#Sweet Home Key Holder Home And Birds Key Holder
moralcraft · 2 years
Buy Key Holders of Various Designs at low prices in India – MORALCRAFT
Buy Key Holders online at low prices in India. Shop from a wide range of wooden key holders online at MORALCRAFT with exclusive designs at an affordable price range!
We all use key holders to keep our keys together. But very few people use wooden key holders. Our local market is circulated with imported key holders made of metal or plastic.
The need for them is ever there. We all need them. We use them at home, in institutions and in our businesses. It's like every man has one in his pockets. And every woman has it in her handbag.
But do you mind about the kind of key holder you hold? Most people don't. They only need a holder that serves the purpose of holding keys together. Some don't even have any. They have a mere ring.
Do you mind about the kind of holder you handle? Does it blend with your class? You look executive, learned and moneyed. But a small thing like a key holder can contradict with your brand.
Wooden key holders are the answer. They look executive. They are trendy and attractive. They are unique and durable. They are cut with a laser engraving machine from our local hard wood. They are customized with deep engraved texts and images. Double-faced holders look nice and appealing everyone.
Key holders are made in sizes of 3x7 cm, 4x4 cm and 2×4.6 cm from pieces of wood with a thickness of 3mm or 6mm. They are made in different designs that appeal to everyone. These include oval, rectangular, round and square shapes.
Wooden key holders are great for promoting your business
If you've been looking for a way of promoting your business, a customized wooden holder is good for that purpose. Whoever receives it, keeps it. It looks attractive to everyone. It's a very good marketing tool. It can help you to penetrate the market easily.
Making a few wooden key holders for your clients helps you to keep them. They hardly forget you and your business. To promote your business effectively with these holders for your keys, you have to make them with the branding and contacts of your business. Give them to your valuable customers as gifts. They will appreciate it. They will feel so connected to you.
Remember, they will use them to keep their keys together. They see them every day and every time they open and close their houses and offices. You market to them continuously.
As I wind up, let me also say that wooden holders are becoming popular for promoting businesses. They bring good business. You can give them out free to your potential clients. You can also give them to customers as gifts. Sometimes, it's good to customize them with the name of their businesses. They really love it. Personalized wooden key holders are such a wonderful marketing tool. Try them once. You will appreciate me later for giving you this effective promotional method.
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fueledbysano · 3 years
pretty flowers for pretty boys ♡
ft. mikey, rindou, ran, sanzu, koko
includes. gn!reader, fluff
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˗ˏˋ “What's taking Y/N so long?” Was his thoughts as he sat alone in your car, waiting for your arrival from the supposed quick grocery run. He's supposed to be at work in half an hour
˗ˏˋ “Hi, love, I'm back.” as the passenger door swung open, his impatient expression melted into questioning upon seeing the bouquet of lavenders in one of your hands.
˗ˏˋ He just shrugs it off, figuring it must be a friend's birthday or something; pushing the keys into the ignition as he let you settle the items you purchased from the store.
˗ˏˋ “All ready, sweetheart?” His seatbelt made a click, lips slightly parting upon looking up to see you offering the flowers to him with an infectious smile.
˗ˏˋ “What's this for, hm?” At this point, your smile was mirrored by his own lips, gladly receiving the bouquet from you then getting a whiff of it's delicate, evergreen woodsy sweet smell.
˗ˏˋ “You're always the one getting flowers for me, you deserve them too, you know?” Mikey's heart melts even more as your lips made contact with his, flattered by the sudden, yet sweet sentiment from you.
˗ˏˋ When he arrived at work, his first task was to empty his pen holder, now serving as the container of your sweet gift.
˗ˏˋ From the rich black mud of rain-washed earth, came the gaily dancing flowers of summertime. The deep hues of your dahlia flowers had finally blossomed into full bloom.
˗ˏˋ You grew particularly black dahlias, their dark and moody tones portraying a luxurious finish. In some way, you thought they were the perfect ones for Rin.
˗ˏˋ Today, he was expecting you in his office as your texts said so, quietly polishing his handgun collection as he patently waited.
˗ˏˋ His stoic expression shifted into curiosity upon seeing your frame at the door. His gorgeous partner also had beautiful flowers in hand, and the first thing he assumed was—
˗ˏˋ “Who got you those?” He asks, just as loading the cylinder of his revolver.
˗ˏˋ “These are for you, dumbass.” You were quick to respond, inviting yourself into the room as he sat in confusion.
˗ˏˋ “Huh?” he could only let you walk to his back, giving his broad shoulders a gentle massage before resting the flowers on his lap.
˗ˏˋ “Can't I get flowers for my pretty boy?” You tease, laying a saccharine kiss on his lips.
˗ˏˋ “Love, I'm back.” Ran called from your shared bedroom, confused by your absence as you would regularly kiss him welcome home.
˗ˏˋ Until he sees a glance of scorching candles in your balcony, shedding a light on the romantic dinner set up.
˗ˏˋ He sighs, figuring he'd find you out there. “Darling,” Ran awes at the sight of your beautiful frame gazing at Tokyo's skyline.
˗ˏˋ “Hi, honey.” You turn to a sight of your handsome boyfriend, jacket discarded to the chair, leaving him in his white shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
˗ˏˋ “What's with the breathtaking set up?” He asks, pulling you into a warm hug, not forgetting to plant a kiss on your head. He's 100% sure there isn't any anniversary or special event for today...
˗ˏˋ “I figured you deserve something nice... Work's taking up most of your time so, I thought I could work on something at home. I hope you like it.”
˗ˏˋ “Why, thank you, darking. I love it. You just made my day.” Still in his arms, He had you in a full embrace, gently swinging from side to side.
˗ˏˋ “One more surprise.” Taking the bouquet of white Anemones from the table, you hand the fresh eccentric flowers to him. “Stop being so sweet, I feel bad I didn't take anything home...”
˗ˏˋ “Maybe you can make it up in bed later?” You suggest. “Well, I can't say no to that.”
˗ˏˋ Admiring the beautiful, orange, crane-like blooms of the birds of paradise on your table, you continue to come up with ways to give them to your boyfriend.
˗ˏˋ But the clock had stopped ticking the moment your penthouse entrance doors rattle open, revealing the love of your life.
˗ˏˋ “Hi, you.” you turn to engulf him into your embrace, letting him have a sight of the flower set up behind you. and just like Rindou, he had the same same thoughts.
˗ˏˋ “Who the fuck got you flowers? I'm gonna kill—” “Hey, calm down... I bought them for you...” You were quick to cut him off, relieving the panic with a soft touch of his hand.
˗ˏˋ He carefully observed the tag with his name on it followed by a heart. “These are for me?” He asks once more, turning to you. “Yes, handsome.” You agree with a kiss.
˗ˏˋ “I love them.” He smiles, outlining it's pointed edges. “Is this an invitation for me to get you flowers too?” He asks. “It's just a small gift, love. Don't worry about it... But, if you'd like to give me some then I won't object to that.”
˗ˏˋ “Well, you are lucky because I got us reservations in that hotel that just opened, maybe I can get you some flowers too on the way?”
˗ˏˋ This man takes any chance he gets to gift you flowers— anniversaries, milestones, date nights, bad days, or simply just a token of appreciation.
˗ˏˋ One of the hardest aspects in dating this man is finding gifts for him. Not only can he buy anything he wants, he probably already has it too.
˗ˏˋ But once you've come up with this little gesture, you were confident about it— it's now your turn to give him some beautiful flowers too.
˗ˏˋ So heading towards the garden center, you looked for something sophisticated. You thought the search for the perfect once would take long, but, up on a parched bark at the entrance, there hung white orchids which caught your attention.
˗ˏˋ It's clean and crisp color adds a calming energy within, and would make an excellent relaxing piece to his office or your room. Since he is a busy man, it's the perfect one. They don't need much maintenance as well.
˗ˏˋ He had just come out of a meeting when one of their security men asked him to come to his office where you have been patiently waiting.
˗ˏˋ “Surprise, love...” Your sterling voice itself was a pleasant thing to welcome him back, heading straight to you for a warm hug. “Hi, baby... missed me?”
˗ˏˋ “Yeah, and... I have a little something for you...” You carefully spun and revealed the stunning vase of white orchids on his desk, “Darling, they're beautiful.” His heart melts at the sentiment, bringing you into his embrace once more.
˗ˏˋ “Do you want it here...? or, at home?” You raise a brow, waiting for his response. “Oh, it's coming home with me.” He immediately answer. “and you too. Come on, I'll take the rest of the day off with my angel.”
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logicheartsoul · 3 years
Some tiny details in the kitchen of Sarah’s house, since I was going through parts of episode 1 again. Since the pics are huge, most of it will be under the cut.
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Love the key holder is fish themed and that there’s a drawing of a boat. Probably the family boat? And either an art thing made like a plane or a fish, can’t tell.
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1) Sarah is pretty, 2) Her entire look is amazing, and 3) This bird thing is nice and looks like it’s been there a long time, just attached to the side of the cabinet. The kitchen has various motifs of flowers, birds, bees, fish, and I think a tree. Not sure.
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Closeup of the spice rack. It’s 5 am so I’m too tired to try to figure out what is what (except for the obvious like the tabasco sauce and the Old Bay seasoning)
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Some of the stuff in the pantry here: lots of rice, there’s some pasta, Hershey’s chocolate syrup, canned corn, maybe those vienna sausage things, corned beef hash, Rotel tomatoes, and for the types of cereal we got Cheerios, Corn Flakes and MAYBE (Frosted) Shredded Wheat. There’s more if you’d like to help me identify it.
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There’s baking soda, baking powder, flour, bisquick, lots of campbell’s soup and I think on the top is some of Sarah’s homemade honey.
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Sarah’s got a pretty nice rice cooker ngl, along with a toaster and what I THINK is a juicer. It could also be a food processer but looks more like a juicer to me, I could be wrong though. Also, it’s a fairly big-ish rice cooker, so I’m assuming she makes rice a LOT (and it’s on so it’s either on the warm setting or actually cooking). 
There is a shot later of one of the boys spooning rice into the box but the pot was GINORMOUS so that was stove top made rice (which makes sense coz where are they gonna have space for those huge 12+ Cup rice cookers? We only whip those out for holiday dinners at my house, otherwise it sits in a box and it takes a LOT of counter space)
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It amuses me that they have a bowl just full of the beads but they ARE nice. (I have mine hanging on a hook though a bowl is probably easier lol)
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And she has a bowl for her peppers and sweet potatoes!
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Some bread, and the thing in the middle has a spout. Not sure what it’s actually for (someone else probably knows what it is better than me) but it has a spout and it is earthenware of a sort.
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Love it says Quick Help AC Mechanics with a number on it (which makes me wonder, is their AC out?) I can’t tell what the post it notes say but someone has a love for planes coz that’s a drawing of a Phantom II Prototype jet. (Also I love in Sarah’s house there are several pieces of art that says world’s best mom XD)
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Doughnuts and muffins! What kind of muffins I dunno but I guess we know they prefer those sugar coated doughnuts in the Wilson house.
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It’s clear whoever did the set design actually cares about how a home functions coz there being a thing for either envelopes OR a stack of paper to take down notes right next to the phone....yeah. (And I am amused at the Elmer’s glue lol) And another shot of the bowl with the beads. The button looks like to be a promo for the drink Fuze (same font) with uh...pride colors, so it would be interesting if some of these are beads from pride and not Mardi Gras.
I’ll need to go through the other eps for more detail closeups but I hope you enjoyed these as much as I did!
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xxx-cat-xxx · 4 years
TW alcohol consumption and mention of alcoholism. Thanks to @whumphoarder for beta reading and @newnewyorker93 for your support!
For all the ways Rhodey mentally prepared himself to find his best friend the weekend after his breakup, he somehow missed adding singing along to 90s pop to the list. 
“Noone’s gonna care if you don’t ca-all when you said,” Tony screams off-key in a fake British accent along with the vocals blasting through the workshop.
Bit of an obvious choice, Rhodey thinks, recognising the lyrics, but keeps that to himself. What he calls into the room instead is, “Anyone home?”
“Platypus, so good you’re here!” Tony’s voice comes from somewhere behind half a mountain of old Iron Man suit parts that currently take up most of the workshop’s assembly platform. “Come ‘ere, you have to check this out!” 
Rhodey obediently steps towards the source of the noise and finds his friend in dirty black jeans and an even dirtier undershirt in front of a virtual wall of holographic screens, motor oil and a smug grin decorating his face. “All these little things…” he hums, swinging his hips and suggestively wiggling an eyebrow at Rhodey when he comes into view.
I don’t care, Tony’s attitude says. 
I care way too much, Rhodey reads in his always-too-expressive eyes, in the way he pops the consonants just a little bit too hard, and in the half-empty bottle of Bourbon he’s gripping loosely. Rhodey notices the last thing with a tinge of sadness―Pepper had just gotten Tony to limit the hard liquor exclusively to weekends and parties. But then, if Pepper were still here, none of this would be happening.
“Tune it down a bit, FRI,” Rhodey orders and feels his ears ringing with the sudden lack of noise when the volume drops to less assaulting levels. 
He steps through the virtual screens and lays a hand on Tony’s shoulder, taking in the blue-tinged landscape of multitasking spread out in front of them. The engineer has set down the bottle and is now modifying the design schematics for a pair of glasses that’s inexplicably named BARF.
“These VR glasses or something?” Rhodey asks, frowning at the specifications. 
“You wish.” Tony twists around on his swivel chair and snaps his fingers at Rhodey. “It’s better. Way, way better. But that’s not for tonight.” 
He hits a virtual enter key and then minimises the screen with a flick of his hand, apparently forgetting what it was he’d wanted to show Rhodey originally. Instead, he offers the bottle.  
The sadness in Rhodey’s chest spreads like cold water, settling in to stay, but he accepts the drink, because tonight it’s either both of them getting hammered or Tony inevitably kicking him out after two hours to continue alone, and that’s not happening on his watch. 
So, minutes after midnight, they find themselves driving down the seemingly endless and fortunately empty forest road connecting the compound to the city, more than a little shitfaced. Tony has backtracked another few decades in music history and is now letting Black Sabbath blast into the woods and probably traumatising half a dozen wild bird species.
“This is fun, honeybear!” he shouts, taking his hands off the steering wheel for a dangerously long few seconds to punch Rhodey in the shoulder. “It’s been so long! The taste of freeedom, baby!"
Rhodey doesn’t call him out on his lie; he doesn’t have to. Nor on the drunk driving, because apart from being the world's first self-made superhero and holder of four PhDs, Tony Stark is possibly also the world’s most high-functioning alcoholic, and even in this state, Rhodey knows with certainty that he won’t crash them.
Instead, he just watches him, and waits. For the end of the night, the end of the charade, and the inevitable breakdown.
The woman on the porch has voluminous, dark red curls and is wearing nothing but an oversized AC/DC t-shirt, and for a very weird moment, Happy has a vision of Natasha stealing some of Tony’s clothes. Then her face comes into view and he sees that she’s got at least 15 years on Nat. Well. 
When she kisses Pepper good-bye on the lips, he turns reflexively to check the opposite side of the street for paparazzi. Not strictly necessary in this part of the city, but old habits die hard.
“Nice evening?” he asks conversationally when Pepper deposits first her oversized handbag, and then herself, into the backseat. 
“Very nice,” his boss responds with a sweet smile on perfectly red-painted lips. “This was long overdue.” 
Happy winks at her through the rearview mirror and pulls out of the parking space, joining the early morning traffic jams of tiredness. 
