#lbp papal mache
theizzizzy · 26 days
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mighty-mations · 1 month
you lucky ducks!!! another!!
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king-magppi · 1 year
Was inspired to draw guys from THE most comfy nostalgia franchise ever again! I do love to revisit LBP from time to time here. The character designs and shapes never get old (at least to me)!
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Felt the need to experiment with different brushes for a bit to get back in the groove and inspiration struck big time... I had fun!
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imredtee · 2 years
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Understandable, have a great day
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hy-borea · 1 year
Inside that big Sloppy turkey brain of his
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Head empty :(
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max-the-silly-guy · 3 months
Your favourite lbp character, your will wood song??
(If it gives off the vibe/an edit can be imagined with said character, it fits)
Newton Pud - Against the Kitchen Floor
Marlon Random - Half Decade Hangover
Pinky Buflooms - Love, Me Normally
Sackboy - Self-
Papal Mache - Marsha, Thankk You For The Dialectics, But I Need You To Leave
Clive Handforth - Euthanasia
Eve Silvia Paragocia - When Somebody Needs You [Song]
Avalon Centrifuge - White Knuckle Jerk (Where Do You Get Off?)
NAOMI - Mr. Capgras Encounters a Second Hand Vanity
Larry Da Vinci - 2012
The Collector - ...well, better than the alternative
Vex - BlackBoxWarrior - OKULTRA
The Puppeteer - Tomcat Disposables
The Negativatron - Everything is a Lot (2020 Remastered Version)
Dr Higgenbothom - Cotard's Solution (Anatta, Dukkha, Anicca)
Victoria von Bathysphere - Becoming the Lastnames
Scarlet - Falling Up
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haxorus-imp · 2 years
What would happen if the LBP characters got into a chess match?
LP1 and Karting will be left out cause I am hella forgetful of all the characters from the first game and I never played Karting. -- LBP2 Larry: Plays the game as intended and has a fairly high win ratio. Victora: Plays lots of games with Larry and also has a high win ratio. Clive: Makes a bunch of comments about how most people are probably pawns in real life and will probably cry if he loses. Eve: Plays poorly intentionally to make you feel better. Professor Higginbotham: Will just make metaphors and probably will eat your pieces when you aren't looking.
Avalon: Will talk shit during the whole match then lose abysmally. -- LBP3
Nana Pud: Plays it as intended but has a more mediocre winning ratio. Merlon Random: Will take on the "role" of a 'chess master' and still play badly. Papal Mache: Will be slow to take his turns, but will have lots of surprising strategies.
Pinkie Bufflooms: I WIN OR YOU DIE. Newton: Acts like he knows what he's doing but keeps making poor plays. Will always lose even if his opponent tries to take a dive. Captain Pud: Is the one that tried to take the dive and still won against his son. -- BONUS
Sackthing: Plays fairly and is a good sport if they lose. Oddsock: Will definitely eat your pieces when you're not looking. Toggle: Will find the game fun and doesn't care if they win or lose. Swoop: Is actually very clever. Probably the best player out of the heroes. Vex: Gets mad and flips the board if he loses.
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dreamlanddeluxe · 2 years
have you seen the unused littlebigplanet 3 character named Pavlova? he was the creator curator for the ziggurat before he was replaced with papel mache. and pavlova is so. look at him!!
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he was also very. queer-coded.
ok autism time over i just needed to tell a fellow lbp fan about this fellow
YES I HAVE HEARD OF PAVLOVA I WISH HE WAS IN THERE… no offense to papal mache but while fun I find him the least memorable of the creator curators in lbp3. Imagine what we could have had…
Also while on the topic of unused lbp content have you seen pinky buflooms original design I like this far more than what we got it feels more interesting to me
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bestbuybathroom · 2 years
i love how marlon random is just some fucking guy like papal mache and pinky are like the creators/leaders of their areas and marlons over here like yeah i live here in the swamp that was once my home and also i am fucking insane whats up cloth kid
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littlebigsap · 5 years
(a few) LBP3 Characters And The Intruments I Think They'd Play:
Sackboy- Flute + Bells
Newton- Any and/or all string instruments
Marlon- He'd sing
Nana Pud- Cello + Piano
Captain Pud- Guitar
Pinky- lmao the recorder (really badly)
Papal Mache- Secretly plays the ukelele and doesn't really want anybody knowing about it
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theizzizzy · 4 months
If you have 1 (or more) LBP AUs, I want you to redraw this photo to fit your Au!
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Sackboy can either be himself, your sackthing avatar, or the sackthing avatar of whoever inspired your Au!
If a character in this image has not been designed or revealed in your Au, replace them with a character from lbp you have designed or revealed! (You can add a few extra characters if you so desire)
And if you want to you can tag the post with “lbp multiverse“ if you want ok bye-
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incorrectlbp · 5 years
I've made moodboards for the creators
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king-magppi · 4 years
Small nostalgia doodle post. Needless to say, smaller me would cry at this. ♡
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Also some gijinka stuff. I shipped Clive and Eve for some reason. I don't really remember why though?? Might do some digging on that.
