter of which Edward was doing right now.
The redhead was seated next to a mound clothing on the couch, meticulously folding, placing each piece into the basket like it was a delicate package. Jonathan watched as Ed mechanically folded piece after piece, his shirt rolled up to the elbows, the lean muscles of his forearms moving under the pale, freckled skin. He loved these moments, the times when he could observe Edward when he knew the other man didn’t know. Being able to see him without the facade he so carefully curated when he knew he was being watched; just to see him, not as the Riddler, not as the painfully clever and charming Edward Nygma, but just as Edward, his Edward, his movements and gestures that even the Ed himself didn’t realize he was doing. The shadow of a smile passed across Jonathan’s long face. This tender moment of reflection was rather abruptly ended by a wet splash sinking through the moth-eaten t-shirt he was wearing.
“Criminey!” Jon, in his inattention to the task at hand, had inadvertently pointed the sink hose at the bottom of a bowl which had pointed it right back.
“You can take a boy out of the South, but you really can take the South out of the boy, can you?” Edward grinned as he always did when Jonathan used one of his colorful Southern euphemisms.
“You have a foul enough mouth for the both of us, I think.” The older man turned off the sink, pulling the soaked t-shirt off his thin frame. “Toss me a dry shirt would you?” He noticed Edward’s wry smile as the smaller man eyed him.
“Why should I? I’m quite enjoying the view from here.”
“Oh fine you old spoil sport. Here’s one of your grubby little flannels, fresh from the wash. Still warm.” He tossed Jonathan the balled up shirt from across the small living room, the taller man catching it in his spindly hands. Not even unbothering to unbutton it he slid it over his head.
“You’re going to ruin your shirts like that, you know. Never unbuttoning or rebuttoning them.” Edward chided without looking up. Hearing a confused harrumph from the former psychologist, he raised his eyes to see what had caused this reaction.
Jonathan was standing before him in what was technically a shirt, though the hem didn’t even reach the waistband of his trousers, the sleeves hit somewhere in the middle of his long forearm, and the gussets were so tight the man couldn’t even lower his arms all the way. Edward did his best to stifle a laugh, knowing how Jonathan was about these things.
“What do you think? Brown could be my color.”
Edward stared at the doctor in stunned silence for a moment. Had Jonathan just made a joke? As the realization dawned on him, he couldn’t help but be sent into gales of laughter.
“What you don’t like it? You don’t think this will strike terror into the hearts of every Gothamite?” Jon did a small turn, his long arms suspended by the tension of the sleeves. Ed laughed so hard his eyes began to water.
“Hm, perhaps if I could just get my arms down…” Jonathan forced his arms to his sides, the loud pop of the seams at the shoulders of the shirt ripping apart audible from across the room. The taller man stood there, bare shouldered in the sad garment, looking Ed directly in the eye. “Much better.” He remarked dryly as Edward gasped for breath. This was not the manic, sadistic laugh used to taunt his victims, nor was it the delicate, crystalline laugh Edward used when he was schmoozing. This laugh was genuine, throaty, ugly, and very real. This was purely Edward. His Edward. He hated to be laughed at, but causing this crack in his companion’s mask felt good.
His face twisted with silent laughter, Edward let out a loud snort as he gasped for air, and another and another as his face went red. Gone was the refined, elegant man and in his place a goblin, snorting and gasping, tears rolling down his face.
Finally calming, Ed wiped his eyes as Jonathan pulled off the ratty shirt and placed it in the garbage.
“I didn’t know you were even capable of humor Jonathan, dear God!”
“You learn something new every day, as they say.”
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Fictober 2021 (3) - “I’ve waited for this”
Fandom: Mass Effect (Actor AU)
Summary: Macen Virius was supposed to be breaking things off with his costar. Instead, he’s pretty sure he might have just caught feelings. Damn it, it was just supposed to be a sex thing...
There was nothing like the end of a long day of filming to make Macen want to go to fucking sleep.
Every muscle in his body ached as he left the set to change out of his costume. Moments before, he had been in the blown out remains of a battlefield. Post would add the effects, but his hands still ached from holding his prop rifle and clicking the useless trigger button. Honestly, if he had been human, he would have expected an imprint there.
He was going to have to ask his costar about that later…
“Where is he anyway?” Macen’s mandibles twitched as he glanced around. Everyone was heading off, but there was no sign of Mass Effect’s leading man. Usually, he stuck around to talk to his costar – then again, he didn’t see the other ‘Commander Shepard’ either. They must have both taken off early…
He envied that about humans. They got out of costume and makeup way too quickly.
In the end, he too was back in his regular clothes. As he walked, he rubbed his right mandible, trying to get the feeling back. Part of playing Garrus meant that he needed fake implants to imply he’d had half his face blown off. With how numb that mandible got, it certainly felt that way. No doubt about it, he was looking forward to the final season where all he would need is scar tissue. At least he’d be able to move better in that.
A beeping drew his attention to his wrist as he left the set. His omnitool was letting him know he had a message from a certain fake redhead. As humans put it, curiosity killed the cat (don’t ask him, he didn’t even know what a cat was) so he opened it.
Alex Jones: Hey, rehearsal at my place tonight?
Alex Jones: I can get takeout from that levo-dextro place again. You liked their noodles.
He had liked their noodles. What he didn’t like was… well, this.
“You’re getting too attached, Virius. This is just supposed to be about sex.” He shook his head, half considering calling things off so he could have the night to himself. Problem was that his stomach had started to growl at the thought of those noodles. Besides, tomorrow’s shoot was supposed to involve a lot of emotional moments – he needed all the feedback he could get.
With any luck, he’d end the night in his own bed without fucking the human. After all… he was a turian of self-restraint and control. He could totally handle this.
Yeah, he was just going to keep telling himself that and hope for the best. Damn sexy human…
An hour later, Macen found himself standing in front of his costar’s door, frowning as he stared at the metal. As hard as he tried to talk himself into ending things, doubt still gnawed at his stomach.
He should end things. It never ended well when he got too into somebody.
“He should understand… it’s just sex… he’s my costar, and it’s just sex.” Macen shook his head again, frowning as he started to key in the human’s door code. Alex had given it to him a month prior, mostly so if he was going to be late he could get in.
That probably wasn’t a good sign, but he had elected to ignore it.
The door clicked opened, and he stepped in. Much to his surprise, the sound of upbeat music met him in the hallway. Not only that, but someone was singing to it if his translator was anything to go by. The damn thing was working overtime as he sidled closer to the entrance to the living room, holding his breath as he peaked in.
Lucky for him, Alex’s back was to him. The human had cleared a space in his living room in order to have room for what he was doing then. However, Macen was having a problem processing what “that” was. Well, he knew it was dancing – a somewhat odd version of it – but it was just so… old fashioned.
Also, since when did Alex dance?
“Let’s chase the dreaming light, and I’ll truly be myself…”
Dancing wasn’t the only thing on the menu. Macen’s jaw dropped as he realized the soft, sweet voice he had heard in the hallway was coming from Alex himself as he worked through the song with flowing, easy moves. Something about it was so painstakingly familiar, yet he couldn’t put his finger on it as he stood mutely in the hallway, watching the scene in front of him.
He had to wonder… what did it look like from the front?
“There’s a scene I want to show you. You have to wait for it… so let’s make a promise!”
Alex moved into a different position, holding out his hand to an imaginary audience that Macen couldn’t see as he took a step up. Every one of his moves were precise, even though he was doing nothing more than dancing around his apartment in his socks. Clearly, he had been practicing…
But for what?
“There’s a gentle wind wrapping around me… isn’t it warm?”
Macen knew a bridge when he heard one, and he felt himself holding his breath as he watched. Alex was getting closer to his imaginary audience now, probably for whatever was going to come in the final chorus. Maybe it was because he was so focused on the man that he hadn’t noticed his heart had begun to beat faster, but it thudded all the same.
“They’re overflowing, these endless hearts…” The man suddenly turned on his heel, facing the entry way. “Please carry them to tomorrow!”
And then no more singing happened as the precursor to the final chorus played behind him. He was fixed on the turian standing in his living room, looking rather shocked as if he hadn’t given him the door code. Macen wasn’t doing much better, mind you – he still hadn’t managed to shut his damn mouth.
And people thought they were cool. If only the blogs could see them now.
At least Alex shut the music off as he regained sense. He reached for a towel to dry off his apparently sweaty face, cheeks a slight pink from exercise. Maybe it was the sweat that had made him shine in that moment. For all Macen knew, it had caught the overhead light when he spun around like that.
Meanwhile, his heart wasn’t slowing down. Still…
“Uh… I guess my text didn’t make it.” At least his mandibles were starting to work. “I didn’t miss the noodles yet, did I?”
The human put his towel down as he started towards his phone propped up on a stand. “They’ll be here in 15 last I checked.”
The music started playing on his phone as he frowned. “Damn, I knew I spun the wrong way…”
This caused Macen to cock his head to the side. “Were you recording yourself for social media or something?”
Doubtful; this kind of thing definitely wasn’t in the human’s wheelhouse. After all, he was supposed to be playing Commander Shepard. While the man had some oddities, he probably didn’t dance around like that.
Then again, who fucking knew. Dude was weird.
Alex was still checking his phone as he spoke. “No, just recording my practice to see where I need to improve for filming next week.”
Surprisingly, he was grinning as he looked up. “I’ve waiteda for this for a long time, so I want to get it right.”
Something about the way he smiled did awful things to Macen’s stomach. However, the statement set his mind whirring. While he wasn’t a complete Reaper War freak like some of his coworkers, he at least knew enough to be sure something like that hadn’t happened. After all, there’d be videos, right?
Definitely videos, no way Joker would’ve let that slip by.
“Ok, you’re going to have to fill me in on this one… since when did Shepard do a little dance?”
Alex chuckled – again, there went his stomach. “2185, to be exact. The Normandy ran into a rogue AI that accidentally found its way into Shepard’s music collection. They needed to distract it, so he wound up putting on a little show. He disabled the cameras beforehand, but he wrote about it in his journal, so we know it happened. And now I get to do it on TV and make all the people who think he was just a military guy hate me. I’m thrilled.”
Clearly – he was sparkling again, and this time it wasn’t from the sweat. Macen felt his heart beat harder again, and he tried to distract himself by looking towards the door. If those noodles could save his ass, he’d marry them.
Besides, he was supposed to be calling things off with the guy.
Alex was still looking through his phone as he spoke. “It’s been such a long time since I’ve done a dance routine for TV, I was worried I forgot how. I’m definitely a little rough, but it’s better than I thought it would be. Good thing the director let me know early so I could practice a bit more.”
Macen started to open his mouth to ask, but then the memory came to the surface. He knew where he had heard the voice before, and honestly he was surprised he had forgotten about it. Back then, he had secretly loved to watch it.