“Thanks for picking me up,” Pepper says. “I’d have taken a cab, but I got a high-level call with China in twenty that I wouldn’t want any of the taxi drivers to overhear.”
“No worries,” he assures, then curses when he narrowly misses a blindly opened door of an SUV half stopped on the sidewalk. “Amateurs,” he hisses. 
By the time they leave Douglaston, Pepper is already scrolling through her phone, the relaxed smile from earlier replaced by a tightness around her lips and a slight crease on her forehead. Happy doesn’t have to ask what she’s doing. He’s well aware of her morning ritual―knows that she’s going through the email alerts she set for the mention of Tony Stark, knows that the tensed facial expressions will only disappear once she’s positive that Tony didn’t get killed, kidnapped, or taken into police custody the previous night. 
“Stop reading in cars, I know I know,” she waves off without looking up. 
Happy wasn’t about to say that, but he doesn’t disagree. Instead, almost softly, he adds: “He’s fine.” 
“Yeah.” She nods and closes her eyes briefly, exhaling. Glances back down at her phone. 
“I texted with Rhodey this morning. Long night, they’re both hungover, but otherwise alright. Now stop before you actually make yourself sick.” 
Relief blooms on her face for the fraction of a second before she catches herself and covers it with professional indifference. “Good to know,” she says, in a tone as if he’d told her there might be snow tomorrow. 
And if Happy was any other person, he’d probably let out a sigh loud enough to wake the whole block. But he’s a boxer-driver-forehead-of-security and friend, so he just takes a deep inhale, in through the mouth and out through the nose, and turns on the radio. 
And quietly smiles to himself when his boss declines the offer to drive her back to Douglaston tonight. 
Because Pepper and Tony might not know it yet, but there's a small piece of jewellery hidden away in the pocket of his suit jacket, the weight of which tells him their story's far from over.
All my fics
Pepperony Series
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bluegrassmagnolia · 4 years
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Sitting Alone On A Train Platform In The Country, Hundreds Of Miles Away From The Place You Were Born, A Playlist; alternatively titled: Tunes With Which to Drown Out the World
dedicated to @hieronymouscock
feat. Charlotte Church, Fiona Apple, Laura Marling, Taylor Swift, Norah Jones, Josephine Oniyama, First Aid Kit, tuneyards, Gabrielle Aplin...
Remains \\ Charlotte Church
Movement I.
Devil’s Spoke \\ Laura Marling  Hot Knife \\ Fiona Apple Warrior \\ Laura Marling
Killing Armies \\ Wolf Parade Box \\ Charlotte Church
Don’t Lie \\ Vampire Weekend I Was Made...\\ The Weepies
Shine \\ Laura Marling Lonestar \\ Norah Jones Cranes in the Sky \\ Solange Field Below \\ Regina Spektor Little Bird, Saved These Words \\ Laura Marling
Little Movements \\ Charlotte Church
Never Ending Circles \\ Chvrches  Time to Pretend \\ MGMT Cruel Summer \\ Taylor Swift Let it Be \\ Hayley Kiyoko
Sprawl II \\ Arcade Fire Hood Shade \\ Charlotte Church
Made by Maid \\ Laura Marling Werewolf \\ Fiona Apple Back to Manhattan \\ Norah Jones Goodbye England \\ Laura Marling
Be My Somebody \\ Norah Jones I Could’ve Been Your Girl \\ She & Him King of Carrot Flowers I \\ NMH Hard to Please \\ The Weepies Turn on Me \\ The Shins Suburban War \\ Arcade Fire Start of Time \\ Gabrielle Aplin
Movement II.
Love \\ Charlotte Church Not About Love \\ Fiona Apple My Manic and I \\ Laura Marling We Exist \\ Arcade Fire Young Blood \\ Norah Jones This Side of the Moon \\ Gabrielle Aplin 
Fast As You Can \\ Fiona Apple You Are a Runner... \\ Wolf Parade Gun in my Hand \\ Dorothy A Mistake \\ Fiona Apple I Feel Your Love (ext) \\ Laura Marling Black Sheep \\ Metric Light up the Dark \\ Gabrielle Aplin
Home You Built \\ Ali Holder No Sugar Tonight \\ The Guess Who Oceans & Streams \\ The Black Keys It’s Gonna Be \\ Norah Jones Better Version of Me \\ Fiona Apple Gurdjieff’s Daughter \\ Laura Marling
Movement III.
How Not to Be Surprised... \\ Charlotte Church Simply the Best \\ Hafdís Huld Take Me Away \\ Gabrielle Aplin Rosie’s Lullaby \\ Norah Jones
Death and Mathematics \\ Charlotte Church False God \\ Taylor Swift
Red Red Red \\ Fiona Apple Like a Fool \\ Charlotte Church Neighbourhood #1 (Tunnels) \\ Arcade Fire
Shine a Light \\ Wolf Parade Sam’s Town \\ The Killers
Darkness Descends \\ Laura Marling Beautiful Wreck \\ Charlotte Church Waiting \\ Norah Jones Powa \\ tuneyards  Afterglow \\ Taylor Swift
Miss You (acoustic) \\ Gabrielle Aplin Walk Alone \\ Laura Marling Hundred Hearts \\ Kate Rusby Portrait \\ Josephine Oniyama A Comet Appears \\ The Shins
Stuck \\ Norah Jones
Movement IV. 
Keep the Car Running \\ Arcade Fire Diane Young \\ Vampire Weekend Relay \\ Fiona Apple Scarecrow & Fungus \\ Regina Spektor Jesus, &c. \\ Norah Jones Tap at My Window \\ Laura Marling Tymps \\ Fiona Apple Poison Apple \\ Charlene Kaye She’s Long Gone \\ The Black Keys Devil’s Resting Place \\ Laura Marling
Fool’s Love \\ Gabrielle Aplin Black Wave \\ The Shins Nevermind \\ Foster the People
Even Though \\ Norah Jones Lasts \\ Charlotte Church City With No Children \\ Arcade Fire Holland, 1945 \\ NMH Supersymmetry \\ Arcade Fire
Reflektor \\ Arcade Fire Bizness, Doorstep \\ tuneyards Grounds for Divorce \\ Wolf Parade It’s Never Over (Orpheus) \\ Arcade Fire How Can I, Howl \\ Laura Marling Nerve \\ Charlotte Church
Get Gone \\ Fiona Apple Left Alone \\ Fiona Apple
Until the Morning \\ Charlene Kaye December \\ Norah Jones Daisy \\ Laura Marling 
The Suburbs \\ Arcade Fire Skeleton \\ Gabrielle Aplin Forever is a Long Time \\ Charlene Kaye Coming of Age \\ Foster the People Entanglement \\ Charlotte Church
Night Lament \\ Kate Rusby
The Rise \\ Charlotte Church I Dream an Ocean \\ Charlene Kaye Obvious Bicycle \\ Vampire Weekend Fireworks \\ First Aid Kit
You’ve Ruined Me \\ Norah Jones Her Morning Elegance \\ Oren Lavie Waltz \\ Fiona Apple Dinner Bells \\ Wolf Parade
Short Movie \\ Laura Marling I Can Dream \\ Charlotte Church Don’t Break Your Heart on Me \\ Gabrielle Aplin
Love Alone \\ Charlotte Church
My List \\ The Killers Glitterbombed \\ Charlotte Church Dear Sons..., I’ll Believe... \\ Wolf Parade
House of Mirrors \\ Josephine Oniyama Sweet Nothing \\ Gabrielle Aplin  Daylight \\ Taylor Swift
When We Were Trespassers \\ Josephine Oniyama Sparrow \\ Charlotte Church River \\ Leon Bridges
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crouchingtiger28 · 3 years
The Summer Sky Above the Clouds
The sky where Sora lived was black. The outskirts of The City were piled with massive skeletons, and inside The City the walls are steel and glass. The homes were airtight, each with a protective airlock on every door and windows that didn’t open.
The outside was dark and deadly, and the Outside even more so. Sora was lucky to live here, where there were air filters and oxygen-making plants. Outside The City was the wasteland, choked with darkness. None who left The City ever returned, and none would be admitted should they attempt to.  
The apocalypse had been unexpected, but that was years ago. Sora hadn’t even been born back then. Now they knew what to expect, and how to act. The sky was black, and those born outside The City were soon corrupted by the darkness in the air. No one outside the walls could be spared. None who breathed the air too long could be trusted.
The Outside was a dark, lethal, uncaring wilderness. Why, then, was Sora so forcibly drawn to it?
Again, she stood on the walls and looked down at the mounded skeletons at the base of it. Again, she stared out into the dark horizon, endlessly searching for something that was not there. Should not be there. Could not be there. This time, she could not pull herself away.  
There were stairs on the outside of the wall. Why were there stairs when no one left? Had they always been there?
There was a vehicle, four wheels and open sides, discarded at the base of the wall. Where had it come from? Who had left it there? Why were the keys dropped carelessly in the cup holder, ready for the wind or a bird or a lost, wandering human to come and snatch them away?
Sora didn’t know where she was going. She aimed into the darkness, where her heart was pointing, and drove. The ground flew by underneath her.
The sky turned lighter. The bare earth was flecked with growing green-ness. Sora took off her air filter. The wind smelled sweet and warm, like the greenhouses in The City. She drove on.
There was green as far as the eye could see. Grass covered the land and trees sprouted straight from the soil, reaching not towards artificial, buzzing lights but to the open sky. Moss and vines crept up giant skeletons and flowers peeked through empty eye sockets. Sora drove on.
A new city spread before her, river clay and wooden beams, hewn stones and brick walls, glass panes and bone archways. Children ran through the streets. Dogs barked and birds sang. Men and women chatted over ceramic mugs and sugary luxaries. In the center of the sprawl, a huge tree stretched over the clouds.  
Sora stopped the vehicle and stumbled out of the chair. This was where she belonged. This was what had been calling her.  
The sky where Sora lives is blue. Homes and gardens sprawl over the land in every direction, and under the shadow of The Tree there is light and joy. The people’s hearts are open to the sky, and every smile is clear as the never-ending blue.
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spriteandnicotine · 4 years
Paper Lanterns
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Fandom: Haikyuu
Pairing: Sugawara x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 1.4K+
A/N: Doing this for Haikyuuwritersnet June event! It’s my first one for them so I hope you enjoy it <3 I also like to think that Suga volunteers at a cat shelter in his free time. I also would like to thank @megalodon-writes​ and @strawbirb​ for helping me bounce ideas off of them, and @gayforgreen-martians​ for being my Beta reader <3
Prompt: A and B’s plans to go to the festival didn’t quite pan out. Seeing how upset A is, B sets up their own home-made viewing in the backyard
As you are unlocking your car, your pone begins to buzz in your back pocket. You take it out and when you see who it is, butterflies begin to flutter inside your stomach. You swipe your thumb across the screen and place the phone to your ear.
“Y/N? I don’t think I can come to the festival. I was on my way home and spotted a kitten who appeared to be abandoned. She’s pretty young, so I picked up milk formula and a bottle. I need to feed her every 3-4 hours so I’ll need to stay home.” As Suga says this, you feel your heart sink.
Crestfallen, you respond, “Oh. U-um, I guess I’ll just stay ho-”
Before you can finish your sentence, he interrupts, “No, please, come over. I bought supplies for us to make our own paper lanterns while I was out.”
“Okay! I’ll see you then!” You hang up and clutch the phone to your chest, take a deep breath, and pull the door open.
You climb in, hook the phone into the aux, start the car, and turn on your favorite song on repeat.
As you pull into Suga’s driveway, you turn the volume down so you won’t be too embarrassed. You grab your phone and exit the car, holding your keys over your shoulder to lock the vehicle behind you.
Before you knock, Suga appears in the doorway, holding a tiny black kitten with white tufts of fur sprinkled throughout her body. Your heart starts pumping rapidly.
Suga holds the glass door open with one arm while securely holding the little cat in his other.
You slide off your flip-flops and pick them up in your right hand, then enter the Sugawara residence. Suga closes the door behind you and leads you straight through to the back yard.
There is a small sunflower garden on the right side of the yard. In the center, there are two chairs next to a fire. Next to the chairs is a circular glass table with s’mores and paper lantern supplies. Further back are several cherry blossom trees, filled sporadically with green leaves.
“Where are your parents?” you ask while slipping your shoes back on.
He smiles and puts some sandals on while he replies, “They wanted to go to the festival. It ends in about two hours.”
The realization that you will be alone with him while watching the sunset hits and your pulse kicks into high gear, blood rushing to your face. 
Suga leads you to the chairs and sits down in the one on the left. You join him by sitting in the other. The sweet rich scent of cedar burning hits your nostrils as the warmth from the fire heats the tips of your fingers and toes.
You look up to the sky and take in the beautiful view. There are birds flying along the orange purple and pink backdrop. Fluffy clouds are scattered above the sun. You can feel Suga’s eyes on you, so you turn to face him.
Once your eyes meet his, the kitten lets out a tiny mew. You immediately glance toward her and hold your hands out to take her.
He transfers the cat into your hands and pulls a bottle of milk out of his pocket. You set her down on your lap and take the bottle from him gently guiding the nib into her mouth.
As she is drinking, Suga speaks, “Y/N sure is cute.”
You look at him in shock. “Oh, I decided to name her Y/N Junior,” he explains.
“Oh,” you chuckle, trying to be nonchalant.
You look down to Junior, running one finger down her fragile back. Suddenly, you hear Suga blow a burst of air out from his mouth. Upon looking over, you see a charred marshmallow on a poker. He places a piece of chocolate delicately on the graham cracker, then places the marshmallow on top, using another graham cracker along with pressure to remove the poker.
He wakes a bite and smiles wide, “I love s’mores.”
“Yeah, but they’re way better when the marshmallow isn’t burnt,” you respond.
He looks at you quizzically before sticking two marshmallows on the poker and handing it to you. You place the empty bottle into the built-in cup holder on the chair and grab the poker, holding it carefully six inches above the flames. After one side crisps to a light golden brown, you rotate the marshmallows to finish toasting them to perfection.
You hold the poker out to him and ask, “Would you do the honors?”
He grabs enough for two, constructing the desserts quickly and with precision. Once the marshmallows are off, you lay the stick against the bricks surrounding the fire, careful to not only ensure it stays in place, but to keep from waking Y/N Junior.
Suga hands one to you once you are sitting upright again and an idea pops into your head, “Taste test on three... one... two... three!” you say, taking a large bite out of the sweet treat.
You hear an audible “mmm” from Suga as the flavors swirl around in your own mouth. The chewy marshmallow mingles wit the crunchy graham cracker as the chocolate melts.
“I guess I get why they call them s’mores,” you stare at him blankly as he continues, “It’s because once you have one, you always crave s’more!” You can't help it...a laugh escapes from your lips.
“Let’s see you do it the right way then, hot shot,” you say, handing him the poker with one hand while popping the rest of the snack into your mouth with the other.
Suga obliges, placing two marshmallows onto the device. You watch as he attempts to imitate your process. 
Unfortunately, he is holding the poker at a slightly downward angle, and a marshmallow falls into the pit. He quickly withdraws the poker, but the other marshmallow touches the flames. He blows it out and lays the stick on the ground, looking defeated.
“How about I stick to roasting the marshmallows from now on?” you ask, nudging him on the shoulder.
“Okay, but one day I’ll get it right and then I’ll show you!” He says.
Between you roasting the marshmallows, him constructing the s’mores, and the both of you devouring them, time passes quickly. Before you know it, fireflies emerge from hiding, joining the stars to twinkle in the sky.
Suga passes you a lantern and a marker. “My family has a tradition where we write our hopes on the sides of these lanterns before we let them fly away,” he explains.
