#Sweet Summer Series
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bluestar22x · 2 years ago
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Sweet Summer - July
Summary: An evening at the Pena ranch turns into a night to remember.
Pairing: Javier Pena x Virgin!Reader (She’s in her 30s, just late to the game)
Rating: 18+ series, explicit chapter
Warnings: Explicit smut, fowl language, reader is insecure, then not, Javi being a consent king and literally perfect.
Word Count: 5,879
Author’s Note: This is the most spicy piece I’ve ever written (appropriate for Javi) and yet also one of the sweetest. I melted writing it.
“I knew dating you was a smart choice,” you joked as you stroked the thick neck of the chestnut gelding tied up to a post just outside of the Pena barn.
One of Javier’s eyebrows shot up and he folded his arms, an expression of mock disapproval on his face. “You only dated me to get access to the horses?”
“Not only,” you replied, drawing out your words.
He chuckled and let his arms hang loose. “Well, let’s hop on. I’ve got an idea of where we could go for a nice view. Do you need a boost?”
You smirked at him and easily swung up into the saddle on the horse’s back.
“Show off,” Javier muttered, but he wasn’t annoyed. His eyes only held amusement.
He walked around your mount to get to his, a blue roan mare, and climbed onto her, his movement a bit less smooth than yours. “You confident about your riding skills?”
“It’s like riding a bike, isn’t it?” you said, not really asking. “I’m confident it’ll come back to me. See? I already have my heels down and everything.”
You both glanced at your boot covered feet in the stirrups and he smiled. “You’ve got the beginner stuff down at least.”
“So what are their names?” you inquired, scratching your mount’s neck. The gelding groaned and leaned into your touch, causing you giggle.
Javier smiled softly at the bright sound bubbling up from you. “He’s Red. And this mare’s Stormy.”
“Plain and simple,” you noted.
“Yeah, well, my dad’s a simple man,” Javier told you as he gave Stormy a pat. “You ready to head out?”
You nodded, and he led you away from the main yard of the ranch at a walk, out into open country. As you set out, you took time to bask in the fading sunlight, eyes closed, the heat from it finally tolerable.
July afternoons in Texas were often too hot to work horses, so Javier had suggested you come by later in the day for a ride, just as things were starting to cool down. It turned out to be the perfect time.
Red turned out to be perfect too, or as perfect as any horse could be anyway. You’d ridden several beginner horses in your lifetime, but none were both laid back and responsive like he was. You barely had to tug the reins to redirect his head, you barely had to dig in a heel for him to pick up his pace slightly, into a faster walk, and he had an air of calm that made you trust him like no other horse before. He made you feel confident, and that was important to have as a rider.
Javier must’ve sensed it because several minutes into the ride he suggested loping. “If we want to make it to the spot I have in mind before the sun fully sets, we’re going to have to pick up the pace. But only if you’re ready.”
You nodded. “I am.”
To prove your point, you clicked your tongue at Red and leaned slightly forward, encouraging him into a faster speed. He arched his neck immediately and his gait swiftly changed into one of a rocking motion. You were instantly reminded why the lope was your favorite horse gait. It was smooth, predictable, and yet still speedy enough to give you a thrill. You gave a yip to the darkening sky above and dared to steal a look at Javier, who had urged Stormy to keep the same stride as Red.
When you had first met him five weeks ago, you’d teasingly endowed him with the nickname cowboy, but it wasn’t until that evening, when he was riding a horse beside you, that he’d actually looked like one to you. Eyes focused ahead, seat steady, dressed in a red plaid shirt, dark blue jeans, and a tan pair of riding boots. He might have looked like he stepped right out of an old western, if he wasn’t missing the cowboy hat, but even without it, he sold it.
You felt a flame ignite in your belly as you observed him. You had a thing for cowboys, and you had a major thing for Javier. His broad shoulders, his strong nose, his large hands, his kind eyes, and his rumbling low voice. You’d found yourself totally distracted by him when Red suddenly stumbled over a rock in your path, lurching forward enough to unseat you, nearly causing you to flip over his neck. Luckily, you’d latched onto the saddle horn the split second it occurred and managed to steady yourself, a gasp flying out of your mouth as you did so.
“You alright?” Javier asked, as he slowed Stormy to walk alongside Red again, concerned.
