#Surprise chapter
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The English version is below ;)).
Sorpresa!!capítulo nuevo :DD
Cap 4:Intentando ser amigos...
-2 días después-
Estos aún seguían enojados,aún después de pasar un tiempo,simplemente esa discusión fue mucho para ellos,como para querer hacer algo.Warden aún no lo quería dejar ir,nunca dejaría ir a un prisionero,eso jamás lo aceptaría.Once-ler no le hablaría por rencor y orgullo,lo odiaba y ese era más que un motivo suficiente.
Once-ler:Pff,idiota!-enojado y acostado en la cama-
Warden se encontraba en su oficina,de mal humor y viendo hacía la ventana.
Warden:Pff,quién lo necesita?yo no,solo es un cretino,engreído-haciendo puchero y hundiéndose en su silla-para nada genial…claro que no!
Esté tratando de entretenerse,mirando a todos lados y pucheros.
Warden:¡Aaa!maldita sea…voy a ir con él y voy a confrontar esto!-levantándose de la silla de un brinco y yéndose-
Caminaba hacía la celda de Once-ler,de manera lenta y de vez en cuando deteniéndose,dudoso de su decisión.
Warden:Agg…sí,no,sí-arreglándose el traje y nervioso-no importa,yo mando y voy a ir ahí,no importa lo que él diga!yo soy el guardián y nadie me da órdenes.
Esté deteniéndose cuando llegó,sin darse cuenta llegó y esto lo puso nervioso.
Warden:Uff,ya llegué?-tragando saliva y tomando una gran bocanada de aire- pff,desde cuándo me importa esto?
Esté tocando lentamente y pausada,esperando a que el otro le cediera el pase.
Warden:Nop!mala idea! -volteándose y apunto de irse-
Once-ler:Si eres tú,largo!no estás bienvenido aquí-sonando enojado y gritando-
Warden:Pff,qué?-sonando incrédulo-soy bienvenido aquí sí quiero!no porque tú me lo ordenes,pff -cruzándose de brazos y un puchero-
Once-ler enojado salió a la puerta,abriéndola y viendo al otro con enojo.
Once-ler:Creí que había dejado claro,¡que no te quiero aquí!-gritándole y con el ceño fruncido-
Warden:Supongo,pero no me importa-transportándose con un arco-iris a la cama del otro-
Once-ler:Um?oye,oye…baja de ahí!-yendo hacía él y jalándolo de las manos-
Warden:¡No! -aferrándose a la cama- ¡vamos!
Once-ler:Vete?-jalándolo y tratando de poner fuerza-no tienes nada que hacer realmente…seguramente no sabes hacer otra cosa…
Warden:No,oh,no!te sorprendería lo que puedo hacer -sonriéndole y mirándolo-
Once-ler soltandolo y alejándose con pena.No intento hacer nada y simplemente se sentó a lado del otro,con las manos en su rostro.
Once-ler:Ugg…eres fastidioso,lo sabes?-sonando serio y agotado-
Warden:Umm…sí,me lo han dicho algunas veces…aunque no es cierto,solo soy un poco insistente,nada más-sonriendo y moviendo las piernas-
Once-ler:Ignoras tu realidad realmente…aunque supongo que eres feliz con eso-mirándolo-
Warden:¡Sí,lo soy!sabes,es mejor serlo…la realidad,amm…apesta un poco,es gris-sentándose a su lado y sonando feliz-
Once-ler:Sí…un poco,aveces…no lo sé-pensando-
Warden:Mmm…oye?-sonando serio-
Warden:Aún te duelen las heridas?-sonando preocupado-
Once-ler:Oh,eso?no tanto…solo si las tocas…solo sanarán,ajam-pasando saliva-y tú?
Warden:Oh,pues…estoy bien,golpeas fuerte chico-sonriéndole-
Once-ler:Tú también,supongo que no debo provocarte entonces-sonriendo un poco-
Warden:Sí,supongo que es Superjail…-acomodándose los lentes-perdón por eso,debo tratar de tranquilizarme,no es normal que golpee a los reclusos,no soy un tipo de golpes-risa nerviosa y acariciando sus manos-
Once-ler:Sí,yo tampoco..me descontrole un poco,perdón…supongo que fuí un poco grosero…
Warden:Oh,eso?...tranquilo,los demás reclusos no son precisamente princesas delicadas,jaja-riendo un poco-no serías el primero en golpearme realmente…
Once-ler:Oh,entonces ya estás acostumbrado?-sonando preocupado-eso no debe ser agradable…
Warden:Tranquilo,no es algo de qué preocuparse…supongo que es algo normal aquí,no lo tomó a mal…solo como algo de su conducta en reforma.
Esté tratando de sonar tranquilo y acomodando su sombrero,un poco nervioso.Once-ler simplemente lo pensó pero supuso que no debía preocuparse del todo.
Once-ler:Sí…creo,si no es molestía preguntar…¿por qué insistes en ser mi amigo?no te lo tomes a mal…-sonando nervioso-
Warden:Oh…pues,pues…pienso que eres un tipo agradable,no muchos lo son aquí y quiero ser tu amigo,sí,eso-tratando de no sonar extraño y nervioso-
Once-ler:Oh,gracias…sí,creo que lo soy y supongo que no actue muy agradable ese día jejeje
Warden:Tranquilo,eso ya pasó…lo olvidaré,créeme…por eso trate de arreglarlo!-sonriendo y parándose de la cama,brincando-y voy a arreglarlo!
Once-ler:Oh,pues…qué vas hacer?-prestando atención-
Warden:Tú solo sígueme-yéndose,dando brinquitos y sonriente-
Once-ler:Oh,espera!-siguiéndolo y llegando a su lado-
El otro tenía un plan y lo iba a hacer,está vez sin arruinar nada o tratando de no hacerlo.
Once-ler:Qué vas a hacer?-mirándolo-
Warden:¿Tú bebes alcohol?-rodeándolo con un brazo-
Once-ler:Sí,no soy un gran bebedor pero sí…
Warden:Yo tampoco lo soy,pero aveces tomó un poco en el Superbar,es un lugar tranquilo,te gustara
Once-ler:Sí,supongo que lo es jeje-un poco nervioso,sabía que ese lugar sería un desastre o por lo menos un matadero-
Estos llegaron al Superbar,entraron y sí!El lugar era un desastre como siempre,aunque normalmente bajaban la intensidad del caos en cualquier lugar cuando Warden llegaba,por algún tipo de miedo al tipo loco y caótico que consideraban que era él.
Warden:Y aquí estamos!será divertido Once-ler-haciendo que el joven pase y sonriendo-
Once-ler:Sí,no creo que sea tan malo-entrando y volteando a todos lados por temor-
Warden:Sí!estarás bien,estás a mi lado!-sentándose en la barra junto con Once-ler-
Once-ler:Supongo…-viendo como unos tipos atrás le hacía señas obscenas y amenazandolo de muerte-aunque parece que algunos no les agrado…jeje
Warden:Tranquilo,yo me encargo de que nada te pase…para eso soy el guardián y tu…conocido,eso creo-volteando a ver todos lados-dónde demonios está…JARED!-sonando irritado-
El hombre bajito llegó,nervioso y mirándolo con miedo.
Jared:Sí señor?
Warden:Oh,ahí estás…como puedes ver!Once-ler y yo venimos a tomar algo…tal vez platicar las cosas y necesito que utilices tus manitas para preparar unos tragos-sonriendo y explicando con las manos-ok?
