9 posts
Supernatural enthusiast | 18+ writer | Obsessed with Jared & Gen Padalecki | No hate zone | Aspiring nursing student | 19 🎂 | Embracing the magic of the supernatural world ✨ Please tip me so I can pay for a new laptop!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
jaredandgensgf · 10 months ago
I'm so sorry
I'm so sorry for being inactive for the past few months. I've been working on my mental health lately and I'm getting so much better
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jaredandgensgf · 2 years ago
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Here’s the Spanish version
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader
Summary: Sam Winchester regresa de una difícil cacería, cansado y maltrecho. La lectora lo reconforta con suaves mantas y una noche de películas. A medida que avanza la noche, se encuentran acurrucados en el sofá y comparten dulces palabras hasta que se quedan dormidos en una dulce felicidad.
Word count: 1107
Advertencias/explícito 18+: NINGUNA, ¡fic súper tierno!
N/A: Esta es mi primera publicación oficial para mis listas maestras que se publican en mi Tumblr. Esta es una idea que siempre es linda y tierna, y hace feliz a mi yo súper cansado después de un largo día de trabajo.
Mientras los momentos tranquilos y apacibles se extendían después de que los chicos se hubieran ido de caza, encontraste consuelo en el acto terapéutico de limpiar el búnker. Desde que tus padres fallecieron cuando eras una niña pequeña, la limpieza se convirtió en tu escape, una forma de encontrar orden y control en el caótico mundo de la caza. Pasaron horas mientras limpiabas meticulosamente cada superficie, sin dejar rastro de polvo o mugre. Incluso tomaste el tiempo para enfrentar el rincón notoriamente desordenado de Dean, que incluía sus calcetines y calzoncillos, una tarea que, admítelo, te hacía encoger.
Sam, por otro lado, siempre había sido más ordenado y organizado, al igual que su enfoque en la caza y en la vida. No podías evitar adorar el aroma terroso y reconfortante de la madera vieja y los pinos que parecían rodearlo. Y recientemente, comenzó a usar un nuevo detergente con un toque de menta, que encontraste positivamente como el mejor olor que jamás habías experimentado.
Agotada pero contenta con tu productiva limpieza, finalmente te acomodaste en el sofá, pasando por los canales mientras tratabas de encontrar algo que ver. Suspirando, te quitaste los zapatos y apoyaste tus pies hinchados, cubiertos con acogedores calcetines, en la mesa de centro. Después de un rato, te decidiste por una telenovela cursi, sin realmente interesarte en la trama, sino simplemente disfrutando del ruido de fondo y la oportunidad de relajarte.
Bastó poco tiempo para que la atmósfera relajante del programa de televisión y la comodidad del sofá te sumergieran en un abismo interminable de sueño. Las escenas oníricas y melodramáticas en la pantalla se mezclaron con tus pensamientos subconscientes, creando un mundo de sueños caprichoso y surrealista.
Horas después, la puerta del búnker crujió y Sam regresó de una agotadora, fría y húmeda cacería. Estaba cubierto de tierra y sangre, y podías ver el agotamiento grabado en su rostro mientras entraba, con la bolsa de viaje en la mano. Dean lo seguía de cerca, igualmente agotado.
"¡Y/N! ¿Dónde estás? Ya estoy en casa", llamó Sam, su voz una mezcla de alivio y cansancio mientras se dirigía hacia la biblioteca.
Sam entró en la biblioteca y te vio en el sofá, luciendo adoradamente desaliñada con tu taza de café beige favorita llena de té caliente junto a ti. Emitías suaves ronquidos tiernos mientras dormías en paz.
Una suave sonrisa iluminó los labios de Sam mientras se acercaba, sintiendo cómo su corazón se hincha de amor por ti. Observó cuidadosamente cómo tu pecho subía y bajaba con cada respiración, el calor del momento lo inundó.