You tilted your head away from him, trying to hide the embarrassment you had over letting your attention get drawn away from the ride. It really wasn’t the time.
“I’m fine,” you answered. “Does Red look okay? I don’t feel him limping but it’s not like I’m an expert.”
Javier studied the horse for a few moments, eyes scanning over his legs, shoulders, and hips and he shook his head. “He looks good to me. He didn’t stumble too badly.”
“Yeah, I just wasn’t paying enough attention to stay balanced,” you huffed.
Javier shrugged. “Happens to the best of us.” If he knew why you’d been caught off guard, he didn’t show it. “We’re here.”
You peered between Red’s ears and spotted a few hills up ahead, right along the border of wire fencing surrounding the Pena property. When Javier pointed Stormy at the middle hill and began climbing it, you followed suit on Red, smiling. Of course. Watching the sun set on a hill. The range of view it provided probably made it the best scenic spot on the ranch.
You were pretty certain of it after you watched the last of the sun’s rays dip behind the horizon at the top, no light left except for a few lingering streaks of gold and orange highlighting the clouds in the sky. It was far from the first time you’d seen a sunset, but it was the first time in your memory that you’d witnessed the exact moment day became night. The sight of it over the arid landscape, from Red’s back, left you sucking in a sharp breath. It was funny how something that happened every day could be so beautiful.
“You’re lucky to have this place,” you told Javier. “I’d kill for a view like this.”
He chuckled. “Hopefully not in a literal sense.”
You snorted and his expression turned serious as he sighed. “When I was a teenager, I wanted nothing more than to get away from here. I found it boring. I wanted to see the world.”
“Did you?” you questioned.
His mouth twisted into something like a grimace. “Not in the way I wanted to.”
“Do you still find it boring here?”
“Sometimes,” he admitted. “But being bored isn’t the worst thing that can happen to a man.”
You didn’t know what to say to that. You didn’t know what Javier had gone through during his time as a DEA agent, he wasn’t very open about it, didn’t willingly divulge much about it except occasional stories about his old partner Steve and his family. And your relationship was still too new for you to feel like you had the right to dig. You didn’t need to know, after all. Whatever had happened when he was taking down cartels in Colombia, whatever he had done, that was in the past.
You had fallen into a quiet spell after that, but it was quickly broken by your stomach growling loudly.
You felt your cheeks heat up again as Javier laughed at the noise. “Guess we should head back.”
You agreed quietly and followed him back to the ranch at a jog, as the sky darkened enough for the first stars to come out, content with not saying anything else. Javier didn’t seem to mind your silence, but he did break it as the ranch house came into view.
“Do you need to get home to feed Trix?” he inquired, his eyes darting over to you.
“No,” you replied quickly. “Actually, I had a friend take her home tonight, in case I was late getting home tonight.”
Tomorrow morning late.
Do not get embarrassed, you chided yourself mentally.
You’d been pondering over it a lot over the last week. You’d thought about how easy things were with Javier, how much you’d come to trust him in the last month you’d been dating, and how he had never asked for anything more than you’d been willing to give.
It wasn’t like a month was that long, right? But you felt like it had been long enough. Too long taking your situation in consideration. You’d decided you were ready to take the next step with him if he was, but you being you, you couldn’t just spell out your intentions for him.
The way Javier tensed in the saddle for a moment, you guessed your intent was clear enough. You reveled a little when you noticed him swallowing hard.
“So do you want to join me in the house for supper after we untack the horses?” he inquired. “I can’t promise much, I’m not exactly a cook, but I think we have some eggs I could scramble and a loaf of bread for some toast. We always have enough coffee on hand.”
“Your dad won’t mind?” you prodded. You’d figured you’d go out to eat and end up at your place, not in the ranch house shared with his father.
“He’s actually visiting his sister for the weekend,” Javier informed you. “Not that he would’ve.”
You couldn’t believe the timing. Your heart fluttered at the idea of you and Javier having the whole house to yourselves. No neighbors like at your apartment. Not a single pair of prying eyes or ears to worry about. You bit your bottom lip.
“I’d love to,” you said, hopping off Red when he was a few feet from the front door of the barn.
Javier’s lips curled upward slightly. “Great.”
