#Supergirl 1x14
afaimsarrowverse · 1 year
250(ish) Favorite Arrowverse Episodes: Part 3: 200-176
Picked from „Arrow“, „Black Lightning“, „Supergirl“, „Legends of Tomorrow“, „The Flash“, „Barwoman“ Season 1+2 and „Superman & Lois“ Season 1+2. I did consider kicking „Superman & Lois“ of this list, but since it pretended to be part of the Arrowverse for its first two seasons I left it on here.
 200. White Knights (Legends of Tomorrow 1x4)
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4, Written by: Sarah Nicole Jones, Phil Klemmer, Directed by: Antonio Negret
 "Don't trouble yourself. I'm not a damsel in distress." "Good, because I'm not a white knight."
 199. The Sound and the Fury (The Flash 1x11)
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11, Written by: Alison Shapker, Brooke Eikmeier, Directed by: John Showalter
 "Smart enough to figure out who Harrison Wells really is, you see I know his secret."
 198. The Chicago Way (Legends of Tomorrow 2x8)
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24, Written by: Sarah Nicole Jones, Ray Utarnachitt, Directed by: Ralph Hemecker
 "Why am I not surprised? Wherever Darhk is, you're not too far away."
 197. City of Heroes (Arrow 2x1)
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24, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg, Directed by: John Behring
 "The city still needs saving. But not by The Hood. Or some vigilante who's just crossing names off a list. It needs something... more." "It needs a hero, Oliver."
 196. Kara (Supergirl 6x20)
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126, Written by: Jessica Queller, Robert Rovner, Rob Wright, Derek Simon, Directed by: Jesse Warn
 "Oh, Kira, I always have a point. Now, let's take a look at everything that Supergirl and Kara Danvers have accomplished separately. And then let's imagine what you could do if you became one integrated, authentic being."
 195. The One with the Nineties (The Flash 7x6)
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139, Written by: Kelly Wheeler, Emily Palizzi, Directed by: Jeff Byrd
 "I think we just time traveled."
"For real? So we gonna party like it's 1998?"
 194. Menagerie (Supergirl 4x12)
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77, Written by: Robert Rovner, Daniel Beaty, Greg Baldwin, Directed by: Stefan Pleszczynski
 „We protected the humans of this city by killing a monster. Not even Supergirl could do that."
 193. Grinning from Ear to Ear (Batwoman 1x14)
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14, Written by: Denise Harkavy, Directed by: Michael Blundell
 "You're right. As long as I am with the woman who wears a mask, I'll always be wearing one myself."
 192. The Flash is born (The Flash 1x6)
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6, Written by: Jaime Paglia, Chris Rafferty, Directed by: Millicent Shelton
 "Looks like you were born to take a beating."
 191. The Legion of Doom (Legends of Tomorrow 2x10)
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26, Written by: Phil Klemmer, Marc Guggenheim, Directed by: Eric Laneuville
 "I mean, fair question. Why does a time-traveling speedster need to rely on anyone? Thawne's hiding something. Wouldn't you like to know what it is?"
 190. Don’t Run (The Flash 4x9)
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78, Written by: Sam Chalsen, Judalina Neira, Directed by: Stefan Pleszczynski
 "The lesson I have prepped for today is much more simple. Life 101: there are no happy endings."
 189. Land of the Lost (Legends of Tomorrow 2x13)
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29. Written by: Keto Shimizu, Ray Utanarchitt, Directed by: Ralph Hemecker
 "Rip? That really you?" "I don't know who I am anymore, Mr. Jackson."
 188. Attack on Central City (The Flash 3x14)
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60, Written by: Benjamin Raab, Deric A. Hughes, Todd Helbing, Directed by: Dermott Downs
 "No matter what I do to stop Grodd, he just keeps finding new ways to attack, new ways to destroy, and I... Iris doesn't think I should, but the only way this ends is if I kill him."
