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artistic rendition of last night's incident
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celestial-sword-dance · 3 months
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He suddenly has an urge to do a little spear fishing. Strange
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shrineofprophecy · 3 months
> @syntheticslinger
"Sparkle sweet pea you can't be with Sunday, he ain't good enough for y-" /crack
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"But I can fix him."
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draconicfool · 2 months
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@syntheticslinger asked: "Alri' Cherry Bomb, open up! Let's see which one of us gots the bigger and sharper shark teeth!"
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"I know 'm gonna have y'beat in th' more category at least." But she'll oblige, opening up her mouth and pulling at the side with one of her black tinted fingers. "Y'see?"
unprompted <3
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acr3ss-the-cosmos · 3 months
rumor has it you're housing a runaway criminal wanted by the IPC
Rumor has it. Closed. @etherealguard
"I'm aware of some of his... uh... escapades involving them, yes. He told me as much, but I wouldn't exactly say that I'm 'housing' him. Boothill just comes and goes as he pleases. He's a Galaxy Ranger, after all." Chenhua closed her eyes and sighed slowly, feeling unsure what to say next.
"I... don't really know the reason why he holds such animosity towards the IPC. I wouldn't say I'm particularly fond of them as an organization either, but there's always such an... intense hatred behind his eyes whenever he speaks of them, as though they've personally affected him in some way." She hugged her forearms as if to comfort herself.
"Seeing how much he has it out for them? I can only imagine it must have been something awful... but I wouldn't truly know unless he tells me himself."
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poswiecenia · 3 months
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@syntheticslinger - “   i don’t even know what a heart is .   ” // @ lumi \ ❥     𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐃𝐎𝐌 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 ����𝟓𝟖/𝟐 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒
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( 🌙 ) SHE HAS TO stand tall ( and the tips of her toes ) to rest a hand upon the soft and warmth of his cheek ; golden gaze gentle and sympathetic to what he believed. he knows , she sees it in him every day. the way he protects her when he no longer needs to , the way he makes her laugh and how it makes him smile when she does . .
one without a heart would not care for her wellbeing or any of that. she'd just be a job to him and that was it.
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❛ YOU DO KNOW . . it's just difficult to dig out with all that has befallen your life , annwyl. you will find it and remember how it makes you feel 'fore you have one every single moment. everything you do has heart. ❜
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celestial-narwhal · 6 months
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"Oh? As I've said before, I'm always open to thirds~ I will gladly welcome you with open arms, my shiny assassin~"
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resolutepath · 16 days
> @syntheticslinger
‘I have never seen anyone fight the way you do.’ // welt!
"The universe is a vast place, it does not surprise me that you are yet to experience all there is to offer within it, particularly when it comes to combat."
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His words remain light as the once animator turns upon the gunslinger and offers a polite nod without further explanation as to where he acquired his skills and just why they are different. Though, perhaps, there is a level of trust with this Galaxy Ranger after he came to Dan Heng's aid, it would be rather foolish to confess all too early and allow him an insight into just how much power was within his reach. Instead it would be safer, and wiser, to evade the question with a sensible riposte and conjecture as to the expanse around them and its possibilities in lieu of talking about himself.
Perhaps, one day, there may be cause to reveal a little more, but it is not yet time.
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archived-diegesis · 3 months
@syntheticslinger // starter
The feeling of warmth fading from her form was a ever persisting yet welcoming reminder of who she was, not what, never what. The firing of the bullet made her want to explore the why, why she lived, why she fought, why she willingly embraced the new journey she found herself on.
Yet deep down she feels like she has found that meaning the moment she became a ranger.
Because she found meaning in living , she found meaning in connections. She found meaning in protecting and caring for others and she wondered for a moment if other galaxy rangers also found meaning in the same things.....
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Looking at the other mans eyes made her rethink that, he did not look like a man that lived. No, he looked like a ghost willing to haunt the living.
" Do you want this bounty ?"
It was small bounty, a former Ipc member maybe. They held no true importance but their freedom had caused chaos on a small planet she found herself on and may have gotten his attention.
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maskednihilism · 4 months
@syntheticslinger replied to your post “ooc. I hope, like Gallagher, Sampo is revealed to...”:
hes absolutely older than he looks i think about him calling us "young kids" or whatever all the time
​ooc. Oh believe me, I'm dilf/gilf Sampo truther myself. But it would be funny if he's like "oh no, I'm actually 23."
Me too Sampo, my bones gave at out at that age too. Younger actually
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"A wise man responds not to provocation." Love and peace, he's getting a coffee.
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astrxlfinale · 5 months
> @syntheticslinger
He innocently walks by, glancing over he accidentally makes eye contact with him. Shoots him a smile and a peace sign. Turns around to continue about his day.
