#Swoop lbp
voidless-screaming · 11 months
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[click for better quality] LBPrompts day 5 - Anniversary
Happy 15th (north american release) anniversary to LBP! I finished this exactly 30 minutes before midnight in my timezone 😳I worked really hard on this
[No text versions under cut]
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drysqu1d · 1 year
throwback to the time I softlocked my lbp3 save file by clipping into the blue ramp in bunkum lagoon, only to tackle newton's ship to the bottom of the level and making sure the platform didn't raise after beating the caravan level
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gabsbabsss · 2 months
another drawing page .. !
featuring my lbp ocs , cookies nd calico !
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mighty-mations · 1 month
awesome creation
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pujjel · 1 year
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Stupid dog and some random tin can
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ieatmilipedes · 1 year
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This thing is so fucked Lets pelt rocks at it!!!
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theizzizzy · 4 months
If you have 1 (or more) LBP AUs, I want you to redraw this photo to fit your Au!
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Sackboy can either be himself, your sackthing avatar, or the sackthing avatar of whoever inspired your Au!
If a character in this image has not been designed or revealed in your Au, replace them with a character from lbp you have designed or revealed! (You can add a few extra characters if you so desire)
And if you want to you can tag the post with “lbp multiverse“ if you want ok bye-
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stellarbat · 7 months
Here comes a new AU I've been concepting! LittleBitTwisted! It's an LBP AU that twists and turns some elements from LittleBigPlanet into a relatively new story. The Pictures below are the designs of Bunkum's "heroes". I'll explain more about Bunkum in LBT later, but just know that these guys are more powerful and slightly malevolent (Mainly Oddsock)
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tidalskii · 5 months
It was announced yesterday that LittleBigPlanet 3’s game servers would be closing indefinitely, putting an end to the remaining online support the original LBP trilogy still had. I’ve managed to collect my thoughts and pay my tributes to the series before I part ways with it.
This game series means the world to me, and I am extremely proud and honored to have been apart of it’s community. I started playing the games in 2010 with the demo for LittleBigPlanet on PS3 and… I wasn’t impressed. I got stuck before I even played the game! I had a second controller turned on somewhere so 6 y/o me was presented with the “Select Profile” screen.
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Having no clue why none of the buttons on my controller were working, I think I just turned it off and didn’t play it for months. Idk what got me to play it again, but I’m glad I did because I fell in LOVE with the game. Everything about how it controlled just… clicked with me. I thought it was genius, the sheer amount of expressiveness you could display; tilting the controller to move your head or your hips, using the D-Pad to change your facial expression, moving each individual arm with both sticks and the limb buttons on the back, it was all so intuitive and fun to do. Although, once me and my cousin learned how to slap each other in-game, it was over for my parents’ ears lol, we’d be screaming and yelling at each other. Sure enough that Christmas, I got the full game, specifically the special kind with some of the DLC pre-installed. That’s where the REAL fun began. Nearly every night after school I’d bring a couple of friends over and we’d try to play through as many levels as we could in one-sitting. The Metal Gear Solid DLC levels I often died immediately in and I would wait for an older kid I knew to get to a checkpoint and revive me. Regardless of how bad I was at the game, it was so much fun, especially now that we were able to experience the create mode. My mom actually started playing it, too. I don’t have any pictures of it sadly but she made a really expansive house with separate rooms and secret passages everywhere, it was really cool. I’d say I spent a good year or so playing the first game, then Christmas 2011 arrived. That’s when I got LittleBigPlanet 2.
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LBP2 is my favorite video game of all time, it does what every good sequel should do: expand on what made the first game so amazing without straying too far away from its core appeal. For starters, if you already owned LBP the game will ask you right off the bat if you wish to import all of your collected items, costumes, and levels into LBP2. This absolutely BLEW MY MIND and in a weird way it kind of made playing the first game obsolete. You mean to tell me EVERYTHING I’ve ever made is already here, I can just… continue working on it?! I can still rock the same costumes I had, I can play music from the FIRST game in the SECOND game?!?! That alone made LBP2 so much of a gem in my eyes, it was LITERALLY the first game and MORE. But the fun didn’t end there! It was around this time I got a PSN account, so I was able to experience everyone else’s creations online and… wow. A whole new world just opened up, a whole community to engage and interact with. I met so many amazing people, some of whom are my closest friends to this day, over a decade later. It was through a group of some older kids that I often tagged along with that started getting into anime and comics more. 2011-2014 was a magical time to be on LBP, those years really felt like “The Golden Years” of the online community. Oh yeah and LBP Karting and the portable games existed too, I guess. I played LBPK, I thought it was fun… I still own it, but I’ve barely touched it after all these years. From what I’ve heard PSP and Vita seemed like a lot of fun, I’ve just never played them. Around early-mid 2014, it was announced that there would be a third LBP game for both the PS3 and the newly-released PS4. New characters, 16-LAYERS in create-mode (!!!), and a weird purple lightbulb as the new main-antagonist of the story mode… “Newton”. I remember being so excited for it to release. We were FINALLY getting a THIRD LittleBigPlanet, for a new console, too! We sure did, alright.
