#Suzuki Fuwa
pyropsychiccollector · 2 months
AssClass ask
ok so about my last ask, i realized you did smth similar already lol. with the school play where nagisa had to kiss somone else, around mid last year. I think that one only had kayano, nakamura and kanzaki so im wondering what the others reaction would be or if they got jealous over it.
I couldn't seem to find the one that included Rio and Yukiko… XD I have a vague recollection of possibly doing another school play with them involved with reacting alongside Kaede… But I think Kaede was the main reaction I did. Then again, knowing me I just didn't tag the post… Very possible. XD Regardless, I did Yukiko and Rio again anyway~ And some others. Including a bonus girl~ (✿◠‿◠)
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OC: ಠಿ_ಠ
Nagisa: What's up, OC? You look spooked.
OC: jolts a little U-Um! Y-You don't have to worry about the play anymore. You can go home. ಠಿ_ಠ;;;;;;;;;
Nagisa: But didn't you need a last minute sub…? I can't just abandon you guys! >_<
OC: Yes… Well… (✿◠‿◠)* You didn't tell me your girlfriend was terminally ill…
Nagisa: T-Terminally…? Huh??? She's not… ಠಿ_ಠ
Yukiko: (✿◠‿◠)* seems to appear out of thin air Let's go, Nagisa-kun.
Nagisa: B-But why? OC needs help on this play? I promised…? ಠಿ_ಠ
Yukiko: I need you help more. coughs weakly (✿◠‿◠)**
OC: P-Poor thing. You're so young. Σ('◉⌓◉’)
Nagisa: I don't understand what's going on…?! gets dragged off by Yukiko
Yukiko: when they're far enough away Now, when were you going to tell me about this play? Dear? (✿◠‿◠)***
Nagisa: I'm just trying to help out a classmate. >_< They had no one else able to take up this role, so…
Yukiko: Did you know about the kiss scene? (✿◠‿◠)****
Nagisa: No?? But I figured you wouldn't mind since it's not real. ಠಿ_ಠ
Yukiko: And when were you going to tell me, dear? (✿◠‿◠)*
Nagisa: … To be honest, I kinda forgot with all the practicing and line memorizing. >_<
Yukiko: voice reaches subzero temperatures You… already practiced…? (╬≖‿≖)
Nagisa: The lines? Yeah. :O
Yukiko: The KISS, Nagisa. (╬≖‿≖)
Nagisa: Oh, that was only gonna be during the performances. I think counting dress rehearsal there was gonna be three shows.
Yukiko: ………
Nagisa: B-But. Um. I did feel bad after hearing about the kiss part, so I was gonna take you out to a nice dinner after it was all over.
Yukiko: ………
Nagisa: … A-And shower you with as many kisses as you wanted? ^^;;;
Yukiko: (╬≖‿≖) You're lucky you're cute.
Nagisa: What was that lie about being terminally ill??? It's not good to lie about that stuff, Yukiko-chan. >_<
Yukiko: (✿◠‿◠) It wasn't a lie. I've got a fever, and the only cure is…
Nagisa: … More cowbell? ಠಿ_ಠ
Yukiko: … A boy just as dense as Mister Karasuma. (✿◠‿◠)
Nagisa: … I don't get it. ಠಿ_ಠ
Yukiko: We'll work on that. (✿◠‿◠) … And new rule: No kissing other girls. That's just rude.
Nagisa: A-Alright… ಠಿ_ಠ
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Nagisa: I'm sorry, I beg your pardon? (⊙▂⊙✖ )
OC: holds out the dress exasperatedly You heard me the first time. The new director says the main characters swap bodies. (╬≖_≖)
Nagisa: But I didn't sign up for crossdressing?! (⊙▂⊙✖ )
OC: Yeah, well, I didn't either. Other girls might like being tomboys, but I LIKE the frills. (╬≖_≖) But the director says jump, we're only supposed to say, "how high?"
Nagisa: @~~~@* The director was not this unreasonable when I first started practicing with you guys.
OC: I said we got a new one, didn't I? Our first one must've ate something bad the other night, and this new chick came in with his blessing. Supposedly. (╬≖_≖) I hear the bitch is thinking about the whole cast swapping bodies. Apparently she wants pictures before, during, and after the show.
Nagisa: ……… Is this new director blonde by any chance? Blue eyes?
OC: Yeah? How'd you know?
Nagisa: I quit. Σ('◉⌓◉’)
OC:You can't quit when we're a week away!!!
Nagisa: I can so. (⊙▂⊙✖ ) Whoever's bright idea it was to let Rio Nakamura take over, they can suffer the fallout. I am NOT letting her use me as a Barbie doll. AGAIN.
OC: It's just one "body swap", how bad can it be? :P
Nagisa: (╬≖_≖) You go on believing that. She won't ever be "content", not when she has all the power in the world as "director". She won't be satisfied until everyone wears all the costumes. You absolute F O O L S…
OC: Yeah, yeah, whatever drama queen. :P
Nagisa: (✿◠‿◠) rips up his script Clearly I have sinned and should have been faithful. I can't save your poor souls, but I'm gonna make it up to Rio. That should at least save me. prances off
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Yuzuki: You disgust me… (๑ `н´๑)
OC: … I'm sorry? ಠಿ_ಠ
Yuzuki: A vanilla Shakespeare play?! In this day and age?! (๑ `н´๑) Did you even TRY to look up adaptations, you swine?
OC: Adapt…huh? ಠಿ_ಠ The student council approves the scripts, and they hafta get approval from the principal!
Yuzuki: I bet you didn't even TRY searching on rattles off random script website! (๑ н´๑) Audiences are gonna be bored to TEARS with your outdated English and crusty Shakespearean humor! (๑н´๑) Nope. Your play receives a 0/5 stars from me. No witty, clever anime references. Vanilla Romeo and Juliet plot. You're just the worst, and we will be boycotting your "play", madam. (๑ н´๑)(๑н´๑)(๑ `н´๑)
OC: Okayyy, bye, Queen Otaku…? C'mon, Nagisa. stares ಠಿ_ಠ
Nagisa: getting dragged away by Yuzuki ^^;;;;;;;; S-Sorry, OC-chan… Yuzuki says no, so I can't…
OC: huffs Freaking doormat. (╬≖_≖)
Yuzuki: (๑ н´๑) Not a single artistic bone in their bodies, not one!!! (๑н´๑)
Nagisa: It's just a school play, Yuzuki-chan… ^^;;;
Yuzuki: We have STANDARDS, Nagisa-kun! (๑ `н´๑)
Rio: … Does she even care about the "kiss" scene? ಠಿ_ಠ
Kaede: Well, you didn't, Miss "unlimited power". ಠಿ_ಠ
Rio: True~ Art is so subjective~ (✿◠‿◠)
Kaede: (╬≖_≖) Crossdressing isn't art, it's a sin.
Rio: So old-fashioned~ Even when ya get to see Nagisa's L E G S~? (✿◠‿◠)
Kaede: If Nagisa doesn't wanna do it, he's not gonna do it, you swine. (╯°□°)╯
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OC: (✿◠‿◠);;; Nagisa-kun, you're relieved.
Nagisa: ಠಿ_ಠ I am?
OC: Yes, effective immediately. (✿◠‿◠);;; I should be able to find someone else to handle your role.
Nagisa: Even when we're a week away…? ಠಿ_ಠ
OC: ……… Yes. (✿◠‿◠);;;;;;;;;
Nagisa: You look nervous… Are you sure???
OC: YES, Nagisa, I am ABSOLUTELY FREAKING SURE!!!!!! (╯°□°)╯
Nagisa: But…why? ಠಿ_ಠ
OC: Oh, I don't know. Had an omen the past few nights. (╬≖_≖)
Nagisa: … An omen. ಠಿ_ಠ
OC: Someone threw a rock in my window with a message - "find some other chump." And when I didn't do anything but board up my window… The next night I had a "friendly" red dot on my pillow and I swear I heard a barrage of paintballs decorate the side of my house. The next morning my dad had to call some people to repaint the side of our house, and I found a message in my mailbox that said, "I mean it." And I've had the dot of deadly doom following me since yesterday!!! (╯°□°)╯
Nagisa: . . . ಠಿ_ಠ Rinka isn't one for subtlety…
OC: Oh, you KNOW that psycho?! Why am I not surprised?! (╯°□°)╯
Nagisa: Well, she IS my girlfriend. ^^;;;
OC: (✿◠‿◠)*** Kindly bugger off, Nagisa. My life is in shambles. From just a few days.
Nagisa: … I'll send you an apology gift. ^^;;;
OC: Nooo, no, no, no. No gifts.
Nagisa: A card, then-
OC: NO CARDS!!! Just polite acquaintanceship. (✿◠‿◠)***
Nagisa: … I have to do something for you…
OC: The best gift money can by is a red dot free life, Nagisa. (✿◠‿◠)*** That psycho's all yours.
Nagisa: …………
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OC: Watch your hands, you perv?!
Nagisa: I-I'm so sorry…! (⊙▂⊙✖ ) backs away
OC: I thought you were a kind, unassuming boy, Nagisa-kun. (╬ಠ益ಠ) What was with that groping, you pig?!
Nagisa: I-It's just how my girlfriend's been training me…! Σ('◉⌓◉’) Sh-She said to do everything like the simulation…
OC: I don't CARE what horny bs you and your… huffs bitterly GIRLFRIEND get up to… Just leave me out of it!!!!! (╬ಠ益ಠ) We are NOT doing that in private. And we are most certainly NOT doing THAT in public. You disgusting pig. (╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)
Nagisa: Why do I feel like Touka-chan set me up…? (人◕_◕)
OC: Oh, you think your perverted soulmate tricked you?! At least try to take responsibility for your own unsightly beastiality!!! (╬ಠ益ಠ)
Nagisa: No, no, I think she wanted me booted out of the play. >w< I thought it was a bit extreme we took all our clothes off last night…
OC: … Yeah, you can get out of here. Great idea. (✿◠‿◠) Go back to mating like rabbits. Dirty, disgusting perverts. (✿◠‿◠)***
Nagisa: ……… (人◕_◕) I can't even dispute that with what she made me do…
OC: OUT!!!!!
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OC: What the?!
Ritsu: Hi, OC-chan. (✿◠‿◠) I heard Nagisa was going to be in your little play.
OC: How'd you get my number?! And who the heck ARE you?!
Ritsu: Let's dispense with the small talk and get to the heart of the matter. (❋•‿•❋) Like how you're going to beg me for your life.
OC: Excuse me?!
Ritsu: I have suitable blackmail on you ready to be posted on all social media platforms. (❋•‿•❋) What are you going to do for me? (❋•‿•❋)
OC: … What do you want? ;;;>_>
Ritsu: Find someone else to play opposite you in the main role. Nagisa-kun is mine. (❋•‿•❋)
OC: … And if I let him go, you'll delete all that blackmail?