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LittleBigPlanet 3: First Impressions
New Post has been published on https://www.coolgamingzone.com/littlebigplanet-3-first-impressions/
LittleBigPlanet 3: First Impressions
LittleBigPlanet 3 was released last Tuesday for PS3 & PS4. It’s easily one of my favorite current-gen games, and I’d like to tell you a little bit about how I feel about this iteration so far.
Overall Updates:
LittleBigPlanet was really cool when it first came out in 2008 because it had three “layers” so to speak. Your sackthing could switch between these layers to move through the side-scrolling level. It was a nice way to upgrade the age old way of playing a 2D video game. Another one of LBP’s strengths is the art value, integrating textures and combining art styles within stickers and level props. What they’ve done in this version of the game is added a secondary layer that your character can jump to or use other items to slide into, so essentially you have two main pathways with 2-3 layers in each (or maybe just two, I’m only onto the second act or so in the game). I like the way this adds depth to an already interesting series of levels.
They’ve also added some interesting new angles of gameplay – whether you’re picking up a totally different character to run through a level at an aerial view, or building a race car and racing another character, there’s a slew of new ways to play the game. Inside the game. It’s just miraculous.
The game interface differs slightly in this version as well. You still have your “Popit” where your stickers and personalization tools are kept, as well as where your explody-sackthing-tool resides. What they’ve added on the nary-used circle and triangle buttons are two new menus, a quest tracker and a tool-keeper. In past games for tools, you would typically run over a platform to pick up the tool and it would disappear within the level once you don’t need it anymore. In LBP3, you can access all your tools at any given time, which adds to the puzzle-solving aspect of the game, and convenience for level building later on. One less platform to account for, and if I remember correctly you would have a limited radius in which you could use the tool as well. The quest tracker reminds me of World of Warcraft in the way that you can highlight a quest and it will give you a pointer on the side of your screen to direct you to where the quest’s next step is located. Either way, both of these little menus were a nice update to the game and made sense to be where they are.
The Characters:
So one thing I appreciated about the last game was the fun they had with the names – Larry Da Vinci or Dr. Higginbotham. The new game certainly does not disappoint with the play-on-phrase names like Papal Mache, Newton or Marlon Random. While most kids who are playing won’t make some of the connections, the older crowd can appreciate the nuances.
But let’s not forget about the 3 new playable characters in the game – Oddsock, Toggle and Swoop. I’ve currently only unlocked the first two, but they’re a blast to play with. Oddsock is adorable and fast, his strengths being to run up walls and wall jump. Toggle can literally “toggle” between a larger or smaller self, able to break through walls or run into small spaces, launch himself through different layers and be an overall badass. Swoop is a bird, so I’m gonna take a guess that he can fly through other levels, which could be pretty OP depending on how they handle it.
Adventure/Story Mode:
Something that I was pretty unhappy with in LBP2 was the story mode – or lack thereof. I blew through the story mode within a week or so of buying it, and I was left wanting so much more. I understand the game is geared towards more of a “create-it-yourself” crowd, where the community levels are often better than the actual story mode levels, but I enjoy the unlockables and the perfecting of the game, so the fact that there wasn’t too terribly much to go back to made me fairly disappointed.
LBP3 does not disappoint. I’ve already put in roughly 6-8 hours of gameplay and I already find myself wanting to go back to levels for things I’ve missed, but there’s still so much story line ahead of me as well. The levels are also set up a little differently, where they have “storybooks” of levels. A main world that will take you to levels inside it as you unlock them or find them through discovery. Even in this main world you can pick up prize bubbles.
Something else I’m looking forward to is the other “modes” they have going on in this game. From what I’ve gathered (I’ve only really dabbled in story mode thus far), they’ve created a mode encouraging people to play through levels by using the building tools to keep moving through. If that’s the case, I think that’s a great integration of what the second cool part of this game is, which I tend to not touch because I don’t have any amazing level-ideas. I’ll let you know if I’m totally off the mark.
Group Play:
Trying to find a game that makes you want to play with others, I personally think is hard. With any of the new Mario franchises (Kart, Super Smash, or World) you find characters you’re familiar with, and worlds or enemies that have been recreated time and time again to save the princess (I think? She wants to be saved – right?) LittleBigPlanet has a great way of getting others involved, so much so that I want to grab my husband or someone to come and play with me while I play through any and every level. The teamwork is interesting – I’ve found that this game overall is a bit more challenging than the last with boss fights and level complexity, which lends itself to longer game play and more interesting replay value. The same goes for the x2, x3 or x4 player puzzles, bridging on something that more Portal 2-esque within reason. The new tools that you’re given in this game make the puzzles something to think about instead of a straightforward one person jump on a switch and another stand on a platform.