You write yours down as he does his. He secretly lights his and lets it fly away, then hands a matchbook to you. You light yours and let it go, then quickly fan the match through the air until the flame goes out.
Not long after, fireworks begin, which startles Y/N Junior out of her cat nap. “Do you mind if we move inside? It will muffle the sounds of the explosions so Y/N can sleep,” Suga points out.
You stand up, carefully cradling the kitten in your arms and make your way to the house. You slide off your flip-flops and stand to the side while he opens the door for you. You enter and follow Suga through the house. 
He opens another door, revealing a room full of volleyball posters. The bed is neatly made with black linens, and there is a huge sit-in window taking up the wall facing the fireworks. Suga sits on the bed, propping himself up on his elbows. He looks between you and the bed, as if he were trying to tell you to join him.
You oblige, sitting with your back against the array of pillows. The air conditioner turns on, causing you to shiver. You feel Suga shift to grab something off the bed frame, then drape it across your back. From the feel of the material you can tell it’s his athletic jacket.
“So Y/N, what did you wish for?” He asked.
You pick up the kitten and hold her in the air so she is facing you as you respond, “I want her to grow big and strong, and I would like to be there for it too. What about you?”
At this point, he is watching the fireworks explode into the sky while you admire Junior’s cute face.
“Y/N look at me,” he says. You set the cat in the space between the two of you and turn to face him. “I was wishing for the courage to do this,” he says, sliding his fingers into your hair. His lips meet yours and sparks of electricity reach every cell in your body. The kiss ends in sync with the finale of fireworks, and you are happy that Suga held his own private viewing with you.
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ducktracy · 4 years
174. get rich quick porky (1937)
release date: august 28th, 1937
series: looney tunes
director: bob clampett
starring: mel blanc (porky), cal howard (gabby), earle hodgins (honest john)
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another cartoon that entails a lengthy preface! 
while this is bob clampett’s second piece as a director, it’s the first cartoon where he has full control of the helm. his previous entry, porky’s badtime story, was started by ub iwerks, who as preceded the unit. but, technically, clampett was co-directing with chuck jones.
here’s where the famous Clampett-Jones rivalry settles in. bob clampett and chuck jones did not get along. even friz freleng mentioned that they had been fighting like kids since they WERE kids, which is very true. clampett and jones would have both been 24 at the time of the cartoon’s release, jones turning 25 in september. chuck jones thought that he was co-directing the shorts with clampett, doing character layouts (which WAS a very hefty job and considered a director’s job) while clampett did the writing and timing of the shorts. however, the credits only credit clampett and not jones, so jones assumed that clampett had deliberately gotten rid of jones’ credit (to which clampett didn’t have any control over). jones would therefore hold this grudge against clampett all the way to the grave--they were bitter rivals, and chuck especially was very outspoken about his disdain and contempt towards clampett. it’s unfortunate how such a big misunderstanding can be inflated into such a bitter rivalry, and even more unfortunate to see two great talents go against each other, but that explains that. we’re here to analyze their great cartoons, not gossip about them! (...well, not ALL the time, anyway.)
a second extra little treat is that this cartoon has an animator’s draft, courtesy of devon baxter, so that we can see who animated every single scene! devon also has a breakdown video posted so you can see the credits in conjunction with the assigned animation. thanks a bunch, devon!
gabby goat sings his swan song in this fun, light-hearted clampett entry tentatively titled the oily bird gets porky: porky and gabby are easily swindled by honest john, a snake oil (emphasis on the oil portion!) salesman who scams the boys into thinking they’ve struck it rich digging for oil.
“when my dreamboat comes home” fittingly scores the title card as the cartoon opens. in some clever signage play, the camera trucks back to reveal the title card posted on a sign--the screen fades out, fading back in to reveal a new sign (now scored with the appropriate “with plenty of money and you”) advertising “oh! ~~~ just oodles of oil!”, with the oil typography actually dripping, courtesy of norm mccabe.
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john carey provides the animation of the facetiously named honest john, the antagonistic oil huckster of the film. a fun bit of clampett continuity: from 1959-1962, clampett would make a cartoon adaptation of his hit puppet series time for beany. one of the characters, the show’s antagonist, was actually named dishonest john! honest john chuffs on a cigarette (his wealth and snootiness indicated by the cigarette holder he sports) as a truck driver asks where to deposit his “erl”. john, voiced by earle hodgins, redirects the trucker to park around the fence. it is then that john attaches a hose from the oil tank attached to the truck to a sprinkler system, and presto! sweet, bubbling “erl” spouts up from hidden sprinklers within a patch of land. carey’s animation is very smooth and dimensional, a telltale trait of his work.
satisfied, john now opts to search for his next pair of suckers (”ahem. i should say prospects. someone with a little money to invest in...”) lo and behold, his pair of suckers are right across the street, marching up to the bank. 
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said suckers, are, of course, porky and gabby, now cast as children. for porky especially, his age was inconsistent in the ‘30′s and early ‘40′s cartoons--sometimes he was a child, sometimes he was an adult. more often than not, he was a young adult, and would obviously remain that way through the vast majority of his filmography, but there are a few exceptions, such as here. after all, he did debut as a school child. bobe cannon animates the closeup of the duo at the bank, porky toting a bag of money. gabby, voiced here by storyman cal howard as opposed to mel blanc, urges porky not to store away his money (”let’s buy us a car, or a yacht, or a trip to europe, or a chocolate soda or somethin’!), but porky refuses. “uh-uh, i’m eh-geh-geh-geh-gonna sock my eh-meh-mo-mo--dough in here and get eh-teh-teh-two percent!” bobe’s animation of porky is easy to spot in the clampett toons, especially around 1938-1939, where he would typically draw porky with buck teeth.
suddenly, honest john swoops in himself to stop the boys from going any further. he introduces himself as john gusher, doing some gushing of his own as he describes how fortune is going to smile down upon them. jerry hathcock’s timing is excellent as he shows the kid his card, zipping it out of his pocket and back in again at the blink of an eye. without giving the boys any time to think for themselves, john pushes the kids to the oil site, ranting and raving about the wondrous business opportunity before them. to demonstrate, john jabs his cane into the soil, where a mini oil gusher spurts up on command--”presto!”
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more succinct comedic timing as john, finally winding down his spiel, concludes “i won’t take any more of your valuable time. a little parting word, let me say...” after a pause, he jumps right back in with a breathless delivery of “this land is so saturated with oil that you can literally wring it out with your fingers!” he does, of course, just that, much to the delight of the kids. 
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john carey takes over and does a rather impressive little scene of porky and gabby contemplating signing the deed. gabby urges porky on, telling him that they won’t get another chance like this (prompting a rather humorous delivery of “uh... ‘til death do us part” from earle hodgins as john.) carey’s animation is extremely smooth, brimming with subtle character action. porky and gabby’s differences shine, but also unite: gabby is much more outspoken about his eagerness to sign the deed, nudging porky and literally pushing him to sign the deed. porky, on the other hand, is more cautious and timid, having to mull it over by thinking and tapping his chin with the pen. but, of course, porky shares gabby’s excitement--it doesn’t take much for him to change his mind. he signs the deed, gabby excitedly looming over his shoulder. even the animation of john tapping and signaling towards the deed is well crafted. john carey’s animation is very appealing--once chuck jones would leave the clampett unit, carey would take over as his layout man, all the way until 1941 when he moved to norm mccabe’s unit. 
the boys are now excused, free to dig for oil. the shift from minor to major key in the underscore of “with plenty of money and you” reflects their excitement as they rush to get the equipment. bobe cannon animates gabby drilling into the soil--he strikes something, and sure enough, he hauls up an entire canister of oil. he’s delighted, rather than outraged or confused at being scammed, gleefully remarking “porky, look! oil!”
thus sparks the B plot of the cartoon. this isn’t as segmented as other clampett cartoons with A and B plots as, say, porky’s party, but it’s a start--clampett would sort of introduce the concept of having A and B plots in his cartoons, which wasn’t quite something that existed before in pre-existing warner bros. cartoons (off the top of my head, anyway.) a stray dog stumbles upon the oil site, curiously approaching the dirt pile left by porky as he digs for sweet, sweet “erl”. much to the dog’s delight, porky digs up a bone, which the dog takes away and buries for himself. the scene (animated by bill hammer) definitely takes inspiration after the rising popularity in pluto cartoons over at disney, demonstrating that WB wasn’t entirely free from the disney stranglehold just yet.
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 as the dog digs, the bone is suddenly propelled into the air by a mini-gusher. dog carefully covers the gusher by lowering the bone down, but gets smacked in the face in the process as the gusher propels upwards once more. bill hammer was an animator over at the iwerks unit, and a bit of that iwerks flavor is still present in the dizzy lines hammer animates after the dog gets struck in the head with the bone. resigned, the pooch covers the hole back up, only to get squirted in the eye by another gusher. and, to top it all off, we have more Naughty Clampett Humor as the gusher from before brushes against the dog’s nether regions, prompting him to giggle delightedly. this isn’t the first nor last gag of its kind in a warner bros cartoon--especially a clampett cartoon! frantically, the dog attempts to plug up all of the rapidly appearing gushers beneath him, a double-exposure technique used to convey the urgency of his plight. gushers prevail as the pup is launched into the air, propelled by a stream of oil beneath each paw. in all, the scene drags along and definitely plays into that “curious puppy” humor filled with polite chuckles, but some of hammer’s poses and facial expressions make for a treat.
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back to the boys in the next sequence, handled by bobe cannon. gabby, perched on a jackhammer, asks porky how to operate it, but he immediately begins drilling uncontrollably before he can finish his sentence. cal howard’s vocals as gabby are amusing, especially his ad-libbed cries for help--his gabby is less scratchy and high pitched than mel’s gabby, and instead deeper voiced and more goat-like in inflection, sounding like he’s bleating at certain points. porky rushes to speak into the hole that gabby dug himself into, anxiously asking “uh-guh-eh-guh-eh-gabby! uh-weh-eh-where are ya?” gabby answers his query by digging out of an adjacent hole, breaking cartoon physics by drilling and floating upside down in the air. he manages to land safely, the drill stopping just enough for him to chew porky out for not helping him. and, of course, the drill starts up again, sending gabby within the earth’s soil once more. porky asks if he’s alright, prompting a bleat-y “what do you think!?” from an offscreen gabby. it should be noted that the underscore here is, of course, “the merry go round broke down”, a rather fitting and amusing choice. interestingly enough, clampett’s next entry, roval’s rival, would be the first cartoon to debut that song as the looney tunes theme song, which would be used all the way up until the last short in 1969.
chuck jones hones in on one of his three specialties: dogs (the others being drunks and close-ups--sometimes all three at once!) he animates the malcontent pooch fiddling with his bone. a bump in the ground, and a gopher pops up, doing a little twirl in the process, bugs bunny style, like a magic trick. clampett always fostered a love of magic tricks, and this fascination pokes through in this scene. the gopher signals for the dog’s attention before ducking inside the hole, much to the dog’s delight--a hole to bury his bone into! as he tosses the bone inside, he’s treated with a rude awakening as the bone is hurled right back up out of the hole. jones’ timing varies wonderfully--the dog is slow to put his bone back in the hole, but once he does he jumps to cover it up quickly, resulting in some intriguing psuedo-smears. after all, it would be his own cartoon, the dover boys at pimento university, that really brought the magic of smears to life. the animation of the dog twitching his eye on one’s is another great touch.
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the gopher returns to bonk the dog on the head with the bone, which segues into a series of magic tricks (scored fittingly with “she was an acrobat’s daughter”.) the gopher shrinks the bone into his hand, reducing it to nothingness, much to the befuddlement of the pooch. tried and true, the gopher brings the bone out from behind the dog’s ear, pointing at it excitedly as the pup can only stare in bewilderment. gopher buries the bone, signaling for the dog to dig it back up. delighted, fido digs for his beloved bone, and is greeted with a spurt of oil right in the face. to top it off, the gopher brings the bone out from the recesses of the dog’s mouth, ending the show by retreating back in his hole. heartbroken, the pup begins to cry mournfully, pounding his fists against the ground and kicking his legs. in all, the scene is a very nice one. not very snappy, but chuck’s timing is full of momentum and personality, and his drawings are very appearing. there are some angles of the dog’s head that just SCREAM chuck jones--they look like something straight out of one of his cartoons. some aspects of these magic tricks, such as the gopher shrinking the bone to nothingness, would be used in chuck’s own cartoon, prest-o change-o, a mere two years later in 1939. the gopher itself IS very bugs bunny-esque in execution.
transition back to our piggy protagonist, hacking away at the ground with a pick-axe. he hits a sweet spot, excitedly reaching for his bucket as oil spurts out of the ground. just as he’s able to collect a few drops, we cut to our favorite huckster john, who snickers as he turns the hose valve off, thus eliminating the geyser. porky digs again, this time striking one of the sprinkler systems connected to the hose. we get a closeup, where porky is squirted straight in the eye by the hose.
honest john himself opts to scope things out. “what’s the matter, sonny boy? you aren’t discouraged, are you?” porky displays his childlike innocence (a property that would carry on to his adult years as well, but is especially strong here since he is a kid in this picture) as he wipes away his tears. “you’re je-je-je-just a crook, and i want my muh-me-muh-me-muh-me-money back!” john, ever the haggler, proposes that porky return the deed in return for a $1 bill. 
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norm mccabe takes over from john hathcock, whose animation is muddied by noticeably poor inking. pan to the ground, where we see a black slick hiding under the soil, the words “OIL!” bubbling up to make its appearance obvious, with gabby drilling dangerously close to it. pan back up to more norm mccabe animation, a switch--clampett LOVED to switch his animators around. so much so that identifying his later cartoons can be infuriatingly difficult because he would switch his animators in the middle of a scene out of seemingly nowhere. he wasn’t the only director to do this, but he certainly did it often. nevertheless, we pan back to porky and john. porky trepidatiously prepares to hand john the deed, who greets it with outstretched hands. just as gloves prepare to make contact with paper, gabby strikes the “SAME OIL!”, the typography playfully melting into a true oil geyser as goat, weasel, and pig are all catapulted into the air by a real, genuine gusher, scored by (what else?) “we’re in the money”. the layout of the oil geyser raining down upon the camera is at a nice up-angle, very tashlin-esque and intricate, if only for a second or two.
gabby still drills aimlessly around on the geyser as porky, holding onto the deed with john, remarks “a guh-gusher! i’m r-ri--i’m w-we-weal--i’m a buh-be-buh-be-buh-billionaire!” suddenly, porky realizes he’s still holding onto the deed with john, and thus sparking a tug of war between the two as he stutters threats (”i’ll tell my be-be-big brother on you!”) to the huckster. 
thankfully, gabby, who has been drilling aimlessly for the past few minutes, saves the day by accidentally drilling into the back of john’s pants. earle hodgins’ screams are hilarious (and sound almost genuine), as is bill hammer’s animation of the weasel being held hostage by the drill running around in the back of his pants. the deed is now in porky’s clutches, who grabs gabby and pulls the both of them to the ground. hammer’s drawings of porky especially in this last shot of them preparing to fall down are very, VERY appealing and cute.
both kids on the ground, porky holds up the white, elongated object in his hand, gleefully declaring he got the deed... or so he thinks. jerry hathcock does porky’s closeup as he realizes the precious deed he holds in his hand is, in fact, a bone.
dejected, the kids are left to mope, until a little bump in the ground comes to solve all of their problems. chuck jones animates the final scene of the Magic Gopher coming in to save the day: porky hands him the bone, and, much to his head-shaking surprise, is met with the deed right in the gopher’s hands after just a flick of the wrists. porky reaches out for the deed, prompting the gopher to shake his finger--always a catch. 
