almostlookedhuman · 11 months
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i am cringe but i am free.
This is a better quality illustration of Sone, my grumpy pre-Surrak teachings vulcan. He is the result of what happens if you get trapped on a ship with nothing but pre-Surrak texts to read for 5 months.
Text reads (left to right, up to down): *Bitching so much people are asking if they're Romulan* (they're Vulcan... but follow pre-Surrak texts) Prosethic (legs) Velcro (shoes) Wouldn't stop complaining about the "inconvenience" of walking... so, Janeway gave him a gift [wheelchair] (with her replicator rations)... he used his on a set of tea for her... (he loves it, he's just being dramatic)
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markrosewater · 1 year
The legendary character pairs in MOM seem to be very structured. There are 10 two-color cards and 5 wedge cards, and none of them represent a single plane more than once. But then there's a lone Surrak and Goreclaw in monogreen which also doubles Tarkir's representation. How did this happen?
Surrak and Goreclaw is a Jumpstart card (which do show up in set boosters, but not draft boosters), so it isn't a main set card.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 7 months
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Qal Sisma Behemoth
"It hunts grand game for Atarka, and when the time comes, it will become a mighty feast." —Surrak, the Hunt Caller
Artist: Evan Shipard TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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A Whovian Watches Star Trek for the First Time: Part 082 - The Ritual
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 4 Episode 8 - Awakening
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We open at Soval's trial after his mind-melding, and his position at Vulcan command has been terminated. Apparently, the council has also found that the member of command that planted the bomb was also a Syrrannite. Strange that the Syrrannites would plan false DNA of Syrrannites, so something fishy is going on with Vulcan Command.
After the intro, we return to T'Pol and Archer, who have been Captured by the Syrrannites. Of course, they have no idea that T'Pau's DNA was planted. Apparently Arev from last episode was their leader, and his real name is Syrran.
While in his jail cell, Archer has a vision, of civil war on Vulcan. A vision of the time of Surak. Apparently, it's now his responsibility to restore Surak's teachings to Vulcan. Apparently, when Syrran died he transferred the "katra of Surak", basically Surak's soul, to him. T'Pau mind melds with Archer, and confirms that it is the case.
Meanwhile, the Vulcan Command are plotting to bomb the Syrrannite sanctuary. Can I just say, I love the set design on the Vulcan council's room? The colours and the artwork on the walls are just so vivid, I love it.
The Syrranites prepare a ritual to take Surak's soul out of Archer, but it doesn't work. In fact, while it's happening, Archer received another vision of Surrak, this time warning that Vulcans are repeating history. Archer, T'Pol and T'pau then go into a cave to find an ancient artifact that was important to Surak, while the rest of the Syrranites prepare to evacuate from the bombardment.
Enterprise tries to send a shuttle down to Vulcan to find Archer, but the shuttle is spotted, leaving a beautifully tense situation between Trip and the Vulcan command. The command give Trip an Ultimatum to leave orbit immediately, but trip stands his ground, and a firefight breaks out between the Vulcans and Enterprise.
Archer and Co do manage to get the artefact, the bombing begins as they make their escape. The Syrranites didn't manage to evacuate in time, and a lot of them are dead. We get a genuinely sad scene as T'Pol holds her dying mother.
Towards the end of the episode, we find out the key difference between the main Vulcan religion and the Syrranites: and that entirely is that the Syrranites are Pacifists, but and are opposed to the command's plans for war against the Andorians. We leave off on the Cliffhanger of setting course to Andoria to warn them
The worldbuilding around the Vulcan religion in this episode is fun, and I like that's really playing with various concepts the show's brought up in relation to the Vulcans, Surak, their history of how they embraced emotional repression and Logic, and the mind-melding stuff. I still would have preferred a focus on the political intrigue with the council, but I have a feeling that's going to happen next time.
Comparing my Enjoyment of this Episode with a Doctor Who Universe Story of the Same Title
Doctor Who - Season 21 Serial 2 - The Awakening
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It's been a while since one of these comparison segments has just let me use the main show! This time it's The Awakening from 1984. The Awakening isn't a story that people in Doctor Who fandom really focus one, it's a Fifth Doctor, Tegan and Turlough story set in the, at the time, present day.
Basically, during an overly-zealous English Civil War re-enactment game, people from the actual English Civil War end up being displaced through time to the Re-enactment, all as part of a ritual to free an ancient, alien psychic weapon called the Malus lurking underneath the village, exerting it's influence to free itself. There's a bit more to it, but in the interests of keeping this section brief, I'm skipping over a more detailed plot summary.
The Awakening is a nice short serial, and it serves as criticism of the themeparkification of history, the cutting out of the bad bits to make things more palatable for modern audiences, which is a bit deeper of theme than the Fifth Doctor Era usually went for.
Outside of it's themes however, there it's fairly average. It's setting isn't really anything new for Doctor Who, the 3rd Doctor Era did sleepy modern day English Villages a lot, The Malus as a villain has a striking design, but there isn't really anything to separate it from any of the other ancient evil entities in the Whoniverse. It's not a bad serial, it's just very played out as far as Who goes. As a serial it kinda has the feel that it's trying to be a 3rd Doctor story. I enjoyed it a lot, but the general rut of Early-80's who is very much present. Really good themes, kinda average execution, still a lot better than most of the 5th Doctor era.