Secretly, of course, because Citadel Idol Heart was really more of a girl’s show. The popular teen drama about idols competing in a Citadel-wide talent competition in hopes of seeing their dreams come to life had run for a few years, and he had seen every episode. More importantly, he had once crushed on the main character, a blonde idol with blue eyes and the sweetest voice he had ever heard. Whenever she took the stage, he had been unable to look away.
Just like he couldn’t look away now…
“You… I forgot you were on CIH.”
It was now Alex’s turn to blink back surprise as he looked up from his phone. “You watched that?”
“Kind of…” His eyes darted. “Your voice hasn’t changed much. I mean it’s gotten older sounding but I’m glad to know it wasn’t autotune or anything…”
Things had officially gotten awkward. There he was, with the crush from his teenage years… and he was fucking the guy without even knowing it. Life was weird, and it was getting worse by the second. If only teenage him could see him now…
The man’s cheeks turned a light pink at the compliment. “Well, it’s not like I’ve gone on T or anything, so no big surprise there…”
He got up, probably to check for the noodles. “I take it you were part of the Melody fan club then. Unless you were an edge lord and went with Black Rose. Her fan club was the absolute worst and insisted we hated each other, but I was the best man at her damn wedding last year…”
The rest of his statement was drowned out by the opening of a door and the ruffling of a paper bag. At last, the noodles had arrived. Unfortunately, Macen realized he didn’t have much of an appetite. His stomach refused to calm, and his heart still pounded as he sat there, processing everything.
At least the application of a warm box to his mandibles helped.
“Macen, your noodles are going to get cold.”
He blinked and realized Alex was nudging him in the face with his food. That shot him back to reality as he took the box and proffered plastic fork that went with it. The human then settled in next to him – not across! – and started to dig into his own box.
Right… food. And they were supposed to be rehearsing. And he was definitely supposed to be breaking up with his costar.
“I had the pin.”
His comment left silence in his wake. Alex had stopped eating and was giving him a rather incredulous look. This caused Macen to duck his head in lieu of eating noodles. After all, it was hard to do so politely when you had a face like his. Really, he should have sworn them off… but they were just so damn good he couldn’t resist.
Damn humans and their noodles, they were out to get him.
“You had the fan club pin?”
Yep – there went his mandibles, flapping in the breeze. “I was a big fan, ok? What can I say, everyone loves an underdog story… and you maybe… looked good in that one outfit. The orange one…”
Melody in the orange outfit had been taped to his bedroom wall until he left for basic. Hell, it might still be there…
“God, you’re such a nerd.”
Alex was chuckling though as he put his fork down. It was a nice sound, though it did horrible things to Macen’s stomach once more. Thoughts of noodles evaporated as he sat there, taking in the sound of the human’s mirth. He really needed to laugh more often… maybe he should work on making that happen.
“Well… I can’t exactly let a fan down, now can I?”
He stood and crossed the room to the open space he had created. The music was soon queued up to where he had last stopped, and Alex took position once more. The smile on his face made Macen’s heart want to stop as he sat there, a noodle still hanging from his mandible.
“I can take off into the dreaming sky… because I’m not alone.” Alex winked as he moved, following the song. “Wherever it is, I feel like I can go across the distant sky…”
Then the music swelled as it led into the final chorus. Macen forgot how to breathe in that moment as he watched his costar dance and sing along to the ancient song. All he could think of was how much better he had gotten since the days of CIH…
And how much he wanted to kiss him.
“It’s not enough to put into words, so I’m putting it into a song I’m wishing will reach you.” Another smile as Alex twirled, then began his final pose as the song began to wind down. “Beating my heart~”
The last pose, with his head cocked to the side and hands clasped together, held as the music faded. Then there was silence in the living room as Macen struggled to remember how to function. Right then, there was nothing there but Alex and the table in front of him that kept him in place.
“It probably needs some work, but I think I’ve got the basics considering it’s only been a couple hours.” Alex landed back on the couch, picking his food back up. “What do you think, Macen? Got anything you noticed?”
Yeah… his heart was still beating like crazy.
The turian shook his head – probably launching the noodle in the process. At least it didn’t hit the man next to him, so he could thank his lucky stars for that. However, it was hard to think then as so many feelings and thoughts crashed together.
He was supposed to be calling it off… that was why he came over. This was just supposed to be a sex thing… but every bone in his carapace was telling him to grab the other man and kiss the daylights out of him. They hadn’t even ever kissed outside of sex or prepping for scenes…
What the hell was wrong with him?
“I uh… I don’t know the song, but maybe hold the last pose a bit longer. They might be able to make your eyes light up a bit more.”
Alex nodded at this. “I’ll make a note. Also, don’t you hate cold noodles? Last time you wouldn’t stop complaining when the delivery guy was late…”
Right then, Macen wasn’t sure what he hated or liked as he shoveled the food into his mouth. He just needed something, anything to keep him away from the thoughts currently blooming in his mind.
He knew this path – he hated it. It never ended well. And long ago he had told himself he was never going to walk down it again if he had any sense in his head. This was nothing more than a rehash on an old teenage crush… he could overpower it.
“We need our energy to practice.” He slurped down the last noodle, glad that none were sticking to his face this time. “Tomorrow’s going to be hell if we’re not ready.”
At least his costar nodded as he worked to finish his dinner. “Tell me about it, I have a damn imprint on my trigger finger from that damn gun…”
Well, at least on the bright side that question got answered. It did nothing to quell the bubbling feelings Macen was trying so desperately to beat down, but at least his curiosity was sated for the moment. Maybe that would get him through filming.
One thing was for sure… he was fucked. No way about it – he was just plain fucked. The universe was laughing at him, and he only had himself to blame. All he could do was hope he could hold back and wait for the feelings to pass.
If they didn’t… see the previous statement for clarification. Fuck… he was supposed to be a turian sharpshooter, not a lovesick puppy. He didn’t sign up for this.
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Play with Fire
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pairing: Kerry Eurodyne x Male!V , Johnny Silverhand x Female!V word count: 6333 (measly and weak but just u wait) summary: V has everything under control. He's not dying. He and Kerry are still going strong. He's now the King of the Afterlife. And Johnny Silverhand is alive and in his own body. He's not forgetting anything...or is he?  notes: Anyone ever want both a male and female V in game? Surprise motherfuckers! Post-Canon The Sun ending fix-it fic coming RIGHT UP! Enjoy two V’s!
Play with Fire — . . | 02 |
AOO Link
4307 hours, 258420 minutes and 15505200.1 seconds. 5.9 months. That’s how long it took to get Johnny back. Not just in V’s head, but actually back . Not only did V focus on getting his own body to stop slowly dying from the lack of Johnny’s biochip in his head, he also focused on how he would get Johnny back. The fucker grew on him...or in him, for better use of the terms. Johnny was a parasite that not only slowly killed V by means not of his own volition, but also slithered his way into V’s heart. Hell, the only reason V came back to his body instead of giving the thing to Johnny was because he gave control to Johnny at Arasaka Tower. V looked over at the man now...in the flesh and not just a fucked up construct in his head that only he could see and hear. Johnny was leaning on the railing to V’s penthouse apartment. The sun was slowly setting on Night City, and despite V being almost next door (or next skyscraper) to her old apartment, there was something so surreal about the scene. Johnny had an unlit cigarette in his mouth and was just leaning on the guardrail, looking at the city with a silent awe. His sunglasses were on top of his head and there was a sort of peace about it all. V blinked as a message came into view. V let out a soft sigh, turning back around and walking into the house.
V was going through his clients and fixers. After everything that happened at Arasaka, V was suddenly thrown back into his body. A living legend. Something V had wanted for a long time...and it felt strange. V was still learning how to live with being a legend. Taking over Afterlife and Rogue’s legacy was a lot more difficult than V had imagined. V hadn’t even imagined becoming a fixer himself...and now there he was. Every other fixer didn’t want Rogue’s position, and most of them now came to V for things. It was all just so...much more than what he expected. V kind of expected to die and become a legend, not live to tell the tale of his escapades. He was alive and now people whispered and tried to fuck him over far more often than he wanted to be fucked. V grumbled once more, throwing himself onto the couch. Kerry was on tour with the Us Cracks for another day and V desperately wanted to actually be fucked instead of having to deal with others who were trying to fuck him in a non-sexy way. “Bein’ a fixer a lot more difficult than you expect?” Johnny asked, pulling V’s attention to the door where Johnny leaned against. V let out a small grunt, looking back up at the ceiling. “I doubt Rogue ever took a fuckin’ break, but you aren’t Rogue. You can make new rules.” Johnny muttered, walking over and leaning over the couch, looking down at V. V looked up at him, suddenly mesmerized by how he actually cast a shadow...how he didn’t glitch when he talked. How he couldn’t just materialize his sunglasses and how stupid he looked with them on the top of his head. “Take a break before you burn yourself out. Didn’t go through all that trouble to clone a new body just to fuck it up by working too hard.” Johnny muttered. V stared at him for a moment longer and sighed. “There’s still a lot of shit I gotta deal with.” V grumbled, rubbing his eyes. “Ya know, I didn’t just get a fuckin’ manual of how to be a fixer and how to run shit smoothly.” V said, looking back up at Johnny. Johnny didn’t say anything, his mind obviously going back to what happened at Arasaka tower...the reason why V was a fixer now and not just a merc. Rogue was dead. Silence filled the air. V sat up and touched Johnny’s hand. Johnny didn’t say a word at the action. Didn’t move his hand either. It was weird being able to physically touch Johnny. Even weirder not to hear his stupid voice rattling around his head, but to actually hear it. Even without the fucker being in his head, he just knew shit with Johnny. That’s what happens when you share a brain and see into the other’s head and soul’s.The two had been through enough shit for a lifetime...and here they both were...living and alive. Clones of what they once were, but both alive. About 5 months into looking at ways for V not to just kick the bucket in the coming month, V decided to take up street fighting. The first place V fought was a little rooftop in Kabuki. There, he fought these two twins that were the same but different. They had split their personalities into two different bodies so that they were two different people but still 1 person. It made V feel hopeful. Sure, they were twins to begin with, but seeing how identical they looked, V got the idea of clones. V called up Hanako who didn’t answer, but V left a voicemail, explaining his reasoning for the call. Then he called Takemura who also didn’t answer. Arasaka fuckers were hard to track down, especially since what V was asking was a lot. V wanted a