#Synthetic slings
txhospitals123 · 1 year
Effective Urethral Sling Procedure for Male Urinary Incontinence Treatment at TX Hospitals Hyderabad
Urethral sling procedures are safe and effective surgical treatment options for male urinary incontinence. Consult the best surgeons at TX Hospitals Hyderabad for synthetic sling implant and other advanced treatment options.
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yalecordage · 1 year
High-Quality Arborist Ropes Maine
Yale Cordage is the most trusted name in manufacturing lightweight, high-performance marine and sailing ropes. Which provides rope splicing tools, arborist rigging lines, synthetic lifting slings, marine ropes, synthetic rope winch cables, and many other ropes used for various industries. https://www.yalecordage.com/featured-industries/arboriculture/
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sakshikaribykriti · 1 year
Sustainable bags have become increasingly popular in recent years due to the growing awareness of the impact that fast fashion has on the environment. One popular type of sustainable bag is the women’s sling bag.Sling bags are a convenient and stylish option for carrying your daily essentials while keeping your hands free. Here are some tips for choosing the perfect sustainable women’s sling bag for your lifestyle.
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tozettastone · 2 months
First, an honourable mention goes to Orochimaru, who would win this ranking effortlessly but who is no longer part of the Akatsuki.
10. Zetsu is more or less disqualified because he reproduces by creating exact clones of himself. You are his clone, and you are the parent and the parented, the sibling, the self; sometimes all of the above all at once. Don't worry about it.
9. Hidan finds his kid fascinating and funny as fuck. Irrational tantrums about being handed an object they desperately wanted 3 minutes ago? He's laughing. Cute questions about the nature of society that Hidan has never once contemplated the answers to? So funny! Breaking their arm for the sixth time? Absolutely hilarious. The problem with Hidan is that being charmed and amused, and indeed feeling genuine affection, will in no way prevent him from exploring the outer limits of your capacity for suffering, and this only gets worse the more responsible for you he is. He loves you a lot and you will not survive to adulthood.
8. Sasori is adequate at servicing a child's basic needs for care and keeping. He is not a demonstrative parent but he is surprisingly receptive to a child's displays of affection and rarely turns them away. They remind him of his own relationship with his parents — his first foray into his craft, in which he preserved their bodies and made them embrace him as he imagined parents ought to. He understands the emotional component to development with his current, synthetic detachment. He is not very patient, and he's prone to just intervening in your brain chemistry when you frustrate him, which is not a great way to live. The other problem with Sasori as a parent, of course, is that at every moment he feels a sliver of affection for you, he contemplates whether it would be worth it to preserve that "you" forever. Eventually, the clockwork in his head will tick over, and you'll become the most beloved puppet in his collection.
7. Kakuzu swings between strict and angry at some times, and flatly indifferent at others; he's strict and angry when his emotions are engaged, which he hates, and combats with icy apathy. Sometimes he will be angry and indifferent about exactly the same topics on different days. This is a man who will hit a kid for not magically knowing something that he, their only parent, should have been the one to teach them about. He is at his best when he can be a mostly-benign acquaintance in his child's life. The single saving grace with Kakuzu is that you can just leave and he will take months to come after you, if he ever does. Don't expect a birthday card.
6. Itachi is utterly unprepared to be the carer for a child but approaches it with the same steady and dubiously-deserved self confidence with which he approaches everything. He is sometimes affectionate, but he is also relentlessly critical and he will use genjutsu torments as a "harmless" parenting tool, because they are obviously less damaging than corporeal punishment. (It has not occurred to him that a zero-violence approach to child rearing might be, theoretically, possible.) His expectations will only rise over time as he comes to like you better, and his treatment of you will become correspondingly harsher. Expect to jump at shadows until you're 39 and sobbing into your therapist's rug. On this list, you could do worse, but I can't help but feel that regularly obliterating a child's trust in the basic tenets of reality is courting a really severe mental illness.
5. Tobi will have a nervous breakdown about his fitness for interpersonal attachments, which he won't acknowledge as a nervous breakdown. He will then respond with complete mental and emotional detachment from his child, strap them to him in a sling and carry them through Akatsuki missions. Their crying will cause a stealth-based plan to fail, multiple times. Tobi will performatively panic every time they cry, and he will play with them any time they like — all the better if it annoys everyone around him. The problems start when you get older and can speak, which is about when it becomes steadily less convenient for him to treat you as a prop in his bizarre fantasy theatre. The more articulate you become, the less interested Tobi is. Where did his cute baby go? :( Expect a relatively physically safe but unstable childhood, oscillating between overwhelming, intense, nonsensical and occasionally cruel parental attention and complete absence. You will learn not to rely on other people for anything, and to tense up whenever someone says they love you.
4. Deidara has absolutely no desire to be responsible for ANY human being, including, often, himself. He resents every second of time your existence steals away from himself and his own projects, and although he intellectually understands that a child can't help needing stuff, he really does regard it as stealing from him. You're a gross, hooked little knife in his side, tugging him away from thoughts of himself and his art. He can't wait until you're old enough to leave on your own for long periods of time, and as he's a shinobi, he thinks "old enough," is, like, maybe five. Expect a short, disrupted childhood full of terse lessons in how not to get blown up today, followed by trying very, very hard to avoid daddy's attention. On the other hand, this is a parent who does not want to give you any attention, which, on this list, can only be an advantage. I can't believe this is number 4.
3. Nagato tries his best but childhood is where the trauma lives, and so every childhood milestone hits him with a rush of agonising memories like a lightning strike. You will become a proxy for him in his haphazard efforts to reparent himself, and he will be equally upset if you're exactly like him OR if you're totally different to him. You will never fully understand his relationship with himself and he will never understand that he's meant to be cultivating a relationship with you. Still, you could do worse.