Jared:¡Enseguida señor!-yendo a hacerlo rápidamente-
Warden:Y bien Once-ler,qué puedes decirme de ti…digo,tengo un expediente de ti que Jailbot entrego,asi que no puedes mentirme en algunas cosas-tambaleando las piernas,sacando el expediente y guardándolo en su sombrero nuevamente -
Once-ler:Pues…amm,haber…no creo ser tan interesante,bueno!Soy el dueño de una fábrica de Thneeds.
Warden:Oh,sí!eso lo leí en el expediente…suenan bien esos t-th…bueno,eso!-sonriéndole y tratando de decirlo con algunas complicaciones-
Once-ler:Pues sí,de hecho son una cosa muy imaginativa…creo,pueden ser lo que quieras…ya sabes esas cosas como”tu imaginación es el límite”y eso…
Warden:Bueno,señor Once-ler…supongo que usted es muy imaginativo!eso te debió dar ventajas…
Once-ler:Sí,aunque fue difícil llegar a ser lo que soy…-recordando aquellos tiempos-
Warden:Oh,y quién es Once-ler exáctamente?digo…el nombre es un poco extraño pero,solo pregunto.
Once-ler:Pues…no lo sé,así me llamo…es un tanto extraño,aunque ella dijo que era su error de…una vez-un poco triste y cabizbajo-
Warden:Uff,bueno…quién lo dijo?suena como una especie de cosa cruel…-mirándolo y sonando curioso-
Once-ler:Mi madre…aunque fue una discusión,no creo que lo haya…dicho en serio…
Jared entregándoles sus tragos y yéndose.Warden lo miró,un tanto incómodo y no sabiendo qué hacer para hacerlo sonreír.
Warden:Uff,padres…no soy exáctamente bueno con esos temas,no soy precisamente bueno para decir que tuve una figura paterna a seguir…y eso-girando los ojos incómodo,queriendo cambiar el tema-
Once-ler:Sí…creo que yo tampoco -tomando de su trago y dando un soplido-pero,no creo que debamos hablar de eso…mejor,dime algo tuyo-sonriendo de nuevo-
Warden:Oh,¿de mí?pues-emocionado siempre de hablar de sí mismo-pues…sabes,yo construí está cárcel y como puedes ver,es increíblemente genial y súper avanzada,claro que sí…odio las cárceles de verdad,son grises,aburridas y para nada divertidas!como la de mi padre…pero hice que ese legado fuera más alegre,menos gris.
Once-ler:Entonces esto es algo de”de generación a generación”?
Warden:Sí,pero…pero yo soy mejor guardián,pff,claro que sí-tomando de su trago y sonando presumido-hay un premio en mi cuarto que lo dice,ajam!
Once-ler:Supongo que eso es genial,no tengo precisamente un premio pero si el reconocimiento de muchos…aunque tal vez en el futuro podría tenerlo…oh,cierto-otra vez sonando triste-
Warden tomó su trago,un tanto nervioso,sabía que significaba ese “oh,cierto” y no quería pelear con él otra vez.
Warden:Amm…¿cuántos años tienes?pareces ser uno de los reclusos jóvenes que llegan aquí…-cambiando el tema repentinamente-
Once-ler:Amm…25 años,y tú?pareces ser joven también-curioseando y sosteniendo su trago-
Warden:Oh,me halagas,en cuanto a eso,pues…-sonando nervioso,no es su tema favorito pero él mismo se metió y no podía escapar,no había ventanas-amm…oh,eso…pff,39…per-pero soy muy atractivo,eso debe quedar claro!- tratando de cubrir su ego dañado-
Once-ler:Tranquilo,nadie dijo que no…sí,eso creo…no pensé que los tuvieras,te ves menos que esa edad-tranquilizando al otro-
Warden:Obviamente,como puedes ver…¡soy alguien sumamente atractivo y elegante!-sonando presumido y con el ego subido-pff,la edad es algo…algo aparte…a quién le importa?
Once-ler:Tranquilo,supongo que no…no creo que debas preocuparte de eso,no aparentas esa edad-tomando-
Warden:Oh,gracias…es bueno saber que alguien reconoce eso,es obvió que es eso.
Once-ler:Bueno,sí…creo-acabando su trago-
Warden:Y bueno~qué más tiene para contarme,señor Once-ler-mirándolo atentamente y sonando interesado-
Once-ler:Ammm,veamos…-pensando en que decir y no sonar aburrido-no lo sé,pff,probablemente solo pueda hablar de mi negocio,de Thneed-ville y de la bola de pelos-sonando un poco molesto-
Warden:Uh,de qué hablas?me refiero a lo último
Once-ler:La bola de pelos?hablo del Lorax…es una pequeña molestía para mí y mis planes,solo va a mi oficina o a cualquier lado a donde voy,solo para molestarme y decirme”no tales los árboles””sabes hacía donde cae un árbol?””estás cegado por la avaricia”pff,tonterías…
Warden:Uh,suena molesto…he lidiado con algunos sujetos molestos,¿quieres que le diga a Jailbot que se encargue de él?-pensando en ya como hacerlo o lo que le diría al robot-
Once-ler pasó saliva y se quedó en shock por lo que menciono el otro.
Once-ler:Qué?no!...digo,el tipo no me agrada pero tampoco quiero que tu robot asesino se acerque y le haga daño,si lo entendiste verdad?-mirándolo con sospecha-
Warden:Ok,ok…entendido camarada,no le diré que le haga daño a tu molestador personal-tratando de sonar convincente y relajado-
Once-ler:Eso espero,sabes…antes eramos amigos pero…
Warden:Pero qué?-poniendo atención y dispuesto a oír la historia-
Once-ler:Pero eso acabó cuando…cuando empecé a talar los árboles,prometí que no lo haría…pero son solo unos árboles,realmente a nadie le importan…
Warden:Uff,bueno…ciertamente así lo es…rompiste tu promesa,nah,no me sorprende oír a alguien que rompió una promesa…menos de ti,no por nada estás aquí-sonriendo-
Once-ler lo miró un poco molesto y con un claramente “este no es el momento”.
Warden:Uh,sí…claro,perdón-sonriendo ahora nerviosamente-ajam!supongo que eso hizo que se apartaran,no?
Once-ler:Sí,creo que es al único que le importan los árboles…bueno,se supone que esa es su tarea y para lo que nació hasta donde yo sé…el tipo salió de un tronco a reclamarme y decirme cosas como”soy el Lorax guardián del bosque,habló por los árboles¨”realmente fue algo extraño…
Warden:Oh,yo también soy guardián de algo…¡tenemos tanto en común!podríamos ser amigos-sonriente-
Once-ler:Sin ofender…pero no creo que le agrades,el no es fan de la violencia y no es precisamente un tipo que le guste la sangre,que por cierto tienes algo de ella en la mejilla derecha-sacando un cigarrillo de su saco y prendiendolo para fumarlo-
Warden se limpió la sangre con un pañuelo que sacó de su manga y la miró con una cara seria y pensativa.