Choosing between Enterprise's Awakening and Doctor Who's The Awakening is fairly difficult, but I think I'm gonna hand it to Star Trek's because I really enjoyed the worldbuilding. The Vulcans have been kicking about in Enterprise for a while, and we haven't had much worldbuilding focussed on them since season 2.
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mechpilotvi · 4 months
Today my blog is 1 year old , that's wild , anyway here's another commander of the day
Today is
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Surrak dragonclaw , it's dragon typal and its all about cheating dragons into play , and dealing direct damage
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Featuring some of my favorite cards to cheat guys in, including a cute lil kobold!
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skinslip · 1 year
As the original creator of the Bearforce1 EDH deck, I have to say I love how popular the tribe has become. My beautiful hairy boys love to fly.
I also absolutely love that there are multiple Commanders with a variety of color identities. Used to be the only option was Surrak Dragonclaw.
I'll forever run Surrak because he is the original Bear Commander.
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green-catgirl-token · 5 months
Masterlist of our Decks
Hi! We're @the-many-children-of-the-void and this is a masterlist post of our Magic the Gathering decks. We play most of these online, with our partner system on untap.in. This list will get updated when we remember to do so.
EDH Decks
Allie's Decks
APV-B (Atraxa, Praetor's Voice): Our budget Atraxa deck, runs infect, +1/+1 counters, stun counters and so on. This is the only deck we own a physical copy of (we don't play in-person very often) and it was built by buying Corrupting Influence and taking it apart.
Let It Go (Hylda of the Icy Crown): It's a deck that's all about tapping your opponent's creatures. It isn't very optimized yet but Allie is slowly getting there.
Broken Human (Surrak Dragonclaw): Our "fuck you" to when our partner system plays control. It was also the deck where we had a major breakthrough in deckbuilding philosophy.
Atraxa, Uncorrupted (Atraxa, Praetor's Voice): A return to our roots, re-building the oldest deck concept we ever had, an Atraxa deck without any fancy poison or stun counter shenanigans.
Annie's Decks
Annie's Project (Lathril, Blade of the Elves): It's an elf token deck. That's kinda all there is to say.
Erica's Decks
Echo (Aesi, Tyrant of the Gyre Strait): Landfall deck with lots of ramp and card draw. Usually able to get just an obscene number of lands on the battlefield.
Harbinger (Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker): Shadowborne Apostles deck with big fancy demons. We haven't had a chance to test this one yet.
Kate's Decks
Cantre'r Gwaelod (Niv-Mizzet, Parun): Card draw burn deck, pretty much. The goal is to draw as many cards as possible and slowly burn away your opponent's life.
Neiko di Angelo's Decks
Holiday // Boulevard of Broken Dreams (Marrow-Gnawer): Rat colony deck, very heavily based on Violet's deck from Game Knights #63
Lazarus (Phenax, God of Deception): Mill deck in Neiko's two favorite colors. Not much else to report back about this one.
Calvin (Gishath, Sun's Avatar): Dinosaur tribal deck. Our partner system doesn't really have a concept of "low power play" so this deck doesn't really get played but it is one Neiko is happy with.
Antithesis (Zhulodok, Void Gorger) Eldrazi, baby. I have no idea how well it works.
That's all for now.
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zalfiranscholar · 1 year
Remember that time Surrak punched a dragon in the face? I drew it on a playmat.
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Sarkhan: So...we have dragons now, that's epic, what else has changed?
Narset: Changed?
Sarkhan: You know, like what happened to the Jeskai and Zurgo?
Narset: Jeskai? The ancient order that Ojutai overthrew? Who is Zurgo?
Sarkhan: You know... big orc guy, leader of the Mardu? Hates me with a passion? Stabbed you with a giant spear...and killed you...
Narset: ...
Sarkhan: I'm beginning to see issues with this line of questioning.
N: Really? You don't say?
S: Ok, well, how about Surrak and Anafenza?
N: Isn't Surrak a Hunt Called for Atarka?
S: Well, he got off relatively easy. What about Anafenza?
Anafenza *Phasing through a wall*: I'm dead...
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naya-acendancy · 5 years
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I love you bear mom, I will spend my life protecting you.
No surrak shall ever hurt you.
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ninja-android · 4 years
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A big comission that took a long time to complete but it’s finally here! (Detail shots coming soon!) . #digitalart #digitalpainting #magic #magicthegathering #mtg #surrak #mimeoplasm #maelstrom #sentriplets #atraxa #kaaliaofthevast #inalla #gisaandgeralf https://www.instagram.com/p/B8-B5WdAgWU/?igshid=18s0jsohdfzbc
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markrosewater · 1 year
If/when Surrak punching something scarier than a dragon
What’s scarier than a Dragon?
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mtg-cards-hourly · 11 months
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Summit Prowler
"Do you not hunt the yetis of the high peaks, stripling? Their meat is as tender as a bear's and their blood as warming as fire. They are prey that will please Atarka." —Surrak, the Hunt Caller
Artist: Filip Burburan TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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of-forossa · 2 years
"You understand then. In their warring and bloodshed our forebears forgot more about the natural order and arrangement of our world than we could ever learn... yet this truth we've at least uncovered again."
"Our journey begins..."
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"... and ends the same way."
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doctor-roman · 2 years
I’m one color combo away from having a commander deck for each tri-colored combination and it’s the one combination I cannot for the life of me figure out a commander I like enough for it.
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