2. Konan is a composed parent. She manages her own fears and anxieties with icy repression, and that's also her approach to the loving attachments of parenthood. Her child will be clean, educated, fed and sheltered appropriately at all times, but there has never once been an emotional need Konan has indulged. You will develop a deeply anxious attachment style and become a serial monogamist who is furious that nobody can live up to your expectations and terrified that the problem is you. (It is.)
1. Kisame does not wait until six months to give his baby water and he has a worryingly permissive approach to child safety in general. He puts up with pretty much any behavioural problem with steady I've-seen-it-all equanimity — except when his child is lying to his face, which is basically his single, glowing berserk button as an authority figure. He cares about his kid and will generally view them as a person and not as some kind of psychosocial manifestation of his own mental illness at least 50% of the time, which is why he wins the top spot on this cursed list. Kisame will tell you stories about how you must have eaten all your siblings in the womb to be born at all, and that means you're already the strongest possible kid he could have had. This is intended to be encouraging. Roll with it, dude. You could have got Hidan.
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askvectorprime · 6 months
Dear, Vector Prime.
Is there a Fuzor for plants and animals? It does not have a plant mode like Saberback or Sling, but rather a form that looks like a living creature with ivy or other plants growing on it.
Dear Flora Fawning,
While not technically a Fuzor, the Maximal scout Hangout did integrate synthetic algae into the coat of his sloth form, giving him a distinctive green appearance. This algae allowed Hangout to collect solar energy, keeping him fuelled during extended stakeout missions where he would have to operate in enemy territory for solar cycles at a time.
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sterekbros · 2 years
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“Fine.” Derek hung up and stalked into the bedroom, where he plunked his cell phone down on the bed, then went back into the living room to retrieve Stiles. Slinging him over his shoulder, Derek carried him into the bedroom, stripped the covers back, then put him on the bed as well. He spent a good ten minutes wrestling with the layers Stiles wore before he managed to get them off. His own clothes were next, everything shed in a hurry until he crawled into bed next to Stiles. Turning the synthetic on his side, Derek moved up behind him, fitting himself against him and wrapping an arm around his chest. There. That was as much skin-on-skin contact as he could get. Now he just had to hope it worked.
Continue on A03
Almost Human by @sterekbros Art by @evanesdust For @sterekbigbang 2022-2023
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wolfsclothing6 · 2 years
It’s a little late, but here’s a story for Halloween, hope you guys like it. Will try to post some more spooky themed stuff this month!
Alex took a step towards his friend. He watched as their pecs continued to grow bigger and slowly covered with a dense forest of hair. They used to be jet black only minutes ago, but now they were all turning grey and losing their color. He still couldn’t believe it was really happening, but he couldn’t deny it was turning him on like nothing he’d ever experienced before. Seeing the two of them grow more sexy by the minute. He wanted so much to touch him, twist his big, juicy nips and have Carl do the same to him. To smell and taste all that manly sweat covering his body and that massive load he’d just smeared all over his belly and chest. Alex felt his husband’s hand caressing his bulging jockstrap and found himself instinctively thrusting his hips against Carl’s firm palm. The surge of overwhelming, electric pleasure spreading from his groin nearly made him lose it, but at the last moment Alex managed to pull back.
“Fuck… Carl… you have to fight this… this isn’t you, you’ve got to remember! It’s that fucking costume!”
It wasn’t easy to bring himself to stop, all that salt and pepper fur on his hus- no, Carl wasn’t his husband, only a friend, nothing more. He had to remember that. But it was so difficult to keep track of what was real and what was not while looking at him. He wanted so much for the two of them to fuck, like he could have sworn they had fucked so many times before, every single night since the one they met. Alex watched as his friend squeezed out a large, glistening bead of precum onto his finger and gave it a taste, instantly he heard the creaking sound of leather as his cock grew harder and stretched his tight jockstrap to its limit. No, it didn’t just grow harder, Alex knew that it had actually gotten bigger, permanently, so much bigger… a massive, fucking fuckstick… perfect to plow that hairy fucker’s ho-
Suddenly Alex heard the sound of his apartment’s door slamming behind his back and found himself sprinting outside. He knew that if he’d stayed in there even a moment longer he and Carl would have been fucking on the floor like a pair of wild animals by now. He couldn’t bear leaving his friend like this, part because his cock was still painfully throbbing with a nearly uncontrollable need and his whole body was screaming at him to turn back, but also because if it wasn’t for Carl, it would have been him in that apartment, mindlessly jerking off and not remembering who he used to be anymore.
It couldn’t have been more than half an hour ago, they were about to head out to the costume party at their friend’s place. Carl had just came over and was changing in the bathroom while he was flicking through the television channels when suddenly something really odd appeared on one of them. It was some gay fetish porno, two bearded men, dressed from head to toe in leather fucking each other in a sling. Anyone’s normal reaction would be to instantly switch it off in disgust and start wondering how the hell something like that could have ended up being aired on a popular tv station in the middle of the day. However his course of action was much different, Alex didn’t register anything strange going on. It all seemed like a perfectly normal thing to be found on tv and for him to watch. Even more, it seemed like one of his very favourite type of things to watch. Alex wasted no time unzipping his fly and hauling out his erect cock. Within seconds he was so enthralled by the two furry bears going at each other on the screen that he completely failed to notice when the pair of jeans he’d put on under his fake chaps had completely disappeared. Shortly followed by his shirt, and his entire costume slowly transitioning from the cheap looking, synthetic material to real leather, that made him feel like he’d been wearing it for years.
