deancaslvr · 1 year
supernatural is really insane when you think about it a little too long
the show actively turned from “demons are a big deal” to ah it’s a pretty shitty weekend with everyone gone let’s go thanos snap literal god with lucifers child who was born because lucifer possessed the president of the United States then banged his secretary.
also the spawn of Satan got turned into a tiny dog by a 300+ year old witch to sneak into a vet and steal anti-venom to solve a case of a demi-god who was eating gay people while doing that case dean had the ARCHANGEL Michael trapped in a shitty bar inside his noggin.
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seriesmagicx · 3 months
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Supernatural Staffel 8: Eine tiefgründige Reise durch Himmel und Hölle
Die achte Staffel von "Supernatural" bringt eine beeindruckende Mischung aus neuen Elementen und vertrauten Gesichtern in das Leben der Winchester-Brüder. Diese Staffel ist reich an Handlung und Emotionen und bietet einen tiefen Einblick in die Welt des Übernatürlichen. Hier ist ein Blick auf einige der faszinierendsten Aspekte dieser Staffel, ohne allzu viel zu verraten.
Einführung der Men of Letters
Eines der faszinierendsten neuen Elemente in Staffel 8 ist die Einführung der Geheimgesellschaft der "Men of Letters". Diese Gruppe, die sich als Gelehrte und Hüter des übernatürlichen Wissens sehen, bringt eine völlig neue Dimension in die Serie. Sam und Dean entdecken ein altes Bunker-Hauptquartier voller nützlicher Informationen und mächtiger Artefakte. Diese Entdeckung stellt die Brüder vor neue Herausforderungen und bietet ihnen gleichzeitig wertvolle Ressourcen für ihre Jagd.
Sam und Deans Beziehung
Die Beziehung zwischen Sam und Dean wird in dieser Staffel weiter vertieft und auf die Probe gestellt. Dean kehrt aus dem Fegefeuer zurück, verändert und traumatisiert, während Sam versucht hat, ein normales Leben zu führen. Diese unterschiedlichen Erfahrungen führen zu Spannungen, aber auch zu einer stärkeren Bindung, während sie lernen, ihre Differenzen zu überwinden und gemeinsam gegen neue Bedrohungen anzukämpfen.
Rückkehr von Castiel
Castiel kehrt in Staffel 8 zurück und bringt neue Komplikationen und Herausforderungen mit sich. Seine Beziehung zu den Winchesters, insbesondere zu Dean, wird weiter erforscht. Castiel kämpft mit seiner Loyalität und den Manipulationen durch Naomi, eine neue mächtige Figur im Engel-Universum. Diese inneren und äußeren Konflikte tragen zur Spannung und Tiefe der Staffel bei.
Die Suche nach dem Demon Tablet
Die Suche nach dem Demon Tablet ist ein zentrales Thema dieser Staffel. Dieses mächtige Artefakt könnte Dämonen für immer verbannen. Die Brüder, zusammen mit dem jungen Propheten Kevin Tran, müssen gegen Crowley und andere übernatürliche Bedrohungen antreten, um das Tablet zu finden und seine Geheimnisse zu entschlüsseln.
Benny Lafitte und die Purgatory-Arc
Deans Zeit im Fegefeuer und seine Freundschaft mit dem Vampir Benny Lafitte sind weitere spannende Elemente. Diese düsteren Erlebnisse und die ungewöhnliche Allianz haben Dean stark geprägt. Die Fegefeuer-Arc bietet eine intensive und düstere Perspektive auf Deans Charakterentwicklung und seine Kämpfe.
Die Einführung von Naomi und die Engel-Plotline
Naomi, eine neue und manipulative Engelsfigur, wird in Staffel 8 eingeführt. Sie versucht, Castiel zu kontrollieren und die Engel für ihre eigenen Zwecke zu nutzen. Diese neue Engel-Plotline erweitert die mythologische Tiefe der Serie und bietet spannende neue Konflikte und Enthüllungen.