new body and he wanted Johnny’s engram back, Johnny on the chip...and then a clone of Johnny. It was a big request, especially wanting to bring a literal terrorist against Arasaka back to life...So, like a rational person, V broke back into Arasaka Tower, took Johnny’s engram back and booked it the fuck back to Vik’s. Then V had to go into Cyberspace to find the fucker, so he had to get some help from the Voodoo Boys to get back to the blackwall. Then he had to find him in Cyberspace and throw his ass back into an engram. Alt luckily let him leave willingly, even telling V to make sure when switching out his own engram into a clone to be quick, otherwise he would flatline. The next thing V had to do was find someone to copy Johnny’s DNA and then find out about clones. In less than 2 weeks...while trying to run the Afterlife...and dying. Kerry was a real lifesaver when it came to those 5+ months. Always helpful. Helping buy the best people to make identical clones of both V and Johnny. Fuck he missed the stupid rockstar. “Mind if I use that little Arasaka AV to get the fuck off this little penthouse oasis?” Johnny asked, pulling V from his own thoughts. “Got a hot date er somethin’?” V asked back with a smirk. Johnny returned the smirk. “Wouldn’t you like to know.” Johnny teased back. V let himself chuckle, waving his hand towards the front door. “All yours, Silverhand. There’s a key by the door...you know, so your old ass is able to get in it.” V snarked, standing up and grabbing a bottle of Centzon off the end table in front of him. Johnny didn’t have any modifications, minus his new cybernetic arm. His old one was a few decades outdated and despite V’s own cloned body being perfect, something in Johnny’s DNA left him without his left arm...Johnny didn’t seem to mind the new arm. Didn’t seem to mind the new body either. Apparently his cock was still impressive and that was all he really cared about. “Don’t go nukin’ any Arasaka towers.” V teased as Johnny started walking over to the front door. V looked over and saw his middle finger up in the air as he grabbed the key from the door. V sighed, hearing the doors slide shut behind Johnny and the AV starting up and flying off. V sat back on the couch and closed his eyes. +++
“Open the fucking door you fucking gonk!” Johnny shot up from his spot on the couch at the sudden pounding and screaming at the door. V got a new penthouse and lovingly gave Johnny his shithole of an apartment. Another louder pounding of the door followed as Johnny got up from the couch which he had fallen asleep on after eating far too much Chinese food. “I swear to fuckin’ GOD VINCENT FLOWERS!” The pounding of the door was somehow even louder as the woman’s voice continued to scream against it. Vincent Flowers ? Ooh V would not like to know some lady was saying his full name. Johnny was sure V only swung one way, but with the way this chick was banging on the door, it sounded like V had wronged her. Bad . Johnny opened the door mid-pounding, forcing the woman behind it to stumble forward into the apartment. “Take it easy, princess.” Johnny smirked as the woman let out a sharp huff, glaring up at him. She had red hair, a red and black trenchcoat. At least she matched. “What do I owe the pleasure of-” Johnny started before the woman kicked his feet out from under him, straddling his chest once on the ground and holding a gun against his forehead. He could have sworn he heard someone mutter something outside the door, but it slid shut before he could even process anything that was going on. “Vincent Flowers. Vince. V. Whatever the fuck he goes by. Where the fuck is he?” The woman snarled lowly back down at him. Johnny stared back up at her, his hands going up in defense as his breath came back from being knocked out of him. Still not used to that feeling either. “Who’s askin’?” The words came out far more growled than Johnny had meant. He had only had his body for about a week and now he was gonna lose it to some redheaded woman for being protective over V? Yeah that seemed about right. Kinda figured he’s flatline under a woman. “His sister .” The woman said through clenched teeth, glaring back down at him. Johnny’s brows furrowed as he stared up at her. V was around Johnny’s height, maybe a centimetre shorter than him, but this woman had to only be about 5’4”. Her hair looked long with how big her stupid space buns looked. V had dark black hair, while this woman had dark red hair. V didn’t have any tints of red in his hair. The only thing the two had in common were freckles across their nose, though this woman’s freckles were far darker than V’s and...her eyes. Their eyes. Purple. Johnny blinked. “I don’t remember you.” Johnny muttered aloud, more to himself than to the woman. Johnny had been in the prick’s fucking head for over a month, seeing his memories, feeling his feelings, and not once did he remember this little redheaded bitch in the fucker’s memories. Johnny stared at her for a moment longer before she punched him in the nose.  “ Fuck .” Johnny grumbled at the sudden pain. “ Tell me! ” The woman snapped pushing the gun now fully against his forehead. It felt warm. Like she had used it recently, but not so recent that it burned. “Where the fuck is V?” The woman said with a low growl, getting closer to Johnny’s face. “Where is my brother?” The woman asked, sounding a little less hostile at her own words. Johnny watched as her guard went down for a minute before slamming his head into hers. The woman let out a sharp hiss from the pain as Johnny took the opportunity to shove her off of him and quickly rush over to where he kept his gun. Gunfire filled the little apartment as Johnny dove over the couches and grabbed his own gun from the coffee table, staying low to keep from the gunfire. “Why are you lookin’ for him?” Johnny asked loudly, as the gunfire stopped for a moment. Johnny glimpsed over the couch before ducking and falling below where the couch ended and the step was to keep himself from being shot as she fired a few more shots. “I’m worried about the fucker.” The woman snapped back. “He went fucking dark about 8 months ago. Not a fucking word. Dropped off the face of the planet.” The woman explained. Johnny made sure his gun was loaded before quickly rushing over to the bed and jumping on it, to keep himself from being shot, firing a few warning shots back at the woman. “Is he alive?” The woman asked, her tone softening at the question. A moment of weakness. Johnny tossed a pillow towards the couch, watching it get blown to bits from gunfire, helping him figure out where she was by the way the fluff blew out of the pillow. Johnny’s ears perked up at the sound of clicking near the bathroom, knowing she had emptied her clip. Now or never. Johnny quickly rushed around the bed wall and the bathroom wall, grabbing onto the woman’s wrist, hitting the gun from her hand before flipping her over his shoulder and onto the ground, aiming his gun down at her now. The woman glared back up at him as Johnny kicked the gun towards the couches, away from this little hellfire. “He’s alive.” Johnny said, watching her glare subside for a moment as a wave of relief washed over her. “Good.” The woman sighed, staring back up at Johnny before reaching and pulling out another gun from just under her chest from a gun holster and aimed it back at him. Fuck. “Valley.” The woman said, staring back up at Johnny, expecting an introduction. Johnny found himself chuckling. “Johnny.” Johnny introduced himself. Maybe she really was V’s brother. Valley. Valley. This name didn’t sound familiar, but when he thought back of his time in V’s brain, he felt it was familiar. “V doesn’t live here anymore.” Johnny explained, keeping his gun trained on the woman. The woman let out an annoyed huff, setting her gun down to her side, staring up at the ceiling. “You know where he is?” The woman, Valley, asked, looking defeated as she lay on her back on the ground. Johnny slowly lowered his gun. “I just want to see how he is...not just hear it.” Valley muttered, looking back up at Johnny. “I’ve heard a lot of shit about him...It took me about a month to get to Night City and even outside of the fuckin’ city, I’d heard things about V...kinda why I didn’t just come and see what had happened when he went radio silent.” Valley muttered, more annoyed than anything. Johnny stared at her for a long moment before she sat up. “I only knew one number of his, and it was a client that got him into Night City...Jackie Welles. Do you know him?” Valley asked and Johnny felt his heart drop at the name. ‘Course he knew him. Knew that V never truly mourned. Felt the ache in his own damn chest from the grief. “Yeah…” Johnny muttered aloud, staring back at the woman. His heart clenched uncomfortably tight. Valley simply looked back up at him and nodded. “I mean, hell, I know it was about 2 years ago when V first left, but that was the only contact I had that could even potentially lead me to him…” Valley muttered, sitting up on her elbows. “Then he got kicked out of that stupid fuckin’ Arasaka job, so I couldn’t just ring them up askin’ for V.” Valley continued sitting up fully, leaning her arms against her knees. “Last thing I heard was he got this big gig with some big fixer. Thought it’d make him a legend.” V shrugged, looking back up at Johnny. “Then...nothin’.” Valley shook her head, looking confused by the silent act. “Don’t get me wrong, he would go off the map for a while, sure, but after about 2 months, a girl gets worried, ya know?” Valley asked as Johnny stood silent, watching as she explained herself. Johnny felt himself sigh, glancing back at the clock that sat on the ground beside the bed as it blared an obnoxious red reading 3 am. “Why don’t I take you to see him yourself?” Johnny asked, placing his gun on the bathroom sink. “If you really are his sister, then you have a lot to catch up on.” Johnny muttered, reaching out his cybernetic hand to help her up off his floor. Valley grabbed his hand, shoving her gun into her holster, looking at the arm for just a moment. “Where’s he live now?” Valley asked, walking over and grabbing her other gun off of the ground. Johnny, despite himself, watched her bend over. The more he looked at her, the less he could see them as biological brother and sister. For one, V had no ass at all, and despite the long and dramatic trench coat (that hugged this woman’s figure e xquisitely ) Johnny could tell this woman had an ass. And a nice rack on her. “And to think you were someone V would bone.” The woman muttered aloud, forcing Johnny to stop his gawking, only then noticing her staring back at him. “Sorry princess, but you did come banging on my door like an ex-lover at 3 in the fuckin’ mornin’.” Johnny snarked back with a smirk. The woman scoffed, walking past him towards the door, but Johnny caught the slight color change in her cheeks when she passed. Johnny chuckled lowly as he grabbed the key to V’s AV from from the desk beside the bathroom, shoving his gun into his holster. “Everythin’ alright in here?” Johnny heard as he popped his head around the corner, seeing that Valley had opened the door and a police officer was standing on the other side. “Got some complaints about gunshots and screamin’.” The officer muttered, looking around Valley into the apartment. Johnny walked up behind her and shook his head. “Nothing to concern yourself with, officer .” The words were spit out with venom as Johnny leaned against the door, nearly nudging Valley out of the way. “You know the area.” Johnny said with a shrug, glaring back at the man. Looked like the same cop that nearly got that ex-cop down the hall killed for not giving a shit. “We were just headed out.” Johnny stated sharply, grabbing hold of Valley’s arm and hitting his shoulder with the officer’s shoulder as he got out the door, pulling Valley along. The officer chuckled behind him as the door to V’s-er Johnny’s , he guessed, apartment slid shut and locked loudly. Johnny felt his blood boil from the sound. “Easier just to let people know you were bringin’ a joytoy back to get aggressive with. No need to be called out for a domestic with a cumslut.” The officer muttered aloud. Johnny stopped, just a moment after Valley did. Valley turned a lot quicker around than he did. “So if you knew that the noise complaints were involving a joytoy or doll, you’d ignore it?” Valley snapped quickly, her fists