#Suzuki Bakuhatsu
supergreatfrien · 1 month
Trying out Suzuki Bakuhatsu for an hour
Most of us go through life without realizing that everything around us is a bomb. But not Suzuki
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stoic--rose · 7 months
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saw suzuki bakuhatsu in the wild today it was awesome
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First there are the matching tuxedos.
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“Friendship and Love Forever!!” “What is the fate of Smith and Isami?” The headline and the blurb respectively say.
And then there is Masami Obari.
For the color of their tuxedos, Color Design made several patterns, and I decided one among them 🤙
I'm looking forward to reading the conversation between Mr. Suzuki and Mr. Azakami 🤖✨
What if there really is a wedding, but a different ritual?
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yaoisex · 27 days
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They finally did it. THANK YOU GUYS! THANK YOU!!!!!!
Aji tweeted: "...I had been secretly training for this day 💪 (I pumped too much just before and forgot the lyrics haha)". He forgot the lyrics on the day part of the event three weeks ago too ;D Maybe he was already training secretly back then XD
And just yesterday he tweeted Happy Birthday to Isami and wrote: "Let's light up a hot bond tomorrow…!" ;D
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mss-pit · 2 months
translation of voice actor interviews from Bravern BD
Translation of the cast interview featuring Suzuki Ryouta (Isami), Azakami Youhei (Smith), Suzumura Kenichi (Bravern), Aizawa Saya (Lulu) and Sugita Tomokazu (Superbia) from the special booklet included with the first BD release.
this is pretty long so I'm putting it behind a cut.
Suzuki Ryouta (Isami Ao):
Q: Tell us your impressions of the character you play.
You can tell by watching the first episode that I played him as someone who wordlessly takes on the burden of his superior's orders and crushes his enemies with his own power... a cool and stylish soldier. ...nah he wasn't like that at all, was he? During his first real battle, his hands were shaking and he acted like a coward without any courage, and he was forced to shoulder his fate as the pilot fighting against mysterious enemies that appeared all of a sudden. Fighting alongside Smith and Bravern, sometimes clashing with them, and gradually seeing his heart grow stronger, it felt like I too could have an explosion of courage along with him, making him a very fun character.
Q: Tell us about your favorite episode/scene/quote.
From episode one, the line “What the hell is this song!?!”. In the script I was just supposed to shout “Uaaaaaaah!”, but during voice recording I adlibbed my gut reaction to hearing the song. The director allowed my adlibbed line to be used, so it's a memorable quote to me. I also love the scene from episode eleven, where the four characters have a meal together. It is a mysterious scene where the atmosphere changes into that of a cooking manga (lol).
Q: Was there anything you were particularly conscious of when portraying this character?
I was conscious of expressing Isami as someone who is fundamentally a man of few words, with the austerity of a soldier who feels young yet mature. In the first half, my strong imrpression of him is that he is conflicted after meeting Bravern with how he doesn't want anyone to die but doesn't have the courage to fight. The boxing match with Smith allowed him to let out the weakness he'd been holding inside, and he was able to change his feelings into positive ones where he wants to fight alongside others without pressure. Even when he's conflicted, his comebacks are sharp, he is pretty scary when he gets angry, and he sheds tears when his companions fall... he is a character I portrayed expressing multitudes of human emotions.
Q: A message for fans.
Thank you for watching BBB until the end. In addition to hot blooded mecha fights, there are scenes that make you laugh, a little bit of sexiness, scenes that may make your eyes tear up, all sorts of fun things coming in a high tempo. It might be the kind of work where seeing Isami, who had no courage at all, gain it little by little through his battles, might give viewers that small first step as well. I am glad Bravern gave me the opportunity to play a mecha pilot protagonist for the first time. Thanks to all viewers and regards from here on.
Azakami Youhei (Lewis Smith)
Q: Tell us your impressions of the character you play.
At first we were not given a lot of character details. I attended the audition with a rough description of a “cheerful and macho solider”, but after reading the scripts and seeing his feelings for Isami and his fellow comrades, and how well he takes care of Lulu, he became a character I liked more the more I got to know about him. Almost as if he became like a “hero” to me. I think the comical atmosphere around him draw out his likable qualities. I tried my best to make his [English] pronunciation sound as native as possible. He was earnestly a very fun character to play.
