#Sync SRAMs
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egune2den · 6 months ago
Memory ICs, Random Access Memory, Fast asynchronous SRAM, low power SRAM
CY62148E Series 4 Mbit (512 K x 8) 5.5 - 5.5 V 55 ns Static RAM-SOIC-32
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commodorez · 5 months ago
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Thy Graphics
A graphics card for the Cactus directly patterned after the OSI-440, with a few modernizations and optimizations.
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I've replaced the eight 2102 SRAM chips with a pair of 2114s. I've also swapped the 2513 character generator ROM with a 2816 EEPROM which gives me not only lower case letters, but pseudo-graphical characters not unlike PETSCII. I've re-implemented the address select logic using modern parts (thank you 74688), and swapped the open-collector NAND gate based video/sync combiner circuit with one I copied from a PET video combiner circuit using 4066 analog switches. I didn't like how vague the delay taps were described, so I added in some jumpers to let the user pick their delay timing.
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And hooo boy this had some motherfucking BUGS in it.
Vertical sync polarity was backwards.
Video pixel data was inverted too.
In fact, so were the DIP switches for the address select.
I also got half of the 74123 resistor/capacitor inputs backwards due to not paying attention to the idiosyncrasies of the symbols in my old version of KiCAD.
Oh, and the character ROM I stole from my OSI-540B replica has inverted bit order, so the characters looked backwards.
Every single problem I had was due to something being backwards.
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Nothing a little debugging can't fix. Took about 7 hours of tired stumbling with help from friends in the retrotech crew to figure out all the little faults and work around them, but in the end...
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It works! It fucking works! The Cactus has video! I made a fucking video card from scratch! I didn't use any dedicated video chipsets or FPGAs or microcontrollers or CRTCs or any of that shit. I didn't make VGA, I made composite video.
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All 24x24 usable characters on screen in monochrome goodness from this tiny little PCB. Now onto the Rev B design!
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merkabici · 1 year ago
SRAM grupos de carretera precios y especificaciones
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SRAM, con sede en Illinois, es la más nueva de las tres marcas principales de grupos de carretera y en 2015 lanzó el primer grupo inalámbrico SRAM Red eTap.  En 2019, SRAM lanzó otros dos conjuntos de grupos inalámbricos SRAM Red eTAP AXS  y SRAM Force eTap AXS , que también obtuvieron una rueda dentada adicional para convertirse en 12 velocidades al mismo tiempo. A continuacióne en Merkabici explicamos a detalle SRAM grupos de carretera con todos los precios y especificaciones disponibles. Apex es el nivel de entrada de SRAM y aproximadamente comparable a Tiagra. El siguiente en la escalera es Rival, que fue nombrado para rivalizar con Shimano 105, y SRAM Force se encuentra por encima de Ultegra y por debajo de Dura-Ace. Red eTap AXS y Force eTap AXS están disponibles con una opción de 1 solo plato en la parte delantera, al igual que los tres modelos inferiores de la gama SRAM, y todos los modelos de la gama también están disponibles con frenos de disco o pinzas de freno En toda la gama mecánica, SRAM utiliza 'DoubleTap', lo que significa que la palanca de cambio única en cada lado hace el cambio hacia arriba y hacia abajo.  A la izquierda, un clic rápido de la palanca lo lleva a un encadenamiento más pequeño, y un empujón más largo lo mueve a un anillo más grande, aunque obviamente esto no se aplica en los grupos de de 1s.  SRAM grupos de carretera explicados a detalle SRAM es un acrónimo de Scott, Ray y Sam, los tres fundadores de la firma con sede en Estados Unidos que comenzó a producir manetas de cambio de agarre para bicicletas de carretera en 1987. Si bien estas palancas de cambio no se vendieron particularmente bien, SRAM adaptó la tecnología para todo terreno. uso y se convirtió en un éxito instantáneo entre la fraternidad del ciclismo de montaña.  Desde entonces, la compañía ha logrado avances significativos en lo que respecta a los desarrollos tecnológicos y las primicias mundiales, habiendo introducido el cambio inalámbrico y ha sido pionera en la revolución de la transmisión de 1x y 12 velocidades.  SRAM Apex La diferencia más notable entre SRAM Apex y el resto de la línea es que es un grupo de 11 velocidades, lo que significa que los saltos entre marchas se vuelven un poco más notables. Los juegos de bielas disponibles son 40-42-44T. Aún puede acomodar un cassette 11-32 gracias a la disponibilidad del desviador trasero WiFLi y también hay 1x en la línea. Precio: 429 € SRAM Rival Ocupando aproximadamente el mismo espacio que el grupo 105 de Shimano, Rival 22 se apoya en gran medida en la tecnología de Force y Red. Con el apodo 22, obtienes un juego de platos y bielas dobles emparejados con 11 marchas en la parte posterior, utilizando el mismo cambio sin cortes DoubleTap en todo el cassette. Al igual que Force, Rival también está disponible como un grupo específico 1x. No hay bielas de carbono aquí, pero, lo más importante, el mecanismo trasero del Rival 1x cuenta con un embrague con cojinetes de rodillos y las ruedas jockey y platos X-Sync de ancho estrecho.  Disponible como versión de jaula corta y larga, el desviador puede aceptar un grupo de 11 dientes de 36 o 42 t.  Rival 1 solo es compatible con frenos de disco hidráulicos.  Precio: 599 € SRAM Force Subiendo un nivel de precio, el  grupo Force de SRAM utiliza materiales livianos como aleaciones de alta calidad y fibra de carbono para ser una configuración de engranaje muy competitiva. Al igual que Rival, es un grupo de 11 velocidades que se puede configurar con dos platos en la parte delantera para obtener más rango de engranajes o un plato en la parte delantera para simplificar. Sigue siendo una opción de especificación OEM muy popular en bicicletas de grava y ciclocross. Anteriormente conocido como CX 1, SRAM Force 1 toma los mismos materiales y rendimiento que Force 22 pero abandona el desviador delantero. SRAM forzó la extinción del mecanismo delantero de MTB y lideró el movimiento carretera / grava / CX 1x.  Precio: 799 € SRAM Red Red 22 es el grupo más amigable con el peso que existe, con un peso de aproximadamente 200 g menos que Dura-Ace 9100 y Super Record. El cambio mecánico también sigue siendo un método de cambio extremadamente confiable que se puede arreglar al costado de la carretera utilizando métodos tradicionales. Anunciohttps://979dd1d08d2e2f3b427fcc72c7a84884.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-37/html/container.html Los DoubleTap Shifters mueven la cadena con un clic positivo; medio empujón desplaza los desviadores hacia un engranaje más pequeño, y un golpe más largo lo empuja hacia arriba en el grupo. El rojo 22 también permite el encadenamiento cruzado sin necesidad de recortar el desviador delantero YAW, aunque SRAM no recomienda necesariamente conducir de esta manera. El desviador trasero está disponible en una versión WiFLi estándar y de jaula larga que permite un engranaje de 28t o 32t en la parte trasera, y hay platos delanteros disponibles desde 35t hasta 55t.  Precio: 1299 € SRAM Force eTap AXS Force eTap AXS de SRAM es el ejemplo perfecto de tecnología de goteo en su máxima expresión. Sí, es un poco más pesado y menos brillante que el equivalente rojo, pero en la carretera, Force eTap AXS ofrece más o menos exactamente el mismo rendimiento. Toda la electrónica es la misma, al igual que la ergonomía de las palancas de cambio; las principales diferencias vienen en la forma del casete, que se sujeta con clavijas en lugar de una unidad mecanizada de una pieza. Las bielas son de aluminio envuelto en carbono en lugar de fibra de carbono hueca. Force eTap AXS todavía tiene una cadena plana, aunque los pasadores son sólidos y los platos están estampados en lugar de fresados.  Los platos están disponibles en combos de 48/35 y 46 / 33t (saltos de 13 dientes) y se combinan con los grupos traseros de 12 velocidades en combos de 10-26t, 10-28t y 10-33t, todos utilizando el cuerpo del controlador XDR. Al igual que el grupo Red eTap AXS, el desviador trasero también emplea el amortiguador Orbit a base de fluido, lo que significa que el mismo desviador funciona tanto para aplicaciones 1x como 2x y ofrece seguridad adicional en la cadena.  