#Swedish flower hens
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beenasarwar · 29 days ago
A tale of feathers, friendship, and finding peace
An Indian by birth, Pakistani by migration and British by chance shares how he found a joyful way to tackle the dilemma of rising egg prices, and his metamorphosis from being an artist and massage therapist to chicken daddy. By Ali Zaidi / Sapan News When the price of eggs skyrocketed by 30% in January 2023, I, like many others, faced a grocery dilemma. But unlike most, I found a unique…
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redfoxfowl · 1 year ago
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Winterized the coop for the girls!! For now it’s still warm enough for just perches but we’ll add their coop again soon.
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superfluffychickens · 3 months ago
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Falin (and Hildie) in my lap! Falin sat there for a good few minutes, then her nosy sister Hildie joined her!
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fjordfolk · 7 months ago
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Flower Boy is getting picked up by new owners tomorrow! 🥳
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wildlifegermany · 1 year ago
Das auffälligste Merkmal der schwedischen Blumenhühner ist ihr buntes Federkleid. Jedes Huhn hat ein einzigartiges Muster, das aus verschiedenen Farben wie Schwarz, Weiß, Braun und Gold besteht. Dies gibt ihnen ein "geflecktes" Aussehen, das an wilde Blumen erinnert, daher der Name "Blumenhühner". Sie haben einen mittelgroßen Kamm und gelbe Beine.
Schwedische Blumenhühner sind an unterschiedliche Wetterverhältnisse gewöhnt und eignen sich hervorragend für die Haltung im Freien. Ihre lebhafte und aufmerksame Natur prädestiniert sie als effektive Schädlingsjäger.
In puncto Eierproduktion zeigen sich die Schwedischen Blumenhühner als recht ergiebig. Sie produzieren mittelgroße Eier mit einer charakteristischen hellbraunen Färbung. Zudem sind sie als Brüterinnen sehr zuverlässig und kümmern sich fürsorglich um ihren Nachwuchs.
Im Allgemeinen zeichnen sich Schwedische Blumenhühner durch ihr harmonisches Miteinander aus. Nachdem die Rangordnung festgelegt ist, leben sie friedlich zusammen, wobei selbst junge Hühner und Mütter mit ihren Küken rasch in die Gemeinschaft integriert werden. 
Es ist möglich, sie mit anderen ruhigen Hühnerrassen zu kombinieren. Jedoch sollten sie über einen geräumigen Freilauf verfügen, der es ihnen ermöglicht, sich bei Bedarf aus dem Weg zu gehen. In Bezug auf ihre Legeleistung: Während im Sommer von 10 Schwedischen Blumenhühnern etwa 7 Eier täglich gelegt werden, reduziert sich diese Zahl im Winter auf 3-4 Eier. Sie sind also nicht unbedingt als herausragende Winterleger bekannt.
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bird-goofle · 1 year ago
Why is it now that I finally realize that to me, reading anything with two characters who are slowly learning to get along with each other feels like watching animals figure out their hierarchy?
It’s like [characters actually have a productive conversation] “are they…. Are they actually talking?” Feels the same as watching a cat trying to instigate a play session with a dog and the dog finally realizing why the cat’s bothering it and going “aw, they’re finally playing!”
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sporeclan · 8 months ago
Well, about ACNH, how far are you on your island and do you have a theme for it?
I don't really have one yet, besides just wanting to build a giant botanical garden all over the island. I'm more of a collector than a builder in ACNH tbh, I go NUTS for collecting all the critters, fossils and art, plus I love flower breeding to the point where I keep track of the genetic codes of every single one of my flowers lol. And I keep track of everything with my handy dandy notebook <3
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YEAHHH pet tour under the cut!!!
SO to start off the list, heres my kitties!
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Their names are Pixel (black and white), Nixie (high white blue calico), Link (fawn) and Navi (blue w red chest) and they're my rocks <3 Nixie is the youngest, and she is an absolute menace at any given time lol,, Pixel has to be the most clingy cat I've ever met, she starts wailing at me the second I go outside or into a room she's not allowed in, the poor thing :') She's SUCH a cuddlebug though <3 Link and Navi are littermates! Navi is such a vocal kitty, she meows at everything for any reason whatsoever, while Link is such a quiet but sweet and friendly little guy <3
Next up - my hens!