Q: Tell us about your favorite episode/scene/quote
I really like the boxing episode between Isami and Smith. Like “we don't need words to communicate!” - it was a fun part to act with a mix of passionate fists meeting mixed with jokes. I think that's when they truly became friends so it's a part I particularly like. Also, it wasn't in the actual episodes, but in the preview for the first episode, Smith says the line “The wait's over, Isami!”. It is a line that has a bigger impact when you hear it again after knowing everything. Please listen to that line one more time!
Q: Was there anything you were particularly conscious of when portraying this character?
He may give off the strongest impression of being a bright and pleasant person, but his sometimes fragile expressions are memorable. He wants to be a hero, but the hero isn't him. That sense of failure he was carrying might have been the “shadow” side of this story. When recording his lines, more than getting across his “coolness”, I tried to get across the beliefs that were important to him, as well as that sense of being the “shadow”. On one side, he is the polar opposite of the cold Isami, but no matter how bad things make him look he doesn't waver in his own belief in justice. And for him, the “shadow” of failure turns into strength because of his strong convictions. I am happy thinking this power could connect him to becoming Bravern.
Q: A message for fans.
Thank you for supporting this work. This is the kind of story that makes you think “who is the protagonist?”, and people can come to different conclusions. Like Isami, who is forcibly made to be the hero and is dragged onto the stage and shouldered a huge burden without knowing why. Or like Smith who, faced with the reality of not being able to become what he wanted to be, was able to overcome that sense of failure. Or like Hibiki and Miyu who are able to make everyone happy by playing a supporting role. Or like King, who lets his personal feelings aside and becomes the one who makes the hard decisions. From all sorts of protagonist viewpoints, try watching the show thinking what sort of existence Bravern is to all of them.
Suzumura Kenichi (Bravern)
Q: Tell us your impressions of the character you play.
When I saw the design, I thought it was totally Bari-esque (lol). “This is it!” I cried out.
The more you see him face against other characters the more it becomes clear just how out of sync with everyone he is, which is funny, but I was also nervous how hit the subtle balance right each time. I played him like the kind of hero robot character I looked up to as a kid, which made me happy on a personal level. I portrayed him with all the expected qualities of a mecha anime, but being a lifetime otaku helped me a lot. I'm glad I like robots.
Q: Tell us about your favorite episode/scene/quote.
It was fun to put effort into voicing the special attack/fusion scenes. Obari-san has done continuous work on mecha anime, and has many peculiarities about how attack shouts should be voiced to the samllest detail, and recording while receiving those sessions was fun. I also got to voice the the hero character in the tokusatsu show Smith and Lulu were watching! Taking notes on how to voice live action-ish lines once again was very fun. When you know that Bravern was created from Smith's feelings, you can tell that the image of that hero character probably made a deep impression on a part of him.
Q: Was there anything you were particularly conscious of when portraying this character?
When the test recording of the first episode was done, Obari-san called for me and told me: “Bravern's real identity is Smith”. I was the only one who was told this. Because this was kept a secret from the other voice actors, it was hard to keep myself from telling everyone my real feelings (lol). Although I was cast through an audition, knowing this changed the entire plan of portraying the character. The way he interacts with Isami, the way he says his special attacks, how he uses his new powers... instead of voicing these lines in a straightforward manner, I played him as if it was actually Smith acting as a hero. After the reveal of his identity happens in the second half if the series, I played him as if he becomes stronger and more confidently hero-like.
Q: A message for fans.
This is a work you can enjoy from many different viewpoints. For a mecha-otaku like me it doesn't betray your expectations, and people who have never seen a mecha anime before can laugh and cry. It is a work full of elements that people can enjoy. There are lots of characters with their own charms, so I think everyone will find a favorite. If you watch the entire show from the beginning after the ending, you will be able to notice how everything was laid out! Please watch it around 100 times (lol).
Aizawa Saya (Lulu)
Q: Tell us your impressions of the character you play.