Como parte del ecosistema AXS, los componentes Force AXS pueden comunicarse con las piezas Red AXS y Eagle AXS y se pueden mezclar y combinar sin preocupaciones sobre la compatibilidad de la relación de extracción.  Precio: 1461 € SRAM presenta su plato con medidor de potencia XX1 AXS SRAM Red eTap AXS RED eTap AXS es ​​la segunda generación del grupo inalámbrico SRAM que vio todo el sistema revisado desde cero. Disponible en versiones de freno de llanta y de disco, la adición de un pi��ón 12 al cassette trasero ha dado lugar a un nuevo estándar de cadena y cuerpo del conductor XDR.  El nuevo grupo está integrado en el ecosistema AXS de SRAM, lo que significa que funcionará bien con el desviador Eagle AXS si desea usar el cassette MTB de 12 velocidades en su bicicleta de gravel, o la tija telescópica RockShox Reverb AXS en caso de que sienta la necesidad de obtener extra ruidoso. AXS también puede hablar con una aplicación complementaria y le permite personalizar los controles de cambio, incluidos los controles remotos Blip, así como controlar la duración de la batería y las actualizaciones de firmware.  En la parte trasera, el mecanismo trasero cuenta con Orbit, un amortiguador de fluido sensible a la velocidad que hace el mismo trabajo que un embrague de cojinete de rodillos.  Si está ejecutando una configuración de 2x, el desviador delantero se ha remodelado para dejar más espacio para las ruedas de grava y se afirma que limpia neumáticos de hasta 42 mm. En ambos extremos, los desviadores tienen nuevos chips y motores que proporcionan cambios más rápidos.  Las bielas aceptarán platos simples y dobles, que son de una sola pieza en construcción; algunos incluso poseen un medidor de potencia Quarq incorporado. Si bien esto crea una unidad más rígida y liviana, si desgasta o daña uno de los platos, deberá reemplazar la unidad completa, incluido el medidor de potencia, a un costo de más de € 1000.  SRAM ofrece tres casetes de una pieza; 10-26t, 10-28t y 10-33t que se combinan con platos de 1x y 2x: los saltos entre los platos de 2x son de 13 dientes en cada combinación. Incluso si opta por un plato más pequeño en la parte delantera, el cassette de 12 velocidades ofrece una amplia variedad de relaciones gracias al engranaje de 10 dientes. En algunos casos, esto ofrece una gama más amplia que los cambios tradicionales de carretera.  A pesar de que está disponible un juego de bielas solo para profesionales con hasta 54 dientes disponibles en el plato grande, las opciones disponibles para el consumidor se limitan a 46/33, 48/35 y 50/37, aunque cuando se combina con una rueda dentada de cassette de 10 dientes, esto todavía ofrece una marcha superior más grande que su 53x11 ​​más común. Precio: 2749 € Read the full article
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techav · 4 years ago
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I've started a new project.
Inspired by recent work on creating modern reproductions of the Mac SE logic board and following my previous CPLD VGA generator project, I've been working on a PDS card for the Mac SE that mirrors its video on a VGA monitor.
I'm using a similar approach to the [bbraun] project, which used an stm32f4 to watch the SE's CPU bus for writes to the SE frame buffer memory addresses. Instead of using a microcontroller I'm using an Atmel ATF1508AS CPLD to monitor the SE CPU bus for writes to the frame buffer addresses and storing the data in a pair of 32kB SRAM chips. The CPLD then reads back the video data to generate a 640x480 monochrome VGA signal with the SE video in letterboxed in its original 512x342 resolution.
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The circuit itself is fairly straightforward. The CPLD runs everything off a single clock signal from a can oscillator, and uses the pair of SRAM chips for video memory. Other than those four chips, there are a few passive components. It's simple enough I could have built one with point-to-point wiring or even wire-wrap. But, to reduce debugging and the potential for noise disrupting the SE's normal operation, I decided to lay out and order some small PCBs.
I got these from JLC for $2 plus shipping and they arrived in just under two weeks. Build was easy enough. I used the drag solder technique with a lot of flux to solder on the 100 pin QFP package CPLD and it went on with no problems. Everything else is through-hole.
I tried to take a methodical approach to build and debug. I started with just the CPLD and clock to make sure it could generate a proper sync signal that was recognized by my monitor. That much worked without issue, so I moved on to testing if it could read data from its VRAM bus and display it. This part took some work with a logic analyzer and a few rounds of updates, but eventually I was able to tie one VRAM Data pin high and get it to display lines.
From there, I added the VRAM sockets to test if it could properly read from VRAM and display its contents. SRAM powers on to random contents, and when I added the SRAM to the board and powered it on, I was greeted with a screen of random pixels. VRAM was working, and the video generator was displaying a stable, consistent image.
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At this point there was only one thing left to do — solder on the (expensive!) DIN 41612 connector and test it out in the SE.
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Well, it was half working.
I had half of the image on screen, so it was clearly recognizing CPU write cycles, storing it in VRAM, and recalling it in sequence. I quickly found and corrected a bug in the code looking for the 68000 lower data strobe (!LDS), and inverted the final output and tried again.
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It ... Wasn't quite right. It started out fine while Mac OS was booting. There was a little noise in the image, but not too bad ... until it reached the Finder. By the time it was finished booting, it was flashing, alternating between valid video data and a garbage data. The garbage data seemed to be encroaching on the valid data as well, the longer the system ran.
The first bug didn't take long to find. The classic Macs, including the SE actually support double-buffered video. They have a primary frame buffer and an alternate frame buffer, selected by setting or clearing one output bit on the VIA chip. I designed the card to support both frame buffers, and to also watch the CPU bus for writes to the specific VIA bit that controls frame buffer selection. I had calculated the VIA address wrong though, so it was swapping between frame buffers when it shouldn't have and that's what was causing the flashing.
I still had the problem of garbage data being displayed however. This one took a while to figure out, and I'm actually still not sure how it was happening to begin with.
The logic analyzer showed that every so often a VRAM write cycle would overlap with a VRAM read cycle. The VRAM write state machine shouldn't have allowed that to happen, but it was. Unable to find anything that would cause the cycles to overlap, o added a test to delay the write cycle if it detected a current read cycle.
The result?
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No more garbage data.
I really can't believe it. I wasn't sure I could get this to work, and I wasn't sure it would fit into a CPLD with only 128 macrocells. To top it off, this is my first real project using System Verilog instead of VHDL.
It's not perfect yet. There is one column of garbage data being displayed on the left of the image, and it looks like the last column off the right is also ending up on the left. But, it is completely useable.
I'm not finished with this project yet. I want to bump it up to XGA resolution (1024x768), which would allow the SE video to be pixel doubled and take up more of the screen. The 65MHz clock necessary for XGA is hard to come by, so I'm thinking about spinning up a rev 2 board that uses an FPGA instead of a small CPLD.
This has been a fun project. It's always so exciting for a project to have visible results.
I have the project on GitHub if anyone is interested in taking a closer look.
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thebikecomesfirst · 6 years ago
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2017 Scott Spark RC 900 World Cup
That’s my XC race bike. I got it in 2016 and I’m still racing it this year in 2020.