Alex was furiously pumping his cock and tugging on his nips, only seconds away from unloading his balls all over himself when Carl stepped out of the bathroom and screamed. That was enough to pull him back to reality. After sitting completely frozen for what felt like an eternity and taking in what just happened Alex instantly let go off his cock, jumped up and switched off the tv. All while frantically attempting to tuck his erect member back into the skimpy, leather jockstrap that unexpectedly appeared in place of his underwear. In a mixture of shock, confusion and embarrassment Alex didn’t offer Carl even a single word of explanation and simply ran towards his room while simultaneously attempting to strip all that perverted, faggy shit off his body.
However he experienced an even bigger shock when he opened his closet doors and discovered that all of his clothes were gone. Every last thing in there had been replaced by some form of fetish gear, as if he’d never worn anything but that in his life. All the shelves were packed with black leather and rubber. Even the pair of shorts and his shirt that he forgot about and left lying beside his bed were now a black, studded jockstrap and a harness. The bed… that was gone too, and in its place some strange, leather hammock was hanging by the chains from the ceiling. It all felt like some fucked up dream, Alex watched as his whole room was shifting right in front of his eyes. All the college textbooks and fantasy novels vanished off his shelves and in their place he found a massive collection of gay porn movies featuring countless bears and leathermen. Alex turned around expecting to see the poster with a scantily clad girl from one of the video games he’d played recently but instead it was some completely naked, bearded guy.
Not just some guy, Alex realized. The man was a fucking legend, hottest fucker that ever lived, he had every last one of his videos on that shelf behind him. Oh, the times he came watching them, or even this poster alone. It might have been just a still picture he had up there for years, but it never failed to get him rock hard. That beefy barrel chest covered with a real jungle of salt and pepper fur, the short, fat cigar sticking out of his goatee, and those massive, juicy nips that he always played around with in his videos. But what made it the hottest for Alex was that hungry, teasing look on his face, especially knowing that in private the man was a complete, cock-hungry bottom. If only he could get him into that sling… they would be fucking for hours.
Alex groaned, feeling his cock starting to throb inside his hand, he wasn’t sure when was it that he’d started jacking off, but he wasn’t planning on stopping anytime soon. Not until he released that massive load that laid there, pent up inside his balls. Feeling that he was close, he licked his lips and looked down on his cock. Instantly, his hand stopped moving and let go of it.
What the fuck… what the fuck was he doing? What the fuck had happened to him? To his cock?! It was so much bigger now and had some huge, metal ring piercing its tip. And his previously smooth and slender body was now filling up with muscles, two big, meaty pecs and a flat, firm gut were growing larger before his eyes and covering with dense, dark hair. Alex could see how his treasure trail was creeping upwards from his crotch, sprouting thicker and spreading in every direction. He barely stifled a moan when his cock throbbed and he realized just how much watching all of that was turning him on.
It was that fucking costume! He didn’t know how, but that had to be it… Even though he took most of it off, it was all back on his body again. Alex wanted to do it again, but he was afraid to move even a muscle. Before he was so horny and so close to cumming, and seeing his body change, grow even hotter, only brought him closer to the edge. There was so much pressure built up inside his cock, it was constantly throbbing on its own and refused to grow even a little softer, even despite the absolute terror he was experiencing. Subconsciously Alex knew that he couldn’t allow himself to cum, no matter how much he wanted to and how good it would have felt, and in only a few moments he was going to find out why.
“Oh god… Alex… please help…”
He heard something between a long, deep moan and a cry for help. It was Carl, was the same thing happening to him too? Alex tried not to think about how turned on he was at the prospect of that and hurried outside of his room. He found his friend lying on the floor with his back against the wall, his hand furiously sliding up and down his enormous, leaking member. Carl was even further gone than him. So big, beefy and muscular, his chest sprouting with tons of salt and pepper fur. Alex ran up here to help, but now he was afraid to step any closer, unsure of what he might do. Especially after seeing his husbear’s bare furry thighs, displayed invitingly like this. He knew he wouldn’t be able to resist burying his fuckstick right inside Carl’s needy, sweaty hole. No, that’s not… Alex shook his head, his string of thoughts interrupted by another moan coming from his friend’s mouth.
“I… I can’t stop… my arm… it just won’t… when I saw you in there I got so fucking horny… and now… oh… oh fuck… nooooo… please…”
Alex watched as Carl’s arm suddenly stopped moving and his fingers gripped his cock so impossibly hard its head turned completely purple. And then, before he even knew what was going on, a massive torrent of cum exploded everywhere. It seemed that his cock would never stop unleashing more of the milky ropes of cum against his chest as Carl’s face went from looking terrified to experiencing pure ecstasy. When his orgasm died down, none of that inner struggle had remained. He simply smiled and started rubbing his enormous load into his fur while attempting to lick up that lone strand of cum which shot all the way to his moustache.
The whole scene looked so unbelievably hot that even now as Alex made his way across the city he couldn’t stop thinking about how much he wanted to fuck Carl’s mouth and shoot his thick load all over his face. In his head he remembered doing it to him countless times already, but thankfully the further away he was getting from his apartment, the easier it seemed to remember that none of that had ever really happened. His head was clearing up, more of the things were starting to make sense. Or perhaps he was now starting to realize how little of it made any sense really.
How just a day before Halloween one of his friend had texted him about this costume party he never announced before. How he’d said they should get them from this small shop that neither of them had ever heard of, and how they went there without giving it a second thought. And finally how they both thought it was a brilliant idea when its creepy looking owner suggested they should dress up as a pair of muscular leather daddies for the party.
Alex knew that he had to get there quickly, it was already starting to get dark outside. He would have liked to think that this change was only something temporary, something that would be gone in the morning. But after seeing what happened to his place, to his friend, Alex had a feeling that wasn’t very likely. The way Carl began to act, so much of it seemed like the old him, but some parts were definitely changed, moved, and it all added up to him becoming this horny, gay, hypersexual pervert. Alex knew that there was one inside him too, perhaps even kinkier and more intense than the one who resided inside his friend, and he was making his way towards the surface too.