I took this role as a challenge, and she was a character who gave me a lot of challenges. I want people to understand her passionate courage by watching her introduction scene again after the last episode,
Q: Tell us about your favorite episode/scene/quote.
I like her relationship with Superbia. From their backstory, where he accepts her determination, to their present, where their feelings align and they take off together. Their gapigapi arguing was a good memory. And as an actor, getting to be a mecha pilot is a great treasure.
Q: Was there anything you were particularly conscious of when portraying this character?
In the beginning, she didn't even understand what language was and she didn't have a developed tongue. I payed attention to which words in the script would be difficult to pronunce. The subtle line of her not being able to communicate properly and words still having to be audible to viewers had to be tread carefully. Her state of growth from episode to episode was carefully maintained by consulting with Obari-san.
Q: A message for fans.
Thanks for supporting this passionate work. Make the courage hidden inside you burst forth!
Sugita Tomokazu (Superbia)
Q: Tell us your impressions of the character you play.
The word “bonds” can easily become trite when thrown around easily, but I felt that to Superbia, his bonds with others are precious to him. As comrades in arms, as ojisama, the future that comes forth must be bright.
Q: Tell us about your favorite episode/scene/quote.
I loved hearing so many good voices. The voice actors Obari-san chooses for this works never let you down, I thought. And it was exactly as I expected. Every episode my ears and heart were happy.
Q: Was there anything you were particularly conscious of when portraying this character?
The pronunciation of “Lulu”. The “Oh, has something changed here?” should be immediately obvious.
Q: A message for fans.
Brave! Bang! Shake hands with Superbia in his new form that's probably gonna come out! It's gonna be come out, right?
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theunstablejester · 6 months
Souen no Shouzou (Portrait of Twin Flames) - Bang Brave Bang Bravern Ending
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glasspunkart · 7 months
Bravern Radio Episode 1 TL (1/2)
Hi! Recently the web radio of BBBB came out on Youtube so I decided to do a translation for anyone interested!
As a key: Isami Ao VA -> Suzuki Ryota Lewis Smith VA -> Azakami Yohei Bravern VA -> Suzumura Kenichi For the purpose of this TL, I will be using character names (Isami, Smith, Bravern), and I'll put in bracket any time a name is mentioned or any additional info! So let's go!
Isami: We've started with a 'Bang'! Hey everyone, are you exploding with courage?! I'm the voice actor of Isami Ao from Yuuki Bakuhatsu Bang Bravern, Suzuki Ryota! Nice to meet you all~ ("Yuuki Bakuhatsu" means "Courage Explosion", they will use "courage" a lot, they're referencing the title) Smith: I'm the voice actor of Lewis Smith from Yuuki Bakuhatsu Bang Bravern, Azakami Yohei! Isami: Yup! This program, starting January 2024 will be broadcasted about Yuuki Bakuhatsu Bang Bravern, featuring me, Suzuki Ryota, the voice of Ao and Azakami Yohei, the voice of Lewis as radio personalities. Sometimes we will bring in guests, sometimes just us, and with courage we have our Web Radio! I'm going like a factory here lol
Smith: Seriously, I can't catch up to you haha Isami: The main part of the show well, it's a story about Isami and Ao's growth and the bond between them. The two of us are going to show courage and roll through with the show, welcome our guests and hopefully inspire some courage in you all too! Smith: We will try to convey the appeal of this show from all kinds of angles for you, please listen on! Isami: Actually first I apologise, the opening is- it keeps going. Ah, it's amazing huh, gets the tensions high. Smith: Haha, BRAVERN! It's so cool
Isami: Going on about our first radio episode, we were just in the middle of searching and searching. For the first, well, somehow we have managed to call a guest who's way too amazing. Bravern: It's sort of like we got the last boss of guests here. Isami: Right! It's like 'is it okay for us to call them?' Smith: Sooo Isami: Is it okay now? Smith: Lets call now ?: Should I be called now? Smith: Its better if we call fast now. Isami: Time for introductions! It's this person! Bravern: Is your courage exploding?! I'm the voice of Bravern, Suzumura Kenichi! Nice to meet you~
Isami: Yaaayy Smith: Thank youuu. Truly, we searched and searched, please save us senpai haha Isami: Save us Braveeeern!! Bravern: But like with such an amusing setting, you two as the main personalities, it's hard to be in step with you! Smith: Truly it's hard to find such an amusing set Bravern: In most of the shows I know, they have a lot of experienced veterans who have been doing this for many years to try to keep in step with. But you normally don't see it that much- the difficulty to keep up Smith: Normally it would be like- me and Ryota-kun (Isami) will be opposing each other, and the guest gets to pick a side Bravern: Yeah, this is some kind of strange thing. It feels like an interview Isami: It's like we are the ones being called Bravern: You have it reversed!
