#Super Simple Sales System demo
marketingprofitmedia · 2 months
Super Simple Sales System Review – Best Way To Make Money
Welcome to my Super Simple Sales System Review, This is a genuine user-based Super Simple Sales System review, in which I will discuss the features, upgrades, price, demo, and bonuses, how Super Simple Sales System can benefit you, and my own personal opinion.
Making the sales process work better is important for long-term growth and making money in today’s fast-paced business world. The Super Simple Sales System looks like a good way for businesses of all kinds to improve and organise their sales processes. This all-in-one system combines easy-to-use features with advanced software features to make lead creation easier, handle prospects better, and boost conversion rates. It claims to help sales teams work better by giving them an easy-to-use interface and letting them easily connect to other free traffic systems and tools. This way, they can focus on finishing deals instead of doing boring routine tasks. This review goes into detail about its main features, benefits, user comments, and things to think about to help businesses decide if it’s the right tool for their sales optimization needs.
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What Is It Super Simple Sales System?
Super Simple Sales System, created by affiliate marketer Jeremy Kennedy, promises a beginner-friendly path to generating online income quickly and easily. It stands out for its emphasis on “free traffic” strategies, supposedly eliminating the need for a website, email list, or paid advertising.
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Here’s the crux of the system Super Simple Sales System focuses on readily available online platforms like social media and content creation to connect directly with potential customers. This approach aims to bypass the traditional sales funnel, prioritizing immediate conversions over long-term relationship building. However, the specifics of these strategies remain undisclosed, requiring investment in the program to access the core training materials.
Super Simple Sales System Review: Overview
Creator: Jeremy Kennedy
Product: Super Simple Sales System
Date Launch: 2024-Jul-06
Time Of Launch: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $11.95 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click Here To Access Now
Niche: Affiliate Marketing
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Here!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: YES, Huge Bonuses
Skill Level Required: All Levels
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
>>> Click Here to Visit Super Simple Sales System and Get Access Now <<<
Super Simple Sales System Review: Key Features
Free Traffic Strategies: Super Simple Sales System likely focuses on methods to attract potential customers without paid advertising. This could involve leveraging social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to build an audience and promote products.
Content Creation Techniques: The program might offer guidance on creating engaging content (articles, videos, social media posts) that educates and attracts potential buyers, ultimately leading them to affiliate offers.
Affiliate Marketing Integration: Super Simple Sales System might provide a framework for selecting and promoting other people’s products, allowing users to earn commissions on each sale generated through their efforts.
Community Access : Some programs offer a private community forum or membership area for members to connect, share experiences, and potentially receive additional support. However, confirmation of such a feature within SSSS requires further investigation.
Super Simple Sales System Review: How Does It Work?
The inner workings of the Super Simple Sales System remain under wraps, as access requires purchasing their training materials. However, based on available information, SSSS seems to focus on leveraging free social media platforms and content creation to attract potential customers directly.
The program emphasizes affiliate marketing, where you promote other companies’ products and earn commissions for each sale. This approach bypasses traditional email list building and aims for quicker conversions, but lacks the long-term relationship nurturing that fosters repeat business.
>>> Click Here to Visit Super Simple Sales System and Get Access Now <<<
Super Simple Sales System Review: Can Do For You
Simplify Lead Management: Efficiently manage and prioritize leads with advanced data analytics, ensuring you focus on high-quality prospects to boost conversion rates.
Automate Routine Tasks: Save time and ensure consistency by automating repetitive tasks such as follow-ups, email campaigns, and data entry, allowing your sales team to concentrate on closing deals.
Enhance Sales Team Productivity: By providing a user-friendly interface and intuitive tools, the system reduces the learning curve and helps your sales team work more efficiently and effectively.
Integrate Seamlessly with Existing Tools: Connect effortlessly with popular CRM platforms, email marketing tools, and analytics software to create a cohesive and customized sales workflow that meets your business needs.
Improve Communication with Prospects: Ensure timely and consistent communication with prospects through automated follow-ups and personalized email campaigns, fostering better relationships and increasing the likelihood of conversions.
Provide Valuable Insights: Leverage comprehensive analytics and reporting features to gain insights into your sales performance, helping you make data-driven decisions to optimize your strategies.
Scale with Your Business: As your business grows, the Super Simple Sales System can scale with you, offering flexible pricing plans and features that cater to businesses of various sizes and requirements.
Increase Overall Sales Efficiency: By simplifying and automating key aspects of the sales process, the system helps you close deals faster, reduce sales cycles, and ultimately increase your overall sales efficiency and profitability.
Super Simple Sales System Review: Who Should Use It?
Affiliate Marketers
Digital Product Sellers
Business Owners
Bloggers & Website owners
Email Marketers
Social Media Marketers
Online Courses and eBooks
And Many Others
Super Simple Sales System Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Front End Price: Super Simple Sales System ($11.95)
OTO1: DFY Buyer Traffic ($1 trial > $19/m)
OTO2: Advanced Coaching + Mastermind ($97)
OTO3: Done For You Campaigns ($47)
OTO4: Multiple Traffic Training Courses ($47)
OTO5: LIVE Q&A Coaching Call ($27)
OTO6: WarriorChat Mastermind ($19/m or $197)
OTO7: YouTube Sales Machine Masterclass ($597)
>>> Click Here to Visit Super Simple Sales System and Get Access Now <<<
My Own Customized Incredible Bonus Bundle
***How To Claim These Bonuses***
Step #1:
Complete your purchase of the Super Simple Sales System: My Special Unique Bonus Bundle will be visible on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus Button on WarriorPlus immediately after purchase. And before ending my honest Super Simple Sales System Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
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Step #2:
Send the proof of purchase to my e-mail “[email protected]” (Then I’ll manually Deliver it for you in 24 HOURS).
Super Simple Sales System Review: Money Back Guarantee
Try Out Super Simple Sales System RISK FREE For 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
Super Simple Sales System advertises a 30-day money-back guarantee, offering a schein of risk-free trial. However, it’s important to carefully review the program’s refund policy before purchasing. Look for details on what constitutes a valid refund request and any potential hidden fees associated with the guarantee. Remember, even with a money-back offer, time invested in learning the program is not recoverable.
>>> Click Here to Visit Super Simple Sales System and Get Access Now <<<
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. Is the Super Simple Sales System free?
The program might have a “free” initial offer, but there could be upsold or hidden costs later. It’s crucial to research potential additional fees before committing.
Q. Can I make money online quickly and easily with the Super Simple Sales System?
The program’s claims of instant wealth are unrealistic. Building a sustainable online income requires time, effort, and ongoing learning.
Q. What does the Super Simple Sales System teach?
There’s a lack of transparency about the program’s specific methods. While it might involve affiliate marketing, details are scarce.
Q. Are there any guarantees of success with the Super Simple Sales System?
No legitimate program can guarantee online success. Success depends on factors like niche selection, effort, and market conditions.
Q. What are some alternatives to the Super Simple Sales System?
Several credible alternatives exist, such as building a website/blog, learning in-demand skills for freelancing, or starting an e-commerce store. These require more effort but offer a higher chance of long-term success.
Q. Is the Super Simple Sales System a scam?
Due to the lack of transparency, it’s difficult to say definitively. However, the red flags associated with unrealistic claims and potential upsells warrant caution.
Q. Who should avoid the Super Simple Sales System?
Those seeking guaranteed results, with limited time or resources, or uncomfortable with upsells should avoid the Super Simple Sales System.
Q. What should I do before buying the Super Simple Sales System?
Do your research! Read independent reviews, search for complaints, and compare the program with established methods for building online income.
Super Simple Sales System Review: My Recommendation
Super Simple Sales System stands out as a powerful tool for businesses aiming to streamline their sales processes. With its user-friendly interface, robust automation features, and seamless integration options, it addresses key challenges faced by sales teams. While it may not suit highly complex sales environments requiring extensive customization, it remains an excellent choice for small to medium-sized businesses looking to enhance efficiency and profitability.
>>> Click Here to Visit Super Simple Sales System and Get Access Now <<<
Check Out My Previous Reviews: Voixr Review, SiteRobot AI Review, AI Profit Siphon Review, Quillaio Review, SmartLink AI Review, MailDaddy Review, PromptSiteZ Review, AILogo Studio Review, MetAI Review, & AI Fame Catalyst Review.
Thank for reading my Super Simple Sales System Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Disclaimer: Please Note This Super Simple Sales System review strives to provide objective information and analysis. While we aim for accuracy, pricing structures and features can change. It’s recommended to visit the Super Simple Sales System website for the latest information before making a purchase decision.
Note: This is a paid software, and the one-time price is $11.95 for lifetime.
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sniperct · 1 year
Spaceship games I've played
Starfield: 5/10
space, spaceships, exploration, but it's also fallout in space and if you don't like fallout's gameplay all that much you're not going to enjoy starfield. Also space combat is pretty simple
EvE Online: 7/10
I made billions of ISK mining. and I lost billions of ISK getting suicide ganked in high security space. There was some enjoyment before that but the space combat is very tactical so fun if you like that kind of thing. Haven't played since I got suicide ganked 2 days in a row by two different people in two different orgs in two different high security systems and lost two super expensive barges.
EvE Valkryie 9/10:
The reason I got a PSVR originally. It's defunct and dead now sadly, but the combat was amazing and I lost hours in the cockpit with my PSVR headset pulling high G stunts and shooting down other people.
Star Citizen: 8/10,
buggy as hell but has absolutely the best space flight out there, hands down. In perpetual slow development, I recommend against backing unless you're really into bug hunting and can handle frequently losing progress. But when the stars align its one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. They added planets 18 months after I backed and the experience of seamlessly taking off, flying across a system, landing and exploring a planet and then returning retroactively justified my pledge for me. Was worth getting a nice set of joysticks one year, 80% for this game tbh.
