auveiss · 2 years
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I kinda want a Doublade so bad so i made one hihi X'D. Meet Brún and Sverð!! Planed them to be Alfur's sword, my Sylbreon OC, also include his pic on the right
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1000punks · 7 months
conversely, my boyfriend and i spent the day playing our co-op run yesterday, and we make quite literally the most OP team- i'm playing roiben (his chaotic good arc) as a ranger (lvl. 6 so far) and he's playing svartur, a lvl. 6 gith monk and svartur has so MUCH rizz, he and lae'zel have boinked like 3 times already and we only just got to the tiefling party, like istg
roiben is romancing gale, under the watchful eye of svartur- my bf was like "we won't go get the dialogue with zevlor (to trigger the tiefling party) UNTIL you get the magic scene with him istg! *smacks hand on table*" he's so goddamn invested in me bedding this wizard, and let me tell you that THAT is a real man right there
but right now, we're at grymforge, and just did the whole "free nere"/"free the gnomes" quest and let me tell you-
me (in character): hey SMALL-MEAT, how about you stop picking on gnomes that are literally a third of your size? *does like, 53 damage in one turn*
my boyfriend (also in character): yEAH, what he said! *does the remaining 25+ damage and also takes out three duergar in one hit*
but the thing that killed me right- we were on the boat to grymforge and i severely failed the roll to push corsair greymon into the water, then eventually during the combat he pushed roiben into the water and i didn't notice right away and when i did i was like "o..oh shit!" and my bf just side-eyed me and laughed his ass off
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piratespacex · 2 months
All of Loki’s children from Oldest to youngest
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Some notes : Svilla named is a combination of the Icelandic word for Evil (illt) and the Icelandic word for black (Svartur). Since Sigyn died by being crushed to death by jormungandr’s tail, her body was so badly damaged that she needed hundred of stitches to look somewhat normal, so that’s why she looks like that in helheim.
This took like to make holy shit
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bugghost · 2 years
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tagged by @likehellohello - Oh man you have great taste in music, I’m pleased to tell you that Voxtrot is fucking great live!
I tried to put artists that I listen to pretty daily idk
idk who else to tag but if you see this this is your unofficial invite to do it if you want
@svartur-vindur , @ravingraeven
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therealestwizard · 17 days
things i can say in other languages from memory (excluding my 2 fluent-ish languages; english + japanese)
ost = cheese
brod = bread
mjolk = milk
water = vatten
wine = vin
hast = horse
skolpadden = turtle
flicka = girl
varfor = why
hund = dog
hej = hello
alskar du = I love you
pojke = boy
thanks = tack
you're welcome = du ar valkommen
good morning = god morgon
winter = vinter
cheers = skol
fish = fisk
please = si vous plait
hello/good morning = bonjour
goodbye = adieu
good morning? = bon soir
thank you = merci
apple = pomme
fountain = fontaine
dolphin = dauphin
cat = chat
that certain feeling = je ne se quois
yes = oui
no = non
i love you = je t'aime
my name is = j'e ma pelle
baby = enfant
girl = femme
sea = mer
friday = vendredi
sur = on
moon = lune
sun = soleil
island = ile
water = eau
hello = hola
goodbye = adios
thank you = gracias
you're welcome = de nada
good = bien
welcome = bienvenido
no smoking = no fumar
beach = playa
yes = si
no = no (haha)
dog = perro
job = trabajo
city = ciudad
water = auga
wine = vino
why = por que
why not = por que no
why not both = por que no los dos
bus = autobus
hello/good afternoon/day = gutentag
father = vater
mother = mutter
yes = ja
no = nein
love = leibe
thank you = danke/danke schoen
tri poloski = three stripes
privet = hello
irish gaelic
my love = mo gragh
1-10 = a, haon, do, tri, ceithre, cuig, se seacht, ocht, naoi, deich
cheers/health = slainte
dance = rinca
ocean = mar
festival = feis/feile
social dance = ceili
gaelic = gaelach
governing body/gathering = oireachtas
lake = loch
ireland forever = eirinn go bragh
mandarin chinese
hello = ni hao
mao = cat
thank you = xie xie
elves = alfar
hidden people = huldufolk
gold = guilli
black = svartur
blood = blodi
hello = hallo
goodbye = bless
thank you = talk fyrir
and there's probably some more languages, but that's all i can think of rn...feel free to grill me on random langs-- i might have some vocab in storage
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from Icelandic forenames, excluding the letter "N"
Aagústrósa Aberg Addfríði Addita Adelert Adrida Agbet Alaug Aldimar Aldur Aleki Almart Alrós Amikamý Ardía Argeirhall Argríður Arisigvir Ariðbormas Armóa Arður Assaberg Assell Augur Augógólfur Axellka Aximaríf Aðald Aðartalka...