He could already feel his influence. When he first left his apartment Alex was so worried about how people would react once they saw him on the street. His bare, furry chest, his massive package barely contained by that tight jockstrap and his furry asscheeks, completely in the open thanks to his chaps. He was afraid of everyone’s shocked and outraged faces once they saw him strutting through the streets, but he discovered that they only turned him on instead. His new body was so hot, so big and muscular, with tons of fur and a huge, fat dick swinging between his legs, he simply couldn’t resist showing it off. A couple of times Alex nearly forgot himself as he passed by some of the particularly hot looking men and found himself giving his bulging package a squeeze to make sure they didn’t miss it. He could see from their reactions that if he were to follow his instincts and drag them into a nearby dark alley to claim their asses, they wouldn’t resist too much.
But he did. Fueled by the hope that he could somehow stop this and get himself turned back to normal, Alex chased away all of those perverted thoughts the moment they appeared inside his head. Even if it was difficult to remember who was it that he wanted to be turned back into, difficult to think of Carl as anyone other than his husbear who was waiting for him back at home with his needy, furry hole ready to take his cock. Alex still had hope that he could somehow fix all of this and have it be nothing more than just a really fucked up bad dream tomorrow. A hope that came crashing down the moment he finally made it to the shop and saw that it was already closed.
He didn’t have a watch but he knew that he couldn’t have been more than only a couple minutes late. Still, the door was already locked and all the lights inside the shop turned off. For a couple moments Alex stood perfectly still in front of the shop’s large front window and studied his reflection. He looked like he was already in his fifties by now, his beard was completely grey and there was something tattooed on his chest and for the love of god, he couldn’t remember ever looking any different than this. But as much as he was tempted to, he wasn’t going to give up, not yet.
Alex was ready to start banging on the door, maybe even trying to kick it down if needed and if that didn’t work, he could always break the shop’s window and get inside through there. But before he had a chance to start, his attention was diverted by a series of deep, rhythmic moans coming from a nearby alley. Without thinking about it he walked around the corner and saw two short, really old and very fat looking men having sex. One was leaning against the wall and smoking a wooden pipe while receiving a blowjob, its stem was nearly completely obscured by his enormous, luxuriant moustache, entirely white just like the few, scarce short hairs on his balding head. He was the source of all the lustful moans that echoed against the alley’s walls.
It was hard not to get aroused watching him completely losing himself in pleasure. Faint, grey billows of smoke kept on rising from his open mouth and nostrils as his forehead and pudgy cheeks glistened with perspiration. One hand caressing his round, jutting belly while the other rested on the back of his lover’s head. With its front pressed closely against the standing man’s crotch, and the rest covered by both his hand and protruding belly, not much of it was visible to Alex. Other than the crown of white hair on his head and the few, hairy rolls of fat that peeked out above the collar at the back of his neck. However the man’s entire form had to be at least equal if not even bigger in size to his lover. Both of their expensive looking suits appeared to be perfectly tailored to accentuate every curve on their fat bodies.
Alex was completely mesmerized by what he was seeing, so much in fact that before long any thoughts about getting back inside that shop were gone from his mind. He found himself standing in that same spot and gently caressing his own throbbing bulge while fantasizing about the kneeling man’s massive ass.
“Mmmm… enjoying the show my dear?”
Having been noticed didn’t put off Alex at all and only made him grope himself in an even more obvious and lewd manner. The man didn’t seem to mind the attention either, on the contrary, he smiled in a kinky and inviting manner and gestured for Alex to come closer.
“Am I correct to assume that you are here to return your costume my dear?”
Alex gasped, oh god, how could he let himself forget again?! Just a second ago he was practically ready to join the two of them if that was what he asked for. Even now all his memories were so fuzzy, and he couldn’t exactly figure out why the thought of having a wank out in the public seemed to be appalling him out of the sudden but he still remembered about the shop, about there being someone he had to help.
“I’m afraid we are all out of luck my friend. Could you believe that this nasty fellow wouldn’t let us inside the shop even though we got there before he closed it down completely? He simply said that if we wanted to return anything we should show up tomorrow and disappeared into thin air!”
The man paused for a moment and Alex watched as some semblance of confusion appeared on his face, it seemed like he was trying to think of something. Alex could have sworn that his hand rather than caressing the sparse hair on the back of his lover’s head was now desperately trying to shove it away. But as if sensing what was happening the kneeling man began working his cock with such intensity that before he had a chance to do anything he was reduced to moaning and writhing in uncontrollable pleasure. A second later it was as if nothing had ever happened.
“I’m sure you can imagine how upset and disappointed we were. Fortunately my loyal butler William always knows how to cheer me up. I assure you my dear friend, there is no worry that this nimble tongue of his can’t take care of.”
Alex didn’t know what to think, how to react. He was so mentally exhausted from everything that was happening. One moment he knew that there was something wrong going on, but the other everything seemed to be perfectly fine. And what that old man was saying, he saw with his own eyes that it was a lie too, but it still sounded so tempting, and he wanted it all to be over already…
“What do you say my dear? Afterwards you and your friend could join us for the party at our mansion. I assure you, we will have even more fun back there.”
The party? His friend? What was he… Suddenly Alex felt a hand pressing against his chest, it was slowly making its way towards one of his nipples. There was someone behind him. Alex instantly turned around and before his mind even registered what he was seeing, he found his cock uncontrollably shooting out jets of precum right into his jockstrap.
It was Carl, and he was looking even hotter than when he last saw him. Even beefier in all the right places, his broad chest… his massive, muscular arms… And that fur Alex loved so much had grown even thicker. When Carl pulled him into a kiss he couldn’t muster up even a smallest bit of resistance, but it wasn’t like he was planning on doing that anyway. The moment he saw his husbear standing in front of him controlling this overwhelming need to fuck and go wild which he’d been trying to suppress all evening became impossible. Carl was simply too hot and he was way too horny.