Warden:Jeje…sí,es un problema por aquí,de todos modos no le agrado a mucha gente-sonando un poco serio-creo que tengo más enemigos más que amigos,ajam!pero eso no importa…tal vez son ellos los del problema…
Once-ler:A veces así es,pero a veces no…no importa,creo que yo tampoco tengo tantos amigos de todos modos,algunos solo están conmigo para sacar noticia o algo que puedan decir de mí…de todos modos no me importa,estoy consiguiendo lo que quiero…aunque es un poco molesto que gente ande detrás de ti todo el tiempo,solo para saber si hiciste algo mal o algo bien para difundirlo,pff-dándole una calada a su cigarrillo-inquietante…
Warden:Mmm..sí,supongo…no hay gente detrás de mí todo el tiempo exáctamente,pero entiendo que debe ser una molestía,ajam!aunque Jared es como tener a una bola quejante detrás de ti todo el día,pero aprendí a ignorar eso-siempre lo ha hecho-
Once-ler:Mmm…sí,eso creo,quiéres?-ofreciéndole un cigarrillo-
Warden:Oh,no gracias…tampoco soy un buen fumador,solo debes en cuando…ya sabes,un poco de estrés por aquí y haya que liberar-sonrisita-
Once-ler:Ok,está bien…entiendo eso,a veces solo hago esto en mi oficina y veo como mi dinero crece…me pregunto cómo irán las cosas haya?-pensando y sorpresivamente no muy preocupado,solo pensando en cuánto tendrá que hacer-
Warden:No…no lo sé,supongo que bien…-un poco nervioso y jugando con sus dedos en la barra-
Once-ler:El Lorax debe estar cantando de alegría al ver que ya me fuí,pff,nunca lo he visto cantar…eso debe ser algo histórico jaja-risita divertida-nunca está de buen humor como para hacerlo de todos modos…
Warden:El tipo suena como alguien divertido aunque un tanto gruñón-pensando y poniendo una de sus manos en su mentón-
Once-ler:Uff,lo es…aunque puede llegar a ser alguien con quien platicar si lo necesitas…jeje-recordando esos tiempos y recargándose un poco en la barra-
Warden lo miró y simplemente sonrió,el chico parecía muy nostálgico ahora,de alguna forma se veía atraído a querer conocerlo aún más.
Warden:Sí,suena interesante…
Siguieron platicando y bebiendo,hasta que Warden simplemente cayó en la barra dormido,es ahí cuando Once-ler entendió que era hora de irse.
Once-ler:Amigo,qué haces?diablos-acomodándose el traje-estás dormido?
Viendo como unas Z salían de su alrededor,alejándose de él.
Once-ler:Pff,eres todo un personaje…vamos!-moviendolo-no quiero cargarte!...
Once-ler se levantó,un poco desequilibrado pero pudiendo mantenerse firme después.
Once-ler:Entonces,te dejaré~-fingiendo que se va-
Warden:No!..no puedo pararme,estoy un poco…mal
Once-ler:Parate,no seas exagerado…-viéndolo y cruzado de brazos-
Warden intentó pararse,parecía bien,pudo hacerlo y mantenerse firme.
Once-ler:Vez?estás bien…solo hay que irnos-sonriendo-
Warden:Creo que sí-dando un paso y cayéndose,sin intentar mantenerse-
Once-ler:Ups,tenías razón entonces…bueno,tengo que llevarte entonces…
Esté agarro los brazos del otro y lo llevo arrastrando,no lo podía cargar ahora por la falta del equilibrio por el alcohol ,pero al menos intento algo.Warden era liviano en Superjail así que no había de qué preocuparse,aparte el tipo estaba dormido,no le reclamará por eso. 
Once-ler:Bien,ahora dónde está tu cuarto?-viendo a todos lados-
Warden:Mmm…m-me encargo-sacando su bastón y llamando a Jailbot-Jai-jailbot ven a recoger a papá en el pasillo,ya sabes-soltando su bastón y durmiendo de nuevo-
Once-ler:Qué?pudiste hacer eso todo el tiempo?...agg,ya que..-soltando al otro y esperando a que el robot llegue-
Warden:Shhh~haz silencio,estoy durmiendo…-acurrucado y sonriendo en el suelo-
Jailbot llegó y cargó al alcaide,sabía lo que tenía que hacer,sonriéndole con cara de píxel feliz al joven.
Once-ler:Supongo que te encargas de él,bueno…adiós-sonriendo y despidiéndose-
Warden:-medio dormido-Adiós!
El robot se fue junto con el hombre mayor.Once-ler se fue,un tanto divertido por todo lo que acaba de suceder.
Once-ler:Esto será…extrañamente divertido…
Surprise!! new chapter :DD
Cap 4:Trying to be friends...
-2 days later-
They were still angry, even after some time had passed, that argument was simply too much for them to want to do something. Warden still did not want to let him go, he would never let a prisoner go, he would never accept that. Once-ler would not I would speak to him out of resentment and pride, I hated him and that was more than a sufficient reason.
Once-ler: Pff, idiot! -angry and lying in bed-
Warden was in his office, in a bad mood and looking out the window.
Warden: Pff, who needs him? Not me, he's just a jerk, stuck up - pouting and sinking in his chair - not great at all… of course not!
He's trying to entertain himself, looking around and pouting.
Warden: Aaa! damn… I'm going to go to him and confront this! -jumping up from the chair and leaving-
He walked towards the Once-ler's cell, slowly and from time to time stopping, doubtful of his decision.
Warden: Agg…yes, no, yes-fixing his suit and nervous-it doesn't matter, I'm in charge and I'm going to go there, it doesn't matter what he says! I'm the warden and no one gives me orders.
He was stopping when he arrived, without realizing it he arrived and this made him nervous.
Warden: Ugh, am I there yet? - swallowing saliva and taking a big breath of air - pff, since when do I care about this?
Knock on the door and deliberately, waiting for the other person to give the pass.
Warden: No! Bad idea! -turning around and about to leave- Once-ler: If that's you, get out! You are not welcome here-sounding angry and yelling- Warden: Pff, what? - sounding incredulous - I'm welcome here if I want! Not because you order me, pff – crossing his arms and pouting –
An angry Once-ler approached the door, opened it and looked at the other.
Once-ler: I thought I made it clear that I don't want you here! -screaming and frowning- Warden: I guess, but I don't care-teleporting in a rainbow to the other's bed- Once-ler: Huh? Hey, hey… get down from there! - approaching him and pulling his hands - Warden: No! -clinging to the bed- come on! Once-ler: Leave? - pulling him and trying to put force - you really have nothing to do… surely you don't know how to do anything else… Warden: No, oh no! You'd be surprised what I can do-smiling and looking at him-
Once-ler let go of him and walked away shame He didn't try to do anything and simply sat next to the other, with his hands on his face.
Once-ler: Ugg…you're annoying, you know that?-sounding serious and exhausted- Warden: Umm…yes, I've been told that a few times…although it's not true, I'm just a little insistent, nothing more-smiling and moving his legs- Once-ler: You really ignore your reality…although I guess you're happy with that-looking at him- Warden: Yes,really! You know, it's better to be… reality, amm… it stinks a little, it's gray - sitting next to him and sounding happy - Once-ler: Yes…a little,sometimes…I don't know-thinking- Warden: Mmm…hey?-sounding serious- Once-ler: What? Warden: Do your wounds still hurt? -sounding worried- Once-ler: Oh, that? Not so much… only if you touch them… they will only heal, aham-swallowing-and you? Warden: Oh, well… I'm fine, hit hard boy-smiling at him- Once-ler: You too, I guess I shouldn't provoke you then-smiling a little- Warden: Yes, I guess it's Superjail… - adjusting his glasses - sorry about that, I must try to calm down, it's not normal for me to hit inmates, I'm not a figthing guy - nervous laugh and caressing his hands - Once-ler: Yes, me neither… I got a little out of control, sorry… I guess I was a little rude…
Warden: Oh, that?…don't worry, the other prisioners are not exactly delicate princesses, haha-laughing a little-you wouldn't be the first to really hit me… Once-ler: Oh, so you're used to it now? - sounding worried - that can't be pleasant… Warden: Don't worry, it's not something to worry about…I guess it's something normal here, he didn't take it the wrong way…just as something about his behavior to reform.