 187. Love is a Battlefield (The Flash 6x11)
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125, Written by: Kelly Wheeler, Jeff Hersh, Directed by: Sudz Sutherland
 "Neither one of you are ever gonna stop growing. I mean, marriage is like a tree. I mean, bear with me. Look, the branches, they grow from the center. They grow farther and farther away from the center, but what you have to remember is underneath, the roots? They're mirroring the branches. They're growing just as much. So you're growing your foundation. Now of course, you gotta tend to the soil, communicate with each other, take care of each other, look out for each other, but as the branches grow, so does your foundation. So you grow together."
 186. Livewire (Supergirl 1x4)
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4, Written by: Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, Caitlin Parrish, Directed by: Kevin Tancharoen
 "No. Leslie Willis is dead. D-E-A-D. Dead. She died in that CatCopter of yours. This is Leslie 2.0. Livewire. And you and I... we're gonna have words."
 185. Fadeout (Arrow 8x10)
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170, Written by: Marc Guggenheim, Beth Schwartz, Directed by: James Bamford
 "Of course, life will go on. It always does. But how? What twists and turns it will take, I can't say. I don't know what the future holds...except to say expect the unexpected. Oliver may be gone, but his mission endures. That mission lives on, Oliver lives on, in the people he inspired. Some will take that mission to the rest of the world...maybe even beyond that. Because if the past eight years has shown us anything...it's that this universe is far bigger than any of us could have dared imagine. Even if it is a little less bright without him in it."
 184. Beyond Redemption (Arrow 4x4)
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73, Written by: Beth Schwartz, Ben Sokolowski, Directed by: Lexi Alexander
 "Living in this city, dealing with what we're dealing with right now? We're all desperate. We've all been made to do desperate things. Terrible things. But I got to believe that we are not beyond redemption. And I got to believe that this city can still be saved, 'cause once we stop believing that, that's when this city really dies. And us, us, right along with it. Maybe, just maybe, we start saving our home by saving ourselves first.“
 183. Pilot (Arrow 1x1)
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1, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg, Directed by: David Nutter
 "The name of the island they found me on is Lian Yu. It's Mandarin for 'purgatory'. I've been stranded here for five years. I've dreamt of my rescue every cold black night since then. For five years, I have had only one thought, one goal: survive. Survive and one day return home. The island held many dangers. To live, I had to make myself more than what I was, to forge myself into a weapon. I am returning not the boy who was shipwrecked but the man who will bring justice to those who have poisoned my city. My name is Oliver Queen."
 182. The Good, the Bad and the Cuddley (Legends of Tomorrow 3x18)
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51, Written by: Marc Guggenheim, Phil Klemmer, Directed by: Dermott Downs
 "All right. We're facing an army of Romans, Vikings, and pirates. But you know what today is? Today is the day that we prove that Rip did not sacrifice his life in vain! And today is the day that we prove that we are not losers! And today is the day that we earn the name 'Legends'!“
 181. Draw back your Bow (Arrow 3x7)
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53, Written by: Wendy Mericle, Beth Schwartz, Directed by: Rob Hardy
 "I understand that you're hurting... and I know what it's like to want someone... but not be able to be with them. How you wish things could be different, but they can't. I can't be with you. I can't be with anyone. I have to be alone."
 180. Suicide Squad (Arrow 2x16)
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39, Written by: Keto Shimizu, Bryan Q Miller, Directed by: Larry Teng
 "Give me a break, this ain't no task force. Let's call it like it is. Welcome to the Suicide Squad."
 179. Uprising (Arrow 3x12)
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58, Written by: Beth Schwartz, Brian Ford Sullivan, Directed by: Jesse Warn
 "I've been gone and I'm sorry, sorry for what the city has had to endure in my absence. But you did endure it and the evidence of that struggle is lying at my feet. You did not fail this city and I promise I will not fail you by leaving it again."