Ritsu: Never go near Nagisa again, and I'll think about deleting some of the backups. (❋•‿•❋)
Ritsu: (❋•‿•❋) Do we have an accord?
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bowcrazy · 1 year
Tsurune Character Songs Album Review
We had a lot of thoughts about these songs while working with the lyrics, so we decided to do a mini album review! Please enjoy listening to each songs as we reflect on the lyrics and composition~
Up Stairs
Mod Yumi: A very gentle, comforting song, as expected from a Minato/Seiya duet. The composers did an excellent job capturing the feeling of nostalgia; this somehow feels like a song I've known and loved for years. The lyrics are perfect--I love the references to the bridge scene from s1 ep10. The line "I had a place where my heart could relax" is so precious <3 Overall, I don't think it's the strongest song on the album, but it's definitely one of my top faves!
Mod Optimus Prime: A heartfelt way to start off the album! It's very sweet and mellow, which of course really fits the fact that, y'know, the song is about Minato and Seiya's relationship! It's more or less just a straight callback to all of season one, but it's really touching how (both literally and figuratively) they come together at the end there.
Mod Yumi: This song is so excessively dramatic and I kinda love it?? It does NOT sound like a song that ties into a soothing, chill slice of life archery anime and I am here for it. But I'm also weak for synth horns; give me a cheesy overexuberant fake brass section and I'm sold. Bonus points for all of the archery references and unnecessarily homoerotic lyrics. (And special shoutout to Mod Optimus Prime, our resident FukuJun stan, for helping me with the color codes because I was completely lost lmao)
Mod Optimus Prime: Probably the character duo song with the most...attitude to it? And sass, which of course, fits these two incredibly troublesome boys. To me, it's almost like the two are having a back-and-forth with each other while also brazenly admitting to each other just how tangled up they are—admittedly a reoccurring theme for the duet songs, but that doesn't make it any less cute, I think!
Ari no Mama de
Mod Yumi: Very cute and wholesome, doesn't really do it for me in terms of composition though. I do think this is the most well-acted song on the album. Having heard both of these seiyuu sing as other characters (notably Suzuki Ryouta as Bisco from Sabikui Bisco and Yano Shougo as Mafuyu from Given), I was blown away by how different they both managed to sound! Changing your voice to that extent while singing is not an easy thing to do. I was also tickled by the fact that they both noticeably sang less well than I know they're both capable of singing, because it suited the characters better to do so. Listening to this song, you wouldn't think either of these singers are particularly talented, but that fact is proof in and of itself that they ARE talented. Mad respect for the skill displayed here!
Mod Optimus Prime: Unsurprisingly, sunshine boy Ryouhei and the other local cheery boy have an easygoing and slow duet! I can't really say too much aside from the fact that the lyrics are both just really cute and earnest—you can see Ryouhei's influence here, haha.
Growing Up
Mod Yumi: Very cute, very catchy! I enjoy this song a lot. As a side note, I find it interesting that besides Minato, Nanao is the only character to be featured in two songs. One of the things I like about Nanao is that he's characterized mainly through his relationships with other characters. Sometimes when we see this happening it's more to do with lazy character writing (and lbr, it usually happens with female characters). But in this case, it actually builds our understanding of the character, rather than just casting him into the side character role of 'only here to develop the MCs'. To me it's always felt like he's the most put-together of the team, watching over everyone else and giving them a nudge in the right direction, while blending in so effortlessly they don't suspect a thing, like the social chameleon he is. Oops, this just turned into me gushing about Tsurune character writing lol. The song's nice idk what else to tell ya
Mod Optimus Prime: Also yet another honest song—a rare thing for Kacchan! It's obviously about Kaito and Nanao's close friendship and the further development during season two, so it's fitting we also get to see more of Nanao's (somewhat hidden) stubborn side here. Not to meme here, but really shows how their relationship fits the, "the more things change, the more things stay the same," aka them supporting ("protecting") each other through thick and thin.
Mod Yumi: I'm not the biggest fan of the composition of this song. I can't put my finger on why, but the main melody isn't working for me (and doesn't work great for Asashin's voice either tbh). That said, the backing track lives rent free in my head, I'm OBSESSED. And I love the dreamy feel of the lyrics! Whereas the others feel more like a dialogue between the singers, this one feels like a poem. The ethereal quality of the music and the lyrics draws me back to Masa-san's introduction, when he was a cryptid/ghost (lmao) appearing in the dead of night to guide Minato back to archery
Mod Optimus Prime: I've only heard Asanuma Shintarou (Masaki's VA) sing in a higher register, so this was both surprising and pleasant—it's quite soothing to hear! It's also fitting that the only Real Adult™️ with bounds of experience compared to these young'uns gets a really poetic and dramatic song with, of course, lots of moon references.
Mod Yumi: THIS IS THE BEST ONE. This song is a legit bop omg. Leave it to luck life to give us a character song that exceeds typical character songs! I also love the meaning of the lyrics; it almost feels like a new angle on the Shuu/Minato relationship in a way? Of course we know their history and their affectionate rivalry, but we don't really see either of them putting into words how they feel about each other (especially Shuu-- I had to laugh at the line "we didn't need mundane words"; like no dude we could actually use a few more words from you, given your track record of communicating approximately 7% of your thoughts smh). This song puts into words how much they mean to each other and how, despite their complicated history and rivalry, they still care about each other.
Mod Optimus Prime: Luck Life actually composed this song, which really shows in the style (that catchy guitar, anyone?)! I adore the constant references to "sounds"—while a bit cheesy and on those nose, of course, it fits these two to a T and calls back to that season one finale. Again, not that any of the songs are really subtle, but "We might be apart, but I believe we'll someday return / So we didn't need mundane words" really just sums up their unique friendship/rivalry. Also, love how the two only sing together at the end: really fits with the song's whole message/theme about the two being separated, but eventually reuniting! How sweet.
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asknarashikari · 11 months
ToQger and ZeroOneCast reactions?
Cue Right cowering behind everyone else while a huffy Isamu (being held back by Aruto, Naki and Izu) yells about him having the audacity to touch his Aru XD
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beansproutsong · 1 year
Tsurune - Amatsu Hoshi Matsuri Event
I attended the Tsurune seiyu event on Sept 3rd, both session noon and afternoon.
I'll try to write detailed reports here and I'll post some of the live reading drama on my privatter. Follow me on my twitter (angelic1408) and I'll add you to the list to view my privatter
I'll use seiyuu name instead of character name
Uemura Yuto (UY): Minato
Ichikawa Aoi (IA): Seiya
Ishikawa Kaito (IK): Kaito
Yano Shogo (YS): Nanao
Suzuki Ryota (SR): Ryouhei
Asanuma Shintaro (AS): Masaki
Ono Kensho (OK): Shu
FukuJun (FJ): Nikaido
Please note that EN is not my first language so it's hard for me to put my thought into words.
The event have 5 corner:
Talk Session (Noon theme: What scene do you want to see once again? Afternoon theme: What's scene that makes you respect your character)
Game Session (Noon: putting ring to a stick -anime S2 ep 13- Afternoon: Eating Takoyaki game)
Live reading drama Session (both session had different scenario)
For noon talk session, each seiyuu is asked which scene they want to watch again:
UY: Coffee can scene that Minato received from Fuwa during the joint-camp
IA: During vs Kirisaki, when Seiya keep missing the target and his back is being supported by smol Minato
SR and AS: Kazemai girls match
YS: Kazemai boys eating udon together. Yano-san thinks this scene is interesting because Kazemai supposed to train their sync, but even for eating udon, all 5 of them have different personality.
IK: Kazemai and Kirisaki match side by side
OK: All Sae-chan reaction. Kensho-san said Sae-chan is like a key person that glued the Fujiwara family. She kinda bring Shu and his parents together. Also the wish that Shu write in his Tanabata tanzaku is also revealed in this event.
FJ: Tsujimine practise scene
The game they play on noon session is throwing a ring into a stick (like in the anime S2 EP 13). It's last man standing type of game. The rule is they have to follow an instruction when throwing the ring.
As a practise, they can throw the ring normally --> only Yano-san actually managed to put the ring into the stick
For first round, the action is they have to throw the ring after they got cheered by the audience.
Only Yano-san managed to put the ring on the stick again. Kensho-san and Ichikawa-san missed the target, but they're being forgiven because at least the ring were in the board.
Yano-san, Kensho-san, and Ichikawa-san proceed to round 2. This time, the action is to get cheered by their name
Asanuma-san suggested to use the nickname when they were in High School. So for Ichikawa-san it's Ittchi, Yano-san is Yanoooon, and Kensho-san is Onocchi. Kensho-san and Yano-san proceed to Final
The action they have to do for the final is to throw the ring without seeing and both of them actually did not make it. So FukuJun picked up Kensho ring and put it manually on the stick, making OnoKensho is the winner for the game.
He get a mini kaiten sushi set as a present.
Here's the most awaited part of the session:
Reading Session - Noon Part 1
follow me on twitter and I'll add you on the list
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fukigennachou · 1 year
Dancing Over Night Romaji/English
Dancing Over Night is SUS i couldn't skirt around it I TRIED up until a certain point
Title: Dancing Over Night
Artist: Reiji Kotobuki (CV: Showtaro Morikubo), Ranmaru Kurosaki (CV: Tatsuhiza Suzuki), Ai Mikaze (CV: Shouta Aoi), Camus (CV: Tomoaki Maeno)
Lyrics: Noriyasu Agematsu
Composition: Noriyasu Agematsu
Arrangement: Junpei Fujita
Kanji lyrics at: Musixmatch
Available: iTunes / iTunes JP / Spotify Romaji Mahou shikake no PARASORUSougen no hana no BEDDOShabon de fuwa-fuwa…
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yuribracket · 1 year
The Maligned Yuri Bracket's preliminary round is underway!
It will still take me a good deal more time to find or make images for all of these pairings and schedule the polls, so don't expect voting to start up right away. But let's take a look at our contestants anyway!
EDIT: The preliminary round has started! This post will be updated with links to polls as they are posted and results as they come out.
I've decided that all pairings that received more than one submission will automatically be included in the final bracket, since there were so few of them. The remaining pairings have been sorted into 55 matchups of 2-4 pairings each, the winners of which will be added to a final bracket of 64.