already in balls as she walked back up to the officer. The officer’s hand went to his hip and Johnny reached for his own gun at his hip. “Oh, I’m sorry, is being a slut a hard job?” The officer chuckled back down at her. “Is being a cum guzzling whore dangerous?” The officer asked, bending down with a smirk that Johnny suddenly grabbed hold of Valley’s arm and pulled her a step back. “Try being a cop.” The officer continued. “Not much of a difference.” Valley spit back. “Both get fucked by Corpos all the time. Only difference is that pigs don’t need to be paid extra to swallow.” Valley snapped. Johnny couldn’t help the snort that left his body as he watched the officer’s face drop. The small moment quickly died as the officer pulled his gun from his holster. Johnny quickly pulled Valley from the situation, vaguely hearing the police scream and curse as the two sprinted away from the scene, down the stairs, past the gym and into the elevator, quickly shutting the thing and going up to the roof. Even as they rode upwards, Johnny could hear the officer swearing and screaming. A few shots of gunfire followed. Johnny now laughed as he leaned against the side of the elevator. “Had my doubts ‘bout you bein’ V’s sister, but after that little show? No doubt.” Johnny chuckled, nodding back down to where they had been. Through the glass, Johnny could see the officer having a tantrum, now across the apartments to better see their elevator going up, looking for another way up to the roof. Johnny turned his attention back to the woman. She had her arms folded, obviously in her own head, glaring at the elevator doors. Johnny could have sworn he felt heat coming off of her. “V never mentioned he had a sister.” Johnny said, changing the subject, leaning against the elevator’s wall. Valley blinked, pulling herself back to where she was before looking over at him. “Should have just put a bullet to his head.” Valley muttered, looking past Johnny, out to the apartment buildings as they continued climbing higher. “Get rid of at least 1 corrupted fuckin’ cop.” Valley growled, her jaw clenching as she spoke. “Police station isn’t too far from here if you want to go burn the place to the ground.” Johnny shrugged, folding his own arms. Johnny watched as Valley’s glare slowly faded as she let out a small chuckle. “Know anyone with explosives?” Valley asked and Johnny nearly doubled over from laughter, but easily kept that in his chest, instead just chuckling. Maybe 50 years ago, but now, he was still new to being alive, let alone knowin’ where to get some more nukes. “Didn’t bring mine with me into the city. Hard enough as is to get into the fuckin’ place without havin’ explosives in the trunk.” Valley chuckled. Johnny stared at her for a moment before chuckling. The elevator doors opened. “I remember V had to smuggle in some kinda lizard into the City to get in.” Johnny chuckled, walking out the elevator doors. The sound of police sirens weren’t as loud the higher they were. Johnny suspected that one or two might be for the little commotion that Valley caused with the cop down in the apartments, but they wouldn’t even be in the same building when they got to the roof. Only way to get to the roof was by the elevator. Pretty shitty design, but Johnny didn’t give a shit. Place was meant to be torn down anyway, but enough people kept living there that they kept bringing in money into the Corpo’s pockets. Johnny pressed the key to the AV and the AV opened up. Valley followed behind, lookin at the AV and raising an eyebrow. “What? Don’t look like the kinda guy that owns an AV?” Johnny sassed as and got into the AV. “No, you don’t.” Valley stated as she hesitantly got into the AV. Johnny chuckled as she sat down beside him, flinching as the doors closed. “Please provide your destination.” The fancy British voice of the AV said. “V’s place.” Johnny stated, reaching over and grabbing two champagne flutes with clear liquid in them. Johnny knew V filled the fuckers up with vodka instead of the champagne that they were supposed to have in them. “Noted. En route.” The voice said again. “Here.” Johnny said, reaching to hand Valley the drink. Valley didn’t move her hand from the arms of her chair. Didn’t even look towards him. Her eyes were fixated on the floor. Johnny looked at her knuckles and saw them going white. “Don’t like flyin’?” Johnny asked with a chuckle in his voice. Valley shook her head. “Rather drive.” Valley muttered, shutting her eyes tightly as the AV got into the air. Johnny rolled his eyes, drinking the Centzon down. “Willin’ to stand up to a cop about joytoys than to fly in an AV?” Johnny snarked aloud. Valley glared over at him, snatching the drink from his hand before drinking it all before coughing violently. “Fuck!” Valley hissed, looking for a place to put the glass down. Johnny moved his own back to its original placement before grabbing the empty one from Valley’s hands. “Jesus!” Valley snapped, glaring over at the vodka flutes. “Couldn’t just be water er somethin’?” Valley snapped, more mad at the two other filled flutes than she was at him. Johnny chuckled, leaning back into his seat, spreading out as he usually did. “Can’t handle your liquor, princess?” Johnny asked with a smirk, reaching for his sunglasses and finding nothing. Johnny let out a small, displeased grunt at the fact that he couldn’t just materialize the fuckin’ things. Wasn’t expecting to leave the apartment till morning. Wasn’t expecting to be woken the fuck up by V’s long lost sister at 3 in the fuckin’ morning. “Initiating landing sequence.” The British voice announced. Valley looked both relieved and extremely stressed. Even if she was V’s sister, he could think of one way that she could relax. Johnny found himself adjusting his pants slightly. Fuck he needed a good lay. Shouldn’t be hard. Didn’t have any trouble back in the day... “We have arrived at your destination.” The AV announced. The door opened automatically and Valley quickly got out of the AV. Johnny rolled his eyes as he followed behind. Valley looked up at the penthouse building. “V lives here ?” Valley asked, gesturing towards the house. Johnny chuckled and nodded. “Oh, I’m going to fucking kill him.” Valley growled lowly, already grabbing one of her pistols. “Watch the guns, princess, there’s security drones around here.” Johnny chastised, catching up to her as she walked towards the front door. “Pretty sure if they nearly shoot my head off, they’ll take yours off without hesitation. ‘Specially with a gun in your hand.” Johnny muttered as he walked up to the front door. “Put the gun away.” Johnny snapped, nodding at her gun. Valley let out a sharp sigh before doing so. “Now. Stay here.” Johnny stated, taking the few steps up to the building, putting a code into the door. Valley rolled her eyes and folded her arms. “I’m not a fucking dog.” Valley hissed as Johnny entered the house. Johnny rolled his own eyes as he heard her following behind. Johnny hesitated for a moment as he heard noises in the house. Valley walked in beside him before Johnny grabbed her arm and forced her to stop. Valley glared back up at him before he tapped his ear, indicating her to listen. Valley stopped and listened, as Johnny slowly pulled his gun out. Valley followed suit with the action. Johnny and Valley slowly headed towards the gun stash. Fuck. Johnny wasn’t prepared. He was just in a tanktop and his leather pants. No bullet proof vest or nothing. Should’ve known he’d find himself in some shit sooner or later. Just expected it to be later and when he actually figured out what he was going to do in regards to money. May have tried out that rockstar life he sorta missed out on when Samurai broke up. After Alt died, he had kind of spiraled out of control...well, not ‘kind of’. He couldn’t remember much from 2013 to 2023. It all seemed like a blur of drugs and alcohol and deals that got him a nuke or two. It was a blur, and as much as V insisted that he needed to go to therapy for it, Johnny honestly felt at ease after coming back. New body and all kinda helped. Well he did feel at ease...did before he had a gun in his hand in V’s house. Johnny looked over at Valley and counted down from 3. Gave her a second or 2 to process, but that’s all she needed as she nodded back. Johnny counted silently aloud before hitting the door’s button that made it open. “Oh my God!” Valley screamed, quickly averting her eyes from the scene. Johnny let out a good laugh. The source of the noise? V fucking Kerry...or rather he had been for about a second before Johnny got to fully witness what V looked like while blowing his load. Had the pleasure of having an up close and personal experience when V and Kerry trashed and burned that shitty record guys’ yacht. “Johnny get the fuck out!” Kerry snapped as V quickly pulled out and looked mortified at the whole thing. Johnny laughed, leaning against the doorframe, much to both Kerry and V’s discomfort as the both grabbed something to hide themselves. Kerry going for a more modest plant while V grabbed a machine gun. “Forget that I’ve been in your head when you did this the first time?” Johnny asked V as he ushered Johnny out of his little armoury and shoved past him, rushing up the stairs. “You forget when we -” Johnny got out before Kerry punched him in the stomach, making him bite his tongue and fall to a knee from the force and cough. “T-Touchy subject?” Johnny coughed as Kerry quickly ran up the stairs after V. Johnny laughed with a hiss as he stood up, holding his stomach for a moment longer, trying to subside the pain by sure willpower. Didn’t miss that. Didn’t miss the raw pain of bein’ alive. When he was with V, he got a small snippet of emotions and feelings. None ever compared to the real thing. The only one that came close was whenever V thought about Jackie; gave him a call and left a voicemails whenever anything of importance happened. That was something that always hit Johnny with full force. Johnny walked back into the living room, noticing a slight breeze to his right. His eyes turned towards the source and saw Valley leaning up against the guard rail. Johnny walked out onto the terrace and leaned beside her, pulling a cigarette from his case in his pocket and putting it in his mouth. The lack of nicotine that V took in when Johnny was in his head really changed him. V really changed him. It was just a habit now. He didn’t light the thing. Just needed a little familiarity, but the taste didn’t do as much as it once did...even with a new and not-fucked-up clone body. “Was...was that Kerry Eurodyne?” Valley asked after a moment of silence. Johnny looked back over at her. Even in the neon lights, he could see that her face was flushed still. Johnny chuckled, feeling it go through his whole body. That was something he also wasn’t used to. Feeling so...so light . Sure, corpos were still shit, Arasaka was still around and doing shady shit and hell, the world was in a worse state than when he flatlined and got trapped in an Arasaka mind prison, but...he was alive . And Adam Smasher was dead...and so was Rogue. The lightness was quickly replaced with guilt. Johnny nodded his head, not letting guilt take over as he spoke. “And you’re some Johnny Silverhand impersonator, right?” Valley asked, leaning on one arm to turn and look at him. Johnny raised an eyebrow back at her. “You’re all in this poly relationship, but you forgot it was Kerry’s night with V.” Valley stated, looking serious as she spoke. “V and I really liked Samurai growing up so it makes a little sense that he’d fuck anyone in the band he could get his hands on.” Valley shrugged. Johnny stared back at her before laughing. “Disappointed you didn’t cash in on that option?” Johnny asked playfully. Valley raised an eyebrow back at him. “You know, Johnny was known as a player.” Johnny chuckled with a wink of his eye and a wiggle of his eyebrows. Valley snorted and shook her head. Johnny should have saved that for later. Her face was still a light pink from earlier and he couldn’t tell if she was even remotely affected by his words. “That your final guess on what he’s been up to?” Johnny asked, raising his eyebrow while leaning now to look at her. “That your brother ditched you to get kabobed by the leading men in Samurai?” Johnny asked playfully. Valley let out a snort through her nose before laughing. “Oh God ew!” Valley said through her laughter. “I don’t want to think