 178. Year’s End (Arrow 1x9)
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9, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg, Directed by: John Dahl
 "What do you want with me?" "What any archer wants. To see who's better. First Hunt, then Ravich, and now you. I know about the List, and the man who authored it wants you dead. They call you 'the Hood'. Let's see what you look like without it."
 177. Armageddon Part 1 (The Flash 8x1)
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152, Written by: Eric Wallace, Directed by: Eric Dean Seaton
 „Like a superhero team-up with the Atom?“
 176. Last Sons of Krypton (Superman & Lois 1x15)
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15, Written by: Kristi Korzec, Michael Naducci, Brent Fletcher, Todd Helbing, Directed by: Tom Cavanagh
 „All I wanted was a family, Kal.
„You had it. We were brothers.“
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My favorite Danvers Sisters hug
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bitch-for-a-rainbow · 4 years
Burial Rites
How religions and culture affect character choices and behavior has always been something that fascinated me, especially in shows and stories where such “small details” are painfully neglected. *Cough* Supergirl *Cough*. Just the little things that can cause massive butterfly effects, like the Kryptonian hatred of monarchy, something displayed with the daxamites but that would also have massive ripple effects on how Kara herself would interact with varying human civilizations and history. What does Kara think of the Queen of England, for example, or other non-monarchical, but also non-democratic dictatorships. Does Kara have the same disdain for Oligarchy that she has for monarchy? Is Kara one of those people who gets incredibly upset when someone says they don’t vote?
But one of the big culture and religious effects that I personally have always adored and played around with is how a sun god affects death and grieving rituals. We know from 1x14, that Kryptonians are sent to burn in their sun upon death, that a surviving female is supposed to lead these rites and that Kara knows how to perform it(this will be important later). We also know from the first season, but more in-depth the third, that Kara still practices her faith. (though that may be a strong word. How watching your world explode into a thousand tiny pieces as a child, and then being abandoned with aliens to be raised on a planet that despises your existence would affect your faith is a whole other essay). We also know from 1x14 that this death practice is incredibly important to the Kryptonian people. Non gives up his crusade for two weeks to observe the rites, a crusade he believes is the only salvation to Earth, and when questioned on whether or not Non will properly observe the mourning period Kara becomes very offended, saying “Do you think he is going to let his wife walk alone in the dark?”. The prayer for the dead also contains multiple allusions to bringing people home in the light and staving off darkness. 
This all brings me to the conclusion that, to a Kryptonian who worships a sun god, wouldn’t burial be the most horrific act to perform on the dead? We know from the 3x04 that Kryptonians can and do use candles and fire as a sort of replacement for sunlight. We can guess that pre-space flight Kryptonians would simply burn their dead. We know Kara doesn’t have a problem with humans burying other humans, we see her at funerals. But the real question I have is about Non. We don’t know whether or not Non survived the fight in the finale of season 1, but if he didn’t-- which I choose to believe because it’s more in-line with Kara’s character in S1, S2 and S4 (we are ignoring the utterly random and weird ‘wait i don’t kill people’ in S3 because it was random and weird) and, like, his eyeballs got blown up-- we never see Kara go through any kind of grieving rite. In season 1, Non begins the death rites within 24 hours of Astra’s death, and less than 12 hours after Non’s “fate”, Kara is home and having a party with her friends and family, and directly after that, Mon-El arrives. 
Sure, Kara could have just done the rites sometime when we weren’t watching but it’s just as likely that to her, Non no longer had the right to a Kryptonian funeral. Kryptonians had an honor based culture, and one where houses were everything. Non had done a bunch of, well, really shitty things, and had already been sentenced for murder and terrorism (a murder he actually committed even if the terrorism charge was less earned) before he arrived on Earth and attempted to murder his niece against orders (an action which indirectly led to his commanding officers death) and oh yeah attempted xenocide (not entirely sure whether to use xeno- or genocide here but they both work). If ANYTHING strips you of your right to honored rituals it has to be that. Beyond all of these things it is entirely up to Kara. A person who he 
A.) set a black mercy on 
B.) repeatedly tried to murder + her friends and family 
C.) forced the friends of whom to jump out a window, one of them to their deaths, 
D.) forced the sister of whom to try and kill her 
E.) had her martian friend stabbed and of course 
F.) tried to murder literally every friend and adopted family member she had.
