#Super Sentai Artisan
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reversemoon255 · 5 years ago
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Super Sentai Artisan Shinken-Oh
I’ve alluded to it before, but Samurai Sentai Shinkenger was the first season of Super Sentai I ever watched. I stopped watching Power Rangers about half-way through Mystic Force. It’s not that I wasn’t enjoying the show anymore or had grown out of it, but as a teenager sleeping in late on Saturdays trumped getting up early to watch cartoons and such. On a related note, I had this one girl in my Sophomore English class who came in every day before the bell with a story, and one day she came in saying there wasn’t going to be a next season of Power Rangers because the theme from the source material was too Japanese. We all know now that that wasn’t the actual reason, but at the time I was insanely curious and looked it up online.
And of course that series was Shinkenger, and if you’ve ever seen it you’d know it’s a very good series (or at least I enjoyed it). I was immediately pulled back in, and thanks to the crossover episodes with Kamen Rider Decade I discovered Riders as well. When Goseiger started, despite its more childish nature and green agenda I still enjoyed it, and over 10 years later I’m still watching the show, checking out the toys on both sides of the pond, and reading the comics.
The Good: The SSA version of Shinken-Oh is built off the original DX toy, but with a high level of spit and polish. Several plastic parts have been replaced with Diecast ones, most notably in Shishi Origami. There are enough transformation joints in weird places to get the toy into a few poses, including a thigh swivel. It comes with two different colored swords, its Hi-Den Disk Shield, and adapters to attach the sword to the waist and stack the non-leader Origami together like that one time. They even have the correct kanji for each Origami on them to make it easy.
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I’m surprised by how much I like this toy. I think it has something to do with the two alternate modes, just like with Jyuohger. It’s like each toy is an individual puzzle that come together into a greater one, and that definitely adds to my enjoyment. I only wish the rest of the line was like that.
The Bad: All my complaints are very minor, but mostly align with either release from what I’ve seen. Firstly, the shield is always free-spinning, and I wish there was some way to lock in in place to display it better. And there are a few places where things like to slide and flip around very loosely until you get that one lock into place. This is in reference to the Kuma Origiami and Shinken-Oh’s head.
The only other worry I have is that this release is heavily painted and chromed. I'm concerned about eventual scuffs and chips, especially on the kanji since that’s a huge part of this toy’s visual identity.
Overall, this toy is fantastic and I’m glad I waited for the SSA version rather than settling for the DX one, if only for the hat. If you’re interested in this version, this is the first one I’d seen not immediately sold out since I started looking in March. You’re going to have to be patient if you don’t want to pay eBay scalper mark-ups.
The only other Origami I’m interested in is Kyoryu (the big sword), which is another hard find I have alerts for. After that, it’s on to Go-Onger... where, again, I’m only looking for the Q1 and the movie toy. While I think it’s cool both seasons can pull off a Q1-4, being the first to do so since Hurricaneger initiated the idea, and going one step further without the use of a Carrierzord, their combinations are comically messy. Maybe if I find them on the cheap...
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tokupedia · 6 years ago
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ryansbedroom · 7 years ago
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Bandai Super Sentai Artisan Dairenoh is 100% compatible with original 1993 Wontiger!
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biomic · 4 years ago
we gotta start a petition to get the super sentai artisan line back in gear. they haven't released anything since the megaranger changers in 2018-2019. those super minipla mechas they do now won't cut it.
you're kinda blowing my mind rn bc i had no idea they did a new digitaizer release
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fighterxaos · 8 years ago
Premium Bandai has updated with an official preorder page for Super Sentai Artisan Dairen’oh.  While the toy itself is heavily based on the original DX toy that was released during the run of Gosei Sentai Dairanger, this version features some major differences.  The SSA Dairen’oh will feature die-cast parts and the details that were once stickers are now fully painted.  The Mecha will also feature newly added articulation in both the neck and wrists.
Super Sentai Artisan Dairen’oh will include:
Mythical Chi Beast RyuseiOh
Mythical Chi Beast Star-Houou
Mythical Chi Beast Star-Jishi
Mythical Chi Beast Star-Tenma
Mythical Chi Beast Star-Kirin
Flying Dragon Rod
Mask (Attack Ver.)
Alternate fist (Heavenly Great Windmill ver.)
5 mini-figures
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Currently preorders are not yet open for this item, however they have revealed it will be opening shortly. Super Sentai Artisan Dairen’oh will be priced at 23,760 yen and will release next March. Those who are interested should contact their preferred middleman for more details.