Stock parts:
Frame: Spark RC Carbon M Fork: FOX 32 SC Elite 100mm 3-Modes Rear Shock: FOX NUDE 100mm 3-Modes Remote System: SCOTT TwinLoc 3-Modes Brakes: Shimano XTR M9000 Disc Rear Derailleur: Sram X01 / Eagle 12-Speed Front Derailleur: What’s that? Shifters: Sram X01 Trigger Crankset: Sram X1 Eagle Carbon Seat: Syncros XR1.5 / Titanium rails Seatpost: Ritchey WCS Carbon Handlebar: Ritchey Carbon WSC 9° 720mm Handlebar Stem: Ritchey WSC 31.8mm -6°
Custom parts:
Wheels: Nir Wheels M32 SL 29er Tires: Kenda Booster Pro 29x2.40 TR Presta Valves: Speed Evolution Sealant: Stan’s Race Sealant Pedals: Time ATAC 12 Titan Carbon Power Meter: Stages Gen3 Carbon GXP MTB 175mm Chainring: Sram Eagle X-Sync 34T Cassette: Sram XX1 12-Speed Chain: Sram XX1 12-Speed Brake Pads: Shimano J02A Resin w/ Ice-Tech Cooling Fins Bar Tape: Prologo One Touch Gel Bottle: Team Dream  Bottle Cage: Specialized Zee Cage II Left Tube Strap: Backcountry Research Race Strap MTB
(affiliated links)
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egune2den · 6 months ago
Memory ICs, Random Access Memory, Fast asynchronous SRAM, low power SRAM
CY62148E Series 4 Mbit (512 K x 8) 5.5 - 5.5 V 55 ns Static RAM-SOIC-32
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islamfakrul · 3 years ago
Top 10 Best 1x11 chainring [2022]
Top 10 Best 1×11 chainring [2022]
1. SRAM Unisex’s Nx Eagle Groupset (Rear Der, Trigger Shifter W Clamp, Crankset Dub W Dm 32T X-Sync Chainring, Chain 126 Links 12S,Cassette Xg-1230 11-50T, Chaingap Gauge), Black, 170mm Buy On Amazon Revolutionary innovation Performance that is simply second to none Achieve the ultimate ride 2. SRAM Unisex’s Nx Eagle Groupset (Rear Der, Trigger Shifter W Clamp, Crankset Dub W Dm 32T X-Sync…
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bikesteelborrow · 6 years ago
2019 Cannondale Cujo Neo 1
Rahmen: ALL-NEW Cujo NEO, SmartForm C2 Alloy, integrated battery, SAVE, tapered headtube, 148x12mm thru-axle, alloy skid plate
Gabel: RockShox Judy Gold, 120mm, Solo Air, 15X110, tapered steerer, 51mm offset
Felgen: WTB ST i29 TCS 2.0, 32h, tubeless ready
Naben: Formula CL-811 15x110 front, Shimano SLX 12x148 rear
Speichen: DT Swiss Champion
Reifen: Maxxis Rekon 27.5 x 2.8", 3C Maxx Terra Silkshield, EXO, tubeless ready
Kurbel: Shimano FC-E8000, 165mm, X-Sync, 34t
Kette: SRAM NX Eagle, 12-speed
Zahnkränze: SRAM PG-1230, NX Eagle, 10-50, 12-speed
Schaltwerk: SRAM NX Eagle
Schalthebel: SRAM NX Eagle, 12-speed
Lenker: Cannondale C3 Riser, 6061 Alloy, 15mm rise, 8° sweep, 4° rise, 780mm
Griffe: Cannondale Locking Grips
Vorbau: Cannondale C3, 3D Forged 6061 Alloy, 1-1/8", 31.8, 0°
Steuersätze: Integrated Sealed Bearing, Tapered
Bremsen: Shimano MT400 hydro disc, 180/180mm RT30 rotors
Sattel: Cannondale Ergo XC
Sattelstütze: TranzX dropper, internal routing, 31.6, 100mm (S), 120mm (M), 125mm (L-XL)
Drive unit: STEPS DU-E8000 250W Battery: STEPS BT-E8020, 504Wh Display: Shimano STEPS SC-E8000
Farbe: Hazard Orange
Größen: S, M, L, XL
2019 Cujo Neo 1
With big 27+ tires, confidence-inspiring geometry and sleek new integrated looks, the new Cujo NEO hardtail lets you master the mountain with ease.
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alimorattab · 3 years ago
فایل بکاپ NVRAM برای ترمیم سریال و بیس باند شیائومی Redmi 6A -دانگل CM2
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فایل بکاپ NVRAM برای ترمیم سریال و بیس باند شیائومی Redmi 6A -دانگل CM2
How To Redmi 6A NV DATA Imei Baseband Fix File Full Backup CM2-MT2   _________________________________________________________________________ برای خرید دانگل CM2 فوق العاده قوی از این لینک اقدام به خرید نمایید     دانگل CM2 از قدیمی ترین محصولات تیم infinity که دانگل best نوکیا نیز توسط این تیم ساخته شده است این دانگل دارای اکتیو سالیانه می باشد و شما تا زمانی که اخرین نسخه که دانلود کرده اید را می توانید دانگل را استفاده کنید (فقط نمی توانید آپدیت های جدید را دریافت نمایید )   _________________________________________________________________________   قبل از باز کردن بوت لودر برای Redmi 6A ، مط��ئن شوید مراحل زیر انجام شده است:   آخرین درایور MTK  درایور libusb win32 cactus_global_images_V11.0.8.0.PCBMIXM_20200509.0000.00_9.0_global_5fe1e27073.tgz   Redmi_6A_NVDATA      
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      ۱- نام کاربری و رمز عبور در CM2-MT2 وارد کنید .    
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        ۲- قبل از بکاپ گیری ، ریستور و یا فلش گزینه HW Report را در باکس  CM2-MT2 بزنید .    