He was now hungrily exploring his lover’s body, feeling up his ass and sliding a finger up his wet hole. Twisting his nips while rubbing their throbbing, leaking cocks against each other. Sifting through the dense fur on his husbear’s chest with his fingers while tasting his lips and tonguefucking his mouth. It all, even the musky, masculine smell that filled his nostrils, seemed like things that he was only now experiencing for the very first time even if he knew that they had been together for so many years already.
If he wasn’t being consumed by completely uncontrollable lust that would have alarmed Alex, just like that thought he had when he felt someone swallowing his cock, but now that his mind was overflowing with pleasure that radiated from his crotch and he couldn’t even recall it. Alex always made the cocksuckers work for his load, but resisting this one was impossible. The way he effortlessly swallowed his massive fuckstick whole and worked it with his tongue or sucked on ballsack was something Alex had never experienced before. And the orgasm he was soon experiencing was even more intense than anticipated, if not for his husbear holding him down while his moan died in his throat, he would have undoubtedly collapsed to his knees from the sheer force of it.
Almost a full minute later William was still eagerly swallowing the last drops of cum oozing out of his cock, the load had been so massive it seemed like he’d been saving it for weeks and it certainly felt like it too.
“So what do you say my friends? Will you take me up on my offer? We could all have a truly splendid time, especially once we get to exploring the dungeons with some of the less suspecting guests.”
The old man smiled and unbuttoned his shirt a little, showing off a broad leather harness stretched over his chest. Alex looked at Carl and knew right away that his answer was identical to his.
“Fuck! Sounds fucking hot to me, and after we’re done my huz will have to get a cocksucking lesson from his horny slut right here too.”
Alex said while slapping William in the face with his still half-hard cock. Fuck yeah, this was going to be the best halloween party he’s ever been to.
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sunagirl · 2 years
Because there’s not enough DumDum content in the world, and I’m a helpless sucker for obscure gremlins. DumDum is secretly desperate for a real intimate relationship and you can drag this headcanon from my cold dead hands
ANYWAY tiny fic time because I fizzled out after about 800 words DumDumxmascV
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V stared down at his contacts list. Three days and he still couldn’t believe the gangoon had given him his number. He honestly expected a bullet between the eyes just for asking, but now he sits in his apartment, TV droning on in the background, contemplating a phone call.
“Didn’t think you’d actually call,” the gruff synthetic voice chuckles, his smirk practically audible.
“Yeah, me neither,” V answers, a sudden flutter rising in his gut. “That offer still good?”
“Sure. Be here in an hour.” The call disconnects abruptly, leaving V dumbfounded until he gets a text with the address.
V’s hands tremble on the wheel as he drives. The fuck is he so afraid of? Maelstrom? DumDum? Fucking up a first date? Is this even a date? Maybe he’s just going to be the butt of a stupid joke. He shakes his head, trying to calm his nerves.
The pounding of the music inside echoes out into the parking lot. V tries to shake his nerves as he steps inside, acutely aware of the stares of the Maelstromers around him.
“Didn’t think you’d actually show.” V jumps at the comment, turning to see his cyborg host greet him with a cocky grin.
“Hey,” V gives DumDum a crooked smirk. “And here I thought you gave me fake digits as a joke.” He brushes his hair behind his ear, glancing to the floor momentarily.
“Don’t get too happy. Plenty of time for me to change my mind about you,” DumDum smirks, slinging an arm around V’s shoulder and walking him to the elevator.
The elevator ride is quiet- well, it would be if not for the floor rattling noise of Tinnitus playing in the depths of the club.
“forget how to talk?” DumDum asks, his expression unreadable behind the chrome.
“Maybe,” V shrugs, clearing his throat as he hears the trembling in his voice. “Never ran dickfirst into a hornets’ nest for a date before,” he adds with a soft laugh.
The elevator jerks to a sudden stop, DumDum walking out without another word, V following with renewed confusion.
“Sorry, you mean to say giving me your digits wasn’t asking me on a date?” V asks, masking the anxiety gnawing at his gut with humor and a weak smirk.
“Well, can’t say I’ve ever met anyone wanting a date with me.” “Until now, you mean.”
The gangoon opens a door, gesturing at V to follow before stepping inside.
“There’s something real fuckin’ wrong with you, y’know?” he grins, slamming the door behind the other man before throwing himself down on the beat up sofa, propping his feet on a grimy coffee table.
“I get that a lot,” V shrugs, sitting on the sofa with DumDum, hugging his knees to his chest. “So… if this ain’t a date, then what is it?”
“I dunno,” Dumdum flicks a flap of torn leather with his finger, staring down at the rip in the sofa for a moment, “one night stand? Quick fuck? Easy lay?” he snorts a bit, laughing loudly as he turns his gaze on V. “Sorry I didn’t bring you a bouquet of fuckin’ roses.”
“Could’ve at least bought me dinner first.” V vaguely wonders if DumDum can see him panicking as he covers his creeping worry with a smirk.
“Yeah, well, romantic candlelight dinners ain’t my thing, Princess,” the Maelstromer leans over the sofa, pushing himself between V’s legs and bringing his face close to V’s.
“You don’t really think I’m gonna put out that easy, do you?” V presses a finger to DumDum’s lips.
“Then what the fuck did you come he-” he pauses, pursing his lips in thought and grumbling softly. “You really came here expecting a date?” he asks hesitantly.
“Is that so hard to believe?” “That you’d be interested in a relationship or some shit? Yeah. Nobody looks at us Maelstromers and thinks: ‘aw shit, that’s husband material right there’.”
“Except me, apparently.” V feels his cheeks flush, hoping it’s not terribly visible in the dim light.