After all of the pain he put her through, would it be so shocking then, that she chose to punish him for that the best way she knew how? 
Would it be so out of character that Kara sentenced the man who made her life a living hell to his own? Burying his body, and leaving him to rot in the cold and dark ground. 
Given how little Kara canonically discusses her faith and culture with others, even with Alex. Would anyone even know what she had done? And if Alex or J’onn did know, would they just not mention it and allow her the smallest of retributions for all that Non had done?
This a headcannon of mine that has actually wormed its way into multiple of my fics, published and in progress, and one that I think invites thought. I might post more on how having a sun god would affect Kara’s perception of things (especially the phantom zone) but for now I hope people enjoy this.
tl’dr: Kryptonians probably hate burials, Non is a bitch, and Kara might’ve gotten revenge in a way most humans wouldn’t even recognize. 
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mspirations · 4 years
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Kara Danvers "Truth, Justice and the American Way" - 1x14
Tumi ‘Sinclair - Small Nora’ Tote Bag in Earl Grey
L.A. Eyeworks Dap Frames in Tortoise Eyeglasses
Stone and Strand  Tiny Dot Stud Earrings
Thanks for identifying:
Melissa Benoist Fashion
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Supergirl vs Master Jailer (3)
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justatiredlesbian · 8 years
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Immortal Girlfriends - 1x14 // 2x08
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agentdanvrs · 7 years
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alex fucking danvers 12/?
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marcomardon · 7 years
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james olsen week: day 3: favourite relationships | everyone | (but especially kara) → “I see a city full of people who need help. Who need a hero.”
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lifeofanerdygirl · 5 years
I never thought I’d be saying this, but the Batwoman episode (1x14) was so much better than the Supergirl one (5x14).
Otherwise for the most part this season, Supergirl has been better or Batwoman has been equal to Supergirl.
So a show that’s only on its 1st season and I’m still getting to know the characters has a way better episode than a show that I’ve been watching for 5 years and have grown attached to/loved especially with the characters?
It doesn’t seem quite right.
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afaimsarrowverse · 1 year
250(ish) Favorite Arrowverse Episodes: Part 5: 150-126
Picked from „Arrow“, „Black Lightning“, „Supergirl“, „Legends of Tomorrow“, „The Flash“, „Barwoman“ Season 1+2 and „Superman & Lois“ Season 1+2. I did consider kicking „Superman & Lois“ of this list, but since it pretended to be part of the Arrowverse for its first two seasons I left it on here.
 150. Man of Steel (Superman & Lois 1x7)
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7, Written by: Jai Jamison, Directed by: David Ramsey
 "Like I said, I'm here to save the world. You see, Kal-El, you're not the Man of Steel. I am."
 149. Welcome to Hong Kong (Arrow 8x2)
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162, Written by: Jill Blankenship, Sarak Tarkoff, Directed by: Antonio Negret
 "Because if I'm wrong, then all of this is for nothing. Do you understand Tatsu? I left Felicity. I left my children, so if the Monitor can't fix this and if he's not here to help, then all these things I have sacrificed and all the things that so many people have sacrificed will have been for nothing."
 148. Daddy Darhkest (Legends of Tomororw 3x10)
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43, Written by: Keto Shimizu, Matthew Maala, Directed by: Dermott Downs
 "I broke into the looney bin to perform an exorcism. And while I was at it, that demon called your name. Said you'd soon be slipping into the dark. And I figured if Emily's demon knows you on a first name basis, you might know something that can help me save you both."