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      Operation : HW Report HWreport : Mode : eMMC - Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after - Insert USB cable in phone Waiting for device connection … PTFN : MediaTek USB Port_V1632 (COM36) MODE : BOOTROM PORT : 36 Waiting BOOT ack … BROM : Skip ACK verify BROM : Init BROM BROM init passed! CHIP : MT6765 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA00 , SWVR : 0x0000 CODE : Cervino TYPE : MODERN BROM : MEID : 89D05EA35F266EDEB7D1E3227880A5DD BROM : SecLevel : 0x000000E7 BROM : SecMode : SBC+SLA+SDA+EXT BROM : BROM|BL : 0x05|0xFE BROM : BOOTROM BROM : SOCID : 85AC622FC6EA0C6B563A57F153B53FF61115A379A49BD82B0BC25D17BAB73DEC BROM : SLA : Local Auth BROM : SLA : Auth Started! BROM : SLA : Auth Passed! BROM : SLA : 0x0000001F BROM : PreBoot stage #1 BROM : PreBoot stage #2 AGENT : 0_base : BASE_v2112 | Manual : Disabled AGENT : Look for suitable BootChain in DA … AGENT : MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin AGENT : Found MT6765 AGENT : MTK_DOWNLOAD_AGENT BROM : Sending 1st DA … BROM : DA sent BROM :Transfer control to DA … DA : AGENT started! DA : SYNC DA : MODE : BROM DA : EXT_RAM NOT initialized! EMI : DEV : INFINITY EMI : SRC : PRELOADER_INFINITY_0 EMI : CNT : 0004 EMI : Init EMI from INTERNAL DB EMI : EXT_RAM CFG Passed! DA : BOOT to 2nd DA … DA : 2ND stage confirmed! DA : SYNC with DA passed! DA : Receiving HW info SRAM: 0x0003A000 DRAM: 0xC0000000 EMMC: CID : 90014A484247346132A5C3C881D565B7 EMMC: VEN : HYNIX : OEM : 74 : ID : 484247346132 EMMC: VEN : HYNIX : HBG4a2 EMMC: SNN : 3284697557 ( 0xC3C881D5) , MF : 6/2018 EMMC: BOOT1 : 0x00400000 BOOT2 : 0x00400000 RPMB : 0x00400000 USER : 0x747C00000 CHIP : MT6765 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA00 , SWVR : 0x0000 , EVOL : 0x0000 RNID : 964B4F0ED0DCFC5DE53C4D44BD17A6E1 DA : USB : HIGH-SPEED Boot done! Memory Info : CID : 90014A484247346132A5C3C881D565B7 MEM : VEN : HYNIX | OEM : 4A01 | DEV : HBG4a2 DAT : Size: 29820 MB, Max.Speed: 52000 kHz, blklen(512), nblks(61071360), ro(0) EXT_CSD Info : EXT_CSD rev. : v1.8 ( MMC v5.1 ) CSD struct rev. : v1.2 Supported command sets : 1h HPI features : 1h BG operations support : 1h BG operations status : 0h Correct prg. sectors : 0h ۱st init time after part. : 1000 ms Min. write perf.(DDR,52MH,8b): 78h Min. read perf. (DDR,52MH,8b): 8ch TRIM timeout: 0 ms Secure feature support: 55h Secure erase timeout : 60000 ms Secure trim timeout : 6000 ms Access size : 3072 bytes HC erase unit size : 512 kbytes HC erase timeout : 600 ms HC write prot grp size: 4096 kbytes HC erase grp def. : 0h Reliable write sect count: 1h Sleep current (VCC) : 7h Sleep current (VCCQ): 7h Sleep/awake timeout : 26214400 ns Sector count : 3a3e000h Min. WR Perf. (52MH,8b): 8ch Min. Read Perf.(52MH,8b): 8ch Min. WR Perf. (26MH,8b,52MH,4b): 46h Min. Read Perf.(26MH,8b,52MH,4b): 46h Min. WR Perf. (26MH,4b): 1eh Min. Read Perf.(26MH,4b): 1eh Power class: 0 Power class(DDR,52MH,3.6V): 11h Power class(DDR,52MH,1.9V): 0h Power class(26MH,3.6V) : 0h Power class(52MH,3.6V) : 0h Power class(26MH,1.9V) : 0h Power class(52MH,1.9V) : 0h Part. switch timing : 1h Out-of-INTR busy timing: 5h Card type : 57h Command set : 0h Command set rev.: 0h HS timing : 0h Bus width : 0h Erase memory content : 0h Partition config : 48h Boot partition size : 4096 kbytes Boot information : 7h Boot config protection: 0h Boot bus width : 2h Boot area write prot : 0h User area write prot : 0h FW configuration : 0h RPMB size : 4096 kbytes Write rel. setting : 1fh Write rel. parameter: 15h Start background ops : 0h Enable background ops: 2h H/W reset function : 1h HPI management : 0h Max. enhanced area size : e8fh (15265792 kbytes) Part. support : 7h Part. attribute: 0h Part. setting : 0h General purpose 1 size : 0h (0 kbytes) General purpose 2 size : 0h (0 kbytes) General purpose 3 size : 0h (0 kbytes) General purpose 4 size : 0h (0 kbytes) Enh. user area size : 0h (0 kbytes) Enh. user area start: 0h Bad block mgmt mode: 0h Overall status : MLC status : 10% - 20% usedSLC status : 0% - 10% usedEOL status : Normal ( Less than 80% reserved blocks used )RPMB : RPMB KEY EXISTS! STORAGE : OTP Status : UNLOCKED! Done! Elapsed: 00:00:19       Infinity-Box MediaTek Service Module v2.28 Load IDBase v718267 Ok! Update configuration … Update Ok! Load IDBase v98353 Ok! Operation : Unlock BootLoader - Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after - Insert USB cable in phone Waiting for device connection … PTFN : MediaTek USB Port (COM36) MODE : BOOTROM PORT : 36 Waiting BOOT ack … BROM : Skip ACK verify BROM : Init BROM BROM init passed! CHIP : MT6765 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA00 , SWVR : 0x0000 CODE : Cervino TYPE : MODERN BROM : MEID : DB2C34D57DFC5914CB600E03A57FCF66 BROM : SecLevel : 0x000000E7 BROM : SecMode : SBC+SLA+SDA+EXT BROM : BROM|BL : 0x05|0xFE BROM : BOOTROM BROM : SOCID : 4BA5991236EEC4E45B64761D24F1773CBCB5BA8308D13AA72985A43717F23CCB BROM : Sending FireFly FireFly : Starting … FireFly : Init Core FireFly : Core init done! FireFly : Running : v04.04.04 on MT6765 FireFly : eMMC init passed! EMMC: CSD : D02701328F5903FFFFFFFFE78A400017 EMMC: CSD : TEMP_WRITE_PROTECT: False EMMC: CSD : PERM_WRITE_PROTECT: False EMMC: CID : 90014A484147346132A5C1B58C64B5AF EMMC: VEN : HYNIX : OEM : 74 : ID : 484147346132 EMMC: VEN : HYNIX : HAG4a2 EMMC: SNN : 3249900644 ( 0xC1B58C64) , MF : 11/2018 EMMC: EXTCSD : rev1.8 ( eMMC 5.1 ) EMMC: EXTCSD : 0x02 EMMC: EXTCSD : 0x48 EMMC: EXTCSD : Market : 16 GB EMMC: EXTCSD : Actual : 0x3AB400000 EMMC: EXTCSD : EOL status : Normal ( Less than 80% reserved blocks used ) EMMC: EXTCSD : SLC status : 0% - 10% used EMMC: EXTCSD : MLC status : 0% - 10% used EMMC: BOOT1 : 0x00400000 BOOT2 : 0x00400000 USER : 0x3AB400000 DA : USB : HIGH-SPEED Boot done! Patch Level : PPR1.180610.011 Display ID : SW_S98506AE1_V009_M13_XM_C3C_USR Ver. CodeName : REL Ver. Release : 9 Sec. Patch : 2020-05-01 Build Time : 08.05.2020 Product Model : Redmi 6A Product Brand : xiaomi Product Name : cactus Product Device : cactus Product Info : cactus Product Manfct : Xiaomi Product Board : cactus Board Platform : mt6765 BootLoader State : Locked! BootLoader State : Unlocked! INFO : User confirmed PERMUNLOCK! Operation passed! Done! Elapsed: 00:01:35 Reconnect Power/Cable!       و حالا از قسمت NV DATA بکاپ تهیه می کنیم .