DumDum stares at V, lips pinched tightly into a thin line, heavy silence between the two men.
“I’m not here to suck your dick, if that’s what you were expecting,” V crosses his arms defiantly. “Then what the fuck are you here for?”
“Well,” V’s cheeks redden even more. “I wanted to get to know you.”
“You really expect me to believe that, huh?”
“Because it’s the truth, yeah,” V’s hand still lingers by DumDum’s chin, fingers brushing past his lips and spiked chrome. “I mean, you’re intelligent, talented, clever,” “Alright alright. Enough of that sappy shit.” There’s something in his undertone that’s shifted, hesitation? Intrigue? Curiosity? DumDum shoves him against the arm of the sofa before his thoughts get a chance to spiral, a strong, cold metal hand around his throat suddenly, the glow of the other man’s ocular prosthetics almost blinding at the proximity. DumDum closes the distance between them, shoving his lips aggressively to V’s, his hands still holding V by the throat, not that V had any interest in protesting the kiss.
“This is the part where I buy you dinner and we talk about our jobs ‘n shit, right?” DumDum asks as he pulls away, crooked smile almost showing the tiniest bit of nervousness underneath.
“Yeah,” V answers breathlessly.
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@ syntheticslinger
"Hey baby." Familiar voice pops behind Ratio as footsteps draw nearer, a sneer hidden behind the distant crackling of static. He gives him the opportunity to send him off, pleased to see that he doesn't, only to intrude on his space further by sliding an arm around his shoulders. "The IPC owes me a few favors, so to speak. How 'bout you be nice for once and lend me a hand? I'm sure cooperating with me will benefit.. the both of us." He chuckles, shark tooth grin seemingly becoming genuine for a moment. After all, he enjoys a good alliance. "How about it, Prr~offessor?"
FUCK YOU. Always accepting | @syntheticslinger
The sound of spurs. Synthetic fibres and the hollow echo of metal footsteps has him hunching his shoulders in preparation for what's surely to come, and come it does, the cold weight of a robot arm slinging across his neck. The offending limb is swiftly shoved off as he rounds on the cyborg; he only regrets that any more forceful measure would be more likely to deliver harm to himself.
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"I am hardly the person to consult, cyborg," he just barely keeps himself from hissing out the retort. The hair on the back of his neck remains bristling at the memory of the intrusive touch. "If you have matters to attend to with respect to the Company, then speak to a delegate from the Company. Or was harassing the gambler no longer enough for you? Not satisfied with your one-way ticket into his office? Perhaps you should have thought about replacing your eyes as well, since your current ones are clearly obsolete enough for you to miss the fine print."
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gunzlotzofgunz · 7 months
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12 Gauge; 19'' barrel, 7+1 magazine capacity. Coarse checkered synthetic stock with M-Lok and QD sling mounting points. Enlarged charging handle. Ghost ring style rear sight with monofillament protected front sight. Optic ready factory installed picatinny on reciever.
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yalecordage · 1 year
Adjustable Synthetic Slings
Yale Cordage is the most trusted name in manufacturing lightweight, high-performance marine and sailing ropes. Which provides adjustable synthetic slings, marine ropes, synthetic rope winch cables, synthetic lifting slings, and many other ropes used for various industries. https://www.yalecordage.com/product-category/slings/
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kalikai · 5 months
New addition to my beer-can garden is this pretty moss with tiny leaves, going into an appropriately matched can:
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I didn't realise it was a moss when I bought it and the can of beer though, so the can might be too tall for the moss's roots to get adequate hydration.
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So I'm improvising a system of artificial roots to wick water from the base of the can up to where the moss can reach it. The can will have to sit in a little saucer of water or something, but that's fine.
Started out using jute twine, which I've used in other wick-based watering systems for houseplants before.
But then I realised that because this system will be buried beneath the soil rather than being out in the air as the other wicking setup was, then that will make it degrade away to nothing pretty quickly.
So I switched to using strands of a 2mm synthetic cord. The offcuts from sling, uh, #7.1 I think?
Tested if they can wick up water, and they can, so that's hopeful.
Have five offcuts folded in half with the fold at the bottom of the can and the two ends sticking up. Clipped them to the edge of the can with bobby pins so they don't fall in while I'm filling the base of the can with soil.
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I'll leave the cords 'upright' until the soil has been filled in all the way up to where the moss' roots are, then I'll fold them down flat and plonk the moss on top. 😊
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backburnerdio · 11 months
CalmNoWriMo Update #1
Days: 1-4 Progress: Slow, but still progress Focus: Decent
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Patch Notes:
Combined Ch 2 & Ch 3
Surveyed progress on each chapter & created summaries
Chapters 1-4 & 23-25 need a complete overhaul
Marked sections that can be omitted
Ch 13 & 24 have alternative endings -it's time to choose!
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Section to Share:
cw: gun violence One of them got a hold of Garnet, taking two to drag him to the floor. They eagerly began pummeling him, kicking at his head and middle.
"Leave him alone!" Beau vaulted over servers, their attention drawn and weapons raised. A bullet grazed along the side of his head, arm blocking more from eating into his chest and neck. But he didn't slow down. He tackled the largest of the members, arm hooking about their throat, throwing his weight to topple them. His boots screamed against the cement floor, scrambling to get himself on top of them. He elbowed their weapon away, driving a fist across their face.
Garnet grabbed the ankle of another, yanking him off their feet with enough force the back of their head struck the ground.
"He has a Synthetic with him. Neutralize them both."  A warped command on their comms. Beau looked up, finding the gunner emerging from the stairs was different. Heavier. Something like the armor Ives wore in dangerous situations. They lifted their rifle, slinging the thick barrel attachment into a defensive position –aimed for Garnet.
Beau shoved himself up, scrambling for balance, hands catching him as he threw himself forwards.