When posted, the polls will include excerpts of the reasoning submitters gave as to how the pairings are maligned, to help people decide who they'd like to vote for. For now, here's a look at all of the pairings listed alongside the media they're from:
Kay Faraday/Ema Skye (Ace Attorney) vs. Franziska von Karma/Ema Skye (Ace Attorney) vs. Adrian Andrews/Franziska von Karma (Ace Attorney)
Susato Mikotoba/Haori Murasame (The Great Ace Attorney) vs. Aura Blackquill/Metis Cykes (Ace Attorney) vs. Athena Cykes/Pearl Fey (Ace Attorney)
Aiho Yomikawa/Kikyou Yoshikawa (A Certain Magical Index) vs. Mitsuko Kongou/Mikoto Misaka (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
Ema Hinata/Emo Moegi (Aikatsu Friends! and Kiratto Prichan) vs. Ichigo Hoshimiya/Aoi Kiriya (Aikatsu!) vs. Ran Shibuki/Yurika Todo (Aikatsu!)
Barbie/Raquelle (Barbie) vs. Annaliese/Erika (Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper) vs. Kristyn Farraday/Hailey (Barbie in the Pink Shoes)
Talia Al Ghul/Selina Kyle (DC comics) vs. Lois Lane/Selina Kyle (DC comics) vs. Jean Grey/Wanda Maximoff (Marvel)
Barbara Gordon/Dinah Lance [DC comics (Birds of Prey)] vs. Kara Danvers/Lucy Lane (Supergirl) vs. Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain (DC comics)
Sera Masumi/Sonoko Suzuki (Detective Conan) vs. Hidemi Hondou/Jodie Starling (Detective Conan) vs. Ran Mouri/Kazuha Toyama (Detective Conan) vs. Ran Mouri/Sonoko Suzuki (Detective Conan) Kazuha Toyama/Ran Mouri/Sonoko Suzuki (Detective Conan)
Princess Alia/Akari Tsukimura (Kamen Rider Ghost) vs. Erika Satonaka/Chiyoko Shiraishi (Kamen Rider OOO)
Regina Mills/Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time) vs. Aurora/Mulan (Once Upon a Time)
Elesa/Skyla (Pokemon) vs. May/Serena (Pokemon) vs. Lana/Mallow (Pokemon)
Nemona/Penny (Pokemon) vs. Iono/Klara (Pokemon)
Cyllene/Zisu (Pokemon Legends Arceus) vs. Irida/Mai (Pokemon Legends Arceus)
Setsuna Higashi/Inori Yamabuki (Fresh Pretty Cure!) vs. Miki Aono/Inori Yamabuki (Fresh Pretty Cure!)
Kaoru Kiryuu/Mai Mishou (Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star) vs. Saki Hyuuga/Mai Mishou (Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star) vs. Saki Hyuuga/Michiru Kiryuu (Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star)
Yuko Omori/Hime Shirayuki (Happiness Charge Pretty Cure!) vs. Iona Hikawa/Hime Shirayuki (Happiness Charge Pretty Cure!)
Himari Arisugawa/Ichika Usami (KiraKira☆Pretty Cure A La Mode) vs. Bibury/Ciel Kirahoshi (KiraKira☆Pretty Cure A La Mode) vs. Himari Arisugawa/Aoi Tategami (KiraKira☆Pretty Cure A La Mode) vs. Ciel Kirahoshi/Ichika Usami (KiraKira☆Pretty Cure A La Mode)
Reika Aoki/Miyuki Hoshizora (Smile Pretty Cure!) vs. Akane Hino/Nao Midorikawa (Smile Pretty Cure!)
Hikari Kujou/Honoka Yukishiro (Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart) vs. Hosshiwa/Sasorina (Happiness Charge Pretty Cure! and Heartcatch Pretty Cure!) vs. Megumi Aino/Manatsu Natsuumi (Happiness Charge Pretty Cure! and Tropical-Rouge! Pretty Cure)
Sora Harewataru/Mashiro Nijigaoka (Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure) vs. Kokone Fuwa/Ran Hamamichi (Delicious Party♡Pretty Cure) vs. Hibiki Hojo/Ellen Kurokawa (Suite Pretty Cure♪)
Laura La Mer/Asuka Takizawa (Tropical-Rouge! Pretty Cure) vs. Nodoka Hanadera/Chiyu Sawaizumi (Healin' Good♥Pretty Cure) vs. Momoka Kurumi/Yuri Tsukikage (Heartcatch Pretty Cure!)
Elena Amamiya/Hikaru Hoshina (Star☆Twinkle Pretty Cure) vs. Lulu Amour/Hana Nono (HUGtto! Pretty Cure)
Mirai Momoyama/Daia Nijinosaki (Kiratto Prichan) vs. Amane Sumeragi/Hina Yayoi (Waccha Primagi)
Coco Adel/Velvet Scarlatina (RWBY) vs. Ilia Amitola/Blake Belladonna (RWBY) vs. Penny Polendina/Ruby Rose (RWBY)
Mizuno Ami's mother/Rei Hino's mother (Sailor Moon) vs. Ami Mizuno/Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon) vs. Hotaru Tomoe/Chibiusa Tsukino (Sailor Moon)
Sayaka Miki/Kyoko Sakura (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) vs. Sana Futaba/Iroha Tamaki (Magia Record)
Nao Egokoro/Reko Yabusame (Your Turn to Die) vs. Touko Fukawa/Komaru Naegi (Dangan Ronpa)
Tomoyo Daidouji/Meiling Li (Cardcaptor Sakura) vs. Togo Mimori/Yuna Yuki (Yuki Yuna is a Hero)
Haruka Hani/Tamaki Teijo (Six Hearts Princess) vs. Minto Aizawa/Ichigo Momomiya (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Howan/Himeko Mashima (Show by Rock!) vs. Hitori Gotoh/Kita Ikuyo (Bocchi the Rock!)
Goombella/Vivian (Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door) vs. Sally Acorn/Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Gideon Nav/Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb) vs. Theodora/Eleanor Vance [The Haunting of Hill House (novel)]
Katya/Sofia (Goncharov) vs. The Yuri Bracket submission form/The current submission (yuribracket)
Jenny Dolittle/Lynn Lambretta (Mouretsu Pirates) vs. Amami/Kokoro Komadori (Yuri Espoir) vs. Kei Sugiura/Rei Yokoe (School Zone)
Haru Edamoto/Sayaka Saeki (Bloom into You) vs. Sophia Ascart/Katarina Claes (My Next Life as a Villainess) vs. Natsumi Ichikawa/Akari Seto (Otherside Picnic)
Chloe Bourgeois/Marinette Dupain-Chang (Miraculous Ladybug) vs. Valerie Amaranth/Sophia Anderson (Magical Warrior Diamond Heart) vs. Bloom/Stella (Winx Club)
Olivier Mira Armstrong/Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs. Misa Amane/Rem (Death Note) vs. Nami/Vivi Nefertari (One Piece)
Chika Amatori/Izuho Natsume (World Trigger) vs. Izumo Kamiki/Shiemi Moriyama (Blue Exorcist) vs. Nobara Kugisaki/Maki Zenin (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Aya Hoshino/Miyu Yamazaki (Gals!) vs. An Lili/Yona (Yona of the Dawn) vs. Akari Mizunashi/Aria S. Granzchesta (Aria)
Nao Ishiwatari/Makoto Kowata (Flying Witch) vs. Konatsu Amano/Koyuki Honami (A Tropical Fish Yearns for Snow) vs. Mayura Ransaika/Urara Ransaika (Akane-banashi)
Irisviel von Einzbern/Artoria Pendragon (Fate/Zero) vs. Sion Eltnam Atlasia/Riesbyfe Stridberg (Melty Blood)
Peridot/Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe) vs. Kyoshi/Rangi (Avatar: The Last Airbender – The Rise of Kyoshi) vs. Aqua/Cinderella (Kingdom Hearts)
Lain Iwakura/Alice Mizuki (Serial Experiments Lain) vs. The Agent/Arakawa (Elfen Lied)
Rey/Rose Tico (Star Wars) vs. Anne Bonny/Max (Black Sails) vs. Svetlana Sergievsky/Florence Vassy (Chess)
Rin Hoshizora/Nozomi Tojo (Love Live!) vs. Naru Ayase/Rinne (Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live)
Ranma Saotome/Akane Tendo (Ranma 1/2) vs. Kurako (Kuranosuke) Koibuchi/Tsukimi Kurashita (Princess Jellyfish)
Morena Prudo/Theta (Hunter X Hunter) vs. Botan/Keiko Yukimura (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Chika Fujiwara/Miko Iino (Kaguya-sama: Love Is War) vs. Marcille Donato/Falin Touden (Dungeon Meshi) vs. Makoto Kurume/Yuzuki Murashigei (Skip and Loafer)
Kozue Kaoru/Nanami Kiryuu (Revolutionary Girl Utena) vs. Rei Ayanami/Asuka Langley Soryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Akako Koizumi/Aoko Nakamori (Magic Kaito) vs. Shirayuki/Kiharu Toghril (Akagami no Shirayuki-hime)
Dehya/Dunyazard (Genshin Impact) vs. Luluca/Roana (Epic Seven) vs. Karen Aijo/Mahiru Tsuyuzaki (Revue Starlight)
Foo Fighters/Jolyne (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) vs. Bayonetta/Jeanne (Bayonetta)
Shanoa/Laura (Castlevania) vs. Alisha Diphda/Rose (Tales of Zestiria)
Kurumu Kurono/Mizore Shirayuki (Rosario + Vampire) vs. Kaede Shiranui/Shinobu (Ninja Nonsense) vs. Sagir/Yuzuriha (Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku)
Miku Kohinata/Hibiki Tachibana (Symphogear) vs. Sun Jing/Qiu Tong (Tamen de Gushi)
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welcometomy20s · 1 year
May 1, 2023
KING - Kuzuha - 4166万