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“partners? 50-50, even steven?” porky nods. with the deal made, the gopher helpfully rips the deed in half, giving porky the bottom half. iris out on the gopher winking, holding up the top half of the deed (emblazoned as such) in victory.
while this isn’t the most rousing clampett entry of them all, it’s certainly one that i revisit quite often and am rather fond of. it has plenty of fun and intriguing animation--john carey’s scene of the boys signing the deed is just fantastic. his animation is very grounded and smooth. while the psuedo-pluto scenes aren’t the most exciting pieces of work around, the chuck jones sequence with the gopher and dog are especially impressive, highlighting just how strong jones’ draftmanship was. clampett’s cartoons became much more wild and loose after jones left the unit (just look at porky in wackyland), and chuck certainly seemed to ground clampett, but at the same time, the lack of jones’ draftsmanship was rather apparent upon his exit. he’s a very strong force, and that sequence with the dog is no exception. earle hodgins does a great job as honest john, as well as voicing salesmen in general--he was also the salesman in tex avery’s porky the rainmaker a year earlier. i love mel blanc to death and have nothing but praises to shower him in, but it is always fun to have other people like earle hodgins to come up and voice characters alongside him. cal howard does a fine job as gabby, too.
speaking of gabby, as i mentioned earlier, this is his final cartoon. i have this odd fascination with gabby. these clampett cartoons i’m going to be reviewing are some of the first LT cartoons i watched as an adult, and therefore have a fonder place in my heart than others. so, watching the iwerks cartoons that clampett was heavily involved in, gabby was introduced to me VERY early on and i’ve been fascinated with him since. out of his three entries, he became more and more watered down: his fury and anger is practically nonexistent here in comparison to how bitter he was in porky and gabby. while i find him interesting, i don’t shed too many tears over his absence--daffy will always be porky’s best sidekick, and i’m not saying that because i’m biased! nevertheless, gabby is an interesting enigma, serving as WB’s failed attempt at a donald duck for porky’s mickey (who is much richer in personality than mickey himself, as we’ll explore, much to my unbridled excitement!) gabby WAS slated to return in porky’s party, alongside petunia, but was instead scrapped for a penguin character instead. thus, gabby would take a near 80 year absence, being revived in 2018 in wabbit/new looney tunes, voiced by bob bergen. 
so, overall, i recommend this cartoon! i view it more fondly than it probably needs to be viewed, but it’s a fun, early entry that makes for a good, leisurely watch. 
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vsullivan · 5 years
Lucky 7 | Steve Harrington x Reader – pt. 6
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I had no idea what I should name this chapter so I just spit something out. Also, I realized I haven’t been putting in a lot of Seven and Steve so I made sure to throw in a little flashback of them having a little moment at the beginning of summer ;^) hope you guys aren’t too bored with the development, I’m just trying to build the story up before I start diving into more flashbacks! Don’t worry though, the next chapter, chapter SEVEN, will definitely be long and have a lot more Steve x Seven for obvious reasons ;^)
It was time. Sure, it was spontaneous and definitely ill thought-out, considering she’s only had about five minutes to think of a plan. But she had no choice, there might not be another opportunity like this.
Chapter 6: It’s A Matter Of Time And Ice Cream
It was time. Sure, it was spontaneous and definitely ill thought-out, considering she’s only had about five minutes to think of a plan. But she had no choice, there might not be another opportunity like this. Seven made sure to memorize the path of the laboratory, curtesy of that photographic memory of hers. Next, she just had to wait for the man in the white coat to return - in which one did not a few minutes later. No sunglasses. It wasn’t the same man as before, but the difference made the chances of her plan succeeding a tad higher. She strode up to the glass wall, she learned from the stranger that it was called a two-way mirror, she could see them, but they couldn’t see her. Perfect. Seven knocked against the surface harshly, catching both the stranger and man in the white coat off guard - both looking in the direction of the sound. The employee probably assumed the sound came from a fellow coworker trying to gain his attention, not having the slightest clue that it was their guinea pig was one on the other side. It turns out two men in the white coat made a grave error that day. Seven immediately reached out for his tendril, feeling as it found its way into her hand. Grasping it tightly, it was his turn to be a prisoner. She uttered a silent command, causing him to quickly turn on his heel, opening the door to the room to head to her own. She heard as a lock clicked and was graced with his presence as he paved stood and gave her room to pass through. Seven’s pace was fast and deliberate, yet kept her wits about her incase a new coat wearer came into view. Eventually one did, and the look of suprise he wore vanished when the man she controlled knocked him out. After making her minion drag the unconscious individual in a nearby storage closet, she walked behind him this time as they continued their journey to the exit. Thankfully, the biggest and strongest man in the white coat had been the one to step in that stranger’s room. Seven felt guilt settle into the pit of her stomach, but the mixture of adrenaline and anger fueled her as she carried on. A few more coat wearers faced the same fate as the first, and it wasn’t long until they finally reached the metal door that separated her from the outside world - from her freedom. Her minion fished out a set of keys from his pocket, using each one to turn and unlock the slits in the wall next to the metal. She had seen in the stranger’s memories that anyone allowed access to the lab must place their hand on the black rectangle positioned on the metal surface.
And so, her minion complied as she gave him the command. Seven watched the black screen flash green when he pressed his hand against the surface, she would have been more curious if she wasn’t currently trying to escape.
The sun blinded her when she first stepped beyond the door. Seven felt the grass beneath her feet nestle between her toes and the blue sky above once her field of view began to clear. The fresh air, the sound of birds crying in the distance, all these sensations finally her own – she wasn’t experiencing them through the memories of stranger.
However, she didn’t have time to embrace the outside world just yet. Feeling like she needed him no longer, she commanded the man in the white coat to go back inside that prison that held her for so long – making sure he locked himself inside while she kept the keys in her hand.
Once the metal seal was shut, she blinked – effectively letting go of the rope that tied her to her minion. Then, Seven dropped the keys and began to run. She ran as fast as her legs would allow. It wasn’t long before she stopped in front of some sort of giant ball held up by tall metal columns, her breathing sporadic as she needed a moment to rest. She noticed how her own ability to run long distances was significantly lesser than that of the seasoned athlete whose memories she once viewed.
Her focus shifted to what loomed before her. Tilting her head in confusion, Seven walked around the strange structure to read: “Hawkins Water Tower.” However, her inspection was cut quick when the sound of alarms going off in the distance reached her ears.
She bolted, not knowing exactly where her legs were carrying her –
But it didn’t matter as long it was far, far away from hell.
 Seven was nervous about this. She didn’t find it appropriate to show up on a stranger’s doorstep, but the three teens were left with no choice other than to find out what was going on inside. Being the adult in this situation, it was Seven who wracked her knuckles against the wooden door. Neither of the three expected it to open voluntarily, much less only mere seconds after Seven knocked.
“Oh, hello!” They were greeted by a much older woman, who gave them a confused, yet welcoming smile. “Uh,” Seven forgot how to speak for a moment, where they at the right house? “Are you girls lost?”
“No, no, um-“ Max suddenly cut Seven off. “We’re looking for Billy, I mean, Heather. I mean Billy and Heather.” The redhead’s cheeks flushed. “Together.” She finished.
The woman’s eyebrows furrowed as she processed the situation, El quickly piping in before they could be asked to leave. “Need to see, Billy.” She said slowly, gesturing her head to Max. “Stepbrother.” An “O” forming at the woman’s lips before it was quickly replaced by another smile. “Come on in then, we were just about to start dinner.”
Seven walked in first, her eyes scanning the room for any suspicious activity – but she found none. All she saw was a normal living space, like that of her friends’ homes but not so much as her father’s, all of it tidy without a hint of anything sinister going on. Despite that, none of the girls let down their guard.
“In there!” Their host sing-songed, gesturing around the corner – and around that corner was Billy, sitting across the dining table with a fork and knife in either hand. He had an amused smirk on his lips as he listened to the individual across from him, who was an older man – assuming to be their welcomer’s husband.
The conversation stopped when the gentleman’s eyes landed on the three figures that came closer. Seven noticed how Billy’s face lit up as his attention switched to them.
“Max!” He said cheerily, wiping his lips with a cloth napkin before setting down his utensils. “What brings you here?”
“Who?” The man to Billy’s side asked, his expression contrasted his partner’s with how the corners of his mouth tugged downwards into a slight scowl. “My stepsister!” Billy beamed, turning his attention from the man’s back to Max and her squad.
The back and forth was cut short when El suddenly spoke;
“Where is Heather?”
“Here!” The girls quickly turned around – the person they’d been looking for standing happy and alive on the staircase behind them.
Seven couldn’t make sense of it.
A Month Prior
Seven wasn’t a fan of this heat. It was even worse when she slid into the death trap that was her father’s car, immediately turning on the engine to summon the sweet, sweet, breeze of cold air even before El could catch up to join her.
The sound of the passenger door opening and closing reached her ears, following the noise of a seat belt being dragged and click into its holder. Seven turned her head to see El beaming at her.
Seven nodded, “Me too.”
The drive to the new mall was short, it took longer just to find a parking place. Seven eventually had to settle for a spot that resided at the end of the lot. She dreaded the walk to the building and back, knowing the summer sun would have her melting in seconds.
When the two finally stepped behind the automated glass doors to the mall, Seven was instantly relieved to feel that cool air embrace her. Oh, and she was also happy to see the smiling faces four younger teens that greeted her, and the big grin on El’s features as she embraced her boyfriend.
“Took you two long enough!” Lucas joked, Max then flicking his arm to silence her impatient partner. “Are you guys ready to go eat?” The redheaded asked, “Looks like you could stand for some cooling down, Seven.”
She nodded, wiping the sweat beginning to drip from her brow. God, she looked like mess. She would opt to go to the restroom to fix herself up if it wouldn’t incite some knowing looks. The kids were already onto Seven by the enthusiasm she had days before when she asked to meet up at the mall and eat at Scoops Ahoy. She really needed to learn how to master the art of subtly.
Seven could only pray she didn’t look like a sweaty rat as she followed the kids to said restaurant. However, her anxiety was doubled once they made their way inside. Behind the counter, they were greeted using the restaurant slogan by a girl with short hair. The girl smiled at them.
“What can I get for you guys?” And then, the metal door to the girl’s right swung open, revealing the actual reason why Seven wanted some ice cream so badly. “Ahoy- oh, hey shitheads.” Steve spoke, his lips taking the form of a grin before he noticed Seven’s presence.
“And their beautiful babysitter.” Seven’s face heated up, the smirk he wore fueling her racing heart. “Pfft.” His coworker snorted, “You’re the master of subtly, huh Harrington?” The kids laughed at this, but Seven couldn’t help the pang of, of – jealousy? In her chest as she watched her favorite goofball begin to bicker back and forth with the girl whose name was revealed to be Robin.
Seven didn’t know what came over her, but when Robin made eye contact, she harshly squeezed the tendril in hand – desperate to know what her competition was thinking. However, Seven’s temper was quickly extinguished when she heard –
“No way is this chick gonna fall for that dingus. She’s too cute for him.” If Seven didn’t know better, she’d think Robin knew her mind was being read for she continued to flash toothy smile at her. “I would kill to have a girl like her.”
Seven let go of the rope, a mixture of relief and guilt flooding her system. However, she forced herself to smile through it, she didn’t want Robin to think she was rude. However, the young woman’s expression shifted to concern not moments later.
“Hey, hey, are you okay?” She asked, and Seven quickly panicked – her nose was bleeding. She wasn’t wearing long sleeves, she needed to find a napkin, and fast. “Here.” She heard Robin say before she turned to see a napkin being offered to her from behind the counter.
“Oh, thank you.” Seven took it from her, she felt the shame overtake her as several pairs of knowing eyes watched while she wiped the blood from her nose. Before Robin had the chance to question the sudden tension, Steve stepped in to save the day.
“So, what’ll you guys be having?” He began, a smile forming as he met Seven’s gaze beneath her lashes. The kids began talking excitedly, some feuding over which flavors were the best. While they waged an ice cream war, Steve quietly asked;
“Separate?” Referring to who’s paying. “Oh no, I have enough for all of them.” Seven replied as she began fishing for the wallet in her jeans pocket. “Ah, ah, ah-“ Steve waggled his finger at her, “I can’t allow that, not when you’ve so graciously filled in for me as these brats’ babysitter while I’m being enslaved here for the rest of the summer.”
Seven smiled, and Steve’s gaze softened at the sight. “It’s on me.” He said, and it was only then that Seven noticed the outfit he was wearing. “Thank you, Steve.” She spoke, eyeing him up – and Steve didn’t fail to notice. He revealed at the notion of her checking him out, maybe now was the perfect time to mention that concert he had an extra ticket to on Saturday-
“I really like your uniform.” Seven interrupted his thought - embarrassment took shape of a blush as it blossomed on his cheeks. She noticed immediately, thinking;
‘Oh God, what did I say?’
“Are you done yet?” Steve’s voice sounded at the bottom of the stairs, Dustin rolled his eyes as he continued to search for any more flashlights or other survival gear that could be hiding in the Harrington attic. “In a minute!” He yelled back.
Steve groaned, his annoyance grew by the minute – and it skyrocketed when he heard the house phone go off. Marching towards it, he put the phone to his ear and said “Harrington household.” He was shocked to hear Robin’s voice on the other line.
“What the hell are you doing answering your phone, dingus? What happened to your date with Seven.” Steve’s stomach dropped. “Something came up, but why the hell are you calling me?” She sighed, assuming the worst about what could have happened at the movie. “Manager wanted me to call and ask if you could come in – some major golf club decided to reserve the restaurant at 10 pm. Who does that?”
He sighed, could this night get even worse? “Yeah, sure.” Steve reckoned if he and Dustin were heading to the mall anyways, he might as well get paid for it. He told Robin he’d be there in few minutes before hanging up and calling to Dustin who was making a lot of loud, unnecessary noises as he continued to throw junk around as he searched the attic.
“Worked called, looks like I got to put on my uniform.”
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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@a-girl-who-loves-disney @-thatgirloverthere- @truthdaze @grippleback-galaxy @sippinpeachtea  <33
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mystic-scripture · 5 years
Vixen x Juice relationship questions ❤❤❤
Thank You Dear! I haven’t thought of my Biker Babes in a while! Ship: Vixtiz (Vix Tirado and Juice Ortiz)Fandom: Sons of Anarchy 
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How did they they meet? Vix was trapped at the clubhouse and decided to clean up the piss poor bar situation and Juice comes for a drink as a break from looking up info on the Mayans that bombed Blue Bird. They exchange quips and judge each other’s OCD. Before Juice can ask her anything real though, Tank shows up with her bike keys and she takes off. 
Who developed romantic feelings first? Vix is in denial for a really long time, seeing them just as Friends with Benefits. Though she started to see some signs, but after her history with Hap she kind of turned feelings off when it came to guys. Juice was okay with that for a while, but then after one of the bigger dramatics that goes down with the Club, he finally just has an “Oh Damn I love this woman.”  (So cognitively? Juice. Realistically? Vix.)
Who is their biggest “shipper?” Amelia Siren Fucking Reddy! She sees the vibe between them almost instantly, and tries to open both of their eyes, but ends up feeling like she’s talking to a wall. 