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      Operation : Memory Tool Init - Make sure device is powered off. Power off, if need. Wait 20 seconds after - Insert USB cable in phone Waiting for device connection … PTFN : MediaTek USB Port_V1632 (COM36) MODE : BOOTROM PORT : 36 Waiting BOOT ack … BROM : Skip ACK verify BROM : Init BROM BROM init passed! CHIP : MT6765 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA00 , SWVR : 0x0000 CODE : Cervino TYPE : MODERN BROM : MEID : 89D05EA35F266EDEB7D1E3227880A5DD BROM : SecLevel : 0x000000E7 BROM : SecMode : SBC+SLA+SDA+EXT BROM : BROM|BL : 0x05|0xFE BROM : BOOTROM BROM : SOCID : 85AC622FC6EA0C6B563A57F153B53FF61115A379A49BD82B0BC25D17BAB73DEC BROM : SLA : Local Auth BROM : SLA : Auth Started! BROM : SLA : Auth Passed! BROM : SLA : 0x0000001F BROM : PreBoot stage #1 BROM : PreBoot stage #2 AGENT : 0_base : BASE_v2112 | Manual : Disabled AGENT : Look for suitable BootChain in DA … AGENT : MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin AGENT : Found MT6765 AGENT : MTK_DOWNLOAD_AGENT BROM : Sending 1st DA … BROM : DA sent BROM :Transfer control to DA … DA : AGENT started! DA : SYNC DA : MODE : BROM DA : EXT_RAM NOT initialized! EMI : DEV : INFINITY EMI : SRC : PRELOADER_INFINITY_0 EMI : CNT : 0004 EMI : Init EMI from INTERNAL DB EMI : EXT_RAM CFG Passed! DA : BOOT to 2nd DA … DA : 2ND stage confirmed! DA : SYNC with DA passed! DA : Receiving HW info SRAM: 0x0003A000 DRAM: 0xC0000000 EMMC: CID : 90014A484247346132A5C3C881D565B7 EMMC: VEN : HYNIX : OEM : 74 : ID : 484247346132 EMMC: VEN : HYNIX : HBG4a2 EMMC: SNN : 3284697557 ( 0xC3C881D5) , MF : 6/2018 EMMC: BOOT1 : 0x00400000 BOOT2 : 0x00400000 RPMB : 0x00400000 USER : 0x747C00000 CHIP : MT6765 , SBID : 0x8A00 , HWVR : 0xCA00 , SWVR : 0x0000 , EVOL : 0x0000 RNID : 964B4F0ED0DCFC5DE53C4D44BD17A6E1 DA : USB : HIGH-SPEED Boot done! Set default path : C:InfinityBoxCM2MT2phdata Ready! Operation : Read Memory Reading selected partitions Read partition : NVCFG Saved to : C:InfinityBoxCM2MT2phdataNVCFG.bin Read partition : NVDATA Saved to : C:InfinityBoxCM2MT2phdataNVDATA.bin Read partition : PROTECT1 Saved to : C:InfinityBoxCM2MT2phdataPROTECT1.bin Read partition : PROTECT2 Saved to : C:InfinityBoxCM2MT2phdataPROTECT2.bin Read partition : SECCFG Saved to : C:InfinityBoxCM2MT2phdataSECCFG.bin Read partition : PERSIST Saved to : C:InfinityBoxCM2MT2phdataPERSIST.bin Read partition : EFUSE Saved to : C:InfinityBoxCM2MT2phdataEFUSE.bin Read partition : NVRAM Saved to : C:InfinityBoxCM2MT2phdataNVRAM.bin Operation finished! Close MemoryTool session Done! Elapsed: 00:03:03 Reconnect Power/Cable!       _________________________________________________________________________ فایل بکاپ NVRAM برای ترمیم سریال و بیس باند شیائومی Redmi 6A -دانگل CM2 _________________________________________________________________________ آموزش های بیشتر سایت دکتر موبایل را در این مطلب ببنید  مطالب و آموزش های بیشتر سایت دکتر م��بایل  مطالب و آموزش های بیشتر سایت دکتر هارد eMMC Read the full article
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commodorez · 2 years ago
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My Ohio Scientific 440 board generates video!
I added a backplane to my 400 replica, then plugged in my 440 board. I was testing the video signal in hopes of getting something on screen, and not having much luck. So I started from the beginning in the manual, following the schematics and build-up procedures. I calibrated my main clock to 4MHz as precisely as my instruments can determine, and then tried to calibrate the /VS clock to spec. I was having no luck whatsoever, and did not see a viable sync signal that my CRT displays would agree with.
I was checking signals, discussing timings with a friend, tweaking values, and I came to the conclusion that the timing generated by the 4x 74163's was too long. If I changed the VSYNC timing to fit the suggested range, the counter chain would send a reset signal to the VSYNC 74123 before it could finish, and it would be forever stuck in one state. The solution was to instead increase the master clock speed above the recommended 4MHz to about 4.165MHz (my test equipment needs calibration, so that is an approximation). When I did that, I could dial in the VSYNC to a state that I could tell my displays synced to it, rather than seeing wobbly confusion.
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After that, it was a question of "where's the pixel data?" The manual says I should see 24 vertical lines, but I could see nothing. I followed the video mixer, and at my friend's suggestion, I checked to see what was feeding pixel data to the mixer. I could see alphanumeric blanks from its shift register (upper trace), and valid pulses from T1 (lower trace). GS was always high, but T2 was floating. Seems that it was wirewrapped to a pin on the keyboard. Upon T2 being jumpered to ground, I saw lines on screen. Then I reinstalled the 2513, and saw…
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Garbage! Beautiful garbage! So I added the SRAM back in, and the garbage changed. So then I typed in a snippet of code suggested by an OSI wizard: LD0A8 48 45 4C 4C 4F 20 57 4F 52 4C 44 21 20
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And I got a HELLO WORLD! 32x32 characters on screen with no CRTC, no video chipset, nothing fancy like that. Just RAM, a ROM, and a pile of logic chips.
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Ohio Scientific OSI-440 Video Board
Something I bought at VCF East XVIII
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ldonnay · 4 years ago
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In 1983, Shimano released a first crankset with "non-round" chainrings: the biopace models were meant to improve pedaling efficiency by reducing the "dead zone" in the pedaling cycle. Chainring were not oval, but a mix of ellipse and oval. The Biopace crankset had 3 ovoid chainrings. Shimano applied this on all cranksets until 1993. More information here: Biopace - Wikipedia Today, oval chainrings can still be found: - roducts MTB, XC and Marathon Bikes (rotorbike.com) - absoluteBLACK | World’s best OVAL premium Chainrings - SRAM proposed an oval option for his Eagle groupset in 2017:  Review: SRAM Eagle X-Sync 2 Oval Chainrings | bike-components (bike-components.de) But these options remain a niche. More interesting is to observe that single chainrings are now mainstream in MTB since the introduction of XX1 group by SRAM in 2012, confirmed in 2016 with the 1x12 Eagle. Today, all manufacturers offer a 1x (1 by) solution for MTB. For a neo retro build, first choice is a X01 Boost/DUB Crankset, in 175mm with a 34T chainring. #35yearsMTBHistoryProject, #MTBHistory #neoretro #vintageMTB #NewBuildProject #sportislife #MTBForever @apple #iphoneXR @nikon #D5300 @gopro #hero7Black, Mountain Bike (à Düsseldorf-Düsseltal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMFbaPLH0LM/?igshid=10edtpkq9g625
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incompetentlyclive · 5 years ago
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Things I do
I did a thing today. I charged a battery, cleaned a lens, and put together an old friend, a hotrod of a thing: - a 17 year old Canon EOS 300D - with a Fotodiox Canon EF to Olympus OM adapter - with a Olympus Zuiko 24mm ƒ2.8 lens - with a Haoda Fu split focus prism.
Then I took photos. Like 150 photos.  First at an empty lot in our subdivision, rolling around in the weeds to get shots.  I got home, borrowed a USB - USB Mini B cable of a neighbour (because I had thrown all mine away), got the shots off the camera and realised how rusty I was.  How many weird angles and missed focuses.
So I tried again, this time at home, realising it was the back drop I really wanted.  I made Mlle. F. and M. model, took more photos.  Rolling around on the driveway.  Squatting unsteadily, kneeling better.  Staged a photo and the level of trust from Mlle. M. (who is nearly 3) to perch on the rack with nothing but a stick and some pebbles holding that bike vertical got to me. Really hit me.  “Trust Daddy” I said flippantly.
I’ve been banging a post around in my head this week: “Things I used to do”.  “I used to shoot photos with a bunch of old cameras” I thought.  And then before I knew it I had shot a roll in my Fuji GS645S... and then a roll in my Leica IIIf (red dial)... and then a roll in Jeremy and Monique’s Minolta X-370s... And It’s not that I used to do that, I started again.
I used to ride around in the evening, when it’s dark enough to be surreptitious, not sleazy, but with enough moonbeams to keep you out of trouble, when people in their homes had their lights on curtains open, and I’d marvel at what strangers’ homelives where, the yellow glow of an incandescent bulb used to be... and then before I knew it I was riding down darkest lanes gawping at homelives lit by 6500k led.