He gripped the side of a server rack, yanking the bolts from the floor with one solid tug, and threw it. There was the thunk of the grenade launcher and an explosion of shrapnel and smoke. Beau threaded himself through the hole of the missing rack, audios buzzing feedback as he rushed through the smoke. Drawing Garnet's gun from his plackart, he emerged from the smoke before it could clear. On the gunman's right. Glaring. Pistol pressed to the slot in their helmet beside their ear.
"Drop your weapon!" He ordered loudly, glaring at the man through his visor. He slowly looked over at Beau, a moment of shock before turning his uzi and holding down the trigger. Beau slid under the arc of shots. HUD mapping the direction of bullets as they left the barrel. He slid around for the stairs, keeping the line of fire away from Garnet, before springing at the gunman. Beau grabbed their vest, their armored arms driving down to knock his grip free. He ducked under a swipe of their gun, grabbing the barrel of the grenade launcher before driving a kick into their side.
They sailed to the foot of the stairs, gun dropped, collapsing into three other gunmen.
"Beau, get down—!"
The blast drowned Garnet out. Audios screeching harshly before going silent. Beau's HUD cut in and out, code rolling in an attempt to sync information to visuals. It was several minutes before his optics connected, filled with static. He saw the ground rushing up to meet him before his vision went out.
Connection Lost Loading . . . System Error: tn_status_io_timeout_
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outpost51 · 1 year
It's not blursday anymore, but if you feel like it, may I send your excellent questions back at you? I'm very thrilled to get to know your OCs, and I must know which of them is which. :D
On the camping trip, who’s:
Over this shit before they even leave, but ends up having a decent time
Doing their best to set up the tent, unsuccessfully
Swooping in to save Mx. Bad-at-Tents from themself
Absolutely not fucking trusted with fire, go over there on the naughty step log, don’t even look at the matches
Actually getting the fire going
Whippin up some chow and guarding the marshmallows until it is TIME for marshmallows
The Keeper of the Bug Spray, and the First Aid Kit, and the Map
Thank you!!! -@oh-no-another-idea
So, let's set the scene: The hardworking crew of the Rae'dinnah are at each other's throats, so Suzo decides it's time for a ✨group bonding activity✨ and what better way to bond than being stuck together in the wilderness for three whole days. His arboreal ass is perfectly content to sling a hammock up in a tree and take a nap in the sunshine.
"Why the fuck are we doin' this now," Rees grumbles, gesturing to Sevak, "when this prickly fuck is on board?"
Because GEA inquisitors deserve a little fresh air too, of course, even if the poor zal is frantically trying to get through to a SINGLE supervisor, zuu doesn't CARE if it's poor form to abandon a posting, the captain is trying to force zuur to sleep outside -- there's a perfectly serviceable ship right there. So Sevak is over it before they even land. Does zuu have a good time? Ehhhh jury's out on that one, but zuu's happy as a clam to get the fuck back on the ship after that third day I can tell you that much.
Liki is trying SO hard to be helpful. Really, bless her heart. But she's tall for a terrestrial ix'ai at 2'10, and her frill keeps getting in the way, and she accidentally tied her tail around one of the tent stakes instead of the rope and--
Wow, wouldja look at that. Vigo's already done setting up the rest of the tents, so she saves Liki from the synthetic canvas nightmare and ends up giving the poor girl the BIGGEST (literally, miss ma'am is 8'3 and built like a house) crush. Stars bless butches.
Dekdek AND Cosh AND Rees are banished to the naughty log. Horrible little firebugs, the lot of them. They're allowed a single lighter so they can at least smoke, but only after a gratuitous amount of whining from Rees, and they have to give it back once they're lit up.
Eternal dad Suzo is the keeper of the lighter and bringer of fire to the firepit -- which Dekdek was allowed to dig. Uknuks are SO good at digging. Suzo also has the map, the first aid kit, and the bug spray, which he threatens Sevak with any time zuu starts grumbling again.
Gatha cooks on the ship, naturally Gatha is cooking at the campsite, and Roki is guarding the marshmallows so xe has something to do -- xe's still pretty skittish, after all -- until xe manages to eat half the bag while Gatha's back is turned.
Now Roki's banished to the naughty log, and Rees is granted custody of the marshmallows.
Rees eats the rest of the marshmallows.
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csykora · 2 years
Hi maybe the post is kind of old, but did you actually have recommendations for a cold weather car emergency kit? No worries if not of course and thank you for your time. Love the blog.
Of course!
Basic car items:
Ice scraper, snow brush, windshield cleanser
Collapsible or folding snow shovel
Sand or cat litter
Flashlight (either a handcrank or with extra batteries)
Jumper cables
some bottled water
Duct tape
Road flares or reflective warning triangles
Tire gauge and tire plug kit
some people would say a knife or a multitool, I recommend my beloved hatchet (like this)
Blanket (I recommend wool)
Mittens (wool or waterproof), leather work gloves, or both
Dry shirt
Wool socks
You can ignore me on the other wool recommendations, but the socks are worth it. The reason is that wool is moderately water resistant, while many synthetic fibers and cotton absorb water. Cotton is a remarkable fiber that can become remarkably dangerous in a cold-weather emergency, as it will collect and hold large amount of sweat and melting snow on your skin, increasing the weight you're carrying and your risk of cold injury. If you have to get out and dig your car out or walk for some distance in a cold weather emergency, you want to be able to change into that spare shirt as soon as you start getting sweaty or wet. Wet + cold is what will get you.