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances? It’s at a Stacked “Blind Date” situation at a club party. One of the girls brought it from the studio and decided to gather a group to play. The ‘couples’ were drawn from a hat and they got paired. Vix had a dare that was either to give him her most suductive kiss or face some punishment as chosen by the mediator (sadistically they had all assigned Ren) So she just did it, walked away from him and downed a two shots of Rum as he just stood there stunned. 
Who confessed their feelings first?Juicey boy. it was right after they got back from being locked up for, and he drove Hap (and Tank) CRAZY talking about her so they told her either he was going to confess his feelings or they were gonna kick his ass and deposit him in front of her with a sign to the same effect.  He wisely chose to say it himself. 
What was their first official date? They go on a little tour of Juice’s favorite spots in Charming. They go to Clear Passages, he shows her a couple of places, and she even shows him a place or two that she found. 
How do they feel about double dates/group dates? Well, every party night is like a group date, but they prefer when they can do things just the two of them. 
What do they do in their down time? They tinker on their computers, her doing promotions, and him learning new things for his skill set or gaming. And they just kind of mellow out. 
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like? There is none, officially. Juice’s family is in New York and Vix’s Parents passed when she was a kid. So, instead he has to deal with Happy’s Tia and Mom who are arguably worse. This boy is not Hap? Why is she showing up and doing this to them? Juice has a bit of an awkward phase with them, but they are family to the Tirados. Tank just kind of give him a short and very effective talk about what his sister wasn’t for, and what he’d do if anything happened to her. Juice only needed to hear it once. He is also terrified of any PDA in front of him, but Vix does it anyway just to watch him squirm.
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it? Defining the Relationship. Juice admits his feelings and she doesn’t want to go there. They go a few days before Juice tries to feel out her feelings and she explodes at him for ruining the good thing they had going. Ironically they get over it by Vix preparing to sleep with someone else and realizing that she couldn’t. When she tells Juice that, he gives her a taste of her own medicine ending with them yelling until He finally just kisses her. 
Which one is more easily made jealous? Oh, Juice. He actually gets kinda mad at how little she cares about crow eaters/sweet butts/ randoms chicks that flirt with him. Granted, they both know that if anybody was REALLY a problem, she would handle her shit. However, he gets jealous of Hap due to their history as well as Opie as the two legacies get closer when Vix helps to take care of the kids after Donna’s Death.
What is their favourite thing to get to eat? As a couple? Vix makes him a family recipe for enchiladas and he can’t get enough of it. Every time they fight or she wants to cheer him up she’ll make it for him.
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position? They both are okay with it. They take turns sitting on the couch with the other’s head resting on their lap. Juice is also known to just pull her to his side so that she just kind of twists into him. She’s secretly more of cuddler than him, but her damn pride won’t let it happen. 
Are they hand holders? Nah, usually he keeps a hand on her waist or in her back pocket. she will loop her arm around him and under his Kut. 
When did they have sex for the first time? What’s the circumstances? Oh they sleep together pretty quickly; she was struggling with Tank’s overprotective bullshit and Hap’s presence so she just kinda throws herself at him and he doesn’t protest. 
Who tops? Vix, but she’ll occasionally let him have is way with her.
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into? They have a lot, since Juice tries to protect her from things she can clearly handle, and she throws herself headfirst into danger. The worst would have to be the night he came home after trying to kill himself.  Suicide is a very big thing with Vix, and she feels really betrayed by this, and lashes out at him. She goes and spends some time on Opie’s Couch much to his irritation. 
Who does the shopping and the cooking? They take turns, more often it’s Juice, since Vix is very heavy handed with spices or carbs. Her health improved greatly when they got together. 
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness? They both are organized, but they have to find compromises in their two very different systems of organization.
Who proposes? Neither, they never really reach that part in their relationship. They go through a few rough patches, and then when Juice’s endgame starts to rear it’s head, things get difficult.
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids
Big Ceremony or Small?
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?
Do they have children? How many? Due to an accident when she was a teen, she is unable to have kids, and though they talked about adopting, Juice was always terrified to raise a kid in the life of the Sons
Send Me a Ship and I’ll Tell You Their Break Down
Gif made for me by @dreamcrackship
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ktheist · 6 years
darling, we’ll be okay
pairings: yoongi x reader word count: 2 360 genre: fluff i guess
concept: do you ever feel, for whatever reason be it as small as having absolutely nothing cute to wear to screwing a job interview, you want to disappear from the world and bury yourself in blankets and netflix and chill? it’s okay to do that. even the avengers need a break after battling an army of alien invasion.
You thought that if you’d stayed put, wrapped in your blanket like a burrito with only a flock of bird’s nest visible on one end, who ever’s knocking on your door would get that you’re not home. Since not many or at all would get why someone wouldn’t get the door if they were, unless they’re in the shower or have the stereos blasting in their rooms until they went deaf by the music.
But your walls are paper-thin and even a sneeze from the farthest room in your apartment could travel through the narrow hallway, into common area and past through the crevice under the door. So no, you don’t have the volume at its highest and you aren’t dancing on the bed with a pair of faded shorts and fader t-shirt of your favorite band you got off their website when you went to see them two years ago and you’re not in the shower thus you won’t be getting out of it anytime soon if they’re planning to wait until you do.
I mean anyone sane enough should leave and come back another time, or give you a call on your cellphone and leave a voice message after the beep once they realize their hand could be falling off their wrist and the door still won’t be open, shouldn’t they?
Amidst the debate between what kind of headstrong person on your door and whether you should take it as a sign from life telling you it’s god-knows-what hour and get your ass up and get some decent meal, AKA the leftovers from the fridge that you knew would come in handy, the incessant knocking stops. Completely.
And since your walls are equivalent to the thickness of a cardboard which, isn’t very thick, you hear the clipped clicking of the lock, the ominous creak that your door tends to make as it reminds you that the hinges need oiling before you get locked out of your own apartment for good. But you’re willing to give it another five years, give and take, before the metal keeping the door and door frame intact completely rusts in its place and requires you or whoever moved in by then to shoulder-shove and foot-on-the-wall yank it to make it open and close.
In a sense, you should be alarmed that someone’s found the spare key you stored under the mat and abandoned all common sense of privacy to get into your apartment to drop off god-knows-what they couldn’t just leave on your doorsteps.
Your intruder struts in with a steady pace that goes against the urgency brought by the drive of coming in uninvited, their footfalls echoing louder in the hallway until they stop by the bed which you are currently rotting away under the layers of blanket.
Against your better judgement and lack of will to face the world and people, you grasp the end of the blanket and yank it down to your nose, just enough to pry one eye and see the figure towering over you with all black and smelling of coffee, something delicious and fresh laundry. The latter, you haven’t had the luxury of donning.
“What time is it?” Even you’re surprised of the toad-like voice that scratched your throat, all the more reason to get off the bed after who knows how long of netflix and chill.
Judging from the lights pouring through the smallest of gaps from the blinds, the sun must be high over your head and shining brightly for a day’s worth of errands and for Yoongi to also be barely awake at this time of the day. Yet here he is, fresher than the morning dew and in your apartment instead of his.
“Three in the afternoon give and take,” he shrugs, “You’re not answering you phone or texts, how’d the interview go?”
He sits himself on the bed, his thigh pressing against your blanketed arm though he can do without the contact since the empty sides of the bed is big enough with you forming a lump on the center. But you’re not one to complain as you find the warmth of another being much more welcoming than what your blanket offers which really is just your body heat accumulated under it.
You look over the handbag on the floor by the door where your phone has been since you got off the plane, dropped carelessly last night in your lack of care for the world and immense urge to detach yourself from it which is saying a lot since you rarely separate from the device, checking your social media accounts every five minutes out of habit and sometimes seeing a new post from one of your friends while other times, the dashboard remaining the same in its content since you last saw it.
“Good,” you take your bottom lip between your teeth in ginger contemplation, staring at Yoongi’s softened features and feeling a familiar knot in your stomach at the recollection of how things went not even 24 hours ago, “not good, not really.”
You pry the blanket waist-level as you drag yourself up, your joints feeling a whole lot less enthusiastic about the movement after having been constantly buried under a pile of blankets for 12 hours.
Yoongi hands you a cup of coffee, the circular emerald logo on it signifying your favorite place to get a quality caffeinated drink which just sends your heart flipping in your chest. He doesn’t just check up on you, he’s making sure you have your morning dose of awakening and judging from the suspicious paper bag next to the cup holder on your nightstand, Yoongi is making sure you’re getting the most important meal of the day as well. 
“What’s wrong?”
You take an appreciative gulp of the bittersweet beverage, your arm pressed against his not in a compact, no-space kind of way like when you’re packed in a car with four people instead of three in the backseat but rather a nice, comforting human contact kind of way where you can feel his own muscles relax against yours, shoulders slumped as you both lean against the headboard, staring at the baby blue wall in front of you.
Yoongi’s eyes are barely open like they usually are even though he’s probably already finished his own coffee on the way here. The corners of his mouth are naturally pulled down, giving him the signature blank look he wears most of the time which anyone would have guessed him to be bored, disinterested in fact, despite the serious question.
But having been friends with Yoongi for over three years and noting that he’s more observant than he lets on, you know your answer, however ridiculous it may be, Yoongi will not be one of those people you decided against confiding because you know how they’ll react and brush off your anxiety like dust on a broom.
“I stuttered,” you mumble against the rounded carton rim, hands encasing the cup like the only beacon of strength you have left, “more like choked on my words which is worse honestly and fidgeted in my seat.”
Another sip of the liquid is just an excuse for you to soak in what you’ve said yourself, recalling the moments you wish badly to forget through reruns of Criminal Minds with a bowl of cheetos. Whilst you would have flashbacks at the most random times and wish to hit your head against the coffee table just to tell your memory storage to stop giving you unnecessary remembrance, Luke Alves, for the most part brought you back to the present and how he profiles the unsub.
“And blabbered on and on,” the panelists’ faces are clear in your head as you tell him whilst holding the urge to face-plant into the pillow and scream until your throat hurts and you can project a screech no more, “It was a mess, I’m pretty sure I failed, no, I know I failed.”
“You don’t know for sure,” Yoongi takes the beverage when you hand it over to him to place it back on the nightstand, deciding it’s lost its sugary sweetness to the bitter aftermath of overflowing thoughts,” not until you get a notice whether you got it or not.”
His hand wraps around your now empty hand whilst the other fetches the paper bag and drops it on your lap, thumb pad caressing the back of your hand and sparking electricity with every minute stroke like a match on emery. Your hands fit together perfectly, yours a tad smaller but perfect, you think as you trail the green vein protruding under his skin, disappearing under the sleeve of his cardigan.
“I heard them laughing as I leave the room,” Though uncurling the top of the bag serves to be more of a struggle with one hand, you manage to straighten it out and peek in, the smell of sausages and bacon instantly hitting your nostrils as your stomach all of a sudden decides it’s hungry, “I mean, if I don’t get the job, I at least get to be an amusement, right?”
You bite off a strip of bacon, relishing in the wholeness of an actual food since yesterday’s lunch; last night’s cheetos doesn’t count as a meal and despite the nonchalance you put on, your hand twitches just the slightest bit, gripping Yoongi’s a tad tighter for the briefest moment and you can only hope he doesn’t feel it, “Not the mean kind of laugh, more like, an adult watching a baby’s reaction to broccoli kind of laugh.”
The only sound resonating off the walls is the crippling of the paperbag as you dip your free hand into it, opting for a sausage next as Yoongi leans his head against the board, sight averted to the ceiling instead of the wall; his thumb is still caressing the patch of skin near your knuckle. You’re not sure if he’s doing this mindlessly or if he really knows how much you need it more than you do from the years you’ve spent, mapping each other’s faces, rubbing off one another and learning the little things about the other.
“How are you feeling now?” Judging from the comforter draped over the couch, the bowl of half eaten cheetos and a few kernels that missed your mouth and are now lying on the floor and the laptop on the coffee table next to said bowl, not to mention your excessive lethargy to getting the door, Yoongi’s bound to catch on and ask the million dollar question, in spite of the joke and unaffected tone.
Your biting stops, the food going down forcefully as you lose what’s left of your appetite. For half a second, you’re recalling every minute you spent in the room you were interviewed in from the moment you stepped in to the moment you humiliate yourself with your nonsensical babbling until you're led out.
Yoongi brings you back  with the sparks of his touch, not realizing what effect he has on you as he peers down at your reverie-stricken self with those down turned lips which can only mean two things which a) he’s attentively listening and right now it’s the silence that’s speaking so loud and b) he’s debating whether to tell you about the pinch of bacon stuck in your teeth.
You’re assuming it’s the first.
“Not okay,” you release a long sigh and lean your head against the dashboard as well, uncaring if your tightening grip is almost uncomfortable and causes him to want to pull away but you need this, you need him even just for a second to remind you that you’re back home, away from the nerve-wracking interview, done, “I feel like I made a complete fool of myself and all I want is stay in bed all day long, sleep and just forget about everything.”
Yoongi lifts his head and looks at you in the eye, dark brown exploring the depths of your messed up soul and yet instead of feeling as though every layer of your skin is being peeled until you’re reduced to a throbbing piece of organ that’s bare for the world to judge and laugh at, you’re safe from the prying eyes, sarcastic inquiries that only builds up to letting you down and everything that leaves scars and bruises over these hands.
“And that’s okay too to want to want to take a break from life and binge watch crime shows all day so you won’t overthink,” he bops his forehead with yours, the gesture too brief to be believable but the fresh blaze on your cheekbones and ears tell you otherwise as you refrain from covering where he bumps your forehead with your own hand as you play it cool, “so long as you invite me.”
Yoongi already has his head back on the dashboard, shoulders slumped and looking as relax as he can be except he’s not staring into nothing; he’s looking at you and he means every word of it, understood the struggle of waking up to face the world, the frightening notion of facing a society that deems staying in and wanting time for yourself is nothing but laziness.
Your heart fill up with something warm and not so foreign when it comes to Yoongi and his all black wearing self, his unsmiling and then gummy smiling the next minute self, his absolute passion for sleeping in and his subtle ways of making you feel a whole lot better about yourself.
“Well,” you flip your wrist so that your palm is facing upwards and Yoongi’s is facing downwards as your own thumb mimics his, acknowledging the handlock for the first time, “since you brought me food and coffee, consider yourself invited.”
In the quietude of the sword-clashing and order-barking from The Magician, you sit side by side with your arms pressed together the way you would despite the fact that it’s a three person couch, immersed in something that sets your mind at ease and even the remembrance of the interview couldn’t make you to want to change that with a head-bang or a pillow scream.
note: this is something really personal for me, and it’s not as fluff centered as the standard oneshots on here but if you’ve come this far, thank you for reading. or even just checking this out.
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Pick Up Lantern Wall Hook
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Wall-Mounted Lantern Scroll Hook Garden Lanterns, Candle Lanterns, . The Best Cheap Ways to Decorate Your Home Pallet Ideas For Bedroom, Pallet Ideas. Marvelous Farmhouse Style Living Room Design Ideas 54 image is part of 75 Amazing Rustic Farmhouse Style Living Room Design Ideas gallery, you can read. Black Iron Scroll Wall Hook Indoor Lanterns, Metal Lanterns, Outdoor Lantern, . Cheap Home Decor, Diy Home Decor, Unique Home Decor, Diy Rustic Decor,. Amazon.com: Rustic lantern wall mounted light Small Black by Muskoka Lifestyle . The wall mounted rustic light comes with mounting hook, 4.75 diameter wall . A little on the cheap side I was expecting better quality but for the price what. 26 thg 4, 2017 120 Cheap and Easy DIY Rustic Home Decor Ideas . This is just a wood cd rack mounted horizontally to the wall. . Rustic Rope Lamp 17 thg 6, 2017 Here is a round up of the best cheap and easy coastal DIY home decor projects on the internet so that you can bring some of wood lantern + sand + shells + candle + coral + rope for handle . Driftwood Pallet Towel Rack Shop our selection of lanterns including candle lanterns for your home. . Wall Mirrors Floor Mirrors . art melds the arts of glass and embossed metal with a decorative bracket ready to hold your pillar candle. . Regardless of your budget or the size of the space you are working with, you will always find the perfect. 47 PRODUCTS Our shelves are stocked with affordable global lanterns and stylish lantern decor for every room. . Rustic Caged Wire and Glass Lantern. 22 thg 11, 2018 Shop wall hooks in the hooks & racks section of Lowes.com. Find quality wall hooks online or in store.