Source: Premium Bandai
Official Images: Super Sentai Artisan DX Dairen’oh
Premium Bandai has updated with an official preorder page for Super Sentai Artisan Dairen’oh.  While the toy itself is heavily based on the original DX toy that was released during the run of 
Official Images: Super Sentai Artisan DX Dairen’oh Premium Bandai has updated with an official preorder page for Super Sentai Artisan Dairen'oh.  While the toy itself is heavily based on the original DX toy that was released during the run of 
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veeranger · 4 years ago
the next thing bandai needs to is release a full sized version of the ranger key treasure chest and bring back the super sentai artisan line (daddy needs a 30th/20th anniversary cross changer/g-phone)
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blackpoliglota · 5 years ago
Gettin’ that Duolingo Podcast Fever
Who here uses Duolingo?  Y’all ever get those emails with the subject “You made Duo sad” or something?  Well look here: I can tell y’all for a FACT that I won’t be receiving those emails anymore, now that Duolingo has stepped up its game with their podcasts!  
They have their own comprehension and discussion questions now... ON A WHOLE GOOGLE DOC, LIKE WHAAAAA!?  Seriously you guys, go check it out here!  
Okay, it may just be me who is just finding this out... regardless, to celebrate this little discovery I’m going to use one of Duolingo’s French Podcast episodes for this post.  The episode I’ll be working with is Season 1 Episode 5: “Le paysan (The Countryman)”.  In case you haven’t noticed, the very first link you (may or may not have) clicked on brings you to the questions for this exact podcast episode.  And here’s the link to the podcast transcript if you’d like to see it in your web browser.  For the sake of going over vocabulary pour moi, I have pasted the French parts of the transcript below under “Keep Reading” and emphasized the words I don’t know.  Without further ado, avec la liste de vocabulaire (in which there’s A LOT of words, lol), allons-y!!
Cultiver - To grow / cultivate
Se battre - To fight (one another)
Rouler à vélo - To ride a bike
Justifier - to justify
Empêcher - To prevent / avoid
Emmener - To transport / lead / carry
Respecter - To respect
Stopper = (Anglicisme) Arrêter
Bouger - To move (changer de position)
Pointer - To point / aim
Risquer - To put at risk
Agir - To act / behave
Héberger - To accommodate / host
Échapper à- To escape from
**Tuer - To kill
Quartier - Neighborhood / quarters / district
Cabane dans les arbres - Tree-house
Île - Island
La Fermeture - Closure
Prêtre - Priest
Extrême-droite - Extreme-Right
Néo-fasciste - Neo Fascist
Montée (d’adrénaline) - Rise / climb / assent
La montre - Watch
Façon - Way / manner
Le toit des trains - The train roofs
Précipice - Chasm / abyss / precipice
Garde à vue - Detention / custody
Geste - Gesture (action) / movement
Une centaine - A 100
Arme à feu - Gun
Demandeur d’asile - Asylum-seeker
Squat =  Lieu occupé illégalement  
Reportage - Report (news)
Menace - Threat
Valeur - Moral / value / worth / validity
Le délit - Crime
La devise - Motto / slogan
Migrant sans-papier - Illegal immigrant
Complice de meurtre - Murder accomplice
Allers-retours - Round-trips
Vers - Towards
Environ - Around (estimate)
Autour (de) - Around (localization)
**En plus de - Besides
Jusqu’à - Until / up to / to / till
Géant(e) - Giant / enormous / (Familiar): awesome / super
Sain - Healthy / well
Sauf - Safe
Adaptée - Suitable / appropriate
Brusque - Abrupt / sudden / terse
Sûr - Sure / certain
Choquant - Shocking / appalling
Tué - Dead / killed
Marqué - Marked / shown / indicated
À mon avis - In my opinion
Surtout - Especially / above all / mainly / most importantly
Au milieu - Amid
De plus en plus (de) - increasingly / incrementally
En chemin - On the way / en route
En bas - On the bottom/1st floor
Par terre - On the floor
Partout - Everywhere / all
En tenue - In uniform
En ligne - Online
“Je n’y arrive plus (...)” - “I can’t even...”
“C’est-à-dire” - “That is to say”
BUT this is what I’ll be working on during this weekend/quarantine period.  This, and plenty of other material that i’ll hopefully post soon too!  Hope you guys learned something from this post!  Praying that you all are staying safe out there and practicing proper hygiene... YOU BETTER BE 👀 👀 👀
Click here for study materials for this episode.
Cédric: Je me sentais responsable. Je devais aider. À mon avis, un paysan doit être responsable de son territoire. Je devais surtout aider la Vallée de la Roya, parce que c’est un espace public.