Ochame Kinou - Tokino Sora, Roboco, Hoshimachi Suisei, Yozora Mel, Aki Rosenthal, Natsuiro Matsuri, Sakura Miko, Minato Aqua, Murasaki Shion, Yuzuki Choco, Nakiri Ayame, Oozora Subaru, AZKi, Ookami Mio, Nekomata Okayu, Usada Pekora, Uruha Rushia, Shiranui Flare, Shirogane Noel, Honshou Marine, Amane Kanata, Tsunomaki Watame, Tokoyami Towa, Himemori Luna - 4161万
Phony - Hoshimachi Suisei - 3266万
KING - Mori Calliope, Gawr Gura - 3027万
Goodbye Sengen - Nakiri Ayame - 2378万
GETCHA! - Hoshimachi Suisei, Mori Calliope - 2227万
Phony - Machita Chima - 2123万
Discommunication Alien - Usada Pekora - 2030万
God-ish - La+ Darknesss - 1956万
Saga Jihen - Hoshimachi Suisei, Usada Pekora, Uruha Rushia, Shiranui Flare, Shirogane Noel, Honshou Marine - 1943万
Dadadada Tenshi - Minato Aqua - 1868万
Rettou Joutou - Tanaka Hime, Suzuki Hina - 1849万
Yankee Boy, Yankee Girl - Higuchi Kaede, Kenmochi Toya, Kuzuha, Todoroki Kyoko, Kudo Chitose, Saegusa Akina - 1794万
God-ish - Lauren Iroas - 1624万
KING - Hoshimachi Suisei - 1540万
Gishinanki - Kuzuha - 1518万
Rettou Joutou - Kuroki Natsume, Amatsuki - 1516万
Q - Higuchi Kaede, Kenmochi Toya, Kuzuha, Todoroki Kyoko, Amemori Sayo, Saegusa Akina - 1432万
flos - Nekomata Okayu - 1426万
Hated by Life Itself - Sasaki Saku - 1413万
Roki - Mori Calliope - 1413万
Sparkle - Ookami Mio - 1408万
Umiyuri Kaiteitan - Nekomata Okayu - 1382万
RE:I AM - Inui Toko - 1360万
Summertime Record - Kuzuha, Sakura Ritsuki, Saegusa Akina, Ars Almal, Amamiya Kokoro, Ratna Petit, Luis Cammy, Fuwa Minato - 1320万
Call Boy - Fuwa Minato - 1298万
-ERROR - Tokoyami Towa - 1291万
Vampire - Kuzuha - 1241万
Sugar Song & Bitter Step - Hakase Fuyuki, Kagami Hayato, Yorumi Rena - 1234万
Kaibutsu - Saegusa Akina, Fuwa Minato - 1211万
Say So - Nyatasha Nyanners - 1206万
Ochame Kinou - Mori Calliope, Takanashi Kiara, Ninomae Ina’ins, Gawr Gura, Amelia Watson, IRyS, Tsukumo Sana, Ceres Fauna, Ouro Kronii, Nanshi Mumei, Hakos Baelz - 1158万
Alien Alien - Tokino Sora - 1153万
Night Sky Patrol of Tomorrow - Hoshimachi Suisei, Minato Aqua, Tokoyami Towa - 1129万
Charles - YuNi - 1096万
Devil’s Manner - Kuzuha - 1081万
Telecaster B-Boy - Saegusa Akina - 1077万
Hikaru Nara - Kenmochi Toya, Morinaka Kazaki, Yumeoi Kakeru, Inui Toko, Saegusa Akina, Hoshikawa Sara - 1072万
Namae no Nai Kaibutsu - Hanabasami Kyo - 1016万
Un Pato - Star - 1014万
Meni Meni Mani Mani - Hyakumantenbara Salome - 1005万
Ice breaker - Kanae, Kuzuha - 985万
Shoujo Rei - Hoshimachi Suisei - 968万
Vampire - Ange Katrina - 966万
Indoor Kei Nara Trackmaker - Minato Aqua - 953万
Turing Love - Kuzuha, Honma Himawari - 950万
Unknown Mother Goose - Hanabasami Kyo, Shishigami Leona, Sasugano Ruki, Sasugano Roki - 950万
Ego Rock - Saegusa Akina - 942万
Kaibutsu - Tokino Sora, Hoshimachi Suisei, Oozora Subaru, Omaru Polka, Hakui Koyori, Sakamara Chloe - 924万
Shitsuraku Petri - Nekomata Okayu - 923万
Envy Baby - Omaru Polka - 921万
Blessing - Kaga Nazuna, Kaga Sumire, Ichinose Uruha, Kagura Toto, Kurumi Noah, Tosaki Mimi, Tachibana Hinano, Asumi Sena, Hanabusa Lisa, Kisaragi Ren, Kaminari Qpi, Yakumo Beni - 918万
Memeshikute - Kenmochi Toya, Uzuki Kou, Shellin Burgundy - 913万
Animal - Hoshimachi Suisei, Sakura Miko - 907万
Fansa - Gosegu - 885万
Love Trial - Inugami Korone - 873万
Lower one's eyes - Hoshimachi Suisei - 862万
Goodbye Sengen - Minato Aqua - 856万
KING - Kizuna Ai - 856万
Night Sky Patrol of Tomorrow - Kuzuha, Honma Himawari, Dola, Yashiro Kizuku - 856万
Alice in N.Y. - Tokino Sora, Hoshimachi Suisei, Shiranui Flare, Honshou Marine, Amane Kanata - 852万
Death Should Not Have Taken Thee! - Ange Katrina, Lize Helesta - 841万
Ghost Rule - Amane Kanata - 834万
Ghost City Tokyo - Hoshimachi Suisei - 825万
Phony - Inui Toko - 816万
Phony - Fuwa Minato - 812万
Near - Kaida Haru - 805万
Gunjo - Hakase Fuyuki - 799万
Haiiro to Ao - Hoshimachi Suisei, Tokoyami Towa - 786万
Unknown Mother Goose - Ienaga Mugi, Yuuhi Riri, Kenmochi Toya, Fushimi Gaku - 786万
Ranbu no Melody - Hoshimachi Suisei - 783万
Sugar Hate - Kanae, Kuzuha - 776万
Kakusei - Hoshimachi Suisei - 774万
Lower one's eyes - Fuwa Minato, mafumafu - 773万
KING - Murasaki Shion - 760万
Silent Majority - Tsukino Mito, Higuchi Kaede, Shizuka Rin, Yuuhi Riri, Akabane Youko, Honma Himawari, Suzuhara Lulu - 750万
Mafia - Kuca Kaneshiro - 740万
Uma to Shika - Amane Kanata - 739万
Genesis of Aquarion - Nagihara Suzuna - 739万
Blessing - Yukihana Lamy, Momosuzu Nene, Shishiro Botan, Omaru Poilka - 737万 
Overdose - Lauren Iroas - 719万
Hyadain no Joujou Yuujou - Nekomata Okayu, Inugami Korone - 719万
Kaisei - Furen E Lustario - 718万
Poppin’ Candy Fever! - Sasaki Saku, Hoshikawa Sara - 704万
Turing Love - Kanae, Hoshikawa Sara - 703万
Kokoronashi - Saegusa Akina - 699万
Villain - Ryushen - 698万
Otome Kaibou - Nekomata Okayu - 684万
Koyoi Tsuki no Yakata ni te - Hoshimachi Suisei, Inui Toko - 680万
Hakujitsu - Natsuiro Matsuri, Rikkaroid - 679万
Turing Love - Nekomata Okayu, Minato Aqua - 666万
Jojo The Memory of That Blood ~end of THE WORLD~ - Ryushen - Hanabatake Chaika, Yashiro Kizuku - 666万
Ichido Dake no Koi Nara - Higuchi Kaede, Rindou Mikoto, Inui Toko, Lize Helesta, Suzuhara Lulu - 664万
Cry Baby - Hoshimachi Suisei - 663万
Marshall Maximizer - Saegusa Akina - 663万
Hail Holy Queen - Todoroki Kyoko, Sister Claire, Debidebi Debiru, Levi Elipha, Hayase Sou, Sukoya Kana, Melissa Kinrenka, Nagao Kei, Genzuki Tojiro - 605万
KING - Nakiri Ayame - 657万
Promise - Lilpa - 647万
Goodbye Sengen - Takanashi Kiara - 642万
Beat Eater - Hoshimachi Suisei, Mori Calliope, Pavolia Reine - 641万
0 notes
crazyasianlove · 3 years
Brave: Gunjou Senki (JM, 2021) (Sub. Esp)
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Título: Brave: Gunjou Senki País: Japón Duración: 115 min. Género: Acción, historia, misterio Fecha de estreno: 12 de marzo, 2021 Dirección: Motohiro Katsuyuki Guion: Yamamoto Toru, Yamaura Masahiro SINOPSIS Los estudiantes, incluyendo a Nishino Aoi, participan en clases y actividades deportivas en una prestigiosa escuela de secundaria. Aoi es un miembro del club de tiro con arco de la escuela. Practica el tiro con arco con esmero y no socializa mucho con los demás estudiantes. Su amiga de la infancia, Seno Haruka, también es miembro del club de tiro con arco, pero ella se preocupa por Aoi. Un día, un trueno golpea los terrenos de la escuela. Después de eso, la vida cotidiana de los estudiantes cambia drásticamente. Muchos samuráis descienden a los terrenos de la escuela. Parece que toda la escuela ha viajado en el tiempo hasta el período Sengoku. Para empeorar las cosas, se dan cuenta de que están en el momento justo antes de que tenga lugar la Batalla de Okehazama. CAST Arata Mackenyu como Nishino Aoi Yamazaki Hirona como Seno Haruka Miura Haruma como Matsudaira Motoyasu Matsuyama Kenichi como Oda Nobunaga Suzuki Nobuyuki como Matsumoto Kota Watanabe Keisuke como Fuwa Rui Hamada Tatsuomi como Yoshimoto Manjiro Suzuki Jin como Kurokawa Toshiaki Fukuyama Shodai como Sagara Ren Iijima Hiroki como Naruse Yuta Osada Takuro como Takahashi Tetsuo Mizutani Kaho como Suzuki Asami Adachi Suguru como Fujioka Yukio Miyashita Kanako como Imai Keiko Kusano Taisei como Kogure Satoshi Ideda Junya como Kinoshita Tokichiro Takahashi Mitsuomi como Honda Masanobu Ichikawa Tomohiro como Sano Akira Hoshino Rika como Mouri Airi
TRÁILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnU8O8F1QIk
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kherohi · 4 years
I’ve been watching Nijisanji for about 2 months now, so I feel like making a little time capsule and try naming all the Nijisanji livers that I can remember in one sitting.
Memory works by association, so I’ll just start with groups. Let’s start with trios:
VALZ: Kaida Haru (1), Genzuki Tojiro (2) and Nagao Kei (3) Meshers: Saegusa Akina (4), Mayuzumi Kai (5), and Fuwa Minato (6) Meifu: Melissa (7), Furen (8), and Ibrahim (9) SMC: Kagami Hayato (10), Hakase Fuyuki (11), Yorumi Rena (12)
And then duos. There might be ships, but that’s just how I’m remembering them. I don’t know how widespread they are since I’m just getting them from clips...