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To this day, I’m still not sure how to feel about LittleBigPlanet 3, and it feels like the greater community more or less can’t ether. This game… SHOULD be better than the 2nd game, and you know what? Catch me on a good day and I might say that I prefer LBP3 to LBP2. Everything’s there, a new story, cross-compatibility with LBP and LBP2, a fleshed-out create mode, all of it’s there and what we have in the game is phenomenal, however there’s one big, glaring issue that distracts it from being superior to its predecessors… this game is BROKEN. I know people like to throw out that term a lot with somewhat buggy games but oh my god, LBP3 is DANGEROUSLY glitchy and exploitative. By this point, Media Molecule had moved on from the LBP series to continue developing new games, leaving Sumo Digital to oversee LBP3’s development. I feel so bad for Sumo Digital because it’s painfully obvious Sony rushed their time to complete the game for a holiday 2014 release date… and the quality of the final game reflects the time-crunch they must’ve gone through. Joining friends can take you up to a half-hour if you’re unlucky, it’s a gamble if the game will even function properly. Often you’ll be sent back to your pod after the game rapid-fires it’s loading screen (btw serious warning for anyone with epilepsy: DON’T play LittleBigPlanet 3, it does stuff like this all the time), but when the screen fades in, Sackboy doesn’t respawn, soft-locking the game. Fun! I’m not sure if anyone else suffered from this one specific, GAME-BREAKING bug as I’ve never seen anyone else talk about it, but around 2015 or so my game’s gravity just… freaked out, regardless if you were in hover-mode or not, Sackboy would float off to the left of the screen and phase through all of the walls. I tried restarting the game, cleaning off the physical disc the sink, but nothing would fix it, I literally had to reset my game progress. Very fun! Another weird thing I ran into is the inability to place down stickers with the PS Eye Camera Tool. It just stopped working entirely at one point, even in previous games like LBP2. No idea how THAT happened, very strange bug. Despite all this… I powered through, because truthfully I do think the content in LBP3 is superior to the previous games. The music is great, I found myself genuinely invested in the story and it’s characters, the DLC packs introduced in LBP3 were all very fun, and the create mode is a GODSEND compared to the first 2 games. Honestly, that’s one of the 2 reasons why I chose to stick around with LBP3, there is SO MUCH you can do with the tools it provides you. For those of you who don’t know, for the last couple years or so I’ve been building full working models of the Thomas the Tank Engine characters in LBP3, and that’s led to me gaining a humble but amazingly awesome following in the game. I love Thomas, I love LBP, I just wanted to put those two interests together and I’m very happy people seemed to have liked what I made, which is very wholesome and sweet.
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I am devastated that the game’s online services are now gone for good, but it was kind of inevitable. LBP3’s lack of quality opened the door for a lot of nasty exploitation and modifications people made to their games. The servers were hacked in 2021, and that led to the termination of the PS3’s servers. It wasn’t hard to deduce that PS4’s servers were running on borrowed-time. Regardless of how unfortunate it’s closure was, this franchise was supported for 16 years. That’s not a bad run at all. I would say I’m surprised it wasn’t closed sooner, but then again… I’m not surprised. The LittleBigPlanet community is so amazing and passionate over these games. When the 2021 server attacks happened we all rallied together online to keep it alive, if just for a little bit longer. Even at its very end, a lot of us had so much more creativity to share with the world. To all those out there listening, I hope you’re able to channel that creativity outlet even further beyond in the future, whenever and wherever that may be. As for me, I’m going to attempt to learn “Dreams”, Media Molecule’s spiritual successor to the LBP games, released on PS4/PS5. From what I’ve seen and played of that game, it scratches that itch LBP left on me. It’s so good.