Cédric: Même si ce n’est pas très confortable, tout le monde se sent bien ici. On ne pose pas de questions aux gens sur leur passé. Ma principale motivation, c’est l’intégrité et la reconnaissance de tous. Ce sont des personnes, pas des « migrants ».
Cédric: Je m’appelle Cédric Herrou. J’ai 40 ans. Je cultive 350 oliviers dans la vallée de la Roya, dans le sud-est de la France, à quinze minutes en voiture de l’Italie.
Cédric: Je préfère « paysan » parce que j’appartiens à la terre. Il y a un deal entre la terre et moi. Pour moi, un paysan c’est quelqu’un qui ne fait pas beaucoup, mais qui est pragmatique. Je développe un mode de vie simple, indépendant, dans la nature.
Cédric: On formait des groupes de jeunes, pour protéger notre territoire, notre quartier, notre identité. J’ai appris à me battre. J’ai vite compris que le reste de la société allait toujours nous condamner parce que nous venions de l’Ariane. Même moi, un blanc, je sentais que les gens qui représentent la « vraie France » ne m’acceptaient pas.
Cédric: Alors souvent, je n’allais pas à l’école. Je roulais à vélo, je faisais des cabanes dans les arbres. Aujourd'hui, mon rêve est devenu une réalité : je vis dans une cabane géante, au milieu des arbres.
Cédric: On voit que c’est pauvre, artisanal, avec des imperfections. On a l’impression d’être sur une île, comme Robinson Crusoé. On est loin de tout, mais aussi au milieu de tout.
Cédric: Officiellement, on justifie la fermeture des frontières comme une mesure anti-terroriste. Le gouvernement ne dit pas que c’est pour empêcher l’immigration. Mais la vraie raison est anti-migratoire.
Cédric: De plus en plus de personnes essaient de passer en France. Et je vois que de plus en plus de policiers viennent dans la région.
Cédric: Deux parents et leurs enfants. Je les emmène avec moi, ils ne parlent pas français.
Cédric: J’arrive à comprendre qu'ils veulent aller à la gare dans le village près de chez moi. Je les emmène. On ne parle pas la même langue, mais nous nous entendons bien. Je commence à comprendre leur situation.
Cédric: Ils n’arrivent pas jusqu’à Nice. La police vérifie leur identité et les arrête en chemin.
Cédric: Ils m’appellent et me disent : « On est à Vintimille, dans une église, l'église San Antonio ». Le responsable de l’église s’appelle Don Rito. C’est un prêtre colombien. Il a ouvert les portes de son église pour les plus fragiles, les familles, les femmes, les enfants. Je pars à Vintimille pour retrouver cette famille et les emmener quelque part.
Cédric: Ça doit être très difficile pour eux. Quand on est petit, on regarde ses parents comme s’ils pouvaient tout faire, comme s’ils pouvaient s'occuper de nous. Et là, les parents sont bloqués, sans pouvoir décider de leur futur. J'ai de la sympathie pour les parents. Quand je les regarde, je vois leur confusion, et leur honte.
Cédric: Je dois les aider à partir de ce lieu sains et saufs. Ici, les policiers ne respectent pas le droit. Ils arrêtent les gens et les renvoient en Italie. Ici, il y a beaucoup de personnes d’extrême-droite, de néo-fascistes. Donc, on essaie d’envoyer les gens vers d’autres départements.
Cédric: Je sais très bien comment aider les gens à passer. Nous sommes très bien organisés. À chaque passage, il faut éviter la police, prendre une décision très vite… J’aime cette énergie et cette montée d'adrénaline.
Cédric: J'entends leur sirène. Ils me forcent à stopper le véhicule. Ils me disent : « Ne bouge pas ! Montre-nous tes mains ! » Ils pointent une arme vers moi. Je leur dis : « Il y a des enfants à l'intérieur ! On n'a pas d'armes ! »
Cédric: Bien sûr, ils prennent mon téléphone, ma montre. Ils cherchent la méthode la plus adaptée pour me faire parler. La méthode brusque. Les deux policiers qui jouent les rôles du méchant et du gentil. Pendant cette première garde à vue, j'ai peur.
Cédric: Je dis clairement pourquoi je le fais : « J'habite dans cette vallée, et en bas de chez moi, je vois des personnes, des enfants, qui risquent leur vie. Je les emmène pour les protéger, pour qu’ils gardent leur intégrité, leur dignité. »
Cédric: Alors, parce que je suis assez sûr de moi, je continue de transporter des personnes.
Cédric: Je comprends de plus en plus que l'État français agit de façon illégale. Et je suis horrifié. Obliger des familles à se mettre en danger pour des raisons politiques, je trouve ça absurde et choquant. Les gens essaient toujours de venir en France, même s’ils risquent leur vie.