Hexen und die Plots um Crowley
Crowley, der König der Hölle, spielt auch in dieser Staffel eine zentrale Rolle. Seine Machenschaften und seine Suche nach Macht führen zu zahlreichen spannenden und gefährlichen Begegnungen mit den Winchesters. Die Einführung von Hexen und anderen übernatürlichen Wesen bringt zusätzliche Spannung und unvorhersehbare Wendungen in die Handlung.
Sams Entscheidung, das normale Leben aufzugeben
Sam steht vor der schwierigen Entscheidung, sein normales Leben mit Amelia aufzugeben und wieder Vollzeit-Jäger zu werden. Diese Entscheidung ist geprägt von inneren Konflikten und persönlichen Opfern. Sams Rückkehr zur Jagd zeigt seine tiefe Bindung zu Dean und seine Verantwortung als Jäger.
Das Finale und die Auswirkungen auf die zukünftigen Staffeln
Das Finale von Staffel 8 ist dramatisch und voller Spannung. Die Mission, die Höllentore zu schließen, erreicht ihren Höhepunkt und legt den Grundstein für zukünftige Handlungen. Die Konsequenzen dieser Mission haben weitreichende Auswirkungen auf die Winchesters und die übernatürliche Welt.
Symbolik und Themen
Die achte Staffel ist reich an Symbolik und tiefgründigen Themen wie Opfer, Erlösung und die Bedeutung von Familie. Diese Motive ziehen sich durch die gesamte Staffel und verleihen der Handlung zusätzliche Tiefe. Die Winchesters müssen immer wieder persönliche Opfer bringen, um die Welt zu schützen, und ihre unerschütterliche Loyalität zueinander bleibt das Herzstück der Serie.
Die achte Staffel von "Supernatural" bietet eine beeindruckende Mischung aus neuen und bekannten Elementen. Sie ist eine solide Staffel mit Höhen und Tiefen, die sich für jeden Fan der Serie lohnt. Die tiefgründige Charakterentwicklung, spannende Handlungsstränge und die Erweiterung des "Supernatural"-Universums machen diese Staffel zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis.
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Supernatural - Staffel 8
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Supernatural fandom we need to say something about this
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spn-family-giving · 2 years
IN COLLABORATION with @the-spn-verse and @samdeansandwich - PLEASE HELP US CELEBRATE @jensenackles birthday with the #grumpyjensen project! Full details on our website.
gifs by @aborddelimpala
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jaredandgensgf · 1 year
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Late Night Cuddles
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader
Summary: Sam Winchester returns from a tough hunt, tired and battered. The reader comforts him with fluffy blankets and a movie night. As the night goes on, they find themselves snuggled on the couch and sharing sweet words until they fall asleep into sweet bliss.
Word count: 1107
Warnings/explicit 18+: NONE, super fluffy fic!
A/N: This is my first official post for my master lists that are posted on my Tumblr. This is an idea that is always cute and fluffy and makes my super tired self happy after a long day at work.
As the quiet and peaceful moments stretched on after the boys had left for a hunt, you found solace in the therapeutic act of cleaning the bunker. Ever since your parents passed away when you were a little girl, cleaning had become your escape, a way to find order and control in the chaotic world of hunting. Hours went by as you meticulously scrubbed every surface, leaving no trace of dust or grime behind. You even took the time to tackle Dean's notoriously messy corner, which included his socks and boxers – a task that admittedly made you cringe.
Sam, on the other hand, had always been neater and more organized, much like his approach to hunting and life. You couldn't help but adore the earthy and comforting scent of old wood and pines that seemed to linger around him. And recently, he started using a new detergent with a hint of mint, which you found to be positively the best smell you'd ever experienced.
Exhausted but content with your productive cleaning spree, you finally settled down on the couch, flipping through channels as you tried to find something to watch. Sighing, you kicked off your shoes and rested your swollen feet, clad in cozy socks, on the coffee table. After a while, you settled on a cringy soap opera, not really invested in the plot but simply enjoying the background noise and the opportunity to unwind.
Soon enough, the soothing ambiance of the TV show and the comfort of the couch lulled you into an endless abyss of sleep. The dreamy, melodramatic scenes on the screen mixed with your subconscious thoughts, creating a whimsical and surreal dream world.