Smith: Also, personally, you don't often see radios having a guest right from the first episode huh? Bravern: Yeah that's true Isami: It kinda feels like, lets just do it with the three of us Bravern: Until the end? I wish! Smith: Seriously, I wish! Okay firstly, as for how we're calling each other? How about we change it from our usual names? Isami: This too gotta be done with courage! Bravern: For each of us? Smith: Yep! We want to go with names that we haven't been called until now Bravern: What would I want to be called….well, if we decide it here it will be easier to call those on-site. Isami: Oh that's true
Smith: We also have names that we are called on a day to day basis too Bravern: Oh tell us about those too Smith: For me it's Azakami so…people call me Azi Bravern: Azi???? Isami: Azi…. Smith: Yep, Azi Isami: That's nice, it's easy to say too. Smith: Really? Anyway, we need to pick names that we only use here? Bravern: Oh, okay… Isami: What were people calling me until now? Bravern: Oh…there's a lot of them. Smith: Lol, a lot huh? Isami: Pick something that's not Azakami-kun Bravern: I've been calling you 'Azakami-kun' all this time but what should we call you huh? Smith: Other than that! Not something I've been called a lot until now Isami: I've also been saying Azakami-san this whole time…
Bravern: Usually at this time we have to search. When you know what's needed and talk about it with people, like 'what do i want you to call me?', there's sometimes a really skilled senpai, who will just suddenly pull out 'Azi' as a nickname. Isami: If I was just randomly called Ryota (his first name) it would make me super happy~ Bravern: I'm the type of senpai who can't really do that….I'm different from those kind of senpais Smith: Hahahaha Isami: So the one who needs to show courage is Suzumura-san, finally Bravern: Yeeaah that's true. Though now I want to call him Azi, after all that. It's just in here right? Just between us? Smith: You can call me that elsewhere too! Bravern: It's not like calling 'Sardine' or 'Mackerel' or something, like "Aji" (jackfish/horse mackerel) fish or something! Isami: Aji…lol Bravern: It's not like that! Next it'll become whale shark… Isami: That's so long! We are getting further and further from the point here! It's hard to understand!
Smith: Well then I'll be simple and say that I like being called by my (given) name. By my senpai, like "ah, Yohei", kinda Bravern: Yohei is nice! Smith: If you called me Yohei it would make me happy Bravern: Yohei, right? Yohei, huh…but now I like Aji lol, is it okay if only I call you 'Iwashi'? (Sardine) Smith: Sto- well, maybe just Isami: Just this time? Smith: Mm, just this time, you can call me Iwashi.