ChroNoiR: Kanae (13) and Kuzuha (14) Ebimaru: Ex Albio (15) and Ars Almal (16) GunKan: Gundou Mirei (17) and Kanda Shoichi (18) Kuzunbo: Kuzuha and Sakura Ritsuki (19) Togabito: Kenmochi Touya (21) and Fushimi Gaku (22) Benizuwaigani: Akina and Aizono Manami (23) BelAn: Belmond Banderas (24) and Ange Katrina (25) Crossick: Sukoya Kana (26) and Tomoe Shirayuki (27) Sakuyui(?idk if this is the name): Sasaki Saku (28) and Shiina Yuika (29)
And some others that I’m remembering as I type:
Shellin Burgundy (30) Gwel Os Gar (31) Lize Helesta (32) Mikoto (33) Tsukino Mito (34) Deron (35) Otogibara Era (36) Kokoro Amamya (37) Fumi (38) Ryushen (39) Yumeoi Kakeru (40) Hoshikawa Sara (41) Hisui (42) Yashiro Kizuku (43) Dola (44) Honma Himawari (45) Utako (46) Ririmu (47) Uzuki Kou (48) Harusaki Air (49) Naruse Naru (50) Yuuhi Riri (51) Noraneko... Her name was Tamaki? (52) Eli Conifer (53) Shibuya Hajime (54) Roa (55) Suzuhara Lulu (56) Nui Sorciere (57) Natsume (58) Luis Camie (59) Hanabatake Chaika (60) Sister Claire (61) Ran (62) Joe Rikiichi/Joker (63) Mugi (64) Aiba Uiha (65) Suzuki Masaru (66)
Let’s end it there. I’m sure there are ones that I know that I’m forgetting, but that’s interesting in itself! I was surprised that I almost forgot about Uiha. Yay! That was fun.
I wonder if I’ll be able to name all of them one day? But with how often new livers join it seems to be difficult.
Edit (5 min later): Gah, I forgot Maimoto...
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yeonchi · 4 years
Kisekae Insights #5: Kai Hirasawa and the Keions
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Let’s divert to what this series is really about; there’ll be more time for story overviews later.
K-On has been a pretty big influence in my project, even though I’m not sure how I exactly introduced it in the first place. If the Keions were simply characters in the series, then explaining their involvement in the first year would be a breeze, but there’s one thing I did back then that I’ll explain in this.
As I stated in #3, Ritsu Tainaka replaced Amy Pond in Series 1, 2 and 6. Her story as the Doctor’s companion is the same as Amy’s, so there’s no need to go into detail about that. All you need to know in that regard is that the Ritsu I’ll be talking about is the original HTT counterpart and not the Amy counterpart; I’ll explain her later.
Kai Hirasawa: The Adopted Husband
This “adopted husband” business is going to happen for a few other OC’s, so take note of that. Some of them were also known by other names in the past, but for this, they will be addressed by their current names.
This is Kai Hirasawa, the K-On OC I made for the project.
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Kai Hirasawa was originally born as the older sibling of Tomoko and Tomoki Kuroki, but his parents put him up for adoption since they didn’t feel ready to bring a child up at the time. He was adopted by a Chinese family and moved to Hong Kong until the age of five. In a plotline inspired from the movie McDull, Kung Fu Kindergarten, his adoptive parents sent him to the Wudang Mountains in Hubei, China after his kindergarten teacher discovered his gift for kung fu.
At the age of twelve, Kai graduated and his parents sent him to Japan to attend middle school and high school. The high school Kai attended was a sister school to Sakuragaoka High, where the HTT girls attended, so he became good friends with them at some point, eventually becoming a couple with Yui.
Some time after he graduated, Kai’s life was merged with the Doctor’s by Yuki Nagato just before the events of The End of Time, because she believed that it would help him in his final battle. When he was separated again following the Doctor’s regeneration, he and Yui (because she had ties with him) became amnesiac for a short period of time. During that time, they got married and it wasn’t until right at the wedding ceremony that the Doctor passes by, during his final reward, and recovers their memories, returning them to their true identities.
From that point on, Kai lived with the Hirasawa family. Like Yui’s parents before them, Kai and Yui became a lovey-dovey couple, perhaps even more than Yui’s parents were. He became a part of the Zhuge family, or rather, one of its founding members, when he met the protagonist and one of his prototypes, Kyōko Izumi, and helped them fight off the Karn Army.
In an alternate timeline, where Yui became famous before she Michael Jackson’d herself ala Takotsuboya’s That Is It, Kai became depressed and committed suicide by gaining the power to open the Time Vortex and throw himself in it. Of course, the Doctor immediately destroys that timeline so it never really happened. This is one of the fanfiction stories I published online years ago.
Character highlights in the series
In the 50th Anniversary Series, I did a little character arc with Nodoka. In Block 6, she would be revealed to be one of the protagonist’s echoes that got created when he scattered himself throughout his own timeline (or a baby made out of dust and clay by the echo, which is what I wrote in the episode). In Block 9, we have her and Azusa saying that Yui doesn’t love them anymore (as friends) because she became so close with Kai. At the final climax, when the Master activates a nuclear device to destroy Koshi Castle, Nodoka prepares to sacrifice herself to deactivate it, but the Fourth and Fifth Doctors along with Momoka stop her from doing so, convincing her and Azusa that they, at the very least, still have other friends. In the end, the Doctor had them talk it out with Yui, Kai and Ui and they got back on good terms, not that they were ever on bad terms in the first place.
In one of the 2014 CNY Specials, the HTT girls are featured in a cameo as they have a naked pool party (it was topless in the version I did, but it might as well be, plus those scenes were removed in the family-friendly version of the episode).
The Keions have never fought as an army because K-On was adapted after the period Three Kingdoms was set in. However, in the Series 9 finale, Kai and the Keions are part of an army fighting on Hiroki’s side against Girl Power and the Kurayami Alliance in Ōsaka.
HTT becomes Boukenger
By 2018, things had changed for the Light Music Club girls. Ho-kago Tea Time and Wakaba Girls joined forces and became an indie music collective called the Light Music Studio (Japanese here, K-On Studio?), but we wouldn’t see that until Soulbound Series 3 the year after.
By that time, the other members of the Light Music Club got boyfriends as well. Banding together under Kai, the group called themselves Home-Away Support Boys Time, but the year after, they joined the Light Music Studio and renamed themselves Midnight Boys. Here are the members of that group:
Kai Hirasawa (leader, Yui’s husband)
Yūto Tamaki (Ritsu’s boyfriend)
Nozomu Setana (Mio’s boyfriend)
Makoto Kunemiya (Tsumugi’s boyfriend)
Satoshi Tainaka (Ritsu’s brother and Azusa’s fuck buddy boyfriend)
Hirosuke Masaki (Ui’s boyfriend)
Yōta Kiyono (Jun’s boyfriend)
As a bonus, here’s a little design of Hirosuke I did for Yui’s birthday spam in 2015.
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Fun fact: Back in 2017, I posted a commissioned fanart of Mio with “Nozomu” on the K-On page and triggered a lot of fans, but I only did it because another admin was doing it as well. Also, with the exception of Kai, Satoshi and Hirosuke, the other boyfriends didn’t have last names in Gokaiger until I added them in Soulbound Series 3. Am I homophobic for denying yuri headcanon ships? Maybe, but it’s just how my story goes.
So the K-On girls joined the Superhero Project, gaining the powers of the Boukengers as follows:
Ritsu Tainaka (BoukenRed)
Azusa Nakano (BoukenBlack)
Tsumugi Kotobuki (BoukenBlue)
Ui Hirasawa (BoukenYellow)
Mio Akiyama (BoukenPink)
Jun Suzuki (BoukenSilver)
There were two other members of the Boukengers who got promoted and joined the Gokaigers by the start of the series:
Yui Hirasawa (GokaiYellow, formerly BoukenYellow) Yui was selected to be a Gokaiger in the series prelude because of her swordsmanship and her determination to overcome her airheadedness.
Kai Hirasawa (GokaiSilver, formerly BoukenSilver) When Yui became a Gokaiger, Kai was determined to be with her for fear of her dying like she did in That is It. In the first episode, he picks up the Gokai Cellular and GokaiSilver key that the Doctor (GokaiRed) dropped in a battle. He then abandons his role as BoukenSilver and disappears as he fights as GokaiSilver in secret. After revealing himself and explaining to everyone what happened, the Doctor takes back Kai’s morpher and key, asking him to think of what he can do to impress them. Soon after, he finds his courage to protect the world from the Zangyack Armada, which leads to the Doctor giving Kai back his morpher and key, as well as giving him the Q-Rex Megazord.
How Ritsu became “Amy”
This was a question that was buried in the back of my head for years until I finally decided to answer it in the Space Squad trilogy. Truth be told, I probably would have forgotten otherwise.
In the third Space Squad movie, Rassilon, who made his way to the 21st century after his exile from Gallifrey in Hell Bent, lured the Doctor to Trenzalore (which in my canon is just an area on Earth) in the Makū Dimension and used the TARDIS to power up an Axis Converter, which kills it and causes the dimension to expand throughout the universe. Rassilon fast-forwards time around him and the Doctor so that it becomes the Trenzalore as seen in The Name of the Doctor (this implies that said episode and the Block 6 adaptation took place in the Makū Dimension).
The Doctor goes to his size-leaking TARDIS and merges himself with the exposed heart of the TARDIS, causing the column to become an entrance to the Doctor’s timestream. As he uses his regenerative energy to repair his TARDIS and his timestream, the events of The Name of the Doctor (and its adaptation) take place, meaning that the Doctor can’t get out for the time being, even though he knows that being inside of the heart for too long is no better than looking into the Time Vortex. Clara Oswald fixes the damage to the Doctor’s timeline caused by the Great Intelligence (and Hiroki’s past self does the same to his as well), but there is still some damage left, specifically towards the beginning of the Fifth Doctor’s life.
Meanwhile, Ritsu and the Boukengers encounter Ritsu’s older self in 1968 New York (after the Weeping Angels sent her back in The Angels Take Manhattan). 1968 Ritsu tells 2018 Ritsu what happened, which leads her to go into the Doctor’s timeline when everyone regroups at the TARDIS. She sends an echo of herself to fix the remaining damage, creating the Ritsu Tainaka who became the first companion to travel with the Fifth Doctor following his regeneration. With his timeline now fixed, the Doctor repairs his TARDIS, allowing everyone to leave the Makū Dimension. Of course, the Doctor and Ritsu survive as well.
In a special feature included with the final episode of Doctor Who, the 2018 Christmas Special, HTT perform three songs at the UNIT Christmas Formal, namely Fuwa Fuwa Time, Pure Pure Heart and Tenshi ni Fureta yo! Kai and Azusa join in with the last song as well. You can argue that it would have been a good ending song for the series, but I felt that it was originally more a song for Azusa compared to Anna Tsuchiya’s Voyagers, which I used as the ending song because it signified farewells in general.
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kiriharas · 5 years
New Prince of Tennis Birthday list
I haven’t seen a birthday list that’s been updated with the world cup players so I wanted to show them some love and put one together! Please note that this is manga only.