He swung off Stormy’s back and guided her into the barn, leading you by example. You brought the horses into the two empty stalls at the back the barn, the other two occupied by slightly shorter horses, a paint and a dapple gray that was built very similarly to Red. You both made quick work of untacking your mounts, grooming them, and giving them hay for the night, along with the other horses.
With a goodnight kiss to Red’s velvety muzzle you strolled down the barn aisle side by side with Javier, anxiety starting to pool in the pit of your stomach over how the night might turn out, your self-confidence seemingly plummeting to an all-time low as you overthought. But you were too stubborn, too tired of taking the easy way out, to let that shut you down so fast.
After you exited the barn, stepping back on the dirt drive to the Pena household you cleared your throat, simply to get Javier’s attention. When his eyes met yours, you nodded at your car. “I’ve got a change of clothes. Would you mind if I used your shower to get cleaned up before supper?”
His eyes widened slightly, and surprise was written all over his face. “Uh, sure. I’ll cook the eggs and get the coffee going while you do that.”
You stood on your tip toes and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Thanks.”
The Pena house was ancient as far as houses in Texas went, but it was well kept and maintained for a place that hadn’t had a woman’s touch in at least a decade. It was cozy, if not a little stuffy, made worst by the lack of air conditioning. 
As soon as you’d entered the house, Javier had gotten to work getting out everything he’d need to cook the eggs and you’d climbed the stairs to the second floor, following the directions he’d given you to find the bathroom. Not that it was hard to find. First door to the right of the stairs.
It felt strange stripping bare in a household you’d never been in before, even in the bathroom with the door closed. It was different than being in a hotel room with friends or family. You weren’t used to being naked in the home of a person you didn’t know a month ago. You may have trusted Javier, but the awkwardness was still there. You shrugged off the feeling. Afterall, if you couldn’t take an innocent little shower in his house, how would you fuck him?
You used the cheap 2 in 1 shampoo that was on the shower shelf for your hair, making sure to work it into your hair until there were plenty of suds, then rinsed and used one of the new bars of soap you’d found in the room’s cabinet to clean your body. It took maybe six minutes before you were out of the shower and wrapped in a towel, headed for your bag on the countertop.
You hadn’t just packed some fresh clothes in it, but also a toothbrush and toothpaste, and you used them then, just in case you wouldn’t have time to brush after the supper, though you planned to take a moment to do so.
Another three minutes and you were downstairs, the smell of eggs and toast and coffee filled your nostrils way before you reached the kitchen.
“Smells good,” you called out as you turned the corner to enter the room.
Javier smiled at you as you plopped yourself down at the table. “Better?”
You nodded as you pulled a hair tie out of your left front pocket to tie back your damp hair. “Much. And I thought New York summers were hot.”
“Food’s done,” he announced, shutting off the stove burner he was using and pulling a pair of plates out of the cabinet next to the sink. “Come eat.”
As if you hadn’t hinted at deepening your relationship, you and Javier talked over supper like you typically did on your dates, about anything and everything that popped into your heads. Something a family member had done, a friend, people at work, or about the animals. You hadn’t seen each other since Sunday afternoon, six days ago, and Javier wasn’t big on phone calls, so there was a fair bit to catch up on.
After you’d eaten your fill, you both stood to dump your plates in the sink.
“Leave the mess for now,” he told you. “I’m going to go take a shower and get into clean clothes too, then I’ll pick up. There are movies on the shelf by the TV in the living room. If you want, you could pick out one and we could watch it when I’m out?”
“Sure,” you said, having no intention of leaving the mess alone, nor watching a movie after.
“Make yourself at home,” he shouted back down as he disappeared up the stairs.
As soon as he was out of sight, you got to work, shoving utensils and plates into the dishwasher and scrubbing the pan he’d used for the eggs under running warm water. After washing the pan and anything else that couldn’t be washed by machine, you wiped down the stove and tabletop before taking to the living room to pace around.
For the hell of it, you took a couple minutes to look through the pile of video tapes by the TV, mostly old westerns and 80s cop shows. You decided to pick one out just so you had something in hand when Javier returned, settling for The Magnificent Seven. You hadn’t watched a lot of westerns growing up, but you’d heard that was a pretty decent one, so you planted yourself on the couch with the case in hand.
He joined you less than a minute later, hands on his hips. “You didn’t need to clean up.”