Hours later, the bunker's door creaked open, and Sam returned from a tiring, cold, and wet hunt. He was covered in dirt and blood, and you could see the exhaustion etched on his face as he walked in, duffle bag in hand. Dean followed closely behind, equally as worn out.
"Y/N! Where are you? I'm home," Sam called out, his voice a mixture of relief and weariness as he made his way towards the library.
Sam walked into the library and spotted you on the couch, looking adorably disheveled with your favorite beige coffee mug filled with brewing hot tea beside you. You were letting out soft, cute snores as you slept peacefully.
A gentle smile graced Sam's lips as he approached, feeling his heart swell with love for you. He carefully observed the way your chest rose and fell with each breath, the warmth of the moment washing over him.
He set his duffle bag down on the table and sat down next to you, not wanting to disturb your rest just yet. He admired your sleeping form, appreciating the peaceful moments when you were away from the dangers and uncertainties of their hunter lives.
"Baby, baby, I'm home," Sam whispered softly, nudging your body with his hand to gently wake you up.
You stirred from your slumber, blinking your eyes groggily as you looked up at him. "Sam... I thought you guys were going to be home tomorrow?" you asked, your voice still filled with sleepiness.
He chuckled, picking up your mug and the soft, knitted blanket that had kept you warm during your nap. "Dean decided to be crazy and drive over the speed limit to get back home," he said with a hint of amusement in his voice.
As Sam's hand extended to help you up, you pouted playfully, not quite ready to leave the cozy comfort of the couch just yet. He couldn't resist that beautiful expression on your face and the way your hands were already gripping his, silently asking to be carried to bed.
With a laugh, Sam gave in to your request. He carefully picked you up, twirling you around as you squealed with delight. You wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling safe and loved in his embrace.
He carried you to the bedroom that you both shared, a space that felt like home in this world of constant motion and uncertainty. Sam gently placed you down on the bed and pulled the comforter over you, making sure you were warm and cozy.
Before he could retreat to his side of the bed, you reached out and grabbed his hand, silently asking him to stay with you a little longer. Sam couldn't resist the invitation and climbed under the covers next to you.
You turned on the TV, settling on Friends, a show that held a special nostalgic place in both your hearts. Watching it together felt like revisiting old memories, and it reminded you of the moments when your lives were less complicated and the weight of the world wasn't constantly on your shoulders.
As the familiar theme song played, you watched Sam get undressed into a pair of flannel pants, revealing his muscular chest that always made your heart skip a beat. His warmth and presence were calming, and you couldn't help but marvel at how lucky you were to have him in your life.
You watched him with a mix of affection and desire, feeling your love for him grow with each passing day. As he climbed into bed beside you, you shifted closer, your body instinctively seeking the comfort of his embrace.
Sam grinned as he noticed your gaze lingering on him. "Friends, again?" he chuckled, leaning down to kiss your forehead gently.
You giggled, rolling closer to him, feeling the warmth of his body enveloping you. "Yes, again," you replied playfully, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as you leaned in to give him a soft, loving kiss.
His lips were warm and gentle against yours, and for a moment, the world outside the bunker ceased to exist. It was just the two of you, lost in each other's affection and adoration.
When the kiss finally ended, Sam pulled back slightly to look into your eyes, his gaze filled with love and tenderness. "I love you so much, Y/N," he whispered, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
Your heart swelled at his words, feeling the depth of his emotions for you. "And I love you, Sam. More than you'll ever know," you replied, your voice soft and sincere.
Sam's smile grew wider, and he leaned in to give you one more soft, powerful kiss before settling down beside you. He wrapped his arms around you tightly, holding you close as you both found comfort in each other's embrace.
With the soft glow of the TV casting a warm ambiance in the room, you and Sam snuggled together, your fingers intertwined, and your head resting against his chest. As you watched episode after episode of Friends, the banter and laughter on the screen mirrored the comfortable relationship you both shared.
"You know, Y/N, I still can't believe how lucky I am to have you," Sam whispered, breaking the comfortable silence between you.