Most recent update: 04/04/2021 [CONTAINS HYOUTEI/RIKKAI FANBOOK SPOILERS] (A character’s bday changed, added Sakurai’s old bday, red highlights senpai has a name now, fixed a typo)
2 - Dan Taichi (Yamabuki) 3 - Kabaji Munehiro (Hyoutei) 3 - Mouri Jusaburou (Japanese U-17) 5 - Suzuki Shun (Japanese U-17) 14 - Ryuzaki Sakuno (Seigaku) 15 - Shiranui Tomoya (Higa) 18 - Leon Wakefield (English U-17) 23 - Dodo Obando (American U-17) 25 - Ishida Gin (Shitenhouji) 28 - Richard Sakata (St. Icarus) 31 - Hermes Kounellis (Greek U-17)
1 - Duke Watanabe (Japanese U-17) 3 - Koishikawa Kenjirou (Shitenhouji) 5 - Kaji Kazena (Japanese U-17) 7 - Liliadent Krauser (Nagoya Seitoku) 8 - Fuwa Tetsuhito (Japanese U-17) 9 -  Murata Hiramasa (Japanese U-17) 13 - Noah Dorgias (Australian U-17) 14 - Ootori Choutarou (Hyoutei) 16 - Apollon Stephanopoulos (Greek U-17) 17 - Habu Itto (Midoriyama) 18 - Fuji Yuuta (St. Rudolph) 19 - Suzuki Yasuharu (Ginka) 22 - Ralph Rhinehart (American U-17) 24 - Jonathan St. Georges (French U-17) 28 - Nomura Takuya (St. Rudolph) 29 - Fuji Shusuke (Seigaku)
2 - Katou Kachiro (Seigaku) 3 - Hirakoba Rin (Higa) 4 - QP (German U-17) 5 - Yukimura Seiichi (Rikkaidai) 6 - Watanabe Osamu (Shitenhouji’s Coach) 7 - Kimijima Ikuto (Japanese U-17) 10 - Karupin (Ryouma’s Cat) 14 - Sakaki Tarou (Previously May 24th, since 23.5) (Hyoutei’s Coach) 16 - Kurobe Yukio (Japanese U-17′s Coach) 17 - Oshitari Kenya (Shitenhouji) 19 - A. Frankensteiner (German U-17) 21 - Tachibana An (she may have another birthday stated in a game? citation needed lol) (Fudomine) 25 - Kadowaki Satoru (Makinofuji) 26 - Matsudaira Chikao (Japanese U-17) 29 - Arai Masashi (Seigaku) 31 - Matsudaira Chikahiko (Japanese U-17)
1 - Tooyama Kintaro (Shitenhouji) 2 - Akutsu Jin (Yamabuki) 3 - Peter Lambiel (Swiss U-17) 4 - Tamagawa Yoshio (Previously September 23 in Tenipuri Party, updated in Rikkai Club Guide STRENGTH) (Rikkaidai)  7 - Mizuno Katsuo (Seigaku) 9 - Oliver Philips (American U-17) 10 - Tashiro Masahiro (Ginka) 11 - Hirari Tonpei (Japanese U-17) 12 - Zeus Iliopoulos (Greek U-17) 14 - Shiraishi Kuranosuke (Shitenhouji) 15 - Shudo Satoshi (Rokkaku) 16 - Clive Miller (American U-17) 17 - Osakada Tomoka (Seigaku) 18 - Mouri Tatsunori (Fudomine) 20 - Marui Bunta (Rikkaidai) 23 - M. Nobuteru (Tube Republic U-17) 25 - Don Pacino (American U-17) 27 - Toono Atsukyo (Japanese U-17) 29 - Edgard Delacroix (French U-17) 30 - Oishi Shuichiro (Seigaku)
5 - Akutagawa Jirou (Hyoutei) 5 - Todoroki Goro (Japanese U-17) 11 - Kaidou Karou (Seigaku) 14 - Orion Stephanopoulos (Greek U-17) 15 - Takei Toshio (Japanese U-17) 15 - Ushida Tetsuo (Murigaoka) 21 - Sanada Genichirou (Rikkaidai) 21 - Aragaki Kouichi (Higa) 25 - Alexander Amadeus (Swiss U-17) 27 - Mizuki Hajime (St. Rudolph) 28 - Minamoto Takuma (Midoriyama) 29 - Tanegashima Shuuji (Japanese U-17)
1 - Red highlights senpai a.k.a. Yuuki Kazuki (Hyoutei)   3 - Inui Sadaharu (Seigaku) 4 - Yanagi Renji (Rikkaidai) 7 - Albert Federer (Swiss U-17) 10 - Tsuta Akane (Midoriyama) 13 - Prince Ludovic Chardard (French U-17) 15 - Fukushi Michiru (Ginka) 19 - Leopold Camus de Charpentier (French U-17) 20 - Milky Millman (Australian U-17) 24 - Mutsu Yuuma (Japanese U-17) 25 - Mutsu Yuuho (Japanese U-17) 26 - Konomi Takeshi (Mangaka) 28 - Miyako Shinobu (Japanese U-17) 29 - Chinen Hiroshi (Higa)
1 - Timothée Moreau (French U-17) 2 - Kiko Balentien (American U-17) 3 - Minami Kentarou (Yamabuki) 3 - Urayama Shiita (Rikkaidai) 4 - Byoudouin Houou (Japanese U-17) 6 - Banda Mikiya (Yamabuki’s Coach) 6 - Rocky Meredith (American U-17) 14 - Nakagauchi Sotomichi (Japanese U-17) 15 - Charlie Palmer (English U-17) 17 - Mifune Nyuudou (Japanese U-17′s Coach) 18 - Ikeda Masaya (Seigaku) 18 - Sakurai Masaya (Previously July 1 in 20.5, updated in 40.5) (Fudomine) 19 - Ban Rikiya (Japanese U-17) 20 - Zaizen Hikaru (Shitenhouji) 20 - Taira Yoshiyuki (Japanese U-17) 23 - Momoshiro Takeshi (Seigaku) 24 - Kitamura Wataru (Midoriyama) 25 - Chitose Miyuki (Shitenhouji) 26 - Kita Ichiuma (Yamabuki) 27 - Tokugawa Kazuya (Japanese U-17) 28 - Michael Bismarck (German U-17) 29 - J. J. Dorgias (Australian U-17) 30 - Daimaru Daikichi (Shishigaku)
3 - Akazawa Yoshirou (St. Rudolph) 3 - Date Danji (Japanese U-17) 4 - Migihashi Itarou (Japanese U-17) 6 - Hakamada Izou (Japanese U-17) 7 - Tsuuge Ryuuji (Japanese U-17′s Coach) 8 - Ryuuzaki Sumire (Seigaku’s Coach) 8 - Nitobe Inakichi (Yamabuki) 9 - Thalatta Heracles (Greek U-17) 10 - Jürgen Borisovic Volk (German U-17) 13 - Tenjin Kousuke (Japanese U-17) 15 - Tachibana Kippei (Fudomine) 15 - Ochi Tsukimitsu (Japanese U-17) 24 - Tristan Bardot (French U-17) 25 - Vulcan Lartius (Greek U-17) 26 - Kamio Akira (Fudomine) 27 - Yujirou Kai (Higa) 28 - Kirajou Jirei (Uekawa Uni Golf) 31 - Itsuki Marehiko (Rokkaku)
1 - Doumoto Gouki (Ginka) 1 - Oswal Delon (French U-17) 3 - Jean Fitzgerald (Australian U-17) 4 - Saitou Itaro (Japanese U-17′s Coach) 6 - Bill Hewitt (American U-17) 7 - Randy Pug (Swiss U-17) 10 - Higashikata Masami (Yamabuki) 11 - Hitoji Yuuji (Shitenhouji) 11 - Takase Masato (Midoriyama) 12 - Mukahi Gakuto (Hyoutei) 14 - Saotome Harumi (Higa’s Coach) 21 - Kuki Kiichi (Kakinoki) 22 - Dankmar Schneider (German U-17) 25 - Kirihara Akaya (Rikkaidai) 25 - Horio Satoshi (Seigaku) 29 - Shishido Ryou (Hyoutei) 29 - Kurobane Harukaze (Rokkaku)
1 - Saeki Kojirou (Rokkaku) 3 - Akiba Kouyou (Japanese U-17) 4 - Atobe Keigo (Hyoutei) 7 - Tezuka Kunimitsu (Seigaku) 12 - Mac McGregor (Australian U-17) 13 - Eric Paddington (English U-17) 15 - Oshitari Yuushi (Hyoutei) 19 - Yagyuu Hiroshi (Rikkaidai) 21 - Henri Nouvel III (Swiss U-17) 23 - Tanishi Kei (Higa) 26 - Oni Juujirou (Japanese U-17) 27 - Oomagari Ryuuji (Japanese U-17) 28 - Uchimura Kyosuke (Fudomine) 29 - Taki Haginosuke (Hyoutei) 29 - Ramon Crawford (Australian U-17) 31 - Muromachi Touji (Yamabuki)
1 - Hayashi Daisuke (Seigaku) 3 - Ibu Shinji (Fudomine) 3 - Kuwahara Jackal (Rikkaidai) 4 - Yamato Yuudai (Japanese U-17) 5 - M. Haruhata (Tube Republic U-17) 7 - Ojii (Rokkaku’s Coach) 8 - Alan Hopkins (American U-17) 8 - Kitazono Kotoha (Tsubakikawa) 9 - Kite Eishirou (Higa) 9 - Konjiki Koharu (Shitenhouji) 16 - Sasabe Junichi (Japanese U-17) 18 - Kawamura Takashi (Seigaku) 20 - Kisarazu Atsushi (St. Rudolph) 20 - Kisarazu Ryou (Rokkaku) 21 - Kiraku Yasuyuki (Midoriyama) 22 - Amane Hikaru (Rokkaku) 22 - Kongawa Junpei (Midoriyama) 25 - Sengoku Kiyosumi (Yamabuki) 28 - Kikumaru Eiji (Seigaku) 30 - Ishida Tetsu (Fudomine)
1 - Mitsuya Akuto (Japanese U-17) 2 - E. Siegfried (German U-17) 3 - Evangelos Papadopoulos (Greek U-17) 4 - Niou Masaharu (Rikkaidai) 5 - Hiyoshi Wakashi (Hyoutei) 7 - Irie Kanata (Japanese U-17) 9 - Yanagisawa Shinya (St. Rudolph) 9 - Washio Issa (Japanese U-17) 11 - Geisel Jackson (American U-17) 20 - Aoi Kentarou (Rokkaku) 23 - Echizen Ryouga (Spain U-17) 24 - Echizen Ryouma (Seigaku) 28 - Nishikiori Tsubasa (Yamabuki) 28 - Chris Hopman (Australian U-17) 29 - Hara Tetsuya (Japanese U-17) 30 - Bertie Borisovich Volk (German U-17) 31 - Kaneda Ichirou (St. Rudolph) 31 - Chitose Senri (Shitenhouji)
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Happy Birthday Mamoru Miyano (June 8)
Part One: Roles Part Two: Song Recommendations Part Three: Subbed Videos
This video was made in 2015. Since then, Mamo has gathered many more strong roles. I’m going to be putting gifs/pictures for all those roles plus some new additions below!