Smith: On to you, Ryota-kun… (Isami) Isami: Hmm Bravern: Normally, what are you called? Smith: By fans and such Isami: Well, fans call me "Su" (From "Suzuki") Bravern: Su?? Smith: Su! One character….lol Isami: Su.. Bravern: This is like, 'oh it's become that era already'! Isami: With this they're definitely bullying me Bravern: Ryouta-kun- it's the same as using 'ryo' or 'ri' Smith: Aahh yeah nowadays (the nicknames) are becoming shorter and shorter, huh? Bravern: 'Su' huh Smith: They've taken that lol Bravern: I've seen people use "Suzu" pretty often these days, I've been called so too Smith: Yeah I have too Isami: Ohh yeah I see Smith: But Suzu is kinda- well, if Suzumura-san is okay with that's fine but I don't like it, calling you "Suzu" since it's Suzumura-san's nickname ("Suzu" works for both "Suzumura" Bravern and "Suzuki" Isami) Bravern: Yeah that's true too. Then, 'Su', huh? Smith: Su…lol, Su… Bravern: Okay I know. Let's call you Miso (a type of soup) Smith: Hahaha, that fits perfect. The Sardines have assembled here (miso soup can contain sardine)
Bravern: The sardines. We've made it something you can taste, it sounds delicious. You guys should call your unit Namero (to lick/taste) Smith: Namero! Isami: Let's go with Namero Smith: Lets do Namero to show our gratefulness to Bravern (lets lick bravern to show our gratefulness) Bravern: If I was a woman first I would be concerned for you Smith: Hahahaha no no no our idolisation of you can't be stopped. So what should we do for you, Suzumura-san? Bravern: You gotta show courage, right guys? So, stuff like Suzu-san is not going to cut it. Smith: True Bravern: It needs to be something stronger Isami: R…rin-san? Bravern: Eh…well… Smith: No more, more than that Isami: Suzu… Bravern: Come at it strong Isami: Something which could come from Suzu… Smith: Mm…
Isami: ….castella, or something? ("suzu-castella" is baby castella, a type of cake) Smith: Hahahaha Bravern: Hahahah Suzu-castella, huh? That's amazing Smith: Castella! Bravern: Castella-san….we don't need -san, let it just be Castella Smith: Castella pfftt Bravern: Castella is… Isami: It's kinda dangerous, right? Smith: It's become a dangerous radio now Isami: It's not even courage anymore Smith: It's a dangerous radio now! Bravern: Noo, call me Castella please! Smith: Well then this time only, let's call you Castella Bravern: Castella, Miso, Iwashi (Sardine), huh? Smith: What even pff Bravern: Sounds delicious honestly Isami: What the hell…
Smith: What is up with this trio…well, that's done now Isami: I understand Smith: You understood? You got it? Bravern: I understood too Smith: I got it Bravern: Amazing, this is so ani-radio Smith: What we're doing now? Bravern: Whatever we're doing now, it's just like all the ones I've experienced till now Isami: Now that we've decided on the names Bravern: It's been a while since I've done something like this Smith: Yeah, and there's stuff you don't normally ask, so with this too we have to have courage- Isami: -and go to the questions Bravern: Yes, I'll answer anything you ask me Smith: Anything? Isami: …your annual income- Smith: Hahaha he said it! He said it… Bravern: There's some things I can't say you know Isami: Then how many castellas do you earn Bravern: Hahaha if you ask in terms of castella, it will be a lot Smith: Yeah it will be a lot Bravern: It's got to be Isami: Makes you curious right? Bravern: Amazing Smith: But I wanna become like that too
Bravern: It will be a building's worth Smith: Hahaha, a building full of castella?? Bravern: A building's amount Isami: This is difficult to ask but- Bravern: Mm, go ahead? Isami: Can you tell us your weight in terms of castella? Bravern: Mm, I see. Well if I have to answer it in castella then- uh, how much Smith: How many castella?? Isami: Pfff Smith: Are you lightweight? Bravern: I have no idea! Smith: When you're soaked, you know- your weight changes a lot right? Bravern: Um…then sixty….sixty….sixty five- sixty five castella?? Smith: Castella?? Isami: Isn't that way too lightweight? Bravern: I have no idea Smith: In terms of weight this measurement unit will make the numbers seem really huge and it's hard to understand Bravern: Yeah, it is hard to understand Smith: Though I'm sure its difficult to ask it like that- if you're going to answer it's okay to sugarcoat it Isami: Mm I see Smith: Yeah, round it off, it might be better that way Bravern: Gotta have courage…