Elite Dangerous, 7/10:
I keep trying to give it a fair shot, but the flying doesn't feel right. A bit reason I originally backed SC was specifically because I was trying to find a space flight/combat game to scratch that itch and SC beat ED for that. This was back in 2016 lol That said it has a large galaxy to explore, even if you don't get to explore your ships or planets to the same level you can in SC, and I can see the appeal of it if I could just adapt to the flight model. Works great with my joysticks though!
No Man's Sky, 7/10:
overhyped and under delivered, it's since come a very long way and I'd argue is one of the biggest turn around stories, second to FF14 maybe. Large, lovely univere to explore, I wish I could figure out how to get off the planet or start in space on my latest playthrough. Space flight is very very basic.
Star Wars: Squadrons: 9/10
Quiet literally waited since X-wing Alliance came out for this game. Decent story, but the sheer joy of flying around in an x-wing or tie fighter makes for exceptional gameplay. I've even played in VR with the PSVR and I can't emphasize enough how awesome that was!
Chorus TBD:
Really enjoyed the demo, was disappointed I couldn't get my joystick working with it. Got it for like 3 bucks at a recent steam sale and I want to give it a fair shake. Maybe I can find a way to map my joystick.
Bonus mech but not space ships!
Mechwarrior Online 6/10
Great game, got my joysticks working in it recently but I haven't played in years so I'm very bad at it.
Mechwarrior 5
TBD Finally got sticks working, need to actually play the story.
If anyone can recommend games where you fly around in a space ship (or even flying around in a plane, been having a lot of fun playing War Thunder's Arcade mode and world of warplanes) let me know. Bonus points if there is joystick support.
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Affiliate Disclaimer:  While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this page, we always offer honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make.
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orphancookie69 · 2 years
Nintendo Switch: Coffee Talk
I last played this on Xbox from Game Pass, and it was lovely. I believe that the person who made it recently passed as well? Anyways, how did this come back up? My sister wanted a nice easy going game that was a different pace from Dragon’s Dogma. Let’s jump in. 
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Coffee Talk is a game about listening to people’s problems and helping them by serving up a warm drink out of the ingredients you have in stock. It is a game that depicts lives as humanly as possible, while having a cast that is more than just humans. More info here: https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/coffee-talk-switch/
My Thoughts On The Game: 
The price was on sale for $7, full price is $13. At full or sale price, there is a lot of value to this game. And there is a demo to boot! We love “Try Before You Buy”! And there is an official website for this game! Honestly, since I have played the game before, I actually have a different perspective when writing a review. 
How so? Well, the game sets the scene and throws you right into your shop as a barista. You talk to people and make drinks. It is that simple and that hard. Funny enough, it is probably drinks you have ordered yourself in real life, but do you know how to make your own order? The game has been out long enough, that if you don’t know how to make something-you can google it. But funny enough, you never know how much money you make in a day or how much you charge your customers. It is sometimes, not about the money. 
I love this game and was super happy to see it getting a sequel coming out soon! There is an “Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly” coming out on 4/20/23...Stay Tuned! The world full of not just humans is kind of refreshing too. Is it too soon to call it home? This is a great game, if you like a slow pace game in your collection. Have you played this game yet? Would you replay it on a new system? Inquiring minds want to know! 
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POS Billing Software: The Ultimate Solution for Your Business Needs
Have you ever been to a store and seen a machine where the cashier scans the things you want to buy and then it tells you how much you need to pay? That's called Point of Sale (POS) billing software! It's a computer system that helps businesses to make transactions, keep track of their products, and create reports quickly. Businesses need to have this because it helps them work faster and more efficiently, which is helpful in a world where things are moving quickly. In this article, we're going to explain what POS billing software is, how it can help businesses, and why it's so important to have it. So, let's get started!
Benefits of pos  software
POS software is a particular computer program that helps stores and businesses make sales and keep track of their stuff. It's like a really smart calculator that tells you how much things cost, keeps a record of what's in stock, and prints out receipts for customers. POS software is super helpful because it makes things go faster, so you don't have to wait in line for a long time. It also makes sure that things are priced correctly and helps keep track of what's selling well and what's not. With POS software, stores can make their customers happier by giving them things like digital receipts or rewards for coming back. It's a cool tool that helps businesses work better and smarter!
Features of POS Billing software
If you own a store or a business, there's a special computer program called POS billing software that can help you keep track of your things, sell them to customers, and manage your employees. A really good POS billing software should be able to do four important things:
Inventory management: This means keeping track of what you have in stock, knowing when to order more, and making sure everything is priced correctly.
Sales tracking: This means knowing how many things you sell, what's popular, and what customers like to buy.
Employee management: This means keeping track of when your employees come to work, how long they work for, and how well they're doing their job.
Integration with other systems: This means making sure that the POS billing software can work with other computer programs that you might use, like accounting software or tools for selling things online.
If you have POS billing software that can do all of these things, it will help you run your business better and make more money!
How to Choose the Right POS Billing Software
Choosing the right POS billing software can be tricky, but it's an important decision that can help your business run better. Here are three things to think about when you're looking for POS software:
Think about what your business needs: Every business is different, so it's important to find POS software that has the features you need. Do you need help keeping track of inventory? Do you need to manage employees? Think about what you need the software to do.
Look for software that's easy to use: You want software that's easy to learn and use. Look for software that has a simple interface and features that make sense to you. You can ask for a demo or trial version to see how it works before you buy it.
Do your research: Before you choose software, read reviews from other businesses to see what they think. You can also ask other business owners for recommendations. Make sure the software provider has a good reputation and good customer service.
By thinking about what your business needs, finding software that's easy to use, and doing your research, you can find POS billing software that will help your business work better!
Implementation and training
Now that you've found the right POS billing software for your business, it's time to set it up and teach your employees how to use it. Here are some important things to do:
Set up the software and connect any necessary hardware: First, you'll need to put the software on your business computers and connect things like barcode scanners and receipt printers. Then you can add your products and their prices into the software, so it knows what to charge your customers. It's important to make sure the software works well with any other systems you use.
Teach your employees how to use the software: It's important to show your employees how to use the software. This way, they can work faster and do their job better. You can make videos or write manuals to help them learn. You can also set up practice time for them to try the software on their own. It's important to give them support and answer their questions.
Some tips for training your employees are:
Make it fun by making it into a game
Do the training in small groups so people can help each other
Give people a chance to practice on their own
Offer more training if people need it
By setting up the software well and training your employees well, you can make your business better and make your customers happy.
To sum it up, POS billing software can help all kinds of businesses become better. It's beneficial because it can help you keep track of what you have, and what you sell, and make your customers happy. If you want to get good POS billing software, you should think about what your business needs and pick one that's easy to use. You can also read what other people think about the software before you buy it. Remember to teach your employees how to use the software, and be there to help them when needed. If you do all of these things, your business can do well!
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$CLST #ClearSight #ClearSightfinance #PrivateSale #ClearSightWallet #ClearSightFreelance #BSC #Crypto
August 12, 2021 (ACCESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Cryptocurrency pioneers have goal to release entire employment solution platform in Q1 2022
DUBAI, UAE / ACCESSWIRE / August 12, 2021 / ClearSight has announced the launch of its new blockchain platform for the freelance sector. ClearSight is a global freelance platform offering freelance employment solutions based on the utilization of legitimate, reliable, de-centralized technology.
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Blockchain and smart contracts form the basis of the interactive platform. The new rollout is designed to help employers identify and hire freelance professionals who fit available job requirements and vice versa. The ClearSight ecosystem is backed up with a BSC-based token, allowing an ideal user experience among its members.
There will be a wallet registered as the referenced address. The address will be connected to a unique gig and freelancers will also be able to verify an employer review that shows reliability, solvency, how the employer treats workers and whether payment amounts are as expected. Every profile will be verified and identified by blockchain, eliminating hacking, fraud or theft.
"At ClearSight we are committed to reducing these fees with blockchain technology to create a better future for freelancers. Our user-friendly platform allows gig workers to easily access their money using a Visa Debit Card,' said a spokesperson for ClearSight. "Freelancers are given a portal and a digital identity, with which they can manage their professional profiles. The dedicated and secure system protects people from theft and fraud. With over 21 billion exchangeable tokens, ClearSight offers relatively lower transaction costs that are extremely safe and fast."
The freelance sector works in almost every industry, attracting a remote workforce. Freelancers use their own mobile IT devices and services. Yet, when these freelancers are to be paid, delivery of payment solutions, identity and high transaction fees give freelancers pause as to how much they really receive per hour compared to what they originally expected.
ClearSight is dedicated to helping freelancers because it understands how freelancers have been tormented by freelance gig websites taking an unfair, huge commission fee or percentage of their income. More of a freelancer's income can be taken if a gig service is subcontracted by employers registered through yet another freelance website. When it comes to cryptocurrency, users need to pay only a network fee. This fee is considerably lower on the BSC network as compared to other networks and these networks are faster.
Freelancers make up 57% of the active workers in the United States and over 50% of millennials have joined the gig economy. In Europe, as of 2017, over 9 million professionals were working as freelancers. This is an increase of 126% of workers transitioning from a traditional workforce to a freelance paradigm. Employers can now attract global talent and manage administrative requirements without the cost of HR overhead. There also is no need for third-party recruiting costs.
ClearSight is protecting freelancers with:
Data Ownership - User data such as certificates, ratings and reviews will be stored on the BCS blockchain. Users will always own their unique profile data.
Copywriting - The BSC profile provides a proof of work algorithm for freelancers by imprinting every creation in its token, giving all rights to the freelance client. It will also feature an automatic escrow payment, designed to give clients an exclusive right to a particular delivery.