This set is the perfect way to create beautiful flower displays, stylish pencil holders, and more! Each lid is 3 inches in diameter, and designed to fit standard. Hooks on the wall or knobs on your cabinet door may make all the difference in a room. With inspiration in the world of adorning oneself with jewellery and. Quantity: Attractive multi-purpose solid brass wall hook. Use with the W.T. Kirkman #2 Champion, Dietz #8 Air Pilot, #80 Blizzard, and #90 D-Lite lanterns. 22 thg 11, 2018 Shop wall hooks in the hooks & racks section of Lowes.com. Find quality wall . No reviews. Franklin Brass Brushed Satin Nickel Garment Hook. Purpledip Brass Wall Hook Hanger Proud Peacock: Vintage Design Wall Decor Sadhubelas Antique Black Golden Chrome Polish Handmade Wall Lantern.
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Black Iron Scroll Wall Hook Indoor Lanterns, Metal Lanterns, Outdoor Lantern, . Cozy fall porch with pumpkins, a gas fire pit, lanterns and string lights Back. Wall-Mounted Lantern Hook #potterybarn-order 2 one for porch w/lantern for citronella candle and one for deck for windchime. Buy 1 X Wall Hook for Lanterns, Lights or Pots: Utility Hooks Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. Results 1 24 of 75 Find a great selection of Wall Mount Plant Hangers & Hooks at low prices everyday. . Aunt Chris Products Cast Iron Scroll Wall Towel Ring Black Brown Color Victorian Style Wall Hung B&P Lamp 3 3/8 X 10 3/4 Iron Wall Mount Plant Hanger . Comfy Hour Cast Iron Wall Mount Bracket Primitive. Our lantern hook mounts to the wall to accommodate any of our hanging lanterns. KEY PRODUCT POINTS Made of stainless steel. Features a polished nickel. Showcase a favorite lantern on this weighty cast iron hook. A simple, softly curved profile creates a perfect counterpoint to a variety of lamp styles. DETAILS. Shop Wayfair for the best lantern wall hook. . Powell 1-Light Outdoor Wall Lantern . Steinberger Decorative Scroll Wall Hook . Elegance, looks, comfort, and quality are just the reasons why you must add this piece to your collection. Shop Wayfair for the best wall hooks for lanterns. Enjoy Free . Elegance, looks, comfort, and quality are just the reasons why you must add this piece to your collection. It is designed . Steinberger Decorative Scroll Wall Hook. By Charlton. Small Wall Bracket Lantern Wall Hook for Lanterns Iron Black: Amazon.co.uk: . FAL Heavy Cast Iron Metal Hanging Basket Wall Hook With Scroll Decoration.
Buy 1 X Wall Hook for Lanterns, Lights or Pots: Utility Hooks Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. GrayBunny GB-6820B Hand Forged Curved Hook, 14 Inch, Black, 2-Pack, For Bird Feeders, Planters, Lanterns, Wind Chimes, As Wall Brackets and More! Results 1 24 of 344 ACMETOP Over The Door Hook Hanger, Heavy-duty Organizer Coat, Towel, Bag, Robe 5 Hooks, Aluminum, Brush Finish (Silver). Shop Wayfair for all the best Silver Wall Hooks & Coat Racks. Enjoy Free Shipping on most stuff, even big stuff. Buy Wall Hooks from popular brands such as Real Expo, Go Hooked and more for . HOME CUBE Multifunctional Stainless Steel Door Hook Organizer, Silver . Sadhubelas Antique Black Golden Chrome Polish Handmade Wall Lantern Diya. Wanting a rose-color, not long since, wo burrowed a neighbors red lantern. . This answered very well, and did not deface the wall, as the hooks were small . Their freshness, amid winter snow and desolation, is gratifying to the eye, and the . then get a little peat-soil and silver-sand, and a few crocks or broken clinkers. . then get a liitle peat-soil EAR EDITOR :-I was very much interested ( and silver-sand, . Wanting a rose-color, not long since, wo ) borrowed a neighbors red lantern. . This answered very well, and did not deface the wall, as the hooks were . Their freshness, amid winter snow and desolation, is gratifying to the eye, and. BRASS AND SILVER PLATED TRIMMINGS For Windows and Seats. . Hooks,. VENTILATORS. AND. WHITE. METALRINGS,. And all other Articles pertaining to Cars, L . and were gratified to observe, at different points, a large number of laborers . 39 Wall-st., until WEDNESDAY NEXT, the 30th day of June instant, at 3. upon him large gifts of gold and silver. . The existence of an outer wall, toward the spectators, is of course left to the imagination, but a door . sits or kneels beside his hibachi (fire-bowl), reading by the dim light of a large paper lantern. . The gratified guest takes the huge vessel from its hook, and hangs it over the hibachi.
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Buy 1 X Wall Hook for Lanterns, Lights or Pots: Utility Hooks Amazon.com FREE . APBFH Outdoor Small Metal Decorative Wall Hanging Lantern Plant Hook. Buy Moroccan Lantern Wrought Iron Wall Hooks Hanger: Furniture . APBFH Outdoor Small Metal Decorative Wall Hanging Lantern Plant Hook (Black, Set of 3). Amazon.com : Moroccan Lantern Wrought Iron Wall Hooks Hanger Lights : Garden . Hanging Round Linked Cast Metal Chain S Hooks Planter Lamp Dcor. Shop Wayfair for the best lantern wall hook. . The Buddy Wall Hook Set by Umbra is a fun and whimsical addition to any room . Contemporary Metal Wall Hook. Shop Wayfair for the best wall hooks for lanterns. . The Buddy Wall Hook Set by Umbra is a fun and whimsical addition to any room. . Primary Material: Solid Wood; Metal; Organizing Features: Key Hooks; Overall Height Top to Bottom: 7. Shop Wayfair for the best lantern hooks. . Alberto LED Lantern with Shepards Hook Metal Garden Stake . Rettig 1-Light Outdoor Wall Lantern with a functioning door and even a hook at its peak, making a delightful hanging piece. Great at. Showcase a favorite lantern on this weighty cast iron hook. A simple, softly curved profile creates a perfect counterpoint to a variety of lamp styles. DETAILS. The Buddy Wall Hook Set by Umbra is a fun and whimsical addition to any room. This set of three hooks, . Contemporary Stainless Steel Wall Hook. $9.49. 23. Our hand-painted and finished cast iron Whale Tail Wall Hooks in Black exude beachy cottage style, bringing . Our simple steel wall hooks have endless uses.
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/pick-up-lantern-wall-hook
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adtwixt · 5 years
Adtwixt - News: Cool Decorative Key Holder For Wall
Get Keys Wall Decor With Hooks online or find other noValue products from HobbyLobby.com. Find the best Hooks from HobbyLobby.com. . Mirrored Wall Decor With Hook Knobs New Mirrored Wall . White Wood Wall Decor With Hooks New White Wood . Get Keys Wall Decor With Hooks online or find other noCategory products from HobbyLobby.com. Never lose your keys again by using Keys Wood Wall Decor With Hooks! It features an MDF construction with a faux wood panel background, “keys” in gray text, . Get Wood Wall Decor With Hooks online or find other noValue products from . Use it to hang light jackets, keys, lanyards, and umbrellas in your mudroom! Enliven the dull parts of your home with lots of cute charm! Galvanized Metal Arrow Wall Decor With Hooks features a galvanized tin and wood arrow shape with . Find the best Storage & Organization from HobbyLobby.com. . White Wood Wall Decor With Hooks New White Wood Wall Decor With Hooks $19.99 Quick view. Sweeten up your home with a touch of rustic beauty with Key to My Heart Metal & Wood Wall Decor. This sweet accent features a metal key with a hanging MDF . Get Brown Key Metal Wall Decor online or find other noValue products from HobbyLobby.com. Find the best Wall Art from HobbyLobby.com. . Black & White Floral Design Wood Wall Decor New Black & White Floral Design . New Slotted Pocket Wood Paddle Wall Decor $15.99 – $17.99 Antler Jewelry Holder Wall Decor Sale Antler . “DIY Chalkboard and Key Hooks DIY Home Decor-my husband and I need Specifically planned for what you need to organize.mail, keys, hats, notes or photos” . Key Holder Key Sorter Entryway Organizer Wall by LaneofLenore Entryway . Rustic Mail Holder,Home Decor,Home Sign, Wooden Mail Holder, Mail Organizer . Rustic Wooden Chalkboard Mail Center Organizer Key Rack Wall Hanging . Teds Woodworking® – 16,000 Woodworking Plans & Projects With Videos . Key Rack Holder Wall Organizer Reclaimed wood by GreenSouthLiving, $80.00 . key holder reclaimed wood key rack entryway shelf key hook entryway decor . “DIY Burlap and Spool Key Keeper Tutorial – I love this and plan on making it . Top 10 Decorative DIY Key Holders Mirror Key Holder, Diy Key Holder, Key Holders . “Fresco of Key Holders for Wall: A Solution for Not Losing Your Keys Again”. Mar 15, 2012 – The need for a key holder is a real fact in our modern life. It is made from several wall mounted RJ-45 jack network boxes, identically to those for your . It is a simple wooden board on which a decorative paper was glued. Chalkboards, key hooks and a mixture of galvanized hardware and stained To hang it, I used a large sawtooth hanger and anchored a screw into our wall! . and stylish. We present you 20 diy key holders that will awake your imagination. . You can make wall art and put hangers for your keys… 20 DIY Creative Key . Shop our selection of Key, Home Storage Hooks in the Storage & Organization Department at . interDesign Formbu Wall Mount Key and Mail Rack in Espresso. 215 items – Shop from the widest range of new decorative wall key holders at DHgate New Zealand with free shipping. Browse through the online collections of . 256 items – Shop from the widest range of new key rack holder at DHgate New . Mayitr 10Pcs Wall Mounted Hook Key Holder Rack Hanger Home Decorative . Key holder, Coat Rack, robe hook, wood shelf, christmas gift idea, wall decor, . Best Friends Silver Pewter Dog Puppy Leash Hook Holder Clothing Hanger . Wall Key Holder, Key Shelf, christmas, Coat Rack, Robe Hook, wall decor, . Personalized Key Hanger, Wall Key Rack, Anniversary Gift, Housewarming Gift, . Oct 24, 2016 – Here are 16 key holders that will always be there for you. . This wall hook has a mirror, a basket, and a set of hooks that are ideal for . Making your own design is a great way to customize your key holder to your decor. . with this magnetic wooden key holder featuring an island view from New Zealand. Results 1 – 19 of 19 – Browse the great range of Fashion Storage in the Home Accessories & Décor category and buy online or in store at The Warehouse. Large range of functional wall mounted storage products for the home and children. . We offer LAYBUY thru Laybuy NZ. Fundraising . Children’s Decor. [Scandinavian Inspired Home Decor & Furniture Online ] – Flux Boutique · Wall Bracket . Cloud Magnetic Key Holder . Trigg Wall Vessel Large – White/Brass. Items 1 – 30 of 672 – We’ve got all the coat hooks and pegs, wall key hooks and every other . Silver Stag Christmas Over Door Wreath Hanger – home decorating. Results 1 – 48 of 443 – Wooden Wall Key Holder Hook Mount Rack Store Organizer Storage Hanging Chic Box . Solid Wood Key Holder – Handcrafted In Ireland. TREE OF LIFE Key Holder, Wall Decor, Metal Art, Wall hanging, Key Rack, Key Organizer, Wedding Gift,Entryway Key Hooks, Leash Collar Holder. DeltaFaliro. JaipurCrafts Beautiful Mor Pankhi Wooden Key Holder . Satya Vipal Metal Peacock Krishna Key Holder Hanging for Home Decor, 27x3x15cm (Multicolour). Buy Key holder – ” Home Sweet Home – design ” – beautiful key hook for wall – 6 . Wall Mounted Key Hook – Rustic Western Cast Iron Key Hanger – Decorative . Results 1 – 48 of 1863 – Home Decorative Coffee Wall Mount Metal 3 Hook Key Rack . Indian Beautiful Wooden Wall Hanging Key holder in WELCOME . USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Austrilia, France, Germany, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Others. Results 1 – 48 of 78 – Western Lacquered Brass Rustic Key Holder, Wall Decor. Western This shining brass key rack is a beautiful addition to the home. The design . Brass Irish Ireland Key Rack Wall Mount Key Holder 7442. Solid Brass . Results 1 – 48 of 104 – Vintage Decorative Brass Key Rack / Wall Hooks Lizards Geckos 21-3/4″ Long. Lizards motif . This shining brass key rack is a beautiful addition to the home. . Brass Irish Ireland Key Rack Wall Mount Key Holder 7442. Results 49 – 96 of 2874 – This beautiful wooden key board hooks up 3 keys and comes with a . Wooden Key Holder Hook Key Hanger Wall Door Rack For Post Bills . Shabby Chic Wooden Wall Mounted Key Holder Cabinet Key Storage Box Home Decor . AB31-AB38, AB40-AB56, BT (Northern Ireland) GY, HS, IM (Isle Of . Key holders – Buy online key holders at www.handicraftsinindia.in from Jaipur. We are . Beautiful Wooden key holder ( Assorted Design ). Price: Rs.195 Rs.166 Shallow baskets to hold keys, wall hooks for convenience or decorative coat racks for style and . You can have these delivered right to you if you’re in Australia. It makes your family and guests feel warm and comfortable when entering. Decorative Wall Mounted Key Holder – Vintage Key With 3 Hooks – Wall Mounted – Rustic . France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden,Japan, Australia. Entryway Organizer Mail Key Holder Coat Rack Key Hooks Wall Coat Hook Shelf Handmade Custom Housewarming Gift Entryway Storage Home Decor. Wooden Key Rack Mail Letter Holder Wall Mounted Kitchen Entryway . Key Rack Wall Mount Hanging Organizer Storage 7 Home Office Decor Hook Holder to provide you with a durable, fashionable, comfortable and outstanding item. 84 PRODUCTS – Browse Our Knobs, Wall Hooks. All At Affordable Prices. Click To Learn More. You’ll love our affordable wall shelves, storage and wall racks from around the world. Plus, FREE Shipping on $150+ at World Market! The full collection includes a wide range of hooks from wall hanging to free standing. . Bathroom Hooks, Decorative Wall Hooks, Decorative Items, . mounted hooks, over the door hooks, key holder, mail holder, NEW buddy hooks Design Architects: Cos Design Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Photo courtesy: . Shop Target for Wall Decor you will love at great low prices. Free shipping & returns plus same-day pick-up in store. Dining Tables · Dining Chairs + Benches + Stools · Buffets + Storage + Bar Carts · All Dining Room + Kitchen. Bedroom. Beds · Bedside Tables · Dressers + . Boho key rack key hook wooden key holder for wall minimalist white key rack flowers key hook key organizer wall boho home decor wall. MiMiMiBoutique. Boho key rack key hook wooden key holder for wall minimalist white key rack flowers key hook key organizer wall boho home decor wall. MiMiMiBoutique. Key Holder, Wooden Key Hanger, Wall key holder, Wall key hanger, Key Organizer, Wooden Keychain, House Shape, House Keychain,Minimal Decor. How To Make A DIY Wall Mounted Magnetic Key Holder Wooden Key Holder, Diy Key . The 36th AVENUE Home Decor DIY Projects The 36th AVENUE . Except substitute minimalist smooth birds in place of balls, so they perch atop they . Wall Mounted Key Rack , Key Holder, Keys, ,key mail storage, Key Rack, Gift Idea, Home Decor, Wall decor, Key Holder for wall, Mahogany. Key Holder For Wall . Key Holder, Wooden Key Hanger, Wall key holder, Wall key hanger, Key . Save this minimalist DIY project to make a chic key rack for your home. Wooden. 