He's trying to sound calm and adjusting his hat, a little nervous. Once-ler just thought about it but figured he shouldn't worry at all.
Once-ler: Yes…I think, if it's not a bother to ask…why do you insist on being my friend? Don't take this the wrong way…-sounding nervous- Warden: Oh…well, well…I think you're a nice guy, not many are here and I want to be your friend, yeah, that-trying not to sound strange and nervous- Once-ler: Oh, thanks…yes, I think I am and I guess I didn't act very nice that day hehehe Warden: Don't worry, that's already over… I'll forget it, believe me… that's why I tried to fix it! -smiling and getting up from the bed, jumping- and I'm going to fix it! Once-ler: Oh, well… what are you going to do? -paying attention- Warden: You just follow me-leaving, jumping and smiling- Once-ler: Oh, wait! -following him and reaching his side-
The other had a plan and he was going to do it, this time without ruining anything or trying to do it.
Once-ler: What are you going to do? -looking at him- Warden: Do you drink alcohol? -surrounding him with an arm- Once-ler: Yes, I'm not a big drinker but yes… Warden: I'm not one either, but sometimes he had a little at the Superbar, it's a quiet place, you might like it. Once-ler: Yes, I guess it is hehe - a little nervous, I knew that place would be a disaster or at least a slaughterhouse -
They arrived at the Superbar, they entered and yes! The place was a disaster as always, although they normally lowered the intensity of the chaos anywhere when Warden arrived, out of some kind of fear of the crazy and chaotic guy they considered him to be.
Warden:And here we are! It will be fun Once-ler-making the young man pass by and smiling- Once-ler: Yes, I don't think it's that bad - entering and turning everywhere out of fear - Warden: Yes! You'll be fine, you're by my side! -sitting at the bar along with Once-ler- Once-ler: I guess…-seeing how some guys behind him were making obscene signs and threatening him with death-although it seems that some of them don't like me…hehe Warden: Don't worry, I'll make sure that nothing happens to you… that's why I'm the guardian and your… acquaintance, I think so - turning to look everywhere - where the hell is… JARED! - sounding irritated -
The short man arrived, nervous and looking at him with fear.
Jared: Yes sir? Warden: Oh, there you are…as you can see! Once-ler and I are going to come over for a drink…maybe we'll talk things over and I need you to use your little hands to make some drinks-smiling and explaining with your hands-ok? Jared: Right now sir! -do it quickly- Warden: Well, Once-ler, what can you tell me about yourself? I mean, I have a file on you that Jailbot gave me, so you can't lie to me about some things-moving your legs, taking the file out and putting it back in his hat - Once-ler: Well… amm, I have… I don't think it's that interesting, well! I am the owner of a Thneeds factory. Warden: Oh yes! I read it in the file…those thne-thneed sound good…well, that! -smiling at him and trying to say it with some complications- Once-ler: Well yes, they are actually something very imaginative… they can be whatever you want… you know those things like "your imagination is the limit" and that… Warden: Well, Mr. Once-ler… I guess you're very imaginative! That must have given you advantages…
Once-ler: Yes, although it was difficult to become what I am… -remembering those times-
Warden: Oh, and who is Once-ler exactly? I mean… the name is a little strange but, I'm just asking.
Once-ler: Well…I don't know, that's my name…it's a bit strange, although she said it was her mistake…once-a little sad and crestfallen-
Warden: Ugh, well…who said that? It sounds like some kind of cruel thing…-looking at him and sounding curious-
Once-ler: My mother…although it was an argument, I don't think she meant it…
Jared handing them their drinks and leaving. Warden looked at him, somewhat uncomfortable and not knowing what to do to make him smile.
Warden: Ugh, parents…I'm not exactly good with those topics, I'm not exactly good at saying that I had a father figure to follow…and that-rolling his eyes uncomfortably, wanting to change the topic-
Once-ler: Yes…I don't think I do either -taking his drink and drinking- but, I don't think we should talk about that…better, tell me something about yourself-smiling again-
Warden: Oh, about me? Well-always excited to talk about himself-well…you know, I built this prison and as you can see, it's incredibly cool and super advanced, of course…I really hate normally prisons, they're gray Boring and not at all fun! like my father's… but I made that legacy more cheerful, less gray.
Once-ler: So this is a “generation to generation” thing?
Warden: Yes, but… but I'm a better guardian, pff, of course - sipping his drink and sounding smug - there's a prize in my room that says so, aha! Once-ler: I guess that's great, I don't exactly have an award but I do have the recognition of many…although maybe in the future I could have it…oh, right-again sounding sad-
Warden took his drink, a little nervous, he knew what that “oh, right” meant and he didn't want to fight with him again.
Warden: Amm… how old are you? You seem to be one of the young inmates who arrive here… - suddenly changing the subject - Once-ler: Amm… 25 years old, and you? You seem to be young too - browsing and holding his drink - Warden: Oh, you flatter me, as for that, well…-sounding nervous, it's not his favorite topic but he got into it himself and couldn't escape, there were no windows-amm…oh, that…pff,39…but-but I am very attractive, that should be clear! - trying to cover his damaged ego - Once-ler: Don't worry, no one said no…yes, I think so…I didn't think you had them, you look younger than that age-reassuring the other- Warden: Obviously, as you can see… I am someone extremely attractive and elegant! -Sounding conceited and with a raised ego-Pff, age is something…something apart…who cares?
Once-ler: Don't worry, I guess not… I don't think you should worry about that, you don't look that old- Warden: Oh, thanks… it's nice to know that someone recognizes that, it's obvious that's what it is. Once-ler: Well, yes… I think - finishing his drink - Warden: Well~ what else do you have to tell me Mr. Once-ler-looking at him carefully and sounding interested- Once-ler: Ammm, let's see… -thinking of what to say and not sound boring- I don't know, pff, I can probably only talk about my business, Thneed-ville and the furball-sounds a little annoying - Warden: Hey, what are you talking about? I mean the last one. Once-ler: The furball? I'm talking about the Lorax… he's a bit of a nuisance to me and my plans, he just goes to my office or wherever I go, just to bother me and tell me "don't cut down the trees" A tree? fall?" "You are blinded by greed" pff, nonsense… Warden: Uh, that sounds annoying… I've dealt with some annoying guys, do you want me to tell Jailbot to take care of it? -thinking about how to do it or what I would say to the robot-
Once-ler was surprised by what the other mentioned.