 147. Fastest Man Alive (The Flash 1x2)
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2, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Geoff Johns, Directed by: David Nutter
 "Every kid dreams of being a superhero. Having powers. Saving people. But no kid thinks about what it's like when you're a hero and you're not saving people. Truth is... not much else changes. You still hurt. You still love. You still wish and hope and fear things. And you still need people to help you with all of it. In some ways, that's the best part."
 146. Invasion! (1) (The Flash 3x8)
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54, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Aaron and Todd Helbing, Directed by: Dermott Downs
 "They're aliens, and there's only four of you." "Not if we get Stein and, you know, all the others." "They're calling themselves the Legends." "Egotistical but catchy."
 145. Invasion! (3) (Legends of Tomorrow 2x7)
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23, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Phil Klemmer, Marc Guggenheim, Directed by: Gregory Smith
 "That's what you've all proven here. Meta-humans or not, superpowers or not... you are Earth's mightiest heroes."
 144. Broken Dolls (Arrow 2x3)
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26, Written by: Marc Guggenheim, Keto Shimizu, Directed by: Glen Winter
 "After all, everybody loves a pretty doll."
 143. Star-Crossed (Supergirl 2x16)
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36, Written by: Katie Rose Rogers, Jess Kardos, Directed by: John Medlen
 "Hail Mon-El, Prince of Daxam."
 142. Compromised (Legends of Tomorrow 2x5)
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21, Written by: Keto Shimizu, Grainne Godfree, Directed by: David Geddes
 "Oh, woman of mystery. I know that look in your eye, though. That's the look of someone that I've taken everything from." "Not everything. You haven't taken my soul, which I've already lost and I'm not eager to do again. "
 141. Painkiller (Black Lightning 4x7)
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52, Written by: Salim Akil, Directed by: Bille Woodruff
 "There's no such thing as coincidence."
 140. The Nuclear Man / Fallout (The Flash 1x13/1x14)
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13/14, Written by: Andrew Kreisberg, Katherine Walczak; Keto Shimizu, Ben Sokolowski Directed by: Glen Winter, Steve Surjik
 "He's not even Ronnie anymore... he's Martin Stein walking around in Ronnie's body..."
 "I believe in second chances. You'll get yours."
 139. A Mad Tea-Party (Batwoman 1x8)
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8, Written by: Nancy Kiu, Directed by: Holly Dale
 "We all make choices, Bruce. I chose hope. And I chose to believe Beth was still alive. I chose to save my sister from the monster she's become, but by making that choice, I lost my entire family a second time, and now the only thing I'm left with is the awful truth that Alice was right. Beth is gone."
 138. A Brief Reminiscene In-Between Cataclysmic Events (Superman & Lois 1x11)
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11, Written by: Brent Fletcher, Directed by: Greogry Smith
 "I kept this secret from everyone for so long, and now I know why. It's for you. So we could have this life together. There's no one I would rather share it with."
 137. League of Assassins (Arrow 2x5)
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28, Written by: Jake Coburn, Drew Z. Greenberg, Directed by: Wendey Stanzler
 "There were things I that I did; things that I had to do to survive. Things that there's no forgiveness for."
"Well, that's the thing about forgiveness—you can't get it until you ask for it."
 136. O come ye all Thankful (The Flash 5x7)
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99, Written by: Jonathan Butler, Gabriel Garcia, Directed by: Sarah Boyd
 "Not exactly. Look, when I ran into that storm, I was thinking that I want to save everyone, but the person I was thinking about the most... was you."
"Me?" "Yeah, I don't choose being the Flash over being with my family. I'm the Flash for my family. And I don't have to run to the future to understand why I sacrifice myself. I do it to save you. And your mom. All the people I love."