about that !” Valley snapped through her laughter, punching Johnny in the arm before reeling back as she hit his metal arm. “Fuck!” Valley hissed, looking at her hand and then his arm. Johnny chuckled at the action, as she shook her hand and walked away from the rail. “Even went as far as choppin’ your arm off?” Valley asked, looking back up at Johnny. Johnny opened and closed his left hand, looking at the metal arm. “You could say I wasn’t made with one.” Johnny said, leaning backwards against the railing now. A cool breeze blew against his back, sending a shiver up his spine. Despite global warming and all the shit they were doing to keep the little piece of ice in Antarctica frozen still, it meant that summers were hot and winters were cold . Johnny couldn’t even imagine the weather after 50 years. It was in the middle of October, and that was the first cold breeze Johnny had felt. Didn’t help that Night City was beside the ocean. “Alright, what the fuck is so fuckin’ important that you need to show up here at nearly 4 in the fuckin’ mornin’?” V asked angrily as he walked out of his house and onto the terrace. Couldn’t really take him seriously as he was wearing a frilly little robe. Johnny didn’t say a word, only nodded towards Valley. Johnny watched as V turned and the anger in his face suddenly disappeared. Valley’s face was slow to respond. The two looked shocked to see the other. “V-Valley?” V asked hesitantly. Johnny watched as the anger V once had on his face was transferred to Valley’s. “What are you doi-” V got out before Valley walked up to him and punched him in the face. And then continued to punch him and tackle him to the ground and beat the shit out of him. “Hey hey hey! Knock it off!” Kerry snapped as he came running out in a similar skimpy little bathrobe that V was wearing, grabbing hold of Valley and trying to pull the girl off V. Valley was so caught up in beating the shit out of her brother that she didn’t even realize that she elbowed Kerry in the nose. Kerry let out a sharp hiss as blood came rushing out of his nose. “Little help Johnny.” Kerry snapped back at Johnny who had just stood and watched it all happen. Johnny rolled his eyes as he went and grabbed Valley and tore her off of V, his cigarette dropping in the process. Despite her desperate attempts to continue beating the shit out of V, Johnny pulled her off of him. “You promised me, Vincent!” Valley screamed as Johnny physically picked her up and held her from V as he lay on the ground. Valley kicked and screamed, trying to get Johnny to let her go, but luckily, the new cybernetic arm was helping keeping her restrained. “You promised, Vince, you promised me !” Valley continued to scream, but now Johnny had the unpleasant feeling of tears drip onto his arms. His cybernetic one was advanced, so he could feel the gentle droplets, but his non-cyber arm felt like they were heavier. Kerry was now kneeling beside V as he sat up. V’s nose was bleeding, he had a cut on his cheek and his head and would have a hell of a bruise under his eye. Johnny didn’t have to be in V’s body to know that hurt...but it wasn’t the physical hurt that V was worried about. He looked as if his heart was breaking and Johnny could almost feel the phantom feelings as if they were his own. Valley soon slowed down her kicking and screaming that it stopped all together. Johnny slowly put Valley onto the ground where she seemed to crumple up. A heart wrenching sob left her mouth as she sat on her knees, her hands on the ground to steady herself, but even they didn’t look sturdy. “Valerie, Valley, please, Val fuck , I’m-I’m so-I’m so sorry.” Johnny took a step back from the scene as he watched V crawl over to Valley, grabbing onto her hand tightly. That only made Valley sob even harder. V pulled Valley into his arms and let out his own sob. “Val I’m sorry, please, Valley, please I’m so fucking sorry.” V sobbed as the two held each other. Johnny walked around them and grabbed Kerry’s arm as he looked at the scene, confused and obviously distraught at it all. “Come on, Ker, let’s give them some privacy.” Johnny muttered as he pulled Kerry into the house with a little force. “What the fuck is going on?” Kerry asked, blood from his nose still running down his face. Johnny led him into the kitchen and turned on the faucet before grabbing a towel and running it under the cool water. “Johnny, who the fuck is that?” Kerry asked as Johnny handed him the wet towel as Kerry continued to stare out where they both knew V and Valley were. Johnny knew Kerry was concerned, but he also felt the hint of jealousy in his tone. “That’s his sister.” Johnny stated seriously. Shock and disbelief crossed Kerry’s face. Johnny only sighed, grabbing a fresh cigarette from his pocket and lighting it up.
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rogue-barnes-16 · 5 years
Summary: Natasha was planning on going on the run alone, but when Y/n found out where the redhead was heading, it became a trip for two.
Pairing: Yelena Belova x fem!Reader
Genre: angst
Yelena Belova: @justmebeingtheweirdmeiam @thetiniestfangirl
Permanent taglist: @notexactlythatgirl @thisismysecrethappyplace @sofreakinmanyfandoms @pizzarollpatrol @bubblycypress87 @1a-girl-has-no-name1 @loislp @lovenaturefirst @dyanna-corona @2ptonpt @goodnightmode @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @mannls @cutie1365 @catch22inareddress @mybooradley @sebastianisasnack @butifulsoul125 @unlikelygalaxygiver @angelh1 @justmebeingtheweirdmeiam
Warnings: language, violence, guns, feels
A/N: it's late but I wanted to post this ASAP bc I've been a L O T without posting so here it comes some Yelena angsty shit with a happy ending. Oneshot of Natasha and a request for Bucky coming your way <3.
Rogue-barnes-16 masterlist
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"You sure she's there?" I asked the redhead, checking I could easily grab my knives.
"100%." she confirmed, checking the load of her gun. "Stay put."
Natasha was the first one to exit the elevator, careful and silent even though we knew Yelena would realize the Black Widow was there the moment we put a foot in the apartment.
I left the security of the elevator too, but not right away. I waited until Natasha was inside the apartment before coming close.
She peeked at me right after I had joined her and I nodded to signal her I was ready.
"I know you're out there." we heard Yelena's voice while we were scouting the largest hall.
Our bodies tensed again and Natasha silently warned me to stay behind and quiet. "I know you know I'm out here." She stated, going from one door to another, trying to find out were the blonde was. "so are we gonna talk like grown-ups?"
I stopped walking when Natasha, instead of moving on to the next door, gripped the gun tighter.
"Is that what we are?"
"Put down the gun."
"you first."
"Put down your gun."
"why should I?" she inquired in a low, calm tone. "you beat me in a lot of things but shooting is not one of them."
Natasha tilted her head to the side, which for Yelena meant nothing, but to me was a signal to move away from them.
She needed to get Yelena under control as soon as possible, and right now that wasn't happening.
"I wanna talk." the redhead spoke, taking a step forward into the room, her hands still before her holding up the gun in front of the younger girl face.
"I don't."
I wasn't expecting for Yelena to make a move that soon.
She kicked Natasha's gun up and Natasha, out of instinct, did the same without realizing that would expose me.
Fast as lighting, I grabbed my pistol and aimed at the blond Russian.
"Yelena, stop." I begged more than demanded, watching the girl's feelings crossing her face.
Her eyes went wide, her mouth, firstly in awe, was shut as she tried to get herself together in front of us.
"Put down the gun and-" she aimed at me as if Natasha wasn't there with us and, biting her lower lip for it not to tremble, she pulled the trigger.
I gasped, my gun falling to the floor due to the shock, my hands going to my chest to cover the wound that wasn't there.
The same shock plastered in my face had taken over hers as she glanced at me and then at the gun.
Natasha's gun.
A black boot appeared in my peripheral vision as Yelena and I stared into each other's eyes, kicking back the latter and making her land on her back.
When I picked up on Natasha's intentions of shooting at Yelena, I kicked her gun.
Now the three of us were unarmed and on our feet.
"What are you doing?" Natasha hissed at me.
"We all should calm the fuck down." I spoke loudly, ignoring the question clearly directed to me. "Yelena-"
My defenses weren't up yet, so when Yelena threw the first kick, was Natasha who had to stop her.
Chaos was begun, and soon we were all on each other's throat.
I was thrown against the counter right after hitting Yelena's head against the wall and just an instant before Natasha's back was slammed with a stool.
I took a deep breath, my head spinning as I helped myself get up with the same counter I was thrown against.
Yelena had grabbed a knife but before I could do anything, said knife was on the floor, so were they.
"Стоп! Вы оба (stop! Both of you.)" I yelled, approaching them both just an instant away from Natasha going across the glass of the door. "Елена..."
I hadn't even offered her a hand to get up before she grabbed both my arms and made me fall over her, just for her to spin us, making her the one on top. "you left me and went with her!"
"I'm back now" I calmly spoke, as if I didn't have one of the most dangerous women in the world right above me.
"I don't care." she spit back taking her hand to her boot, presumably to grab a blade.
I took that as an advantage and threw her off me, got up and grabbed my own blade just in time.
She incorporated and tried to attack me.
Emphasis on tried.
"You obviously care!" I shouted to her face as I pinned her hands against the wall.
She attempted to shake me off but only gave me the chance to get a better grip on her. "БЛЯДЬ!"
"I don't want to hurt you." I whispered sincerely, letting my blade fall.
"You already did." she replied with tears blurring her green eyes.
"This is not fair. You didn't look for me." I stated.
"You ran away from me!" She hissed, twisting my hand and pushing me down with her knee. "with he-"
As she pointed at Natasha, I sat up and threw myself over her, caging her body against the floor for good, I hoped.
"I was trying to PROTECT YOU" I spat. "I'm here now please, stop- Yelena!" I scolded her, as she wouldn't stop struggling. "Моя любовь."
She let out a loud, raging cry of pain when she heard my words.
"I HATE YOU!" She yelled, breaking down to tears.
"I love you." I replied, catching Natasha moving with the corner of my eye.
"That's why I'm back."
" 'Cause I love you."
Her fists loosened and I noticed how she was no longer struggling to get up, but to take her hands to her face, so I freed her for my grip. "You left me for her... You left me- You- I waited for-- I thought you'd come back and you didn't... I--"
I got off her and pulled her to my embrace. "I'm sorry." I apologized, wrapping my arms around her as she cried, we both sat on the floor. "I'm really sorry, моя любовь... You weren't safe... I'm- I'm sorry I left you behind, if I could turn back time-- I'm so sorry."
"I t-thought you forgot about me"
I pulled her chin up to plant a kiss on her lips. "Never would I forget about you, you hear me?" she nodded with her eyes shut and her forehead resting against mine. "never."
"Please don't leave me again." she muttered so quiet I barely was able to hear her. "Death is better than living without you."
I kissed her forehead, pulling her for another hug.
"I'm sorry for shooting you."
"Yeah, I can't blame you."
"But you're not sorry for throw me through a fucking door." Natasha's voice caught our attention. "Okay," she walked to the kitchen counter and grabbed the Vodka. "okay I see how it is."
"I don't hear you saying sorry for slamming me against all my fucking furniture, Sis." Yelena replied, pulling away from me and getting up. "What the fuck are you doing? There are glasses in the top shelf, don't drink from the bottle."
"Thought Y/n made them shatter."
"haha, funny." I walked to the both of them and hopped over the counter, accepting the glass of vodka Yelena offered me.
"So" Natasha started, chuckling the whole drink. "that's why Madame B wouldn't let y'all sleep in the same compartment?"