Barður Begigur Berastmesja Beret Berguðla Bermorr Bertur Berður Bettur Birfillaug Birstvalfur Björgur Björlísar Bogerd Borfi Borgmar Borsteimik Boríðurbjam Briríður Bristeir Brímhildri Böður Böðvalvíkar Catharítar Dagfúsalti Daggesert Dellýdísek Delís Digbjölur Digur Diljuldur Dorður Dréta Dríus Dríður Dórael Döggaug Dýrar Dýrkug Ebbildi Ebbirleme Ebogi Edebora Eifur Elaug Elaumas Eldimi Eljóhaldur Ellauguríl Ellex Ellipít Elsabra Embreptía Erður Eserður Essalmar Evígja Eybjörus Eyrriði Femmild Fjaki Fjart Fjudi Fjula Fjóður Fjört Fjörður Flóas Freifur Freyla Fricharíma Frippít Friskelydía Frista Fríðurg Frólfur Fróseselía Galdrisbja Garður Geifur Gergur Gilýr Gitti Glaug Glóeyggi Glóður Gottar Grétur Gríður Grósmarrý Gutvildur Guðberður Guðfi Gyttús Haddfrí Hadís Hafbora Hafda Hafeuf Hafsteifur Hafstir Haggur Haldildur Haldur Hallf Halóveir Hargríður Harrik Haríet Harður Hauðmar Heberga Heifur Heildur Heirl Heirr Hekka Hekkas Helvaldur Hergeifur Hergeld Hergmata Hermura Hertert Hervildur Herður Hildeba Hildia Hilfur Hilvört Hjáredrés Hjátmas Hjörgjar Hlégerafa Hlírumiður Hlíza Hlíður Holbera Holdur Holgeo Hraeldi Hrapi Hrareylur Hrikkar Hristó Hrærúður Hrólf Hröður Hugilborgur Hugirmaj Husterdía Hólfur Hörgur Hössmarloui Húgóði Ilbryglai Irviður Istfriði Jaldur Jesigur Jochaldur Jovig Jólristíbas Jótta Jótur Jóður Jörkar Jörtalgeika Júddýr Júlaus Júlfdía Júlfra Júlfur Júlfus Kaillaugur Kargheig Keyvölvötta Kjaggur Kobbar Kobbi Kolfarg Kolild Kolkaldur Kolster Korga Korgur Kormekta Kormelkorka Krisa Kristir Kristmarði Kristur Kriðberðara Kriðla Kriðlildur Kriðrúður Kvaríður Laflómedíl Laugur Leigfaldur Lexíus Leódís Lidórður Lildíselgý Ljart Ljálmi Ljófeyr Lotur Loðrúrik Lásbervigur Líell Madór Magitsý Magma Makir Malaugbja Malauðdís Maldur Maleiður Malmír Marla Marlöður Marröður Marthagþór Martúeliður Marzil Marður Masmagða Matríður Matrúddþór Mattus Maxelbjört Meldur Mikkir Miktóbja Mikóki Milbjörkar Milliða Mirósaldur Mjaldig Myrmardís Mábir Málfur Mímur Móslur Móðir Oddikatley Oddúa Oldur Olgerður Orgurvardís Orlillaug Orsæi Oteiður Pathaldís Patla Pettaldia Poldísal Porgurbja Pálhjálfri Pálkór Pálrós Rafabir Rektó Ristbjörges Ráður Rímlöður Rólbja Rólfþór Rómeyvi Rósabil Rósbja Rósta Rósteifus Rögmus Röður Rúður Sabeta Saggý Sallarður Samaga Sebóttekur Sekug Selgert Sesjarðurrý Sigberta Sigbjaltefá Sigdísa Sigma Sigumey Sigurbes Siguðlíasí Siguðmadda Silbert Sildur Sjasa Skari Skatlarthea Skjör Skæri Skúlfdís Smarður Sofey Solemelís Sopherður Spoltý Steilex Steir Steiður Stergúsigur Stgeirþór Stgerður Stmarglóbý Stvalsa Stígríður Stþór Svakkaj Svaldur Svall Svalm Svartur Sveimdís Sveir Sveit Svera Sverbjör Sverg Svíuerey Særef Sævörlís Síaskjörg Sókrita Sólfdís Sólfrímur Söldur Sölvald Sölvika Tefas Teittherg Teliður Their Therg Thiljar Toddur Tolur Tormur Torvar Tríður Tíellý Tígdart Tíshilfur Tólma Tóvilfur Tóvía Ubbildig Uláreti Valberga Valdur Valeir Valfria Valti Vargísefa Varlava Vatta Vildwarg Vildísley Voplet Vorðir Vífur Vítrúdi Zópur Álfildór Álkidi Álmar Árbár Áreiður Ásbjaleika Ásbjör Ásborfi Ásmía Ástas Ástber Ásteri Ástgeboðmar Ástviletra Ásvalexar Ævarki Íríðbjar Ísaberður Ísabrá Ísesil Ísigus Ólber Ólfur Óllberd Ómedwaldur Öllvildur Ölvarlia Ölviður Öskja Úddketri Úlíður Þebalmfra Þeódór Þjódur Þorfra Þorgur Þorma Þorður Þrósea Þyrósla Þóreik Þóreðvar Þórmart Þórós