Dejó su bolsa en la mesa y se sentó a tu lado, sin querer perturbar tu descanso aún. Admiró tu forma dormida, apreciando los momentos de paz cuando estabas alejada de los peligros e incertidumbres de sus vidas como cazadores.
"Mi amor, mi amor, estoy en casa", susurró Sam suavemente, dándote un toque con la mano para despertarte con delicadeza.
Te revolviste en tu sueño, parpadeando adormilada mientras lo mirabas. "Sam... ¿pensé que ustedes regresarían mañana?", preguntaste, tu voz aún llena de sueño.
Se rió, tomando tu taza y la suave manta tejida que te había mantenido abrigada durante tu siesta. "Dean decidió volverse loco y manejar por encima del límite de velocidad para volver a casa", dijo con un toque de diversión en su voz.
Mientras la mano de Sam se extendía para ayudarte a levantarte, pusiste un mohín juguetón, aún no lista para dejar la cómoda comodidad del sofá. Él no pudo resistir esa hermosa expresión en tu rostro y cómo tus manos ya estaban aferrando las suyas, pidiendo silenciosamente que te llevara a la cama.
Con una risa, Sam cedió a tu solicitud. Con cuidado, te levantó y te giró mientras tú reías con deleite. Envuelves tus brazos alrededor de su cuello, sintiéndote segura y amada en su abrazo.
Te llevó a la habitación que ambos compartían, un espacio que se sentía como hogar en este mundo de movimiento constante e incertidumbre. Sam te colocó con cuidado en la cama y te cubrió con la manta, asegurándose de que estuvieras cálida y cómoda.
Antes de retirarse a su lado de la cama, extendiste la mano y agarraste la suya, pidiéndole silenciosamente que se quedara contigo un poco más. Sam no pudo resistir la invitación y se metió bajo las cobijas a tu lado.
Prendiste la televisión, sintonizando Friends, un programa que tenía un lugar nostálgico especial en ambos corazones. Verlo juntos era como revivir viejos recuerdos y te recordaba los momentos en que sus vidas eran menos complicadas y el peso del mundo no recaía constantemente sobre sus hombros.
Mientras sonaba la familiar canción de inicio, viste cómo Sam se desvestía y se ponía unos pantalones de franela, revelando su pecho musculoso que siempre hacía que tu corazón diera un vuelco. Su calidez y presencia eran reconfortantes, y no pudiste evitar maravillarte de lo afortunada que eras de tenerlo en tu vida.
Lo miraste con una mezcla de cariño y deseo, sintiendo que tu amor por él crecía con cada día que pasaba. Mientras se metía en la cama a tu lado, te acom
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jaredandgensgf · 2 years ago
I will be putting all my one shots in Spanish. If anyone who knows Spanish comment if there is some translation errors. That would be awesome.
I will always try to put my fics to be bilingual. So everyone can feel included and expressed culturally and diversity.
Thanks, y’all and I’m happy to start writing my next one shot!
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jaredandgensgf · 2 years ago
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Late Night Cuddles
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader
Summary: Sam Winchester returns from a tough hunt, tired and battered. The reader comforts him with fluffy blankets and a movie night. As the night goes on, they find themselves snuggled on the couch and sharing sweet words until they fall asleep into sweet bliss.
Word count: 1107
Warnings/explicit 18+: NONE, super fluffy fic!
A/N: This is my first official post for my master lists that are posted on my Tumblr. This is an idea that is always cute and fluffy and makes my super tired self happy after a long day at work.
As the quiet and peaceful moments stretched on after the boys had left for a hunt, you found solace in the therapeutic act of cleaning the bunker. Ever since your parents passed away when you were a little girl, cleaning had become your escape, a way to find order and control in the chaotic world of hunting. Hours went by as you meticulously scrubbed every surface, leaving no trace of dust or grime behind. You even took the time to tackle Dean's notoriously messy corner, which included his socks and boxers – a task that admittedly made you cringe.
Sam, on the other hand, had always been neater and more organized, much like his approach to hunting and life. You couldn't help but adore the earthy and comforting scent of old wood and pines that seemed to linger around him. And recently, he started using a new detergent with a hint of mint, which you found to be positively the best smell you'd ever experienced.