You lifted your head slightly to meet his gaze, a soft smile playing on your lips. "And I feel the same way, Sam. You've brought so much light and love into my life. I don't know what I'd do without you," you replied, your voice filled with sincerity.
Sam's eyes held a mixture of adoration and appreciation as he leaned in to place a tender kiss on your forehead. "We've been through so much together, and no matter what comes our way, I promise to always be by your side," he vowed.
Your heart swelled at his words, and you snuggled closer to him, feeling the warmth of his love enveloping you. "I believe you, Sam. And I promise the same to you," you murmured, feeling a deep sense of trust and connection between you.
As the night progressed, you both continued to watch Friends, but your attention began to drift, and your eyelids felt heavy. The exhaustion from the day's events and the soothing comfort of being in Sam's arms lulled you back into a drowsy state.
Sam noticed how your eyes started to close in small increments, and he chuckled softly. "Looks like someone's ready to drift off to dreamland," he teased playfully.
You let out a contented sigh, feeling completely at ease in Sam's embrace. "Maybe just a little bit. But I don't want to miss this moment with you," you admitted, looking up at him with a sleepy grin.
Sam's expression softened, and he brushed a strand of hair from your face. "You're adorable when you're half-asleep, you know that?" he said affectionately.
You playfully nudged him, a yawn escaping your lips. "You're just saying that to make me feel better," you replied with a hint of sleepiness in your voice.
He shook his head, a loving smile on his lips. "I mean it. You're always adorable to me, whether you're wide awake or half-asleep," he said earnestly.
Feeling a surge of warmth in your heart, you leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his lips. "You're pretty adorable yourself, Mr. Winchester," you whispered, your words barely audible.
Sam's arms tightened around you, and he kissed you back with a tenderness that made your heart skip a beat. "You're everything to me, Y/N. I can't imagine my life without you," he confessed, his voice filled with emotion.
Your eyes met his, and in that moment, you felt an unspoken bond that transcended words. You didn't need grand declarations or elaborate gestures; the love and connection between you were evident in the simplest of moments.
As the night grew deeper, the TV show continued to play softly in the background, but you both eventually succumbed to the exhaustion, drifting off into a peaceful slumber wrapped in each other's arms.
In your dreams, you relieved cherished memories and imagined a future together. Sam was by your side in every scenario, his unwavering love and support a constant in the ever-changing landscapes of your mind.
The sun began to rise, casting a gentle glow across the room as the morning light streamed through the curtains. You stirred from your slumber, feeling the weight of Sam's arm draped over you. It was a feeling of comfort and security that you never wanted to let go of.
Sam started to wake up, his eyes fluttering open to meet yours. "Morning," he said, his voice husky from sleep but filled with warmth.
"Morning," you replied, your heart fluttering at the sight of him, the early morning rays illuminating his features.
He leaned in to kiss you softly, a sweet and gentle expression of affection. "I'm glad you're here with me," he murmured against your lips.
"Me too, Sam. Always," you replied, your voice filled with certainty and love.
With a shared smile, you both settled back into the warmth of each other's embrace, knowing that whatever the future held, you had each other to face it with. As the world outside the bunker continued to spin with its challenges and uncertainties, the love between you and Sam remained a constant, an anchor in the storm.
And so, in the bunker, surrounded by the echoes of countless hunts and the weight of their shared destiny, you found love, solace, and a place to call home in each other's arms. Together, you would face whatever came your way, knowing that with love as your compass, you would always find your way back to each other.
As the day began, the world outside seemed to fade away, leaving just you and Sam in your little haven of love and understanding. And in that moment, nothing else mattered but the bond between two souls who found solace, strength, and joy in each other.
And so, the Winchester saga continued, filled with hunts and challenges, but also with moments of tenderness and love that made it all worthwhile. For you and Sam, the road ahead was uncertain, but you faced it with courage and love, knowing that together, you could conquer anything that came your way.
As the sun rose higher in the sky, the bunker remained a sanctuary of love, and in each other's arms, you both knew that you had found your own piece of paradise amidst the chaos of the world.