Once-ler: What? No!…I mean, I don't like the guy but I don't want your killer robot to come up and hurt him, you understand right? -Looking at him suspiciously- Warden: Ok, ok…understood comrade, won't tell you to hurt your personal annoyance-trying to sound convincing and relaxed- Once-ler: I hope so, you know… we were friends before but…
Warden: But what? -paying attention and willing to listen to the story- Once-ler: But that ended when… when I started cutting down the trees, I promised I wouldn't… but they're just trees, no one really cares… Warden: Ugh, well… it certainly is… you broke your promise, nah, I'm not surprised to hear someone who broke a promise… least of all you, you're not here by anything good -smiling-
Once-ler looked at him a little annoyed and with a clear “this is not the time”.
Warden: Uh, yeah… sure, sorry-smiling nervously now-ah! I guess that made them move away, right? Once-ler: Yeah, I think he's the only one who cares about the trees… well, that's supposed to be his job and what he was born to do as far as I know… the guy came out of a log to claim and He tells me things like “I am The Lorax, guardian of the forest and I speak for the trees.” It was really something strange… Warden: Oh, I'm also a guardian of something… we have a lot in common! We could be friends-smiling- Once-ler: No offense… but I don't think he likes you, he's not a fan of violence and he's not exactly a guy who likes blood, which by the way you have a little bit on your right cheek. I take out a cigarette his and light it.
Warden wiped the blood with a handkerchief he pulled from his sleeve and looked at her with a serious, thoughtful face.
Warden: Hehe…yes, it's a problem around here, not many people like me anyway-sounding a little serious-I think I have more enemies than friends, haha! but that doesn't matter…maybe they're the ones with the problem … Once-ler:Sometimes it is, but sometimes it isn't…it doesn't matter, I don't think I have that many friends anyway, some of them are only with me to get news or something they can say about me…I don't care anyway, I'm getting what I want…although it's a little annoying that people are after you all the time, just to find out if you did something wrong or something right to spread it, pff-taking a drag on his cigarette-disturbing… Warden: Mmm…yeah, I guess…there aren't exactly people behind me all the time, but I understand that it must be a bother, aha! Although Jared is like having a complaining ball behind you all day, but I learned to ignore that-he's always done that- Once-ler: Mmm…yes, I think so, do you want? -offering him a cigarette- Warden: Oh, no thanks… I'm not a good smoker , you just have to from time to time… you know, a little stress around here and you have to release it-smile- Once-ler:Ok, okay…I understand that, sometimes I just do this in my office and watch my money grow…I wonder how things are going?-thinking and surprisingly not very worried,just thinking about how much he will have to do - Warden: No…I don't know, I guess fine…-a little nervous and playing with his fingers on the bar-
Once-ler: The Lorax must be singing with joy to see that I'm gone, pff, I've never seen him sing… that must be something historic haha-funny giggle-he's never in a good mood to do it anyway… Warden: The guy sounds like someone fun although a bit grumpy-thinking and putting one of his hands on his chin- Once-ler: Uff, it is…although it can be someone to talk to if you need it…hehe-remembering those times and leaning a little at the bar-
Warden looked at him and simply smiled, the boy seemed very nostalgic now, somehow he was drawn to want to know him even more.
Warden: Yes, it sounds interesting…
They continued talking and drinking, until Warden simply fell asleep at the bar, that's when the Once-ler understood that it was time to leave.
Once-ler: Dude, what are you doing? Damn-adjusting his suit-are you asleep?
See how some Z's came out from around he, moving away from him.
Once-ler: Pff, you're quite a character…come on!-moving it-I don't want to burden you!… Warden: Mmm…not-sleeping-
Once-ler stood up, a little unbalanced but able to stand his ground afterwards.
Once-ler: Then, I'll leave you~-pretending to leave- Warden: No!…I can't stand up, I'm a little…bad Once-ler: Stop, don't be exaggerated… -looking at him and crossing his arms-
Warden tried to stand up, it seemed fine, he was able to do so and hold his ground.
Once-ler: See? Are you okay…we just have to go-smiling- Warden: I think so-taking a step and falling, without trying to stay- Once-ler: Oops, you were right then… well, I have to take you then…
grabbing the other's arms and dragged him, I couldn't carry him now due to the lack of balance due to the alcohol, but at least something. Warden was light in Superjail so there was nothing to worry about, besides the guy was asleep, He will not complain to for that.
Once-ler: Well, where is your room now? -looking everywhere- Warden: Mmm…I-I'll take care of it-taking out his cane and calling Jailbot-Jai-jailbot come look for dad in the hallway, you know-releasing his cane and sleeping again- Once-ler: What? Could you do that all the time?…agg, since…-releasing the other and waiting for the robot to arrive- Warden: Shhh~shut up, I'm sleeping… -curled up and smiling on the floor-
Jailbot arrived and picked up the warden, he knew what he had to do, smiling with a happy pixel face at the young man.
Once-ler: I guess you'll take care of him, well… bye-smiling and saying goodbye- Warden: - half asleep - Goodbye!
The robot left along with the older man. Once-ler left, somewhat amused by everything that had just happened.
Once-ler: This will be… strangely fun…
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atissi · 10 months ago
i don't really like when people say dungeon meshi is accidentally good autistic representation, because while i understand not wanting to make conclusions without explicit confirmation from the author, there's always the weird assumption that non-western authors somehow don't know about things like neurodivergency/queerness/etc. (on top of the assumptions that east asian authors are somehow more naive or oblivious to "western" social issues).
given that dungeon meshi started being published in 2014, it's not really a "work belonging to its times"—it's as contemporary as any other media we discuss on this site, which means it should be fair to assume it engages with contemporary topics (and at the very least, you shouldn't say that the representation is accidental with so much confidence)
but anyways, the chapter "perfect communication" in ryoko kui's "terrarium in a drawer" is some of the most straightforward autistic representation I've seen, and from now on I'm going to assume that laios's character writing is absolutely intentional in that regard:
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artepti · 5 days ago
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Fanart for @purble-turble 's DKR/TIme Travel AU! Read it here or look at their art for this AU here!
I always pictured Wukong looking downright terrifying when he found out his successor had been kidnapped, so I wanted to try my hand at illustrating it. :]
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aingeal98 · 5 months ago
The way Orv will dangle the basic premise in front of you like a set of keys and have you going "Ha! So Joonghyuk is the novel's protagonist but Dokja is OUR main character." and you're so busy enjoying that layer of meta text that you don't notice their other hand winding up the Han Sooyoung hammer to whack you with.
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shrugsinchinese · 4 months ago
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A sketch and doodle page for Bat Swap by @im-not-buying-it-ether!
Billy is truly Going Through It in this one, and Bruce is getting called out by every significant Fawcitizen it’s hilarious
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mintjeru · 4 months ago
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olympics 2024 men's volleyball japan vs. argentina match you will always be famous
open for better quality | no reposts
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scarlethyena · 2 months ago
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I fucking adore these little ID pics for Godzilla and Rodan from the latest chapter of NES Godzilla Replay
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cherrywhite · 7 months ago
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Silt Verses protagonists // Returning Home
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ruporas · 11 months ago
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fond of marcille (id in alt)
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bucketsofmonsters · 8 months ago
Deep Water - Part 3
cw: the ocean, almost drowning, kidnapping, more tags to be added as the story continues
merman x fem reader
Word count: 5k
read on ao3
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
On your first day of work, you were already regretting not pushing harder to get your siren to promise you he would stay away, glimpses of a snaking tail under the water every few hours stopping your heart for a beat every time. 
You ignored your first sighting, reporting into the office, getting a list of duties and of expected intake for the day. 