Transaction Fees - ClearSight will use tokens. For international transactions, the use of blockchain smart contracts will stop reliance on banks and other intermediaries. For freelancers, using tokens reduces transaction fees and platform costs.
The spokesperson explained, "We believe that the newest challenge and trend in the workforce and corporations is peer-to-peer collaboration. Is the employee reliable with appropriate credentials and able to meet deadlines? Is an employer financially solvent and able to pay for the work, or will the gig worker be "stiffed", as some famous contractors have done; contractors whom have never paid for good, honest work rendered on behalf of an employer?"
The ClearSight platform DAPPs will help freelancers to display proof of their records and reviews from previous employers. The entire process will be stored on the blockchain. The company aims to redefine the employment sector with the integration of blockchain technology, ensuring data verification and transparency for both employers and freelancers.
We store your user data e.g., certificates, reputations, and ratings in a BSC-based blockchain and allow users to own their profile data.
We offer a BSC protocol based transaction algorithm for freelancers. ClearSight puts all your creations in our token, features automatic escrow payment which gives clients exclusive rights to certain deliveries.
We minimize reliance on bank cards by using smart contracts as escrow for payment. This also reduces transaction charges among freelancers.
We offer a debit card-based wallet for payment to enhance trust. Payments are made automatically after delivery.
We verify and identify each profile using our blockchain technology to eliminate theft and fraud, we are heavily vested in KYC and AML techniques and provide superb scans of both freelancers and employers.
We allow you to verify quality delivery before proceeding with payment
We will help you to verify identity (ID) and record of accomplishment for freelancers.
We offer DAPPS that allow freelancers to post proof of their records and reviews from previous employers to boost trust.
We offer tools that help to integrate and decentralize the workforce using blockchain techniques.
We allow you to verify quality delivery before proceeding with payment
We Ensure full KYC/AML enforcement on all our members, no matter if freelancers or employers.
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We have an exciting and unique wallet app with debit cards that serve as a one-stop-shop for all your financial activities within the ClearSight Platform. Our debit card-based wallet helps users to withdraw funds, exchange currency, import or export tokens faster and easily. Our token is very secure and super fast as its built on Binance smart chain.
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ClearSight’s Wallet is your most trusted and secure crypto wallet.This virtual wallet allows users to store their cryptocurrencies and connect them with our debit cards and access it from the comfort of their couch.
Easy to use.
Completely secure, audit done once weekly.
Available in 10 languages.
Directly connected with your own clearsight debit card.
Over 5000 cryptocurrencies accepted.
All Blockchain protocols accepted.
Buying crypto so you can hire freelancers has never been easier,quick and simple method has been created for you to be able to buy over 5000 cryptocurrencies with your credit/debit cards, almost every international cards are accepted.
Download our mobile app
We have both iOS and Android apps available for you.
Purchase Crypto
Most credit/debit cards are accepted, KYC and AML are mandatory for all purchases above 1000$
Hire talent
Hire the talent and pay them via crypto, fee-less.
You can also Swap and exchange cryptocurrencies on the wallet, nothing to worry about if you’ve bought the wrong crypto, we got your back.The fees are super low thanks to our exchange partners, and also exchanging the currencies is instant.
Are you a freelancer looking for a platform to sell your skills and earn? ClearSight is the world’s largest blockchain based work marketplace with talents from all fields. Our platform is easy and straightforward to use. We also offer a fully mobile-optimized platform to help you find work that matches your skills. Simply click on the Find Work icon and get started. Employers too can find the best talent by posting their jobs.
Roadmap :
Q3 2021
Release intitial Platform DEMO
Release Live version of Wallet
Start accepting debit card orders
Finish design and user experience on site
Finish Certik Audit
Obtain legal opinion
Run Private Sale
Run Seed Sale
Q4 2021
Attend Crypto Expo Dubai
Begin public sale
List the token on an exchange
Release Platform Beta
Begin heavy marketing campaign
Begin NFT freelancer marketplace development
Begin shipping the debit cards
Q1 2022
Launch Full live version of Platform
Launch NFT Marketplace
Begin research of a possible bridge
For more information please follow the link below:
WEBSITE - https://clearsight.finance/
ANN - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5360094.0
WHITEPAPER - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QTG5KzLXrrktVz77Yuv1AlH7t5FAg30N/view
FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/clearsight.finance
TELEGRAM - https://t.me/clearsightfinance
TWITTER - https://twitter.com/ClearSightFi
YAHOO - https://finance.yahoo.com/news/clearsight-announces-release-job-platform-145900517.html
BLOOMBERG - https://www.bloomberg.com/press-releases/2021-08-12/clearsight-announces-release-of-new-job-platform-based-on-cryptocurrency
Forum Username: Manuel Akanji
Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2954998
Proof Of Registration Post: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5360169.msg58109180#msg58109180
Telegram Username: @Manuelakanji777
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Mail Our Lists Review – Worth It or a Scam?
WHAT IS Mail Our Lists?
Promote a launch that you can profit from over and over again. We have never before offered this joint solo ad that reaches a huge number of people across our 43 websites. If people enjoy the results, all they have to do is to order another one - so more commissions!
Send an email NOW to the members of 43 websites
Directly sent to the email addresses of 31,574 members
Send an offer to any URL in any niche
Purchase more super solos whenever you like
You don't need your own email list
PERFECT for beginners
Get the Mail Our Lists for Half Off! 50% Discount Savings Automatically Applied by Clicking Here Now
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Mail Our Lists Review-HOW DOES IT REALLY USE?
Send an email to 31,574 Members
​Mail 43 Websites in the MMO niche
All members double opted-in
Send any offer in any niche
​We will even write the email for you!
​Crazy value for under $10
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​Evergreen offer - Buy again, Send again
​Includes 1000's of proven buyers
​Free squeeze pages included
Mail Our Lists Review – FEATURES:
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FRONT END — Mail Our Lists: ($9.95) (50% Commissions)
Your customers can send a solo ad to the 31,574 members across the 43 MMO websites owned by Dawud Islam and Terry Till 
(full details of the sites on the sales page).
OTO #1 — PRO Bundle x 5 ($47) (50% Commissions) — $27 Downsell
Get 5 x more solo ads to send out, making 6 in total.
OTO #2 — Total Traffic Fix ($197) (50% Commissions) — $97 Downsell
Get a VIP upgrade at all 43 of our websites in this never offered before upgrade (Would cost $2,752 if purchased individually). Plus place your banner permanently on our 43 sites.
OTO #3 — Reseller Rights ($37) (50% Commissions)  — $17 Downsell
Get Reseller rights to Mail Our Lists - Sell it as if it was your own product and keep 100% commissions across the entire funnel.
OTO #4 — DFY Weekly Campaigns ($97) (50% Commissions) - $47 Downsell
Get sent 3 x DFY campaigns each and every week. Includes DFY bonus page with review video, product demo and ten custom bonuses delivered for you (requires Commission Gorilla).
OTO #5 — The Elite Academy BETA Tester ($997) (30% Commissions)  OR 3 x Payments of $497
(See The Sales Page For Full Details)
Mail Our Lists Reviews:- Is it worth buying?
The Product Comes With A 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
This product offers you at an incredible price. Honestly speaking, it is super affordable in comparison with the massive resource inside this package. Meanwhile, you only pay the fee for your breakfast to get access to it. I think you should not hesitate anymore as this is your lucrative chance to save you expensive time, money and get you more passive income.
This method enables you to send a solo ad to 31,574 members across 43 websites. Details of how to set up your solo ad are contained in the members area. However, if after viewing the method you are not happy with it, then you can claim a full money back refund within 30 days of purchase. NOTE: Refunds cannot be made after your solo ad has been sent out. By submitting your solo ad to be sent out you are accepting these terms and conditions.
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paramountz-official · 3 years
ParaMountZ Review 2021 - ⚠️Launch Discount & Huge Bonus⚠️
These days a quality instant funnel builder is… The only tool that anyone needs to build beautiful highly-profitable websites. And as a marketer that should be music to your ears for 2 reasons…
You can have complete control over the look and feel of your websites without having to learn any of the boring time-consuming codings…
The days of spending thousands of dollars on freelancer designers, developers, and website hosting companies are a thing of the past…
In 2021, a funnel builder is your one-stop-shop for creating beautiful sales pages, sales funnels, landing pages, and much more in seconds…
Even if you have zero web dev experience or knowledge. But there’s one big problem with all of the “corporate” funnel builders… They All Charge You A Monthly Subscription For Their Service
==> Special Discount: Order Today With Best Price And Special Offers
I wanted my own funnel builder that I could use to create a sizzling-hot website in seconds without the need to bust our photoshop or my HTML editor…
A that provided a “Wix like” builder without denting my wallet every month…
A builder that we could market to our internet friends and peers like you…
A builder that would enable you to stop paying out monthly to the corporate giants (who are clearly all in cahoots to suck every last penny they can out of us marketers)…
A builder that would enable you to fulfill all of your funnel builder needs for years to come without spending another dime on design, development, or hosting…
After 2 years of working closely with a team of world-class developers, ParaMountZ was born.
ParaMountZ is a world class Funnel/Page builder that gives you all of the functionality that you would expect from an expensive subscription service, for a tiny fraction of the price… I had the privilege to receive Beta access to this great cloud software ParaMountZ, and all I can say is GET THIS NOW!
>> Visit The Official Website Here to Place Your Order!
There’s just so much packed inside this one members’ area that I don’t even know where to begin. ParaMountZ helps you find hot offers from JVZoo, Clickbank and W+, and build high converting affiliate pages.