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malikoutee · 8 months
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Tribute to @jaredpadalecki and @jensenackles as Sam and Dean Winchester from Supernatural
I’m pretty new to doing fanart, so I hope you guys will like it
Carry on 💚 ____________________ Toute utilisation ou reproduction est formellement interdite. Any use or reproduction is strictly forbidden.
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buartworks · 2 years
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#throwbackthursday to high school days and drawing Supernatural fanart for my friends. Graphite, 8.5"x6", 2009 . . . . . . . #supernatural#supernaturalfanart#jensenackles#jensenacklesart#portrait#graphiteportrait#pencilart#pencilportraits#buartworks#bethanyumbarger#pdxartists#2009#realism#supernaturalfandom#fanart#snfanart#throwback#tbt#fanartforfriends#highschoolart#jensenacklesfanart (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmNQHsbLiUT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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conjcosby · 1 year
Stardate: 202307.14 ▫ 1 year after Dean's death, Sam is hunting with Eileen Leahy and ends up caught in a monster conspiracy led by the oldest monster ever. 😈 @jaredpadalecki @shoshannah7 @cw_supernatural #jaredpadalecki #samwinchester #shoshannahstern #eileenleahy #samandeileen #supernatural #spn #supernaturalseason16 #spnseason16 #supernaturaluniverse #spnuniverse #supernaturalfan #spnfan #supernaturalfans #spnfans #supernaturalfandom #spnfandom #supernaturalfanart #spnfanart #supernaturalfanfiction #spnfanfiction #supernaturalfamily #spnfamily #fanart #fanfiction #fanartfriday #fanfictionfriday #fanartfridays #fanfictionfridays
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filmblog89 · 2 years
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The Winchesters is going to be an awesome series. So excited #winchester #supernatural #spn #deanwinchester #jensenackles #spnfamily #samwinchester #jaredpadalecki #castiel #j #mishacollins #dean #spnfandom #supernaturalfamily #destiel #jensen #m #sam #winchesterbrothers #supernaturalfandom #supernaturaledits #ackles #spnedit #winchesters #supernaturalfans #hunting #supernaturaledit #hampshire #crowley https://www.instagram.com/p/CiM-uBaDRiD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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seriesmagicx · 1 month
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Supernatural Staffel 14: Eine tiefgründige Reise durch Himmel und Hölle
Die 14. Staffel von *Supernatural* führt uns tiefer in die mythologische Welt der Winchesters und stellt unsere geliebten Helden vor einige der größten Herausforderungen, die sie je bewältigen mussten. Diese Staffel verbindet gekonnt die klassischen Elemente der Serie mit neuen, spannenden Entwicklungen, die sowohl langjährige Fans als auch Neulinge begeistern werden.
Sam und Dean Winchester stehen im Mittelpunkt dieser epischen Staffel, und ihre Reise zeigt uns, wie stark familiäre Bande wirklich sein können. Während Sam in seiner Rolle als Anführer über sich hinauswächst, kämpft Dean mit einer düsteren Bedrohung, die nicht nur seine Welt, sondern auch ihn selbst zu zerstören droht. Die Beziehung der Brüder ist intensiver und komplizierter denn je, was die Staffel zu einem emotionalen Höhepunkt der Serie macht.
Ein weiterer zentraler Charakter in dieser Staffel ist Jack Kline, der Nephilim, dessen Reise von der Suche nach seiner Identität geprägt ist. Jack wird mit tiefen Verlusten und neuen Herausforderungen konfrontiert, die ihn an die Grenze seiner Menschlichkeit bringen. Seine Entwicklung ist ein berührendes Porträt eines jungen Mannes, der versucht, seinen Platz in einer Welt zu finden, die oft kalt und unerbittlich ist.
Der Einfluss von Michael, dem Erzengel, der Dean in Besitz genommen hat, zieht sich wie ein dunkler Schatten durch die gesamte Staffel. Dieser Handlungsstrang ist einer der intensivsten und führt zu einigen der fesselndsten Momente, die wir in der Serie je gesehen haben. Die Frage nach Kontrolle und Verlust steht im Mittelpunkt dieser Handlung und zeigt, wie tiefgreifend der Kampf um die eigene Seele sein kann.