Smith: This kinda conversation- we don't do this during the recordings (of the anime) at all Bravern: True, you can't Smith: At the recordings, Suzumura-san (Bravern) and I are often together- intensely working together, so this is the first time Bravern: Yep Isami: Yeah in radio you can kinda- Smith: You can say stuff like this Isami: There's also a certain impression of what recording should be Smith: Yeah at the recordings- hmm, well, we talked a lot about tokusatsu (live action JP shows with lots of effects, like giant robot shows, power rangers, etc) Isami: True lol, I was hearing a lot of tokusatsu conversation the whole time Bravern: Obari-san (BBBB director) is kinda rigid about that kind of thing Isami: Yeaaah Bravern: But Bang Bravern is sorta like, Obari-san's interests are bared and showing Isami: It's soooooooo obvious Smith: You can immediately point it out. But with this kind of passion it's easy to become super aware of it (Obari's signature genre and tropes), and even more so if you try to stray from it Bravern: It's blatantly written in the script! Smith: "Okay now this conversation is getting way too long so let's move to the next corner", sorry, the instruction was given to me so
Isami: Yes, I'm sorry for that…So then, Castella! Castella will be the guest Bravern: Mm, for first and second Smith: -two weeks in a row! Isami: We will be talking about a lot of things Bravern: We did it! Smith: Way to go, Castella! Isami: Yeah! Smith: Without further ado! Smith & Isami: TV Anime Yuuki Bakuhatsu Bang Bravern Web Radio! Smith: Let's start with introducing the program, henceforth we'll be talking about the work, with courage we will tell a lot of stories, and with courage let's deepen our bonds with banter Smith: The other day, the first episode of the anime aired on TVS Isami: Let's start with a summary of what happened. Smith: The first episode, "I've made you wait, Isami" Isami: 'The representatives of the countries of the world have gathered in Hawai'i, The Airforce's Titano Strider, T.S. Pilot Lewis Smith, in the middle of a fight, meets Japanese Defense soldier Isami Ao. During the fight, Smith, having seen Isami's cut-above-the-rest abilities, challenges him to a 1v1. But on the promised day, suddenly they are attacked and destroyed by a mystery force and their peaceful days are at an end.' is what it will be.
Bravern: Right from the summary of the first one…the work is described like it's going to be so badass. Smith: The quality was soo high Bravern: Right? Isami: For sure Smith: Then again, with this summary, people will think 'it's totally different though' right? Bravern: Definitely true Isami: It is! It sounds like it's going to be a super real feeling army story Smith: Like some serious military thing…but for us it was laid out wasn't it? 'You can't say anything about this' Isami: Yeah, we were told Smith: And because of that I mostly wanted to observe…once the first episode aired I wanted to see what is the atmosphere everyone feels, and we were told to give our cast comments by everyone too. That too…felt kind of untouchable Isami: It did feel like a hard topic to touch Smith: They really wanted to deceive everyone and play it like 'No, it's a serious military thing, it's very dark, we're maintaining a suspense tone', they were writing it to us constantly
Isami: In the PV like…the vibe and the song did not match even a little bit Smith: It reaally didn't! Bravern: Hahaha Smith: Exactly, exactly! Hahaha Bravern: They kind of made a mistake there. If they're going to do this anyway, they should have tried to hide that song too Smith: Totally! Pfft, if they intended to deceive Bravern: Mm- Smith: I was thinking, if they're going to deceive then go all out and deceive us! Isami: For the listeners too, it would feel like "this is the start of something" Bravern: While we're talking about it being "hidden", I was the one who was hidden the most! Smith: Castella was- Bravern: The whole time- yes, the castella was hiding the whole time! Kakure-castella (Hiding is "kakure-teta" so he made a word mash "kakure-kasutera") Smith: Kakure-castella, huh? Bravern: There was a lot of stuff I wanted to say but I couldn't say! Smith: Must have been Bravern: There was