You can share these pages across 100 social media sites. Create visually appealing email marketing templates, high converting SMS marketing messages, build traffic-pulling eCommerce sites, and so very much more.
Almost everything you need to build and operate a thriving online business is available in the members’ area of ParaMountZ. I’m serious… You can operate a six figure online business from this one site.
I buy a lot of automation type products, and for the most part, they’re good products to have, but this membership eliminates the need to invest money in so many different products and sites.
(LIMITED SUPPLIES) Click Here To Order From Its Official Website
ParaMountZ Elite is setting a NEW standard for effortless online traffic, leads & sales. Marketers of ALL backgrounds are loving the results from this 100% legal, breakthrough app that AUTOMATES traffic, list building and conversions. But all good things come to an end.
It would definitely seem that this new all-in-one beginner-friendly programme from the well-known and respected software developer Mosh Bari can be the ultimate affiliate tool.
It finds successful higher-commission offers on the 3 major affiliate product platforms and then enable you to build irresistible high converting affiliate pages, create appealing campaigns and share it across 100 social media sites – an affiliates dream come true… It even build you traffic-pulling eCommerce sites, and so very much more
Get ready to drive unlimited traffic, capture unlimited leads and engage unlimitedly like never seen before. It’s a cloud-based software that automates social media marketing across Facebook, Messenger & Twitter for viral traffic, lead generation & sales.
ParaMountZ is the world’s biggest and most powerful social media marketing tool that allows customers to create highly Converting Ads Like Posts, Campaigns, Optin Pages, Interest Groups, Messenger Shops fast and easy in less than 2 minutes without paying a dime.
ParaMountZ is created with proven to convert ads like posts, CTA Powered Campaigns, Messenger Online Selling, Chatbots, Lead Generators comprising top platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and Twitter.
In the next parts of this ParaMountZ Review you’ll see full details, including a demo and proof of results from multiple marketers … including COMPLETE beginners making their FIRST online profits with this software.
If you’re already using social media to promote your business, awesome. If you’re not – I totally get it. There are so many platforms and potential solutions, it gets pretty confusing. For best results, whether you’re new or experienced … it helps to SIMPLIFY.
What’s the biggest social network online? Facebook.
Which one has the most authority? Twitter.
How are MOST people connecting with brands & businesses? Messenger.
So instead of overcomplicating things, just focus on those three. ParaMountZ Elite is a unique software that brings you the best results from Facebook, Twitter & Messenger inside ONE dashboard. Instead of running different campaigns to drive traffic, create leads or sell … Now you can do ALL THREE with every post!
Innovative, platform-approved tech means your posts maximize traffic. Turn as many clicks into leads as possible … And do the selling FOR you with cutting edge automations.
Get For a Special Discounted Price Today (In Stock)
As powerful as the software is, it’s 3 step simple to use – and you can start seeing results within HOURS. Imagine leveraging MULTIPLE social media platforms for targeted traffic … And turning more CLICKS into LEADS than EVER before possible!
This groundbreaking tech gets you VERIFIED email subscribers from both Facebook & Twitter. Lets you create retargeting audiences on the fly … Build messenger lists at the same time. AND redirect new subscribers to ANY URL for impulse sales.
The World’s First 300-in-1 Traffic App lets you:
Send High-Quality Buyer Traffic to ANY Link or Offer
Make Consistent Sales Every Day with FREE Traffic
Build a Massive List in ANY Market (To Sell To the Same People Over and Over Again)
Grow an Influencer-Level YouTube Channel and Social Media Following
Hit Affiliate Leaderboards Overnight (Cash Prizes and Clout!)
Never Pay For Traffic Again
So for every campaign, you’re creating 3 lists in one WHILE making sales!
Grow your email list to skyrocket conversions on your promos
Build retargeting audiences you can market to with dirt-cheap FB ads
And create unique Messenger lists that get EVERY one of your messages with a 100% delivery rate!
Best part? This software works whether you’re posting organically OR running paid ads – so you get the best results from BOTH free and paid traffic.
What Makes It Different? 3 things, really.
1st – the posts this software creates are really amazing. They stand out and get maximum attention – job #1 for social marketing.
2nd – the lead generation technology is INCREDIBLY slick. Every click on an image or carousel post gets you an email subscriber with VERIFIED contact info. Every COMMENT on a post gets you a Messenger lead, that you can market to and get 100% delivery rates.
3rd – this software is BUILT for conversions. You can filter new messenger leads into ‘interest groups’ based on their replies. Add new email leads to ANY list you want … Use the INCLUDED chatbot to run fully-automated messenger promo campaigns to turn new leads into buyers.
And create retargeting audiences from EVERY click on EVERY post … meaning this software maximizes your conversions from EVERY possible channel.
Ask yourself, can you afford to miss this ‘no brainer’ opportunity? At a tiny one time payment to access ParaMountZ, investing in software is a complete no brainer. I don’t need to “sell” it to you. The demo above does all of the talking…
Most web hosts cost more than that for a month and they don’t even give you any ability to instantly create wonderful high-performing websites like ParaMountZ does…
If you’re a marketer who invests in either web hosting, a Funnel builder, or a designer or a developer then you’re going to save a huge amount of money this year alone by investing today…
(ACT NOW AND SAVE) Click Here To Get at a Discounted Price!
Over several years, you’re going to be saving multiple-thousands of dollars.
Even if you’re yet to build your first website and simply have “plans” to start making it online in the future, you should grab this exclusive offer today. If you do, it means you never have to spend another penny on web development costs…
ParaMountZ enables you to build a beautiful website in seconds… Prior to creating ParaMountZ; Mosh and I spent thousands of dollars per month on web development. We were forever spending money on designers and coders for our landing pages, offers, and funnels…
That’s not to mention the hosting costs. But with ParaMountZ we can instantly create beautiful sales pages and landing pages in super-fast time, despite the fact we don’t have design or development expertise…
For a limited time, you can grab ParaMountZ with early bird discount price in these options below. Let’s pick the best suited options for you before this special offer gone!
Front-end: ParaMountZ ($17)
OTO 1: Limitless Edition ($19)
OTO 2: The Lazy Rich ($67)
OTO 3: Autonomous Luxury Edition ($29)
OTO 4: Robot Upgrade ($77)
OTO 5: DFY Store ($67)
OTO 6: Jericho Super Blaster ($39)
OTO 7: Click & Go ($29)
OTO 8: 1K Every Day ($19)
OTO 9: Reseller License ($29)
Thank you so much for reading my ParaMountZ Review. I really hope it did help you with your buying decision. This system is coming out with many bonuses for the early bird. Take your action ASAP for the best deal.
==> Read More Here: Don’t Miss Out Today’s Special Offer <==
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momentary-ecstasy · 5 years
Digital Tabletop RPG Reference
I know the vast majority of the world is being encouraged to stay home. It can be a struggle at time to isolate yourself in such a way and I know that a lot of Tabletop RPG groups have had to call a hiatus or move online. If you’re one of these people or you’re just looking to get into tabletop RPGs at this time, I’ve created a post of all the free and cheap things I can think of to get you started.
Roll20 - Roll20 is a platform with free and paid tier subscriptions. With the free subscription you can run games easily, import maps, create campaigns, and share sources you already have. All combat and movement views are top-down. The only drawbacks is if you would like to use the embedded resources in your games the source material can be a little pricey, but if you use it in conjunction with dndbeyond or just your paper materials it’s easy enough to accomplish
Tabletop Simulator - Tabletop Simulator is exactly how it sounds. It’s a virtual tabletop to play, not just RPGs, but generally any kind of tabletop game you can think of. There are extensive asset packs in the workshop to use with TTRPGs, as well as packs that allow you to play games like Betrayal at House on Haunted Hill and Gloomhaven which are pretty expensive irl. Tabletop Simulator is in the steam store right now for about $20. Unfortunately everyone in your group needs to have it in order to play. A workaround one of my groups found is for someone (usually the DM) to have it up and screenshare over discord.
Fantasy Grounds - Full disclosure, I haven’t used Fantasy Grounds personally. It’s just the things that usually comes up when looking for ways to play online. It does look easy to use and right now they’re having a sale. The demo version is free but only allowed 1 player and 1 GM. The standard edition is currently on sale for $9.75 for the year and the Ultimate edition for $89.40.
Astral Tabletop - Another online web app to play campaigns through. I don’t know much about it, but the important bit is that all paid features are free until April. It supports motion maps which is super nice for the GMs that want something extra.
Source Materials
Source materials are generally the most costly part of a campaign. I’ve tried to find the cheapest, quality TTRPGs materials possible.
Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition
Wizards of the Coast has the core rules on their site for free so you can get started without all the costs of books and supplements
dndbeyond - dndbeyond offers all 5e source material as well as tools for created and running a campaign. If someone in your party has a DM tier subscription, only one person has to buy the materials on the site and create a campaign to share with everyone else. Digitally the books are fairly cheap with the Player’s Handbook and the Dungeon Master Guide coming in at $30 each. Even if you don’t buy the materials from dndbeyond, the character sheet creator is absolutely worth the free account
Roll20 - the 5e content on roll20 is a little pricey, but if you decide to use roll20 for your campaign, this does make it easier to add loot and other equipment directly into the maps
Fate may be new to a lot of people, but it is the blankest of slates when it comes to TTRPGs. It can be adapted into any kind of established or homebrew world you can think of.
Evil Hat Productions is the publisher of Fate and has PDF versions of all of their TTRPG games. The Fate Accelerated Edition (a condensed version of Fate Core) is free in pdf form with a suggested pay-what-you-like rate of $2.50. The more in depth Fate Core System is free in pdf form with a suggested pay-what-you-like rate of $5. There are also various toolkits on the on their site to help you adapt Fate to the setting of your choice. 