Then I read a favourite blog site that I used to.  And they were asking for Reader’s Rides submissions.  That’s all I needed.
I used to document my bike builds, for posterity, I’d say.
I used to want a Mercian, a Rivendel, a Seven.  I wanted one bike to ride.  Then I ended up with a Felt CX aluminium and carbon fork machine, fucked it trying to make tyre clearance.  Then I found a Surly Straggler frame from Declan Cox, going cheap.  I hung out in Mark Soanes garage building it up I faced head tubes and bottom brackets.  We buttoned everything up nice, and it’s bombproof.
it’s not at all special, but it’s perfect.  If that means anything.
I love the wear, how my wonky hips have shaped that saddle I paid a paycheque for.
I love the memories in this bike
2017 Surly Straggler - 540ST x 565TT Sram Apex Shifters 10 spd Sram Rival reach mech 10 spd 11-32 Cassette SRAM NX 1x X-SYNC Crankset 32t GXP Deity platforms Felt CX wheelset WTB Riddlers 700cx45 Brooks B15 Select Unknown carbon seatpost Soma Porteur rack Knog Oi bell Thomson 120mm x 0º X4 Stem Felt CX bars FSA orbit MX headset Odd bar tape.
I used to, huh.
0 notes
mtbspace · 5 years ago
Best Diamondback Mountain Bikes: The Ultimate Buyer’s Guide
Diamondback mountain bikes are some of the most popular bikes in the market. The brand has dozens of series with different models in each one. With so many different models available at varying prices and sizes, choosing the right model for you can be tricky.
In this in-depth guide, we’ll share some of the best available options of the Diamondback mountain bikes. Our reviews give an in-depth look at the brand’s top 8 series. We’ll cover prices, features, pros/cons, and more, so you can make the most informed decision when you buy your Diamondback mountain bike.
1) Diamondback Overdrive 
Diamondback’s Overdrive series features a diverse assortment of models. In this series, you’ll find bikes suited for beginners and enthusiasts. Prices for models in this series range from $570 to $2000.
The cheapest model in the Overdrive series has an entry-level Shimano drivetrain, an inferior fork, and mechanical disc brakes. The higher-end models have hydraulic brakes and better SRAM drivetrains. The forks on these models are sturdier and have more adjustability settings. The tires for the models in this series are 27.5″, which is the perfect balance between 26″ and 29″.
Overdrive bikes are optimal for rough terrain. The build quality of these bikes makes it ideal for traversing terrain smoothly and quickly.
Overdrive 29 1 – aluminum frame, mechanical disc brakes
Overdrive 29 3 – aluminum frame, hydraulic disc brakes
Overdrive 29 2x – aluminum frame, hydraulic disc brakes
Overdrive 29C 1 – carbon frame, hydraulic disc brakes 
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Great overall series with options for everyone
Smooth riding
Easy adjustability
The quality difference shows across the price range 
In our Diamondback mountain bike reviews, we found this line would be best for new cyclists, commuters, or fitness enthusiasts. You could even ride these bikes cross country. Bikes from the Overdrive series are also great for enthusiasts who train often.
Ready for a bike that can keep up with your active lifestyle? Buy a bike from the Overdrive series here!
2) Diamondback Mission Series 
The Mission series features two full-carbon, full-suspension models that are made for professional bikers. They’re built for expert riders who want to take their abilities to the next level. Prices for models in this series range from $4,000 to $5,000.
The differences between the two versions lie in the components. Both have 180mm of travel in the front and 160mm of travel in the back. The 1C has Yari suspension and Rockshox SuperDeluxe R, but the 2C combines Fox Float X2 & Fox 36. Mission 1C’s groupset is SRAM GX Eagle and Mission 2C’s is SRAM XO1 Eagle, which is the lighter of the two. Additionally, tires, rims, and hubs on the 2C model are better.
Even though there are a few differences between the two bikes, the 1C is still a fantastic model with many desirable features. Although, if it’s within your budget, opt for the 2C.
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Mission 1C
Carbon frame by DB Laboratory
Full suspension
27.5″ wheels
Steep head tube angle of 64 degrees
Groupset SRAM GX Eagle
Mission 2C
Carbon frame by DB Laboratory
Full suspension
27.5″ wheels
Steep head tube angle of 64 degrees
Groupset SRA XO1 Eagle 
Some of Diamondback’s most luxurious options
Ultra-durable frames
Very expensive 
This series is perfect for expert cyclists hitting rough terrain and steep slopes. While these two models look similar on the surface, the few differences in the features justify the price of the more expensive model.
Pro cyclists, get ready to take take a huge leap forward in your riding capabilities. Buy bikes from the Mission series here! 
3) Diamondback Rely Line for Women 
In the past, the Diamondback Rely Line featured several models, but now there is just the Rely 2. This is a mid-range model for riders who want to start upgrading their current equipment. Its wide tires are ideal for wet or muddy trails. The suspended fork on the Rely 2 makes it extra-durable. It also features 11 speeds that are powered by a SRAM NX rear derailleur. The SRAM hydraulic disc brakes make descents much smoother.
27.5″ tires
Aluminum frame
Rockshox suspended fork with 120mm of travel
Air spring
SRAM hydraulic disc brakes
SRAM NX rear derailleur 
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Made for a woman’s build
Lightweight frame
Males can use it too
Limited models for a mid-range series 
The Rely 2 model by Diamondback is a great mid-range bike with an attractive design and many powerful features. Even though this bike is marketed toward women, male riders can use it, too, because of the adjustable geometry.
Upgrade your ride with the Rely 2. Buy yours by clicking here! 
4) Diamondback Lux Line for Women 
Women’s builds are slightly different from men’s in terms of weight distribution, shoulders, and height clearance. Diamondback has many different models that accommodate these variations. The low top tubes are what make this collection suitable for women. The 27.5-inch wheels provide good standover clearance.
Models in this series cost anywhere from $530 to $1,100. The price between models varies as greatly as it does because of the components of the bikes. The cheaper models have Shimano parts and the more expensive models use SRAM parts. Also, on a cheaper model, you get mechanical disk brakes and a fork with 80mm of travel. On a more expensive model, you get 120mm of travel on the fork, a 1x drivetrain, and hydraulic disks. These features are sought after by experienced riders because they save weight.
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Diamondback Lux 1 – aluminum frame, low top tube, 27.5″, Shimano parts, 80 mm travel
Diamondback Lux 2 – aluminum frame, low top tube, 27.5″, Shimano parts, 100 mm travel
Diamondback Lux 3 – aluminum frame, low top tube, 27.5″, SRAM parts, 120 mm travel 
Affordable pricing
Made with a woman’s build in mind 
Basic features
Models from the Lux Line are perfect for women who enjoy biking. Whether you’re a weekend rider or a cycling enthusiast, the Lux line has something for you.
Ready for a bike designed with you in mind? Buy a bike from the Lux Line here! 
5) Diamondback Hook, Line, and Sync’r Series 
There are currently three models in this series. They are designed for experienced riders or for inexperienced riders who want a bike that will help them achieve proficiency at a faster pace. These bikes cost anywhere from $700 to $3,000. Depending on the model, you’ll either get 8, 9, 11, or 12 speeds.
Hook – 27.5″ 6061 aluminum frame, 2.3″ tires, 120 mm travel, SRAM parts, SRAM derailleur
Line – 27.5″ 6061 aluminum frame, 2.3″ tires, 120 mm travel, Shimano parts, Shimano Acera derailleur
Sync-R – 27.5″ 6061 carbon frame, 2.3″ tires, 140 mm travel, Shimano parts, SRAM X3 and GX 
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Great for fast-learners
Wide price range suitable for any budget
Lower-end models nowhere near as powerful as the high-end models 
This series is made for riders who frequent rough terrains and enjoy a bumpy ride. If you’re an experienced rider, give one of these models a try.