Cédric: Des migrants sont électrocutés sur le toit des trains. Ils sont tués par des voitures. Ils tombent dans des précipices. Il y a aussi des personnes qui sont mortes, mais qui n’ont pas été identifiées.
Cédric: Voir cette scène, c’est ce qui m’a le plus marqué. Je ne connaissais pas cette fille. Après la mort de Milet, je me suis dit : « OK, maintenant je m’engage complètement. Je dois faire quelque chose. »
Cédric: Ils sont de plus en plus nombreux. Je ne sais pas quoi faire, on n’a pas le nécessaire pour tout le monde. Un matin, je me lève. Il pleut. Je vois, à l’extérieur, environ 80 personnes autour de ma maison. Ils ont dormi sous la pluie, par terre. Je me dis : « C'est pas possible. » Je n’y arrive plus.
Cédric: Les gens dorment par terre, sur le toit, partout, partout. Ils cuisinent tous sans s'arrêter. Ils recommencent à faire des gestes simples. Par exemple, préparer de la nourriture pour leurs enfants, ou décider de l’heure du repas. Ils retrouvent leur dignité.
Cédric: Je comprends que chacun le fait pour des raisons différentes. Parfois, aider les autres, c’est compliqué. Il y a des limites. Mais à un moment, une centaine de personnes m'aident concrètement. Ils hébergent des gens chez eux.
Cédric: Ils entrent en tenue de protection, avec des grosses armes à feu. Comme s'ils entraient chez un terroriste.
Cédric: Je dors deux heures par nuit, je suis si fatigué que je ne me rappelle plus ce que j'ai fait le matin même. Je passe mon temps à faire des allers-retours en voiture vers Nice et Marseille. Je n'arrive plus à réfléchir. Je ne sais plus quoi faire. Je dis à Lucile : « Il faut qu'on arrête. »
Cédric: C'est illégal d'arrêter et d'expulser des demandeurs d'asile. C'est illégal de renvoyer des mineurs isolés, séparés de leurs parents. C'est grave. Ce sont des enfants qui essayent d’échapper à la guerre.
Cédric: Ce squat, c'est une action politique. On veut que l’��tat s’occupe des mineurs qui sont seuls et des demandeurs d'asile. On veut le respect de la loi, tout simplement.
Cédric: L’évacuation se passe dans le calme. Un bus arrive et prend tous les jeunes. L'Aide sociale à l'enfance s’occupe d’eux.
Cédric: Moi, je dis que je suis fier. J’ai aidé 200 personnes à passer la frontière. Mais je suis arrêté. Ce squat est à l'origine du procès que tout le monde connaît.
Cédric: Les reportages m'ont aidé, mais ça peut être dangereux aussi. Des menaces racistes arrivent, des messages envoyés en ligne et des lettres écrites à la main… Je comprends tout de suite que cela vient des groupes d'extrême-droite, qui sont nombreux dans les Alpes-Maritimes.
Cédric: C’est-à-dire qu’aider les autres devient un crime. Malheureusement, c’est devenu de plus en plus fréquent ces dernières années.
Cédric: Des visiteurs viennent ici pour une certaine image de la France. La France, c’est le pays des droits de l'homme. Nous avons des valeurs à défendre.
Cédric: C'est une victoire, et je suis libre. Mais ce n'est pas fini.
Cédric: J'ai le droit de poser une question au Conseil Constitutionnel : « Est-ce que le délit de solidarité n’est pas contradictoire avec nos valeurs républicaines ? Après tout, elles sont basées sur la devise française — Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité — notamment le mot “fraternité”. »
Cédric: Le Conseil Constitutionnel répond favorablement ! C'est formidable ! Cela signifie : on ne peut pas incriminer des personnes qui transportent des gens sur le territoire français, même des migrants sans-papiers.
Cédric: Aujourd'hui, les jeunes sont moins systématiquement renvoyés en Italie. Et c'est en partie grâce à nous.
Cédric: Expulser les gens qui aujourd'hui voudraient venir chez nous, c'est être complice de meurtre. Les gens meurent en Méditerranée. La France ne peut pas se permettre ça.
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chasingnewdawn · 6 years ago
Writing “Chasing New Dawn” - Characterization and echoes of Fanfictional Roots
A month ago, a facilitator of one of the writing groups I’m part of asked an interesting question. You see, she doesn’t write fiction. Like, at all. And she wondered, with a certain sense of wonder, how those of us who do write fiction make stuff up.
It’s a question that becomes a lot more interesting in my case - seeing as how I’m not exactly starting from scratch.