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Right now I have two adult Light Sussex hens! They're not really into cuddles or pats, but that doesn't bother me. They're friendly snd happy, that's all that matters to me. I am however adding to the flock soon, and I'm excited to see how that goes! They're Swedish Flowerhens, and they only just hatched about two weeks ago so they're still just little babies <3
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I do actually have snakes too, but I can't seem to find any pics of them ?? But one of them's a lavender kornsnake and the other is what the breeder called a "soul eater" ball python <3
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nickernacker · 1 year ago
Hello this is my presentation on what animals Les Mis characters would be except I'm only 500ish pages into the book so it's very short list at the moment
I decided almost IMMEDIATELY that Valjean would be some sort of owl, despite what I believe is the most popular interpretation being him as a lion. I was thinking of that one chapter in the book where he's referred to as an owl (the one called 'a nest for owl and wren' I think??) and decided yes absolutely that is 100% it. So then my first thought was a snowy owl, since they're pretty fucking big and also white (I'm not too bothered for hair colours and what have you in the rest of these but for Valjean it seemed pretty important) but the snowy owl look just wasn't doing it for me!! (something about their look was a little too intense, I guess??) And then! I remembered the barn owl (which is, by the way, probably my favourite owl). And yeah I might be a little biased towards them but they have a sort of gentle look while still being, y'know, owls (notoriously pretty dangerous predators). And of course, owls are nocturnal.
Also, just look at them!! The vibe is perfect, I'm certain of it.
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(And!! While most barn owls have that light brown colouring, there have been white ones!! So the hair colour problem is all good)
Javert was a LOT more trouble (which I wasn't anticipating, after the easy pick for Valjean). He HAD to be some sort of wolf/dog-adjacent animal, that was the one and only condition (though I did briefly consider a horse. Just because he has a horse in both the 2018 BBC series and the 2012 movie??). A hyena was my first immediate pick (yeenvert <3) but it wasn't QUITE there and I was struggling desperately for some other idea. AND THEN! I decided, if no horse, why not a vaguely horse-shaped dog? Which led to a short list of hounds (scottish deerhound, irish wolfhound, ibizan hound) which I sort of juggled in my mind for a bit before finally deciding I kind of liked the scruffy deerhound vibe. They're very sweet dogs, as far as I know, so in that respect maybe not so accurate, but they definitely have the capacity to be foreboding in the same way most hounds have. They're also pretty tall!
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(And yes I KNOW I said I wasn't fussed for colours but the grey on these guys is actually perfect for my mental image of Javert so! It's a happy accident!)
I knew pretty immediately that the bishop would be some sort of rooster. I have absolutely no reason for this other than the vibe was too perfect to ignore (though I think I might have been inspired by some gif of the bishop an old Les Mis movie where there were chickens in the background). So then I went on Wikipedia and ran through a list of roosters until I found this magnificent little beast, a faverolles rooster. I found on my not-so-extensive research journey that these guys are super gentle and apparently very hilarious, which, yeah, that's absolutely him <3
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The bishop's sister (Mademoiselle Baptistine?) also gets a chicken. Because yeah they're related but also I just think it really fits her. Or maybe I'm biased, idk, I do really love chickens. I don't really have much to say about her which I am so so sorry for because I do really like her!! But she's a swedish flower hen
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And Madame Magloire was going to be a chicken (before I gave that to the bishop's sister instead) but I later landed on some sort of donkey. Again, I haven't got much reason for this but the vibe is there!! I promise you!! I switched between a bunch of different donkey breeds (all of which I had never heard of before but I absolutely love, by the way. Go check out a provence donkey) and then i found the bourbonnais donkey, which is just perfect to me. If I have ever been certain of anything it's this.
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(There's a disappointing amount of donkey photos on the internet. Where are they all!!)
I was going to save Fauchelevent for a different post but i really like him so he's here too. I was pretty sold on him as a sheep at first, and I very nearly left it at that but then!! I learned of a cashmere goat, which was not only a lot closer to how I imagine him but also they look cool as hell!! So I thought, okay, that was easy, but something still wasn't sitting quite right. The goat idea was absolutely perfect, but the cashmere goat was too far in the direction away from the sheep idea (which I'm still very attached to). So instead I went for an angora goat! Which apparently do something pretty close to gardening for a goat (eating/destroying nuisance plants and improving pastures) so it was almost too perfect to pass up. Also their horns are pretty awesome
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(It's very funny to me personally that Valjean is an owl while Fauchelevent is a goat. Yes, we are brothers, the bird and the goat. Makes perfect sense)
I was going to give Cosette one in this post too but I'm not 100% sure of hers yet!! So she'll have to wait. I apologise deeply.