220 products – Minimalist Home Decoration Retro Tape Disk Hanger Decorative Wall Hooks . FURGERIN Towel Hanger Key Holder Wall Hook Minimalist coat . 1PC Retro Tape Disk Shape Hanger Coat Key Holder Rack Decorative Wall Hooks . key holder wall hook minimalist creative hook elephant nose shape wall . Primary Material: Metal; Organizing Features: Key Hooks; Wall Baskets; Overall . Stallard 24″ x 24″ x 3.5″ Decorative Rustic Wood Home Organizer Chalkboard. . our range of hooks, including coat hooks, door hooks, key hooks & more. . that go over the top of your door so you don’t have to drill any holes in the wall. Hooks and hangers are probably one of the quickest and simplest ways to . Beautiful in its simplicity, FJANTIG hook adds a great design element to your wall. Buy Ikea Pet Leash Hanger Hat Coat Key Holder Wall Organizer Bastis Dog Tail . Wooden Decorative Wall Mounted Key Holder Key Ring Rack with 2 Hooks . Results 1 – 48 of 466 – 6x IKEA BASTIS Dog Tail Rubber Wall Hooks/Hangers – Choice of IKEA SVARTSJÖN (Svartsjon) Black coat ,towel,suit,Hook Rack With 5 Hooks UK-B786 . Hook Coat Door Hanger Kids Bedroom Pet Lead Keys Clothes BN IKEA LOGGA 15 inch Wall Hanging Rack Knobs Hanger Home Decor. Results 1 – 13 of 13 – Ikea Blecka Hooks 4pc Wall Hangers Key Holder Organization Backpack Dog Cat Pet Leashes Mounted Hanger Hook Decorative Hooks1. IKEA has a wide variety of stylish and sturdy clothes hangers and coat hooks. HAY Volet Hook Door Hooks, Key Hooks, Wall Hooks, Hall Furniture, Furniture . Clothes Hanger, Hangers, Copenhagen, Hooks, Set Of, Hardware, Home Decor to buy genuine vintage kantha quilts, throws and blankets online in the UK. Results 97 – 144 of 372 – 4x IKEA dog tail hook cat pet leash hanger key holder coat hat . Plated Steel Shower Bathroom Suction Cup Hooks UK-B786 . New IKEA FJANTIG Wall Hook Door Hanger Mini Furniture Decorative Accessory 3 pcs. Dec 2, 2014 – The humble IKEA spice rack may look simple and modest but behind . rack look more interesting by using chalkboard paint on the wall . For the entrance, add a few hooks to the underside of an IKEA spice rack so you can organize your keys and . Christmas Wall Decor Ideas That Anyone Can Pull Off . The Notepad Mail Holder, Cork and Chalk Organizer, Rustic Organizer, Key Holder, . Vintage Wall Mount Mail Organizer, Decorative Wall Storage, Inv.#1108. 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Decorative Wall Shelving Kitchen Shelves Walmart Mounted Units Organizer . Garderobe Shabby Chic Furniture, Key Rack, Simple Home Decoration, Diy . Entryway Wall Shelf & Mail Holder with 3 Hook White Storage Organizer . Wooden Mail Sorter With Key Rings Do It Yourself Home Projects from Ana White. “MILEN” HERCULES HOOK WALL HANGER; Installs Easily With No Tools Now I will be fair maybe this was just a bad one or somehow got damaged in . Shop. < Furniture; < Rugs & Windows; < Home Decor; < Dining & Entertaining; < Bed & Bath; < Kids; < Gifts & Accessories; < Magazine; < Outdoor . at Walmart . A Perfect Gift for the Wall Art Lover,Sturdy use as a coat hook/ hat hook /key Rachael is taking her signature food and music festival to Chicago for the first time ever! . Ebros Gift Wild Animal Head Single Wall Hook Hanger Animal Shape Rustic Faux Bronze Decorative Wall Sculpture (Bull) Walmart $19.99. Satya Vipal Metal Peacock Krishna Key Holder Hanging for Home Decor, Mabalo Plastic Hard Wall Picture Frame Hooks Hangers 4-Pin, 20-Pieces- White. JaipurCrafts Beautiful Mor Pankhi Wooden Key Holder (4 Hooks, 9 in x 6 in . HeavenlyKraft Keys Black Metal Wall Mounted Key Holder 25 X 12 X 2.5 cm. Online shopping for Home & Kitchen from a great selection of Key Holders, Wall Hooks, Multi-Purpose Hooks, Coat Hooks, Dressing Gown Hooks, Hat Hooks . ITOS365 Handmade Wooden Key Hanger for Wall Sweet Home Décor – Key Holder Wall Mount – Decorative Items for Home – Key Hooks for Hanging. Buy keychain holders online at lowest prices in India on Flipkart.com. . Wall Decor & Clocks . Sehaz Artworks Welcome_Home-Brown Wooden Key Holder. PAPERS/LETTERS HOLDER – Key Holder Envelope and Papers Holder with Paper . Home Decor Wall Hanging Keys Peg Indian Handicraft Paper Mache Face on Matty from Ancient Egyptian Mummies. . Wall hanging door hangings Indian traditional Raja Rani wall Diwali Decorations, Hanging Decorations, Festival. “The smile is what art historians call ‘The Archaic Smile,’ the slightly The ‘Thawing Wind” was there, the “Snow,” the “Birches,” and the “Wall” that had to . The Chinese, the Indian (in Asia and America), the Persian, and the . At best, I believe, it can become as aesthetically satisfying (and even beloved) as a decorative . 7 days ago – Yet all of our current technology uses this technologically archaic system due . I agree with Tawcan just a fair play with your investors and your miners … next time We carry Toronto-made jewellery, home decor, furniture, clothing, and everything in between Для пользователей Apple – API Key здесь. A simple little DIY Key Holder that is not only functional and beautiful, but is . Top 10 Decorative DIY Key Holders Mirror Key Holder, Diy Key Holder, Key Holders . “Fresco of Key Holders for Wall: A Solution for Not Losing Your Keys Again”. Explore Kim Stone Lester’s board “Mail and key holder” on Pinterest. . ~~For SALE is this beautiful Chalk Board / MAIL ORGANIZER that has a place . Home Decor Wall Hanging Mail Organizer Storage Cork Board Organizer Chalkboard . Day 226: Guest Post – Sparking Plug Key Holder Automotive Decor, Automotive . Mail Organizer Key Hooks Coat Hanger Wall Cottage Style Coat Hanger, Wall . Made to order wood mail storage and key holder. Price is for similar holder shown in photos. This wall hanging wooden holder will organize both your mail and . Decorative Key Holder For Wall Wall Decoration Ideas within size 730 X 1095 Signs, Key Holders, Wooden Signs, Home Accessories, Beautiful Things. turquoise key hook wall key hanger mason jar vase by OldNewAgain, . Key holder Key Rack, Kitchen Utensils, Diy Kitchen, Kitchen Decor, Kitchen Utensil. “DIY Chalkboard and Key Hooks DIY Home Decor-my husband and I need Key Holder Key Sorter Entryway Organizer Wall by LaneofLenore Entryway . Beautiful DIY Cabinet Bench Best Entryway Bench DIY Ideas Projects The post DIY . How To Make A DIY Wall Mounted Magnetic Key Holder Wooden Key Holder, Diy Key . The 36th AVENUE Home Decor DIY Projects The 36th AVENUE . Wall Key Holder, Diy Key Holder, Key Holders, Diy Home Decor, Unique . Cut and engraved from beautiful real wood – the perfect gift for your loved ones for . Nov 13, 2017 – In case you are stuck and are looking for a specific crossword clue solution then look no . Rages about returning painting to palace crossword clue · Sexy, fresh . tears flowing crossword clue · Almost seduce love in time crossword clue . sound · ”Wheel of Fortune” turn · Holder of basil and oregano · Qty. . inviting; “the window displays tempted the shoppers”; try to seduce; induce into action . noun – any occupant who dwells in a place; a holder of buildings or lands by . propose a payment; “The Swiss dealer offered $2 million for the painting” . Explore anne gleeson’s board “crazy about cryptic crosswords” on Pinterest. See more ideas about Crossword puzzles, Crossword and China painting. Mar 4, 2015 – After revelations that an artist hid a Monica Lewinsky reference in an official portrait of Bill . discernible only with a magnifying glass, stand in the position of the artist looking at the . to the public good”, Goya’s reclining nude is widely considered the sexiest painting of all time. Crossword · Theatre Tickets. Nov 13, 2017 – The Naked ___ (Goya painting) crossword clue · The Simpsons __ register (stores money holder) crossword clue · __ Scotia, Canada . Sep 7, 2008 – A blog about crosswords and puzzles. . ARTISTE is just a French word for artist, isn’t it? . Interesting, WP says that the seductive lady-killer Lothario is from his play “The Fair . Hmmm, I still want “Flower Holder” clue. Over 325 great crosswords in one super book Large. easy-to-read print. . 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Updated: Desk stuff to make your workday more productive, cheerful, and disaster-proof
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Like it or not, your desk is a reflection of your work and your personality. Luckily, organized isn’t a synonym for dull or sparse. Below, things that will keep you and your tools humming at maximum efficiency.
A 5-port USB wall charger
Avoid tangled wires and desk clutter with this compact 5-port USB wall charger from charger favorite Anker. One USB port can charge devices up to 3 amps. The other four USB ports come with PowerIQ and VoltageBoost—fancy proprietary stuff that lets you charge any tablet or phone up to 8 amps (or 2.4 amps per port). $30.
Paper clips are be boring. Multi-colored paper clips shaped like elephants, dogs, birds, and cats are not. These 40 clips come in a steel box. You’ll also always know which paper clips are yours. $8.
Don’t be the person that types on a laptop all throughout the meeting. Bring a pocket notebook. The 48-page Field Notes options are slim, durable, and come with either ruled, gridded, and plain pages. $10 for 3.
A high-capacity external hard drive
This slick-as-heck 4TB, USB 3 hard drive by WD will cover your storage needs for a quite a while. As a plus, it comes in a lot colors to go with your, uh, desk-thetic. $100.
This hard drive-desk clock
It doesn’t matter that your computer has a clock, this one is made from old hard drives. These handmade clocks by ClockLight use a Quartz clock mechanism and run on a single AA battery. $39.
This 10.5 x 3.5 x 1.5-inch concrete desk organizer has five pen holes as well as slots to fit business cards and to stand your phone upright. $30.
I picked Anker’s Soundcore Space NC wireless headphones as the budget pick for my best open-plan office headphones list. They have a balanced, wide sound, extra comfortable memory foam ear pads, and hold 20 hours of wireless battery life with noise-cancellation. They also feature tap and swipe controls on the right ear to adjust volume, pause the song, or switch tracks. The headphones come with a carrying case, but fold fairly flat. $99.
Every morning I walk into work and place my headphones down on a tray next to me. I love my headphones. I respect the enjoyment they provide. Treat your headphones as you would your own flesh and blood. Make them feel at home on this minimal headphone holder by AmoVee. Your headphones will make it up to you. $12.
Get a mug that fits your personality. I change my mug every couple of months based on what TV show I am watching. It’s a great way to spark some conversation. This ceramic Jabba the Hut mug has a removable head and holds 20 ounces of coffee, tea, oatmeal, whatever. $10.
If your new job gives you a laptop, immediately buy or request one of these. Even just a few days hunched over a MacBook will seriously mess up your neck, shoulders, and back. This foldable, aluminum laptop stand comes as a single piece and raises your screen to a more comfortable viewing angle. It also helps keep your machine cool. It’s got soft silicone on the bottom so you won’t scratch your computer and works best with devices measuring 10 to 17-inches. $50.
And if your job provides a desktop, you should probably buy or request one of these. I prefer a wooden riser for my computer. This one raises your computer 3.62 inches off the desk and is 19.88-inches long. This riser also gives you some storage space underneath. $50.
Another permanent desk piece: the Ember ceramic mug. If you’ve got to run into a meeting and forget your coffee at your desk, you can be sure that it’ll be just as hot when you get back. The microprocessor-controlled heating system takes readings from four temperature sensors and makes sure that your brew stays at whatever temperature you designated within the smartphone app. The mug comes with a matching coaster that acts as a charger—the cup holds a charge for about an hour. It comes in black and white. It was literally my favorite product of 2017. $80.
Who hasn’t had their pen stolen from them? Or worse, seen that pen find its way into someone else’s mouth. Get an engraved implement so nobody mistakes your supplies for their chew toys. These ballpoint pens come with a satin silver finish and can be engraved with up to 15 golden characters. $20+.
If the sink or water fountain is just too far, keep some water on the desk. The 16oz bkr water bottle is a reliable glass bottle with a removable silicon coat that comes in a variety of colors. $28+.
Do you set reminders on your phone? I think I’m displaying incredible foresight when I do, but I often find myself forgetting the reminders exist—or what exactly my notes are referring to. Because your brain better remembers things you physically write down, it’s handy to have a place to jot down your daily tasks. You can try bullet journaling, but if that seems a bit too much of a commitment, there’s always fun to-do list pads, like this one for $8.
This Zyllion shiatsu massager has “3D massaging nodes” that knead your aching neck and back. They change direction, heat up, and fit underneath most body parts. It also boasts straps on the back so you can hook it up to a chair while you’re sitting. There’s a 20-minute shut-off feature to make sure it doesn’t overheat. It also comes with a car adapter for relief while driving. $50.
If you have a long history of lower-back pain, you know the sweet relief of a supported lumbar. If you sit for long periods of time, a lumbar support pillow is worth the investment. Especially when it’s nearly 80 percent off. The pillow straps to the back of your chair, making it easy to adjust to different heights so it doesn’t matter if your upper, middle or lower back is bothering you.
The LoveHome lumbar support pillow is made of memory foam and comes with a removable black, vented mesh cover that is machine washable. It weighs less than two pounds and comes with a handle, which makes it portable. $27.
Accidents happen. After a long day and many cups of coffee, our senses numb and our mind wanders. If you’ve ever in your life knocked a beverage all over your keyboard, you know the devastation (and embarrassment) that comes with requesting a new one from IT. If you’ve got Logitech’s durable, washable keyboard, though, you’re covered. Also: because it is washable, you don’t have to be totally grossed out by all the crumbs that have accumulated between the keys over the past six months. It’s dazzling how your outlook on work-life can change when you’ve got clean, high-functioning tools. $56.
A wireless charging stand for all your devices
The Plux wireless charging stand lets you charge your iPhone, Apple Watch, and AirPods at the same time. The plate provides up to 10 watts of power and is propped up at an angle so you can use Apple’s Face ID function without having to tip your phone. There’s also overcharge protection. The only problem: it doesn’t come with an Apple Watch charging cable. You’ll have to pop off the back plate of the stand and insert your own watch charger. $40.