For the most of you who don’t know it, Chasing New Dawn owns its entire existence to “What Did Zoey Say?.” I wasn’t that big of a fan of Zoey 101 back when it actually aired, but I watched enough episodes that the reunion short film thingy resonated. . And after I finished watching it, the old theme song, the bloody theme song, got stuck in my head. And it wouldn’t leave. For days. Like, I literaly spent two days with the song playing in my head over and over and over... ... Until I had the vision of a power armor snapping into place around Zoey, Iron Man style. 
That was enough to kick the song right out of my head. But the image intrigued me. 
From the get-go, the story itself wasn’t going to be a fanfic. I mean, I could have done a Super Sentai style Zoey 101 AU, but so long as I was going that far off canon, I figured I might as well make it original.
When it comes to characters, doing something original is actually kind of liberating. You don’t have to keep the characters consistent with the source. If anything, the less true to the source you are, the further you get away from the fanfic territory.
As I’ve written before, in the original show, an argument could be made that Quinn was autistic, but it was far from sure thing. But since Riley was an original character, I could run with it. And, because I decided to base her high-functioning autism on my high-functioning autism, I wound up giving her some of my interests (dance music!) and quirks (dealing with stress by pushing my fingernails into the sides of my fingers, the way she isn’t entirely sure what to do with her hands, the aversion to shopping malls). And her backstory was actually inspired by a conversation I had on the train with a guy who grew up in rural Appalachia. 
One thing to keep in mind is that, like I said, I was more of a casual fan of the original show. When I went back to look at the character bios, I realized that there is some important stuff that I just plain forgot - like how Zoey had a younger brother who was on the freaking show. Which, again, is where writing something original comes in handy, because you don’t have to follow any of those things. 
It has been an interesting process. Maddie is clearly inspired by Zoey, but I also kept in mind that I was writing a leader of a senshi team, so she is more strategic, and understands people better than Zoey ever did. And the fact that, unlike Zoey, she grew up in a posh and not very happy family made a difference. Nicole was fiercely loyal to her friends and “boy-crazy” (in a kid-TV friendly way). With Liamhain, I could push that “boy-crazy” part in the way the original show never could - but overall, a lot of her personality was actually based on a sketch I drew while brainstorming. The fact that I wound up drawing a curvier woman with a lot of curly hair, a huge smile and lots of flowing fabric and big artisan jewelry shaped how I developed the rest of the character. Including the fact that she was named “Liamhain” (Originally, I had a placeholder name “Connie,” but it sounded too much like “Corey,” and, once I had a better idea of what her character was like, I decided that she needed an old-school Irish name that would trip up people trying to pronounce it). 
Corey wound up being the closest to his Zoey 101 inspiration. Like Chase, he is a caring, overall decent and quietly supportive person who harbors not-so-subtle feelings for a female lead. I just amped up his idealism and made him more of a rule-follower... And, more fundamentally, I tried to think of the ways his positive qualities, including his devotion to Zoey, could actually work against him. I sort of set a challenge for myself - how could I take the character I was usually inclined to like and make him less likable, while still preserving the fundamentals. 
Tony feels a similar niche as Michael, in that he’s a best friend of female lead’s love interest, and a generally cool and supportive, but... Well, that would be spoilers.
With others, I went further away from their inspirations. Like Logan, Daisuke started out as a rich guy who hit on everything that moved, but, to be honest, I was more thinking of a classic “bad boy love interest” archetype than Logan. And, just as I tried to find something negative about a nice and caring guy, I tried to find some positive traits in a bad boy. And tried to better justify some of the brooding characters like this often do. 
Raveena’s calm and collected, deadpan and generally responsible perfectionist who acts she way she does in response to her upbringing doesn’t have much in common with Lola other than some fashion choices and the fact that she joined the cast later. And while there are some elements of her backstory that Victorious fans would recognize, she’s no Tori Vega, either. And Shelby owes more to, well, Shelby Woo than she ever did to Dana. 
Of course, the fact that in the story’s present, Chasing New Dawn characters are 10 years older, and somewhat wiser, makes a difference, too. It lets me put in more character development, and allows them to evolve a little. 
Like I said, it is kind of weird creative state to be in, because I do sometimes pull elements from the original show. Like, while I was writing what would become the first few chapters, I completely forgot Logan and Quinn dated. I decided that this was an interesting element to bring in... but because, by that point, the characters diverged enough from their inspirations that I had to make up the whole new justification for why they would ever be interested in each other. And Daisuke and Riley wound up having a supportive friendship in their backstory that Logan and Quinn most definitely didn’t have. 