Exhausted but content with your productive cleaning spree, you finally settled down on the couch, flipping through channels as you tried to find something to watch. Sighing, you kicked off your shoes and rested your swollen feet, clad in cozy socks, on the coffee table. After a while, you settled on a cringy soap opera, not really invested in the plot but simply enjoying the background noise and the opportunity to unwind.
Soon enough, the soothing ambiance of the TV show and the comfort of the couch lulled you into an endless abyss of sleep. The dreamy, melodramatic scenes on the screen mixed with your subconscious thoughts, creating a whimsical and surreal dream world.
Hours later, the bunker's door creaked open, and Sam returned from a tiring, cold, and wet hunt. He was covered in dirt and blood, and you could see the exhaustion etched on his face as he walked in, duffle bag in hand. Dean followed closely behind, equally as worn out.
"Y/N! Where are you? I'm home," Sam called out, his voice a mixture of relief and weariness as he made his way towards the library.
Sam walked into the library and spotted you on the couch, looking adorably disheveled with your favorite beige coffee mug filled with brewing hot tea beside you. You were letting out soft, cute snores as you slept peacefully.
A gentle smile graced Sam's lips as he approached, feeling his heart swell with love for you. He carefully observed the way your chest rose and fell with each breath, the warmth of the moment washing over him.
He set his duffle bag down on the table and sat down next to you, not wanting to disturb your rest just yet. He admired your sleeping form, appreciating the peaceful moments when you were away from the dangers and uncertainties of their hunter lives.
"Baby, baby, I'm home," Sam whispered softly, nudging your body with his hand to gently wake you up.
You stirred from your slumber, blinking your eyes groggily as you looked up at him. "Sam... I thought you guys were going to be home tomorrow?" you asked, your voice still filled with sleepiness.
He chuckled, picking up your mug and the soft, knitted blanket that had kept you warm during your nap. "Dean decided to be crazy and drive over the speed limit to get back home," he said with a hint of amusement in his voice.
As Sam's hand extended to help you up, you pouted playfully, not quite ready to leave the cozy comfort of the couch just yet. He couldn't resist that beautiful expression on your face and the way your hands were already gripping his, silently asking to be carried to bed.
With a laugh, Sam gave in to your request. He carefully picked you up, twirling you around as you squealed with delight. You wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling safe and loved in his embrace.
He carried you to the bedroom that you both shared, a space that felt like home in this world of constant motion and uncertainty. Sam gently placed you down on the bed and pulled the comforter over you, making sure you were warm and cozy.
Before he could retreat to his side of the bed, you reached out and grabbed his hand, silently asking him to stay with you a little longer. Sam couldn't resist the invitation and climbed under the covers next to you.
You turned on the TV, settling on Friends, a show that held a special nostalgic place in both your hearts. Watching it together felt like revisiting old memories, and it reminded you of the moments when your lives were less complicated and the weight of the world wasn't constantly on your shoulders.
As the familiar theme song played, you watched Sam get undressed into a pair of flannel pants, revealing his muscular chest that always made your heart skip a beat. His warmth and presence were calming, and you couldn't help but marvel at how lucky you were to have him in your life.
You watched him with a mix of affection and desire, feeling your love for him grow with each passing day. As he climbed into bed beside you, you shifted closer, your body instinctively seeking the comfort of his embrace.
Sam grinned as he noticed your gaze lingering on him. "Friends, again?" he chuckled, leaning down to kiss your forehead gently.
You giggled, rolling closer to him, feeling the warmth of his body enveloping you. "Yes, again," you replied playfully, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as you leaned in to give him a soft, loving kiss.
His lips were warm and gentle against yours, and for a moment, the world outside the bunker ceased to exist. It was just the two of you, lost in each other's affection and adoration.