 135. Mr. and Mrs Mxyzptlk (Supergirl 2x13)
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33, Written by: Jessica Queller, Sterling Gates, Directed by: Stefan Pleszczynski
"Kara, sweetest, like I said, I'm your one true love, your soulmate, your one true pairing, as the kids say. My name is Mxyzptlk and I love you, Kara Zor-El."
"Uh..." "Tell me, will you marry me?"
 134. Hey, World (Legends of Tomorrow 4x16)
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67, Written by: Phil Klemmer, Keto Simizu, Directed by: Kevin Mock
"I know how infuriating humans can be. They have a hard time seeing past their own noses, don't they? But they can change if you help them to look deeper. And if they see the amount of good that you lot are capable of, then maybe... maybe they'll believe in you even when you doubt yourself."
133. The Present (The Flash 3x9)
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55, Written by: Aaron and Todd Helbing, Lauren Certo, Directed by: Rachel Talalay
 "You can't worry about what may or may not lie ahead. Besides, it's Christmas; a time to be with the ones you care about."
 132. The Book of War: Chapter Three: Liberartion (Black Lightning 3x16)
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45, Written by: Charles D. Holland, Directed by: Salim Akil
 „ I'm 100 years old.§
„ Maybe that's why you're so negative and grouchy.“
 131. The Book Markovia: Chapter Three (Black Lightning 3x12)
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41, Written by: Adam Giaudrone, Lynelle White, Directed by: Bille Woodruff
 „Careful, or someone might mistake you for having compassion.“
„No, I don't foresee that being a problem.“
 130. I’ll give you a Clue (Batwoman 2x13)
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33, Written by: Caroline Dries, Natalie Abrams, Directed by: Marshall Virtue
 "Do you know why it's called beginner's luck? I'll give you a clue. It's because it's unexpected and because it doesn't last." "As far as I'm concerned, it'll last for 13 life sentences." "I love puzzles, but yours, rookie Crow, is missing a few pieces. How did you solve Cluemaster's riddle?
 129. It’s my party and I’ll die if I want to (The Flash 9x9)
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180, Written by: Sam Chalsen, Emily Palizzi, Directed by: Danielle Panabaker
 "Do you think I'm... I'm doing enough... with my powers, with my time here?"
"Well, Barry, you tell me. Do you give people hope? Are you moving through your city like a... guardian angel? Do you make a difference? That bolt of lightning chose you. Don't ever forget it."
 128. Who is Harrison Wells? (The Flash 1x19)
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19, Written by: Ray Utarnachitt, Cortney Norris, Directed by: Wendey Stanzler
 "If this is Dr. Wells, then who have we been working for this whole time?" "Dr. McGee said that after the accident, Wells became a completely different person. It's because he is a different person."
 127. Medusa (Supergirl 2x8)
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28, Written by: Jessica Queller, Derek Simon, Directed by: Stefan Pleszczynski
 "In the event of an invasion, Medusa could be deployed to kill alien combatants while keeping our civilians and infrastructure safe from harm."
 126. Lies that bind (Superman & Lois 2x12)
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27, Written by: Rina Mimoun, Directed by: David Mahmoudieh
„Look, he's a sociopath.“
„ There's no need for name-calling.“
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This has to be my favorite couch scene between the Danvers Sisters
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agentschottjr · 6 years
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every day is winn schott appreciation day
day 82/∞
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mspirations · 4 years
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Kara Danvers "Truth, Justice and the American Way" - 1x14
Brooks Brothers  Wool Blend Buffalo Check Sleeveless Dress in Navy & White
Tumi ‘Sinclair - Small Nora’ Tote Bag in Earl Grey
L.A. Eyeworks Dap Frames in Tortoise Eyeglasses
Stone and Strand  Tiny Dot Stud Earrings
Thanks for identifying:
Melissa Benoist Fashion
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Supergirl vs Master Jailer (2)
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daily-supergirl · 7 years
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agentdanvrs · 7 years
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alex fucking danvers 14/?
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