It’s a murky territory - and an interesting creative place to be in. Especially in the age when a Twilight AU got turned into a best-selling book and movie trilogy, and a One Direction RPF fic got turned into a book and a movie while changing literally nothing but names.
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cina-full-moon-xanadium · 3 years ago
regarding sentai p-bandai mecha, they also did dairenoh & wong tiger, which both included tenpou rairai balls that really heightened the super sentai artisan line. but for the most part, that line did changers. once they dipped after megaranger, they memorial edition line started, which seems to be geared toward recent sentai, but I hope they steer into more retro changers as time progresses (let's manifest a memorial edition chrono changer)
I've seen a lot of people want Timerangers' changer; the original seems pretty expensive so it makes sense. Hope you guys get it!
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flowercuco · 7 years ago
Veil Ep2 Part 2
The group starts off by visiting the Natura Artisanal Biomes, a collection of natural wonders curated for the purposes of showing the beauty of nature that, in a condensed as fuck place like Quid, you just don’t get to see.
But first, Senza and Will had to make some information rolls! Will learns that her target, Burning, caused a fire (incidentally, burning is a pyrokenetic) and killed some people, and then ran away instead of doing any of the things that the Seat of Judges usually want you to do, which is repay the obligation that kind of thing leaves. Senza learns that Neuvo Mundo Techa is the company more or less in charge of Crescent Moon’s businesses and gets some bylines as to why she’s an idol instead of anything else, but notices that it is quite hidden. She also learns about Doctor Heartful Vale, the lead researcher on the Crescent Moon Project.
Moving on!
STEV-3 is the caretaker robot of the biomes and guides the group forward, with Senza succeeding very well at stopping Crescent Moon from getting distracted or into trouble. They opt to go into the jungle biome, and STEV cosplays as an Indiana Jones type while guiding the group, then has to take a leave temporarily, for some other guests. Fortuna takes this moment to try to get some biological material for her omni-tool, which she succeeds super huge at, giving her tons to slurp while no one else is looking. When STEV-3 begins to return, it is with two members of a fucked up tech guild known as Thicker Than Blood, who are basically silicon valley but in the future and worse. One of them is Denno’s Coil, who’s wearing a cross between a lab coat and a trench coat, looks pretty smug and careful, and is Senza’s ex. With them, is Blessed Lee Outrageous, who’s built like a triangle with very wide shoulders and thin little legs, an afro, and a large smile. 
Senza immediately makes the group move on, although STEV-3 does NOT want the two groups to split up, Synch takes one for the team and establishes that Denno is also THEIR ex, and opts to distract them. Denno attempts to flirt with Synch, and then is destroyed utterly by Synch telling them that they’re dating Senza now. Blessed Lee approaches the rest of the group, and before he can click Crescent Moon, Ariel threatens to utterly ruin his life by posting his internet history online, to which he nods, acts friendly in a douchebag way, and then leaves. This scene was hilarious because Fortuna, Will, and Crescent had no idea why the fuck the rest of the party hated the TTB dudes! lol.
The group spends most of the rest of the day in the Biomes, successfully entertaining Crescent Moon for a while, but through some means she discovers that there’s a place called MINIGOLF: Without Limits at which point there is no choice but to go there. Before leaving the Biomes, Fortuna eats the junk that she found so that she can integrate it into her systems and get a poison claw arm. Fuck yeah.
MINIGOLF: Without Limit’s is an incredible place where its a real mini-golf course, but the balls and clubs are virtual. You have to pick a class, your club resembles a weapon of some sort, and you get a slight virtual skin that matches your class. The group goes into two teams, putting Synch and Ariel with Crescent Moon to prevent the idol from losing at this game, while the other group is shacked with Fortuna. Immediately, Crescent’s team obliterates the other group, getting so far ahead that they catch up to another group there, who are revealed to be a part of OLD NEO UNDERGROUND, a hipster group of Nu-Media Haters, who loudly start to shit on the minigolf course as well as on virtual idols. To prevent Crescent Moon from kicking these guys’ ass, Synch uses his psychic powers to make everyone in the vicinity joyful, except for Ariel, who can’t feel that way and thus ends up spiking on being Mad.
Meanwhile, Fortuna tries to cheat at MINIGOLF, by picking up the ball virtually, which attracts the attention of the MiniGolf Cart police, who draws attention to the group as he scolds Fortuna through a megaphone. This fills up the clock that has to do with attention on Crescent Moon, causing a cut to a mysterious armored stranger on a hoverboard, excitedly and gladly locating the group. Meanwhile, Fortuna, Will, and Senza start to catch up to the other group, and Synch gets a call from Burning, who sets up a meeting with them after requesting more tickets to Crescent Moon’s concert for the sake of Melting, who’s a huge fan, and Asking, who’s a new member of their group.Then the game of minigolf ends with Crescent Moon’s teams victory and the group opt to go home to Crescent Moon’s apartment. 