When the kiss finally ended, Sam pulled back slightly to look into your eyes, his gaze filled with love and tenderness. "I love you so much, Y/N," he whispered, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
Your heart swelled at his words, feeling the depth of his emotions for you. "And I love you, Sam. More than you'll ever know," you replied, your voice soft and sincere.
Sam's smile grew wider, and he leaned in to give you one more soft, powerful kiss before settling down beside you. He wrapped his arms around you tightly, holding you close as you both found comfort in each other's embrace.
With the soft glow of the TV casting a warm ambiance in the room, you and Sam snuggled together, your fingers intertwined, and your head resting against his chest. As you watched episode after episode of Friends, the banter and laughter on the screen mirrored the comfortable relationship you both shared.
"You know, Y/N, I still can't believe how lucky I am to have you," Sam whispered, breaking the comfortable silence between you.
You lifted your head slightly to meet his gaze, a soft smile playing on your lips. "And I feel the same way, Sam. You've brought so much light and love into my life. I don't know what I'd do without you," you replied, your voice filled with sincerity.
Sam's eyes held a mixture of adoration and appreciation as he leaned in to place a tender kiss on your forehead. "We've been through so much together, and no matter what comes our way, I promise to always be by your side," he vowed.
Your heart swelled at his words, and you snuggled closer to him, feeling the warmth of his love enveloping you. "I believe you, Sam. And I promise the same to you," you murmured, feeling a deep sense of trust and connection between you.
As the night progressed, you both continued to watch Friends, but your attention began to drift, and your eyelids felt heavy. The exhaustion from the day's events and the soothing comfort of being in Sam's arms lulled you back into a drowsy state.
Sam noticed how your eyes started to close in small increments, and he chuckled softly. "Looks like someone's ready to drift off to dreamland," he teased playfully.
You let out a contented sigh, feeling completely at ease in Sam's embrace. "Maybe just a little bit. But I don't want to miss this moment with you," you admitted, looking up at him with a sleepy grin.
Sam's expression softened, and he brushed a strand of hair from your face. "You're adorable when you're half-asleep, you know that?" he said affectionately.
You playfully nudged him, a yawn escaping your lips. "You're just saying that to make me feel better," you replied with a hint of sleepiness in your voice.
He shook his head, a loving smile on his lips. "I mean it. You're always adorable to me, whether you're wide awake or half-asleep," he said earnestly.
Feeling a surge of warmth in your heart, you leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his lips. "You're pretty adorable yourself, Mr. Winchester," you whispered, your words barely audible.
Sam's arms tightened around you, and he kissed you back with a tenderness that made your heart skip a beat. "You're everything to me, Y/N. I can't imagine my life without you," he confessed, his voice filled with emotion.
Your eyes met his, and in that moment, you felt an unspoken bond that transcended words. You didn't need grand declarations or elaborate gestures; the love and connection between you were evident in the simplest of moments.
As the night grew deeper, the TV show continued to play softly in the background, but you both eventually succumbed to the exhaustion, drifting off into a peaceful slumber wrapped in each other's arms.
In your dreams, you relieved cherished memories and imagined a future together. Sam was by your side in every scenario, his unwavering love and support a constant in the ever-changing landscapes of your mind.
The sun began to rise, casting a gentle glow across the room as the morning light streamed through the curtains. You stirred from your slumber, feeling the weight of Sam's arm draped over you. It was a feeling of comfort and security that you never wanted to let go of.
Sam started to wake up, his eyes fluttering open to meet yours. "Morning," he said, his voice husky from sleep but filled with warmth.
"Morning," you replied, your heart fluttering at the sight of him, the early morning rays illuminating his features.
He leaned in to kiss you softly, a sweet and gentle expression of affection. "I'm glad you're here with me," he murmured against your lips.
"Me too, Sam. Always," you replied, your voice filled with certainty and love.
With a shared smile, you both settled back into the warmth of each other's embrace, knowing that whatever the future held, you had each other to face it with. As the world outside the bunker continued to spin with its challenges and uncertainties, the love between you and Sam remained a constant, an anchor in the storm.