First aid kit
providone-iodine disinfectant bottle or swabs
alcohol-based sanitizer
2 Bandages, Adhesive, Fabric, 1" x 3"
2 Dressings, Gauze, Sterile, 2" x 2"
2 Dressings, Gauze, Sterile, 4" x 4"
2 Dressings, Non-Adherent, Sterile, 3" x 4"
2 Bandage, Conforming Gauze, 3"
5 Bandage, Adhesive, Fabric, Knuckle
1 Trauma Pad, 5" x 9"
maxi pads
Moleskin for blisters
1 flexible splint such as a SAM® Splint, 4" x 36"
1 triangle bandage (for sling)
shears or scissors
Splinter Picker/Tick Remover Forceps/tweezers
Safety pins
Pencil or Sharpie (for making notes in a medical emergency. this is extremely helpful!)
useful medications:
Antihistamine (Diphenhydramine)
Diamode/Imodium (Loperamide)
oral rehydration salts/electrolyte powder
Providone-iodine, also known as Betadine or just iodine, is the preferred way to clean cuts and wounds. Alcohol is for cleaning intact skin or cleaning your tools. Hydrogen peroxide is not preferred on your body, because it can increase tissue damage, but you can clean your tools with it if you have it.
If you have fragile skin and are prone to skin tears or frequently travel with an elder who is, I also recommend carrying mepitels, which are the best way to dress shallow torn skin.
If you're assembling this yourself, I recommend putting it all in a plastic bucket. Cat litter buckets work brilliantly, since they're usually squared off so they fit well in your trunk. The bucket is useful if you need to dig snow, spread sand, or generally carry stuff. Also worst comes to worst you can gather and melt snow in it for water.
If as I now realize maybe you were asking about where to buy one, I really like https://www.adventuremedicalkits.com/, https://www.survival-supply.com/ and https://mymedic.com/
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kartoon12 · 1 year
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I finally hopped on the bandwagon and created a Spider-Sona. Ever since "Into the Spider-Verse" came out, there's been an explosion of people creating their own spider themed characters, and all of them have been so creative and diverse. And now with the recent sequel, "Across the Spider-Verse" having come out, and having loved it so much, I finally broke down and made a spider character of my own.
I decided to pull from my own life, and made her themed around being an artist. She hails from Earth 20-1-11-5-15-14-13-5, which, if you break down the numbers, they each correspond to a letter of the alphabet. So it spells out "T-A-K-E -O-N-M-E"....yeah, it's a reference to the Aha music video for "Take on Me", which is what this universe would look like stylistically---very sketchy, with surfaces looking like crinkled paper and cardboard and such.
Her backstory is that she lives in the suburbs with her parents ('cause money's tight and all that), and works as a freelance artist. Her parents know she's a superhero and were the first to know about her powers. (And didn't take her to any doctor in fear of their kid being taken away and experimented on) So yeah, this spider doesn't keep too many secrets from her friends and family. She takes daily walks through the woods behind her neighborhood to get exercise (since her job has her sitting down a lot).   One day, she came home to discover a bite mark on her ankle. She was sick for a few days, but didn't make any connection with it, until she discovered her spider powers. Prior to the bite, a truck from a science lab went off road and crashed; dumping all sorts of chemicals and other hazardous material in the woods by her house, so she theorizes that's how the spider bite gave her powers.   This is also where some of her rogues gallery comes from, like the Scorpion and the Lizard, who were normal animals that mutated into monsters (ala TMNT). She was inspired by comic book superheroes to put on a costume and fight crime.
Though honestly, she tends to stick to the suburbs more often than not, stopping normal crime most of the time and doing community service. But she's not afraid to fight the occasional monster or super villain if it comes up. She has both organic and synthetic webbing. The organic webbing shoots from all of her fingertips. She's able to sew and draw all sorts of designs and patterns with the webbing that way. This is also the webbing she uses to web-sling around, but since she tends to patrol neighborhoods,  she uses roller skate shoes and tons of parkour to get around.
The synthetic webbing is where her different color "paints" come in that do different stuff.  She'll web something first, then splatter it with her special paint to turn it into what she needs.   She took more of an interest in science after she gained powers, but she's no super genius. So most of her gadgets she jury-rigged thanks to watching all sorts of science and tech videos on the internet.  As for her special paints, each color has a different effect on her webbing.
white: basic organic webbing used as the base
red: fire/plasma webbing
orange: turns webbing into plastic explosives
yellow: gives webs electric charge
green:  acid webbing
blue: ice/freeze webbing
purple: turns webbing into water-like oil slick
brown: turns webbing rock hard like stone
pink: has anti-bacterial elements to clean and seal wounds
and black, well.....it's the only other organic webbing, and she only obtains this when possessed by the Venom symbiote of her universe. Shoot this stuff at someone, and they become infected or taken over by a part of the symbiote
Other odd colors like teal, magenta, silver, gold, etc: would occasionally show up for very specific missions. But all those other colors are the standard part of her arsenal.
As I was trying to design her, the first thing I thought of was a standard Spider-Man suit, but with blue painter's overalls that have plenty of pockets to store tracers, extra paint pellets, and other gadgets. And while I loved the overalls idea, the rest needed a more unique spin. So I went with a T-shirt underneath, as this girl's gonna' get messy, like, a LOT. And I tend to like costume designs that include a person's hair. So, inspired by the original Spider-Woman, I wanted this girl to show off her hair....but not her real hair. Her real hair is tucked away underneath. (Gotta' preserve identities and all that.) So I went with long, neon-blue hair that helps her stand out more. It's just a wig that she built into the mask.
I also added fingerless gloves. It made sense to me, as her fingers would have to be at least partially exposed to shoot webs, but still protect her palms from being scraped up. And as I was sketching, I kept feeling like something was missing. And so, I added the beret at the last minute to complete her artist look. The other last minute addition was the color wheels on her wrists that store and shoot out the different colored pellets to make the different web effects.
And thanks to a suggestion from my friend, DarkNeon of deviantArt, she finally gained a name. Say hello.....to Silk Sketcher.
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