While Will drives the group in their Seat of Judges supplied car, they begin to be attacked, with a invisible projectile breaking the road ahead. Will opts to speed forward, dodging more projectile while the rest of the group starts to deal with the situation. Ariel and Synch locate their attacker, who notices that they’ve been noticed. Ariel then hacks into his hoverboard and they leap off of it and cling onto the car. Crescent Moon screams and clings onto Will while LACUNA tells Senza that they MUST get a piece of this armored man. Said armored man is burgundy with a red and green cobra mask, and a general sentai aesthetic. 
The group works quickly, with Synch taking out their gun and shooting the man off of the car. He gets off a “Nice Move!” before flying onto the road, but not before shooting out a part of his finger onto the car. Will finally stops the car after they are escaped, stopping at the Seat of Judges, her workplace! Senza takes the finger to analyze with LACUNA while Will calms Crescent Moon down. She learns that the armored assailant doesn’t have one base, but a number of them which all seem to somewhat circle the HQ of Snow Vision Structure LTD, one of the two companies on Quid’s Council. The group enters the Seat of Judges to relax while they get a new car.
Will takes Crescent Moon to see her hacker bff Zed Tenebrous, who is also a huge fan of Crescent Moon. Will gets him an autograph, but still has none for herself... Synch sees a wanted poster with Burning on it, and gets a nugget of information that Will missed, the name of the most notable person he apparently killed, Vas Nicola-Lelulelo, who happens to have worked for SVS. Senza tries to research more on the attacker, learning that the group definitely has the resources to defeat him, and that he is perhaps somewhat overconfident in his abilities, but as she could find no information about him on the net, perhaps that is not without reason... Ariel tries to steal medical supplies to heal damage that the attacker dealt to them earlier, getting some unwanted advice from Will’s doctor friend Eastern Seabed, and reluctantly taking it, but only when they think they aren’t being watched anymore.
Ariel then finds Crescent Moon and the two opt to go outside of the Seat of Judges, to talk a little. They have a very deep exchange about various things, with Crescent Moon fearful about the attack and Ariel still not quite wanting to open up all the way until they start to, at which point its like a floodgate. Crescent Moon relays to Ariel how the lead of her project, Doctor Heartful Vale, was like her mother, and that she’s been missing for some time, and is fearful about if that has anything to do with the situation. Ariel does not know, and relays information about their creators, who they of course hate with a passion because they’re terrible, but feels satisfied to know that they are seemingly not behind Crescent Moon’s creation. The two continue to talk until Crescent Moon holds onto Ariel’s head and in a moment, the two deeply interface only as synthetic beings can. At the end of that exchange, Crescent Moon learns some of Ariel’s powerful self preservation, and Ariel learns the warmth and comfort of having a family. This also activates the Attached’s Special, which Ariel uses to get a sense of Crescent’s free will and how they are similar.
Finally, we end on Fortuna, who, having integrated something new into her system, must fulfill some paperwork for the Seat, part of the arrangement that allows her to brazenly walk despite her many mistakes and oddities and general chaos aura. Buster Drachen, another member of the order who does not look so highly on Fortuna or Will, allows himself to sit next to her, to generally be kind of a dick. The bearman then hands Fortuna a folder from the university, which says that Fortuna must urgently go to the school to do some of her duties that she has been neglecting. Whoops!
As the group reconvenes and gets into their new car, Fortuna tries to get Senza to help her with this situation, unfortunately leading Crescent Moon to learn about their status as professors at Quid’s University, and igniting a desire to go! Uh Oh! 
But before tomorrow, is the night shift, and some people have places to go and people to see, who will stay with Crescent Moon for the night? When will the mysterious armored man return? What other dangers want to get their hands on Crescent Moon? Very Spooky Stuff.
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christophe76460 · 5 years ago
Un couple, cela se construit en prenant le temps, le temps de passer du temps avec sa chérie.
Il y a quelques années, un livre est sorti dont le titre était " Artisan de son mariage ". J’aime le mot " artisan " car il suppose le travail bien fait, le travail que l’on fait sérieusement en prenant le temps. 
J’ai rêvé, au début de notre vie de couple, d’une famille idyllique, avec une épouse toujours souriante et disponible.
La réalité était souvent autre, mon épouse étant fatiguée avec nos deux premiers enfants en bas-âge, dont il fallait s’occuper toute la journée.