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momentaryunicorn · 9 months ago
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28x28 pixel art Swedish flower hen!
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justsimplyspace · 11 months ago
I LOVE YOUR CHICKENS!!! I'm a big chicken lover too!! What breeds are they? Do they have names?
YEAHHH SO DO I <33 Ohh boy here we go...
Our head rooster is Shmuel, and he's a rhode island red brahma mix! Then we have his son, Santa, who's mom was an olive egger! Then we have Rocket, the swedish flower hen rooster!
We have Big Red and Mavis, the rhode island reds, Janet the easter egger, Helen and Athena the olive eggers, Three ISA browns we can't tell apart so they're just the ISA browns-- Then we have Mama Karen the black jersey giant, Wendy and Odette the silver laced wyandottes, Annie and Rat Bird the blue stars, and my favorite girl Pumpkin who we dont know the breed of-- We also have Dweeb and Goldie the buff orpingtons.
Then we have Mulberry and Morrow--the first two we hatched ourselves. And we also have Cheese and Crackers, who are identical, but Cheese is a barred rock and Crackers is Mama Karens and Shmuels daughter. We also have two unnamed DweebxShmuel babies that we can't tell apart so we call them the Dweeblings.
Finally, we have Corn, the bantam silkie rooster, and his bantam silkie hens: Batman, Fifi, and Beans. (we also have Rampage the drake, and Momo and Elon Muscovy the duck hens) All my beloved creatures <3
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jensownzoo · 9 months ago
Well I was having a pretty decent day.
But my very favorite hen has just died and that just really sucks. She was just coming up on her 11 year old hatch day, so it isn't an extraordinary occurrence, but it still sucks.
She was a stolid, pretty Swedish Flower Hen--the most even-tempered chicken I've ever had. I won her in a batch of chicks from a rare breeds auction. If I could afford it, I'd get a whole flock of SFH. I mean, I really like my new laying flock, but still.
**upcoming medical shit**
I'd noticed in the past month or so that she'd started undergoing sex reversal, which is terribly suspicious in a hen of her age. So I had started thinking along the lines of her eventual mortality. Looks like it was indeed a tumor--one that sometime between yesterday and today ulcerated through her lower abdomen and started causing her to feel ill. She still had a few pieces of corn in her crop from last evening's snack, so apparently some crop stasis started overnight. But! She had been acting her normal self until this afternoon, though I didn't notice until an hour ago (she looked like she was interrupted while dustbathing but really she was down). I picked her up and cleaned off the area to see what was going on, put her in the bathtub to gather first aid supplies (why do these things always happen on Sundays?), and she decided that she was done.
So now I have a half an hour to dig a grave for a large chicken and I'm trying to figure out where I can do that that isn't full of tree roots.
At least I've designated Mondays as do-nothing days.
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backyardchickennews · 1 year ago
Is the Swedish Flower Hen a Rare Chicken Breed? Uncovering the Mystery of the Swedish Flower Hen What Color Eggs Does the Swedish Flower Hen Lay? Why is the Swedish Flower Hen a Practical Breed? How Is Keeping a Swedish Flower Hen Different? Why is the Swedish Flower Hen a Popular Choice for Families with Small Children? If you want to raise a chicken and a laying egg is your thing, you should consider the Swedish Flower Hen. It's an ancient Swedish breed of chicken that has become endangered. It's one of eleven traditional chicken breeds in Sweden. These landrace chickens are easy to raise, practical, and produce eggs in abundance. https://backyardchickennews.com/is-the-swedish-flower-hen-a-rare-chicken-breed/?feed_id=2741&_unique_id=65745717138b0
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redfoxfowl · 1 year ago
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He probably knows he’s pretty.
Black Millie Swedish Flower Hen.
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superfluffychickens · 26 days ago
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My pretty Swedish girls! This frigid weather doesn’t seem to bother them too much, they’re a couple of tough chicks!
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esmeraldawhitlock · 2 years ago
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Kinds of Chickens at Esmeralda Whitlock’s Home and The Eggs They Lay
Whiting True Blue
Whiting True Green
French Black Copper Marans
Swedish Flower Hen
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yuputkaphoto · 2 years ago
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Swedish Flower Hens
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