mamawasatesttube · 2 months
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supergirl (2005) #34
hi. do you ever think about kara wearing her dead cousin's glasses the first time she tries out a human identity? hi. her dead cousin who also started out as a full time hero with no civilian identity or private life? hi. yeah. her cousin who just died before she even had the chance to know him properly? yeah. hey. um. do you ever think about kara & kon. hey. hi. for the love of god hello
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oftomorrow · 2 years
@girlofsteel​ ( starter call )
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Clark was doing his best. Kara was still establishing herself as a hero -- she needed to prove herself on her own terms, independently of him. He’d already messed it up once -- which Jimmy had so patiently explained to him -- so now he kept his distance from National City, and only kept in touch with his cousin via text.
But he still wanted to see her, badly. So it was a very pleasant surprise to hear the whoosh of a Kryptonian flying into the Fortress of Solitude behind him, and to spot that familiar crest when he turned. “Supergirl!” He hadn’t actually seen her in the whole suit in person yet -- not properly, anyway. Looking her over, Clark just had to grin. “It looks good on you.”
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superfandomcorp · 2 years
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Super cousins 😂
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10. Supercousins: Kara Danvers and Clark Kent (Supergirl)
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ms-caos · 4 years
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ravenprentiss · 5 years
Hi yes if someone could point me in the direction of an address to send Melissa fan- mail that would be SO SO SO appreciated.
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cyclone-rachel · 6 years
100. “Not to toot my own horn or anything, but the dog loves me more.” - Kara (of course)
Kara almost forgothe was arriving.
Of course, he hadto make a little bit of an entrance, even if nobody else was going to know hewas there, and so Kara pulled back her window shade to reveal Superman,smiling, hovering outside her apartment.
“Kara!” Clarksaid, as Kara let him in, and soon he was spinning her around in a bear hug,with no concerns about hurting her.
“Hey, Clark. It’sbeen a while.”
Clark gave her atired smile.
“Yes, I know. Buthey, I got my job done.”
“Right. Me too.”Kara answered. “And, speaking of…”
Kara whistled, andKrypto appeared, running up to Clark and leaping into his arms.
“Krypto! Buddy!”
Clark stood up,holding his dog, while still smiling at his cousin.
“How are you? Andmore importantly, how’s this guy been?”
“Great! For bothof those answers.” Kara answered. “We had a few mishaps, but nothing major, andeverything was fine.”
“Knew you couldhandle him.” Clark said. “He’s a good boy.”
“So, this was atest?”
“No! But, now Iknow you can always take care of him whenever I have to leave again.”
“Of course.” Kara said. “And hey, not to toot my own horn or anything, but I think the dogloves me more, at this point.”
“Oh, I’d love to see that.”
“You’re on.”
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maiden-of-might · 6 years
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FINALLY. I came home to this little gem after a dentist appointment and I couldn’t be happier about it 😍😍
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mamawasatesttube · 9 months
Hurt/comfort prompts, 28. "No one's mad at you."
28. "No one's mad at you."
In the end, Kara is the one who finds him, hiding behind the clouds somewhere over the Pacific.
“Everyone’s worried about you,” she says, settling onto the same strip of sky at his side. Her skirt billows in the frigid breeze; the sun glints off her wavy hair. Kon’s tried to get her to actually maintain her curls, but she just shrugs him off and brushes them out, saying between flights and fights, her hair always gets messed up anyway.
He makes a noncommital noise, rubbing his fingers along the ridge of Krypto’s brow. Krypto’s tail thumps lazily against his back. “Mm.”
Kara flicks his shoulder. “Oh, don’t do that.”
“Do what?” Kon glances at her, wary. If she’s about to tell him off for needing some space after Luthor tried to fucking violate his mind, again, he swears he’ll scream. It doesn’t matter that the control broke after less than ten seconds, that Kon was able to fight it off successfully. It’s that that fucking monster won’t stop trying to turn him into a weapon, no matter what he does, and he’s… he’s…
Ten seconds, and he leveled half a city block.