Je me sentais frustré de ce que j’estimais m’être dû. Jusqu’au jour où, avec l’aide de Dieu, je compris qu’il fallait que ce soit moi qui commence par changer.
La première chose que j’ai dû apprendre à faire, c’est offrir du temps à ma femme.
Simplement, en rentrant du travail, je commençais par lui demander comment s’était passé sa journée, pas comme une question machinale, mais avec une réelle attitude d’écoute (sans chercher des solutions à tout pris)
Dans un deuxième temps, je lui ai demandé en quoi je pouvais l’aider (exemple : prendre un engagement simple comme celui d’étendre le linge, ...)
Autre idée : le week-end et pendant les vacances nous prenons notre café ensemble, tous les deux, sans les enfants, qui savent que ce moment est pour nous, ce qui nous donne, à cette occasion, vingt minutes d’échanges par jour.
Avez-vous au moins vingt minutes d’échange de qualité par jour avec votre épouse ?
Si oui, super, sinon amis et frères à vous de prendre cette initiative, soyez des hommes !
Aussi régulièrement que possible, nous essayons de prendre quelques jours pour nous, chaque année et hors de la maison.
Mais la plus grande des dimensions que j’avoue commencer seulement à goûter, c’est dans l’échange et la prière avec mon épouse autour de la Parole de Dieu.
Contrairement aux idées véhiculées dans la société, le temps qui passe, en prenant du temps pour notre épouse, va fortifier votre couple, renforcer votre amour et vous goûterez une liberté unique et réciproque : celle d’être soi et de se sentir accepté tel que je suis.
Une dernière chose : songez un seul instant au temps que Dieu a pris pour préparer et garder votre épouse pour vous.
Elle a d’abord été un projet, un fœtus, puis un bébé et une enfant avant d’être adolescente et enfin cette femme qui est aujourd’hui la votre. Une vraie grâce !
Dieu a pris du temps pour notre épouse, alors, soyons les imitateurs de Dieu !
En partenariat avec www.famillejetaime
Patrick Mezergue
Famille & co
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mechation · 7 years ago
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Super Sentai Artisan Deka License #toy #bandai #tokusousentaidekaranger #dekaranger #supersentai #sentai #powerrangers #powerrangersspd #supersentaiartisan
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biomic · 3 years ago
super miniplas seem great and all (and their size probably cuts down production costs) but I miss when p-bandai celebrated sentai anniversaries with super sentai artisan stuff like remaking changers or when they straight up just remade dairanger's mecha with tenpou rai rai balls. do you think bandai will just settle for miniplas for a while? I'm really holding out for 20th anniversary abaranger changers or even a new shuriken ball...
im not super familiar with the artisan line and i don't know when the last release was so i can't say for sure. after gao king im all in on the SMP line but im hoping they can dish out some artisan rereleases too. i would KILL for a new cross changer from jetman
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fighterxaos · 8 years ago
Super Sentai Artisan Tokosou Sentai Dekaranger SP License Announced
Super Sentai Artisan Tokosou Sentai Dekaranger SP License Announced
Premium Bandai has updated with a teaser photo for the release of the Super Sentai Artisan Tokosou Sentai Dekaranger SP License. Although no other details are confirmed at this time, it seems they will be releasing two versions of the SP License in Super Sentai Artisan form.  Bandai will be releasing the standard SP License as well as the Fire Squad License used in Mahou Sentai Magiranger vs.…
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veeranger · 4 years ago
imagine if bandai started doing csms for sentai so they released the csm Mobirates with all the fucking sentai keys including the teams after gokaiger
we do have this actually its just called super sentai artisan instead of complete selection modification. they’ve done a number of iconic changers like zyuranger, dairanger, kakuranger, both megaranger changers, dekaranger, and also chogoukin releases of a few robos here and there. i’d love to see a sentai artisan version of the mobirates but good LORD that would be expensive even if it was just 46 red ranger keys and not 200+ every ranger ever keys.
also incidentally just cuz i remembered they did a big release of every zyudenshi ever after kyuranger was over. wasnt artisan but i think it was p-bandai
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goldknightgaro · 5 years ago
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To complete my Dekamaster collection, I have now acquired the Super Sentai Artisan Master License! I love it because it features a special mode where you can hear Dekamaster's and narrator's voices from the show and the LED lights for the Judgment Mode. Perfect for cosplay as well. チェンジ, スタンバイ! エマージェンシー! デカマスター! ! #デカマスター #特捜戦隊デカレンジャー #powerrangersspd #shadowranger #supersentaiartisanmasterlicense #supersentaiartisan #powerrangerslightningcollection https://www.instagram.com/p/B0mS5JZhn96/?igshid=1g00t40hrxt1t
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