You asked when you’d be paid, part of you worried he’d say at the end of the month and you’d be stuck without a place to stay for weeks. You let out a sigh of relief when he said at the end of the week. Only two more days then. You could manage two more days. You were sent off on your way without much else said. 
No one was assigned to help you, to figure out what you were supposed to do or how to start, so you did the only thing you could think of. You went and found Finn.
His face lit up the second he saw you, dropping the box he was holding to run over to your side. 
“Hello little lady, how’s your first day going?”
You glanced back at the discarded cargo. “Do you not need to get that?”
“Is this going to take long? Okay, you probably want help, I’ll be right back.”
He rushed over to the dropped box that at the very least didn’t look like it had been damaged and hauled it over to a safer location, amidst some other unpacked boxes. 
He was back at your side before the incredulous huff of laughter managed to escape you, giving you a sheepish look. “Sorry if I’m overeager, we don’t get many pretty girls out here, I’ve gotta try and help you before someone else snatches you up.”
You gave him a humoring laugh, more polite than anything. 
You had a feeling your intentions with one another did not align, but he seemed pleasant and helpful and whatever his intentions happened to be, you could use that right about now. 
And he held true to his word. For the rest of the day, he helped you figure out your various duties, largely abandoning his own, only occasionally popping out to make excuses or run and do something that others laughed and insisted really couldn’t wait. 
The day passed quickly. The work wasn’t particularly hard, just repetitive. Finn did his best to help but once you realized he couldn’t read, it became a little more difficult. 
He still hovered over your shoulder, something that you appreciated but had the unintended consequence of you having to struggle to pull his attention every time you caught another flash of scales out of the corner of your eye. 
They seemed particularly likely to appear whenever Finn set off from his latest task he was ignoring to help you again.
You bristled at the thought, trying to tell yourself you were making up patterns, that it wasn’t anything at all. 
At least you hoped you were. If it was a pattern, you were going to kill him. 
Even once you got the hang of things, Finn refused to actually leave you, insisting that it was improper to abandon you on your first day. You just smiled and continued on, set on getting everything done. First impressions were important after all, and you needed to look just as valuable as your sister had been. 
Before you knew it, the day was over and people had begun filing out. It wasn’t empty, the dock was never really empty, but it had quieted down and you finished the last of your work, marking everything down as neatly and perfectly as you could. 
“I can take that back for you!” Finn exclaimed as you carefully looked over your work for any glaring mistakes. He seemed excited to find something he could actually help you with. 
Part of you wanted to refuse, to take it back yourself, but he seemed too excited, refusing felt like kicking a puppy. Besides, you imagined he’d have a few kind words to say about you and that couldn't hurt. 
He came darting back over in minutes, that persistent, goofy smile plastered across his face as he skidded to a halt. “Mission accomplished, ma’am,” he said with a little salute. 
“Thank you, I really appreciate it,” you said, trying to push as much gratitude as you could into your voice.
“Now that that’s done, I was wondering if you wanted to go out or something. I could get you some drinks or food or whatever, celebrate your first day being over.”
There it was, exactly what you’d worried this had all been leading to. “Finn…”
Water came splashing up through the gaps in the wood on the dock, drenching the pair of you. 
You jumped, reflexively and far too late to save yourself from any of the water. 
As you looked through the slats, you could have sworn you saw the glint of scales. 
“Yes,” you blurted out, bringing Finn’s attention back to you. “That sounds great.”
You gave him what felt like a poor approximation of an excited smile. 
“Really? That’s amazing. The ocean seems to have something to say about it. She’s nervous, poor girl. Promise I won’t leave you behind.” He spoke down to the waves, attempting to lighten the mood as he saw your face go white in your newly wetted skirts. 
You smiled, your heart hammering in your ears, and after another quiet little bit of reassurance, he scurried off, telling you to stay put while he found a coat he’d discarded earlier in the hot sun and promptly forgotten about, and then you could be off.
Simon, you guessed that was what you were calling him now, decided that was an opportune time to breach the surface of the water and look up at you with those big, golden eyes. 
An anger that had been simmering quietly inside of you at every flash of scales you’d seen throughout the day came to a head as he had the audacity to simply appear like this. “Go away,” you hissed, the words coming out louder than you meant them to. 
This wasn’t like the day before. You knew Finn would be back any moment, you didn’t have time to argue on the shore. 
He remained resolutely above the water, looking up at you with a determination that almost frightened you set across his impish features. 
When he opened his mouth, you held your hands out, trying to tell him to stop, that it wasn’t safe. 
And then he started speaking and your hands fell limp to your sides, warning him not seeming quite so important anymore. 
The words sounded different. Maybe he was singing? It was hard to tell. You couldn’t even make out the words, couldn’t understand any of it. All you knew was that he was there. Why were you all the way up here? You should be down there with him. Maybe then you could understand. 
Whatever noises he was making, ones you were too far away to really hear, wormed their way right through your ears into your head, snaking their way around inside you, taking up the space where your thoughts were moments ago. 
There was nothing but him. 
Everything else faded away until all you could see was amber eyes. 
And then, walking carefully and intentionally, you tumbled into the water, seemingly of your own accord. 
The second you hit the icy water, the warm calm you’d been pulled into dissipated. You weren’t sure if it was the shock of the water or your head going under, no longer able to hear the hypnotic noises from the siren you’d thought was harmless. At least to you. 
And what a foolish notion that was. He was a siren. It didn't matter if he'd saved you or not, of course he was dangerous. You weren’t special to him. Why would you be?
As you tried to come up for air his arms met your shoulders and pushed you deeper and you realized, horrifically, just how wrong you’d been. 
You didn’t understand why he did what he’d done, why he’d helped you before. Maybe he’d just been playing with his food, toying with you until he got bored. 
Your mind newly cleared, you fought to swim up. As you did, his tail wound around your legs and you saw a pout break out across his face. 
Panic rose in your chest and he watched, head tilted, examining you carelessly, with your legs still bound together under the water. 
He looked at you, eyes big and bright and expectant, flicking across your face as he tried to fight back a smile. 
You struggled and his hand grasped yours, keeping it in place, effortlessly keeping you under the waves. The bright look in his eyes shifted to confusion, seeming baffled as to why you’d rather breach the surface than steal a kiss from him and let the cold water invade your lungs. 
As he stared expectantly and confused at you, you wiggled just enough to free one leg, something he seemed unconcerned with as he continued to hold you under. He knew he was stronger than you, that you had no real shot of escape. You both did. 
That didn’t matter to you. You brought your knee up as swiftly and firmly as you could in the cold water that forced a horrible, sluggish feeling into your limbs, and kneed him right in his gills. 
That seemed to activate some instinct in him and he wrapped entirely around you, effortlessly countering you at every point of struggle. They were the movements of a practiced hunter. 
You kicked and fought and made every attempt to break away and breach the surface but he was too strong, too practiced at this. At holding people down. 
You wondered how you matched up to them, how hard you fought compared to his other prey, if he’d remember this at all once you were gone?
At some point in the struggle you must have kissed, in the loosest sense of the word. You missed it in the flurry of movement, just another brush of skin against skin in the struggle. It must have happened though because as your lungs burned just a bit too much and your brain forced you to inhale, you didn’t choke on water but instead felt the burning soothe and your instincts calm, despite the salt water flooding inside you. 