"Woah, you're really smart." I teased, leaving the glass aside and lying on my back over the counter.
"Yeah, just took you like fifteen years to pick up on it."
"Fuck you both."
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kiwi-xeet · 4 years
DA4 BTS Companion/ NPC Speculation
I can’t stop thinking about the potential companions so I wrote a thing. Keep in mind this is speculation and probably wishful thinking. Also here is a link to all of the concept art images for reference. I feel like we should also address that the concept art will be different than the final product, same with how it was for DAI, but it’s fun for me to make guesses. Also Tevinter Nights spoilers below.
1) Glowy person in the concept art: I think they’re either a possessed corpse, or they’re Mortalitasi with a cool skeleton mask. Tbh I think either would be cool. They’re probably in these photos as well as the character lineup.
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It’s also possible that they’re Audric from Tevinter Nights - Down Among the Dead Men. Either way, I want to marry them. In the art with the skeleton servants, the one dissecting the dragon looking corpse looks too fleshy to be a skeleton themselves, so I’m leaning more towards Mortalitasi than an actual corpse person. Or who knows, maybe there’s some magic involved we don’t know about yet. 2) The Crow/ rogue-ish guy: I’m thinking one of them is Lucanis from Tevinter Nights - The Wigmakers job. After reading that I felt like they were really playing him up to be a future companion. Imo he stood out more than a lot of the other characters, and I could see him being a fan favorite.
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I know a lot of people think Dorian is the underwater one and Zevran is in the one about to snap a guys neck, but I actually think one, if not both of them, are Lucanis. The outfits are very similar. Also, unless Dorian is undercover idk why he would have crow armor and a sword (not saying Dorian won’t be in DA4, he obviously will be). I think at least one of the men in these photos could be Lucanis. 3) I’m almost positive the Qunari lady will be a romanceable companion. The fandom has wanted a romanceable female qunari so hard and she is also the most realized looking character in the photos. 4) I think this is Scout Harding. She has a similar style and build, and she’s a redheaded dwarven rogue. Even if this isn’t Harding, I’d be surprised if she doesn’t make an appearance in the game since she’s a fan favorite and the devs also love her.
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5) Dalishious (<- link to their thread) pointed out that the Inquisition insignia is on this warriors armor (you’ll have to zoom in to see it). I didn’t even realize it until they pointed it out! Is this the Inquisitor with a prosthetic arm? Maybe they really do the dual protagonist thing, or maybe we will at least be able to control them in a couple of scenes. Probably just wishful thinking, but ah well. Or maybe they’re just an Inquisition agent. Gimme dual protagonists plzzzzz Bioware. T-T
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We Do This to Live Ch. 5
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Chapter Five
Summary: On Earth-198742, there are no heroes. There’s humans. There’s mutants. There are even some that fall somewhere between. But when Boliver Trask manages to get the Sentinel program signed, it’s up to a thief and her brilliant sister to find those that still believe in something more - something good. And maybe, along the way, they’ll get the chance to save mutant kind.
Pairings: Rogue x Remy, Marie x Shuri (eventually), Geneva x Bucky (eventually)
Word Count: 3475 words
Warnings: Violence? Cussing? That sort of thing?
Masterlist to OCs - Masterlist to Other Works 
Previous Chapter
“Y’the only t’ief crazy ‘nough t’steal more than is asked o’ya.”
Geneva shrugged from her spot on Marie’s bed. She had come home only a handful of hours ago and while she knew she should rest, her powers were matching her emotions. A constant hum was in the back of her ears and her nerves felt particularly prickly. Until she found out what all of this new information meant, she knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep. “T’anks for takin’ a look.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Marie was impressed that in the last twenty-four hours, Geneva had not only caught Jean-Luc up on everything that had happened, but she’d duplicated the contents of the flash drive. It was sneaky…underhanded…and absolutely something Marie was proud of. “Don’t t’ank moi yet.” She clicked on a file. Lab results, videos, photos – everything one could ever hope to find – popped up over the multiple screens. Marie raised a brow, finding a particularly interesting piece of information. “This project was terminated ‘cause the mutant escaped.”
Geneva bit her lip, taking in the x-rays that showed a metal skeleton. A shiver ran down her spine. “What was his name?”
Marie glanced back at the redhead. She knew Geneva had always been hesitant to learn about more of her kind, but it seemed like she was shedding that fear as she got older. “Uh…” She looked back at the information, eyes flitting from each piece of the puzzle until she pulled up the patient’s name. There was a small photo with it. “James Logan Howlett.” Shock washed over her as she told Geneva, “He was military. Part o’that Cap’n America’s Howling Commandos.” A couple lines further down and she realized why this guy was so important. “His mutation was enhanced healin’. No way o’knowin’ ‘ow old the homme really is.”
The familiar creak of her bed let Marie know that Geneva had moved, no doubt standing behind her. The two stared at the sleeping face. A patient used for experimentation and yet…he looked so peaceful in that single image. Who knew what drugs were in his system?
“Ca va,” Geneva muttered, resting her arms on the back of Marie’s chair. “What else?”
Marie exited out of the Weapon X file. “T’ought y’said there were five files.” She glanced at Geneva. “There’s only four.”
“One o’them needed voice recognition t’even move the damn t’ing,” Geneva admitted, running a hand through her hair. “Was called the Sentinel Program.”
Marie’s nose scrunched. “Weird.” She clicked on the Avenger file. Scrolling through the files, her eyes widened. “Oh, mon dieu.”
“Shush.” Marie kept scrolling, utterly amazed at the amount of information Geneva had gotten her hands on. “Gen, y’managed t’get the file on all the Avengers and what happened to ‘em. Not the bullshit the media gave us. The real story.”
“Sonovabitch…” Geneva’s eyes sparked a little brighter, excitement coursing through her at the idea of such important information. And she was the one who found it.
A knock came from the door, earning two sets of curious eyes as it opened. Rogue peeked her head inside, leaning against the doorframe. If she had opened it even half a second earlier, she would have caught sight of all the information the pair had been looking at.
Instead, she saw the inner workings of Essex Industries.
Closing her eyes, Rogue took a slow breath and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Marie…”
“Technically not a government organization.” The excuse tumbled from Marie’s lips effortlessly, as if well practiced and thought out.
They had a deal. Marie could hack away to her heart’s content – but she had to stay out of government business. It wasn’t that Rogue and Remy weren’t proud of her capabilities. They just didn’t want to bring unwanted attention their way.
Rogue forced her shoulders to relax as she looked at the girls. “Just be careful.”
Marie threw a thumb’s up her way as Rogue stepped inside. Geneva, ruffling the tween’s hair, looked at her mom. “Somethin’ up, Mama?”
“Your grandfather told Rem and I how your first mission went. Wanted to congratulate ya.”
Geneva grinned, her powers shimmering under her cheekbones. “Merci.”
Rogue chuckled as she sat on the foot of Marie’s bed. “He also told us how Marie helped.”
Marie tensed, looking over her shoulder. It wasn’t a secret that Geneva and Marie hadn’t been seeing eye to eye. If she didn’t know better, Rogue would comment about how much she loved to see them spending time together once again.
But Rogue was a very smart woman. She knew to keep her mouth shut. At least regarding their mended friendship.
“I wanted to talk to you two ‘bout that,” Rogue told them, bouncing her leg as Marie spun in her chair. “Your dad knows that you’re talented, Gen. We’re not doubtin’ that,” she assured her daughter. Just like she had been at Geneva’s age, the teenager was still self-conscious about her own talents. “But where ya might not think everythin’ through, Marie does.”
Marie shrugged. “What’s your point? ‘M a phone call away. She’ll be fine.”
“We don’t want it to have to be a phone call, Marie.” Rogue sighed, looking between the girls before settling her gaze back on Marie. “I know bein’ a part of the Guild isn’t what ya want. And I don’t blame ya at all. This won’t require you to do anythin’ you don’t already. But when Geneva goes on assignments, we’d like it if ya worked together. Someone needs to have Gen’s back and know what to look for.”
Silence fell in the room. Rogue knew it was a hard sell and understood why. With what had happened to Henri, Marie didn’t trust Jean-Luc or the Guilds. She hardly trusted her uncle, Remy.
“I don’t want anyt’in’ t’happen t’Gen. If my ‘elp can benefit ‘er then…” Marie shrugged. “Ca va. ‘M in.”
Rogue looked at her daughter. Geneva simply shrugged. “Sounds like fun t’moi.”
That night, the two were in Geneva’s small house. Her projector illuminated a blank wall, showing them the videos she had stolen.
There was Dr. Strange’s arrest. The Eye of Agamotto had been glowing so brightly against his chest, refusing to leave its owner. They took his cloak though, no matter how feisty it had tried to be.
Charles Xavier’s students being arrested, despite their age. The school being shut down. Xavier being injected with so many needles, so much medicine, that he looked like a husk of the brilliant telepath he had been.
There was a clip of Natasha standing trial, being asked questions she refused to answer.
Another with Stark in the same predicament except…he spoke too much. His confidence screamed arrogance to those deciding his fate. They couldn’t trust him.
Both walked out in cuffs.
Geneva remembered learning about them in school. Photos of the infamous Black Widow and Ironman, teachings of how they were traitors to humans.
“We should show this to Pere ‘n’ Mama,” she whispered, absentmindedly drawing circles on her inner knee.
Marie looked back at her. Her cousin, the mutant, looked so terrified. Curled against the wall as if everything she had been taught was a lie. The media had told so many stories about the evils of mutant-kind. Of the Avengers. It was easy to lose track of what you were supposed to believe. Marie remembered a time where Geneva refused to believe heroes even existed. As far as she knew, the redhead still clung to that belief. To her, the only ones that were good were her own parents.
“We can’t, Genny,” Marie told her, smiling at the annoyance that flashed across her face. It was better than the fear. “Y’pere wouldn’t let y’go on more missions. Y’know that.” Pausing the clips, Marie turned to face her entirely. Geneva’s eyes, staring so intently at the pale images, finally looked at Marie. “’M gonna be helpin’ now. Y’know that too. This way, we can keep learnin’ the truth. If we get enough, we can stop SHIELD.” She took Geneva’s hand in her own, not bothered by the slight shock that tingled her palm. “We gonna do this toget’er. Y’not alone.”
Geneva blinked, her eyes finding their hands. “’M not a hero, petite. Not tryin’ t’be one eit’er.”
Marie nodded. “I know.” She gently squeezed her hand. “And y’don’t ‘ave t’be. Just gotta promise that we do this together. Just us.”
Bringing Marie in to help Geneva provided an almost-guarantee that their daughter was going to be safe. Where Geneva didn’t naturally over-think, Marie did. She knew the security guards’ schedules. She anticipated changes whether they occurred or not. While Geneva was smart in her abilities, there were cracks that Marie managed to fill in.
They worked well together. Naturally performing like a well-oiled machine.