I will bold the ones that aren’t in the video. I was underline ones that are my favourite! I will put personal notes in italics. Be aware that I haven’t watched all these anime so they might not be underlined for that reason. I will only be counting anime roles (no dubbing, live-action dramas, or stage acting). This time, it will have the anime name then the character’s name.
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu - Gakushuu Asano
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Ajin - Kei Nagai
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Bungou Stray Dogs - Osamu Dazai
This is my favourite role from Mamo. There is no competition for me. Dazai is his strongest performance to date. From the comedic moments to the solemn tragedies within the series, he pulls them all off perfectly.
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Chihayafuru - Taichi Mashima
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Death Note - Light Yagami
I haven’t watched Death Note, but the Kira laugh will forever be in my memory.
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Dog Days - Cinque Izumi
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Durarara!! - Masaomi Kida
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Free! - Rin Matsuoka
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Ling Yao
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Gatchaman Crowds - Berg Katze
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Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun - Saburou Suzuki
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Hajime no Ippo - Genji Kamogawa
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Hunter x Hunter (2011) - Chrollo Lucilfer
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Inazuma Eleven - Shirou Fubuki
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Inu x Boku SS - Zange Natsume
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K-Project - Saruhiko Fushimi
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Karneval - Yogi
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Kekkai Sensen - Dog Hummer
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Kimi ni Todoke - Kento Miura
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Kuroshitsuji - Joker
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Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic - Muu Alexius
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Mekakucity Actors - Haruka Kokonose
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Mobile Suit Gundam 00 - Setsuna F. Seiei
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Nanatsu no Taizai - Gilthunder
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Nobunaga Concerto - Saburou
He’s the guy wearing white.
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One Punch Man - Amai Mask
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Ouran Koukou Host Club - Tamaki Suoh
Over and over again, Mamo made me laugh while playing this disaster of a guy. Maaya Sakamoto sounded adorable and great as Haruhi too, and Tamaki’s over-the-top expressiveness was a lot of fun too.
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Overlord - Pandora's Actor
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Persona 5 - Ryuuji Sakamoto
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Pokémon Best Wishes! - Dent (Cilan)
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Sarazanmai - Reo Niiboshi
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Skip Beat! - Shoutarou Fuwa
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Soul Eater - Death the Kid
Weirdly enough, I prefer Todd Haberkorn’s Death the Kid to Mamo’s.
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Star Driver: Kagayaki no Takuto - Takuto Tsunashi
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Steins;Gate - Rintarou Okabe
I didn’t watch Steins;Gate in its entirety, but it has made me laugh and cringe so much at the same time. I had a hard time recognizing him in this role.
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Tokyo Ghoul - Shuu Tsukiyama
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Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji Love 1000% - Tokiya Ichinose
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Vampire Knight - Zero Kiryu
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Wolf's Rain - Kiba
If my memory serves right, this was his first real breakout anime role. He had dubbed live-action and voiced in Kingdom Hearts previously, but this was his first main character!
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Yuri!!! on Ice - Jean-Jacques Leroy
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Zombieland Saga - Kotaro Tatsumi
If I got a nickel for every time I laughed because of this character, I would get a nickel for every time he appeared. He’s a living meme.
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Intérprete: QUARTET NIGHT Kotobuki Reiji (CV. Morikubo Showtaro), Kurosaki Ranmaru (CV. Suzuki Tatsuhisa), Mikaze Ai (Aoi Shouta), Camus (CV. Maeno Tomoaki)
Álbum: Shining Live THEME SONG CD 2
Fecha de lanzamiento: 28 agosto 219
(Sweet dream. Wonderland) (Dulce sueño. País de las maravillas)
(Please show me your all love) (Por favor, muéstrame todo tu amor)
(Sweet dream. Wonderland) (Dulce sueño. País de las maravillas)
(Please show me your all love) (Por favor, muéstrame todo tu amor)
魔法仕掛けのパラソル Mahou shikake no parasoru El parasol del truco de magia
草原の花のベッド Sougen no hana no beddo La cama de flores de la pradera
シャボンでフワフワタイム Shabon de fuwa fuwa taimu Un momento esponjoso con burbujas
鏡の裏側 Kagami no uragawa El reverso del espejo
Bitter dream De un sueño amargo 
さあ飛ぼう Saa tobou Vamos, volemos
True dream A un verdadero sueño
さあゆこう Saa yukou Vayamos 
Our dream A nuestro sueño
抱きしめよう Dakishimeyou  Abracémonos 
朝から夜まで Asa kara yoru made Desde el amanecer hasta el anochecer 
現実の空に 飽き果てた君を Genjitsu no sora ni aki hateta kimi o Vamos a sacarte del cielo de la realidad 
連れ出してあげよう Tsuredashite ageyou Del que ya has tenido suficiente
(Welcome to wonderland) (Bienvenida al País de las maravillas)
We sing you 太陽が昇るまでの時間 We sing you taiyou ga noboru made no jikan  Te cantamos hasta el momento en que el sol se ponga
胸と胸を合わせ鼓動重ね Dancing over night Mune to mune o awase kodou kasane Dancing over night Bailando toda la noche y acoplando nuestros corazones los latidos se superponen
目と目のキスが恋を育てる Me to me no kisu ga koi o sodateru Un beso de mirada a mirada va a elevar el amor
「時計を止めて…」とお互いに願って “Tokei o tomete...” to otagai ni negatte “Detén el reloj...” fue lo que ambos deseamos
(With you) 夢を (With you) 踊ろう (With you) yume o (With you) odorou (Contigo) Bailemos (contigo) un sueño
夢なら何をしても Yume nara nani o shitemo Cualquier cosa que hagas, si es un sueño
罪には問えないだろ? Tsumi ni wa toenai daro? No lo acusarías como un pecado ¿no es así?
大胆にしてあげる Daitan ni shite ageru Quitarte toda la ropa
ゼンブ脱ぎ捨てろ Zenbu nugisutero Lo haré más audazmente
Bitter love En este amargo amor
溶け合って Tokeatte Nos fundiremos, 
True love El verdadero amor
沸点を Futten o Es el punto de ebullición
Our love De nuestro amor
探し合おう Sagashiaou Busquémonos
言葉はいらない Kotoba wa iranai Las palabras no son necesarias
本能のまま 音のせいにして Honno no mama oto no sei ni shite El instinto continúa por culpa del sonido
ほどけ交じり合おう Hodoke majiriaou Desatémono y mezclémonos
(Welcome to wonderland) (Bienvenida al País de las maravillas)
We hold you 眠りから醒めないでと祈る We hold you nemuri kara samenai de to inoru Te abrazamos, rezando para no despertar de este sueño
その想いが愛のスパイスに Dancing over night Sono omoi ga ai no  supaisu ni Dancing over night Bailando toda la noche, ese sentimiento es la especia del amor
唇をなぞったこの指の Kuchibiru o nazotta kono yubi no  Este dedo que trazó tus labios
次の行き場を考えようか?共に Tsugi no ikiba o kangaeyou ka? Tomo ni Juntos, ¿pensaremos al próximo lugar al que puede ir? 
(With you) 夢に (With you) 堕ちよう (With you) Yume ni  (With you) ochiyou (Contigo) Caigamos (contigo) en un sueño
Sweet dream 過ごしあった Sweet dream sugoshiatta Un dulce sueño, estos momentos
Sweet dream この時 Sweet dream kono toki Un dulce sueño, que pasamos
Sweet dream 忘れない Sweet dream wasurenai Un dulce sueño, no los olvides
Sweet dream 目覚めても Sweet dream mezamete mo Un dulce sueño, aunque despiertes
出会いに感謝を Deai ni kansha o Agradezco este encuentro
We sing you 太陽が昇るまでの時間 We sing you taiyou ga noboru made no jikan Te cantamos hasta el momento en que el sol se ponga
胸と胸を合わせ鼓動重ね Dancing over night Mune to mune o awase kodou kasane Dancing over night Bailando toda la noche y acoplando nuestros corazones los latidos se superponen
目と目のキスが恋を育てる Me to me no kisu ga koi o sodateru Un beso de mirada a mirada va a elevar el amor
「時計を止めて…」とお互いに願って “Tokei o tomete...” to otagai ni negatte “Detén el reloj...” fue lo que ambos deseamos
(With you) 夢を (With you) 踊ろう (With you) Yume o (With you) odorou (Contigo) Bailemos (contigo) un sueño
(Sweet dream. Wonderland) (Dulce sueño. País de las maravillas)
(Please show me your all love) (Por favor, muéstrame todo tu amor)
(Sweet dream. Wonderland) (Dulce sueño. País de las maravillas)
(Please show me your all love) (Por favor, muéstrame todo tu amor)
Las frases que dicen en el segundo párrafo, que pueden parecer un poco fuera de contexto, son una referencia a sus cartas del set Be My Partner en el juego.
Apoya comprando el original
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imperfekti · 5 years
My 9/2019 favourites in Shinteni
I tried out the Shinteni character sorter. I had some cases of “who was this again...?”, but this is what came out for now. It will be fun to try again and compare once we’ve seen the semis and finals.