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Rid your desk of unruly smartphone charger cables. This 7.5-watt Belkin Boost Up wireless charging pad comes with a 5-inch cord, and was designed for the iPhone 8, 8 Plus, and X. The wireless charge permeates most thin, lightweight cases. $50.
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Written By Billy Cadden
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Unusual Bird House Key Holder. If you want to add more girl touch to you key holder, you are right here. This key holder looks so pretty colored with a sweet touch. 🗝🔑 • • For order: 📲 whatsapp +39 3206139569 📩 [email protected] ✈️ worldwide shipping 🌏 • • #fineinteriors #interiors #interiordesign #architecture #decoration #interior #recycle #design #lafavolaincantata #luxury #homedecor #like4like #decor #inspiration #blogger #photooftheday #lifestyle #picoftheday #archilovers #photography #likeforlike #follow4follow #garden #kitchen #interior123 #interiordecorating #furniture #maison #home #house (presso La Favola Incantata di Ieva Raffaella)
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statusreview · 6 years
Black Friday Home Decor Deals (& What We’re Buying)
As is the tradition, I’ve scoured the Black Friday sales (is it me, or do they start earlier every year?) and rounded up my favorite home decor & furniture deals. And John already grabbed some tech items (he’s been waiting for this sale for a while). Our kitchen stools are under $96, our daughter’s bedroom rug is $350 off, and these velvet pillow covers are just $10! Our TV is also 42% off ($250 off!!), the smart plugs John loves are 58% off and his FBAT (favorite backpack of all time) is 65% 0ff. And so much more.
Stuff We Already Own (& Love!):
These are all things that we have bought with our own money, lived with, and love. And thanks to these crazy sale prices, you’re gonna get a better deal than we did. Let’s start with items you’ve probably seen around our Richmond house:
1 / Our Master Bed: Marked down to $599 from $900 (33% off)
2 / Emily Jeffords Art: Price depends on size, but Minted’s doing 20% off any art order over $150
3 / Our Foyer Pendant Light: Marked down to $223 from $298 (25% off with code CELEBRATE)
4 / Our Faux Magnolia Garland: Marked down to $60 from $80 (25% off)
5 / Our Bedroom Chandelier: Marked down to $339 from $399 (15% off)
6 / John’s Office Desk (we’ve had this for 10+ years!): Marked down to $339 from $399 (15% off)
7 / Decorative Ceramic Houses: Marked down to $12 from $15 (20% off)
8 / Our Foyer Console Table: Marked down to $322 from $380 (15% off + free shipping)
9 / Our Kitchen Island Stools: Marked down to $96 from $160 (40% off)
10 / Our Daughter’s Bedroom Rug (in gray): Marked down to $539 from $899 (40% off)
11 / Our Favorite Oversized Vases: Start at $25 – enter FREESHIP65
12 / Our Faux Gingko Branches: Marked down to $6.50 from $13 (50% off!)
13 / Our Dining Room Chandelier: Marked down to $339 from $399 (15% off)
14 / Our Living Room Chairs: Marked down to $145 from $170 (15% off)
15 / Our Daughter’s Inlay Mirror: Marked down to $320 from $770 (58% off)
16 / Our Office Chairs (in gray): Marked down to $300 from $400 (25% off with code OHWHATFUN)
17 / Our Favorite Gold Frames: Buy 1 Get 1 50% off
18 / Our Faux Eucalyptus Branches: $14.50 down from $24.50 (40% off)
There are also lots of deals on stuff that we’ve got in our beach house and have started filling the duplex with (like some lights I’m crazy for). And there are some BOSS deals in here too.
1 / Beach House Living Room Rug (ours is natural/ivory color): 6 x 9′ size is $169 down from $199 (15% off with code TAKE15)
2 / Beach Downstairs Bathroom Mirror: Huge (almost 2′ wide) and $39.99
3 / Beach House Living Room Chandelier: $179 down from $299 (40% off)
4 / Beach House Front Bedroom Rug: 8 x 10′ size is $598 down from $798 (25% off with code CELEBRATE)
5 / Duplex Foyer Globe Pendant: $105 down from $120.99 (13% off)
6 / Beach House Desk Clock: $14.99 (the wood + brass looks fancy for the price)
7 / Duplex Exterior Wall Lanterns:  $96.87 for this HUGE size (they’re 20″ high!)
8 / Beach House Front Bedroom Blanket: $34 down from $40 (15% off)
9 / Beach House Living Room Bookcase: $296 down from $349 (15% off + free shipping)
10 / Beach House Office Lamp: $24.99 (looks really good for the price)
11 / Beach House Kitchen Island Pendants: Marked down to $126 from $267 (53% off)
12 / Beach House Front Bedroom Sconce: Marked down to $32 from $57 (43% off)
13 / Beach House Kitchen Art: $199 for GIANT size + free shipping + buy one get one 50% off
14 / Beach House Favorite Beach Towels: $19 with free shipping
15 / Beach House Kitchen Hardware: $16, 15% off orders of $100+, 20% off orders of $500
16 / Duplex Master Bathroom Light: On sale for $145 (looks even better in person)
17 / Beach House Kitchen Benches: $83 down from $130 (25% off) + 15% off with code TURKEY
18 / Duplex Kitchen Pendants:$104 down from $139 (25% off) with code THANKFUL
19 / Beach House Middle Bedroom Rug: On sale for $524, down from $698 (25% off with code CELEBRATE)
Tools & Technology We Own/Love:
Thanks to John’s deep obsession with watching all things tech for deals throughout the year, he already jumped on a bunch of them for himself this morning since they’ve never been lower. So here are the items we’ve already purchased and used (many for years & years) and still LOVE.
1 / John’s Laptop Bag: Marked down to $69 from $200 (65% off)
2 / Our Go-To Cordless Drill + Battery: Marked down to $79 from $99 (20% off)
3 / Our Favorite Stick Vacuum: (re-bought this for the beach house!) Marked down to $90 from $130 (31% off)
4 / Our Bedroom Phone Chargers: $40 (it’s not marked down but they’re super durable & look great)
5 / Nest Thermostat E: Marked down to $139 from $169 (18% off) – bought ’em for the duplex!
6 / Vintage Style LEDs in Soft White: $29 for a 4 pack
7 / Our Favorite Cordless Nailer: Marked down to $109 from $180 (39% off)
8 / Our 55″ Smart Roku TV: Marked down to $350 from $600 (42% off)
9 / Our New Miter Saw + Collapsible Stand: Marked down to $400 from $600 (33% off)
10 / Apple Watch Series 3 with GPS & Cellular: (John got one as a belated b-day gift) $329 down from $409 (20% off)
11 / Our Roku 4 Streaming TV Box: Marked down to $100 from $130 (24% off)
12 / Our Favorite Smart Light Bulbs: $55 down from $70 (21% off)
13 / Echo Dot 2nd Gen: $20 down from $40 (50% off)
14 / Our Favorite Smart Plug: Marked down to $17 from $40 (58% off)
15 / Our Handy Pressure Washer: $90 down from $130 (31% off)
16 / Our Favorite Sound Machine: Marked down to $15 from $30 (50% off)
17 / Our Cordless Leaf Blower: Marked down to $150 from $170 (12% off)
18 / Our Cordless Trimmer: $85 (click “tool only” if you already have a battery)
19 / Our Go-To Drill & Driver Set: Marked down to $8 from $10 (20% off)
House Stuff We’re Buying / Eyeing:
I’m mainly checking out rugs, accessories, and a few pieces of furniture – and these are the things I’m loving most with the best prices right now. A glass doored cabinet for $67?! Big rugs like this and this that are 40% off?! A gorgeous armchair for $185?! Yes please.
1 / Rattan Headboard: marked down to $466 for a queen & $304 for a twin
2 / Color Block Hand Towels: $14 each, get free shipping with code SAVEMORE
3 / Tassel Sham Set: $36 down from $39 + 20% off if you join Urban Outfitters Rewards (free)
4 / 8.5″ Mercury Glass Tree: $10 (this isn’t marked down but I got one and it’s AMAZING! They light up!)
5 / 20″ Mercury Glass Tree: $20 (also not marked down but these are so beautiful)
6 / Linear Ombre Rug: 9 x 12″ was $899, now $539 (40% off!)
7 / Chunky Knit Throw: Marked down to $21 from $30 (30% off)
8 / Velvet Pillow: Marked down to $24 from $27 (10% off)
9 / Woven Cat Basket: Marked down to $63 from $79 (20% off)
10 / Faux Fur Beanbag: Marked down to $165 from $228 (about 30% off)
11 / Glass Accent Cabinet: Marked down to $67 from $130 (40% off + another 15% off w/ code TURKEY!)
12 / Handcarved Coffee Table: This is still pricey but so gorgeous & 40% off ($700 from $1099)
13 / Oak Tripod Floor Lamp: Marked down to $76 from $80 (5% off)
14 / Rattan Arm Chair: Marked down to $127 from $150 (15% off with code TURKEY)
15 / Tassel Hand Towel:$23 down from $30 (25% off)
16 / Water Hyacinth Basket: $19 (not on sale but great price)
17 / Cat Ring Dish: Marked down to $5 from $20 (75% off!) – such a cute gift!
18 / Set of 2 Decorative Mugs: $8 down from $16 (50% off) – also a cute gift idea w/ hot cocoa or tea
19 / Mini Waffle Maker: $9.99! (comes in mint, pink, & white – so tempting for the duplex)
20 / Brass Bird Bookcase: This is still pricey ($999 from $$1600) but it’s 40% off & stunning
21 / Geometric Carved Coffee Table: Marked down to $110 from $130 (15% off) + 15% more off of that w/ code TURKEY
22 / Diamond Indoor / Outdoor Rug: 9 x 12″ marked down to $539 from $899 (40% off)
Not everything we’re keeping an eye on falls into a soft blush color scheme (it was fun to organize things that way, though – ha!) so here are the other home deals I’m loving:
1 / Plaid Welcome Mat: $13 (great price for this cool design)
2 / Navy Campaign Nightstand: $299 with free shipping
3 / Chevron Rug: 5 x 7′ is marked down to $110 from $130 (5% off + 15% off with code TURKEY)
4 / Indigo Indoor / Outdoor Rug: 9 x 12′ marked down to $539 from $899 (40% off)
5 / Black Round Mirror: Marked down to $45 from $50 (10% off)
6 / Decorative Basket: $20 (not marked down but great price)
7 / Black Pendant Light: $41 down from $69 (40% off)
8 / Mini Footed Planter: $12 (20% off by joining Urban Outfitters Rewards or buy 1 get 1 50% off anything)
9 / Plaid Pillow Cover: Marked down to $26 from $35 (25% off with code THANKFUL)
10 / Wood Arm Chair: $185 down from $230 (5% off plus 15% more with code TURKEY)
11 / Set of 2 Upholstered Dining Chairs: $276 down from $460 (40% off) – $138 each!
12 / Rattan Accent Cabinet: Marked down to $180 from $200 (10% off)
13 / Overdyed Rug: 4 x 6′ marked down to $40 from $50 (5% off + another 15% off with code TURKEY)
14 / Faux Fiddle Leaf Fig: $179 with free shipping (use FREESHIP65)
15 / Striped Beach Towel: Marked down to $15 from $18 (these are so cute even at full price!)
16 / Brass Pivoting Wall Sconce: Marked down $48 from $60 (20% off)
17 / Velvet Pillow Covers: Marked down to $10 from $29 (66% off)
18 / Printed Pillow Cover: Marked down to $40 from $88 (55% off)
19 / Flannel Sheet Set: Marked down to $14 from $20 (30% off)
Can’t Forget Small Business Saturday!
Here are some of our favorite Etsy shops with lovely (and personalized!) hand-made wares. Not everything’s marked down, but it FEELS SO GOOD to have original art and handmade stuff in your house. Really puts a personalized spin on any space. And can you resist that sweet personalized birch candle holder?! Also: support small businesses year-round!
1 / Handmade Pillow Cover: $69.99
2 / Leather Wall Strap: Marked down to $11 from $13 (15% off)
3 / White & Wood Modern Light: Marked down to $231 from $257 (10% off!)
4 / Colorful Art Prints: Starting at about $21! We LOVE her stuff and own 2 original paintings!
5 / Cheeky Key Dish: $17 down from $22 (20% off)
6 / Camping Mug Candle: $22 down from $28 (20% off) – 4 scents & designs!
7 / Faux Leather Pillow Cover: $29 down from $32 (10% off)
8 / Handmade Graphic Pillow Cover: $34
9 / Pretty Face Vase: $14
10 / Turkish Towel Throw Blanket: Marked down to $25 from $31 (20% off!)
11 / Vintage Kilim Rug (5×10′): Marked down to $299 from $500 (40% off!!)
12 / Brass Elephant Bookends: $35
13 / Illustrated Family Portrait: Starts at $65, depending on number of people
14 / Vintage Indigo Pillow Cover: $44 down from $52 (15% off)
15 / Personalized Birch Candle Holder: $20
16 / Gray Wood Decorative Beads: $14
17 / Modern White Vases: $14 (these are so delicate and lovely)
18 / Leather Key Holder: Marked down to $16 from $20 (20% off) – free personalization!
19 / Colorful Letterboard: $30.99 (we have this one in pink at the beach house & love the other colors too)
Coupon Codes & Sales That Are On Now:
Ok, I’m off to eat my weight in turkey and grab at least a handful of things on this list (John already bought our Nest thermostats for the duplex and his belated birthday Apple Watch – such a deal! he saved $80!). But before I go, here’s a rundown of the sales & codes I’ve found so far:
Crate & Barrel –Up to 40% off furniture + 20% off sale prices
Target – Lots of markdowns with an additional 15% off all online furniture with the code TURKEY
Pottery Barn – 25% off sitewide + free shipping with code THANKFUL
PB Teen – 25% off with code OHWHATFUN
Serena & Lily – 25% off everything with code CELEBRATE
Anthropologie – 30% off everything on their site (starts Friday)
CB2 – 15% off full priced items + free shipping with code SAVE15
Minted –  20% off holiday cards, gifts, art, and home decor over $150 or 15% off everything with the code: BF2018
World Market – 40% off furniture with code FURNDEAL
Rejuvenation – Up to 25% off, depending how much you spend
Wayfair – Up to 80% off
Overstock – Up to 70% off + free shipping
McGee & Co – 20% off everything with code THANKYOU
West Elm – Up to 30% off + free shipping with code SAVEMORE
Annie Selke – 25% off everything with the code CYBER18
Urban Outfitters – Buy one, get one 50% off
Old Navy – 50% off your entire purchase
Banana Republic – 50% off regularly priced items
J. Crew – 40% off your purchase using the code “TOGETHER”
Gap –50% off everything with code BLKFRIDAY + an extra 10% off online with TREAT
Hope you guys are all soaking up lots of family time (and all the delicious fooooood) this holiday weekend. And feel free to tell me on Instagram or Facebook if there are any major deals I’m missing. You know I love to submerge myself in them hot-tub style and pretend to splash around in them a la Scrooge McDuck.
Psst – For all the exact paint colors & links to all of the furniture & accessories that we have in our house, this page has you covered – and if you’re looking for items we have already bought and lived with and love, this page has all of those things corralled for ya. 
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post Black Friday Home Decor Deals (& What We’re Buying) appeared first on Young House Love.
Black Friday Home Decor Deals (& What We’re Buying) published first on https://ssmattress.tumblr.com/
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