“I wanted to,” you declared. “In my house growing up the cook never washed the dishes after.”
He shook his head. “So did you choose out a movie?”
You raised the hand grasping the video tape.
“Good choice,” he said approvingly, flopping down beside you. “You ready to watch?”
“After I use the bathroom,” you told him, pushing yourself back up onto your feet.
As soon as you were out of sight, you raced up the stairs, taking time to pee and to brush your teeth one more time, afraid any remnants of supper would ruin any possible moments. 
You cursed the wayward curls on your forehead when you looked in the mirror and chose to let your hair hang loose again so they blended in better. After you’d brushed your hair out with your fingers so it wasn’t so flat from the tie, you made your way back to the living room.
“All set now,” you announced, hoping the nervousness in your voice wouldn’t give away what you were about to say next.
“I already popped in the movie,” Javier notified you as you sat back down, one of your knees brushing against his as you twisted in your seat to face him. “We just need to press play.”
You nodded, putting on a thoughtful look for show. “What if I don’t want to watch a movie?”
His eyebrows shot up his forehead and he smirked, amused. “Impatient, carino?”
“I knew you’d gotten the hint,” you murmured as you leaned forward to let your lips nearly brush his.
“It wasn’t exactly subtitle,” he informed you.
“Oh well.” You pressed your lips against his and he immediately opened up to you, letting you slip your tongue inside as you eagerly pulled yourself onto his lap.
This much you were used to, this much you’d done with him before. He’d helped you refine your kisses with practice, and you’d quickly become confident about your techniques once you’d gotten good enough to draw a groan from him and that is what you set out to do again on that couch.
When the sound slipped out from somewhere deep in his throat, you jerked away from him just enough to speak. “Show me to your room.”
“Are you sure about this?” he asked lowly, cupping one of your cheeks with a rough hand, his dark brown eyes searching yours earnestly.
“I think the slow burn’s gone on long enough,” you joked, kissing him again, nipping at his bottom lip. He grunted at that and deepened it once more.
After a few moments he led you upstairs, to the second room on the left, dragging you inside and grabbing you by the waist, his lips never leaving yours for longer than a split second. He walked you to his bed, sitting on the edge and patting his legs. You got the message and straddled him, sitting on his lap more directly than you had on the couch.
With nothing but moonlight to guide you in the dark, you reached for the hem of the clean gray t-shirt Javier had worn after his shower and removed it, throwing it to the ground as you placed your mouth back on his and splayed your hands over his bare chest.
What a dream he was, and it was only just the beginning. Every muscle in your body already humming with anticipation, with arousal. You let him tug your shirt over your head without a second thought, and closed your eyes as he nibbled the delicate skin along your collarbone, shivering at the pleasant graze of his teeth and his tongue on you. You gasped a little, lost in the moment.
But you quickly snapped out of it when you felt his hands reaching to unclasp your lacy bra, the one you’d specially bought just for him. You stopped him with your hands over his biceps, gripping them firmly.
He glanced up at you, confusion written on his face. “What’s wrong?”
“I’d rather keep the bra on tonight,” you answered breathlessly.
He frowned, lips almost forming into a pout. “Why?”
You could tell by his inflection that he wasn’t trying to pressure you with the question or make you feel stupid about your reluctance, he genuinely wanted to know your reason, to understand it, but it still made you feel more self-conscious than you’d ever felt before in your life.
You didn’t want to lie, but you did try to shrug it off like it wasn’t actually a big deal to you. “They just look better like that.”
Your breasts had never been as perky and well-shaped as the ones women tended to have on TV and they were your least favorite part of your body. You’d been hoping that, for at least one night, you could avoid...flaunting them. You’d thought it would be easy enough to avoid if you bought a fancy bra to contain them.
Javier’s eyes softened a bit, and he kissed you along your jaw, drawing a quiet moan from you. “If you’d rather keep it on for comfort, that’s alright, but don’t do it because you’re worried about my opinion of them. I promise I’m not a picky man, carino. And I’d like to touch you there. To kiss you there.”
He dipped his head down to kiss the center of your chest, as if to give you a preview, and you sucked in a deep breath. God, you wanted him to. Despite your reservations about the condition of your breasts, you desperately wanted him to explore them, to know what it felt like.
You swallowed hard. “Okay. Yes.”
