#Superthings Mutual Enemy Au
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lesausageperson · 2 years ago
goodnight superthings post. this is some au lore for oculus max that is very complicated an Di haven't ironed it out yet
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he so evil 8) I love himb. here's the flat colours and colouring page too. I did have an alt where his antennae are grey so u can see them but I cannot be bothered to send that to myself again
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lesausageperson · 2 years ago
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cray zee little man committing evils and malicious deeds while suffering from migraines and steadily increasing brain damage
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lesausageperson · 2 years ago
pear wiggler superthing oc
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lesausageperson · 2 years ago
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I love kid fury he's so stupid
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lesausageperson · 2 years ago
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this is au art :) which is why his sludge hair is so long. I wanted to do something with eye-burningly bright colours and I think I succeeded
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lesausageperson · 2 years ago
that feeling when the soup are things
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apologies for not posting much! I've been pretty active on Instagram because it's one of the only places where you can reliably get news about superthings — and the lead designer just recently joined our discord server too!
this is most of the art I've done during that time. as you can see, I've designed some new characters, made some new redesigns and messed around with my style a bit.
I will 100% post here more often! I wanted to use this place to more easily keep track of my art anyway lol
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lesausageperson · 2 years ago
trasher au design!
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I've added a bit of story to this one!
his outfit got kind of ruined by the siege on villains hq (that's what happens when you mainly wear bin bags) so freestyle and toolie kit put their heads together and made him an outfit that's pretty swag and significantly more robust.
he lost his shield in the battle and was so upset that he refused to let toolie make him a new one yet. he's using scrap metal until he gets over it.
also, he knows conadger's gang are really horrible people who hurt his friends and wrecked his house, but he was really inspired by rubbler — conadger's most excitable underling — and the way his flowing mass of debris followed his every move.
trasher decided to get the same effect by letting his sludgy hair run wild!
(I also tried to make his design a little more androgynous. trasher is nonbinary in this au, though he still uses he/him and refers to himself as a boy! he's just trasher.)
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lesausageperson · 2 years ago
yelp review
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yes this is canon to my mutual enemy au. this is genuinely how fury and power punch revealed their location to the others.
they can only communicate through yelp reviews because conadger and her minions are tracking all of fury's other accounts. they did not know he is an avid yelper
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lesausageperson · 2 years ago
new superthings ocs! based on satellites
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cosmoception can see really REALLY far and interstella can change the way things are affected by gravity. like make things float or make them really heavy and stuff.
because cosmo spends so much time up in space, earth's gravity is too heavy for her, so stella changes her gravity to make her float slightly :)
here it is without colours
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lesausageperson · 2 years ago
totally normal Lookerup doodles (they're so normal)
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lesausageperson · 2 years ago
but what if... transfem cashillion..?
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lesausageperson · 2 years ago
new superthings oc for my au!!!
I wanted to make a good villain that would both fit in-universe, but also feel like something new and interesting — and dangerous.
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these were my initial ideas. I went in with absolutely no idea of what she would be like, except for that I wanted her to be a girl, and for her design to be surprising in the context of the au. my sister suggested a fur scarf and I thought that was perfect.
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these were my next thoughts. I wasn't sure how I would make a living fur scarf, let alone one that had an air of deviousness and malevolence.
upon talking with my friend and my sister about it, we thought that the head-in-mouth approach was best. we also wanted her to have a sort of wine aunt vibe lol.
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the one on the right is the one I went with in the end! I thought the more evil look for the fur head made more sense for her, and the mask looked better with a more angular shape.
so, I give you... Conadger!
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I realise that my handwriting sucks, so I'll write out her bio here too:
she decided that the other villains weren't doing a good enough job and took matters into her own hands!
smart and sneaky, she perfectly plans her actions and executes with the utmost detail. with her meticulous planning and secretive nature, conadger makes for a formidable enemy.
both the heroes and the villains are her rivals. her plot to take over the heroes' HQ may have fallen flat, but the villains' hideout was a different story. now with a solid base to think out new schemes, will the heroes be able to hold fast — even with the support of the villains on their side?
I really like how she turned out and I'm excited to mark out how this au will go.
although, I've been told that some of my designs for characters are too scary... I personally don't see it, if I'm honest. this au is supposed to be indulgently edgy and over-the-top, so some of the designs will be a bit unsettling compared to... well... compared to canon. in which the characters look like This.
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I might tone a bit of it down though. I may be one of the only fans of superthings on tumblr, but I do have some standards when it comes to my fanmade stuff. low, low standards, but I swear they're there. probably.
anyway! thanks for reading this long-as-all-hell post.
here's the blank version of conadger for all your colouring needs!
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lesausageperson · 2 years ago
made a storyboard about my kazoom kid oc Lookerup! this might be the longest one I've done so far haha
I'm pretty proud of it though! I think it explains my ideas for them pretty well. hope yall like it :D
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lesausageperson · 2 years ago
I tried to make a human design for kid kazoom — given that the kid, kazoom power, for some reason, is not the same guy???
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like. why not just make him able to turn into a person? like enigma can? he's literally made of pure kazoom energy I'm sure he can do some funky kinda thing to make it work
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these were my first ideas when I was first figuring out how I wanted to go with it. I knew I wanted him to be young and a little clueless-looking, given that he isn't used to his powers at first. I thought a clumsy look would work well too, so chunky limbs and maybe tall and lanky. a silly boy.
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at this point I kind of lost track of time and accidentally added WAY too much detail. the first design didn't look enough like him in my opinion, and the second design was a step in the right direction — though it needed to be toned down quite a bit. far too much going on lole
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settled on this in the end! I think it turned out pretty good. definitely much easier to draw than kazoom power, and a little more individual too. although he does look a bit like a dragon ball character.
now I just have to make kid fury... he will be. um.
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Fun. ahem.
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