Regardless of your newfound ability to breathe, the fight and lack of oxygen had weakened you and your struggle slowed. 
As it did, he rose to the surface
When you breached the waves, the dock was nowhere in sight. You had no idea when in your fight he’d dragged you out to sea or how far you’d gone. 
“You can breathe,” he said, looking at you with that same quiet confusion as when you’d fought against him. “I made sure you could breathe. Why do you still worry?”
You inhaled in an attempt to answer him with a screamed admonishment and then, before a word could escape you, you were coughing up water
He sat patiently as you did, his arms wrapped carefully around you. 
The last time you’d coughed up water like this, you’d been too relieved to be alive to really notice it. You did not have that luxury this time. The saltwater burned coming up, your lungs feeling heavy in your chest as the water poured out of you. 
It felt like you were dying. You didn’t understand how you weren’t. 
He didn’t seem concerned, just holding you as you fought to empty your lungs so you could finally inhale, every attempted inhalation just stirred the churning water in your lungs, agitating them further. 
As you finally emptied your lungs, you sucked in air. Your chest filled and it hurt more than it brought you relief. 
“You have to take me back,” you forced out, the burning in your lungs exhausting you past the point of screaming at him. 
His lips pursed into a pout and his eyes darted away from yours. “You don’t even like it there,” he said, sounding openly disappointed, not even attempting to hide it. But then, why would he? You were at his mercy, he could do whatever he wanted to. 
“I like it better than I like it here,” you said, gesturing around you at the open ocean. 
He looked around at the ocean surrounding you and then returned his gaze intently to your face. “I can take you somewhere else.”
“You know that’s not what I mean, you’d better not…”
And then he was off, swimming quickly through the waves. 
He kept your head above water carefully, although you still had to keep your mouth firmly shut to avoid inhaling anything, but even that didn’t slow him down. 
And then, with no warning, you were going down, back through thick water. You didn’t have a chance to gather your bearing before it was too dark to see anything, Simon’s grip on your arm was the only thing cutting through the cold black abyss around you. 
Your arm brushed against hard rock, scraping painfully before it was gone and you found yourself disoriented in the space around you once more. You could be surrounded by rock for all you knew, inches away from it. There was no way to tell, no way to really know anything about where you were being dragged. 
Your fight renewed as your air began to run out and the darkness still imposed itself around you. You knew better, knew you couldn’t get away. Even if you did, you didn’t even know which direction was up anymore. Your instincts, however, were not so easily suppressed by silly things like facts. 
You couldn’t help but wonder if he was going to kill you. Even more than that, as your time under the water dragged on, why he was going to kill you? Maybe you’d upset him, made an unforgivable mistake when you kicked him or complained just a little too much. The way it looked now, you guessed you’d never know. You didn’t have the oxygen left to figure it out, your brain starting to get foggy. 
And still, it continued. He dragged you down and down and then your head breached the surface and as you gasped in air, the word flipped right side up once more. 
You dragged air into your pleading lungs, this time no wretched water biting your throat as you did. 
Your lungs still hurt though. A quieter ache. 
Your eyes adjusted slowly to the dark and you could barely make him out in what appeared to be a cave, the moon shining in through a few holes riddled in the rock above you. 
“You could’ve killed me,” you said, desperation creeping into your voice. 
His head tilted. “No. I know how long it takes a human to drown. You were fine.”
His words did nothing to settle your unease
“Is this better?” he asked, gesturing around to the cave you’d approached from beneath. 
The water was just a small pool in a larger cave, leading off a few feet before revealing a glimpse of the outside world through the holes that let the light in. 
You hauled yourself out of the water to look and saw that there was no other way out, only the horrible, dark path through the water he’d taken you through. 
You couldn’t get out of here on your own. 
Even if you could, you had nowhere to go. There was probably just more open water outside these walls. Even if there was land, you had no idea where you were. 
You wondered if Finn was worried about you yet. Maybe he was. Or maybe he thought you’d abandoned him, left him alone on the dock in lieu of having to go out to dinner with him. 
You weren’t sure which you were hoping for, which was better for him to believe. Which would be easier to explain when you returned? If you returned. 
“You need to take me back,” you said, trying to force some authority into your tone. 
“Can I ask you some questions about humans?” he asked, completely ignoring you. 
“No,” you snapped. “You can’t. You can take me back.”
He drifted towards you and you pulled back further onto the patch of dry land. 
That seemed to hurt him, like he couldn’t understand why you would possibly be wary of him. 
He rested his head on the rocky shore, looking defeated, slowly drying blonde hair curling up around his eyes as it was freed of some of the weight of the water, and you fought to not think that if he hadn’t just done what he did to you, maybe he’d look sweet. 
“Who was that?” he blurted out, his head lifting with his words as his jaw moved against the stone below him. 
“On the dock. He was talking to you, you were leaving with him. Who was that?”
“Who, Finn? Why do you-” A thought began to dawn on you. “His name is Finn. You hang around the dock, do you not know him?”
He shrugged in the water. “I’ve seen him.”
“And you care now? That’s kind of sudden.”
“I guess.”
“Alright. Did you kidn- Did you take me so I wouldn’t go with him.” You did your best to keep your voice measured in an attempt to get an honest response from him. 
“You’re supposed to go to the beach. You weren’t going to the beach.”
“No, you rejected my deal, remember? I thought I wasn’t going to the beach because you were just hanging around.”
He rolled his eyes just barely, enough to make a quiet irritation stir in your stomach. “Can’t talk to you when I’m around,” he said, matter of factly. “You said you’d go to the beach.”
“I know, but something came up. I’d have come back. I can’t miss one day?” you said, trying to reason with him. 
“One day? It was the first day!” he said with a huff. 
“I hadn’t even left yet, how did you know I wasn’t going to go meet you.”
“Were you?” he asked, and you didn’t have a good answer for him. 
“We’ll never know, will we? Because you decided to kidnap and almost drown me.”
“I didn’t almost drown you. I would never drown you.”
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes. “Alright, well at the very least you decided to hurt me.” Sharp words bounced off the stone walls of the cave. 
His eyes widened. “I hurt you?”
“Yeah, of course you did. I couldn’t breathe. And that’s beside how bad coughing up sea water hurts.”
He shook his head. “You’re fine, why would it hurt?”
“Simon,” you said, “It hurts humans when we can’t breathe. And we aren’t meant to have to breathe water, it burns when I have to get it out.”
For someone who presumably had drowned dozens of humans, he seemed to have little idea how drowning actually felt. To be fair, he probably didn’t have many chances to learn about the human side of the experience, you didn’t imagine many survived long enough to tell him about it. 
“Oh,” he said, deflating a little. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“Right, just to kidnap me.”
He nodded with no air of shame regarding his actions. “Yeah.”
You settled back against the wall of rock behind you, trying to think of what else you could say to get yourself out of there. 
He looked up at you and suddenly he seemed unbearably nervous. “You want to leave.”
“I thought we discussed this, I have to leave. I can’t just disappear, there are people waiting for me.”
“Finn,” he asked, saying the name like it tasted rotten in his mouth. 
“Yes, Finn. I told you, I can’t just disappear.”
You had to lean closer to him to hear his next words at all, his voice unbearably quiet. “It’ll hurt you.”
You slid back into the water beside him, hope sparking through you. “I’ll be fine, I just want to get out of here.”