Bravern: Back when it was announced, once, if I had done something without thinking…like retweeting- Isami: Noooo Bravern: …it would have been bad! Isami: Scary, scary, scary Bravern: I was thinking 'Ahh it's been announced', and that i have to be quiet. Smith: Hahaha Bravern: And then Tachiki-san slipped up and retweeted. And i was thinking why did Tachiki-san do that?? (Fumihiko Tachiki, VA who appears in other mecha animes) Smith: Tachiki-san you shouldn't do that! Isami: No no no!! Bravern: Why did Tachiki-san retweet??? Smith: Seriously, why! Isami: That was a no! Smith: We can only wonder why… Isami: What kind of character do you think Bravern is? Bravern: Mm..well, there was an audition, and I auditioned for Smith and Bravern Isami: Ehh?? Smith: Euuuhh??? Bravern: Yep. And if I had to say, it was mainly Smith Isami: Really?? Bravern: I went to the agency, at the time of the audition, and then Suwa-san asked what will you take, and my company managers had selected some for me. Suwa-san said to take the audition for Smith, so I went there to take the audition…and I thought "Wait, there isn't any other voice actor who knows robots as much as I do." (I think it's Masahiro Suwa-san, animation director)
Smith: I see! Bravern: Obari-san means robots, right? And the document- there was also a role document for Bravern, so I said "Let me take the audition for this 'Bravern' too". So they let me take it for Bravern too (Director Obari-san is well known for mecha shows) Isami: Right right right Bravern: And I went to it resolved to win, so- but then at that one, there wasn't really much instruction in the role document, it was pretty much just "sound robot-like". But there was a script at the audition, and after seeing that it was kinda, probably, between the human characters, there's a rigidity…it's a show where the communication of thoughts doesn't go well Smith: lol Isami: So sharp! Bravern: That's why, the robot will be a robot but there's this…if I had to describe, this theatrical beauty, sense of honour. I've been watching hero shows for a long time and I've been a lover of robots since even before that. So if you say "robot", and then "a robot who talks" then it has to be this (specific) way. How do I explain, there's a certain way that a partnership should be done. That kind of thing between normal people- and then suddenly a robot has come, trying to have that with a person, it's a conflict in their way of thinking. I was going with that in the audition Smith: You're way too sharp! What a pro
Bravern: So I worked hard trying to be like all talking robots I've seen so far, but without fretting about the tiny details. One who is obsessed in the pursuit of honour. Isami: I see! Smith: Heeehhh Bravern: So then I went to the first recording and it really wasn't too far off from my imagination. But there too I had to consider the meaning between the things I had to do. I made it while talking about a lot of things with Obari-san (director), kinda. Smith: Ohhhhh Isami: Amazing- you're so overly reliable, it's like there's a warden within the cast lol Bravern: Warden?? Smith: I don't know if it's that extreme haha Isami: But at the recordings, it relaxes us too to have that reliability Smith: That's true, it fits perfectly…but it was a surprise, right? A talking robot Bravern: Yes! It feels like the first time that's been done Isami: Oh really? Smith: I thought "oh, it is?" Bravern: About talking robots, from our age of the hero shows, Hayami Sho-san's voice comes to mind Smith: Aah, a little bitter, yeah. Bravern: Right? So when a line with bitterness is required, I think I should approach it with a different feel. And sometimes a robot with a youthful voice is needed too. From that time, it's Matsumoto Yasunori-san or Nakamura Daiki-san's lines. Isami: Something a bit more energetic Bravern: Yep. For this line I have no choice but to go there! I really imagined a lot. Smith: Amazing!
This is only the first 15min 40sec ish ! If people are interested, I'm happy to translate the rest too :)
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karasukarei · 4 months
Windbreaker seiyuu comments part 4
For previous weeks, see this post!
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Umemiya gave Tomiyama an anpan bread from the bakery Saboten. What would you give to your opponent to make amends after a fight?
Sakura (Uchida Yuuma): Yoku Moku. (t/n: a somewhat fancy snack often bought as a gift. They're really tasty ^^)
Suo (Shimazaki Nobunaga): Sincerity. (t/n: how... abstract)
Nirei (Chiba Shouya): A CD I like
Sugishita (Uchiyama Kouki): Something my opponent likes.
Hiiragi (Suzuki Ryouta): If we're talking about delinquents, tobacco. (t/n: wow very mature)
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wurcuburcu · 7 months
Zima-24. Muztemy edition
Źbiraćmu ŭsie openingi i endyngi sezonu, što pryjšlisia mnie daspadoby, u adnym dopisie.