He easily unclipped your bra and set your breasts free, watching them fall onto your chest, and you watched for his reaction, breath catching in your chest with apprehension.
You saw the exact moment his eyes darkened with lust, and you gnawed on your lip upon witnessing it. Your breasts turning him on was the last thing you’d expected on that night.
“Can I touch them?” he inquired, his voice raspier than before.
You whined at him. “Yes, Javi.”
He cupped them in his hands, kneading them, and his thumbs found your nipples, massaging them, moving in a circular pattern. You gasped and arched your back as they hardened, eyes closing to the pleasant sensation his touch sparked in you.
The next thing you knew his hot mouth was on your right one and you moaned loudly as his tongue dragged over the bud. He took his time to work over it, then the left, before returning his mouth to yours and pulling you in close, palms pressed against your bare back.
“You are perfect just the way you are, baby.” He grunted. “So damn sensitive. You sound so good.” His voice was strained, and it wasn’t the only part of him that was. You could feel his bulge through his jeans, and as he started grinding against your own jean clad center, your stomach did a flip when you gave recognition to the fact that he was hard for you. For the longest time you hadn’t believed you could be that attractive to anyone.
Your biggest insecurity about your body overcome, you felt empowered after, untouchable by your other, less notable ones, like the one you had for the faint stretch marks that ran along your belly and thighs, and the puzzle shaped birth mark on your right thigh that made that part of your skin lighter than the rest. They all faded to the back of your brain as your focus became single minded.
You stood and pushed off your jeans, kicking them aside in a beat, and your hands impatiently reached for the top button on his. He let you undo it and lifted his hips so you could peel his pants off. They were so form fitting the move nearly pulled his boxers off with them, revealing the happy trail between his hips as they rode dangerously low.
With your next kiss you were back on his lap, hands gripping his strong shoulders tightly as his hands found your hips.
He nibbled on your neck, and his mustache lightly brushed the delicate skin there, making you pitch forward with a giggle. “That tickles.”
“Sorry,” he apologized under his breath, though a grin was plastered on his face.
You grinned back at him. “No, I like it.”
You kept kissing each other, mouths mapping whatever skin you could easily reach, and somewhere during that time you’d shifted, positioned your body so that one of his thighs was straddled between your legs, pressed to your cunt. It took you a minute to realize you were rotating your hips, rubbing yourself against the firm muscle underneath his skin and your thin lacy underwear.
Your cheeks heated when you noticed and you immediately stilled your hips, redirecting your passion to mouthing at his neck.
He groaned his disappointment. “Don’t stop, hermosa, keep going. Try to get yourself off on my thigh. I want to see it.”
Your breath hitched and you nearly bit down on the slope of his shoulder when those words tumbled out of his mouth. “Fuck, Javi, don’t tell me that like that.” You might as well have been struck by lightning.
He chuckled and beamed up at you unapologetically, tightening his hold on your hips a little more to help you keep balance as you started back up again. You felt a bit silly dry humping his leg at first, but the way he stared up at your face reverently, with his pupils blown wide open, erased it and you fully embraced the situation, digging your nails into his shoulders for purchase as you moved.
The friction between your folds, your thin underwear, and his thigh caused by your rolling hips felt so good you got completely lost in it, eyes half mast, breaths catching. You could feel something building within you, making the pit of your stomach burn and the space between your legs throb. Your heart began to race, sweat broke out over your brow, and you let out a loud moan.
“You’re so fucking hot like this,” Javier told you with a moan of his own, eyes glued to your face except for the occasional glance to where you were riding him. You felt a thrill coarse through you after hearing his admiration, and felt yourself get tantalizingly close to climaxing, but after a while you realized getting yourself to tip over the edge was going to be impossible. It just wasn’t quite enough.
You blew out a frustrated sound and Javier pursed his lips. “What’s wrong, baby?”
“I can’t, not like this,” you admitted regretfully. “It’s not enough.” If only it was.
He stroked his hands up and down your back, like he was trying to soothe you. “Can I try something? Can I touch you here?”
One of his hands went to the front of your underwear and your heart jumped. You’d wanted to know for so long what it would be like for a man to touch you there, so long that you didn’t even hesitant to agree to it. He slipped his hand under the fabric after you gave him permission and you felt his thick fingers start to circle your most sensitive bits, getting coated by your wetness as he did so.