Whereas this man was a paragon of a good soul. A deviant found itself upon that merry trail, the fine weaving of fate allowing a certain crossing to be made. Caelus's eyes were natural enough in this encounter, confirmation being knitted down to the key details thanks to a mysterious associate that led him to these more wild streets of Penacony.
A timeless breeze would shift across the surroundings, adding to the ambience as in kind, an equally charming peace sign would be reflected in kind. Y'know? This ol' bastard didn't look half bad!
...Which means this could be the proverbial threat. The sort of adventurous spirit that could serve as a horrific influence for a kind soul's innocent sister. Who knows what kind of depravity awaited in terms of influence? What those spiky, glimmering teeth of the Galaxy Ranger better known as BOOTHILL would bring in another shade? He picks this moment to gently lean his head one way to another, seemingly turning back. To the sharp eyed, the view of a glimmering, amber shine being tossed by his hand could be spotted.
Before any semblance of a 'normal day' could be returned, the dreamy ground would shudder with immediate distaste! As just a fair ways ahead of Boothill, a pillar of thrashing flame would descend, obstructing a fair margin of the view ahead with a scalding, scarlet wall of immolating might. A legendary artifact of Belobog remains poised, vigilant, as if the sacred Amber glared upon the target in question too.
"Say, pardner." The sinister smile could be plucked within the Trailblazer's expression as he'd pivot upon his heel, turning to face his target.
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"I think me n' you need to have a little chat. How about we handle this in the old school kinda fashion? Hands like yours have been aiming a little too high to the skies."
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shrineofprophecy · 5 months
[ bullet ] sender takes a bullet for receiver // @ serval bc oh my god
@syntheticslinger / non-verbal angst / accepting
Serval was talented at fixing broken mechanics, research and music. Fighting was not one of them yet she had found herself in a troublesome situation... She could hold her ground for a brief moment but it was a challenge to make her escape to a safe haven.
Looking around, the panic was blurring her vision and that short distraction was enough for her to miss a gun being shot.
The sound was shocking but not as shocking as when she squeezed her eyes shut, preparing herself to feel the pain, yet it never came... Instead, a tall man had shielded her from the attack and was quick to get rid of the threat by himself.
"Are you okay?!" She placed a hand on his shoulder, scanning his body for any injuries but there was no blood, no nothing, just a bit of smoke coming from where the bullet collided with his arm. "This is... metal?"
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"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were wearing armor... You're not injured, right?"
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draconicfool · 2 months
@syntheticslinger replied to your post “@syntheticslinger asked: "Alri' Cherry Bomb, open...”:
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"...yeah, I have a lot."
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acr3ss-the-cosmos · 4 months
> @syntheticslinger
"HEY!" He arrives completely unannounced, interrupting Chenhua in what appears to be a little mechanical project. It's his routine at this point, one that he's assuming she's used to, but regardless he's now here to lie directly on the floor next to her feet. "How long have ya been workin on that? You look like shirt." She does not, and his tease is clear in his smile. "You about done yet? Let's fork off and actually do somethin. Got a few things I need to look at before I bounce out."
Unprompted. Always accepting! @syntheticslinger
Even at the Galaxy Ranger's gruff outburst, a few twitches of the little Fennekian woman's large ears were her only reaction as she fiddled with the Jade Abacus in her hands. She used to nearly jump out of her skin whenever he burst into her work space like this, but it had become so normalized over the past several months that her sensitive hearing had gotten accustomed to Boothill's propensity for being rather loudmouthed.
"Hello to you too, Boothill." Chenhua hummed cordially as she set the Jade Abacus down on the desk and turned to look down at the cowboy casually lounging on the floor right at her feet -- yet another behavior of his that she had grown used to. That, and the telltale way he grinned at her with those shark-like teeth whenever he playfully teased her. Indeed, she had learned quite a bit about his personality as time passed.
"For a while now." She replied. "But lucky for you, I happen to be just about finished with the re-calibration." Her fluffy fox tail swished through the air in his direction, a bit of a teasing action of her own at his impatience, and she raised a curious brow at Boothill, a smile gracing her features. "Oh? And where did you want us to gallivant off to today?"
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poswiecenia · 3 months
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@syntheticslinger - [ ELATION ]: sender scoops up the receiver and carries them away after a mutual victory, or having just received very good news (or maybe they're both just very happy for some reason!) // lumi! \ REASONS TO CARRY SOMEONE.
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( 🌙 ) SHE GASPS AS boothill scoops her off her feet , gaze wide as she looked up at him as he begins carrying her away. she's still got blood all over her ( though none of it hers might she add ) which leads her to squint at this new development , even if she knows that the galaxy ranger has handled her in worse situations. in the end she smiles , butting her head against his chest as she laughed.
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❛ SOMEONE'S THRILLED THAT the fight is over . . so eager to have me all to yourself ? ❜ she teases , tapping against his chest as she snickers.
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