But Kara doesn’t say that. She just pretends to shudder, nudges his arm, and says, “The weird grunting thing. You’re spending too much time with that Bat of yours.”
Kon’s defensive, devastated thoughts grind to a halt.
“He’s not mine,” Kon mutters, cheeks heating. It’s—weird. You’d think a living weapon wouldn’t get humanizing characteristics like “picking up mannerisms from people he loves”, wouldn’t you? “And I was not Bat-grunting.”
“Sure, cousin. Denial is the first step.” Kara pats his shoulder.
They sit in a strangely companionable silence for a few minutes. Kon keeps rubbing Krypto’s head, scratching behind one ear and then the other. The wind whistles and whips around them; Kon’s jacket and Kara’s skirt flap noisily.
Her hand comes to rest on his shoulder again. “…Kon, no one’s mad at you. You know that, right?”
Kon bites the inside of his lip, hard. “I’m mad at me.”
He half-expects her to exclaim indignantly that he shouldn’t be, that it wasn’t his fault, that he can’t possibly think that. She gets mad at anything that seems unfair, including a lot of Kon’s thoughts about himself; he still remembers how pissed at him she was when he said he didn’t think he count as a real Kryptonian, not like her or Kal.
But instead… Kara just sighs. Slides her hand over and drapes her arm over his shoulders. Pulls him into her side. Kon’s stiff for a moment, but he’s never been good at turning away from comfort, even when he doesn’t deserve it. He’s weak like that.
“I know,” she says, the wind whipping the words from her mouth. “I still… Everyone tells me what happened to New Krypton—to my mother—wasn’t my fault, but even now, I have trouble believing it.”
It’s almost laughable. Kon’s half of a city block was far less damage than the destruction of the entirety of New Krypton; what Kon is feeling now is only a drop in the bucket compared to Kara’s pain. And that wasn’t her fault. This, today, was his. They’re not at all comparable.
“Say what I know you’re thinking right now, and I’ll spike you into the ocean,” she threatens.
Kon snorts. “Won’t say it, then.”
“Stop thinking it!” Kara lightly swats the side of his head. Kon almost laughs.
 After a moment, he sags further into her side. “…Thanks,” he mumbles. She only hums, threading her fingers into his hair, and for a little while more, they sit together in the wide blue sky.
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davidapringle · 4 years
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#conthrowback #supergirl #superman @melissabenoist @tylerhoechlin @supergirlcw @cwsupermanandlois #cw #supercousins https://www.instagram.com/p/CLrqkqPjSAPnMxF_SIw7DeaQUVJdnh6GGv9HG00/?igshid=6my12ejx4pzm
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meme-of-steel-blog · 7 years
Hearing the stories Kara always tells me makes me wish I could back just for a day to see what Krypton was like.
Experience the things she did.
For now, I think I’ll just sit back and enjoy the tales.
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19. Supercousins (Supergirl)
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Actually „Superman & Lois“ should have gotten us more of those, but RL conspired against this, and we might not even see Kara in „Superman & Lois“ at all. If we are lucky, we could get Clark in a later episode of „Supergirl“s last season, but even this could not happen. And after that it is most likely over. So yeah, those shiny Supercousins, who worked so well together in the opening of Season 2 and in „Elseworlds“ and Crisis are most likely a thing of the past. Which is not how it should have been at all!
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superkaramels · 7 years
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2x01 / 2x22
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Clark is gonna start Billy Goat Gruffing big threats. *alien threat lands in metropolis*: "superman, as champion of earth we must do batt---" Superman: "let me stop you right there, I think you're looking for my older cousin"
hahaha yes
The best part is that he’d be totally genuine like “no no no, it is SHE who is the champion of Earth, get it right.” and then they go off to fight her instead, to which he first reacts by feeling bad but then moves onto “kick their ass, Supergirl!” and forgets his role in it all.
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