Roll20 does a little better with pricing when it comes to FATE with the Fate Complete Bundle coming in at $20
Monster Hearts 2
Monster Hearts is a supernatural coming-of-age RPG as seen on Critical Role. It has a very simple rule set based on the Apocalypse World engine. It is available on the creator’s website for $10 with a discount code in the description for people who can’t afford that at this time. While you’re there check out The Quiet Year, a post-apocalyptic map game that only requires a deck of cards to play, available for pay-what-you-like.
Call of Cthulhu
A horror RPG set in the 1920s based on the works of the problematic progenitor of modern horror, HP Lovecraft.
Chaosium, who publishes CoC, has the Starter Set PDF for $9.99. This includes basic rules, a solo adventure, 5 character sheets, and 2 adventures for a Keeper (the GM), and their players. I have personally played the solo adventure and highly recommend it to get you familiar with the rules if CoC is what you’re looking at. the Keeper Rulebook ($27.95) and Investiator Handbook ($22.95) are both available in PDF forms on their site.
Roll20 also has a lot of CoC content that can be integrated into character sheets and actual gameplay on Roll20
Misc Resources
Maps - You can get free RPG maps at the r/dndmaps subreddit where users post their battle and realm maps creations. 2 Minute Tabletop also has a free section.
Dice Rollers - If you don’t have dice and don’t want to risk ordering them or going to find some right now there are several online dice rollers like the Wizards of the Coast dice roller and the embedded dice roller if you google ‘dice roller’. Most virtual RPG platforms have virtual dice rolling as well.
Minis - If you go the Tabletop Simulator route, you can import your own miniatures that you can render yourself or get from sites like thingiverse and myminifactory. They do have to be converted to obj files to import to Tabletop Simulator, but that can be done with a free program like blender.
Modules - If you want pre-made or homebrew adventures, items, and classes, check out DM’s Guild for Dungeons and Dragons and DriveThruRPG for all other systems
I will probably add more systems later, but this should be enough to get you started or at least point you in the right direction to start your quarantined tabletop adventures.
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waldo8gtcprb-blog · 4 years
Hiring A Magento Development Consultant
Magento is a very effective open source ecommerce platform which is used by countless merchants global. This technique is designed to be user-friendly plus the development team are making it excessively versatile. The primary goal of the designers behind Magento is always to offer simple to use shopping cart application that's as an easy task to setup that you can.
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In an ecommerce web site, there are numerous elements that need become incorporated and this is where the developers use a few software tools which can be predicated on Magento. Included in these are the Magento 2 References framework additionally the shopping cart application component that make the process of placing on the web sales simple. The most important areas of this framework are its shopping cart and payment gateway features. The shopping cart application enables the customer to put an order in an easy and intuitive way without the need to bother about entering credit cards number. A secure repayment gateway is another element which comes into play during the procedure of putting an order through a Magento web site. The gateway collects the details of client from various sources including a merchant account and then it redirects the customer towards the payment gateway. Magento provides a range of various themes making it super easy to produce a web page with appealing looks and attractive colours. Different themes also let the developers to modify the design associated with the site such that it gets the greatest appearance. Magento development services can be found by professionals who understand the needs and requirements of online retailers. They've a team of talented designers that will make sure that the web site looks appealing and functional at all times. Once the website is prepared for the launch, the designer will need to use the customer and get a feel of the way they prefer to utilize the site and how they wish to utilize products. These developers will then be able to offer suggestions for how they can help the customers to make their shopping easier. When there is a problem that the consumer is experiencing then they can resolve the problem with the aid of the tech support team team. These types of experts also provide a free demo which will enable the clients to experience the shopping cart software on a live web site. The developers is likewise in charge of ensuring that the website works with all the current browsers, plug-ins and extensions which can be being used. It is vital that the site works with with all the latest form of the operating-system. This way, the customers may use it seamlessly without the issues. It's also essential for the designers to possess an entire understanding of the options that come with Magento and exactly what can be included into the internet site to boost the functionality of this site. In this manner, customers will make probably the most of this site and be sure they can use the site constantly. It will always be best if you hire a developer that knows the needs of the client. This way, they can be sure that he is able to get the very best possible outcomes for his clients. A good thing about hiring a consultant for this specific purpose usually it is possible to find a consultant to fit your requirements. There are different facets that want become considered whenever employing a consultant to manage the designing of this website. These factors include the expertise that the individual has. Anyone must also be ready to accept new jobs because this is the way new some ideas are developed. The consultant also needs to be able to work in a team. Dealing with various teams simultaneously escalates the possibility for success. In this manner, there's a larger possibility of everybody within the company to be able to get the maximum benefit through the project. Additionally it is smart to result in the spending plan of this experts clear so there is absolutely no confusion regarding determining things to purchase. One of the best aspects of employing the services of a consultant is the fact that they supply many different tools which you can use for Magento development. In this way, the internet site designer need not depend on somebody else for the development of the site. The group of designers can work together to ensure that your website looks perfect and satisfies the precise needs regarding the consumer.
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lukerennerportfolio · 6 years
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Marketing is the art of establishing trust with a complete stranger and developing that trust until they hire you to solve their problems for them. In this way, the mission of marketing is to become a key source of success for your clients. You want everyone who implements your product into their company to get a promotion.
So how do you convert prospects into evangelists? How do you help your clients get promotions?
The short answer is to give away excellent information and provide a fantastic user experience from the moment a new visitor lands on your site until long after they become a customer.
Below is a checklist for getting this done. To be sure, there is a lot that goes into the construction of a marketing funnel. However, each can be huge assets for your company once you get them set up on your site and configured.
Um. So. What is a marketing funnel?
The marketing funnel is a visual representation of how a prospect learns more about your company and eventually makes a purchase. At the top, the funnel is nice and wide, representing the thousands of people who will come to your site looking for free information.
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Strangers at the Top of the Funnel need a different slate of content than say, Warm Leads, who are at the Bottom of the Funnel (BoFu) and are, therefore, ready to buy.
As a prospect moves through the funnel, they become increasingly excited to purchase your product. All of this happens automatically.
Top of the Funnel: Attract Strangers
When your potential customers, the strategy here is to bring as many people onto your website as possible. Here is how to do that: 
1. Social Media.
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Maintaining an online presence OUTSIDE of your website exposes people to your company who might not already know about you.  
✔ Establish and maintain a social media presence that includes: Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and Quora. 
2. Content.
As much as 90% of all traffic (and therefore damn-near all of your web-based customers) will come through Google. The best approach to content looks like a bike wheel. At the center is what’s called a Pillar Page.
A Pillar Page is comprehensive, longer than 5K words and serves as the ULTIMATE GUIDE to something that you are experts about. Due to the comprehensive nature of this content (5K words is super long), Pillar Pages should be continually updated as your subject matter expertise expands.
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On the outside of the wheel, regular blog posts reinforce the subject matter expertise that you establish with the Pillar Page but are shorter in length to support quick turnover.
The goal of these is to spray and pray tons and tons of keywords out onto the internet, creating a cluster of domain expertise that reminds people over and over how smart and helpful you are. 
Another goal of this content is for customers to move themselves through the sales journey.
Stay mindful of questions your customers are asking and then make sure you answer those questions on your site. These questions are what your future customers are googling to find you!
✔ Write a Pillar Page for every sector.
✔ Hire writers to continually pump out blog articles that establish your SME and answer customer questions before they think to ask them. 
3. Backlinks and PR.
If there are millions of content pieces across the internet how do you establish that your content is useful to the average Googler?
Well, just like all of us, Google is looking for Subject Matter Experts to recommend to their audience. To determine a website’s subject matter expertise (AKA Domain Authority in SEO speak), Google checks to see how many other websites are linking to us.
Right now, very few people probably link to you, but you can fake it ‘till you make it. 
✔ Convince Google you are Subject Matter Experts by establishing a network of backlinks that lead people from other sites to your own. This process can be done manually by paying other websites to provide a backlink.
✔ Retain a public relations officer to build relationships with other high domain authority sites, like major newspapers and publications. A link from the New York Times to your website could be worth tens of thousands in new business.
Middle of the Funnel: Build Trust
Once you have established trust with a new visitor, it is time to begin the process of (a) identifying if they are Sales Qualified and (b) getting them ready to buy. Note, there are two axes here. The customer must both be a good fit for your product and ready to buy. Here are the tools to qualify leads:
4. Landing/Squeeze Pages.
What’s the easiest way to determine whether someone is interested in what you have to offer? You sell it to them. Squeeze pages allow a visitor to “buy” useful industry-aligned content, using their email address as a payment method.
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This transaction gives your teams all sorts of data. For one, it tells you what types of content the prospect is interested in, which allows you to echolocate who they are, what industry they’re in, and how close they are to making a purchase.
The more specific and industry-focused your content at this stage, the better. It’s your chance to demonstrate you know a lot about their space, which is why industry experts are usually retained on a freelance basis to generate this content. 
✔ Build out a few landing pages to collect contact information.
✔ Offer precise industry-specific content to demonstrate that you are experts in the industry that you're trying to sell to. 
The question becomes, once you capture their email, what do you do with it?
5. Drip Campaigns
Most people think email is cheap. On the contrary, it is very expensive. The truth is, most people don’t want to be emailed. Like at all.  So if you send the wrong email to the wrong person at the wrong time, you'll never be able to email that person again.
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The bottom line is, your gentle nudging efforts have to be useful to the recipient. This is known as the Promotion Standard. Every email you send should give your prospect the info they need to get a promotion.
By the way, content that is informative and useful should not be saved for your email campaigns. All that is informative and useful should live on your site so Google will give you some focking credit for all that subject matter expertise. 