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ryumisadei · 1 year
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@svartur-vindur hell yes!
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enclaymore · 2 years
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metalshockfinland · 2 years
Italian SEPOLCRAL Launch "Flagello" Video
Italian death metallers SEPOLCRAL are currently premiering their new video, “Flagello”, at THIS LOCATION. The song is taken from the new album “Scourge”, out now via Time To Kill Records. Album tracklist: 01 – Suicider02 – Svartur Skit03 – Bastard Tongue04 – Interred Species05 – Nemo Me Impune Lacessit06 – Post Traumatic Martyr07 – Purity08 – Flagello09 – Broken Armour10 – White Venom Temple11…
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human-antithesis · 2 years
Carpe Noctem - Hrækyndill
Lyrics: Úr hjarta hringiðunnar sprettur hinn fyrsti eldur frumvera sem logar lífsins bál
Án vits né sinnu brennur hún hömlulaust óseðjandi hungur í lífsins vegna eld eldsins vegna
Vél án tilgangs en haglega gerð af þremur násmiðum geymir í iðrum sér logandi hryðju frumjötuns
Úr morknum rekaviði á svartri ströndu mótuðu þeir þig Þú ert offur bálsins skurðgoð sem þjáist með hverjum anda
Með þulu voru þræddar festar logans sem fæðir þig Alúðlega heftir hann þig með fölskum vonarorðum
Alelda af lífsins loga þú dansaðir þig til ösku brennandi líkneski
Þú brannst dýrlega skínandi öskrandi lifandi
Svartur himinninn sindraði af ösku þinni í eina nótt
Allt verður að sömu mold Skerðu lykil úr myrkri brennimerktan með innsigli haturs og fyrirlitningar á rekaviðnum sem fæðir þig
Vefðu loga um hendi þér slitinn úr rótum anda þíns stolinn úr smiðju násmiða alinn á blóði þinu
Bergmálið áður hunsað og grafið í hávaða og styr mun leiða þig um auðnina sem umlykur þig
Áður en kulnuð glóð verður aftur vakin til ólgandi lífs verður höfuð ormsins sem étur sjálfan sig afskorið
Lausnarorðin renna af tungu þinni leyndardómurinn sem þú varðveittir frá logandi augum og heldur þér vakandi í vitskertri martröð
Elfur rennur úr vitum þínum rætur spretta úr svartri eðju og kæfa stjórnlaust bál með þessum fagnaðarsöng:
„Eldur sem fæðir sem elur af sér yl og brennir með sóti á enni þér hitann og heiftina sem slítur festi og fjötra sem brýtur bein og gnístir tönnum flettir húð og spinnur garn úr iðrum eftir stendur aska sem man gleðina og þjáninguna fýkur ok þekur jörðina
Regn sem fellur sem ummyndar súrt og eitrað nærir fræ í moldu keyrir undnar rætur sem leita rótfestu og breyra svörtum sand í eitrað haf grænt víti sem drekkir minnisvörðum í illgresi óminni ýviðarins þorstinn sem mun gnísta og blæða blómstra og fæða glóðina
Stríð sem deyfir sem deyðir neistann sem knýr vítishryðjuna sem spýr og hrækir og rekur vélina og drepur vilja til lausnar en stormar sem geisa ala orma höggvandi rætur afsprengi kyrrðar og moldar afættur sem eitra og naga og veita lausn“
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kellyatx · 2 years
Twin Sisters with a bond forged in blood and fire, face betrayal and fear.