You lurched forward at the extra contact, and in under a minute his fingers had you flying over the edge, crying out his name as you came harder than you’d ever on your own. You clutched to him for several seconds after before you pulled away to kiss him heatedly.
“Felt so good,” you panted against his lips. “But I want to feel you in me, Javi. Please.”
“You don’t have to beg hermosa,” he said with a groan, his hands cupping your face. “I want it just as bad. But I gotta know first, is this your first time?”
You froze, suddenly reminded of that other big insecurity that had managed to not rear its ugly head until he’d brought it up. You chewed your lip nervously. “How’d you guess?”
He smiled at you softly. “Our first kiss hinted that might be the case.”
Your eyes fell away from his. You knew you shouldn’t be, but there was a part of you that couldn’t help but feel ashamed. “I didn’t want to bring it up.”
“Why not?” he prompted, expression nonjudgmental.
“Cause it’s embarrassing, a woman my age.”
“Nothing wrong with waiting,” Javier assured you.
“You’re not bothered by it?” you asked, hopeful. To your knowledge, most men preferred women who were experienced, who knew what they were doing. Certainly a man like Javier would be one of them?
He shook his head firmly. “I promise I’m not, carino. I’d like to make you come one more time before though. With my fingers inside you this time.”
You buried your face in the crook of his neck and groaned. You had to be living some kind of fantasy. This couldn’t be real. “Fuck, go for it.”
He laughed and shifted, scooping you up and twisting around so you were laying on your back against the bedspread. He crawled between your thighs, kissed the spot right over your heart, and his left hand wrapped around the back of your neck as his right wandered down between your legs.
He removed your underwear swiftly and started working you up with his fingers again, and you gasped when he slipped a thick finger inside you, then eventually two, taking his time to stretch you out. It felt indescribably good as he pumped them in and out of you, the rest of his fingers pressed against your clit, making your core flood with heat again.
You dug your nails into his back, but he didn’t seem to care, if anything it seemed maddening for him. You’d later distantly recall that he had ground himself against the mattress because of it, desperate for a tiny bit of relief, right before your second orgasm hit you. 
Chest heaving, you lifted your hands to palm your sweaty face afterwards. “Holy hell Javi, you’re good at that.”
He smirked down at you, pleased with himself. “Think you’re ready now?”
You were already reaching for the waistband of his boxers, even though you’d barely recovered from your last high.
“Wanna answer the question, baby?” he inquired, though his eyes danced, amused by your enthusiasm.
You growled lowly. “You can bet I am.”
He helped you remove his boxers and when his cock sprung forth you ran a hand down its hard length, curious to know the feeling. 
He bucked into your touch reflexively and you beamed at him almost wickedly, riding a high of confidence. “That feel good?”
“Will feel much better in a minute,” he hissed. “Lie back.”
You did as ordered and he fished a condom out of a tin box that was on his nightstand, rolling one on and lining himself up with your entrance within a matter of seconds. 
He planted his lips against yours again and met your eyes. “You ready?” he murmured.
You nodded, though you tensed up immediately after, more so from anticipation than worry. You’d imagined this moment for so long, yet you still had no idea what to expect.
“Relax, sweetheart,” Javier said softly, having felt your muscles bunch up. “I’ve got you.” He braced himself with one arm over your head, and you took a calming breath as he used his other hand to guide his cock into you slowly, inch by inch.
You gasped from the intensity of him stretching you out, and you buried your hands into his hair to ground yourself, but there was no pain.
“You okay?” he asked, stilling for a moment as he kissed you, the hand above your head caressing your hair.
“Yes,” you whimpered. “You feel so good.”
Reassured, he slid even deeper inside you, and you gripped his shoulders tightly, snapping your eyes shut to focus on the feeling of his firm shaft dragging along your walls. You bit your lip again, and you wondered if it would be sore later, if other parts of you would also be sore. Not that you cared.
Your focus turned to Javier after he finally bottomed out in you with a raspy groan. “So tight, carino. You feel amazing.”
You moaned softly, loving the praise pouring out of his mouth, loving that he was enjoying this as much as you were. You curled a leg around his hip and made the first move, shifting your hips down and back up to meet his, causing an intense friction that made you both moan and inhale sharply.