Ready to hit the rough and bumpy trails? Buy a bike from this series here! 
6) Diamondback Release 
Diamondback Release, a series of seven models, is the largest collection by this manufacturer. All seven of the models are full-suspension bikes. Prices in this series range from $1,999 to $4,7999.
This series features a collection of high-end and mid-range models. Five of the models have forks with a travel of 150mm. On the 29ers – models “29 2,” and “29 3” – the travel is 140mm. “Release 1” has SR Suntour and the others have Rhythm 24 & 36.
Shimano Deore and SLX groupsets come with the “Release 1” and “Release 2” have, and GX Eagle and SRAM NX parts are on the more expensive models. All of these components will hold up well on a trail.
One unique feature of this series is that every one of these models has speeds of 10 to 12 and hydraulic disc brakes on 1x drivetrains.
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Release 1 – aluminum frame, 27.5″ tires, 150 mm travel, Shimano Deore and SLX groupsets
Release 2 – aluminum frame, 27.5″ tires, 150 mm travel, Shimano Deore and SLX groupsets
Release 29 2 – aluminum frame, 29″ tires, 140 mm travel, Shimano XT M8000
Release 3 – aluminum frame, 27.5″ tires, 150 mm travel, Shimano XT M8000
Release 29 3 – aluminum frame, 29″ tires, 140 mm travel, Shimano XT M8000
Release 4C – carbon frame, 27.5″ tires, 150 mm travel, SRAM NX Eagle
Release 5C – carbon frame, 27.5″ tires, 150 mm travel, SRAM NX Eagle 
Many budget-friendly options in this series
High speeds
Powerful brake system 
Higher-end models are quite expensive 
The Diamond back Release series is for cyclists who are serious about mountain biking. But they’ve also been designed with a range of budgets in mind. All models in this series are midi high-range.
Ready to release the pro cyclist in you? Buy yours here! 
7) Diamondback El Oso 
The El Oso collection features three models that are all in the signature El Oso style. What makes these bikes stand out is the extra-large wheels. These are the three models. Prices for a model from this series range from $750-$2,200, which makes this collection one of the more affordable ones on the list.
The first two models are rigid, but the third model uses a suspended fork with a travel of 100mm. The El Oso Uno is made entirely of steel, but the Dos and Tres are made from aluminum. The benefits of a steel bike are durability and comfort. The El Oso Tres has a Shimano XT groupset and the Uno and Dos have Shimano Acera and Shimano Deore.
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El Oso Uno- steel frame, mechanical disc brakes
El Oso Dos – aluminum frame, mechanical disc brakes
El Oso Tres – aluminum frame, hydraulic brake system
Affordable pricing
Extra-large wheels 
Large wheels may not be ideal for all types of riders 
The El Oso bikes are strong, durable, and versatile biking machines that can handle terrain of any kind. The larger wheels offer great stability on uneven trails.
Ready to show those 4-wheelers what your bicycle can handle? Uno, dos, tres – buy yours here! 
8) Diamondback Catch Line 
These mid-range models are perfect for riders who want to upgrade their everyday bikes. In this series, there are two models. Both bikes have rebound forks, compression damping, and a 35mm stanchion. The first model has X-fusion 02 R, and the second model uses the new Fox Float DPS EVOL LV. Both of these bikes use 27.5×2.8” Maxxis Minion DHF tires, which means that they can be configured as tubeless.
Catch 1 – RockShox fork, 130mm travel, Shimano Deore 10-speed rear derailleur, Shimano BR-M395 hydraulic brakes
Catch 2 – RockShox fork, 130mm travel, SRAM GX X-Horizon 11-speed rear derailleur, SRAM Level discs with a 180mm rotor diameter 
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Great for experienced riders 
Can’t be used on extreme terrain 
If you are an experienced rider looking for a decent mid-grade bike, you should look into buying one of these models. They work well for rough terrain, but they shouldn’t be used for extreme mountain biking.
Ready to catch a great time on the trails? Click here to purchase!
Buyer’s Guide—Choosing the Best Mountain Bike 
Choosing the best mountain bike for your skill level, riding style, and terrain all comes down to the parts. Each part—its construction and design—will impact your riding experience. Here are the parts of a mountain bike and how it can impact your performance: 
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The frame is what joins the parts of a mountain bike together. Mountain bikes are usually made from aluminum or carbon. Aluminum is the most popular because it is strong and lightweight. Frames have six parts: three tubes, one fork, and two stays.
The brake system of a mountain bike has three main parts. The handlebar brake levers are connected to the brake discs and brake pads. Disc brakes are around the hub of your wheels. With a disc brake system, the pads are moved onto the disc rather than the rim of the wheel, like in a brake pad system.
The suspension is the system that helps riders smooth over bumpy terrain. Mountain bikes usually come with either rear or front suspension. Front suspension is usually placed in the front fork. The rear suspension in the back is usually in the stays or the seat tube.
The derailleur shifts the chain from one wheel to the next. The derailleur on your Diamond mountain bike is usually controlled by the shift levels on your handlebar.
Final Thoughts 
Diamondback mountain bikes are known for their durability. These bikes are extremely powerful and work great for experienced and new riders alike. With many different series and varying models, there is a reliable option for riders of every experience level and budget range.
We hope you found this Diamondback MTB review helpful. Check out some of our other reviews by clicking here. Click here to buy diamondback mountain bikes for sale!
from MTB Space https://mtbspace.com/diamondback-mountain-bike-review/
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benediktine · 5 years ago
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【シングルスピード】 - OGWCYCLE BLOG : http://ogawacycle.sblo.jp/article/186922726.html : https://archive.is/6poT1 2019年12月17日
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TANSITION PBJ denim&khaki ストリート、DJバイクとしては当店一番人気です クランクを手持ちのシマノに変更した他、吊るしの状態からちょこっといじらせてもらいました。
さて、今回の本題はシングルスピードについて。 当店縁あってドロップハンドル、フラットハンドル問わずシングルスピードのバイクを誂えさせていただく機会が少なくありません。 変速機がついていないから変速調整が要らないし楽でしょう、なんて思われることもあるようですが残念ながらそうは���屋が卸しません。使用するハブとクランクの組み合わせによってはチェー��ラインも簡単には出ません。チェーンライン出そうとしたらチェーンステイにチェーンリングが干渉した。あるいはシートステイにチェーンが干渉した、なんてことは珍しくありません。
 {{ 図版 2 : PC156296.JPG : SRAM X-SYNC チェーンリング }}
SRAM X-SYNCのチェーンリング。 2012の発表以来フロントシングルを爆発的に普及させるきっかけになったアイテムです。一般的にはWIDE-NARROWという通称で定着しました。 リア10SPD~12SPDで使うにはマストなアイテムですが、しかし万能というわけではなく特にシングルスピードで組む時にはちょいと厄介なんですよね。
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シングルスピードで組んでチェーンの長さを決める時に一コマ詰めると短すぎる、一コマ伸ばすと長すぎるってことはよくあって、そんなときに使うのが写真の半コマチェーン。形状見ればどういったものかは理解できると思います。これがとても便利。これなしにシングルスピードのセッティング出すなんて考えられないと言ったら言い過ぎですが、使えないとなると幾分緊張しながら作業することになります。 そしてワイドナロウのチェーンリングですと当然ですがこの半コマチェーンは使えません。 いま、MTB用クランクの主流はスパイダータイプではなくダイレクトマウントが主流。そしてダイレクトマウントのチェーンリングは例外なくワイドナロウなんです。本当に例外なく。例外あったら是非教えてください。
700Cドロップハンドル系なら5アーム110PCDのクランク、MTBならBMX用3PCSもしくは4アーム104PCDがセッティングの幅を広くとれます。 厳密には104PCDのクランク用のワイドナロウでないチェーンリングは、今はあんまり多くはありません、多くはありませんが出ています。
 {{ 図版 4 : PC156294.JPG : CHROMAG チェーンリング }}
ワイドナロウでない4アーム104PCDで、おまけに奇数歯があります。写真は33T。 (これまた当前ですが奇数歯ですとワイドナロウのチェーンリングはありません) 奇数歯が使えるとセッティングの幅が広がるんですよね。昔の話ですがGONZO TRACK(現GONZO PARK)での定期戦なんかやってる面子ではGONZOのベストセッティングは26インチなら33x15(ギア比2.2)だ、なんてよく言われていました。なのでDANGERBOYのチェーンリングは33Tばっかり売れました。
 {{ 図版 5 : PC156295.JPG : 半コマチェーン }}
あと、いちいち半コマチェーンを継いで使うなんてまどろっこしいことせずに、ハナから全半コマ使えばいいじゃないのということで、BMXストリートの人にはおなじみの全半コマチェーン。 基本厚歯1/8ですがMTB薄歯向けに3/32用もストックしております。ロード系シングルスピードにももちろん使えますがデフォルト100リンクなので1本だと足りないことがたまにあります。
最後に シングルスピードは後輪にギアが1枚しかついていないのでリアがめちゃ軽いです。バリバリ振り回せます シングルスピードはチェーンラインをびしっと出せばエネルギーの機械的損失は最も少ないです。 シングルスピードはびしっとチェーンを張っていればほぼチェーン外れは起きません。(テンショナー必須) シングルスピードは車輪がいい。おちょこがないのでスポークテンションが左右で揃ったがっちりした車輪が組めます。 シングルスピードはメカトラが少ない。転倒によるハンガー破損とかない
道具はシンプルなほど奥が深いのはどんな世界でも共通することです。 そんな楽しいシングルスピード沼にハマってみませんか?