Knowing and seeing that, Jean-Luc sent Geneva on more missions. Bigger and higher stakes that made stealing a few files look like nothing. Not that Jean-Luc believed so. A single promise to Marie had Geneva gathering as much information as she could, sidelining it and keeping it under wraps from the man in charge of it all.
He had no idea that any inkling of HYDRA existed.
Or that he kept sending her in the middle of it.
“This ‘as t’be the stupidest idea,” Geneva muttered, knowing Marie was listening on the comm.
“Jeez, tell moi ‘ow y’really feel.”
Geneva snorted as she stepped into the service elevator, janitorial clothes hanging loosely off her figure. Her hair, tucked behind her ears and hidden well under the company hat, was kept out of sight and mind. It was a fair enough disguise. People were leaving to go home at about this hour. It meant less disturbances. On paper? It totally made sense.
In person? Dressing as a janitor to slip in and out of Pym Technologies? It was slightly more terrifying. A single ding came from above and she stepped out. Just ahead, two workers were hanging a new sign.
Trask Industries.
Nodding to the boys, she kept walking until she came across the janitorial closet. The ID card deftly slipped between her fingers as she asked, subtle accent perfectly intact, “Didn’t think to tell me Trask bought this place?”
Geneva opened the door as she asked, “Marie?”
“I didn’t know.”
She hesitated, barely able to gather any sense before she was tugging that blasted janitorial cart out of the closet and down the hall. Her nerves were going haywire as she trudged along. This hadn’t been a part of the plan. Breaking into Pym’s was one thing, but Trask? Alexander Pierce’s best friend?
“Breathe, Genny. It’s gonna be okay.”
Geneva snorted. “Easy for you to say.” She visibly relaxed when that sign was finally out of sight. From here, she could at least pretend it didn’t exist. She could act as if she wasn’t walking into a warzone entirely unprepared.
The doors opened with a hiss. She slipped inside, the doors closing behind her. Metal walls surrounded her, long labs stretching here and there. A quick glance to the last specialist was enough for Geneva to focus on taking out the trash.
“T’ink this is the most I’ve seen y’clean after someone else.”
Geneva wanted to snap at that, but she knew better. Each table had a small trash can next to it and by the time she had gotten to the fourth, the dweeby scientist was finally leaving. She set the bin down. As she looked up, a loose strand of hair fell free. She was alone.
Well, sort of.
“What’s the passcode,” she asked as she walked to the back of the room. There was a second door made of heavy metal. A keypad too. On the other side, something that might help them with sneaking just a little bit more. Geneva glanced through the window. No doubt it was thick glass. Probably bullet-proof.
The keypad beeped with every input, followed by a much longer one as the door unlocked itself. “Any tricks I should know ‘bout?”
“Shouldn’t be, non. The glass’ll be thick, but y’powers should be able to handle that.”
Geneva chuckled as she took the hat off, shoving it in one of her many pockets. “Should bein’ th’key word, right,” she muttered, almost closing the door before stepping further inside.
The room was massive, bigger than the one before. It made no sense to her. The glass bubble, thick glass secured by metal, was the only thing in the room. And its contents were the smallest thing she’d ever seen.
“There’s no way that’s an actual suit.” Geneva circled the glass.
“It’s called the Yellow Jacket.”
Geneva looked up, bright eyes sparking a little brighter. But... Who the hell? There was no one in the room. “Marie? T’ought y’said no tricks.”
“I got nothin’.”
“Oh! Sorry. Uh…give me a second.”
Geneva’s jaw ticked, fingers crackling with electricity. A static filled the air and prickled her skin before a figure appeared in front of her. A red suit, silver helmet and red lenses, and…was he just small?
“I’m Ant-man.”
“What’s happenin’, Genny?”
Geneva didn’t say anything to Marie. This was the first time she had ever really crossed paths with someone that wasn’t…normal. “I – I’m Geneva.”
“Gen, what’s goin’ on?”
He tilted his head. “That’s your alter-ego name?”
Geneva’s brow furrowed. She shook her head. “Not exactly.”
“Oh!” He pressed a button and Geneva curled her fist. She couldn’t help it. It was simply instinct. But seeing the helmet disappear, she was met with a…surprisingly kind face. Well, there was no way the guy was a thief or assassin. “I’m Scott.”
Definitely not an assassin.
“Geneva, be careful. You don’t – “
“Guessing we’re after the same thing?” He pointed to the suit between them. Something so small and so protected. Just how powerful was the thing?
Geneva took the comm out of her ear. She could hardly think with that thing in her ear. Shoving it in her pocket, she dropped the fake accent and told Scott, “’Fraid y’not the one that’s goin’ t’walk away with it.”
Scott huffed. “Look, we’re both thieves, right?”
She shrugged. “Eh. Maybe not on the same level.”
And with that – the lights flickered off.
Geneva’s eyes lit up, glowing in the new darkness. She recognized the whizz that came from Scott’s helmet, but paid him little attention. He wasn’t where her focus was needed. Fingers brushing against the glass, she watched it tremble.
But before it could shatter – something small and heavy hit her stomach.
Geneva’s back slammed into the wall. Fluorescents shattered above as Scott reappeared. Now – between her and her prize.
A hand pressed to her abdomen, she asked, “Were y’just petite?”
“Did you do that?” Scott’s hand pointed to the ceiling.
It seemed to dawn on them at the same time. Maybe this wasn’t going to be an easy assignment for either of them.
Geneva dropped low. Her staff extended. Swiping at his legs, she smirked when he landed on his ass.
Scott groaned. “You’re not a normal janitor, are you?”
“What clued y’in?” Her eyes sparked a little brighter and her staff lit up, crackling with her powers.
She swung for his head. He rolled, shrinking down to an impossibly small size. Geneva hopped to her feet. “Where the fuck…?” She looked around, desperate to catch sight of any sort of movement.
She felt the tug at her wrist. A twist and jerk forced her hand behind her back. Pinned between her shoulders. Geneva hissed. She stumbled towards the wall, her hand pressing against the metal before her jaw could.
“Sonova…” She growled. Electricity shimmered over her hair, flying towards the lights. They burned ever so bright.
“Ah, fuck!”
There he was.
Her power surged through her pinned arm and –
Scott flew through the air. She spun, watching a small dent appear in the metal protecting the yellowjacket’s case. He grew in size, twitching here and there. The sparks of electricity still dancing on his suit zapped through the air, seeping once more into her skin.
Her veins and scars lit up as she threw a punch. There was too much going wrong with this assignment. She needed to wrap it up. Marie’s warning now long forgotten, Geneva aimed for his head. He dropped, vanishing once more as her fist, and her powers, shattered the metal and glass.
An alarm rang.
Scott reappeared behind her as the door swung shut. Locked.
With no way out.
“Ya sonova – “ Geneva turned towards him, eyes wide and panicked as Scott’s helmet vanished.
“I didn’t do it! You did!”
“Y’coulda let moi hit ya!”
Scott huffed, crossing his arms as if waiting for her to realize how ridiculous that sounded.
“I know ‘ow it sounds and ‘m not takin’ it back.” She turned away from him. Pressing a hand to the door, she focused on her abilities.
That was when the room’s light went red.
Geneva looked over her shoulder. Scott’s attention was still focused on her, staring at her appearance. “What?”
“Well, when the lights went red, it…” He pointed to her skin.
Geneva followed his gaze. Her skin, once glowing brilliantly, looked as normal as it possibly could. Her brow furrowed. The familiar buzz in her ears…the tingle to her skin…Those things she had grown so used to…
It was all gone.
She stumbled then, exhaustion tugging at the corners of her eyes. Scott stepped forward, offering her a hand. “Hey, careful.” He helped her lean against the wall, oblivious to the gas that was appearing through skinny vents. “Are you okay?”
Geneva blinked slowly, looking around. Her comm link. She needed – Her eyes drifted to the gas. Squeezing his hand, she nodded towards it. Their fight forgotten, survival seemed far more important. “’M powers make moi so…”
“It’s okay. I understand. You’re a little battery, aren’t you?” It was a lighthearted joke, something to make her laugh and hopefully wake her up a bit. He glanced at the gas, noticing how it started to fill the room. His helmet appeared, a barrier for him though he couldn’t do anything for her.
“Y’should…” She coughed, resting her head against the wall. “Go. S’meone is bound t’show up and there’s…” Another cough, this time followed by a yawn. “No point in us both getting’ caught.”
“You were ready to kick my ass a minute ago.”
Geneva shrugged, offering a weak smile. She saw his eyes through those weird red lenses. He was concerned and she appreciated it. “That was a minute ago. Sil vous plait, go.”
Another minute passed. A part of Scott didn’t want to leave her. It seemed inhumane. If this was still Hank’s building, he might consider it, but the whole reason he was here was because of Trask. The man was changing everything. He had a plan. He had power. And he had had enough of both to push Hank out of his own company.
But if he stayed…what would happen to Cassie?
“I’m sorry. I – “
She shook her head, pushing his hand away. It was then he noticed how green her eyes were. Like pretty jewels. “Don’t. Jus’ go.”
Scott took a step back, shrinking just in time for the door to open. He stumbled back, feet brushing against the vent just as the door opened. Geneva seemed to be drifting between consciousness and sleep, eyes barely able to stay open. With one last apology, Scott stepped through the vent, making his escape.
Geneva allowed herself to smile, relieved that at least both of them wouldn’t be caught. Competition was one thing, but prison? No, she wouldn’t wish that on anyone. She looked up, nodding slightly as masked guards came in. And right behind them, someone much smaller stepped inside.
She grinned. “Y’lot shorter than I ‘magined.”
“And you,” he told her, voice muffled by his own mask. “Were almost smarter than I anticipated.”
Marie sat in her chair, curled up to look as small as possible. The shouting down the hall did nothing to ease the tears slipping down her cheeks. Sniffling, she wiped her nose on her sleeve and looked to the News.
“After apprehending a mutant thief, Boliver Trask has looked to SHIELD in hopes of fast-tracking his newest creation. With long-time friend Alexander Pierce holding office as Secretary of SHIELD, it appears this mutant’s actions were all that was needed to fast track what they are now calling the Sentinel Program. SHIELD officials have plans to introduce these creations to our larger cities first and - ”
She turned the screen off. Head hitting the chair behind her, Marie listened to Remy and Rogue screaming at each other. Shouting blame. Shouting worries.
Another sniffle as Marie stared at the ceiling.
What was going to happen to them now?
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shinobirain24 · 3 years
Water and Ice- Chapter 3: Jupiter is Alive?
Jupiter is Alive?