He started to gently pump into you after, teeth skimming your jaw as he did, tongue tasting your skin here and there.
You watched him with half lidded eyes as he moved above you, gazed back down at you, eyes filled with heat, desire, and an unspoken love that made your heart soar. It wasn’t just sex you were participating in, there was a deep emotional connection involved too, one that had snuck up on you both.
Knowing that heightened your own desire, your need to reach your peak, and you sought a faster pace until he was matching you with full thrusts into you. Your sharp cries mixed with his low grunts, and you thought it was heavenly, especially when you realized your climax was nearing again.
“So close,” you hummed, eyes fluttering shut.
“Good,” he panted. 
He surged into you one more time and you felt something inside you burst, making you fall apart. You felt like Jello after, limbs useless and mind lost in a haze of bliss.
Javier joined you after a couple more quick strokes, groaning loudly into your ear as he filled the condom. He nearly collapsed onto you as he came down, but managed to keep his weight off you as he shifted his focus to kissing your neck tenderly.
You weaved your fingers through his thick, unruly hair and smiled happily, basking in his affection.
“Everything you hoped for?” Javier inquired eventually, one of his hands coming up to brace your neck gently.
“And more,” you admitted, laughing. “Don’t let it go to your head.”
“Never.” He pressed a kiss to your chin.
“You?” you asked. His satisfaction was as important to you as your own.
He caught your mouth with his briefly before answering. “You had nothing to worry about,” he told you, pulling out with a grunt after.
You whined at the loss of him, and he gave you a disastrously playful wink. “More later.”
You grinned, elated by how light his mood was, proud to be the cause. “Better be.”
He kissed you one more time then helped you pull off the covers of the bed and slip underneath the sheets. You’d both have to get up to clean yourselves later, but for the time being you curled up together instead, inhaling each other’s scents and taking comfort in each other’s arms.
And for the first time in your life, you understood what it felt like having someone who felt like home.
tagged: @angelofsmalldeath-codeine​
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progress of gmmtv 2025 series
currently airing:
ossan's love thailand (2024 lineup)
the heart killers (2024 lineup)
thame po: a heart that skips a beat
perfect 10 liners
my golden blood (2024 lineup)
finished filming:
enigma 2 (2024 lineup)
break up service (2024 lineup)
I love "a lot" of you
boys in love
sweet tooth, good dentist (2024 lineup)
currently filming:
leap day (2024 lineup)
hide & sis (2024 lineup)
the ex morning (2024 lineup)
the dark dice (2024 lineup)
started workshops:
revamp: the undead story (2024 lineup)
burnout syndrome
my magic prophecy
memoir of rati
no info:
scarlet heart thailand (2024 lineup)
friendshit forever (2024 lineup)
ticket to heaven
girl rules
whale store xoxo
only friends: dream on
my romance scammer
a dog and a plane
that summer
head 2 head
cat for cash
me and thee
dare you to death
melody of secrets
love you teacher
last updated: 26/02/2025
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decarbry · 1 year ago
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battle cats 2
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a-roguish-gambit · 9 months ago
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Cake for the little guys! Decided to design these as a thank you guys for being so awesome about my mini mutants. They are having a party and ya’ll are invited!
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parched-chaos · 10 months ago
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Redrew of my last portrait of Eli and WOW I improve?? I think??? This definitely looks a little more pretty than the last one imo
But anyways,, Eli Ever did nothing wrong best boy in the entire book <33
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sbd-laytall · 4 months ago
Love how Alfred is amused by a lovesick Tim.
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Robin (1993) #71
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khaoala · 6 months ago
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❝Okay, I believe you're cute.❞
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doublel27 · 2 months ago
Oh my sweet Style, at least you’re fucking pretty and have a kind heart.
Love will save everything. Sure baby. Sure.
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bluestar22x · 2 years ago
Sweet Summer Masterlist
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Series Summary: Being back in his hometown is an adjustment for Javi, to say the least, but maybe hanging out with a pretty woman will help? Her sweetness might just be what he needs in his life.  