Rest easy, Sackboy. Thank you for some of the best experiences I could have asked for in a video game. Here’s hoping for a LBP4 one day, old friend. 🌎
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juanasfanart · 1 year
i made a lbp3/saba au, it's about that sackboy's friends die in different ways and now sackboy is alone, but then, a weird creature wants to help him to get better. (but fails bc sackboy gets scared of it lmao)
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dognightmare4 · 2 years
CW // BODY HORROR , PLUSHIE GORE , basically zombies but its lbp
So, I was hoping to have more Popov AU designs done by now, but I've only finished 5 so far. Hopefully I'll be able to make more in the future, but until then, here's what I have finished.
Centuries ago, the one they now call Vex unleashed a parasitic plague upon the imagisphere. Known as the Popovs, they quickly overtook the universe, transforming their victims into horrific monsters. While the Creative Energy of these Craftlings were thought to have drifted off into the Imagisphere, their bodies remained, puppeted by the hivemind. They had the only goal of infecting as many Craftlings as possible. 
Three were the primary queens, producing the majority of the Popovs. One resided in Craftworld, one in Carnivalia, and one in Bunkum. To reduce the spread, these "Titans" were captured by three heros respectively: Oddsock, Toggle, and Swoop. This cage was shipped to Bunkum to be held by the Pud family, known for their bravery and intellect.
After the Titans were locked away, it was only a matter of time before the rest of their colony dissipated. With the help of the Heros clearing out the remaining Popov’d individuals, a few miraculously surviving, the story became legend. The tale became skewed over time, many not knowing of the events, even if their relatives were victims.
It would stay this way, until a member of the Pud family opened the box, believing the story of dark gods absorbing creativity rather than the truth. With that, the infection began once more, starting in Bunkum and spreading all across the Imagisphere.
(Or, at least, that's my version of the story. Feel free to create your own origin/designs, I don't own the concept)
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When posting about this, please remember that LBP is a children's franchise and this may be scary to younger viewers. Use the proper warnings, include the Popov AU tags so people can block it if they want, etc. you know the drill
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voidless-screaming · 1 year
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Some screenshots i took of LBP fandom wiki on swoops page 😭 HELPP its so passive aggressive for no reason LMAO
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rattedz · 4 months
This is so random but I have beef with any level in LBP that disables skipping Cutscenes. Especially when I'm trying to replay a level of the story (in this case, Runaway Train) because at the beginning it's SO ANNOYING I DON'T NEED A TUTORIAL ON HOW TO USE THE GRABINATOR YA DIMWIT I just hate that like 3 seconds cutscene with the 'introduction' of the Grabinator it just makes me so angry
also can I talk about how oddsock is basically that hamster thing from avalonia with a reskin and how swoop is just the bee with a reskin
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gabsbabsss · 2 months
smallhugesphere drawing page
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iwander12 · 1 year
hey poopheads i took photos of nearly every single costume in LBP including the creator curators and NPCs
want art references? or just to stare at little guys? here you go
I am going to rename the files to the character's name and add the unused LBP3 costumes soon
The only guys that are missing are captain pud, evil newton, maybe some random LBP3 costume and the costumes of Oddsock toggle and swoop, ill be adding those soon as well
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if yall want i can also take photos of the lbp1 npcs just let me know
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littlebigoutfits · 21 days
This blog was created with people's costumes in mind. After all, a large portion of the LittleBigPlanet community has put hard effort into certain costumes, so why not show them a bit of love?
Submit your costumes for Sackboy, Oddsock, Toggle, or Swoop in the inbox, or @ this blog on a costume post!
If possible, please include details on what game the costume was made, if DLC or unused items were used, and the name of the creator (none are required but will make tagging/organizing easier.)
No queue, posts will be random, so expect spam or dead days.
Tag guides below
costumes with dlc — Costumes containing downloadable content, free or bought.
costumes without dlc — Costumes containing only vanilla costume pieces and stickers/decorations.
modded costumes — Costumes that contain modded items or are modded special costumes/one mesh.
costumes of heavy decorarions — Costumes that are majorily made up of decorations with little to no distinguishable costume pieces.
horror costumes — Costumes with heavy amounts of blood or gore. Likely have mature filters on posts.
scene costumes — Costumes with heavy stickering/decorating from sticker rooms and/or fit the scene/emo aesthetic (2012 LBP.)
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