Neptune is now a full-fledged huntsmen after graduation from Shade Academy. Since Haven was being closed due to the attack by the White Fang. He went back to Argus after speaking to his friend, Sun about having some time alone after a disaster on a mission. When they are assigned to capture sea poachers planning to control the Sea Feilong. But it struck him when the team is supposed to be fighting him in the water. Only for Neptune to froze when he looked down from the militia ship of the Mistral Forces. So the rest of Team SSSNN have to take care of it. While he remained standing, shaken. But when he decided to join the fight, it knocked him into the water and he made another whirlpool, inadvertently. Thankfully, the poachers were caught, but the Grimm swam away. Sun understood this, and lets him take the time he need to sort this out.
So now he's back in Argus, where he was born in. There is standing in front of the falls, where the water flows almost the speed of the ocean's waves. It should be a start for him to touch the water in order to use his semblance. He reaches for it, only for his hand to shake in fear. He couldn't stand the sight of the wet substance. He pulls back after experiencing the series of flashbacks when he was his four-year-old self. "Why can't I do this? I'm a huntsman and I still cannot touch this stuff." He sighs. Neptune feels vibration in his pocket and pulls out his scroll, a text message from his friend, Sun.
Hey man, how are you doing?
Neptune replied back.
Totally, cool, man. Just having a lot in my mind.
The guys and I are worried, are you sure you need more training?
Yeah, I just can't get in the way of your missions if this involves you know what.
Alright, take the time you need, we'll be keeping in touch while we can.
If you, Scarlet, Sage and Nolan want to stop by, be my guests.
Alright, I'll be seeing you. Take care.
You too.
Neptune was about to put away his scroll. however it vibrated again as Neptune holds it up. This time it was from his older sister, Ceres.
Are you seeing this? She sent. Neptune is confused for what she is talking about, but it sounded urgent.
What are you talking about?
Oh, you didn't know. But there was a report about the Black Thunderbolts sinking the ships that loads the embargo of dusts, five days ago.
Okay, sent me the link. Hopefully there's a mission for this and I should take care of it.
There's more.
Ceres screenshot the photos of the rogues responsible for the attacks. Three males and a female. And one of the male rogues has blue hair, only all four have black visors and leather jackets that has the lightning bolt insignia that represents the Black Thunderbolts. The blue-haired man looked familiar to Neptune when he notices a scar over his left cheek. A scar that is similar to his thought-to-be dead brother, Jupiter.
Don't tell me, Jupiter's alive?
I'm not sure, but I think it's him.
Does Mom and Dad know?
No. Not yet, but I'll tell them.
Okay, I'm going to look for him.
No. It's too risky, I'll have the police involve to see if it's him.
Alright, I'll see you then.
Neptune hung up and puts away his scroll. Just looking at the picture gives him the chills of his past. He cannot stop looking at the pic, even if there were people in front of him whenever he's walking. Deep down in his thoughts, he wanted to just step into the rift and look for him. Throughout his youth, his parents never stopped looking for him or his team. But the marines found nothing, their bodies were never found and declared dead. Not even divers can find them. Every authority figure have gave up the search at some point. But no one can prove to the Vasiliases that Team ZRVT were dead without their physical forms. Despite that the news devastates his parents and siblings, they accepted it and moved on. But they never forgotten the beloved son and brother they know and loved. But hoping he would turn up and appear on their doorstep. But it doesn't work this way. Neptune couldn't forgive himself for unintentionally knocking away Jupiter. But his family assured him that what happened was just an accident.
He have his goggles on to head to the port. Hopefully to see less of the water. And there were 16 huntsmen and huntresses including himself who have taken the mission to find the members of the Black Thunderbolts, a gang of former huntsmen who turned to the life of violence who despise society and authority. Using their semblance and weapons for crime. A ferry arrived and stopped by the pier. The huntsmen are either in teams or they're going solo. There were two huntsmen by the rails who're talking behind his back, Rick Argo. One huntsmen is a male redhead with a military patterned jacket with black jeans, and has straps that was from the upper left to the lower right corner of his shoulder and waist. The second has orange hair with a silver vest and a yellow t-shirt under and brown jeans, and two pistols on the side of his belt, Drey Brandwood. They glanced at Neptune when he was nearby, he wasn't familiar with the two. But they remembered him like it was yesterday.
"Hey, look who it is." Said Rick, nudging Drey.
"If it ain't the blue-haired fraidy-cat? What is he doing here?" Drey said in a taunting tone.
"I heard he killed his brother on a last mission."
"Either he's very brave or very stupid. It's his fault that Team ZRVT is gone. Not to mention he was led by that gullible monkey boy in Haven." Neptune is slightly provoked by the insults when it comes to his brother, friends or anyone he cared about. Clenching his fist in anger like he was going to put up a fight. "Any idea why?" Said Drey. "Maybe he's back to wash us out with his deadly cyclone." They burst into laughter.
"Or maybe he's back because Jupiter has been fed up with his job and fakes his death to join the Black Thunderbolts." The blue-haired huntsmen had enough and walked over to his rivals he finally recognized them as the boys who nearly dropped him to the water. Jupiter has defended him from them when he was younger, but now it's his tunr to give them a taste of their own medicine. His steps grew louder by the minute and land his fist on Rick's face. His head remained on the other side until he turned back to Neptune, as he saw his nose bleeding. He swiftly wipes the blood off. "What the hell, man?!" He shouted. Neptune glared at him, wanting to snap at any minute, at least not today.
"Mention my brother or my friend ever again, and I'll make you regret the day you two ever met me." He snarled pushing Rick hard before turning away and moved to a different spot. But Drey wasn't letting this go.
"Now you've done it, Vasilias!" He rushed towards him with his fist pressed to strike him. But Neptune kicks him on the stomach. Rick launched at him to swipe his feet under, unsuccessfully. But Neptune jumps over and headbutts him like how Sun taught him when he was teaching him combat. And it paid off very well. Until ice was crystallized on the two boys' ankles. "What the?!"
"Hey, who did that?!" They struggled to free themselves from the ice. But it was too strong. And the chills fill from their legs to their spine.
"Honestly, you two are acting like wild Grimm around here." A voice is heard when they turned to the right from the rails. Appearing before them is a young woman with white hair and light skin. Icy Blue eyes with a scar on her left eyelid. With a white dress that reaches her ankles, even a midnight blue coat with a sapphire broach on the left upper corner attached. One thing Neptune liked about women is that they can be serious at times. And he recognized the eyes anywhere.
"Hey, what gives, Lady?! This is between us and Vasilias!" Warned Rick. And Drey nodded.
"You two should've thought about holding your tongue before you trigger a fight. And plus, if anyone's completing this mission, it's going to be me." She remarked.
"Those cold eyes, and the hair color. I've seen you on the news before, you're Weiss Schnee." Drey said coldly.
"What's an heiress doing here? Trying to take the credit taking down the Black Thunderbolts by herself?"
"Ex-heiress, actually. And no, I am here to look for my sister, she happens to be M.I.A. I believe the Black Thunderbolts have something to do with it." She corrected.
"Probably her fault for not staying in Atlas. Especially when she left you sister-less in the name of militia loyalty by abandoning Mantle." Drey taunted, hoping to also provoke her to take him on, but she remained in her composure. It upsets him that nothing can make her angry no matter how much he threw at her. "Say what you want. My sister did what she thought was right, we have our differences. If you have a problem with that, I suggest you walk away from this mission and go home. Have a nice day." She smiled, leaving the boys in ice. Neptune then approaches her, but stops at his reflection of a window to fix up his and winked at himself. Then he nudged at Weiss, "How you've been, Snow Angel?" He grinned. Flicking his hair like he does to some other girls. But Weiss isn't falling for it like she had before in Beacon. "Hmph!" She gave him a cold shoulder. Even if she was standing for him, she is still mad at him for some reason, and he couldn't put his finger to it. Rick and Drey laughed at the sight. "Wow! Looks like someone's destined to get rejected." Chuckled Rick.
"Shut up." Sighed Neptune.
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seraphimti · 5 years
Eye contact | Sanami week 2020
Hello, finally the sanami week it´s here <3 
Sanji P.O.V
A new girl had arrived at school, she was a red-haired girl as soon as I saw her enter the classroom, I was hypnotized by how beautiful she was Hello my name is nami, nice to meet you- said the girl Nami was tall, she had her hair taken with a strained ponytail, our first eye contact was when she sat at the other end of the classroom, she looked somewhat confused, gave a quick look at the room, that was the first moment that our glances met, I made a sign with my hand, she turned her face away, surely bothering her. At the time of the break Luffy and the boys went to look for me in the classroom, I got up from the desk and went towards the hall Hey Sanji, who is she? It's called nami, she is new in the school  She isn´t  talking to anyone- Luffy as usual and invasive approached the new girl- Hello my name is Luffy, where are you from? Amm hello my name is Nami, i come from kyoto, my mom get a new job so we came here with my older sister Well nami welcome, why don't you come with us, we can show you the school no thank you it’s not necessary of course it's, come on Nami greeted the rest of the group, ussop, sanji, zoro and luffy showed him the school, it turned out that nami was more than a pretty face, she was intelligent and hard-working.
The friendship was growing and more people joined us in the group, nami became an indispensable member, from time to time nami began to look away every time we made eye contact, it must have been my imagination when I saw her blush once . One afternoon when almost everyone was gone I was leaving my sports club I could see nami even in the classroom. Nami swann <3 what are you doing here? Sanji kun you scared me, I was still studying it's too late, do you want me to go home with you? sure let me pick things up
Sanji went through the window and helped him collect things from nami Can I ask you something? I don't want you to feel strange or anything but lately you've been avoiding me, did I do something to bother you? I haven't been avoiding you sanji kun- replied nami looking down nami do you know that you can trust me and tell me things or do you like me? he said in a rogue tone Nami turned red like tomato - And what if so? There was an eternal silence until sanji reacted to the confession, approached nami facing each other, Sanji looked her in the eye and smiled at him. I like you too, mellorie - he kissed her cheek - Come on come on I'll go home The sunset accompanied him on his walk to the house of nami, the redhead held the arm of sanji the rest of the way
Nami- san, would you agree to have an date with me, please. Sure, see you tomorrow at school sanji kun- a litle kiss in the cheek of sanji Bellemere peeked out from the balcony of the house- hey girl when are you going to enter ?? Who is that your boyfriend? Hello boy come to dinner one day when you have time Good evening Madam. Bellemere !! - nami blushed again - see you tomorrow Sanji, nami before closing the door showed her cell phone to sanji - I will text you later The blond could not be more happier, he entered through the back door of the baritie- Hello elders how are you? This is how you greet your father, you badly grateful brat, come sit down I want you to try this, sanji tried the new zeff plate It's delicious You look happier than usual, did something happen? Remember the girl who talked to you a while ago Nami did you tell me his name was? Today  we both confess our feelings. That's great sanji, as long as you don't leave your studies aside, I'm glad for you.
Late at night, sanji wrote a message to nami
Today the moon is as pretty as you, have a good night PS: YOU MADE ME VERY HAPPY TODAY
I look forward to the weekend, good night: 3
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