posted by オガワサイクル 店主 at 00:00
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bikesandaccessories · 5 years ago
Hook Bicycle From DiamondBack Bike
Diamondback needed to assemble something that could do everything: Road rides, 8+ hour whole deals, cyclocross, and the infrequent rough terrain circumstances, all while keeping the value point as low as could be allowed. We're persuaded that they've pulled it off with the Diamondback Hook Bike, an all-event, an aluminum-surrounded brute of a bike.
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The Hook DiamondBack Bike frame is dependent on the Sync's and Line, two other Diamondback Models that are immensely famous inside the trail riding and cyclocross swarms. While the DiamondBack Hook Bike is more stripped down than its kin, it gives a comfortable, dynamic climbing geometry and a lot of highlights for being such a moderate ride.
Specifications of DiamondBack Hook
While the Diamondback's Hook Bike the configuration is to some degree stripped down, it's very sharp and truly gives you a great deal of value at the cost. You don't frequently observe completely (or even halfway) High-Quality Bicycles for under $1,000, which makes the Hook much increasingly attractive as a base casing to develop from. Ideal for those cyclists who appreciate heap controls and territory, the Hook is an extraordinary all-around fun machine. Stock from the production line, Diamondback Stacks these with the accompanying:
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·         Frame: 6061-T6 Butted Alloy for 27.5″, 1/8″ Head Tube, Formed Top and Down Tube, w/Integrated Disk Brake Tabs
·         Fork: SR Suntour XCM 120mm Travel, Coil Spring w/Preload Adjust, 30mm Stanchions,
·         Tires: WTB Vigilante, 27.5 x 2.3″
·         Crankset: Alloy Arm w/30T Steel
·         Front Derailleur: "Slender Wide" Single Ring, Full ISCG-05 Chain Guide w/Roller
·         Back Derailleur: SRAM X3, 8 Speed
·         Shifters: SRAM X4 8 Speed
·         Brakes: Tektro Aries Mechanical Disc, w/160mm Rotors
·         Seat: DB Sync'r Saddle
·         Number of apparatuses: 8
With the Diamondback Bike Hook, you may not really get the majority of the highlights you're searching for immediately, and that is somewhat the thought. The Hook DiamondBack Bike was made considering redesigning, which is the reason they give you an outstandingly well-made aluminum outline. It gives a brilliant base on which to construct a custom trail cruiser all your own!
What's Good About Diamondback Hook Bike?
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As a mid-level "universally handy trail rider", the Diamondback Hook Bike is less about the individual parts, and progressively about the general experience that it gives during rides. At 30 lbs, it's a solid, agile casing that can cut speedy lines paying little respect to the landscape. They convey these bicycles from the industrial facility completely gathered, which confines the plausibility of client blunder before you can ever jump out and about. Things being what they are, what's this bicycle stacked with?
Drivetrain and Gearing of Hook
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The DiamondBack Hook Bike has an 8-speed corset, with a solitary chainring. This implies you're just getting 8 all-out choices for moving, which might be somewhat restricted for a few. The corset is 11T to 32T, which proposes that the creators were significantly more worried about how this thing can deal with slopes than what paces you can get it up to. Along these lines, urban riders might need to look somewhere else as the Hook isn't actually lightning brisk.
Casing and Derailleurs Hook
The casing is the place the Hook DiamondBack Bike truly sparkles. The 6061 T-6 aluminum casing is hand constructed, and each joint on the Hook Bike casing is hand-welded, which means a there's a substantially more basic eye for blemishes rather than certain organizations who utilize mechanized generation welding procedures.
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This evaluation of aluminum falls directly beneath what they use on the space carries and is extraordinarily light. The coordinated circle brake tabs are a decent touch, adding significantly greater security to an as of now unshakable casing.
Derailleurs can represent the moment of truth an equipped bicycle, which is the reason Diamondback went with a blend SRAM/Diamondback bundle on the Hook Bike. The SRAM X3 is a mid-level unit that will, in
general, be somewhat whimsical in a wet climate, so make a point to utilize an all-climate lube in all respects normally on your chain. Without appropriate consideration, these units can seize up.
Tires and Brakes of Hook
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Diamondback will, in general, go with WTB tires on a ton of their trail bicycles, and the Hook is no special case. It's fitted with WTB Vigilantes, coming in at 27.5 x 2.3″. These are splendidly fine, to begin with, yet are especially intended for rough terrain landscape.
In case you're hoping to make your Hook all the more generally useful, discovering some smooth, crossover style tires is an incredible spot to begin.
The brakes on this bicycle are a point of conflict as they simply don't fit the nature of different parts found on the Hook, which makes they scratch our heads.
Tektro is an incredible organization, and their Aries brakes give a strong pattern level of usefulness, however, there are a few different brands at a comparative cost that give a vastly improved degree of braking for bicycles this way.
Seat of Hook
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A typical seat for most Diamondback Cyclocross and Mountain Bicycles, the DB Sync's is made in view of solace. While there are unquestionably some better seats out there, the Sync's is tough and respectable enough to get you through your first couple of seasons before waiting to be supplanted. Likewise, these will, in general, be very agreeable.
Would it be a good idea for me to Buy It?
While you're not really getting a star level trail bicycle with the Hook DiamondBack Bike, what it provides is an incredible stage with which to construct your fantasy cyclocross machine.
Diamondback even makes reference to this themselves in their writing, considering the Hook DiamondBack Bike the "pack vehicle of trail bicycles".
·         What we like about the Hook
·         Handmade aluminum outline
·         Easily upgradeable
·         Great for climbing slopes
What we despised about the Hook Bike
·         Just 8 speeds
·         Shoddy, flimsy back derailleur
·         SlowGreat for climbing hills
There's no rhyme or reason to avoid the Diamondback Hook Bike, even with its stock parts. You'll most likely find that it will in general serenely fit into your riding propensities, paying little mind to the landscape.
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Cyclists that will in general stick chiefly to streets and cleared situations might need to avoid the DiamondBack Hook Bike, as its plan is greatly improved appropriate for slopes and rock. In any case, give it a test ride first. You may be shocked.
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