Primarily, email marketing is most successful when it is used to streamline conversations with prospects through automation. Examples of this are brief company overviews, invitations to book a demo, and automated follow-ups.  
✔ Build simple email automations that automate frequently-repeated sales correspondence.
Bottom of Funnel: Identify Hot Leads
6. Lead Scoring
Okay. So by this point, a visitor will know a lot about your company. They will have been on your site, looked at several different pieces of content, learned a little about you, and have a keen understanding of how your product will help them get a promotion. Someone from sales calls them up, ready to close the deal and — nothing.
Lead scoring is a system designed to automatically and with 100% accuracy identify who out of the thousands you are chatting with are ready to purchase your product.
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These “Sales Qualified Leads (SQL)” should be pushed to the sales team for final negotiations.
So what, exactly, qualifies a lead? That’s exactly the question you will have to answer as a team. Some factors will have to do with the steps the take on the site (10 visits to your pricing page is a good sign!) and others will be demographic (if Tim Cook fills out a form, you should probably call him right away!). 
✔ Establish the Criteria you will use to identify a SQL. 
Once your basic marketing funnel is established, you can either (a) build out other marketing funnels for different parts of your client-base or (b) continually refine your machine through optimization.
As you go forward, be mindful of the purpose of each part of the funnel and the audience it serves, and then use analytics to make changes that further help you achieve those goals:
TOFU: Maximize site traffic and built trust.
MOFU: Establish industry expertise and help people get promotions.
BOFU: Accurately identify who are the most likely to buy right away.
✔ Focus on increasing web traffic and conversions by running experiments and trying to identify alternative approaches that work better.
A Note About Advertising
The most important responsibility for marketers is to bring more eyeballs on your site and convert leads to sales via the efforts outlined above. By contrast, advertising offers a brute-force alternative to achieving a similar goal. In my opinion, most organizations turn to paid advertising too early. Dumping lighter fluid may get the fire started faster but it is more expensive in the long run. Better to use advertising at this point in the process — after your marketing machine is well-oiled and highly optimized.
✔ After several months of optimization, establish some paid advertising to scale and amplify previously optimized funnels.
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Hydraulic Torque Wrench
Square Drive type: Tritorc TSL series
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Tritorc’s Square Drive Hydraulic Torque Wrenches Cover a wide torque range from 108 Nm to 69247 Nm (80 Ft Lbs to 51073 Ft-Lbs) with 10 different models
The tool has aluminium alloy body construction
Weight of tools range from 1.8 kgs to 65 kgs (3.9 Lbs to 143 Lbs)
Vacuum heat treated components
Sizes of square drives available for the Hydraulic Torque Wrenches range from 0.75 Inch to 2.50 Inch (19.05 mm to 63.5 mm)
It is easy to use the tool:
Visible features:
A removable sheet metal chart with laser engraved torque rating in Nm and Ft-Lbs. 
The hydraulic hose line coupler features a swiveling arm with 3600 X 1800 freedom of movement even if the line is at full pressure
Engineers have designed the quick-connect couplers to be leak-resistant even under pressure.
The reaction arm is fitted on the splined shaft with a simple quick-release button allowing quick switch over while fastening and unfastening bolts.
There is a provision for a lifting handle to manually transport the tool and Eye Bolts are available for bigger tools.
The reaction boot is available in multiple colors and the hard-anodized tool body & reaction arm is scratch-proof.
Subtle features:
Quick push-through drive for ease of fastening and unfastening of bolts.
Finer ratchet and pawl for better engagement
The multi-tooth drive segment allows up to 320 of movement in the square drive for the complete movement of the piston.
The drive plate and connecting piston are connected by a rod that eases the piston movement. This rod can be removed during maintenance when the piston is fully retracted.
The piston rod is a hard chrome plated component, which makes sure that the rod seal does not wear out easily. 
The cylinder bore within which the piston moves is cold worked with a super finished surface for suitability in continuous operations for an extended time.
An overall stronger and more durable tool:
The reaction arm due to its fitting on a splined shaft is rigid during its operation and is thus suitable for heavy load application. The standard spline design has a torque effective length for exact Pitch circle diameter engagement of the reaction arm.
The reaction arm “boot” is made of an alloy steel 
The Endcap is designed to bear sufficient back pressure so that the piston operation is smooth and the forward force is applied properly.
The drive components are made of alloy steel and are heat treated in a controlled vacuum heat treatment process increasing their strength and durability.
The seals are designed to sustain high pressure and make this tool suitable for static and dynamic loading applications.
The body of the  Hydraulic Torque Wrench tool is made of machined high strength aerospace aluminium thus allowing it to be strong and light.
A versatile tool:
A quick response system for torques ranging from 108 Nm to 69247 Nm.
Cross compatibility with all Tritorc Power packs 
Several tool inserts like Square drive, Direct drive socket, Direct drive Allen socket, Hexagon socket, and Bi Hex Socket are available for a flexible use profile.
The splined shaft allows the fitting of an Extended reaction arm, Extended Reaction tube apart from the default reaction arm.
Trust gained from 32 years of Service to you
Up to 12 Months of warranty*
Free Technical Consultation and Demo
Reliable after-sales support
What are various drive types that come with the tool?
Answer: Several tool inserts like Square drive, Direct drive socket, Direct drive Allen socket, Hexagon socket, and Bi Hex Socket are available for a flexible use profile.
Is there any accessory apart from the reaction arm that is available with the tool?
Answer:  The splined shaft allows the fitting of an Extended reaction arm, Extended Reaction tube apart from the default reaction arm. The reaction arm is fitted on the splined shaft with a simple quick-release button allowing quick switch over while fastening and unfastening bolts.
How does Tritorc ensure that the components manufactured have high strength for the application desired?
Answer: The drive components of the  Hydraulic Torque Wrenches are made of alloy steel and are heat treated in a controlled vacuum heat treatment process thus increasing their strength and durability.
How does one lift the tool without having to hold the main body?
Answer: There is a provision for a lifting handle to manually transport the tool and eye bolts are available for bigger tools.
Is this available in different colors?
Answer: The reaction boot is available in multiple colors and the hard anodized body and reaction arm are scratch proof.
Technical Data
Square Drive
Min. Torque
Max. Torque
Min. Torque
Ft. Lbs.
Max. Torque
Ft. Lbs.
Tool Weight
Tool Weight
0 notes
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technonish · 3 years
Traffic 100K Review – Creates 100s of Viral Traffic Getting Videos In Mins
Traffic 100K Review – Introduction You know under this special circumstance; we have no better way to earn money rather than doing online business. As you know, if you want to do so, you need traffic – the key of any online entrepreneurs. Generating 100,000s of free traffic is a dream for most marketers. Yet truth is – 96% of the newbies quit Internet marketing because they couldn’t generate any traffic to their sites. While big celebrities, media houses, marketers with deep pockets are pulling in millions of free traffic from Facebook & Instagram using a little hack that’s impossible to replicate for people like us without a huge budget, team and time, I am here today to tell you a way easier and cheaper to do so, which thanks to “Traffic100k”.Traffic 100K Review – What is Traffic 100k? Traffic 100k is a software that literally helps you gain up to 100k traffics by legally stealing other people videos working just 15 min/day. This is fastest & easiest way to pull in 100,000s of visitors to your offers on complete automation! Follow me to explore more about this amazing software! Traffic 100k Review – Features and Benefit 📷 There are a plenty of features and countless benefits with Traffic 100k that I listed few of them as below:Done For You Templates: Save time and overthinking. Just select from our Professionally designed Templates that grabs attention and force people to watch and engage with your videos. Mass Edit All Videos In Just 1-Click: Thought you need to edit all videos one by one? Let your creative juices flow and then just click “APPLY TO ALL” and the changes will be applied to all videos at once. Edit/Modify Videos Individually: Select the drop-down menu and select any video you want to edit. Make changes and click Apply. That’s it. Add Amazing & Never Seen Before Effects With Ease: Fully customise your campaign with Images, Gifs, Text, Elements, Music. Just use our search function and get 100s of creatives in seconds. Design your campaigns to your heart content Add Video Progress Bar: Seen those viral videos with progress bars, they are super trendy and gives you authority status. Select color, adjust height and add progress bar to your videos easily. Add Captivating Subtitles: Forgot to unmute? Add subtitles to your videos and make sure people read and listen to your message. Upload a subtitle file or manually edit them Effortless Branding To All In 1-Click: Add intro & outros to all your videos in 1-click. Choose from text, image or video. Save tons and tons of time manually adding your intro, outro images, videos to individual videos. Edit Canvas & Video Dimension: We give you full freedom to select your own video and canvas dimensions so you are free to use it anywhere for any purpose instead of having just few pre-defined video ratios. Easy Multi-Layer Editing: Photoshop type multi-layer style editing so you can design and bring your video campaigns to life. Download Your Videos To Use Anywhere You Want: Download your videos, upload them, share them, anywhere you want. No restrictions. Add Description, Tags To All In 1-Click: Maximise your reach with videos. Add tags and description to your videos so they get maximum exposure. Just write tags and description for one and Apply To All In 1-click. Publish Instantly OR Schedule ALL For Months To Come: Schedule & Auto Publish Your Video Campaigns For Months Of Free Targeted Traffic & Peace Of Mind. Imagine creating 100s of videos using just few videos and schedule them for months in advance. Go Viral Instantly Without Guessing: People love “Traffic100k” kind of videos, they get huge attention, they get liked, commented and shared. Take inspiration from other viral campaigns and create your own inside our campaign editor. Commercial License Included: While everyone else are still posting old and boring videos. Help local business use their existing videos, convert them into Traffic100k and generate traffic and sales for them while charging them a handsome monthly fee. Traffic 100K Review – How does it work? There are only literally 3 steps to earn such