Twin sisters, Liana and Deirdre were inseparable like the two halves of a double-bladed axe, making the pain of having to leave each other a cut twice as deep. Their father, Gorsedd Gunnarson, King of the great country of Svartur Rokk, did not care about twin bonds or his daughter’s preferences and severed the pair with a single blow. Both Liana and Deirdre have been sold to the highest bidders for ships, weapons, and alliances. For Gorsedd Gunnarson these are very profitable and advantageous marriage arrangements, but the twin sisters would be torn from each other lives and sent to lands far apart forever! Liana is forced to leave her childhood sweetheart and marry a stranger. Sweet, timid Deirdre would be wed to a Viking warlord. One would leave her home on a ship and the other on a horse. Both would travel great distances to new lands. Given no choice but to embrace the lives planned for them, they find that the future holds more than they could ever have suspected. In a land where blood and ice reign, danger and betrayal war with love and hope.
Can they fight to find happiness in an ruthless world ruled by the sword and axe.
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rh35211 · 2 years
Take, for example, this line, translated by the poet W.H. Auden:
Sofur thu svid thitt
Svartur i augum
Far i fulan pytt
Fullan af draugum
Sleep, you black-eyed pig.
Fall into a deep pit of ghosts.
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auveiss · 5 years
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Look at this amazing giftart of the sylveon fushions by @emikaffi-makes-art  The red one is Emi’s OC while the other is mine <3. And i also did a art still featuring these two bbys, you guys can see it here <3 [Link]
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barnaby-wyznfarr · 6 years
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This piece was removed by tumblr. Rather than go through the trouble of trying to have the original post put back, I’m making a new post. This is my draenei death knight Svartur. In life, he was a Commander of a unit of Auchenai draenei.
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rudra-writes · 6 years
Svartur, Aboard the Vindicaar
This is something I wrote as a roleplay starter. I looked it over recently and I kind of like it, so I’m sharing it here as well. It’s meant to take place towards the end of the Legion expansion. I hope it’s enjoyed.
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The comings and goings of military conflict aboard the Vindicaar didn’t allow for many opportunities of quiet. As such, when one wing inside the ship appeared to become near-deserted, it was a noticeable curiosity.
The reason for the silence was not immediately apparent. Every available square foot of space inside the Vindicaar was valuable, and had some way of being utilized. But to proceed down the corridor soon revealed the reason for its being deserted.
At the end of the hallway, looking out the window at the surface of Argus, there stood a death knight. A great, tall Knight, an undead draenei. He was encased in saronite plate, all in black, which contrasted him with the light-filled interior of the space vessel.
The Knight possessed an ominous aura that could be felt just at the edge of the senses of the living, a psychic warning to stay away. He watched the surface of the planet in silence while his long tail slowly undulated behind him.
Few death knights of any race had come aboard the Vindicaar to Argus. Although no one was explicitly documenting, their numbers had fallen noticeably over the years since the war in Northrend. There existed only a finite number of Knights, and their nature was such that many were irresistibly drawn to combat, where they met their second death. Others became so overwhelmingly filled with sorrow at their tragic state, and the hatred towards their kind, that they either destroyed themselves, or implored the service of an Anchorite or priest to put an end to their misery.
On Argus’s desecrated surface, however, there was work to be done. Work that was suitable for death knights. Behind the death knight there stood a large war table, with maps and army markers scattered over it. Sitting in one of the seats with a glass of wine was a draenei Anchorite. He was elegantly robed in gold, which contrasted vividly with his cobalt blue skin.
“It must be difficult for you,” the Anchorite was saying conversationally to the death knight, gesturing at the view of Argus, “To come back to this place.”
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nimrook-fr · 7 years
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Want to know their theme song??
Theme song.
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