And so, in the bunker, surrounded by the echoes of countless hunts and the weight of their shared destiny, you found love, solace, and a place to call home in each other's arms. Together, you would face whatever came your way, knowing that with love as your compass, you would always find your way back to each other.
As the day began, the world outside seemed to fade away, leaving just you and Sam in your little haven of love and understanding. And in that moment, nothing else mattered but the bond between two souls who found solace, strength, and joy in each other.
And so, the Winchester saga continued, filled with hunts and challenges, but also with moments of tenderness and love that made it all worthwhile. For you and Sam, the road ahead was uncertain, but you faced it with courage and love, knowing that together, you could conquer anything that came your way.
As the sun rose higher in the sky, the bunker remained a sanctuary of love, and in each other's arms, you both knew that you had found your own piece of paradise amidst the chaos of the world.
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jaredandgensgf · 2 years ago
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Hello, fellow Supernatural fans!
In my blog, I'm currently focusing my writing on Sam Winchester, Jared Padalecki, and Gen Padalecki. However, please note that the content may touch upon sensitive topics, including 18+ themes, poly relationships, open relationships, pregnancy, grief, loss, and violence.
If you find any of these subjects uncomfortable or sensitive, I kindly advise against reading my blog.
Feel free to check back later if you're interested in updates on the characters I'm writing about. Thank you for understanding!
Read this if you want to imagine what it feels like to be on fire while on the ceiling.
Read this if you want to be captivated by this beautiful woman.
OH MY GOD, THIS MAN! 🥵 Reading this will make you love this man as much as me!
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jaredandgensgf · 2 years ago
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One shots:
Late night cuddles
Late Night Cuddles (Spanish Version)
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jaredandgensgf · 2 years ago
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To be continued:
This should be up as soon as possible, stay tuned!
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jaredandgensgf · 2 years ago
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To be continued
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jaredandgensgf · 2 years ago
Welcome post
Welcome to our "Supernatural" Fanfiction Wonderland! 📚✨
Calling all hunters and fans of the Winchester brothers – this Tumblr page is dedicated to the enchanting world of "Supernatural" fanfiction! Step into the realm of endless possibilities, where writers like you bring the beloved characters of the show to life in exciting new adventures.
Here's what to expect from Jensenandgensgf account:
🖋️ Creative Fan Works: Immerse yourself in a treasure trove of fan-written stories that explore the uncharted territories of the "Supernatural" universe. From heart-wrenching angst to heartwarming fluff, our writers cover it all.
👥 Shipper's Paradise: Are you a die-hard Destiel shipper or a devoted Wincest enthusiast? Perhaps you sail on other ships or love exploring rare pairs. Whatever your preference, there's a ship for everyone here!
🌟 Alternate Universes (AUs): Venture into alternate realities where Sam and Dean are not hunters, Castiel is a human, or the entire world has changed. AUs offer fresh perspectives and thrilling twists!
💡 Prompt Challenges: Unleash your creativity through writing challenges and prompts. From weekly themes to special events, these challenges will inspire you to craft new tales and maybe even discover a new favorite plot.
🌌 Supernatural Lore Expanded: Dive deeper into the lore of "Supernatural" with fanfiction that uncovers hidden secrets, introduces new creatures, and expands on the rich mythology of the show.
🔮 One-Shots and Multi-Chapter Epics: Whether you're looking for a quick dose of Winchester goodness or a gripping saga that keeps you hooked, our fanfiction collection offers stories of varying lengths and genres.
🤝 Community Support: Connect with like-minded fans who share your love for fanfiction. Share recommendations, trade writing tips, and support each other's creative endeavors.
😂 Humor and Crack Fics: Sometimes, laughter is the best medicine! Discover light-hearted stories that inject humor and fun into the sometimes dark and intense "Supernatural" world.
🌈 Embracing Diversity: We celebrate inclusivity and welcome fanfiction that explores diverse perspectives and representation.
Also, this blog is exclusively 18+
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