New Tools:
So at this point I’ve gotten 4/5 of the new sack-toys in my arsenal. Props to the interface of the game making them easy to access too. I think the tools in this game so far are pretty hilarious (the pumpinator – it blows and sucks!), but also very clever (the illuminator – shine light on something seemingly flat to make it come to life). I really like that there are levels I’m playing through and seeing the icons for other tools that I didn’t have at the time, so I’m even more encouraged to go back and see how I can get those prize bubbles. It’s like when you finally get double jump in some game and can reach all the spots you couldn’t before hand. So satisfying.
So can you tell I like the game so far? Media Molecule has outdone themselves again, and I’m thrilled with the longevity that this game is presenting so far.
If you haven’t picked this up yet, I highly recommend picking it up when you can. Don’t wait for the holidays, who even does that? I guess parents. That’s fine, but maybe pick it up for yourself and rewrap it for day of and pretend you haven’t seen it before.
Have any thoughts? Share what you think of the game so far in the comments!
Source by Ryan T Carroll
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rustdream · 7 years
I have an Au! [A Lbp Cult]
I know it's weird but when I explain it till make sense, sort of.
There is a town isolated from society, dedicated to becoming closer to their all mighty creator(or as they call him: The One Who Creates), and how do they do that? They try to hang on to the innocence and purity of childhood and imagination(mostly imagination) to hear and even see the one they worship. A child named Sam(Aka Sackboy as they call him) wonders into this town, and now must escape while trying to resist their grasp. 
(Note before: Everyone is a human, but they dress up as their childhood toy to contain the imagination of said doll)
Sam[Sackboy]: A 18 year old boy who wonders into the village. He carries a doll his friend once gave him called Sackboy(which is why they call him that). The King and Queen: The Founders of the town, they call MOST of the shots. They plan the rituals, ceremonies, holidays, etc. Their daughter is Pinky.
Pinky: The King and queen's daughter, she has a small say so in the affairs. She can be very strict and cruel when it comes to executions and punishments. (She dresses after a porcelain doll she loved to talk to, she also wears a porcelain mask)
The Collector: A young child who loves to collect cardboard and broken gears. He hasn't gotten into the age in which he become "The Old"(more on that later). He is called the collector because, well, he collects!
Nana and Captain Pud: Owners of a business(that provides necessary things for a home, plus cats and pie recipes), and loyal to the cause. (They both dress up as dolls they made when the fell in love for the first time, Captain wears face paint, and Nana Pud wears a leather mask)
Newton Pud: Apprentice and Inventor of the town, he has a couple screws loose(mostly from the "Becoming" Ritual) and sometimes causes trouble. He is the next disciple of the One Who Creates, and is supposed to communicate with the children of the creator. (He dresses up as an imaginary friend he had, he wears face make up and gloves)
Marlon Random: An actor in the town, he usually holds shows based on today's crisises, and makes propagand(by the King's order) to make sure that the citizens of the town respects and obey them.(He dresses up as an character he once played as, he is very good at it too)
Papal Mache: A priest in the town, he tells who is the disciple, who is the sacrifice, etc. (He just wears a few things)
Outcasts: Those who did not follow the ways of the town.
 A list of Rituals They commit in the Town:
The Becoming· A rituals that is supposed to help you become the past imagination composed in the dolls you made. These are the requirements:
·The Doll
·An isolated room
·And Mirrors.
The person is supposed to focus and find the mind and spirit of the doll, and let it enter the body. Afterwards, they become that doll, changing the way they are entirely(it's not supernatural, it's a forced mental state) Anyone who doesn't become the first time, they are tutored in private, usually punished severely if they disobeyed.
The Children's Game· Every 100 years, the town picked a disciple to be the host of the Children of The Creator. This is how it's done:
·The person is placed out in a large maze in the middle of the night
·The person is given three lanterns. 
·The person must find the children, draw them into the flames, and then escape. As the person dilly dallys in the maze, the children grow angry, and cruel. If the person escapes before sunrise, the children are bonded with the person through a chant. If they stay for too long, they are murdered.
Sacrifices: Usually it is a non believer that is sacrificed, they can be sacrificed in many ways: burning, beheading and trapping their souls, experiments, etc.
·Nana Pud and Newton Pud are black.
·Sackboy has an active imagination, so at first he thinks they're real.
·People usually take pride in being the disciple, but often get picked on.
·The Children of the Creator are the Titans.
·Once a year, the outcasts can ROAM FREE, wearing Dragon suits.(Negatiatrion)
·Once the person is bonded, the drink a drop if their blood, to live e forever.
 Yep. So...tell me what you think!
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theizzizzy · 4 months
LBP AU challenge art!
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link to the Challenge is under the cut
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