benefits from Traffic 100k:Step 1: Find/Upload a viral video in your niche Why record your own video, when you can just pick a video that’s already proven to go viral and work with it. Or add a link to your old video, webinar, demo video, explainer video or any video you want.Step 2: Turn it into 20 little videos, customise it, add your link Turn the same video into 20 little attention- grabbing, highly engaging videos in just a click, customise them all at once.Repeat it 5 times which takes roughly: 5min each and you have 100 videos ready to go out for the entire next few months.Step 3: Publish/ Schedule it for months, generate free traffic 24X7 Add your link and publish right way to Facebook and Instagram, or schedule for weeks and months. Keep generating traffic hands-free.Traffic 100K Review – My experience in using it? I’ve tried this software as a tester recently. I’m going to instruct you how to use this amazingly handy machine and make the most honest review for you.Pros and Cons📷 Pros:groundbreaking concept which brings unlimited traffic to any offer, page or link you want. get 100% free traffic from absolute scratch get better results from your paid ads gives you 20x more leads, traffic & sales from all your videos be up & running in 5 minutes from now and start driving free traffic fully automated – set it up and forget about it for months or work just 15 min/day works even if you have no experience, no tech skills. unlimited potential – works in any niche, any offer low 1-time price during launch period commercial license allowing you to re-sell these videos for high profitsusing other people videos legally easily turning few videos into 100s of videos unlimited content using high converting & engaging done for you templates scheduling everything for months or working just 15 minutes per day using my software without any tech or design skills & no experience… Cons:Haven’t found so far Who should buy it? Traffic 100k is definitely an awesome product for any ecommerce, especially for:Anyone who has an online business Anyone who wants to save more money Anyone who wants to 10x their online business. Anyone who wants to fulfill their dreams Price and Evaluation Below are the details of different options offered to purchase Traffic 100k. Check them out and pick up your favorite one:Front End ($17-$27)Turn any (even the oldest, lamest) video on the web into your own viral social micro videos Perfect for video ads, viral videos & hundreds of other video content types 20x existing results of any video Advanced video editing technology perfect for all types of videos Stupid simple visual interface Set & forget system Convert 1 video into multiple (upto 20) mico-videos in 1 click Mass edit all videos at once in 1-click 20 high converting done for your templates Add progress bars Add subtitles Add image, text, video intros & outros Add texts, gifs, images, music Resize video dimensions Resize canvas dimensions Fully newbie friendly & cloud based software Commercial rights included – use these videos for clients projects and charge them any fee 📷 OTO1 ($47)4x your traffic & income potential with the pro version. Create & download unlimited campaigns Schedule 100 campaigns per month (instead of 20) Add 10 fb/instagram accounts (instead of 5) 70 done for you templates (instead of 20) Auto-generate subtitles Save as template feature Commercial rights included – use these videos for clients projects and charge them any fee DOWNSELL ($37)Without Save As Template Feature📷 OTO2 ($47)Rank Simple Little Videos For multiple keywords at once on page #1 of Google & Youtube Makes them stay ranked for years using our “push technology” Lead generation system that collects, nurtures & emails leads for recurring & long term income Commercial License Included DOWNSELL ($37)Without Commercial License📷 OTO3 ($197-$297)Your each client will have access to features of traffic100k 50-250 accounts with our sales material for best conversions create accounts for your clients using your reseller dashboard in 1 click we’ll handle support
of your all clients low 1-time fee during the launch period 📷 Conclusion This is the end of my Traffic 100k Review. I hope that my article will lend you a hand in choosing the right tool for your business.Well, I bet that you want to own this product now. So, click the sales button now before the price goes up.Lastly, if you like this product, comment below and let me know!
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reddbuilder-review · 3 years
ReddBuilder Review & OTO, Demo, Bonuses
Reddit is now the 6th ranked most visited site and by far the most “viral” network. Yet, despite this network having over 500 million views per month, corporate businesses have struggled to “crack-the-Reddit-code” and run successful longterm lead generation campaigns there.
This is due to Redditors (or Reddit users) notorious disdain of big, pushy brands that aren’t interested in interacting with the Reddit community. That makes Reddit a traffic goldmine for small to medium-sized businesses who are willing to follow the rules and add value to the platform.
But as of today, there hasn’t been any true, solid training and robust Reddit API based tools created for marketers to help them automate Reddit traffic and save time while not making them come off as just another annoying marketer. Until now, I have found a solution. What is it? Let’s check all the details in my ReddBuilder Review below!
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This is your opportunity to have your very own 100% AUTOMATED affiliate site pre-loaded with traffic-pulling content auto-generated using trending content on REDDIT! This often-overlooked social platform is the 10th most visited site in the US and it’s used by our software as a source of auto-generated content AND free traffic.
ReddBuilder is a WordPress plugin that builds 100% automated profitable sites using Reddit as a source of auto-generated content and unlimited free traffic. These sites generate profits from affiliate links placed inside the content and banner ads.
The sites come with a UNIQUE content generator. The built-in Text Spinner Support lets you create readable grammatically-correct articles that rank high in Google and other search engines.
ReddBuilder is 100% beginner friendly. Users simply need to install the plugin, pick a keyword for their content, enter their affiliate links and hit a button. And with free unlimited content & traffic from 2.6+ Million subreddits (Reddit categories), even a complete newbie can build a profitable site in ANY niche right away.
Automated Fresh Content With YOUR Affiliate Links: Build CONTENT-HEAVY sites with unique human-readable posts capable of ranking high in Google and other search engines. Your sites can be auto-filled with fresh traffic-generating content daily.
FREE Traffic From Search Engines: Fresh content allows you to rank higher in search engines & pull unlimited FREE traffic every day. Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. love sites with lots of posts.
Turn Traffic Into Profits: Your sites can earn affiliate commission from Clickbank or any affiliate program you can find and generate ad revenue from banner ads. Additionally, you can use your site to generate leads. It’s up to you!
ReddBuilder is the first all-in-one solution for getting passive traffic and leads from Reddit while simultaneously protecting the user’s Reddit reputation.
It’s a groundbreaking solution that finally ‘cracks-the-code’ for passive traffic and leads from Reddit in any niche, while simultaneously protects users Reddit reputation & Reddit ‘Karma’… & has some major results already including 5464 targeted visitors & leads from 100% scratch.
It consists of two parts:
First, the “ReddBuilder Traffic Training” system which walks users through a step-by-step system of leveraging Reddit successful for their business. This is based off real world results.
Part 2, the ReddBuilder Cloud App is an easy-to-use cloud software that will helps automate what you’ll learn in the training.
And that’s not all, the first 50 people will also be getting an additional module which is the first Reddit all-in-one automation cloud solution that can do keyword tracking and email notification for fast “pockets” of traffic,…
This bonus module helps you to tell users what to post for maximum traffic, create posting schedules to specific subreddits, tell you when the best time to post is, do Karma analytics tracking and growth, and far more.
Don’t hesitate to check the next parts of this ReddBuilder Review as I’ll show you how powerful it is!
Vendor Igor Burban Product ReddBuilder Launch Date 2021-Aug-11 Launch Time 10:00 EST Front-End Price $17 Bonuses >> CHECK MY ULTIMATE HUGE BONUSES << Refund YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee Product Type WordPress Plugin Support Effective Response Discount >> GET THE BEST DISCOUNT HERE << Recommended Highly Recommended Skill Level Needed All Levels
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Igor Burban is the founder of igorsoftware.com. He is well known as one of the best software providers on Jvzoo. What I like about him is that his products always come with high quality and cheapest price.
For the past few years, he sold thousands of great products such as: Video Site Maker, Buildzy, WP Content Factory, etc. Now, let’s look at the next part of this ReddBuilder Review and find out its features.
It’s is divided into two parts, a step-by-step training program and groundbreaking automation software.
ReddBuilder is the first “all-in-one” software to help automate traffic and leads from Reddit while fully using the Reddit API. It’s the first to allow keyword alerts, scheduling, Karma analytics, and many more powerful features to help users safely get results and build long-term brands.
Here’s what’s included in the main version:
COMPLETE automated Money-Making Sitespromoting affiliate products and profiting with banner ads.
100% Beginner Friendly– literally, install the plugin, pick a topic for your site and have it built in minutes! No list, no paid traffic, no experience needed.
1,000s Of New Posts– automatically add fresh content to your site as often as you like: from once every 24 hours to EVERY 5 MINUTES!
Content For ANY NICHE– simply enter a keyword and let the plugin find and add trending content to your blog. Comes with the ability to import Reddit comments as WordPress comments.
FREE Unlimited Traffic– get unlimited visitors from Reddit by automatically making Reddit posts and comments + pull in free traffic from search engines.
Turn ANY KEYWORD– inside the content into your affiliate link from ANY affiliate NETWORK.
UNIQUE Content– with the help of built-in Text Spinner Support.
150 Languages– automatically translate your new content to 150 languages and enjoy free traffic + earnings form AROUND THE WORLD.
Works With ANY THEME– the plugin is made to work with any WordPress theme. Don’t have a favorite one? Use our built in theme to get started asap.
PROVEN System– developed and modeled after super-successful sites that leverage existing content.
WordPress Software– build FLEXIBLE sites on the most popular content management software. Enjoy full control and add new features with thousands of free plugins.
100% Customizable– add your keywords to make your site about ANY TOPIC or NICHE you wish. Works with ALL 2.6+ Million subreddits (Reddit categories).
Á I said, the first 50 people will also be getting these additional modules:
Reddit Keyword Alerts and Email Notifications to Drive Traffic
Have ReddBuilder comb through threads and comments on multiple subreddits for any keyword and notify you via email when that keyword is posted. You can instantly reply to the thread/comment with a link to your content for quick pockets of traffic.