His hands snaked around your sides, pulling you close to him. “Do you want to hold your breath or breathe the water?” You could feel his breath on your skin as he spoke. You didn’t understand how breathing worked for him, where his lungs ended and his gills began. 
You shivered as you thought back to retching up the water, how it had burned coming up, how the attempted gasps felt inside already heavy lungs. “I’ll hold my breath.”
He nodded solemnly. “I will be fast.”
You sucked in a breath before he pulled you down, a luxury you had not been granted last time. 
He was true to his words. You could feel the water rushing past you as you held your breath, clinging to him the whole way. 
When you breached the surface, your lungs didn’t hurt quite as much as they had the first time around. His grip on you was tighter than when you’d arrived, a fear present in him that wasn’t before. 
Your hands were wrapped around his neck, the desire to get yourself away from him gone now that you were fairly certain he’d bring you back, even if he wasn’t happy about it. 
He brought you to the shore, a familiar spot.
Something occurred to you as you found yourself in shallow water. “How’d you even know where to take me? When you first found me, you took me right here.”
“I know where the ships are going. Always to the same spot.” He sounded almost annoyed at the ships’ predictability. 
“Well, they have to go to a dock.”
He grumbled in response, his discontent evident. You weren’t sure how much of it was from this grudge against ships and how much was because he’d had to bring you back to shore.  
You pulled yourself out of the water and wanted just sit there for a while, regain some of your energy. 
The second you hit dry land, Simon was gone, disappearing before you could say so much as another word to him. 
You didn’t really have time to talk or rest anyway, running back onto the dock as quickly as you could, hoping Finn hadn’t left yet. 
You found him standing alone on the dock, looking dejected right until his eyes drifted towards you. His eyes widened as they met yours and his expression shifted from surprise to concern, rushing towards you. 
“What happened?” he asked, pulling the jacket he’d run off to retrieve over your shoulders. “I thought you’d gotten bored and abandoned me but a swim at this time of day hardly seems like a good idea.”
“I fell in. Guess I’m more tired than I thought,” you said with a sheepish smile, hoping it was anything close to convincing. 
His hand drifted up to push wet hair away from your face. “I’m sure you’re not feeling up to going out anymore…”
“No,” you said, not thinking of Finn at all but instead set on rebelling against the attempts to stop you from going. It wasn’t fair to Finn, but by the time that occurred to you, you’d already spoken. “I mean, you waited all this time for me, it would be rude not to go.”
He seemed too excited to notice how suspicious you were being. “Alright, but make sure you’re not overextending yourself.”
You nodded with an unenthusiastic smile and let him lead you off to a tavern somewhere. 
It was a largely uneventful evening, all things considered. He bought you some soup, something nice and hot that you could feel in your bones, creating a comfortable warmth in your core. 
Your reticence to talk was barely noticed. Finn seemed more than happy to fill the silence, letting you bundle up under the thick wool of his coat and focus on your food. 
Before you knew it, it was gone and there was nothing left to distract yourself with. 
You waited for Finn to finish whatever story he’d been telling that you hadn’t been listening to and said, “This has been lovely, but I should be getting back.”
He laughed. “What, back to work? I’m not that boring, am I?”
You started as he pulled you fully out of your head back into the tavern. “What? No, of course not.”
“So where are you staying then?” he asked.
You shrugged. “Nowhere. I’ll find an inn after I get paid but until then-”
“You could stay with me!” he blurted out before you even had the chance to finish your sentence. 
You weren’t quite as enthused. “Look, Finn, I don’t…”
“This isn’t me trying to come onto you, honest. You shouldn’t have to stay out in the cold, it’s not right. I mean, no wonder you're tired. If you don’t get some proper sleep you’ll drown, and then who am I supposed to try and impress every day?”
It was most certainly untoward, but the offer was tempting nonetheless. 
You reevaluated Finn, trying to determine how much you really trusted him. Enough for dinner, sure, but enough for this?
You thought about spending another night alone on the cold shore and decided that yes, you did trust him enough for this. 
As soon as you nodded your assent, he grabbed your hand, pulling you towards the stairs in the tavern. 
You couldn’t help but think that taking you to the tavern he was staying at felt presumptuous but the allure of a warm room and blankets were too strong for you to say anything to that effect. 
His room was decently sized, with a large bed pressed against the back wall. Reassuringly, he started to set up a space on the floor for you, moving some blankets from a chair in the corner to the floor. 
To your chagrin, he began to settle into the nest of blankets on the ground and you immediately moved to set it right. 
“Absolutely not, you will not sleep on the floor in your own room.”
He looked up at you with big, sad eyes. “But-”
“No buts, I will leave.”
He sighed. “Fine. But know that I’m not happy about it.”
You settled onto the floor and he slid another blanket off the bed onto you. You accepted it without argument, allowing him this at least. Besides, you were in no state to be turning down blankets. 
It was late and the blankets helped against your still damp form. The calm itself was refreshing and you fought the urge to thank Finn, who seemed like he’d already drifted off to sleep since you’d begun to settle down. 
You had no choice but to try and follow him. 
You slept restlessly but at least you slept.
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lydiannettelizabeth · 4 months ago
Pjsekai magical girl au where all the leaders are recruited by miku to be magical girls send tweet
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beanghostprincess · 2 months ago
Sanami flirting when Usopp's fucking dead on the floor might be the most accurate and hilarious dynamic these three have to offer
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lotus-pear · 1 year ago
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#literally excuse the shitty anatomy and cell shading i was thinking abt chuuyas reaction to what he'd done and i decided to make it skk#bc skk copium :')#the way i've hated dazai so fucking much but i still cried like a bitch when he died#he's not dead the bsd fandom has this phase like the elevator chapter where we're like ''dazai's not gonna make it he's done for!!''#and then he comes back next chapter like surprise bitches yall thought i was dead lmao#this chapter fucking HURT for skk shippers tho like we rly lost this time around huh#deluding myself into thinking that chuuya used gravity manipulation to slow the bullet#bc we didn't see a bullet hole behind dazais head like when chuuya shot his shoulder even though the bullet to his skull was fired at close#the reason theres a wound is bc the compressed air that was still fired was enough to wound him#and the shock wave that followed caused him to pass out bc of the sudden tension to his head intermingled with the blood loss and poison#we also know dazai can control his heart rate at will so maybe he can drop his pulse to zero for like thirty secs#enough to make fyodor believe he's dead#in the event that all of this is untrue and dazai rly does die the way my entire being will go numb and cold and dead#knowing that fyodor will most likely use dazai's death as a weapon against chuuya effectively chaining him to his side#like bffr chuuya may dislike dazai but that's his partner his reflection the boy that makes him desperately want to be human#dazai is the embodiment of chuuyas humanity and once chuuya loses that tether to his human side he will snap and the facade will shatter#and we will truly see chuuya unhinged with nothing more keeping him bound to his mortal shell#this wasn't the skk reunion we wanted asigiri what the fuck :(#bungou stray dogs#bungo stray dogs#bsd#nakahara chuuya#chuuya nakahara#osamu dazai#dazai osamu#skk#soukoku#lotus draws
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erinwantstowrite · 2 months ago
guys every time i hit the "halfway" point of a chapter and that bitch is not, in fact, halfway, i'm like. we've done it again, fool. you delude yourself
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morphestic · 9 months ago
Only in the bsd fandom will you see people shipping Jesus Christ with Fyodor Dostoevsky.
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