Neben den neuen Herausforderungen erleben wir auch die Rückkehr bekannter Gesichter, die die Handlung auf unerwartete Weise bereichern. Diese Rückkehrer bringen nicht nur Nostalgie mit sich, sondern sie spielen auch eine entscheidende Rolle in der fortlaufenden Geschichte.
Die 14. Staffel erweitert auch das ohnehin schon beeindruckende Lore der Serie und fügt neue mythische Elemente hinzu, die die Welt von "Supernatural" noch komplexer und faszinierender machen. Gleichzeitig bleibt die Serie ihren Wurzeln treu und behandelt weiterhin zentrale Themen wie Tod und Wiedergeburt auf eine Weise, die sowohl unterhaltsam als auch zum Nachdenken anregt.
Zum Abschluss lässt sich sagen, dass Staffel 14 ein Muss für jeden "Supernatural"-Fan ist. Die emotionale Tiefe, die komplexe Charakterentwicklung und die spannenden neuen Bedrohungen machen diese Staffel zu einem wahren Highlight der Serie. Also schnallt euch an und macht euch bereit für eine weitere wilde Fahrt mit den Winchesters!
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Supernatural - Staffel 14
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eekonis · 4 years
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what they deserved
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j2lovemoose · 4 years
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lupa-lunae · 4 years
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To celebrate the last episode episode and the tumblr destiel meltdown yesterday, i made some fanart of our now canonically gay angel Castiel.
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jaredandgensgf · 1 year
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Hello, fellow Supernatural fans!
In my blog, I'm currently focusing my writing on Sam Winchester, Jared Padalecki, and Gen Padalecki. However, please note that the content may touch upon sensitive topics, including 18+ themes, poly relationships, open relationships, pregnancy, grief, loss, and violence.
If you find any of these subjects uncomfortable or sensitive, I kindly advise against reading my blog.
Feel free to check back later if you're interested in updates on the characters I'm writing about. Thank you for understanding!
Read this if you want to imagine what it feels like to be on fire while on the ceiling.
Read this if you want to be captivated by this beautiful woman.
OH MY GOD, THIS MAN! 🥵 Reading this will make you love this man as much as me!
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deascheck · 3 years
Quite the Interrogation
Ask: Dean x Reader with the prompt "did you have to wiggle your ass like that? You're interrogating a witness not stripping"
Word count: 1165
Warnings: slight smut, male receiving
A/N: MY FIRST REQUEST IN YEARS !! I hope you like it, @flamencodiva !!! Also, this is only my second time writing smut, and I've never written male receiving before... so.. sorry if it sucks! I've also never written a Dean x Reader before.. so hopefully I got at least some of his personality right!
All you could think about was that Dean was in the room with you. You could not focus on the witness in front of you whatsoever. It wasn’t fair. It was your first interrogation, and it was going to shit.
“Ma’am, can you tell us what happened?” you asked.
As the woman, Sarah, explained about the air getting cold in the room, and that she had heard strange noises, you found yourself thinking about Dean. You smirked. Maybe you could give him a bit of a show to liven this interrogation up a bit.
Dean was standing at the closed door with you. Walking forward with a sway in your hips, you leaned onto the table in front of Dean and cocked your leg to accentuate your hips and your ass. You were acting like you were listening, and you were, vaguely, but giving Dean an eyeful was at the forefront of your thoughts.
As Sarah finished talking, you shifted your weight to your other foot, moving your hips as you did so. You could feel Dean’s gaze and it made you want to take him right there on the table. Sarah looked at you and wrapped up her experience by saying, “It was horrible, and I don’t think I can ever go back to that house. I swear it was a ghost… but that is crazy. Ghosts aren’t real.”
You sighed. Standing up, you looked back at Dean who had to drag his eyes from your ass up to your face. Smiling slightly, you silently asked, Are we giving her the talk? Dean gave you a short nod and stepped forward. It was his turn. As he passed you, he hissed in your ear, “Did you have to wiggle your ass like that?? You’re interrogating a witness, not stripping.” You held back a laugh. Mission accomplished.