Bokuyaba S2 ED: "Koishiteru Jibun sura Aiseru n da" by Kohana Lam
Bucchigiri?! ED: "Love je t'aime " by Mahiru Coda
Kusuriya no Hitorigoto ED2: "Ai wa Kusuri" by wacci
Majo to Yajuu OP: "Soumonka" by Sokoninaru
Mashle S2 OP: "Bling-Bang-Bang-Born" by Creepy Nuts
Sousou no Frieren OP2: "Haru" by Yorushika
Sousou no Frieren ED2: "Anytime Anywhere" by milet
*Što cikawa, dla druhoha ED wykarystoŭwali druhi kuplet pieśni ź pieršaha ED.
Yuuki Bakuhatsu Bang Bravern OP: "Ba-Bang to Suisan! Bang Bravern" by Bravern (CV: Kenichi Suzumura)
Yuuki Bakuhatsu Bang Bravern ED: "Souen no Shouzou" by Isami (CV: Ryouta Suzuki) & Smith (CV: Youhei Azakami)
upd. Shangri-La Frontier OP2: "Danger Danger" by FZMZ feat. icy
upd#2. A taksama Metallic Rouge ED, Ishura ED, The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic ED, Saijaku Tamer OP.
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dreamadot · 5 years
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Suzuki Bakuhatsu - PlayStation (2000
Actress: Rin Ozawa
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hardcore-gaming-101 · 5 years
Top 47K - Suzuki Bakuhatsu
Join the HG101 gang as they discuss and rank the amazing collaboration between Enix and the creator of Strider! It’s about a bored lady who defuses grapefruit bombs or something!
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psxdatacenter · 5 years
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[PS1] [USA][PAL] [JAPAN] [2019]
I have added today the following game entries to the PSX Datacenter:
Añadidas las siguientes entradas a la PSX Datacenter:
NTSC-J: Koguma-Chan no Daibouken [SLPM-80195] (J)
UPDATES: Max Surfing 2000 [SLPS-02398] (J) Super Robot Wars IV Scramble [SLPS-00196] (J) Super Robot Taisen IV - Scramble [Playstation the Best] [SLPS-91014] (J) Superbike Masters [SLES-04154] (E) Supercross 2000 [SLUS-01005] (E) Supercross 2000 [SLES-02373] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S)(Du)(Sw) Supercross Circuit [SCUS-94453] (E) SuperLite 1500 Series - Keeper [SLPM-87161] (J) SuperLite 1500 Series - Suudoku 3 [SLPM-86536] (J) Surf Riders [SLUS-01190] (E) Surf Riders [SLES-02838] (E) Suzuki Bakahatsu [SLPM-86513] (J) Sven-Göran Eriksson World Manager [SLES-03826] (E) Swagman [SLUS-00151] (E) Swagman [SLES-00025] (E)(F)(G) Added new descriptions, hires covers & screenshots.
MANUALS: Riot Stars (J) [SLPS-00828] Manual scans cleaned & compiled into cbr by gladiator.
Check them here: http://www.psxdatacenter.com/ or http://psxdatacenter.com/
Have fun and if you can help us with the missing information (covers, descriptions, cheats, etc.) please do it.
If you want to contribute to the site running costs (domain, server, updates, etc.) please consider becoming our patreon or making a donation on our ko-fi.
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“Why did you come with me?”
These scenes are meant to be heard. Not gif-ed. I love that these two have become closer and begin to patch things up. Still suspicious of Bravern though. Can’t help it as he eavesdrops and drops his “way of introducing himself.”
Lewis Smith is the epitome of an all-American boy. The good looks, the hero complex. Youhei Azakami on the latest after-talk concerning the sprinkled English words/phrases in the series: “Besides, it's not like I can speak English like that. I tried my best to make it as close as possible.” Even though, “I find it quite annoying when someone speaks English so suddenly… but I'm forgiven because I play Smith…” Dude, you are doing a good job! More of it, please!
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yaoisex · 2 months
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These two during today's Bravern event (from both Day & Night parts).
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Same, Ryouta. Same. You both looked delicious in those suits *-*
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dirt1 · 5 years
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Suzuki Bakuhatsu PS1
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