Know Exactly When to Post for the Most Traffic
Enter any subreddit and ReddBuilder will instantly tell you the times and days of the week you need to post in it for most traffic with less work possible. Expert Reddit users know each subreddit has a specific time most of it’s users come online so you need to be posting then for results.
Schedule Posts and Links to Specific Subreddits
Build scheduling lists of text posts, link posts, or video posts to any subreddit you want and get an email reminder when it’s time to post (only software on the market that can do this!)
Find and Schedule Relevant Viral Videos
Combine the power of viral video and the world’s most viral network! Search YouTube or Facebook for relevant videos to post to any subreddit you wish. Use this to build up your Reddit ‘Karma’, drive traffic, and more.
Let ReddBuilder Tell You What’s Driving Traffic
Create an archive using the ReddBuilder Chrome browser extension of popular subreddits, posts, comments, users, and more. Always have a fresh list of proven, viral content to post on a regular basis.
Build and Track Comment Karma and Post Karma
Make sure your Reddit “Karma” is high at all times so your scheduled posts and videos are guaranteed to get tons views and avoid getting down-voted.
Add Multiple Reddit Accounts and Commerical License
Perfect for niche marketing in many different niches and essential for agencies who want to create and manage Reddit accounts for clients..
Research Hot Subreddits
Not sure what subreddit to be tracking, analyzing, and posting to? Use the ReddBuilder “Research” tab to find the most relevant and unsaturated subreddits in your niche.
and more!
The end user will get both the training and all the features on the front-end, guaranteeing them results and a great experience if they just put in a little effort.
Because The creators want you to get massive results with this software, they’ve including a detailed training in 9 modules and HD video on how to correctly begin marketing on Reddit. A few things covered include:
Their proven Reddit funnel — once you set this up, you can potentially your conversions using this simple “viral” funnel.
Find the easiest subteddits for big traffic — including the special tools and tricks for finding subreddits that rake dead easy traffic and red-hot leads from Reddit
How to really “go viral” on Reddit with video — see how you can get featured on the homepage and across the web for more traffic.
Avoid the “spam trap” — discover how they easily blend-in to the subreddit communities and avoid being labeled as a spammer or typical marketer, but still able to build a list and make sales day after day!
Reddit PPC – leverage Reddit’s largely unsaturated PPC network to get thousands of views potentially with pennies on the dollar.
Automated traffic tricks — see how they completely automate lead generation and traffic from Reddit, and shave hours off each day.
PLUS way more with hd videos, downloadable audio, resources, pdfs, and more. Then, you will get the first “all-in-one” innovative solution to automate the info and put Reddit marketing on autopilot with:
As I said, Reddit is where viral content is born. Reddit users hate corporate brands, making it the perfect ‘gold mine’ to get traffic for small-medium size biz. However, there hasn’t been any true training or robust ‘all-in-one’ tools that use Reddit’s API safely, until today.
I don’t need to tell you local (& online) businesses are desperate for traffic, now. They’re tired of being bombarded by the same boring SEO, video, and agency agency solicitors and are desperate to try something NEW… Today, you can offer them just that & make some significant money for your agency.
People Do Billions Of Keyword Searches Every Day… but only sites with a lot of fresh content get rewarded with FREE traffic from Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.
And NO, you don’t need to be a writer, manually create content for hours or even open your laptop every day. Anyone can fill their sites with traffic-pulling content with the help of
In face, I never thought that Reddit had so much potential of driving traffic for my online business. However, after trying ReddBuilder, I was very wrong. I think that it is the best lead generation tool for Reddit and maybe in general right now.
It is very easy to use, especially with keywords on specific subreddits, communities and threads. The UI was very pleasant and did not lead to any frustration from me.
I tested ReddBuilder and it has literally helped me within a few days get consistent traffic to my blog. Reddit really is a goldmine if you know what you’re doing and ReddBuilder combined with the training gives you everything you need to succeed. After trying this product for a week as a beta tester, I noticed the following key points:
100% Whitehat and Approved: ReddBuilder is a 100% whitehat Reddit app that fully uses Reddit’s API. Your Reddit accounts are fully safe when using ReddBuilder.
Established and Tested Product: With many beta tests and months in research and development, ReddBuilder is a surefire tool for getting fast, free traffic from Reddit, in any niche!
Auto-Build Sites With Trending Content: Automatically fill your sites with 100% automated  content. You’ll never have to write a single line of text or create any videos yourself!
Unlimited Traffic From Search & Social: By ranking high in popular search engines and going viral on Facebook, Twitter, etc., you’ll get all the FREE traffic you need. No more paying for ads or worrying about SEO.
Profit From FREE Traffic: Instead of spending hours of your own time writing articles or making videos, mass-produce fresh content fast and drive tons of profitable traffic to your sites.
And that’s not all, with tons of the great bonuses, you can finally make your agency stand out with a valuable unique offer by:
Charge monthly to get traffic from their Reddit ID (there’s tons of subreddits in many different niches for multiple biz opportunities)
Charging as a Reddit traffic consultant from info you’ll learn in the training
Charging per Reddit post scheduled using the app
Charge per lead sent from Reddit to the business
& more.
In short, it is not only is a true innovative solution, but will actually help you with one of the toughest problems you’re facing now, getting traffic and leads. Let’s take a minute to recap the huge benefits come up with:
Automatically find and post awesome content Reddit users will love
Create schedules of posts for maximum traffic
Track your Karma points to protect your reputation
Use multiple IDs for different niches and businesses
You will be getting the vendor’s greatest bonuses for your fast action (and also my ultimate huge bonuses at the last section of this ReddBuilder Review):
Get Started In 3 Easy Steps. It’s Your Fast Lane To 100% Automated Money Making Sites
STEP #1: Connect your site to Reddit
Download the plugin and install it on to your site. Sign-in to your reddit account and connect your website with it!
STEP #2: Pick A Topic For Your Site
Now you’re ready to line up some content for your site. Simply point the plugin to videos, news and niches that you want your sites to focus on.
STEP #3: Monetize Your Site With Video Ads, Banners & Affiliate Offers
Use the built-in advertising integration and profit with pre-roll video ads, banners or any affiliate program including Amazon, eBay, Clickbank & more.
Everyone Can Benefit from ReddBuilder and Reddit Now:
Offline Marketers: There are tons of B2B niches and leads on Reddit, plus ReddBuilder comes with Commercial Rights to use as a service or charge per lead sent with the app.
Video Marketers: ReddBuilder is the first to find trending videos and help schedule them at the most optimal times (including their own videos).. Plus, use the keyword alerts to send people YOUR videos for easy traffic.
Social Marketers: Instead of competing on oversaturated Facebook with big brands and getting frustrated, it’s hard NOT to get traffic from Reddit using the training and software. Build a brand far cheaper and easier.
MMO: The training and app allow users to get continuous hits of targeted traffic from tons of hyper niche-focused subreddits. Perfect for promoting affiliate products or CPA offers w/out coming off as a typical marketer.
For a limited time, you can grab ReddBuilder with early bird discount price in these options below. Let’s pick the best suited options for you before this special offer gone!
Front-end: ReddBuilder ($17)
Money-making sites with auto-generated content & traffic from Reddit (1 OR 10 sites license)
OTO 1: PRO Edition $37
PRO version with unlimited sites lic., extra content sources & commercial rights. PRO version comes with:
Unlimited sites license (FE only allows up to 10 sites)
Automatically curate NEWS from hundreds of popular news sources and more than 700 RSS feeds
Auto-Generate WordPress posts by transcribing videos from YouTube and Dailymotion
Commercial rights: create and sell sites to clients or on platforms like Flippa.
OTO 2: Premium Edition $47
Premium: 1K+ RSS sources, 5 WP themes + rights to rebrand & resell (100% access to the code). ReddBuilder Premium comes with following features:
Generate even MORE CONTENT by using 1000+ RSS feed sources.
5 Additional Premium WordPress Themes
REBRAND and RESELL the plugin to your customers (you’ll get 100% access to the code)
OTO 3: Done for you Edition $67
We’ll set up 10 websites complete with content + buyers will get 2 additional WP themes. We’ll set up 10 websites for buyers. Sites will be complete with content. We’ll also include 2 additional premium WP themes and essential plugins.
OTO 4: Whitelabel License $147-$247
Two options: 50 or unlimited accounts
Full White Label Rights + White Label Panel
Upload Your Logo, Your Brand, Your Custom Domain etc.
Sell As Your Own Software Solution
Start Your Own ReddBuilder Software Agency
Keep All Profits & Much More
Thank you so much for reading my ReddBuilder Review! I really hope it did help you with your buying decision. This system is coming out with many bonuses for the early bird. Take your action ASAP for the best deal.
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meireviewproduct · 3 years
Home: https://mei-review.com/overnight-commissions-review/
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Dear online sponsors out there,
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It's time you ignore the wide extent of various things and put your focus into a direct shown way that is at present working for genuine people like you. Whether or not you've never acquired a specific penny on the web or have zero snippet of data what to do, this is absolutle the best response for you. I will familiarize with you a thing called OVERNIGHT COMMISSIONS
In addition, the name proposes each clearly irrelevant knowledge in regards to it, you will be seeing OVERNIGHT COMMISSIONS with this showed system with no theory or progress, just outcomes on your total first day
What's new with This Product?
Overnight Commissions is the most quick structure at whatever point made and tried to offer real advantage to your customers and enhancing it for you to get bargains on the web. This system is made so it is repeatable and fit to be done by any person who uses it present second.
This cycle is mind dead easy to set up, this thing will walk you through everything, slowly with a planned video course included and brief assitance pack.
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