After the interrogation turned monster introduction talk, Dean held the door open for you as you left. You were still by the table, so you walked towards him, swinging your hips teasingly, and brushed his shoulder with yours as you walked out the door. The interrogation was over, but that didn’t mean the teasing had to be.
Dean waited until the two of you were out of the police department before turning to you and growling, “Sweetheart, that was quite the interrogation. You better be able to finish what you started.”
You laughed. “Oh honey, I can absolutely finish what I started. The question is, can you keep up?”
Dean’s eyes were blown with lust and he yanked you to his chest. He looked at you for a second, taking in your features and your smirk, before crashing his lips against yours. The kiss was heated and passionate, just like your relationship with Dean. You broke away too soon, aware that you were still standing next to Baby outside the police station.
“Why don’t we go back to the motel and finish this little session?” you murmured to him as you pulled away.
“What are you waiting for? Let’s go!” said Dean, already on his way to the drivers side of the Impala.
Chuckling, you followed suit and got in. This was going to be a fun night.
You couldn’t stop staring at Dean as he drove. His perfect jawline, the stubble, his bright green eyes focused on the road… heat pooled between your legs and you couldn’t help but squeeze them together.
Scooting over next to Dean you put your hand on his knee and started drawing lazy circles on it with your finger. Slowly, you worked your way up his leg. As you got higher, you could see the bulge in his pants growing. Dean’s chest started to heave and he started breathing hard.
“Sweetheart, you’ve gotta stop that. I can’t take it.”
“Oh you’re gonna take it. Or rather, I’m going to,” you said slyly, palming his clothed erection.
He let out a moan. “I’m driving, Y/N.” You smirked against him as you kissed his shoulder. “Well then you better focus on the road, shouldn’t you?”
“You’re going to be the death of me, I swear,” Dean groaned.
Unclasping his belt, you released the button on his pants and pulled down his zipper. You guided his erection out of his boxers and it sprang free. His cock was rock hard, already leaking pre-cum. You moaned softly at the sight. “So ready for me,” you told him.
Taking his member in your hand, you slowly ran your hand up and down his shaft, going tantalizingly slow. Dean’s hips bucked, looking for friction.
“Take it easy there, cowboy. I’m not done yet,” you said. You were pleased at his response. It never ceased to surprise you how turned on he got around you.
Leaning down, you kissed the tip of his head. Dean fought to keep his head from throwing back. “Fuck, Y/N.”
“We’ll get there, love. For now, you’re mine.” You licked up his pre-cum and ran your tongue from the base of his shaft up to his tip. Dean shuddered. You were taking your time, and you knew it was driving Dean nuts. Apparently you were in a teasing mood today.
Deciding to take pity on him, you took his cock in your mouth and started sucking. You started with just his head and kept a shallow bob of your head going. “Shit, Y/N, I’m not gonna last if you do that,” Dean stuttered.
You immediately took his cock to the back of your throat. You forced your throat to relax and take his whole length. Once your nose was at his base, you started to move your head up and down. You knew that you were doing well because one of his hands came down and fisted your hair. He didn’t force you, just rested his hand in your hair.
“Oh my god, Y/N, I’m gonna - fuck,” he said, utterly wasted. You could feel the tension and that he was building up to his release. You picked up your pace, keeping your throat open as his cock slid in and out. You reached down with one hand and started fondling his balls, which grew tight as he neared his release. Suddenly, Dean jerked and warm ropes of cum squirted down your throat. You swallowed every last drop, milking him through his orgasm.
Dean had removed his hand from your hair right before his release, trying desperately to control the car as you got him off. Your name rolled from his lips as he came, his body shuddering as it came down from its high.
His hand came back down and pulled you up gently by the hair. He yanked the steering wheel and turned into the parking spot in front of your motel room. Dean pulled you to him and kissed you, tasting himself on you, getting lost in the moment before he broke away and tucked his softening dick back into his pants. “C’mon sweetheart. I’ve got a favor to return.”
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