Pairing: Javier Peña x Virgin!Reader (She’s in her 30s, just late to the game)
Rating: 18+ series
Warnings: Some fowl language, smut, POV changes between chapters (Javi 3rd person, Reader 2nd)
Author’s Note: I don’t know how this came to be. I was just thinking about some fanfic tropes and insecurities real girls have the other night and one thing led to another and I started writing and thought Javi fit the story best (you’ll see why in the July part). I hope this reads enough like Javi. I’m thinking this will be 3 parts. Also, I didn’t have a reason for choosing that gif except it’s nice.
Follow Up Oneshots
New Year’s Promise
The Weekend
Main Masterlist
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choosingwhatmatters · 2 months ago
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How much Ai longed to hear her name from May's lips ... only to have her heart absolutely shattered by May crying it out time and again.
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witchzvamp · 3 months ago
currently airing
𐐪 Perfect 10 liners (2024 lineup)
𐐪 The Heart Killers (2024 lineup)
𐐪 ThamePo Heart That Skips A Beat (2024 lineup)
𐐪 Ossan's Love (2024 lineup)
𐐪 Us (2024 lineup)
finished airing
currently filming
𐐪 Leap Day (2024 lineup)
𐐪 Hide & Sis (2024 lineup)
𐐪 The Ex-Morning (2024 lineup)
𐐪 Mu-Te-Luv
finished filming/post production
𐐪 Breakup Service (2024 Lineup)
𐐪 My Golden Blood (2024 lineup)
𐐪 Enigma 2 (2024 lineup)
𐐪 Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist (2024 Lineup)
𐐪 I Love "A Lot of" You
𐐪 Boys In Love
𐐪 My Magic Prophecy
𐐪 Memoir of Rati
𐐪 Melody of Secrets
𐐪 The Dark Dice (2024 lineup)
𐐪 Scarlet Heart th (2024 lineup)
no info or update yet
𐐪 Revamp (2024 lineup)
𐐪 Friendshit Forever (2024 lineup)
𐐪 Dare You to Death
𐐪 Head 2 Head
𐐪 Only Friends: Dream On
𐐪 That Summer
𐐪 Wu
𐐪 Love You Teacher
𐐪 Burnout Syndrome
𐐪 A Dog and A Plane
𐐪 Girl Rules
𐐪 Me And Thee
𐐪 My Romance Scammer
𐐪 Whale Store xoxo
𐐪 Cat for Cash
✞ Ticket to Heaven
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deliriousblue · 7 months ago
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SUMMER NIGHT | EPISODE 2 — I never thought that you would be Paradox's fan. To be honest, no one knows it. Besides Ivy, I never talked or told anyone about it. — Why? I...I guess everyone expects me to be the school's perfect golden girl. No one wants to see a fangirl side of me. — But I want to see it. ...The song has two versions. Everyone has more than one side to them. Sometimes, I forget what I want to do or what I want in life. — Then it would be great if there's a day that we don't need to pay attention or care about what other people think. Yes, but that's impossible. — It may be possible. Star, have you ever seen a rainbow at night? How would there be a rainbow at this hour? — Wait a second. It will start in....three...two...one..... See? Everything is possible. Why don't we watch the rainbow up close?
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edenfire · 2 months ago
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🌸💙 "and, oh, there are butterflies making their way into Nitori’s chest, now." 💙🌸
I know i don't talk about it much, but i am a huge sucker for soutori🥺💗
this was inspired by a fic called Tender by roktavor on ao3, and omg it just gets me in the heart every time I read it😭😭😭
this author also has a soutori fic called Yours to Hold and it's sooooo cute and fluffy and sweet!! i highly recommend it🥰💗💞💞 (maybe I'll draw art for that fic too🫣 we'll see)
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a-roguish-gambit · 9 months ago
The Mini Mutants could be the scenario for either a Mojoworld episode/storyline (The outerspace TV executive Mojo traps the X-Men in a TV show with mischiefous pocket versions of themselves) or an Arcade episode/storyline (The villain Arcade creades a videogame staring mischiefous pocket versions of the X-Men... and the catch is that they jump from the game to real life and now our heros have to deal with them).
Oooooo both are great ideas! However I had a separate idea for their origins.
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An experiment for Mr. Sinister to isolate mutant essence for himself so he could use dna from other, in his opinion “less desirable” mutant specimines (ick) went wrong. For him. These little cuties are the result. And after some….mishaps….they have escaped from him and are now the X-men‘s problem.
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Stay tuned to see what chaos they create!
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