1 Alexander Amadeus 2 Tokugawa Kazuya 3 Osval Delon 4 Suzuki Shun 4 Washio Issa 6 Tamagawa Yoshio 7 E. Siegfried 8 Yamato Yuudai 9 Prince Ludovic Chardard 10 Sugi 11 QP 12 Leopold Camus de Charpentier 13 Oni Juujirou 14 Michael Bismarck 15 Camus' Racket 16 Siegmund Pupke 17 Taira Yoshiyuki 18 Duke Watanabe 19 Byoudouin Houou 20 Miyako Shinobu 21 Jürgen Borisovic Volk 22 Matsudaira Chikahiko 23 Hara Tetsuya 24 Noah Dorgias 25 Milky Millman 26 Mac McGregor 27 Chris Hopman 28 Jean Fitzgerald 29 Medanore 30 Sumiregou 31 Mitsuya Akuto 32 Ralph Rhinehart 33 Ochi Tsukimitsu 34 Echizen Ryouga 35 Kaji Kazena 36 Koala 37 Tanegashima Shuuji 38 Timothée Moreau 39 Tristan Bardot 40 Edgard Delacroix 41 Jonathan St. Georges 41 Blanche Neige 43 Kimijima Ikuto 44 Kurobe Yukio 45 Saitou Itaro 46 Mouri Jusaburou 47 Irie Kanata 47 Hirari Tonpei 49 Mutsu Yuuho 49 Mutsu Yuuma 51 Tsuuge Ryuuji 51 Alan Hopkins 53 Kiko Balentien 54 Dodo Obando 55 Chloe Watanabe 55 Bertie Borisovich Volk 55 Geisel Jackson 55 Clive Miller 59 Dankmar Schneider 60 Bill Hewitt 60 Henri Nouvel III 60 Kuraraga Tatsuta 63 Ramon Crawford 64 Apollon Stephanopoulos 64 Orion Stephanopoulos 64 Evangelos Papadopoulos 67 Vulcan Lartius 67 Hermes Kounellis 69 Oliver Philips 69 Jin Onojiiha 69 Eric Paddington 69 Charlie Palmer 73 Zeus Iliopoulos 74 Thalatta Heracles 75 Greek Coach 76 Akiba Kouyou 76 Kiritani 76 Sasabe Junichi 76 Date Danji 76 Todoroki Goro 76 Nakagauchi Sotomichi 76 Hakamada Izou 76 Ban Rikiya 76 Matsudaira Chikao 76 Leon Wakefield 86 Kaburiel 87 Oomagari Ryuuji 88 Tenjin Kousuke 88 Fuwa Tetsuhito 88 Migihashi Itarou 88 Murata Hiramasa 88 Mifune Nyuudou 88 A. Frankensteiner 88 Don Pacino 88 Rocky Meredith 88 C. Lidell 88 S. Trueman 88 Maxwell 88 Peter Lambiel 88 Randy Pug 88 Timothée's Father 88 M. Haruhata 103 Albert Federer 104 Aramenoma 105 Siyabonga Ngoepe 106 J. J. Dorgias 107 Takei Toshio 107 Toono Atsukyou 107 M. Nobuteru 107 Usainu 107 FuuRinKaZan 112 Kaede 113 King of Satan
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Japan Box Office: The Seven Deadly Sins: Cursed by Light Makes Its 3rd Place Debut
    The Seven Deadly Sins: Cursed by Light, the latest and final installment of the anime franchise inspired by Nakaba Suzuki's The Seven Deadly Sins manga series, was finally released in 217 theaters across Japan on July 2, then earned 122 million yen (1.1 million USD) on 98,000 admissions in its first three days, becoming the third top-grossing film of the weekend.
  The three-day gross was 62 percent of the two-day gross (196 million yen) of the franchise's previous feature film The Seven Deadly Sins the Movie: Prisoners of the Sky released in August 2018 and ended its domestic run with 650 million yen (5.86 million USD). Based on the opening week's results, the second film's final box office performance in Japan is likely to settle around 300-400 million yen.
    In its 17th weekend, Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time still ranked sixth, two positions down from the previous weekend. According to the film's official Twitter, the fourth and final installment in the Rebuild of Evangelion tetralogy film series has earned 9.75 billion yen (87.99 million USD) on 6.393 million admissions in 119 days since its release in Japan on March 8, 2021. The film's theatrical run in Japan is scheduled to end on July 21, and it looks like there is a good chance that it will reach the 10 billion yen mark by then.
    The first part of the trilogy anime film project Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway ranked seventh in its fourth weekend, two positions down from the previous weekend. The critically-acclaimed film had earned 1.5 billion yen (13.53 million USD) and has become the third top-grossing film in the Gundam franchise by surpassing the box office gross of Mobile Suit Gundam: Soldiers of Sorrow, which was released in July 1981 and earned 1.38 billion yen (12.48 million yen) from its domestic run.
    The Detective Conan anime franchise's 24th feature film Meitantei Conan: Hiiro no Dangan / Detective Conan: The Scarlet Bullet ranked eighth, one spot up from the previous week. The film's total box office gross in Japan has surpassed 7.27 billion yen (65.60 million USD) to become the 89th top-grossing film of all-time in Japan.
         Weekend box office Top 10 in Japan (July 3-4, 2021)
 (ticket sales basis)
    1 (new). "Godzilla vs. Kong" - 600 million yen
 2 (1). " The Fable: Korosanai Korohsiya" - 990 million yen
 3 (new). "The Seven Deadly Sins: Cursed by Light" - 122 million yen
 4 (2). "Rurouni Kenshin: The Beginning" - 2 billion yen
 5 (3). "Character" - 1.1 billion yen
 6 (4). "Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time" - 9.75 billion yen
 7 (5). "Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway Part 1" - 1.5 billion yen
 8 (9). "Detective Conan: The Scarlet Bullet" - 7.27 billion yen
 9 (6). "Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway"
 10 (7). "Soreike! Anpanman: Fuwa Fuwa Fuwary to Kumo no Kuni" - 700 million yen
    "The Seven Deadly Sins: Cursed by Light" trailer:
     Source: Eiga.com, Pixiin, "Evangelion" official Twitter
  (C)Nakaba Suzuki, Kodansha/2021 "The Seven Deadly Sins: Cursed by Light" Production Committee
By: Mikikazu Komatsu
0 notes
newsintheshell · 5 years
Star Comics, le uscite manga del 4 settembre
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Di seguito trovate tutte le nuove uscite manga targate Edizioni Star Comics, disponibili da oggi in libreria, fumetteria e store online.
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Sul mare Rufy e compagni si imbattono in una colossale nave volante! Il malvagio capitano Shiki rapisce la navigatrice Nami e grazie ai poteri del Frutto Fuwa Fuwa, in grado di far levitare qualunque cosa, fa volare via gli altri membri della ciurma separandoli l’uno dall’altro! I pirati di Cappello di Paglia si ritrovano così su un’isola sconosciuta... in cui vige la legge della giungla!
Per tutti gli appassionati di One Piece, Star Comics ha il piacere di presentare lo speciale anime comic tratto dal film cinematografico Strong World, basato su un soggetto originale del maestro Oda. I due volumi che compongono la miniserie, completamente a colori, saranno disponibili rispettivamente a settembre e ottobre. Non perdeteli!
2 volumi - Completo - € 9,90 8,41 - Acquista su Amazon
THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS #31 di Nakaba Suzuki 
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Sui Seven Deadly Sins grava l’onta di una calunnia: avrebbero tentato di rovesciare il regno sovvertendo l’ordine costituito. Costretti alla clandestinità, si sono dunque separati. Dieci anni dopo, tuttavia, la principessa Elizabeth, convinta della loro innocenza, si mette sulle loro tracce per reclutarli contro l’ordine dei Cavalieri Sacri, rivelatosi un crudele nemico del popolo...
I Quattro Arcangeli sono intenzionati a ricostituire la Stigma e riaccendere la Guerra Santa. Per far tornare in sé Meliodas, impazzito per amore, Elizabeth assume il comando dei “peccatori”. Un’alleanza stretta nel nome dell’amore, una spada sacra che solo un vero re può estrarre... La speranza comincia ad avanzare sotto la guida della santa volontà!
38 volumi - In corso - € 4,30 3,65 - Acquista su Amazon
QUEEN'S QUALITY #5 di Kyosuke Motomi
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I membri della famiglia Horikita fanno un mestiere strano: sono “ripulitori” dell’animo, si occupano cioè di mondare dalle impurità il cuore delle persone. Fumi inizia ad aiutarli e si trasferisce a casa loro, dove viene apprezzata per le sue capacità. A un certo punto, però, in lei comincia a risvegliarsi una forza misteriosa che la rende una “Regina nera”, un essere in grado di esercitare un enorme potere sulla gente!
Fumi e Kyutaro si addentrano nella parte più profonda della mente dell’insect master Ataru. Dopo aver compreso la verità sulla Regina nera, Fumi fa nascere una nuova Regina, dando dimostrazione delle sue capacità grazie al sostegno di Kyutaro!
9 volumi - Completo - € 4,50 3,82 - Acquista su Amazon
MY HERO ACADEMIA #21 di Kohei Horikoshi
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In un mondo in cui essere supereroi è la normalità, nascere senza particolari poteri equivale a una vera e propria disgrazia! Izuku Midoriya dovrà mettercela tutta per ottenere un superpotere, e nonostante l'impresa sembri impossibile qualcuno finirà per notare le sue capacità...
I nomu sono tornati a imperversare per le strade! Endeavor si lancia subito all’attacco assieme ad Hawks per neutralizzare i pericolosi avversari. Il nuovo Number One Hero, tuttavia, scagliatosi sul più grosso di quei mostri, avrà il suo bel da fare per neutralizzare l’avversario e mantenere alta la fiamma della speranza... Ma chi c’è dietro l’inaspettato attacco, e qual è il suo vero obiettivo?
24 volumi - In corso - € 4,50 3,65 - Acquista su Amazon
FAIRY TAIL: 100 YEARS QUEST #1 di Hiro Mashima, Atsuo Ueda
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Natsu, Lucy, Happy e i loro amici hanno deciso di cimentarsi nella missione dei cent’anni, un leggendario incarico che dalla fondazione delle gilde di maghi nessuno è mai riuscito a portare a termine! Nel continente in cui mettono piede per la prima volta si imbattono in una città misteriosa, in una divinità incomprensibile e in un gruppo di nemici inquietanti...
L’avventura continua!
L’apprezzata opera del maestro Mashima si è chiusa, ma non disperate! Star Comics ha in serbo per voi il seguito ufficiale delle vicende della gilda di maghi più pazza del mondo, che vede il maestro Mashima in persona occuparsi della sceneggiatura e degli storyboard! Si alza il sipario sulla Missione dei Cent’anni!
3 volumi - In corso - € 4,50 3,82 - Acquista su Amazon
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Ataru Moroboshi ha un viso che indica chiaramente un destino sfortunato, e per qualche ragione finisce per richiamare continuamente su di sé ogni sorta di sventura. Un giorno, degli alieni dalle sembianze di oni giungono sulla Terra per conquistarla, ma offrono ai terrestri una possibilità di salvezza: se uno di loro, scelto in maniera casuale, riuscirà a toccare entro dieci giorni le corna della giovane e affascinante Lamù, figlia del capo degli oni, il pianeta sarà salvo! Manco a dirlo, a essere scelto per partecipare alla gara sarà proprio Ataru, il cui destino compirà un ulteriore balzo verso la sfortuna…
Per la gioia degli innumerevoli appassionati della bella aliena Lamù e di chi ancora non la conosceva, Star Comics ha il piacere di annunciare una nuova, fantastica edizione di questa serie culto della “principessa dei manga” Rumiko Takahashi, una vicenda comico-fantascientifica che ha rivoluzionato il mondo del fumetto!
34 volumi - Completa - € 9,95 8,46 - Acquista su Amazon
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